#this ask really fits your username /pos
p-ogman · 1 month
I genuinely love your art I want to see more of it one my feed. I NEED IT. I CANT STOP COMUSEING P-OGMAN ART!!!!! I NEED IT!!!
AAAAAAAAA THANK YOU!? That is so sweet…more p-ogman art will be coming I love drawing the bird and pig 💪😤!!!
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hexhomos · 1 year
Wowowow I am so grateful I'm getting to write this (explained below) HELLO
I just wanted to say I really really really like, love, and admire your "JAYVIK/VIKJAYCE" Spotify playlist. i work a delivery job and listen to a ton of music on the road; I often search for themes to find new music through fan playlists for various stuff... I will admit, I am a bit of a music snob but I'm also a sucker for cult-become-pop-favourites (does this make sense? it's a thin line to walk), and as song after song came on and went by I kept saying outloud things like "wow!" "no way!" and "this playlist might be flawless..." You chose songs that thematically fit and also are fantastic for the ears, I don't know how else to put it.
In the middle of the playlist--in the midst of my workshift--I made note that I had to check the Spotify username on the off-chance I could find who made it. When I got home, I started raving about it in a music server I'm in and finally looked for the username and, man, the gasp I let out, I'm not kidding: I really wasn't expecting to get the chance to tell you how much I liked this collection. I'm pretty new to the LoL/Arcane fandom, but, whew, I've fallen head-first in their universes and have quite honestly been obsessed with your art and your blog, so--probably needless to say--it was quite a delightful surprise to see your name under the playlist title. :)
i uhh have forgotten the vast majority of the things I actually wanted to further say but. Thank you for making this playlist, thank you for wearing your heart on your sleeve for the things you love. This list has introduced me to some new treasures, truly, and had me revisit some of my favourites, alike! (mad mad mad props for "Smoke and Mirrors!!" /gen, pos) I'll be listening to your other public LoL playlists, I am so genuinely excited.
ps. I spy the blatant love for Joywave!! If the Spotify username wasnt going to lead me anywhere, I was considering asking a joywave server I'm in on the off-chance if anyone liked Arcane enough to make a playlist. ALSO NAT KING COLE??? Righteous.
This is such a DELIGHTFUL ask god im glad you liked it! That playlist was super self indulgent and it rules that you vibed with it as well 😭✌️✌️✌️ thank u for going thru all the trouble to lemme know
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jiksvokrat · 7 months
3, 4, 11, 20 👀, 21, 24 for the song ask game !! (Feel free to pick and choose u do not have to do all for these lmaoo)
ill answer all bc why not, but it got a bit long ill split it in two (3, 11 and 20 here, 4, 21, 24 (aka the mostly czech ones) later)
and its still long so also
3 three songs you were recently obssesed with
mothers and fathers by dom fera, been obssesed with it ever since i saw this animatic a few months ago, its so sweet
chci zas v tobě spát od lucie, a czech one, my friend kept playing it and now im infected
and creature by half-alive bc of wolfys animatic, it gives an existential crisis /pos
11 three favourite songs from movie or tv series
the balad of songbirds and snakes bc that whole soundstrack was fire and i really like this one in the acapella version
second from tick, tick... BOOM, another soundtrack i love basically whole, but louder than words stands out
and as thrid i have je to blízko od michala davida z filmu discopříběh aka the movie where im the only one who likes the guy more after he cuts his hair
20 songs that remind me icy (hehe)
i mean this one has to be here, what can i add
and now i have constellations by the oh hellos, mostly bc i have the fox in your username conected with nature vibes and the oh hellos too and this songs has nice pretty happy and hopeful vibes to me and that feels fitting, also stars and constellations are really cool (i have not paid attention to the lyrics much tho so uh, hope its nothing bad)
and lastly super friends by starkid from the holy musical b@tman bc you post a lot of batfam but the only batman ive ever seen (i plan to fix this, so if you have recommendations do tell) is this musical so thats what you get
to be continued...
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timefospookies · 3 years
Hihi! I've kind of spammed likes in ur blog but I love your headcanons!! (Tho tell me if it is annoying, I'll stop!) So I just found out that tyler from the ben drowned arg (jadusable roommate) has lawman as a last name?? Do u think he's maybe related to benjj? :o
About Tyler THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THIS TO MY ATTENTION!!!! I will now proceed to rant about him LOL B)
I thibk he’s most likely related to Benji, given that they have family by the same last name!! And plus I think that could be a very interesting concept because I’m looking at the Wiki right now for some extra info he was presumably born in 1990 which is the same birth year as Benji’s!! THEY COULD BE TWINS?1?? Or cousins? :O
Also reading more into the Wiki SOME INTENSE STUFF WENT DOWN so TW for mentions of death + s*icide!!
Apparently his family was killed in a murder-s*icide sometime on November of 2010 WHICH IS NUTS and then he dropped his given name and started going by Berkeley (another name starting with “BE” hmm) and his mental health started going downhill :((
Says here that Jadus and Denton (no idea who these people are) gave Tyler the opportunity to join them (join what? The moon children? The Eternity Project? Who knows :O) by Tyler ended uh killing himself with a gun :’(
KNOWING ABOUT TYLER IS VERY VERY HELPFUL cuz I was working on my BEN Drowned AU comic so knowing his relation to Benji and I might have to tweak some stuff to make him fit :]/pos
UHH IDK HOW TO FINISH THIS BUT THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!2!!! Love interacting with people on here :33
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aria-writes · 5 years
The (he)art of Craft | e.k. x reader
Words: 2173
Boys are clueless.
I know this, but for some reason I keep forgetting.
I crossed my arms in front of myself to rest them as Elmer leaped onto his bed like a flying squirrel. "When you asked me if I wanted to 'hang out with you (and the guys)', this isn't exactly what I was envisioning."
Elmer looked over at me as he scrambled to sit up, blinking in confusion. "Why? What did you have in mind?"
In all honesty, shirtless basketball in the park.
"I don't know." I shook my head and sat on the bed beside him.
I watched Elmer boot up the server, staring at the screen with barely concealed excitement. Four users were already online.
This is not exactly my idea of a hot date. Then again, maybe it's my fault for reading into things. On the other hand, I mean really, what usually comes to mind immediately when a really cute boy asks you if you want to 'hang out'?
See, that's what I thought!
You know what, though? All things considered, it could be worse. He could've asked me to play Wii Sports Bowling with him. It's supposed to be so easy the folks in nursing homes love it, right? Well apparently ole gram-grams has more virtual athletic ability in her pinky finger than I do in my entire body.
Elmer scooted closer to me and pulled out headphones, flipping the earpieces outwards so we could share the same set.
I watched as the screen started spazzing out. "Is that..." I trailed off, pointing at the screen and not sure how to put my thoughts into words as I held my part of the headphones up to my ear.
Elmer quirked an eyebrow. "Yeah, it's usual for this section. The reason it's so glitchy is because someone spawned way too many ocelot assets."
"Hey guys, Elmer has a girl ov—" Romeo started to say, but he was cut off by somebody who was way louder.
"You can never have too many ocelots!" A distinctive, high-pitched but still decidedly male voice exclaimed through the headset.
"The queen of the felines has spoken." Elmer rolled his eyes and smiled as his avatar started jerkily walking towards a large light blue and white building that touched the sky. "This is Racetrack's cat castle—"
"A cat-stle, if you will." Racetrack interrupted.
"I will not." Albert shot back.
Racetrack cleared his throat and adopted a 'tour guide' voice. "Business hours are from 9:00pm to 5:00am, or for the low low price of three diamonds you can get an all-access pass."
"Good grief." Albert muttered under his breath.
"Killing one of my sweet, adorable, cuddly babies— I mean, very loyal subjects— results in an immediate ban for life." Racetrack continued, undeterred. "Donations of precious gemstones and fish, cooked or raw, are always appreciated."
"Yeah, good luck with that." Romeo replied with a small snort.
"I'll come tour your catstle, Race!" Crutchie said cheerily.
"Finally, some proper respect around here."
I gave Elmer the side-eye. "Why isn't it pink?"
"Pink? You think I would use pink?" Racetrack asked with an air of disdain, scoffing. "Please. Pink is a strong, masculine color, fit only for the he-est of men. My graceful feminine eyes can only bear the lightest, most delicate shades of blue, as is befitting a most proper young lady such as myself."
Elmer made eye contact with me and shrugged.
"Also, pink is Romeo's color." Racetrack mumbled with a defeated tone.
Romeo let out a triumphant laugh. "Ya snooze ya lose, loser!"
Alerts in all caps popped up on the screen as three more usernames joined.
Elmer nudged me with his shoulder to get my attention. I tried and failed not to blush. "And to our left, we have Henry's trailer park. In Minecraft, imagination is the only limit, and Henry decided to build a trailer park. Why, I have no idea."
"Because heck you, that's why!" Henry said, but there was no bite in his tone.
"Watch your ****ing language on my good Christian Minecraft server!" Crutchie yelled.
The random conversations going on between others in the background went silent.
"oh no." Crutchie said really quietly, but we could all hear it due to the aforementioned radio silence.
Jojo started muttering The Lord's Prayer to himself.
Somebody let out a very loud snort.
"Gross!" Albert shrieked. "Say it, don't spray it!"
"Kiss my butt!" Racetrack shot back.
There was some fuzzy noise, like somebody dropped their headset on the ground and they were wrestling with each other now.
Jack sighed. "Hey, if y'all are gonna hate-boink, can you please mute your channels please and thank you!"
"Shut up!" Racetrack and Albert shouted at the same time.
Jack cackled like a maniac to himself.
"Okay, you know what?" Albert asked, clearly annoyed. "Keep it up, but I'm gonna tell Katherine all about your little problem with–"
Elmer gasped and pulled his earpiece away from his head. He quickly crossed himself before returning to listening in on the conversation.
"No!" Jack protested as Albert proceeded to spill some very personal information. "You wouldn't!"
"—Don't test me." Albert finished.
"I did not need to know that." Jojo said, clearing his throat awkwardly.
"Ditto." Henry murmured in agreement.
A notification popped up on the screen alerting everybody that Buttons was online and had joined the server, bringing the total up to eight. "Hey, guys! Know what?" He asked, innocently.
"That the unflappable Jack Kelly apparently has a raging butt rash." Romeo answered matter-of-factory.
Buttons seemed at a loss for words. "...Oh." he said, finally.
"I'm dealing with it, okay?" Jack asked, annoyed. "I have cream and I'm taking oatmeal baths—"
"TMI, bro." Albert interrupted.
"You started it!" Jack exclaimed, exasperatedly.
"Your mom started it!" Albert retorted. The height of maturity, that one.
"My mom is dead!"
"Oh yeah? So's mine, you ain't special!" Albert said breezily.
A chorus of 'So is mine' rang through the airspace.
"Okay, well that's depressing." Buttons commented. "Who wants to duel?"
"Ooh, pick me! I'm always a ho for dying!" Racetrack yelled enthusiastically.
"Race, are you okay?" Crutchie asked, concerned.
There was no response for a few seconds, and then I heard the sound of somebody facepalming.
"Race, you're an idiot." Albert said flatly.
"Oh, wait a second."
Elmer adjusted his grip on the headset. "What'd he do?"
Albert sighed. "He shot finger guns at the screen."
"Woooowww." Jojo said, totally done.
"You're just jealous." Race clicked his tongue.
Jojo scoffed. "Why would I be jealous of an evil leprechaun? Oh wait, no, that's Albert."
I elbowed Elmer. "Are they always like this?"
Elmer nodded. "Constantly."
"Uh, guys? Anyone else's game bugging out?" Jack asked. "Oh wait never mind, I just wandered a little too close to the crazy cat lady's cottage."
Racetrack huffed. "Heck you, butt rash boy."
Jojo let out a mock offended gasp. "Such language!"
"Frick you, HoHo."
Jojo gasped again. "Frick you!"
"That's gay." Racetrack said, snickering.
"You're gay!" Jojo replied.
"So what if I am?! Gay means happy, and I'm the happiest person I know! So there!" Racetrack punctuated his sentence with a somewhat audible 'blep'.
Elmer fake-coughed and raised his voice loud enough to cover Jojo and Racetrack's 'argument'. “To our right is Mush's giant flower garden." He did a slow pan of the colorful, pixelated blooms.
I leaned forward to examine them. It was quite impressive, if only from the sheer numbers of mass collection.
"Dare you to steal one, Elmer." Romeo piped up.
Elmer shook his head vehemently. "Heck no, unlike most of you, I actually value my life."
"Lives having value?" Albert scoffed.
"In this economy?" Racetrack finished for him.
"Now we're coming up on Romeo's super tacky building." Elmer leaned back against the wall as a large, misshapen, pink, vaguely-heart-shaped structure came into view.
"Look, I had a plan originally, but math and grids are hard." Romeo explained.
Racetrack let out a derisive scoff. "Grids are literally the easiest thing, you wannabe fashion icon."
Romeo blew a raspberry.
"Your mom is literally the easiest thing." Albert commented.
I could practically hear Racetrack's smirk from here. "You know, what I'm gathering from all the 'your mom' jokes is, you just really wanna be my daddy."
Somebody started making vey exaggerated gagging noises.
"Uh, pass." Albert muttered under his breath.
"You coughing up a hairball over there or something, Jojo?" Henry asked.
Jojo ceased his gagging. "No, I'm good."
"I bet Race has rabies." Buttons quipped.
"Don't be ridiculous, Race doesn't have rabies!" Crutchie protested. "I had him tested and everything."
"Interesting." I murmured under my breath.
"This is my house!" Elmer announced with a large grin, completely oblivious. "It's one of those tiny houses!"
"That's a very pretentious way of saying 'dirt hut starter home'." Crutchie teased.
"Wow, that's so funny I forgot to laugh." Elmer shot back. "No, it's like one of those minimalist houses that used to be all the rage, but in Minecraft! See?" He gestured at the small building on the screen, eyes sparkling.
I smiled back, his energy practically contagious. "It's very cute." Just like its builder, is what I did not say to him.
"And fully functional!" Elmer opened the door and started pointing out various features. "In the floor is a crafting table and a bed, to the side we have a furnace and a double-wide chest—"
"Your mom has a double-wide chest!" Racetrack exclaimed gleefully before erupting into laughter.
Elmer snapped his mouth shut with an unamused look on his face.
"Dang you Race, I was about to say that." Albert said, almost whining.
Elmer let out a sigh and moved his avatar to the back of the house. "And here's a small vegetable garden."
"Po Tay Toes!" Albert exclaimed, immediately perking back up.
"Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!" Jack added. The first thing he's said in a while, now that I think about it.
"You Irish people scare me." Racetrack commented.
"You're part Irish." Albert said flatly.
"Yeah, and?" Racetrack asked defensively. "I scare myself!"
"That makes two of us." Albert muttered under his breath.
I stole a glance towards Elmer, who was engrossed in harvesting his virtual vegetables. I can't say I understand how or why people invest so much time in this kind of stuff, but at least it makes him happy.
It'd be nice if I could do that.
I don't know what I'm doing, but if I don't ask then I'll spend years replaying this day over and over in my head at 2:00a.m. in the morning overanalyzing every single little detail. Here goes nothing.
I smiled teasingly and nudged Elmer with my elbow, gently. “So, do you invite all the girls out to watch you play Minecraft or am I just special?"
"Say what now?" Elmer looked over at me suddenly, blinking as if he was coming out of a trance as his eyes re-adjusted to the real world.
"This is a date?"
"This isn't a date?" We both asked in unison.
There was an awkward silence for about ten seconds, which was then broken by the sound of loud crunching over the headset.
"Henry!" About five or six voices exclaimed.
"What?" Henry asked defensively. "This is entertaining, thus, snacks are a must! Can y'all blame me?"
"Elmer," Racetrack sighed, "when you ask a girl to quote, 'hang out', unquote, that's code for a date. Just like Netflix and Chill is—"
"Stop! Don't ruin his innocence!" Buttons interrupted.
"I'm just saying, he's not gonna get very far if he doesn't know—"
Elmer pulled the headset down and placed it on the bed between us, hitting mute at the same time. "Look, this didn't go the way I planned, 'cause I was gonna ask you out for real, but then I panicked, so no wonder you've been getting mixed signals, but..."
He stared down at the floor and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Can we just finish out today platonic and like, start fresh tomorrow? And I promise, if it's what you want, I will ask you on a real, proper date then."
I grinned and turned back to face the screen so I wasn't staring at him and making him even more uncomfortable. "Sounds good to me."
"Cool." Elmer returned the grin and did two thumbs up at me, shoulders scrunched up, then picked the headset back up and held it up to his ear.
I leaned in to unmute it and was greeted with a cacophony of all the boys arguing with each other over what exactly was happening on our end.
I hesitantly reached over to place my arm around Elmer's shoulders. "Do you mind if... is this okay?"
Elmer beamed from ear to ear and leaned into my touch. "Yeah."
"What's going on?" Romeo asked loudly, effectively putting a damper on the moment. "I need visuals!"
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