#this gave me a headache at the start but !! im super happy w it ^_^
ravenclod · 17 days
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> happy birthday madoka ♡ ! i was quite stuck for ideaz and then i remembered it was her bday and there were lots of official artz that fit this prompt so !! here we are ( > o < )
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↑ official art i used as a reference ↑ :3
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mypoorfaves · 7 years
Love to Care for You
Summary: It’s Yuuri’s birthday, and Victor insists on treating him and making him feel special. But more than anything, it seems that Yuuri feels unwell…
Just some fever and cold stuff, your typical sickfic, plus some fluff of course!
Oh, there is also some light allusions to nsfw stuff. So be warned, I guess? But nothing even happens.
3700~ words
Victor loves to spoil Yuuriーreally loves to spoil Yuuriーso it only makes sense that he would go all out on a day dedicated to celebrating Yuuri’s very existence. Or more specifically, his birth.
From the moment Yuuri had awoke that morning, Victor has been pampering him with an unending chain of surprises. It started with breakfast in bed: pancakes and fruit and juice, with a box of chocolates for dessert. After having a shower and getting ready, Victor had lead them all around St. Petersburg where he took Yuuri to landmarks and points of interest and everywhere in between. Yuuri has seen some parts of the town before, having moved in with Victor just under one year ago, but there’s still so much to see, and Victor seems to insist on showing Yuuri everything.
Victor has been his own personal tour guide, pointing out places he frequented as a child, and some that he still does to this day. They’ve gone to many shops and even an art museum (where Victor not-so-subtly flirted that Yuuri is more beautiful than any of the art there. Despite seeing the line coming from a mile away, Yuuri couldn’t help but giggle).
It sparks something inside of Yuuri’s inner fanboy to see the hometown of his idol, but more than anything it warms his heart to be getting closer to his finace. Yuuri has never had someone like Victor to spoil him, who relishes in spoiling him. And he has to admit, It’s kind of nice.
As nice as it is, though, today has been exhausting.
They’ve been on their feet the entire dayーwhich on its own isn’t that bad, as they spend most days on their feet in their skates anyways, which could be argued to be even worse.
But on top of all of the walking is the weather. Snow falls from the monochrome sky and wind whips at Yuuri’s hair and stings his face, the forces of nature having missed the memo that today is Yuuri’s birthday. His toes are freezing, the tips of his ears and nose frost-nipped and tinted pink.
Victor doesn’t seem to mind the cold at all. His enthusiasms burns bright like a star inside of him, keeping him warm and full of energy as they head towards their next destination. Said destination is a restaurant.  What restaurant exactly, Victor hasn’t specified, but Yuuri can’t bring himself to be particularly excited.
That’s not to say he’s dreading dinner; far from it! He just feels…tired. And he’s felt a bit off since this morning. He’s mostly been able to ignore it in favour of focusing on having a good time with Victor, but now the high-paced excitement of the day is wearing off and fatigue is wearing him down. Exhaustion is seeping into his limbs, legs burning and feet aching from a full day of sightseeing, every other part of his body freezing from the biting cold of St. Petersburg in November.
Yuuri shivers underneath his winter jacket as he longs for the tropical climate of Hasetsu. It would be so warm, even at this time of year. Snow hasn’t even fallen yet. And once it does get colder, he could always take a nice long soak in the hot springs to eradicate the chill. Then he could wrap himself up in a nice fluffy bathrobe, curl up in bed next to Victor, sharing the blanket and body heat as they fall asleep, warm and happy in each other’s arms.
“Ah! There it is! Just up ahead!” Victor’s excited voice snaps Yuuri out of his reverie. He looks up to see Victor pointing at a building a short distance away. From the outside, it doesn’t appear as five-star as Yuuri had been expecting when Victor had promised to treat him to a special birthday dinner. Not that it even matters to him, in the end; any dinner with Victor is perfect in his mind.
“Come on!” The gloved hand clutching Yuuri’s own begins to pull him along the snow-covered sidewalks towards their destination. Yuuri almost trips, but quickly finds his feet and rushes to keep up with Victor who’s nearly running, dragging Yuuri in tow.
The inside of the restaurant is much nicer than the outside makes it appear. The place is bathed in a soft orange glow, lamps and candlelight providing a laid back and romantic atmosphere. The temperature is nice too, much warmer than outside, and Yuuri can already feel his chills starting to fade.
They have a reservation (of course they do) and are quickly led to their table, adorned with a vase of decorative flowers as well as tea candles. Victor removes Yuuri’s coat for him, hanging it on the rack near their table before pulling out Yuuri’s chair and gesturing for him to sit; a complete gentleman. Yuuri happily accepts, and Victor pushes his chair in before he takes his own seat.
Victor looks ethereal lit in the dim light, the flickering of the candle dancing gentle shadows on his face. A soft smile is painted on his lips as he looks across the table at Yuuri. Suddenly self-conscious, Yuuri can’t help but wonder how he looks to Victor. Surely he can’t compare to the beauty in front of him.
But the way Victor is looking at him suggest otherwise. His expression is truly love-stricken, and Yuuri would have to be blind to miss it. As if to prove his point, Victor tells him point-blank, “You’re gorgeous,” and Yuuri instantly feels his face heat up. He’s not embarrassed per se, he’s just never been the most comfortable being the centre of attention. He’s always felt a little bit uncomfortable on his birthday, when everyone would shower him with gifts and praise for simply being born. And now on top of that is Victor’s compliments.
Yuuri allows himself a shy smile as he ducks his head, distracting himself with the menu. He hears Victor lightly chuckle at his bashfulness, then he too begins to read.
They make their decisions in relative silence, save for Yuuri asking Victor what a certain item is, or Victor asking Yuuri if a particular dish sounds good. A waiter comes by and takes their menus, and the two again lapse into a comfortable silence. It’s peaceful and romantic, and feels natural and intimate.
Which is why Yuuri is a bit taken aback when Victor says, “You’re being quiet.”
“I’m always quiet,” Yuuri replies simply, taking a sip from his water. It’s ice cold, and he can’t help but shiver. He resists the urge to ask for his coat for extra warmth.
“I know, but you’re very quiet today. It’s your birthday! You should be excited!” Victor says, then his smile drops a bit. “Has today not been fun for you?”
“No!” Yuuri says quickly. “I mean, yes. I meanー” He takes a deep breath to straighten out his thoughts. “I’ve had a lot of fun today. Really. It’s just…been a full day and I guess I’m just tired.” He finishes his rambling with a sigh as if to prove his case.
Yuuri doesn’t want Victor to think he’s ungrateful for all that he’s done to treat him thus far. From the chocolates and flowers and gifts he’s received, to the landmarks and history of Victor’s hometown that he has been shown, today has surpassed his expectations. But it feels like it’s surpassing his stamina too.
Victor looks at him, a little sympathetic and a little teasing, and says, “The night’s not over yet, Yuuri. I still have some more surprises for you. You can’t be tired already!”
Yuuri has an inkling as to what at least one of those surprises Victor is referring to entails, and it’s with great willpower and moderate success that he manages to control his blush.
“But you do look pretty exhausted…Maybe we should call it an early night after all…”
“I feel bad,” Yuuri says. “You put so much time and effort into today to make it special for me.” As disappointed as he is though, he can’t ignore how he longs to collapse in bed and fall asleep next to Victor (without the preluding activities Victor has surely planned to come before).
He knows Victor loves him no matter what and would much rather have Yuuri’s comfort and happiness than stick to his original plans. But still, he can’t help but feel guilty, even as exhaustion weighs down his eyes. Yuuri closes them with a sigh, pillowing his head on his arms which are folded on top of the table. “I’m sorry…I don’t know why I’m so tired…”
“We’ll be home soon, then I’ll tuck you into bed and you can sleep all you want.”
Yuuri nods, head still resting on his arms. Victor lets him stay like that for a while, until their food arrives and Victor urges him to sit up and eat. His head feels a little fuzzy, like he’s in a bit of a haze. He must be more tired than he originally thought. The dim lights and gentle background music of the restaurant certainly don’t help him in his fight to stay awake.
Their dishes are placed in front of them on the table, presentation perfect and looking mouthwateringly appetizing. Steam wafts up from Yuuri’s bowl of soup and he relishes in the warmth of it. He hasn’t been able to feel fully warm since coming in from outside. It’s as if the cold weather has taken up residence inside of him, chilling him deep in his bones.
Despite the warmth wafting off the food, Yuuri hesitates to take a bite. Victor is digging into his meal, but Yuuri hardly feels compelled to touch his own, his appetite nowhere to be found. He stirs lazy circles into his bowl and loses himself in his thoughts.
Yuuri’s head rests in his hand, an elbow propped up on the table. He looks up at the sound of his name, clear concern lacing Victor’s voice.
“You’re not eating,” Victor points out.
“I’m not really hungry.”
An emotion Yuuri can’t read in his tired state flashes across Victor’s face before he sets his fork down. Before Yuuri can register what’s happening, Victor’s cool fingers are on his forehead, then his cheek, and Yuuri can’t help but lean into the touch.
“You feel very warm.”
A bit surprised at Victor’s words, Yuuri opens his eyes, unaware he had even closed them in the first place. “I don’t feel warm,” Yuuri contradicts. “If anything, I feel freezing.”
“I think you have a fever. You must be coming down with something. We should get you home,” Victor says, and he’s just about to call over their server for the bill but Yuuri stops him.
“Wait, what about dinner?” As tired as Yuuri is, and even though he’s not at all hungry, he doesn’t want to just up and leave like this. He should at least try and sit through dinner, as a show of politeness to the restaurant staff and especially to Victor.
“Yuuri, you’re nearly falling asleep on the table. You’re tired, and you’re also sick. You need your rest, so I’m taking you home,” Victor says, leaving no room for argument. “We can take our food to go, in case you end up being hungry later.”
Yuuri knows there’s no changing Victor’s mind when he gets like this, and Yuuri is too tired to try anyway. He mumbles his agreement with a tired nod, and Victor flags down their server and requests the bill.
The cab ride is short, but Yuuri still manages to drift off on the way back to their flat. He falls asleep with his forehead pressed against the cool surface of the window, but later wakes with his head leaning on Victor’s shoulder. He’s shivering, and Victor lightly strokes his cheek and murmurs that he thinks Yuuri’s fever has gone up.
It probably has, as all Yuuri can manage in response is a small nod and a hum which to him sounds more like a tired whine.
He’s sluggish as Victor coaxes them out of the cab, limbs heavy and body trembling with chills as the winter weather continues its brutal assault. Victor keeps a supportive arm around Yuuri’s waist as they walk, making slow progress towards the apartment. Then Victor suddenly stops, makes a contemplative humming sound, and the next thing Yuuri knows he’s being swept up in Victor’s arms.
The change in elevation makes him feel dizzy, and he buries his face into Victor’s chest with a pained whimper as the world spins and a headache thrums in his temple. Victor holds him a little tighter, a gentle squeeze of reassurance, as he resumes walking and says something that Yuuri can’t really hear. There’s a faint ringing in his ears, but on top of that the exhaustion is making his brain feel hazy. It’s too hard to keep his open for long, so Yuuri stops trying. He gives in to unconsciousness as he briefly wonders how it’s possible that an illness could bring him down so quickly.
The next time Yuuri awakes, he’s on the couch in the livingroom, still bundled in his winter coat and even his hat and gloves. And yet he still shivers. He tries to sit up, but stops and lays back down when the pain in his head gets to be too much. His mind is a blur, still stuck in the haze of fever; he hardly remembers anything past dinner at the restaurant with Victor.
Speaking of Victor, where is he anyway?
“Victor?” Yuuri calls out, looking around to try and find him. His heart starts to flutter anxiously, worried he’s been left alone until he hears the reassuring sound of Victor’s voice from the other room.
“In the bedroom! One second,” he says, emerging shortly after. He walks over to the couch where Yuuri rests and cups his fever-flushed cheek. “How are you feeling?”
“Not great,” Yuuri answers honestly, voice a bit hoarse from having just woken up. He swallows against the dryness of his throat, wincing at the soreness. “How long have I been asleep?”
“Not long,” Victor says, starting to remove Yuuri’s winter gear and frowning a bit as Yuuri shivers. “I was just cleaning up the bedroom so you could sleep more comfortably.”
Yuuri’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. His fevered mind can’t comprehend why Victor would need to clean the bedroom when it was perfectly fine when they left. Before he can voice his question, though, Victor is scooping Yuuri up in his arms again and carrying him.
As they enter the bedroom, the first thing Yuuri notices in his haze of thoughts is the room is not in the same condition they had left it in. There are hearts and other decorations on the walls, candles are lit and there’s something red littering the floor. Yuuri squints at it, wondering what exactly it is when Yuuri’s nose suddenly twitches with an impending sneeze. He turns his face into Victor’s chest and let’s out a muffled ittch’tiew! into his shirt.
“Oh! Bless you, Yuuri,” Victor says, dropping a kiss to his hair. “Must be the roses. I’ll take care of them later.”
“Roses?” Yuuri asks blearily after a sniffle. He still can’t understand why the room is so decorated, so different from before.
Yuuri is lowered to the bed, and Victor delivers a quick kiss to the tip of his nose. Yuuri gives a weak smile at that, but it quickly falters as he feels another sneeze coming.
His breath hitches, his head tilts back and a tissue is guided into his hands. Yuuri snatches it and catches the set of sneezes, blowing his nose after. He deposits the used tissue into Victor’s waiting hand, too tired to be worried about germs. It’s then that Yuuri notices the tissue isn’t the typical white he had been expecting, but instead is a pastel pink colour.
“You said there were roses?” Yuuri asks, the pieces of the puzzle beginning to fit together. He rubs at his nose, feeling itchy.
“Yeah,” Victor says, a bit sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck. “I wanted to be romantic, to surprise you. I got some help from a friend.”
“Was it Georgi?”
Victor blinks, looking shocked. “How’d you know?”
Yuuri can’t help but laugh. “Lucky guess.”
“I had some plans, as I’m sure you can tell,” Victor says, gesturing at the candles and scattered rose petals, “Everyone else was too grossed out to help. But of course Georgi is a hopeless romantic so I guess it makes sense. He set it up while we were out.”
“Oh.” Yuuri’s cheeks feel warm, and he blames it on his fever.
“Anyways,” Victor goes on, getting up, “that was before I knew you were sick. Now we are going to have a relaxing night in, and you are going to rest. And I’ll take care of you until you’re all better.” Victor starts sweeping up the rose petals into a pile and drops them into the wastebasket. Yuuri’s heart drops with them. He can’t help but feel disappointed that he ruined their evening. “Do you still want the candles?” Victor asks. “I know your nose can be extra sensitive when you have a cold.” He turns around to face Yuuri.
“No candles. Sorry,” Yuuri says apologetically, shaking his head. His nose still itches, and he resists the urge to rub it in case that makes it worse.
“Hey,” Victor says softly, making his way back to the bed. He kneels down and tips his forehead against Yuuri’s, a loving and tender look in his eyes. “You have nothing to be sorry for, lyubov moy. Your health is much more important to me than one romantic evening.” One of his hands caresses Yuuri’s cheeks, then he leans up to kiss Yuuri’s forehead. “Besides, although the context may be different, I still get to spend a night in bed with my lovely Yuuri!”
“I know, I know,” Victor chuckles. He goes and blows out the candles, taking them out of the room entirely when the smoke triggers more sneezing fits from Yuuri. Victor takes the waste basket too, and returns with it empty, the rose petals gone. “There we go,” he says, adjusting the position of the pink tissue box so it’s within Yuuri’s reach on the nightstand. There’s a glass of water there too now, as well as a thermometer, though they both remain untouched for the moment.
“You should get some sleep. I’ll wake you up in a little while to take your temperature and give you medicine, if you need it.” The bedroom lights are turned off, the room still dimly lit enough to see, but not too bright that Yuuri can’t sleep. Victor climbs into bed, loosely wrapping his arms around Yuuri before placing a kiss on his temple, and maybe it’s Yuuri’s imagination, but his headache seems to quell a bit at the action.
As tired and as comfortable as he currently is, Yuuri still feels restless, a strange sort of anxiety festering beneath his fevered skin. It’s not the feeling preluding his usual attacks, but more of a sad, sinking feeling in his heart that won’t go away.
Ever observant, Victor picks up on it. “Is something wrong, Yuuri?” he asks. It’s hard to see clearly in the dim light, but he’s sure Victor’s eyes are softened with worry.
Yuuri bites his lip. This wasn’t how tonight was supposed to go at all. That same thought keeps playing on repeat in his mind, a torrent of guilt and other emotions that swirl with the anxiety in the fevered haze of his mind.
“I feel bad,” Yuuri mumbles.
“I know,” Victor says sympathetically. “I’m sure you’ll feel better in the morning after some sleep.”
“No, I meanー” Yuuri takes a deep breath, then quietly says the words he’s been holding back. “I’ve ruined tonight.”
Victor is silent for a moment, and Yuuri is too. Then at last he speaks.
“Yuuri, who’s birthday is it?”
“Huh?” Yuuri looks at Victor, confused.
“Today, who’s birthday is it?”
“Mine?” Yuuri asks, because he’s still not quite getting it. Of course it’s his birthday.
“Yes. Yours, not mine. I set this up to treat you, Yuuri. I love spending time together and today has been fun, but don’t forget I did all of this for you, not for me. I love you. So, so much, and I would feel terrible if I forced you into anything when you’re clearly not up for it. I want to take care of you, because you deserve it, Yuuri. So please, let me. Okay?”
Yuuri lets the words sink in. Victor isn’t upset with him. Victor loves him. He wants to look after Yuuri until he’s better.
Yuuri’s swallows the sudden lump in his throat, overcome with emotion. His eyes brim with tears, and he nods in response to Victor, unable to form words and even if he could there’s no way he could find the right ones to express just how much he loves this man.
“Aww, come here,” Victor says, bringing Yuuri’s head to his chest and lovingly holding it there. “It’s alright, Yuuri. You’re okay.” Yuuri sniffles into Victor’s shirt, trying not to cry. He hates being emotional like this, especially when he knows he’s being affected by his fever.
“I love you,” Yuuri manages to get out past the tightness of his throat. It’s not enough, and it will never be enough, but those simple words will have to do for now until his brain isn’t boiling and messing with his thoughts.
“I love you too, Yuuri,” Victor says fondly. “Now you really should get some sleep. Your body needs rest.”
Yuuri nods and relaxes into Victor’s embrace. The tight feeling that was previously gripping at his chest has been replaced by a warm and fond love as he surrounds himself with the sound of Victor’s heart beat. He lets himself melt into the strong arms holding him, his own heart skipping a beat as Victor plays with the fine hairs at the base of his neck.
He’s lulled to sleep by the soft vibrations of Victor’s voice. “Happy birthday,” Victor murmurs, and Yuuri has to agree that yes, it is.
I have ko-fi!
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astrojoong · 4 years
Hongjoong - Migraine Comfort
Hongjoong x Reader
Genre: Comfort, Fluff
Length: Bullet Pointed, sort of a Reaction
Warnings: Mentions of pain? nausea? 
AN: okay so this was originally going to be a full blown drabble, BUT I am very depressed and can’t seem to complete it, so I think I’m going to be posting them as bullet points/reactions for rn and then I’ll plan on fleshing them out and probably posting them to ao3. I say them bc this is part of a bunch of comfort fics that I’m writing, one prompt per member, one fic for each member! anyways lmk what ya’ll think! 
Ok so you and Joong have been dating for a while
They very recently ended promotions for a comeback and were BEAT
so when Joong texted you letting you know that they had their first free day in a while you were Excited to say the least
Work had been rough the past week and you really missed Joong during promotions 
and to a lesser extent, the boys
you arrive like a bit past one, just like you said you would, and were disappointed but not surprised, to find that half of the members were still asleep
At least Joong was up, that's all you could ask for tbh
Because you missed the boys as well as Your Boy, you and the awake members (read: Hwa, Yeo, and Jongho) decide to watch a movie together.
You all settle in the living room, getting all comfy and cuddly to watch a movie together 
It starts off calm. 
it is Ateez
even when the other members start to make their way into the living room around the end of the first movie and the start of the second, it doesn’t get crazy YET
but it was only a matter of time
you think it started with Wooyoung’s questions and commentary during the start of the second movie, but its hard to say how exactly you got to this point
u and joong are still on the couch, u leaning against him with his arms around your shoulder, holding you to him while he rests his chin gently on your head
yeo is on the other end of the couch and all three of you are watch the Shit Show go down
The innocent act of eating popcorn while watching a movie has devolved into a full blown battle of spitting kernels and flicking popcorn at one another
Its woosan on one side, yungi on the other
Seonghwa was in the middle, acting as both a shield and a target as he attempted to get the boys to ceasefire in the hopes of mitigating an already disastrous mess
jongho had abandoned the chaos in favor of napping in his room now that it was free of any distractions
as amusing as all this was, you were a little distracted.
you were getting a headache
well, at this point, you HAD a headache
you weren’t sure when exactly it had started but at this point you Certainly felt it
you hadn’t been too concerned, thinking it was probably just a tension headache since you had been all tensed up for the past month due to work
but now
now you were feeling nauseous 
which is a Bad sign
as nonchalantly as you can, you extract yourself from joong shooting him an apologetic look and make ur way to the bathroom
the farther u got from the cacophony, the less nauseous you became
which gave u a Theory
a theory that you tested when you entered the restroom and didn't turn on the light 
just as you suspected
your headache ebbed just a touch and the nausea lessened
it was a migraine
you had a little experience with migraines before, you knew yours didn’t present with an aura so you never got a warning before one hit 
you were thankful to have gotten yourself to a dark, quiet room before it hit full stride, which it was doing right now
all you could really do was curl up in a ball on the cool tiles and softly groan in pain 
which is exactly how joong found you 
when you had gotten up originally he noticed you seemed a little off but decided to say nothing and planning on seeing how you looked when you returned, maybe checking in then
after a couple minutes you could hear your phone chime, recognizing Hongjoong’s assigned text tone, but you were in far too much pain to do anything 
plus you knew how painful the light from your phone would be
so after a few more minutes, with his text remaining unseen, he came to check up on you himself
he knocks on the door and all you can really do is moan pitifully in response 
which does NOT comfort the poor boy
he was already worried before but now you sound like you’re in pain
when he opens the door you wince and retract from the light and now the faint sound of the rest of the boys’ distant antics
noticing your reaction, he crouches down to softly push some of your hair out of your face and stroke it lovingly
his voice gets really soft and he asks what's wrong 
you explain the best you can which is really just whimpering the word migraine at him 
he sighs and gives your head a few gentle pats before saying “wait here” in the same, soft tone, and standing up
he gently closes the door behind him 
through the door you can hear him use his “Leader Voice” as he speaks to the members
you aren’t really aware enough to catch any specific words, all u know is that you’re for sure glad that the noise had died down a considerable amount 
some time later
it could’ve been anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes, you aren’t really in a place to note the passage of time, joong returns.
as he slowly opens the door, you brace yourself, but it doesn’t hurt like it had before
he had the lights in the hall way turned off
joong helps you up off of the floor and guides you toward him and hwa’s shared room
there he has the lights off and the curtains drawn
on his bedside table there are two icepacks, a glass of water and a bottle of over the counter pain meds waiting for you
he helps you sit down and hands you the water and deposits two pills into your palm
you were getting ready to settle down when you heard wooyoung’s voice cut through the silence, yelling about something that mingi had done
you wince and the gentle expression falls from joongs face, morphing into “Leader Mode” as he quickly but quietly left the room to scold Wooyoung, but not before placing a gentle peck on your temple before disappearing 
He returns with a remorseful looking woo who softly apologizes from the door, you silently wave off his apology and in return shoot him a finger heart with as much playful energy as you can muster
he returns the gesture as Joong turns back from talking to Seonghwa, who also apparently had followed him back.
you shoot hongjoong the best questioning look you can and he whispers back that Hwa will be making sure the rest of the boys keep the dorm quiet until you feel better
he tucks you into bed, placing ice packs on your forehead and neck respectively 
he pulls up a chair next to his bed and softly strokes your hair and whispers soothing words to you until you are finally able to fall asleep
ok tbh this is my first time ever writing so like... hopefully it wasn’t Total Shit, im not Super happy w it but we all have to start somewhere so whatever. also! hopefully this is a somewhat accurate description of a migraine! I’ve only had about four in my life and they were all essentially the same as what the reader has. So I have limited experience and research to go off of but hopefully it was sufficient enough. Anyways pls let me know what you thought, or if you have a request (no promises tho lmao) or ideas. I’m pretty much open to anything.
thank you for reading!!
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crystu-cii · 4 years
XD Yeah, better to do the stuff that's harder to do at home in school imo-
Ooooh well good luck if/when you ask-- XDD
It is the perfect opportunity to have short hair! Why do you think I buzzed all mine off! XD I think you'd look lovely with short hair -w-
I don't wanna grow up either tbh XD but like *freedom--* how close is freedom and short hair to your grasp anyways? XD
Pixie cuts are actually a fem haircut, but a short bob would also be super cute :3 also I'm a femboy XD well.. I own very little fem stuff bc I didn't like being perceived as a girl so I got rid of the stuff and then later I was like "...wait fuck i still like dresses--"
STIM SQUADD-- I always get nervous mentioning stimming bc people will be confused and I suck at explaining stuff- yesss sameee!!! I bounce on my bed or rock in place when I'm happy(and alone bc family thinks it's weird ;w;) or pace around the house XDD OMS YES I WAS SO EXCITED WHEN WE BECAME FRIENDS AAAA-- I have a friend I ramble to about everything I love too!! Her name is Jade and we adopted each other as siblings asgkhdj-- ASJKF ITS NOT WEIRD OR CREEPY AT ALL IVE RAMBLED TO JADE ABOUT YOU BEFORE XD 💖💕💞💖💞💕
Technically I have access to both but my computer can't handle minecraft so I play bedrock ;w; although can't you play cross platform if you use a realm tho-? I'd have to check but--
Also something tells me that if everyone you ask has bedrock you picked the wrong version XD
A ferris wheel?? Terrifying- XD sounds fun tho!!! Aside from being so high in the air XD ferris wheels are pretty tho so I can forgive them :3
ahh TYSM! 😭💞❤️💕💖💝 and it ISSS like UGH- but the only thing my mom decided to try out was make my hair layered- cause she would always cut my hair where the ends are all straight and even- but imo i liked layered hair so much more! still wish i had it short tho- xDD
but how close freedom is? gosh i would ask my mom the same question- but im just assuming its whenever you turn into an adult- but i guess i gotta wait and see ;0;
and ooooo i see! random but im also debating whether i am cisgender or not- im kinda leaning that im more cis but im also debating if im bigender(?) or something- ive already accepted he/him pronouns so i guess thats a start- but again ahh i dunno ;w;;
and omgg YESS and aw your family thinks its weird? thats not good ;; - OKAY HOLY CRAP THAT REMINDED ME OF SOMETHING THAT PISSES ME OFF- okay so like- i also pace and walk around places SO DAMN much- like- i swear- i walked like a million circles in my room xD- but i also tend to do it in public and my mom would literally YELLL AT ME whenever i do it! and then she would say "im getting a headache just by looking at you. and others will too." and im mentally like "aight- then thats your fault for looking at me- not mine???" *-visible confusion-* and it doesnt even have to be in public- even when were in the house and im next to her, she would get mad at me- and UGHHHHH IT DRIVES ME crazy i hate it 😭😭
but thank gosh she doesnt yell at me anymore (i think) maybe cause she was just tired of yelling at me for it orrr she realized she can neva stop me xDDD but i just still get mad that my mom would yell at me for something i consider so harmless ;0;;
but OMGMG YAYY- rambling to friends about things its just amazing XDD literally to larie and tree i was like "HRYEHEYHEYE SO I MADE THIS NEW FRIEND ON TUMBLR AND I RAMBLE OF EVERYTHING TO THEM AND THEY RAMBLE BACK AND ITS AWESOME GUSYGUDYUGYS-" like i GO BONKERSSS 💖😭💕💝💖❤️💞
and OOOoohh i see! but aww rip computer- and crossplatforming on the realms? i didnt know bout that! but i never really joined a realm before- i attempted to when a server made a realm and i wanted to join but my game was like "n o"- i dunno why but wahh xDD
but lowkey i guess i DID xD but i actually use my brother's minecraft java account since he barely plays minecraft anymore- (sometimes he does tho) and he gave me it wayyy back then- i started playing it at 2013! and man it was a journey- and it also held pretty embarrassing memories- i would rage on the servers so much- xDD ;W; but i was lowkey crazy when i heard everyone i meet had bedrock instead- i was like- "GUYS BUT WHAT ABOUT HYPIXEL?!(HWJFKAU" but then again- i never had bedrock before so i guess i cant blame em for getting it instead xD and im cheap so i dont think i'll get myself a bedrock account any time soon
and hell yeah! it was pretty scary since my fear for heights is kindaaa big- but i handled it well xD it was fun :D
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ts-valledelaluna · 4 years
F4 Rites of Passage
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Hit Play on this before you start reading to hit the vibe!
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CZERN - You were a victim of overplaying too early. I liked you as a person, but you made too many "deals"
JUDE- You were gone too soon. I was really hoping that you would make merge and we would reunite, because I wanted to work with you. I'm sorry it didn't work out.
CONNER - Victim of my idiocy #1. For some reason, we were pegged as a duo. I thought you were cool, but I guess everyone else thought I'd be easier to manipulate.
GEVONTE - I feel so bad that you had to go so early. When I saw you on the cast, I was ecstatic, because I had just been eliminated in 703 Challenge and couldn't work with you. I wish I hadn't voted you  out.
GIZMO - I'm so sorry you had the unfortune of losing your vote. I can't blame your tribe for voting out a voteless person, but I wish it hadn't been you.
NEIL - From my experience talking to you on OG Coyo, I thought you were really cool. I wish we could have worked together.
KEEGAN - My blood pact. In the game of cat and mouse, the cat should theoretically always win. I was the mouse, and somehow I won. I wish I had tried harder to work with you though, it would have saved me a lot of trouble.
RIZO - I wish I had been able to talk to you more. I know from experience that first merge boot is absolutely the worst, I'm so sorry that you had the misfortune of receiving it.
NATHAN - I don't know if you felt the same way, but I considered you my ride or die until you left. You had me as a Guardian Angel in a way, and I'm glad I was able to at least try to help you. If I had known that you were getting the majority of the votes, I would have tried to save you. It hurt so bad to have to badmouth you after you were gone so I could fit in.
LEXI - I know I've basically said this to half the cast, but I wish we could have worked together. Maybe we can if we play another game together! Like Gevonte, I was really happy to see you on the cast. I think we really could have worked together if I hadn't wanted Keegan out so bad. That was just one of my mistakes I guess.
NICK - Victim of my idiocy #2. I don't know if this is what you want to hear, but you know what? You fucking told me so. It WASN'T the right time to get you out. Yet, here I am, not campaigning enough to save you, because I'm an idiot. I'm so sorry, I hope you aren't too mad.
CHRISTIAN - Victim of my idiocy #3. I wish I had warned you that you were getting votes. I wish I hadn't voted wrong. I'm just not very smart. You are a really kind person, and I'm glad that I was able to meet someone like you.
JOEY - I'm so glad I got to play this game with you. We never really got to work together but you let me vent to you when I had one of the worst days ever. Before I met you, I didn't think I'd like you at all because of how you'd been described. But you defied my expectations so much. Thank you for playing this game, I really really really mean that.
AMY - Victim of my idiocy #4. You are one of the sweetest people I've ever had the fortune of playing with. I just can't believe you're gone. It's all my fault, I'm so stupid. I hope you and the rest of the jury can forgive me. I wish I was in jury instead.
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Wow that’s a thumbnail
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MICHAEL- UGH DUDEEEEE. You know I loVE you as a person and whenever we can get the chance to play together I try to work with you at least for a bit, but apperantly this time you talked to no one the whole time so you became the easy boot. I wasnt happy to see that when i woke up but also wasnt dissapointed.
CZERN: My blood pact. You rarley talked to me but i heard why you left, and WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO MESSYYYYYY, promising EVERYONE you werent gonna vote them is a god damn death sentence. GGWP praying for your best in the future.
TOMMY: Back to your ways.Not talking much, only talking about yourself, and talking game day 1. Your days were very much numbered from the start, this from my end was expected,
JUDE: JUDE UGH. I REALLY wanted to work with you at least for a little bit but you were completely unaware of the situation you were getting put into. I have always liked you as a person and this will not change here. It was unfortunate how this game played out but ignorance is bilss sometimes.
CONNER: Yeah you got what you deserved. Compete next time XOXO
GEVONTE: Absolute mess once again. Not alot to say here.
GIZMO: This was wasn't fun. Giz i went to you IMMEDATLEY talking about the ability to have something going early, and you told me about your no vote. 5 days later,,,you went wild. Making deals with everyone, spreading information, you were too messy for you own good. So when i woke up, i told you what was gonna happen and you used that as a tool to try and get me out, intentionally or not, and that was the nail in the coffin, Good game to you but UGH that was a round.
NEIL: Neil you are a really good strategist, but unaware of the social ability fully. I enjoyed talking to you but you said too much to hurt yourself, like how you watched every season of survivor. Without knowing you and that being one of the first things you say, i kept track. And you led several votes, and then eventually i was able to write your name down right before the official merge. It was a time and a half and you played hard, but thats what ended your game.
KEEGAN: Okay did I expect this? Not really. Knowing you and Lexi were tight i actually wanted to work with you at least a little bit, plus Rachael liked you so you couldnt be THAT BAD right? Bas circumstance took you out and i was saddened by it, but a child was looking for revenge.
RIZO:#BLINDSIDE, but not by me. Last i knew the newbs had conversation about who they could take out, and then i passed out with my vote on Nick, next thing i knew your game was over in a 8-4-2. You and I were TIGHT, we had called that were just personal and we had good game talk too, you were someone i really wanted to go far with in this game and i was HEARTBROKEN to see you go, but luckily for us... NATHAN: ...your main perpetrator goes next. And HOW SWEET IT WAS. A genuine #Blindside with him feeling comfortable and it not matter in the end. If it makes you feel better, I think im the only one in the 4 who actually voted you out. It was OH SO NICE to watch you go after the game i witnessed you play,,,it was nice to have your #1 in my ear though ;)
LEXI: This was the hardest vote I made all game, situation and all. I really enjoyed the conversation we had, it was really genuine and alot of good came out of it. I also wanted to work with you for a long time, and when Keegan left i thought i could do it, but unfortunately you had wanted to go on a revenge tour, and i couldnt let that go through fully. It hurt like hell and it hurt even worse when you gave me your red charm...knowing what I did was showing just what occurred...and what was to come...
NICK: what was to come...was ultimate betrayal. Nick if you dont get most robbed Juror i would be shocked. You had a REALLY good relay of information game, making everyone feel like they were close to you was a god damn good play for you. And you wanted a Final Three with amy myself and you, it was smart on your end, a lock for a win. But that was not gonna work for me and you knowing the position you had in this game I knew when we couldnt get the duo, they would be forced to look into your sights. I expect you to be bitter towards me and I wouldnt blame you.
CHRISTIAN: PLAYING WITH YOU MADE ME WANT TO DRIVE SPOONS INTO MY EYES. Your targeted at premerge was Jules, then me for like 40 minutes, then Jules again. WHY WAS JULES YOUR TARGET? You were so deadset on this happening but you didnt have the social standing for it as when you heard your name once you lost it. You were a paranoid player and having to figure out when/how to see you go was a headache in itself, and if what you said as you left was true, you having an idol was not in the plans. Good game, you are a good man and I meant when i said i liked you as a person and wanted to work with you….but DEAR GATO PLEASE BREATHE. (ironic from me if you remember the nick vote)
JOEY: The crackhead himself! Jeezus you were a damn mess too, how did you and Gato become the last pact? I have no idea, but you definitely had yourself set up to win if you were able to see the end, but your game was transparent. Not to say mine isnt either, it very well could be, but your every move was always tracked by someone else. I do not think a single thing you said in this game was hidden, including your idol. You know its always respect with me towards you but you did yourself in from the start.
AMY: If there was one person to say I was not expecting to work with this game, it was you. A reserved player who never acted on the information they had. When i said you were more intelligent then you let on, I meant it. You had information, you HAD to of had information for your game. It makes no sense if you didnt. I think out of anyone in this game you have the most potential to do REALLY well in the future and I hope that you do get that chance. It was a pleasure to play with you and I will see you very soon I do believe.
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Michael- I wish we were able to play this game longer together! Even though you got my vote in the first tribal, the time I could talk to you was super cool and I really enjoyed talking to you about puzzle games and such. I’m sorry the stars didn’t align for you to stay but that’s just how it played out.
Czern- One word: Robbed. I haven’t gotten to play with you in either of the games we’ve been cast for together, but I swear to you soon enough the ORG strategy is going to click and you’re going to go deep in one of these games. Hell, it happened to me this season! Keep being you and I wish you the best of luck in future ORGs.
Tommy- Another person I didn’t get to play with for too long. Just from what I saw you went into game mode really fast, and I respect the hustle. It just didn’t slide in this game, and after hearing about how close you were with Gevonte, I knew you had to go.
Jude- I never got to play with you in this game, but just from the cast reveal you seemed pretty interesting! I’m sorry cause I hear you lowkey got robbed by Neil/Joey but I guess that’s just how the ORG struggle goes.
Conner- Not going to lie, from first glance in the cast reveal you seemed like someone I wanted to work with, and it could’ve worked. However, I heard you threw my name out as soon as we hit the swap beach, so I had to do what I had to do. You were fun to talk to on the rare occasions we did, though.
Gizmo- MY KING! Oh my god, playing as your blood pact was so fun! I really did enjoy my conversations with you, and I was so sad I wasn’t able to play with you in this game. I heard you kinda went a bit off the walls the round you got booted, but I see you killing it in other ORGs right now. Keep it up!
Gevonte- A fellow member of the Phandom! My personal conversations with you were super super fun, and I loved just fucking around. We were never able to connect on a game level, and your interests were always contrary to mine. It sucks, but that’s how it played out.
Neil- For the couple of days I was able to talk to you and wasn’t caught up in my own game, I had a really nice time talking to you! You seemed like a really cool dude, and I loved seeing the art you commissioned and talking about video games! On a game level I heard you were playing a bit hard too fast but that tends to happen on first ORGs :) I’m sure you’ll kill it soon.
Keegan- Oh my god, my King! One of the nicest and coolest people I’ve met in the ORG community, I had a good time playing this game with you. However, we never really connected on a game level, and I knew I was nowhere near the top of your interests to keep around. I’d like to say I have a decent read on the game, and thinking what I was thinking I knew I couldn’t trust you in the game. Also, I kind of wanted to get back at you for MTH hehe. I’m having a blast in Forest of Horrors btw!
Rizo- Looking back, this boot probably hurt the most for me to do. I started to get extremely desperate to not be a merge boot, and in the process I accidentally gave a fellow merge booter that placement. You were probably my favorite person to talk to pre-swap, and I trusted you almost 100%, which I normally don’t do. Just chatting with you about whatever and then going into game mode was a ton of fun, but I knew for a fact you knew more than you were telling me. I saw you kill it in 1984, so you keep doing you King! Thank you so much for being a good sport about your boot, I really appreciate it.
Nathan- My ride or die during the swap phase of this game, Nathan, you played a hell of a game. I was able to use you as a shield for a little bit, and then unfortunately you were voted out earlier than I expected. I came into this game being told you were a horrible person and a bunch of shit, but I really did not see any of that inside of the game. Just talking to you about whatever was a ton of fun. You were one of the first people to actively attempt to go on call with me, which is a rare occurrence, and you put up a hell of a fight this season. I wish you were able to succeed in your guardian angel competition so we could continue to play the game together, but sadly that was not how it played out.
Lexi- My tribe mom! Along with the Rizo boot, this is one of the boots that hurt the most in the moment and in the long term. Talking to you during the swap was so much fun, and I really wanted to work with you for the entirety of the game. Unfortunately, you were too closely tied to Keegan, and I had to take that shot (I had a bigger part in that then I led on, but you probably knew that hehe). The day where your boot occurred was probably the saddest day I had this season, cause I knew you were going from that morning. It sucked because, after not talking for a few days, we were finally able to reconnect in this game but it was too late. I know things were going rough for you during the game, so I hope everything is going okay now! I can’t wait to talk to you again, and it was so fun to play with and against you in this game!
Nick- You told me that we needed to keep each other around to make it to the end of the game, but here I am! I talked to you a lot in this game, and was really pleased by you in this game, it is very clear you are a seasoned veteran! You were one of the only people that actively kept up talking to me for the entirety of the game, and didn’t just fizzle out. You said on several occasions you wanted to work with me, and then made alliances against my best interest and expected me to trust you. I knew what you were doing pretty much the entire time you were in merge, but it was a pleasure to play alongside you.
Christian- Ohh Christian. I wasn’t able to talk to you much on a personal level, but I did enjoy our conversations about Roblox and such. We were never able to find much to connect with other than Survivor and Roblox outfits and such, but I’m sure there were some connections beneath that. From what I heard, you were gunning for me from the start of the merge, which meant I had to take you out before you could get your shot at me. As a newbie, you played amazingly, and I still have no idea if you actually had an idol or not LMAO.
Joey- Joey you played a fucking chaotic game, I’ll say that much. I heard stories about how you wanted to go to rocks at final 6 to force the rock blocker, which like, what the fuck? You played like a crackhead, and it was one of the greatest things I’ve seen in awhile. You mentioned how people didn’t like your social game, but I didn’t really see it? In my opinion, you talked to me a good amount, so I really had no complaints. I think you had a genuine shot had you made it further into the game, and I hope you’re enjoying the 6th place chat (since you said it was really cool)!!! Thank you for taking the move so well at final 6, game respects game!!!
Amy- The most recent boot, you were very much an interesting one to play with. I really wish we had time to connect more on a social level, cause your life seems so fucking interesting and I wish I knew more about it. We had a sort of mutual respect in this game, and I always wanted to be on the same side of the votes as you, but it never really worked out (mostly because I decided to be a crackhead every single vote LMAO). I’m sorry you were a casualty in the last vote, but you were really the only option I could take a shot at at that point. I’m sorry I celebrated so hard btw, that was tasteless on my part. Good game!!!
0 notes
shytiff · 4 years
Small July Wins
1 - atikah and racheel came over, oa webinar (rheumatology), duolingo (DL)
2 - they ended up sleeping over, DL, "attended" pak Kus' webinar just becausee hes my skripsi advisor
3 - a page of padi cbt, idai webinar (respiratory disease in covid era), DL
4 - ran 3 laps in my house complex (afterwards my heart was pounding against my chest), hopecardis webinar (arrythmia), DL
5 - 1 ma article (moluskum kontagiosum), perkani webinar (congenital heart disease), DL
6 - DL, idai webinar (pregnancy and newborn stuff in covid era), put sheet mask on lol i neglect my face a lot lately
7 - accompanied juan with mom to perbanas institute for sbmptn, while waiting we went to lucky cat and imeri to get apd, picked up juan, went to social pot (kokas) afterwards, DL. Lucky cat was empty, the vibes of a cafe felt new to me (it surely has been a while). I felt super refreshed. Did some writing for ma article there. Tried salmon and black olive spaghetti, caesar salad, mom drank piccolo. The spaghetti kinda tasted like mi telor but with salmon lol. Talked and laughed plenty with mom :) i rarely talk with her nowadays. Im glad the awkwardness melted away
8 - videocalled with apa salahku for gaby's birthday, zoom for school prep (covid safety stuff), a bit of cbt padi, DL
9 - negative rapid test alhamdulillah, fk digital (kejang anak), cbt padi, DL
10 - some exercise, talked with shiko on zoom, DL, aand since i started padi CBT i finished 2 tryouts (150 questions). It’s not a lot but Im proud of myself :)
11 - went to tj duren with ara, but while we wait the n95 seller we went to citraland, tried fried salmon roll at shigeru, ended up meeting the guy at cl, afterwards we got pisang goreng madu bu nanik, went to rodalink pesanggrahan, ended up getting seirockya at puri, and then i dropped ara off at tj duren. Theeen i went to devis place to hang out and sleepover. Lots of foods. Delicious "lava cake" made from instant brownie mix. Played werewolf. In the morning i managed to finish the pre and post tests in OCI Covid. Happy tummy and laughter :) i hope i can be more productive after this
12 - DL (thank god i freezed streak for weekend because i completely forgout about it yesterday), during sleepover @ devi’s we watched love for sale, a copy of my mind, and love for sale 2. The frustration is real bruh we rly wanted to know more about Arini. Did UKDMA (2 attempts, score: 24, 58), wrote 1 MA article, sorted my downloads folder a bit. After ‘wasting’ (happy times is never a wasted time but still, there’s stuff to do) my time yesterday i felt more urge to do something useful
13 - actually started my day with DL and padi cbt wow (brain still fresh from sleep), CBD about BPPV with dr Widayat. Since ive experienced one before i asked and asked and asked lmaooo. Packed up some of the stuff for tomorrow, hoping to not forget things. Read the journal for litrev before bed
14 - DL, first day of school after a while -- turns out weight distribution is key to avoid sore butt LOL. You kinda have to also support your body weight on your feet. Theres no sore butt at all during my 50 mins trip (amazing feat if you ask me). Went to poli rhinologi (DPJP: dr niken) she kindly gave me a patient to examine, and casually told me to put anterior tampon. I, who have never attempted it, was holding back my fear of trying something new lol. Alhamdulillah, i can somehow do it (even though one tampon fell, tiffany paboooo). The ppds kindly explained stuff to me and i feel like i shamelessly ask nowadays. Like it would be a waste not to ask something. Next was CBD @ Ara’s, we ate Ayam Bakar Mas Walid. Liqo with kak Kartika.
15 - DL, did litrev in the morning bcs i fell asleep lmaoo, tweaked tumblr a bit (i like low contrast the most), fell asleep while watching larynx anatomy video until 1:30 pm yalll i missed half of cbd. Tried to read stuff for poli larfar tomorrow.
16 - DL, ppds i met today lives in poris and worked at puskesmas kalideres lmaoo. Had a bit of headache and gassy stomach that felt better after sleeping and eating. thank god i was picked up by mom and theres food and stuff. i guess the difference of being at home and kosan is that you kinda remember more who youre fighting for. my mind felt healthy-ish lately, of some sort. but the headache made me sluggish
17 - DL, nevermind about the healthy mind part lmaoo
18 - DL, physical activity, padi cbt (after 200 questions i was today years old when i realized there were answer keys on telegram 👁️👄👁️), read optima tht batch 1 2020. Watched khs playing chess blindfolded against try guys and then i was purely amazed by what the human brain can do. It somehow motivated me to study lol
19 - DL, finished optima pem tht batch 1 2020, made 1 cbd ppt, webinar "holistic skin rejuvenation", free mindset tryout
20 - DL, haven’t got minicex but at least im trying to stay hopeful!1!, read the notes from today’s cbd since i basically only heard the whole thing on my motorbike like a podcast, did nasal irrigation n took a slow release vit c
21 - started the day with some stretches and squats, trying to drink more water!!, listened to kak dela's tips for ukmmpd from mindset, DL, read a bit abt epistaxis, the clear wallet i ordered from china finally arrived, edited 1 buku pld article
22 - was in poli onko this morning w ara, a patients consciousness was decreasing so code blue was activated. Finished poli at 1 am. It's been awhile since I last saw emergency situations. Went to maison weiner, ate almond croissant there and bought chocolate sourdough and chicken pie. Despite not getting minicex, the road home was not hot, the sun hidden away. The wind is breezing, podcast is on, talking about mindfulness. Todays quite a good day. Im healthy, insyaAllah. I hope my family will also stay healthy. Woke up at 11ish pm, DL, made my ppt for lcbe exam ((tomorrow)) til 1 am
23 - DL, lcbe exam with dr arie (turns out he picked epistaxis over sinonasal tumour), met up with racheel devi silvi at mcd and jco. Hojicha oreo mcflurry tasted good. Got lost on the way to racheels house lmaoo. She flies to malang tomorrow. Can i wish for life to stay simple and happy forever?
24 - DL, originally meant to be a minicex session turned out to be story time by dr Ezzy, she told us about cases that she managed, one of them is putting on tracheostomy for a baby with Moebius syndrome that went viral on twitter. We didnt even present our case and she only asked us for the scoring form. Thank you doc our lifesaver :”” after trying so hard for minicex the last 2 days turns out maybe its fated so we can meet and be inspired dr Ezzy. Mom picked me and we went to Maison Weiner before going home. Passed out from 6pm until the morning lmao
25 - a bit of exercise, DL, tried kemonyu.id mentai from duta garden, i’ve had better mentai than it but at least its on promo. it uses butter rice so that’s something new to me. rapat nemo to decide dates
26 - DL, liqo with kak Kartika about things you can do in Dzulhijjah, A2, started reading optima pem dv batch 1 2020
27 - DL, round was cancelled bcs no patient, lazed around and slept and lazed, continued reading pem dv optima, did like a half of 1 pamela reif video and my HR soared in 2 mins lmaoo
28 - DL, finally mustered the will to finish DS etika profesi, finished reading optima pem dv batch 1 2020, 2A, did 1 pamela reif video (titled 10 mins calorie burn that wont kill u), read a bit of my dv notes
29 - DL, ppds at poli were so kind!, ate shabu2 by mom and basically fell asleep
30 - DL, made ppt PKL, alhamdulillah PKL went ok with dr ika
31 - watched annabelle comes home and suicide squad with keisha karin juan, DL, relatives came to our place, ara also came for a sleepover and after i picked her up we went to dajens place lmaoo they set up bbq
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gibbearish · 8 years
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