#this has been sitting in my drafts for months and im cleaning it
arnault · 3 days
i had a train of thought about saint seiros and catholic canonization and ended up yapping about how rhea's sainthood isn't a symbol of her divinity but is an allegory of her humanity instead.
sainthood in the catholic church is the recognition of people who performed miracles, did acts of goodwill, etc. in the name of god. these individuals are then canonized by the church who acknowledge their good deeds and are now considered as holy people, the closest we—original sin bearers, according to them—get to divinity i guess and a lot of canonized saints were people who weren't the best nor the ones you'd expect to be saint.
in fe3h, of course we know the church was not exactly what we thought it was and such rules might or might not be in the seiros doctrines. seiros is a self declared saint lol yes, it was a ruse but it made me think and compare that situation to catholic canonizations.
rhea was born a divine being, a child of the goddess. she doesn't need to be elevated to sainthood, she IS divine. you don't need to sanctify what is pure from the very beginning. that's like calling an angel a saint or something and implying that a divine entity had been a sinner/impure and is only holy because of canonization which i think, from a religious fanatic pov, is an insult. anyways seiros, however, is called a saint... which i'd like to think implies the opposite of the catholic church's meaning of sainthood.
rhea/seiros' sainthood is a symbol of her humanity.
of her being flawed, her imperfections. everything that happened after zanado was her, a divine being, becoming human. her vengeance, righteous fury, her grief and most of all, her kindness despite all that's happened are what makes her human.
honestly don't know where i'm going with this but i guess you could look at the tragedy being her rebirth? from "holy" to human. her humanity began the second she lost her mother. it spiraled her grief and drove her to vengeance—her war with nemesis and his 10 elites. and then, there's her church. what started out as damage control and a self-preservation driven lie turned into something genuine that allowed her to learn to love the people that killed her own.
her continued service to the people (albeit morally questionable at times i have to admit) is, to me, her continued acceptance of her humanity–whether conscious, not, or figuratively. as opposed to indech and macuil yeeting out of human affairs the moment the war was over, a refusal of their "humanity" and choosing "divinity" instead.
ok, that's all. my point is rhea's humanity is what makes her holy. her ability to be kind after all that she went through is what makes her a saint and that makes me insane sometimes because can you imagine losing your people and you're the only one that knows, surrounded by the mirror image of the people that took your own?? anyways, talking to empty chairs: thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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snookienthusi4st · 9 months
Okayyyy so I was thinking if you could do a Hobie Brown x Reader with a size kink? Maybe a plot to go with it too? Well maybe: Hobie and reader and college roommates, and they’ve known each other for about 2 or 3 months. But reader realizes that she likes hobie. Idrk what to put after that. All up to you!
im so sorry in advance i had absolutely no idea how to finish this so i might do a second part
it’s js been sitting in my drafts since last month so i decided i might as well just post it now
𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings: smut, size k1nk, british
nsfw under the cut
You’re cleaning up your dorm’s kitchen when you hear footsteps padding into the room. You tense up, before turning around and realizing it’s just Hobie. “Hey,” you say, diverting your attention back to organizing the cupboards. “Hey,” he returns, watching you work.
You want to continue the conversation, but you don’t know what else to say, so you just continue putting glasses in the correct shelves. There’s one above that you just barely can’t reach, and you turn back to him, who’s taller and still has the nerve to wear platforms.
“Do you mind getting that for me?” you ask, pointing to the glass, which he immediately takes off the high shelf and hands to you. “Thanks.” “‘S’ no problem.”
You sigh, deflated and having no idea how to make small talk with this man. He scoffs quietly, and says, “Y’ goin’ anywhere t’night, hon?” Your eyes widen at the nickname, and you close the cupboard before replying, “Nothing tonight. You?”
“Ain’t got nothin’ either.”
“You wanna come hang out in my room?” He smirks at your offer. “You tryin’ to get me ‘n bed or somthin’?” he retorts. You blush, embarrassed, earning a chuckle from your roommate. “All jokes, hon. Sounds good to me.”
“Come on, then.” you say snappily, walking to your room as he follows you. He snickers at your frustration, looking at your body sway in the back as you walk. He wanted you bad.
You two come in, and you shut the door before dropping into your bed. Hobie catches a glimpse of your shirt riding up to show off your stomach before you pull it back down. You sit up again. “Hey, Hobs?”
“I wanna..” you trail off, a bit unsure of yourself, and suddenly he’s right beside you, tilting your chin up to look at him. “You want to what? Can’t hear you, hon.” he teases. “I wanna fuck you.” you say, frustrated. Moment you get those four words out, his lips are already devouring yours and you’re moaning into the kiss. He pulls away and aggressively kisses and bites your neck. “Fuck, Hobie,” you breathe out, as he leaves hickies and bite marks as he travels lower down.
“Can I take this off, hon?” he inquires. “Yeah,” you say, and he lifts it up and over your head.
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writtenonreceipts · 1 year
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Rowaelin Month Day 16 Mob Au @rowaelinscourt
Here is a moodboard of a fic that will likely never see the light of day. Mob/Mafia inspired fic. Random rambles beneath the cut:
im sharing this because i've been sitting on it for a while and i wanna talk about it even if it's just into the void
so originally, i wanted this to be a lysaedion fic, mostly because there aren't many fics about them out there and I wanted to try my hand at it
it was going to be a little darker with lots of death and murder and essentially about two individuals trying to find answers
Aelin is stuck in the Assassin's Guild, her entire life has been devoted to them and she is only alive and only the person she is because of them.
And then one day a new face shows up in town insisting he be let into the Guild. Now, the gang is very secretive, very careful, and they will look for any excuse to kill an outsider. So naturally the new person (rowan) gets the crap beat out of him
Leading to Aelin taking pity on him and the classic "who are you and why would you do this?" convo takes place. resulting in smirks and lies and call outs and the "im looking for someone" "who?" "ill let you know when i find her"
There's a gang war brewing and no one knows when it'll strike and what the catalyst will be: The Valgs have always been silent with the occasional body splayed out on cathedral footsteps, the Bane lurks on the outskirts of the city, only striking near the full moon (someone is very dramatic over there) and then there's the Cadre that is mostly just a myth because they've been quiet for ages now
and then a body shows up one that Aelin knows and she realizes something strange is afoot so she has to team up with rowan (she'll kill him later) to figure out what is happening and then huh look at that feelings
then comes the big reveal of aelin being the daughter of major crime lord Rhoe Galathyinius who really wants his daughter back and someone was supposed to find her and hey look at that, Rowan is looking reeeeeeal awkward
someone dies (fenrys cuz i've always wanted to kill him off and maybe connall too just because), near death experiences, "who did this to you", one bed, cleaning each other's wounds...
there's elorcan and lysaedion in the background
and yeah, i'll never write it probably
mostly because i've got no time and based on how previous long fics have gone, it would flop
chapter one is hidden deep in my docs and is probably one of my favorite scenes i've written in a while
it's been there for a year now but i just never could push past that first part. but it was fun to write
40s vibes, mayyybee 50s, id do some more research if i were to see her off the drafts stage...
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gelenka-daria · 6 months
girl save me w a drabble im begging for scraps
so this has been sitting in my drafts for a long while, it's a sequel to this late halloween drabble and i might as well post it
Mairon’s head snaps to the window at the sound of thunder, the frames shiver with every heavy rumble. It’s very nearly morning and the storm is yet to abate. His master is yet to return. He has no qualms about leaving Mairon behind for days, weeks, even months on end, on some rare occasions, when really, they should have gone hunting together.
Mairon misses him, wondering where Melkor’s hunger will lead him tonight.
He goes back to cleaning an urn, a small thing made of stygian marble and intricately inlined with gold that he’d noticed had been gathering dust, one of the many collectibles his master has gathered over the centuries. He wipes it down to perfection, until he can see his reflection in the black alabaster. He puts it back where it belongs and makes way to a wall overspread with weapons of all shapes and sizes, the last thing he’ll be attending to before the sun rises and he retires for the remainder of the day. He’ll dust, tomorrow. He’s got nothing better to do in this still, quiet manor, so might as well.
He’s in the process of polishing a saber when a familiar presence invades his senses. The air grows potent, heavy with the force of his lord’s power, shifting the atmosphere, weighing it down. No matter how long Mairon had served him, he could never quite get used to the magnitude of his master’s strength. 
So soon? 
Its is soon, but Mairon isn’t complaining. He lays the sword down and heads for the door to welcome him. 
He finds him in the hallway, damp with rain and hair sticking to his back as he ascends the steps leading to the second floor, his long coat gone and he’s– Mairon has to do a double take, just in case he’s seeing things. His master is carrying someone, said missing coat wrapped around the person of which he can only glimpse long, fair legs hanging off his master’s right arm. Mairon stands there at the bottom of the staircase, tongue-tied, his mind spiraling with a multitude of questions that he knows better than to give voice to.
He had been in his lord’s service for the better part of a millennia now, and not once had he come back from his outings bearing anything beside relics and recherché treasures, and for all his charm and self-assured demeanor, he had never been overly fond of or ever sought any other’s company, even those of his own kind. 
So, who–
Mairon’s body snaps back to attention like someone’s pinched his nerves. “My lord.” 
“Prepare a bath." Comes the order, absent-minded, almost, gaze fastened upon whoever he's carrying.
“At once, my lord.” His master sounds at ease, for the most part, but something in his tone hints at urgency, that Mairon be quick about it and so, like a bat out of hell, he does just that. The bath is drawn apace, and he lays out everything one might need next to the large tub in orderly fashion, fresh wash cloths and smooth stones, soaps and scented oils. Mairon is in the process of reaching out when his master steps into the steaming washroom fully clothed, expecting to be handed the individual tucked close to his master’s chest, hidden away under the dark garment, but the lord ignores him entirely and makes way to the bathtub. 
Mairon stares at his master’s retreating back in wide-eyed confusion. 
The coat falls at his master’s feet, carelessly discarded to the ground as though it doesn’t cost a fortune, sleeping gown follows, pale and thin and equally wet. His master kneels, carefully sinking the person in his arms in the hot liquid, the water splashing gently, some of it spraying his boots as he reaches for a cloth, his other hand cupping a head of long, white hair, fingers working to unravel the tangles there. 
All Mairon can do is stare, at a loss for words. Is… is Melkor going to bathe this person–himself?
“Leave us.” His master commands abruptly. All Mairon can do is bow as he retreats, shutting the door behind him, his eyes drift to the large window at the end of the hallway, and sees the first light barely cresting the mountains behind the thick burgundy curtains. Water still sloshes behind the door.
Mairon stands outside until the door swings open and Melkor steps out, the person in his arms cocooned in soft towels, hidden away from Mairon’s wondering eyes. His master doesn’t acknowledge him as he walks past, treading through the hallway to his bedchamber. 
Mairon cleans what little mess had been left behind, wipes the wooden floor dry and picks up the clothes piled together for washing, later. He’s ready to turn in by then, and he seeks out his own room. 
Yet how he ends up at his lord’s door is a mystery to even himself. 
It’s open, and Mairon observes his master placing a young man, already clad in a lovely shade of blue, into his own bed, moving him with care, his touch attentive as he sits by his side and smoothes an ivory comb through his snowy hair. 
It’s either Melkor does not notice Mairon, or he simply does not care, he would have dismissed him already if he didn’t want him there and so, emboldened by the lack of admonishment, Mairon takes a few steps inside and lays eyes upon the stranger. 
He doesn’t think he has ever perceived something so captivating.
Mairon’s gaze rakes over a shapely face, coral, plump lips and sharp cheekbones, long lashes fanning his cheeks. He watches his master pull the man’s hair to one side once he is done combing through it before he proceeds to braid it, deft fingers weaving through the tresses, threading the long, blue ribbon between the strands.
He lays the long plait down one shoulder once he is done, thumb running over seemingly soft ridges, his other hand tucking a stray lock behind the man’s ear and that’s when Mairon detects the puncture wounds on the man’s pale jugular. He’s unable to keep the shock off his face, this time, his wide eyes taking in the shape of his master’s teeth in this stranger’s neck. A turning bite. 
He has converted this person.
Mairon struggles his way out of this particular bout of disbelief, and he’s had one too many in the past two hours. 
“My lord, wh-” 
“Bewitching, isn’t he?” Melkor says, his clawed finger tracing the man’s pale cheek, gaze intense, the embers in his eyes burning tender and Mairon can’t think of a time when his master ever wore such an expression. Not even for Mairon himself, who had served and loved him unfailingly. What a riveting, hurtful thing to bear witness to. “I have so longed for a worthy companion.” 
A companion. 
It’s happened. 
The haze of confusion disperses and everything makes so much sense, suddenly, that Mairon wonders how he had not picked up on it sooner. 
Melkor has found himself a bride.
Of course.
Of course.
“I have so longed for a worthy companion.”
Did he? Was I not enough?
Mairon stares at him, this cold, lovely thing that is to be everything Mairon wishes he could have been. Immortal as he is, still he never thought he’d live to see this night, because theirs might be a long, lonely existence but Melkor never really cared, never voiced his need for someone special and as much as Mairon strived to be that someone, he never seemed to amount. 
The tightness in his chest prevents him from erupting into joyless laughter.
You’ve no right to feel betrayed, he never promised you anything. Wasn’t it you who clung to him? Weren’t you the one that begged? 
Mairon fights the bitter feeling down, insides warring between wanting to tear that beautiful man to shreds and stealing him away to have him all to himself.
He can’t do either.
“What pleases my master pleases me.” He declares instead, inclining his head to hide away the hurt, the jealousy.
Melkor hums. “Yes, I am very pleased.” His lips stretch into a gratified, serpentine smile, his gleaming fangs poking from under the curve of his mouth. “I see great potential in him.” 
He must have, Marion thinks, to have gone to such lengths. His master doesn't do things by halves, not a matter as critical as this, at least. Turning someone, altering their entire being and putting such power at their disposal is as pivotal a subject as one could possibly be. His eyes do a final sweep over the sleeping form. 
“He is most comely.” He offers, because he should say something, aiming to please as he’d always done, but gets a cautionary glare for his efforts, Melkor’s eyes gleaming a mean red that Mairon doesn’t usually find himself on the receiving end of. He takes a step back and dips his head in atonement for whatever wrong he’d committed, but by then the flicker of hostility had long since passed and his master’s attentions turn back to the figure laid in his bed. 
“Indeed.” He concurs, his voice gone breathless, eyes hazy, enamored with the gem he caught. Melkor does fancy the finer things in life. But this is no passing fancy, and this new addition to their lives has to be strong enough to endure the change. Not everyone makes it through, at the end, he needs to be looked after. 
So it’s no surprise that, after getting up to change out of his wet garment, and sending Mairon away in the process, Melkor stays by his bride’s side. He doesn’t leave his bedroom for a thing, keeps watch over the young man as he goes through his corpse stage, his body going cold and ashen, his mortality creeping out of him in increments as the human in him dies. Then the fever came, making the man’s body softer and more pliable, warmth returning to him, slowly at first, then faster and faster, a sickness that he would never overcome– that holds all of them hostage. 
Mairon brings his master bowel after bowel of ice cold water and clean washcloths, watches as the man sweats and heaves and trembles in his unconsciousness. It looks as unpleasant as it must have felt, and he’s glad he doesn’t remember when he’d gone through these phases. 
Worryingly, the fever persists, and this never bodes well. 
Mairon stands in the shadows and watches his master pace like a caged animal in front of his bed, fists tight at his sides and eyes gone frenzied because this isn’t supposed to happen, his master had been so painstakingly mindful and now his chosen’s body is too still, too weak, too hot to the touch.
“Stop,” Melkor takes the motionless body in his arms and holds it close, holds it tightly, his hands shaking, the first time Mairon’s ever seen him so desperately frightened. “Stop fighting it, Manwë.”
… Manwë. 
By that time the fever finally breaks, his master had been confining himself in his chamber for a fortnight, keeping vigil at Manwë’s bedside. Mairon pretends not to hear his master’s sigh of relief, the tension trickling out of him in red, seismic waves. The worst of it has passed.
Melkor dips Manwë in another bath of cool water to chase away fever residue, then adorns him in new, soft fabrics, lowers him unto crisp clean sheets and lays himself beside him, keen eyes wide open. 
It’s almost over. 
Manwë should be waking up any day now.
It’s two nights later, and Mairon is in the process of adjusting a tilted portrait when a long, cracked shriek swells throughout the manor, the frame shivering underneath his frozen hands. 
At last, Manwë is awake.
Newborns tend to be violent when they first come to, hysterical with hunger and oblivious to their own strength, so more often than not, they would be restrained, for their own safety and that of those around them. But Melkor is one of the strongest out there, he could handle this just fine, he certainly doesn’t need Mairon sprinting his way up staircases and through corridors with Manwë’s howls still in his ears, but Mairon can’t help it, he needs to see this. 
The screaming stops just before he reaches the threshold. He expects utter chaos when he walks into the room, and instead finds his master reclined against the headboard, Manwë’s slighter form pulled across his front, his slit wrist offered up for Manwë to sink into, latching on like it's all he knows to do, like his life depends on it. Because it does, Melkor had to be the one to do it, he is his maker, after all.
Melkor’s other hand smoothes down, coming to a rest at the small of Manwë’s back, his temple pressed to the top of Manwë’s head. “Drink, sweetheart,” he says, watching with indulgent, golden eyes as Manwë feeds off him, “‘Til you’ve had your fill.” 
Mairon has to turn his head from the sight, backing away, much as he wants to be a part of it, he's trespassing on something intimate. Vampire couples feeding from each other is cherished, private, personal. And that’s what Melkor and Manwë are to be. This is not something for him, or anyone, to see. 
Despite everything, it feels like a labor of love, in the end.
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grabbing my brain by the shoulders and shaking it LISTEN TO ME BRAIN look at all the things you have to live for
ceramics from robin!! they are in the mail!! i really want to see them
tshirts! also in the mail! including the one that says 'i do not wish to perish today'!!
i want to reread lockwood and co and write fics about it! there's this one specific au i have in mind
literally nobody could make sense of adira's story if I was unable to keep working on it lol there's just too many notes hidden in my brain and this story's GOOD it has POTENTIAL it just needs a lot of work
same with taira! like i have a reasonably clean draft but it needs editing badly (but i'm waiting until im in a better frame of mind in general bc otherwise i will mess it up with depressed stuff)
i'm halfway through my reread of into the silent planet
i want to see ransom grow up into a full sized cat
i want to work as a fully qualified midwife!
i want to see a nicu!
i want to go back to my previous placement place for my next mid placement bc they were so good last time i loved them sm
i want to regain my friendship with the boy! whether or not that's something that will ultimately work idk but both of us want it it's just awkward rn
amira's world tour this year might include australia i don't know yet and wouldn't it be a shame if i missed seeing her live bc if she comes to anywhere in my country i am gonna do everything i can to get to a concert
the sheet music my friend gave me of the music he wrote for me, i haven't learnt to play that yet!
i have three and a half socks promised to my parents that i haven't knitted yet
i have that fidget to crochet that i bought the pattern for a while back
i want to try crocheting another bracelet in a slightly different style that might work better in terms of sitting on my wrist (the one i have is too loose bc it fits over my hand and then sits weirdly, i want to see if i can improve that)
vaniah's story is so incredibly personal to me i know hopefully without hubris that im the only person who can write that story and it would be a terrible shame if it was uncompleted
all the many many stories i have in my brain that nobody else would understand without context
gonna borrow my brother's graphics tablet! and i have that set of artworks on psalm 23 to finish
and also a bunch of other artworks i haven't finished yet
i haven't watched lockwood and co yet!
nor have i read mistborn!
someday i want to meet up with various online friends
i haven't seen my sister for over three years irl and sometime i want to go to her place of residence overseas so i can see her
gonna go see harry potter and the cursed child sometime next month with two of my brothers
i just really want to go to a concert of some kind maybe later this year or start of next year when the mso has free concerts
i want to learn that whole thing Jesus says in the later parts of john, it has some of my favourite verses in it
i need to finish learning hebrews
i need to read the queen's thief! i have wanted to for ages but i've been tending towards not reading or only comfort reads/rereads lately
i have so many pieces of music to finish writing
i have that double-knitting hat to learn how to knit and then knit
all those cds i have to listen to!
i need to sort through my photographs, a great many i haven't even LOOKED AT yet
i have to pursue diagnosis for adhd! imagine never knowing if i had adhd or not
i want to paint my nails at least once just to see what it's like
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
Shawn & Leon- 2010
Out here posting more drafts, don't mind me.
Leon stares out at the bright lights of the city. His match was over, he was done for the day. And yet something felt...unfulfilled when he got backstage. He rubs his jaw as the sounds of car horns fill his ears.
"Its beautiful isn't it?" A rough voice calls. Leon nods. "Yeah, it is." He admits in a rougher voice. Shawn sits next to him, letting his legs dangle over the edge. "I used to come up here a lot. It was more danger back then" Shawn states. Leon looks at him. "How could it possibly be more unsafe?" Leon asks. "Well I was 80% drugs and 10% drunk with the last percentage being whatever your father fell in love with." Shawn tells him. Leon makes a small ooh noise before looking back at the city. "When did you find this spot? Didn't know any one else knew how to get on top of the arena." Shawn asks.
Leon chuckles. "After Paul slashed my face. Wanted up here for other reasons but when I saw how beautiful the city looked it became a escape for me. Like the hill back home." Leon answers. "It is a good hill" Shawn admits.
The pair sit in silence. Just enjoying the busy city.
"You did good tonight. A handicap match with you and John vs legacy? Went a lot better than I thought it would" Shawn tells him. "Something doesn't feel right. I don't feel fulfilled" Leon tells him. Shawn frowns. "Leon?" Shawn asks. "Yeah?" "Never stop fighting." Shawn tells him. Leon frowns at the older man. "What? I don't think it's that worth it pa." Leon states. "Its worth it. This place can and will be yours, just keep fighting." Shawn tells him. "Whats going on? This is yours. Yours and dad's." Leon states.
Shawn smiles sadly. "Not anymore. After wrestlemania 26, it's all yours" Shawn tells him. Leon's eyes widen. "What? Your retiring? Seriously?" Leon asks. "Im tired Leon. I'm in so much pain every match..if I could, I'd go on for years. But, I don't want to be another hogan or flair. It's your time to shine. Not mine." Shawn tells him. Leon looks down. "Ill still be around. I'll be helping hunter at nxt. I..I just can't do the ring work anymore. Its not worth the pain. I've got nothing left to prove." Shawn explains. "I understand. How's dad taking it?" Leon asks. Shawn stays quiet. Leon finally looks at him. "You haven't told him...he doesn't know" Leon whispers. "Neither does cassie." Shawn adds.
Leon scans his Pas face. He's always been good at that, but today he can't see a thing. "Why? Why me?" Leon asks. "Because you will do what's right. They...they will not." Shawn tells him quietly. Leon looks at the city. "Streak vs career.." Leon whispers, his mind flashing back at the past few months. His Pa never planned on winning. "Dad won't let you lose." Leon speaks up. "Correct." Shawn chuckles. Leon looks at him to see his father staring at him. "What do you need me to do?" Leon asks. Shawn smiles. Of course, Paul's perfect little soldier still lived on in Leon. He always will.
Leon walks into the gorilla. "Where have you been?" Cassie asks as her brother stands next to her. "I had a match aswell you know" Leon huffs. "Youve missed most of this. Pa has been trying to upset dad. Why?" Cassie asks. "Why would I know? What's he doing?" Leon asks as hunter walks over. "Mocking him. Pushing him. You know, taking notes from your book" hunter comments. Leon smiles slightly. "Where'd you think I learned it from?" Leon asks. Cassie and hunter look at him before back at the screen. "It doesn't take you long to clean up after a match. What have you been doing all this time?" Hunter asks as shawn grabs at takers legs. "Nothing at all.." Leon mutters, his eyes turning a slight purple as the camera focuses on takers face.
Takers vision becomes blurry. "S-stay down!" He yells. He looks at where his husband should be; all he sees is a shadow of a man. This isnt right. He watches as the shadow draws his thumb across his throat. "I will kill them all" the distorted voice growls before slapping taker. Taker growls as a sudden anger takes over him. No one will harm his family.
Leon smirks as the purple fades from his eyes. By the time his father is back in reality, he would of pinned Pa.
And Leon and shawn had timed it perfectly. By the time the bell rung, taker was finally waking up.
Leon felt bad about manipulating his father, the same way Paul did to him. But, his Pa is going to suffer if he wins. Leon leans over and turns the tv off. "What did you do?" Cassie asks quietly. "I did what was right. You'll understand that one day." Leon answers her before turning to leave. Cassie grabs his arm. "WHY!" She yells. "Why would you do this?!" She growls. "Its what he wanted" Leon growls pulling his arm free. "And the fact he never came to you about it proves my point" Leon adds. "Not all of us are heartless slaves Leon! I could of helped him!" Cassie barks. Leon just smiles at her. "Of course you could" Leon whispers before walking out.
He leaves just as Taker arrives back. "Where is he?" Taker growls. "Who?" Hunter asks. "Leon. I recognise hallucinations like that a mile away" Taker growls. "Hes not important right now. Shawn and cassie are" hunter snaps. Taker looks to see cassie staring at the exit with teary eyes. "Your right. I'll see to him later." He whispers moving to hug his daughter.
Leon stares into the mirror. His eyes shine purple as he examines his scarred face in the mirror. He will always be that monster Paul made him to be. He will...he will never be seen as human. His eyes shift from his face to the figure behind him. Leon let's a small smile grow on his face as the lights turn out.
Leon wouldn't be seen again until a few months later.
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lizzieblabbers · 10 months
octobery bery long ????
so remember the vacation entry i promised to post?? well... in my defense, tho, life came in the way and i had to prioritize urgent big girl stuff so i really had no time to sit down in front of my laptop and recall all my province memories
but it's sitting sa drafts na, will not set a date anymore, it'll just... be up
so anyway
october was so long wtf hHASDHADHA
so, october, to put it simply, is challenging yet rewarding. (big words from a big girl lyke me 8D *winks*
as i've mentioned in my previous post, i hadn't really had much time to kool down from the province high because i needed to be the adult that i am as soon as i arrived. it did not help that the professors had already started discussions and of course with those are activities with deadlines that were sooner than i had expected.
now, i really meant it when i said that october was sooooooo looong. or was it because i had too much on my plate that i barely had the time to rest and let time pass by? either way, it was the longest month i had this year because a lot was going on.
first week of october, i had to go somewhere, ALONE, without any idea of what am i gonna do there.
OKAY I HAVE TO STOP HERE its ten pm and i am fucking sleepy (yeah it be like that sometimes) im gonna continue this tomorrow
hi today's the day after tomorrow and wtf am i doing with my life
i have decided not to pursue the vacation post because i felt like i have already said enough about it in my previous entries (albeit trying to tone it down for, well, the said separate entry) and i think it would just be redundant??? idk, im messed up like that
so much has happened this past month that i can't really keep track of everything. october taught me a lot of lessons which i guess i can generally apply to all aspects of my life.
for one, it taught me that life isn't and will never be black and white. there are tons of gray areas existing that we should maybe look at and examine its relevance and how it affects each of us. not saying we should always justify everything, but you know... it wouldn't hurt to have another approach to life
anyhoo why am i getting all wisdom-y word-y here, im not that smart
my october mainly revolved on school and adulting responsibilities, alongside some realizations. as for school, it took me a while to adjust to the new academic year because there has been a lot of necessary changes for a less-stressful semester but all in all i'm fine now and already on the process of hooking myself back up to how i was before the vacay.
as for adulting responsibilities, well... october 2023 is when i first received a salary for doing something!!! yay :D immediately put it in a savings account and stopped myself from buying unnecessary stuff because i really want to practice this until i already have a job (FUCK THIS ADULT THING IS GETTING REALER ANY MINUTE) and as much as possible, save save save because i know im gonna need a lot if i want to sleep peacefully at night
guess that's the highlight of my month? won't dwell too much on the negative shits because (1) i can't really remember them aotm, and (2) i don't want to remember them anymore
in case of a relapse, however, i would definitely head straight here and let out everything i think about
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hyperfixatinglove · 4 years
Alive!Charlie AU
Summary: I wasn’t expecting to be greeted by a small child in Murphy’s apartment
@giranswife @heart-stealer-hope @nyandereneko @self-shipping-angel
“Dad? There’s some woman by the door!”
I blinked. The person who met me by the door wasn’t the brown haired sulking man I knew, but a little boy. Little boy with his hair and eyes. His head was slightly turned back to the apartment, waiting for an answer.
I kept my eyes on the boy as I heard Murphy’s voice inside; beckoning for the boy to let me in. He did, but first stared me up and down, measuring me. My hands tightened around the strap of my backpack. 
“Well, if dad says you can come..” the boy muttered and turned away, walking to the right where the kitchen was. Meekly I stepped in and hanged my coat in daze. Still gripping the strap, I peeked towards the kitchen. The same boy was searching for snacks; clearly in the know where everything was kept.
Suddenly he yelled for Murphy. Asking where’s the juice. He gave the answer in gentle tone. Boy was back scouting the kitchen, either purposely avoiding me or too deep in his little task to take notice.
I glanced around the place, noticing little things telling the presence of the boy in here. Hand-held console by the sofa, open backpack with stuffed animal peeking out.. Clearly this boy was used to this.
Awkwardly I sat by the sofa, twirling one bang of my hair. Nervously glancing towards the kitchen, where the hustle and bustle was coming from.
Sooner than I had time to prepare, the boy emerged from the little kitchen. His arms full of snacks. His steps were unsure and I could make out his forehead from behind the pile.
I rose up before I knew it and spoke out: “Can I help you with those? You took bit much.”
“I’m alright. But if you want to, you can bring the juice.” The boy said, bit evasive. I couldn’t see his expression, but it was evident he was on his guard around me.
“Don’t slip on the carpet.” I instictively snarked as I went to the kitchen to grab the said juice. It was only juice for Charlie it seemed, though mine was soda, not so different from his. Murphy was the only one with drink for adults.
“So, what are we watching?” I asked as I set them by the couch table.
“I dunno. Dad was we would wait for you.” The boy said, sounding bored this time as he scrolled through netflix. I sat down bit away from him as he clearly didn’t want me close.
“Well, what do you like?” I gently pressed on.
The boy shrugged. “Horror.” 
I fake gasped and muttered a over-shocked; “No way.”
“Yeah and I sell drugs out of my backpack.” 
I surpressed a chuckle, as the boy was clearly joking, trying to rile me up on purpose. Thankfully, I’ve had a good teacher in the art of poking fun.
“Oh good, you can help with tax evasion.” 
His eyes turned to mine with genuine shock. My face most likely showed my pride in outwitting him.
Murphy’s footsteps made his presence known. With a chuckle he asked: “Who said something about tax evasion?”
“Your son has a knack for snark, Murph.” I answered with a chuckle.
“I have a name.”
“Which I haven’t heard.”
Murphy rose on eyebrow at the boy, who rolled his eyes dramatically and merely said one thing: Charlie.
I snorted and introduced myself in kind. The boy - Charlie I told myself in effort to memorize a new name - remarked how different it was from names he had heard in his little life.
“I’m not around these parts Charlie, I’m not from America.” I explained, gentler this time as his attitude had.. softened a tiny bit.
He had a lot to ask. Why was I here, who I am, am I going to replace his mother. Murphy allowed us to talk, sitting by the boy’s old seat as he had scooted closer to me.
“I’m not replacing your mother Charlie. Think of me as more of a big sister.” 
“Okay. A big sister that likes my dad a lot.” 
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reggieservices · 2 years
Modern!Bowers Gang hdc
 Ooo I got a couple >:) 
~ Henry is the gym rat kid.
~ I’m sorry I dont make the rules
~ All he ever talks about is the gym
~ He hits new prs almost every week
~ Mans is on enough Pre-workout to kill an adult Blue Whale
~ Pulls up to school every morning with an arm full of energy drinks and 3 dry scoops of pre
~ SERIOUS caffeine tolerance
~ Also he forgets his  backpack at least 4 times a month
~ He’s so unorganized 
~ No folders, No binders, just a broken backpack and vibes
~ Vic is a serious organizer 
~ EVERYTHING has to be in a corresponding folder and colour 
~ Also has really nice stationary and handwriting?? always writes the best cards for Christmas and birthdays
~ He LIVES by the clean girl aesthetic
~ Always drinks homemade fruit smoothies ( which are baller)
~ BEST. SKINCARE. ROUTINE. EVERRR this man has so many products oml
~ Irons his clothes every night before school so he can look like a distinguished gentleman
~ He wears nice cologne everyday
~ Gets dudes and chicks alike fawning around him
 ~ Patrick. oh dear. Patrick
~ Well, He’s that kid. 
~ The kid at parties that jumps off the roof into a swimming pool for a beer
~ The kid that brings a live duck into school for senior prank day
~ He also always asks for food and drinks
~ Patrick: *sees someone eating* Ayo can I get a bite? 
~ Also Patrick when someone asks for food: Fuck off bitch
~ The boy is a menace to society and nothing can change that
~ Also did you guys have that kid that knew alot about WWI and WWII? Just me? Okay. Well, Patrick would tell anyone who sat down next to him about The Battle of Midway he doesnt care about what you were saying
~ Reggie is the mom of the school
~ Literally
~ He will listen to anyone talk abt boy or girl problems, how they hate their parents, really about anything
~ So many snacks in his backpack. You need a pick me up? Caffeinated peanuts. forgot your lunch? Good thing my boy has a sandwich for you. His backpack is filled to the brim with supplies for any situation. Pain killers, band aids, pliers, screwdrivers, you name it, Reggie’s got it. 
~ He tries stopping Patrick from doing dumb shit ( spoiler alert, it doesn't work that often) 
~ He and Vic are the only two of the group that actually take school seriously, they want good jobs 
~ also the gang gets together every Friday after school to tv and spend the night at someones house
~ Most likely Vic’s because mans got $$$
~ Reggie is still the designated driver
~ He doesnt mind tho, he just sits back and sips his caprisuns
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Okay okay thank you sm for asking, I love this. Thanks everyone for sending in requests. sorry its been taking a while, but I have a couple drafts im working on!!! 
Bye have a good day love you all <3
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endeaavorr · 3 years
papa!enji fucking her pretty girl in her kimono hc tw : incest
it’s your day off tomorrow, and as usual you’re going home to spend it taking care of your papa.
on your way home you stopped by a store to buy some ingredients for dinner.
papa!enji has a good high calorie balanced diet
when you arrive at home the maid has cleaned the house per your request and has went home, so you make your way to the kitchen to start prepping.
tonight you’re making gyudon, vegetable sukiyaki, seared gyoza for the side dish, and red bean based dessert.
additional from your black flame, your quirk is somehow able to sense the presence of other flame based quirk user so you can tell when papa is close.
and like how he likes it, you dress in one of the expensive hand made silk kimonos he buys you and wait on your knees by the door.
when he opens the door you’re just so excited you almost went into your puppy headspace :((
but papa looks tired and you’re determined to be his good girl.
he mutters an unpromptly deep tadaima and sits next to you to take off his shoes.
papa usually takes it off with his feet so papa must be extra tired today :(
you hurry and try to take off his shoes for him instead.
your pretty delicate hands swiftly untying the laces, your loose strain of baby hair falling to your face, and you just look so beautiful.
papa!enji is just so fucking whipped
he puts his large calloused palm on the side of your head, his thumb tugging your hair back, careful not to hurt your soft face.
he mutters a thank you
and you just reply him with an eye smile and an okaeri, papa.
damn enji felt like his heart almost stopped
“papa, do you want to bathe first ? i’ll get the water running for you.”
“it’s okay, i’ll go help myself, you go and finish dinner.”
you dismissed yourself to the kitchen with a slight bow and it tugs all the right places at his heart because fuck enji todoroki is whipped.
the dinner was quiet, it’s one of enji’s traditional mannerism mandatories that he still keep.
you’re seperated about 1.5 meters apart by the table and you can’t help but steal little glances at papa, you just miss him so much !!
enji finishes first but as he rises from the cushion you hurry to his side and take his dish from his hands.
“it’s okay papa, i got it.” your hand accidentally brushes against his.
his eyes find yours and you can feel your heart drop at his dim eyes.
he’s always like this, since he tried to fix your family, he has always been so grim and sad.
of course he’d still pull off his usual intimidating manner, he’s the number one hero after all, he’s got an image to keep and a profile to maintain.
but you know better, you always do.
even since you were young, you had always been his best girl, even when he’d spend most of his time at the agency and the little free day he has with your youngest brother, you never complain.
you’d even take another step and comfort your brothers.
and when he built a house far away, meant for your mother, natsuo, shoto, and you.
you almost wailed at the spot.
if someone’s gonna take you away from him, they’d have to pry your stiff lifeless body from death’s cold wrinkled hands.
it’s been a year but you can tell he still thinks you’re better of without him.
and you’re even more determined to prove that you’re always staying, even if you have stop by death’s door and get a loan.
he presses a soft kiss on the top of your head and walks to the living room to go sit on the couch and switch through news channels until he falls asleep on the couch and you’d have to spend ten minutes trying to get him to move to the futon you laid for him.
you wonder what happens on days when you’re not home, does he let himself sleep here until the morning comes ? doesn’t his back strain ? is that why he always seem to move uncomfortably at his office chair ?
you finish the dishes and still see he’s slumped at the sofa.
“papa, can i pour you a drink ?
he looks at your direction and answers a short “sure, come drink with me.”
you came back shortly with a tray of two ceramic cups and a cerafe filled with chilled sake.
he sits on the tatami crossing his leg below the table.
you sit on your knees and pour him his first glass. he motions to pour a glass for you too but you gently pulled the cerafe away.
“it’s okay papa, i’m taking care of you tonight.”
he sighs at your sight and finishes his glass.
“you always have, you always do.”
this continued for three more glasses and you can see he’s starting to heat up by the tint on his cheeks.
you originally hoped the alcohol will help him relax a bit, but rather he seem to be in more distress he looks like he’s about to cry, he never cries.
he prompts his elbows on the table and burries his face in his hands, confirming your earlier concern.
you’re basically entering panic mode..papa is in distress.. what to do what to do
your body moved before you knew it and crawled on the gap between his abdomen and the table side, your legs now straddling his thighs, you upper body forcing itself through his folded arms making their ways to his neck.
you can feel your cheeks heat up at the contact against his nape, it’s hot, he’s burning up.
his strong arms are now fully engulfing you, desperate to find a grip.
“it’s okay papa, i’m here.”
you pet the undercut above his nape lovingly, murmuring sweet little i’m here, i’m here and stay like that for a moment.
he pulls himself from your embrace for a bit, and you hold his face, his eyes are red yet dull at the same time.
oh how you wish you can protect him from all the harm of the world,
and how he silently wishes just the same.
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this has been on my draft for months im to lazy to edit but it’s to good to delete shdhshh enjoy
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parkspears · 7 years
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Focus on me, f-f-f-focus on me!
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ellitx · 3 years
I know this is mostly a venti blog but will you write for albedo again? would love to see more of him with your writing.. oh also I hope this doesn't come off as pushy haha I was just wondering
I did made a snippet of another albedo x reader and the draft is sitting here for months now ajskks
It has 1.7k words and albedo still hasnt appeared yet orz so uhm, here ya go even tho its not yet finished im sorryy
This looks like aether x reader at the start
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            The soft clouds of Mondstadt were a wonderful sight to see. Hues of white and blues scattered across the horizon, making it seem like a smudge of a paintbrush, beautifully painted on the canvas. 
            You were wandering at the town square of Mond, mindlessly checking the shops that will ever catch your interest. You passed by Marjorie’s souvenir shop, boring. Checking Timaeus’s alchemy, yeah you’ve already learned a lot, no need to go back there. 
            Unfortunately, there was none at all.
            A tired sigh slipped from your lips and furrowed your brows. There was nothing to do and you’ve already done all your tasks. Klee was still stuck in her confinement, so you can’t play with her today.
            What a bummer…
            Another sigh came and your stomach released a sound hungry grumbling. You squirmed and wrapped your arms around your waist to silence the noise. Walking around the town made you starve for sure. 
            You noticed a lot of people have been crowding at Sara’s restaurant. Was there an event or something? You shrugged your shoulders to brush those thoughts off, more focused on getting food than the commotion that is happening in front of you.
            “Excuse me—“
            “Please, traveler!! I’ll give you a meal for free!”
            Your brows raised in surprise seeing the Honorary Knight was here. “Ooh, free meal?! Traveler, say yes! Say yes!!” His floating companion, Paimon, exclaimed whilst floating around and wiggled her little legs in excitement. “F-fine… we can’t say no to a free food.”
            Aether placed his hand on his hair and ruffled it with a sigh of defeat. From the corner of his eyes, he saw you waving at him.
           “[Name]!” You approached them and gave a big grin. “Hey! Didn’t know you’re already back here in Mondstadt.”
            He chuckled and rubbed his neck sheepishly. “Yeah, we just recently arrived.” Before you could respond, Sara called out your name. “[Name]! Perfect timing, I also need your help.” 
            You tipped your head and hummed. “Sure. Is it another delivery?” The waitress shook her head and jutted her thumb behind her. “Lots of customers are coming and we need you two to give these orders on their table.”
            Your eye twitched and squinted at her in wariness. “I don’t mind but please don’t tell me I still have to wear that uniform.” 
            “Even though it’s a must, there's no need to. There's not enough time to change. Just give these meals to their respective tables.” She clasped her hands in front in a begging manner. Breathing in relief, you went to the counter to take the plates and set off to serve them.
            “You owe me a free Flaming Red Bolognese!” The outlander chuckled at your words and mimicked your action, ready to do the task.
            The duty actually went smoothly than you thought it would be. With Aether helping you out, it was fast and steady but with a few slips here and there. Just as you were already done, another pack of customers came rushing in.
            “Woah!! [Name] really is the waitress again in Good Hunter~!” 
            “Hey! First come, first serve!! And no skipping lines!”
            You stopped in your tracks and slowly turned your head. This is bad. Really bad.
            Your throat bobbed seeing lots of customers gathering in the diner. Then you slapped both sides of your to shake off the nervousness. Paimon glanced at you and floated over. “Woah, lots of people came. Shouldn’t you two handle it?”
            Aether seemed like he was about to pass out from exhaustion and hunger. “I…I just want something to eat…” Head clouded and hazy, he unknowingly grabbed the emergency ration by her legs and opened his mouth ready to take a bite to get rid of his starvation. It surprised her as she wriggled out from his grasp and stomped her foot in the air.
            “Get a hold of yourself! Sticky Honey Roast is almost there waiting for you!”
            “Huh?! Says the one who just floats around and does nothing to help!”
           This is going to be a long day.
             “Good work, everyone!” Sara clapped and wiped her head to remove the sweat that was slipping on the side of her head. The waitress then put out a meat dish coated with sweet honey sauce. The fragrant of the freshly cooked dish wafted through their noses making them drool.
            “Finally!!” Aether cried and took a big munch of Good Hunter’s beloved dish. 
            “And here’s your Flaming Red Bolognese, [Name]. They’re freshly cooked, so eat it while it’s still hot.” She winked and gave you a fork. You thanked Sara and twirled the spaghetti with your fork, letting its long noodles snake around it.
            “Ah, by the way, I have another request for you.” You quirked a brow at her as you chew your food, signing her to continue. “A client asked me to prepare a banquet and since we’re currently low on staff, do you mind if you do the baking?”
            You grabbed a napkin and wiped the red stains on your lips. Her request made you raise a question though. Why you and not someone who’s good at baking? Well, you can bake too but at an approaching proficiency level only. 
            The first person who came to your mind was Noelle. She can do everything perfectly well with ease. However, she seems so busy lately, so asking her to do it will make you feel bad and you don’t want to add another task to her hands.
            And the other one is…
             I-I don’t know anyone else who can bake…! 
             You can also ask Aether but you don’t want to trouble him any further especially since he just arrived here. You've already lost count of how many sighs escaped from you. Well, it’s better to help a friend who’s in trouble than just leaving them there struggling.
            “Sure, but why me?” You asked. Her lips curved and grinned at you as her eyes gleamed like the stars at night. “Your Moon Pie was so heavenly! When I took a bite of it, all the taste came to me at once. And the meringue was perfect! Not too sweet and not too bland.”
            “I would do anything to have another plate of it…” She placed her hands on her cheeks as she whined, drooling just thinking about the said pastry. 
            “So what kind of pastries am I going to bake? I hope it’s not too many.”  Sara propped her elbows on the counter and leaned forward. “Just a cake that’s all.” She then waved her hand, motioning you to come closer.
            Aether looked at them who are whispering to each other. He saw your face turned beet red and before puffing up your cheeks and playfully slapping her arms. Whatever their chat was, he shouldn’t bother wanting to know it.
            Food is here. Food is free, must eat it. Yes, only these thoughts must be inside his head. He continued relishing the delicious meal with Paimon across gnawing the plate clean.
             “Flour, check. Eggs, check. Milk, check. Now all I need is… strawberries!” You were currently shopping for ingredients in Blanche’s shop. Your eyes scanned the racks, looking for a pack of that delicate pink fruit. With the continuous search for the red fruit up and down the shop, you're starting to lose hope at no signs of sight of that sweet berry.
            Did they run out of stock?
            You went towards the shop owner and asked. Sadly, she said yes, much to your dismay. 
            “There might be fresh strawberries in Springvale. You should ask there. Or—” Blanche suddenly smirked, making you feel unease about what’s behind that mischievous smile of hers.
            “You could ask Albedo to grow one for you. He can easily grow out those with just his alchemic powers or something.” Huh, it can be. You closed your eyes and give a thought about it. 
            “Albedo? I mean yeah, but he’s busy right now.”
            “Eh? But he’s right behind you.”
            The mention of the said male standing behind you made you immediately whirled your head in excitement. You feel delighted knowing about it, but rather expecting to see his figure there, you see nothing. No one and not a thing was there. Only air greeted you. 
            The shopkeeper snorted and covered her mouth to hold her laughter as small tears started to create from the edge of her eyes. You can’t believe she just did that. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment that Blanche just tricked you into thinking the Chief Alchemist was really there.
            “S-sorry sorry.” She said in between her giggles and shook her hand. You grumbled and took out a pouch of mora to pay for the ingredients and shoving it into her hands.
            “Keep the change.”
            And with that, you marched your way off to Springvale with your face still flushed. Blanche looked over to the waitress of Good Hunter and gave her a thumbs up with that impish grin still glued to her face.
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i have to cut it off here since its not finished yet. It’s just klee and reader are baking. idk what happened to my motivation in writing for albedo ;; but if you read the snippet you can get the whole idea of this oneshot
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 211 let's go
ok first of all, this is the second to last episode guys... I don't even wanna think about how much pain I'll be in after next week's episode
mr mazzara doing the recap-
this is so weird to me and I don't know why
is Nini giving out the cards a callback to season 1 when Natalie Bagley said that Nini gave her a card or something on opening night of another musical?
Ricky in the crown gives me Harry styles in that photoshoot vibes
he's so pretty.
ok but why did we never see Ricky and Ashlyn interact before? it's been like 5 seconds and I already love how they bounce off each other and it's just so natural
well that explains a lot...
so Ricky fell on top of Ashlyn and all that broke for both of them was their wrist-
insert Jake Peralta *coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool no doubt no doubt no doubt*
of course howie was amazing as the beast, were we expecting anything less??
Ricky is so beautiful and I will not shut up about it....
let me enjoy this before the makeup crew slaps mud on his face.
Nini and Ricky talking to eachother? in a civil manner? wasn't she avoiding him just in the last episode? hm ok
yes Kaden and Rico, my favourite east high boys 🥰
I mean....where's EJ?
EJ AND GINA IN THE BACKGROUND... doing something idek
Howie is a shining star, ofc ofc
the smallest fOrk
can't wait to see the fork burst into song about how she deserves more than to be used to eat salad😌
the duster and the bluster.... ok😃
hi Gina!
hi- oh wow I didn't know Robbie Rotten was in this show!!!!!
the portwell look.
that my friends, is a married couple's look✋
aww Gina's so excited for this
D word?
Dom Toretto?
"good, clean fun all alone with someone I dig...a lot"
sir that does not sound very clean to me
Seb looks so cute standing there next to pope Carlos
Seb's reading Carlos better than big red read the script in episode 102, this is great development after the "fight"
Kourtney really just made the best outfit for herself and let the rest of them suffer
the way Gina immediately goes to hold on to EJ after the announcement
"tonight we're going to put the U in UTAH"
"hey where are you from?"
he's officially salt lake city's resident thanos
just wity clapping because for some reason I have a feeling he doesn't know how to snap his fingers...don't ask why
Ms Jenn do you mind encouraging your leads before the show? idk just an idea
pepto bismol product placement smhsmh
those flowers are bigger that big red himself-
*bops along to the opening theme*
that whistle at the end slaps everytime
I guess they're all here to see Ms Jenn go on as a fork after Nini decides to *go her own way*
wow i am so funny
so they couldn't do many group scenes cuz of covid, but this 300 person crowd is cool? nice
"Mr Caswell", he said, in the loudest voice possible while backstage at a show that's about to start.
Mazzara what are you trying to pull-
I usually like Benjamin but I don't like his tone
"we've had some good conversations these past few weeks"
right so what's going to happen after you graduate?
what does he think of you not going to Duke?
what did he say about you giving the sweatshirt that's been in the family for 3 generations to a girl you're not even dating?
good old Mr. M
therapist Mr. Mazzara, they all need it.
start with Ricky though.
"Michael Bowen"
dude why did you shave, now you look less like "hot lumberjack" and more "creep at the gas station"
does she not like Mike anymore?
why does it sound like jennzzara started dating and now they just sit back and talk smack about everyone in their freetime
break the fourth wall-
uhhhh im scared
why am I scared
he's scary
hehe flowers for Ricky, obviously for Ricky, ObViOuSLY
oh boy poor Michael
this man is in love, rip
why does Ms Jenn always look at people with her eyes open so wide
I'm only excited because I really like the idea of lily and Ricky being friends, nothing more.
ha this guy's got jokes
also he's very pretty.
"the wolves and very talented humans"
how dare he forget to mention the very talented wolves and normal humans, smh erasure
"being nice, what a concept" ted talk by Lily who still doesn't have a last name
did she just say lol out loud
same with the hug emoji last episode-
go touch some grass babes
the way he didn't say no, but said he didn't know how the east high kids would react-
not saying he does want to date her but that's an interesting thing to think about, also another thing to write an essay analysis on just to leave it in my drafts for a few months
awww lily genuinely trying to help him
sorry guys, I've been taken by the Lily charm (didn't know it existed until now but oh well)
just look at me now
the Lily wink I can't she's so cute-
David Attenborough?
oh nvm it's Benjamin narrating the show in a really weird British accent for some reason.
also is this to show that Nini doesn't care about being the star of the show anymore? the way she's supporting everyone else even though she's a fork?
I would pay for a special of the full musical ngl
yo where did the makeup come from
man I wish I was a theatre kid
my girl is starring
"needs an X-factor"
Simon Cowbell creeps in
"it's a yes from me"
and them boom, he takes Nini and mistreats her horribly and then she comes back to theatre after deciding music isn't for her👍
"I thought she just hog-tied him?"
don't ask sebby, it's better if you don't know.
imagine they spotlight the wrong person and this dude is just some random person that likes writing down stuff during shows.
Ms Jenn just let them do what they rehearsed (at some point we never saw) or else this is gonna end horribly wrong
same Carlos, same
I love how seb is just his translator rn
I thought he said "great displeasure" instead of "greatest pleasure"....help?
big red coming out from throwing up to see his girlfriend star is the cutest thing in this show.
Ash and Gina dancing is so fun
I'm imagining them practicing at night at their home, watching the movie for the 100th time and making sure their one dance together is perfect
no because I'm actually crying
I'm dead serious.
we need this musical released as a special
big red is so proud and I love to see it
Natalie: "if you do not by at least 20 dollars in concessions, you do not support art"
rando in the audience: "but I pay for ad free Spotify"
Mr Mazzara clapping in the distance
Gigi, the guy you like is talking to you, complimenting you and hyping you up
aw EJ teasing her about the chocolates in a way that doesn't make her feel bad? take notes Richard
there is no rest of the show idc Jordan is it for me
they look like they're high and having "deep" conversations on the floor
@sunshine-julie-molina YOU HEAR THAT
Natalie really just be coming for them all
Howie what is happening rn
I'm scared
"did you enjoy it"
"very much"
dude wants a kiss so bad
I want a Jordan autograph please
just keep swim- oh pushing...
Gina is literally a giant next to him and I live for it
am I about to cry for the 3rd time in this episode?
Ricky's leg kicks under the table makes me so happy aw
the portwell glances will kill me.
ah yes, mashed potato snow
Mr. M.... I'm not a theatre kid but even I know you can't have your phone on backstage.
Howie please just do it
oh ok bye Jordan
oo tea
"we're all just glad Gigi has a big brother figure in her life"
excuse me for a few thousand hours while I laugh hysterically
someone else said this already but I think it's hilarious that they had to bring in 2 guest characters to create some portwell angst
omg this really is Cici's episode, found family is their thing
elevator music lol
I'm gonna bet that big red took the harness for his surprise for Ashlyn without realising what it was
did Ms. Jenn just....tell her most mentally unstable student....to commit suicide....on a disney show...was that....I'm very....well....what the actual-
oh and there she goes running off instead of trying to make it right
oh wow Nini's the hero, she's gonna save the show 🤩
the judge is doing a sudoku
honestly if I went to the hsm show as well, I'd come prepared for this one too
Lily why are you looking like that-
wow ok, there goes that.
what if Howie was acting weird because he knew what Lily did and wanted to tell Kourtbut Lily threatened him so he was scared to-
anyways see y'all clowns next week when we all simultaneously lose all motivation for the week without Fridays to look forward to.
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tallys-train-blog · 3 years
Can you please make some dating headcanons for the Star Tugs, please? (You can do the Z-Stacks later if you want to)
*screaming* IM BACK
I've been working on this for like 2 months, it sat in my drafts box for about a month and a half with just TenCents' and then Big mac was added like a month ago LMAO
Why not make it an even longer post?👀
Star Tugs, Z-Stacks character relationship headcanons
Sorry about the massive post ya'll hope you enjoy
Star Tugs
Very loving throughout the whe relationship but can be very hardheaded/stubborn.
Will bring you flowers when ever he can or leaves notes on your door/office.
Loves to cuddle and watch movies at night.
Favorite dates are sitting at the end of the doc and talking with you.
Beginning of relationship
Thought that you would never like him or want to date him so be kind of acted cruel when feelings arose.
And then something happened
You were pushed off one of the tugs once and without thinking TenCents dove into the frigid water after you and pulled you out.
He held you in his arms until medical personnel could show up and he broke down when you left in an ambulance.
He showed up to the hospital the next day with flowers and when he saw the tubes and wires he cried
Throughout your stay he cringed a little as tubes and such were taken out.
He stayed by your side and held your hand until you woke up and kissed you the minute he could.
He told you how much he loved you and how he felt so bad for being such an ass and he ended up spending the night curled up in your hospital bed with you.
Oj and Hercules still have the photos
Big Mac
Veey sweet man
Loves to tease you though so be prepared.
Will give you kisses on the cheek as a way to show love or as a goodbye if he's in a rush.
Kind of protective, specifically when it comes to the Z stacks.
Beginning of relationship
You never expected him to have feelings for you. Not because he does what TenCents does, but because he shows his love in ways that you really have to look for.
You work with him? He'll help you and work with you whenever he can.
You live with the fleet? Will try and help you with meals or cleaning or just keep you company.
He vents to you a lot and thats another way you can tell you've learned his trust.
When he asks you out it's more or less a "would you like to see a movie together?" Or something along the lines of that.
Your first "date" was very sweet and he did did his best to spoil you and make you feel comfortable.
The first time he said i love you, you bith looked at eachother stunned and then smiled
10/10 amazing man.
Otis Jones (O.J)
Very sweet and traditional lover.
Will compliment everything, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, you hands, anything he can compliment he will atleast twice.
Is traditional in the sense that you aren't officially dating until he takes you out a few times
Holds your hands and give you kisses on your knuckles whenever
He also does this little thing that if your hands are scuffed or dried he'll put lotion on them for you.
Beginning of relationship
Very upfront with his feelings as he knows that keeping them hidden can only hurt your relationship with eachother.
Very politely asks you while making dinner or cleaning the dishes with you.
Doesn't want to tell anyone until your officially together and comfortable with it.
As i said before he wants to take you out and test the waters a few times to see how you feel about dating.
Brings you daisies and always holds your hand when showing you something.
Top Hat
Shows his love through buying gifts and surprisingly, dancing!
Is like Otis in the sense that he wants to take you out a few times before being official.
Little side note, your first kiss was on the stern of his boat as the sun went down to the song You Send Me by Sam Cooke during a party.
Beginning of Relationship
Grampus and Billy were the first to find out and Tophat was slightly pissed.
His love language is very much physical touch and buying gifts so things like slow dancing, soft touches, and new jewelry.
Kind of rubs that whole thing in Hercules' face
Doesn't want kids but very much loves yours if you have them or your nieces and nephews.
If you have siblings he will definitely have a drink with them and have long conversations with them so long as they are smart and can be sarcastic.
You have a promise ring with it, it's a thing for if he ever has to go out to sea you know he's with you.
Plans on marrying you as you are the only person he's been very attached to.
Very much a himbo but he loves you so much.
Fell very hard very very quick and Big Mac kimd of teased him for it but definitely cheered him on.
Very very in love with you and was the first to say I love you.
Beginning of relationship
Isn't good at dancing or with his words so he told you he loved you by writing it out in a letter.
Walks down the docks while you take about your day and how you're feeling are his favorite "dates".
Loves to hear you laugh so very much, it never fails to make him smile.
Will give you kisses randomly and that's how the rest of the fleet found out.
He had a job with SunShine and as a way to say good bye he ran up to you, grabbed you, and kissed you and ran.
50/10 very loving and genuine man.
Hercules (my most developed character LMAO)
O h t h i s m a n i s a f l i r t .
Lives to make you flush.
Gave you a necklace with a photo of him and TenCents in it (TC is basically his son).
Gave you little hints that he was smitten with you right off the bat.
Wasn't afraid to ask you to dinner but you weren't official as he wanted to test the water bc past relationships went to hell.
Everyone knew he had actual feelings for you, he was sweeter on you and seemed to trust you more, and smile at you more than the others and is always more goofy around you.
Beginning of relationship
Took you to a bar to go dancing and the song Sh-Boom - Life Could Be A Dream came on and when he dipped you at the end of the song he kissed you and held you close as the next song came on, foreheads pressed together.
Definitely sleeps with you in his arms every night and his two cats sleep with you. (TenCents and Sunshine have konked out with guys a few times.
Dates where you lay out a blanket in a field and read or look at the stars are very common (he does this thing when if you're on your stomach reading he'll lay his head on your thighs or ass)
Again, lives to make you blush and he'll do basically anything to make you turn as red as TenCents' Scarf.
Loves to dance and sing.
Dusk is sometimes spent dancing on his boat.
Loves to dance to hound dog with you
Relatively mature lover.
Very gentle and sweet on you and loves to make you laugh and smile.
Could be covered in grease or dust after work and would still bring you flowers or a sea shell he found if he got the chance.
"Oh boy, here comes lover boy Sunshine!" -tophat
Big mac definitely soothed him into telling you about his feelings.
Beginning of relationship
Very nervous to tell you and stuttered a little when talking to you.
Grabbed your hand by accident one day and thats when you turned to him and told him you had feelings for him.
Poor man almost passed put and fell into the water out of pire relief.
Nights spent watching movies or sitting on the beach talking about dumb things together are his favorite ways to spend time with you.
Oh god you never thought he had feelings for you.
He was a complete asshole and seemed to live pissing you off.
So when he asked you out you were stunned and almost turned him down, but decided you would give it a shot.
Very difficult man, but he was a lot softer on you after a little while.
Beginning of relationship
This relationship definitely started by you snapping at him over something hime dod and him leaning down to your face and saying something like "well aren't you a cutie"
You just about smacked him and then it settled in that he was basically flirting with you.
First date consisted of a walk down the streets of San Francisco (yes this au is in SF CA bite me.)
He took you into a shop and pointed out a cat stuffie that you said looked like one you had when you were little and he bought it for you with a red bow on it a few days later.
His love language is definitely gifts.
Zebedee (my love)
Absolutely lover man
Basically the Hercules of the Z-stacks just a little harder to read.
Has a son. His name is Zip. You are a parent now.
Zebedee was brought up in a weird house hold so he works very hard to make sure you are comfortable and he doesnt make the relationship miserable.
Beginning of relationship
Was quite open about the whole thing and surprisingly practically cussed out Zorran when he started with his shit.
Very much a sweetheart and would do anything with you if he could.
Dickwad. Doesn't know how to show his love for you, but it's there.
Shows his love by being protective and always being aroune basically.
Very rarely actually smiles but when he does cherish the fucking moment.
Beginning of relationship
"Sir wtf everyone thinks you hate them" kind of vibe.
Thought he just wanted to get to know you but now you're a week into the relationship and holy fuck i want to get married.
Wants to hold your hand most of the time and just hear your voice.
Little bit of an asshole but tries his best
Buys you little things like journals if you like to write or seeds if you have a garden.
Wears ties and always has you pick them out and if you aren't around he wears the one with your favorite flowers or colors on it.
Beginning of relationship
Teases you and acts like a big man when you first get together but then he realizes how much he loves you and becomes a big softy.
Loves to cuddle randomly and Zorran is a little piss baby about it
Loves everything about you, especially your eyes and he always makes it known.
Kind of a ditz but you have to love him for it.
He was a stuttering mess when he told you he had caught feelings and held out a single sunflower for you to take.
Loves to lay his hedon your lap as you play with his hair and talk or watch a movie.
Likes to write stories, a lot of them involve you, and he reads them to you! He's a very good writer and so many of his characters are really well developed and beautifully designed.
He has a little brother named Zacary (Xacary?) and his brother often helps Zip set dates and such up
Beginning of relationship
I have a little headcanon that Zip might have partial autism but he has ADHD and he was abused as a kid so the relationship is a little rough for him at first.
Adjusting to the whole thing of hey they love me, i love them, i can trust them.
But as he warms up he helps more, and dances with you more, and begins to really thrive in the relationship.
Is definitely in love with you even if he forgets to tell you some days.
He's trying his hardest, give him a little time
Zorran definitely had feelings for you qnd was pissy when you fell for Zip and Zip fell for you
Gonna add Boomer, Lillie, Billy, Grampus, and Cappy on later in a reblog.
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thebadchoicemachine · 3 years
For the writing prompt, what about ghost!Robin and Catboy!Corpse seeing present day Cornelius/Dream? Like Dream being confused and happy about his Partner and Son’s Ghosts being there and everyone else being v confused about the two random people calling him Cornelius and knowing him from a hundred years ago.
anon im so sorry. This has been sitting in my inbox for months now but I just cannot finish this story. it a really cool idea though. Here’s my incomplete first draft. I just copy and paste it from my wip to here so this is it, notes and cuts and typos and all. 
The idea is Karl shows up when they’re in the prison and they see the false timeline where Cornelius was a killer and are forced to accept he sucks
- The execution cell was supposed to be merciful, a more civilized solution than being beat to death, but everything about it made Robin gag. He hoped he would never ever end up in it. 
tw: implied indirect suicide, major death but they’re ghosts(?) 
Colors and colors and colors wouldn’t stop melting and mixing and swirling. They surrounded him. They were in him. They were him. He breathed them in without breathing, he bled them without blood, he was falling and flying and stood completely still. 
And then it was dark. No, then it was light. White and clean like the marble of a palace Robin knew he would never get to see. 
Where... where was he? He’d won hadn’t he? They’d... killed... him. They’d killed everyone. 
He wanted to die. He had to. There was boiling in his blood he couldn’t ease, he had to die, he needed them to hate him. To end him. The Jester’s Curse. Cursed to be wronged, to be hurt, to be freed. 
He’d always had it, as far as he was concerned. He didn’t know why he resisted for so long. Perhaps, despite everything, he’d enjoyed living at one point. Despite what he was, despite his curse, despite bring a jester, he wanted to live! At some point he couldn’t care less about tricking others into condemning him to the grave. 
After Cornelius, after Cat, he didn’t even fight it nor could he fight for it. He didn’t even care. Even as the ground swallowed him up in flames of the execution he held no harmony. No peace. There was no joy in his victory, there was no meaning to his death. Even in fulfilling it, he’d denied his curse. 
That’s why he was still here, wasn’t it? Jesters want to die, they want to transform, to be released into vengeful spirits of lies and trickery. He was... dead. He was also... still here... why? He knew why. He didn’t think he liked the answer. 
Robin couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t stand to bother mourning anymore. Not himself, not his long-dead family, not his new fath- he choked. He didn’t know know on what, he had no air, no lungs. He just couldn’t finish the thought. 
“We never did make it official, did we?” A solemn, comforting, voice rang out.
Robin spun around. No. What? No, it’s not. It is. He is. Right there. Standing- no, not standing. Neither of them can stand. Not floating either just… there… was Cat. 
Robin felt his eyes fill up with tears, he didn’t know how, he didn’t care. He flew into his friend’s arms. 
“Woah! Ah, be careful, child.”
“H-how,” Robin sobbed into his chest. “How are you…”
“You’re here, aren’t you?”
“I th-thought that was because of my c-curse.”
Cat sighed, gently ruffling the child’s hair.  
“No,” he spoke, finally. “I don’t think that’s why any of us are here.”
“No, I don’t think it’s what happens to everyone either. I’ve been alone as far as I can tell. I haven’t found anyone else. Not even…” he sighed again. 
Robin understood. Cornelius was gone. 
“I’m so sorry, Robin.” Cat tightened his grip. “I’m so sorry for what we put you through. We promised we would give you a better life, a safer one, but we left you in the worst way possible. You were executed because... because of me.”
“Oh,” Robin stared down at his feet. “You... were there for that?”
“No. I wasn’t- I can’t- I don’t know how to explain it, I only know what happened. Exactly what happened. It was like living a story being told to you, as though a nar- narrating...
Narration. Something clicked in both of their minds. Wasn’t there some strange… the spirals… the colors… he didn’t have a name, not one he ever told them. He had simply showed up one day, right before it all began. He wasn’t there, not properly anyway,. but he was there. He was there in the backs of everyone’s minds. He was there as he explained away every awful thing like it was a footnote in a novel. He was there as he made and told truth. He was the Narrator. 
He had such an air of control, such an air of change. 
Thoughts (memories?) of a past that never happened flashed through Robin’s mind. Cat was out investigating, Robin was carefully looking over his medical supplies. He couldn’t risk- NO. No. He swept the distraction from his mind. He wouldn’t get carried away, not this time.
The narrator. The Narrator. He had a book. A swirling and swishing mash of colors cover on his book he scribed all their horrors into. That’s where they were. 
“Cat, we need to go. He made a mistake. This… was his first time. We are not supposed to be here. We were never meant to leave. We should try to get out.”
Cat only nodded. Robin didn’t know why he understood or how deeply, but he did. This was a mistake.
The two began wandering the halls. It was strange, being able to think and move again as though his body was still his. To have his mind and thoughts working in a stream of consciousness instead of a thick muddy bog of echos. If he didn’t know any better he’d describe it as feeling more… alive.
He even reached out to guide Cat out of habit. How amazing was it that he had habits again? Cat allowed him to because he knew the comfort it gave him to have something so familiar. Although, of course, not really needing him to. They were both still dead, spirits, memories. Living- not living like this, detached, was like existing with a million tiny radars reaching out all around you. It wasn’t a matter of seeing or feeling, simply knowing. When you were so disconnected from life and itself you were able to get a much clearer and instant idea of the world, he supposed.
They walked and wandered in silence for a while. At least, a while from their perspective. Even with no real idea what or where they were Robin could tell time was… off… here. 
Eventually, they found their way out. There was no exit or pathway they walked through nor was it a sudden jump. They had just… made it out. They were standing beneath the shelter of some trees. It was raining. They were surrounded by unfamiliar structures and landscapes. Of course they were, but this wasn’t just some distant biome or kingdom it was…
“Robin? Are you alright?” 
“I- yes. I’m fine, Cat. This is- I mean, that place is just… wow.”
“It’s... different, yes. This rain is- hmm, it’s weird. I can’t feel it but I know it’s there. It’s making everything fuzzy.”
Robin stuck his hand out. The raindrops sizzled against his skin. He was so focused on the odd sensation he jumped when Cat yanked his arm back.
“What was that? Are you alright?”
“The rain, it stings.”
“Badly? Are you hurt?”
“Not really. It feels like I’m a bar of soap being whittled down by the drops but I’m fine. It only feels strange.”
“Oh, good,” Cat breathed a sigh of relief. “In that case, let’s keep moving.” 
Robin agreed. They didn’t have anywhere to go but neither felt like standing under the tree for all eternity. Besides, they were in a whole new world, maybe even a whole new dimension, and Robin was really curious to see what was with those strange building 
It all seemed impossible. 
His breath was taken away at every turn as they walked. Structures like nothing he’d ever seen before. There were so many colors, so many shapes, so many mechanics, so many things, and all so high and huge. It was amazing. 
“Slow down a little, this rain is really disorienting.”
“Sorry! Sorry, this place is just… wow.”
“So you’ve said,” Cat laughed. “What exactly is so amazing about it? Describe it to me.”
“Well, there’s so much of it. It’s like a town but nothing like a town at all. More like a whole kingdom. A very strange kingdom.  There’s no uniform to it, every build is unique. There was a castle we passed, it was huge and had so many colors! There were just rainbows and rainbows pouring out of every-”
“Mmm, interesting.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“This castle though, it felt like regret, didn’t it?”
“Y-yeah? Kinda,” Robbin had been trying to avoid thinking about that, how he could feel every building. “Uh, over to your side there is a pit, a giant crater bigger than our entire town! It’s tragic. It’s refreshing a little. It’s kind of…”
“Familiar. I- I don’t want to be near that, Robin. Let’s keep moving.”
Robin didn’t agree. He wanted to get closer, to feel what was so sad, so new, so ended, what about whatever tragedy there was familiar. He wanted to understand what he knew would hurt him, and why. 
“No! He would never!” Cat’s voice was rising. It was honestly scary, Robin had never seen him so wrathful. “He is the kindest person you will ever know! He is a protector! He’s- he is-”
“Do you really believe that?” The Narrator asked, calm and unfazed, sorrow creeping into his question. Robin couldn’t shake it from his mind. His thoughts were ruffles like pages flipping backward in a book. Like a pencil rubbing revealing words erased and undone but that had still been written. He was sent back to his flashing memories, his lies, unable to stop them.  
Cat was out investigating, Robin was carefully looking over his medical supplies. He couldn’t risk choosing wrong tonight. He’d been right to focus on himself. No, he’d been lucky. He’d panicked. Cat was out to the town now. Robin was out now. The killers knew they could stop them, they would be targets. The killers…
Part of him wanted to ignore it, to go back to thinking it couldn’t be one of them. That no one would do something like that, that is must be some outside force but Jimmy… they’d gotten him right. Robin winced at the memory of Helga, at how it had almost been him, but they’d gotten Jimmy right. He knew they had, the Narrator said so. 
The next morning, no one had died. Robin hadn’t needed to heal anyone. Cat reported Jack hadn’t left his home. It seemed like, well, it must be Jack. It just had to be, didn’t it? Robin frowned. He liked Jack enough, he didn’t want to kill anyone. He didn’t want to be wrong again but what choice did he have?
Jack was fighting. He was shouting, angry, scared. He was in the exact same place Robin had been a few nights ago. The familiarity burned inside his chest. He couldn’t stand any more of this, it needed to end tonight. 
“IT’S CORNELIUS!  IT’S HIM! IT HAS TO BE! Look at me. Look at me! You know me, I’m simple, I farm potatoes. If Helga was still here she’d remind yall I ain’t good for much else. You really think I could do this?”
Robin couldn’t comprehend what he was hearing. He wanted to believe it. He wanted to spare everyone he could but… Cornelius? Could he really condemn him any more than he could Jack? Could he any less? 
“What makes you think it’s me and not one of them? I know you’re a killer, Jack. You guessed Cat would be on your trail tonight and didn’t kill. Why else wouldn’t someone be dead today?” Cornelius’s voice was as calm and upbeat as ever, if not a bit exasperated. 
“He’s smart! He’s too smart. Look at his freaky, calculatin’ eyes, if you can ever see them. Look at him! Hiding behind that mask, wearing that ridiculous green hood, what’s that smile for, huh? None of us should have trusted him the day he set foot in this town, make up for it now. C’mon! Cat, I know you’re better than murderin’ folks for mayhem. Bob, you’re as simple as me! Robin,” Robin froze up as he was addressed directly “You’re a child, a sweet one. I’m sorry you have to live through this. I’m sorry you’ve been where I am now but I only hope that gives you the empathy you need to make the right choice. It’s him. I swear it’s not me!”
Everything felt stifled. He muffled the distraught protests of Cat in favor of listening to his own. No. No, it couldn’t be.  Everyone in town used to be friendly but Cornelius was a friend. He and Cat had been there for Robin. They’d taken him in, cared for him, treated him as their own son. Well, Cat had. 
Robin slowly blinked. What had Cornelius done for him? Thinking this way made him sick but he needed to be rational here. Did he really believe Cornelius was innocent, truly? He trusted Cat. Cat had proof he was safe, even if he wasn’t an investigator he had years and years of kindness to back him up. What did Cornelius have, really? He was kind, decent enough, but so was Jack. So were Jimmy and Helga. That wasn’t something he could base his vote on. 
So what did make him so sure it wasn’t Cornelius? The only… he realized the only thing holding him up was Cat. Cat loved him. Robin wanted that to be enough. He wanted desperately to go back home, to lay in Cat’s lap while Cornelius told them stories. He wanted to retreat into his memories but when he tried they felt corrupted, tainted, hollow. 
Every time he tried to imagine the kind way Cornelius had ruffled his hair, how he’d giggle and blush after a kiss from Cat, how he’d take off his mask at home and join Robin sitting on the porch, every time he tried to lose himself in the memory of that soft, humored, smile he was frozen inside by the eyes. Even when they were sad or kind his eyes were always vibrant, sharp… calculating. 
Robin took a shaky breath. He didn’t like this, he didn’t want to do this, any of it. He was filled with a numb resolve as he cast his vote. He had no proof either was innocent but he had no reason to believe Jack was capable of this… he knew Cornelius was. 
“The voting has finished,” The Narrator began. “Jack... Jack is the most suspected but this means nothing. Cornelius, by 3/5ths of the vote you have been found guilty. Please, step into the chamber.”
“NO!” A scream cut through the faux memory, just barely. Just enough for Robin to hear it. Who had yelled? Cat? Cor- Dream? Himself? He didn’t know, he was still lost.
Lost… Robin was so lost. 3/5ths. Cornelius obviously voted for Jack and vice versa, Bob was on Jack’s side, Cat must have voted for Jack even if only to save his love. Robin had been the deciding vote. What had he done? Was he right? Cornelius gave him no answer as he calmly stepped into the cell. The Narrator blabbed on, explaining the votes and who and what but for the first time since the colorful stranger arrived Robin couldn't listen to a word he said, instead focusing on Cat. 
Cat had run to the jail, his hands reaching desperately through the bars. “I didn’t want this. I didn’t want this,” he kept repeating. His voice was calm and low but Robin could tell that was desperate. He was putting on an act, trying to reassure Cornelius as though it would all solve itself if he just kept together. Cornelius still didn’t speak. He took Cat’s hand and rested it on his face, under his mask.
Then the grate snaped close and Cat was forced to pull his hand back. He barely moved though, pressing his hands against the wire through the bars. Cornelius pressed his hand up from the other side. Maybe Cat could feel it, maybe he couldn’t, Robin didn’t know which he preferred. 
Part of Robin wanted to put him to back away, to warn him the bars and fence was there for a reason, but the rest of him knew he couldn’t. The least- the only thing he could do was allow Cat this brief moment of closure, if you could even call it that. 
Cornelius still kept silent, for just the briefest of moments Robin hated him. How dare he? How dare he sit there, keeping Cat suffering in silence? How dare he keep Robin in this horrid suspense? How dare he not admit his crimes or keep pleading his innocence? How dare he… how dare… then Robin heard Cat whimper and the anger was gone. 
“We’re gonna get you out of here, okay? We-”
“Well, that’s not gonna happen,” The Narrator laughed, almost callously. If he wasn’t so detached from the world, so different from them he felt innocent even in cruelty, Robin might’ve felt like spitting on him. He couldn’t though, he was different. He was detached. He was like a child who didn’t know any better than to hurt others’ feelings. Like a child except instead of not knowing any better he knew too much. 
Maybe that’s why Robin didn’t lash out or protest as the narrator pulled the lever. Maybe that’s why he didn’t scream as the pistons shifted. Maybe that’s why he only closed his eyes and ignored the shouts of triumph. He couldn’t even find it in himself to be angry at Jack and Bob for celebrating, at the moment he was only glad their cries drowned out the sizzle. 
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: dreary [a miya osamu birthday special] Pairing: gn!reader x miya osamu Genre: mild angst, fluff, drama, age-up!osamu and reader
Synopsis: in which a famous author sees the world in a greyscale but the moment he enters it, he splashes colors onto their dull and dreary world.
will this be a series???? idk probably ksksksks but yeah happy osamu and atsumu day since we have the coward series already, its only respectful that i make a story for osamu because he deserves the love too on this special day (or because im just well, you know a miya simp hA)
Warnings: language, smoking, and Y/N being a problematic and arrogant asshole
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People often wonder how novels come to be, how writers are able to sow a bunch of words together and create such masterpieces. How they’re able to make the hearts of their readers tug or ponder in deep thought, how they’re able to gather a group of individuals and create a passion together. 
You were one of the general census now.
Here you were, in the middle of a messy room, the smell of smoke and black coffee lingering the air as you laid on your couch with papers crumpled on each side and pens strewn across your living room. 
“What the hell?”
You’re immediately greeted by a harsh light without warning, you immediately mumble a bunch of curses underneath your breath, “What the fuck, Mikoto?” you growled, shutting your eyes and covering it with a pillow.
“When you said you wanted to take a vacation at Hyogo I didn’t expect you to be pigging around!” Your agent exclaimed, his fiery red hair mirrored his volatile personality, just like you, he had a temper and everyone did say you can never fight fire with fire. It’s a miracle he put up with you.
You immediately flipped him off, “You better hope I don’t minus that on your paycheck, fucker.” you grumbled beneath the pillow, “Now close the lights, I’m tryna concentrate!”
“Concentrate on what exactly? I gave you two weeks, Y/N.”
“I’m doing it.”
“It’s been two months!” He half-yelled, “You haven’t been out for promotions in two years and you haven’t released a book in the three years, you’re going to be washed up at this point!”
You immediately remove the pillow from your face and stare at your agent, “Washed up? People still buy my books!” You retort.
“Your sales are going down, Y/N.” He placed a envelope in front of you, “You might not even be relevant at the end-”
You immediately grab the files and toss it to the side, it’s contents spilling out, “I have enough money to live a comfortable life.” You clenched your hands tight, what a joke, you paid this man to work for you. Why was he calling you out like he was your father or something? Even your father didn’t call you out this way.
“That’s not the point-”
You ignore him as you place another cigarette in between your lips, “Then what is the point? I pay you to manage my contracts and shit, what I do on my down time is none of your business.” you cut him off.
“If you’d stop being an ass for a moment-”
“You can leave, you know your way out.” You cut him off once again, completely tired of his bullshit despite him just getting here, “Now.”
Mikoto narrows his eyes, “The higher ups are giving you another month, if you can’t give them a draft, they’re letting you go.”
You run your hands through your dry and frizzy hair, still ignoring him. As you hear the door shut, you puff the smoke your of your system and stare at the blank sheets of papers and your battery dead laptop, “What a fuckin’ joke.” you mumble, crushing the cigar on the expensive mahogany table. You slowly shuffle towards the kitchen, wanting to prepare yourself an instant meal yet when you notice that your pantry and ref is empty and that your local delivery doesn’t seem to be available, you’re more annoyed as the moments past.
“What kind of fucking restaurants are these?” you scowled, staring at your phone, you hated going out. The sun was too bright, there would be people around and you hated being a few feet away from any living creature since their breathing patterns annoyed the fuck out of you. You could wait until-
You stop on your footsteps when you hear your stomach growling, “Ah shit.” you cursed, “Really?”
Grabbing the cleanest jacket and pair of darkest shades, you decided that you might as well grab some take-out and get out to find something to eat. Not even bothering to comb the frizzes of your hair or splash some water on your face, you walk down the street with your hood up and shades on. It wasn’t sunny as you recalled, maybe it had been two months already.
It was getting kind of cold compared to the last time you went out.
You stop at the first restaurant you come across, onigiri miya. Sounds interesting, might as well grab a bite since it wasn’t a rush hour here and you didn’t want to walk anymore farther. Opening the shop’s door, you're greeted by Japanese interior and the smell of onigiri and some sauce you can’t seem to point out, “Welcome to Onigiri Miya, why don’t ya grab a seat and I’ll be with you in a moment?” someone calls out.
You nod at the woman as you sit nearest to the exit and stare at the variety of onigiri’s the place has to offer. You never knew such flavors even existed to begin with.
Man, the owner must really love onigiri’s huh?
“Ya ready to order?”
Your thoughts are cut short as you hear a voice, you seem to notice that the woman’s voice is deeper this time and the accent of a local is more evident, odd. Looking up from the menu to tell her your order, you're thrown off guard by a pair of friendly grey eyes staring right at you and it was definitely not the woman from earlier.
He was fairly good-looking with a good build, indicating that he kept his life healthy and unlike you, this one seemed to have his life in order by his clean and pristine appearance, “Fatty tuna onigiri’s please. Five pieces.” you simply say, squinting your eyes behind your dark shades. 
“Would you like anything to drink with that? Sides?”
“No.” You simply replied, you were still staring at him, completely enamored by his presence. He reminded you of something, better yet, he reminded you of a weird feeling. You slowly tap your fingertips on the table, eyes still glazing on him as he said that he’ll be back soon with your order. He didn’t seem to notice your open gaze on him.
Grey eyes.
A mysterious and happy smile.
The tapping on the table turns rhythmic as words slowly start to form in your head and before you know it, you're standing up and asking the nearby woman for a pen and a napkin. The woman looks at you in an odd manner but nevertheless she complies, you hurriedly start to scribble on the paper the first few sentences of what seemed to be the novel that you’ve been desperately trying to write these past two years.
Placing some money on the table for the meal that hasn’t arrived, you immediately run outside and back to your apartment, ignoring the woman behind you and the calls of the waiter who had struck an unfamiliar yet at the same time a familiar chord within you.
The world that was once void of color and inspiration seemed to be overflowing, all because of those grey eyes.
taglist wont be open for this one since im not sure if i should even continue this.
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