#this finally showed on my dash when I was able to listen to it
simping-for-joe · 9 months
Cause Everything I want, is Everything that's Here
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Leon Kennedy X Wife Reader
Leon returns home after a mission, thankful to return home to his wife and daughter.
(Title taken from the song “This is where I belong” by Bryan Adams)
A/N: Yes, the song is from the horse movie. I just listened to it again recently and literally couldn’t help but think of RE 6 Leon. Like the relief he feels to say he has a family and a home he can always return to and always feel love. Also, I’m a sucker for domestic Leon.
Leon sighs out softly as he walks off the helicopter, the bags under his eyes heavy. He doesn’t really pay attention to other agents around him. Just focused on getting out his gear, to head home. It’s been almost a month since he’s been home. He didn’t want to waste any more time waiting around here or even talking to anyone. Not even the president could get him to stay at the DSO headquarters for a moment longer. Hunngian promised him she’d handle anything, which he greatly appreciated. He just wanted to get to where he wished to be the most.
As he drives his car, he can clearly see the wedding ring on his finger reflect the street lights. A small smile forms on his lips, he can imagine your shock and surprise when he just shows up. It was one of the few reasons he didn’t always mind these long missions, and then he thought how excited and happy your daughter would be. How she’ll jump up and hug him tightly. He can’t fight the smile that forms on his face as he thinks about it. Finally, he pulls into the driveway with only one other car parked there. He gets out and he watches as his breath is visible in the cold air. Snow having fallen recently, there were remnants that the snow had been disturbed in the front yard. He smiles to himself as he notices two snow angels of different sizes. He walks the short path to the front door, pulling his keys from his jacket pocket. As he does he notices lights on in the house, he secretly hopes he isn’t too late for dinner.
“Baby, make sure your hands are clean.” You tell your daughter gently.
“Okay, mommy!” She calls and rushes back past you. Her blond hair is everywhere as she dashes by. She looked a lot like Leon and acted like him too. The only thing that didn’t look like him was her eyes, she had your eyes. You’re setting up the plates for dinner, putting down two plates. You feel some sadness at not being able to set a third plate. When you suddenly hear a squeal. You rush to see what is going on, to make sure your daughter is okay.
“Daddy!” You look to see Leon grab his daughter from the floor.
“My munchkin!” He calls out joyfully as he picks her up, her giggles never stopping.
“I missed you!” She says brightly as he holds her.
“Oh, I missed you too! More than you could ever imagine!” He blows air on her stomach making her laugh more. You’re practically frozen there as you look at Leon, his smile as bright as your daughter’s.
“Mommy look!” Your daughter calls as you finally start to walk closer. Leon puts your daughter down and is quiet for a moment before you hug him tightly.
“I missed you…” You say simply but so much more is said. Your arms are tight around him. So much you want to say but your daughter is here. I’m so glad you’re alive, I’m so happy you came back to me, I don’t ever want you to leave again.
“I know…” He replies softly hugging you back as tight as he can. His face buried in your neck and hair, taking in everything that is you. Small tears well up in your eyes but you quickly brush them away and smile.
“Come on… we were just getting ready to have dinner.” You tell him that with a bright smile, that reminds him. He’s home.
You quickly set another spot for him, and he listens with a smile as your daughter explains her day. Her feet kick under the table and her smile never fades as her dad is home.
You originally meant to make sundaes to distract your daughter from her father's absence, but now they were a celebration of his return home. Your own fond smile never leaves your lips even as your daughter gets ice cream all over her face. Leon only finds it amusing and kisses her cheek.
After cleaning up and making sure no one has any ice cream anywhere. You head to your daughter's room.
"Goodnight sweetie..." Leon kisses your daughter's forehead gently.
"Daddy... are you going to be here tomorrow..?" She asks in a tired tone, looking up at him. Some part of Leon's heart broke when his daughter asked him that question. You could see it in his blue eyes.
"There is nowhere I'd rather be... than here with you and your mom." He says softly. "Just know... even if I have to go, I'll always return..." Your daughter nods, to which she receives another kiss from Leon.
"Goodnight baby..." You add, tucking her in a bit tighter and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Love you..." You add on softly.
It's quiet for a moment in your shared bedroom. Before you hug Leon tightly again. As if you're floating in the sea, and he's your only life raft. Confirmation that he's here, and present. Leon not needing an explanation just hugs you back just as tight.
"I will always come home..." He assures you hugging you a bit tighter. Holding part of his entire world in his arms.
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g0ry0re0 · 5 months
Josh Futturman (Future Man, 2017, TV Show) - Headcanons
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Description: [18+ MDNI] AU where the reader experiences the show's events with Tiger, Wolf, and Josh. This takes place at the end/after the show where you and Josh live together as a couple. / Josh Futturman x GN!Reader
General Notes: Established Relationship, Reader Show Insert, Slight Spoilers For The Ending Of Future Man, Gender Neutral Reader, Romantic Headcanons, Sexual Headcanons Mixed In, No Use Of Y/N, Slight Cursing
Author's Note: Needed to do some headcanons to fill the JHutch void on Tumblr right now, and to get myself back into writing actual fics lol. Also, I can't believe this is only the second thing I've done for my baby boy, Futturman. I love him so much. Hope y'all enjoy! <3
Word Count/Bullet Point Count: 523 Words/30 Bullet Points
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You and Josh road trip from Iowa back to California soon after stopping the existence of time travel
You find yourselves doing odd jobs to keep yourself afloat, Josh often doing cleaning jobs
Y'all find a dingy little apartment on the outskirts of L.A.
Despite the smallness of the shitty apartment, you and Josh declared that you didn't need that much anyway, as long as you had each other
Josh definitely gets back into gaming once you come to terms with being stuck in the 2000s
He particularly enjoys Street Fighter EX3 and Tekken Tag Tournament on the PS2 (until Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy 10 come out in the next few years)
You also acquire a Gamecube system once it comes out the next year
You liked playing Pikmin and Mario Kart: Double Dash together (you always played as Luigi to spite him)
You both also try to get into taking care of small plants
There's a lot of dead plants on your kitchen windowsill
Though, Josh has the first flower you ever grew together pressed and hung in your bedroom
After everything that happened, Josh is pretty clingy
When you wake up in the morning, Josh does not leave your side
Whether you're making breakfast, coffee, or just trying to get ready, Josh is practically attached to your hip
He gets especially clingy at night when you two make dinner together and watch a movie y'all rented from Blockbuster
He likes to cuddle A LOT, which can often lead to some more intimate activities
After the events at Haven, Josh was a little nervous about sparking any private moments between you two
But, after the first time together, he quickly got over it
He was worried he would hurt you at first too, but the things you went through in the past few "however-much-time-has-passed", you showed that you can take a little pain
He loves how good you take him, as if you two were made for each other
Unless Josh gets pissed for some reason, he is a definite sub
His favorite position is having you on top in any way, shape, or form
Josh is a sucker for pleasuring his partner, first and foremost, to where he can nearly get himself off just thinking about it
Besides being sexually intimate, you both just love physical contact in general
Josh loves taking you out on little dates, taking you to his favorite places in L.A. (sometimes forgetting what year it is and finding out that place doesn't exist yet)
Josh especially loves taking you to Little Tokyo and the Arts District
Josh also loves when music he enjoys is released and he can finally listen to it again (instead of humming it to himself in the shower)
Same goes for films, he really enjoys being able to go to the theaters to experience it for the "first time" with other people. especially the Marvel movies later on
When Josh observed his parents for the first time, he cried
The last time Josh visited his parents, you took him away with the promise of a picnic in the park before his dad could say anything to him
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Divider: saradika and saradika-graphics on tumblr
Gif: marlosrph on tumblr
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
Over This Whole ‘School’ Thing
Dick leans on the railing of the school building's roof as he watches the building the deal’s about to go down in. It’s an abnormally quiet night, which is great, since it’s the first night he’s getting to take Danny out on patrol with him since he joined the bat clan.
It was pretty obvious that Danny had suspected them of being the bat clan the moment Masters dropped him on their porch, and finally getting confirmation that he was in the know and actually wanted to help was probably the best thing of Dick’s year.
Now, waiting on the Joker’s goons to show up for a deal, he’s glad he’s getting the chance to hang out with his newest brother(excepting Oracle on the comms, of course.). It was almost relaxing just sitting together on a quiet stakeout, and listening to the noises of Gotham and the occasional siren wailing in the distance.
“You know, I never actually liked school.”
Dick jumps when Danny finally starts a conversation. He’s been very quiet the entire time and it was almost startling how quickly he moved from dead silence to noise. It was almost a surprise that he decided to start a conversation at all, given how quiet he’d been since coming to the manor. Alfred is probably the only one he talks with regularly, now that he thinks about it.
“How so?” Dick asks hesitantly. God knows that he had a pretty rough time in school too, so he may not be the best person to talk with about the subject. “I thought Masters said your schooling was just fine? Your records didn’t say anything either.” Dick trails off a bit when Danny flinches at the mention of Masters. It’s not the first time he’s acted hesitant about the man, but nobody has been able to figure out the mystery or get any information about him yet.
“I wasn’t exactly popular, you know? Lotta bullies in small town schools, and my life outside school kinda kept bleeding over into class time. Sucked hardcore.”
That was new. Danny hasn’t really talked about his school experience before now, but it could be where they are at the moment prompting this, Dick thinks as he gazes out over the run-down neighborhood they’re watching.
“I wasn’t exactly ‘mister popular’ back then, myself.” He starts warily, smothering his words in fake cheer. “High society kids don’t take well to ‘circus freaks’ stealing their opportunities and invading their school. Couldn’t do much about it either because I didn’t want to tell Bruce I was struggling.” Dick drops a bit of the over-the-top peppy mask as he thinks about it.
“So what did you do about it?” Danny leans over, peering at the older vigilante as he waits for an answer.
“Got tired of it and beat them up after a couple months. They gossiped about it for months and refused to talk to me for a while. It was pretty sweet, actually.” He sighs in contentment at the memory. “Bruce and Alfred were pretty disappointed in me though. Practically grounded me for weeks.”
Dick preened as Danny let out a chuckle.
“Man, I wished my parents cared that much about my education. ‘A Fenton always gets A’s. Or in your Dad’s case B-‘s.’ was something Mom always said.” Danny seems to droop as he thinks of his parents. It’s obvious something happened there, but he’d usually shut down immediately if anyone brought them up.
“On top of the ‘out of school’ activities taking over my life, this dickhead named Dash made it his personal mission to ruin my day every time we interacted.” Dick busts out laughing as Danny considers what he said, before freezing and slapping his hands over his face. “Ancients, I didn't even think of that- sorry Dick. He was definitely an asshat though. Real piece of work, that one!” Danny chirped mock-cheerfully. “Did you know that if you’re really flexible you can fit in a half size locker?”
Dick freezes at the sudden question. “Uh… No?” He replies warily. The idea of someone being inside a locker that small physically pained him, and he really didn’t want to think about why Danny would know that.
Why anyone would shove his little brother into a locker.
He pushed the fear and guilt boiling in his gut down and turned to Danny with a smile. “How would you feel about online classes?”
Danny whips his head around to stare at Dick like he grew a second head. “Online?” He asks tentatively, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck.
“Online.” Dick agrees quietly.
Danny stares out over the dreary scenery and the sun just starting to shine light over the edge of the horizon. ‘The only time you can see it through the smog’ Dick muses as Danny thinks about his offer.
“I think I would like online school. It might help.” Danny admits in a quiet voice, hands gripping the railing almost painfully tight(For a second Dick thought he saw the metal give a big, but that must have been a trick of the light. Danny’s blood tests didn’t have the meta gene.). “And thank you… For offering to do that for me I mean.” Danny mumbles.
“Of course! What are older siblings for!” Dick beams at him, only faltering a little at the well concealed hurt in Danny’s face. It was pretty obvious that he was just about to shut down the conversation completely, when the batcom went off. Perfect timing.
Dick waves the com in Danny’s direction. “Looks like our clown friend got picked up across town on his way here.” Danny glances up in confusion as Dick hops off the railing he had been sitting on. “You want to race back?”
Danny visibly perked up as he hopped over the railing and pulled his grapple out of his belt pocket. He smirked Devilishly and took off before Dick could even hop over the railing.
“Get back here! I never said start!” Dick yelled out after Danny as they sped across the rooftop and swung between buildings chasing each other back to the cave.
Back home.
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diddybok · 11 months
What about hyunjin dancing with ger to sad songs on a home date at night? The last day before the world tour?
all characters depicted in my writing are from my own imagination and do NOT in any way represent nor reflect the people in real life :)
➩pairing: hyunjin x gn!reader
➩genre(s): fluff
➩warnings: none
➩wc: 1.1k (1104)
➩author’s note: listen to the song ‘fall in love with you by montell fish’ since that was what i was listening to whilst writing! also i changed it to gn because ik i have some readers who aren’t girls/don’t identify as such! plus everyone wants to dance w hyunjin saur…
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The soft click of the front door lulls you out of your slumber. You had fallen asleep on the sofa waiting for your boyfriend to come home from practice. 
The blanket that was wrapped snugly around your body tightens as it gets pulled by the weight of your boyfriend taking his place next to you. 
Hyunjin greets you with a gentle kiss to the temple of your head. Then he kisses both of your closed eyelids causing you to giggle. A kiss to the tip of your nose before finally settling on your plump lips. 
The kiss is filled with so much love. Every kiss with him feels like the first. Every. Single. Time. 
Reluctantly, his lips part from yours with a smile. You flutter your eyes open and even in the dim light of the room, his beauty manages to radiate warmth and longing. 
“I won.” He says, pinching your cheek lightly. 
“Not fair, you knew that I wouldn’t be able to resist snuggling up and watching my shows whilst I waited for you. Falling asleep was practically inevitable.” You say feigning frustration. 
Hyunjin grabs both of your hands as he stands up from the sofa. 
“Well let’s hope you’re now fully charged and ready to spend the rest of the night with me.” He chuckles before heaving you up from your seated position. 
You wrap your legs around him as he hoists you up and walks over to the kitchen, gently placing you atop the counter. 
“Wait here.” He says before dashing around the corner to retrieve something from his bag.
You look at the clock and it reads 22:02pm. You sigh to yourself, trying to stop yourself from getting sad about the fact that your boyfriend will be leaving you for a long period of time. 
Your head shoots up as you hear the sound of his slippers slapping against the floor. He wears a big smile on his face as his arms hide whatever he is holding behind his back. 
“Whatcha got there Hyune?” You enquire with a tilt of your head. 
“So you know how you really wanted that one little figurine to put on your shelf because you said, and I quote, ‘It would be too upsetting for my other figurine to be on the shelf by themselves’. Remember that?” Hyunjin walks closer to you, now standing in between your legs as your hands find their way to his shoulders. 
Taking your smile as a cue, he brings his hands from around his back to hold up the figurine you had been gushing to him about as of late. 
You immediately place a loving kiss to his lips, catching him by surprise before he melts into the warmth of your lips on his. 
“Thank you,” Kiss. “Thank you,” Kiss. “Thank you.” Kiss. You move your hands from his shoulders to cup his cheeks as the pads of your thumbs softly stroke underneath his eye. 
“You’re welcome baby.” Hyunjin kisses you once more, placing the figurine on the counter so he can grab ahold of your waist and pull you in closer to him. 
A melancholic sigh catches his attention and he pulls away to see the pout that has formed on your face. 
His forefinger and thumb is placed gently on your chin, lifting your head up to meet his eyes. 
“I will call you every single day.”
You know he will. He did it the first time he left you to go on tour. If you thought that was hard, now he’s become a lot more known and they just happened to increase the amount of countries they are going to. 
When his last tour finished and he came knocking on your door, you didn’t even let him blink fully before you had jumped on him, causing the both of you to topple over and take a lamp with you. 
You look up at him, the shimmer evident in your eyes. It never is going to be easier to say goodbye to him. 
Hyunjin mimics your pout, lifting you off the counter to walk you back into the living room. He places you down on the floor, grabbing his phone and connecting to the speaker. 
The once quiet room fills with the sombre sound of music. Unbeknownst to Hyunjin, this definitely doesn’t help with the fact that you won’t be getting this for a good few months. 
“May I have this dance?” He asks, holding his hand out to you. You don’t say anything, but you place your hand in his and let him lead you to the centre of the room. 
His arm snakes around your waist as the hand in which he holds yours tightens ever so slightly; as if to never let you go. 
Not shying away from affection, he places a chaste kiss to the top of your head before swaying gently side to side with you. 
Fall in love with you. My love. 
The lyrics shoot straight through your chest to your heart, tugging at the strings that you hope don’t snap and let your beating organ collapse. 
“It kills me to leave you. Even as I leave for work early in the morning. You know how much I’d give to just say screw it and hold you tighter. Pull you closer.” Hyunjin whispers, loud enough for your ears over the music. 
You turn your head so that your cheek lays flush on his chest. Listening to the increase in beats of his heart. 
“There isn’t a moment in time where I am not thinking of you. You, my world, complete me in ways you don’t even know.”
There it goes, that stray tear that was trying its hardest to pry through the barrier of your eyelids. You try your best to retain a sniffle, but your efforts fall flat. 
“You know I exist for you. I was made for you. I don’t want anybody else and I can say that and mean it with my whole being Y/n.” He says in a hushed tone. His own voice cracking as he is swarmed by the emotions and the intimacy of this moment. 
You lift your head up and look at him as your eyes sparkle. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you, Y/n. Only you. I will be back before you know it. Okay?” He reassures you.
So it was, the night before the impending departure of your love. You relish in the time spent in his arms. Enjoying all of him before he goes off and becomes the star you know he shines as bright to be. 
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ʚ hope you enjoyed ^.^ you can support me by liking, commenting  and reblogging! it is heavily appreciated ᵕ̈ ɞ
i do not permit my work to be translated or reposted in any way, thank you. 
© 2023 diddybok 
general taglist:  @spacegirlstuff @chengmeiauau
if you would like to be added to the general taglist, let me know in the comments, send an ask or message me!
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shuniverse · 1 year
rough patch ,,| l.f
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🖋️ requested by anon!! this is such a cute idea I love it sm 🥺
1.1k words
💌 gn!reader, hurt/comfort, sad lixie 😭
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he’d texted you that night, just wanting to talk to you, be able to communicate.
then he called, and you could hear the faint sniffle in his voice as he sent his usual hello. it sounded sadder, more quiet than normal.
after a quite small amount of prying, just a simple ‘what’s wrong, lixie?’, he just started crying. it broke your heart as he poured out what he was feeling, the shuddering sobs wracking your own chest with a pang of sadness.
he’d confessed he didn’t feel confident in how he was performing, and no matter how hard he tried it couldn’t come out like he wanted.
of course, from your perspective, this was far, far from the truth. felix was, and is, and impeccable dancer, rapper, and singer, all on top of his stage presence, and that deep, velvety voice you adore oh so much.
you sighed softly when he’d finished, the teary call leaving a bit of a cloud over head. you told him you’d buy a ticket, leave within the next day or two.
he’d told you you didn’t need to, that he’d be okay, but you insisted. nothing hurts more than the literal sun himself seeming so clouded and sad.
so, with sweet ‘I love you’s’, you promised you’d be in Sydney to see him soon.
now, you’re on your way to him in a rented car, playing the playlist you and him created together. you’ve missed him so so much, and knowing of his struggles wasn’t helping anything.
as soon as you came to the hotel, you’re practically leaping and bounding out of your car, grabbing your luggage and the little cat plushie you’d bought for him, and dashing inside the hotel and up the stairs to his room.
you’re jet-lagged of course, but that doesn’t stop you. you knock softly on his door.
felix recognizes that knock anywhere, and he’s swinging the door open with enough force you’re worried he’ll break the poor thing.
as soon as he sees you, and your pretty smile and luggage and that cat plushie, his eyes well up with tears and he pulls you inside, closing the door, and hugging you tight.
he lets out a shaky sigh, before crying softly into your neck and shoulder, placing lazy kisses on the exposed skin from your tank top.
he moves his head to look at you with a lovesick smile and red, puffy, and wet eyes. you pout a bit, holding his face, brushing your thumb over his freckle-dusted cheeks.
his voice is rough and of a lower octave when he speaks finally. “I.. I’ve missed you, so much.”
you smile and kiss his nose. “I’ve missed you too, my dear lixie.”
he rubs little circles on to your hip with his thumb, and you just happily gaze into his beautiful coco brown eyes, which look so worn.
“my love,” he perks up to pay attention to your voice, ever the soother for him, “what’s got you so worked up?”
he gives a small frown, a cute one at that, and he sighs softly.
“shows have been enjoyable of course, but I’ve been feeling more stressed lately, more.. self conscious. I don’t feel good about what I’m doing and I can’t seem to get out of it. I try so so hard but.. nothing ever seems right. I just wish I knew why.”
it makes you sad to see him feel this way about himself, how he doubts his show-stopping talent. you want to help, and you’re set on doing so while you have him with you.
you kiss his jaw. “lixie, baby, it’s okay. I’m here now. my love, you’re and amazing performer. your vocals, dance, raps, and just raw talent are absolutely breathtaking. I wish I could help, is there any way I can? hell, I’ll even listen to you rehearse, I’ll watch, I’ll give my advice and many many many compliments. alsoo-“ you shut his eyes “- I got you a present, no peeking!”
he giggles, a big happy smile on his ethereal features.
you fish around your suitcase for the necklace you’d saved up to buy a couple days ago, and when you find it you smile, looking back at felix and holding it up. “open!”
he opens his eyes eagerly, but the cute smile on his face fades when he sees the necklace. not even two seconds later, tears are pricking at his waterline, and he pulls you in, sniffling. “oh, my love.. you’re the best..”
he softly cries, happily of course, and you rub his back, kissing his collarbone. “shh, shh, lixie baby it’s okay.. no need to cry..”
he pulls his head up and smiles at you, then looks at the necklace.
engraved in cursive spells the date of your anniversary, with two little hearts on either side. and on the back of the small gold pendant is engraved yours and felix’s initials.
he sighs shakily. “how.. how much was this?”
you smile. “not important, sunshine. let’s get some drinks and snacks, hm? we can watch a movie, relax, I’ll even give you a massage.”
he smiles, cupping your face and kissing you softly. “I would adore that my love, I’ve missed you so much..”
you’re wrapped in one another’s embrace, entertaining, massaging, talking, til night has covered the sky and felix’s eyes begin to droop.
you notice and kiss his forehead as he lays with his head atop your thighs. “let’s go to bed, sunshine.”
he smiles sleepily and nods, sitting up and walking with you to his bedroom. he strips off his big t-shirt, leaving him in only sweatpants, much to your enjoyment.
he smiles at you and sits on the edge of the bed as you strip a garment of clothing off, wanting to be just as comfortable as him. when you’re done, felix holds you and brings you to sit on his lap as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
you both sit in comfortable silence, til he’s pulling you with him so he’s all the way on the bed, his head resting on a soft pillow, his fluffy blonde hair splayed across it. you smile and snuggle up to him, on top of him, and you make your head comfortable in the crook of his neck as your limbs entangle and wrap around one another.
he leaves a peck on your forehead, his voice deep and beautiful as he speaks. “goodnight, pretty. I love you so so much.. sweet dreams..”
you smile. “night-night, sunshine..”
and you fall asleep like that, holding each other, and you want the moment to last forever.
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I hope you enjoyed! also sorry for my hiatus I’ve been busy and tired and stressed 😭
I’ll do my best to keep posting content for you guys :))
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
I know you said in your baxter swap au that they were each other's first kisses but would mc and Baxter also casually kiss and other stuff as they get older? because it seems like Baxter has no real sense of boundaries and wouldn't understand that in normal friendships, it's not normal to hold your friends tiddies while you're spooning.
(I hope that made sense)
Listen. I want this to be true so, so much. BUT I don't think they'd go this far. The boundaries are out of whack for suuuure, but it's more in the sense that he thinks doing a first kiss makes sense in the context it was in. Holding hands sometimes, no big deal, he loves to link arms and use little pet names, but it wouldn't be anything explicitly sexual.
"Oh my god, it's miserable out here," you said, wiping the sweat from your brow.
"It's the humidity," Baxter said, passing you a water bottle. "Quite a bit different than home, isn't it?"
The two of you were in Virginia, across the country from your hometown of Sunset Bird. You were visiting Baxter in college, helping him pack up his things to head back west for his summer vacation. And you were not having a good time.
You chugged some water then groaned, wiping your face again, then rubbing the back of your neck. Everything was hot and wet and damp -- you were working to box up his clothes, but it felt like you had to swim through the air to do anything. Packing wasn't a favorite hobby of yours in the best of times, but this was another level of agony.
"How do you live like this?" you asked, pausing again to pull your shirt off of your body. You felt the fabric clinging to your skin, and ruffled it a bit to get some air flowing against your body.
"Is there a chance you're being a touch dramatic?" he laughed. A glance his way showed that he seemed to be just fine, with not a hair out of place. Typical Baxter.
"There's a better chance I'm dying."
With a laugh, he stopped boxing up his books left the room. He shared a suite with two other boys on campus, and while it was extremely nice for a dorm, it wasn't big enough that you couldn't tell he was going to the bathroom.
When he came back, he had a washcloth, and without a word, he moved to stand in front of you. One hand went to gently cup your cheek, and the other began pressing the cloth against your face. On your forehead first, then down your jawline. It was cool and damp, and it felt nice.
All of a sudden, the suffocating humidity didn't bother you anymore. But that was less because of cool washcloth and more because of the beautiful boy who was so lovingly using it to dote on you. You watched him as he worked on you, focusing on his soft hands, the warmth of them. His scent -- his usual cologne with a dash of sweat. It was intoxicating.
"Baxter?" you said softly.
"Hmm?" he asked. He waited for you to respond, but when you didn't, he finally met your eyes. He was able to read your expression in a split second, and his eyes drifted to your lips, then back up.
You nodded.
His attempt to cool you down was forgotten as he snuck the hand on your cheek to the back of your head, using it to pull you closer as he crashed his lips into yours. Your arms quickly looped behind his neck, pulling him in too so that you were pressed flush against each other.
It didn't feel like nearly enough time when Baxter broke the kiss, but before you could complain, he moved his mouth down to your neck.
"Another trick to help with the heat?" he said huskily, bringing his hands down to the hem of your shirt.
He was going to use some line on you, but you wanted him too much to wait, so you just lifted your arms instead of answering him. With a chuckle, he tore your shirt off, then you made quick work of the buttons on his.
Baxter was your friend -- your best friend. You weren't dating, and sure, you'd been in love with him for years, but you'd never told him that. Still, this was hardly the first time you'd been with him like this. You knew the graceful way his hands could tear you apart. You knew the heat of his mouth on your skin, and you knew what it felt like for him to be inside you.
In the beginning, there were handy excuses. "Maybe we should try kissing so that we can be good when we start dating people." "Maybe we should try touching each other so we know what it's like." "Maybe it makes sense for us to lose our virginity to each other so we never regret our first time."
But now, there didn't need to be an excuse. There didn't need to be a conversation or any considerations about how these weren't activities that best friends did together. Sometimes it just felt right, and that was enough.
In his half-packed dorm room in the sticky heat of early summer, you and Baxter had found one of these opportunities. As he tugged your shorts down and knelt before you, bringing his mouth to where you wanted him most, it certainly felt right.
You worked your hands into his hair, tugging on the black and white strands to bring him closer to you. He let out a groan of approval, and you felt it as much as you heard it. He looked up at you then, amber eyes dark and lustful and nearly hidden behind long eyelashes.
"Baxter," you sighed. "Come here."
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pray4saint · 1 year
Can I please have a tall latte with a dash of cinnamon with a cupcake and fortune cookie on the side? Thankyou
For the 100 follower celebration (congrats)
guest of honour
masterlist & descrip. pg-13. 13+. streamer!reader. ted nivison x reader. jschlatt x reader. mentions of alcohol, bongs, vapes and implied mention of weed.
a/n. tysm! here's your order anon :] (i did do these separately but if you wanted them together you can send another request! also i picked the prompts since you didn't add one)
prompts: ”you look stupid as fuck right now.” / ”that could be us.” ”that is us.” / ”can you repeat that? i don't think i heard you..” / ”my kiss?” ”right, sorry.”
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your fans knew you had a boyfriend, they knew he was also in content creation, they knew you loved him, and they knew he was always texting you during your streams. since he'd always been faceless, voiceless, and nameless, it was a shock for the viewers to see the door open and someone walk in, head cut off by the camera placement.
it was planned, to a degree.. you knew ted would show up on your stream, in your office but you didn't know when, and that's what made it fun. ”oh my god, hey babe!” you spun in your chair and got up to hug him, the height difference clear to all. and now your fans knew he was tall too. before you were able to get back to your seat, ted pulled you back to him. ”excuse me? sweetheart my kiss?” you smiled and got up on your tippy toes, ”right, sorry about that.” hands flat on his chest when you kissed him.
you walked back over to your desk to see how the viewers were taking the small interaction, and from how you were positioned leaning over your desk, ted was able to pad over next to you, still out of view of the camera. when you realised how close he was you pulled a chair away from the all beside yours and you sat down. ”oh chat did i mention my boyfriend was joining today?” you gave the camera a cheeky smile, watching as chat was still trying to put the voice to a face.
ted leaned down into frame before he sat down, smiling at the camera with a wave. the moment he sat down, he started a bit. ”do you have audio listeners?”
”what a shame.” you rolled your eyes at him before pulling yourself towards the desk to move apps across your monitors. ”shit, almost..” your voice trailed off, neither ted nor your stream heard what you said and while it's easy to ignore chat's pleas, it's a little harder when it's your boyfriend. ”what was that angel?” you hum at him, question in the sound. ”can you repeat that? i don't think i heard you.”
this wasn't a bit, but it sure as hell was clipped a ton. ”i said,” you began, voice louder than it was most of the time. ”'shit, i almost leaked our discord dms.', happy?”
your boyfriend's fanbase knew of you, but they didn't know anything about you aside from that schlatt loved you. of course it had to come sooner or later, but after a long talk about the consequences, you'd talked each other into a deal for you to go on his stream with him.
for awhile schlatt streamed and you sat just off camera, looking at your phone and back up at him from time to time. it was something that your best friend had sent you that made you scrunch your face up, and your boyfriend noticed immediately. ”you look stupid as fuck right now.” it was the first time he'd acknowledged you were around on stream and his chat was freaking out. of course it didn't stop you from getting up and slapping his arm. ”ow. you're mean.” he didn't mean it, yet it only made you hit him again before you finally pulled your chair out to sit with him.
once chat had gotten a good look at you and you waved and said hello, schlatt pushed his phone up to the camera before giving it to you. ”hon' that could be us.” it was a picture of two cats; one holding a bong and two vapes while the other held a case of beer. ”j, baby that is us.” now you show the camera the picture of the cats and schlatt takes the opportunity of being hidden to press a quick kiss to your cheek, making you gasp.
”chat did you see that?! did you hear that?!” they all seemed confused as you went off on your tangent, face making the :o while schlatt's mouth twitched up into a smirk, bordering on the grin as you tattled on him to his viewers. ”he kissed me when you guys weren't looking!”
oh boy did twitter have a fun time over analysing the clip of the short kiss sound, trying to figure out if it was true.
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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melthehoneybee · 16 days
A God’s Best Friend
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First of all, I’m not a writer so be kind 🥲
I decided to finally write a Hades fanfic based on a little story I’ve had in my head for years now.
This is a Hades x Reader fic centered around an adult aged reader who works in an Auradon animal shelter when the God of Death walks in looking for a new pal.
This is completely SFW and have no warnings. I hope you guys like it! I may continue it in the future depending on if it’s well received. Enjoy!!!
Another night stuck alone at the shelter, counting away the minutes while listening to the chatter of all the rescues in the back of the building.
Of course you loved helping the stray animals of Auradon, but this place is not your passion.
Your parents were just one of the many royals with a whirlwind, magical romance back in their younger days. Your father was a dashing prince and your mother was a lonely princess who animals flocked to when she sang. Once the king founded Auradon they gave up their titles to help the animals without homes find a place of comfort, adopting them out to loving families. Eventually you came along and they forced you in to the dream they had created, letting you work in the shelter once you were old enough. The years have flown by and, despite being a full grown adult, you are still stuck here’s
All was quiet, peaceful, and fully predictable.
Until the barrier dropped.
Most of the kingdom were on board with the decision made by Queen Mal and King Ben. The children over on that island deserved a fair chance at life, despite the decisions their parents made. It was an event that carried plenty of promise, but it wasn’t without its hitches.
Of course most of the Isle children needed to adjust to their new normal, but they had the youth of Auradon to help them. The problem were the adults on both sides. Plenty of villains were set free and all of the adults of Auradon still held on to their fears and anxieties of the past.
Your parents are no different. They are able to accept some of the villains have changed during their imprisonment without magic on that rotten spit of land. However, they were still plenty wary of the handful of the more powerful antagonists, none more so than Cruella De Vil.
It goes without saying, but running an animal shelter with that mad villain on the loose caused your parents to increase the scrutiny of the process of adopting pets.
Before the barrier dropped, they would allow most anyone to adopt simply by paying a small fee and signing a couple of papers. Now they demand to verify the person has no connection to Cruella and they require an inspection of the home the animal will be going to both before adoption and a couple of weeks after adoption.
So far, there have been no issues with the process. There was an influx of adoptions now that the people of the Isle could own pets, most seeking a fresh start with a new companion. All of the homes you and your parents have inspected were suitable to take care of whatever they may be adopting and there have been zero signs of Cruella intending on starting up her fur habits again.
You liked to think her kid Carlos maybe got through to her with his love of animals.
After a couple months of the barrier being down, the rush of adoptions began to slow and life returned to a steady pace of one or two adoptions a week.
The seasons were changing and the days were getting shorter, meaning you would be put in charge of the closing shifts. You often locked up and left well after the sun went down. Very few, if any, customers show up when night arrives. However your parents insist that at least one of the family members are present as often as possible to keep the animals company.
You sigh, tapping your pen on the desk and resting your head in your hand in boredom. Your mind drifted to your own dreams, wishing you weren’t tethered to this place and hoping to have a taste of freedom to explore your passions in the future.
Instead here you are, the clock loudly ticking away the minutes, broken up by the bark or meow of a rescue in the large kennel room behind you.
It’s been days since the last adoption, only a few people coming in to visit the animals and look around to break up the monotony.
You glance up at the frosted glass doors of the entrance to see a tall figure silhouetted in the glass. You sit up and put on your best “I’m ready to help” pose.
The silhouette reached for the handle and popped open the door, the bell attached to it tinkling with a friendly chime. In walks Hades, the villainous god of the Underworld.
Your smile immediately fades and becomes forced to avoid showing fear, looking closer to a grimace.
Sure you’ve helped plenty of VKs but this is the first VILLAIN to walk in to this building.
First he glances up at the tiny bell signaling his arrival then looks around, clearly uncomfortable with the bright surroundings. Finally he locks his eyes with yours. Your heart skips a beat and adrenaline causes a dull roar in your ears, flooding your face with a slight shade of red.
“Is this the place to get a dog?” He asks, his voice firm.
You sit there a moment, your mouth open in slight surprise and your brain trying to process how to handle this. You’re here alone and no one would be close enough to get to the shelter in time if you called for help.
He stands there, his hands finally softly shrugging out in confusion at the lack of answer.
You finally stutter out “A-ah yes this is the local animal rescue.”
He steps forward, his heavy boots sounding extremely alien to your ears “Ok, and you have dogs?”
All you can think to do is follow the script you had been taught to go through “If you’re looking for a dog, we are required to ask if you have or will have any connection to the villain known as Cruella De Vil.”
Your heart is pounding and you shrink a bit when he curls a lip up and narrows his dark eyes.
“Do you Auradonians just think all villains know each other or something? No, I don’t associate with Dog-Nappers.” He growls, rolling his eyes.
Your face turns red in embarrassment “S-sorry I just… it’s something we ask everyone now…”
An awkward silence fills the air and you can’t believe you break it with the question of “What sort of dog are you looking for?”
“I’m not sure yet, I used to have one before the barrier and now I’m looking for a new one.” He says with an air of exasperation, looking around the friendly lobby area.
“We… don’t have any with three heads if that’s what you’re looking for.” Comes out of your mouth before you can stop it. You scream inside your mind, wondering why you keep making presumptuous statements to the literal god of death.
He raises a brow in confusion “I didn’t say I was in the market for one of those did I?” He pauses and shifts a bit “So you already know who I am then?”
All you can do is feebly nod.
He sighs and puts his hands in his pockets “So I take it I’m not welcome then. Fine.” He spins on his heel and steps for the door.
You aren’t sure if it’s shame, embarrassment, or something else entirely, but you launch up from your chair and call after him.
“No no, wait… s-sorry… you are welcome to look at our dogs if you’d like. Everyone is welcome here.”
He turns and glances back “Everyone except Cruella.” He says sarcastically.
“W-well yeah… everyone but her for obvious reasons… we don’t want to risk the safety of our animals.”
He turns and crosses his arms “You don’t see me as a threat to your animals then?”
“So far so good.” You say nervously.
He accepts this answer and walks back to the desk, resting his leather clad hand on it.
“Alright, show me the dogs then.”
Every fiber of your being is screaming not to go further into the shelter with this intimidating figure, but your instincts of doing your job have kicked in and seem to be carrying you along on autopilot.
“Of course, right this way.”
You push open the small door to the side of your desk so he can walk around and join you. You sort of awkwardly shuffle backwards to the door that leads to the kennels, not particularly comfortable with turning your back to this man yet.
“Listen I’ve got basically 20 years of catching up to do on my work. I’m not going to add more to my plate by sending you to the Underworld. Especially when I don’t know you.” He sighs, clearly annoyed at the guard you have up.
You stammer a shaky apology and open the door for him.
“It’s alright. I get it.” He says, a bit less anger in his voice. He walks past, the smell of leather and some sort of cologne following behind him. You look him up and down, your eyes particularly interested in his tall, blue hair. You had always heard Hades had a head of hair made of fire. It certainly seemed to reach skyward in a wavy stance like flames, but it seemed like entirely normal hair to you.
You follow in behind him, the kennels suddenly eerily quiet. All of the animals have stopped chattering and are now pushed to the backs of their kennels, clearly terrified of the dark figure before them.
He stays silent, his hands in his pockets, and his eyes flicker a brief emotion. Disappointment maybe?
He slowly walks down the line of kennels, glancing back and forth at all of the animals who cowered away from him. They all clearly sensed that he was an ancient soul with the task of manning a place like the underworld. You always knew animals had a weird sense when it came to this stuff, but to see it so clearly in action made you shiver.
Despite how this should reaffirm some sort of discomfort with him, watching his reaction actually lowered your walls a bit. The man seemed to sink lower into himself, clearly hurt by the fear of all the animals.
“Maybe this wasn’t a good idea….” He finally sighs, stopping in the middle of the kennels.
You look around, silent and feeling a strange sense of pity for the villain.
Suddenly you’re hit with an epiphany. Your instincts kick in again.
“No hold on. Follow me down this way.” You stride forward with focus now, not fearing putting this man behind you.
You hear his heavy steps follow you as you lead him to the back of long line of cowering animals.
It’s a long shot but you have to test it.
Finally the last kennel lies in front of you and, to your elation, the dog within stands happily looking up at the two of you. The dog is a sort of dark grey-brown, scraggly patches of wiry hair poking out on top of his head down his spine, looking like some sort of excuse for fur. His mouth is open in a friendly grin, its long spotty tongue hanging out of the side. His tail is wagging and he watches you eagerly, eyes looking between you and Hades.
“What the heck is this…?” Hades asks with a tone of disgust.
“This is a Xolo Dog. The only one we have ever rescued actually. They’re kind of rare around here.” I say proudly and look back. He is clearly unconvinced.
“He doesn’t seem to have the same instincts as every other animal here. Is he… I dunno… broken?” He asks, unconvinced that this dog was even a dog.
“It was a theory, but I thought maybe he would be the best option for you. I guess there’s an ancient legend that these dogs were guides for souls in the afterlife. Given that, I thought maybe… he would be… comfortable…” you trail off nervously.
Hades is silent for a moment and he finally steps forward, towering over the dog behind the metal gate.
“What’s his story?”
“His dad was a dog named Dante. I guess when the litter of puppies was born, this one here was kind of the outcast. The other two puppies of the litter were a bit stronger than him. The family that owned Dante thought he might have better chances elsewhere. He’s been here a while… unfortunately, since they aren’t the prettiest dogs to look at, they aren’t exactly sought after.” I explain, crouching down and sticking my fingers through the kennel to let the dog lick them.
“Outcast huh…?” Hades asks, his tone shifting.
I reach up and open the gate, so there isn’t a barrier between the two. The dog happily steps up to Hades and looks up expectantly.
Hades crouches down and looks him in the eye. Rather than shrink in fear, the dog jumps up slightly to lick his face.
Hades flashes an expression of disgust but you swear you see the ghost of a smile on his lips.
“Does he have a name?” He asks, not taking his eyes off of the animal.
“Ah… not a OFFICIAL one but… we um-” You pause, feeling a wave of embarrassment “we sort of took to calling him Cerb. Short for Cerberus, given the whole afterlife story. I totally understand if you’d prefer something else given the history.”
Hades snorts a scoff “Cerb? Really?”
The dog’s eyes light up and he jumps softly at Hades again, bumping his head against his chest.
Hades rests a hand on Cerb and thinks to himself for a moment.
He finally softly speaks “Well hi there Cerb.”
You smile to yourself, a sudden warm feeling flooding your chest. Just like you had seen a million times with other customers, you were seeing this dark, leather clad villain connect with their new friend.
You let them have a few moments and step back. Hades begins petting and looking over Cerb while Cerb happily pants away, his eyes staring off into space.
You kind of snort to yourself “I won’t lie, his dad wasn’t exactly the brightest bulb and it’s rubbed off on Cerb. He’s got a lot of heart though and you’ll never find a more loyal friend.”
“How does this all work?” Hades finally asks, standing up and facing you. Cerb steps up and leans against his legs, grinning up at Hades.
“Adoption? Well we get donations here so we don’t charge any fees. You just sign a few papers and you have to agree for us to do an inspection of your home at the time of adoption and a little bit after, to make sure the animal is comfortable.” You explain.
He raises an eyebrow and his expression sours “Really….? Is that the normal process or the villain treatment?”
You raise your hands in defense “I promise it’s the normal process now. We want to make sure the animals are just as happy with their owners as the owners are with them. It’s all about making sure they’re where they need to be.”
He sighs and taps his foot, thinking for a moment. He glances down at Cerb who looks back excitedly. Hades then locks eyes with you. It’s the first time you’re really looking him in the eyes since he arrived and you feel a momentarily rush of adrenaline. His icy blue stare analyzes you and his eyelids squint subtly.
“You’d do the inspection?” He asks.
“Myself or another staff member.” You answer, the idea hitting you that you’d be going to his lair when you’ve never left Auradon before.
He thinks for another moment “I want it to be you, since you know him so well.”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks but before you can think about it too much you nod in agreement.
He smirks a bit and looks down at Cerb “What do you think? You ready to go home?”
Cerb, who clearly has no idea what’s going on but who’s happy to be included in the conversation, wags his tail fervently.
“So, you’d like to adopt him?” You ask, a smile breaking out over your face. Despite the situation, you still feel a rush of satisfaction when you pair an owner with their new friend.
“Someone’s gotta take him.” Hades says with a shrug. He’s clearly covering up the fact he truly did bond with the dog on some level.
“Fantastic! Let me get him a leash and we will get the paperwork finalized.” You say excitedly, heading back to the front desk with Hades and Cerb following behind.
It only takes a few minutes and one flourished signature on the adoption certificate to officially hand Hades the leash for Cerb.
“Congratulations on your new friend, Hades.” You say with sincerity.
He smiles down at the dog and looks back up at you “So… this is the part where you come see my digs and try to see if I’m unfit for the task huh?”
Your heart suddenly stops and you feel a chill. Sure you’d brought it up several times and agreed to be the one to inspect his place, but now that the time had come it made you freeze.
He smirks when he sees the obvious hesitation on your face.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be back in Auradon safe and sound before you know it. I have no plans to do dastardly things… at least not tonight.” He says cooly.
“Alright … let me grab the keys and lock up.” You say, watching Cerb for any sign of discomfort or unease. You trusted the dog to protect you if Hades DID try anything.
Hades leads you to the door and holds it open for you, an unexpected gesture from someone like him. You feel a blush crawl up your cheeks for some unknown reason.
You jingle the lock closed and stare into the shelter for a moment, as if taking in the sight for the last time.
“Ready? It’s a bit of a walk. Unless you want me to magic us there.” He says raising his palm, blue flames erupting from it.
You jump a bit at the small roar the fire makes and you shake your head “N-no… walking is fine. Cerb needs it.”
Hades shrugs and gestures his hand to dismiss the fire “Suit yourself, Princess.”
You awkwardly begin the walk, feeling extremely small and fragile next to the stomping frame of this god. You know that, if he wanted to, he could just make that fire come back and poof you out of existence in the blink of an eye. You were no stranger to magic, given where you’re from. However, dark magic was an all new thing to witness.
You glance down at Cerb who is happily trotting next to Hades, leaning over to bump onto the side of his legs every once in a while. You smile and look up at Hades again, who’s staring straight ahead calmly.
Maybe he’s more like Cerb than you initially thought. A being that is easy to judge based on looks, but is just like everyone else deep down.
He looks over at you while you stare “Something up, Princess?”
You blush and quickly avert your gaze “S-sorry, I’m just-“ you pause for a moment and quietly continue “I’m not used to seeing someone who looks like you.”
He chuckles “Someone who looks like me? You mean devilishly handsome right?”
You feel another wave of heat rise in your cheeks and you stammer as you try to dismiss his comment “I-I mean someone who dresses like some sort of rock star I guess.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment. Listen Princess, the world is much bigger than the kingdom of Auradon. There are lots of different ways of doing things. This is just how I like doing it.”
You nod and timidly speak up “I just haven’t ever really been outside of Auradon. The barrier dropping is such a big change. I barely remember the world before it went up.”
“It’s been a change for all of us.” He replies solemnly.
You arrive at the bridge connecting the mainland to the former Isle of the Lost.
“You still have your place over there?” You ask.
“Yeah well… you get used to a place when you’ve been banished there for 20ish years. I’ve spruced it up with my magic and it works for what I need.” He responds, beginning to lead the way over.
As you walk, you take note of the way the permanent gloom that was once clouding the island has dissipated. You’ve never been this close to the island before and you stay keenly alert to your surroundings as you step on its land.
Compared to Auradon, it’s a vibrant mishmash of color, spray paint, and patches of junk holding it all together. It has a sort of charm to it. It’s a place a child would love to freely explore, if the island hadn’t been a prison for so many years.
You look around in wonder but catch Hades subtly grimacing.
“It’s not as fancy as you’re used to, I’m sure.” He says, almost apologetically.
“I mean it’s not what I’m used to but… I dunno… I like it. It feels very free over here.” You say, seeing troupes of VKs sitting around lazily and chatting.
Hades snorts a laugh “Free huh? Not the word I would use to describe it.”
You realize what you said and frantically apologize “No I mean… sorry…. I meant it seems like you can be yourself over here. Auradon has a lot of-” you pause to find the right word “-expectations when you’re there.”
Hades nods and smirks “You’re a prisoner of rules and societal pressures there. Trust me, I remember.” He looks around “We may be a part of Auradon now but I think this island will stay sort of separated in that sense. You’d be hard pressed to find a villain or VK who would want to give up EVERYTHING this Isle once stood for.”
You look around as you listen. You can’t help but wonder what your life would’ve been like if you had lived here all that time. Would you still be following your parent’s plan or would you be following your true passions?
As you navigate through a tiny marketplace, you look in awe at all the little items and trinkets for sale. Small Knick Knacks made from junk litter tables and shelves. You see a few of the younger crowd from Auradon browsing the shops mixed in with the VKs. It’s fascinating to see how quickly some people have adapted to the barrier coming down.
No matter if it’s a VK or an Auradonian, the site of Hades tromping down the walkway makes everyone move to the side and dart their eyes to look at anything but him. You somehow feel incredibly small and yet hugely noticeable walking alongside him. A few people whispered to each other once you got past, surely speculating what you’re doing with the God of the Underworld.
“Don’t mind them. Reputation goes a long way on the Isle. Most people know to stay out of my way.” Hades says, waving his hand dismissively.
This should justify your apprehension of accompanying him, but you find yourself wondering if he still lives up to his reputation at all. So far, the god has seemed almost tame.
As you walk along, looking at all the shops, you slow your pace to admire a rack of sheer scarfs. Each one has a unique pattern on the fabric and is obviously only meant to only act as a visual enhancer, rather than keep the wearer warm. You have never seen fabric like this before, it’s obvious each one is hand made and no two are alike.
“Bet you don’t have anything like this over on the mainland.” Hades remarks, looking back to see why your pace slowed.
You shake your head “Not really. Everything here is so unique… all the stuff in Auradon is usually pretty similar to each other, outside of the dresses Evie makes of course.”
Hades looks a moment between you and the scarfs, he finally pulls a bluish one off the rack and flicks a coin to the eager vendor.
“Here. This one suites you.”
You feel a slight head rush from the unexpected move, your hands grasping the gift before you can truly process it.
“A-are you sure…?” You ask.
He waves his hand again and turns to continue walking “Yeah yeah. It’s repayment for the long walk.”
You smile to yourself and drape the fabric around your neck, admiring the colors and patterns.
“I have one from them myself. I like their stuff.” Hades states. “We aren’t far from home now. The entrance is just up ahead.”
The two of you round a corner and your met with a large, sinister looking gate decorated with scrap pieced together to spell “GET LOST”. Behind the barrier is the entrance to a cave. You look at Hades, feeling that twinge of apprehension come back.
He chuckles to himself and unlocks the gate “It’s all for intimidation. Don’t worry.”
Cerb happily bounds inside the cave which is the biggest factor that pushes you forward.
“It echos a bit in here, just a heads up.” He warns, leading the way inside.
You wind through dark tunnels, illuminated by scattered lighting strung together up on the walls. The ground where you walk has a small track system, indicating this used to be some sort of mine before Hades settled in.
“Nearly there, I promise.” He says almost apologetically.
At long last you enter the main chamber of his lair. It’s a large room where the floor rises and lowers at random places in separate tiers. The place is decorated with everything from old looking Greek statues to vintage music equipment. The walls are scribbled with various designs and writing, one notable wall clearly being a tally of his time trapped here. The sheer number of tally marks puts into scope just how long the barrier was up.
It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before, things seem to be covered in a layer of dust and an eerie blue light glows throughout the room. In one corner is an old dusty sofa, in another is a large bed covered with tattered blankets.
“I know it’s not pretty to look at but… I am sort of used to it here.” He shrugs, taking off his large overcoat and tossing it on a coat rack absentmindedly.
You look around in awe, somehow fascinated with the lair. However you’re here to do a job and you carefully watch Cerb.
He already eagerly navigating around the room and sniffing at his new surroundings. He hasn’t seemed to have lost any sort of enthusiasm.
“It seems safe enough in here for him but-“ you pause and feel your heart race a bit, scared to offer any sort of critique.
“But what?” Hades asks, leaning against the wall and crossing his large, freshly exposed arms.
“Dogs need to go outside often. There isn’t really-“ you trail off feebly.
“Don’t worry. I already thought of that. Look over here.” Hades beckons.
You follow up to a large door with a doggy door carved out of the middle covered by a flap.
“Open it.” He says.
You reach forward and push against the heavy door, suddenly daylight spills in to the room. A beautiful grassy meadow greets you, a slight breeze tickling your cheeks and birds tweeting away. The faint smell of the ocean radiates through the air and you look at Hades in shock.
“I thought we were in a cave!”
He smirks, clearly impressed with himself “We are. As a god one of my powers is to make myself present wherever I wish. I put a spell on this door to open up here.”
Cerb bolts passed us and zoomies his way through the grass. This place is even nicer than the field you have for the rescues back home. You step out into the grass, feeling a nice warm sunlight hit your skin. Cerb is now on his back and thrashing around happily, clearly enjoying the way the grass feels on his skin.
“Not bad for a dusty old villain huh?” Hades asks, joining up next to you.
“It’s beautiful…. I’ve never seen magic like this before.” You respond, looking back at the door.
In the middle of the field is the doorway, inside is clearly the lair, but nothing appears to be holding the doorway in place.
“Thanks… there is an invisible barrier around the area that will influence anyone outside of it to stay away and for Cerb not to wander too far. I just have to teach him to use the door is all.”
You nod, clearly satisfied with the surroundings.
“I think I’ve seen everything I need to see. I assume you have food and water for him?” You ask, signing off the paperwork you brought while you all walk back into the cave.
Hades snaps his finger, a flash of blue sparks erupting from them, and a bag of dog food and water dish appear in the corner of the room.
You smile widely and hand over the adoption papers “Alright then, Hades. You’re officially Cerb’s owner. We will check back in about a month or so from now just to make sure he’s settled in and you’re used to his personality.”
“We? Or will the inspector be you?” He asks, looking over the papers.
You feel your heart skip a beat “D-Do you want it to be me?”
“Yes.” He answers firmly.
“I-I can make sure that’s notated for you. Um, can I ask why?” You can’t help but probe as to why he’s so specific to get you to help.
“You actually helped me. Sure you judged what I looked like right off the bat but… you changed your mind. It’s refreshing.” He says, crouching down to scratch Cerb’s head.
“Well you seem… nice.” You say softly.
Hades laughs and straightens back up, crossing his arms “Is that what I seem like? I guess I need to work on fixing that”. He winks at you with a cheeky smirk.
You laugh nervously “As long as Cerb’s safe and happy I suppose I don’t mind what you do.”
You look around the lair again and bring your gaze back to Hades, whose eyes are locked on to you.
“If you need anything make sure to reach out. I guess I should get back home, it’s probably super late.” You say, preparing to turn around and go back the way you came.
Hades steps forward a bit “Wait-“ he seems to stammer while finding his words “ah, are you hungry?”
You furrow your brow in confusion “Am I hungry?”
Hades nods, clearly angry with himself for blurting out such a random question.
“I mean it’s late and I haven’t eaten for a while, so I’m getting there. Why?”
“I just was about to cook something up if you wanted.” He says, scratching the back of his head.
If it wasn’t his treatment of Cerb or when he bought you the scarf, it would be this moment that fully convinced you this man was no longer the villain everyone made him out to be.
“Sure I could eat.” You finally answer with a smile.
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cakepoppresent · 5 months
I'm Just Worried About You
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Finally! It's graduation time! The ceremony went smoothly. Vaughn did NOT invite his father but Grams, Brooklyn and Veronica were in attendance. Vaughn wasn't able to find time to speak with Veronica but he plans on pulling her aside today and clearing everything out
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Su stands alone and proud. Graduation comes and goes, and no one stands in his corner to tell Su they are proud of him. Vaughn is there but he has his own family to show their support. The only redeeming factor today is Grayson
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Finally, at the after party, it's filled with new graduates, business moguls and interested companies looking to poach new recruits to their side. Su stands off to the side eyes scanning the crowd for his little dude Spotted.
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Su walks straight to Grayson his hands immediately around Grayson's waist and pulls him close "Took you long enough. You look good"
Grayson: Congrats Su!! You're free! No more assignments or projects. Must be nice
Su: It's very nice. Are you here alone?
Grayson: My parents are somewhere
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Pulling Grayson to a quiet hall Su stood in front of him with a worried look
Su: How much do you know about Gideon and how he handled his grandparents
Grayson: Hmmm, I'm not sure he said something about selling shares. We're supposed to meet today and talk about it
Talk to Gideon about it? That's not happening with Su around. Grayson just needs a push in the right direction and everything will fall into place.
Su: Are you sure? I don't want you hurt
Grayson: Why would I be hurt? Gideon wouldn't hurt me. It's just a talk
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Su: I just worry for you. You can't trust Gideon. The people he's associating with are dangerous. What if you get hurt? or your family? Do you want that on your conscience?
Grayson: What the hell are you talking about? Gideon isn't dangerous
Su: Are you sure? The people he is working with now are dangerous
Grayson: I don't understand what you're saying. Gideon is working for someone dangerous? Who? How dangerous?
Su: I can't say but I know he is from Mt. Komorebi and they deal with shady businesses. It's not safe for you to be with Gideon. I'm worried for you Grayson. I won't be able to forgive myself if I don't let you know. Gideon isn't who he says. Think about how long he has been lying to you? Months? A year? Everything he's done has been a lie. You said it yourself you deserve better.
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Gideon is literally the softest person he knows, there is no way Gideon is a killer.
Grayson: You can't just lie on him like that! This won't make me date you
Su: I don't need to lie about this. Gideon cannot be trusted, do you want to be with someone who kills with a command?
Grayson thinks back, did Gideon actually tell him what he was doing? He can't think of a time when Gideon explicitly told him his plans. He remembers late-night calls but Gideon always said it was nothing and he took it to heart. Grayson starts to get a headache
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Su: Listen. Grayson if you don't believe me. Ask him yourself. I know for a fact all the men who work under Gideon's boss need to get a tattoo as a sign of loyalty. It should be on his back. Ask him. If it's not there then I won't say anything more and I'll leave you alone
Grayson: Fine! I'll ask Gideon you can't just lie on him like that!
Su: I'm just thinking about you
Grayson: DON'T touch me. I'm leaving
Watching Grayson leave, Su spots someone in the dashing into a stairwell. Interesting...everything is really working in his favour
Previous - Next
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emmyrosee · 2 years
…most of my rants are about being these characters being playful and teasing with the reader but that won’t stop me from giving you one more. I’m touch starved!! This is all I crave!! Throw me onto a bed (or anywhere soft) and start a fight and I’m all yours!!
and I KNOW I SAID I HAD MORE SUNA (and I do, I most definitely do) BUT HERE’S SOME SAMU BC HE’S SO ABSJWJDKVJ AND I ADORE HOW YOU WRITE HIM (as I do with all the characters you write ofc, but since I feel like I’ve been neglecting him lately, I’m giving him some extra love tonight)
So anyway Osamu is tired and getting comfy in bed BUT you’re full of energy and talking to him about everything under the sun. It’s very clear you won’t be sleeping anytime soon and he wants a full 8 hours so he’s just like “oh, you’re not tired, huh? Let me tire you out then baby” and he fucking piCKS YOU UP AND you’re laughing and squirming in his arms in protest but he needs you to be t i r e d so he keeps it up and starts a war with pillows and tickles and he’s more awake now and fully enjoying it. And by the end, you’re so tired out that you just fall asleep on his chest. I love him. I want him to pick me up. I want to play fight with him. I want his arms around me. I’m not light but I just know he’d be able to lift me. …yes this WAS fueled by me not being tired but needing to sleep what about it?
Also who do you think he is, he could toss you like a sac of potatoes boy is bUILT-
Like listen. He gets it. He doesn’t force you to get up with him every morning to help set up the restaurant, he wants you to sleep in and relax, but some days his body just needs to knock out early and sleep.
And usually, of course, it’s the days your body decides to kick it up a notch and stay up far later than him.
He’s left you in the living room with a sweet kiss on your head, telling you that he hopes you’ll come to bed soon, assures you that tomorrow he’ll be able to watch tv with you, tries to cover all the bases so you can let him fall asleep with peace and love.
Very clearly, however, you’re not going to go down with peace and love.
Because every minute and half, you’re back in the room. Be it to show him a tiktok, or talk about a recipe you think he should try, or a picture of Atsumu’s dog and how bad you want one, you’re. There.
“‘Samu, did you know that 40% of your dna is also shared in a banana-“
“Baby, I love you so much,” he says, voice raspy from being dragged out of sleep once again. “If you come in here one more time to talk to me, I’m going to make you regret it.”
You become silent, and his heart sinks at the idea he hurt your feelings with his words. He sits back up to see you, fiddling with your fingers in the doorway.
“Sorry,” you say softly.
He quickly shakes his head, “no, no baby, it’s okay, I didn’t-“
“Didn’t know grandpa needed his sleep so bad.”
Suddenly, his brows shoot up. You grin around a cheeky tongue bite, and he licks his upper lip at your defiance.
“I cannot stand you,” he snarls, immediately popping onto his feet and dashing towards you in a mad sprint, adrenaline pumping as you scream and dash away.
And listen, he’s a big man, but he’s got plenty of speed under his belt and you barely have time to scramble down the hall before he’s got you in his arms, tossing you over his shoulder. You’re kicking and laughing and doing everything you can to break free, but he’s not budging. Not even a little. Usually when osamu wants to play fight, he gives you a little bit of wiggle room as a false sense of freedom, but today, he’s serious, and it makes you giggle and scream in anticipation.
When he finally does release you, it’s with a rough toss on the bed, watching with a sick smirk as you scramble to make some distance, as if the mattress will protect you.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He scoffs, grabbing your ankle and dragging you back down the bed, your eyes widening because he’s never done that before, and apparently, you love it.
“I-I’ll leave you alone!” You reason, but he had no interest in your bargaining. Instead, he takes his pillow and swats it everywhere he can against you, against your legs and extended arms, being careful of your face but not exactly avoiding it.
You try to grab the pillow from his hands, and just to briefly disorient you, he holds the pillow over your face. By the time you throw the fluffed pillow off of you, he’s kneeling between your legs, “I know what will tire you out.”
You shove his broad shoulders as he smooths his hands over your kicking legs, pinning you to the bed with his body before tickling you with everything he can muster. You shriek so loud it hurts his own head, but skittering fingers only draw more cackles out of you, and he’s not feeling merciless.
“I hate you!” You lie between your cackles “I hate you! S-so mean! Stop iiitttt!”
“I’m not in the mood for that crap,” he snarls playfully; his tickling fingers slow only slightly so he can lean down, whispering in your ear- which also has you a giggling and whining from the feeling. “I want you to break.”
You try to tickle him back, which does, briefly, have him stopping to defend himself, but it doesn’t last long before he gathers your hands in his and pins them above your head to the mattress. The action makes your eyes widen in anticipation, a flash of panic being drowned out by a glimmer of eagerness.
“Are you done being an asshole?” He grits between his teeth. Your legs wrapping around his body to keep him close tell him everything he needs to know, but you do whine softly at the idea of him attacking you in such a position.
“Don’t tickle me,” you pant. “I’ll behave.”
“Bullshit,” he scoffs, his hand making a move to make you jump, and he watches in satisfaction as you giggle nervously. “You eat this shit up and you know it.”
Despite this, he does release you and kisses the last of your laughter from your lips, and the whole scene seems to make you into a pile of mush; your arms wrap around his neck and you pull him flush to you, mewling softly at the affections and feeling so close.
“God, I adore you,” he mumbles, smiling as you bury your face in his neck. You nod against his skin, and he chuckles at your sudden complacence. “You finally ready for bed?”
“Yes,” you sigh sleepily. “But I left the tv on. Gotta go turn it off.”
“I’ll take care of the tv,” he promises, kissing your temple, “get under the covers. Can’t risk you getting all energized again.” You snort before he gets up to turn off the tv in the living room, folding the blanket and putting your phone on the charger, grabbing you a glass of water before heading back to bed, where you’re curled up under his side of the bed, nuzzling into his pillow.
He chuckles, “seriously?”
“It’s warm,” you murmur. He lifts up your body to slide under you, letting you curl on his chest before switching off his lamp to finally, finally go to sleep.
“I love you.”
He sighs and buries his nose in the crown of your head, “I love you too.
“Please, for the love of fuck, go the fuck to sleep.”
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lullabyalikpoptarot · 19 days
Enhypen (Thoughts on title tracks) Energy Reading
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So, the first thing I asked is their thoughts on their music at the moment. I got the 8 of Pentacles, not the greatest card to get. I mean there is a lot of hard-work and details that go into their music. It is kind of like the music is part of work, but not feeling much of a connection as a whole right now, to their music. But they definitely put in the effort to make the right type of music. I am hearing, it is all about the details, so yeah. I also added some other songs of theirs's as well, along with the TT's, like the Dark Moon songs.
Given-taken (Transformation)-Yeah, this makes sense, all things had changed for them, it was their debut, a new start for them, but it was a bit chaotic for them, but they were happy to finally be able to perform. Things could have been a bit messy with the song, or just a lot of changes to it. I mean this was covid time, so yeah, things were all over the place when they debuted with this song. I am honestly not getting too much of the song, but the situation around it with this one. Not sure they feel anything for the song tbh.
Drunk-Dazed (Release)-This song felt cathartic for them. They may have felt they can release themselves with this one. They didn't feel too limited with this one. It is like the dance moves for this, felt freeing for them, weird message, but I go with how I feel and what I get. I am just seeing the dancing, like they may really like the choreography of this one. Not sure I am getting much about the music, but the they like the performance aspect of this.
Tamed-Dashed (Ace of Fire)-Yeah, not a fan of this song, sorry, I think I listened to this once or twice in full, but they seem to like it. It sparked some creativity and passion in them, surprised by this tbh. It was a fun song to do. It was a nice opportunity. It seems they enjoyed this one for the time. Not sure they enjoy it much now. Because ace of fire just gives me, this was fun, but then the energy dies down quickly.
Blesses-Cursed (10 of Air)-Why am I getting all these cards of freedom though? It is like there is a sense of freedom they get when they release music and get to perform them. This song may have been a struggle for them to put together. There seemed to be a lot of negative thoughts attached to this one. This one was an ending of a cycle for them.
Future Perfect (Pass the Mic) (Page of Swords)-This was not the card I would expect for this song at all, like what is this!? Hmm, it seems they may have been uncertain about this one, a little uncomfortable with this one. It could have been mentally challenging for them. Also, a lack of preparation for this one. I feel they were too in their heads and analytical with this one.
Bite Me (The Hermit)-Ya'll why do they get the hermit for this!? Like why, what is this boy? *sighs* This is my fave! Their energy is so weird with their music. I would think this one would get a good card tbh. Maybe this song helped them learn about themselves individually. Maybe it gave them some sort of identity, but that seems weird to me. Not sure why isolation keeps coming in my mind, but not sure what that can mean, yeah, don't get this.
Sweet Venom (3 of Pentacles)-I feel this one should have been for Bite Me, but whatever, my bias is showing. They may have liked who they worked with here. They felt it was a nice collaborative effort with this song. They feel they were able to use their skills and talents with this one. It seems they liked the effort put into this one.
XO (King of Swords)-How this group has barely any Wands or Cups here though. I am surprised by this one too, like this is a lovey dovey romantic song, why I am getting the KOS energy here? I love these boys, but this energy makes no sense. Is the KOS that dude, can't even remember his name? The singer they worked with. I mean, the group could have learned a lot from him, and they have respect for him, and his music. They may have liked the lyrics to the song. Whoever this is, they had a lot of say in the direction of this song, the boys had little input tbh. A lot of sword energy pertaining this group and their music tbh.
One in a Billion (3 of Wands)-Oh yay wands!, but this is a slow moving, kind of stagnant wands to get. They may see this song growing. They can see the potential of this song. They can see themselves performing this at concerts. I am just like getting, they are looking ahead. I don't see them really paying attention to this song, just on to the next. This song may have been a slow process for them as well, also did they travel, or work with someone long distance for this one? I know I should know as a fan, but I don't focus on every detail of my faves. I am a fan from afar lol
Criminal Love (The Star)-I feel they may like this one. From the image of this card, it is like they pour themselves into this song. Is this the song that is really hard for them to do? I should know this as a fan, but I don't observe my faves like that really? Also, I can't think when channeling. I am just getting them sweating a lot, like they pour their sweat and tears into this song. The song is pretty exhausting for them. It is like they pour their all into this song. Once again, this is more about the performance, than the song. I'll be real, there is a disconnect between them and their songs musically, but not performance wise. Which makes sense, since I am pretty sure the members would prefer to do songs that fit their style, because their songs ain't it for them.
Fatal Trouble (5 of Swords)-Once again, another Sword card, this group is very analytical, logical, and matter of fact with their music. There may have been many mistakes with this one, they may have had to redo this one a lot, there could have been disagreements when it came to this song. I sense there was drama and fighting with this one, if it was the members or the company, but this is about the members, so yeah. Differences in opinion, they don't have a lot of say, so, maybe some members made mistakes, and that annoyed some members, maybe that started fights, once again, I am getting more about performance. Because I am kind of seeing them in the rehearsal room, so it is more about the performance here.
Alright, well that was a trip lol Yeah, not much passion or emotions when it comes to their music, but that makes sense, since they don't contribute to their TT's lyrically or compose. But still love them and the hard work they do to put on a good performance. It seems they're more focused on that. Anyway, these are fun. I am thinking of doing BTS next!
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sexyzuka · 11 months
Kiba's Uptown Girl
Pairing: Kiba Inuzuka x Reader
Word Count: 13,335
Content: 18+ Smut MDNI, fem!reader, modern!au, boruto era kiba, fem!receiving oral sex, hair pulling, fingering, scratching and biting, standing doggystyle, creampie, watersports, exhibitionism, mentions of blood, surgery/medical references, references to real people/places, pet names 
Summary: For your anniversary this year you and Kiba decide to take a trip back to your home country. He’s never been to New York City before, and you can’t wait to show him all of the best parts of Manhattan. For your first date of the week you decide to bring him to Central Park to show him the “greatest view” that the city has to offer. Will you be able to control yourself around him? You’re in a public space, so I sure hope so! 
Writer's Notes: While listening to the song “Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel I had the idea to write a fic where Kiba and his girlfriend visit the city. I’ve lived around the NYC area for most of my life, so I wanted to create something that incorporated a little slice of home. I was inspired by my trip to Central Park last weekend and included some of my photography within this fic. (You gotta love that extra dash of realism!) This chapter ended up being way longer than I intended, but I just had so much fun throughout the course of writing it, I couldn’t stop myself. I hope you enjoy!
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Kiba looks around at all of the signs surrounding you with a confused expression on his face. He didn't even have to say a word before you responded with, "We're taking the 1 train. C'mon, this way." You could hear a familiar tune echoing throughout the corridors of the subway station. There were a few musicians set up nearby, belting out a harmonious tune while reenacting a few scenes from a particular music video you were very well acquainted with. "Are we going uptown or downtown?" "Uptown," you respond without a modicum of doubt in your voice. "Heh, I guess you're a real uptown girl," Kiba responds with a smug assuredness in his tone. "Oh hush, you." You could already tell where this conversation was going the second he uttered those words, the chorus of the nearby performers no doubt spurring on his unusually quirky behavior today. "Y'know, when you're walking you're looking so fine-ine-ine," Kiba began in a singsong voice, "and when you're talking you just know I love it when you say you're mine-ine-ine." Kiba knew how much you loved the classics, and he couldn't help himself but tease you whenever the opportune situation arose. Two could play at that game though, no one knew the lyrics to your favourite songs better than you. "Despite your appearance, you're not so tough," you jest back at Kiba with a rhythmic cadence, "just because you're in love with an uptown girl." "Someday when my ship comes in, maybe you'll understand what kind of guy I've been," he says as he twirls you around the subway station. After he catches you in his arms you share a rather short but passionate kiss. You so fervently wish that this fleeting moment could last longer, but you realize that the two of you have drawn in quite the crowd of your own with your display. As the awareness of the situation sets in you hastily straighten up your clothes a bit and give a silent nod to the musicians, one of whom flashes Kiba a thumbs-up before going back to performing.
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It had been many years since you visited your hometown, but you still remember how to get to your favourite destinations without consulting a map. Kiba knew how excited you were for this trip, so he made sure to clear his schedule well in advance. You were quite far from Konoha, the trip taking almost an entire day because of the extended layover in Chicago. Couldn't be helped, you thought to yourself, O'Hare is always a hot mess. At least they didn't lose our luggage this time, you shrug to yourself as you briskly grab your suitcases off of the baggage carousel.
After finishing up the final leg of your journey you and Kiba checked into a hotel in Midtown Manhattan. You were used to commuting from Jersey, but you wanted Kiba's first trip to the area to be an unforgettable experience, so you didn't mind spending the extra ryō. No expenses were to be spared, after all this is your anniversary celebration.
Your circadian rhythm was altered because of all of the travelling, the unrivaled enthusiasm circulating your core powering your insomnia with a fervent vigor. But while Kiba was losing his battle against jet lag you eagerly typed away on the notes app on your cell phone, writing up a list of everything you wanted to do  with him tomorrow. You could scarcely contain your excitement, your heart fluttering as you envision the pure joy and festivities to come.
Your sleep schedule was always a bit unconventional, but it meshed well with Kiba's unpredictable shifts at work. Sometimes Kiba would have to respond to calls in the middle of the night or wee hours of the morning. "It's hard being this popular," is what he'd usually say before heading off to patrol the precinct. He took pride in his work, and Kōtarō acknowledged Kiba as one of the top officers in Konoha, so there was no way he would ever shirk his responsibilities to Konoha. But for this next week  his only responsibility was to you, his girlfriend, and he always kept his promises.
You glance over at the clock next to the bed, choosing to do that instead of looking at the time on your phone because you couldn't resist sneaking another peek at Kiba cuddling Akamaru in his sleep. 5:30 PM. It would be just before sunrise if you were in Konoha right now. Normally you would be sleeping right now, but your anticipation for all of the exhilarating adventures to come put your brain into overdrive. The only thing that could quell your frenzied thoughts was, rather unfortunately, snoozing right now, so you had to make due with some maladaptive daydreaming for the main course this evening.
"Mmm..mmhm... princess..." you could hear Kiba mumbling softly in his sleep.
I wonder if he's having a good dream tonight, you chuckle to yourself as you walk over to the windowsill. You open the curtains with a light touch, endeavoring to be as quiet as possible so as not to awaken your company. The late October sun was already setting over the horizon, a serene twilight beginning to overtake the skyline. You could see the faint twinkle of a few stars glitter in the sky interspersed between the blinking headlights of the planes making their arrival into the city. The familiar hum of their engines was a sweet, nostalgic symphony to your ears.
You spend a few good minutes taking in the view of the Manhattan skyline, tracing the reminiscent shapes of the nearby buildings with a wistful yet pensive glance. It feels so good to be back home, you muse to yourself before delicately closing the curtains and returning to your seat.
As the moon begins its conspicuous journey across the night sky you carefully rock yourself back and forth in the office chair, your musings coming to life in bright and flashy colours. "Oh and I just have to take him here," you say to yourself in a hushed tone as you type away on your phone. "We can't forget about Grand Central Station or Bryant Park either. I don't think the big Christmas tree is up just yet, but he'll definitely want to see Rockefeller Center."
The hands on the analog clock above your head move steadfastly as the minutes melt into  hours. Being completely enraptured by your fantasies of the days to come, you didn't notice the moon bidding you farewell as she quietly dissolved, taking with her the boisterous yet somewhat serene cacophony of early morning traffic. The loud blaring of a nearby siren snaps you out of your contemplative trance.
You look over at the clock again. 7:00 AM. You were honestly surprised with how fast time seemed to evaporate from your grasp, marching on with a cold indifference. You two only had so long in the city, and you wanted to make the most of it. At the very least, Kiba was asleep for these past few hours so it didn't feel like a total waste. Still, you didn't want to squander even a second of precious time with your love.
You shift your focus back to your phone, reviewing the itinerary you drafted up with a revitalized sense of purpose. Nothing would stop you from giving Kiba the best week he's ever had. The only inquiry that stubbornly endured, floating in your mind with a gnawing persistence was what to start with.
"Hm, I guess we could kick off our trip with the Empire State Building. Or is that too blasé? Once you've been in one big building, it's like you've seen them all. We could drop by the New York Public Library, but I don't think he'd appreciate the classics as much as I do. And I could definitely see him complain that the lion statues out in front should be replaced with sculptures of dogs instead," you bring up a hand to your mouth to suppress a chuckle trying to escape as you think of Kiba grumbling and moaning about how a giant statue of Akamaru would look way cooler than some lame ass lions.
"And what are you giggling about over there, princess?" you hear the sleepy baritone reverberate through the room with a candid sense of curiosity.
"Oh, it's nothing," you chime back while your efforts to stifle your laughter prove to be futile.
"I don't know about that, it looks like this is an issue I'll have to investigate further," Kiba remarks as he gets up from the bed and saunters towards you. "Looks like I'll have to bust out one of my secret techniques today."
"Don't tell me you're-"
Kiba blurts out a brisk, "Tickle no jutsu," before you're able to respond. His light and feathery brushing on your flanks sparks an unstoppable electric current that pulsates through your neurons and stimulates your body with a fiery zeal.
"S-stop it," you manage to babble after succumbing to the onslaught of his galvanizing touch, "You win, you win."
"Tell me what I win," Kiba proclaims with a little wink, still closely holding onto your body with his brawny arms.
"A taste of my secret technique," you simper as you turn around slightly, angling your body so that you have a clear path to your target. You then press yourself closer to Kiba while standing on your tiptoes and sink your teeth down into the flesh of his neck with a firm but coy ferocity.
You can feel a groan resonating in his throat, the vibrations tickling your incisors, but you decide to not relent, instead doubling down on your efforts by dragging your nails coquettishly along his back.
A thrumming moan caresses your eardrums with a melodious echo as you continue your assault on his unsuspecting hide. You relish in each tantalizing frequency escaping from his lips.
"So frisky first thing in the morning, I like it," he manages to whine out in a frail attempt at maintaining his composure. You're very well acquainted with all of his erogenous zones, so you're beyond confident you could devour his entire heart right now if you wanted to. But giving him a small taste of these humble hors d'oeuvres, a tantalizing sampler of promiscuity, would only fuel his voracious appetite further and more intensely as the day dragged on, so you decide to relinquish for now.
You pull your lips back from his neck as you say, "Just wait till the main course tonight." You couldn't help but be kittenish when you were engulfed in Kiba's embrace like this. The demure front you put up around others came crashing down whenever the two of you were alone, or rather, almost alone.
You hear a faint sniffle from the other side of the room. As you turn your head and shift your gaze you see Akamaru yawning as he lazily scratches his floppy ears with his back paws. Akamaru was just as much your family as Kiba was, so there was no question about him joining you this week. That did mean, though rather unfortunately, that you'd have to be a little more PG than you had anticipated and hoped-for.
"But before that, how's about you and I get this party started?" You shift your focus back to Kiba, flashing him a smile as you gently place your hands around his shoulders, your fingertips making tiny circles as you stroke his skin with a tender softness.
"A party? I'm more interested in a private show," he protests as he looks into your eyes pleadingly.
"We didn't travel to the other side of the world to spend the whole time in a hotel room, Kiba." It's true you would love to spend more time cooped up in this room with him, but you weren't going to let yourself give in to the temptation. There would be plenty of time for promiscuity after you ticked off everything on your travel bucket list. Who knows the next time you'd both have the opportunity to visit Manhattan, especially considering Kiba's hectic work schedule.
"Such a tease. You sure know how to rile a guy up," he responds in a cheeky tone, "But that will only make my dessert this evening that much sweeter."
"Dessert? Don't you think you're jumping the gun a bit there, hon?"
"Oh, so you wanted to do gunplay this weekend? Sorry, the TSA wouldn't let me bring my usual  fare with me, something about it being a misdemeanor in this jurisdiction."
This man. This incredibly foolish man.
"It," you start laughing a bit as the words escape your quivering larynx, "-it's a figure of speech, Kiba. I wasn't literally talking about a gun."
"I totally knew that. Yeah, I was just testing you. Ahahaha.... haha... ha." Kiba couldn't hide his crimson cheeks from your omniscient glance this time.
"Anywaysss," Kiba flounders, attempting to change the subject before he has to admit that he misspoke, "what did you want to do today, princess? I know you used to be a local 'round here."
You were so engrossed in the absurdity of his previous remarks you needed to take a few moments to compose yourself before answering.
"Let me go grab my phone real quick," you say as you give Kiba a short but sweet parting kiss on the cheek before being released from his embrace.
You open up the notes application on your phone and start scrolling down, contemplating about which suggestion would make the most sense. There were no doubt an endless plethora of things to do in the city, but you wanted to make your first outing together an unforgettable adventure.
"Wow, you really came prepared!" Kiba guffaws as he sees you attentively scrolling down the list of options you find yourself feverishly perusing through.
"You know me. I've never met a list I didn't like," you say pragmatically as you push up the bridge of your glasses with your index finger.
It was true, you were always planning ahead. It gives you peace of mind to write down your musings in order to collect your thoughts. The myriad ideas floating in your consciousness at any one time were overwhelming, so writing was the best way for you to make some sense of the bedlam. It was rather amusing when you thought about the stark contrast between your erudite approach to life versus Kiba's passionate resilience and adaptability. He may not be as well-learned as you, but what he lacks in book smarts he makes up for in determination.
"Hm," you hum to yourself as you sort through the possibilities prancing through your mind, the pirouettes of whimsy filling your imagination with dozens of scenarios playing out like a theatrical performance on a Broadway stage."How about? No, that won't do."
"Oh, what won't do?" Kiba asked as he shot you an expectant gaze.
"I was thinking of taking you to the New York Public Library or the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but I don't think they allow dogs," you glance over at Akamaru as you say those final words.
"I don't know why not. Akamaru's better behaved than most people," Kiba huffs with a shrug as he acquiesces.
"Yeah, but I definitely don't want to stir up any trouble. Oh, I got it!" you clap your hands together when a bolt of inspiration smacks you with the most glorious divination.
"Why don't we stop by Central Park? There's tons of space there for Akamaru to run around, and there will be plenty of other dogs there."
"We came all this way just to see a park?" Kiba asked incredulously, a baffled tone that reeked of innocent cluelessness.
"It's not just a park," you respond with a snarky chide, "It's the park around here. Trust me, you'll thank me later."
"Well, how could I possibly say 'no' to that? C'mon Akamaru, let's get ready to go!" Akamaru bellows out an excited howl as he jumps up and dashes over to Kiba's side.
Hand in hand you and Kiba leave your hotel room, ready for an exciting day out in the city. The morning sun's rays glistening in the dew drops that cover the scattered blades of grass poking through the slabs of sidewalk beneath your feet. Even in this veritable concrete jungle that you used to call home there were a handful of reminders that nature flourished just outside of the city's borders. Today, though, you were going to experience the majesty of the wilds from the comforts of your old stomping grounds.
"Before we head over to Central Park, let's pick up some breakfast," you suggest while looking up at Kiba.
"Sure, what do you recommend, princess?" Kiba responded with a smile on his face.
"We have to get bagels." you reply instantaneously, almost as if you'd rehearsed the line beforehand.
"Bagels?" The change in his voice's inflection exposed his lingering uncertainty.
"The freshest and most delicious bagels you'll ever eat,"  you reply while tugging on his jacket ever so slightly, trying to nudge him into agreement. He could sense your insistence on the matter, so he chose to abandon any attempts at protesting. You did concede by promising to stop by a pet store first to pick up breakfast and some treats for Akamaru before you made your way to your favourite bagel shop.
"Can I have a taylor ham, egg, and cheese on a sesame seed bagel? Toasted, please. Hold the ketchup." you holler out your order to the worker behind the counter. They give you a tacit nod and get to work on your breakfast.
Kiba, impressed by the innate skill with which you ordered, had a perplexed look of confusion on his face as he read the menu to himself.
"What is a bagel with 'lox'?" he asks while pointing to a picture on the laminated paper in front of him.
"Lox is salt-cured, smoked salmon. If you want something less salty I'd recommend the nova lox," you respond while gesturing towards the display cases in front of you.
"I never would have thought to try cream cheese and smoked salmon together. You sure do have some silly customs, princess." Kiba glances up from the menu to meet your steely gaze.
"Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it," you reply with a subdued grin, trying to subtly goad him into action.
"You know what? Maybe I will try it. Hey mister, give me one of those lox bagels."
"You have to tell him what kind of bagel and if you want it toasted or not," you whisper to Kiba covertly, so as not to draw too much attention from the other people in the shop.
"What kinds of bagels are there?" Kiba responded with a puzzled expression on his face.
"So many different kinds, you've got sesame seed bagels, onion bagels, egg bagels, french toast bagels, cinnamon raisin bagels..." you prattle off the list you'd committed to memory years ago when you used to work in a bagel shop, "and we can't forget about the everything bagel."
"The 'everything bagel'?" Kiba said with an emphasis on the second word, a questioning tone in his voice.
"Yes, it has a bunch of different toppings. It's one of my personal favourites," you say as the reminiscent taste of the culinary delight tickles the basal ganglia in your neocortex.
"Sounds good, I'll have those of those everything bagels with lox, sir," Kiba calls out to the worker across the counter.
"Toasted, please," you respond without a moment's hesitation. "Trust me," you murmur in Kiba's direction, "you'll thank me later."
After grabbing breakfast you gluttonously unwrap the foil around your glutenous delicacy and devour it in a few bites. "Best bagels in the whole damned world. You can't get them like this anywhere else," you mutter under your breath.
"Wow, this is actually pretty tasty," Kiba says while enjoying generous mouthfuls of his bagel sandwich with gusto, "So you really got to eat like this every day when you used to live here?"
"Mhm. The food was just one of the many perks of living close to the city," you recall as you look up at Kiba while he finishes his breakfast with a few final chomps.
"The tap water here is also divine," you continue on as you feel the familiar and distinct taste of the scrumptious cocktail on the tip of your tongue.
"Oh, what makes it better than the water back in Konoha?" Kiba says as he promptly brushes some crumbs off of his cheeks.
"It might not be kosher, but there's tiny crustaceans called 'copepods' living in the water. They make it extra delicious," you muse as you bring your hand up to your chest with a dainty flourish.
"Crustaceans?" You could see the hamster wheel in Kiba's head spinning extra rapidly as he repeated the word back to you.
"Y'know, like shrimp? Think of it as getting an added bonus on top of the hydration, a special little treat."
"Aren't shrimp bugs?" Kiba responds with a mildly disgruntled tone in his voice.
"No, they're not. Besides, it's extra protein," you chuckle as you flex your arm to show off your biceps, "I thought you were all about bulking up. Or maybe I'll be able to bench more than you if we stay here long enough." You look over from your muscles to Kiba as you see a glint of fire ignite in his eyes.
"Is that a challenge I hear, princess?" The playful yet amorous undertones in his voice can't  help but make you smile, the most presumptuous grin overtaking your countenance.
"You never turn down a challenge, I hear." The self-satisfied look on your face as you realize that you just beguiled him into implicitly promising to stay hydrated is priceless.
"You're damned right I don't. Now hand over that water," Kiba says as he reaches for the bottle in your purse. He takes the biggest gulp imaginable before letting out a boastful exhale.
You judiciously choose to withhold the fact that the water in the bottle he just drank from isn't NYC tap water, instead lightly tugging on his jacket to grab his attention.
"C'mon, let's take the subway to Central Park. I can't wait to show you around," you beamed affectionately in his direction.
"Alright, princess, lead the way," he said as made an exaggerated motion with his hand, sweeping across the stretch of space in front of you with an affable cheerfulness.
You intertwine your fingers with his as you lead the charge to the nearest subway station. You already have your credit card out of your wallet and in your other hand, ready to tap the both of you in without hesitation. A few minutes later and you pass through the Times Square turnstiles with a lithe airiness.
"Times Square is way more impressive at night. We'll come back here later," you assure Kiba as you gently pull on the arm of his jacket, leading him confidently to the 1 Line.
Kiba looks around at all of the signs surrounding you with a confused expression on his face. He didn't even have to say a word before you responded with, "We're taking the 1 train. C'mon, this way."
You could hear a familiar tune echoing throughout the corridors of the subway station. There were a few musicians set up nearby, belting out a harmonious tune while reenacting a few scenes from a particular music video you were very well acquainted with.
"Are we going uptown or downtown?"
"Uptown," you respond without a modicum of doubt in your voice.
"Heh, I guess you're a real uptown girl," Kiba responds with a smug assuredness in his tone.
"Oh hush, you." You could already tell where this conversation was going the second he uttered those words, the chorus of the nearby performers no doubt spurring on his unusually quirky behavior today.
"Y'know, when you're walking you're looking so fine-ine-ine," Kiba began in a singsong voice, "and when you're talking you just know I love it when you say you're mine-ine-ine."
Kiba knew how much you loved the classics, and he couldn't help himself but tease you whenever the opportune situation arose. Two could play at that game though, no one knew the lyrics to your favourite songs better than you.
"Despite your appearance, you're not so tough," you jest back at Kiba with a rhythmic cadence, "just because you're in love with an uptown girl."
"Someday when my ship comes in, maybe you'll understand what kind of guy I've been," he says as he twirls you around the subway station. After he catches you in his arms you share a rather short but passionate kiss. You so fervently wish that this fleeting moment could last longer, but you realize that the two of you have drawn in quite the crowd of your own with your display.
As the awareness of the situation sets in you hastily straighten up your clothes a bit and give a silent nod to the musicians, one of whom flashes Kiba a thumbs-up before going back to performing.
"Well, that was fun." The pheromones were practically radiating off of Kiba's skin at this point. You could feel their brilliant presence circulating through the air, ensnaring you in a covert trap from which there was no easy escape. The only thing keeping you grounded right now was your ever-increasing embarrassment, accumulating at catastrophically high levels.
"C'mon, weren't you gonna show me that park?" Kiba's voice cuts through the awkwardness like a hot knife through the butter of your soul.
"It's not just that park." You would be more exasperated if you weren't so grateful for this man's severe lack of decorum. This brief reprieve from the embarrassment was fortunately enough for you to strengthen your resolve.
"It's called Central Park, and we should get going before we miss another train," you implore as you clutch Kiba's hand in your own once more and motion towards the nearby staircase with a beseeching look.
"Alright, let's do this!" Kiba exclaims as he jubilantly scampers throughout the station, holding onto your hand tightly as you approach the platform together.
"We're going to get off at 72nd Street," you instruct as you walk onto the train with Kiba, Akamaru shadowing you both, closely in tow.
"You know where you're going, right? I'll just be following you anyways. Ha ha ha," Kiba roars as you shake your head with the slightest hint of reproach. Although, could you have honestly expected anything else from this man? His unbridled confidence touched every aspect of his life, and that included his faith in you, his girlfriend. It honestly was a nice change of pace, him letting you take the lead for once and giving you the opportunity to take him along for a wild ride.
As the brakes of the train car screech and the incomprehensible garble of the conductor flowed through the airwaves with a thick discordance you look up at Kiba to let him know that this is your stop. You hop off the train with a buoyant leap and guide your love through the station and onto the street.
"Alright, it's just a few blocks down this way," you say as you turn to the right, your voice filled with an unrivaled exuberance.
"Y'hear that, Akamaru? We're almost there!" Akamaru lets out an excited yelp as he ambles alongside Kiba.
The lavish hues of the foliage take over the scenery as you draw closer to your destination. Splotches of yellows and oranges dotted the landscape with their wistful presence, a beautiful yet melancholy reminder of the transitory nature of life. As the seasons change in an unrelenting cycle so do the myriad creatures that call these woods home. No doubt there were new generations of fauna living here since you last visited, but the unabating feeling of wonder you experienced every single time you entered the park was the same as always.
"And here we are," you announce as you sensually extend your hand, sweeping it across the air with a fluid and rhythmical motion.
"W...Wow," is all Kiba manages to stammer out as he takes in the sights of the park. You could hardly blame him for being awestruck, you were the same exact way the first time you visited Central Park.
You did want to make the most out of the limited daylight hours, especially this time of year, so you volunteered your hand to him once again. Seeing you summon him with such a genial expression was enough to snap Kiba out of his trance. You interlaced your fingers together as you began your late morning journey, a grandiose gala that was sure to bewitch and delight.
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You're greeted by an enormous pergola with a plethora of plants twisting and tangling every which way as they adorned the top and sides of the wooden structure. You stroll under splendid architecture with a light step, the cool breeze caressing your cheeks with its slithering zephyrs. It was a mite frigid this time of year, but you always preferred the chill of autumn over the scorching heat of summer.
As you pass under the tendrils trembling in the wind you turn to Kiba and tell him, "Before we go any further you have to put Akamaru on a leash."
"What? Wait, why?" You could hear consternation in the timbre of his voice.
You point over to a nearby sign with a cautious finger. "DOGS MUST BE LEASHED" was printed in bold, capitalized letters. "Sorry, it's just customary around here to keep your pets leashed."
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"Akamaru's not just a pet, he's family!" Kiba protests reluctantly before begrudgingly acquiescing.
"I know, I know. But we don't want to get kicked out by a police officer," you shrug as you hand over the leash you prepared in advance.
"Who do you think you're talking to, princess? There's no way they'd arrest me!" Kiba proudly exclaims as he lets out a roaring laugh.
"They can and will in this jurisdiction. I don't think Eric Adams will appreciate an officer overstepping his authority."
"The mayor of New York City. He used to be a NYPD police captain. He's not as lenient as Kōtarō is, so I wouldn't press your luck." You shake your head as you let out a disheartened sigh.
"Alright, fine. Sorry Akamaru, I'll make it up to you later," Kiba says as he hesitantly attaches the leash to the crimson collar around Akamaru's neck.
"I was going to keep this a surprise for later, but there's a big area where Akamaru can run around freely. We just have to make sure he's on a leash when we're walking on the pathways," you offer up your condolences to Kiba with a hushed sigh.
"Sweet! How's about we go there first then?" You can feel the enthusiasm in Kiba's voice as he perks back up, almost instantaneously.
"Hah, I had a feeling you'd say that. Well lucky for you we're pretty close to the area. C'mon, let's go this way," you say as you start jogging with a sprightly sprint. Kiba, infected by your vivacity, energetically follows along with Akamaru by his side.
You make your way to a fenced in clearing where dozens of people are playing with their pups, each engrossed in their own spheres of jubilation. The microcosms before you serve as a testament to the bond that each human shares with their pet, their precious and irreplaceable family members.
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As you enter the field with Kiba you unhook Akamaru's leash from his collar. Kiba hollers out a brisk, "Let's go, Akamaru," as he runs across the grassy meadow with reckless abandon.
You decide to sit down on a nearby boulder and watch the two of them frolic together, your heart filling with joy as each passing second ticks by. You're not sure how long they spend playing together, and you honestly wouldn't care if your entire day consisted of this. The bliss you feel from watching your love as happy as he can be is all you could ever ask for.
The sun continues its journey across the sky, its rays filling your cheeks with a radiant warmth as it illuminates the world before you. You see Kiba and Akamaru scampering in your direction, drawing closer with each mirthful stride. You hear the damp earth squelch under their treads as they make their way to your side once more.
"Whew, what a workout," Kiba pants as he plops down next to you on the boulder. "I think I'm about ready to move onto the next area now. I got all of my cardio in for the day."
"We'll have to leash Akamaru again. Are you okay with that?" you ask Kiba while tenderly nudging some of the long, slightly moist strands of dark brown hair stuck to the sides of face.
"Yeah, I think we've had our fun for today. Right, Akamaru?" As Kiba looks over to Akamaru he's greeted by a spirited bark.
"He wants to see more of the park too," Kiba petitions with an imploring pout.
"Alright, if you insist. Let's get going then," you announce as you stand up, brushing the accumulated dust off of your clothes. "There's some beautiful architecture around here that I'm dying to show you."
"Sounds good to me, your explanations can make even the most boring slabs of rocks appear cool," he clamorously laughs as he fastens Akamaru's leash once more.
Oh yeah, you made the right decision by not taking him to the Metropolitan Museum of Art today.
You leave the field hand in hand with Akamaru by your side, directing Kiba's attention to the marvelous statues decorating the nearby surroundings.
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Kiba feigns understanding when you attempt to explain the meaning behind the art. As you start elucidating him about Ludwig van Beethoven's life and renowned works Kiba responds with, "Well if this song is supposedly super famous, why is it called 'Symphony Number 5' instead of 'Symphony Number 1'?"
You make a mental note to scratch every museum off of your itinerary once you get back to the hotel. You were an absolute fool to think that for even a fraction, an iota of a second that Kiba would appreciate the masterpieces, the veritable magnum opuses of all time, in the same way that you would. It was best to enjoy those treasures on your own time.
This was fine, though, you each had your own interests and were your own person. It wasn't healthy to lose your own sense of self and personality when you were dating someone else, so a part of you was actually grateful that you shared many differences with Kiba. A core tenant of intimacy is being able to appreciate the idiosyncrasies and distinguishing characteristics of your partner without being engulfed by them.
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"And over here is the Naumburg Bandshell, it's a famous amphitheater where free classical concerts have been performed for the last century," you say as you point towards the magnificent building standing before you.
Kiba tries his best to appear as though he understands what you're trying to explain, but you could see that his focus was waning. You decide to change things up a bit as you offer up a scintillating panacea to the humdrum afflicting his psyche. "Hey, why don't we walk down by the water next? The Bethesda Fountain is simply gorgeous, and there's a great view I'd love to show you."
"I've already got a great view right here," Kiba says with a conceited smirk on his face.
"Oh hush, you." You squeeze his hand with just enough force to let him know you didn't appreciate his jest.
"But yeah, that's a great proposition. That's my princess for you, she's always got the best ideas!" Kiba's eyes beam with a sparkling effervescence as he looks over at you.
As you make your way closer to the Bethesda Terrace, a procession of horse drawn carriages pass in front of you. You can see that Kiba is mystified by the strange occurrence, his mouth agape as he stands there speechless by your side.
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"Oh yeah, I guess this is your first time seeing a cavalcade like this in person. Horses aren't as widely used in Konoha, after all." You look over to see that Kiba's eyes are fixated on one particular carriage nearby. A gorgeous white horse is at the fore of the carriage, lavender and cream coloured flowers adorning the vehicle with an unparalleled vibrance. The velvety seats enticing you with their plum flavored splendor.
"C'mon tiger, you don't even want to know how expensive a ride in one of those is," you say as you gently tug on Kiba's arm before continuing, "Besides, there's a more private location I wanted to show you."
That was all Kiba needed to hear. Without missing a beat he turns around as you walk down the enormous flight of stairs to the bustling plaza area.
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You're welcomed with a surprisingly euphonious cacophony consisting of the hubbub of folks peddling their wares, musicians ardently strumming their instruments, children playfully skipping and exploring their surroundings, and other captivated tourists such as yourselves. You see a married couple taking their wedding photos next to the Bethesda Fountain. The sight can't help but put a smile on your face as you fantasize what your own wedding day with Kiba will be like.
As you promenade around the fountain with a leisurely gait, admiring the elegant and opulent Angel of the Waters statue, you squeeze Kiba's hand ever so slightly to grab his attention.
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"This fountain right here? It commemorates the opening of the Croton Aqueduct. Back in the 1800s it was a pretty big deal since the aqueduct brought the first fresh water into the city."
"So it's because of this lady that you guys have bugs in your water?" Kiba inquires with an amused look on his face.
"For the last time they're crustaceans, not bugs. But yes, she's a symbol of the healing power of clean and fresh water." you say as you shake your head in exasperation.
"What's her number? I'm sure Shino would just love to meet a bug lady," Kiba jives as he tries to repress the laughter inextricably building up in his core.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't just hear that," you utter in a hushed tone as you continue your voyage around the plaza.
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You're greeted by a positively resplendent lake as you finish your trek in the piazza. Verdant hues of green bounce off of the water's surface and nuzzle the cones of your eyes with their virid embrace. Dozens of couples are sitting in rowboats, enjoying their own little slice of heaven as the autumn breeze cavorts indiscriminately throughout the park.
You take a minute to appreciate the view before Kiba offers up a suggestion, "Do you think they allow dogs on those boats?"
"Sadly, they don't. But we can always come back here another time. C'mon the best is yet to come. I need to show you my favourite spot," you assert as you haul Kiba away from the pond, breaking his enchantment with some help from a quick peck on the cheek.
"At least we can walk around the Loeb Boathouse on the way. Actually, we'll have a pretty good view of the rowboats once we make it there." It's true, the vantage point that awaited you was a glorious and secluded perch, an oasis of peace and tranquility that persisted despite being surrounded by the chaos of the city.
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After passing the boathouse you signal to Kiba to take a left turn onto a dirt path. It's a rather unassuming route, in fact it barely resembled a pathway at all. Kiba shoots a perplexed look in your direction, but he's met with a nod of assurance that assuages his lingering doubt.
"We're almost there," you assure him in a comforting tone.
As you shrewdly climb over the winding tree roots, employing a moderate amount of astute judgment with each step you take, you feel Kiba's grip tighten around your hand as he catches himself before almost tumbling to the ground. You help him maintain his balance before letting out a lighthearted taunt, "Looks like you'll be the one falling for me today."
"You got me there. You win this time, princess." He would normally be a little more miffed at your teasing, but today was a special occasion.
"Anddd, we're here," you proclaim as you push away a few stray tree boughs, clearing your line of sight with an upbeat flourish.
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The view that awaited you filled your very soul with an incomparable ebullience, the likes of which you hadn't experienced in years. The vibrant flora, dyed with a multitude of vivid pigments, evoking an insipid sense of both wonder and despondence. The neverending cycle of death and rebirth reflected in the simple elegance of the humble vegetation that dotted the landscape before you.
Why must life always be at its most beautiful right before it ends, a silent inquiry floats in your mind as you admire the leaves fluttering in the zephyrs. Or maybe it's because life ends that we can appreciate the transient resplendence that envelops all living beings.
The dichotomy of the lush trees juxtaposed with the skyscrapers off in the distance gives you chills. The tops of the buildings kiss the afternoon sky with their steely indifference, in stark contrast to the rich verdure, an effluence of life and vitality holding on with a tight grip. It was still early into the season, and the blissfully unaware plants around you exuded an infectious zest for life.
"Wow," is the only thing Kiba manages to murmur as the two of you stand together, enjoying the view.
"Why don't we sit down and enjoy some lunch?" you suggest as you rustle in your bag for the bentos that you prepared last night during your bout of insomnia.
"I'd love to, princess!" You can hear the excitement in Kiba's voice as he graciously accepts your offer.
You elegantly place a blanket down, gingerly putting the bento boxes on top of it before standing back up and beckoning Kiba to come closer. As he draws nearer you reach out your arm, placing it around his back and pulling him in so that you can plant a smooch on his cheek. How many seconds did you leave your lips there? 10? 30? Time has no meaning when you're spending it enraptured by your lover's presence.
Kiba put his arms around your waist, embracing you with a lascivious greediness that you were all too familiar with. As you draw your face back and look into his glistening eyes you could see the salacious undertones in his visage.
You finally had a moment of respite from the crowds, the throngs of people that were an irrefutable fact of the city, so why not give into temptation a little bit?
You lead the charge by placing one of your hands behind Kiba's head so you could push his face a little closer to your own. You then seductively press your lips against his with a passionate fervor. He returns your efforts in spades by forcing his tongue into your mouth, tickling your gums at a rhythmical pace. He traces the outlines of your teeth with his tongue while bringing one of his arms up further on your back so he can squeeze you closer to his chest.
You can't help but let a few erotic moans escape from your core as you desperately try to hold onto your sense of propriety. You are in a public park, after all.
Kiba then releases your lips from his own so that he can redirect his attention to your neck. He knows how sensitive you are there, and he can't help but arouse your lust by using his expertise regarding your intimate intricacies against you. After a brisk crack of his neck he swoops in with a carnal ferocity and begins sucking and nibbling on your neck.
You can barely contain yourself at this point, choosing to relinquish any remnants of discretion you had left. Your nails vigorously claw at the skin of his back, leaving scarlet marks in their wake. He reciprocates your zeal by pressing his canines into your soft and supple flesh with enough force to draw blood. You could feel the dizziness that accompanied the sensation of blood loss overtake your consciousness, you find yourself drifting helplessly in the red sea of emotion. Kiba pridefully stands at the helm, navigating your vessel any which way he sees fit.
You absolutely loved the feeling of being putty in Kiba's strong hands, loved it when he molded you into the breathtaking muse of his deepest desires. The varnish that you cloaked yourself in most days was all too easily expunged by his charisma and inexplicable charm.
As Kiba continues to gnaw on your neck the burning pressure building up inside of you becomes unbearable. You can't stop yourself from whimpering out his name, "Ki-kiba."
He temporarily stops the assault on your neck to whisper in your ear, "I love it when you say my name, princess."
At this point you were seeing shimmering stars in your vision, an aural migraine consisting of squiggles waltzing amongst the leaves in an unrelenting deluge. It couldn't be helped, every time Kiba stimulated your corporeal desires you could feel the frenzy overtaking your psyche. There was nothing that could be done, so you might as well enjoy the ride.
Kiba returns his focus to your neck once more, this time channeling his energy into sucking rather than biting. You could feel the damp sensation of his saliva as it mixed with the droplets of your blood. Audible slurps mixed with the canorous howls of pleasure saturated your eardrums and satiated your indecent cravings with the sweetest ambrosia.
As he releases your skin from its prurient penitentiary he takes a minute to admire the rather huge and splotchy hickey you were now sporting. "Good," he simpers with a self-satisfied grin, "Now everyone will know that you're spoken for."
Kiba always did have a thing for marking you, and honestly, you were into it too. Wearing his love and adoration for you on your very flesh was such a turn on. If you weren't in public you might have asked him to partake in a little mid-afternoon watersports with you, but that could be saved for later. Oh right, you were in public.
As soon as the thought crossed your mind you heard the footsteps of someone approaching, no it was two people. Another couple saunters past Kiba and you, causing you to hide your flushed face by pressing it into Kiba's chest. Kiba chuckles a little bit when he sees how flustered you are.
"You're so fuckin' cute when you blush." You could hear a guffaw vibrating in his chest as he said those words.
"S-s-shut up," is all that you manage to stutter out.
You honestly wish you could stay like this forever in his arms, but you were unceremoniously interrupted by the rather embarrassing rumblings of your stomach.
"What's that, princess? Don't tell me you're hungry." The lighthearted jest deepens the crimson hue that was overwhelming your cheeks. You aren't able to give a response to Kiba because of your current predicament. Instead you choose to bury your face even further into his chest.
After around a minute or so like this Kiba gently takes a step back and crouches down a bit so he's closer to your level. "Whaddya say we have some lunch, princess?" he asks in a mild and soothing tone. You're able to squeak out a meager, "Mhm," as you shake your head in accordance. 
You sit down next to Kiba, cozying up next to him as you hand him one of the bento boxes. As he opens it up he has the biggest grin on his face.
"Wow, you made all this just for me?" he remarks smugly, already knowing the answer to his rhetorical question.
Another "Mhm," escapes your lips as you try to avert your sheepish gaze, a sincere but futile attempt at modesty. The man knows everything about you, there's no reason to be so timid right now. Maybe it was because there was an audience right now, but the other couple was on the far side of the boulder, and they were too busy making out to pay heed to anything else. You were merely giving yourself excuses to not give into your temptation.
A quick bite to your bottom lip helps you snap out of  your daze. If you were going to make your move, this would be the perfect time. You can't let your reservations hold you back, not on today of all days.
"Hey Kiba," you manage to blurt out, "do you want me to maybe... feed you?"
"Feed me?" Kiba repeats with an astonished yet pleased look on his face, "You're damned right I want you to feed me." After a short pause he follows up with, "Wow, you're being so forward today, princess. Gotta say, I'm digging the vibes."
That sassy leer on his face was all of the affirmation that you needed. You could already tell what he was going to say before a single word was uttered from those gorgeous lips of his.
"Alright then," you instruct Kiba as you grab your chopsticks and pick up an octopus weiner, "say 'Ah.'"
"Ahhh~" the whimsical manner in which he responds can't help but make you chortle a smidge as he chomps down on the flavorful morsel that you so diligently prepared earlier this morning.
A few more bites and now it's time for the rolled omelette. You made today's batch extra sweet because you know that's how he likes it even if he swears to the contrary. You intersperse some white rice in between his mouthfuls of omelette to mix things up a bit. The next thing on the menu is a delicious salad you tossed together with some walnuts, almonds, and cranberries. This is always Kiba's least favourite part of lunch, but you purposefully added a few different textures in there so he won't protest as much as usual.
To your surprise, he gobbles everything down with a voracious  appetite, savoring every crumb of food, even the grains of rice. If only he'd clean his plate like this when you were back at home.
"Mmm," he moans with a euphoric expression on his face, "my compliments to the chef."
"Now are you ready for your dessert?" you seductively wink as you proposition your man.
"There's more?" he responded with a curious inflection in his voice, "Of course I'm fuckin' ready, let's go, baybee."
You let out a flirtatious giggle as you hold up your index finger to your lips. "Shhh, it's a secret. You'll just have to wait and see what I have in store."
"Ugh. You're such a little vixen, you know that?" he shoots back at you, emphasizing his frustration at your provocations.
"Yeah, I know." You stick out your tongue, your index finger perched on your chin now while you relish in your brattiness, "It'll be that much sweeter the longer you have to wait, trust me."
"So fuckin' naughty," he shakes his head a bit, but his genuine intrigue stops him from complaining too much.
The dearth of objections emboldens your resolve. You decide to give another saucy response to Kiba, "If you're a good boy today, I'll add a little cherry on top of your dessert."
"Now you're talkin' my language, princess," he says as he reaches over to claw at the skin on your exposed thighs with his sharp nails.
"But first, I think it's time for my lunch." You were so caught up with feeding Kiba you completely neglected to eat any of your own bento.
"How's about I reciprocate 'n feed ya, then?" Kiba stressed his syllables in the word "reciprocate," trying his hardest to pronounce the word correctly. You appreciate his efforts, even if he sounds a tad silly at times.
"I'd love that, actually," you reply while handing your bento box over to him.
"Alright, here comes the train say 'choo choo'." Kiba lifts up some of the rice along with one of the octopus weiners with the chopsticks and brings it closer to your mouth.
You respond with a "When leaving the train, please watch the gap," in a robotic voice before taking a bite of the culinary creation. With your mouth partially full you chuckle, "Sorry, it's a Jersey girl thing."
"I'll never get tired of your silly jokes, even if I don't quite understand them. Oh, what's this? It looks like you got a little something over here, let me just..." Kiba says as he leans in and licks the corner of your mouth, pressing his tongue further and further in with each passing second. It looks like what you're actually hungry for today isn't on the menu. You let yourself give into the temptation as you run your fingers through his luscious locks and return his kiss with a passionate and fiery reckless abandon.
You leisurely cuddle with Kiba from the comfort of your secluded refuge for quite a long while before deciding that it's about time you make good on your promise. He's spent this past hour playing with your hair while periodically sniffing it, massaging your shoulders gently, and dragging his nails softly over your thick thighs, occasionally licking your neck when the mood strikes.
You wish you could stay like this for eternity, but there's still more you want to show him, so you muster up the motivation to pack up your empty bento boxes as you turn your body slightly to face him.
"I think it's almost time for dessert, you in?" you enquire with a salacious beckon of your finger.
"Hell yeah, I'm in!" Before you knew it the blanket and bento boxes were packed neatly away into your bag. If Kiba had a puppy dog tail it'd be wagging with so much unbridled enthusiasm that it would very well knock you right off your feet and into the lake. Thankfully, the only dog you had to concern yourself with today was Akamaru. He spent the past hour napping closeby, curled up a meter or so away from Kiba.
 "Let's get going!" you exclaim as a sudden wave of confidence washes over you and you pump your fist into the air triumphantly.
Hand in hand once more, you lead Kiba back to the clandestine pathway and out to the main road. You take a few turns before arriving at The Ramble, a section of Central Park that you absolutely adored because of its rustic and scenic charm.
There were so many winding paths to choose from, it was hard to decide which one to follow first. You knew the general direction that you wanted to go in, so you let lady luck be your guiding light as you arbitrarily turned left then right before making one final left at the fork in the road. The beauty of Central Park was that all of these paths were connected, so there were no wrong decisions to be made.
This endless maze of wonder fascinates you to no end. You could easily spend all day traversing these meandering trails, engrossed in the splendor of nature. No doubt you would leave fulfilled and fully satisfied after a long walk through these woods, but you had a guest today who was not as easily gratified. As you pass over a quaint wooden bridge you're greeted by the comforting sounds of flowing water from a nearby brook.
You decide that this is the perfect time to slow down your pace a bit before coming to a standstill, Kiba mimicking your stride and stopping by your side as you bring his attention to the gigantic boulder standing before you. 
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"Race you to the top?" you ask as you glance over, looking for affirmation despite already knowing what his response will be.
"Oh it's on, princess." Kiba answered without a moment's hesitation. You could see his body stiffen ever so slightly as he begins to prepare himself for the sprint of a lifetime. You loosen your grip on Kiba's hand as it tenderly floats away.
You ready yourself by inhaling slowly through your nose and out through your mouth before lightly slapping your cheeks with your hands. You tense up the muscles in your legs and core, shifting your focus from Kiba to the finish line. You spiritedly call out a "3, 2, 1.... GO!" and with that you're both off.
You can see Kiba being extra flashy on purpose, jumping from the nearby tree branches no doubt in an attempt to impress you. You decide to concentrate your efforts on finding the shortest path to your destination, being mindful of the obstacles in your way. You easily hop over the small rocks jutting out of the ground, a few steps to the right and you're able to avoid that low hanging tree branch. A counter clockwise 45 degree turn and the home stretch descends upon you with a breakneck velocity.
As you take the last steps before you reach your goal Kiba drops down from a nearby tree bough, swiping victory out of your grasp with one final, vehement thud as the full weight of his body lands on the rock with an impressive amount of force. He vigorously throws his hands up to do a little victory pose while you take a moment to catch your breath.
"You," you take a second to inhale before continuing your statement, "You win, Kiba."
"Of course I win. Now where's my prize?" Kiba nudges you as he shoots you an expectant gaze.
"Right here," you say as you leap up to give him an affectionate hug. He catches you in his arms and hoists your legs up so he can princess carry you. You place one of your arms around the back of his neck, resting your hand on his shoulder blade. You then close your eyes shut and pucker your lips before you're greeted by the unmistakable feeling of his lips fondly pressing against your own. After a few seconds he begins to slide his tongue into your mouth, filling it once again with his succulent saliva. You can't help but squeal with delight when one of his hands finds its way to your breast, stroking it with a rhythmical tempo.
You can feel the heat build up inside your core once again as Kiba continues to fondle you while you squirm in pleasure. Oh, how dearly you wish that he would go one step farther right now. You can feel a wet spot begin to form in your crotch as he continues his onslaught. No, you couldn't let your wanton desires get the best of you, not in public. But there was still that part of you that wanted this to not only carry on, but escalate into something even more licentious.
As you wriggle in Kiba's arms you manage to free yourself from his smooches long enough to let out a, "Ki-kiba, we're still in public! What if someone sees us?"
He withdraws his troops when he hears your feeble cries of protest, responding with a "Sorry, you're just so fuckin' cute, I can't help myself."
You flash a superficial pout at him as you try to redirect his attention by saying, "You know what else is cute? This view. Take a look over there."
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You could see the lake from earlier poking through the gaps in the lush vegetation that surrounded you. There were still a decent number of couples enjoying boat rides together, but the sun was past its apex in the sky and the slightest tinge of twilight began to overtake the sky. The brilliant yellows and oranges vibrate with a staunch temerity as they hang onto the trees for dear life while the cool autumn breezes assails their stalks. The handsome architecture of the buildings in the distance made for a lovely sight when compared with the contrasting abundance of nature filling the foreground.
"I don't know if I'd call it 'cute,' but the view sure is nice," Kiba replies before shifting his focus back to you. "But the best view? It's right here in my arms."
"Oh stop, hon. You're making me blush," you chirp as you unsuccessfully try to conceal your flushed cheeks with your hand.
 "Awww, don't cover up your pretty little face from me. C'mon, I wanna see all of my girl." Kiba flashes you a warm smile that makes it feel as if you're melting in real time, disintegrating into a puddle of emotions.
If a stranger saw you right now you'd probably die from the sheer embarrassment.
It takes you a while, but you're finally able to give Kiba a response that will both satisfy him and rescue you from your current predicament. "See all of me? Well we better get going if you want that wish to come true."
That was all you needed to say. Kiba lovingly brings your legs down so you can hop to the ground. You then grab his hand with a precise and swift motion before intertwining your fingers together once more. With great haste, the two of you continue the last leg of your journey.
"Alright, so you're going to absolutely love this final location." Just thinking about the breathtaking view from the top of the castle you were planning on taking Kiba to sends a shiver down your spine.
"As long as I'm with you, any place is amazin'." You could hear the sincerity oozing out of his voice as he spoke those words.
"So, where I'm taking you is actually the second highest point in all of Central Park. The building there was designed to be a lookout tower, and it was even used as a weather station at one point. It's hard to explain how incredible the Belvedere is with just words, but you'll understand what I mean when you see it for yourself." You do your best to explain about Belvedere Castle without letting it slip that it's actually a castle. You know that Kiba will absolutely lose his mind and start calling you 'princess' incessantly when he realizes the truth.
As you approach the Belvedere and you're able to catch glimpses of its stony façade you brace yourself for the inevitable comments that are sure to follow. You could almost see the neurons in Kiba's brain firing extra hard when he comprehends just where you took him.
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"Is that... a castle?" The incredulous tone in his voice was like a mellifluous symphony to your ears.
"Yes, yes it is." Your reply is filled with a smug self-assurance, growing stronger by the second.
"Princess, you just brought me to a castle? I can't believe my princess brought me to an actual castle. I don't know what I was expecting, but this was not it." Kiba, paralyzed by his bewilderment, holds his hand up to his dazed face, too stunned to do or say anything else until he hears your voice. "Yup, welcome to Belvedere castle, the pièce de résistance of our date today."
You take a second to admire the flabbergasted look on his face before continuing, "C'mere, you gotta see this view!"
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You pull Kiba a little closer to your body, guiding him to the lookout area. "Over there is Turtle Pond. There are five different species of turtles that call this pond their home. Some of the turtles are actually former pets and are considered invasive species. It's not winter yet, but when it gets colder out the turtles burrow into the mud at the bottom of Turtle Pond."
"So you guys have turtles and bugs living in the water here?" Kiba was able to shake off his befuddlement with some assistance from your long-winded explanations. For once, your propensity to being unnecessarily verbose came in handy when it came to dealing with Kiba.
"For the last time they're not bugs, they're crustaceans!" You would be more upset with Kiba if you weren't so relieved that he was back to his usual self.
"Anyways, wow, now I know why you were hyping up this park so much. It's absolutely stunning. Almost more impressive than me, ah hah ha. Almost." Kiba let out a roaring, boisterous howl as you can't help but smile at your boyfriend's rather stale and contrived witticisms.
"Y'know what would be even better though?" Kiba releases his hand from yours and starts stroking the hairs on his chin with a glint in his eyes.
"If we snuck up to the top of the castle and had our own private viewing session," Kiba said while giving you a lewd wink.
"But what about Akamaru?" you reach for any excuse to not give into the temptation.
"Akamaru will be fine by himself. Won'tcha, buddy?" Akamaru barks out a somewhat tired yet affirmative yelp. He lazily meanders over to a corner next to the castle and curls up in a comfortable position.
Drat. There goes your only valid excuse.
"Well that settles that." You could see a wicked grin forming on Kiba's face. "May I have the honor of one final dance with my princess this evening?"
You hesitantly extend your hand once more while shaking your head languidly in consent.
"But how are we going to get up ther- '' Your words are cut short by Kiba promptly sweeping you up into his arms, deftly maneuvering your body until he's princess carrying you yet again.
"You don't have to worry your pretty little head about that. I got it." A boastful roar erupts from his chest as he effortlessly cavorts around the castle to the back side, all while holding onto you with a virulent amount of hubris. A few confident leaps later and you're both on the roof of the castle.
He carefully puts you down, but only after passionately kissing your neck in the same spot where the dappled mixture of ribald reds and indecent purples endure with a risqué persistence. A stifled moan escapes your lips during this debacle with debauchery. Kiba's keen sense of hearing is omniscient, there's no way you can lead him astray while you're mewling like a cat in heat.
"Damn, you weren't kidding. This has gotta be the best view in this whole damned park." Kiba ogles at your body through the rectangle he's made with his thumbs and index fingers, pretending as if he were a famous artist getting ready to paint his muse.
"A little to the left, anddd perfect." A sly smirk emerges on his face as he slowly undresses you with his intense stare, deliberately and unhurriedly devouring your scrumptious curves with his eyes.
If there was any time to act, it would be now. You decide to discard your dignity and throw any remnants of your sense of decorum off the rooftop and into Turtle Pond as you offer up a flirtatious, "I know what will make this view even better."
"Oh, and what's that? Pray tell, princess." The sultry tone in which he says those words makes your heart flutter in pure, unadulterated ecstacy.
"Y'see, I'm feeling a bit stuffy in this dress," it's true you were feeling hot and bothered, "I could use a little help if you don't min-"
Before you could finish your proposal Kiba was already clawing at the tulle on your poofy halter dress, untying the straps with an unparalleled, feral intensity. As the straps haphazardly fall to your sides Kiba ravenously lifts the skirt portion of your dress over your head with one hasty but fluid motion. The rose gold garment is then unceremoniously tossed to the side as Kiba shifts his focus to your lusciously appetizing bare breasts. You never did like wearing bras, especially when there wasn't that much that needed support anyways.
"No bra again, princess? I love to see it. Or rather, not see it." Kiba begins to suggestively lick his lips as he rubs his hands together while emitting a mischievously naughty growl.
As your dress cascades to the ground next to you, let out a hedonistic chortle as you tempt Kiba with a, "Ready for your dessert, sugar?"
"D'ya even have to ask? Of course I'm ready," Kiba snarls those words in your ear as he slithers his hand down your body, stopping at your pelvic region. "I think there's just one more preparation we have to make first."
You place your own hand on top of his and guide him as he hooks his thumb under the waistband of your panties, stepping out of them gracefully as he yanks at the flimsy cotton with a carnal brutality. He brings the cloth up to his face to take a whiff before flinging them off to the side with an unrestrained fervour.
You then take a few steps back so you can perch yourself on a nearby wooden crate. You beckon to him with an alluring gesture, your index finger slightly twitching from all of the excitement. "This evening we'll be starting with a mouthwatering vegan friendly delicacy, followed up by the most delectable creampie."
"Does that mean what I think it means?" The inferno burning in Kiba's eyes scorches through every fibre of your being with its intensity, leaving a wasteland of charred and overloaded neurons in its wake.
"It sure does. Bon appétit, mon amour."
Kiba strides over with a heightened sense of purpose and bellows out a brisk, "Itadakimasu!" before shovelling his tongue into your quivering folds. With a gluttonous gusto he begins to greedily lap up your juices, savouring every drop. You whine in pleasure as he swirls his tongue in messy circles around your clit. The warmth building up in your core overtakes your sense of judgement as you helplessly squirm under the weight of his tongue, your panting becomes more audible by the second.
Kiba magnanimously decides to offer you a short reprieve when he temporarily halts his bombardment on your labia, looking up at you for confirmation, "You ready for the second course, princess?"
You're not quite able to form complete sentences right now, but you are able to give him a brisk nod along with a bashful, "Yes, pleaseee."
This time he brings his hand up to your trembling lips, stroking them with tender caresses as he expertly works his tongue into your vaginal opening. His fingers instinctively find your clit without hesitation, a light but purposeful touch that stimulates every cell in your being with an electrifying impulse. You have to admit, his dexterity is honestly amazing. No other guy you've been with before knows your body the way Kiba does.
You can feel the heat radiating throughout your entire body as Kiba continues to slurp up your slick, the fluids from your body intermingling with his saliva and morphing into a crude concoction of lustful desire. As you feel the indescribable pressure begin to build up, your whimpers begin to compound until you find yourself uncontrollably moaning his name.
"Kibaaa." The syllables escaping your lips are the sweetest honey, the most delicious topping on his dessert that he could ever ask for.
He pushes his tongue in deeper and deeper, every moan that he hears encouraging him to explore more of your cavern. He also stealthily increases the pressure he's applying against your clit the more you squirm. After all, every action must have an equal and opposite reaction, it's a basic principle of physics that applies even to this situation. You can't blame him for responding the way he does when you can't even think straight right now, your mind overrun with lascivious cravings.
"Kiba. Kibaaa," is all you manage to cry out as he takes a brief pause to reply in kind.
"Mmm, say my name again, princess. It drives me absolutely wild."
"I'm so close, Kiba, please don't stop." The urgency in your voice ignites an infernal blaze that can't be expunged until Kiba witnesses your full and complete satisfaction firsthand. A real gentleman always pleases his lady first.
Kiba nods to you in acknowledgement as he takes a moment to lick your juices off of his fingers before pressing his face down once more into your succulent folds. The sensation of his tongue massaging your clit causes the pressure inside of you to build up to critical levels. You don't know how much more of this you can handle before you pass the point of no return. While brushing your clit with measured strokes Kiba brings up his hand one more time and slowly inserts two fingers into your vagina. He steadily increases the frequency of his caresses, tickling your sensitive walls with a sublime proficiency.
"Ahhh, ahhh. Mmm." is all that you're able to mumble.
As his pace quickens, so does your breathing. You're holding onto the last shred of your composure with a single frayed thread that is dangerously close to breaking. All it would take is one final push and- you were unable to complete that thought because at that very moment Kiba pulsated his fingers against your G-spot. Again, there is it. He keeps on pressing up against it. The stimulation becomes too much to handle. You can feel the pressure overpower your senses as you let a tsunami of euphoria wash over you.
Kiba, feeling your throbbing vagina twitch around his fingers, knows that his task is complete. He lets out a "gochisousama deshita," before lifting up his face up to meet your gaze, enjoying every bit of your blissed out expression.
"So good..." you exhale as you feel a wave of peace fill envelop your soul, swathing it with an incomparable serenity.
"I love it when I get to see you like this," Kiba says as he brushes a few strands of hair out of your eyes. "Nothing makes me feel better than making my girl feel like the princess she is."
"Hehe~," you chuckle as you hold Kiba's hand against your cheek, etching this moment into your memory. This was definitely the best place for your first date in the city.
As you push yourself off of the wooden crate you were using for support, you offer up one final suggestion for the evening, "Round two?"
"You don't even have to ask, princess. Let's do this." Kiba moves his hand from your cheek down to your waist and tenderly spins you around so that your rear is facing him. He always was an ass-man. While other men tended to focus on your breasts, or lack thereof, Kiba was all about the "finer things in life." He couldn't resist digging his claws into your behind and taking small nibbles whenever he gave you rim jobs. Seeing him appreciate your assets so enthusiastically thrilled you to no end.
But a rim job wasn't on the menu for today. That's right, there was only one dessert that would sate Kiba's wolfish hunger. The most passionate dessert that a couple can share. And what's more romantic than sharing some creampie while admiring the New York City skyline as the sun sets over the horizon?
"You ready, princess?" You could hear Kiba shuffle around a bit before being greeted by the familiar feeling of the fur trim of his jacket as it brushes against your ankles.
"Fuck yeah, let's do this," you exclaim as you give him a thumbs-up. You weren't able to see his expression since you were facing away from him, but you can imagine the smug look on his face as he slides his rock hard dick into your warm and inviting pussy.
You were already unbelievably wet from your orgasm, so his cock slides in with relative ease. As soon as his dick enters you, a feeling of exhilaration radiates throughout your entire body. With each thrust it feels as if your souls are resonating with each other. The connection you feel when your bodies are this close together is beyond compare, there's nothing else like it in the world.
A few more gyrations of his hips and you become putty once more in his hands. You can feel your essence being molded by the passionate thumps from his cock. Your vagina quivers with excitement as it welcomes every inch of his member into its drenched oasis. The air around you is filled with the squelching sounds of Kiba's dick as it explores your private grotto with reckless abandon.
Kiba periodically quickens and then slows down his pace in order to keep you on your toes. He knows that the variation will drive you absolutely bonkers, and he wants to hear you beg, plead him for more. He purposely slows down the frequency of his thrusts just so he can hear you say it. C'mon aren't you going to say it?
"Kiba," you whimper while holding onto the wooden crate in front of you, "I need more. Give me more. Faster."
And there it is.
"As you command, princess," he happily obliges. Oh, if only you could see his face right now.
Kiba hastens his pace, thrusting into you with a tremendous amount of force. His dick pounds on the inside of your walls as they sway with delight. It feels so good to have him inside of you, especially without a condom. The unrivalled feeling of his dickhead brush against your delicate walls enthralled you beyond words. The sensation of his penis twitching inside you when he came was the greatest feeling in the world.
Normally you'd have to worry about carrying protection with you at all times, but since you were sterilized earlier this year that was one less thing you'd have to concern yourself with. It also meant you could afford to be more spontaneously promiscuous, which drove Kiba absolutely feral. The first night you had sex after recovering from surgery was one of the most passionate lovemaking sessions the both of you ever had. Kiba could see how comfortable you were in your own body after your hysterectomy, and that turned him into a savage, untamed beast when the two of you were alone.
But here you are now, totally not alone. In the middle of Central Park. Fucking your boyfriend.
What have you become? Where was the demure and studious girl who would rather spend her evenings at home instead of galavanting around with a jock who can't even pronounce the word "etiquette", let alone practice it? Have you no shame? I guess you must have tossed that aside when you first started dating Kiba. He always did have a way of bringing out your undomesticated side, you were a girl who secretly wanted to embrace her inner wildcat and just go berserk from time to time. And what's wilder than exhibitionism?
"Umph," you hear Kiba moan from behind you, "I'm getting close, princess."
This was always your favourite part of having sex with Kiba. The moment where your vagina milks him, absorbing every last drop of his cum. This time you felt a little different than usual, though. How long has it been since you last peed? Hours? You did go at the bagel shop, but that was during the morning.
Oh gosh, you think to yourself, he's totally going to make me squirt today. Fuck, I can't believe this is happening to me.
Kiba continues to thrust into you as you feel the intense pressure of your full bladder compound on top of the heat building up inside of your pelvis. Every time he brushes up inside of you, your muscles begin to clench involuntarily. You inch closer and closer to losing control with every gyration of his hips. He slaps your ass a few times before continuing his thrusting.
Kiba then grabs the back of your ponytail so he can bring your neck a little closer to his mouth. When his canines tickle the hickey on your neck you're no longer able to restrain the torrent of warm urine, letting a golden shower rain down on Kiba's jacket. The sensation of wetting yourself sends you over the edge and your walls begin to instinctively clench up as a surge of ecstacy ripples throughout your entire body.
Kiba then lets out a tremendous groan as his dick twitches inside of you and begins ejaculating sticky cum into your vagina, filling it up to the brim. A bit of his cum oozes out of you, mixing with a few droplets of piss as the medley of immorality slides down your legs, a remnant of your grievous sin.
You can hear Kiba exhale deeply as you slowly turn yourself around.
"Sorry about your jacket, I didn't realize until it was too late that I hadn't peed since the morning and-"
Kiba picks up his soiled jacket from the ground and sniffs it with a satisfied look on his face, "Mmm, smells just like my princess."
He puts a hand on your shoulder as he says, "Don't worry about it. I'll just have to use my dynamic marking on you when we get back to the hotel."
No matter how indecent you thought you were, you could always take solace in the fact that Kiba had you beat. This man was always full of surprises, and you couldn't deny that you loved him, not in spite of his degeneracy, but rather for it.
As you pick up your clothes strewn about the castle's roof Kiba quips at you one last time, "So since you drank the water here does that mean your piss had bugs in it?"
"How many times do I have to tell you? Shrimp aren't bugs, they're crustaceans."
You can hear his roaring laughter echoing with that self-assured arrogance that you loved oh so much, even if you'd never admit it. We can't fuel his ego too much now, can we? 
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----- The End -----
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chaoticyumelikes · 1 year
Mao Mao Mao x Gn!Reader
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Good ol' dad
Shin Mao has come to visit his son at the forceful request of his wife. Fortunately, since the last time he visited, the legendary hero has been more caring towards Mao Mao, even as far as not getting his name wrong so often.
Mao Mao still looked up to his dad despite Adorabat and Badgerclops still not knowing why. So naturally in a casual conversation, the topic of you arose.
Mao Mao had the biggest crush on you but you always seemed to try to quickly get away from him or say something awkward and there you disappear. His dad listened to him attentively and seemed to recognize some patterns in how you reacted. But to make sure...he came up with a plan. He told his son to follow him and show him who you were. Mao Mao thought something strange was going on but didn't object to his father and they went out to your usual location. Seeing you there Mao Mao pointed at you and Shin Mao grinned.
"Alright," he whispered to his son "Just play along."
Now with a slightly louder voice, he says: "Well Moo Moo, gotta say your position here as a hero is just not impressive."
Your ears turned in their direction.
"What? But dad--"
"I mean! Your sisters would have already moved on to bigger places than this."
You clenched your fists.
Mao Mao even though he knew his father was up to something still hurt. His eyes threatened to spill tears.
"Honestly, such a disappointment Me Mo"
Suddenly you moved with such speed that others only saw a blur. You climbed Shin Mao's chestplate till you were face to face as you yelled.
"His name is MAO MAO!! MAO! MAO! He is LITERALLY your last name THREE TIMES!!! How could you even get it wrong?! Also! Disappointment?! Excuse you!!! Your son has been looking after Pure Heart Valley's citizens, fighting a strange and regular horde of monsters and sky pirates for no reason other than his good heart and in hopes he can make you proud. HOW DARE YOU HAVE SUCH AN ATTENTIVE SON THAT LOVES YOU AND TREAT HIM WITH SUCH DISRESPECT?! With such A FLIPPANT ATTITUDE EVEN?! You do NOT DESERVE HIM!!!!!"
Mao Mao's eyes widen at your reaction. He blushes at every compliment you give him and how passionate you are about defending his honour. Now he just needs to try to get you off his father who just looks at you with a calm smirk (which infuriates you even more).
Mao Mao finally being able to wrap his hands around you trying to get you off. "It's ok, stop, please!"
"No! He needs to know! Aaaargh!"
Mao Mao successfully removing you from his father gives you a kiss on your cheek which makes you go completely limp, face red at his action.
"I-I just---- I need to go!" And there you go running away again.
At this Shin Mao boisterously laughs.
"See, son? They like you back! If they didn't they wouldn't risk coming to face me!"
Mao Mao blushes still looking at you disappearing on the horizon at how embarrassed you were. His father places a paw on his shoulder "My father did the same for me when I was trying to get with your mother you know? All beings turn insanely protective of the ones they love. Even if they are up against a legendary warrior! So you have nothing to worry about Mao Mao... Well, maybe you should worry they are going into the monster forest..."
Mao Mao stiffens at that and, seeing as you indeed were headed towards the forest in your blind panic, screams and dashes to save you.
Shin Mao just chuckles as he remembers the same thing that happened in his youth with his now wife.
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anitalianfrie · 8 months
ok showing the dash/your notifs mercy and queuing the rest of my omegaverse reblogs. but this universe is everything. before i close tumblr for the night i have thoughts/questions i have to get out.
marc has gone through it in this universe and i believe with my whole heart that post-reconciliation marc lets vale back into his bed long before he fully trusts him again. we've established that vale is unbelievably possessive which is... scary for marc in this post-reconciliation space? reassuring? how do these two navigate these early days?
i'm imagining the relief vale feels being able to smell marc again... thinking that the mess is over. but then if marc reacts differently than before? if marc's not just high on love hormones but maybe also a little wary? and vale can finally smell him again but he's smelling marc feeling unsure about him?? (heartbreak, tragedy, ruin, etc.)
anyway. um. i love it.
— Daisy 🧡
uhm so. Yeah marc and vale have sex wayyy before marc completely trusts vale again. but that's not really something new because they were doing it already before argentina, sex has always been a predominant part of their relationship both pre and post sepang. But does Marc let Vale be with him during is heat? i honestly don't know. because vale is the only person marc has ever spent a heat with, and it's not only a really vulnerable part of him, it's a part of him he's tried to suppress for years because of vale. but yeah at one point after they start reconciling marc feels a kind of pressure to be with vale during his heat because that's what they used to do, that was the norm. between 2013 and 2014 being together during heats and ruts was literally a no brainer. Is it the smart thing to do? debatable, but he spends his next heat with vale anyways. I can imagine vale maybe being a little mean during the sex, like he used to do before sepang, and marc even if he's basically gone from the heat and the hormones reacts not begging or pleading or spreding his legs more but. being wary. starting to smell unsure. because vale in 2015 insinuated to the press that marc tried to seduce him. and before that being called a slut and desperate was fine because it was their game, but after? after everybody listened to the small seeds vale planted and let them grow and used them against him? it's not a game anymore, it's an insult to his gender, to his motivations, to who he is.
Vale doesn't really get it (because when he said those things he didn't actually realize what it would mean in regards of the omegaphobia in the sport) but of course panics, makes a sharp u-turn and basically treats marc like a princess for the rest of his heat. they talk about it but like, months later (true kings of communication we have here, ignoring their very obvious problems for months) and vale is like. mhm. i might have seriously fucked it up badly for everyone here.
and for the possessiveness. marc likes it because it means that vale cares. especially when vale does it in public. not like, full on jealousy fits because he's his own person thank you very much (albeit he do likes them once in a while), but for example vale putting an arm around his waist to keep him close when they talk to someone else or scenting him before they go onto their separate ways. it means that vale cares about him enough to show the whole world, that it's not a game, that it's different from what they had after sepang and even from what they had before.
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ladymonterosa · 19 days
The thin line between love and hate
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First part: "Astrid"
26 september 2022
I have never considered myself a morning person. Ever since I was a child, mornings were always a nightmare. I remember my uncle had to gently shake me to wake me up for school, and I often ended up having breakfast in a rush, still half-asleep. Now that I was in college, nothing had changed.
My light brown hair fell in messy waves over my shoulders as I tossed and turned in bed, hoping the alarm hadn't already gone off. Every morning, the piercing sound of the alarm was torture, an annoying call I tried to ignore as much as possible. But that morning, I couldn't afford to ignore it. It was the first day of classes at God U, and I had promised myself to start off on the right foot.
With a groan, I reached for my phone. The bright display blinded me for a moment as my eyes adjusted to the light. When I finally focused on the time, my heart leapt into my throat: 7:45. I was late. Again.
I knew I had only fifteen minutes before class started, and the thought of showing up late on my first day at the School of Crime Fighting made my stomach knot. I cursed my love for sleep and my inability to wake up on time.
With a speed I didn't know I possessed, I got out of bed, shaking off doubts and tiredness with a sigh. I had to move. I dressed quickly, throwing on a simple T-shirt and jeans that I had left on the chair the night before. It wasn't a particularly polished outfit, but at least it was clean. I glanced in the mirror for a second, noticing my still sleepy blue eyes and hair that could definitely benefit from a brush.
There was no time for details. Grabbing an apple on the go, I dashed out of my apartment, almost forgetting my bag. The campus streets were already bustling with students hurrying to their respective classes, some with the same sleepy look I knew I had too. Godolkin University was huge, with historic buildings mingling with modern structures. The School of Crime Fighting was not far from my dorm, surrounded by trees.
As I ran toward the building, a rebellious strand of hair kept falling into my eyes, forcing me to push it back every few steps. But the thought of entering the classroom out of breath and red-faced from the run made me feel even worse. Maybe, I told myself, I should have listened to my uncle when he suggested setting multiple alarms. But it was too late for regrets. Now I just had to run and hope not to make a terrible first impression.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Jordan Li's charisma is undeniable. With a confident voice and the way she moved naturally among the rows of seats, it was hard not to be impressed. Jordan began the lesson by discussing the challenges and responsibilities that our course of study entailed. Her passion for the subject was evident, and I found myself taking notes with an enthusiasm I had never felt before.
She described complex crime scenarios, the psychology behind criminals, and the importance of teamwork in solving cases. As she spoke, it seemed like I could see everything more clearly, as if she had turned on a light in a dark room of my mind.
During the lesson, she also asked questions, actively involving us in the discussion. I jotted down everything frantically, worried I wouldn't be able to keep up with the vast amount of information. At one point, I swear her gaze rested on me for a moment... was it just a coincidence or not?
**✿❀ ❀✿**
When the lesson ended, I felt exhausted but satisfied. Jordan thanked us for our attention and wished us a good day. I got up from my seat, still a bit dazed by the amount of information received. As I left the auditorium, I realized that my heart was pounding very hard, and I'm still not quite sure why.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
After the lesson ended, I walked towards the park, where I knew I would find my best friends. The campus was bathed in a golden light, and the cool morning air was giving way to a warm and bright day. Despite the rush that morning, I felt strangely serene.
As soon as I saw them, my mood improved even more. Jemma and Rose were my lifeline in this stormy sea.
We sat on a blanket under the shade of a large tree, the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds creating a relaxing atmosphere. As we sipped our smoothies, Jemma began to enthusiastically talk about her improv class, describing how the professor had them work on particularly intense role-playing exercises. Rose laughed, recalling an embarrassing moment when a classmate had completely forgotten his lines.
I couldn't help but smile listening to them, but my mind kept drifting back to Jordan Li and that morning's lesson. I couldn't stop thinking about her.
Jemma immediately noticed I was distracted. "Astrid, you're unusually quiet today. Everything okay?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.
Her words made me blush. "Yes, everything's fine," I replied hastily, but my voice wavered slightly. "It's just that... my day didn't start off well. I didn't hear my alarm and was late for the first class."
Rose laughed. "Classic you, Astrid. But you made it on time, right?"
I nodded, trying not to seem too nervous. "How was your first class? Did you meet the famous Professor Brinkerhoff?"
"Not exactly," I replied, trying to keep my voice calm. "He didn't show up. His assistant was there instead."
My voice wavered slightly, and I realized how awkward I was sounding. Jemma looked at me with curious eyes. "Oh, an assistant, huh? And what was she like?"
I felt my heart speed up. "She was... interesting. Very engaging."
Jemma burst out laughing. "Interesting? Engaging? Sounds like you've got a crush, Astrid!"
I felt my face grow even redder. Rose, who had been silent until then, joined the conversation. "What's this mysterious assistant's name?" she asked, curious.
As soon as I mentioned Jordan Li's name, Jemma lit up like a light bulb. "Wait a minute," she said, pulling out her phone and starting to type frantically on Instagram. "Jordan Li... I knew I'd heard that name before."
Jemma quickly scrolled through Instagram, while Rose and I leaned in curiously. After a few moments, she found the profile and showed it to me and Rose. Looking at the posts, it didn't take long to realize one of Jordan's skills: the ability to transform gender.
"Here it is," Jemma said, pointing to a photo of Jordan with a guy in a university setting. "They're friends with André Anderson, Polarity's son," she explained. "A friend of my father's."
Polarity was a name I knew well. He's a famous B-list hero who starred in a well-known '90s sci-fi movie called Area 51. Now, Polarity is on the school board of God U. His son, André Anderson, was known in the Supe community for rather unflattering reasons... like frequent use of alcohol and drugs or his reputation as a serial womanizer.
"And look here," Jemma added, scrolling to the university's website. "They are part of the Top Ten most promising students at Godolkin University!"
I looked at her photo in the ranking with a mix of admiration and trepidation. It's clear that she is not only intelligent and capable but also very popular (as anyone who makes it to the Top Ten). It's official, I have no chance with her. All my hopes were dashed before they even began.
"I can't believe you have a crush on her," Rose said, giggling. "But hey, I don't blame you. She seems really amazing."
Jemma smiled. "Well, Astrid, it looks like you've found another reason to wake up early and not miss any more classes."
I laughed along with them, feeling a bit lighter.
Rose, however, interrupted my momentary euphoria with a question that caught me off guard. "By the way, how are things with Michael? Is it really over with him?"
The mention of Michael wiped away any trace of enthusiasm from my mind. I felt suddenly empty. "I don't even know," I replied, my voice tinged with sadness. "It's all so confusing."
My friends looked at me with understanding. Michael and I have a complicated relationship, full of ups and downs. I didn't know if we still had a future together or if it was better to leave it all behind.
"I'm sorry, Astrid," Rose said, placing a hand on my arm. "If you need to talk, we're here for you."
I nodded, grateful for their support. Despite the confusion I felt about Michael, I knew I had friends I could count on. And maybe, over time, I would figure out what I really wanted. For now, I had to focus on myself and the new chapter that was beginning at Godolkin University.
1° part ; 2° part ;
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More Gatsby Reincarnation AU bullshit while I work on a piece for the show I’m in rn:
It’s a long ahh list so here’s a cut to save ur dash :)
Gatsby and Daisy absolutely love Grease. Yes the movie. Yes they force everyone to watch it at least once every four-or-so months during group movie night, yes they sing the whole thing
Everyone begrudgingly has their song in Grease. Jordan’s is Danny’s part in summer nights (with Gatsby as Sandy funny enough), Tom’s is Greased Lightning, Jay’s is Raining on Prom Night (although Daisy joins him 90% of the time), Daisy’s is There Are Worse Things I Could Do, and Nick’s is Beauty School Dropout!
Nick has the voice of an angel. Literally. First time he really sang Beauty School Dropout left everyone floored
For my fellow Natsby Shippers: Already was Jay entranced by Nick’s voice, but things got worse when Nick turned his performance of said song above on him during their obligatory watch. Dude bluescreened hard and it took a minute before they could continue the movie
Speaking of movie nights, the gang does movie nights! With how available it is nowadays why not? Sometimes it’s twice a month, sometimes it’s once, sometimes it’s every other month. Really just depends on how often they can
Meyer is here too everyone! He’s a teacher at a nearby high school (although you’re a fool to think that’s his only job). While he originally taught economics, he got roped into using his double major to teach English. Specifically Junior Year. The Great Gatsby unit is always awkward
Nick has a Tumblr! He’s flat out said multiple times on said blog that he is Nick Carraway reincarnate. Through some simple proofs his followers have accepted that yup, that’s Nick Carraway back from the grave. It’s like how we have Neil Gaiman here, but with Nick.
Jordan has a blog too, but only to fuck with Nick. That’s it, that’s the only reason. Their followers love watching them fight online lmao
Nick uses his blog to update everyone on the gang and answer questions. Yes, TGG was gay. So is he. He’s answered this a million times can we get a new question please??
One of Meyer’s students showed him said blog, at which point his student teacher George Willows (Wilson) pointed out that he knew Nick back in high school and offers to set up a meeting
That meeting was awkward as fuck. Nick and George just stared at each other, both knowing, until George ran out of the room, at which point Meyer took to testing Nick. The two shot references back and forth until Nick cracked
Nick has a therapist. He was pushed to get one after a rather bad crack in his own mind after Jay remembered (I’ll explain in a minute). He tiptoed around his real problem for ages, not wanting to be seen as insane (again), until his therapist asked him one day about a book. See its uncut pages? Do you know what that means, Nick?
Boy was it a relief to be able to actually talk about his struggles with reincarnation after that
(TW: Derealization, just in case) Nick’s Mental Crack, as mentioned above, happened on his first birthday after Jay remembered everything. He vanished for a few days, only to be found unresponsive by his friends. When he finally did respond, it was only to repeat that they (the gang) weren’t real, something drilled into him from his time at the sanatorium and his last 60-ish years of isolation in his first life. For a few more days he did little more than stare into the bathroom mirror, repeat that phrase, or gently touch at his eyes. When he finally did come to, the first thing he did was turn to Jay and ask “Is this real?” There was. A lot of crying from all parties following. And therapy.
Listen, dealing with grief in the 20s already sucked. He got sent to a sanatorium for Christ’s sake! That, paired with what I imagine to have been spending the last 60+ years of his life in self isolation AND being the first to remember their past lives? That ain’t easy man. He could use a little help
He does get better tho. Things get easier. Maybe a little too easy because one day, when a mutual friend(s) of all of theirs outright stops them and asks if they’re the reincarnated cast of Gatsby, he just says yes. Straight up. “Yup. Took you that long?”
Meanwhile everyone else (except for Jordan honestly) is trying to deny it and failing miserably
Back to movies and film! Nick likes Sci-fi things alongside historical stuff that he can laugh at being wrong, Jay enjoys romance (specifically shit like the Bachelor tell me I’m wrong-), Jordan is a fan of of mysteries, Daisy enjoys horror films purely because of the kickass final girl most of them have alongside a fair share of musicals, and Tom likes Sports films like Happy Gilmore and Benchwarmers
To my fellow Natsby ppl again: Gatsby is shorter than Nick. Was back in the 20s and is now! When hugging or cuddling, Nick could absolutely smother Jay. He is a small fella, very holdable
Every time they rewatch the 2013 Gatsby, Jordan has a tendency to say either “that’s gay” or “that’s homophobic” at respective times. Nick keeps a tally on how many times she says each every watch
And that’s all I think I have again for now. Thanks again for @writerinconstantcrisis for helping with most of these and this AU as a whole really. Until next time nerds!
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