#this belongs in the MOMA
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months ago
I just spent the last 5 hours painting and it gave me an idea. Canon movie universe, Thena using art as therapy (like we see in the film), and some cute romantic fluff
Gilgamesh snorted as he woke from his nap. He'd been perfecting his ale recipe, adapting it from the brew he had developed with Odin. Between that, and a lunch of roast ostrich leftover from Thena's last hunt, he had fallen right asleep.
He could tell she was there, but he blinked up at the ceiling. She was always telling him not to doze on the couch. He turned his head.
He smiled reflexively, hearing the siren song of his darling Thena's voice. He moved just his eyes, but instead of seeing her in his chair, all he saw was an easel and the back of a canvas. "Can I-"
He sighed, although he was nothing if not amused. She usually took her art therapy outside, drew with charcoal on paper weighted down by stones. When she did paint, she still preferred to set up under that old and dried tree that was hers.
He called it her tree from the moment he saw it, pale and stately against the rest of the desert.
Thena would lean every once in a while, just to check on her reference before disappearing again. He could hear the sounds of the stool under her, the swish of her dress as she moved. Her legs were crossed and he could see her bare toes bent against the rug.
Seeing Thena at feeling at home always put his heart at ease.
It seemed simple, but they had come a long way from bare stone and clay slip and a piece of driftwood as a door. They could eat together at the table, nap together in the hammock; he'd built them a water tower with his bare hands so they could have a running tap.
He would have built her a mansion if she'd asked. A temple to rival that of Babylon.
"Stop smiling."
"Wouldn't it be nicer if I was smiling?" he chuckled, letting his eyes remain closed.
He did his best not to, but smiling came naturally to him where Thena was involved. He loved that she had found an outlet for her mind in art. And he loved that she didn't need to over-explain herself to him. One or two words were all she needed, and he treasured even those.
"You were dreaming."
He tried to recall it. In the moment he woke up, he knew he had, but it was already beyond him what had been happening. Must have been pleasant enough that he felt good waking up, but not so pleasant that he wanted to go back to sleep.
He adjusted his head on the couch's throw pillow, despite the artist's strict instruction. "Aren't you supposed to angle it, or something?"
She leaned just to frown at him for moving.
"So you can see me and the canvas without having to lean?"
"Hm," she remarked, in her own way. She looked at her work in progress in question, and then at him again. "Then it wouldn't look right."
"Yeah?" he asked with a smile, going back to his previous position of facing the ceiling. He inhaled deeply. He would be in this position for a while; maybe going back to sleep wouldn't be so bad.
"I want exactly this image," the Warrior Eternal clarified with sudden firmness. "Forever."
There were plenty of images of her he wanted forever. But he wasn't the artist. He had tried here and there, but everything he did always just ended up making her laugh. And he didn't mind; if anything, he liked her laugh more than he liked whatever he had drawn or painted or sculpted. But he just wasn't meant to be the creative one.
He had managed to embroider his apron! Well, after she had drawn the little flowers on with her fingers covered in paint remnants. That was an effort of his to preserve something forever.
He heard her put her brush down. She truly was moved if she had gone to the trouble of bringing the easel and her brushes and all her jars and everything inside with her. "Done?"
"For now."
He opened his eyes again, "can I move?"
He grinned, turning and reaching a hand out for her. He made a grabby hand, flexing his fingers to ask her to come over to him. "Hey."
His Thena emerged from behind the canvas. She dusted the skirt of her dress off. She had gotten better, too; in the beginning she would occasionally emerge covered in charcoal or chalky dust or sometimes even paint. But now, she was as spotless as always.
"Hey," Thena purred as she laid down on the sofa with him, tucking herself into his side. She nestled her head under his chin, happily melting into him after all her hard work. "You look at peace."
"I am," he assured her, relishing in the feeling of just being near her. Their breathing fell into the same rhythm, like two trees swaying in the same wind. Thena was the artist but he thought he could be decently poetic, at times.
"And me."
He smiled against her forehead, pressing his lips there. Sometimes moments like these would make him think of the days when they would be fighting. Dodging and throwing punches and weapons. He would throw her up in the air at the enemies and catch her before she could fall.
Now they liked to cuddle on the couch in the afternoons before he started dinner.
He blinked as Thena nudged his jaw. "Your thoughts are loud."
He chuckled, which bounced her against his chest. "Sorry, just thinking this is nice."
"Hm?" she prompted him, still needing no more than a syllable.
"This," he summarized poorly. "Being at home, no Deviants, no mission. Just my wife and a couch and the sun."
Thena pulled herself to be able to look at him. There was no white in her eyes, at least not now. They were green and sparkling, as always. "Forever."
He smiled. It was hard not to take that word lightly, given the nature of their very existence. The word 'eternity' borderline meant nothing to them.
But days out here were different. Each was faced with a new set of eyes and he was grateful for every single one of them. Even the days when his Thena was far, far away from him. Even when she turned around and started swinging a spear to fight against nothing, railing about the destruction of the world and how they were all going to burn.
Forever had a different definition than it did before. He had no thoughts of missions, or Arishem, or far away galaxies. He didn't even think of Olympia. He had better things to think about, like the herb garden, and eggs, and expanding the clay oven outside the house so maybe he could bake two pies at once.
He could think of things like fixing the drip the kitchen tap had, and making sure to sweep the floor so his barefooted Goddess of War wouldn't step on any errant rocks. There was garden tending and roof checking and homemaking to be done.
"Huh?" he blinked. He must have been closer to sleep than he had thought, finding himself on the other end of one of Thena's more inquisitive looks.
"Sleep," she whispered, her hands touching his cheeks the way rain lovingly ran down a flower stem. "If you're so close to it."
He chuckled again; he liked it when she teased him. "Okay, okay, I'm up. You know what you want for dinner?"
Then pursed her lips in thought as he brought her hand up to kiss her palm. She smelled like paint, and summer air. "Is the ostrich gone?"
He nodded, continuing his mission to kiss more of her. He made it to her shoulder and finally past the collar of her dress before she came up with anything.
"Stew?" she asked, as if he would ever - in a million years - say no. Her hands toyed with his shirt as well. "It goes so well with pie."
He grinned, leaving a kiss on her cheek. "Is this your way of asking for pie for dessert?"
She just stared at him. "Were you not thinking of expanding the oven for just that purpose?"
She knew him a little too well. But she was right, because of course she was. And he was happy to oblige her wishes. "I guess I could whip something up. What kind?"
One word, and it was so heavy, soaked through with love and devotion. He kissed her.
And she kissed him back. Her hand found his cheek again and her eyes took on a new light. "Strawberry?"
He should have known; she did mean any, but if it was going to be any, why not her favourite? He inhaled, preparing to rise from their little nest of luxury. "Will you go and pick some?"
Of course she would. That was how things worked for them, now. There were no Deviants, no missions. There was a garden, and she would go out with a little basket and pick the berries they were growing in what shade they could provide. And she would bring them in to him, and then sit and watch him cook.
Gil didn't know what was romantic for humans, but he was pretty sure this would be considered the height of it.
Thena also inhaled, revealing her reluctance to move as well. But she left him with one last kiss before rolling off the couch. "Of course."
He followed, although he took a peek at her work in progress. It really was a perfect angle, looking exactly like what was in front of the canvas. He was sleeping. And whatever made her want to paint that so badly, it looked pretty accurate to him. He was no thing of beauty like she was, but if she wanted to paint him, then so be it.
"Dinner, Gilgamesh."
He laughed. "Coming, dear."
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doccywhomst · 1 year ago
join me in my fun world
footage of my brain when i’m trying to sleep
<img src=“family_guy_death_pose.jpg”
alt=“me in my fun world”>
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ramblingcompany · 2 years ago
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Messing around with the cover of MoMU a little more :)
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therevengeoffrankenstein · 2 years ago
she peen on my us till i testicle.
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guccigarantine · 2 years ago
I need everyone to look up the MONIAC because that thing is a fucking divine
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gamora-borealis · 9 months ago
hello tumblrinas. I just want you all to know this random mike's mic vlog from three years ago lives rent free in my head 24/7.
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kunaigirl · 1 year ago
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Same Energy™
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assassinregrets · 8 months ago
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marklikely · 2 years ago
i know im living in a bubble bc the barbie trailer came on tv and my parents 1. had never heard of it before and 2. both thought it looked really bad
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kawaii-killshot · 4 months ago
Why are Lee Know and Han always putting out personal tracks that sound like date montages in a shounen-ai
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puppppppppy · 2 years ago
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(First Image based on this!)
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personal character design headcanons + brainrot
Note: the re-bound!au does NOT belong to me, it belongs to @chipper-smol I’m just not normal about it lol
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darling-keoko · 4 months ago
First meeting
Caesar x Male!Reader
Oc x male reader.
Warnings⚠: M! Reader turned 18 Caesar is 19 but over all this is just their first meeting. Reader being a gay in denial
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You live in a small town where everyone knows everyone. So news got around quickly about a new family moving in.
Some one bursts into your room while you were daydreaming.
"M/n! Wake your ass up!" They pulled you up from of your bed.
"Mghhh... What do you want... Today is my off day."
The male effortlessly pulled you up from off your comfy bed, and that person was no other than your one and only friend Sam.
You and Sam met on a playground when you both were 12. He was the only child your age that you had interest in, all the other kids was far out of your age range.
But he wasn't the only friend you had.. There was this one boy that was so beautiful to you... You still don't remember his name or face but you do remember when your parents had to drag you away from him when he had to move.
Sam snaps his finger in front of your face trying to wake you up again.
"Earth to M/n. Cmon! The new family is moving in and I heard that they have a hot smart son." Sam grinned stupidly, drooling at the thought of a new person here in our age range for him to play with...
"Jee... Gimmie a moment, Sam. Let me put on my pants first."
You groggily and lazily searched for some clean pants to wear.
"Gosh... Your room is fucking dirty, man. No wonder you can't pull."
You found some clean pants and put them on, ignoring Sam's complaints.
"Then clean it for me. You know I don't have time to clean it 24/7."
Sam rolls his eyes pulling you out of your room, downstairs to where your mama is cooking breakfast, bumping into her nearly making the cookie batter fall out of her hands.
She yelled at the both of you (mainly Sam) and hit Sam with a wooden spoon clearly not happy about him dragging me along the house.
"You two boys needa stop playin' so much! You nearly made me drop this cookie dough I was making for the new neighbors."
She hit Sam with the wooden spoon she had in her hands.
"Agh-! Okay, okay, Aunty! I'm sorry!"
He rubbed the start where your mam hit him with a small childish pout on his face.
"That hurt.... How come M/n didn't get hit too?"
Your Mom rolled her eyes at Sam's pouting and complaining, putting the cookies in the oven as she shooed him away.
"Wait, where is M/n, Miss. Smith."
Ms. Smith kissed her teeth patting her sweat away with the towel she had around her neck.
"I don't know. Go find him if your so worried."
She opens the fridge grabbing a apple and throwing it to Sam.
"When you find him give him this... He hasn't ate anything all day. Now stop asking questions."
You were at the first place you and your first friend met. Inside of the treehouse.
You entered it. it was a bit dusty since you last been in here about 6 years ago. You sat down on the hammock that was made out of your old childhood blankets.
You let out a deep sigh as you recall memories from the past.
9 years ago you were running into the forest with some blankets and pillows you took from your room.
You and your moma got into some silly arguement about not having pets so you got mad and ran away.
You planned to stay in the random tree house you found in the forest forever, surviving off of snacks.
You climbed up the tree, getting a few splinters from the wood. You entered the tree house
"Whoa who are you, I've never seen you around here and why are in my treehouse?"
You said to the girl that was sitting in your treehouse curled into a ball.
She curiously lifted his head to meet your gaze.
"O-oh... I didn't know this was your tree house... My name is Serine..."
Serine got up from where she was sitting, grabbing the chips he was eating before you came in.
"I'm sorry... I didn't know this treehouse belonged to someone... It looked pretty abandoned."
"I can leave if you want... I don't mind"
You place down your blankets, flopping onto the pile.
"Nah, you can stay. My name is M/n by the way."
You smiled at Serine warmly.
Serine blushed a bit before responding.
"You have a nice name."
She sat back down, sighing, sitting down in the same position you met her in.
"Thanks you to!"
You both sat in silence for a while the only sound that could be heard was her crunching on his chips and baby birds chirping.
"So... How old are you?"
You said trying to make conversation with her.
"I just turned nine years old."
She held up nine fingers, pausing before saying anything else.
"My parents wanted me to live with my Grammy for my 9th birthday."
Your eyes lit up when she said that.
"Your nine?! Can we be bestfriends, we're the same age!... Well almost... But I'm 7!"
You held up 7 fingers waving your hands in front of her face.
"I turned 7 two months ago, in April!"
You exclaimed excitedly... There was a small twitch in he girls lips before she burst out laughing.
"Your 2 years younger than me. We aren't the same age silly."
She smiled at you as you pouted at her loud outburst of laughter.
"Hey! It's close enough."
"Whatever you say, M/n."
She stayed quiet for a moment before commenting something else.
"Your a cutie. Your like the little brother I've never had."
An idea popped in her head... You could've seen it on her face.
"I should start calling you little bro. Your my baby brother."
You frowned at the nickname she gave you clearly not liking the name 'little bro'
"Anyways. Why are you in my treehouse... Are you hiding from a ninja?"
Serine was a bit confused when you said that but she decided to play along in your childish day dreams
She puts a finger on her lips making a shh sound.
"Be quiet... The ninjas might hear you..."
She places a chip on her tongue crunching quietly on it.
"I stole this bag of chips from the ninjas... That's why they're chasing me."
She whispered, showing you the bag of chips. It was the original lays chips.
Your eyes sparkled in interest when she said that.
You yelled out not even trying to whisper.
"M/n! Quiet... They might hear you"
"Oh, sorry... Really?"
You said in a whisper this time.
"Noooo. Your silly, you know. Ninjas are not in America, theyre in Asia"
"Wait, really!? How do you know-"
After that encounters you and Serine became friends... Until...
"Mommy! I don't wanna go without M/n. He's my friend."
Serine yelled out as she tried to pull her arm out of her fathers grasp with no luck. Her father just picked her up and placed her in the car... The last thing she saw was your crying face.
You let out a deep sigh as you shifted positions in the makeshift hammock.
You closed your eyes slowly falling asleep...
2 hours later
You woke up to loud rustling.
"What? Who's there!?"
You got up quickly just to fall back down onto the hammock.
A young lady voice could've been heard.
Your eyes readjust to the lighting to see a young man, looks like they're at least 18 years old in front of you.
"Huh... Who are you?"
The male eyes widen in surprised as he realized who you were.
"M/n?...i can't believe your still here!?"
You looked at him with an confused facial expression. He caught onto your expression quickly and decided to clear up your confusion.
"It's me... Serine... Well... My name is Caesar now."
Your eyes sparked with interest when the man who calls himself Serine reintroduced himself.
"Serine? Is it really you?"
You stood up too quickly that your body don't even had time to register what you were doing before it happened.
You fell bringing Caesar with you.
"Agh-... Sorry... "
You rubbed your arm that you fell on. You opened your eyes to see Caesar below of you looking up at you in concern.
"Are you alright?... "
You blushed at the predicament that you got yourself in.
Caesar looked cuter up close... You could've barely seen him from that far away but as your eyes adjusted to the light... Omg what are you thinking? Your not gay? Or are you ;1
"I'm so sorry, Caesar."
You got off him helping him up before brushing your clothes off.
You and Caesar sat in awkward silence for a while... By a while I mean until sunset.
"Uhm... So...how was your nap."
Caesar said with an very awkward smile plastered on his face.
"Please be quiet... I can't stand the awkwardness right now..."
A/n: so that's basically the end of the first meeting story... And yes it took me a week and 5 drafts to come up with this one story. Part two is coming soon (In like in 6-7 business days) but I hope you enjoy the so called introduction to the characters but we will be introduced to more In the future, but that'll have to wait since I'm going to work on Beom-Moon. And before I forget please tell me if I made any errors in spelling, sentences and etc, I will try to fix it quickly.
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karebeast · 6 months ago
(Thanks sugar moma LMAO)
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Clown Springtrap belongs to Scott Cawthon (Five Nights at Freddy's
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i'm so obnoxious but how cute is this LMAO
i love my roommates i got home from my pre-employment drug screen and they were like we have weed do u wanna smoke. like Tears in my eyes Yes yes a thousand times yes
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tonydaddingham · 9 months ago
juxtaposition that belongs in the moma. and under a microscope
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stoner-bologner · 23 days ago
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