#this could be a dirk strider moodboard if you squint to i’m tagging ts dirk
itsmybirthdaythough · 3 months
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Let me preface this micro-essay by saying I truly do not think robots, androids, or any highly advanced AI will EVER be able to replace humans. This is a long overdo speech of possible differences/similarities between a mechanical mind, and an organic brain.
First off, AI (the umbrella term i’ll be using for any sort of mechanical thinking machine) can only be programmed to respond or “feel” a certain way due to hyper specific inputs, and produce an output reminiscent of organic emotion.
While some may argue we do the same for our children by teaching them “good” and “bad” ways to react when faced with certain inputs, humans have to freewill to form new emotions, and discover certain outputs without interference of a programmer.
TLDR: Code cannot learn unless given the task to take in more information. To be coded to learn is not true learning, only success on the programmers behalf. Humans learn because it’s all they know how to do, and AI regurgitates their experiences to assimilate.
All of that being said, are we programmed in god’s image ? Are we pulling from some sort of divine framework in order to honor an entity that we will never see , similar to computers, and their endless devotion to an individual they’ll never truly know ?
Yes, i think so.
I don’t wanna spout off some”oh we were made in god’s image” bullshit, but if we have modeled the wires and circuits of computers after our own veins and arteries, are we modeled after the intricacies of the universe ?
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Yeah, probably. We are what we create, and exist within our creators.
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itsmybirthdaythough · 2 months
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Something something “borrowing the grief of the past and lending it to your future will devolve into a self-imploding cycle”
Okayyy ouroboros !!! - but on a real note, technology has only aided in my emotional confinement. Google photos likes to show pictures from years i don’t remember, filled with people who have faded from my life. I don’t want to see videos of my ex girlfriend giggljng at my cat, but i am happy to have experienced it once. I only needed to be in that memory once, why does it come back every year, every other month, or every couple weeks ?
I think people are crippled by their emotions in a sense, we live to feel through replication. If we know something will make us happy once, why not try for a second time ? Even happy emotions seem to be manufactured and cluttered with nostalgic ideals, and the cycle starts again when faced with a slight deviation from old memories.
Anywho, all my experiences feel like a rebound for the initial memory. Take what resonates ig
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