#this is Margarette but like.... a different one from the others kinda
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gu6chan · 4 months ago
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you ever see a woman so beautiful you Die
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until-another-one-comes · 10 months ago
HI I WAS ACTUALLY DISCUSSING THIS WITH MY FRIEND THE OTHER DAY. Not all of them fit super cleanly and they are almost entirely based off the Nightmare neighbors jobs but. You know. Also I did base some stuff off personal headcanons but. In reality we don't have much to go off lol.
Roman -> Soul eater could tie to the fact he's an accountant, a job tied to people's livelihoods and wellbeing as he directs when money is given out. He is helping the system suck out people's souls. (This is actually fairly far off the mark, he's definitely not a bad person he's just trying to live.)
Lois -> Nightmare Designer could tie into her being a huge gossip, and very mouthy. She makes the lives of the people around her a nightmare due to her getting in everyone's buisness/being a bitch (Pretty on the mark, but it's ignoring her more soft side. She's only a bitch to people she doesn't like.)
Robertsky and Albertsky -> Putting them together because my explanations for their things are. The same. Both are blunt, mostly standoffish men who don't talk much and seem awfully distant to people. Human Hunter and Torturer are how people see them because someone like that must be a violent freak (So far off the mark. They want to do their job then go home)
Angus -> I see him being a mutilater as more like. He doesn't care about other people. He wants a spectacle, and he will rip through anyone to get that. He wants all eyes on him. (Wow that is just Angus)
Selenne and Elenois -> These two are also together, just because. They are twins with very similar jobs, witch and summoner. I do think his is more like the idea that powerful people (women in particular) have sold their souls for beauty and fame, or that anyone that beautiful must be in convent with the devil (??? They are normal ladies???)
Arnold and Gloria -> Occultist and gravedigger huh. That kinda sounds like. That kinda sounds like you know. Black Magic. And what you do after killing someone. Both things tied to putting down a certain race particularly in the USA (It is the 1950s these two are going to have a horrible time out there. They are good people? Leave them alone?)
Izaack -> As soon as I saw his job as being a ritualist it gave me pause because. Like above. That job can be tied to things used against a certain group of people. And with him being a reporter, you know, controlling the news, yeah. Yeah. (Can we leave this guy alone? Please?)
Margarette -> Causes famine huh. *Checks notes* applied to specifically a larger woman. Huh. Huh. (??? What is with this floor and people suffering from bigotry???)
Francis -> Vampirism. You know, being a bloodsucker. Or a drain on other people. Sucking the joy out of their day by just being there. (Yeah no this one's accurate)
Anastacha -> I really hate to say it but sometimes a child can bring misery to their parents, and while I totally don't think it's Anastacha's fault you could see how her existence could be brought up in arguments. (She is fine??? She is a baby. Leave her alone.)
Afton -> Stealing skins seems just. Really interesting to me in a game about things that steal identity. But he also like never puts himself on the list, is obviously really suspicious, and is tied to the dopplegangers through the project. He also says he's a physicist and is working on a team researching dopples???? (He isn't a dopple but.)
Mia -> Princess of Death. First off they did NOT need to go so hard for her but unfortunately I think the only thing that could tie her to that is the fact she also doesn't put herself on the list, like she wants the dopples to get in and kill everyone. (Idk...suspicious...)
Nacha -> Brings pests. This can be tied to Anastacha because if Anastacha causes misfortune and Nacha brings pests...lyou know, blaming her for having a child. (A lot of these people are just getting bullied huh)
Steven and Mclooy -> These are the only two where I bring their designs in lol. They look so different because they both have a dissociative disorder from being soldiers (with Steven's medals we can imply he was a fighter, and since most family members have the same jobs we can infer they are both a) pilots and b) soldiers) but yeah. They are seen as violent monsters because of them being former soldiers (Steven is fine, he's generally peaceful. I think. Mclooy isn't as nice.)
Alf -> Soul Scarecrow could be seen as him being a sort of strawman. Like, yes you have a lawyer. You have a chance! (You don't. You are going to lose his case) But you know. False hope to the people relying on him (I dunno about this one is he a good lawyer??)
Rafttellyn -> Deforms faces could be taken metaphorically, like destroying people's public image. Since she is both a housewife who is a gossip and is married to a lawyer that might give rise to that idea (I don't think she does this)
This is all my opinion and none of the notes I make here are any digs against the creators, I think exploring period relevant bigotry is a good idea, especially in a game where the main idea is you can't trust your neighbour.
Damn no one can catch a break lmao. These bitches keep CATCHING STRAYS
OKAY OKAY but the reason why I'm really interested in the twins nightmare intrepretation is because its the most obvious to me. Like, they're models which means they're beautiful and desirable and even in game their designs/expressions give them a 'haughty' look. And while I don't think they are haughty or prideful (or at least, not as bad as some people might think), their position definitely means a lot of people (especially men) thinking the worse of them, definitely for shitty reasons. Its not out there to think that their jobs causes a lot of bad faith look to them like them being seducers or whatever when they're just tryna do their jobs.
Oh shit I did not think about that with Roman. Do you think maybe its less about his job or more with how he looks cuz he definitely looks scary and I wouldn't be surprised if people thinks he's some scary guy with a violent past.
The Peachman brothers and Angus's explanation is sending me oh my Lord. (especially Angus. Oh yeah his nightmare version is just him but more fucked up lmaoooooo)
Arnold and Gloria, oh man... I didn't know those were tied to black magic :(. (also Arnold's nightmare version being the only outwardly animal looking monster makes my heart hurt. NOT DIRECTED TO NACHO SAMA cuz I don't think thats intentional but with this intrepretation that definitely kind of hurt and does not look good)
I more prefer the 'Izaack's nightmare version is a reflection on how he sees himself' theory but I also dig how you see it. Reporters usually do get a bad rep of being nosy or life ruining so it does make sense that Izaack might have that reputation and looking like a worm.
Margarette... NOOOO thats so fucked :(((. She is a nice warm person who would definitely feed you cookies and tea when you come to visit and make sure you eat well because 'you look too skinny!!' like a doting aunt.
I can't believe rhe joke of Afton beinf sus cuz 'haha purple guy' is semi canon. What is this guy's deal.
I just thought kf this but I think Francis's nightmare version (bloodsucker) is maybeeee tied to the era's joke/common thing where 'the milkman/mailman seduces housewives' or something?? Cuz I can def see that being the common perception on him and that he's a homewrecker (he is not he just wants to go home and sleep)
The Nacha and Anastacha one... ow. Why do you do this to me/j
THE ALF AND STEVEN ONE YESSS. Alf's job as a lawyer I can definitely see that!! Same with Steven- Slipknot reference aside I LOVE how his nightmare mode job is Annihilator when his real job is a military pilot/soldier. The few residents where the nightmare/real job have an almost direct connection.
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hasanawolf · 4 months ago
How do you characterise the other neighbours except for Francis, Izaack, Angus, Mia and Afton. We’ll eventually know about Nacha soon but what about the other neighbours?
Like, their personalities? Mmmm, let’s see 🤔
Starting from the first floor - up:
Roman: A tad serious, he doesn’t have the friendliest expression most of the time, but he’s a good man, very polite, and loves and treasures his wife Lois.
Lois: Big Mom Vibes, she’s super sweet, loving and caring. She loves baking cookies for the people she cares about. She also loves to pampering Roman.
Albertsky: Also serious, but not as “friendly” as Roman. Speaks in a rather harsher tone, for which he can come off as rude sometimes. Mostly keeps to himself, but loosens up a bit during neighbors parties or so.
Robertsky: A bit entitled, looks down on people a lot, claiming that he’s smarter, or better looking, or more successful or so. Likes to buy expensive clothes or watches to show off, but all of this is because deep inside he’s very insecure. He has a crush on Nacha, and resents Francis because he is sure him and Nacha had something (he’s one of the few neighbors that actually connects Anastacha to Francis, he believes he’s her father).
Selenne and Elenois: I’ll confess I haven’t given them too much though, don’t know yet if they’ll have different personalities or the same. But I kinda imagine them being like those twin sisters that split one sentence between the two of them, or say the same thing at the same time. They’re very smart and intuitive, but they’re mostly observers. Don’t gossip a lot. They pinpointed that Izaack was gay even before he met Francis.
Arnold: Very friendly, super chill and smiley. Big Dad Vibes. Loves to listen to people and gives amazing advices. Also very encouraging. You’ll see, I have a little comic planned with him.
Gloria: More serious but very sweet, very lady-like and exceedingly smart. Likes to treat herself and her husband to some luxuries from time to time, but doesn’t over spend.
Margarette: Life of the party, MASSIVE sweetheart, friends with EVERYONE, no enemies, loves to make people smile, always sees the positive side of things, walking ray of sunshine ☀️
Nacha: She’s friendly overall, like, she gets along pretty well with the other neighbors. But she can be… how to say it… She likes things to be done her way, (for which she collides with Anastacha a bit, as she’s starting her rebel years), and she has that “I always get what I want” mentality. Gets along well with Mia as she’s Tacha’s teacher, and has sort of a mother-daughter relationship with Margarette. Margarette was the first one she told she was pregnant.
Anastacha: Mini female Francis basically 😂😂 Very serious, not very friendly, a bit of a loner, does whatever she wants, BUT she is nice towards the people who don’t think of her as a brat and are nice to her. Reason why she likes Francis so much, Francis treats her with the utmost respect, and validates her thoughts, opinions and emotions. She also really likes Margarette, Izaack, Lois, Steven and Mia (even though she doesn’t show it much because she’s her teacher)
Mclooy: Loony old man 🤣 Jk, he’s not loony, but he will always be telling you about the CRAZY amazing adventures he used to go to when he was younger, though no one ever knows if his stories are true or not. Very smiley, extremely friendly, a bit of a jokester, coughs like an old dog. He gets along really well with Margarette.
Steven: Takes after his old man in the way that he is also a bit of a jokester. He’s pump and a bit of a dude bro 🤙🏻. He loves working out and being active. Also is super friendly when in relaxed situations, but can go ABSOLUTE serious mode during rough times. He plays guitar and loves to sing. Has been friends with Afton for a really long time and secretly has romantic feelings for him. (The other neighbor that believes Tacha is Francis’ daughter).
Rafttellyn: Gossip Queen. She knows everyone’s dirty laundry because her husband Alf tells her who’s got legal problems and why. Gossips with Margarette and Lois, her BFFs. Has a special bond with Lois because in my AU (and I guess it’s also my headcanon haha) Roman is her brother. Ccccccaaaaaannnn be a bit snooty sometimes.
Alf: A Queen needs her King huh? 🤣 He’s a little more discreet than Raft, but he will whisper something about you if he knows you’ve got dirt. But in general he’s nicer and jolly.
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evanescentreverie · 4 years ago
Heather (SKZ Lee Know)
This is a fic inspired by the song Heather - Conan Gray 
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater You said it looked better on me than it did you Only if you knew how much I liked you But I watch your eyes as she ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸
The students' noise rang through your ears as you walked through the familiar hallways, hoping to get to your next class in time.
"Hey (Y/n)," You felt his arm latch itself over your shoulders, a gesture you were used to. You turned to see Minho by your side, the same cheeky smile plastered on his lips. You felt the familiar butterflies visit your insides once more, a feeling of giddiness flowing through your veins. You gave him a smile as you carefully removed his hand, "Hey Minho."
He chuckled at your action, already knowing that you were not one for skinship. He settled for placing his hands on his pockets as he walked beside you. He subtly shielded you from the bustling crowd, making sure that no person bumped into you. You smiled at the subtle gesture, greatly appreciating his effort.
It wasn't long before the two of you reached the designated classroom, sitting beside one another like what you were used to. You took out the assignment for this class before glancing at Minho, looking to see if he was doing the same. When you realized he wasn't, you tapped his shoulder, making him look at you. You still weren't used to his stares, doing your best to hide the subtle redness on your cheeks.
You cleared your throat before speaking, "Did you do the assignment for this class?"
He blinked his eyes slowly, confusion clearly written all over his face. "Wait, what?"
"There's an assignment due today, didn't you remember?"
When the realization seeped into his mind, you saw how his expression contorted into that emotion. "Oh shoot." He facepalmed as he dug into his bag, looking for any extra paper that he had. You let out a sigh before giving him your copy, lightly scolding him for his forgetfulness "Here you go, make sure to do it next time!"
He took it from your hand before staring into your eyes, a grin placed on his lips. "Thank you (Y/n)!" He ruffled your hair, your hands slapping his as you playfully glared at him. He only laughed before moving to copy yours, glancing at you one last time. "You're a lifesaver!"
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ Walks by What a sight for sore eyes Brighter than the blue sky She's got you mesmerized while I die ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸
"You know, you could always tell him." You heard Chan said from beside you, causing you to break out of your staring. You gave him a meek smile, shaking your head in disagreement. "I don't want to be like the girls who fawn over him. I just want to admire him, you know?" You let out a melancholic smile, "Plus, he only sees me as a friend."
Chan glanced at you before looking at Minho, watching as his friend stared at a certain person. His eyebrows furrowed when he realized something, eyes looking back at you. "Well, there are other people who like you. I know one who does."
"Really? I feel sad for them."
"Why is that?"
"Because I don't know how to reciprocate their feelings." You looked down, your smile faltering for a second. "After all, my heart yearns only for him."
You felt a hand on your back, making you gaze at its owner, "Minho's gonna like you back, I know it. He'd be an idiot not to."
You could only chuckle before looking in front, listening to whatever the teacher had to say. Your eyes find themselves wandering back to him, mind thinking about what Chan said. You let out a sigh, turning to your notes. 'Then, I guess he's an idiot.'
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester But you like her better Wish I were Heather ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸
"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I can't go today." You watched as he looked away, guilty of not being able to do your monthly tradition. While you couldn't deny the disappointment you felt in your chest, you knew that it was bound to happen. You two were growing up so it was normal for you two to have a different set of activities. You let out a tender smile, reassuring him that it was okay. "Make sure you make it up to me!"
He nodded as he ruffled your hair, laughing at the messy state he left it in. He then glanced outside, seeing the snow fall from the sky. He removed his jacket from his form before wrapping it on yours. "What are you..."
"It's pretty cold outside so keep my jacket for now." He ruffled your hair once more and you grew annoyed. You removed his hand from your head as you crossed your arms. "I worked hard on that, you know?"
"You did? There isn't anything different about it though?"
"Ya Lee Minho!" He laughed loudly as you hit him, offended by his comment. You crossed your arms once more as he tried to fix your hair. You sighed before removing his hands, "Leave it alone, I'll fix it later. Plus," You looked at your watch, seeing that it was already quite late. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"
He looked at his phone, his eyes widening in realization. "Ah! You're right." He took his bag before running out of the classroom, giving you one last wave, "Make sure to give me back my jacket, okay?"
You waved back, watching as he disappeared from your view. Once you were sure he was gone, you wore the jacket properly, nose catching a whiff of his scent. 'He hasn't changed' Your heart did a backflip as you remembered the scene earlier, his caring nature making you fall for him once more. You couldn't help but hope, hope that he felt the same way but a part of you doubted that he did. After all, who were you compared to him?
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ Watch as she stands with her, holding your hand Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder But how could I hate her, she's such an angel But then again, kinda wish she were dead as she ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸
You wondered when it had all changed, when it had all started. You were sure that you were the one by his side, someone who had been there for him through thick and thin. Were you the one who lacked something? Were your affections not enough? Were your obvious advances nothing more than a friendly gesture to him? You were sure that you had shown your feelings clearly.
So why was he looking at her the way you looked at him?
You saw the way he smiled at her, the way his eyes twinkled when he looked at her. The way his hands would 'accidentally' brush against hers. You watched painfully as you saw him laugh at something she said.
His eyes wandered as he saw you, gesturing you to sit beside them. You smiled bitterly before walking towards them, taking the seat across the two of them. Your eyes glanced at the arm placed across her shoulders, along with the loving eyes that were directed towards her. He was the type to rarely show their emotions so why was he doing this now?
Was he doing this to annoy you? To rub the fact that he didn't love you?
No, he didn't know what you had felt so you were partly to blame. Why didn't you tell him? You looked down as you fidgeted with your skirt, lips pursed as you tried to stop the thoughts that ran in your head. You didn't even notice him calling you until he waved his hand in front of your face. You looked up to see his worried expression, "You okay?"
You let out a small smile before nodding, "I'm fine! Don't worry about me." You looked at the girl, gesturing him to introduce her. He let out the biggest grin you'd ever seen him do, making your heart ache more.
"This is Margarette." You watched as he turned her way before holding her hand, the said girl giggling at the sudden contact. He returned his attention towards you, showing you their hands. "My girlfriend."
Your smile faltered for a second as you tried your best to block out the pain that you felt. So, you smiled, holding both of their hands with a smile so bright that even you would be fooled. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you Minho!"
You looked at the girl before nodding at her, "Please have patience with him. He's a huge troublemaker so make sure to keep him out of trouble."
Margarette giggled before nodding, "I will!"
You gave one last smile before watching the two of them, the couple seeming to have their own world. Your smile disappeared as you looked down once more, unable to look at them any longer. You wanted to get out of there but you didn't know how to without making it awkward. You looked up and glanced at your surroundings, looking for someone, anyone that could help you.
And then, you saw him. The only person who knew of your admiration. You sent him a text, asking him to go in your direction. You saw how he looked around before finally waving at you before approaching your table. He greeted Minho and the girl, eyes staying on Margarette before diverting his attention towards you. "Hey (Y/n)! What's up?"
"Nothing much Chan. Are we still up for that project?"
"What project do you--" He saw how you glanced at the people in front of you before nodding, "Ah, yeah! The one that's due next week?"
"Yep! The one Mr. Kim gave us." You gave the couple an apologetic smile, taking your bag as you stood up. "Hey Minho, sorry to cut this short. See you tomorrow?"
"Huh? Oh. Yeah, see you tomorrow."
With that, the two of you left, unaware of the lingering stare that Minho had on you.
"There's nothing due on Mr. Kim though."
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ Walks by What a sight for sore eyes Brighter than the blue sky She's got you mesmerized while I die ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸
You wiped your tears as you cried, emotions pouring out of your heart. It was embarrassing to do this in front of Chan but with your limited number of friends, you didn't know who else to turn to. You sniffled as the man in front of you handed a handkerchief, gesturing you to use it. You looked at him before shaking your head.
"I couldn't possibly, Chan."
He laughed before wiping your nose with it, "Blow."
You took it from him, a playful glare present before turning around and blowing your nose. You returned your attention towards him, "I'm sorry, I'll give you another handkerchief."
He shook his head, a small smile present on his face. "You don't have to worry about that. It's just a handkerchief."
You let out a small smile, grateful that you have a friend like him. "I'm sorry you had to listen to my rambles, Chan. It's just... I don't know who else to turn to." You felt your tears flow from your cheeks once more, "I thought that he'd notice, you know? I wasn't exactly subtle about it. I thought that he'd at least return it someday but... It seems I was wrong." Your voice broke slowly as you looked down, unable to show Chan this side of you. "Am I not enough?"
Before Chan could answer it, however, your phone vibrated, the screen showing that Minho's text.
Class is about to start, where are you?
You wiped the tears in your eyes before opening your phone, sending back a short text before giving Chan an apologetic look. "I'm sorry but I have to go. I have a class with Mr. Lee. and I..."
He patted your shoulders as he smiled, silently reassuring you that it was okay. You gave him a thankful nod before standing up, "I'll return your handkerchief soon and I'll make sure to treat you someday. Thank you so much, Chan!" You bowed before running towards the bathroom, wanting to freshen up before heading to class.
You missed the way Chan stared at your form, a wistful smile present on his lips. He sighed before standing up, scratching the back of his head. A whisper left his lips, "You're perfect to me though."
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester But you like her better I wish I were Heather ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸
A few days passed since then and currently, you were in the innermost part of the campus library. It was lunchtime but you didn't have any desire to eat so you figured that it was better to fill up your brain rather than your stomach. You tried your best to focus but all you could think of was him.
You mentally cursed yourself as you held your hand, trying your best to block out any thoughts of him. You wanted to forget him, you really do but why was it so hard to do so? You sighed as you closed your book, realizing that you wouldn't be getting any information in your state. You grabbed your backpack as you stood up, walking towards your next class.
You walked sluggishly, finding it hard to go to your next class since he was there as well. You grew nervous the closer you got to the classroom. You hoped that he didn't attend this class, already knowing that all that avoiding would go to waste the moment you talk to him. You sighed, soon reaching the classroom. You peeked inside of it, looking for a certain someone. When you saw he wasn't there, you let out a sigh of relief.
However, an arm placed itself over your shoulder, your heart beating rapidly at the contact. You slowly turned towards its owner and saw the one man you wanted to avoid the most. Minho smiled at you, seeming as if nothing had happened. You let out an awkward smile, removing his hold from you before walking towards your seat.
You felt him sit beside you, glancing at him to see he was staring at you. "It feels as if I haven't seen you in a while, (Y/n)."
"I'm just a bit busy, that's all."
"You sure? I'm pretty sure we have the same lunch but I definitely didn't see you." He let out a hum, eyes squinting as he stared at you. "Did you even eat lunch?" You nodded, grabbing your notebook in your bag to avoid his staring
As if the world hated you, your stomach growled, your cheeks heating up due to this. You heard his laugh, something that you had missed dearly. "That sure sounds like you ate lunch." He took his wallet from the bag before smiling at you, "Wait here."
"But--" You watched as he ran out of the classroom, already knowing what he was going to do. You sighed as you stared at him longingly, the butterflies returning once more. Your hand clutched your chest, already knowing that all your effort to avoid him had gone to waste. "Why do you care about me so much?"
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ Oh, I wish I were Heather Oh, oh, wish I were Heather ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸
Margarette pushed you harshly as you landed on the floor, your bottom hurting upon impact. You looked up at her, only to be greeted by a harsh glare. You were confused as to why she did that, already knowing that you did nothing wrong to her. "Was it fun to hang around Minho while I wasn't by his side?"
You stood up, dusting off your pants before grabbing your bag, giving her one last glare before walking away. "I'm not done with you!" She held your hair, roughly pulling it to make you face her. You removed her hold from it, your scalp hurting from the force she used. You glaring at her, anger bubbling up inside of you, "What's your problem?! I never did anything to you!"
You slapped her, her cheeks soon turning red from the impact. She turned to you, a look of disbelief written on her face. "You... You..."
"I... what?" She stood up straight before readying herself to slap back. You caught her hand before she could do so, grip tight because of your anger. You were about to say something but a voice stopped you from doing so.
"What are you doing?!" You turned towards its source, eyes widening when you saw him. He approached the two of you, his hand harshly removing your grip from hers. You watched as he inspected her, eyes glancing at her form from top to bottom before seeing her red cheek. He then turned to you, eyes void of any emotions.
"Minho, I--"
"What did you do?"
"I slapped her but she---"
"I thought you were better than this, (Y/n)." You could hear your heart shatter at his words, your tears already building up in your eyes. You glanced around to see the crowd staring at the three of you. You clenched your fist as you looked down, unable to take any more humiliation. You wanted to leave, to get this over with.
You sighed before mumbling, "It might look wrong but--" You were cut off by a jacket being placed on you, the hoodie covering your head, as well as a handkerchief handed out in front of you. You glanced at the owner to see Chan, his expression unreadable.
"Don't explain yourself, I know it wasn't your fault." He whispered, making sure that only you heard it. You took the handkerchief from him as he placed his hands on your shoulder, supporting you so that the two of you could leave. Minho approached you once more to try and hold your arm but Chan stopped him from doing so, "You've done enough Minho. Let her go."
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester But you like her better Wish I were... ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸
"Why did you fight with her?"
You looked at him in disbelief, already knowing what's going to happen. "You came here to ask me that?"
"Why did you fight with her, (Y/n)?"
"I didn't! You know I don't fight with..." You stopped yourself from talking, your eyes not believing what you were seeing. You were not used to the way he looked at you, eyes that were usually soft when it came to you now held a hard glare. You saw how he was stopping himself from getting too angry, trying his best not to release his anger towards you. You could only purse your lips, hands clenching at the harsh feeling against your chest. You looked down, unable to look him in the eyes further. You felt his hands grab both your shoulders, forcing you to look at him, "Why (Y/n)?"
You hastily remove his grip, a sarcastic laugh letting itself out at his accusation. "Minho, do you really think that I fight with anyone because I want to?"
"It's Margarette we're talking about here so I know you're--" He stopped midsentence when he saw the painful look you had in your eyes, hurt evident in your expression. You looked down once you felt tears start to fill up your eyes, not wanting him to see your moment of vulnerability.
"I really thought you wanted to check on me, like what a friend should be doing." You hastily removed his jacket from your body before dumping it in his arms. You took a deep breath, gathering up every single bit of your courage, hoping to get this feeling off your chest. You then proceeded to look into his eyes, "Minho, I like you."
His expression changed from one of anger to shock and disbelief. He was about to say something but you stopped him from doing so, "Before you say something, let me explain myself. I like you, Minho. I liked you more than how a friend should like you. Hell, you could even say I love you but I didn't confess since I value our friendship more than these petty feelings I have for you." You fiddled with the hem of your shirt, anxious about what you were doing but you didn't stop, "I watched you love her the same way I did and I wish nothing but happiness for you. There were times where I wanted to object since I knew how she was but when I saw the happiness she gave you, I gave up."
You saw as he looked away, allowing your heart to welcome more pain. "I'm sorry (Y/n). I don't..." You shook your head to stop him from talking, giving him your usual smile, albeit a little fake.
"I know Minho." You looked away, unable to look at him straight in the eyes. You held back your tears, emotions in a disarray, "I know."
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