#this comes from watching MatPat play just dance on GTLive
zerogravityinq · 16 hours
I swear i am not picking on Dick BUT I don't see him as being good at Just Dance. Not because he's a bad dancer but the wii and Kinect versions, they are about accurate movement and you can't tell me he doesn't add a little flair to his movements thus he winds up with a lower score than his siblings.
In that same respect, Cass always fails the level in her first go through because even with the little sight read figures on the screen, she can't predict their moves accurately on the first try. Also, as a dancer a lot of the dances don't make sense [until they switch her to expert and she does well because those are actual dances].
Bruce is very much the king of Just Dance because he not only sight reads very well but also he's Mr. No Wasted Movements. Its like he made the dances for the game he's so accurate. He gets accused of cheating by watching YouTube videos of the dances before playing but he doesn't. He's just that good.
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