#this dorian won't slay
turniptitaness · 1 month
Ah, yes, I, a talented yet underappreciated artist, shall now paint a portrait where each detail is so carefully and lovingly recorded that the completed painting has the power to steal the subject's soul and keep him forever young and beautiful.
And the subject shall be...
Why, my brother, of course, because there is nothing at all weird about that!
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savingthrcw · 1 year
may be used as a test muse page / 'only writing them if requested' muses page because I'm not making them a set of links like for the others but I'd love to write them: Lily Tabris, Ellana Lavellan and Solona Amell
okay but also I just want to say that I have a few other Dragon Age ladies that I love with all my heart, one of them being the city elf warrior Lily Tabris whom I'd love to write again, who was ferocious and too blunt and considered letting Denerim's human side burn (okay Alistair can stay close to her but he's on thin ice) (absolutely jumped on Zevran but also didn't know wtf to do when he got romantic first) (keeps the ring of the elf she was supposed to marry who died trying to uselessly save her when she was easily slaying the entire palace, it's a reminder that human nobles who are in charge of alienages should all be ripped to pieces). Her entire backstory is filled with things that are common triggers in rp so yeah. Complicated because she doesn't skirt away from the topics, she literally told the King she had just met that she had murdered a noble who had all intentions of r*ping her and her friends (see the triggering part) and left him speechless, that's the kind of person she is. Also a bit racist against humans, given the situation, but if one proves himself to be kind, like Alistair, she will not extend that to him, so maybe racist isn't the right word, maybe it's... prejudiced against a race that enslaves hers, but open to the fact that some humans have nothing to do with it? Difficult to get along with if you don't like people who are that blunt, and also won't keep to herself her disagreement. DESPITE EVERYTHING she still tries to help people, tries to save Connor (sends Morrigan after asking her if she can do it), saves the mages in the Circle, pushes Alistair to be king so he can make a change, kills Loghain herself. Later she'd be fighting for Elves rights all over Thedas. Very quiet and pissed off Warden Commander because Zevran apparently was busy elsewhere and when left by herself she reverts to grumpy as hell. Got the entire team to help. Will show up in DA2 to check on Anders despite him not being an elf because she's loyal to people who have fought with her. Will show up in DAI because she was contacted by Alistair who told her about weird Callings for all Wardens and wanted to look into it. There since Haven. LILY HEADCANONS.
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Ellana Lavellan, Inquisitor, would write her if I could remember ALL the specific events of Inquisition and if I had gotten to know all characters in other gameplays but she's my one and only inquisitor. If I ever do this will be her only introduction: absolutely made me think of Buffy when telling Corypheus to f*ck off and basically making a mountain of snow fall on them, flirted with Dorian so hard before finding out the truth and deciding he was her best friend (they can flirt anyway) so he gets privileges, doesn't mention for one second her clan and her grief when it gets wiped out so people are Concerned about what's up, romanced Cullen (step away from the Lyrium, buddy), all cute with him which goes from awkward flirting to jumping his bones, made Varric best friend number two, Solan was best friend number three and she wants to save him but if she can't she's going to kill him and also god does she feel betrayed, took Cole under her wing, sided with mages because she's a Dalish elf mage okay, she's still trying to figure out if Cassandra likes her,
Blackwall's betrayal also hurt her but... eh. Could've been worse. She feels they all did sh*t in their pasts. Which blatantly means she did sh*t she told no one about. She still doesn't know if Cassandra likes her (she does). Gets a little too along with Iron Bull. She absolutely did sh*t in her past. She hasn't told anyone about that yet. Was kept in a Dalish-version of prison for being a tremendous assh*le who stole and started fights and a problem child, got kicked out, was given another chance with the conclave because an aunt who has a soft spot for her punk niece decides to bring her and show her she can be more than a little criminal, but then what happens next changes her, and all the responsibilities put on her made her attitude shift very quickly into responsible leader. Basically your typical 'trying to be heroic and do the right thing with mild sarcasm and complaints' hero who turns out to have a crazy past they hardly ever mention. She couldn't bond with Vivienne because there really wasn't much time. She didn't bond with Sera because she's not very prank-y and she's an elf who takes offense to anyone who has anything to say about elves. She accidentally hardened Leliana??? she thought Leliana was already like that?? ELLANA HEADCANONS.
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Solona Amell, babe, human mage, she was having the time of her life even in the circle, didn't listen to a word they said about not wanting mages to have strong bonds with each other, is basically a puppy in human form, loves everything. Impossibly strong for no reason except that I used mods to play with her so she's like the angel of death or something, shakes a hand and all the enemies go down. she's basically Sandal in that aspect, all innocence and death. I may actually write her as a bonus character if someone wants some ridiculousness /unrealistic death power. Only wasn't killed during the Harrowing (quickest Harrowing ever) because she had no reason to use her full power before so the Circle doesn't know. She is 10000% creepy, because you know someone who can extend a hand and knock out/kill all enemies around her (and not lose a wink of sleep over murder in general) should not be acting all cute and sweet. Doesn't judge anyone, finds them all so curious and funny. human may be a stretch. Can also be used as occasional companion if we have threads with one of my other Wardens. To avoid ending the war and plots immediately, she can't constantly use her kill-all power but only once every 12 hours. SOLONA HEADCANONS.
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My baby Neria from this blog in her official outfit
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Elyssa Cousland, not writing her because there is not enough writing material: doesn't want to be anybody's hero, spends nearly the entire time covered in blood, she's just trying to avenge her entire family, she doesn't hardens the characters but real talk, Alistair is the one who un-hardens her (she marries him and makes them king and queen). May have flirted with Leliana to keep herself from thinking of Alistair and then things got awkward. Very close to Morrigan for no reason whatsoever. Way too pretty.
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memory345 · 2 years
Imagine Varric seeing everyone fall in love with the Inquisitor
I couldn't stop thinking about this as soon as it popped into my head, so here it is.
Like imagine him seeing the longing looks.
The coy smiles you flashed each other.
Seeing them watch you when you turn your back, or try to protect you the most when your on missions.
And imagine him "subtly" trying to give hints to them that their feelings are in fact reciprocated.
"The inquisitor seems quite fond of you, Seeker."
"It's that great sense of humor that the Inquisitor loves, Solas."
"We would all be lost without you, Josie. Especially the inquisitor. "
"I've never seen the Inquisitor laugh more than when she's with you, Sera."
"Ugh, the inquisitor just won't shut up about how amazing and wonderful Dorian is."
"Hey, Bull, you ever wonder the inquisitor always seems to be looking to slay dragons even though they said they hated doing it. Wonder why..."
"You're a real good commander, Curly. I can see why the inquisitor always seems to be gushing about you."
"You know I suggest you give one of these carvings to the inquisitor. They're always going on and on about your hardwood and sturdy hands..."
Your embarrassment nearly killed you when you found out, but you got over it quickly seeing as apparently his comments were actually quite effective and most of the companions had mustered up the courage to speak to you about their feelings.
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howlingwolf23 · 2 years
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I saw this a my my immediately thought of Sera getting this of the inquisition boys
Cullen, Blackwall, Solas, Krem- won't wear it or even acknowledge it (but Krem is happy to be included)
Cole-confused, doesn't understand which hole is for his head
Varric, Iron Bull-wears it as a joke but people actually love seeing them in it. Cassandra yells at them both "don't you have any shame?" Both-"no"
Dorian-fucking slays it, gets put in his rotation of clothes
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choccy-zefirka · 3 years
I am in a Many Thoughts Head Full state wrt Pilar's dual quest adventures, though I won't write longfic about it (too tired and jaded). I *do* however want to create a general outline in case I produce random related drabbles, for context.
As I mentioned previously, Pilar does both the mage and templar quests. She instructs Leliana, Josephine and Vivienne to assemble Orlesian nobles to negotiate with Lord Seeker Lucius and tells everyone she will meet the Inquisition in Therinfal Redoubt.
Meanwhile, she intends to head to Redcliffe, alone, and assassinate Magister Alexius using her ex Antivan Crow skills. She figures that the death of one man is enough to release Redcliffe, while the templars are holed up in a remote fortress that requires the full power of the Inquisition to approach.
She almost succeeds, but as she watches Alexius from the shadows, she learns a bit about him, particularly while witnessing an argument between him, Felix and Dorian, who's been discovered. She is discovered as well, and cannot bring herself to slay Alexius (reminder that she has a Dark Past TM so she sympathizes for the shady magister). Alexius lashes out at her and Dorian; in the struggle, they are sent to the dark future as in canon.
Now, considering that Pilar's companions were in Therinfal, they died in the dark future somewhere far away from Redcliffe, and there is only one person that Pilar and Dorian find in the red lyrium cells that's willing to accompany them to battle: Zevran. Pilar's former fellow Crow is still good friends with her, and helps the Inquisition now and again. He went to Redcliffe to investigate, refusing to believe Pilar had died, and was captured. So at this point, he keeps trying hard to be his charming self with red poison devouring his flesh.
After Pilar and Dorian rewrite time (which involves a story idea I am too scared to talk about rn), Alexius' surrender and canon-like goodbye to Felix is cut short, as the Venatori agents pop up like the proverbial daisies and attempt to kill him for outliving his usefulness, and the Herald with him.
Pilar, Dorian, and Felix fight the Venatori off, joined by the rebel mages *and* the newly arrived royal entourage. When things quiet down a little, Pilar has to leave for Therinfal. Where the Envy Demon has a lot of fun playing with her back *slaps Pilar's back* that old girl can fit in so much self-loathing!
The Tevinter trio, meanwhile, is taken to Denerim. Alexius is imprisoned, while Dorian and Felix, still not particularly trusted but appreciated for their anti-Venatori efforts, are personally questioned by King Alistair and Queen Anora. Alistair senses Felix's taint and decides to offer him the Joining. He is then probably sent off to serve somewhere in Amaranthine. Or maybe the Queen's father drops by and takes him under his wing.
Anyway, at some point, scouts arrive with news: something terrible happened in Therinfal, and the Venatori remnants all over the Hinterlands are taking up and leaving somewhere. That somewhere is Haven, and someone needs to warn the Inquisition — but who will get there in time? The answer is, of course, Dorian, sped up via time magic! It soon becomes apparent that he cannot cast the spell required on his own, and the royals reluctantly agree to let Alexius go so he can help him. There will be a custody battle over who gets to have him as prisoner, the crown or the Inquisition, but that will come later.
Dorian and Alexius (who is now much more cooperative, though I am not sure if he's aware that his son is alive at this point) both race to the Inquisition and arrive at the same point as Dorian does on his own during In Your Heart Shall Burn if the Inquisition went to seek the templars. Thus the quests converge again, and Pilar gets to have her cake (sad dad angst) and eat it too (creepy mindscape angst).
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