#this book got here 5 mins ago and I’m already done and it’s the shippiest shit
broadwayinabox · 5 months
I’m not here to start a riot…
I’m just here to let y’all know the source material for the Sweeney Todd musical says, Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett are both very pro The Fucking™️
Sweeney Todd by CG Bond
Pg. 47
MRS LOVETT You living above, like, and us not married. People are beginning to talk.
TODD Let them.
MRS LOVETT Typical! Men! Oh, it's all very well for you, but it's not so nice for a woman, I can tell you. All sorts of names they're calling me behind my back, I shouldn't wonder. Well, it's not nice, is it? (Still holding the bowl, she sits on TODD's knee) I mean, you do love me just a teensy bit, don't yer?
(She nibbles at his ear coquettishly)
TODD Indeed I do. (He kisses her)
MRS LOVETT Ooooh- (Putting the bowl on the table) here me hands are all mucky. Just let me give 'em a wipe. (She wipes her hands on her apron) Now then. (She cuddles him with relish) How about a little guest house, then? I'd keep it nice as pie, I would. Warm yer slippers by the fire, fetch you a jug when you wanted one, polish yer razors up regular. You wouldn't want for nothing with me looking after you.
TODD (kissing her between every word) The Judge - the Beadle
- first...
MRS LOVETT (getting up and indignantly smoothing her skirt) I thought you'd packed that revenge caper in. Still moaning after your Lucy, are you? Still wishing she hadn't of poisoned herself?
TODD There, there. Now, Sweeney Todd has never had a wife
- has he?
MRS LOVETT No, but that other fellow did.
TODD But you don't love that other fellow, do you? You love
Sweeney Todd. Come, come.
MRS LOVETT sits on his knee again.
MRS LOVETT I suppose so, but...
SWEENEY TODD kisses her again.
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