#this beast of teeth and turmoil and shimmer and shadow
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nugatorysheep · 7 months ago
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This damn comic is fucking A N C I E N T but as far as like, the content of it- not necessarily the art because I always hate my older art, but the presentation, what is objectively here- still feels right to me, so I'm sharing it. again
#I do not have it in me to even begin explaining the layers of this horseshit lmao#one of these days I can try to actually like. talk about this thing#this beast of teeth and turmoil and shimmer and shadow#something so wonderfully beautiful and sickly foul#genuinely irritates me that i struggle to talk about them at all because I have drawn them. So. Much.#More than any other fusion. even the ones canon to the show lol#yes that includes garnet#Like in-universe sure i can explain. Karma is a manifestation of the one thread druid and sven share- control#Druid has had none. His corruption- the withering- took away most of his agency. and Sven needs control like he needs air#and both of them whether they admit it to themselves or not are more afraid of themselves than of any external force#Sven fears his emotions. fears feeling them. Druid fears his illness and what it does to his body and mind#And so Karma is fragmented into the parts that they want the world to see and the parts they're afraid of#Keeper is that fear. that need to contain. to control. to suppress. to hide. to mask.#Unbound is all inhibitions removed. it's the release. the freedom. the desire. the exposed. the raw.#Unbound is everything that Sven and Druid would never tell anyone. Desires buried so far down that they themselves don't recognize it#But that's all in-universe. That's not quite the scope of what they mean in a grander meta sense#that is too intrinsically tied to me in a way that I can't explain#because if I could explain... then I wouldn't need them#fucking. what the fuck do I tag this i cant keep shoving Karma under the SU tag lmao#nugget rambles#my art#au/niverse
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midnightmoonkiss · 5 years ago
Painful Stings & Sweet Apologies
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Yandere! Izuku Midoriya X Fem! Reader
Summary: Rage fueled by failure, Izuku finds comfort in a bar, only to come home to a broken promise and a furious darling. He didn’t mean for this to happen.
WARNINGS!: blood, violence, alcohol (Izuku under the influence)
Category: Angst, one-sided fluff
Word Count: 9k+
A/N: This is my first yandere fic! I’m nervous as hell, I have no idea if I got this right lol. Though I did spend months perfecting it to the best of my abilities! Hope you enjoy~
Just To Clarify:
You’re both adults
It’s Friday
It’s cold and rainy (naturally--)
Izuku’s bedroom has a walk in closet and a bathroom
the kitchen is off-limits
Izuku is an obsessive yandere~
Cold, burning liquid rushed down the male’s throat as he gulped at the drink within the short glass.
Whiskey, or more specifically - a Jack Daniels, the honey-brown alcohol that delivered a bitter slap to all those who drank its refreshing nectar. 
It wasn’t his usual drink, and certainly not one he’d ever guzzle like a parched beast.
Hell, who in their right mind would do that? Even with a single sip, it left your chest burning with its heat.
But desperate times call for desperate measures, right?
Or, more of, self-loathing times call for a quick, one-way ticket to Forget-Me Ville and Cringe Island.
The bar he sat at was lively, filled with drunken laughter and slurred speeches of men and women who have been out for far too long.
But it was Friday night, so who cared?
A rainy, cold, sucky, depressing Friday night, one of which his friends tried to make a bit better by taking the pissed off, green-haired hero out for drinks.
They certainly hadn’t expected Izuku, an innocent little guy who couldn’t handle his liquor for shit, to shoot down an entire glass of whiskey.
At first, he ordered a simple beer - a starter drink if you will.
It didn’t take but ten minutes for him to gulp that glass down, and he was onto his next drink - a sangria wine cooler. His typical drink. He always was more of a fruity guy, after all, preferring the sweet tang over the bitter bite.
But as the night raged on, and so did his inner turmoil, he kept ordering stronger and stronger drinks, until he got to the whiskey. You could say he lost his sense of reason a while ago.
He was still seething with rage, not as much as before but the mixture of anger and frustration swirled hotly with the alcohol pumping through his veins and sitting in his belly.
You could say it was keeping him warm in this lifeless atmosphere.
For the first time in what felt like forever, he didn’t think of you, his precious little darling. He could barely think straight, mind occupied with too many thoughts to be able to understand any of them. It was all a garbled mess, one he chose to ignore.
Was that a good or a bad thing? He’d find out later.
But for now?
He needed another drink.
In the beginning, this Friday seemed like it was going to be one of the best he’ll ever have.
For months this pro hero has been working alongside detectives with catching a murderous villain known by the name “Ghoul.”
They were sick and twisted, their motives unknown, their trail hard to tract.
He had only one encounter with them, but he was too late to catch them.
That’s the day he was brought in to help aid the case.
But, that day haunted him for weeks. He knew that if he had arrived at the bloody scene sooner, he could have captured that cannibalistic fuck, brought justice to those who had already died by their mangy hands.. and prevented the deaths that would ensue after.
He’d known horrible villains before, but this one was different. Their teeth were sharp, blood permanently stained their clothes, and they gave off a wolfish vibe. Yes, a hunter. One who tore flesh from human bones and munched on it until someone screamed in terror for help.
For months he helped gather intel, piece puzzle pieces together, aid with location predictions and stakeout missions, until finally - they found that bastard.
It was more of a hunch than anything really, that Ghoul would show up to that site.
Ghoul, while hard to track, left a pattern in their wake. They avoided certain areas, thrived where the poor were at their weakest. The murders always seemed to happen at the exact same time behind run-down fast-food restaurants.
It was unclear if the sicko liked a hearty human meal with their victims own stomachs filled with greasy, fattening food, or if it was just convenient to them, either way - the perp was too damn sloppy.
To regular ol’ police personnel, the murders would just always happen there, behind restaurants.
But after Deku’s team began tracking where each and every murder occurred, it was quite easy to tell they were drawing, funnily enough, a circle around the city’s map.
It was stupid, childish, and downright idiotic, but damn if that didn’t lead the team to find the cold-blooded killer.
Adrenaline and pure hatred for the villain fueled Deku’s onslaught of attacks, each seemingly more powerful and less calculated. His mind was muddled.
He was filled with rage, finally being able to see the shitty excuse of a human again, but it affected his movements. He was being hasty, careless, not his usual calculated self.
And that’s what brought him his demise.
His shoulder was harshly bitten, razor-sharp teeth tearing through the fabric of his suit and shredding up the skin on his shoulder. Their quirk pumped through his blood instantly, making him collapse onto his knees, paralyzed. He hissed in pain as the sickeningly warm liquid flowed down his arm, unable to stop himself from face planting onto the dirty gravel of the alleyway.
He had lost, and Ghoul got away.
He still remembers it, after all, it was only hours ago that it happened.
The sun had long since set, the crescent moon hung high in the sky as her stars shimmered around her. His wound was stitched up and healed by doctors, leaving only a bitter scar to remind him of his failure.
He failed not only himself but those who counted on him.
God, he sucked.
And so, he ordered another drink.
He wanted to forget. He didn’t want to feel the failure sting at his fragile heart anymore.
It was too much to take.
What type of hero let the villain get away, knowing full well that they would kill again?
They couldn’t track Ghoul’s trail anymore, for the circle had been completed - and they were left with nothing with the numbing feeling of brutal loss.
Hours blurred together as his mind went hazy. His speech slurred together, dull, green eyes unfocused and mouth blabbering out nonsense to his friends that he couldn’t even really hear. It just- came out. 
Soon enough, he was being dragged out of the bar by his annoyingly sober friends.
The night had gotten colder since they first entered the warm bar, rain pelted down like freezing bullets flying from a machine gun. A dirty old awning kept them dry as they stood still at the front of the bars entrance, the loud music bouncing off the walls inside echoed down the empty streets.
Heavy streams of salty rainwater poured off the edge of the awning, splattering down into a mud puddle that emptied into the sewer grate below.
Who doesnt love the musty stench of rain on asphalt?
Hell, the smell itself, combined with the strong yet savory scent of the Korean barbeque joint across the street was enough to make him nauseous. He had drank far too much, and his stomach was suffering the consequences. He should have eaten more before drinking. How foolish.
 “It’s pretty late, you should head home.” Reasoned his best friend, Todoroki, puffs of condensation leaving his mouth as the warm breath met cold air, pressing a freezing hand to the back of the freckled boy's sweaty neck to jolt his drowsy, drunken self into a more alert state. Nothing but time could sober you up, but damn if that hand didn’t help slap some energy into him.
“Yeaahh, ye-yeahhh.. I gooht you Todooroe.” God, he sounded like someone high on anesthesia after being awoken from a surgery - which he definitely would be able to compare this experience to. Being a hero meant at least a few surgeries a year. Comes with the job.
Plus, this wasn’t the first time he’s been drunk.
He sure as hell hated the aftermath, but some nights it felt as if the hot burn of alcohol was the only thing that could keep him sane.
This was just one of those nights - or perhaps it was multiple nights slammed into one from just how stupidly drunk he was. The world was blurred, and Izuku doubted he could even walk straight at this point.
The half and half hero waved down a stray taxi, street water splashing up onto the sidewalk as the yellow vehicle came to a screeching halt.
“Get home safe.” Todoroki sighed out his nose at seeing his friends out-of-it state, helping the giddy and jelly-like hero into the back seat.
Izuku pouted, grabby hands clinging onto his friend's shirt in protest.
With a half-hearted chuckle, Todoroki pried himself free from his grip, handing the cab driver more than enough yen to get the drunk boy home.
He gave the taxi driver an address, and soon the car was rolling off down the street, Izukus flushed face pressed against the cold, fogging glass and staring with eyes full of tears at his friend.
Though, it seemed as if he had forgotten a promise he made to someone very important to him. Someone who he devoted his entire life to.
Someone who he risked everything for.
His princess who had been locked in a small, dark room all day, wrists tightly cuffed to loose chains on the wall. The only light provided was a rusty oil lamp Izuku had gotten at a yard sale one day. The flame was dull, and left the room covered in shadows.
The tile below was as cold as it had been since the morning when Izuku had forcefully chained you there for misbehaving the night before.
You had deserved this punishment for disobeying him.
That’s what he tried to convince, anyway.
He was only trying to keep you safe! He hated punishing you, hated the way you thrashed and screamed at him in protest - that only meant he had to be rougher with you. You had broken into the most dangerous room in the apartment, afterall.
The kitchen.
There were far too many harmful objects in there!
Knives that could slice your delicate skin to shreds, forks that could jab into your body, hot stoves that could leave you with a nasty burn, and canned food stored too high up on the shelf that could fall and hit your head.. It was for your protection that the kitchen was off-limits to you!
Plus, Izuku, your oh-so kind and sweet boyfriend, had no problem with cooking you meals to eat together. In fact, he loved it!
He felt accomplished whenever you'd hum in approval at his cooking, or even turned on if that slutty mouth of yours just so happened to moan around your utensil. 
Those were the nights dinner was forgotten.
But you had been foolish, entering the kitchen for a midnight snack whilst Izuku was out on patrol. Your sneaky little self thought you were clever, leaving no trace of your betrayal.
Until you were awoken hours later by a green glow, blood running cold as a pair of murderous neon eyes stared into yours.
It had to be one of the scariest sights to date.
His pupils were shrunk, green electricity buzzing around his large body. He hovered over your trembling body, a wrapper in between his two gloved fingers.
He was so close, your noses brushed together.
You swore he could see into your soul, as well as see the fear in your (E/C) eyes.
“What is this, (Y/N)?” He had asked innocently, hurt coating his words.
“I-” you wanted to make an excuse, protest, say it wasn’t yours, but every single letter died on your tongue as his face pressed closer, a sadistic smile overtaking his features.
“You didn’t.. You didn’t go into the kitchen, did you?”
His hot, minty breath blew all over your face as he spoke, and you shriveled back in fear as insanity crossed his expression in that way you were far too familiar with.
The giggles bubbled in his throat as he tried to fight logic with delusion, “It wasn’t you, right? Someone broke in, didn’t they? You wouldn’t break my trust, would you?”
His voice was cracking, fingers digging into the flesh of the bed beneath you as his eye began to twitch.
He stared down at you, curly green hair brushing against the sides of your face, waiting far too long for an answer he would never get. His bottom lip wobbled, feat tears welling up in his eyes and falling onto your pale cheeks as his body shook with anger and sadness.
He was already stressed about the following mornings mission, and to come home to his princess betraying his trust was not something he enjoyed.
And so, you were punished.
But he had promised you wouldnt be locked in there for long, he knew how you feared the dark. He had conditioned you to fear it, after all. It was his greatest accomplishment.
You were always so willing to cuddle into him when the lights were off.
A few hours turned into nearly an entire day, the only indication you had of this was past experiences, skin around your wrists rubbed raw from the metal cuffs, and the unusual sting of your ass and bare legs burning from the freezing tile beneath you.
That was the least of your worries, though.
Worst of all - the flame, which was holding you together and keeping you from crying out for help to those who might hear you in this soundproof room, which would no doubt get you a harsher punishment, was about to die out.
That flame, albeit small, was your only hope of surviving this.
Izuku was typically a very reliable person, it was strange for him to not keep his word to you. He devoted his being to you, worshipped the ground you regrettably walked upon, why would he break his own promise?
The thought of being trapped in the dark, the echo of your chains taunting your delirious mind had you close to tears. You didn’t want to be alone here anymore.
You watched in horror as the flame got smaller and smaller, tears now rolling down your cheeks as you pleaded under your breath for it to last longer.
The air vents around you provided enough oxygen for it to survive, but that damn oil..
Where was he?! 
Suddenly, the door to his apartment flew open, giggles seeping through the house and teasing your ears.
Then, there was no more light.
A screech tore from your throat, a desperate call of his name as you thrashed around, tears pouring from your eyes.
You felt as if you couldnt breathe as your head whipped around the space, desperate for more air and light as your lungs seemed to scream.
You couldnt feel the cold chill of the floor anymore, body numb as adrenaline pumped through your veins.
What was in the dark?
How big was this space again?
Rather, how small was it?
What was that noise?
Did something just touch you?
There was wind, there was wind, no. A cold chill?
Oh god what was that-
Loud, clumsy footsteps made their way closer and closer to the locked metal door. You sobbed as your heard the jingle of keys, metal scraping against metal as he fumbled with inserting them into the lock.
Until finally, you were basked in the honey-dew glow of the bedroom.
You fought to control your breathing as he dropped to his knees, taking far too long for your liking to get the cuffs off.
But at least now you know why he took so god damn long.
You could smell the putrid miasma of alcohol wafting off him the moment he stepped into the darkroom, tainted with the salty effluvium of rainwater as it dripped onto your skin from his damp, messy hair.
Rage bubbled inside you as he giggled once more at your tear-stained cheeks, “D-did yoou miss mee?” He slurred, a giddy smile on his face as the stale stench of what he had been drinking all night circled around your head like a rotten wreath.
Instead of answering, like you knew you should have, you turned your head towards the door, soaking in the light you were previously deprived of. Even if it was just a mere minute.
At your silence, his smile quickly turned into a frown. Big, forestry green eyes welled up with sadness, bottom lip trembling, “(Y-Y/N)?” He couldnt help but reach out, scarred fingers wishing to wipe away those stray tears from your face.
You missed him.
That’s why you were crying, surely.
He wanted to comfort you, say that he was there now and that you could both cuddle until twinkling dawn.
You weren’t alone anymore.
He was all you needed, and he was right beside you.
He’ll always be there for you, and you’ll always be there for him.
Because you love each other.
“D-Don’t cry-”
His cold hand was smacked away, and his usually sturdy body was shoved back so that you could scramble out of the freezing closet.
You needed space.
More room to breath.
To be on flooring that didnt feel like ice cutting into your flesh.
Hell, you were sure the skin that had the unholy misfortune of touching the floor were burned red at this point from how long you had to sit there.
Not to mention your poor wrists, you couldnt even bear the sight of them being so raw. You were pretty sure they would bleed if you even touched them. Your body was screaming in pain, stomach growing for food, mouth parched from not being given water so that you wouldnt make a mess on the floor.
You were weak, shaking, and afraid.
That bastard had the gall to say not to cry, to look concerned when he knew damn well how much you absolutely despised the dark.
At first it was a childish fear, but the moment he snatched you from your regular life, that fear became a reality. There were countless nights you’d be punished by being left alone in the dark.
He didnt want to hurt you, no, and he never has, but damn if he hasnt conditioned you to be afraid. 
Storms were the worst.
What was once a peaceful white noise turned into a terrifying nightmare once the moon rose in the sky.
There were times you were locked in that closet during violent storms, screaming and begging to be let out.
Sometimes you were, other times you werent as lucky.
Though it was only raining right now, each pitter-patter of the droplets against the window or balcony made hairs on your neck stand up. The sound was previously muted in the closet, but now it was hitting you like a freight train on a track that never seemed to end.
You heard him scramble to his feet as you wiped your tears away, the creak of the floorboards as he stumbled towards you.
A subtle bang made you jump, his foot no doubt hitting the chest at the end of your bed. Everso the clumsy one, even in an illuminated room.
Suddenly, he was right behind you, arms wrapping tightly around your middle as his head dropped to your shoulder, nuzzling his cheek against your neck.
Perhaps it would have been pleasant, comforting, even, if he wasnt soaked to the bone. The cold water from his dark grey, long-sleeved sweater was now seeping into your own thin clothes, freezing wet hair sending shivers down your spine and it presses against your heated, sensitive skin. Some drops even went down your back, ripping a gasp from you.
This wasnt comforting at all.
This was suffocating.
You squirmed in his grasp, desperate to get the hell away from him.
You were already pissed, and him wrapping around you and squeezing you tight like a snake to its prey was the cherry on top of your disastrous sundae.
With a grunt, you used the rest of what little strength you had left to rip yourself free from his ‘hug,’ nearly tripping on your own two feet as you rushed away from him.
He pouted at you as you shoved yourself into a corner of the room, finding comfort in being able to see all around you, no surprise attacks from behind, only what was in front of you.
Your breath was heavy as you glared at him, nostrils flaring and jaw clenching.
Truly, you had some nerve.
But it was hard to help it.
He broke a promise.
He never does that, and yet in your time of need- he wasn’t there for you.
For once.
He knew damn well you were locked up, scared shitless, expecting him to return home in a few short hours, yet here he is - looking absolutely clueless as to why you were suddenly so angry at him.
Tears streamed down his drunkenly flushed cheeks, hurt by how you shoved him away again.
All he wanted to do was snuggle you, his body exhausted yet numbed by the alcohol still burning in his tummy.
“Where..” you started, voice low, scratchy, and dripping with venom that reached deaf ears. “Where have you been!”
Just as he was about to open that mouth of his, no doubt about babble nearly incoherently - form logical excuses with evidence to back him up, say he lost track of time which you know damn well he never did, you shut him up.
You hated dealing with him when he was drunk, hell - you hated dealing with his obsessive ass most days.
But drunk? Drunk he got worse. He was clingy, more emotional, and worst of all? He didn’t have a filter.
He always managed to hide those more sinister desires under that sweet mask of his - until alcohol brought it out.
God, the smell of it made you sick to your stomach, but luckily you didn't have any food to throw up.
No thanks to him.
“What the fuck, Midoriya?!” You leered at him, noticing quickly the way his eyes darkened in that way they always did when you referred to him by his family name - the name he hated being called by you of all people.
“I’ve been trapped in that room all goddamn day! You said it’d be a few hours? What the hell happened to that! Look at the fucking time! Nine hours! Nine hours I’ve been stuck in my own personal hell! I can’t feel my fucking legs because of you!”
“I-” he attempted to start, the firm grip he had on his sanity quickly loosening with every shout you threw at him.
You cut him off, again, pent up rage now overtaking your sense of reason and fear, “What the hell happened?! You know what! I don’t even care! Not only did you,” You pointed a trembling finger at his stilled body, “break a promise! Something you swore you would never fucking do, you also had the nerve at laugh at me as I was trembling in fear!”
You looked like a mess, body shaking and bent over itself, one arm clutched around your waist as if to hold yourself together as that accusing finger stayed trained on him. Your hair was messy, frizzy, soaked with sweat and oily as hell from being denied a shower. Your clothes, thin and girly - much to your utter distaste, but to his satisfaction - now damp thanks to his carelessness.
All of this was because of him.
It always was.
Every single thing that went wrong in your life always seemed to be because of him nowadays.
You couldnt believe you let yourself fall for that misleading smile all those years ago, only to end up like this.
A mouse in a lions den.
But hell if that would stop you from squeaking your heart out till his razor-sharp claws ultimately caged you back in.
“Do you see my wrists?!” with a strangled sob, you held up both of your arms to show him the mess he already knew was his fault, “look at them! They hurt so fucking much because you left me in those disgusting handcuffs! This is all your fault!”
Your knees were wobbling so bad you swore your legs would give out at any second, but you’d be damned if you didnt hold your ground to this lunatic.
True, some days he was nice, normal, even. But days like these, or days much worse, you were reminded of just who he really was.
A monster was stretching it. He never intentionally tried to hurt you, your friends, or even your family.
No, he just stole you from your apartment in the dead of night, convinced the reason you were crying was because of the thunderstorm and not because some psycho snatched you from your window like some sort of 1970’s movie trope. That night he cradled your thrashing body to his hard chest with his strong arms, cooing at you and whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you begged to be let go. You were just scared of the storm~ He would keep you safe~ He is the number one hero, afterall~
That was all utter bullshit, straight from the beginning.
And even now he was still wrapped in the delusion that you loved him as much as he loved you.
A fated pair.
But you still held on to the pathetic hope that one day he’d snap out of it, return to the Izuku you knew from the beginning and not the person who now stood a few feet in front of you, staring with cold, emotionless eyes.
“I’m sorry.” he says impassively, face as blank as a new canvas - unreadable and dangerous in every way imaginable. It was hard not to feel as if he was just waiting to strike, already calculating his next moves like he always seemed to do. It was far easier to deal with an angry Izuku than one where you couldn’t read his already complex emotions, thoughts, anything. He was the definition of expressive, and it truly took a fuckin bullet to the back of his head for him to be like this.
So clearly, you hit a nerve.
“Oh?” Despite knowing the implications of the situation you found yourself in, it was impossible not to laugh at such a pathetic fucking apology.
Knowing him, he probably was sorry, deep down inside. You knew he didn’t like seeing you hurt, especially if it was because of his doing, and yet- you pressed on. 
Pent up anger was a nasty thing to deal with, especially since it’s been brewing inside you for so long.
“Are you now? You don’t fucking seem sorry! If you were really sorry, you wouldnt have done it! But look where we are! You’re such a fucking-!”
“Shut up.” he growls out borderline maliciously, stumbling slightly as he turns to walk out the door. He was clearly fed up, his strong hands clenched into threatening fists, but so were you. Even if you were undeniably frightened to confront him, you wouldn't let that stop you from pushing yourself off the wall - your safe space - and wobbling after him.
“Look at you! You can’t even walk right! How drunk are you, huh? Washing away your feelings again, are you? What about my feelings! Huh?!”
You were pushing it.
You really were.
The entire house felt it, the air chillingly still as Izuku had to grind his teeth together so as to not lash out at you. 
He didn’t want to.
That was the last thing he wanted to do, but all that stress and self-hatred previously washed away was coming back up to the burning surface that cages his discretion.
Heavy breaths blew out his nostrils as he made his way to the living room, desperate for you to get the hint from his hunched over body that he wanted you to fuck off.
Yeah, he messed up, deep down he knew he did but currently his mind was far too clogged to even begin to comprehend it.
You were like an annoying mosquito, your words morphing into a persistent buzz.
He was ignoring you, and that made you livid.
He always ignored you when your problems were deemed irrelevant, or when he found you were being far too vexatious.
He always did this, always.
You were trapped in a cell with some asshole who didn't even want to listen to you.
Obviously, you had enough.
Typically you’d back off, go fume in another room or punch the wall till the skin around your knuckles tore open and dripped blood everywhere, making him snap out of whatever state he was in just to suffocate you in his toxic love.
Oh how life proved to be full of surprises.
A low growl of your own slithered passed your teeth, eyes practically burning red as if you prayed you had a quirk that could do something against him.
“You’re a selfish bastard! You fucking piss-poor excuse of a hero-!”
A shrill scream tore from your raw throat, the echo of skin burning against skin dizzying you as you were thrown back onto the floor.
Boiling hot tears streamed down your face as you sobbed out of pure fear, body shaking uncontrollably and you shuffled backward, desperate to get yourself as far away from him as you could currently manage.
It had all happened so fast, you didn't even have time to register it as it occurred.
One moment his hands were gripping the back of the couch with such strength you could see his knuckles turn a ghostly white, and the next, crackling, neon-green lightning surrounded his body, illuminating the dim apartment in a slimy glow. Before you even had a chance to register just what happened, he whipped his head around, his eyes, typically blown wide with sickening love and sparkling under delusional illusions, were narrowed and glowing in a way that sent shivers of immense regret down your spine. His arm whipped back with his hand, the very hand that delivered a painfully paralyzing slap.
He always spoke with his hands, and you just happened to be too close to him at that moment.
The reddended skin of your cheek burned, and you swore you could feel more than just tears streaming down it.
You were stuck shaking on the floor, imaginary bile rising in your throat, and all you could do was stare at him with wide, bloodshot and terrified eyes.
He had never laid a hand on you like that before, you didnt know what to think.
He always promised to do you no intentional harm, to never lay a finger on you with intentions of making you cry out in pain.
He had never acted so feral and out of line before.
It.. it scared you in a way you never felt before.
The gap between you grew, you really were just a mouse trembling in a lion's den.
“P-princess-” he shakily called out, voice weak and uneven, quirk diminishing into thin air like it never was there in the first place.
His own eyes were wide and filled with immense regret, tears already pouring down his flushed, freckled face.
He took one step forward, and you scrambled back, hand coming up to touch at your cheek, shock making you feel faint at the sight of blood coating your trembling fingertips.
You felt sick once again, empty stomach feeling as if it was collapsing in on itself to push even the tiniest bit of nonexistent food out.
You didnt know what to do.
Choking on your own sobs, you tried desperately to shuffle away from him, but he only came closer.
You cried out the moment he dove at you, your hands clasped together tightening against your chest as if to hold yourself together as this bear of a man wraps his arms cold, soaked arms protectively around you, his large shoulders violently shaking as he buried his snotty, tear stained face deep into your unruly tresses.
The stench of alcohol burned your nostrils, edging you on to try and push his heavy chest away. You tried, but you failed miserably, resulting in his arms pulling you even closer to his sweaty and damp body. It was disgusting.
“L-let go of me!” you wailed, your own tears stinging your eyes as your vision blurred and you could no longer tell just what you were staring blindly at, the dimness of the living-room paired with the suffocating embrace of your captor swallowing you whole.
You couldnt take it.
You could barely breathe at this point.
“p-p-ple .. plea-s-se..!” your cries intertwined with his own desperate ones as he babbled nearly incoherently on about how sorry he was, how he never meant to do something so horrible.
“I’m not a monster!” he howled out, desperate words seeping with ululation.
He was desperately trying to convince himself of that.
He wasn’t talking to you at all.
He was talking to himself.
He wasn’t a monster.
He wasn’t a monster.
He’s not like him.
He’s not like that piece of filth.
No, he’s so much better.
He’s a good man.
No, no, he’s not a monster.
He’s your hero.
He could never purposely harm you.
It was an accident.
An accident.
You’d understand.
He knew you would!
You always understood him.
You were like two peas in a pod!
You forgave him, surely.
You did the moment he hugged you, the moment he started comforting you.
He was a good man.
How could you not forgive him?
He loved you so, so, so much.
You knew that-
You knew he would never do such a thing.
His breathing was even, eyes wide and straining as he stared at the floor, a crooked smile on his face as he repeated the words over and over again in his twisted mind.
He never met to hurt you.
He didnt.
“Plea-” you tried once more, biting your wobbling lip as he squeezed you even tighter.
“No, no, no, no, no, no..” he heaved out, hand coming up to gently pet your oily hair as if to calm you. His head shook back and forth in your hair, “It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m so sorry, honey.”
There was nothing you could do.
You were stuck alone in a mouse trap, the cold, metallic bar snapped down on top of your frail neck.
There was no escape.
There never was.
His form of ‘love’ far too strong for you to even attempt to.
And so, you gave up. 
Just like you always did.
There was no point in resisting him.
Sticky blood trickles down your raw cheek, dripping down onto the chilled bare skin of his neck, still cold from the damp clothes he wore, instantly catching his wondering attention.
“You.. you’re bleeding?” he whispered guiltily, already feeling a new wave of salty tears building up in the corner of his eyes.
His large left hand trailed up the skin of your neck, idly collecting the thin trail of red liquid onto his fingertips and smearing a path up to your jawline, stopping the moment your shivering form flinched.
He frowned at the red mark taking up half your beautifully innocent face, a small cut resting in the middle of it where no doubt the ring he foolishly wore as an accessory swiped.
Guilt made his stomach churn, the familiar burn of acid rising in his throat.
A deep inhale, and he swallowed it down, arm still wrapped around you, languidly rubbing your back as he stared with nothing short of pity at your wrecked state.
Your lips wobbled, holding in a reply as you force yourself to look into the vast abyss of darkness that was the hallway of your apartment instead of his orbs gleaming with concern.
Concern for something he caused.
At least he had a heart, but you were still scared shitless and wanted nothing more than to run away. You were still fighting to regulate your breathing.
His thumb suddenly pressed against the slap mark, ripping a yelp from your throat as your head flung back to avoid any more contact. It was then that you noticed a pounding headache echoing inside your skull, yet another reason to aid in the water running down your face. Pain consumed your body, and you wanted nothing more than to escape this shell you were trapped in.
Openly chewing on his lip, both of his arms went back around you, cradling your delicate form to his chest.
Without a word, he stood up, practically forcing you to have to wrap your bare legs around his waist to keep yourself steady, something you were trained to do by him. He loved it when your legs were around his waist whenever he picked you up.
It became a regrettable second nature.
Heavy foot steps brought you back to your bedroom, and then into the bathroom connected to it.
Your fears crept up your spine at the pitch black room you were forced into, remembering how you were in a similar position just a few minutes ago.
When would this cycle end?
It wouldnt, would it?
You were set delicately down atop the cold marble counter as if you were a fragile piece of glass, which, in many ways, you were. The tears had at least stopped, but your body continuously shook like a chihuahua, your breathing still hard to control as fumbled around mindlessly with your fingers to serve as a distraction.
He flipped the light on, momentarily blinding your sensitive gaze with its bright light.
Sniffing, you wiped at your nose, watching as he walked about the bathroom, grabbing a wash cloth just to run it under cool water. The rain was still heavily pouring just outside the wall mixed with the loud splatters of the stream against the white sink. It would have been calming had cold water not splashed up onto your bare thighs, making goosebumps prickle along your skin. Your thighs were nearly numb at this point.
After ringing most of the water out, he held it up to your cheek, staring at you.
Taking the cue, you hesitantly took the cool, wet cloth from his grasp and gingerly pressed it to the swelling skin on your face. You hiss out in pain, dry sobs wracking your body at the stinging pain and the fact that he was still far too close for you to currently handle.
The pain on your cheek paired with the numbing cold was a good distraction.
You chewed on your lip as you squeezed your eyes shut, freehand gripping tightly at the hem of your shirt as you listen to him fumble around in the cabinet hanging over to the left.
You jumped the moment you felt his larger fingers ghost over the ones holding the cloth to your cheek, cautious (E/C) eyes opening ever so slightly as you looked over at him.
You couldnt help but feel idiotic as you suddenly felt flustered at the intense gaze he was giving you, eyes now gleaming viridescent in the white light of the bathroom almost staring right into your soul.
It was like he was reading you, pulling words off your own frail pages just so he could recite them to you.
He did this often.
Keeping silent, staring for long periods of times as he tried out scenarios in his head of the words he was going to say.
It gave you chills, but yet, it made you feel like you were the center of his drifting attention.
The sun his planets revolve tirelessly around, repeating the same cycles like a record forever skipping on repeat.
In these moments, though, he became an enigma.
Not exactly something your fragile state of mind entirely needed right now.
You shivered when his palm came to cup your soft jawline, thumb absentmindedly tracing over your parted lips.
His mouth opened, ready to say something, but he stayed quiet.
Mouth shutting, he leaned forward, tentatively bringing you into another hug.
“I’m sorry.” he repeated, the words nearly as quiet as your stilled breath, but you had nothing to say to it. And he knew it.
He was used to you staying silent.
He would prefer it most of the time.
So he could sink into his fantasies, the deluded fantasies that you loved him wholeheartedly, that you chose to stay silent as to not hurt his feelings, and always forgave him no matter what.
That you would forever and always be his.
He wouldnt give you the choice not to be.
He wouldnt let you leave when you’re his favorite person in the whole wide world.
The only one he needed.
And he was the only one you needed.
Of course.
You didn’t need anyone else but him.
And he didn’t need anyone else but you.
So what if a few more people died because of his mistake, he would capture Ghoul eventually. Regardless, he would always come home to you.
And that’s all he needed.
He chucked against your neck, having buried it in the crook as his mind slipped through his shaky fingertips.
The Big Bad Wolf and his Little Red Riding Hood.
God how he loved the comparison.
Perhaps he was addicted.
Addicted to you.
Even now, as he inhaled your sugary sweet, natural scent stained with the metallic smell of dried blood.
Pulling back, he gazed into your hesitant eyes, delicately resting his forehead against yours.
His hair, now dry and no longer dripping with salty rain, tickled your skin, making you involuntarily take in a deep breath.
Closing his eyes once more, he soaks in the moment of your warm body in his frigid embrace, nothing else mattered to him.
Just you.
Only you.
“L-let me see your cheek,” he asks softly, words not as wobbly as before,  afraid that if he spoke too loudly in such a thin atmosphere, everything would shatter abruptly like glass.
Your body moved on instinct as if you were used to doing as he asked immediately no matter what, pulling the cool cloth away from your burning cheek.
Resisting the urge to sniffle and flinch away, you allow him to rewet the cloth, holding still as he dabs lightly at the small wound.
“I know it hurts,” he breathes out, “shh, shh, it’s okay.” it was always so strange how his voice still managed to calm your nerves even after all you’ve been through.
Deep down, you knew he was still that loving and energetic boy you met back at that coffee shop.
If only you knew how sinister and twisted he could really be.
Perhaps.. perhaps you wouldn’t be in such a situation now.
But there was never any point in pondering the what-ifs.
All you could do was fight your mind from seeking normalities in such a relationship as this, if you could even call it that.
You wouldn’t succumb to his desires like you always did.
You wouldnt lose yourself.
You couldn’t let that happen.
Or was it too late already?
You hissed when you felt the stinging seer of rubbing alcohol dotted onto your cut, cleaning the wound.
“It’s okay.” he repeats, cooing to you with a reassuring smile that should have made you feel sick all over again.
You let him apply antibiotic ointment and a small cheek bandage, his hands shaky yet careful. You could say he has experience in applying bandages.
It was uncomfortable as it sat on your raw skin, but it’s not like you were going to go and rip it off. That would feel like ripping off a wax strip on a sunburn.
Humming, he gingerly wipes away the dried blood on your neck with the same washcloth, not minding how blood-stained the innocently white fabric became. 
Next came your still aching wrists. There wasn’t much he could do for your legs, but at least he had roll-on bandages on standby.
Turning the cold tap on, he lets you run them under cool water before gently dabbing the stray droplets away, careful not to press too hard.
He really needed to invest in softer handcuffs, it’s just- those were the only ones he had, and he didn’t use them often. Besides, it never got this bad before. But that wasn’t a good excuse.
He’d have to order some online tomorrow..
Applying more ointment around the area, the kind that offers instant relief, he wraps your smaller wrists up as best he could, cringing himself whenever you’d flinch.
He’d make it up to you.. Pancakes in the morning, perhaps?
Izuku then begins to sluggishly put away everything he brought out of the cabinet, tossing what needed to be tossed into the trashcan.
He was slow, almost as if he was trying to keep his balance, which he no doubt was. 
Standing in front of you once again, he wrapped his arms around you, whispering “up” in your ear.
It was something he would always say when he wanted you to wrap your arms and legs around him so he could carry you like a baby.
But who were you to refuse?
It wasn’t as if he couldnt pick you up without your limbs wrapped around him, it was more for your comfort rather than his convenience.
So, tentatively, you wrapped your still shaking arms around his neck, doing the same with your legs around his bent waist.
“Good girl.” he praised as he began walking back into the bedroom, stopping just at your side of the bed to place you down at the edge.
Numbly, you let him remove your rain-soaked clothes from all the hugging, sitting on the bed in just your panties as you watched him toss the clothes in the hamper by the door
It wasn’t the first time he insisted on treating you like a child who needed help changing, but at least you didn’t have to walk.
It was hard to remember if it was a good or a bad thing that you didn’t care about being nude in front of him anymore, not even bothering to hide your chest as he came back over with a fresh set of clothes - the strawberry patterned pajamas he always seemed to adore you wearing.
You always looked so innocent in them. The shirt is far too large for your frame, the sleeves hanging off your hands and the large v-neck exposing your collar bones and parts of your shoulders. The bottoms were the regular run of the mill pajama pants, soft as cotton and comfy as hell.
The top truly was the part of the look that tied it all together.
He couldn’t help but smile as your arms immediately raised as he pulled the shirt out of the pile, making quick work of slipping it over your cute head and helping your arms into the sleeves.
He liked to take care of you.
You needed him to, after all.
You were his innocent, helpless little darling, after all.
Pulling your pants up, he guided your body down into a resting position, dragging the thick, grey, and black patterned comforter over your stilled body.
Such a good girl.
He tucks loose strands of messy (H/C) hair that fell across your face behind your ear, being mindful of the wound.
He stares at it for a moment, his expression holding that of worry and regret.
Pushing off the bed, he stumbles his way to the kitchen in the dark, having turned off the light as he went, the layout of the apartment burned to memory so he could easily avoid furniture.
In the kitchen, he opened the freezer and grabbed an ice pack, one he would commonly use on his own sore muscles and bruises. It hurt his heart knowing he was the reason you had to use it for the first time.
After wrapping it in some paper towels, he trudges his way back into the dark bedroom, eyes wracking over your balled up form, covers bunched over you like a shell.
“Put this on your cheek..” he whispered, placing the pack just in front of your face.
He would love to be the one to hold it to your cheek, but his mind was still hazy, and his words were still slurred. Events could sure as hell sober you up a bit, but damn did that nausea always come back crashing in through the brittle window full force when you’d least expect it.
Rummaging through the drawers once more, he picked up some of his own fresh clothes and made his way into the bathroom again.
All he wants is to sleep, but he also didnt want you to smell dried sweat and rain on his being throughout the night.
He knew you missed him, him and his warmth, you always did, right? No question about it. You must be longing for him even now. 
Wanting him to hold and comfort you just like always.
Numbed adrenaline pumped in his veins as he stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wash away his filth and regrets.
God, it felt so good to be able to somewhere warm for once.
The entire night he’s felt nothing but cold.
Not even the fire in his belly or the breath stolen from his lungs could’ve warmed him up.
He was mad at himself. Mad that he lost control and hurt the one thing that mattered the most to him.
Mad that he let himself get disgustingly drunk.
Mad that he walked in the rain like a dumbass just to soak your clothes and make you feel as cold as him.
But at the moment, too many thoughts were flying in his mind for him to properly think, no, he couldnt really even say he was thinking at all.
He was just letting the water splatter on the back of his neck, forehead resting on the cold shower tiles and he watched as water swirled down the drain like a whirlpool. His hair stuck to his cheeks like glue, but he couldn’t find himself caring.
Absentmindedly, his fingers brush across the fresh scar on his broad shoulder.
He swore the longer he stood there, watching the clear flow of water, the looser his grip on himself became.
He couldnt really say he felt anything at all anymore.
When did he lose himself?
Was he ever even really found?
With you.
You were the missing piece in his complicated and skull biting puzzle, the one who made him whole and lit up his dull life. You were the reason he felt things anymore, you were the reason he still managed to get up and save people with a clear conscious.
You always had such a positive impact on his life, and he knew he had just as good a one on yours.
A wobbly smile tore his flushed face in two, you both really did need eachother.
He was so happy to have you in his life.
Knowing you’d never leave him.
Turning the boiling hot water off, he stepped out, the plushness of the bath-mat embracing his wet feet as water continued to pour down his nude body.
It felt, it felt so hot suddenly.
His breath came out in exaggerated pants, hands sweeping his hair from his face as the burn of bile rose in his throat.
Lunging for the toilet, he emptied his stomach into the glistening white bowl.
Gasping for air, Izuku whipped his mouth on the back of his hand, still trying to catch his breath as he fumbled to flush.
God, he needed to sit down.
Shakily turning the bathroom faucet on, he washed his hand, making quick work of brushing his teeth before lazily drying himself off.
Ignoring the other clothes he brought in, the toned hero simply pulled on a pair of black boxers before walking out of the bathroom.
Green eyes immediately looked at your form, just to see the soft rise and fall of your chest as you soundly slept, the ice pack sitting comfortably on your cheek.
You looked so adorable.
You always did.
Smiling once more, he walked over to the bed, pulling back the sheets just to slide his larger, warm body in and next to your own.
He sighs blissfully the moment he tugs you into his embrace, relishing in the feeling of your soft body against him.
Removing the icepack from your cheek, not wanting you to awake to a cheek burning from the cold, he places it on the nightstand before snuggling closer to you.
You always fit so perfectly in his big arms.
You were meant to be by his side.
And you loved it, didn’t you?
Eventually, he fell asleep, soft snores echoing around the quiet room filled with the downpour of rain still pouring down outside the large glass windows,
But you were still wide awake.
It was hard to remember the last time you got a good night’s rest, especially when the room was spine-chillingly dark..
Hard to remember what life was like before you even met your own personal nightmare.
You were used to the exhaustion, the dark circles kissing at the skin under your eyes becoming normal the day you were brought here.
Oh, how foolish you were.
You should have locked your window that fateful night.
But heroes are quite stealthy, aren’t they?
Was this even reality at this point? Or all just a figment of your imagination, protecting you from the true horrors before your very eyes.
Either answer wasnt one you wanted.
But you never had a choice.
Tears slipping from your eyes like they always seemed to do, you stared longingly off into the distance, the warmth pressed against your back pulling you further into your own bubbling madness.
All it took was a signal thought for this to all become normal.
For the pain to wash away with your tears.
‘Maybe this is ok.’
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Can I request a mini drabble where Acylius gets BlackHat to write with Diamond ink for the first time? It just came to me and the idea seems so cute! UwU
(Acylius was the name i gave doctor flug long before I knew it was kenning, this is black hat pre power and is at the height of 4ft 5 and Flug is six ft seven)
It was early morning, the package had arrived late last night, Black Hat already in bed.
(night before flash back)
Acylius had almost rushed to wake the short demon until his friend and butler Cruentus took him by the scruff of the neck, trust me despite being shorter he was very capable of doing such a thing, if anyone but his friend or Black Hat had done such a thing they would be a bloodied pile on the floor.
"Sir, he has been training all day in an attempt to know how to work his way around upper class rituals, I am sure you are aware he continued learning that dance just to be close to you."
Acylius tilted his head
"Cru, my dear friend that is not something to jest about, you know my feelings for him, but I know his disdain for my class...I fear he will never see me more as someone who is simply less of an ass than the rest."
The hellhound gave him a deadpan look and shook his head, he loved him he did but how he seemed to be in the presence of the densest people in the universe was beyond him.
"Yes well, then do not be an ass and wake him now, he is resting finally, it has taken him months to feel safe enough to do so, gift Amadeus in the morning when he has slept, if you wake him before nine I will personally slap you down the stairs and have you clean the kitchen."
"I dunno, I would do it, I am not above house-ow ow!"
Cruentus had him by the ear
"Bed now young man!"
"I am not that young!"
"To me you are, in fact if you recall Amadeus is older than you."
"I am three hundred plus years I am not a baby."
Acylius pouted, not moving lest his friend tug his ear and he knew he would.
"Well you are mine ever since I took you from that monstrous beast who birthed you, now get ready for bed and behave, maybe I will bring your favorite hot chocolate."
"Yes daaaaad."
Acylius smiled a little and kissed his father's cheek good night.
Acylius was pacing his room, teeth brushed a and dressed, the clock was only at eight, the gift sat on his dresser.
Ears twitching, maybe he should have breakfast, or he could make his Gremlin breakfast, yes, he did after all enjoy pancakes and he was good at making fluffy pancakes, yes he'd make blue Berry as well as lemon and raisin, he needed to distract himself.
His biggest worry in this moment was wondering if Amadeus would like it or scoff at its pretentious ideals...
To most it was an honor to say you even owned such a set or be allowed to write in it.
Taking the present down stairs carefully with him he set it on the kitchen table and went to work on making breakfast, yes Cruentus could have done it, would have done it if asked but he was a capable being he had hands and he was going to use them.
It was five to nine by the time he was serving up, his entire body itching, he wanted to wake...maybe it would be nine by the time he arrived to his room yes!
Set up on the tray stacks of fluffy pancakes and a pot of tea, a lower set of arms protruding from his waist to hold the present, he walked slowly in purpose just to make sure it was nine by the time he arrived.
The door opened and Hat looked up at him
"Looks like Cruentus owes me five pieces of gold, I bet him you would not wait to give me what ever it is you have been fretting about, you always become so giddy and bouncy when you are planning to surprise me with...are those pancakes?"
Acylius replied blushing brightly.
Oh had he been that obvious?
"Are they for me?"
Amadeus asked, clearly frowning at the fact that he'd lost the bet, at least Flug assumed that was why right?
Flug answer ducking his head and handing him the tray.
"Well do not just stand there like a tree, I am somewhat disappointed that you did not defy your father in this case, I do enjoy the moments where you burst in unannounced happy to tell me specifically something."
Acylius paused, blinking, that was not what he'd expected, Black Hat had wanted him to be a bother?
He twisted his upper hands nervously his lower one's still present and holding the black box decorated with a crimson metallic serpent that shimmered in the light, it's fangs the clasps at the front.
Setting his breakfast down and eating the first pancake there was a contented sigh from Amadeus.
"This gift is delicious, thank you."
He unceremoniously shoved another one in his mouth after all one thing Hat had learned was that Acylius would never judge him for his natural nature and felt comfortable eating like this.
"That is not the gift you daft gremlin."
Flug chuckled now taking the box in his two upper hands as the lower set disappeared.
Black Hat quirked a long brow
"When you have eaten from bins and packets half discarded I assure you this is a gift."
Acylius muttered to himself and shook his head when Hat gave him a quizzical look, but thankfully Hat could tell was not a time to ask deeper into that answer.
Acylius came forward and set the box down
"This Amadeus Black Hat is a item only a few ever own and can only be ordered by one such as myself."
"You mean rich spoiled-"
Acylius placed a finger to his lips
"Carry on if you do not want it, but no, you must be a legion demon to aquire this, it will raise your status greatly to use what I have procured for you and must only be used in times of importance or addressing certain...fops who will only respond to such letters. "
Black Hat wanted nothing more than to kiss the demons hands, he'd seen them do work, things that drove him wild and just to have one finger laid upon his lips made his body tremble and heart race.
"I will do as you ask Acylius."
He blushed realising his voice came out a little huskier than intended.
"My hands are dirty though, would you show me I do not wish to ruin this gift."
Acylius went on one knee beside the bed and opened the box for him.
Inside laid a wax seal stamper, in which Flug was more than happy to show it was a symbol of a top hat with a ring around it with the letter B H on either side of the Hat.. Oh clever the O was the ring, crimson wax and beautiful pieces of high quality paper all with his insignia.
It looked so stylish, so beautiful he had to wonder if this was some sort of joke, Acylius presented the quill, showing its sleek colouring that in the light the ebony feather shone red, the nib gold with intricate curling patterns...
No he had not.
He saw the ink bottle he knew that bottle only from stories and a brief glance of seeing it in Acylius’s study.
"You...diamond ink, the blood of your kind and that of the oldest dust of the galaxies."
"I have to attend a few parties I would rather not go to but in my opinion a small price to pay, especially when I can see how happy you are."
Acylius's ears wiggled happily
"The ink lasts far longer than any other brand or kind but it does have an end to it, so still be careful and be sure you know what you are doing if you need to summon someone with this."
Black Hat nodded still in awe of this beautiful gift, the set would be out of his price range even with the money he earned helping Cruentus around the home.
After all he'd insisted he do some kind of work, he was not comfortable with just taking hand outs.
"Is there anyway I can say thank you?"
Hat asked barely able to take his gaze from the set, though he did notice, Acylius had leaned ina moment, only to hesitate and pull back.
Why, why did he play this game with him, could he not just be a cad for once and take him, he would handle the emotional turmoil afterwards that it'd been a moment of passion, he wanted this idiot Legion to wreck him, if only he'd give him a true sign that even he was allowed to make the first move, but he dare'nt lest he be kicked from this place.
He could not bare the thought of strangers hands on him, to be touched by someone who was not his tree...to be out there again...he would deal with it if it came to that but he also would not jeopardise the only place that felt like home to him.
So he thought for a moment and smiled
"If I recall at Christmas I asked if you would kiss me."
Hat subtly leaned in closer, watching as Acylius's skin started to glow like soft starlight.
Was he truly that flustered around him.
"I, um...yes you did, but I would not ask... Considering asking unless I thought you were..."
Hat took that moment to damn everything and pulled him in close by his neck tie, pancakes falling on his lap onto the floor, he didn't care, all that mattered right now was that the moment he'd kissed Acylius was that the over grown tree of an idiot was kissing back.
It was passionate and intense, he felt the doctors hands on his waist moving to hold him close, it was like the dam had broken finally at least Hat hat hoped...
When Acylius came to his senses, he looked horrified
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I shouldn't have...I didn't ask I'll be good I promise don't hate me..."
He disappeared ina shadow travel wisp of smoke leaving Amadeus confused...and concerned that was...that was no ordinary reaction, not a rejection there were traumas the Legion had clearly suffered...was this perhaps why he was finding it so difficult to reach out to him.
What happened to Acylius...did it have anything to do with those scars or the mother he called monster, in another situation Hat would have been hurt...but that...just left him longing to reach out...and offer him the same comfort Acylius had always given him...
Perhaps one day he'd find out...
But today was not that day.
The kiss lingered on his lips a beautiful moment, a dream that was eternally his.
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zolzhin · 8 years ago
War For Peace (SWToR)
A story I wrote based on the character of Mara-sur, whom I created as a Sith Cyborg Operative. I did not get to explore her character much but I did write several of her adventures. If I get a couple of likes on it, I'll post more of her stories.
The Balmorran sun rose hot in the sky, dissipating the morning mist which clung to the land. The Imperial lines, strategically placed to make use of the shade of the nearby mountains continued to cling to a dawn twilight, while the Republic position was already fully exposed to the punishing sun. The No Man's Land between the two position suffered the worst of the heat, the lack of cover or shade leaving waves of eddying heat across its battle torn environs. Destroyed walkers, vehicles and the bodies of many loyal Imperials and Republic soldiers lay where they fell, their own side unwilling to risk more lives in the recovery.
Between the two positions were also the remnants of old positions. Trenches dug my Republic defenders and foxholes blown into the earth by Imperial heavy weaponry. In all the terrain could not have been worse for culminating a final assault. The Republic dared not attack the tactically superior forces of the Imperials, while the Imperials could not match the sheer numbers of soldiers of the Republic opposition forces. Militia and grunts could not stand before the Imperial war machine, but they could stall it long enough to win a battle of attrition.
Yet even so, the word went out from captains to sergeants to privates along the Imperial line. An assault was coming. Sith Apprentices were moving forward to bolster the assault, alongside a small command of Special Forces. As the morning sun continued to rise, the Imperial beast was rousing. Massive volleys of artillery were already falling along the Republic lines, more to keep their heads down than to do any real damage. They were too entrenched to be pulled out except by brute force.
The Imperial lines teemed as they prepared for the assault. Weapons were checked, armor strapped tight to the body, helmet sensors calibrated. It was a dance of war, and every man added his own step. As the trenches flooded with grunts, Sith warriors and the more enigmatic Inquisitors began to filter amongst the ranks. Some moved without speaking to the rank and file, focused wholly on the bloodshed to come. Some hectored and lashed out at the rank and file, warning of dire consequences for cowardice and failure. Still fewer Sith who knew well that breeding resentment amongst their ranks would only endanger their lives promised wealth and power to those who acquitted themselves well, giving purpose and zeal to those who might have lacked it.
The first charges and volleys were a test, blaster bolts flying into the No Man's Land to hope a lucky shot or to rouse the massive waves of Republic aligned soldiers. Yet the Jedi in command of the defensive lines were not so foolish to waste their people. No, they would hold them until the true charge began. Then they would mire the Imperial forces in a wall of flesh, forcing a stalemate. The charge came suddenly, as the rank and file of the Imperials was pushed forward by their Sith and Army commanders. With a roar like a great monster crying defiance, they boiled out of their lines and into No Man's Land in a desperate run for the old trench works. Moments later the massive ragtag army of the Republic charged to take their own place in the torn landscape, laying down withering fire at the Imperials who dared the temerity of a frontal assault.
Out of the harsh lighted sky a drop ship roared over the mountains, keeping low to the terrain at top speed. The pilot must have been daring or mad, as he dodged Imperials turret towers and building by the narrowest margins. As it blazed above the Imperial Army, a cheer was roused from the ranks. The Sith didn't seem to care of course, but the emblems on the bottom of the shuttle were enough to raise morale. The Special Operations teams were landing.
Air brakes screamed and the drop ship flipped on its horizontal axis in a maneuver that might have sheared a lesser ship in half from the titanic air pressure and g-forces placed upon it. Now with its bay doors facing the Republic lines, it opened its cargo hold, disgorging its content to the ground below. Commandos jumped to the ground below, eschewing grapple lines or ramps. The moment their boots hit dirt they moved forward into the cover rich landscape before them.
Mara-sur was the last to leave the ship
Her steps were light and calculated as she hit the dirt. Dressed in black armor of a carapace design she moved like a shadow into the trenches, her rifle held tight in her gloved grip. Unlike the rest of the commandos she had no real objective. Her only orders were to cause as much turmoil and chaos as she could. She had accepted the mission with her trademark lack of response, simply accepting her duty without comment. As she moved from low trenches to pieces of heavy cover she made sure to minimize the target she gave to the enemy as well as minimized the amount of time she was seen. In this moment, it was important to not be seen until she began her task.
An explosion nearby caused her to jump behind a crashed hover tank, taking refuge as she took stock of the overall situation. The explosion had been an Imperial droid, probably used as a distraction being hit by a missile. She ran a gloved hand through her hair, suddenly mindful of the sting of sweat on the implants of her face. She stuck her head out from cover, to see how far she would have to dash without cover to make it to the next place of safety.
A blazing hot bolt of power hit the hover tank right next to her face, causing her to stumble back and into cover. It was a sniper no doubt, having probably been tracking her movements since she got off the drop ship. She reached into one of her belt pouches, drawing out a smoke canister. She pulled the pin with her teeth and rolled it into the land beyond her hard cover. The pall of smoke rose quickly blanketing her surrounding area in a dense smog.
With cover made she rushed out and forward following her instincts instead of her eyes to keep her footing sure during the mad run. Inaccurate fire lanced through the clouds of smoke, peppering the landscape all around her. She simply lowered her head and kept charging, hoping to speed and skill to get her through alive.
She was suddenly out of the bank of smoke and seemingly on the edge of the very trenches of the Republic forces. Without hesitation she dropped down into the trench-line, priming her rifle with practiced ease. She stalked down the trench, and fired at any enemy she saw. Unaware that someone had made it through No Man's Land they had barely the time to react. The action of killing was casual for her, without the joy and glee of the Sith warriors. She killed because it was her job, not because she enjoyed it.
Further along the line of trenches she ambushed a trio of Balmorran militia, their dirty civilian clothing a marked difference from the armor of the true Republic soldiers. She gunned down the first without a moment's hesitation, the second turning just quick enough to bring his gun to bare. She was close enough to knock the gun aside with her left hand executing a swift sweep as she did so, taking the man's legs out from under him. She delivered the coup' d' grace with the stock of her rifle, smashing the man's face in.
That left the last one, who dropped his weapon in terror. He fell to his knees, and for the next short moments begged for his life. He mentioned family, kids, and anything else he could think of to engender sympathy. She stared at him for several heartbeats, before mouthing the words “I'm sorry” and shooting him in the chest. With a sigh she moved off, leaving the dead behind.
With the element of her surprise lost, the only thing she could do now was to infiltrate as much as she could and cause as much damage as possible. She activated the special arrays on her armor, causing her form to shimmer and her lines to break up. The minor cloaking device was only useful if she was incredibly careful, but it would allow her to pass those distracted by the war before them.
Sliding over the lip of the trench she crawled her way deeper into the enemy lines. Men ran about her form unknowing that she lay only inches away. Mud and grim coated her armor and her face as she crawled through the muck, but she didn't seem to notice. This was just a part of the job, and a hot shower would perk her up once she was relieved to return to her spartan barracks room. She paused to catch her breath for a moment, laying prone in the dirt her rifle still locked in her grasp. Her outline would be hard to see against the earth, but she knew she couldn't remain for long. She had to find a target of opportunity, something that would help put a dent in the defensive morale. She found what she was looking for fifty yards away from her position, half-hidden behind an outcropping of rocks.
She found a Jedi. The robed figure of a Twi'lek Jedi stood alone, speaking into a headset. Obviously he was directing and encouraging some portion of the line. Jedi in and of themselves were considered high value targets, not to mention those leading dissident groups. She licked her lips, as if savoring the concept of a meal. This would be a glorious kill. She checked to ensure her pistol was strapped firmly to her thigh and that her long bladed knife was also still at her belt. There could be no mistakes, Jedi were not easy to surprise.
She crawled up onto her knees, unmindful of the dirt and grime that coated her front. Her cloaking field remained active, hiding her from sight. With the swift grace of a cat she prowled forward, her eyes locked on the target sights of her rifle, trying to get a clear shot. Every step was calculated to make no noise, ever movement was judged to not let armor or leather creak. She exhaled deeply, releasing all the breath in her lungs as she sighted at the Jedi. Between the beating of her heart she could feel the microsecond of perfect stillness required for precision shots. In the fifth microsecond of stillness she fired.
Yet Jedi were skilled in many arts. Perhaps it was precognition, perhaps his reflexes were just that good. Because before the superheated bolt could strike him, his saber was out and spinning deflecting the shot away. Without a word he jumped towards her, his green blade humming, his robes fluttering around him. She fired twice before he landed but it did no good, he deflected both shots in mid-air.
He landed short feet from her, as her cloaking field died away. It was quite the contrast. The blue-skinned Twi'lek was well dressed even in the simple robes of his order, his demeanor being one of competency, assurance, and relaxation. Mara-sur on the other hand was ragged and dirty, her hair wild from sweat and grim, her body poised and taut like whipcord. She was anything but relaxed as  this Jedi slowly examined and judged her.
“You are Special Forces? You have caused much death today. But today will be the last day you kill innocent men and women.” The Jedi spoke in cultured tones filled with the sort of arrogance and haughtiness that sickened Mara.
“Jedi arrogance. You think your allies are innocent because they follow you. You show great contempt for someone who is in truth greater than you. You hide from the truth of the universe, I embrace it.” Mara-sur replied with a cold hatred that many did not see in her. This girl who stuttered and stumbled around allies, could speak so well and strongly to an enemy. As if she were more used to this than speaking to friends.
“Those who follow the Empire willingly will never understand the truth. You are lost to the Dark Side, and I will stop you falling further. I am sorry it has to be this way.” The Jedi actually almost looked sorry for Mara-sur, which only infuriated her more.
“This is not the day I fall Jedi. I am just now finding my destiny.” She suddenly dropped her rifle drawing her pistol in one swift motion.
The Jedi countered her sudden shot, and lanced forward with his saber. She dodged back and to the side, her free hand palming her long bladed knife up. The Jedi was on the offensive slashing and hacking at her. Yet her movements were sinuous and focused, sliding like a serpent around each attack. She sought and opening in his defenses, a time and a place where she could land a telling blow with her knife or get off a useful blast with her pistol.
For a time, there seemed to be nothing else in the universe except for Mara-sur and her opponent. The war stilled raged around them but for the moment, each was so wholly consumed with the other, that all other concerns were blocked. In other situations it might have been an intimate moment as two beings became so entwined that nothing else mattered. And perhaps it was an intimacy, this duel to the death between so different of foes. The dodging, spinning, slashing, shooting, and other acts of battle could almost have been a dance, meant for only these two.
Yet every dance has to end sometime, every act of intimacy must come to a close. As the two fought each other to the point of exhaustion the Jedi drew on the one talent Mara-sur had never had. He lifted her up with the Force, clamping down her limbs as spider might hold tight its prey. He smiled a haughty smile as he captured this elusive warrior in his grasp. Even in Jedi there could be a mild vindictiveness at the back of the mind when one defeated a powerful foe.
“So now you see that the Light will always conquer. For the Force is with me Imperial. I am sorry you have been so lost. But I will banish the darkness for you.” The Jedi's voice was measured and calm, but somewhere deep beneath the veneer of Jedi calm and focus, there was the hard edge of anger and hate.
“I have walked in darkness Jedi. But I've already seen the light.” She hissed her fingers twitching and fidgeting. Her blaster fell from her fingers, somehow moving even under the iron grip of the Force hold. They quested then for something far simpler than any energy weapon. She unlatched a grenade close to hand, letting the small cylinder drop activated from her hand. The Jedi was at first shocked that someone could move under his power, then the shock transmuted into pain.
The world exploded for both of them, fire and smoke erupting up and outwards in a cacophony of dirt and shrapnel. Mara-sur was flung back by the force of the explosion, landing in the dirt to finalize her coating of muck. She groaned in pain, feeling at least a bruised rib or two, but it was a small price to pay for life. She stumbled to her feet, mindful to pick up her knife which she had dropped during her impromptu flight.
Nearby was the Jedi, who took the brunt of the explosion. His poise and arrogance was gone, to be replaced with shock and horror as he came to the realization of what had happened. She stumbled up to his supine form, her equilibrium tatters from the sound and pressure wave of the grenade. She fell to a knee at his side her blade poised. He stared at her before speaking. She couldn't hear his words, her ears still ringing but she read his lips.
“How have you done this? You are no Force Sensitive. It makes no sense.” He said, confusion etched on his features.
“I am my father's daughter. I can overcome anything.” She whispered her knife arcing out and down. In a glittering red trail, his throat was slashed, and his eyes paled. It was over.
Though not quite. There was still a war waging. Even without the calm assured commands of the Jedi the Republic was still putting up a fight. In a rush the sound of battle returned to her ear, reminding her of her duty. She stood up and moved to where the Jedi had been standing originally, directing his comrades by radio.
There she found a small device which appeared to be some sort of command control. She examined it with practiced ease and began typing in numbers. She hissed softly as she began to feel her scrapes and bruises more keenly. The adrenalin was wearing off. She tapped in a final command into the little machine and then used her blade to shatter the screen. No one else should make use of the thing.
She cast about, locating her rifle and pistol. She would rather part with an arm than lose her weapons. She dragged them up onto a nearby boulder, to sit and watch as Republic artillery rained down on their own people. She watched as some forward elements of the Imperials died, but so many more of the Republic fell. In short order their defense would be shattered, their morale broken by their own people shelling them. The Republic would call it a mistake, the Imperials would use it to show the Republic's incompetence.
Yet all that didn't matter. Mara-sur simply took this time to rest her aching body against the parched boulder beneath her. She stretched out, lengthening her body like a cat, grimacing at the pain it caused. In a short time she would get up, and find her way back to Imperial held territory. Yet for now she simply looked up at the sky, still barely morning. She looked into the heavens, and sent a soft thought for her passed father.
He would be watching with pride. His daughter was a warrior. Now, to become more.
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daee-archive · 7 years ago
Gerald’s Journal
Second short story assignment for class. It’s not great but ya know *shrug* Follows a different Dnd character from another campaign. Will probably expand upon it eventually.
There was only darkness as far as the eye could see. A journal in hand, written  with iridescent, almost glowing ink. They might have been a man once, or was it a woman - had they even been human? Either way they had a heart beat once; a pulse. They had a life, dreams and aspirations, maybe even a family. This belief was what kept them tethered to the world, a shadow. It was what kept them writing down their thoughts, if to at least have some sort of tracker for the time passed. Who were they? They couldn’t tell you. As they float in the darkness of the void, they search for answers to questions they might never find. Every once and awhile a voice will call them, a summoner most likely, and from the darkness they would rise.  When out of the comfort of the void they become something else; a night time horror. Most times their form is directed into a shape, a tall towering beast - a small fast animal. No matter the form the directive was the same. Kill the enemy. But whose enemy is it?
The air was tepid, the smell of moss and wood heavy in the air. The leaves crunched and twigs cracked as a hooded form stalked through the swamp. Their heavy woolen cape swayed in the air, brushing the ground and picking up moisture and mud. Leather and steel boots stepping with a grace found in those attuned to the woods. They continued on, making their way through the forest and into a clearing with a murky - almost vile looking lake. A moss covered bridge the only way to cross. They seemed to pause, deciding whether or not to continue, finally deciding on pushing forward. The shadows shuddered around them as they broke through the bridge gate. The dancing and swirling of darkness didn’t seem to alert the figure as they continued on. With every step a small rune activated behind them, glowing purple. The bridge shook as the rune sequence was completed and the shadows stopped dancing. In an instant it seemed as if the darkest parts of the night swirled into a form, much bigger than the average man.
The figure stopped as they witness this, feet squaring off into a defensive stance. The swirling mass of shadows thrummed with tendrils of inky blackness. Eyes glowing white and from dripping and slipping around - almost as if unsure what form to take. Its maw opened revealing a cavern of sharp teeth of all different sizes. A hollow sounding voice resonated around them. “You should not have come here…” it droned, “turn back, turn back, you do not belong here” It’s voice seemed to change and warble as it talked. Long spindly fingers spread out as the creature waved their arms around the clearing.
The figure shifted in place, lifting small hands up and to their hood. Slowly as if it might startle the creature, the figure removed their hood. Maroon colored hair fell in waves around a grey face. A purple diamond jewel glinting in the moonlight was placed in the middle of their forehead. Eyes as dark as the night around them stared back at the creature. A soft melodic voice shifted the air as the figure spoke. “My name is Firae, of the dark woods up north. I have been sent here to investigate the string of murders and necromantic activity in the area. Including one of a-” As she spoke, the creature lashed out, tendrils attacking her from all sides. She swept her robe to the side, pulling out a broom. Spinning the broom around once she vaulted into the air standing on the thin wood as it floated. The creature’s glowing eyes darted up to her, tendrils following soon thereafter. Orbs of fire flickered into life as she waved a hand in front of her. The fiery orbs, intercepted and destroyed the tendrils before they could even hope to get close to her. Bringing her hands together she whispered a chant, and more fiery orbs appeared rushing past her and directly at the creature. As the fire hit, the creature wailed out in pain. With a metal wand in her grip Firae gently started to waving archaic patterns in the air. “ -including one of a child, named Gerald.” purple and silver smoke started swirling around the wand as she aimed it at the creature. With a flick of her wrist, the smoke turned into bright and blinding ropes. “Gerald the son of a writer, the child who always carried a journal.” The ropes encircled the shadow creature, spinning round and round their form. Screeching the creature writhed on the ground, becoming smaller and smaller until they were just a small form huddled on the ground. Firae stepped forward, her wand still pointed at the creature. Eyes ablaze with putrid magic she stooped down. “And whose journal, lead me  here.” the creatures form gave one last shudder and it raise its head. A small face, on a small body. Big eyes crying ink tears marking the ashen skin of a small child. Firae brushed back their grey hair, before gripping their shoulder tight and striking out with her wand. The darkness whipped around them, swirling in turmoil as it collected upon the child's forehead. It was strange, she thought, for someone to control the dead as such. She brushed the child's hair comfortingly and reached into her satchel. From there a small, worn journal appeared. It was tightly bound with scribbles and small notes marking the cover.  She opened the journal turning to a later entry in the book. She pet the child's head as she  read the entry out loud.
“My name is Gerald.I am 8 years old. I like to write. I want to be a journalist when I get big!” The child in  her lap seemed to stir at that. “I don’t know how I got here, but father said  to always  write what happens to me. A mean lady made me  stay here. I want to  go home. It smells like the swamp.”  Firae held the child as a sob broke out. “ Gerald, the world works in many ways. For many once they die they pass on. For those like you who were chained here, they get one possession.”  Gerald sniffled sitting up “one possession?” Firae smiled, handing gerald the journal “yes, many don’t ever realize it, but  they do” she watched as realization dawned on the child.“this one and mine look the same!” Firae nodded, patiently. “yes, and because you continued to write I was able to track the magic that connected you and your journal.” another sob broke out as Gerald held the journal tighter. “I want to go home!” he cried “I want to go home!” Firae shushed the child's wailing patting them on the back, “I will send you home, your father has been waiting for you on the other side for a long time.” She touched her satchel, eyes wet as her hand brushed upon a larger journal - a memento of a man she knew, who died without ever knowing what happened to his child.
Standing up, Firae took several steps back and began to weave her magic once more. Lights shimmered and danced as a door appeared. She watched as Gerald timidly walked up to it, he looked back at her anxiously. “do I-?” she nodded gently and tried not to shield her eyes as they opened the door. A bright blinding light doused the surrounding area in color, flowers bloomed and birds chirped. Gerald's vision became almost Technicolor in comparison to the monochrome they were before. Soft browns for skin and hair, joyous green apple eyes. A smile creeped its way onto Firae's face. They looked the spitting image of their father. As the door closed and the light faded Firae was left standing in the darkness, the journal sitting neatly upon the mossy bridge. She stepped up to it, flipping to the last page where in childish handwriting was a simple “Thank you”.
Tucking the small journal into her satchel, Firae walked on, the darkness at her back seeming a little less dark.
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