#this got a little long kjsdhg
ferahntics · 2 years
Quiver Knight meeting Kirby
So I was originally gonna sketch out her interactions with other characters like Dedede and Tuff/Bun, but I got carried away with Kirby so here we go xD
Quiver is not the easiest to approach starting off. She used to be very open, but is much more reclusive now. Although bumping with Meta Knight after so many years would help her walls to be sliiightly easier to penetrate. Though let’s be honest, they wouldn’t be a problem for Kirby either way.
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Heck, hanging around Kirby would honestly help her be more like her old self, actually able to crack a genuine joke or harmless fun poking at others. She’s very observant too, and would be able to spot anything from a country mile - mostly just to throw jabs at someone, in this case, Meta Knight - because she’s familiar with him. The others not so much (read: not at all).
Now it wouldn’t be the smoothest sailing all the time. For years Quiver has been very reserved and locked up almost all her feelings after Robin’s incident. And Kirby would notice that, and would try to interact with her more - which in turn makes her back away more OR become snip-snappy. Though in Kirby’s case she’d probably just shoosh him away if he got a tad bit too prodding.
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But Kirby’s not exactly someone to back away from a potential friend, nevermind someone who he can feel is struggling with something. So it turns into a bit of a game of persistency, who can last the longest out of pure and utter stubbornness - one out of her own bad habit of brooding, and the other out of completely pure intentions on trying to give affection and love and care to the other.
Results are obvious.
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It’s never just this once.
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