#this got extremely long and i apologise 😂
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year ago
Hi Shaz! Im feeling so down today, i had been stressed out for the whole week as I have 2 audits and 2 assessment for this month, I dis not pass one of my assessment today. Pls give me some Jikook content to lift my spirit up 😘 I know reading ur blogs will make me feel good, that’s why I run here after hahahah
I got u my lovely. There is never shortage of Jikook content! I didn't do it when u asked me but better late than never, no?
To start us off, how soft is this image?
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No seriously, how soft is that?
(Which reminds me, @youaremy-parkfilter I haven't 4go10 your ask. I just haven't had time to rewatch the episode but I will, I promise)
It's a subconscious act too, that's what I love about it. Their size difference though! Gets me everytime
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I love them sm 😩😩😩😩😫😫😫😫
Okay, okay. Let's get it together. Too fluffy..too much fluff. I know just the thing to get me back on track. 😏 see this photo of JK where he looks like a professional wrecker?
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No, but he really do be looking like he does indeed wreck Jimin seven days a week 🥵 Anyway, remember how he adjusts the Jungkonda during this clip? Isn't it funny who he's talking about while he does that? 🤭🤭🤭
😂🤣😂 Look, this isn't what you would call a typical Jikook moment. It's just one of those things someone with a brain like mine would notice, alright? It's JK adjusting himself, of course I noticed. But it was JK adjusting himself while talking about Jimin. 🤭🤭🤭
Moving onnnnnnn.... what do you reckon Jikook have been saying to eo all these years?
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And why do they have to be that close? Its that lack of personal space thing they've always had going on 🤭
Anyway, let's do a tiny analysis because we can. I was watching this because it doesn't matter how long you've been around there is always BTS content to catch up on, and I noticed something that really tickled me.
So Jimin was asked to pretend he's preventing his gf from breaking up with him. V wanted to pretend to be the gf but JK quickly beats him to it.
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He stands up incredibly fast and stops infront of Jimin 😂😂 JK did not want another member to play this role. He really wanted to be Jimin's pretend girlfriend 🤭🤭🤭
The best part though, is when Jimin still names his girlfriend Jeon Jungkook. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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I'm sorry but that was too funny to me. Jimin and his girlfriend Jungkook 🤭🤭 Not RM finding it cringy 😂😂😂 RM's reactions never fail y'all.
Then, Jimin was asked to pick an actress he would love to work with.
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And so he did.
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Then an outraged JK was like, what about me???
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Umm... okay? You're not even on the list bro, maybe chill? 🤭😂
It's the little things guys. It's the little things. And of course satellite Jikook are sitting next to eo. 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
Next I'm gonna share this extremely soft Jikook moment. Like, he didn't even hurt him. That punch was so soft and yet here Jimin is just hugging on JK and apologising for the clearly painless punch. But its the tight hug at the end for me 🥺
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Alrighty! Back to another BV analysis. So remember when they went to that tourist place with all the dinosaur carcasses and Jimin was soooooooo excited? As soon as he spotted it he told us about how he loves dinosaurs
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He couldn't wait to get off the ATV and ran towards it.
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And there he goes telling RM all about it. Super super excited he is.
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As soon as he was given the go ahead he got inside one of them.
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Now, JK could you please tell us your favourite animal just one more time?
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Thank you JK ☺☺☺
Out of the million things Jikook have in common, quickly add dinosaurs to the list if you haven't. 🥰🥰
While we are on BV there is this one moment that I didn't understand. Like Jimin was just there... he wasn't even talking it was RM and someone else talking. But JK was just.... staring at Mimi
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Like for no reason. And as soon as Jimin turned back to his food JK quickly looks away.
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This JK habit absolutely fascinates me. Like fr fr. What is it? What goes on? Like Mr. Jeon can you speak your thoughts outloud? That's your man, you've known him for years, why do you look at him like you've never seen him before? It's just... I don't understand... but I know it ain't normal. Like, friends don't just stare at their other friends for no reason.
Okay so I just thought this was cute
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And this will always be very eyebrow raising for me. Why u blushing for your bandmate Jimin?
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And why does JK always look so cocky when that happens? 🤔 Guess we'll never know 🤷🏽‍♀️
Satellite Jeon my favourite! Look at him be subtle!
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Oh what's that? V showing Jimin his phone?
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Oops, JK must know what Jimin is looking at. On time, like clockwork. Peekaboo!
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This one i clicked on by accident but I'm not mad at it. For me, It's how deep Jimin's fingers are digging into an erogenous part of JK's body 😏
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Sorry I'm late my dear. But hope this post finds you well 💚💚💚
In conclusion:
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icantlivewithoutdreaming · 10 months ago
Hello there!
I’m here cause I’ve just woken up and I need to talk to y’all about the dream I’ve had about the series finale.
On Tuesday (before ep 14 aired) I dreamed that everyone died on Tantiss and I was a mess (the Kiner’s cryptic tweet messed with my psyche).
Some things are slipping away from me, but I swear it was SO GOOD.
The dream starts with CX-2. He is at Tantiss and there is a clone rebellion going on. I don’t know if Rex got there with some of the boys, but the place is a mess.
He realises that there is something he needs to do, so he grabs Scorch and Wolffe and takes them to the top of the mountain.
There, he is having an identity crisis and he is trying to explain to them that they are working with the bad guys. Wolffe and Scorch don’t understand so CX-2 removes his helmet…
It’s Tech.
At that moment, in the middle of a panic attack, Omega and Hunter reach the top and they see him. I don’t know why, but I think that’s the only way they can escape Tantiss.
Omega starts crying and Hunter is frozen.
No one moves.
Wrecker arrives.
Then Echo.
And finally Cross.
No one moves.
When Cross sees him he starts crying, apologising. If he had known that Tech had been on Tantiss all this time, he would have never left him behind.
Everyone is too shocked to do something, but at that moment Hemlock (I don’t know how but he is on an Imperial Cruiser, same as Rampart in season 1) starts bombarding Tantiss.
Hunter reacts first. He can feel it coming. He grabs Omega and Tech and hugs them.
Wrecker moves next. He embraces the three of them.
Echo gets to them as well. Then Cross.
They all hug while Tantiss shakes, explosions all around them…
And I “wake up”.
(I know this may seem like an awful ending… but wait because there is more. I’m still dreaming, though at the moment I thought that I wasn’t.)
I “wake up” and I’m extremely happy because I realise 3 things:
1. We were not Delulu. Tech’s alive and we got him back.
2. The episode was 89 minutes long.
3. That can’t possibly be the ending. That’s a cliffhanger and they are about to announce season 4.
I get up, prepare breakfast and my sister comes home. I start crying and telling her about the finale (she is not a star wars fan, hasn’t even watched the movies, but I’m a mess and I need to tell her how the season ended).
She starts recording me while I sob and talk about the season finale and I think: this is nice cause then I can post my reaction online so that I interact with all of you, cause it’s impossible that I’m the only one having meltdown.
That’s when I wake up, for real.
And I realise that:
It’s Friday.
The episode hasn’t aired.
My sister hasn’t recorded me.
And Tech’s gone.
(I won’t give up on him. There is one more episode to go).
I needed to write this down as soon as I woke up cause I was going to forget everything.
I hope that at least I entertained you.
4 days and 20 hours to go.
(That group hug cleansed my soul. I swear. You had to be there 😂😂😂😂).
Love y’all. Interacting with you is the best part of this journey. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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evansbby · 2 years ago
From my experience, men and their female best friends always got something going on. I can't even blame the girl cuz the men be on some bullshit. The issue is that men are usually friends with women they find attractive and attracted to. Also because they view women as things for sex they tend to always have some sort of physical history with the women around them.
For example, a long time ago I had a boyfriend who had been best friends with this girl his entire life. Their parents were best friends and they grew up together, they acted like twins, that kinda shit. I was naive so I didn't think anything of them being extremely touchy with each other. However he told me in the first month of our relationship that he couldn't be physically affectionate to me because he's not that type of person. I would see him wrapped around her on our bed sleeping. He refused to hold my hand in public. But I was 22 and he was 35 and I liked him so much I let him walk all over me just so he would stay with me.
There were many signs like the fact that he would always take her side in everything, he only ever talked about her to the point where everyone who knew him including his family thought they were dating him and of course he could never say no to her but the first really bad sign was when he invited her to our ANNIVERSARY dinner where he proceeded to ignore me and focus on her and then when we were back at our apartment, we were all getting ready to watch a movie together and she casually sat on his lap. He suddenly seemed to remember that I was there, apologised and seemed genuine and he really tried to make it up to me so I let it go.
Second bad sign was when he could never remember simple things about me but always remembered everything about her. We had been dating for 5 years and he still couldn't correctly spell my last name while he spelt her European name perfectly but I guess that's what I get for dating a white man.
I’m so sorry you went through such a shitty experience!
And I won’t say anything else on this topic or answer any more asks bc I don’t want to invite a discussion on my page bc i respectfully disagree with some people. But I do agree with you, the man is a HUGE part of the problem. They 1000% only ever befriend girls they find attractive. And there’s always something there, no matter how innocuous both parties play it off. At least in my opinion.
Also lmfao at your last sentence 😭😭😂💀💀
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allylikethecat · 11 months ago
Hey! Only just saw your response to the ask I sent yesterday (the one about thinking of rereading all ur fics). You mentioned wondering which was my favourite and it might have just been a throwaway comment but I am DYING to talk about it so I’m sending this ask anyway. It’s going to be a long one I apologise.
I feel like my favourite atm has to be All the Kings Horses just because it feels so REAL and I have formed an attachment to the characters already. I adore how they’re all portrayed. But also it’s so clear that you know the world so well it’s so easy to be drawn into it.
Also on that note- do you ever think you’d write something to like publish? Not like a fanfic just something you’ve created ig? I mean it’s clear you definitely could if you wanted. (Also I mean twilight wouldn’t exist without a Gerad Way fanfic writer haha)
But back to your fics I feel like I also have an attachment to a lot of the stories in the infection verse. The first story of yours that I read was the one where he scratches his eye so I guess that one always has to be partially my favourite, the ear infection one that followed too.
BUT I also really love ducklings and it’s sooo good at the moment so that might be my second favourite maybe ??
Who knows. Anyway that’s all I was going to say, I apologise for the long ask if you made it this far :)
Oh my gosh seeing this ask has absolutely made my entire day!! Thank you so much for sending this my way, it was 100% not a throw away comment, I love hearing which of my fics are resonating with people, it's a great way for me to see what's working and what's not working in my writing since I strive to improve with each project / chapter! I also LOVE talking about fic, whether it's my fic or someone else's fic, so the opportunity to do so is always welcome!! Also never apologize for sending a long ask! Literally makes my entire day!! I'm also about to write you one back that is just as long if not longer so buckle up I apologize in advance I got excited lol.
I'm SO HAPPY to hear that you're enjoying All the King's Horses!! Currently, that is my absolute favorite fic that I'm working on and I know it's a very specific, niche AU so the fact that people are giving it a chance (and enjoying it!!) makes me so happy and so extremely grateful. I love that version of the gang so much - because it is an AU where they are not a band, I feel like I've really gotten to play around with how everyone fits together and knows one another which has been so fun! I'm excited to introduce a few more figures from IRL into the All the King's Horses universe! I also just... love horses and equestrian sports so much that it's like combining my two majors obsessions / interests and it makes my heart SO HAPPY.
In terms of actually traditionally publishing some kind of original fiction some day... that would be an absolute dream. I do have a collection of original projects that I've been working on in addition to my fanfiction, but nothing that I feel is "good enough" or that I'm ready to try and share with the world in that way. I'm seriously so flattered that you think my writing is good enough to even consider pursing traditional publishing with original work 🩵 maybe one day! For now I will be continuing to make Fictional!Matty suffer in various ways 😂
AHHH I'm so happy to hear that the Eye Infection Fic is the one that pulled you in!! I also have a huge soft spot for the Infection verse (which is why we keep revisiting that version of Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George) and I have had so much fun piecing together their world and also trying to make sure there aren't any major continuity errors since it was just supposed to be a stand alone one shot when I started haha
I'm also glad you are enjoying Ducklings!! I know that's another niche trope that people either LOVE or actively avoid so thank you for giving that one a chance as well! It's kind snowballed into a monster but I think I have some direction with it now, and I'm excited for all of Fictional!Matty's secrets to be revealed!
Once again, never apologize for sending a long ask!! Thank YOU for taking the time to not only read my fics but to type up this commentary on them! I am truly going like this !!!! and am just so, so, so grateful for the support and kindness of readers like you!! I never thought that I would be engaging with anyone on Tumblr about my fic, and instead have found myself part of such a lovely little community here. Thank you so much again and I hope you had a lovely weekend and that you have a great upcoming week!
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lazyflower48 · 1 year ago
i'm going to pass out from all the dopamine today 😭 people in tumblr are literally going to be the end of me (in a good way)
SEIDIE okay first and for most
thanks for contemplating - you prob know who i am lol 😂😁 i'm going to think of asks your lovely followers might want to know abt you and interview you like the 🌺🌺🌟 (star) you are
what's your tumblr origin story? what got you into tumblr?
what got you into digital drawing?
are you aware that you're good in drawing? (tbh i think most artists are lol) - and what keeps you humble/motivated?
is there a particular acc on here whom you're a big fan of? feel free to shamelessly @ them lol.
are you into extreme rides like roller coasters?
would you rather confront someone OR be confronted?
angst or fluff?
what's the best manga or anime you've read/watched?
are you the type to cry over fiction? TT
lazyflower48, what's YOUR favourite flower?
you have three names - An, Lazyflower48, and Lampshade. do you mind giving us a background on these names?
what's one thing you want to improve on?
iirc you're into computer science? (help if this is wrong, its going to be so embarrassing 😭) but anyways. are you more of a math/sciences person OR an arts person? or both?
do you have a pet?
name one thing you're grateful for today
describe your personality in 3 ways
if you had to pick one - attachment issues or commitment issues?
Name one thing!! you like about your physical appearance (saw this from another post)
Do you have a type? (as in ideal 'crush' or smthing)
Are you more of a listener or a chatterbox?
What's your fave thing to draw?
have you ever done commissions before and if you had, what was the experience like?
how do you deal w anxiety when you have to present or do something?
disclaimer: some of these are really random. I can't stress this enough: [just answer the ones you feel like answering.]
ty 🌹💖
This is about to be fun. (Long post ahead!)
▪︎ Okay so, I downloaded tumblr all the way back in 2018? It was around the Reputation era. Taylor Swift used to be VERY active on here. So 14 year old me thought that I could get noticed by her...and that's how I found out about tumblr. I stopped using it after a few days because I honestly didn't understand it at all. Then comes BSD- I wanted to read 55 minutes and the fan translation was only available on tumblr so that's the reason I downloaded tumblr once again 😭
Eventually I started using it as a space to share my thoughts on BSD and other anime I watched and the rest is history.
▪︎ Earlier this year, in May, I think? I bought a tablet on a whim cause it was on sale for a reasonable price. For quite some time I wanted to draw something BSD related (whenever i find a show/movie i really like, i want to draw it) and I guess you could say that BSD got me into digital art :)
▪︎ Well...honestly, I'm probably my own harshest critique so going off of that, I think I'm decent enough as a beginner but I could definitely be a LOT better. There are so many great artists out there and once I start comparing myself to them I feel like there's so much I can learn in order to be as good as them.
There are so many days where I lack motivation to draw and the drawing ideas keep pouring into my head but I don't feel like drawing 😭. I honestly just let things be until I eventually do get the sudden urge/motivation to draw.
▪︎ (I hope these accounts are okay with being tagged. If not then, i apologise.)
@popopretty is a great acc if you want translations or any BSD related info
@sorcerersandskillusers is probably one of my favourite theory/analysis accounts
@yomeiu and @frenchonionsoop are both AMAZING artists and I'm always in awe whenever they post their art.
@originalartblog has some fun and cool art as well
▪︎ Oh boy, let me tell you. I LOVE extreme rides. I love amusement parks in general. They're like my favourite place to hangout.
▪︎ .....is neither an option? Both would cause me anxiety lol but I guess if I HAD to, then I'd rather confront someone
▪︎ Uhhhh....I love both honestly. But I'm more of a sucker for angst.
▪︎ Though the ending was questionable, AOT still remains one of my favourites and probably one of the best shows I've ever watched. It truly was a 'one of a kind experience' for me. BSD is a close second- even though it has quite some deux ex machina and convenient writing, the character writing remains unmatched. BSD does characterization VERY WELL and that is what I love most about it. It's also my current obsession.
▪︎ Sometimes, yes. I mean, for instance, BEAST had me tearing up and I remember crying over the ending of assassination classroom 😭
▪︎ Ooooh let's see, I've never looked too much into flowers..and there so many pretty ones but I'd have to go with roses, specifically red roses (yes, I'm very basic)
▪︎ An is my own nickname that i came up with. Lazyflower48 was the username assigned to me by reddit and in true lazyflower fashion, I was too lazy to change it and used it as a username on all my accounts. As for Nightshade, Dazai uses belladonna to refer to women which means "beautiful woman" in Italian but it's also another name for a poisonous plant called 'deadly nightshade' (his mind lol) so that is how I got this name.
▪︎ I need to stop procrastinating and stop being lazy. 😭
▪︎ Oooh I like both. Though, I prefer art as a hobby and career wise, I'm more of a science/maths person. The thing is, math can actually be quite fun when you understand it. However, it is truly hell when you don't understand it.
▪︎ YESSS I DO. I HAVE A CAT. (I love talking about my cat) She's the same age as sigma! And she's probably the cutest deadliest devilish little creature
▪︎ My parents. I'm moving away for uni and they've been doing so much for me and I'm honestly so grateful for them.
▪︎ Let's see, in 3 ways, Ambivert - I'm more on the introverted side when you first meet me but as soon as you get to know me more, I never shut up, lol.
Lazy-....yeah I'm probably one of the laziest people you'll ever meet. I still get my work done but I really need to get rid of this trait
Chill- (I'm kinda running out of adjectives here), I'm pretty chill honestly. I mostly just mind my own business and I don't like to get myself involved in drama
▪︎ What I'm attached to? Am I interpreting this right?
I'm attached to my family, MY CAT, home, BSD 🥺
▪︎ Commitment issues
▪︎ My eyebrows, I think they're a nice shape.
▪︎ Currently my type is fictional men 💀
Okay, jokes aside, I have never really given this question much thought so I don't really have any specific type. And I don't currently have a crush on anyone but i guess my ideal would be someone with a good personality. A guy who is understanding, compassionate, kind, good sense of humour, empathetic- just a nice person overall, physically- taller than me but not too tall cause I'm kinda short
▪︎ I can be both depending on the company. Sometimes I talk a LOT and sometimes I prefer to just listen.
▪︎ Dazai, he's just so drawable 😍 Okay yes I do love drawing him but mainly, I like drawing sceneries and nature. I want to draw complex backgrounds with a lot of details. Hopefully one day, I can achieve that level of skill.
▪︎ Nope i have not and I don't know if I ever will.
▪︎ Ooof I get VERY nervous while presentating something. I just tell myself "let's just get this over with. I won't have to worry about this once it's done and then i can go home and do whatever i want (sleep 💀)"
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kcabyap · 4 years ago
You're very welcome! Thank you again for asking; I love getting to talk about these lovely characters, I'm so fond of all of them 😭
I'll definitely elaborate, but I'll apologise in advance because this may get rather long! I have a habit of going on and on 😅
So! Mammon is joint-favourite because he's just so caring and protective; he really cares about MC above all else, he's sweet and can hardly tell a lie to save himself, he's funny and far more emotionally intuitive than he lets on. Sure, he's a tsundere, but who wouldn't be shy about admitting their true feelings when they're used to being mocked? (Plus, he clearly has ADHD - as evidenced by how he sucked at math until he associated it with money, something he's hyperfixated on - and I do too, so that's relatable!)
Lucifer is a divisive character, I know, but I love him a lot; I'm an absolute sucker for the way he realises his love and care for MC throughout the story, how he comes across so single-minded and cold at first but there's so much warmth and love hidden under there, how he takes on so much all by himself even at his own detriment... plus, I do often like antagonists, and he was a very alluring antagonistic figure in season 1; the balance between conflict and sexual tension between him and MC was delightful!
Speaking of divisive characters, I know Belphie is as well, but I love a good redemption arc story; sure, he killed MC, but... who (apart from Mammon) hasn't tried to kill MC--? And yes, he lied to them for a long while, but once he got over his hatred of humans he became one of the most directly loving and caring towards MC, which was just adorable to see. I think his character development was really good and made him really interesting. (Plus, again, very relatable: I would sleep all day if I could too--)
Next up is Levi, who once again, is very relatable! I too am a shut-in who has a bunch of fictional loves and mainly speaks in quotes from video games... but, he's got all that, and he's this really powerful admiral who can summon a sea monster! And he has all these cool qualities, yet the poor baby doesn't see how wonderful he is! So it's honestly so precious to see him get more comfortable with his Henry MC as the story goes on... yeah, I'm so fond of this lad, I really am!
Now at first, I didn't exactly understand Satan very well; don't get me wrong, I liked him, but I found it odd how he wasn't very wrathful despite his sin. But looking into his character - about his identity issues, not knowing quite who he is and trying so hard to understand himself, wanting to be a person in his own right away from Lucifer, coming to terms with his own feelings - I quickly realised he's honestly very complex and his development is touching and beautiful, in a way I love a lot.
Next is Diavolo, and when it comes to Diavolo... I actually have some strong words: I don't like how it seems he took advantage of Lilith's death to get Lucifer - someone Diavolo was arguably in love with, or at least crushing on or extremely fond of from afar - on his side when he couldn't protest. But, despite that... I can't dislike him, I tried but I can't; he's very sweet and his ideals are wonderful and my goodness the poor man is so lonely, he needs more friends, I can't help but want to hug him.
Then there's Asmo, who was actually my favourite for a short while when I first started playing! He's very sweet and supportive as a friend, I think he'd be a lot of fun to party with and I'd love to pick his brain about skincare and fashion, but... I do wish he'd stop trying to sleep with his brothers, and people who've very clearly said no! But he's also very charming and interesting; I think the contrast between the image he projects and his true self, with his insecurities, is interesting.
Next is Simeon, and like Diavolo, I have words for this man! I personally think he's up to no good; he's referred to in one of his cards as the 'angel of scheming,' his part in the angel event really made me question his motives, and he's involved with Michael who I'm pretty sure is antagonist material... but! I love a good antagonist, so I don't mean that as a bad thing. Simeon seems adorable and interesting, but I want to know more about him, and what he's really after.
Now, Beel... I love Beel, I do, he's just like a big hungry puppy and he's very sweet; his whole struggle about Lilith's death and his bond with Belphegor are also very touching. And I love him! ...I just don't know how I'd have a conversation with him when he's so focused on food all the time... I'd like it if he'd talk more about his other interests, like fangol or exercise or gym culture; or if we could see what he's like during a sports match, that'd be fun!
I! Want! To see! Lilith! All we know about her is that she was reincarnated as a human who was MC's ancestor, she was the eighth sibling who was especially close to Beel and Belphie, Lucifer loved her and once held her hand, she once slept next to Mammon when he was scared, she can speak to MC... but that's it! She has the potential to be really interesting, and I'd really like to see more about her someday.
Solomon... I mean no harm to any Solomon stans, but I don't really have a lot to say about Solomon at all. I don't dislike him! I think he's a really interesting take on the biblical King Solomon - I wonder if this Solomon also has several hundred wives? - but for me, he's just... kinda... there. His VA is very sweet and interesting, though!
And I can kind of say the same for Barbatos too; I don't dislike him, his powers are very cool and I'd quite like to see more of them in future, some of his card art is very beautiful, but... he's just... kinda... there. Again, sorry to any Barbatos stans!
Now, Michael... we don't know a lot about him, but there's evidence piling up that seems very much like he's going to be some kind of antagonist - which, again, isn't a negative! - but his part in the angel event, where he was basically responsible for the brothers being brainwashed into acting like their angel selves? Ohoho, Mike, buddy, you just did something Very Bad to my boys. Do not trust him at all, despite how nice he seemed to be acting in that one conversation with MC.
And as I said, Luke and Little D No. 2 are my adorable lil' children! They're precious and I just want to protect them and see them grow up healthy 🥺
Can I get a Favourites List (from Most to Least) for the entire Obey Me! Cast, if you don't mind....?
I just like seeing different opinions & things...
Plus, it's the easiest way I can think of interacting with people, lol...
Oooooh, I don't mind at all! Actually, I thought a couple times about making a post like this but I didn't know if anyone would be interested, so thank you for asking! ❤
So, I'll first preface this by saying: I Love All Of Them. Honestly, there's no-one in the game I actively dislike too much, and I'm soft for most everyone. The order of this list does change around sometimes, but this is how it is right now!
The Favourites List~
Mammon and Lucifer
(Luke and Little D. No. 2 get their own category for being my children who I want to adopt-- 🥺)
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ceo-of-daichi · 3 years ago
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Pairing | Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
WC | 900+
A/N | So… its been a while, this was meant to be a warm up drabble but because I haven’t written in so long it took a while… i’m really not sure how I feel about this, i’m gonna apologise in advance😂 But as always rb’s are appreciated!! And I hope you guys enjoy, its just a soft Bucky interaction and its left pretty open so I can maybe do a part 2?
Tip-Jar☕️ | Navi | Marvel Masterlist
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Ever since Bucky moved into the Avengers compound, he noticed that his gaze almost always found you. Lingering as you were doing mundane things such as washing up or reading on the couch.
Your legs tucked under your body, taking up the smallest space despite the length of the couch. A couch to accommodate over ten people was hard to find, but you and Tony made sure to find one that suited everyone. Even spending time finding cute cushions for everyone based on their power or role, insisting they were a necessary expense.
You weren’t anyone out of the ordinary, you weren’t a super soldier, you didn’t have any powers, you weren’t trained from a young age to be an assassin like Natasha. Or have deadly aim with a bow like Clint, you were in fact - extremely normal.
You actually weren’t even an Avenger, you worked admin and because you were constantly working and got on with everyone. Tony allowed you to live there full time.
You were someone who got on with everyone, no matter what background or how rude they were, you always put on a smile.
Bucky didn’t only admire this, but he was also jealous, he wished he could talk to people as easily as you could. He struggled being in the same room as other people, nevermind actually communicating with them.
However he loved to observe you from a distance, one day he would get the courage to speak to you. You were so good to him, never pushed him to talk to you, just brief hellos and polite smiles when he entered the room.
But he wanted to talk to you. He just needed a push, which ended up coming sooner than he was expecting.
You were antsy, rolling on the balls of your feet as you bit back a smile. You had wandered into the kitchen to grab some food and you had noticed Bucky reading, his beautiful blue eyes glued to the page.
“Is…Is that the Hobbit?” You asked as the smile that was threatening finally broke through onto your features, which Bucky thought was one of the most stunning things he had possibly ever seen.
“Yeah…” He hummed softly, this caused your smile to fall slightly. You were really hoping this could be the moment you finally get to talk to him properly.
You had been so patient, keeping your distance, waiting for him to come to you. But that never happened, which Steve had predicted you just didn’t want to believe him. Truth be told, you had a massive crush on the stoic man, there was something about him that you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
Maybe it was the mysterious energy that swirled around him constantly, maybe it was the few day old stubble that clearly annoyed him but he couldn’t seem to shave away.
Whatever it was, you wanted to find out, but maybe you had to wait a bit longer for him to open up.
“You like the Hobbit?” Bucky asks, his voice slightly huskier than he wanted.
Your eyes light up at the question, you had turned to leave thinking he didn’t want to make conversation. Spinning back around you send him the biggest smile before starting to walk over to where he was sitting.
“Is that even a question?” You chuckle softly. “Are you enjoying it so far?” You ask, not knowing he enjoyed reading nevermind the masterpiece that was J.R.R Tolkien.
“Oh… I’ve actually already read it, but I figured I would read it again” He takes a small pause as if he is thinking how to continue, his brow furrowing slightly. “Seen as though the last time I read it was in 1938”
Your mouth almost drops to the floor, you almost forget sometimes what he has been through and the experiences he has had. But this was definitely one of the more shocking in your eyes.
“You read it… the year after it was released?” You stare at him with wide eyes, you had so many questions.
“What? I don’t look like the type to read doll?” He snorts slightly as he chuckles, surprising himself. A small blush appears on his face as he realises what he just said and in that second he feels like himself again.
He used to be good at talking to women, good at flirting. Sadly with everything that happened he almost forgot what it was like to talk to one; nevermind flirt.
His eyes are glued to the pages of his book as he considers that he might have overstepped, his brain running at a hundred miles an hour.
“Well… can you really blame me? I’ve heard about your time in the war Sergeant… Steve has a huge mouth” You giggle slightly as you watch the look of bewilderment appear on Bucky’s face.
“Yeah.. I guess so…” He smiles softly.
You return his smile, wishing you could see it more often. But the fact that he allows you to see it just this once, is more than enough.
You hoped this would be the start of you breaking through the walls he has built up, no matter how long it took, you were determined.
As your gaze lingered on his concentrated face, his own eyes scanning the pages of The Hobbit once again, you decided that this was your new aim. You wanted to make the man next to you feel like himself again.
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General Taglist (Marvel) | @gemini-writes @hannas16 @tetsukentona
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years ago
Can you do black clover headcanons of (William, nozel, and other characters of your choice!) react to their crush having chaos magic like Wanda from marvel! so basically they have the ability to use any type of magic! but reader can get very chaotic and reckless because they're the only one to have this kind of magic so they had to train themselves at such young age and was treated very harshly if they messed up (even though it's not their fault 😭poor baby) so it's hard to control it when they get emotional! they can be extremely strong like super powerful! but they dont give a f**k about becoming wizard king they don't want responsibility they just wanna have fun! That doesn't mean their irresponsible they just don't want to be held down! so as long as it doesn't hurt anyone they choose to let their chaos flourish! (In short words reader is a chaotic neutral 😂)
Scarlet Witch is OP as hell. What kind of power is chaos magic seriously! She is so underrated!
If you guys don't follow Marvel, basically her magic is telekinesis and telepathy. So it allows her to control objects / break objects and also do hypnosis. she can also produce energy waves. Meaning she can basically control any matter. LOL. Since that includes air, it also means she can fly.
Also this request is similar to Reckless series, here's PART 1 and PART 2. You can check it out!
William | Nozel | Zenon x f! reader
William Vangeance
Has always known that you were a powerful individual by the look in your eyes. He's really happy that you're on the side of good instead of evil, else you would probably be a very troublesome enemy to fight.
He was always very rest assured when he sent you on missions but one day, you lost control. The enemy hit a spot when they killed of some of your allies and villagers.
The enemy was ripped to pieces but you couldn't stop your powers. Things were being smashed into pieces and there was chaos everywhere.
William rushed to the scene. "Y/n! It's me!"
"Will.. don't come near! I'll hurt you." you cried, your mana surging throughout your body.
"No. you won't. Control yourself." William inched closer to you.
You calmed down slowly and before you knew it, you were wrapped in William's arms.
You were shaking in fear because when you messed up, you always got beaten up and abused. But William held you and stroked your back gently without uttering a word.
"I'm sorry Will.." You apologised to him after you recovered from your episode. "Should I.. leave? Should I quit being a magic kn-"
"No." he shook his head and smiled. "No you shouldn't give up just because you made a mistake y/n."
He stroked your head, "we should learn from our mistakes and just be a better person from now on."
William still put you on missions and he even put you in charge of the younger knights. He hoped that by teaching the younger ones, it would inspire them and also have you learn about yourself.
Sometimes the best way to learn is through teaching others. You were still the pride of the Golden Dawn and William. He's always so proud to call you his and wouldn't hesitate to drown you with compliments.
If he saw that you got a little too reckless, he'll be worried for you and he would only chide you behind closed doors, telling you that he was so worried and he could never bear to see you injured.
Off duty, he would also treat you as a princess and even though you might be stronger than him, he'd still treat you as equals in a relationship.
He'll never fail to hold you close to him at night and whisper sweet nothings in your ears so that you'll always feel safe and sound with him. William is absolutely your pillar of support and he makes sure that you know that.
Nozel Silva
Nozel finally understood the true extent of your powers when he saw you losing control during the fight with the devil. The devil played some dirty mind games with you and succeeded.
Seeing you lose control, reminded him of Noelle and how his heart ached for you. He put you in his silver star of execution and was careful that you did not hurt yourself or others.
He just waited until you calmed down yourself.
When you woke up, you were in Nozel's arms and you were both flying on his silver eagle.
What got him surprised was when you started sobbing uncontrollably.
After awhile, you felt him stroking your head and you looked up at him.
"You should be telling me 'thank you', not this."
He eased a little when you started laughing again.
Since then, Nozel was always protective of you. Not because he couldn't trust you to control yourself; on the battle field, he still let you go all out. But because he realised that you were always someone that had your weak points and was trying your best to be strong.
On nights where it was just the both of you behind closed doors, he would always hold you tightly in his arms and tell you, "you'll always have me. You're not alone."
One day you replied him, "So are you. You have me too, you're not alone. Sometimes, you can depend on me to shoulder your burdens too."
On days where you had a little too much fun and got injured, you could see that he would get extremely grumpy at you.
"I'm sorry~" you'd give him a little pout and your puppy eyes and it would work all the time.
"if you don't care about yourself, then care about people around you that are worried for you." he'd give a little humph while holding you in his arms.
Zenon Zogratis
He was absolutely star struck with your powers. He loved watching you fight, he thought it was like a dance and it kept him captivated and mesmerised.
Once, he saw you lose control of your powers and it even sent a little shiver down his spine. You were indeed formidable if you were in control of your full capacity of your powers.
You caught you as you were falling, you had run out of mana, but what took him by surprise was your trembling lips and your eyes in a daze, muttering "sorry" repeatedly.
He held you tightly, telling you "it's okay".
A week later, the headline on the spade news was that the school that you grew up in, was burnt to crisps and that there were no survivors.
Although you were strong and you could easily whip an enemy's ass, Zenon was still protective of you. He still enjoyed watching you fight though, but he would never let you come in any harm's way.
God bless anyone that speaks of any nasty remark about you. As long as it reaches Zenon's ears. They're dead.
He'll step in mid fight if you get too reckless and one glare from him is all it took for you to understand that you've gone too far. He'll finish the fight swiftly and move on.
He'll be a little more quiet the rest of the day but you know that he's just worried for you.
Give him a little physical affection and this man is whipped. Holding onto his hand and giving it a squeeze, pulling him into a hug when you both got home, pressing a little chaste kiss on his cheeks and telling him "thank you" was all that was needed.
Afterall, you're his precious woman and he loved everything about you.
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zesty-kuma · 2 years ago
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Alright alright here me out here….. okay so, I get this is the keeping up with the kumas tumblr page, but thats just a sequel to the byakuya x monokuma story okay… so its practically the same thing and i can talk about both Kay, my RULES! So iv decided cuz it takes me years to draw art I’ll just post past art that all are pretty sucky , but I don’t care, so yes you may be wondering.. “WHYS MONOKUMA A BEAR HERE?!” Well you see for the byakuya x monokuma story (also Thats an extremely long name so we’re just gonna call it bk story standing for ByaKuya or Byakuya Kuma what ever you think fits ) it was all improvised with someone else so I didn’t know it was going to be a romance until… it became a romance.. (mainly my fault when I look back at it..) so monokuma began as a bear and then ( literally teh worst plot in history so bad that it’s only use is to make fun of bad plots ) monomi appears and dose some rando magic and monokuma just becomes human some how completely unexplained it just HAPPENED ( look i didn’t take it seriously when I started and plus the person I wrote the story with was very rushy and was like HUMAN NOW) so yeah the image is the first chapter image (don’t ask why byakuya has no arms.. I was lazy ..) anyway Heres the moment in the story that is depicted in the image :
(The chapter is called epic roasts 😂) (oh and FYI, theres swears in this and also sex references.. that’s my weird sense of humour I apologise )
Byakuya:”you acting like that offends me.”
*byakuya kicks monokuma*
Monokuma:”OW, HEY THATS DOMESTIC ABUSE, im gonna Johnny Depp your ass!”
Byakuya:”how are you going to go to court. Your not a human”
Monokuma:” yeah well what eva..”
*byakuya steps on monokuma*
Byakuya:” got something to say now? “
Monokuma:” AH! This is NOT how I expected this day to go.. but in my defence I do have a bit of a pain kink.. so please do continue! Puhuhuhuhu!”
*byakuya jumps back in disgust*
Tada that scene is over now! So yeah remember I didn’t write any of the byakuya lines or byakuya actions, i was purely monokuma in this one, and this is the only part of the whole story where byakuya is like physically hurting monokuma XD idk remember wasn’t my choice, but i thought some of the monokuma lines were funny so ya know!
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shout-about-it · 3 years ago
Ok I apologise for this and I hope this doesn’t feel like I am pressuring you or being entitled or weird 😂 but cause of the previous ask you got about writing I got up the nerve to also this myself haha I saw before that someone had asked if you would write fic for the movie ‘the sandlot’ and I was wondering if you are actually tempted to 😂 I would love to see your writing style attack those kinda characters/storylines haha if you had a kofi I would even donate to it to make sure you are compensated for your hard work haha 😂 anyway hope you had a great weekend and hope April is awesome for you ⭐️🍕
I'm stuck at about 2000 words because I don't know whether to make this a long-ish yearning fic or a short-ish pool sex fic but .... here's what I've got so far. Let me know if you'd keep reading :)
Take Me Out
Scott had heard once that public pools have some kind of dye in the water, some hopefully nontoxic substance that turns purple in the presence of compounds found specifically in urine (which compounds Scott had never figured out; the ten-year-old kid who’d imparted this knowledge with great confidence when Scott himself was eight had been shaky on the biochemical details) and although Scott doesn't quite believe it—in fact believes that if it were true, every pool from the valley to New York City would be a violent, nauseous violet—he’d also never quite worked up the courage to piss in any public swimming pool. Regardless of whether he’d have been considering peeing for information gathering purposes or just because in this hypothetical situation he'd have needed to pee and had happened to have been in a pool—and who could even tell if the water was very briefly two degrees warmer in the six inches immediately around his swim trunks than in the six inches beyond that?—he never would have been able to overcome the voice whispering anxious little what-ifs into his ear.
Because, of course, what if the water had turned purple? If the water had turned purple then Scott would have had to immediately get out of the pool, walk the mile of shame home, and finally pass his driver's test for the sole purpose of getting the fuck out of the San Fernando Valley and, preferably, across state lines. Maybe he’d have driven to Mexico. The embarrassment alone would have kept him driving for forty eight hours—he might have made it to Panama.
All this to say that Scott has never peed in a pool, despite being, like, ninety-nine percent sure that not only could he get away with it, but that all the others were already getting away with it. He suspected they were getting away with it daily, possibly hourly, definitely at least twice a day. (Come to think of it, he'd never seen Ham use the changing room urinals once.)
The slightly sad truth is that Scott hasn’t yet done much of anything that had even the slightest opportunity to blow up in his face, humiliation-wise; he’d never stepped a toe too far over the line of risk and reward, never gambled anything but five cents and a Snickers bar, had never thrown his heart into the emotional deep end. Sure, every so often he’d been led astray—chewing tobacco leaps to mind uninvited—but generally Scott has lived a careful kind of life, a safely stable existence, in which he’s comfortable and secure and mostly (mostly) happy. He doesn’t drink much or do drugs (disregarding, for the moment, his brush with chewing tobacco) or ask people out or annoy his mother and he tries not to fight with his friends—even when he’s, like, ninety-nine percent sure that all of those things are mostly okay in moderation (disregarding the chewing tobacco) and that sometimes they might even make life a little easier or a little more fun. He avoids, pretty much at any cost, the risk of embarrassment. He doesn’t (metaphorically) pee in the pool.
Which is why it is with extreme disbelief at his own stupidity—and, frankly, faithlessness to his own character—that he approaches the edge of what suddenly reveals itself to be a shining cerulean quagmire of pain—i.e. the public pool—without a stitch of clothing on him, at two in the fucking AM, next to the person in front of whom he would have said yesterday he’d rather die than be naked: Benjamin “Stupidly Attractive” Rodriguez.
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levi-supreme · 2 years ago
Hi sunshine! I missed talking to you so much and even though you said I don't have to apologize I feel terribly sorry to take such a long time to reach you back 😔
I'm really late but I wanted to wish you all the happiness and love this year has to offer. I keep you in my thoughts and I hope you and your loved ones are doing well during these hard times. I'm also really proud of how much you and your blog have achieved during your time here on Tumblr. I've always known, even when I first found your blog, that with your kindness, sweetness and talent you would have gone far. You deserve every inch of what you have reached and even more! I'll always be grateful to you for keeping me company and for making me feel better even at my lowest ❤️
After all this time, you're still a model to me, someone I admire and I aspire to become like. I love you with all my heart 💖 ~[🧸]
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Kermit was me when I woke up to your ask in my inbox, my dearest 🧸 anon!!! I'm sorry I took so long to reply, and I'm sure you're already awake by the time you see this. I hope your day is going well!! <3
I missed talking to you too, my dear! But don't worry, you don't have to apologise at all!! I hope you're recovering well after your surgery and you're spending loads of quality time with your family, friends, and loved ones 😌✨️ don't worry about not reaching out too!!! I'll always be here no matter where you go (*^^*)
Thank you so much for your kind words my sweet 🧸!!! I wish the same for you and your family as well, and that you'll be happy and healthy in 2023!! You're always in my thoughts too, and I'm always hoping for the best for you!! 💕
I'm eternally grateful to you for supporting me since the very beginning when my blog was still nothing. You're one of my longest and earliest followers, and I'm so thankful to have you on my tumblr journey 😭❤️ your kind words and encouragement helped me through the tough times as well, and your companionship made me feel better when I felt like I was all alone. I hope my blog, my work, and my presence continue to comfort you when you need me, and I'll always be here for you too. I'm so grateful that you came across my blog and my work a long time ago, and I'll forever treasure this amazing bond we have!
Even now, I'm still in awe when you tell me that I'm your model and that you want to be like me 🥺✨️ I still can't believe that I have this kind of influence over people haha. Thank you for believing in me, and I hope that my blog and my work continue to make you proud and happy too!!
I love you very much too, my 🧸 anon!! 💖
Some more verbal diarrhoea and life update for you under the cut XD
I was scrolling through our old conversations, and you mentioned playing sim city and animal crossing. Well guess what?? My bf and I got a switch before Christmas, and guess who is playing animal crossing too!!!! I'm still a beginner and I'm still building my island lol, but I'm having so much fun!! It's so much less stressful than cities skylines LMAO, I love animal crossing so much 🥺
I don't know if you know, but this year, I organised Happy Birthday Levi for the second year round!!!! It was hard trying to manage an event all by myself again, and I was so stressed and worried because it wasn't getting as much attention and traction compared to last year's. But I'm so thankful to have supportive writer friends who helped take some pressure off my shoulders by writing more than one work for my event!! I'm glad I organised this event again this year to celebrate Levi's birthday! I'm not sure if I want to bring this back again this year, but... we'll see!!
I'm still trying my best to juggle work, studying, and writing, but I'm so excited for my new semester!! I got the modules I want and I'm looking forward to classes lmao. I'm also strangely motivated to want to study hard and do well because I did study harder in my previous semester and my GPA improved 😂😂 he ain't real, but I can totally imagine Levi being extremely happy and proud of me for putting in the effort haha.
I hope life is treating you well my dear 🧸, and I can't wait to hear more from you too!!! Please take care, drink more water, get enough sleep, and eat your fruits and veggies!! I love you very very much xoxo 💖
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late-to-the-fandom · 2 years ago
For the Intrusive Questions ask! ^_^ #2, 4, 7, 14 annndd 19 for whoever you like.
Thank you for these! I’m doing them for the Maw Walker because I think my problem may be I’m neglecting her a bit in her own backstory 😂
2. what are their goals ?
The Maw Walker has no long term goals. Each day brings its own problems and she deals with those till they’re done then finds new ones.
4. what is their most embarrassing memory ?
Instead of inventing a brand new embarrassing memory from 10,000 years worth of life, I’ll say it’s currently the incident from this Drabble wherein the Maw Walker makes a bit of a scene after Renathal (unwittingly) pranks her with one of her worst fears
7. how do they cope with stress ?
Not well. Stress invokes a fight or flight or flight (of shots) response. If she can’t find a way to destroy the stressor, she runs from it. If she can’t physically outrun it, she will drink until she forgets about it.
The good news is that it’s very difficult to stress her, so this comes up extremely rarely. (Wish I had that skill so bad 😅)
14. what’s something you wish you could tell them ?
Well, when I answered this question last I had a right rant about the Maw Walker not cooperating with this week’s story. Now, I’d like to use this space to apologise for yelling and let her know I know she’s doing her best, and it’s not really her, it’s me, I’ve just got a mental block for some reason right now. could be the illness or the lack of sleep, who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️
19. what’s something symbolic to them ?
The Maw Walker comes into the story very adamantly not believing in signs or symbols of any kind. She thinks everything is random and mostly terrible, and that things only have the meaning people give them. However, it does strike even her as strange that she should come across Renathal whose rebellion has so many similarities to her own. And by the end of the story, she is willing to tentatively concede that his belief that she was meant to find him has merit.
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nighttimescribbles · 3 years ago
hi scribssss 🍬 here againnn i apologise if it feels like i'm using as my personal diary but talking with you like this is so much fun, it feels like i haven't heard lengthy conversations like this in a long time if ever and not to mention your energy is just so bright and fun to be in :'))
but i wanted to share a little update. unfortunately i don't think mystery man will be able to have a taste of these carrot cupcakes because i didn't see him at work today and my family absolutely LOVES these cupcakes so i only have two left that probably will be all gone by the time i go back to work in two days time, but all the more reason to make them again right :D but yess ahh the sugar on top of the muffins were just the smartest move !! i don't know if it will be the same with brown sugar but i used raw sugar as the sprinkle so if you try it with brown sugar let me know how it goes because i'm imagining it to give the muffins a naughty glaze over the top 🤭
that memory really is the sweetest memory !! and that blank feeling before a huge news is dropped onto you is one of the best feelings in the world hahah super belated congrats to you and your baby team for winning thay mooting competition !! i used to hear about it in high school where my school had a mooting team but i had no idea what it was supposed to be until now basically but hearing the way you describe it makes me want to watch one now in real time,,, 🤭
absolutely no need to apologise, love! talk away as much as you like. i am more than happy to listen and i enjoy these conversations, too! you cheer me up as much as i (think) i cheer you up! haha
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i send BIG APPLAUSE to your muffins! for them to be wiped out by your fam in one? two? days means it must really be stellar!!! fams can be the most brutally honest feedback-ers in the cooking arena, so when you see that they finish the food you make - BOOM you know you got a real blockbuster in your hands! maybe it's also a blessing in disguise that mystery man didn't taste this batch. he'll be getting a fresh(er?) batch and this time around maybe you can try making them with nuts 😁
i love that you mentioned raw sugar because i have never seen them before 😂 brown sugar, i have heard (google said they're the same as turbinado? the latter being a uk term? is this right?) of. muscovado sugar, i know and love. i always assumed muscovado was the rawest sugar could go, but apparently it isn't the same as raw sugar! so i went down the rabbithole tryna figure out what raw sugar is and learned from here. also able to confirm that i DEFINITELY have not seen raw sugar yet in my life 😅 i think maybe i'll use a mix of brown and white? the white may give it the crisp, and the brown a caramel-y glaze when it melts? 🤔 i'll let you know when i find out! hahaha
thank you! it is a heartwarming memory. one i'll keep pinned to my soul forever 💓 you had moot court in high school? you guys so advanced!!! what were your moot topics? high school debate teams, yeah, definitely heard. but moot court - WHOAH! there are yt vids on moot court! the world championships of that tourney our baby team joined are livestreamed and the video saved. i can't find the full championship round for any of the years, but this is pretty much what goes on. two people from each team grilled by a panel and having to defend their "client" like that. you appreciate it so much more if you know the problem (compromis) and understand the law behind it.
aaaaaaa i'm rambling now. haha all this moot court talk has made me miss this kind of extremely detailed, prepared, and high brow appellate advocacy. ❤️‍🩹 thank you for reminding me of it tonight. ❤️
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