#this is *one* scene (imagine this all in caps im too scared to do it myself)
spoilers for chapter three of save yourself with no context (and probably not a good description either but oh well).
a custody battle but only one person is fighting it and is the only one that thinks of it as one.
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sailorhyunjinz · 4 years
It just always feels so good and overwhelming to have fat cock inside of your tiny pussy 🥺
Also ilysm <33 hry ?
KITTEN! how are youuu~? i’m doing just fine, thank you for asking ^^
also... wish i could relate but do i get dick? no, none. ASHAHSHSA
OK QUICK REACTION (aka cherry word vomits) LEGO
warnings; dom!skz x gn!reader, dacryphilia, explicit sexual scenes, slight impact play, moaning, sex (well no fucking shit), orgasm,,, uh what more,,
before starting lemme just say this; as a collective THEY LOVE IT, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM LOVES IT but sure... some more than others 
nah mate you got him whipped 
just imagine holding him close and rubbing your face against his muscles while he’s just going at it OH LORD-
he already likes being in control
and when you show that you are weak in the presence of this dominant aura it just boosts that aura tenfolds.
i dont think he’d go as far as to see you cry but like tear up yk?
your toes curling as you try to move away from his touch, him already beginning on your fourth orgasm that night
you try to hold on to anything which is most likely his broad shoulders (oop drooling a bit)
which he does... a lot 
but he would always ask if you felt comfortable and would remind you to use the safeword because caring dom shit 
whine his name and BYE- he cums
would ask you to say it louder
“let everyone hear how good im making my baby feel”
SKSKASK all of you guys are going to say that i’m stereotyping minho
he likes it to a certain extent
if you belong to the more extremely squirmy people chances are he would get kinda annoyed having to hold you down LMAO
nononono honey... this man is corruption kink in human form
crying >>>>> moaning
he’d be all cocky about it
“only i can make you feel like that baby?” 
he has a whole ass folder on his phone that’s just pictures of you being completely wrecked 
he uses them to jerk off 110%
it can really be any kind of pictures but his favorite is the one where you have both cum and tears running down your face
somebody take the internet away from me 
awh binnie baby likes it v v much 
it let’s him know how much you are enjoying it which is more important then getting his own pleasure
oof service top binnie?? ok stop cherry dont LMAO
weak for your whining 100%
especially if it’s all like,, high pitched and cute I CANT-
ngl it gets him even hornier 
you’re feeding his horny monster by holding onto him, scratching his back and leaving all kinds of marks. 
just gonna say it; he likes seeing you desperate
“binnie~ i need you inside of m-me..”
say that and HE A GONER
BECAUSE HE LIKES SEEING OTHERS WANT HIM (i know all your secrets dont even try to hide it you smug hot mf)
because of his buff arms he would have no problem pinning you down if you squirmed around too much 
his sturdy arms in contrast with your quivering body OH GAWD
“you want me? beg then” 
and you can’t simply ask 
you need to whine it
just desperate ;)))
the whole fucking rubbing your face and hair against him; in love
it doesnt even have to be against him
against the bed or against a pillow is enough to keep him going
your hair all disheveled when you look at him :((
“do i fuck you that good, baby?” he cooed at you, your head burried in a multitude of pillows. you nod, your hair in your face as your whole body jerks forward from his powerful thrust
we all know that this boy is vocal 
so you would have to be EVEN LOUDER to get him off
which you were
god you know the dance lives??
when he’s all sweaty and is heaving for air?
head empty. only that
yeah... he would like a clingy s/o
because then he can go around and be proud of himself that he made you cry in bed LMAO
he wouldnt tell it to anyone, seeing it more as a personal achievement HASHASH
a sucker of you being squirmy
gives him more reason to use force when pinning you down 
showing himself off a lil...
blushing mess if you compliment him on his muscles tho... 
you know that video where felix bites a banana with the peel still on and jisung goes all “SPIT IT OUT YOU FUCK” 
yeah thats what happens when you start crying from how hard he’s going
he thinks he fucked up real bad
no dude you just hitting it too good (HASHASH bye im yeeting myself off a cliff)
crying in bed makes him scared but do you know what really gets him?
he loves how they go from small murmurs to full out long whines that are all uneven
some incoherent words mixed into them together with his name
he also loves how they sound mixed with his moans and growls
i feel like he’s very moved by sound
the mf that would record your moans no cap
i feel like he would be the one to rub his head against you??
yk missonary (wow cherry has nothing else to come with LMAO) he drops his head when he’s close to cumming, shaking his head slightly against your shoulder, his soft hair tickling you
he would be the one tearing up when he’s close
BECAUSE you feel too good wrapped around his aching dick :((
can we really blame him? 
he loves it
more than he should
all of it; the crying, the rubbing against him, the whining, the hair in your face LIkE OOF
why? because it gives him a sense of being in control 
he has you under his control which IS RARE FOR HIM
OK he subs for you a lot and then he does the same thing, probably even more than you do
yk the whole rubbing his hair against your chest as he’s whining at the top of his lungs
which is perfect because then its a give and take situation
happy sexy times
where the both of you are enjoying it waaay to much
imagine him pounding you in missionary right.... and both of you cry!?!?!
two overwhelmed babies :(((
Puppyboy is all for it 
let me just say,,, he has a corruption kink SAHSSAHS 
“cherry he’s so neat and tidy, how could he possibly have a corruption kink?”
but god forbid nighttime because then you are nothing but a drooling and crying mess, holding onto him for dear life as he mercilessly pounds into you 
i swear this dude is all about drastic changes like duality is in his DNA
and i feel like he likes people that have that same charm??!?
you’re riding him, tired and fucked out of your mind, eventually leaning down to his chest and nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck, crying from overstimulation
AND THIS MF lifts you up slightly and starts thrusting up into you 
thats it. 
i love him AHSHASH
it would take a while for him to get used to you crying in bed 
first time it happened he got scared, stopped and hugged you, apologizing like a thousand times
you all like “...it was just getting good?”
he doesn’t understand shit at first???
“b-but why are you crying then? tell me the truth y/n”
“but i am?” 
after you explained that it just happens to you he’d nod and continue
after a while... he starts liking it
and if you one time don’t cry he’d be confused again, this time saying;
“did you not l-like it?” 
“dork, of course i did” you say ruffling his hair and he feels relieved hearing you say that 
ah cutie :(((
ALSO the whining and the squirming; total sucker for that LMAO 
OK IMMA SLEEP NOW holy shit my back is scoliosis central rn and im so damn nervous for my exam tomorrow AAAAAAH fuck fuck fuck 
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dasomlimie · 3 years
Heyyy! I hope ur doing okay if ur requests r open can l request reader asking if she can see whats under sanzu’s mask like that one scene in naruto where he tried so hard to see kakashi’s mask something similar and funny like that take ur time l love ur work <333
characters : aged up!—Sanzu Haruchiyo
a/n : i cant believe im rewrtiting this sorry if this is half assed tumblr didn't save my draft earlier, enjoy ig
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Sanzu Haruchiyo..... your masked bf sometimes you were wondering what behind that mask but ofc you wanted to respect his boundaries and dont want to make him uncomfortable, but curiousity start to eat you alive so you have a little plan in your mind
sometimes there's a lot of idea in your mind on why Sanzu didn't remove his mask, maybe he have big lips that unmatched with his face future? or maybe he have crooked teeth? or even worse he doesn't have mouth! but you scratched the last idea since how did he speak if he doesn't have mouth? his nose? yeah that idea once stuck in your head but you decided to remove it because it doesn't make sense at all
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you called Sanzu to meet you up infront of a restaurant which he agreed since maybe you were hungry and he is too, you greet Sanzu before taking his hand and walk into the restaurant with him
"today is my treat" you said smiling he raise an eyebrow you were cheerful more than usual "did something good happen?" he ask you shook his head "nope i just wanted to spend time with my lovely boyfriend" you said he nodded start looking at the menu
"are you ready to order?" he ask after a few minutes you nodded letting him call the waiter, you both said your order as the writer write down your order, you noticed Sanzu's order was a heavy meal he probably going to remove his mask
you smile to yourself before mentally patting yourself for coming up with this idea as soon as your food arrived you stare at Sanzu causing him to raise an eyebrow "whats up my love?" he ask you shook your head "nothing eat up" he nod "you too" you nod
you stare as he was about to remove his mask until your phone start ringing you look at the caller ID noticing it was your boss you look at Sanzu "eat first i have to answer this call" you said he nod as he watch your figure walking out from the restaurant
you listen to your boss rant about how her husband keep cancelling their date and how she think he was cheating on her while you were wondering why the hell your boss telling you all of this as she finally hang up you walk into the restaurant only to be greeted by Sanzu scrolling through his phone you blink
"oh baby! what took you too long? oh and im sorry i finished my food first i haven't eat since yesterday" he said giving you closed eyes smile you nod sitting "did you forgot to eat again?" you ask he nod "im very busy yesterday and just go to sleep as soon as i got home" he said you nod
attempt 1 : failed
"want some?" you ask offering your food he shook his head "im full already" he said you nodded visibly deflated "whats up pretty girl? you were all cheerful a while ago" he said chuckling you shook your head from side to side finding a reason and decided to use your boss phone call as your reason "she did it again" you said he pat your head
"did she start ranting to you again? what was is about?" he ask you sigh "about her husband this and that you know the usual why don't they just divorce?" you said leaning to your chair
"maybe you should find a new job if you were that sick of your boss personal life rant" he said you nodded "yeah i should" you said
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the second attempt might make him mad but what is life without a little thrill and spice right? right.
you took a deep breath before apologizing gripping the tray in your hand you walk inside the room smiling at Sanzu you walk toward him then purposely trip yourself
you watch everything happen in slow motion how the juice flew and wetting his mask you cheer silently before your face kiss the floor you groan but being muffled by your carpet Sanzu gasp ignoring his wet clothes and mask
"y/n?! are you okay? oh my why are you suddenly become clumsy?" he ask as he help you to get up you have to swallow your image its not even 6 month into your relationship here you are doing stupid things just to what behind his mask
he hiss when he saw your red forehead with a little bloody lips "we should get that lips treated" he suggest you nodded "let me put this away your hoodie was in my closet along with extra mask" you said silently before walking out from the room leaving a little space for you to peak in
you feel your cheeks heat up as you watch his half naked body you silently cheer as he was about to remove his mask when your doorbell rang causing you to curse silent
you keep debating either to look and discover what behind your boyfriend mask or to answer the door you were deep in thought when Sanzu clear his throat his cheeks tinted with rosy pink just like his hair
"i didn't know you're that type of person" he said clearing his throat again you look up before cursing yourself "oh no you got the wrong idea let me go and answer the door ok?" you said walking a little bit too faster "be careful!" Sanzu called as he look you who almost tripped twice
attempt 2 : failed
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you look at Sanzu as you keep following—more like stalking—him you tried to make sure you didn't lost him maybe he would remove his mask at the most random time especially when he's alone? yeah thats what you think ,you were now dressed in all black outfit paired with black cap and black mask
yup much like a stalker
you watch him keep turning and leading you to a dark hallways wondering what he was doing here, little did you know he noticed you following him but didn't have any idea it was his girlfriend
"fuck" you curse silently as you lost him you were about to take another turn when someone pull you to opposite turn you yelped both in suprise and pain when your back make a harsh contact to the cold and dirty wall you hiss from how strong someone's grip on your hands is
"who are you and why are you following me?" he ask you stay silent too scared to answer him, Sanzu chuckle "why are you all silent? acting all scared are we?" he said you shiver under his sharp gaze
"i ask you questions" he said you shut your eyes he sigh annoyed and start to loose his patients then decided to remove both your mask and cap you felt his grip on your hands loosening
"y/n?" he said in softer voice than earlier you still shut your eyes tightly slightly trembling "darling look at me" he said as one of hand slither to your waist while the other cup your cheeks thumb caressing your cheeks "open your eyes my love im not going to hurt you" he said you open your eyes slowly meeting his soften gaze
"why are you following me like that? i thought you were one of those people who tried to get me again" he said chuckling you didn't answer instead hugging him burying your face into his chest
"did i scare you that much?" he ask you shook your head as a no, you were actually embarassed of yourself for doing dumb thing to get him to remove his mask
"then why?" he ask hugging you close to him "im sorry" you said he raise an eyebrow "why?" "im sorry for doing dumb thing lately and following you like earlier" you said he chuckled you look up to him
"i get it now" he said removing you from him gently then cup your cheeks with both of his hands "you know you can just ask right?" you pout "i just dont want to make you feel uncomfortable" he shook his head
"you will never im actually waiting for you to ask me by yourself" he said you nodded "then can i uh you know" he nod letting you remove his mask
heart beating loudly Sanzu was prepared from any insult from you yet nothing came our from your mouth, does he freak you out? he was about to apologize when you whispered out a very unexpected word he expects you to say
"beautiful" you said he froze not believing what he just heard "what?" he ask for confirmation "i said beautiful" you repeat before caressing his scars with both of your thumb he sigh in relief
"really? i thought you were going to freaked out" he said you shook your head with confused face while your attention was still on his face "why would i?" you ask
"people always told me its disgusting i thought you would too but apparently not im relieved" you heart broke a little from his words "who the hell said your scars is disgusting?! let me beat them up" you said with determination he shook his head "its okay you were an absolute angel i cant imagine you beating people up" he said pressing a kiss on your forehead
"you look hotter without mask" you whisper he smile "is that so?" he ask you nodded then cover his face with his mask "and only me can see you my beautiful and handsome and hot boyfriend without his mask no one can see your full face they would fall for you" you said he chuckled before ruffling your hair
"whatever you say angel" he said you smile as he lead you out from the hallway just so your know he would use your silly attempt to tease you in the future
attempt 3 : successfully failed
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!%! © HNEULWH— i did not allow my work to be used or adapted in any form without my permission !#//
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 211 let's go
ok first of all, this is the second to last episode guys... I don't even wanna think about how much pain I'll be in after next week's episode
mr mazzara doing the recap-
this is so weird to me and I don't know why
is Nini giving out the cards a callback to season 1 when Natalie Bagley said that Nini gave her a card or something on opening night of another musical?
Ricky in the crown gives me Harry styles in that photoshoot vibes
he's so pretty.
ok but why did we never see Ricky and Ashlyn interact before? it's been like 5 seconds and I already love how they bounce off each other and it's just so natural
well that explains a lot...
so Ricky fell on top of Ashlyn and all that broke for both of them was their wrist-
insert Jake Peralta *coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool no doubt no doubt no doubt*
of course howie was amazing as the beast, were we expecting anything less??
Ricky is so beautiful and I will not shut up about it....
let me enjoy this before the makeup crew slaps mud on his face.
Nini and Ricky talking to eachother? in a civil manner? wasn't she avoiding him just in the last episode? hm ok
yes Kaden and Rico, my favourite east high boys 🥰
I mean....where's EJ?
EJ AND GINA IN THE BACKGROUND... doing something idek
Howie is a shining star, ofc ofc
the smallest fOrk
can't wait to see the fork burst into song about how she deserves more than to be used to eat salad😌
the duster and the bluster.... ok😃
hi Gina!
hi- oh wow I didn't know Robbie Rotten was in this show!!!!!
the portwell look.
that my friends, is a married couple's look✋
aww Gina's so excited for this
D word?
Dom Toretto?
"good, clean fun all alone with someone I dig...a lot"
sir that does not sound very clean to me
Seb looks so cute standing there next to pope Carlos
Seb's reading Carlos better than big red read the script in episode 102, this is great development after the "fight"
Kourtney really just made the best outfit for herself and let the rest of them suffer
the way Gina immediately goes to hold on to EJ after the announcement
"tonight we're going to put the U in UTAH"
"hey where are you from?"
he's officially salt lake city's resident thanos
just wity clapping because for some reason I have a feeling he doesn't know how to snap his fingers...don't ask why
Ms Jenn do you mind encouraging your leads before the show? idk just an idea
pepto bismol product placement smhsmh
those flowers are bigger that big red himself-
*bops along to the opening theme*
that whistle at the end slaps everytime
I guess they're all here to see Ms Jenn go on as a fork after Nini decides to *go her own way*
wow i am so funny
so they couldn't do many group scenes cuz of covid, but this 300 person crowd is cool? nice
"Mr Caswell", he said, in the loudest voice possible while backstage at a show that's about to start.
Mazzara what are you trying to pull-
I usually like Benjamin but I don't like his tone
"we've had some good conversations these past few weeks"
right so what's going to happen after you graduate?
what does he think of you not going to Duke?
what did he say about you giving the sweatshirt that's been in the family for 3 generations to a girl you're not even dating?
good old Mr. M
therapist Mr. Mazzara, they all need it.
start with Ricky though.
"Michael Bowen"
dude why did you shave, now you look less like "hot lumberjack" and more "creep at the gas station"
does she not like Mike anymore?
why does it sound like jennzzara started dating and now they just sit back and talk smack about everyone in their freetime
break the fourth wall-
uhhhh im scared
why am I scared
he's scary
hehe flowers for Ricky, obviously for Ricky, ObViOuSLY
oh boy poor Michael
this man is in love, rip
why does Ms Jenn always look at people with her eyes open so wide
I'm only excited because I really like the idea of lily and Ricky being friends, nothing more.
ha this guy's got jokes
also he's very pretty.
"the wolves and very talented humans"
how dare he forget to mention the very talented wolves and normal humans, smh erasure
"being nice, what a concept" ted talk by Lily who still doesn't have a last name
did she just say lol out loud
same with the hug emoji last episode-
go touch some grass babes
the way he didn't say no, but said he didn't know how the east high kids would react-
not saying he does want to date her but that's an interesting thing to think about, also another thing to write an essay analysis on just to leave it in my drafts for a few months
awww lily genuinely trying to help him
sorry guys, I've been taken by the Lily charm (didn't know it existed until now but oh well)
just look at me now
the Lily wink I can't she's so cute-
David Attenborough?
oh nvm it's Benjamin narrating the show in a really weird British accent for some reason.
also is this to show that Nini doesn't care about being the star of the show anymore? the way she's supporting everyone else even though she's a fork?
I would pay for a special of the full musical ngl
yo where did the makeup come from
man I wish I was a theatre kid
my girl is starring
"needs an X-factor"
Simon Cowbell creeps in
"it's a yes from me"
and them boom, he takes Nini and mistreats her horribly and then she comes back to theatre after deciding music isn't for her👍
"I thought she just hog-tied him?"
don't ask sebby, it's better if you don't know.
imagine they spotlight the wrong person and this dude is just some random person that likes writing down stuff during shows.
Ms Jenn just let them do what they rehearsed (at some point we never saw) or else this is gonna end horribly wrong
same Carlos, same
I love how seb is just his translator rn
I thought he said "great displeasure" instead of "greatest pleasure"....help?
big red coming out from throwing up to see his girlfriend star is the cutest thing in this show.
Ash and Gina dancing is so fun
I'm imagining them practicing at night at their home, watching the movie for the 100th time and making sure their one dance together is perfect
no because I'm actually crying
I'm dead serious.
we need this musical released as a special
big red is so proud and I love to see it
Natalie: "if you do not by at least 20 dollars in concessions, you do not support art"
rando in the audience: "but I pay for ad free Spotify"
Mr Mazzara clapping in the distance
Gigi, the guy you like is talking to you, complimenting you and hyping you up
aw EJ teasing her about the chocolates in a way that doesn't make her feel bad? take notes Richard
there is no rest of the show idc Jordan is it for me
they look like they're high and having "deep" conversations on the floor
@sunshine-julie-molina YOU HEAR THAT
Natalie really just be coming for them all
Howie what is happening rn
I'm scared
"did you enjoy it"
"very much"
dude wants a kiss so bad
I want a Jordan autograph please
just keep swim- oh pushing...
Gina is literally a giant next to him and I live for it
am I about to cry for the 3rd time in this episode?
Ricky's leg kicks under the table makes me so happy aw
the portwell glances will kill me.
ah yes, mashed potato snow
Mr. M.... I'm not a theatre kid but even I know you can't have your phone on backstage.
Howie please just do it
oh ok bye Jordan
oo tea
"we're all just glad Gigi has a big brother figure in her life"
excuse me for a few thousand hours while I laugh hysterically
someone else said this already but I think it's hilarious that they had to bring in 2 guest characters to create some portwell angst
omg this really is Cici's episode, found family is their thing
elevator music lol
I'm gonna bet that big red took the harness for his surprise for Ashlyn without realising what it was
did Ms. Jenn just....tell her most mentally unstable student....to commit suicide....on a disney show...was that....I'm very....well....what the actual-
oh and there she goes running off instead of trying to make it right
oh wow Nini's the hero, she's gonna save the show 🤩
the judge is doing a sudoku
honestly if I went to the hsm show as well, I'd come prepared for this one too
Lily why are you looking like that-
wow ok, there goes that.
what if Howie was acting weird because he knew what Lily did and wanted to tell Kourtbut Lily threatened him so he was scared to-
anyways see y'all clowns next week when we all simultaneously lose all motivation for the week without Fridays to look forward to.
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ccsthemovie2 · 4 years
YUE!!!! yue yue yue
YUEEEEE AN ASK AFTER MY OWN HEART <33 this is, again, super long AND YET NOT THE FULL EXTENT OF MY YUE THOUGHTS, PROBABLY??? this is a fave from a decade back or so this runs DEEP. Why I like them:
yue has just been a lifelong fave tbh. a beautiful and serious anime boy???? AND he’s the moon????? superficials aside, i am always really drawn to characters who struggle with being overly loyal to a sense of authority and deal with figuring out they’re allowed to have individual wants and needs. yue is incredibly ride or die and nearly everyone’s like....maybe don’t die actually!!! and yue says [there was a manga cap here of touya asking yue to take care of himself and yue going >:///.....alright]
it is also really funny how he immediately goes from I WILL KILL YOU to extremely protective i-am-your-angel-dad, both to watch, and to see new friends get into ccs and hear the hype about yue and go oh i cant wait to see your favori-AAAHHH HE PUNCHED TWO TEN YEAR OLDS WHATTT.
Why I don’t:
gotta say it, his clear card hit-fakeout was kinda weird, good thing i have rewritten that scene and can just refer to my personal-writing-folder discord server when need be,
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
JUDGEMEEENNNTTTT AND ALSO THE STUCK IN BIG FORMS EP AAAAHHHHH . episodes ive watched a billion times. when i was a kid i liked judgement bc i was like HES SO COOOL AND MEEEAN YESSS DEFEAT SAKURA WITH HER OWN MAGIC GO GO and now im like HE IS CARRYING OUT A USELESS CEREMONY AND FIGHTING A FIGHT HE CANNOT WIN TO MAKE EVERYONE FEEL LIKE THEY HAVE A CHOICE WHEN SAKURA’S BEEN CHOSEN FROM THE START WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. and to top it ALL off sakura telling him she wants to be his friend and him not taking her offered hand? OUCHH... ;w; big forms ep is HILLARIOUS bc its soooooo AWKWARD. the awkwardness of being at someone else’s house... trying to talk to your host when the ONLY topics you have in common are “i know a few things about your dead crush” and “my other self is YOUR crush”. sakura telling him that her dad insists love can last through reincarnation and eriol specifically being like “give up on clow because he’s dead” later, and he’s spying on this whole ep so he must be rolling around laughing right then. the fact that neither of these couples is healthy whatsoever but everyone’s working with what they have to try and lessen the awkward, and oh no its worse now. kero picking up on the clowtime pattern of “i have to do all the work around here” but honestly its just that it’s kero’s house and yue’s awkwardly hovering and sakura really really doesnt wanna make her intimidating guest do stuff. WHICH IS UNDERSTANDABLE BC ITS SUPER AWKWARD. yue then cleaning the entire kitchen while sakura is cleaning off kero. 10/10 episode.
Favorite season/movie:
sakura card arc!
Favorite line:
when he shows up at sakura’s house and and sakura’s like :0 and hes like get used to it.
Favorite outfit:
the one from that pic i have in my about where he has this light blue hair wrap aaahhhh
YUEKITOUYAAAAAAAAAAAA. yukito and touya dating happily and then yue a few years later like OH. I ALSO LOVE HIM. yukito being super supportive and happy of it. yue and touya both feeling like “whats an amazing guy like him doing with someone like me...”. yue going in thinking oh i know what love is and touya raising the bar constantly. its good!!
him and yukito!! two people waking up in their situation scared and upset and stuck together, making the most of it as only they can. i think a lot of them both being like “noooo i want YOU to be happy and comfortable” and trying to do little things for the other when each is taking their turn being active. yue making yukito tea and getting him out of bed when he neeeds to wake up but just feels sluggish, yukito buying little moon decorations for the house he thinks yue would like....aaahhh yukito getting glow in the dark star stickers omg...realizing that there’s no one they’d rather share a life with like that. i think yukito’s the sort of person who doesn’t like to appear uncertain and takes his time being sure before communicating, and theres a sense of pride on yue’s part that he’s the only person, often not even touya, who gets to hear yukito put his thoughts together and be that sort of sounding board. yukito “growing up” in a big “often”-empty house i think leads to him talking to the air a lot, and now that’s yue!!
him and sakura, too!! slowly taking her up on her offer of friendship!! there’s an amazing bit soon after judgement where just her asking frantically if he’s okay??? if he’s SURE he’s okay???? after getting hurt protecting her makes him stop and stare....the switch flipped he is her dad now. i want him to feel like he can talk to her, especially about the Before Times, weigh the things he thinks are too heavy for a child against the things he wants to be heard, maybe see her face and be like oh boy i got it wrong sometimes. and also the knowledge that this is a friendship they chose for themselves!! that they were Predicted to mean different things to each other, but it would be something inappropriate and draining and a cruelty to carry out. this is an unpaved road!! if i keep going on and on i will go on all day but HIM AND KERO!!! HIM AND THE CARDS!!!! HIM AND LI, AND TOMOYO, AND oh just let him be surrounded by friends!!!!
Head Canon:
extremely touchy. like the first thing he did when he showed up for judgement was grab sakura’s face and i think thats just how he is. i think nobody in the clowsehold had any awareness of personal space and yue got so steeped in it that he is just like that now. big on affectionate hair ruffles esp with the kids and putting-an-arm-around-people that he’s barely aware of. it makes yukito a little sad to know that he and yue can never really connect like that but if he hugs himself yue will feel it so it works out!!
Unpopular opinion:
(gets up on stage) clowyue!! (half the crowd boos half the crowd cheers) was HORRIBLE (the cheering/booing crowd halves switch confusedly) essentially i really like to think about the wreckage and then healing from the sort of toxic imbalanced ambiguously requited never-labeled faux-relationship feelings-yoyo i imagine it to have been. but that means i need to acknowledge it happened. unfortunately most people who make ship content do so because they like it, and most people who dont make ship content do so because they dislike it. can you believe it?
A wish:
go to therapy please
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:
5 words to best describe them:
ok he looks very polite
My nickname for them:
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ticklikeabomb · 5 years
Epimetheus : Spill the Mead (part 3)
Pairing : Avengers x Plus Size Reader ; Steve x Plus size Reader 
Warnings : Language, Sexy times mentioned
Word Count : 2.3
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2 weeks after the stand-up show
You were currently training in the gym squatting your life out, your ass chicks fuller than air ballons, when you heard someone enter the room. You didn't pay attention and continued your workout by switching to the treadmill machine. You opted for a half-hour running session before your legs gave out completely. Lifting your head up, you noticed Sam who was running next to you, a small smirk on his face. Frowning you breathed out a small, "What's with the face?". He chuckled, shaking his head slightly and replied, "Oh nothing, just wondering some things." Perplexed you let out a small "Ok" and focused back on your steps. Two minutes later, he spoke up, "You know what's funny?". You rolled your eyes figuring out something was coming and turned to him sarcastically, "No but I feel like you gonna tell me." "You and Cap have been avoiding each other for the past month. He refuses to tell us why but something is odd. He keeps glancing at you but when your gaze crosses his, you both look elsewhere. Isn't that curious?", he said a triomphant smile on his face when he saw your posture tense. 
"I don't know. We're busy people, maybe it's your imagination", you try to distract him. "Orrrr, maybe something embarrassing happened between you two and you refuse to talk about it. I don't know, maybe some 'fonduing'", he mimicked Steve. You both heard a huge 'Boom' to where Steve was and turned his way. He was breathing heavily, wide eyed and a punching bag on his feet opened in half. Sam burst out laughing to which Steve exited the room with a face redder than Pennywise's hair. You stopped the running mode and walked slowly in order to not get nauseous. 
"That's a great theory but believe me nothing happened between me and Steve", you told him even though you knew he didn't believe you. "You keep telling that. We will find out the truth", he said before stepping out of the machine and making his way out of the room. You let out a deep breath, trying to calm down after what just happened. "Stressed much", said Natasha next to you. You jumped in place, scared of her sneak attack. "Goddammit, since when have you been here?", you commented with a hand on you heart. She grinned and informed you she's been in the gym before you stepped foot in it. "How do you do that? Ho-", "I was a Russian Spy, you know that right?" "Yeah but still, let a Sister know you're there." She laughed and put her arm around your shoulders. "Come on, let's get a shower and our comfiest clothes. Tonight it's Ladies Night." 
Natasha, Wanda and you were watching your 3rd Rom Com movie when Natasha proposed to get stronger drinks. "I'll go. I need to stretch my legs a little", you told them and walked out the room. You were grabbing several bottles when his voice startled you. "Y/N? Can we t-" "Fuck, you scared the hell out of me", you shouted out. "Sorry. Eh…let me help you", Steve said seeing one of the bottles broken on the ground. "Don't ! It's ok", you stopped him. He sighed heavily and put his hand on his waist. "We should talk." You were cleaning the glass and hissed when a piece slightly cut you. He grabbed your hands and guided you to the sink. You refused to look at him in the eyes, embarrassed by the incident. "Please Y/N let me explain." You felt rage overflowing in you and lifted your head up. "There's nothing to explain. Let's just forget about it", you said bitterly and grabbed the other bottles, leaving him behind. 
When you got back in the room the other two Avengers noticed your mood switch. You took the nearest bottle and chugged a large gulp from it. "Oh no dear you shouldn't have done that", Nat's voice echoed in the background. "Oh shit. Should I text Thor about the side effects? Is she going to die?", turned Wanda towards the redhead. "You do that", advised Nat while approaching you and taking the bottle from your hand. "Heyyy the fuck Nash, I was enjoying that", you hiccuped. She chuckled nervously. "Enough Alcohol for you", she mentioned and you pouted. You needed more. You needed to forget about those blue eyes, those huge arms that would wrap perfectly around your curvy body, that beautiful smile that would leave you speechless. You felt a wet spot tickling down your neck. "Come here", Wanda engulfed you crying in her arms. "Shh, it's ok. Why are you crying?" "I-Im nott cry-crying. Ma eyezz are sweat-ing", you commented. They stayed by your side until your sadness transformed into anger. "How dare he !", you said through greeted teeth. "Steve?", asked Nat. "No the Pope. Of course Steve. It was supposed to be magical. I mean who wouldn't think it would be amazing going on a date with Captain America himself", you shook your head.
You saw them sitting against the bed, waiting for you to continue and you told them everything. "It was a month ago. For some reason, Steve asked me on a date. At first, I was hesitant because I knew he had a short story with Sharon and since she's my friend, I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship and it all becoming weird. She told me, she didn't care if I was interested and should go for it, if it was what I wanted. So, I reached out to Steve and told him I accepted to go on a date for him." "Wait a second, the guy you waxed was for Steve?", asked Wanda. Your face betrayed you and they both laughed out loud. "Omg this is priceless", they giggled. You mimicked them sarcastically and they calmed down. "Ok sorry, go on. What happened then?", said Nat. "The date night came and Steve took me to that fancy restaurant. Everything was going great until Steve's eyes widened and he cleared his throat. Sharon was also there and came at our table to say 'hello'. Then she casually mentioned and I quote, 'Oh it's so funny Steve that you chose to take Y/N on a date in the same restaurant you took me.' " 
"Oh he did not?", gasped Wanda. "HE DID", you exclaimed pacing in the room. "Asshole", mentioned Nat. "The thing is that I was convinced that Sharon was ok with it since she told me to go for it. It seems that she wasn't and took the opportunity to make me feel like an afterthought, like the fucking side chick. She left after that, leaving me furious and Steve embarrassed. I tried to calm down and put that thought in a corner of my brain and put on a smile. Steve seemed to calm down and apologized not knowing they would come across her and that he liked the restaurant in question. I let it slide and told him to focus on our night. He agreed and we went on." You breathed out before continuing. "So, we were chatting when the waiter arrived with our entries which was soup. Don't ask me why but Steve convinced that it was delicious and that I had to have some." You were pacing around the room frantically, talking with your hands in the air. "I don't know what happened but the next thing I felt was warm liquid burning down my fupa area and let out a scream in the whole restaurant." You stopped for a moment looking at their expression which was on the verge to crack out. "Go ahead, laugh your hearts out", you mumbled annoyed. They burst out laughing in unison. "Oh God that is…and it was the day you got waxed", hyperventilated Wanda. Side-eying them, you waited for them to calm their tits down. "What did Steve do?", asked Nat. "He just looked like a fucking goldfish, shocked at the whole scene. It was so embarrassing. I turned towards him and pleaded with my eyes to go back home. He eventually got the memo and asked for the check." 
"We left the restaurant, the date being a huge catastrophe and hungry. He apologized for the evening, that it was not what he had planned. Wa arrived at the compound and told him that I needed to get cleaned. He told me to do that and then come back in the living room." You quickly passed the details of you going to your room and clean yourself, while being on the verge of crying because you were excited to go on the date with him, yada yada yada. "I finally made it into the living room 30 later and he had put on a small table with candles and roses. He had ordered pizza as well and at the end we finally got something good going on. But then…", you scratched furiously your head. "Oh no, what now?", they asked. 
"Like I said everything was going great and all. At the end, we stood in front of his room to say goodbye but the tension was at its highest and we ended up kissing. It got heated very quickly and ended up semi-naked on his bed. And let me tell you, compared to Minaj, Steve's Anaconda does !", you said under the influence of the Mead. "Big Python, Thick Python too", you mimicked the very Super Soldier's length. "The man is belesssseddd in so many ways, making the whole 'God Bless America' completely accurate." "We don't need to know thatttt", whined Wanda her face flushed. "Shhht, I wanna hear the rest", shushed Nat. "Well the rest is that I was near his crotch but before going further I looked back at him to have his consent when…you ready? The Motherfucker felt asleep. Can you believe? I almost got my coochie ripped/burned and he just falls asleep on me."
"It's understandable now why you keep avoiding each other", said Nat. "I hate it. It's so weird, I felt so embarrassed. You know like I was so boring or something", you said with glossy eyes, the Mead getting the best of you. "Oh love come here", urged Wanda to a group hug. After that you felt completely drained and told them you needed to get some sleep, leaving them behind. 
The next day
You woke up feeling like your head was about to explode. "Miss Y/L/N, you're attended to the conference room for an emergency meeting", echoed F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice in your room. "Great !", you mumbled. Taking your sunglasses you stumbled into the conference room. "Thank you for gracing us of your presence, Agent Y/L/N", said Fury sternly. You peaced him out in response to which he narrowed his eyes. "Is there an eye infection going on right now or am I missing something", he continued while pointing at you, Natasha and Wanda who all had sunglasses on their faces. "It's your aura illuminating the room. You have such presence Sir", you commented with a goofy smile, the last effects of the Mead still in your body. "I'm going pretend that I didn't hear that", he mentioned and began reviewing the details for the next mission. He soon let Steve take the control of the details but you were too tired to listen to anything. Unconsciously, you fell asleep and were woken up with a hand bumping violently on the table. Getting past the shock, your eyes landed on Steve's fuming expression. "Agent Y/L/N, maybe last time you should party less in order to not fall asleep on such a serious matter", he rasped. 'The audacity', you thought. 
"Well Captain ROGERS, it seems that it's a recurrent thing of people falling asleep during serious matters, don't you think?", you spit in front of everyone. Maybe you shouldn't have but seeing him point you in front of everyone made you lose it. His eyes widened at your innuendo and he became redder than a tomato. He stormed out of the room, leaving the others shocked at his outburst and confused by your words. "What just happened?", asked Tony wickedly. You shook your head and stood up, leaving the room and taking refuge in your room. When you opened closed the door, you found Steve sitting at the edge of your bed. "What are you doing here?", your voice trembled. "We need to talk", he stated firmly. "I don't know what's there to be said. Actions speak louder than words", you replied. 
He stood up and closed the gap, his muscular body inches from yours. You stood your ground because 1) it was your room and 2) you he had nothing to blame you for. "The day of our date, I got a last minute mission on the other side of the world. I didn't get time to sleep but I was too excited for our date." "You could have cancelled it", you breathed out. "I could but I didn't want to. I wasn't aware of how tired I was and I know it's not an excuse to what happened but I'm really sorry Y/N. You deserve the best and I didn't give you what you earn", he said taking a step behind, a small expression crossing his features. You grabbed his wrist keeping him from leaving. "I'm not gonna lie, the first part and the last part of the date was a disaster but I enjoyed the moment we spend eating pizza, the way you decorated the table just for me. For a second it made me feel special." He closed the gap again and took your chin on his hand, "That's because you are and i would love if you could get me a new chance to prouve it to you." You nodded weakly, your eyes locked with his. His lips crashed yours in a slow but sensual kiss, his hands anchor themselves on your waist making him groan. "F.R.I.D.A.Y soundproof the room", breathed out Steve. "What?", you said. "Baby I'm intending to make it up to you for the next 24h", he said before capturing your lips in a feverish kiss. 
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* gifs not mine, credit to owners*
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lovehatemysme · 5 years
[Warning: Miscarriage]
[Yoosung x MC]
Ding dong
At the sound of the doorbell, Yoosung looked at the door and touched your hand. You looked at him blankly. 
"Honey, I'll just get the door okay?" He said with a weak smile. You turned your head again on the TV in front of you.
Yoosung got up and opened the door, it was Zen holding some Chinese take out.
"Hey, hungry?" He said as he lift the food. He wore his usual clothing, along with a black cap. 
"Hey hyung," Yoosung greeted as he let the tall white haired man in.
"How are you holding up?" Zen asked as he removed his shoes, Yoosung took the food from his hands.
"Fine.. I guess," Yoosung responded almost hesitantly. 
" And MC?" Zen inquired further, Yoosung gave him a weak smile. "Still the same," he said weakly. Zen sighed and gave Yoosung a pat on the shoulder.
You stared blankly at the plasma tv in front of you, pictures were moving but nothing was registering. A muffled cry caught your attention, without much thought you stood up and followed the noise. In the kitchen, you saw Yoosung crying in front of Zen, who offered silence and pats on shoulders.
"I.. i don't know what to do hyung, i... i still cant get her back," Yoosung sobbed between words. Yoosung, who was almost always embarrassed to show any sign of weakness, now crying in front of his friend.
Then something clicked in you.
"Im sorry, we tried everything we could.." the man in the white coat said.
Everything happened so fast, blood was streaming down your legs and the next thing you knew you were in a hospital bed.
"You lost the baby."
Confused, lost, overwhelmed, all emotions were rushing into you. You quickly went to bed and closed your eyes so hard, trying to slash the memories flooding back to you.
"We're here for you guys, just call us okay?" Zen said, as he tried to comfort the crying man in front of him. Yoosung sniffed and said a thank you. Zen didn’t stay any further, he just stopped by to bring food and check up on Yoosung. 
It's been two weeks since the incident, when the doctor announced you lost the baby Yoosung channeled his anger through punching a wall. Reality pulled him back when he heard you cry, quickly running to your aid. With bleeding knuckles, he stroked your hair, whispering it's okay, i'm here for you and, we can get through this.
After that breakdown, you just.... shut down. Traumatized and in denial... you shut everything off. You spoke little words to simple sentences. Nodded and gave weak smiles in response. Yoosung closed the clinic to tend to you, he fed and bathed you. And even though you weren’t really paying attention, he would tell you stories in which you would respond in weak smiles. And that was enough for Yoosung, at least he knew you were still there. 
Every now and then a member would drop by just to check up on you both, Jumin even referred a psychiatrist, to which Yoosung kept in mind if you haven’t had any progress. 
Yoosung put on a brave face everyday while he was with you. He thought that when you see him cry, he’d put you on more stress.. So he hid his tears away, crying when you’re asleep. He’d prayed and bargain to a god, if there was one, he thought. 
When you woke in the middle of the night, Yoosung was in front of you, puffy eyes from crying earlier. He looked so serene as he slept, you touched his cheek as your thumb tried to rub the marks of his tears.
It’s Yoosung. Your husband. 
The scene you caught earlier came back to you, Yoosung was crying in front of Zen. And it ached your heart. Yoosung was crying. 
“Yoosung..” you whispered, “I’m sorry... I was selfish..” your eyes started to swelled up, “I’m sorry..”.
Yoosung tried to reach for you side, only for his hand to catch nothing but air. He opened his eyes and saw your bedside empty. He sat up in a panic, “MC?” he started to shout. He quickly got up and ran to the bathroom as he continued to call for you. When the bathroom was empty, he tried for the kitchen but to no avail. He searched every room but you weren’t there. He tried to call your phone but only to hear it ring in the drawer of the bedside table. 
Shit shit shit. Was all he could think, his heart started to race, his thoughts in a wreck. He took his coat and car keys, he gotta start somewhere in the town. You have to be somewhere.. 
You hummed as you stared at the lake in front of you, the full moon being reflected as it illuminated the place. You sat at the bench where you and Yoosung would always sit on when you went on a stroll. This was where your first date was. And so was your 5th.. and maybe 7th? You always went to this place that you just lost count. It was where you would talk about your plans, your future.. When a family with two children pass by Yoosung would tell you how’d he want a child.
And it almost came true.. you started to sniff, tears quickly escaping your eyes. 
Your body shivered as you cried, couldn't contain all the tears and emotions. Two weeks you felt nothing, and now everything seems to be rushing back to you. The lost of your unborn child.. You were only two months pregnant but still.. The pain came back rushing in, you held your abdomen as you cried. You were about to start a family, but in a blink of an eye, it was gone. 
You remember how you told Yoosung, you were only three weeks then. He was so happy, you were making his dreams come true. And you were happy. You were both happy.. 
You rubbed your abdomen, thinking how Yoosung must’ve felt, he needed to grieve but you left him.. went to your own world thinking how hurt you were...
"I'm sorry," you muttered to the emptiness of the park, "I'm sorry," you whispered as you sobbed, as if the lake could hear you. 
"MC? MC!" you turned around and saw Yoosung running to you, his hair in a mess, he was wearing his coat over his pajamas.
"Thank God you're here," he said as he kissed your temple and held you close.  "You scared me, please, please don't do that again," he muttered. You could feel his body tremble, you could feel how scared he was.
"Yoosung.." you sniffed under him, Yoosung placed his coat over you and knelt down in front of you. He took your hands and held it. His eyes were still quite puffy, but his charm was still there. His boyish charm that you loved.
"Yoosung.. I'm sorry," you said again, taking your hand from his clasp to wipe your tears, but they just kept coming and you kept uttering sorry.
Yoosung sat beside you, somehow he felt relieved. This was the first time you cried again after your breakdown in the hospital. And somehow he felt scared too, that you'd just return to blank stares. He held you close and stroked your hair.
"Hey.. it's okay, we can get through this. I'm here for you okay?" He said, his voice was low, reassuring and comforting. You looked up to him and held his cheek.
 "I.. I was selfish.. I let myself slip away.. I didn’t think about you.. I grieved on my own and left you.. but it was your child too," your voice cracking at the end, Yoosung swallowed as he held your hand that was on his cheek. Finally letting himself cry in front of you, tears quickly building up in his eyes.
"But it must have been harder for you MC, it was connected to you," he said as he rested his forehead against yours. "I love you MC, I just.. I just don’t want to lose you," he said between sobs. 
“I’m sorry Yoosung, you must have felt lonely,” you whispered while sniffing. You felt your heart ache imagining how scared he must have been. He pulled you close, fingernails digging in your arms as he clutched onto you. 
“Just promise me.. Promise me you’ll never leave,” he pleaded. The thought of losing you.. Since day one it was his utmost fear. And when he saw it slowly become a reality... He wept thinking he lost you. But still, everyday, whenever you responded, he’d smile and know you’re still there. 
“I’m sorry I let this one-” “Hey,” he said, cutting you off, “It’s not your fault okay?” he whispered, looking down into your eyes. If he could remove all the pain you were feeling, he would.  “Never think of that,” he said as he kissed your temple. 
You’re here. You’re safe. was all Yoosung could think about. Thanking all the gods he know. 
You looked up to his lilac eyes, glistening under the moonlight. “Thank you for not giving up on me Yoosung, I love you,” you said as you smiled. 
Two weeks.
Two weeks since he last saw you smile like that, he felt as if the pain in his heart is being filled out by your love. He was overwhelmed with happiness that he pulled you for a kiss, “I love you too, cutie,” he said.
Yoosung let out a contented sigh when he pulled away. You were back and that was enough. 
You snuggled close to him, he smelled like home. His embrace felt safe. His heartbeat.. you could feel it. You could hear it. A rhythm you knew so well that you fell asleep on whenever you were on his chest. 
I’m home. 
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peacheenie · 5 years
hl1/2 gordon scentric hc time
im rly feeling half life in this chillis tonight so....some....hc’s about everyones favourite free man, i have a lot so enjoy
-he’s actually mute and uses sign language but only about 50% of the time cuz people either don’t know what he’s saying or he can’t do it whilst holding like 20 different guns/weapons to protect himself so instead he makes big gestures a lot or writes down what hes trying to say (pretty much everyone at black mesa could understand him via sign language so he was very comfortable using it, during hl2 however he has to keep reminding himself not everyone is fluent and it frustrates him to no end)
-when he tries to speak it hurts and the most sound he can make is mumbles or little sqeaks so if theres ever a time he needs to alert someone to dangers reeeal quick he ends up hurting his throat a lot to try and make some kind of warning noise thats loud enough, he can hum tho and enjoys humming along to music as well as when he’s signing to try and convey some kind of emotion along with his facial features of which he emotes a LOT
-his hand writing looks like that of an actual dotors and its neat cursive but very hard to read so if he’s trying to write as a form of communication he just defaults to caps with big spaces inbetween and people (barney) tease him about it constantly (barney)
- hes incredibly short sighted without his glasses and ends up squinting a lot without them on and since he’s usualy default bitch facing he just looks very angry all the time when really he just cant see anything please dont be offended sir he didnt mean to upset you
-is actually very scared all the time abt like everything, hes literally just a scientist who just happened to be “the right man in the wrong place” and was just so determined to try and save those around him during the cascade that he pushed thorough his fears and anxiety to try and get the job done but he def has some form of ptsd after it all, barnicles specifically really freak him out because getting strangled and slowly lifted off of the ground into a row of razor sharp teeth is fucking TERRIFYING and he wouldnt wish it on anyone
-only reason he knows how to use guns is because barney would regularly take him down to the shooting range during their breaks and they’d see who could shoot straightest after a few drinks, barney would always win.
-after hl1 when he was put into stasis and he wakes up in hl2 hes lost like 20 years of his life and hates that fact terribly, all his friends have aged around him but hes still in his 20′s when he shouldnt be and he hates it so fucking much
-he also finds himself missing the feeling of the HEV suit terribly during the begining of his re-awakening in city 17, he’d grown so used to the feeling of it on him and keeping him safe that it makes him anxious without it and the cold air on his hands is also uncomfortable so he prefers wearing gloves all the time, when he finally gets the HEV suit back it feels like a weight has been lifted and he can finally stop worrying, the suits voice is also a comforting sound beccause its familiar and a sign that he’s not alone, same goes with the healing station and suit charging noises; they’re a comforting sound to hear and he enjoys humming along to the vrwwwrrrr vrrwwrrr vrwrrrrwr the machine makes when he plugs into the port
-he worries about overdosing on the healing stations a lot though; the morphone they give out is indefinite and once during the casade he’d passed out from taking to much and woken up to a zombie very slowly approaching him from down a corridoor but with how drowzy he was it was it was a horrible struggle to lift the gun and fire between dozing in and out
-he gets attached to people quickly since also during the cascade days he’d regularly meet people in danger who only had him to keep them safe so he tries his absolute hardest to make sure he can protect people even if that means he gets shot in the process, the suit usually protects him/heals him anyway so he’s used to it and if theres danger he almost default/automatically moves infront of people to make sure they’re okay without any concern for his own safety
-he also reeeally likes antlions and will pet them any chance he gets, he tried to do it when he first saw them and almost lost a hand so it makes him upset he has to kill them but when he finally gets the bug bite from the vorts? ohhhhohohoh he pets so many antlions, it again makes him sad he has to use them as like fodder for turrets and stuff but if an antlion comes back to him after taking down a turret or killing a combine he gives them extra pets and becomes a very proud papa
-since hes technically in his 30′s (and would be nearing his 40′s had he not been in stasis) he feels more of a big brother/fatherly bond toward Alyx since he’d also met her as a baby and finds any romantic involvement with her awkward, (so Elli’s comment on him “wanting grandkids” he ends up slapping the man on the arm with a frown to which Eli just laughs) this doesn’t help his attachment issue though so when they have to seperate to do things away from the other he worries for her safety even though she constantly assures him she can take care of herself and he KNOWS she can. he still really can’t help but worry though...
after hl2 ep2:
-when eli dies i dont like to think they all straight away go to mossman and instead get to spend some time mourning at the base, this gives gordon some time to finally sit down and relax for a little bit but he finds it incredibly hard to even take off the HEV suit at first because to him there was no passage of time between being put into stasis and waking up in city 17 all those years later; he’d closed his eyes, went into the portal and then the next second awakened in a completely unfamiliar place, in unfamiliar clothes with unfamiliar people (he definitely had a panic attack before geting off that very first train) and the thought of that happening again when he’s not prepared is terrifying.
-when he does finally take off the suit (after a lot of helping and reasuring from alyx, kleiner and barney a LOT from barney; theyre very good friends (;) he takes to wearing very comfy and heavy clothes such as jumpers, ponchos etc as well as a bullet proof vest because it makes him feel safe, the HEV suit gloves he retires entirely cuz theyre gross, definitely covered in his own blood and have been through hell so instead he has a bunch of different pairs he cycles through depending on how he feels that people around the base give him after learning about his fondness towards them
-he secretly carries a gun around with him even when they’re not in any danger becaus it’s another added layer of security and becaus he literally can’t trust things to not go bad EVER; now though nothing will go wrong again on his watch because he’ll be ready for it!! this really doesn’t help with his nerves though since he’s constantly looking for something to go wrong
scene specific hc’s:
-i always think abt that one specific sene in the train that gets derailed where alyx is trapped by a stalker and gordon has to pull it away with his gravity gun and i always imagine him franticly pulling it away with so much alarm on his face and such panic, when shes free though and has to stop to catch her breath gordon would give her a hug and make sure she’s okay cuz it must have been terrifying to have that thing screaming inches from ur face, gordon just instantly  goes into protect mode
-another scene that always comes to mind is when you first encounter an advisor and it makes that horrid loud noise where alyx is holding her head; i imagine gordon almost dropping the gravity gun in a panic to try and cover his ears because he doesn’t handle loud noises too well and it freaks him out so much alyx has to help him get out of the room since he kind of locks up on hearing it
-same goes when you get trapped by an advisor in a barn and almost become food for it; gordon is absolutely terrified at getting so up and close without being able to move that when it finally does drop him he starts hyperventilating and alyx has to protect him from the oncoming combine for a little while before he can catch his breath
-last scenes but some of my favorites are the ENTIRE sections of gordon being up close with breen, 
first being the teleporter malfunctioning and when gordons heavy breathing i imagine hes trying super hard not to start freaking out/hyperventilating and when breens doing his “i want that twink obliterated” spiel and then looks up and says his name, gordon almost looses it and internally is like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
second is when youre trapped in that like...metal contraption thing the stalkers are carried in and brought to breens officce and that entire section where breen is talking directly TO YOU i just adore it becausee gordon would have been looking away awkwardly unable to actually respond and furrowing his eyebrows at the nerve breen has upon thinking you would ever agree to any such terms and would definitely also spit in breens face as a response just like alyx did since he can’t use words
okay that is all, if you read all of these you’re amazing and i love u and also gordon hes an amazing “character” because i can insert as many of my own quirks into him as i please because valve literally never gave him a personallity :^)
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jedimasteramell · 5 years
haunted (greyscale heart)
Flystep // Marshal Harbinger AU // Very Not SFW
For @smuteczekbiczo and @technologicalnoiz because Im in way too deep with Jed/Danny. Uhh Idk, it was an excuse for angst and smut, 2.5K words.
The embers hissed at the waters contact. White-grey smoke overtaking the cloying black as the flames sputtered for their last raging grasp at life, turned to thick, ashy sludge, the firefighters finally subduing the charred remains of what used to be an apartment building. So many lives upturned, so many possessions lost and lives of the unfortunates just the same, both now nothing but smoke rising into the Los Diablos sky. Yet as the rest of the team escorted a broken and defeated Pyre away from his wreckage, Marshal Harbinger’s mind was years away, back to the memories of a younger man and softer person, staring at the ashes of another ruined building.
Funny how fires were as renewing as they were destructive.
The incessant click of cameras and drone of voices indicated the arrival of reporters on the scene. The Public Privacy Law may have prevented photos of the victorious heroes and humiliated villain, but they still lapped up the images of destruction, eager to twist the loss of lives to garner whichever opinion they wanted. Jackals and ungratefuls the lot of them.  
“Marshal Harbinger, Marshal!” The voice is from one or all of them, a swell at the LDPD lines trying to break through for the newest scoop. With difficulty he tore his gaze from the slurry of smoke and charred slag to the unruly group of journalists and TV correspondents. Camera flashes blocked the faces of the crowd, not that he cared to recognize them beyond being human. His face fixed itself into less of a scowl to something more appropriate for television. After all these years, they still loved their golden flyer, conveniently forgetting that angels had always been more Harbingers than Heralds. 
He held up two fingers to silence the crowd, and almost like mind control, the clamoring stilled. “The situation has been contained, the culprit in custody.”
Despite his move to turn away, that opened up the floodgates for questions.
“Is it true Pyre is behind the recent arsons?”
 “How do you rate the work of your new team?”
“Are the Ranger’s working on preventing this from happening again?”
Harbinger started. “That’ll be all-”
“A lot of lives were lost today, would you have handled it any better back when you were Herald?” 
The question gives him pause, a jerk to his navel from the ring of his old name. Harbinger scanned the crowd, hard gaze landing on a man with warm brown hair, green eyes, and a cocky smile that was awful and familiar all at once at once; recognition like a punch to the gut. Jed. He mouthed the name he hadn’t dared say aloud on years. It couldn't possibly be an yet-  
He blinked and the ghost disappeared, leaving an eager but confused reporter in its place, recorder outstretched waiting for the answer. The man looked nothing like the longed-for haunt of his imagination. This was why he never looked at a crowd to long, he’d always see him there even after all this time. He could almost see Jed shake his head and narrow his eyes that way he did when his better moods caught Herald off guard, turning and tossing up his hand in goodbye. Funny thing about fires… The smoke must be getting to him. 
“Marshal…? Sir?” They still hung on the silence, waiting for an answer. “Would you have acted any different?”
Stern and stony as the blacked concrete behind him, Harbinger fixed the assembled with a long, impenetrable gaze. “No.” 
The stench of smoke followed him home, clinging to his uniform, his hair, his heart, greasy and dark; a slow and progressing cancer through his veins and the worn pieces of memories, rank and debilitating. 
Even after he stripped himself of his suit, leaving the midnight navy mesh a shedded second skin on the floor, the scent clung to him, trailing him to the shower, cold tile underfoot. When was the last time he floated? The thought crossed his mind, impassive and without true concern. Flying was in his blood, the fight to be free an inescapable part of his nature now, yet for the longest time he’d been grounded. Years now, since the first fire that still smoked from the cracks in the man he’d been. 
Daniel surveyed the person who wore his face the mirror. Harbinger had a harshness to him, lines angled like the charcoal faces in his old sketchbooks. Anger, disappointment, loss... heartbreak, scored and scarred him older than he was. He used to be scared of who he was becoming, but perhaps Harbinger had simply been in him the whole time.
A darker side, another facet, what you turn into to survive…
He has to tear his eyes away before the reflection shows the hard blue slipping into furious green. His heart twinged with an old pain, an understanding too little too late. 
Everything they had long since up in smoke. 
His hands left ashey prints on the pristine sink, he still smelled the fire on him, still ached from the scars, earned and given. Fingertips trailed to the brand of teeth on his thigh, sending a shiver down his spine. Daniel dug his nails against the scars, the pain a relieving rush to the against the deadened experience of his new normal. He felt himself twitch, and he swore under his breath, voice raw and unfamiliar from inhaling the smoke. He didn’t dare face the scowling shame in the mirror. Fuck, he needed a shower. 
Scalding water and scented soap stripped away the grime and the stench of the smoke that clung to his skin and his hair. He pressed his hands to gleaming walls, spray running rivulets down his neck and chest. It wasn't much for his mind to wander. A toothy grin, the way he'd laughed at the crown of suds, fiery eyes pulled back from those distant futures they stared to. A kiss, then another, teeth at his throat, a knee shifted between his thighs, the gasp at the cold tile at his back- 
Daniel's eyes shot open, the kiss of cold real having backed himself up against the shower wall. The flush on his skin had little to do with the hot spray and entirely with his growing hard on.
Allowing himself the gift of a few heavy-handed palms, he focused on the uncomfortable coolness of the tile to keep from slipping back in the memory, and in the shower itself. He dragged at his hardness, biting his lip to stifle the sounds despite not having anyone else in the apartment. An intrusive thought broke through, husky and amused. *Heh, floating really made this a whole lot safer.*
He cursed his memory, even as he jumped in his hand. Now he was just wasting water, giving in to the inevitable. A moan stirred from his lips, wet with steam and flushed from biting them, his hand moved in practices pulls, rough, harder than he needed to be, just to get it done and get on with his night- *Not here.* A little voice interrupted, trickling in from shadowed corners of the ceiling and the dark recesses of his mind. *You know the beds a better bet.*
“Shut it.” Harbinger growled at the ghost, though he stilled his hand regardless at the suggestion, a blunt nail across his slit that made him hiss and bite into his lower lip. He should ignore the suggestion, finish himself before the hot water ran out, not give into the cloying memories that clung to him no matter how hard he scrubbed. 
The bed it was.
While the mattress had changed, the size had not, yet the bed felt bigger sleeping in it alone. Dan laid back, tried to relax against the pillows, shut his eyes and think about anyone, anything, but Jed. His damn hair stuck uncomfortably to the back of his neck a distraction that persisted through the several uneventful minutes of heavy-handed pumps and his body’s refusal to climax. With a frustrated huff, he stared up at the ceiling. 
Empty. He was empty. Hollow, used up, unfulfilled. At least the physical need he could satisfy tonight.  
In the din his fingers fumbled for the bed stand drawer, finding the small bottle and then his toy, one used more oft than the other. He wrapped his mouth around the now-tasteless silicone needing both hands to unscrew the cap on the lube. His tongue traced the familiar nubs on the head of his toy, the semi-soft purple cock lacking all the fun textures and tastes that he'd come to enjoy with a real dick. But it didn't have to be human, it just had to get him off, and he groaned around it all the same as the first of his lube-slicked fingers teased into himself. 
He sighed around the toy, closing his eyes to enjoy the sensation. One finger wasn't nearly enough, and Dan was forced to shift to his side, spreading his legs further for the second to join. He tried and failed not to recall how this felt with a partner, the anticipation, the want for them to tease deep enough to stroke his spot and relieve him of everything but the moment they were sharing. He thought of freckles and scars, of jokes about tying him down to not float away. A third finger flexed him wide in time to his hand once more on his erection. 'Just fill me.' He whined in his mind, though no one could hear, and the embarrassment of his need flushed his cheeks as much as his cock. He removed his fingers with a further keen, loathing the return of the emptiness even as he relished what was to come, spit dripping from his lips around his toy. This'd be easier on his knees. 
It was a slow shift, reaching underneath himself to work the toy. He ground the sheets between his teeth, face framed in fallen hair, another layer to hide the subtle shame. His hand slipped, slick from the lube, forcing the tip against his prostate and just for a moment he could remember the calloused hands in perfect imprint, warm breath and that huff that always hid the laugh tingling the hair on the back of his neck.
*I like you like this Dan.*
It’s only after he groaned that Daniel realized he had mimed the words himself, not stirred them from memory. He flushed with a kind of shame. Was this where he’d fallen to? The man he’d become, empty, waiting, wanting? The toy pressed against his prostate again and chased away that line of thought. He went back to biting his sheets, reacclimating himself to the fullness, moaning unrestrained when he finally felt it slide fully into place. 
*That’s it, that’s good, fuck you're still gorgeous.* The voice in his mind crooned, urging him on. 
He wrapped his free hand back around his erection striking up an unsteady rhythm working the toy in counter to his motions. Daniel had to shift again for better access, to keep himself from sliding. His shoulders strained and hurt from the angle he made them work, groaning into the mattress as he fought for a much needed release. It wasn’t enough, and he had to work himself faster, knowing all too well he’d hurt tomorrow, but he didn’t care, in that moment the hand on his cock wasn't his own, the piece stretching him wasn’t a toy, and he was still young enough to float thanks to the heady excitement that pooled below his stomach, back when all these sensations were new. 
His breathing came in heavier gasps, muffled by the mattress as he spat out the sheets. He tilted his head, looking along his long-since scarred chest to his leaking cock and the hand pumping it. Daniel flicked a nail against his head and he then bucked his hips into his fist, surrendering himself fully to his memories. Hot hands, hotter mouths, the taste of sweat and skin and orgasm, freckles, scars, new positions, new hopes, new love. 
“I’m gunna-” He rasped, proclamation interrupted by a fresh moan. He wouldn’t last, he never did like this, burying his flushed features back in the sheets.
*Don’t hide your face, sunshine. I want to see you.*
“Jed.” He whined, loudly, and that was enough, coming across his hand and onto his sheets in the final release of a body wound far too tense. He bit his lip, holding his breath to savor every final shiver, the warm rush of post orgasm, and had he focused more he might have sworn he imagined a soft laughter slipping away as his body unwound.
As Daniel lay there spent for several long minutes, listening to the settling of his heart and evening of his breath, sweat cooling and his skin clammy, he finally realized he no longer heard the voice from his memories, the whispers of sweet nothing had faded into the silent corners in the shadowed bedroom. He grunted removing the toy, thighs trembling at the sudden emptiness and limp cock responding with a half-hearted twitch. Tired fingers fumbled for the towel to wipe himself down and with an effort he heaved his tired body through the greys of his room in search of fresh laundry.
Maybe tomorrow it’d be easier, back to the hum-drum of playing Marshal for Los Diablos, back to staring at the featureless faces that would leave or vanish or warp until they were as jaded as his was. Maybe tomorrow he’d stop being haunted by a long list of regrets and metaphorical basket full of too-little-to-late’s. 
Harbinger crawled back into his bed, shoving aside the soiled sheet, and staring up into darkness. For a moment he yearned for the rough voice, the ghostly kisses, and could almost remember what it was like to feel his heart floating when those lovely, lost, eyes settled on him and not the what-ifs over his shoulder. 
But like ash in the wind, the memory blew away, sending Daniel into a deep and blessedly dreamless sleep. 
A shade of a man walked through an endless forest. The black trunks around him immovable as soldiers standing at attention, heads turned towards the near-starless sky. He didn’t glance up at the inky twilight, held no lamp for light, footsteps making no sounds against the soft debris of leaves and needles that carpeted the wood.
He didn’t need a map, spoke no words, legs taking him on a familiar trail visible to no one, weaving deeper and deeper into a clearing in the center of the muted, elegiac weald. The grasses rippled with an unheard wind and the empty cage at the far edge had long since given way to nature’s reclaim.It was only here that he finally looked up, the two paired stars overhead the only bit of light casting the world into greyscale instead of pitch. His smoke-made expression was inscrutable, the line that would have served for his mouth unmoving. 
At last something seemed to confirm with him, some unknown message from the stars and the figure shook his head. He turned and paused at the edge of the clearing, for a heartbeat, or maybe an eternity, but with no sign or sound to keep him, he stepped out of the pale glow, and was swallowed up once more by the darkness.
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cherrymoonvol6 · 5 years
some avengers endgame Thoughts cause i saw the movie yesterday and can't stop thinking about it
of course..... spoilers ahead
nebula and tony playing!!!! i just love how nebula's personality comes through without it being ooc
also... nebula carefully sitting tony up. she Cares so much :(
steve immediately going to tony :( like im a stucky kind of gal but holy shit i love them
which was completely erased in the next scene where tony drags steve up and down and after that passes out, which is a confrontation Mood
i wonder how they made tony look so skinny and sick. if it was cgi then i applaud them cause it looked so good
the way they killed thanos so fucking quickly here... i don't know how to feel lmao. like cutting the gauntlet arm and then slicing his neck... that's what we were all screaming at them during infinity war. it's good to see them learn from their mistakes, i guess ?
(can't remember the order in which things happen from now so forgive me if i make a mistake)
i told my sister "that's one of the russos!!!!!" so it took me ten seconds to realize that the russo was the gay character everyone was talking about (i thought it would be fury for no other reason than it being shocking and fury having very little to do with the plot, but)
and steve being supportive of that :( man out of time said gay rights!
carol's new hair!! holy shit!!!!!
rocket insinuating carol has been experimenting with more hairstyles... i would like to see it
don't think i missed that carol x rhodey nod. i support it.
don't wanna say it now... for now ill just state: i love what they're doing with natasha in the movie. she truly feels like a friend to steve. like that small gesture of her sliding the plate towards steve is just so domestic and beautiful! it really makes her feel so human and complex at the end. i was so worried about her being wasted but i loved her throughout the film
it was a fucking rat who got scott out. i have to laugh.
also is that the guy from that old "gayyyyy" meme????
cassie is all grown up!!!!!! i can't even imagine how hard it had been for her
also what happened to her mom? and the stepdad??? are they fine????? i hope so
i was hoping we would get more tony as a dad in this movie and it delivered!! tony is so fucking good with kids. the bond between him and morgan was so well portrayed
also the place they live in is so cozy and that's what he deserves
when steve stepped down the car in that black outfit with the leather jacket on i gasped... he's fucking gorgeous
i kept wanting him and tony to kiss lmao tf is wrong with me
OKAY my hawkeye rights. i missed him so much
the stylish subtitles on the middle of the screen felt like too much. this isn't a tumblr gifset honey, just write them down!
thinking about the whole clintasha conversation really foreshadows the whole thing. natasha cares so deeply about clint and really puts his needs before hers. it's so beautiful to see
honestly... my clintasha rights!
i think the hulk/bruce scene was kinda endearing but then the ant man banter dragged on for toooo long
the dab i YELLED. these poor kids have to stand this man on 2023 pulling out 2016 trends to appear Hip and Cool
fat thor...... i hate how it was handled. hate it so fucking much.
new asgard! that's so cute. i hope that's on norway
miek and korg are alive!!!!
the thought of thor insulting a possibly 14 year old on fortnight is too much for me. it sounds like bad fanon talk. i still laughed (bc noobmaster69??? that's fucking hilarious)
tonys reaction to i love you 3000 is so beautiful. like the way he looks taken aback and so happy. i love irondad
steve in a white shirt and jeans!!!! i gasped again. he's delivering, the fucking model
i know they were like, barely being decent to each other again, but i still wanted my stony hug:(
when they're discussing their infinity stones memories and natasha and tony are laying down together on a table???? adorable. amazing.
also why tf didn't nebula said the soul stone required a sacrifice??? i thought that's what she got from gamora dying in volmir
as soon as natasha and clint arrived to volmir i began chanting "nonononononononono"
fuckkdjdksndk fucking nebula. cue to more nononono chanting
rhodey knocking out quill with a single hit is the funniest scene in the movie
clintasha calling on bullshit on the sacrifice thing was also quite funny
the forehead touch :((( im so weak! so sad!
clintasha literally fighting each other to be each other's sacrifice!!!! kill me now!!!!
jeez now i can finally say it: scarjo shined so fucking much on this movie!!!! her delivery was amazing, i really felt a connection between her and the avengers, it really showed her growth during the five year time jump. she fucking killed it. she did her best and she's the best black widow we could've ever gotten.
clint mourning her :((((( probably the third time i cried during the movie
thor's panic attack being used for cheap laughs was the most uncomfortable moment for me... or any scene where people only saw thor as Fat and Lazy (basically, two thirds of the movie)
the freya + thor reunion was so sweet though!
okay. okay. hear me out. tony was on a very serious mission to regain an infinity stone. and the first thing he does is check out steve's ass. and aknowledge how glorious it is. i couldn't believe what i was watching!!!!!! like that actually fucking happened. consider me a fully formed stony bitch.
and scott joining in to say it was "america's ass" ???? poetic cinema
so it's canon that everyone checks out steve's ass and appreciates it as a national treasure. that's all i never thought id needed.
steve saying "hail hydra" i YELLED. it was a nice nod to the whole "cap is a nazi" mess
and steve fighting himself... hot
using his bucky trauma to shock himself is :/// but also :((((
i loved that for one moment i knew everyone on the theatre was staring at steve's ass
and steve being appreciative of his own butt!!!! ok that's all i have to say about steve's ass
i loved the reminder that thor was still kinda goofy back in avengers 1, for everyone who says taika completely changed his character. and the little tony + thor moment was adorable
"howard..... potts" i can understand tony being a mess but how did howard not suspect of anything??? elevator lady took one look of steve's face and all of her alarms started ringing
peggy carter... ive missed my wife so much
did peggy marry souza. i hope she did. steve tf are you doing staring at a married woman (jk)
clint kicking the stones away as soon as bruce is done with the snap is the biggest mood
also... the hell was scott looking at that made him think it had worked? just... more birds outside? i was really curious
the irony of the only avenger without superpowers being left with the stones
"i know you" *hands out stones* how can you not love clint, he's so pure
nebula killing his 2014 self is a power move. that would be me if i met my 2014 self
thor with a braided beard!!!!! beautiful
thanos is like, a real threat and i love that
okay. i kinda saw it coming. i saw thor leave mjolnir behind and i thought "oh????". and then the shock of thanos being able to wield stormbreaker. and then fucking mjolnir moving!!!!! i was the only person in the theatre who yelled
but seriously!!!! steve wielding AND fighting with mjolnir!!!!! couldn't stop thinking about it all day!!!!!!!!! STEVE IS WORTHY!!!!!!!
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parallels to thor going for the chest. it never works babies!
and just.... this was steve's moment. steve i-can-do-this-all-day rogers really fighting with every ounce of his body and soul against the most powerful being on earth. justice for him getting knocked after touching thanos for one second in iw!
and steve getting up again! all dirty and wounded!! trembling with exhaustuation and resolution!!! with his broken shield on his arm!!!! just him facing the biggest army of the universe!!!!! so powerful
sorry to destroy this epic moment, but like, okay. people had been reintegrated to life like, twenty minutes before. and i understand that they were all confused and out of place. but sam really needed ALL that time to just... try to communicate with steve????? ok
the "avengers..." *brings mjolnir with one hand while bracing his shield with the other* "assemble" moment was... oh my God. chills all over my body.
that One Moment where steve has stormbreaker on his hand... so fucking hot
the tony and peter reunion holy shit. the hug was everything i needed! like please just hug tony stark for ages
and tony and pepper fighting together!!! that's a power couple right there
i felt it when quill looked at gamora and just... stopped. im so sad his moment was played for laughs when it was obviously such an important moment for his character
thanos was so fucking scared of wanda that he put his own troops at risk to stop her for a little while. strongest avenger right there!
and carol coming back!!!! i was like
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i felt so relieved at that point. i was like "yeah thanos is fucking over what's next"
no need to talk about all the women coming together to defend peter :')
thanos getting the gauntlet again... the nonono chanting came back
fucking CAROL trying to stop him. looking at him with such a determined face, like "you can't stop me from stopping you". it was so powerful he had to snatch one stone to stop her
and strange giving him the one finger to tony.... i knew what was coming holy shit. i knew it. they knew it.
tony really proved himself there. it was his best scene on the entire mcu, don't argue with me!!!!!! the way he stood there and took all the power of the stones, unmasked, unaffected, powerful and almighty
"i am... iron man" cue to ugly sobbing
tony knew there was no other way. pepper did, too... she knew exactly what she had to tell him. she was right. tony spent all of these years moved by selfishness first, then fear, then guilt. an endless battle since thanos was on his head. but the war was over. what mattered was that he saved everyone, and he sacrificed himself for everyone. a complete 180° from last movie's ending.... wow
gotta said... peter there felt a little bit out of place for me. i think it would've been more powerful if he didn't say anything, though peter is a teenager, i can get it
his arc with steve felt unfinished, too. i would've liked to see steve's reaction as well, since tony had told him he wanted everyone back and also for his family so survive. but whatever
im not against tony killing thanos instead of gamora and nebula but i would've liked if we saw them react to his death, at least:/ like a little parallel between nebula's reaction at the beginning and the end of endgame
the One stucky interaction here was pulled from cap1 and iw. i feel betrayed
bucky Knew what steve was going to do. i wonder if steve told him before or bucky just sensed it
you can't convince me steve would go back and carelessly dance with peggy knowing his friend is being used like a weapon by hydra and bound to kill tonys parents. nah nah. it all felt wrong
my steggy rights!!!
love that the russos foreshadowed cap!bucky on tws just to give the shield to sam at the end
anyways what the fuck bucky was all steve had but he lived the happiest life without it and left him alone on the 21st century? okay fuck y'all
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goddessofchaoss · 5 years
So finally about a month after seeing Endgame, I can vent without the fear of spoiling it for someone :))
- Firstly, WOW. The most well developed, grounded, fullfilling, in depth movie I have ever seen, and saying that genuinely. Endgame did not need fancy CGI (CGI was still incredible) to be amazing, it was based around incredible story telling and writing, and it was not rushed or pushed onto us, it was a perfect pace.
- There was not a single boring moment, I applaud you, Russo Brothers
- Cap using Hail Hydra, fucking genius
-Cap getting sick of his own line ‘I can do this all day’ Bloody fantastic.
- “That is America’s ass” BEST LINE.
- Cap had so much character development, we got to see him as a human person with raw emotions and banter, and not just a super soldier
- all of them A+ development, we got to see them lounging around, grieving, arguing, eating, joking around like normal people. It made the movie feel so real, as if this were our own reality, because it was so grounded and genuine.
- Nebula and Tony’s relationship was so pure, she let him have the last of the food, knowing she could survive longer even if she was starving
- Tony’s trauma after they get back on earth, so heartbreaking, but that felt like raw emotion well done RDJ
- Its explicitly stated by SheHulk in the Comics that the black widow never weeps. She doesnt bend, she doesnt kneel. So seeing natasha try to hold back her tears after talking about Hawkeye in Tokyo, was so heart wrenching.
- Natasha’s hair was fucking gorgeous though
- IM MAD natasha died, I cried watching that scene, her whole life was about making things right for her past. She sacrificed herself for a cause, and while that is amazing, she deserved so much better. She deserved to feel at peace with herself and be happy, but unfortunately :/ Her death was heartbreaking
- Hawkeye and Widow fighting to sacrifice themselves and save the other was heartbreaking. That is true love. Not thanos, killing gamora, that is not love. Love is putting others before yourself and that is exactly what we witnessed. So beautiful.
- scott lang, every second of screen time of him was phenomenal
- scott not getting a picture with those kids lmao
- scott MISSING OUT ON SEEING CASSIE GROW UP that would feel fucking awful can you even imagine
- every single ingredient of scotts taco flying into oblivion
-nebula calling scott an idiot
- nebula shedding some tears after thor kills thanos poor baby she must have been feeling an overwhelming sense of grief and relief
- nebula being captured by thanos again the fear she must have felt she deserves so much better
- nebula seeing gamora again :(( their sisterly bond was missed glad to see it again
- thor’s guilt of not going for the head “what did you do?” “. I went for the head” poor bub
- thors ptsd
- Valkyrie becoming new queen of asguardians
- captain marvel CAN FUCK ME UP ANYDAY
- the marvel women coming toegther to protect peter parker YES YES YES
- wanda maximoff is officially one of the most powerful avengers dont fight me on this THE GIRL STRIPPED THANOS OF HIS ARMOR
- pepper potts in the iron suit yes mama
- pepper telling tony everythings gonna be alright while holding back grieving
- tony sacrificing himself, we all knew it was coming, but after seeing that i was left with a hole in my heart. Tony has been one of my faves for the past 10 years and now hes gone. He was an amazing person, guilt ridden and gone through trauma and neglect and he still so goddamn strong. He always tried to make things right and was so scared of losing pepper and morgan. This one deserved the world.
- tony seeing his dad again and couldnt resist talking to him :(((
- bruce banner good fucking on you is all i can say
- most character development of him of all the movies
- rocket deserves a say in this too what a great guy
- Cap staying in the past and having a good life well deserved.
- everyone coming together and fighting was the most fulfilling amazing feeling ever
Overall Endgame marks the end to a 10 Year story and wow writing this has made me feel sad and im going to miss it so much this was my childhood my thing that made me so happy and fulfilled, living my dreams and adventure through these adventures. This has been something with me through my childhood, puberty, teenage years, and now to a young adult. Thank you so much to the Marvel Cast. Thank you writers. Im literally tearing up rn
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skarletterambles · 5 years
Mummy re-(re-re-re-)watch blog
Because sometimes self-care is rewatching your favorite movie for the first time in many years, I’m currently enjoying The Mummy (1999) on a nice big flat screen TV and eating pizza.  Life is good.
Random thoughts typed while watching (so expect typos) below...
[Disclaimers:  Obviously, this post contains massive spoilers for a 20-year-old movie, if anyone actually needs to be told that.  There are spoilers for The Mummy Returns, as well.  Also, I’m an unapologetic Imhotep fangirl so don’t expect me to talk about him like he’s some kind of villain.  That’s just silly!  Ahem.  I have the hots for Rick and Ardeth, too, though, so the drool will be spread out a bit.]
Imhotep’s priests really got the raw end of the deal.  They were just there to watch the door and make sure nobody interrupted their boss’ booty call, and they ended up witnessing regicide and then getting mummified alive.  Dang.
I bet the noise of the battle with all those horses and guns above him irritated Imhotep.  No wonder he sent sand jets up to scare away Rick and the others.  Damn kids, get off my lawn--er, necropolis!
Honestly, the havoc Evy wreaked on her library only made it look slightly worse than my workplace this summer.  :p  At least she didn’t have to worry about DVD shelving...  [Only I get this reference, but trust me, to me it’s hilarious, in a “if I don’t laugh I’ll cry” kind of way.]
Rick is damn good-looking when he’s all bedraggled and beat up, and even better looking when he cleans up.  The look on Evy’s face when she sees him after a haircut and a change of clothes, well... Same, girl.  Same.
Beni is one of my favorite comic relief characters of all time.
The Med-Jai wouldn’t have threatened Evy on the boat if they knew she was the reincarnation of their long-dead boss’ daughter.  I’m picturing Seti in the afterlife facepalming...
I had forgotten how hostile and scary the Med-Jai were at first.
It’s amazing how much of the dialogue comes back to me, though.  Even throwaway background lines like Jonathan complaining about the price of the camels.
Evy’s sheer joy over everything camel-related is so freaking adorable.
That first chitter of scarab beetles...my least favorite part of the movie.  Heh.
I can just imagine Imhotep in his sarcophagus, feeling the first hint of movement around him in over 3,000 years, and then freaking out as his sarcophagus falls through the ceiling and goes THUMP on the ground.  And then there’s screaming and everyone leaves.  He’d be like, WTF?
“He must have been someone of great importance...or someone who did something very naughty.”  Both correct, Evy...
It’s so not fair that Ardeth can be that drop-dead sexy-looking and have such a sexy voice.
And here’s that “I...AM A LIBRARIAN!” line that everyone in my line of work loves so much.  Heehee...
Mummy:  *bursts out of sarcophagus* Evy:  “Gah, I hate it when these things do that!” LMAO
Of course Imhotep scratched “Death is only the beginning” into the inside of his sarcophagus lid like a bored emo kid in study hall.
“If you dry that fella out you might be able to sell ‘im for firewood!”  As I’m sure the writers knew, they actually did burn mummies to fuel trains back in less enlightened times.  And grind them up for medicine and paint and all kinds of stupid, disrespectful things.
I love how they refer to Imhotep as “our friend” and “our guy” when they’re discussing how horrible his curse was.  That sympathy fades quickly enough once they meet him, though.
“Probably got a little too frisky with the Pharaoh’s daughter.”  No, Rick, that’s you.  Bwahahahaha!
“No harm ever came from reading a book.”  Evy, you’re a librarian.  You should know better.
Poor Imhotep must have been so stiff after not moving for a few thousand years. I bet he had to do some stretches before he went looking for people to drain life force from.
Forecast for today:  mostly sunny with a 90% chance of locust plague.
Gotta love Imhotep’s one-track mind.  Woke up for the first time in 3k years, just regained sight and speech, and the first freaking thing he does is assume the first woman he sees is Anck-su-Namun.  Because of course he does.
I wonder if Ardeth got any backlash from the rest of the Med-Jai for giving the interlopers a chance to leave Hamunaptra.  If he had just slaughtered them all the previous night, none of this mess would have happened.
“He will never eat.  He will never sleep.  He will never stop.”  Awwwwwyeah.
Because he looks so rotted, Imhotep looks threatening as he slowly advances on Beni, but if he was fully regenerated I bet his expression would have been confused and even slightly amused at Beni’s religious roulette, something along the lines of “WTF is this idiot doing?”
Imhotep, did you really need to wear a mask to meet a blind guy?  (I know, I know, he needed the disguise to get through the hotel, but it’s still funny.)
He was even polite enough to thank Evy for saving him from undeath.  What a nice mummy!
Med-Jai discussing Imhotep and Anck-su-Nam:  “Even after 3,000 years, he’s still in love with her.” Evy:  “Well, that’s all very romantic, but...” Me:  “Yes.  Yes it is.  Shut up.”
“You came back from the desert with a new friend, didn’t you, Beni?”  One of my all-time favorite lines, and one I randomly quoted to my late goldfish, Benny, many times over the years.  LOL
Couldn’t Beni have found some better clothes for Imhotep to wear?  Those ragged robes make him look like a beggar.  Although considering he was running around in nothing but a few wisps of rotten bandages before, they couldn’t afford to be choosy.
The casual way Imhotep chews that scarab beetle that crawled into his mouth is such a power move.  LMAO
The longing in his voice as he whispers Anck-su-Namun’s name almost makes up for the fact that he kissed Evy right afterward.  I know you’re impatient to get your girlfriend back, man, but control yourself.  :p
Another classic bit: Evy, trying to translate hieroglyphics:  “Patience is a virtue!” Rick, looking at incoming torch-bearing mob:  “Not right now it isn’t!”
The crowds chanting “Im-ho-tep” are so iconic, and the way they part to let him pass gives me shivers.
“It’s the creature!”  Thanks for the reminder, as he’s now fully regenerated and looking damn fine.
OMG that little smirk Imhotep gives to Rick as he turns to walk away with Evy...  Imhotep isn’t stupid.  He can see Rick’s in love with her.
Ardeth wearing that flight cap and goggles, grinning as he rides on the plane’s wing, is the funniest damn thing in the movie.  It’s such a departure from his usual demeanor, which is what makes it work so well from a comedic perspective.
Why did Imhotep stop the sand vortex so far from Hamunaptra?  He could have deposited himself, Beni, and Evy on the doorstep, but instead he stopped on the other end of the valley.  I mean, sure, it gives plenty of room for the famous sand wall attack scene, but it was still weird.
Evy:  “Stop it!  You’ll kill them!” Beni:  “That’s the idea.” Well...YEAH!
Beni to Imhotep:  “I loved the, uh, sand wall trick, it was beautiful.  Bastard.”  That’s funny enough, and then you remember that Imhotep doesn’t understand English, and it’s even funnier.  Stop trying to brown-nose a man who doesn’t speak your language, Beni!
The whole Winston subplot always seemed so pointless.  Just deus ex machina to get the airplane in there.  Honestly, that’s my only complaint about the movie.
Yeah, Imhotep, you had better bow back when your newly-risen priests bow to you.  You owe them big time after the shitstorm you dragged them into.
OMG Ardeth is even more gorgeous in the glow of gold artifacts.  Heehee...
And then some of Imhotep’s priests barely rise from the ground before being mowed down by machine gun fire.  Damn, they get the short end of the stick every time, don’t they?
One second I’m like, “Oh hai Anck.  You need to moisturize better, lawl,” and then the next Imhotep strokes her face with such tenderness and whispers her name and I’m like, “Awwwww!”  That’s what’s so much fun about these movies.  There’s the silly, campy fun intertwined with actually poignant, emotional moments, in perfect balance.
I just noticed that Anck-Su-Namun’s reaction to being resurrected both in the prologue and later as a mummy was the same gasp and fluttering of her hands over her collarbone.  Neat detail.
There’s this little glimmer of “Whoa, cool, I did that!” sometimes when Imhotep uses his powers.  It’s adorable.  (Yes, I just called an undead plague-bringer summoning mummified soldiers to kill his enemies “adorable.”  I warned you in the disclaimer.)
I love how Anck-su-Namun’s first response when waking up was to try to beat the crap out of Evelyn/Nefertiri.  Old habits die hard, y’know.  She was probably disappointed that her opponent didn’t remember the old ways of combat...yet.
I hate that poor Imhotep had to watch the love of his life be killed in silhouette twice.
And again he promises, “Death is only the beginning.”
Then it’s time for one last moment of Ardeth being hot beyond all reason, some Rick and Evy kisses, Jonathan getting a face full of camel breath, and a happy ending for at least those four characters.  ;)
The end...for now!
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Photographs (Jimin x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: So... Jimin's birthday is coming up so I'm gonna try do more Jimin's fic. Hahaha. and im sorry if the angst is rally not quite up there :(
"I cant believe I'm late again!" Jimin grumbled. "And they didnt even bother to wake me up! What a bunch of useless hyungs!" Jimin ran to the venue the moment the tinted window van dropped him off. For the millionth time, Park Jimin is late to his own concert again. And he is extremely late this time. The front entrance is already crowded with fans and Jimin pulled his mask and hoodie tighter to cover his face. He will be dead if the fans found out he is here, right behind them, at his own concert. Even if he survived them, Namjoon and management will surely kill him after.
As he safely managed to reached the backdoor a girl wearing all black, black cap, black hoodie, black jeans, black everything and shielding her face knocks into him. Before he can say anything she grabbed his hand in panic and pushed him inside the door, making Jimin stumbled in. She then closed the door with a bang in a hurry and leans her back on the door, blocking it from anyone else who might want to try to open it. Jimin was shocked. What is going on? Is she a crazy fan? Is he being kidnapped right now? Should he scream for help?
"Sorry I had to do that. The security is just right there at the corner. He might have seen us. Are you sneaking in too?" She looks at him curiously.
Sneaking in?
Jimin finally take a good look at the girl who finally pushed down her hoodie and mask, revealing her face. Shes wearing black everything. Is she actually really sneaking in into his concert? And she thinks he is sneaking in too? Does this happen a lot at all his concert before? Is this like a thing right now?
Still, despite all his confusion, Jimin cant help but to notice that shes very beautiful, making him stare at her in awe for a moment.
"Are you telling me that you are sneaking in?" He finally find his vpice and asks her.
"Uh yeah. Arent you?" She eyed him skeptically. "If you arent, then what are you doing back there?"
"I-uh yeah. I sneaked in," Jimin quickly agreed. Its better than saying who he actually is and why he is dpinf back here right now.
The girl smiles in relieved. "I knew there must be someone else who will be doing this," she laughs. "Their ticket prices is ridiculous. Who has that kind of money just to watch them sing anyway? Do you like them?" She looks at him curious.
"Y-Yeah. I do. I guess?" How is he supposed to answer that? "But from the sound of it, it seems like you dont? Why are you even here?"
"To be honest. I dont know them. But I heard they are big though,"
Oh, she doesnt know who we are. No wonder she didnt recognized me.
Jimin slowly opens up his disguise and the girl didnt even bat an eye at him, which intrigues him to no end. She might not know who he is, bit his looks will usually make any girl look twice, but apparently no this girl. "I'm Jimin. Park Jimin," he looks at her face for a reaction as he said his name, but nothing. "Whats your name?"
"I'm Y/N," she takes his hand and Jimin felt electricity in their touch. His phone is buzzing, most probably from his band mates,asking him where he is, but he doesnt want this moment to end right now. He wants to know this Y/N more. There is just something about her that attracts Jimin very strongly.
"If you dont mind me asking, if you dont know them at all, then why are you even here? And even sneaking in just to see them?"
"I need to see who they are for work purposes," that is all the explanation she gave Jimin and even though he is curious, he didnt get to ask more when one of his manager appeared.
"Park Jimin! You are late!" He yells from the corner of the hallway.
"I'm sorry hyung, I'm coming now!" Jimin takes a glance at Y/N who is panicking and trying to hide.
"And whos that?" He eyed Y/N who is still panicking, now standing still like a statue besides him.
"Uh m-my friend. I let her in with me," Jimin came out with an excuse fast and the manager nodded, walking away, motioning for Jimin to follow him. Jimin looks back at Y/N who was confused with the whole exchange. "I-I have to go. I'm sorry but I hope I will see you again," he looks at her hopeful. "Can I? Please?"
Y/N looks at him with suspicion in her eyes. "Wait! Dont go yet! Who are you? W-why does that man knows you? And why arent you in trouble for sneaking in?"
"I dont have time to explain. Here," he plucked her phone from her hands and quickly keyed in his number, making sure to call his phone for her number. "Stick around to watch the concert and you will know the answer to your question," Jimin winks and rans off, leaving Y/N dumbfounded.
Y/N gathered herself and managed to sneaked into the concert hall, and once the band is introduced, she finally knows what that strange Park Jimin meant. Oh, she found out alright. She found out exactly who he is.
Park Jimin of BTS.
A member of the band shes supposed to work with starting tomorrow.
Oh how shes screwed.
Struggling for years trying to find a job as a photographer, Y/N is finally offered a job from her friend. A boy band is launching a new campaign and they need a new photographer. Overjoyed with the chance of finally earning some money and being able to eat something else other than just instant noodles for months, she said yes immediately, only realizing too late that she dont even know who the band is. So when it was mentioned that the band is holding a concert somewhere close, Y/N decided to sneaked in and take a glimpse, there is no way she can afford to buy their ticket anyway. How would she know that the band member himself would be sneaking around at the backdoor just a few minutes before the show?
Watching the concert, Y/N finally realizes why the band is so well known and why their too expensive tickets are often sold out. She watches in awe as they inyeract with their fans, laughing, singing and dancing. Their talent is amazing and its very fascinating to her.
She also knows that she can definitely say goodbye to her job if that Park Jimin ever opens his mouth.
And as she saw he flashed his sweet, innocent smile on stage, she really hopes he doesnt.
"I heard we have a new photographer for this comeback. She will cover everything, from our campaign, concept shoots, concerts, behind the scene of music vudeos, fan meets, everything!" Jin suddenly said as they entered the company building. "And I heard its a young girl,"
"Really?" Taehyung 's ears perked up. "I hope its not one of those crazy fans again. Its hard to work with someone who fan girls over us more than she does working. I mean I appreciate the attention but work is work you know. The last one scares Kookie to death with her obsession," Taehyung laughs, remembering the incident.
"Yah! I was not scared!" Jungkook pouts.
"Oh come on. You make a fuss every single time and locked yourself in the room, not wanting to go to any photoshoots or even practice if shes around. You call that not being scared?" Taehyung laughs out loud at the memory.
"Shut up hyung!"
It has been an unspoken rule for quite some time in their company, to not hire young unmarried females as staff for their band. This rule is made after multiple incident where the staff turns out to be a crazy fan who applied for the job in order to be close to the boys. Their popularity is increasing and the level their fans are willing to go to get closer to them are sometimes beyond their imagination. So when Jin said their photographer is a young girl, all of them are intrigued. Who is this girl who passes the interview with their management?
"Ow! What the hell?! Dont you have eyes!" A voice screeched as she falls on the floor, hard.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didnt look where I was going," Jimin who was absorbed with the conversation bumped into one of the staff. Atleast he hope it is a staff. He hold out a hand to help her up and the girl took it.
Y/N was shocked and wide eyed. She knows the boys must be lurkimg somewhere in the building. Its their work place after all, but she didnt expect to meet the boys this soon. She thought she would have more time to think of what to say to this Park Jimin. She also definitely did not think she would meet them in this situation either, sprawled on the floor.
"Why didnt you answer any of my calls and text?" Was the first question that comes out from Jimin's mouth, making the rest of the boys look at each other. Jimin is texting with a girl? How come they dont know about it? "A-and what are you doing here?"
"I-uh-" Y/N didnt get to answer when one of the staff members came up  behind her and answer instead.
"Oh boys. You have met each other then. This is Y/N, your new photographer for this comeback,"
Upon hearing that, Jimin cant help but to give her a huge smile. All those weeks he has been ignored, not a single reply to his texts and calls and now, she has no where to run. Jimin smirked at her restless expression. She can ignore him all she wants, but Jimin has made it his life mission, that no matter what, Jimin will make sure he will get to know her better.
"Hey, wait up!" Jimin jogged slowly towards her once he saw her rushed out from the meeting room once it was adjourned. "Where are you going in sucb a rush? We dont have a shoot today,"
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"My life doesnt only revolves around you and your team members Park Jimin," she scoffed and keeps walking.
"You know, as much as its nice to hear you say my full name, I think I will like it better if you call me Chim or maybe Chimchim. Preferably oppa if you want," he pushed his hair back and winks at her. There was never a girl who was able to resist his charms when he does that, but Y/N just look at him with a weirded and bored expression.
"First of all no thank you. Jimin is fine. And second of all, whats wrong with you? Is something wrong with you eye? Do you have a sty or something?" She looks at him weirdly. Jimin felt embarassed and taken aback. That was a respond he never expect he will get from a girl before.
"Uh n-no. I'm perfectly fine," he straightened himself, all self confidence went out the window. "But really, where are you going?"
Y/N sighed. "Not that its any of your business, but if you really must know, I'm going to go and have something to eat,"
"Really? Can I come with you? I have nothing to do right now anyway," Jimin's eyes sparkles in excitement. "I- uh I mean, we are somewhat friends right? Sneaking in friends?" He smirks, knowing theres no way she will say no if he blackmails her like this.
"Uh fine! But I dont think its somewhere you idols would go," she stalked off and Jimin ran after her, nit caring where she is headed. All he kmows is he needs to come with her.
Out of all the places, Y/N took Jimin to a convenience store. Where she took two cups of instant noodles and sat at the seats provided. Jimin took a seat beside her and stare at her.
"Is that all you are eating? For dinner?" He eyed the cup noodles and can coffee in front of her.
"Breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper maybe?" She giggles and stir her now already cooked noodle.
"What?!" Jimin was surprised. "You havent eaten all day?"
"Well Mr Idol, not everyone can afford a fancy meal for every time shes hungry. I'm thankful enough for being able to buy two packets right now," she turns to look at Jimin, her face turns serious. "And because of that, I want to thank you for not telling on me. About the sneaking in thing I mean. I could have lose my job if you did. And as you can clearly see here, I reaaally need that job. So thanks," Y/N smile and turn back to her noodle, slurping and inhaling it like she is just sitting with an old friend. As if Jimin is not an attractive man that is sought after by million of girls all over the world. Like Jimin is not someone well known. Like Jimin is not an idol.
And somehow, Jimin likes that feeling. That feeling of being treated like a normal human being.
He likes it so much. He loves it.
They finally figured out why Y/N gets the job. Unlike any other girls her age, Y/N never showed any sign of interest in any of them. She did her job professionally, and to be honest, for someone with not much experience, she is extremely good at what she is doing. She finished all their shoots on time, sometimes even with extra time to spare, she means business, she doesnt flirt around and she knows what she wants from them and how to get it. The boys like her. She has become their favorite staff to work with, and Jimin... well, Jimin is getting attracted to her more than ever.
His insane attraction to her makes him crazy because she never gives him any extra attention outside of their shoot. The kind of attention that he craves. Replying to his calls and texts? That definitely didnt happen either. She gives him a polite smile, a hello and goodbye here and there like a colleague should, and that was it. Jimin wants more. He needs more. He wants her laughter. He wants to hear her talking and joking about stupid things. He wants her telling him about what she ate yesterday, about ehats happening is her life. Just like he always saw her do with the other staff. If she can do that with them, why cant she do it with him?
How is he different from the other staff? He is a colleague too, isnt he not?
Jimin starts to double up his effort in trying to get her attention after feeling frustrated by her lack of attention towards him. If the only time Y/N will even look at him is during his shoots that he will make sure she will really looks at him. Jimin made sure he looks the best. He made sure he gets the best outfits and costumes during the shoots. The one that makes all his features stands out. He made sure his make up is impeccable and every strand of his hair is in place. He made sure to give a more flirtatious pose, winking, smiling, trying his best to show her his charms. There are even a tine or two where he "accidentally" flipped his shirt on purpose but Y/N didnt bat an eye. Instead the photos came out great and the fans are the one who goes crazy instead. Jimin has given his all, subtle and obvious hints about his feelings, but all he ever received from her are "good work" and "more please", the same comment given to the other members.
Desperate to find a way to get Y/N to notice him, he shamelessly invites himself to walk her home every day, eat lunch with her during her break and sometimes even invites himself to her weekend activity.  He would follow her to do her grocery shopping, the bookstore, the park, the movies, everywhere, where he learn all the little traits about her. Little traits that makes her seems more interesting than ever to him. Although she resists and tried to stay away from him at first, as time passes by, Y/N gets used to his presence and Jimin managed to somehow be friends with Y/N and every little thing she do fascinates him even more.
Y/N is just... simple. But perfect in every way Jimin could have possibly think of. She is his dream girl, something he never even thought before. But if people were to ask him what would his dream girl be like, its Y/N.
He is sure of it.
Shes beautiful. Thats a fact. Everybody with a working eye can agree to that. But what attracts Jimin more than her beauty is who she is. He loves seeing how passionate she is when shes working. How she bite her lips when shes trying to get the best shot, how serious she looks when shes giving art directions to the crew and coming up with a plan for a perfect photoshoot. Jimin loves the way shes friendly and nice to everyone, never looking down or worshipping someone solely because of their status. She is humble, modest and pure and Jimin loves that the most about her. By spending time with her,eventhough he self invites himself most of the time, Y/N taught ans remind him again about many things that he has forgotten ever since fame took over his life. He forgot how delicious the street food at the corner stall taste like, since all they do is order takeout and eat at restaurants, he forgot what it feels like to go watch a late night movie with hundreds other people crammed in the same cinema, he forgot the thrill of being at the common section and jumping along with the crowds at a concert instead of being in a secluded private VIP booth, swirling their drink. He forgot how free it is to just talk to someone about anything that comes to mind, without being afraid that he will be jjdged or it wont fit his celebrity status  He forgot a lot of things, the simple things, but Y/N reminds him about all that all over again.
Jimin is losing his mind. The more he gets to know her, the more he feels, no he knows he is falling in love with her. He has never met a girl like her and it still make him wonder everyday how could such a simple girl like her makes him fall head over heels like a fool. He cant stop himself from smiling whenever he looks at her and his mood will be better immediately whenever Y/N is around and plummeted the moment shes gone. He wants her all to himself, to be his, to not touch some other guy's arm when shes laughing or go out for lunch with the male crew members. Jimin wants her attention to be only on him, for him. He wants her to want him.
And hes going to make sure she will.
"Date me," Jimin looks at her from across the table as she slurped her noodles, again, like he is nobody special, not feeling shy or pretending to be a girly girl like most girls do when they are with him.
"Huh, what?" Y/N looks at him funny, wiping her the stain around her mouth fomrom the soup. Jimin leans over and used his thumb to wipe a spot she missed, casually stroking her lips, her beautiful plump lips along the way, smiling. Urgh, how he would give everything to feel those lips on his right now.
"Date me. Be my girlfriend. Please?" He smiles at her, cocking his head to the side, hoping his cuteness could finally charm her.
"Are you serious right now Jimin?" Y/N eyed him, letting out a nervous laugh.
"Dead serious. Do I look like I'm laughing right now Y/N?" He cocked his head at look straight into her eyes.
"Where is this even coming from? Why so sudden? Do you need my help to make someone jealous or something?" She looks at him. The seriousness in her eyes makes him irritated. How can she thinks he is using her to make someone jealous? He is not that petty!
"Sudden?! Are you telling me you dont know how I feel about you all this time? I thought I had made myself pretty clear," Jimin huffed, not backing down from her stare, making Y/N look away. "I'm serious right now Y/N. Date me. Be my girl, and I will be your man. Only yours, I promise,"
"You can say you are serious all you want. I'm still ignoring that," she averted her eyes from him and continue to eat.
"Why? Date me. At least try! Give me a chance! I promise I will make you fall in love with me too," Jimin is almost begging. How can she be rejecting him so nonchalantly? Like all of this is a joke?
"In love with you?! Too?! Wait. Are you saying you are in love with me?" Y/N looked up from her noodle and look at his face, shocked and surprised.
"Yes. Isnt that obvious?" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Everyone with eyes can see how in love I am with you L/N Y/N!"
"No. Thats not obvious at all! Stop joking around Jimin!" Y/N is freaking out. What is Park Jimin doing right now?
"I'm not joking! Why wont you believe me? Date me Y/N. Be my girlfriend and I promise I will love you and cherish you and make you happy forever," Jimin reached out to across the table and take her hand, carressing it softly. He has been wanting to touch her for so long, and now that he does, her skin feels just as soft as he had imagined.
"No! And stop being weird!" Y/N pulled back her hands and stood up, ready to walk out. Jimin pull her back.
"I'm serious and I'm not joking. And I will make sure you will fall in love with me too Y/N," he winks before releasing her hand, and Y/N ran out from the break room, far away from Jimin as she could go.
"You were referred to us by someone we highly respected, so it is safe to assumed that you are a professional and is able to deliver the job?"
"Y-Yes sir," Y/N nodded as all eyes in the room looks at her, judging her from head to toe.
"But you are quite young..."
"No! I might be young Sir, but I can promise you that I will do a great job in making this campaign a reality. You have seen my portfolio before and I am very professional," Y/N tries to convinced the people in the room. Its true, shes young. Only 21 years old and without a proper qualification too. But thats only because she cant afford to continue her studies but she swear she has the talent and she really really need this job.
"Thats not the issue. Its more because young girls who work here usually will, what do you say, fawn over the boys and we dont want that," the lady who said it looks at her with a serious face.
"I-I wont do that. To be honest Ma'am, I am not their fan. I dont really know who they are and I promise you that I take my job very very seriously. You dont have to worry about me fangirling or giving them trouble,"
"Alright. We will give you a chance. Your work looks amazing too. But one word regarding any relationship between you and the boys and we have to let you go. Okay? We dont need another crazy fan around here," the highest ranking man in there said and the rest laugh while Y/N nodded politely before walking out. A job secured in her hand.
She never thought it would be a problem. Her job is too precious for her to risk for silly things like a crush. A crush. Thats all she thought it coukd be. If it ever could be between her and the boys. She thought a relationship is most probably unlikely to happen since there is no way an idol group member as big as they were would show even the slightest interest in a simple girl like her. This is not a fairy tale. This is real life and things like that dont happen to her in real life.
But whats happening now?
What is Park Jimin doing?
What is he even thinking?
There is no way he is in love with her. He must be playing. Isnt that what celebrities do? There is no such thing as love. He is just playing and his obsession will be gone in a matter of time. Y/N is sure of it. Jimin is just playing. He must be.
True to his word, Jimin is relentless in his effort to get Y/N to date him. He follows her around, getting more shameless in his flirting, openly calling her his girl, winking and smirking, texting her every chance he gets, asking where she is, if she has eaten, who she is with, getting jealous for absolutely no reason at all, asking whats shes doing and of course, asking her everyday without miss if shes ready to be his girlfriend yet.
Y/N tried to ignore every little effort Jimin puts in but it has been weeks, almost months, but Jimin doesnt seem to know the meaning of giving up. In fact, he is becoming more shameless and flirtatious.
"Seriously Y/N, just date me already! We are already practically dating!" Jimin walks beside her as she makes her way home, walking back after work, and like its a normal routine for him,Jimin walks besides her.
"We are not practically dating! We are not practically anything!" Y/N huffed and picks up the pace but Jimin grabbed her hands and held it tight, smiling at her.
"Not so fast baby. Its rude to leave your boyfriend behind ya know," he walks along her, swinging their interlaced hands together, as if they are one happy couple.
"You are not my boyfriend! And I am definitely not your baby!" Y/N hissed but it didnt affect Jimin at all.
"You will soon be,"
"Thats not going to happen! Why arent you getting this through your head?! Jimin, we cant be together!" Y/N yelled and stops walking, feeling frustrated as hell. Jimin finally turns and looks at her with a serious face, hands still clasped tightly with hers.
"Finally. Now you are talking to me," he said softly, eyes boring into her soul. "Y/N, I've been trying for months to try to get your attention, to get you to notice me, talk to me, anything. You are always ignoring me and you never told me why or explain your reasons. And today, for the first time ever, I finally heard you say we cant be together. You didnt say you dont like me, or you dont love me, or you hate me, but you said we cant be together," he peered into her eyes, softly looking at her. "Y/N talk to me. Make me understand. Why? Why are you saying we cant be together when all I do everyday is trying to make you see that we can and we will?"
"I-uh," Y/N realized she has screwed up when he screamed out those words. She was trying so hard to keep the reason a secret from Jimin. She was too frustrated with her own jumbled up feelings, and Jimin doing what he is doing to get her to love him is definitely not helping much either.
"Please. Tell me. I will make it right," Jimin's voice is so soft, Y/N feels like she can spill everything she is feeling to him right then and there. "Y/N... do you love me? Or at least like me?"
Y/N is speechless. He has been chasing her for months. Constantly saying that she will love him back and confessed his feelings. Those are something he said everyday to her, but never once he asked her if she loves him before.
"Y/N... do you?"
"I-I do..." Y/N finally answered after a long moment of hesitation. "I do love you Jimin. I dont want to, but I do..." And thats the truth. Along the way, she herself has fallen head over heels for Park Jimin, but who is she kidding? Who is she to even think about being with him? They will never be, no matter how much he keeps telling her that he loves her.
Jimin felt like his soul has left his body. He cant believe those words finally comes out from Y/N's mouth. His dream girl. The only girl he ever wants, loves him back. There is nothing going to stop him to get her now.
"T-then why? Why do you say we cant be together Y/N? Why? I love you and you love me. What more do you need?" Jimin reached out for her hand and tilt his head to the side, waiting for her answer.
"Its not that simple Jimin.." Y/N sighed and closes his eyes. Someone like Jimin will never understand. He is used to getting what he wants. No one ever say no to him. Could he even understand what heart break is? How can she explained the whole to him?
"Then make it simple for me. Make me understand why you think we cant be together?"
"Its because I am me. And you are you. You are Park Jimin. Is that simple enough to understand?" Y/N raised her eyes to meet his, hoping he gets what she means, but of course he didnt as he look back with confusion clear in his eyes.
"I'm reaaally not understanding what you are getting at Y/N. You being you is what makes me falls in love with you in the first place. You are simple, weird, honest and humble. You say whatever you are thinking. You are beautiful inside out, kind, soft, respectful. You are everything I want in a girl. You being you only means perfection Y/N," Jimin reason to her with wide eyes.
"You dont get it," she sighed. "Thats exactly it. I'm me. I'm Y/N. I'm simple Jimin. I wake up, I go to work and I go home. I tried to make as much money as I can just so I could finally eat a decent meal three times a day. If I'm lucky, maybe I could save enough to actually apply for college. I dont wear make up when I go out, I dont care how I look. I dont care what other people thinks of me. I dont need to. I dont meet new people everyday. Important people too. I dont have a thousand pair of eyes watching me, looking at my every move. Thinking I'm perfect, worshipping the ground that I walked on. I dont have any other talent other than eating six cup of noodles in one go, I live a simple boring life Jimin,and its everything yours is not. How can we even compare?"
"What are you trying to say?" Jimin's face is already changing. Into what, Y/N cant really understand.
"What I'm saying is... you are Park Jimin. BTS' Park Jimin. Worldwide favorite's mochi. Heart breaker. Loved by many. Adored and worshipped by millions. All eyes are on you. Jimin, someone like me dont deserve to be with someone like BTS' Park Jimin. Do you get it now?"
"So I'm BTS' Park Jimin?" Jimin's face is etched with anger, an emotion Y/N didnt expect. "Is that all you see me as? An idol? A member of the worldwide famous group BTS? Is that all you think I'm good for? Singing and dancing on stage?!"
"N-No Jimin. Thats not what I'm trying to say!" Y/N panics. Jimin has got it all wrong!
"I thought you were different Y/N. I thought you, of all people would see me for me. See right through those facade I put up for the public. That you will see how I really am beneath all that. That is the main reason why I even fall in love with you! But if all you see me as is BTS' Park Jimin, then I was definitely wrong about you. You are just the same. Just like all the others.  Seeing me as nothing more than an eye candy who entertain people on stage. Do you even really love me?!" Jimin's chest heaved up and down in anger. "You said BTS' Park Jimin is too good for you, and since him is all I ever will be in your eyes, then I will show you how too good for you I really am!" Jimin sent her the coldest glare and before she could say anything to defend herself or to calm him down, Jimin had stalked off, not taking even a single glanced back.
Y/N was left standing there in shocked. What in the world just happened? That is nor what shes trying to tell him at all! In the process of breaking Jimin's heart, her own heart is broken too pieces too.
Jimin is no longer the same sweet fluffy Jimin she knew after that incident. There is no more friendly hellos and greetings, no more warm smile and happy laughter from him. Jimin came in, do his part in the shoot or anything else he needs to do and leave. No more trying to walk her home, no more sitting besides her, flashing his smiling face and talking about his day while she slurped on her noodles. The cold and obnixious way he even looks at her makes her feel small. He finally shows that he is a celebrity and Y/N is just one of the crew working hard under contract to make him look even more better to the public. Y/N sighed as she picks up her things as the photoshoot for the day ended. Maybe its better this way. Maybe now it would be easier for her to actually forget about him and is able to stop smiling to herself at night whenever she thought about him. Maybe now she can go back to focus solely on her work, no more need to pretend like shes not affected with Jimin's charm all day.
"Uh Y/N?" An intern rushed over to her, lookong nervous and scared.
"Mr Bang wants to see you now. Its urgent and he is very unhappy,"
"W-What? Uh okay," Y/N quickly finished up packing and rushed to the main office. She didnt think she screwed up on any of the job. All of the photos came out perfect. Amazing in fact. Everybody seems to like it. What could have possibly goes wrong?
With heavy steps she enters the office, and meet the blazing eyes of the PD, and she knows her fate is sealed.
"Jimin! I need to talk to you. Please?" Y/N waited for him in front of the company for hours and he finally came out from the building after hours of dance practice. Although his heart skipped a beat to hear her voice calling out his name again, his ego and pride took over and he looked the other way, slipping on his dark sunglasses and face mask, ignoring her
"Jimin, please. I need to tell you something. I might not be able to see you again if I dont tell you now!" She grabbed his hand and Jimin turns around, oushing his sunglasses uo to his head and looking at her coldly. He shakes his arm off from her grip.
"I'm sorry, but I dont think you are simply allowed to hold my hand like this. Dont you know who I am?" He eyed her hands and Y/N immediately take a step back, shocked by his coldness.
"Jimin... please..." Y/N is begging. Almost crying. She knows he is only pretending. This is not who he is. He was never cold or unfriendly. Not to anyone. He is not that kind of a celebrity. He never was.
"Sorry. I'm busy. A lot of things to do, and like you said, a lot of important people to see too," he scoffed and walked off. Y/N just stood there, tears that she had try so hard to hide finally makes it way down, truly realizing and accepting the fact that maybe, she and Jimin were really never meant to be after all.
Goodbye Park Jimin. Its nice knowing you while it lasted.
The boys had a break for a week before they have another shoot. Although he doesnt want to admit it, Jimin still feels excited and giddy everytime there is a shoot because it still means he gets to see Y/N, although all he does is gives her angry glares and cold shoulders. His heart still hurt from what she said that day. He never expected her to see him that way. The way she acts around him, making his heart feel... How could she, of all people see him as Park Jimin, the idol? The celebrity?
Talking to the others about it makes him realized that maybe Y/N has a point. They were right. Y/N is just a simple girl, who is struggling to even find a job and enough money to eat daily where he wears Gucci on the daily. Jimin should have given her time to process his confession. Given her time to realize that what he feels for her are real feelings, not just some silly crush. That he really loves her for real, not just attracted to her because shes a challenge. Of course Y/N would be scared. Stories about how being together and breaking up in a matter of weeks are normal for celebrities like him. In fact, Jimin should have been happy. Other girls would have jump in excitement and accepted him right away. Not wasting the opportunity to date a celebrity but Y/N didnt. That just shows that she really does loves him for real. That is why she is cautious and scared. Scared that he will break her heart  He should have understand. Jimin should have convinced her of his feelings, not lashed out.
"Hello," a male stands behind the camera, smiling at them and bow as they enter the studio, ready to give directions and start the shoot, puzzling the boys.
"H-hello. Are you our photographer?" Jimin bowed back and looks around the studio.
"Yes I am. Now if you will go and get into hair and makeup, we will get started soon," he smile and start to fiddle with his camera, adjusting what is needed with the rest of the crew.
Just like Jimin, the boys are confused too. Where is Y/N? They like her. They like how she works, they like the vibe she gave out while they are working and she always makes them comfortable while shooting.
"I'll go ask around," Namjoon volunteered upon looking at Jimin's restless face, as he had finished his hair and make up first, and Jimin nods, his mind spinning.  Is this what Y/N meant when she said she might not be able to see him ever again? Oh why did he ignored her? She had warned him. Now what is he supposed to do? Even after everything, Jimin's feelings for her didnt change. In fact, it grows. He loves her even more as he thinks about what happened and he misses her. He miss her a lot.
"Uh Jimin?" Namjoon came back, rushing to his side.
"Hyung! Did you find out where Y/N went?" Jimin turns from the mirror and stare at his hyung. Namjoon's reaction does not look good.
"Kinda... but I dont think you will like the answer Chim,"
"Why?" Jimin panics and stood up to stand closer to Namjoon. "Is she okay? What happened to her?"
"Shes uh fired,"
"What?! Why?! She did a good job with our shoots! Why would she even be fired?! Did they tell you why hyung?" Jimin rans his hand over his hair, worried and helpless. Not knowing what to do. He knows how much this job means to Y/N. How much she needed it. What would it meant for her now that she lost it?
"You will hate the reason more Chim..."
"Just tell me hyung!"
"Shes fired because the company thinks she is one of the crazy fans chasing after you. She was fired for your own safety Jimin,"
"What the- what do you mean?! She dont even want to be my girlfriend! You know this!" Jimin raised his voice in panic.
"I do know that. We all do Jimin, but they dont. Especially not after this video leaked out," Namjoon shoved his phone for Jimin to see. It was a recording of their conversation on the streets. When Jimin confesses to her. A fan must have took and recorded the whole thing.
"I was confessing to her! How does that makes her a crazy fan?!" He took one look at the video and back to his hyung.
"Watch the video first Jimin!" Namjoon warned him and Jimin kept quiet, watching the video till the end. Jimin realized that the video is not what he thinks it is at all. Its a scene from their conversation, yes. But it was chopped, cut and edited and it was made to look as if Y/N was begging him and Jimin was trying to stay away from her.
"Hyung! This is not it at all!" Jimin was mortified. "I was the one who was confessing to her!" Will Y/N be okay? Her face is shown quite clearly in the video. His fans will surely attacks her. And now shes even fired because of it? Urghhh no wonder she didnt want anything to do with him. Dating an idol, a celebrity never brings any good for anyone. Especially someone so simple, pure and innocent like Y/N. She deserves bettter.  Its not him who is too good for her. It never was. Its the other way around. Jimin doesnt deserves her at all.
"I know that Jimin. But what can we do about it?" Namjoon looks at him sadly. "Lets just all hope that she will be okay... okay Chim? And lets talk to management for a way to delete this video and offer a clear explanation. Thats the only thing we can do for now,"
Jimin dragged his feet to practice that day. Feeling lost and lifeless. He spent all weekend trying to get a hold of Y/N but failed. The only thing he can do now is hope and pray that Y/N is okay. Jimin had told management the truth, and although they are not happy, the band is not under a dating ban, so Jimin is free to date anyone, as long as he is not involves with a crazy fan. Jimin prays hard that wherever Y/N is, she is okay. That she isnt crying. Thats shes happy and forgotten about a useless prick like him. Its hard for him to let her go, Jimin still loves her very much. But he rather be in pain and let her be happy than the other way around. That is how much he loves her.
"Why is it dark? Where are the others?" Jimin wondered out loud as he enters the dancing studio. The other members has left earlier, its something normal for them to do because Jimin is always late. But where are they? Is practiced cancelled and they didnt inform him? Did they went out to eat and left him? Again?! Shrugging and figured that he would just wait for them for a little while before leaving, he enters and flicked the light switch on.
Jimin was taken by surprise when all four walls of the studio is littered with photographs. Photos of him. In every sitiation he cant even imagined. And standing in the middle of the room is Y/N, looking sadly at him.
"Y/N!" Jimin wants to run to her. To held her tight in his arms and never let her go again. He wants to kiss away all her pain and her tears. He wants to see her smile again. Hear her laughter again. He is so happy to see her standing there he feels as if he is dreaming.
"Wait Jimin," Y/N said before he could say anything, his smile dissappearing at once at her tone.  "I know you hate me and dont want to see me-"
"What?! Y/N, I-"
"Just let me finish. Please," Y/N looks at him with such sad eyes that Jimin obliged. His heart hurt so much to see the only girl who has managed to own his heart looks so sad. Its okay. He will listen. And then he will tell her that he doesnt hate her. He loves her. He loves her very much and he will do anything to make it right again.
"Jimin... I'm sorry if what I said the other day hurts your feelings. Maybe it came out wrong, I dont know..." she looks down before raising her eyes again. "But thats not what I meant. What I meant is, BTS' Park Jimin is a part of you, and it will always be. And I know that. And I didnt mean it as a bad thing. Never..." she explained sadly. "Jimin-ah, these here are photos of you that I have taken," she motioned to the room and Jimin looks around. "These are photos of you that I have taken during all your shoots and fan meets. Concerts and recordings," Y/N explained softly. Jimin grazed his hand on the photographs that lined the walls. They are all photos of him in his best suits and outfits, hair and makeup ready to perfection. Smiling, smirking, waving, winking and flirting with the fans and the cameras. Jimin looks back up at Y/N. What is she trying to say? Why is rubbing the fact that he is a celebrity even more to him? Where is she going with this? "And these are photos of you... in your private moments. Where you didnt know theres a camera. Where a part of you that you didnt want to show anyone is shown," she softly motioned to one side and looks down, afraid. Jimin feast his eyes on the photos. Each and every one of it captured him, so beautifully. There are photos of him before he did his makeup, yawning and looking sleepy as hell, there are some of him sweaty and tired from practice, sleeping in the break room, laughing with his hyungs, some of when he is playing around with the two maknaes, leaning back against a chair, looking bored, playing with his phone and so much more. He dont know when she managed to do this, but Y/N managed to capture who he really is in those photos and Jimin is amazed and in awed. "I'm sorry I took these without your permission. But sometimes you look so peaceful and happy, so at ease when you are just being yourself with the people that you trust that I just need to capture those moments," Jimin looks at her, waiting for further explanation. Why is she doing this?
"Jimin-ah... I didnt want to fall in love... I thought love would only distract me. That love wont bring anything good for me. I was too focus on trying to live that I forgot that love is a part of living too. I didnt want to fall in love, and I definitely didnt plan to fall in love with someone like you,"
"S-Someone like me?" Jimin looks down sadly and Y/N smile.
"Someone so perfect and amazing. Sometimes I even wonder if you could even be real. How can someone like you even exists? But you do. And you are so far out from my world that I was scared. I'm scared that if I fall too deep, and reality hits, the hurt would be unbearable and I would never recover,"
"But Y/N... I would never ever hurt you..." Jimin flickered his eyes to her.
"I know Jimin... and I should have known that. You are such an angel I dont think you are capable of hurting anyone. But still... I was scared. I used to think that loving you means loving only this part of you," she motioned to the photos of him posing and acting for the cameras. "And I cant handle that. I never thought that part of you would ever really like me for real. How could you? Especially with how I am. A nobody. Then I realized there is another part of you thats hidden. The softer side, the vulnerable side. The side that people who are lucky enough, people who you choose gets to see and I'm lucky to get this chance to actually see this moment, let alone captured it," she looks at his candid photos and smiles softly.
"I finally realized that these two sides makes who you are Park Jimin. You are not one or the other, you are everything both sides have to offer. And that Park Jimin is the one that makes me fall in love with him," she looks at him softly. "I'm sorry I said that you are only BTS' Park Jimin, thats not true. You are BTS' Park Jimin, but you are also more than that. You dont just sing and dance on stage Jimin, you make people happy with your smile, you share your talent with the world in hopes it could make their life feels better, you care about everyone and you love. You are so much more than just a celebrity Jimin. You are a lot of things. Things that I still dont understand, things that I wish I can get to know, to explore... and I really wish I didnt screwed it up and take the chance to spend my life figuring it out. But..." she smiles at him sadly, "you are right. You dont have to show me how much you are too good for me, I already know. So, this is my apology to you and doesnt matter if you acceot it or not, I just hope you will always remember that you are all of this," she motions to the photographs that littered the whole room. "I hope you will atleast accept my apology before I go. I'm sorry Jimin-ah and thankyou for your time. I'll get going now," she bend down to picked up and her things, bowed to him and start to walked out.
Jimin pulls her hand before she could exit and turns her around, making Y/N stumble into her chest. Jimin smile and hug her tight.
"Do you seriously think I would just let you go like that?" He laughs.
"What?" Y/N was confused but her voice is muffled by his chest as he keeps hugging her and stroking her hair.
"Y/N, baby, I have wanted you to be mine from that moment you ask me if I was sneaking in," he laughs. "I made a mistake Y/N. I should have understand where you were coming from," he pulls her back to look her in the eyes. He take her towards the pictures of him on stage and posing for the shoots at stare at it, "Looking at this... I would be scared too if I were you Y/N. You are going to be giving up a lot of things if you choose me, and I didnt think about that. You were not meant for this world," he points to the photos. "You are too innocent, beautiful, pure... being with me would have ruined you. I have already prove that by acting like an asshole since that day and with what my fans did to you after the video... well, it just proves that I'm right. You are just too good for my world baby. I finally have come to terms that you are right, I dont deserve you. But Y/N... you said so yourself, I am not only BTS' Park Jimin. These photos, these are what I showed the world. A facade I put up. And these," he points to the candid photos, "is who I really am. I am Park Jimin. Park Jimin who is head over heels in love with a normal, simple girl like you who had managed to shake up my world. Y/N, I need you. I need you to live, I need you to always reminds me who I am. That I am more than some piece of meat for girls to oogle at. That I'm mkre than just some entertaining clown. I need you to keep seeing through me like you did. To keep me grounded. To remind me of who I am. Of who I could be. Just like you did with these photographs," he plucked one of the photos of him laughing out loud at one of his hyungs.
"I need you Y/N. I love you. Pick me, choose me, love me, accept me, and I promise you that I will show you all of Park Jimin, the good, the bad, everything, because no matter which side it is, Park Jimin is just," he leans in closer, touching their foreheads together, "so," he nuzzle his nose wirh hers,"in," his lips grazed her and Y/N's breath hitched, "love with you, L/N Y/N," he closes the gap and his lips hungrily captured hers.
Y/N closes her eyes and lets Jimin kiss her, slowly easing in into the kiss, finally releasing all her feelings for him. Because right now she believes that, it doesnt matter how different she and Jimin is, just as long as he is Park Jimin and he loves her.
Because just like the photographs, Y/N loves every little thing about him.
And that is all that matters.
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yourhero404 · 6 years
hey there! could I ask for some hc or a scenario (whatever works best for you) for tomura. he basically has this fan who has a huge crush on him. they are neither a villain or a hero and don't take sides but they are super smart and good at combat. so they track the LoV down once in a while just to leave a gift for tomura and once they managed to steal a kiss from him.
A/N: omg i went offthe rails im so sorry but i kept the overall idea??? so I really hope you likeit, i enjoyed writing it!! ^^
“‘Aye, Shigaraki-have you read this?”
He heavily sighed asDabi came in the room already asking him questions so early in the morning. Hewas hoping for at least a little peace today, but it seemed the universe hadother things in mind.
“If it interestedyou then no, whatever it is, I’ll be sure to stay far away from it.”
“Haha,” hedrew out sarcastically, “I think you better get interested realquick,” Dabi pressed, laying his phone on the counter in front of him.
The webpage pulled up wasan obnoxious shade of pink with large cursive font spreading across the top- aquick glace on the contents showed a lot of exclamation marks, bold, and allcaps words throughout. Annoyed, Tomura shoved the phone away from him as Togareached over her breakfast and took the opportunity to scroll its contents.
“What kind ofnonsense is that? Are you trying to make fun of me in some sort of idioticway?” he accused, irritation tickling his deadpan tone.
“Hey! That’s socool!” Toga interjected before he and Dabi could interact further. A blushspread across her face as well as some sort of love-stricken expression on herface. “Tomu has an admirer!”
A glare wouldn’t evenbegin to describe the look he gave the phone being held in her hand. Anadmirer? He knew of a few stranger occurrences lately with this one girl… butopenly admiring him? Not possible.
“'Gimme.” Hedemanded, holding his hand out. Reluctantly, she gave the phone to him as herubbed any remaining sleep from his eyes to read the disaster clearly.
“You’ve gotyourself a whacko fangirl, congrats.” Dabi teased, walking out of the roomto dodge the glass being thrown at him- he watched as Toga followed suit,rambling on about some far away hope that her crush would be her futureadmirer.
“What are the twoof them even yammering about…” he muttered, picking up the phone andreading the title out loud, “'Getting HANDSY’?” He groaned at thehorrible pun, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I think Dabi’sright Shigaraki, you should read this in its entirety. Didn’t you mention a lotof strange occurrences lately? And a strange woman who keeps bumping into you? Itcould pose to be problematic to the L.O.V. if it gets too out of hand and we’llhave to deal with her,” Kurogiri advised, prompting him to continuereading aloud.
               HonestlyI can’t tell you guys enough how much I just love Rara!!!! And how angry Iam!!!! Has anyone watched the news lately?? Why isn’t he getting morerecognition, I want to see more of him!! :(’
“'Rara’?Really?” he only got past the first entry and found himself struggling torefrain from destroying the phone. Her personality was shining through thetext- he couldn’t help but sigh at the possibility that this girl is the sameone who’s been hanging around him for the past few months.
               You’llnever guess what I found out!!!!! I totally bumped into Rara in town earliertoday and I almost couldn’t believe my eyes!! I got to see him up close! He’s alot cuter in person, I don’t know how others don’t see it
Another sigh. He hadconfirmation that this girl was the same as the one he had been dealing with-her post pretty much mirrored the conversation he had with a girl who had quiteliterally ran into him months ago. At the time, he thought the red tone to hercheeks had been because she was easily flustered that she bumped into him, butnow he realized the stutter was one of infatuation rather than nerves. Shestuck out in his mind because she upset him a little bit- why wasn’t shefearing him?
“She thinksyou’re cute-”
“Shut it Kurogiri.”
               Idid something naughty!! Okay, so, I’m not the type to really do bad things butI couldn’t help myself! I may… have followed Rara home yesterday! I DIDN’T GOIN! I wasn’t going to be like, really creepy or anything! I just needed it forfuture reference!!!!!!’
“Isn’t it alittle too late to be creepy?” he commented.
“She followed youhome? As in here? Shigaraki, this situation is only getting worse-”
“Don’t you thinkI know that? I can read!” He snapped.
He recalled feelingeyes on him that night; he figured it was a figment of his imagination causedby paranoia. Apparently his worries were justified in this case- but just howmuch has she seen? Has she seen inside- has she been inside? She didn’t happen to run into any of the members, right?He continued scrolling, only reading the ones that stood out, a knot in hisstomach tightening with each entry.
               Itook so much time trying to figure out the best gift to give Rara!! It waspretty hard… kind of like, what kind of gift do you even get for someone likehim, ya know? But I noticed him walk by a game shop a few times- I wasn’tfollowing him this time I swear!! I was just working around there!! But he keptmuttering about something… it kind of looked like he was trying to talkhimself into buying some game?? He never went in but I got the game they wereadvertising for him!!! I wrapped it up really nice and left it outside the doorto his house(? I’m not sure!!!) I just wish I could have seen him open it :(’
The scene replayed inhis head- of course he remembered it. He couldn’t decide if the game was evenworth his time since it wasn’t a strategy game therefore wouldn’t help him honein his skills as a leader so he walked away. Later, however, he had thisstrange feeling… almost as if something in the back of his mind had told himto go outside; he couldn’t shake the feeling and threw the door open, hoping toscare anyone who may be there. When he realized no one was there, somethingshiny on the ground caught his eye and he immediately became suspicious.
He brought it in andeyed it for quite a while. He was worried- as he should be- that it was somesort of trick or weapon to be used against him. Curiosity was eating him alive,causing him to scratch at his skin and grow more and more frustrated until heaggressively tore the shiny paper off of the object. He carefully inspected thegame case, making sure the plastic surrounding the case was intact; when hecame to the conclusion that was literally just a video game his face fell to ascowl, realizing the weird stalker girl he had been dealing with was likely tobe behind it.
“She leftsomething here? Did you dispose of it immediately?” Kurogiri’s voicesnapped him out of his flashback.
“Of course Idid,” he scoffed, “Why would I risk everything for a stupid gift fromsome weirdo.” Kurogiri didn’t need to know he had not only accepted thegame, and definitely didn’t need to know how he had beaten it twice since then.
He scrolled andscrolled, mindlessly announcing little things he came across that wasirrelevant but interesting enough to mention- something about college classes,something else about work, even a pretty interesting mention of how she managedto win her way out of a mugging. He had to admit she had spunk- idiotic, butspunk nonetheless.
His grip suddenlytightened on the phone, his entire body visibly tensing when he got to the mostrecent post.
“What isit?” Kurogiri asked, “Shigaraki? Read it.”
“Here, I’ll readit myself then-” He yanked his arm away from Kurogiri’s grip, scowling ashe let out an aggravated sigh.
“Shut it. I’llread it.” He leaned his elbows against the counter, reading the post datedfor last week in a monotone voice.
               Mostpeople vow not to kiss and tell- but I’m not most people!!!!!! We kissed, wetotally kissed! It was amazing, he was totally adorable and awkward but therewere fireworks and it made my heart soar
“Kiss? Shigaraki,please, please tell me you didn’t-”
“OF COURSE WEDIDN’T!” he yelled, slamming the phone onto the counter and knockingnearby glasses to the floor. “WHY WOULD I DO SOMETHING SO… SO… SOSTUPID. SO DISGUSTING. SO-”
“Shigaraki,please, calm down. I believe you; You know not to get involved with peopleunnecessarily and let yourself get distracted-”
“She’s obviouslylying,” he seethed, “This is lies. Lies and absolute slander.”
“Of course. Justtake a moment to calm down,” he suggested as he started to leave the room,“We’ll handle the damage control later.”
He let his head fallto the counter, a loud thump following suit as his forehead slammed against thecool material. An irritated growl bubbled up his throat as repeated this actiona few times before finally laying his head down as he closed his eyes and lethis mind work.
It was a colder nightthan usual. He had gotten fed up with the girl following him only to hidebehind street-side objects or horribly act nonchalant whenever he turnedaround. Ducking into the closest alleyway and pulling her in as well when shewalked by, he threatened her with four fingers wrapped around her throat beforeleaning in close.
“Who are you andwhy the hell do you insist on bothering me,” he practically growled, hisfifth finger twitching, ready to close the gap around her neck.
“A-ah! I’m (L/n),I just…” she looked into his eyes, fear diminishing and quickly beingreplaced with infatuation as a blush spread across her skin. “I just thinkyou’re really cute and… and cool. The stuff you’re doing- it’s good! Wellit’s not good 'cause they’re stillcrimes but the meaning behind it all is cool, ya know?”
She caught him offguard. His eyes scanned every inch of her face, taking in her features andanalyzing her body language to find any suggestions that she may be lying. Deepdown, he admitted to himself that the attention and praise she offered him madehim feel ecstatic- it boosted his ego and something about it made his chesttighten. As much as he enjoyed the feeling, there was no possible way he couldlet someone as simple as her distract him from his goals, but…
Suddenly, he smashedhis lips against hers, feeling her initial shock melt away as she started tokiss back with the same amount of force. His hand dropped down and his fingertips ran down her arm as he slowly pulled away from her; his gaze clouded overwith some unknown emotion as something in the pit of his stomach fluttered.Attempting to appear stern, he threatened her once again.
“Stay away fromme,” he warned over his shoulder, walking with a quickened speed to gethis distance. “Or next time I’ll kill you.”
He wrapped his armsaround his stomach to try and force the feeling in it to go away as he turnedto lay the side of his face against the counter and snap back to reality again.So maybe it wasn’t a complete lie that they had kissed.
She caught him offguard and he let his walls fall for a moment, hoping to feel something foronce.
His eyes closed onceagain as he let out a heavy sigh, realizing the feeling in his stomach andchest was connected to what people call 'liking someone’.
But Kurogiri didn’tneed to know that.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Oh and just to clarify that the long time it took for me to get this surgery isnt a sign the nhs is bad or anything! I just had complications due to my life situation. Cos of my autism and anxiety i REALLY REALLY cant cope with having surgery done on me while im awake, even if im numbed up. The panic reaction is so strong and involuntary that i cant stop shaking and risk messing up the surgery becaue of it, not to mention the chamce of doing worse damage to myself in a panic attack. So i had to specifically be sent to the main hospital and receive overnight anesthetic, and i had to have a longer stay than usual because i live alone with no parents or lifr partner who could watch over me during my recovery. So the actual surgery itself just took three hours and the worst part was the anxiety of having to wait about 18 more hours in a busy hospital feeling perfectly fine but unable to go home until the observation period had passed and also til i was able to get a lift home with my psychologist. I am SO grateful she was able to support me with this!! So yeah i basically had to have the ultra deluxe complicated version of the regular surgery which also had to correlate with a time my psychologist would be free, and thats why ut was hard for them to find a time to schedule it. And most of the waiting was initially because of me being a dumbass and being too afraid to tell anyone i was in pain and too afraid to go to the doctor. I think it must have been almost four years of that? And then it was just a two year wait of going thru pre-assessments and waiting for a time slot for this final full operation. Which is still a frustrating time to wait but i understand tat the circumstances made it difficukt and also this isnt really an emergency surgery so yeah. I was just making a lot of frustrated posts about it over the last few years cos the waiting PROCESS is really bad, yknow? You barely get any information on how long you have to wait, its just all left up in the air that it could be any time in the next year and yoy'll get a very short notice letter right when its about to happen and npthing else for months at a time. And the automated phone service is badly made and yeah basically just a bunch of lame decisions made by the accounting section of the company that ended up increasing my anxiety, lol.
But seriously id way rather have this than having "only if you can pay for it" surgery! I mean when i finally got there it was all SO amazing and hi tech and highly staffed and everyone was so nice and it was all so fast and efficient and really comfy and everyone made you feel at home and you got a private cubicle with a lockable door and free food like 5 times a day like holy shit they wouldnt stop giving me The Best Toast In The World and my throat hurt but i felt it woulf be impolute to not Honor Their Toastly Kindness! So many of my worries about the experience were totally unfounded dumb hollywood myths that dont happen at all in british hospitals. And they still manage to run such a well oiled machine of amazing professionals and above excellent patient service despite how bad our economy is right now! I overheard them talking about jow their budget is lower ths year and i was like "holy shit but you guys are so amazong?? How do you manage??" I cant even imagine what it must have been like back when doctors got better salaries! Seriously they just WOULD NOT STOP PAMPERING ME it was so WEIRD!!! Comfy adjustable beds and reclining super soft sofa and this whole personal room and people coming in with trolleys full of a wide selection of really damn amazing breakfast foods and they even gave you special comfort socks for the long time of bed rest to avoid ankle swelling and they were like friggin cinderella scene insisting on putting the socks on for you?? I felt so embarassed in the good way for once! Blushing cos it was total prince treatment! And none of that "oh drugs are so expensive you have to go without necessary medicine in order to pay the bills" shit, they kept offering me optional medicines thatd make every part of the surgery easier and were like "please dont worry about accepting them, its the government's job to make sure youre free of pain so just be honest if youre feeling bad". But seriously the surgery was all so swift and done with great precision and i had such kind care and warm drinks and SO MUCH JAM ON MY TOAST that i felt like my mouth was okay even without the extra painkiller dose. And then i expected id just have to buy my own paracetamol once i was discharged from surgery but they gave me a big box of extra strength jaw surgery specific paracetamol for free! All of this was free! I got free goddamn cosmetic reconstruction on my teeth that i never even asked for and i was like holy shit when i looked in the mirror lol. I just expected everything to be gone but they put this reconstructive cap thing to replace the front teeth just jn case i was worried about the appearance of the gap between them. And SO MUCH goddamn free food holy shit im so toasted out! And free tv and wifi and showers and a warm comfy sofa and just a nice day of chilling out in a very weird sort of luxury hotel, lol. And the gift shop was also super cheap and full of necessities! And the nurse was so kind that i was able to hand her the money and she went to the gift shop for me when i was too dizzy to walk. I needed new headphones cos mine broke on the way there, and she got me a staff discount on them and picked out the cutest best pair! UNICORN DRAGON PATTERN!! Im gonna keep them FOREVER holy shit they look so cool and for a £1 discount pack they have sonmuch better sound quality and noise cancellation than the more expensive ones i had before. And the whole gesture just really touched me, it cheered me up so much to have a giggle at some adorable fashion headphones and see my nurse jamming along to ed sheeran to test that they worked, and she was just so sassy and jokey and we even had a contest between all of the nurses comparing our silly socks! Seriously it was just SO welcoming and unscary and had a lot more privacy than i expected and a lot less heavy restrictions and stuff and jusy EVERYONE WAS SO NICE AND SO GOOD AT THEIR JOB and did i mention THE BEST TOAST EVER
So yeah i dont think im scared of hospitals anymore. And i feel guilty about all the panicky posts i made before i went in for this operation, i hope i didnt give anyone the wrong impression that i was some longknowing person making factual complaints about the nhs as opposed to a first time hospital visitor with anxiety who was imagining every possible way it could go wrong. Absolutely none of my fears happened and it was way nicer than i ever imagined! Im kinda looking forward to the followup appointment in 2 weeks just so i can say thank you again and also have more money to buy some spares of those good headphones from the gift shop.
I hope everyone else out there who has to deal with medical disasters gets doctors just as nice as these ones!!!
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charliebattinson · 7 years
ON THE ROAD | Road trip with Shawn (BP) | Shawn Mendes
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Hey loves!!! So this is my first legit writing? I don’t write imagines and this is just bullet points but I’ve been thinking a lot about this and I felt like writing it. Most likely I won’t be writing again, I just had so much inspiration for this haha. I hope you guys enjoy, i hope it’s not too cringe and feedback is much appreciated! Also a huge thank you to @illumegeoff for helping me on how to insert an image lol & for being super supportive (p.s. the yolo phrases was something inspired by you based on what i saw on your blog lmao) and @justadashoffangirling for being super supportive!!!
super spontaneous
“Hey babe let’s go across the country”
“Sure. When?” “Now!” “WHAT NOW?”
Shawn would be “YOLO”
You just pack all the necessities. Super little clothes
“We won’t really be needing a lot of clothes” 😏
You bring your polaroid because memories
You guys legit have no idea where to go. No plans at all.
Just drive, drive and drive
You’re so turned on by shawn driving stick in a pick up truck with sunglasses on
You take a pic of him
And you’re like “mamma mia”
“Shawn pull over”
Red cheeks and messy hair
Playing old hits like no scrubs, leaving on a jet plane, bittersweet symphony, a thousand miles
“But I would walk 500 miles and i would walk 500 more”
“Da da da (da da da)”
Playing games in the car
You shuffle your music and play name that tune
License plate game - see how many different license plate you can find or try to find a phrase in that license plate
Shawn being a sour loser
Shawn not talking to you because you won
“You’re such a big baby”
Kissing his face and neck to make him give in
“Baby I don’t wanna die”
Stopping by the gas station
Buying shit load of junk food
Trying to talk to each other with your mouths full of cheetos giggling at one another
See who can stuff more marshmallows in their mouths
You stop by an open area with a tiny cliff in the middle of the dessert because the stars are so pretty and night is beautiful
Lying down at the hood of the car talking about things while sharing a bottle of cheap wine
You decide to spend the night there
Cuddling with loads of fluffy blankets in the back of the truck
You take turns driving
Shawn puts his hand on your thigh just to soothe you; he finds comfort in touching you
You rent a motel room and take a nap before heading out for the night
There’s a country fair!!! Drinking on apple ciders and sharing on a turkey leg and funnel cake
Dancing to “sweet home alabama”
Playing fair games
Shawn gets so competitive with some of the kids in the fair games
winning a huge ass stuffed toy
You’re scared for the both of you because he’s a fucking tree and you feel like your seats are just gonna break
when you’re up there at the top you can’t help but just admire how shawn looks, how much you love him and he can’t help but do the same
Next thing you know Shawn’s trying to unlock the door to your motel room, struggling with the keys but its so hard to because he can’t stop kissing you
“Shawn open the fucking door”
Hands everywhere on each other, clothes scattered on the floor
It’s giggly and playful at first then it becomes rough and needy “from giggles to loud moans”
“Shawn we’re going to leave a dent in the wall. Tone it down”
“Fuck no”
Shawn takes a pic of the two of you after sex. You guys have a private scrapbook full of intimate and candid polaroids. Something to keep both of you sane when he’s on tour for months
Talking, eating in between the sheets
Shawn playing the guitar (of course he brought it) and serenading you with the police’s “every little thing she does is magic”  and you can’t help but swoon so hard
Round 2 becomes round 3 and so on…
Late night swimming in the pool of the motel
Waking up in the late morning because of how spent you are
You straddle shawn and take a polaroid of him sleeping with his full lips and fluffy hair
Morning sex 😏
Getting ready to head for the next place
Showering together taking a pic of him in the shower because its a glorious sight to see with his wet hair
Arguing on which road to take
“I panicked!”
getting so confused with the directions of the map till you both realize its been upside down all this time
Your tire runs flat
Shawn goes and replaces it, his arms are in full flex mode and he’s so hot doing it
Finally getting to the destination
You’re both so amazed on how beautiful it but also curse at how hot it is
“Babe lets take tourists shots”
You admire how cute shawn looks with a baseball cap, backpack and his arizona shirt as he gives you a big smile when you take a picture of him
You just sit there just staring at it admiring it and how happy you are with this spontaneous trip
Buying postcards and a souvenir to every place that you visit
You head out to a diner
Burgers and milkshakes; sharing a banana split, deciding where to go next
“Yolo bitch”.. “shawn” .. “sorry”
You decide to go to the beach in the middle of the night
Skinny dipping
“What if my balls fall off or what if something bites them”
Falling asleep on the beach and waking up in time for the sunrise
You bump into your old college friends and they invite you to a beach party
You and shawn do shotguns and beer pongs ; maybe eat little amount of “brownies”
You and shawn get seperated at the party
You find shawn with a crowd cheering on him
He’s doing a keg chug and he’s so drunk
He’s screaming “YOLOOOOOOO”
Drunkly making out
You drunkly watch the fireworks
“I looove youuuu”
Pass out and wake up to your friends house
Spend the day in the beach just chilling, sunbathing
Burying shawn in the sand and ditching him
Pouring aloe vera all over shawn’s face
Watch this for visuals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e4e217pXrU
Camping out near the woods
You both have no clue on how to built a tent
Having a bonfire and melting marshmallows
He brings out his guitar and sings
“How do we have sex in a tent?”
“We can’t shawn you’re too goddamn big”
“Oh really… 😏”
Waking up to a beautiful breezy morning
Visiting a nice town, renting out a bed and breakfast
The old couple who owns the place admires the both of you because it reminds them of their younger selves
Sleepless night 😏
The old couple also has a sleepless night because they thought someone was getting murdered
“I hope that poor girl is alright”
Shawn’s smirking “oh she’s more than alright”
Kicking his leg under the table “OW”
Visiting an old vinyl shop
Going to the local bakery and trying out all their pies
Playing footsie under the table
“We need to wash our clothes. I’m running out of clothes to wear”
Fooling around in the laundry shop since you two are literally the only people there
You guys go to the weirdest museums
“What the fuck am i looking at”
Visiting a lake
Shawn paddling a boat and having that scene just like in the notebook
Also getting stuck in the middle of the lake because shawn has no sense of direction
Throwing popcorn at each other
Visiting more tourist spots
Last night before you go home you would just camp out in the middle of nowhere looking at the stars finding constellations and talking about your future together
“As long as you’re right beside me i’ll be fine wherever we are”
“Lots of kids. I don’t care how we’re gonna do it but i want a lot of kids”
trying out having sex in the back of the truck in the middle of nowhere
“I feel so exposed right now”
Falling asleep to shawn’s humming
Waking up and getting ready to go back home; long ass drive home
Passing out on your bed when you get home
Shawn takes a pic of you sleeping and keeps that polaroid whenever he’s away on tour; something to keep him by
“I love you so much”
“Thanks for the trip baby. We needed that”
“What can i say? YOLO bitch” “shawn” “sorry”
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