#this always makes me smile. free serotonin
gyeomsweetgyeom · 7 months
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[11:04 pm]
(cw: f!reader, idol!reader)
This was likely the best concert you'd ever been to. It was lively, fun, and the best time you'd had in a while. And you're an idol! You sang along to all the songs and danced with little to no worries in the world.
The next song started, a familiar beat started, your favorite song. You turned to Jaehyun excitedly squealing as the instruments started up. He smiled at you brightly, nodding his head along with the music.
“Ooh, don’t we look good together?” Bruno Mars started singing.
You raised your arms, swaying side to side, singing along without a care in the world. This night had been amazing. Ever since becoming an idol, there had been very few times where you felt free out in public. You always felt like you had to lol over your shoulder, be proper, and on your best behavior in case something got you in trouble.
There were always cameras pointed at you, but not tonight. Bruno Mars had a running habit for his shows which worked out great for you as an idol, your boyfriend who was an idol, and other celebrities who very rarely got to be out in public without the fear of a camera on them. You and Jaehyun were lucky that both your companies supported your relationship, but that didn’t mean all fans did. Even though your relationship was confirmed, you and Jaehyun very rarely went out publicly just for your own comfort. The lack of cameras and phones at this camera made it all the more exciting on top of the fact that you both loved Bruno Mars.
The cameras around the venue jumped around to different people in the audience as the song went on. “Fellas grab your ladies if your lady fine,” Bruno sang.
The band paused, “I said fellas grab your ladies if your lady fine.” The cameras jumped to a couple, as the woman was pulled in and given a kiss. You hadn't realized the cameras were going to jump around the audience and show the fellas grabbing their ladies.
“Let’s try this again, fellas grab your ladies if your lady fine,” Bruno Mars sang again. Before you could even process the image on the screen you felt Jaehyun wrapping his arms around your waist before dipping you back into a kiss. You laughed loudly, cupping his cheeks before placing a chaste kiss on his lips.
You stood upright, just catching the screen showing the two of you before switching to another couple as the line repeated once more as the song kept going.
You and Jaehyun danced the night away with each other, singing at the top of your lungs without a worry in the world. It hadn't even crossed your mind that surely people, fans of either you or Jaehyun, might break the rule of no phones and catch sight of you.
When you were both in the van ready to head home, the serotonin boost dropping to a tired calmness. Jaehyun let out a laugh, leaning over to show you his screen. Someone had captured the entire video of you and Jaehyun from one of the big screens. You could see the dazzling smile on Jaehyun's face and the look of surprise on your face as he dipped you back. You had been so in the moment that you hadn't even heard the sharp rise in cheers and volume when you and Jaehyun appeared on the screen.
It was a cute video and you were glad someone had captured it. Scrolling through the comments, it looked like people agreed. The video had been posted almost an hour ago and already had over 100 thousand reposts. You were even trending! Some people in the comments even admitted to not knowing who either of you were but wanted to become fans.
You handed the phone back with a smile, "someone said that if I ever get tired of you, they'll take care of me. They offered to take care of all my plants while I'm away and make me dinner every night."
Jaehyun playfully rolled his eyes, "most of the comments were about you. I forget how much the internet adores my girlfriend."
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upon-a-starry-night · 10 months
Number Neighbors Pt. 10
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha Masterlist Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary:  When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
You layed in bed as the sun shone through your curtains, it was well past the time you would usually wake up but who could blame you, weekends were your happy place. Although as of late you’d been getting your source of serotonin from somewhere else. You rolled over and picked up your phone, checking the time. Noon. nice.
You tried not to be disappointed at the lack of notifications on your screen, it’s not like you got messages from anything but take-out places and… 
You sighed, Nat hadn’t responded for an entire week now.
You knew she told you about how her job would cause her to go remote but it didn’t make it any easier, and after last weekend… god you needed to get a life. You really couldn’t let your whole life revolve around one woman you met on the internet. So what if she makes you laugh harder than you ever have in your life, and listens better than the copper statues in the park downtown? 
You wondered if she even considered you a friend in the same way you did her. 
The fact that she hadn’t blocked you yet meant she was at least entertained by your personality but did she feel the same connection you did? The same loneliness when you didn’t text her back for a while (not that it was ever that long). Did you help her unwind after a long day at work as well?
You sighed, pulling the covers over your face and groaning. Maybe you were becoming too dependent on someone who only saw you as entertainment. The one time you decide to try something new ends up with you having a quarter-life crisis, it’s just your luck.
You layed in bed staring at the ceiling until a sudden wave of irritation washed over you, you were not going to waste the rest of the day wallowing in self-pity like this. 
You threw the covers off of your body, a newborn determination in your bones.
Today you were going to try something new and it was going to be great. You’d make sure of it.
Your initial intention had been to try a new activity; pottery or rug making or something hands on but when your stomach grumbled you figured a new restaurant was still as adventurous as you were looking for. 
You weren’t in a particular mood for anything so you entered “restaurants near me” into your phone and scrolled until you found a cute retro-looking diner that was only a thirty-minute walk from you.
You could use the fresh air and the exercise so you clicked on the directions and placed your headphones into your ears as you began walking down the street.
 The diner was as cute as the pictures had shown, if not cuter. The retro 70’s style of the seats and decor was always a style you’d been a fan of. It was the kind of place where a lot of influencers would probably come to take pictures. You wondered why you’d never come across this place only to spot the “Just opened!” sign on the cherry red counter. 
As soon as you sit down you’re approached by a man who seems too cute to be a server, he’s dressed in a leather jacket and jeans with a simple white T-shirt underneath. He looks like he’s straight out of Grease and it almost makes you laugh at how much he fits in.
Much to your surprise, the handsome stranger pulls a notebook and pen out of his pocket and smiles at you.
“What can I get for a pretty lady such as yourself?”
The compliment makes you blush and you quickly realize that he fit in so well because he did work here. You figured there would be some sort of uniform or apron the servers would have to wear but apparently, they were all free to come dressed like they just walked out of a teenage vampire TV series. 
He tilted his head when you didn’t respond and you watched the way a strand of his hair fell in front of his face and suddenly you felt like a teenage girl all over again.
You quickly cleared your throat and looked back down at the menu “Oh uhm- I will get…”
You looked over the menu and picked out the first thing that sounded appealing, tacking on a milkshake at the end of your order. 
Your server wrote everything down with practiced ease and flashed you a charming style before going to put your order in. 
Once your food was delivered and you were chowing down you began absentmindedly scrolling on your phone through your Instagram fyp, it was all your typical preferred content and you liked and saved a few posts before your milkshake was brought out by a woman who was dressed in various shades of red white and pink, an apron sat tied around her waist. 
So they did have a uniform? 
Or was this one of those places that only made women dress up? You smiled at the waitress as she handed you your drink and you thanked her and began scrolling through your coworker's posts.
One of the women you worked with had just gotten engaged. You clicked on her profile and scrolled through the posts of her with all her friends. The sight only reminded you of your lack thereof and your current… predicament with your only friend.
Your mood quickly turned sour once again and you found yourself sadly sipping your milkshake as you stared out of the window, watching couples pass by and squinting your eyes at them in jealousy.
You're sure you probably looked weird and you weren’t all that surprised when an older man approached your booth. You were sure you were about to get kicked out for glaring at potential customers when his lips turned down into a frown and his hands landed on his hips, he was wearing a white apron and a nametag that said “Dale”, and from the looks of it, he was some kind of cook.
“Never in my 30 years running this place have I seen someone look so sad eating my food” Before you had a chance to respond he was sliding into the seat across from you and telling you about how the restaurant came to be.
 He told you a lot of stories about his wife and all the ways he tried to win her over before she finally agreed to date him. 
You laughed more in the 30 minutes he was talking to you than you had in over a week and you smiled at the warm sensation that filled your stomach. You forgot how good it could feel to interact with other people in person. 
After you finished laughing at Dale’s most recent tale you sighed with a smile on your face and made eye contact, hoping to convey your sincerity
“I’m sorry I looked so upset earlier- I swear it wasn’t because the food was bad”
Dale just smiled knowingly and nodded his head at your phone
“Partner troubles?”
You blushed, not able to make eye contact with Dale as thoughts of you and Nat swarmed your head. Briefly, you wondered if she’d like this place, and you quickly shook the idea from your head.
“Not exactly, I’m just a little salty I guess. Everyone my age is getting married and I can’t even keep a boyfriend.” You covered your face in embarrassment, unable to face the complete stranger whom you just spilled your guts to. When you finally gained the courage to remove your hands Dale was looking at you with a mischievous smile. 
“What” You tilted your head, a confused smile overtaking your face
“Let me introduce you to my son. He’s around your age, very outgoing, very charming” He winked at you when he said the last trait and you couldn’t help the small chuckle that left you. You were always anxious when it came to new people but you promised yourself you were going to try new things today so you lightly nodded your head and Dale immediately stood up to go fetch his son.
A minute later your original server begins heading your way and you prepare to hand him your card but you’re surprised when he sits down in the spot where Dale sat. Before you can say anything Dale is back with another milkshake telling you it’s on the house and leaving with another quick wink.
It finally registers in your head a second later that the man across from you is Dale's son, hence why he probably didn’t have to wear a uniform. It was nice of him to help out his father.
You stuck your hand out across the table and felt your lips curl into a friendly smile. 
“So you’re the infamous son I’ve heard so little about?”
A smirk appeared on your table buddy's face and his warm hand reached across the surface and clasped yours in a firm grip.
“So I am”
The two of you talked for what felt like 4 hours but was only one, During that period you finished your milkshake and learned that Dale’s son’s name was Dolion after his Greek great-grandfather but that he preferred to go by “Leon”, you also learned that Leon and his father had just moved here on account of his mother passing away. 
The two of you hit it off more than you thought and you found you shared a lot of similar interests, although he was a lot more outgoing than you were.
Leon was by far one of the most charming men you’d ever met, his father was right, and when you found yourself getting up to leave he grabbed you by the arm and asked you for your number, how could you say no?
The walk home was a happy one and you found yourself stopping to sit at a park with a smile on your face as you thought about your day. 
Maybe it would be a good month after all.
Maybe this was the start of something really lovely
No Nat content this chapter sorry guys :( ~ Starry
@marvelwomen-simp @cd-4848 @wandanatlov3r @rebeltombraider @ctrlamira @fxckmiup @aliherreraaa @natsxwife @la-douler-ne-finite-jamais @romanoffsgal @moistblobfish @natashaswife4125 @elenimoris @how-to-disappearrr @screechcat
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leclercsbf · 1 year
i feel like we don’t talk enough about how lando is actually so down bad for oscar
like yes oscar’s middle name is literally heart eyes when he’s around lando and mans straight up giggles and laughs at every things that come out of lando’s mouth, not to mention the cute little scrunch things he does with his nose
but i think it’s so cute how lando tries to actively bring that out of oscar (even if we all know he doesn’t even have to try cause oscar is down for him that bad) like if he sees oscar giggling at something he does he will literally go out of his way and exaggerate whatever he’s doing just so oscar giggles a bit harder
i think the fact the oscar is literally THE embodiment of the standing man emoji actually drives lando crazy and he actually really likes it in a way where he feels the need to kind of break his back just to kind of impress oscar or get a cute reaction out of him, it kind of reminds me of carlos with charles
i feel like lando actually really loves oscar’s sense of humour as well, the dry, sarcastic thing he’s got going on, lando was probably taken aback by it at the start not in a bad way but just because he probably wasn’t used to it as much, because oscar’s different compared to carlos and danny in terms of the energy levels i would say and that’s the thing i think oscar’s sense of humour actually flusters lando in a way
the both of them are so down bad for each other, it’s actually sickening but weirdly endearing at the same time, your fics about them give me so much serotonin it’s insane, they’re so perfectly worded and just so everything <333
absolutely spot on, anon, this is a vital part of the landoscar manifesto. throwing the rest of my response under the cut because i already know that this is going to get long.
the thing about oscar is that he’s got a great sense of humor, but for the most part it’s hidden underneath his usual deadpan stare. he’s not like carlos or daniel who joke easily and laugh easily and make friends easily. oscar takes a bit of time to warm up to people and he’s a rookie on top of that, so i would imagine that he came into the team shy and somewhat reserved, focused on his job and focused on doing well (lando just about confirmed that here by saying oscar’s in his “serious phase”). once lando got to know oscar a little better, once he started making oscar laugh, he immediately started doing whatever he could to draw that same reaction again and again and again—because he didn’t know that oscar could laugh like that, that he could make oscar laugh like that. now that he’s aware, he’s practically addicted, because oscar’s the kind of guy who barely reacts to anything and yet lando can make him laugh so hard that he practically folds himself in half. who’s going to tell lando that most of the time his jokes aren’t even that funny and that oscar only laughs as hard as he does because he has a crush on lando the size of fucking australia? i guarantee that if anyone other than lando tried to say any of that, oscar wouldn’t so much as smile. that’s how he was back in F2—he leveled every dumb joke with the most unimpressed stare known to man. this is why landoscar makes me so fucking insane, because somehow—somehow—lando has oscar giggling. he’s not that funny, oscar, get up.
“sickening but weirdly endearing” just about sums up The Landoscar Experience. i look at them and i can’t believe how down bad they are for each other, but i really wouldn’t have them any other way. absolutely love how you compared them to charlos, because you’re right—lando and carlos are former teammates who do their damnedest to make their current teammates laugh. said teammates always reward them by fucking giggling at their dumb jokes which is just, why, but good for the gays i guess. not sure how you feel about maxiel, anon, and if you don’t like it feel free to skip the rest of this passage—but max does the same fucking thing. he cracks a joke then immediately checks to see if daniel found it funny, and if he did, that’s when max allows himself to laugh. he’s also like charles and oscar in the sense that he laughs at literally everything daniel does, which sounds pretty fair given the fact that daniel’s one of the funniest drivers on the grid, but max laughs at fucking everything. one time daniel said “adios” and max found it hilarious. like. why though. this is a sport full of men who just need to kiss.
this got super fucking long, but thank you so much for sending this lovely ask my way! it was a joy to read through. i’m also really glad that you like my work. i hope whichever fics i write next won’t disappoint. wishing you a great day or night, anon. ♥️
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thebettybook · 1 year
🧸 The Best Babysitters for Mayday 🕸️
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Characters: Miguel O’Hara x Spider-hero!gn!reader (who’s not a native/fluent Spanish speaker or has rusty Spanish skills). Miguel and reader are in an established romantic relationship.
Strawbetty’s notes: I just needed some soft content of Miguel being a good uncle to Mayday so I wrote this fic :’)
Warning: Major ATSV spoilers ahead! Other than that, an all-fluff story
Song rec: “Glue Song” by beabadoobee ft. Clairo
Spanish used: “Por supuesto que te extrañé, mi cielo” (“Of course I missed you, my sky”; I used SpanishDict and am always open to feedback on the Spanish I use in my fics)
You landed on Miguel’s floating platform with a thud! after slinging onto it with one your webs.
Miguel stood with his back to you, surrounded by his gold holographic screens that seemed more dim than usual. His shadow stretched behind him, illuminating a faint path for you to him.
“Hey, Mig—,” you called out, ready to ask Miguel if he wanted to join you for dinner.
“Shh,” Miguel turned around, a finger from his left hand on his lips. In his other hand, he held Mayday Parker.
The toddler was fast asleep, her breathing steady as she rested her head against his chest. Drool escaped her from lips and onto the crimson lines of the spider logo on Miguel’s Spider-Man 2099 suit, but Miguel didn’t seem to mind one bit. With his free hand, Miguel readjusted Mayday’s knitted red and blue Spider-Man beanie that was slipping off her head.
Your lips, parted in surprise, melted into a smile as you noticed the way Miguel tucked a stray curly strand of red hair away from Mayday’s face with the utmost care.
After a long day of wrangling anomalies and going on missions to different Earths (you went to at least five today), seeing Miguel with Mayday was just the serotonin boost you needed.
“Aww,” you whispered, making your way to Miguel. You leaned onto his side, resting your head on his left bicep. “Where’s Peter B?”
“Went to call his wife to tell her how much he loves and misses her,” Miguel rolled his ruby orbs, letting out what might’ve been the quietest sigh of frustration you’ve ever heard from him. “For the tenth time today.”
You covered your mouth with your hand to suppress your giggles, careful not to wake Mayday. “That’s so cute, though. I wouldn’t mind if someone told me they missed me today, too.”
You lifted your eyebrows, quirking a smirk as you shifted your eyes from Mayday to Miguel. He met you with a small smirk of his own before letting out a loving huff.
“Por supuesto que te extrañé, mi cielo,” Miguel leaned down to kiss your forehead. He couldn’t help but chuckle when your eyebrows knitted together as you tried to translate to yourself what Miguel said in Spanish (your Spanish skills were still kind of rusty but you were learning from Miguel).
“Ohhh.” It took you a minute to figure out what he said: “Of course I missed you, my sky.” You replied by cupping Miguel’s face in your hands, dotting airy kisses along his nose, cheeks, and jawline.
Miguel melted against your touch, leaning down to kiss your soft-as-clouds lips—
“Bah!” A babble from Mayday interrupted you and Miguel. The toddler, now wide awake, patted her cheeks at you.
“Do you want kisses, too, Mayday?” You cocked your head to the side, scooping her up from Miguel’s arms.
Mayday cooed, answering you with a toothy smile. Her adorable giggles grew in volume as you smothered her freckled nose and cheeks in kisses.
Miguel rested his hands on his hips as he watched you and Mayday. It was his turn to have the softest of smiles on his face. After a long day of leading the Spider-Society and making sure all was right with the multiverse, seeing you with Mayday was just the serotonin boost he needed.
“Hey, hey,” Miguel stepped forward, resting his chin on top of your head and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Save some kisses for me.”
Mayday took the opportunity to climb out of your arms and onto your shoulder, making her way up to Miguel’s shoulder behind you.
You and Miguel shared a chuckle as Miguel unwrapped his arms from your waist to keep Mayday safe on his shoulders.
As the two of you continued to look after a more-energetic-than-ever Mayday (with Miguel swinging around the lab via his laser webs with Mayday on his shoulders while you chased them using your own webs in a game of tag), Peter B returned to Miguel’s lab from finishing his phone call.
The Spider-Dad-of-one gazed up at the three of you with a grin a mile wide as he saw you and Miguel care for Mayday like your own.
Peter B knew that Miguel always cared for Mayday ever since Peter B first brought her to the Spider-Society, but it took a while for Miguel to outwardly show his affection for Mayday, especially with all the trauma and hurt that Miguel experienced in relation to losing his alternate dimension daughter Gabriella.
Now, seeing Miguel openly play with Mayday, with you by Miguel’s side, Peter B couldn’t help but think that it was a sign that Miguel was finally letting his loved ones enter and enrich his life; a sign that Miguel was healing.
“I think I found the best babysitters for Mayday,” Peter B hummed, turning to Miguel’s AI assistant Lyla, who appeared on Peter B’s shoulder in a glitch.
“I think you did, too,” Lyla winked as the two of them whipped out their phones to take pictures and videos of you, Miguel, and Mayday above.
Such adorable pictures and videos would be sent to you and Miguel (and maybe the rest of the Spider-Society) in a matter of minutes.
🍓 I don’t own any of the characters I mention or write about; they belong to their original and respective creators.
🍓 All content on this blog is created by me, @thebettybook (excluding posts I reblog that aren’t my own posts and unless I state otherwise). Do not modify, claim, repost, or translate my work onto this platform and any other platform.
🍓 Reblogs are appreciated :). Want more Miguel content? Check out my masterlist.
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Omg I need some platonic valgrace so bad rn (maybe some hurt/comfort?)
Also congrats on 400, I have a writing blog too lol
"Ditching work with Leo Valdez"
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author's note: I'm actually super sorry if it's short for you! But enjoy anyways!
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Jason stared miserably at the heaps of files and design folios in front of him. He was so fucking stressed out. So many shrines to design and construct, for so many minor gods and goddesses. He had to ensure that the shrines were all equally good looking, so that no minor gods feel inferior to the other. Shrines, let alone extravagant looking ones, could take YEARS to build. For all he knows, he could be in this project till he was 24.
These lingering thoughts troubled his mind. Jason's under eye bags were so visible, he could've sworn his hair turned a few shades lighter aswell due to stress. Realizing that he probably looked just as terrible as he felt, a few tears slid out of Jason's eyes. This feeling was starting to get so familiar these days. He was going through a terrible cycle of burn out.
sighing, Jason got up from his desk to grab his third cup of coffee, he headed out for a walk in the streets of New Rome, to go to his favorite cafe. He was a few steps close to the door, when he spotted a familiar mop of curly hair lingering behind him in the corner of his eye.
“Jason!” “I knew you'd be here man”
The voice of Leo Valdez had more of an effect on Jason's serotonin than any of Jason's coffees had.
Jason spun around immediately, and as if it was an instinct, bear hugged his best friend.
“Superman, i-i can't breathe” Leo sputtered out, laughing and squirming in Jason's strong grasp. Jason quickly pulled away. Leo raised his eyebrows, studying Jason's face in an “i-know-you-are-overworked” type of way.
Jason sighed. “Terrible burnout. I feel useless”Leo frowned, “why didn't you iris message any of us? Nico? Percy? Annabeth? ME? We care about you, man. Don't shut yourself out, please .Nico is worried sick about his bro.” Jason smiled.
“How are he and Will? I hope their relationship is still going strong” Leo grinned deviously. “They are super super gay and proud, don't worry.”
“As they should be.” Jason replied sternly like a mother that it made Leo giggle. “Anyways, the reason I'm actually here is, I WON TWO TICKETS TO THE THEME PARK!!” Leo smacked the tickets into Jason's face aggressively in excitement. “The one Piper said she always went to? Do you know how expensive those things are?? What did you sacrifice to the gods to get these?”
Jason's eyes sparkled. He had never been to theme parks before, and this theme park Leo had just won tickets to? It was not cheap. and the hopes of visiting one felt like a fever dream. It felt bizarre, the whole concept of carnivals, amusement parks and theme parks were non existent to the Romans.
“That's besides the point. All that matters is that there are TWO tickets. And I've invited YOU to go with me dude” Leo said. Jason's jaw dropped. “Wait? Seriously? You're taking me of all people to go with you? But why?”
“Dam bro you're so oblivious, it's cuz you're my best bud! Who else would I be taking? Besides, no offense, you look like you clearly need a stress free trip” Leo rolled his eyes. Jason cackled as Leo screamed through almost half the rides that he INSISTED he wasn't scared of. Jason had to reassure him that he isn't falling as long as he has his skydiving buddy with him.
“OKAY. Holy hephaestus. I am NEVER going on rides like that ever again dammit!” Leo leaned on Jason's shoulder for support. The longer jason replayed Leo's screams, the funnier it got.“Yup. I'm sure won't. Do you want ice cream? Because I'm paying, no arguments.” Jason stated firmly like a mother again. “For the love of god, could you stop with the mother voice? It makes me feel like I'm getting reprimanded “ Leo whined and Jason laughed.
“Okay so icecream or no?”
“How could I decline that offer, Superman?”
Without even realizing it, Jason forgot all about what he was upset about. That's the Leo Valdez effect for ya!
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jikookficsdiarry · 3 months
If you were to ask me, "Nel, how many times did you watch the launch trailer?" My response is IDK!!! cause I have been watching it for almost 10 hours now. During work breaks, during study breaks, even if I have a second to spare, I either think about the trailer launch or I'm watching it. I mean, how can you not? Kookie and mimi are just so adorable🥹🤍
One thing I realised watching the trailer is that how many ever times I watch it, it brings me so much happiness! Like soo much happiness!! that my heart is still melting with how happy jikook are when they are together. From them just having deep conversations on the boat, with nothing but the ocean, the sunset and them just being so care free, the bike rides, kookie the coolest biker!! Mimi diving into the sea, them snowboarding, taking a walk and exploring the wilderness, and their smiles! Their giggles and smiles!!!...yes, one thing I'm grateful for is being able to understand and comprehend and appreciate and love kookie and mimis bond because never in a million years I thought I would be smiling like a maniac, everytime I watched a 38 second clip, jikook are my happiness forever and always.
I know there are people out there already making negative remarks about the travel show, saying things about mimi and kookie, you have no idea how much happiness you are missing out on. I hope you find your way to kindness and love because you see the smiles on these two angels here? They are so pure and genuine, and they pull at your heartstrings, you'll only feel happiness if you try not to focus on the feeling of hate. Okay sorry, I had to say it cause I've seen a LOT on my tl today. Okay, now that's out of my chest...kookie and mimi here are so adorable!!
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Jsbsjs sjsjhdjddj MIMI so CUTE stopp!
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My adorable lil babies!! Imy so much:(
(Jikook size difference sjdbbdjrnrjdjdndj)
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And what if we get more insight on the rainy day incident sjjdbdjfkfn ?!?#&#*@(
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Oh yes, I stopped breathing when I saw this...
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I just love mimi and kookie so much, like so so much to infinity and beyond. These 8 episodes are going to be my solace in a period of time in my life, when I need that serotonin boost the most. I am so grateful for them to share their experiences, to share their moments, to share their dreams of doing this together before enlisting albeit the uncertainties in the beginning. I hope that Kook and mimi are always happy and healthy. 🤍🥹
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Are you sure?!, you are truly going to be our serotonin🤍
~ Nel
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Summary: You have an expensive hobby, but what are a few bills against an hour or two in heaven?
Pairing: Camboy!Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
Content Warnings: Digital Porn 18+!, Edging/Gooning, (Mutual) Masturbation, Parasocial Relationships, Humiliation/Praise, Angst, Pet Names, Porn Addiction, Pussy Spanking, Orgasm Denial
A/N: I’m back again, yapping about Eli…
Camboy!Elijah Playlist, anybody?
No pressure tags: @ohlookapan @queer-crusader @somethingblu3 @blueberrypancakesworld
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This is the way that it is
This is the way that it always will be
Something you love turns to something you miss
Something you say turns to something you mean
- Digital Silence By Peter McPoland
The cursor led by your touchpad hovered over the “Pay Now” button displayed by the PayPal bill you were about to pay. 200 bucks for an hour. Absolutely unreasonable in the state of this economy? Yes. But, being honest with yourself, did you really care about that right now? No, that bill would be a problem for end-of-the-month You. As of right now, the only thing you could bring yourself to care for was the rush of serotonin and endorphins that almost literally rested in the palm of your hand, waiting for you to just- click. bought.
Almost immediately, a little black-framed window popped up in the bottom corner of your display, reading “Invitation: Click To Join Private Room” and your heart nearly skipped a beat as the first wave of adrenaline hit your bloodstream, ready to give yourself the ultimate fix you’d been saving up to. You clicked on the invitation link and leaned back in your padded gaming chair, groaning out in pleasurable stimulation as the slick silicone of your favorite dildo pressed against your swollen insides. By now, the material had accumulated all the heat from the body, effectively making it feel nearly like the real deal just without any hassle of actually dealing with another person to begin with.
“Hi.”, The familiar, buttery smooth voice directed only at you cooing through your headset sent a shiver down the curve of your spine, “I was wondering when you’d finally show up.”
The screen lit up in mellow lilac neon the very next moment and your eyes felt like bulging out of their sockets as your lagging, already thoroughly fucked out brain desperately tried to compute what was happening in front of you. Smooth fair skin barely covered by a black satin robe that shimmered regally in the purple hues of his background light, dirty blonde hair that cascaded down sturdy and toned shoulders making you fall in love with the frame on your desktop immediately. Alone for that the 200 bucks had already been worth every fucking penny.
“Sorry.” You typed with your free hand without even looking where your fingertips dipped down on the keyboard.
“No need to be sorry, dear. The only thing that matters is that you’re here now.” The man known to you as Eli smiled gently, eyes lighting up along with it and rendering you weak in the knees.
“You’re so pretty.” You couldn’t help yourself or your fingers from flying over the buttons.
“Why, thank you! But don’t think the flattery will get you any discount!”, His pristine smile turned into a cheeky grin and the very tip of his tongue peeked between perfectly supple lips, “I’m just fucking with you, babe, am I not?”
The man’s entire intonation dropped at the word “fucking”, aiming the question right at you with filthy innuendo, leading a jolt of heat into your face.
“How’d you know?” The question was utterly dull and downright stupid given the circumstances, however, the only thing your arousal-riddled brain managed.
“How could I not know, honey? I���ve had my eyes on your username for quite some time now.” Eli leaned deeper against the headrest of his plain, grey-duvet-covered bed, allowing one shoulder to slip from the confines of smooth silk, “Always such a good little thing watching me stream every night, no? So cute and innocent until you start typing those dirty, dirty comments, hm?”
The way he dragged out the words of teasing humiliation had you clenching around the piece of silicone shoved all the way up into your weeping cunt, making you want to touch yourself so bad but you wouldn’t, not just yet.
“You know the ones I’m talking about, don’t you?”, To keep pushing you further, he pulled out his phone, sleek black phone case against pale skin, and started quoting, “JustASillyKitty commented: God, I need him to be mean to me so bad.”
He scrolled on further: “Fuck, I’d so blow him after I’d wine and dine him. Would let him blow his load all over my face.”
Eli came prepared and you weren’t ready for that in the slightest.
“Aren’t you really just such a silly little pussy cat? A lil’ kitty that wants me to be mean to her, hm?”, You fought with yourself to not just start rubbing your throbbing clit. “Need a man to bully you until you cum?”
“Uh-huh.”, Quivering fingertips hammered down onto the keyboard, “Please, sir.”
Eli tilted his head, hand tossing his phone onto the sheets before he flipped his hair to the side, revealing a cleanly shaved undercut and just by the way he moved, straightened his posture, and squared his shoulders, you knew that you’d gotten to him.
“Oh, you are one observant doll, no? Gotta be a real OG to remember I’m into that.”, His praise was accompanied by a smile that almost came across as shy, flustered perhaps, “Do you think you can do something for sir?”
“Anything!” The reply shot out from your fingertips so fast it was pathetic.
“Would you turn on that cam of yours? I’d like to see just how wet I get you when I tell you all about just how much of a slut you really are, kitty.”
If it hadn’t been for your chair to lean back so generously, you'd have toppled over and slipped from it and for a second you actually hesitated before your mind went blank and compliant again, cursor clicking away on your cam settings.
“My, my…”, Eli hummed, eyes darting to the newly displayed square depicting you naked from the waist down, pink silicone creamed with white coming as a stark contrast against the black of your chair, “Already stuffed, hm? Good girl. Feel like turning on your mic for me as well?”
That wasn’t his usual way to deal with customers but Elijah, indeed, felt curious about you. Not that it mattered in any way but being able to put a voice and well…body parts to a username had its intriguing charms he wouldn’t deny himself of; he could and would get more out of this than plenty of pretty green bills.
The little switch on your headset flicked and only then did it dawn on you that he had you on full display, not only directly seeing you but hearing you stutter out a breathy and coy: “Hi.”
“Hi, you there.”, His piercing blue eyes went back to stare right at his camera, making you feel watched in a way that hollowed out your already shaky breaths, “It’s so nice having a pretty voice like yours to a name now.”
The odd sense of intimacy crept up to you, slithering into your ribcage and holding it hostage in a tight clasp of hammering emotions.
“Just how long have you been at it tonight, hm? You’re soaked.” Your oozing cunt displayed in the corner of his screen had his cock gradually straining against tight black shorts, begging for attention a little louder with every tiny little subconscious roll of your hips into your chair.
“Uh…2 hours, maybe 3?” You admitted hesitantly, suddenly abashed about your little masturbation habit.
“Damn, 3 hours and no orgasm yet? Your clit gotta be so puffy and swollen by now, no? How about you give her some love from me?” Eli titled his head a little further, exposing his sharp jawline and slender neck, teasing with a smile.
“Like that?” Finally, you led your hand down amidst your thighs, nimble fingers finding your overly sensitive and slick-soaked clit to toy with it.
“There you go.”, Eli cooed in return, his own head trying to stay reasonable and maybe not get his rocks off to a customer that he had on speaker right now, “Look at you, obedient little whore, so needy after three hours of bouncing on that nice silicone cock.” Makes me so fucking hard just looking at it, princess.
“Fuck…”, It slipped right past your lips and into the microphone of your headset, the moan resonating miles away in a purple-lit bedroom, “Feels so good, I can’t stop once I start.”
“Oh, I know. Can’t stop staring at me stream, probably bouncing that pretty ass up and down that dildo to every minute of it. Worshiping me and all the things I do to my body like I want good, brain-dead whores like you to.” Something in your head just short-circuited, had everything else blackening from your vision, surroundings becoming irrelevant because all you cared for was the buzz from between your legs and that maddeningly beautiful man in front of you.
You could’ve been offered the world on a silver plate but nothing of it would make you want to ever quit hiding behind your desktop whilst indulging and splurging on your rented daydream in your personalized digital wonderland. There’d be no reason for you to ever leave when everything you could possibly want was right in front of you, telling you how much of a good slut you were for him. Why try and implement yourself into a society that looked down on people like you, calling them “perverted freaks” or “addicts”? You’d never think about yourself like that; all you wanted was to feel good like everybody else, no? And what was so wrong about that, to begin with?
“What can I say?”, It trickled from your mouth in a raspy laugh, muscles starting to pull on your insides as you flicked and nudged yourself closer to release, “You’re mesmerizing.”
A new gush of wet smeared down the silicone, telling about you being nearly ready to bust.
“Aw, what’s that, about to cum already, kitty? Creaming all over yourself, filthy bitch, stop that.” He angled his words like strokes of a whip breaking through the quiet white noise of your headset, making you flinch and begrudgingly take your fingers off your cunt.
“Ouw, why?” You sniffled, walls clenching around the dildo in protest about being so close and yet denied again.
“Because I say so, silly.”, Eli felt himself leaking into his shorts watching you thrust into the air like a bitch in heat, desperate for whatever stimulation still allowed to you, “What about your tits, princess, have they gotten any attention yet? Bet your nipples are so stiff right now.”
He nearly bit down on his bottom lip to not let his head loll back against the wall behind him, filthy spilling from his mouth faster than he could control as his brain conjured the picture of you pinching down onto a pebbled nipple.
Still caught in the throes of yet another denied orgasm, you could hardly push yourself to palm at your tit, rough and harsh in a weak attempt to play over the ache throbbing through your lower abdomen, the dull pain making you whine out because it rushed straight down to your twitching clit just like everything else.
“Fuck, getting hooked on how needy you sound. Would love to give that pussy a good spanking. Could make you cum with that, no?” Elijah had to fight to keep himself on track, promising himself to just fuck himself stupid after the stream, bust his load all over his bed and soil the sheets with all the dirty thoughts about you he was burning to eventually entertain with his cock in hand.
“Like that, sir?” You snuck yourself right through the loophole of not touching yourself, the inside of your hand slapping down onto your clit in a lewd squelch, making you squirm in your seat.
Eli's eyes widened at the sight as his insides started thrashing and raging over just how pliable and docile you were, imagination going wild with the need to bend you over his desk or have you ride him into oblivion until you couldn't walk the next morning.
Customer this, job that but he couldn't lie to himself and insist on not being turned on beyond reason by you, the way you clung to each of his words like gospel whilst fucking yourself on cam for his amusement. He just had to sit at the top of his bed and enjoy the show he was getting paid for whilst getting drunk on the feeling of power he had over you.
“Just like that. Good girl.” Eli listened to his voice rendering store and coarse, telling how just how much he needed to bust that fucking load to be able to think straight again.
In a brief motion, his eyes rushed to the countdown clock set on his desk and almost groaned out in relief. However, he had to ease you out of it because there was no way he'd let it fall on his name to cause his customers a hefty sub drop. Not only would that be detrimental for his image but also did it not align with his personal principles whatsoever.
“Sweets?” He cooed softly, straightening his back for the last little bit of the session.
“Yeah?” You huffed back, body still dangling on the edge between bliss and pain.
“Can I give you a little task for tomorrow?” Your ears perked up, interest certainly piqued.
“Sure!” You nodded, forgetting that he couldn’t even see it.
“Do you think you can build that orgasm all the way to tomorrow. I just know I'll see your username pop off in the chat, you never let me down, kitty.” Eli's gaze watched the seconds trickle away at the countdown.
“I- I can try.” Now your own thoughts wandered to the digital clock on the task bar at the bottom of your screen, a jolt of dread working through you as you realized that time was getting sparse.
“If you do that for me, I'll promise to give you a little check in tomorrow night, yeah? No bullshit, you'll hear from me, okay?” Eli meant it in all sincerity and that slowly trickled over to you.
“Promised?”, You asked shyly and he nodded with a gentle smile on his lips, “Promised! But I'm afraid I have to get going now, sweets. You okay?”
“Yeah.”, You pressed it out of you, you'd manage that much was the truth, “ ‘M gonna be just fine and see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“There you go.”, He praised on last time before the countdown ticked down further, “See you tomorrow, kitty.”
You soaked all of him in for as long as you could before the video disconnected and your display blacked out with the lack of transmission.
Glazed over, slightly burning eyes darted back to the clock, almost quarter past midnight. You groaned and only reluctantly got up from your chair after shutting off your tower, knowing that it was way past bedtime and that you'd regret spending all your night playing with yourself yet again.
The slippery silicon practically fell right out of you as you got up and tumbled to the floor. With an empty stare, you looked at it rolling over the carpet and you couldn't be bothered with picking it up; who'd complain anyways? The spider living in the corner of your room, obediently eating away at flies and mosquitoes? Yeah, no.
A harrowing sense of emptiness spread through your chest as you crawled underneath your duvet, fabric cold and lifeless, but you pushed it to the side like every afternoon you came back to an empty flat and an equally empty bed.
“Alexa?”, The blue ring around the circular device lit up, “Set an alarm for 6am, please.”
“Alarm set for 5 hours and 40 minutes.” The calm voice exclaimed, and you shoved your head into the pillow.
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scrumptiousstuffs · 4 months
Hiiii! Pretty sure I've mentioned this somewhere in tags before but I just wanted to say I appreciate you compiling all these First & Khao pictures from events, I'm absolutely LIVING and dying for them!! 😭💜 Whenever there's new FK content to warm my heart & soul, I know that your tumblr got me. Thank you for your service to our community, truly. 🥰
Oh you are so sweet! I’m so glad you (and everyone else) enjoy those pictures.
Honestly, when I first started posted them on tumblr, it was just me trying to compile a somehow coherent “photo book” of the lovely boys that I can go through when I need a serotonin boost 🥹 (not that it helped, cause my phone is full of their photos 🤣). Also, it is my way to de-stress after a busy day at work (by scrolling through social media, picking my fav photos. I must salute all the dedicated fans who see them at the events and take beautiful pictures + videos of the boys!)
Then it just snowballed into people actually following and interacting with my blog (wow, thank you…I am making wonderful, new internet friends ❤️🫡) - I’m still bemused by all these!
Like you, those boys have my soul - we will all kill to have a bond like FK! Beyond being amazing actors with charisma and beautiful smile, these boys just oozes kindness and like many, I found solace in their acting 🎭 (plus the many, many off-screen moments!)
Loves and hugs from me! (Also, please feel free to always talk to me about FK 🥰, I’m always up for it!)
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thytaenic · 2 years
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"define love." "how sudden. you're not pulling a prank on me th-" "just answer it, jamil. please?"
love. four letters, one syllable, thousands of meanings. what could love possibly mean for jamil viper? he gazed into your eyes full of anticipation and oh dear, he knew he needed to be serious about it. but with you by his side, why would he be sceptical about your question? letting his guard down for you would be the best action now. as he turned around to face you, now sitting in front of you with both hands reaching out to bring his lover's hands into his bigger ones. he never have a thought of looking so vulnerable in front of you, not when that question triggered a sense of overflowing love and affection towards his significant other in him.
he didnt dare to look at you in the eyes, afraid he would see disappointment in those sparkly eyes of yours who was expecting a more of a complex answers from him. "love is, putting someone first before you in all occasions."
"and?" you asked, dragging the word further as a signal that you wanted to hear more which jamil replied with a chuckle and a cheeky smile. "of course. i would expect nothing less from a sunshine like you."
this time, jamil's eyes boldly invited yours into a hot staring for a moment. a reflection of him in your eyes was what ignited the passion in him to continue. those look you gave. its what has always been his serotonin, happy pill, power and strength to continue living despite the difficulties. love. he knew its more than just putting you first in everything you did together.
his thumbs began to create illusions of circle on the back of your hands. "i would risk everything to make you understand how much more than just love you are to me."
pink tint of blush crawled onto your cheeks, hearing those words uttered by jamil like a vow. no, more than that. it sounded like an everlasting promise that he wouldnt dare to break, at least not until death does them apart. "i think you said too much than you mean, jamil."
too much? all he said was a questionable answer, a typical answer from one lover to one lover. he still wanted to say more than just those. he wanted to tell them how much their smile made their days. he wanted to show how much their kiss sparked happiness in him. jamil was completely taken aback to see you doubting his words. did he uses too much of obscure words? he wanted to express how much more than just words his love for them was. he wanted to say and show so much more than just those bullshits from typical classic romance novels he read in his free time.
"no. you asked for this so listen. i want you to look me in the eyes and eat all my words. one by one, not a single crumb should be left." he leaned closer but this time, he left a long-lasting kiss on your forehead. your eyes slowly fluttered to close as your arms found their way over jamil's shoulders and around his neck, pulling him closer to lengthen the kiss. truly, you yearned for more than just a kiss on a forehead. now laying on the mattress with jamil trapping them between his knees still lovingly pouring everything he wanted to say into the kiss, you couldn't help but moved your hands up from the sides to cup his burning cheeks.
pulling away from the kiss, he then rested his forehead on yours. red watery eyes, he's getting emotional with all this affections hes giving to the one whom he wouldnt hesitate to slide a ring on their finger soon. "promise me you'll stay, y/n?"
"but i am here, am i not?"
"forever. through thick and thin, i want you to always be with me, alright?" he couldn't care less. he knew how greedy and desperate he sounded right now but who fucking cares. its not a normal occasion for him to feel this desperate to seek for one's love, especially from whom he called his.
you smiled softly at him before tilting your head to the side. jamil understood immediately, leaning in as their lips intertwined with yours in a dancing-butterflies manner. it sent shivers down your spine, pecks of goosebumps on your arms and those wet intimate kissing sounds echoing in his room. a kiss he always shares with you is different from this one. this one right here is so full of emotions. sadness, happiness, fear, joy, you name it. one he would rarely get to share with you. his lips on yours, how they fit so perfectly with his hand now acted as a support while the other one made its way to your cheek, thumb caressing it oh so lovingly.
he's scared. scared that you might pick up your haste and walk away from him the very next day. it scared him, he didn't even want to pull away but you on the other hand, pulled away for a split second from the kiss to gasp for air.
"you're beautiful, ya amar. so fucking beautiful."
its always those arabic nicknames you get from him that keeps you feeling warm and fuzzy throughout the days. his love language is just as beautiful as his name.
this time, jamil took the lead and leaned closer after he whispered those words with you looking like a mess under him, pulling you into another sloppy long kiss. not giving you a second to process those words he just pledged. there's really no need to rush into the kiss, jamil knew that the best. after all, he's yours. you have always been his to love, his to care for, his to kiss and his to die for. as much as he's devoted to kalim and al-asim's family for generations, his heart is always a devotee of your love.
they parted from the kiss, forehead on forehead. nose brushing against each others. lungs gasping for air from that breathtaking kiss. jamil couldnt get enough of that kiss. the feeling of your cherry lips dancing with his, its a euphoric feeling only he could have.
"if dawn is created to wake me up to continue living, be my dawn. if you're not willing to be my dawn, let me see you as a moon, ya amar."
"why moon, jamil?" you asked softly, eyes never once leaving the fellow's gaze that soften at the sight of your smile to him.
"im giving you the role to witness our love-life cycle."
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edensbuttercups · 1 year
Hello, back by no one's demand is ✨me✨!
Could I request #32 "why are you so cold" once more with Mr Garcia?
There's absolutely no presh, I just love you lots and hope you have a nice day 🥰
Incredible dose of serotonin you’ve supplied to me, just like you always do! ✨
This was a lot of fun to write, probably defrosted me from my little writer’s block/writer’s laziness, so also yeah, might not be super polished around the edges, but I hope you enjoy it either way 😌
(The formatting probably is chaos, since I’m publishing this from my phone, but 🥲)
Love you lots, hope your day goes great ♥️
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Working at the Hard Deck wasn’t always the easiest, the Friday and Saturday night crowds being the worst to deal with, but it was still fun most of the time, working side by side with Penny, and getting to chat with the Top Gun squad here and there, the new squad welcoming you with smiles and jokes from the get go. 
You wiped down the counter for what felt like the hundredth time tonight, not having much to do but sit, clean or be, since the few people there were satisfied with their drinks and the music, leaving you alone for the most part. Around 8pm Hangman and Coyote walked in, ordering a beer and making their way to the darts area, soon joined by Payback and Rooster, which not only meant having more chatter and general loudness, but also more movement for you, giving you something to do. Then, less than half an hour later, he walked in, the one wizzo you couldn’t help but like, chat with, the busy nights made funner with his jokes and flirting, and the quieter nights spent together talking about his job, what he could share at least, and his passions, his nerdy side never failing to come out. 
“Hello, Bartender.” He hummed, leaning against the counter with a soft smile. You were thankful that not many people were around, allowing you to spend a little extra time chatting to him, not having to rush through his order like some nights. “You know, I do have a name” you teased, placing the cloth down in front of you, tilting your head from side to side to stretch, trying to ease some of the tension. “When you start calling me by my name, rather than my callsign, then I’ll call you by yours.” He grinned, challenging you gently, turning around when he heard Hangman cheer, probably doing his usual great job at winning at darts, judging by all the gloating he was doing. “So Bartender is my callsign? Seems awfully unimaginative, Garcia.” You teased back, reaching for a beer and opening it for him, setting it down on the counter. He still hadn’t given you the squad’s order, but you had spotted his empty beer earlier on, so you were sure this was what he was here for. “Oh, last name! We’re improving.” He grinned, tipping his beer up to thank you. “Shut up.” You chuckled, shaking your head and leaning against the counter, “anything else for the group?” “Beer for Hangman and Coyote, the others still have drinks. For now.” He said with a smirk. “Oh, so I’ll be seeing you again? How unfortunate.” You joked, leaning down to grab the other two beers and handing them to him, chuckling when he winked at you, making his way back to the back of the room.
As the night went on, the crowds grew thicker and the noise levels rose, but you found yourself constantly stealing glances at Fanboy whenever you had a moment to spare, him joining you at the counter ever so often to grab more drinks for everyone.  
As the clock struck midnight and the last call was made, the bar started to clear out, the Top Gun squad being the last ones left. Fanboy walked up to you, his expression playful as the others slowly started filtering out, some quiet goodbyes thrown your way as the bell over the door rang. “Need any help?” He asked, passing you the empty bottles and waving at Phoenix as she walked out, then at Hangman, the last one out, leaving the two of you alone in the bar. “I could never say no to free labor.” You joked, passing him a damp cloth so he could wipe down the tables, glad to take the extra help, but mainly glad to get to spend more time with him now that your shift was over. As the two of you worked together to clean up the bar, you found yourself growing more relaxed, enjoying listening to him talk, his comments and stories about your and his interests, your favorite movies and books, your favorite songs, some to which you swayed to as you cleaned and tidied, and before you knew it, there you were, at almost 2 am and with everything cleaned up. "Thanks for your help, Fanboy. Maybe you didn’t make it a quicker job than what it would’ve been without your help, but you definitely made it more fun," you said, playfully teasing him while also smiling gratefully, truly thankful for the help.
"Anytime, Bartender. It was fun," he replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes, “and I could’ve been quicker with my cleaning, but that would’ve meant spending less time with you.” he defended with a smirk. “Oh, is that so?” You asked, tilting your head and looking at him, before reaching for the keys to the bar, checking that everything had been taken care of before turning the lights off. He hummed, nodding, grabbing his jacket and slipping it on, holding the door open for you as you slipped out, locking it behind you and checking that it was closed. “Heading home?” He asked, frowning softly as he stepped outside, the difference in temperature noticeable, at this time of night. “Yeah. It's been a long day," you said, yawning and stretching, waiting for him to say his goodbyes, used to walking home alone. "Would you like me to walk you home?" he offered. “It’s pretty late, and I don’t want you walking home alone” he added, aware that you could take care of yourself, but still wanting to know that you were safe. That, and he didn’t want to leave your side just yet. You smiled, feeling grateful for his offer. "That's really sweet of you, Mickey." You hummed, using his first name, this time, feeling a little bold. “Hm. I like that. Sounds good.” he muttered, looking at you with a bright smile, “I like hearing you say my name.” You were thankful for the light surrounding you, his words making you blush and 
The night air was cool, and you could feel the chill seeping into your bones. Fanboy noticed your shivering, turning to look at you with a frown, his hand finding yours and playfully hissing, intertwining your fingers together. "Why are you so cold?" he asked, your fingertips cold against his palm. You shrugged, assuming it was the general temperature of the night’s air that caused it, or maybe the tiredness. "Maybe you’re just hot." you chuckled, nudging into him and looking away. He smiled, shaking his head, “If that was true, then your logic should apply to the both of us, sweetheart.”
He took off his jacket and offered it to you. Smiling, you looked up at him, taking in the warmth radiating from his jacket as he draped it over your shoulders. It was soft to the touch, and the smell of his cologne clung to it, making your heart race a little faster. "Thanks," you said, your voice soft and hushed. He chuckled, his breath visible in the cool night air. "Just looking out for my favorite bartender," he replied, his voice low and warm. "Can't have you getting sick on me, now can I?" You rolled your eyes, looking at him, “You’re only after free drinks, huh?” you teased. He laughed, a deep rumble that sent shivers down your spine. "That's not entirely true," he said, grinning down at you. "I also enjoy your company." You smiled back, feeling your cheeks heat up. "Well, I enjoy yours too," you said softly.
The two of you continued walking, the silence between you comfortable and easy. The way his jacket enveloped you, keeping you warm and protected from the chilly night air, felt so cosy, making you relaxed as you walked. You breathed in his scent, a mix of musky cologne and a hint of smoke from the bar. It was intoxicating, and you found yourself leaning into him slightly, wanting to be closer, glad when his arm wrapped around your shoulder as he talked, his chuckle making you smile. As you reached your front door, you turned to face him, feeling a little reluctant to say goodbye "Thanks for letting me walk you home," he said softly. You smiled up at him, feeling a little bashful with how close he was smiling, his hand slipping from around your shoulder and falling to your hand, instead, holding it softly. "Thanks for being such good company," you replied. For a moment, you both just stood there, the silence between you simple and comfortable, before your gaze met his again, smiling as he leaned down, gently pressing his lips to yours. A shiver ran down your spine, and you felt yourself surrendering to the warmth of his embrace. The softness of his lips against yours was everything you had ever wanted, and you found yourself deepening the kiss, wanting more.
The passion between you grew as his hands moved from your waist to your back, pulling you closer to him. Your hands found their way to the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you as your tongues danced together. When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, your cheeks flushed as you gazed into his eyes. Fanboy grinned down at you, his eyes sparkling. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time," he admitted, smirking. You laughed, nodding. "I'm glad you finally did," you said, reaching up to kiss him again. As your lips moved together, Mickey's hand slid up to cup your cheek as your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. You felt his other hand slip around you, pressing you closer to him as his hand settled to the small of your back with a content sigh. His lips were soft and tender against yours, and you felt a shiver run down your spine as his fingers tangled in your hair, tilting your head back and deepening the kiss, savoring the sensation of his tongue dancing with yours. Your body hummed with pleasure as you felt his hands start to roam, exploring your curves and sending shivers down your spine. It felt like time stood still, you and him in front of your door, the cold night air forgotten as his hands and kisses warmed you up, the feeling of finally having him close making you dizzy. When you finally broke apart, both of you gasping for breath, you looked up at him, dazed and breathless. His eyes were dark with desire, and he leaned in to press a series of soft kisses along your jawline, trailing down to your neck. You tilted your head back, giving him better access to your skin, and let out a soft moan as he found a particularly sensitive spot. His hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer to him yet, unable to get enough of you. As he continued to kiss and nibble at your neck, you could feel your heart racing in your chest, the intensity of your feelings for him overwhelming you. It felt like everything had changed in an instant, but in the best possible way. When he finally lifted his head to look at you, his eyes were filled with tenderness and affection. "I've wanted to do that for so long," he repeated, his voice low and husky. "I'm sorry if I overstepped." You shook your head, a smile spreading across your face. "You didn't," you said softly. "I wanted it too." He smiled at that, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips once more. As he pulled away, he intertwined his fingers with yours, sighing softly. "I hate to do this, but I've got an early morning," he says, eyebrows furrowed, his hand still resting on your waist. "It's okay," you say, trying to keep the disappointment out of your voice. "We'll make it up another time." Fanboy’s eyes lit up, and he gave you a crooked smile. "You bet we will. Maybe I'll take you out on a proper date. Or maybe I'll cook for you." You couldn’t help but grin at the thought of Mickey cooking for you. "Just make sure it's spicy enough to warm me up," you teased, feeling a shiver run through you as he leaned in closer. Mickey chuckled softly, his breath hot against your ear. "I'll do my best. And if that's not enough, I'll find another way to keep you warm." He said, pulling back, his eyes flickering with a hint of mischief as he winked at you. "Until next time, beautiful." he hummed, placing another soft kiss to your cheek before stepping away, waving at you before walking his own way home. 
You woke up the next morning, the light coming in from your window casting a warm glow on the room. Stretching languidly, you smiled as you remembered the evening you had shared with Mickey. You picked up your phone, smiling when you read his message, sent in the early hours of the morning. Good morning! :) I’ve been thinking about you all night, I had a great time. So, if you’re up to it, the offer for dinner still stands. Maybe tonight, if that works for you? You grinned as you read his message, feeling a rush of excitement at the thought of spending more time with him, this time away from the bar. I’d love that, you typed, at what time should I come over? It wasn’t long until he answered back, telling you to come over whenever you wanted after six, knowing that’s when he’d be home after training.
You smiled and sent another message, spending the day relatively relaxed, showering and cleaning your place before getting ready when five rolled around, picking one of your favorite outfits and putting some makeup on, texting him when you left your house, the walk to his place not overly long. When you arrived at his house, you were greeted with the aroma of spices and herbs, the sound of Latin music playing softly in the background.
Mickey opened the door, looking just as handsome as he did the night before, his hair tousled and his smile wide. “Well, hello. Fancy seeing you here.” He grinned, stepping to the side so you could walk in. You followed him into the kitchen, taking a seat on one of the stools, smiling as he stood by the stove, smiling as he started telling you about what he was cooking, a big smile on his face. The smells of cumin, chili, and coriander filled your senses, and you felt your stomach growl in anticipation as you took in the cozy atmosphere of his apartment, the warm glow of the candles on the table and the soft music in the background. “Hungry?” He asked, smiling. “Yep.” You chuckled, resting your head in your hand as you watched him move around with such confidence. As you watched Mickey cook, you couldn't help but notice how effortlessly he moved around the kitchen. It was clear that he was completely at ease in this environment, like he was in his element. His movements were smooth and precise, and he seemed to know exactly what he was doing at every step of the cooking process. It was obvious that he had put a lot of thought and care into the meal, and you couldn't help but feel touched by his effort.
You took a sip of the wine he had poured for you, savoring the flavors as they mingled with the spices in the air. The wine was rich and full-bodied, and you knew it would complement the flavors of the food perfectly. You couldn't wait to try everything he had cooked. As Mickey cooked, he continued to chat with you about his love of cooking, how he had learned from his grandmother and mother, and how he enjoyed experimenting with new recipes and flavors. His enthusiasm was infectious, and you found yourself getting more and more excited to try the food as he described it.
The dishes looked and smelled amazing as he plated them, your mouth watering at the sight of them. "I hope you like it," he muttered, a note of uncertainty in his voice. "It looks amazing," you replied, feeling touched that he would go to such lengths to cook for you. "Thank you."
You took a bite of the first dish, a slow-cooked beef stew with plantains, and your taste buds exploded with the flavors of cinnamon and cumin. You couldn't help but moan in appreciation, and Mickey grinned at you, obviously pleased with your reaction. Over dinner, you talked about everything from work to family, sharing fun little facts about both, especially things you can use to get back at Hangman next time he annoys you, to your shared love of music and movies. You find yourself hanging on to his every word, smiling when he takes your hand across the table, sending a jolt of electricity through your body.
As the night wore on, the candles burned down low, and the music faded into the background. You realized that you didn't want the night to end. You wanted to stay in this cozy little apartment, surrounded by the smells of spices and herbs. "I don't want this night to end," he muttered, as if he had read your thoughts, his voice low and husky. You felt a shiver run down your spine as he reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "Then let's keep it going," you said, feeling emboldened by the desire in his eyes. Mickey smiled, his eyes shining with happiness. "I like the way you think," he chuckled, before leaning in to kiss you, the soft brush of his lips against yours sending shivers down your spine. As the kiss deepened, you could feel the heat between you growing, the chemistry electric. You could feel his arms around you, pulling you closer as you kissed him back with equal fervor. The taste of the spices he had cooked with lingered on his lips, making the kiss even more intense. Eventually, you broke the kiss, both of you gasping for breath, smiling at each other with joy and wonder. "Thank you for dinner," you said, your voice soft and sincere. "Anytime," Mickey replied, his eyes shining with affection. "I can't wait to cook for you again." You smiled and nodded, "I can't wait either."
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hermywolf · 2 years
top 5 teammates of messi
bestie im kissing u on the mouth (consensually) rn i wanna talk about la scaloneta so bad at all times always
for this ask game
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1- dibu (the third picture??? sexo)
i mean are we surprised. dibu is an amazing goalie first of all. y bueno por supuesto es el mas grande es el rey y ademas esta re loco. and also i want him carnally so that's that. also also, seeing all the french people who fucking loathe his guts is just making me love him more ik so many ppl even irl who just fucking hate him it makes me so happy i love it when he's fucking insane
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2- juli
arañita te quiero tanto amor de mi vida bebecito i would die for him. i don't think ive ever seen a single picture of him where he's not smiling all huge and sunny he's literally free serotonin personified. he's the definition of babygirl i would die for him he's so fucking CUTE
3- kun
whats that? he's not in la scaloneta anymore? umm idk what you're talking about look at this picture
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he's literally world champion?? he's wearing the jersey and everything. clearly he's still part of la selección. why would you even say that smh
anyway he's fucking hilarious y su amistad con leo is everything to me son adorables los amo. sus stream>> thank u kuni for giving us some of the best leo content ever btw
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4- di maria
idk man. idk what to say. anytime i look at fideo i just get overwhelmed by love and fondness and im a loss for words. i just love him
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5- i realize now this was a terrible idea i just love them all too much i can't pick. so im just gonna put rodri, beckham and enzo all in the fifth place bc why not. honorary mentions for dybala and ale. oh and paredes. just all of them really i love them all
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bonus: neymar bc i love him but i wasn't sure if the ask included any teammates or just the argentina nt. he's so babygirl
(also obviously scaloni but i didn't think i could say him since he's not a player anymore. do NOT mention kun we've talked about this)
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i just finished reading all that's left is hurt and what a brilliant story. all the pain and heartbreak you put me through was so worth it, so thank you for all the hard work you put into the story.
so i've got a small question because i really want to write my own destiel fic, and i hope my question doesn't come as mean, and i was wondering, how do you deal with your fics not being popular enough? your fic is amazing and it has less that 10k hits, so like, how do you find the motivation to put so much work when you see that you're not getting many hits? i know it's not the most important thing when it comes to writting, but knowing that what i write will probably flop kind of fills me with dread, so how do you find the motivation to keep writting even when your fic is not as popular and you might've hoped it to be?
i would really like to know your thoughts on this (and i really hope i didn't offend you)
First of all, you didn't offend me, anon, so don't worry. And second of all, I'm glad you enjoyed my fic :')
Okay, so to your questions. I would be lying if I said that I don't sometimes get disappointed when I see any of my stories aren't as popular as I hoped them to be. When I started writing Destiel fics and publishing them, I was always so jealous of those other fics that got so damn popular and people talked about them, because I wanted to create a story that made people talk about it, I wanted my story to be one of those that you see everyone recommend on Tumblr, a story that people think about 24/7, a story that inspires people to create fanart. Hell, I still want that, because as a writer, I want my stories to impact people in some way, just like my favorite Destiel fics have also impacted me in a way.
But as I've gotten older, I've realized that my stories impact people. Maybe it's not the kind of stuff that makes people create posts, or gifsets, or fanart, it's not a fic that everyone recognizes by name alone, but it impacts them to leave kudos, to leave some comments and to subscribe to my story because they're invested in it and want to know how it ends. And yeah, maybe it's just only 10 people or maybe it's 500 people instead of thousands of people as it happens with a lot of other stories, but even if it's just 1 single person who it's moved by my story, it's still fucking awesome. Something I created got an impact on someone. Someone, out there, enjoyed what I did.
And yeah, maybe sometimes you spend so much time and do a lot of hard work to write something and it can be heartbreaking to see that your craft doesn't connect with people. Sometimes life is like that, unfortunately. You put all your heart and work into something and it is still not enough. But I can tell you that it will be enough for at least one person, and I've learnt that even when it's only one person who comments on your story, who praises it, it's more than enough. There was one story that I wrote that I only showed to one person, and every comment he gave me about it was a boost of serotonin for me.
So yeah, writing is scary and hard. You pour so much of your heart into that craft, so it can be heartbreaking to see that barely anyone reads it or likes it, but I promise you that writing also can feel amazing. I still love writing about Dean and Cas after 10 years doing so. I still love the process, even if sometimes it can be scary. But I love writing so damn much. I feel free when I write. So if you also feel that way, I highly encourage you to write your fic and post it. It might be scary and difficult sometimes, but I promise you that the moment you see just one person leaving you a comment, even if it just consists on exclamation points, you'll find yourself smiling and you'll know that maybe you're not the most popular author, but you're still good enough.
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rip: 22/06/2023
Satinpanties Symphony
Season 5 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume D
Ripped by eg_9371 Visuals by moralem (art), RHMan (chart), brubsby (recording)
There's a lot to be said about the frequently-ripped things on SiIvaGunner. I've already covered how rips like Wii Shop Bling paved way for the Wii Shop Channel theme becoming a permanent mainstay on the channel, and there are several other tracks like it that cemented their place on the channel in one way or another. Sometimes its out of popularity, like with the Super Mario 64 Slider rips, or out of a longstanding in-joke like with the Five Nights at Freddy's Circus rips (believe me, we'll get to those one day). But with a few exceptions, like Season 7s infestation of Raft Rides, a lot of these reoccurances stem from some sort of, long-running legacy so to speak.
Which is what makes the channel's direct ties to Friday Night Funkin' so interesting to me. The game effectively came out of nowhere at the tail end of Season 4, and without skipping a beat it started receiving regular rips as soon as Season 5 began. What set these rips apart was the effort that consistently went into them - visuals and charts were edited or made ground-up specifically to match the original game, like they were all-new songs to play in-game. On top of this, the rips were of course consistently bangers - it was a perfect storm that pushed FNF as an inseperable part of SiIva's identity in no time flat.
In the same way that FNF honors the legacy of Newgrounds, its always felt to me like the FNF rips on SiIva honor the channel's own legacy. Be it Gangster Mario, Among Us Drip, Astronaut in the Ocean - so many of the rips just feel tied to the channel's own foundation and community, especially in how it creates FNF character designs for these in-jokes. And to tie it back to these frequently ripped tracks I discussed earlier, todays rip highlights one of those in particular - Stickerbrush Symphony from Donkey Kong Country 2. A track less so heralded for its nostalgia or potential funnyness, but for its unbelievable quality despite the hardware its on. Its an important piece of music to a lot of VGM-invested people, and Satinpanties Symphony does it justice in spades. It stays authentic to the source track its building on and the game's general call-and-response structure between singers, even free-styling certain sections a bit to better fit FNF's pace, without ever losing the essence of the track its adapting. The serotonin that hits when both parties sing in harmony leading in to the chorus hits crazy hard, its honestly hard to listen to the track without a smile.
And that's really the thing - eg_9371s output on the channel is fucking HUGE in a way that I don't believe I could effectively summarize, yet almost all the rips I've heard from him just make me smile in the simplest of ways. His output is so varied it might as well be SiIvaGunner distilled into just one ripper - the consistent throughline being quality no matter what.
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queen-of-the-boos · 6 months
*The little ghost wanders the halls, holding gently in her hands a familiar white blossom and some sort of note. She passes through various walls and partitions in search of the event's most gracious host... And at last, she finds the lovely Queen in a moment away from all the bustle.*
"Um... Your Majesty...?"
*Mona wasn't really sure how to address her, but hoped a classic formality would do. When the Queen turned her attention to the timid spirit, Mona held the flower and the note a little closer.*
"...H-Hello... I know I wasn't really, um...around much. But it was nice to see some people...it felt so quiet lately. And you're a really nice host...and..."
*She perked up a little as she caught herself getting off-track.*
"Oh! Um... I-I found this. It was on the ground, by the front door. And it came with this note... It's strange, I can't really explain it, but it...feels like someone else wrote it for you, maybe...? So I felt like I should give it to you..."
*Suddenly the little ghost thrust out the anonymous gift towards the Queen with both hands. Despite how shy she felt around all these new people (and about talking to the Queen herself), she still smiled very softly.*
"W-Well...and, I know what you said about these flowers. You give them to someone you care about... And, well, I also wanted to say thank you for being so nice and having this party. It made things feel a little friendlier, I think."
*The note is strangely cold, and is dusted with white, blue and lavender sparkles. Queenie can see a ghost of a message written on it, and oddly it is enclosed in...parentheses?*
(Hi Queenie c: Sorry I wasn't very active for this. I have been in this weird mashup of "busy with life" and "not busy, but recovering from being busy" for a very long time now and frankly I am. exhausted kdjfg. but I like seeing you do stuff like this, it's always nice to see selfship/OC positivity and everyone having fun with it.)
(I don't mean to make this sound sad hdjfg but events/writing like this kind of reminds me of when I had tons more free time and really indulged a lot more in stuff every day, so when I see it on my dash nowadays it's like a little burst of free serotonin asdjgdhf. We don't interact on a super close level but you are indeed a very lovely friend and I just wanted to say that I am glad to see whenever you're having fun~)
(also I wanted to draw at least part of this, but I have like. negative 3 energy so I hope writing will do dkfjg 💜)
The Queen was busy cleaning up the lovely Treacherous Mansion from the events of the ball when she heard a timid voice call out to her. She brightened up immediately when she saw it was Mona.
"Oh! Hello, dear. Did you enjoy the ball..?"
She smiled fondly as Mona went on, simply happy to hear that she brightened up Evershade Valley just a bit. It could get quite lonely here...
"Its no problem at all! I'm just glad you seemed to enjoy yourself. Sorry about your luck on the party board- Oh?"
What's this? A Banshee Blossom? For her? She gently took the flower from her friend's hand and held it close.
"You're giving this to me? Are you quiet sure? Thank you so much!"
The queen took the chilly note and read over it, reading some part aloud. She felt her heart warm as she took the words to heart. It really made her smile!
(YOU'RE WELCOME CICI AAAAAAA It's ok that you couldn't draw a lot! You did way more than me and I also feel you on the no energy department GOSH. I just wanted everyone to have fun with a lil event yknow cause I miss those...
You're always welcome to interact with me whenever you want! My ask box and dms are always open here or otherwise 💕)
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jikookficsdiarry · 2 months
Hello loves!!! I've been MIA I know:( work has been stressful but today I have made it a point to give myself time. I know it's been a couple of days but the teaser trailer lives in my mind rent free! I mean I wasn't expecting it not too! Cause omds the number of times I've watched it! Please someone tell me why are jikook so adorable!! Like I'm running out of words to express my love for them! Ahhh my bubbas🥹🤍
Jsjehejeidjdjdi like do you see how happy they are together?! Doesn't it just warm your heart in the most beautiful way?🥹🤍 their giggles tug at my heartstrings for real!!
Okay hear me out, imagine a teaser trailer beginning the cutest way possible.... No, you don't have to! You know why cause? literally one second in and mimi is telling kookie he's gonna give him cuddles...bye🥹😭
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That's kookies jimin hyung smile btw🤍
I learnt a little bit of Korean and I know what that word actually means...so why are the translations different? when the Korean word means something else? I wonder how, I wonder why.....
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From the campfire, to the snowman, to their cuddle on the boat, and the headbump (I hope it didn't hurt them), to the card games, bike rides, dancing in the rain and the most important of all!! their wholesome giggles that make you instantly smile. I know I'm going to love every second of this show.
Oh how we love to see kookies passenger princess mimi🥹🤍
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My lads nice pyjamas you got there, they look like...wait a minute, are they?....
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lads, I don't really know how I am going to defend you when the show drops, but I'm here for it! And I will cherish every single second that you have chosen to share with us.
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On a serious note, I think apart from the fun moments shared amongst jikook, we would likely see their deep meaningful conversations about their lives, especially when they were pretty much uncertain about the circumstances in their lives at that time. Best believe I am going to tear up, honestly I feel like I might end up sobbing whilst they laugh as well because I cannot stress enough how much I miss them...I miss them with every inch of my being...and I also know they miss us so much, I mean they care and love us so much, they decided to share their most beautiful moments to us. I just want to say, I am not letting even the smallest particle of negativity (I hope that makes sense) get to me when the show drops, because jikook are my happiness, they were and always will be and I love them so much, and I will always wish for their happiness.
Finally, like I always say, "Are you sure?!" You are truly going to be our serotonin!🤍🥹
~ Nel
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mushroomwriter · 7 months
Hermanos anon here - WHY WOULD YOU PUT THAT GIFSET ON MY DASH AAAAAAAH!!!!! i came out here to have a good time and honestly i feel so attacked rn
Anyway, so happy for you that the exam is over and you passed <3 I actually have exams coming up myself lol so I completely understand... also have you heard? Berlin was renewed for s2! Really really hoping Alvaro returns and we get Sergio and hermanos rights in the next season 🤞 (and to fill the need for hermanos content!!) Also pls don't feel like you have to make a set again soon, happy to wait until you get the inspiration, and ofc it's always a good idea to rewatch their scenes, instant serotonin boost - just skip that minor scene that shall not be named at the end of the Mint Heist 😭
Haha I'm sorryyyy! It's something I realised long back but I never had the chance to inflict the angst on anyone else lmao. you added the cherry on top with how you worded it "literally a little brother begging his big brother not to leave him, and knowing on some level that he'll never be able to make him change his mind" 🥺 in some way he would've known right at the moment nairobi and helsinki emerged alone so seeing him going from denial to desperation. hurts
(pt 2) YES, brotherssss!!! Oh, the fact that Andrés is so selfish and narcissistic otherwise just makes the hermanos bond even more special to me?? it hits different than if they'd just been relatively normal/good characters, idk. And yes that's such older brother behaviour of him!! I will tell you some happier observations of mine this time. One of my favourite "older bro" things Andrés does in the series, when he and Sergio sit down to drink together, he ALWAYS pours wine for Sergio first. In the bella ciao scene, his wedding scene in s4, even s3 he literally wakes up Sergio to come have breakfast with them, which means he didn't even allow either Martin or Tatiana to start without his hermanito lol. It's a very sweet minor detail that melts my heart. I can totally imagine them in the Toledo house, pretending they don't know each other but then andrés does little things like these, serving Sergio first or preparing coffee for his brother just the way he likes it before making his own cup :') OH, the feels. Yes, I agree, I definitely think the Bella Ciao lyrics are foreshadowing, and that is exactly what happened in the end. (I have been struck by that thought too, more than once 🥲 it's heartbreaking isn't it? especially when you consider that oslo/moscow had their loved ones with them when they died + a funeral. nairobi had a funeral too. tokio had rio with her before she died. but andrés had none of that, sergio was miles away and then ofc they had to escape leaving him behind... don't think about the guantanamera scene lyrics in this context too. Poor Sergio :( (pt 3) Btw sorry for how long this got!! Please feel free to put everything under a cut if you want 😅 I'm just out here rambling like there's no tmrw. Back to the happier note (omg we really just keep switching between angst and joy) I love that idea!! Yeah, I can definitely see them having that as an inside joke, something that only they share from their childhood memories, it's very sweet! Sergio "I don't dance" Marquina WILL dance if his big bro requires, and it makes me a puddle everytime. Somehow he has the most stiff yet adorable dance moves ever, I loved those moments we got. Andrés mirroring Sergio's moves in the guantanamera scene never fails to bring a smile to my face. Unironically, I used to watch that scene so many times during the pandemic days. I was not doing too well but those few seconds seeing them smile and laugh and dance despite everything used to give me such comfort :D I was glad to see your reply (and once again, completely understand, hope you're taking care of yourself <3) Thank you for putting up (and being so kind) about my rambles, glad you like them! And ofc, please feel free to tell me to shut up if I get too annoying 😭 As always, such a JOY sharing the enthusiasm for these heist bros with you and i hope you have a great week!
AT LEAST WE CAN SUFFER TOGETHER!!! And talk about Sergio, who usually considers every single possible outcome, Never considering his brother could die... whew!
Thank you so much! The best of luck on your exams!! (If you've already taken them, I hope they went well!) I saw that, yeah... and speaking of the spin-off I watched some more of it, I need to watch the fifth episode next... anyway, they better use that new season to give us some new hermanos content or ELSE 🔪🔪 like, just Andrés mentioning Sergio was enough to reawaken my heist brothers obsession, an actual new scene with the two of them would be so Powerful (also I miss Sergio sooo) Thank you, I'd like to gif them again soon but right now the inspiration isn't really on my side, UGH. But I really hope watching and rewatching their scenes (and looking for possible quotes) can help! Honestly since I love pain I will probably watch the Scene That Shall Not Be Named as well but I promise I'll proceed with caution...
Well, I can't blame you, angst is made to be shared! Poor Sergio, he really is in denial at the beginning, huh, insisting Andrés should get into the tunnel... and that's another thing that gets me, because truly there was no time, waiting for Andrés and not blowing up the tunnel basically meant getting captured, and yet Sergio who's usually so cautious and always aware of every risk just refuses to see it. Andrés must get into the tunnel and to safety! And then he gets more and more desperate when it really becomes apparent that it isn't going to happen :(
Oh, I definitely agree! Part of the appeal of big brother Andrés and of their bond imo is the contrast between their usual demeanor and how they behave around each other. When they're together they're a big brother and a little brother, you know 🥺🥺 OOOH thanks for sharing! I don't know if I ever noticed that (if I did I forgot) it really is sweet! I'm smiling a bit at the thought of Andrés not allowing Martín and Tatiana to have breakfast because the most precious hermanito in the world is not there yet! I love that thought! I enjoy picturing how it was for them in Toledo, having to pretend they didn't know each other, and the image of Andrés finding all the sneaky ways to take care of his hermanito makes me melt <3
What can I say, Bella Ciao, Guantanamera, they truly looked at the lyrics and went "ooooh 😈" That completely breaks my heart, like it makes Sergio's grief even WORSE.
Please never apologize about how long your message gets, as far as I'm concerned it only means I have more stuff to enjoy (also thank you for reminding me I can put this under a cut, I probably should lol) It's kind of amusing how we can switch between oh no Andrés was killed and Sergio was completely helpless and awww nice little childhood memories but hey it's great how they give us tragic and happy thoughts both! I absolutely agree about Sergio having the most stiff yet adorable dance moves ever, at some point he's basically like "ok, since I'm doing this with my big brother I'm... actually enjoying it, but this doesn't take all my awkwardness away" and it's so CUTE, Alvaro plays it so well! And Andrés mirroring his moves makes me smile so much!! It truly is a comfort scene and I'm glad it helped you through those times (man, it was surreal).
Thanks so much for your patience! And nooo don't worry, I LOVE your rambles!! It really is a real joy to talk with you about these brothers!
Thank you so much, I hope you have a great week too! (And if you're still studying for your exams, well, I wish you a productive study and hope it doesn't stress you out too much!)
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