#this chapter was my favourite and the easiest to write thus far
ishipthis · 1 year
Ididn't see this coming - Chapter 5
iDidn't see this coming (24167 words) by Ishipthis Chapters: 5/7 Fandom: iCarly Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Freddie Benson/Carly Shay Characters: Freddie Benson, Carly Shay, Harper Raines (iCarly), Spencer Shay, Millicent Mitchell Additional Tags: Fluff, Drunken Confessions, Love Confessions, Phone Sex, Friends to Lovers, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Denial of Feelings Series: Part 1 of iDidn't see this coming Summary: An accidental text message sent while drunk leads to a situation Carly never saw coming. Or; Carly sends Freddie a Creddie Fan fic, and everything blows up.
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kitkatt0430 · 5 months
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Thanks for the tag @goldheartedchaoticdisaster :D
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Writing fanfic was something I just started doing because I wanted to have more Voyager stories about Seven of Nine when I was still pretty young. Actually posting up fanfics I'd written? Junior High, I think - so preteens/early teens - when a friend introduced me to the wonderful world of Fanfiction.net; I started reading fic and worked up the courage to actually post my own after a bit.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
51? I think? It's at least that many, anyway.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I joined FFnet in 2002 so let's just go with 22 years. I did write some stuff before that, but none of it was posted and all of it is lost.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I read more, but I certainly do write a lot. :D
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I've gotten a lot better at world building. But also establishing initial characterizations and making character growth make sense.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Not necessarily weird, but I've looked up information on various degrees and how long they take to complete as well as different types of power of attorney - yes, there is more than one! - and the different ways they apply.
7. What’s your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I like the comments that have reactions to different parts of the fic/chapter and maybe favorite quotes as they read along. Those are the types of comments I like to leave most too.
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Lol, does writing a Fringe/Flash crossover fic count? ;)
I've got some pretty rare pairs that I've written for - Reverb/HR and Savitar/Reverb and Savitar/Eobard are probably the most rare thus far but I find I enjoy the challenge of rare pairs that are of the ships that pass in the night variety so I may wind up with more very rare pairs as time goes on.
There's been a few experimental-ish fics I've written, like Spiral which… I'm not really sure how to describe the style for that fic.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
I struggled a lot with the ending to You Must Live (For Me) because it was a bad guys win fic and so I knew from the start I'd be killing off Iris. But it was still difficult to do.
So overall I think fics that kill off main characters in some way? I don't write that often, but even just the aftermath of such a thing can be really difficult to write. Grief is just… hard to write because it hurts so much.
10. What is the easiest type?
Fluffy, silly fics. Things like Buzz Buzz often just flow easily because they're silly and fun.
But often also fics that address things I feel strongly about. Not always - sometimes I get in my own way with those fics - but sometimes that strong emotion will just carry me through writing something until suddenly I have an entire fic. Seeress was definitely one of those where replaying the ending of Final Fantasy 13-2 where the bad guy has basically pulled a 'heads I win, tails you lose' scenario (which the final game rectifies) had me speculating on how some of the foreshadowing in the game indicated there could have been a different ending to things.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
On my computer - though a tablet + keyboard combo will do in a pinch. Rarely on a notebook these days because I can't guarantee I'll find the motivation to transcribe it later, though notebooks are a good place for making story notes instead of fic writing.
I'll typically use LibreOffice because it's easy to use and free. I'll also use Notion, which has a free tier and is good for when I want to be able to work on a fic from my tablet or on a different computer from usual.
For my sins… sometimes I'll write a fic directly into Ao3's editor.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I'm trying to get better at making 'one day' become 'today' when it comes to this sort of thing. I feel like my Flash/Fringe crossover series falls into this because what I want to do for the series is ambitious and so while I don't want to bite off more than I can write (as it were), I don't want to keep putting it off because it makes me worry I won't do it justice. I won't do it anything at all if I don't at least try.
13. What made you choose your username?
My sister picked it out when she helped me make my first email account as a kid and I've been partial to it ever sense. Kitkatt0430 is in many ways as much my name now as my real name. I've used it for FFnet, my short lived attempt at Live Journal, Ao3, Tumblr (though I have Starstruckpurpledragon here too), and a few other places.
@sophiainspace @coldflasher @incorrectcoldflashblog @terrie01 @fezwearingjellybananas & anyone who wants to play :D
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storm-driver · 2 years
I read the first chapter and oh my god. YOU DIDN'T WARN ME IT WAS GONNA BE THUS EMOTIONAL! (and long, shit was very long)
Where do I even BEGIN?! I loved everything! Every little detail, from Roxas' fear of falling because of his past experiences, to Aqua's slow but certain change of view on Roxas, to Ventus and Aqua being adorable dorks, to Terra talking to Roxas about how Aqua (his future wife (I so ship them)) rocked his shit when they were kids, and finally to Roxas just being unable to take in that Aqua asked him to stay for a good ten minutes...
I LOVED ALL OF IT!! Immaculate work fr...
that first chapter, im ngl, was like the biggest risk i thought i was gonna take by posting, and i feel so insane bc of it. the first half of it, id actually posted as a tumblr bit, hence why it probably feels a lil rushed, bc i had to get the word count down to make it fit? but yknow, that stops being an issue on ao3, thank god
THE SECOND HALF of that chapter, i dont remember if i said it anywhere, i have no recollection of writing it. deadass, i stayed up all night one night in the drowsiest, fuzziest state writing it, fell asleep immediately after posting the whole thing on ao3, and then fell asleep until in the 4 afternoon the next day. i dont remember writing it at all, i just woke up and found an entire second half of that first chapter written.
AS FAR AS MY IDIOICY GOES THOUGH, thank you for the kind words AGHHDFS. MY APOLOGIES FOR THE EMOTIONS, BUT IT'S ONLY GONNA BE MORE EMOTIONAL FROM THERE. my favourite fuckin part of that chapter was the ending where roxas is going back and forth with his choice on whether or not to stay, but the moment he looks at ven, he feels certain. idk, that kinda shit just warms my heart and im glad that feeling got across really well.
the chapters (sadly(?)) get longer from here. the last chapter i wrote was 30k words long. i dont think the next chapters are gonna be much shorter either. there's a lot of detail work i do, i write what im feeling i need to, it's messy and it's not the easiest to follow. but i just want to make it feel immersive as best i can. even if the shit that's happening is nonsensical to an extreme LMAO
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kimium · 2 years
Tumblr's been doing their annual Year in Review and this reminded me that I've always wanted to do a review of my fics for 2022. Other years this has been something I've wanted to do but I've either forgotten or remembered too late.
So, here we are, my little review for my fics from 2022. All the data comes from A03's statistics. Rest is under the cut because it's going to be long.
Statistic Stuff
My "Top Five" fics by hits:
Wooden Shrine (SDR2)
Comfortable Bed(s) (Twisted Wonderland)
The Small Things that Don't Align (Twisted Wonderland)
Lingering Taste (SDR2)
"I can't swim," he said when he could, in fact, swim. (SDR2)
My most kudos in a fic: The Small Things that Don't Align (Twisted Wonderland)
My most bookmarked fic: Comfortable Bed(s) (Twisted Wonderland)
How many words I wrote in 2022: 149,496
Question Stuff
What was the hardest fic to write?
The hardest fic to write by far was Wooden Shrine. Which, was ironic because I purposefully tried to make it less of a work load on me. If you noticed, I made the chapters shorter. This is due to me having an Actual Job that takes a lot of time and mental energy out of my day. Yet, this fic ended up being a challenge. I think the hardest part wasn't the writing of the fic, but finding the mental energy to get through certain sections.
Yet, despite this, Wooden Shrine is one of my favourite fics this year. I think it's because a lot of elements to the fic are an accidental combination of my Kitsune! Komaeda fic and 1000 Kisses. Both fics are ones I hold near and dear to my heart.
2. What was the easiest fic to write?
Without a doubt Comfortable Bed(s) came so easily and so naturally to me. I wrote that in a single afternoon and I'm astonished that I managed to do it quickly. That being said, it was also a challenge for me because it was my second Twisted Wonderland fic and I decided to write Basically Everyone.
3. Which fic is the most underrated?
I think I have two underrated fics. Is this cheating? I made this entire thing up, so I can do what I want.
My first underrated fic is the first fic I wrote in 2022, The Way to Convince a Dragon to Not Murder is Through his Stomach (FE Fates). Listen. Dragon Anankos gaining just a little bit of humanity to barely curb his dragon madness? Dragon Anankos acting like a rabid attack dog with a leash that's about to snap? Dragon Anankos attracted to the Trio because I will shove my Anankos/Trio agenda onto people? It's a great fic and most importantly it was a gift to @shreedle "Thanks for being my friend that I can rant about FEH to".
My second underrated fic is You're Welcome, Byakuran (KHR). First, it's one of my rare 100/51 fics in a Good Timeline. Next, it's a fic purely based on joke conversations between me and @someobscurereference.
4. Which fic(s) had something "cut" or had an idea that never happened?
Originally, I wanted to write more Souda/Sonia/Gundham into Wooden Shrine. I also considered writing a short one shot to show how Souda and Gundham came into contact with Sonia and formed contracts with her. Sadly, this was a time and energy issue, so the idea was dropped.
For my fic Honeycomb Bakery (Modern AU FE Fates) I was going to write it as "Niles is pining after a customer and that's Owain" and thus he keeps giving free baking to Owain. However, I wrote in the silly signs that were clearly written by Owain. I couldn't have Owain as a customer and worker, so I made it an established relationship and moved on.
In Red Handkerchief (FE Fates) I considered giving Odin more angst and drawing out Leo/Niles getting together with him. I scraped it because it felt too close to another Leo Trio fic I wrote years ago, with the "they don't like me back" angst from Odin's end.
Finally, for Burner Phone (KHR) I wrote about 700-800 words in Shouichi's POV. I ended up not liking how it sounded/the tone so I swapped with Byakuran.
5. Which fic did you want to write but didn't get around to it?
-ObscureReference and I have an Elaborate Joke/HC of an OC Demon Parrot named Sprinkles that was summoned by Henry to protect Olivia but mostly Inigo. (We ship Henry/Olivia.) Sprinkles is absolutely Hilarious and our ideas for him have spanned mostly in a Modern AU, but jokes about him in canon verse have come up. I desperately want to write a fic with Sprinkles and might get around to it soon.
-For SDR2/Komahina, I have a fic titled "Another Post SDR2 healing fic" with extensive notes of what I want to happen. I've not touched it in a while since I'm worried it will sound like I'm trying to rehash one of my oldest fics, Waking Up in Pieces.
-With Bleach, a fandom I've been a part of since I was around 12, back I sort of want to write a Bleach fic. In fact, I started a Bleach fic way back in 2016 when I was living in Japan and had a big Bleach re-watch bug in my system. Obviously that never panned out but maybe this year is trying to tell me something...
6. Any WIPs that never got published?
-I have 351 words of a FE Awakening/Fates fic focused on the Trio having some weird ability due to Living Through the Apocalypse and Time Traveling. I wrote the base of it in June at work. I don't remember what I was going to do with this.
-I have a fic titled "Marzipan" and it has exactly 65 words describing Towa City. I do not remember what I was going to do with this fic.
-I started a fic titled "Love at First Stab Attempt" as a prequel to my Serial Killer Komahina fic, Working Relationship. I like the idea but didn't like some of the direction it was going. I might tweak it and post it later.
7. Share a snippet of WIP fic?
Here's the opening snippet from that FE Awakening/Fates fic I mentioned above. You can see that I'm using some ideas from prior fics such as blue flames and devouring something that most people aren't eating. I just really like eating as a metaphor.
"The fire was blue.
Not a light blue as one might expect from a fire. Most fires Inigo knew burned lighter at the source— almost stark white before fanning out into colour. Like a flower opening this fire burned large and tall despite the fuel only a small broken branch of bleached wood. The flame in question burned dark; a thousand midnights compressed into one, or perhaps like the depth of the ocean where under millions of metric tons light struggled to travel.
Pressing his hand against the flame, Inigo supressed the deep bone chilling shudder that ripple under his skin. An instinctual self-preservation method ingrained into his genetic code. It was accompanied by a voice that sounded like his mother’s. The voice rang hollowly before fading into an echo. Swallowing, Inigo reached out. The blue flame lapped at his hand and did not burn. Exhaling slowly, Inigo curled his hand and squeezed the flame between his fingers.
At once the flame jumped into the center of his hand, nestling in the crevice between his fingers and palm. Light danced in his palm, adding a red-pink tinge to the blue flame, creating a muted, dirty purple.
Pulling his hand away, Inigo pressed the flame to his lips and devoured it. Light pulsed in his throat for a moment before settling in his stomach. Warmth blossomed along with a surge of giddiness that border lined tipsy. A hiccupping laugh escaped Inigo’s throat before expanding into petals of soft laughter.
Widely grinning, Inigo picked up more flames until the fire was entirely consumed."
7. Which fic was the one you were most "excited" to write?
The fic I was most excited to write was my Katekyo Hitman Reborn (KHR) fic, Delivery. It's an idea that I always wanted to write: Shouichi going to Byakuran on his own accord. The main reason why I only got around to writing it this year was because I kept changing the tone I wanted. Did I want a more humourous tone? Did I want a more cynical tone? I never knew, but I think I hit the right balance.
8. What's something you're looking forward to writing in the future?
I am looking forward to writing more Twisted Wonderland fics. Yes, I guess I'm deep enough into the fandom that it might become a regular fic occurrence. I have a few ideas, but no idea where they'll lead.
I'm excited to write more SDR2 fics. Yeah, that's predictable, but sometimes a comfort fandom is what one needs.
I'm also super excited to write Sprinkles properly some day. It will happen.
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maraudersbiitch · 4 years
moonlight {r.l}
chapter - two
series masterlist
description -He thought the scars that littered his body made him a monster. She thought they made him beautiful, in her eyes she saw the sun, the sky, and the moon when she looked at him. She would love him with every inch of her being if he let her. She would glue the broken pieces back together with gold.{may not follow the correct timeline of the Marauders years at hogwarts}
warnings -none yet but later on in the series there will be major trigger warnings
pairing - remus lupin x OFC (elara hawthorne)
word count-  0.7k
A/n: This is something I started a long time ago and never finished, but i’m hoping putting it on tumblr will encourage me to do so, the first three chapters were written a while ago therefor my writing style has changed tremendously. I really hope you enjoy this. 
The four boys sat restlessly in the Great Hall, waiting for the never ending sorting of the first years to end. It was their fifth time sitting through it and they lost their interest in it as years passed. You would think the boys had their minds on the upcoming meal, though two of them seemed much more interested elsewhere.
James was glancing over at Lily aiming to get the girls attention, failing miserably earning scowls from the redhead. Remus on the other hand had his gaze trained on Elara. She was gentle, she was kind and he knew that there was so much more about her. Much more that he wanted to know, Remus wanted to know the things she loved, the things she hated and everything else in between. He couldn’t explain the sudden pull towards her. He feared if he analyzed it too much he would unintentionally pull away. That was not something he planned on doing anytime soon.  
Remus Lupin was one hundred percent enthralled by Elara Hawthorne. Of course he had known Elara for their entire Hogwarts experience thus far, he had only spoken to her in classes whenever necessary, but she had always managed to keep him on the edge of his seat.
Her wit, her cleverness were unmatched. He wanted to talk to her, he wanted to at the very least be her friend and that was exactly what he was going to do. 
The four girls were sat near the self proclaimed Marauders much to Lily groans and protest. They had gotten to the Great Hall later than the rest of Gryffindor because Alice saw an injured Pygmy Puff on the Hogwarts grounds and had to help it. Alice had insisted that the girls leave her so all of them weren’t late but the girls refused. 
When they had gotten to the Hall the only seats left were by the Marauders because everyone feared James or Sirius would put something ridiculous in their drink resulting in blue hair or something along those lines. Elara sat across from Remus and she would feel her cheeks slightly heat up when they locked eyes a few times. She has a million questions running through her head, at first she thought she had something on her face and that's why he was looking but she figured someone would tell her if she did. So why was Remus Lupin staring at Elara Hawthorne? That was one question neither of them had the answer to.
When the sorting of the incoming first years ended and the tables had filled themselves with the most delicious, mouth watering food every single person immediately dove in. Peter being one of the most excited among the table shoved spoon after spoon of mashed potatoes in his mouth followed by numerous drumsticks. Poor thing acted like he hadn’t eaten in weeks. 
Elara had finished eating and reached into her bag to pull out her favourite dessert, a Hershey's milk chocolate bar With almonds. Just as she opened it she heard a voice that made her heart jump “Does someone have chocolate?” she looked up to see that it belonged to the one and only Remus John Lupin. 
“Oh it's me, I have an extra one if you want?” For some reason those felt like the easiest words to say, they rolled right off her tongue like talking to him was the simplest thing in the world. She didn’t mumble, she didn’t stutter like she thought she would when he spoke to her. 
“Yes please, if you don’t mind” he spoke reaching for Elara’s outstretched hand, lightly brushing his fingers against her palm sending shivers through both of them. 
“It’s my favourite chocolate” both of them said at the same time, chuckling and looking away to hide the soft shade of crimson that crept on their cheeks. 
Both Elara and Remus were absolutely in awe of each other. They admired each other’s kindness not only towards their friends but to everyone else around them. They didn’t know each other that well yet but they both felt safe in each other's presence. Despite only being acquaintances they both knew they would become great friends in time and they couldn't wait.
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Creator Tag Game
It’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works <3
Thank you @badsext and @sean-falco for tagging me!!
1. All You’ve Got is Gold pt 1
This was my very first fanfic for one of Rob’s characters.  It got me “back in the game” so to speak.  I put myself out there with a character almost no one had heard of *laughs*  I’m pleased that it put so many of you on to this show!  I mean naturally I made Cormac age appropriate (which is Rob’s age so.. lol) but I aged him up for the year it takes place.  I’m also quite proud of the characterization and dialogue I put into it.  It’s also my first OC in 8 years and a bit steamy.
2. She Wants Revenge
This one is my first hard “R” smut fanfic.  I went with Luke because he’s the first of Rob’s characters with minimal backstory, and yet he really carries the chaotic plot.  Even though he commits a grievous crime a the end of the movie, it’s still kind of open-ended.  Also Luke is the most “goth/punk” that fits in with a faux vampire theme.  Plus, it’s my first venture into Reader insert fic.
3. Brick and Morter, Sacred Skin
This was my first request!!  I was so excited to write this for @joz-stankovich because I know how much they love Sean :)  It was one of the easiest, must deliciously romantic smuts I have written thus far.  I got pleasure from writing it as a sort of a gift for someone I respect and admire and mutual love very much.  Joz was one of the lovelies who got me back into the game, so I repaid them happily!
4. The Dog Days Are Over tied with Last Christmas Chapter 1 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Oh you silly, arrogant, Irish conjurer.  You scream the loudest when your muse invades my brain. I gave into once and then once more.  You wear a woman down like you’re Ben and I’m Klaus.  Make that possession good.  We’ve been on quite the journey twice now.  And our second adventure is nearly done.  Sometimes it’s hard to be “on” as Nathan.  That witty dialogue Robbie just manifests by opening his mouth.  I hope I’ve done you justice, Nathan.  You’ve been a sexy thorn in my side for 12 years.  Also @robertsheehanownsmyass has encouraged me in the most amazing ways for the latter.  I feel like we are plotting a war strategy, and I delight when the battle plays out in our favor.
5. Do You Wanna Touch Me There? 
Surprised the FUCK out of myself with this.  I did smut.  Ive done fluffy smut.  I did borderline harder smut.  I did rough sex smut.  But this.  Challenged me and excited me and really pushed me to the limits I thought I could write about.  And I delighted in it so much that I now wrote another and plan for two more afte that.  Goddamit Klaus, you are nearly as loud as Nathan but for all different reasons.  Thank you @firstpersonnarrator for the prompt!!
Most of my lovelies have been tagged and have done this.  I will say @robertsheehanownsmyass  and @bisexualnathanyoung need to get on this train.  :)  
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spongeaddict · 4 years
Fanfiction Year in Review!
Fanfiction Year in Review
Thanks for the tag @xxiamaclichexx! Spoilers, obviously, for all my fics that I’ve written thus far.
1. List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished
Two For The Show -- longfic, started in January 2020, completed in May 2020
Anniversaries -- twoshot, started in June 2020, completed in August 2020
Three To Get Ready -- longfic, started in May 2020, completed in December 2020
My God, I wrote literally all year long. Twelve months straight, from January to December. Holy cow.
2. Number of words written
TFTS: 91,025
Anniversaries: 6,009
TTGR: 87,078
Total: 184,112
3. Your most popular fic
TFTS had over 8400 views this year, but it still comes in third place over all, behind Scooby Doo and the Mysterious Tape (over 11k views, finished in 2010), and One For The Money (more than 53k views, finished in 2019) 
4. Your personal favourite
How do I choose between my children?!
I think overall, I’m going to say TTGR was my favorite this year. It had all the things I love -- secret romances, jealousy, betrayal, angst, a creep factor, and even a little bit of humor! I don’t usually write angst, but I had a good time with the chapters where it was present. I also got to do some really interesting character work in TTGR, which was super fun and exciting for me. 
5. Your fave scene
I mean...I just love that scene in TFTS where Tony catches Shaggy and Velma making out in the practice room. I did a lot of nervous-laughing on behalf of everyone involved while writing it.
Also (I know I’m cheating here) I love the scene at the end of TFTS where Fred tells Daphne he loves her kind of off-the-cuff, and Daphne, who’s been trying for the entire story to work up the nerve to tell Fred that she loves him, bursts out laughing. It was so easy to picture Daphne trying to come up with the perfect, heartfelt way to share her feelings and then Fred, being so genuine without realizing it, just says “I love you” like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
6. A fic or scene that challenged you
For whatever reason, any time I needed Marcie and Velma to interact in TTGR was a challenge for me. I think I got too much in my head about the whole thing, and it seemed like nothing I had them do or say was organic. I rewrote the guest-room-at-Tony’s-party scene a bajillion times before I landed on something that I liked.
7. A line of writing you’re proud of
I know this says “a line of writing,” but I’m gonna cheat again and do like, a paragraph for each story I published this year. Don’t tell me what I can’t do! 
TFTS, ch 14: Fred took a deep breath, apparently steeling himself for a difficult confession. "I've always had a fear that the people I love will all leave me one day," he told her. "I didn't even realize I felt that way until I was thirteen and found that letter my mom sent to my dad. I mean…if my own mother could leave me behind like that, what was stopping my dad? My friends?" He exhaled and looked into Daphne's eyes. "It even happens in this play. Diana leaves Dan at the end. Just like my mom left my dad. Just like she left me." He shook his head. "You and the gang are the most important people in my life. And when Shaggy's dad said that thing at the end of the summer, about how one day we'll all go our separate ways…I started to panic." He swallowed. "I don't want anyone in the gang to separate, but I'm terrified of losing you the most."
FRED IS SO SINCERE protect him at all costs
Anniversaries ch 2: Shaggy grinned and pulled her closer. The wind was starting to pick up, and he was starting to regret the ice cream just a teeny tiny bit. But having Velma snuggled up next to him warmed him throughout.
"Besides," he said. "It's not like we have to worry about it right now. Why worry about things that like, haven't happened yet?"
Velma snorted. "Says the guy who goes into a fetal position anytime Fred even suggests investigating a haunted house."
Shaggy nudged her playfully with his shoulder. "My point is," he told her. "We like, already made it one year. Who's to say we won't make it another?"
"That's true," Velma conceded. "And it's been a pretty good year."
"The best," Shaggy agreed.
They pressed their foreheads together and closed their eyes. Velma sighed contentedly and murmured her favorite line from In the Aeroplane Over the Sea.
"But for now we are young, let us lay in the sun and count every beautiful thing we can see."
Shaggy opened his eyes and gently tapped her once on the nose. "One," he murmured.
Is it arrogant of me to swoon at something that I wrote?
TTGR ch 12: Velma left the practice room first, eyes stinging with more unshed tears. She forced them back into their ducts as she made her way to her locker. I can't let Daphne and Fred see me like this, was all she could think to herself. She couldn't let them know that anything was wrong. She had to get a hold of her emotions. She needed to seem apathetic. Detached. Even though it felt like her chest was ripping open and everything inside her was screaming in agony.
Back in the practice room, Shaggy could feel his heart pounding like a drum against his ribcage. His pulse reverberated through every muscle in his body, and it seemed so loud that he was sure other students could hear it out in the hallway as they walked past. He leaned against the concrete wall and tried to steady his breathing.
He couldn't believe it. Velma had broken up with him.
Or had he broken up with her?
Regardless, they had broken up.
They were broken up.
I have to go, he realized. He couldn't stay in this room – he'd need to face the real world eventually – and besides, Scooby was almost certainly wondering where he was. With another shuddering breath, he wiped his eyes and steeled himself to leave the practice room.
Their practice room.
The thought had been automatic. With a sharp gasp, Shaggy clutched his middle, as though physically trying to hold in his anguish. How cruel it was that their relationship had ended in the same place it had begun. He had always thought of this place as theirs, ever since last year. But now, there was no more their anything. They were no longer a they. It was him and her, separate, apart. And now it would be forever.
His chest seized up and his throat tightened, burning. I can't stay in here, he told himself, even as his heartbreak surged. I need to leave this room.
But he allowed himself a short, muffled sob before swallowing and finally bracing himself towards the door.
I’ve always felt more comfortable writing dialogue than descriptions, but I felt pretty good about this paragraph about the aftermath of a breakup.
8. A comment that touched you
Oh come on!
Every single review means the world to me, and I’m lucky enough to have a handful of consistent reviewers who always read my work carefully, and their comments truly reflect that.
Though I will say, the comment that made me truly feel like my writing did its job successfully was from a pal of mine in Discord who, after reading a breakup scene, said, “I feel like I just got broken up with.” (Sorry again @complikated1)
9. Something that inspired your writing
Lord, so many things. My whole life and everything I’ve ever read. But mostly Scooby Doo.
10. Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic etc.)
I mean, I essentially wrote two novels and two short stories this year. I’m pretty proud of that (and so is my husband...so much so that he outed my accomplishments to my whole family, who are similarly proud.
11. Do you have any writing goals for next year?
Start - and finish! - the finale, Four For The Road
Finish this got-dang Fraphne oneshot I’ve been promising to write
Begin writing ~what comes next~ (IT’S A SECRET, SO NO SPOILERS)
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Stable (2)
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Summary: Even Tom knows it’s a cliché for the stable hand to fall in love with the star rider.
Pairing: Tom Holland/OC
Warnings: mild swearing
Words: 3432
A/N: if anyone wants to write my essay on marxism vs schumpetarianism then please hit me up because I certainly don’t want anything to do with it
The Series: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Chapter 2
“Tom, focus,” Sam snapped, poking the end of his broom into his brother’s thigh to get his attention.
Tom ignored him, leaning against his own broom handle as he watched her from across the yard. 
She was perched high up on Cisco’s back, leaning down slightly to talk to Danny, her trainer. He was totally enraptured with how her body shifted under the dancing rhythm of her horse, unable to stand still properly, her hands gentle and light on the reigns as she tried to hold him in place.
He knew he was meant to be sweeping the yard with Sam, but he also knew that if she was in his line of sight it was a fruitless mission to try and focus on anything but her. He watched her nod at Danny before sitting back upright and urging Cisco into a trot as she started rounding the arena.
“Tom, you fuck,” Sam huffed, smacking him in the shin which managed to get Tom’s attention.
“Ow!” he exclaimed, jumping out of reach of Sam’s handle, “What the fuck?”
Sam raised his eyebrows at him, giving him a look, “You’ve got to get over her,” he stated bluntly.
“I’m not into her,” Tom replied just as bluntly, but they both knew he was lying.
Sam snorted and returned to sweeping up the stray bits of hay on the floor, “Sure,” she said, glancing up at Tom.
Half-heartedly, Tom also returned to sweeping, glancing up every few seconds to watch her sail over jump after jump like it was the easiest thing in the world. Even from across the yard he could see the focus on her face, her eyes always set on the next fence ahead, head held high, heels down, legs steady, hands soft. He caught himself counting her strides, homing in on the rhythm she was setting between each jump, knowing exactly when she was going to take off from the ground. There was something reassuring in the heavy thud of Cisco’s hooves coming down on the sand of the arena, the knowledge of a clean jump lingering in the crisp, late afternoon air.
Together, the two Holland brothers swept up every last stray piece of hay and enough loose horse hair to stuff a mattress with and deposited the fruits of their labour into a wheelbarrow, ready to be dumped on the composting pile.
“Thomas!” Tom’s head whipped around to the arena, where Danny was waving him over, Ren pulled up next to him on Cisco. He looked over at Sam who nodded back at him as he picked up the handles of the wheelbarrow and started pushing.
Wiping his hands on his pants, Tom broke into a light jog to see what Danny wanted from him. “Yeah?” he asked, coming up to the fence around the arena, placing his forearms against the wood, trying his best to act casual and nonplussed by Ren who was looking down on him with brightly flushed cheeks.
“Can we borrow your services for a bit?” Danny asked, walking up to him by the fence. “You’re not busy right now, are you?”
Tom shook his head, running a hand through his already messy hair. “No, just finished up the yard. I’m all yours,” he said, glancing up at Ren before looking back at Danny.
“Well then, can I get you on the jumps?” Danny asked, turning to head back towards Ren, waving for Tom to enter the arena. “Can you take the ramped oxer up one notch for each pole and do the same for the two verticals down there?” he said, pointing at the jumps he wanted to have adjusted.
“I’m on it,” Tom said, saluting the trainer as he made his way over to the jumps. He’d barely made it three strides when he felt the unmistakable presence of a very large horse pulling up next to him, Cisco’s heavy breathing loud and warm against his head. He looked up and had to swallow hard to stop his heart from beating right out of his throat at the sight of Ren grinning down at him.
“Thought I’d keep you company,” she said lightly, riding along next to him.
Tom just nodded at her, sticking his hands in his pockets, the cold air nipping at his fingers.
“Also, sorry for dipping out so fast, yesterday,” she rambled on rather quickly, “Harrison and I were gone for much longer than I thought we’d be and I didn’t get to see you again or say bye or anything.”
“That’s fine,” Tom shrugged as they reached the first jump, keeping his eyes trained on the wood rather than her. He didn’t want to see what her face looked like as she thought about Harrison. “I was pretty busy with grooming and stuff.”
“Speaking of grooming,” she went on as Tom moved the first pole on the jump up a notch to make it higher, “are you going to be coming to the first show?”
He finally looked up at her and tilted his head to one side, the sun shining into his eyes from around her head made her look like she had a halo. “Of course, I’ll be there,” he said, and she smiled, and it was like his chest expanded to make even more room in his heart for her, “Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Also, dad’s rostered me on as your groom for the season.”
“Oh brilliant!” She grinned, her dimple deepening into her cheek, “We’re going to have so much fun!”
Tom smiled as he walked over to the next jump, Cisco’s footfall heavy behind him as she followed him, “You say that now, but you haven’t seen me sleep deprived and without my first coffee in the morning.”  
Ren placed her gloved hand gently on his head and ruffled his curls as she giggled. Tom froze in the middle of moving the pole up the notch, the feeling of her fingers against his scalp nigh on sending his heart into cardiac arrest, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. “Are you kidding?” she laughed, “I can’t wait to meet grumpy Tom, I bet he’s all pouty and adorable.”
Tom couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Doing his best to stay composed, he placed the pole in the correct notch before moving on to the final jump. “I don’t get all pouty and adorable,” he pouted up at her as he reached out to pick up the last pole but couldn’t keep a straight face when he caught her laughing down at him.
“Okay, well I’ll make sure to come prepared with a hot cup of coffee for you every morning,” she promised, tipping her helmet at him courteously, “Don’t want you pouting up at me the whole way through the circuit, after all.”
Tom nodded up at her, swallowing the nervous lump in his throat that seemed to be permanently lodged there whenever he was near her, and which seemed to have now doubled in size at the thought of getting to see her in the wee hours of the morning, before the first crack of dawn; imagining her sleepy eyes and soft hands as she’d hand him a steaming mug of coffee to start his day off right. Of course, any day that started with Ren would be starting off right.
“Alright you two, that’s enough chatting!” Danny shouted over at them, waving his arms around to encourage them to move on, “Florence, how about you start from the far end, and Holland you come join me up here.”
Giving Cisco a quick rub on his nose Tom started back towards the centre of the arena where Danny was stood with his arms crossed, his watchful eyes trained on Ren who herself had started a slow trot back to the starting jump. Without saying a word, Tom copied Danny’s stance as he watched as Ren rounded the corner, and Cisco transitioned into a strong forward canter, perfectly lined up to take the first vertical.
Tom held his breath as Cisco pushed off from the ground, Ren leaning forward into the jump; her hands soft on the reigns, eyes already looking to the next hurdle, legs steady and braced for the impact of the landing. He’d watched her jump a thousand jumps before but the sight of her flying across the high slats of wood without a care in the world would always be one of his favourite things to watch, of that he was firmly convinced. With a rhythmic thud, Cisco’s hooves hit the sand, and within three large strides he had reached the next jump and taken off again, and still Tom couldn’t take his eyes off her. In a large arc, Ren and Cisco came cantering past Tom and Danny, and for a split second, Tom could hear her exhaling heavily, her breath a faint whisper under the loud huffing of her horse. Her face was flushed, and Tom couldn’t be sure if it was from the exertion of jumping, or from the bitingly cold air curtesy of it being the first week of February.
Tom stayed in the arena all afternoon, only leaving to switch out Cisco for Bodi, her old jumper from previous seasons, when Cisco’s stamina started waning. Tom could tell that Ren’s stamina was waning too by the way her legs would barely support her as she stood in the arena, talking over strategies with Danny, her chest rising and falling as she struggled to regain her breath. He knew that most of her training sessions didn’t go on for as long as this one was, but he also knew it was her first time back in the outside arena since before Christmas, having had to wait on the snow and the ice to fully thaw from the ground. He also knew she wanted to enter the season on a strong start – hopefully with a win – in the first county fair, a mere two weeks away. Danny spent a long time talking about how she needed to be making sharper turns and shortening the number of strides between jumps to make up as much time as possible.
All Tom wanted to do was brush the hair from her face and tell her not to worry too much about it. But she was a perfectionist and wouldn’t be leaving that arena until she was satisfied. And thus, Tom continued running around the arena, adjusting the jumps for her, and handing her her bottle of water, and tightening the girth of her saddle.
It wasn’t until the cool, early-Spring sun started lowering behind the tree-line that Ren finally slid down from Bodi’s back with a finite huff of her breath, pulling her helmet from her head. Strands of her hair, damp with sweat, stuck to her forehead and her breathing was so laboured Tom considered reaching out to take her arm in case she was about to keel over. He wasn’t quite bold enough to do that though, never quite brave enough to be the one to reach out and touch her. Ren would often touch him, like how she’d mussed his hair earlier that day, in small, casual ways that always got his heart racing. He wished he could pull her into an easy hug the way Harrison had the day before, just slinging his arm around her shoulders like it was the most natural thing in the world. But he was distinctly notHarrison, and Tom was almost painfully aware of that fact.
“Good job,” he said quietly, taking hold of Bodi’s reigns, ready to lead the large Oldenburger gelding back to the stables.
Ren pulled the gloves from her hands, stretching out her fingers as she did so. “Thanks,” she breathed, obviously exhausted, “annoyed that I keep knocking the pole at the end of the combination, but” she shrugged, “it’ll get there. We’ll figure it out, won’t we?” she asked, reaching up to give Bodi a solid pat on his muscled neck as they started walking back.
“You always do,” Tom replied smiling as her as they entered the barn, Bodi’s hooves clopping loudly against the flagstones.
Ren looked like she was about to say something when Tom’s brother Harry came jogging up to them, wearing what Tom recognised as being distinctly homeclothes, instead of workclothes: sweatpants and a hoodie and slippers slid on over socks. “You done with training?” Harry panted out, nodding at Tom and Ren.
Tom looked at Ren, who had a bemused smile on her face at the state his brother was in, before looking back at Harry, his eyes taking in the entire outfit once again. “Yeah…care to explain why you’re parading around the stables like it’s our living room?”
“Mum sent me to fetch you for dinner,” Harry said, like that explained enough, “You’re invited too, Ren,” he added, smiling at her, his eyes flicking over to meet Tom’s poorly disguised horrified expression.
“Oh,” Ren sounded a little taken aback and Tom was not at all surprised. The last time she had set foot in his house they must have been about ten years old. “I mean, I’d love to, but I’d have to call my mum first,” she said, glancing at Tom uncertainly.
“I think dad’s already been on the phone to her,” Harry replied confidently, “Told her you’d been training with Tom all day and should probably stay for dinner – mum insisted on it.”
Tom wanted the ground to open up and swallow him, but all he could do was clench his fist tighter around Bodi’s reigns.
“Well in that case, I’d love to,” Ren smiled sweetly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, and for once Tom wished she wasn’t the picture of gentile grace and instead would make up some excuse to go home and have dinner with her own family. He couldn’t think of anything worse than having her sitting at a table with his parents, his three unruly brothers, and their nutcase of a dog, Tessa.
“Great, you can leave Bodi in his stall as he is, Tom, dad talked to Jamie already and he’d said he’d untack him and everything,” Harry said and with that Tom could feel his fate sealing.
The Holland family lived on the Ashstead Estate, in a comfortably sized cottage down one of the narrow lanes that led along the brambly hedges and under the canopy of the old walnut trees. Tom’s dad, as his father had been before him, was Ashstead’s stable manager and head groomsman, which meant he was probably the most informed person about the goings on within the stables that you were likely to find. Tom’s mother was the head of the art department at the local comprehensive – Tom’s school; Mayfield College – and Tom strongly suspected that she always knew much more than she ever let on. Tom’s three brothers; the twins, Harry and Sam, and Paddy, the youngest, were way too clued in to his life for his liking anyway, and thus, Tom was incredibly paranoid about having the long-time object of his affections sharing a dinner table with them.
“Florence, it’s so nice to see you again,” his mother cooed, greeting them at the door as she pulled Ren into a warm hug, completely ignoring Tom and Harry as they slipped into the house, past her. “It’s been much too long!”
As he pulled his boots off his feet, Tom watched Ren shyly tuck a strand of hair behind her ear again, her other hand still placed gently against his mother’s forearm, “Thank you so much for inviting me, Mrs. Holland.”
“Oh please, call me Nikki, I’ve practically known you your entire life,” his mother laughed, ushering them all into the kitchen, where the large dining table by the window was already all set up for dinner.
Tom didn’t really know what to do with himself. He stood awkwardly in the middle of the kitchen, his socked feet pressed against the tiles, and let his eyes wander over slowly to where his dad was pulling what looked to be a shepherd’s pie from the oven. Feeling his oldest son’s gaze upon him, Dominic Holland looked up and shot Tom a knowing smile before turning his attention back to the steaming pie.
“I’m going to go get changed,” Tom announced to the room, catching Ren’s eye before turning on his heel and rushing from the kitchen and rocketing up the stairs, taking them two steps at a time.
His heart was pounding so quickly by the time he closed the door to his room he could hear the rush of his blood in his ears, his mind tripping over itself as he thought about all the possible routes the conversation downstairs could be headed. He’d been so desperate to escape the kitchen he hadn’t thought about what would happen, what could be said, if he wasn’t around to keep his family in check. Scrambling out of his work clothes, Tom rushed to pull on a clean pair of sweatpants and an old knitted jumper, hurrying to get back down before too much damage could be done.
When he returned to the kitchen, everyone was already seated, with a glaringly empty chair right by Ren that he was forced to take. His arm brushed against hers as he sat down next to her and he had to clench his jaw to stop himself from immediately looking over at her.
In fact, that became his standard for the evening; his body had never held so much tension in his life, his jaw almost permanently clenched as they kept brushing up against each other. He could smell the faint scent of her perfume wafting over to him, mingled with the natural tang of her sweat from having ridden so hard, and the smell of the stables that he was so familiar with himself: horses, straw and leather.
At one point, his dad had made some stupid joke and she’d leaned into him, her head briefly dropping against his shoulder as she laughed, and Tom swore his brain glitched for about three seconds where he had no idea how to react, he just knew he loved it. He spent the rest of dinner mentally egging his dad on to tell more of his terrible jokes, hoping she’d lean into him again. He was obsessed with the feeling of her head resting against his shoulder and had immediately decided it was the only thing better than the sound of her laugh.
“She’s such a nice young lady,” his mother commented warmly after Ren had left and Tom was helping her put the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.
Tom nodded, trying not to look at her for fear of giving too much of what was in his heart away.
“You should invite her around more often, Tom,” she pushed a little more, her tone dipping its toes into suggestive waters.
“I wouldn’t get too excited about it mum, I’m pretty sure she’s with Osterfield,” Sam commented from where he was playing a game of tug of war with Tessa and an old tea towel.
Their mother stood up straight and looked at Sam, her eyebrows knitting together. “Really?”
Sam shrugged, pulling back against Tessa, “I don’t know, but they seemed pretty cosy on their ride together yesterday. I saw them –”
Before Sam could finish his sentence, and Tom could register the downfall of the little romantic empire he’d built for himself within the confines of his heart over dinner, their dad stepped into the kitchen, “Oh, speaking of Harrison – that reminds me, Tom, I’m going to need you all day Wednesday after school. Polo training is back on now that the ground’s thawed up again.”
Tom nodded, suddenly feeling numb and tired. The exhaustion of having worked all day wormed its way into his bones and his muscles started to ache, as if the warm glow that Ren had radiated had been keeping his fatigue at bay, and the pull of the harsh reality; presented so unexpectedly by his brother; the reality that she would never truly be his, shattered any sense of comfort his body had lulled itself into.
Making his excuses, Tom slouched up to his room, all thoughts of Ren completely overshadowed by the knowledge that he’d have to spend his Wednesday afternoon at none other than Harrison Osterfield’s beck and call. He was already dreading the things he might overhear about Ren, their ride, and what they got up to together from the handsome Number One.
 TAGLIST (let me know if you want to be added!)
@crownedbyluke @sweetcherrycal @vnv21 @frecklesholland
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hajiiwa · 7 years
tagged by @aizawashoutah, @shitabukenjirou, and @foxyena !! thank u guys so much~
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
hajime = haji, iwaizumi = iwa, haji + iwa = hajiiwa~ i love my mans but not many people understand my username 
(the rest will go under the cut!)
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
huh, well
FMK technically has the most hits and kudos (something i am a little disgruntled about, seeing as it was not a fic i worked very hard on), only fools has the most comments, kaminari is a schemer has the most bookmarks, and of fountains and flowers has the most subscriptions so idk what to tell you. i wish ofaf had more recognition bcos i’ve worked hard on it rip
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
it’s kuroo!! and i just chose it bc i Love him and it was an icon i made that i sorta liked so
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
yes and i love them all!! seeing names that consistently pop up in my kudos/comments section really warms my heart <33 i’ve made good friends that way tbh
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
uhh there are many that i like to go back and read, mainly by my fav authors that i’m subscribed to
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
bookmarked: 53 subscribed: honestly, i... don’t really subscribe to works? i’m subscribed to 8 authors tho
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
oooh, probably... medieval aus or domestic magic aus? and slice of life
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
Subscriptions: 80 (rip, i didn’t know if u meant user subs or work subs so i combined and it’s still a tiny number) Bookmarked: 203
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
umm... i don’t think so? 
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
finishing current projects before taking on new ones, avoiding burnout, the usual
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
well i’ll go based on haikyuu since those works take up the majority-- iwaoi is set firmly in first place based on number of works followed by bokuroo, both of which are fairly popular so i’d say that i lean more toward the bigger ships but i also have works for kurooiwa, iwaaka, tengoshi, etc
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
22! that number fluctuates a ton because i’m very impulsive and if a fic doesn’t receive the recognition i feel it deserves/i no longer like it/etc i take it down
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
that i have yet to publish? too many.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
i normally keep them in my head, unless i think they’ll turn into something bigger and then i’ll jot them down!
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
not yeeet~ @frenchibi have plans to tho. i have tried to co-author in the past but it mever worked out
16. How did you discover AO3?
when i graduated from using wattpad,, fun fact, there is so much smut on there that i legitimately thought ao3 was just used to write porn. i was both horrified and confused
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
no...? this question assumes that i would be Popular (honestly do fanfic writers even have “fandom names” for their readers?? im)
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
not really, no. i stated writing fanfics when i was really young on my own, unprompted, and i’ve met other authors through that medium that have helped me?
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
interact with other writers! i know it seems daunting, but leave comments, go to spaces where you will find other writers, participate in events-- there are few feelings more satisfying than seeing familiar names pop up, either in your notifications or in a group you’re in. most of the time, they’re all very kind and you won’t regret letting them into your life!
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
i plot out almost always, though this sort of bites me in the ass. it bores me when i’m writing to already “know” what’s going to happen and that’s why i lose steam. it’s weird
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
sort of. i write a lot of angst and i’ve gotten quite a few “fuck you author” comments-- most of the time they’re paired with “for making me feel these feelings” or “for writing something so sad” or some shit but i don’t appreciate that bc, like, fuck you too? i’m sorry that you felt the need to cuss me out?? i tag pretty liberally and if you felt that you couldn’t handle the topic i was writing about then you shouldn’t have clicked
unless it’s, like-- a friend or regular going “fffuCK YOU AHHH” which HAS happened and makes me snicker lmao
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
huh. i’m trying to become more proficient in the Big Three (smut, angst, and fluff) and thus far i’ve got one of three down p good. but specific scenes i have trouble writing would have to be scenes in which i have zero experience and pretty much have to improvise-- it helps me grow as a writer, ig, but it’s just frustrating
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
the rest of the writers’ inktober prompts
a fic wars piece with @frenchibi
a post breakup iwaoi
of fountains and flowers final chapter
a handful of voltron fics, 4 of them sheith
maaaany half-abandoned drafts
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
nah. motivation is fickle and i don’t want to make writing a chore. writer’s inktober was hard enough (it’s december and i am still not done :,)
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
considering i started on wattpad, yes lmao. i’d like to think that i have since i’ve been on ao3 but hahjajhjkh
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
i reeeeally liked writing a bit of magic is key and three’s a crowd because they were both humorous domestic magic aus~ but i’ve liked most things i’ve written tbh. also, obviously, of fountains and flowers.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
that i’ve posted? i honestly don’t know. maybe you can be so stupid sometimes because i was just starting to write iwaoi and i now hate the way i portrayed them, not to mention that this dumb little fic has more kudos than my recent stuff and i just *clenches fist* don’t think it deserves that
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
not sure. maybe i’ll have ofaf finished by then hahah,, but really i don’t know. writing is a tool but fanfic writing is just a hobby
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
i’m pretty good at writing emotionally charged situations. also dialogue, i find banter or long back-and-forth conversations fairly easy
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
transitions, justification of characters’ actions. the hardest thing writing-related would be fighting through envy and feelings of inadequacy but i experience the former plenty anyway rip
33. Why do you write?
i write because i enjoy it-- i love creating my own worlds, interacting with other writers, living vicariously through my characters
well, that was fun! i’ll tag @frenchibi, @astersandstuffs, @minyardxva, @josai
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writingsitcom · 7 years
Horror questionnaire
I was sent a questionnaire by a fan in NZ, for his doctorate or something. So, in conjunction with the fact that WRITING THE HORROR MOVIE (Bloomsbury) is now to be reprinted- I publish my answers.     
 What is the greatest difference between a horror movie made in the 20th century as opposed to one made in the 21st century?
Combining this with your final question, the difference is in the ubiquity of Technology. Pre-1999, when we had a glut of ‘pre-millennial angst’ movies, there were no smart phones, less CCTV and/or continual surveillance, and of course less CG. What there was back then was rarely convincing. ‘The Mummy’ was the first to attempt frightening scarab beetles, but they just looked plastic. Even in Cabin in the Woods, once the monsters get loose, they are frightening because of their power to destroy, but because we know that they are computer enhanced drawn images, we are not actually scared.
The best Movies (Cloverfield, The Mist, The Void) use CG so well and sparingly that we are terrified. Thus, the Horror Movie of the 21st C, has so much at its disposal, but conversely, so much to hold it back. Every Teen Slasher has the issue of ‘no reception’ and lack of Internet (which would enable them to escape). You have to show so much less now, make a virtue of hand held shaky-cam and the growth - since Blair Witch- of found footage.
There is a desire, moving away from the Universal Monsters (Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolfman, etc.) to make horror real, suburban, in your face, and thus we have had amazing franchises such as Saw, Final Destination and Hostel (Torture porn or gorno) and ghosts with Paranormal Activity, as well as Slashers with Wrong Turn, to name but a few.
To summarise there is a demand for actuality (as in the Conjuring/Sinister/Exorcism franchises). The teens in Get Out or It Follows must, as with Halloween (Carpenter 1976), strike at the heart of a middle-America teen audience and the Asian market. I could make more points about Asian horror but we’ll leave it at that for now.
What subgenre of horror do you believe has been the most consistent throughout the years?
I’m not sure if you mean consistently successful or continuously made and remade? It’s easiest to start with Zombies, as, since the remake of Dawn of the Dead (Zack Snyder 2004) and 28 Days later, (Boyle, 2003) plus the long running The Walking Dead, there has been a glut. Sean of the Dead pastiched the genre, which usually sounds the death knell. There are so many zombie movies out there now: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Zombeavers, Zombie strippers and World War Z plus Train to Buzan. There seems to be no end (certainly with low budget filmmakers) to these genre pieces. The symbolism is overt: we have become blind to our crass commercialism and it will eat us. We are destroying this planet and the End is nigh. This is a common trope of turn of the century angst, but it was very much around in the post-war era as seen in all the 1950s Sci -Fi monster horrors.
Tech, in particular digital cameras (rendering film stock redundant) has been a transforming miracle. You can correct your mistakes in the edit. You can shoot and shoot until you are happy. This has opened up every subgenre. Nothing is impossible anymore. I would say that “found footage horror” and “the undead” have thus far been the predominant modes, but also that their time will soon pass.
In your opinion what makes a good horror remake?
 Some movie remakes The Hills have Eyes, Dawn of the Dead, Evil Dead even, are better than the originals: slicker, quicker, gorier, more effective. A remake works best when the tech is much improved but so has the characterisation and plotting. Halloween (Rob Zombie) didn't work because he focussed far too much on the asylum years – on how a monster was made. We no longer care about that (because we have been told the narrative so many times) but we want to see the plot developing. A good horror remake pays tribute to the narrative of its progenitor but is not encumbered by it. Thus, you might lose a weak story strand or cut out a character if they were thinly written in the first place. There are some movies that are so unique (Hellraiser) that I think you cannot remake them effectively.
Finally, almost without exception, the prequel and sequel are just a cash in (be it the Exorcist or Hannibal Lector) and should not trouble us.
In your opinion, who was the most iconic horror character of the 20th century?
Hannibal Lector, an update of the evil genius that goes all the way back to Charlie Chan films. He is utterly charming and completely ruthless. Although Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, got there first, Hopkins portrayal is more attractive and deeper. It has influenced all subsequent attempts at portraying serial killers, who in real life are dull lone gun nuts (e.g. The Las Vegas shooter) Hannibal and Buffalo Bill are far more compelling.
How has the increase in studio produced blockbusters impacted the horror genre?
That’s also a hard one to define because it’s more the distributors, such as Lionsgate, plus Sony and Warner’s. Studios wants franchises – Final Destination, Saw, etc. but they also want stars in them. Tom Cruise’s Mummy remake in 2017 was a total flop. They are better at Super heroes and fantasy and we ought to leave them to it. Horror is best left to the Indies. Having said that, in the UK, Hammer is producing great work, as are Irish funded films such as In Fear and The Hallow.
What horror movies are most notably a product of the political climate?
Horror is more social than political. We have had plenty of right wing governments and leaders but there has been no overt demonization of Thatcher or Gorbachev or Berlusconi or Trump in movies. Maybe they are demons enough already? There are issues that are addressed in horror, such as global warming/overcrowding, poisoning of us and the oceans, and most have been addressed as Zombie/Undead movies. I would suggest that we are moving backwards and failing to learn from history. Horror tends to accept that we are ruled by the vile and the greedy and puts that aside in order to find and deal with the horror that is inside all of us.
What must a horror movie do to be considered “good” in your opinion?
For me it must certainly scare, subvert, violate and chill. I want it to be open-ended and ideally make me look over my shoulder in the night. Few movies do this. I have been through gore and disgust and you reach a point where you are sated. This is in evidence today in obesity and reality TV but sadly, we are so greedy now that it's just going to go on until it bursts. I prefer my horror to be of the mind, of dark corners, of unease and dread. I prefer the build-up to the climax, which usually disappoints. For me, the greatest horror movies are Martyrs, and Raw, no coincidence both European (France. Belgium). The French really know how to do horror.
What decade was most prolific for horror films?
 That is hard to say but I’m going to say a dead heat between the 1980s with the advent of video and Pay TV plus cable, which meant that there was a massive flood of poor quality crappy horror movies. That and the last decade (2000s) with the proliferation of the found footage movies- likewise, easy and cheap to do. The first thing, it seems with new technology, is create porn. Perhaps the second is the low budget horror flick.
 What was your favourite horror movie of the last decade?
 Martyrs is the best.  I am also a big fan of in no particular order. Sinister. Raw. Eden Lake. Kill List. The Awakening. The Babadook. American Mary. Banshee Chapter, 10 Cloverfield Lane. Don't Breathe. The Orphanage. Old Boy The Witch and What We Do in the Shadows.
The best TV horror is American Horror story volumes 1, 2 and 3.
Where do you see the horror genre going in the near future?
Impossible to say. CG has provided us with all manner of monsters and there seems nowhere to go now with all those Cthulhu types. Frankenstein and Dracula are sleeping lightly right now, but they are bound to return – they always do. It’s all in a very healthy place right now, after all there is so much horror out in the real world that it can easily be realised in film.  
 Long form TV streaming services are also beginning to catch on with American Horror story. Stranger Things and The TV adaptation of the Mist. It is hard to sustain the threat for ten episodes but these are superb. There will be more there and I think horror will decamp to Netflix (because that is where its world-wide audience is (95 million and counting). One caveat. With the exception of AHS, you don’t really re-watch the box sets so they have a limited streaming life, but that won’t stop Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Sky and others from buying them in bulk. I hope.
  Axman – my psychological thriller (now in postproduction) will hopefully be out in 2019.
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