#this also has been in my draft forever tho rip
blueberrysan · 1 year
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Random San gifs ???/???
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god I so feel just totally avoiding the main quest. I love when I can do that in games. like yeah ik the main quest is over there but I'm gonna do all this other stuff. main quest can wait!
is tma The Magnus Archives? I never really got into it but I relate a lot to having brainrot about your fandom...and very much to having lots of ideas and not writing them lol.
though my brainrot lately has been Minecraft. so instead of having writing ideas I just have ideas for what I wanna make. I sit at work in meetings and just think about the house I wanna build and get really indecisive about the building shape sjdklfjkf
-shark anon
sorry zelda, i can't save hyrule, i'm busy doing hot girl shit (fucking around and finind out) (so many game overs i am Not a Good Gamer)
yes!! tma is The Magnus Archives and i love it so much but more importantly I love the characters so much and it's difficult for me to capture personalities so i've been trying a lot to practice with them cause they mean so much to me and i know whatever i write will be kinda ooc but i still want it to at least feel like the characters? which is very difficult when 2 of them are background characters and while both are mentioned multiple times one makes one appearance and the other well im writing about who he was before i cant elaborate on that without spoilers but theres basically no reference material for that part of his life aside from fan stuff so im tryin my best djahdsh (any tma fans reading this yes im talkin about gerry and michael), it's good tho cause i get to practice/improve my english so even if they stay in drafts i get to feel productive? aslhdlashdla
oh man i havent played minecraft in forever, im rarely in the mood for it but when i am i usually get the brainrot for like a month sakjdah last time i was playing on a server w friends that was modded to add more stuff to vanilla so it had a bunch of new animals and i started making a zoo (then the brainrot died and i never finished the zoo rip i hope those animals r ok) i also had so many cats at home my farm animals started despawning :) i love kitty <3
i hope u can think about a building shape u like !!
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hallasimss · 1 year
🚲💋 and 🧸 for your most fav OC!
fav OC currently is split between Ha-sang and Abhi (my beloveds!!!) so i'll answer the first and last ones for Ha-sang (slightly rearranged bc uh. depending on how hot it gets in here the kiss one might need to go under the cut sksksksk) and leave the one in the middle for Abhilash—this might get long <333
🚲 : Does your OC enjoy playing the field? Or are they more monogamy-minded?
i feel like he leans slightly more towards one-to-one relationships more than anything else, although depending on the person he can be open to trying something new—monoflexible, is it? i'd say it might be the partial fear of abandonment, but this is some of the reason it usually takes him forever to get over break-ups (despite the fact that most of them have ended well) and is also why he's mainly been on and off with his uh, how should i put it, current situation. (not 'situation' as in derogatory, just 'situation' as it's way more complicated than the FWB that they started out with in the first place and we haven't figured out what we're going to do with that yet)
there's also a situation going on with his ex-boyfriend (*cough* Sun-wook *cough*) but those two have had that going on for at least five or six years by now, it's once a year, mutual and they know what they're doing—if the two of them could tell me what that is, of course, rather than filling my brain with plot rot about the much more unstable pairing on Ha-sang's end (which might be revealed. if i haven't given it away in the tags of some of my inspo reblogs yet rip), it would be much appreciated
🧸 : Into public displays of affection or are they more reserved?
Abhi is going to hold your hand. he is going to hold your f*cking hand and probably be the clingiest partner you've ever had but it's fine!!! they're holding your hand bc they need to make sure it's big enough for theirs and also the 56 different shopping bags/luggage/various containers they're going to make you carry after that mall date. you have two hands tho don't worry you should be able to handle it
he's not much of a public kisser, tho at least if he is he hasn't told me sksksksk, but he'll go for a peck on the cheek when others are around. he also bites? behind closed doors like an extremely autistic and tender cat—you'll be reading a book and they'll be lying on your lap and if your arm is anywhere near them prepare for the gnawing. chomp chomp chomp we are biting you biting you biting you @rainymoodlet i hope it's ok to tag since this is Abhi meta but Dan i hope you're taking notes
💋 : Is your OC a good kisser? How do they do it?
the amount of gifsets i have in the drafts of this man's FC just going at it istg—it's embarrassing. completely embarrassing i am being outed as simping over my own sim. (they will post. eventually, but not yet since i do not want to scandalize the viewers) the common thread in all of them is that he usually goes in first, and then pulls back to look at the other person and then it's right back in again. just. that is hot to me
and tongue!!! Ha-sang will usually ask first before he goes ahead with it since he's very gentle and reserved most of the time (and bc consent is sexy kids!) but when things get heated out comes the tongue. it's a war scene you're going to lose at least one piece of clothing that you will never get back bc it ended up under the sofa or some sh*t like that—if he kisses a line all the way up your jawline you are done for. finished. the end of Solomon Grundy as we like to say in the Caribbean. tell your driver you're not going home tonight if it's right from your collarbone up the curve of your neck i doubt you're making it to the bedroom. God forbid we get any of this started in the car tho it is highly unlikely
send me piping hot oc asks!
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writer1 · 3 years
A Sniper’s Life Changing Injury
Part One
Warnings: fear, self hate, transformation, body horror, swearing, lying, injury, thoughts of abandonment, angst, lots of angst, thoughts of losing brothers, near death experience. Depression, feeling alone. It does get fluffy in the end tho, we promise
A/N: This is a collab fic between myself and @ahsokatano-thetogruta , we hope that you enjoy this! As we’ve put in the warnings, there is a lot of angst and Crosshair feels so scared and alone at a few points in this fic, so if you are feeling sad, you may want to skip out on reading this fic.  It does get fluffy in the end tho, we promise. We also promise that there will be more fluffier fics for Werewolf Crosshair in the future. 
Crosshair sits in his spot above the base, rifle trained on the door. His job is to shoot any droid that gets close, which is pretty easy. He waits for his brothers to get out with the information, then they can leave this force damned, snowy planet. Crosshair smirks when he finally sees his brothers leave the base, and head back to the Marauder. “Took them long enough.” He grumbles, standing up and walking through the tall trees, back towards the Marauder.
But he freezes when he hears a rustling, Crosshair points his rifle, seeing some large bushes, he waits. When there's a roar, and a giant beast jumps straight onto Crosshair, clamping a jaw around his arm. “ARGHH!!” He screams as he kicks the beast off, picking up his rifle and shooting at the beast the best he can with his injured arm. Once it’s gone, Crosshair huffs, then goes to walk back to the Marauder to get his arm taken care of, when he feels a weird feeling in his stomach.
“What the-- AURGH!” The pain intensifies tenfold, as Crosshair falls to the ground. He snarls as he starts to rip off his armor, the pain making him need too. Once it’s all off, he growls and whimpers as he hears a crack, making him scream. He covers his mouth, not wanting anyone to hear him, as his shirt grows tight, then rips. Crosshair realizes that his body is growing bigger, grey fur growing all over him. 
He whines as his bones crack and change, legs gaining haunches. He hears a beeping, his comm is going off. “Crosshair! You there? Where are you Vod’ika, you should be back by now!” Crosshair whines, a noise unfamiliar to him, he… he wants his brothers, his Ori’Vod. He just wants Wrecker to hold him close, Tech to talk his ears off but also comfort him. And Hunter… he just wants some comfort from his oldest brother, please.
He goes to grab his comm, to call his Ori’Vod’s to his side, but when he almost reaches it, he feels a burning pain in his bones and his hands shake as he pulls them back to him, seeing them change and become more claw-like. He growls and his mouth elongates, becoming a muzzle, and a large fluffy tail painfully sprouts and grows from his backside. He opens his eyes, tears falling down his face as he looks down at himself, the transformation is finished, and he’s looking down at a body not his own. He looks at his hands and feet, both have sharp claws on the ends, and his legs have haunches. He is covered in thick, grey fur, and he can tell that he’s even bigger than Wrecker now, so much bigger.
Crosshair whimpers as he realizes that… that he can’t call his brothers. He’s a monster now, a hideous beast that his brothers will abandon as soon as they find out. Crosshair shakes his head, he can’t let them know, can’t tell them that he’s a monster now. Crosshair cries, completely breaking down from his usual, cold persona, what does he do, will he be human again? What happens if he isn’t? 
“Crosshair?!! Cross!! Where are you!!” Crosshair hears the distant shouts of his brothers. Shit! Crosshair doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t want his brothers to see him like this, so he carries out his best and only best plan.
Run and hide.
So he does. He runs. He runs as fast as he can. He tries to run on two legs, but he keeps stumbling and falling to the ground, so he runs on all fours, coming across a cave. He takes a few moments to calm himself down as soon as he gets the chance to sit against the cave wall. He’s panicking, scared out of his mind as he looks down at himself, seeing a body that isn’t his. All he wants right now is a hug from Hunter, but there’s no way that they’d give him one now. Crosshair is a monster now, there’s no going back.
He whines and whimpers as he finds something to chew on, but he can’t, so he just uses the next best thing. His hand will make an okay substitute for now, but he wishes that Wrecker was there with him, since he would always offer him Lula to chew on whenever he was stressed or anxious, usually both. He visualises the small Tooka doll, seeing it’s slightly bent and floppy ear. The image makes him happy, but then he just sees the disgusted looks on all of their faces, making his ears press back as he curls in on himself. 
A snow storm is picking up quickly, the atmosphere’s temperature dropping dramatically. Crosshair hopes that the others aren’t stuck out there in the cold. He’s sure that him being in this form would keep them all warm if they snuggled together, but who really wants to be near a monster like him? Crosshair pushes his intrusive and painful thoughts away, crawling a little further into the cave to escape the ice cold draft blowing in. He stops and settles down, well, as much as he can. He lies on the floor, feeling some tears run down his furry cheek as he lets out a sob, echoing around the small cave. “Hunter...Tech...Wrecker…” Is all he says quietly to himself as he feels himself fall asleep until he’s completely passed out.
Crosshair wakes up with a shiver. The morning light floods into the cave and he feels its slight warmth brush against his feet. He sits up groggily, then his eyes widen when he sees that he’s smaller, no longer covered in fur and back to his normal, human self. He sighs in relief as he shuffles into the light a little more, making him hum at the tiny amount of warmth comforting him. He looks out onto a sea of white, the snow glistening brightly. “No way I’m walking out there.” Crosshair mutters to himself, imagining the laughs and chuckles from his brothers. 
He then freezes as he hears a ship, poking his head out of the cave to see the Marauder landing right outside, he backs up a bit, as Hunter jumps out and comes running, followed by Tech and Wrecker. “Cross! You here?!” he yells, and Crosshair smiles and yells back. “I’m here!” Hunter comes running into the cave, he looks tired, but gets a relieved look. “Cross!” He runs over and pulls Crosshair into a hug, as both Wrecker and Tech run over as well and join in. 
Hunter then pulls away, getting a serious look as Tech wraps a blanket around Crosshair’s shoulders. “What the Kriff happened? We went looking for you when you didn’t return to the Marauder, we found your armor, and torn shirt. What happened!” Crosshair sighs. “An animal attacked me, but I fought it off. It tore my armor and shirt off, then I ran and hid in this cave.” Hunter has an unbelieving look, but he just gives a relieved smile. “We’re just glad you’re okay, Vod’ika.” Hunter tells him, then Wrecker runs over and picks him up.
“Hey! What--” “We thought you were dead!” Wrecker yells as he hugs Crosshair close, tearing up. Crosshair sighs, but hugs Wrecker back. “It’s okay, I’m okay, Wrecker.” Wrecker smiles and presses a kiss to Crosshair’s forehead. “Let's get you inside, you’re freezing.” Crosshair nods, and Tech walks up. “Yes, your body temperature is much too low for my liking.'' The four of them run to the Marauder, Crosshair actually being carried in Wreckers arms. He’s carried straight to Wrecker’s bunk, being laid down as his brothers all start to strip their armor. 
“What?--” “We are having a cuddle pile, both to warm you up, and because we spent a whole night thinking you were dead, we need the comfort of knowing you’re safe beside us.” Crosshair nods, feeling terrible for worrying them. They all climb into the bed, Crosshair between Tech and Hunter, as Wrecker moves them all to be on top of him. Crosshair sighs softly, getting a happy smile. He’s so glad that he turned back to human, he just hopes that he doesn’t transform again.
He yawns as his eyes flutter closed, the warmth of his brothers making him sleepy, he drifts off to sleep.
That was not the only time Crosshair transforms, not by a longshot. He transformed two more times before today, the first was only three days after the very first time, he was lucky to get an excuse out to his brothers before running. They were thankfully on a more tropical planet, so no freezing to death. The second time, he was once again sniping, and it just started, it may have been because he was worried for his brothers, he doesn’t know. He had started sneaking spare blacks in his backpack thankfully after the tropical planet, so he made sure to leave no evidence and hid in another cave.
His brothers had grown suspicious when he had returned, but he had just shrugged. “I found a new spot, but I got trapped by clankers, so I had to hide and wait it out.” He knew they hadn’t quite believed it, but they didn’t bug.
Crosshair sighs as he cleans his rifle, they have been in space for about four days, and he’s so scared of transforming while up here. Hunter will surely sense it, and then it's all over. He’ll lose his brothers forever, and be alone. Crosshair runs a hand through his hair as he sighs sadly. “Maybe I deserve it, what kind of monsters have families.” He whispers to himself, then startles when he hears Hunter yell for him.
“Cross! Dinners ready!” He stands, setting his rifle up as he leaves his quarters, walking to the common area. Hunter smiles and hands him a plate. “Wrecker chose tonight.” Crosshair sighs, rolling his eyes, but he smiles. “Kraft Dinner?” “Kraft Dinner.” Hunter confirms, and Crosshair smiles as Wrecker pumps a fist. “Yeah!! I love it!!” Crosshair smiles as he sits down against a wall, and starts eating his bowl of Kraft Dinner. Hunter has given him a fork, just how he likes it.
He eats for a few minutes, hearing Tech babble about this new gadget he’s working on, just feeling content when he feels the familiar discomfort welling up in his stomach. His eyes widen as fear fills him. Hunter notices that there’s something off about Crosshair, making him raise an eyebrow “Everything okay, Cross?” He asks, but Crosshair swallows hard to try and get rid of the feeling in his stomach. He tries to think of an excuse, then he looks at his food. “I think this is making me sick, I’ll be right back.” Crosshair lies, knowing that he is going to transform and will not want to show his face, or the face of a wolf, that is.
Crosshair stands quickly and swiftly makes his way down the hall towards his room. Hunter, Tech and Wrecker all share the same concerned, worried look for their little brother. “He doesn’t usually feel sick at dinner, does he?” Tech inquires, making Hunter shake his head. “No. No, he doesn’t.” He replies, getting up and follows Crosshair in his stead back to his room. “Cross, wait!” He calls out to Crosshair, but the door is shut on his face. Hunter knocks a few times “Cross, what’s going on? Are you alright--” A loud groan and yell from inside the room is all he needs for him to answer his own question.
“TECH! WRECKER!” Hunter yells, seeing his brothers run immediately to him. “What’s going on?! Is Cross okay?!” Wrecker asks. He’s never felt so worried before in his whole life. Hunter shakes his head, but before he can answer, there’s a yell louder and more painful than the last one. “His door is locked and I can’t get it open.” Hunter tells them, then Tech is immediately at the panel for the door lock, but his shaky hands are making it difficult for him to hack into the locking mechanism. “I-I can’t get it open!” Tech is panicking, worried for his little brother, tears filling his eyes and making it difficult to see what he’s doing. 
“Stand back!!” Wrecker yells, letting Tech move out of the way before he uses all of his strength to kick down the door. They each rush into the room, to then see Crosshair kneeling on the floor with his back to them, arms wrapped around himself. He seems...different. Like he’s-- growing?! The three of them stand there, not sure what to do. This has never happened before. “Crosshair?” Hunter asks cautiously, watching as Crosshair turns his head to look at them. They feel a shiver run down their spines when they see that their little brother’s eyes are yellow and glowing a little, some grey fur growing on his face too.
“Get out!!”
“Cross, wai--!” The door shuts behind Crosshair. Crosshair groans, hugging his stomach as he sits down on the floor beside his bed. He strips his armor off, throwing it half-hazardly across the room, he hugs himself, as he does everything in his power to hold back the transformation, causing excruciating pain.
He hears knocking. “Cross, what’s going on? Are you alright--” He lets out a loud groan, followed by a yell. The sound of Hunter’s voice is making him scared and uneasy. ���TECH! WRECKER!” He hears Hunter yell, as footsteps come running. “No no no.”  Crosshair whispers, letting out an even louder, more painful yell as the pain amps up, he’s so scared that  his brothers will see the monstrous beast he’s going to become, he continues holding back his transformation, no matter how much pain it causes. He can hear voices on the other side, but is unable to concentrate enough to hear what they’re saying, he growls as fur starts to grow on his face, and he squeezes his eyes shut. “No, please, no.” He whispers, hugging himself and turning from the door as he hears-- “Stand back!!” then a big bang, as he knows that Wrecker has kicked the door down, he grits his teeth as his body starts to slowly, agonizingly slowly, grow bigger.
They stand there for a few minutes, probably just staring at him until he hears Hunter ask.  “Crosshair?” almost in a scared voice, it makes Crosshair wince, then he turns to them. Seeing them shiver and their eyes go wide. “Get out!!” He yells, not wanting them to see him, not like this. His voice is a bit deeper, and growly. 
As he groans again, he won’t be able to hold back the transformation for much longer. He watches them stare with fear written on all three of their faces, and he looks away. “I said get out!!” He yells, but then everything becomes too much, and he lets out a sob. “Please, just...don’t look at me. I’m… I’m a monster, just go away.” He hugs himself tighter, the pain growing worse as he yells out, he won’t be able to hold it back, it’s already starting to slip. He doesn’t hear them leaving, wondering what's going on. “I’m sorry, I know it’s disgusting, and I’ll leave after this. I promise, you’ll never have to see me aga-- AUGH.” Crosshair tells them, tears falling down his face as he shakes.
He finally slips, unable to hold it back any longer. He lets go and lets the transformation happen, knowing that he can’t stop it now. His body grows larger, fur sprouting out as his clothes rip, his shirt fully shredding as his pants stay on, only ripping at the ends to about half way. He writhes on the floor as his bones crack, legs bending and forming into haunches. His arms are longer and more muscular, hands more claw-like now. He knows that they are probably all staring at him in disgust, already devising a plan to throw him out on the next plant they come across. Crosshair knows that he’s not going to be welcomed here anymore--
His heavy, growly breath hitches when he feels a pair of arms wrap around his front, making him look down to see his bandana-loving brother hugging him tightly. “Hunt-- argh, Hunter, no, don’t…” Crosshair begins but starts sobbing, not wanting Hunter to leave. “Shh, it’s alright, Cross. We’re not going anywhere.” Hunter tells him, making his heart throb. He’s not sure whether it’s from hearing that his brothers still love him or the uncomfortable feeling in his chest as he continues to grow bigger and more fluff grows, getting fluffier.
Hunter pulls away a little, not wanting to keep his embrace around his little brother too tightly. He looks up to see tears flowing down his face, so he reaches a hand up to cup Crosshair’s cheek, wiping the tears away. Crosshair leans into the touch, but then his face hurts as it elongates. He yells out, wanting to look away, but Hunter just gives him a look of ‘it’s okay, I’m not afraid and you shouldn’t be either’. Crosshair whines, squeezing his eyes shut as his ears grow pointy and furry, moving to the top of his head as a tail grows long and fluffy. 
Crosshair lets out a relieved huff and sigh, but whimpers when he opens his eyes, he sees Tech and Wrecker standing in front of him, staring in disbelief, making Crosshair press his ears back in fear and look down “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I’m a monster now, you can kick me out if you want.” He hears no response, so he looks up to see the three of them with tears in their eyes, spilling out and rolling down their faces. Crosshair feels guilty and confused. “Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong--” 
“Why would you ever think that?!” Hunter sounds angry, making Crosshair jump in surprise. Hunter takes a deep breath “We’d never kick you out, ever.” He says, standing up and pressing his forehead against Crosshair. Crosshair feels like crying, so he holds Hunter close to comfort him. He feels Tech and Wrecker hug him from either side, so he lets go of Hunter for a moment to pull the both of them in for a hug as well. His longer arms allow him to hold all three of them at once, hugging them close and all together. 
They all sit like that for a few minutes, Crosshair just wanting to be close to his brothers, he finds it weird, being bigger than them, especially Wrecker. Crosshair whimpers, gently setting his chin on the top of Tech’s head, making Tech let out a sigh. They then pull away, and Hunter gives him a sad look. “How long? This isn’t the first time, is it?” Crosshair shakes his head, making his brothers get sad looks. “It was during that mission on the snow planet, I transformed, that’s why you couldn’t find me.” Hunter’s eyes widen. “That… That was a week and a half ago, Cross! You’ve been like this that long, and you haven’t told us!” Crosshair flinches, ears pressing back.
“I was scared, I’m a monster now. I thought you’d hate me, and think I’m disgusting. So whenever I transformed I hid, same on the tropical planet and that last planet we were on.” Hunter tears up a bit, as Wrecker growls. “You’re not a monster, never!” He tells Crosshair, making Crosshair whine as his ears press back. Hunter frowns, giving Wrecker a look. Wrecker gently pets Crosshair’s arm. 
Hunter then looks back up at Crosshair. “You’re not a monster, you are our brother, nothing is going to change that. Not ever in a million years.” Crosshair tears up again, pulling all three of his brothers into a hug, Tech smiles. “It’s okay, I’d like to run some tests on you. Just so we know how this affects you. But that can be sometime later.” Crosshair nods, nuzzling into Tech as Wrecker pets him. “So you don’t think I’m a Monster? Or disgusting?” Crosshair knows they already said he didn’t, but after thinking they’d hate him for so long, he needs the reassurances.
“Not at all. What you look like doesn’t matter, you're still our little brother, Crossy.” Tech reassures him, making sure that Crosshair is getting everybit comfort he deserves. Crosshair’s chest rumbles in content, letting out a happy hum as he nuzzles into the top of each of their heads. He feels so lucky to have the three greatest Vod’e in the entire galaxy. Lost in his content thoughts, he licks their heads a few times before stopping. His face heats up in embarrassment. “What the-- s-sorry, I don’t know why I did that.” Instead of the weirded out reactions he expected, they all smile kindly and don’t say anything about it. Except for Tech, that is. “Well, it is probably a new natural reaction or instinct that you have developed, since it is a gesture that a wolf makes to show affection.” 
Wrecker looks at him with a mix of shock and confusion. He never knew that “They do that?” He asks and Tech retorts playfully in a smart tone of voice “I thought that was obvious.” All of them chuckle, including Crosshair, who feels a lot less nervous knowing that it is something that is now...normal. Suddenly, he sees Wrecker lean up to his face and start licking his furry cheek. “Um, Wrecker? W-What are y’doing?” Crosshair asks, unable to hold back a chuckle.
“M’giving you affection too-- bleh!” Wrecker tells him, but then he’s cut off when he starts coughing up some fur that got in his mouth. Crosshair laughs and pats the top of Wrecker’s head. “Normal kisses work fine, Wreck.” He tells him with a smile, then Wrecker kisses him normally a few times before snuggling again. Crosshair nuzzles him and then hums when Hunter plays with the fur on his chest, making his eyes flutter from the nice feeling. Hunter chuckles sweetly. “Is that nice, Cross’ika?” Crosshair can’t find the words to say, so he just nods and hums. Hunter runs his fingers through the fluffy fur a few more times, looking sadly at Crosshair.
Crosshair whines at the loss of Hunter’s touch, making him fully open his eyes “Why did you stop?” He asks, and Hunter sighs “You really went through this alone three times already? The same pain and worry on your mind?” Hunter asks. Crosshair looks sheepishly at him in response and nods, his ears pressing back. “M’sorry, I...I was just so scared.”
Hunter frowns, placing a hand softly on Crosshair’s cheek. “Well, you don’t have to be afraid anymore. We’re here for you and we always will be. Right, Fellas?” Hunter smiles at Tech and Wrecker who both nod. Tech lets out a little “Yep.” while Wrecker pumps his fist in the air a little and shouts “Yeah!”, making them all laugh and smile.
After calming down, Crosshair lets out a yawn, his sharp teeth on display for the others to see, but they don’t find them scary. He feels tired from all the exhaustion, taking over his entire body. If his brothers weren’t there, he’d surely just flop and pass out on the floor. “You ready to sleep?” Hunter asks, sensing his little brother’s exhaustion, and Crosshair nods. They all stand up, apart from Crosshair who doesn’t. “What’s wrong, Cross? Can’t you walk?” Tech asks with a raised eyebrow, seeing Crosshair with a nervous look on his face. 
“I can only walk on all fours. It’s difficult now that my legs are...different.” Crosshair whines, making the others give him looks of sympathy, then Tech hums in thought, sitting down and gently grabbing Cross’s leg, pulling his foot to his face, studying it. “It may be difficult, since you aren’t used to walking on your toes, plus you’ve never had haunches before, so that is the biggest change to your anatomy.” Crosshair stretches his other leg out, looking at his larger foot. That makes a lot of sense. Crosshair sighs. “I just...I don’t want to walk around like an animal.” Tech nods as he says “Understandable.” as he lets go of Crosshair’s leg.
Only a moment later, Wrecker walks over to him and scoops him up, making Crosshair yelp in surprise. “Don’t worry, Crossy. We’ve got you. Quite literally, in my case.” Wrecker smiles, then Crosshair returns it, nuzzling his snout into Wrecker’s neck as he’s carried over to his bunk. Wrecker sets Crosshair down, squeezing in next to him as Hunter sits on the other side, then Tech just stands there, noticing that there isn’t a lot of room left. 
Crosshair smiles and pats his lap “You can sit here, if you want? It’ll be more comfortable to pile on, rather than trying to squish together onto one bunk.” Tech nods as he climbs up and sits in Crosshair’s lap, with a helping hand from Crosshair, who pulls him close so Tech won’t fall off while they are asleep. The last thing Crosshair wants to do is hurt his brothers anymore than he already has by not telling them about this, thinking that they’d get rid of him. With a happy sigh, he finally falls asleep, enjoying the company of his brothers. They make him feel safe and loved, being there by his side while he’s in this new and scary form. 
Hunter opens his eyes groggily, gently sitting up. He rubs his eyes and looks around, smiling when he sees a human Crosshair, with Tech on top of him. Hunter gently reaches over and runs a hand through Cross’s hair, making his brother hum, and a smile appear on his face. Hunter smiles softly, but then frowns. He feels so bad that Crosshair had thought they'd hate him, just because he looked different. 
Hunter sighs. They should have seen the signs that something was wrong with their youngest, he had been acting weird ever since that mission. Almost as if he’s depressed. It had broken Hunter and the rest, but they could have never imagined what had actually caused it. Hunter feels horrible that Crosshair had to go through that pain alone, three times. That's never going to happen again, Hunter won’t let it.
“Hm.” Hunter turns to see Crosshair starting to stir, along with Tech and Wrecker. “Cross!! Yer human again!!” Wrecker yells excitedly, scooping Crosshair into a hug and knocking Tech into Hunter, but Tech and Hunter both just laugh. Crosshair chuckles, and Hunter notices the look of relief on his face. “Yeah, yeah I am.” Wrecker smiles as he pulls Crosshair close, then he looks over. “Are you guys joining in?” He asks, and Hunter chuckles. “Of course.” Tech tells him as he joins the group hug, and Hunter does as well.
They all hear Crosshair sigh happily, making them happy to have helped him, hoping that he won’t run from them again.
Crosshair watches as the others celebrate the victory they had against the Separatists, they had just taken out a base on the other side of the planet. But Crosshair isn’t celebrating, not at all. There were bombs that were set to go off, and none of them even knew about them. They had almost killed Hunter… He had almost lost his Ori’Vod today.
He groans softly as the familiar feeling fills his stomach, and he sucks in a breath. He’s going to transform, again. “Shit.” He hisses quietly to himself, wrapping an arm around his stomach. He goes to walk away, to hide when he hears-- “You okay, Cross?” Hunter asks, and Crosshair turns to look at him, his helmet is thankfully on, so Hunter and the others can’t see his grimace. “I’m fine, just going for a walk.” Hunter raises an eyebrow, then his eyes widen. “You’re going to transform. Aren’t you?” 
Crosshair doesn’t respond, instead, he just goes to run. But as he steps off of the first step, he lets out a yell at an excruciating pain in his stomach and stumbles down the steps, falling to the ground. He tries to stand up and run away to hide somewhere, but Hunter gets in front of him, kneeling down and making sure that Crosshair doesn’t get up. “Hunter, let me go.” He whimpers, feeling the pain get worse with every passing second. Hunter shakes his head and frowns. 
Crosshair doesn’t think to push Hunter out of the way, because part of him wants him to stay with his brothers, to have them near him this time. Crosshair holds his stomach, about to double over from the pain, but Hunter pulls his baby brother into a tight, comforting hug. “Tell me what to do, how can I help?” Hunter asks, almost begging, pulling Crosshair’s helmet off and looking directly into his eyes, watching as they turn golden yellow. “Get my armor off, please.” Crosshair whines, already feeling it becoming too tight. Hunter nods and starts with his arm pieces, but then Crosshair groans “H-Hunter, please hurry for Kriff’s sake!” He half cries out, making Hunter panic. He’s about to call for Tech and Wrecker to help him, but they are already coming out of the ship and kneeling down too, each helping to remove his armour.
Once it is all off, Crosshair finally doubles over, pulling his shirt over his head and dropping it on the ground as he clutches his stomach. He feels someone’s hand on his back, rubbing it soothingly. It feels weird when his fur starts to grow, because it’s short and stubbly, so it feels itchy for a few moments until it grows out more and becomes furry. He yells as his bones crack and rearrange, letting out an inhuman growl as his arms and legs keep getting longer and his hands and feet become clawed, his pants partially shred and rip, a tail growing out from his backside, making him yelp from shock rather than pain, because he’s gotten used to feeling it grow as he transforms. 
He bares his sharp teeth as his face elongates into a snout, ears pointy and furry, moving to the top of his head. His fur is thick and fluffy now as the transformation finishes, letting him huff in relief. He hums when he feels someone still rubbing his back, so he turns his head to see Tech smiling at him comfortingly. He returns the smile, standing slightly so he can shuffle around to sit on the ground. Crosshair hangs his head low and whispers “Sorry.” 
It’s barely audible to Tech and Wrecker, but Hunter hears it loud and clear. “Cross, you have nothing to be sorry about.” Hunter says as he crouches down and wraps his arms around his little brother’s neck, holding him close. Crosshair hugs him back, a few tears falling as he sits there, feeling vulnerable while Hunter hugs him, bringing some comfort. Hunter pulls away from him “No more running away, okay? Because we’re here for you now. We always have been and always will be.” 
Crosshair nods as Hunter wipes the tears from his furry cheeks. Tech then makes a small cough to grab their attention. “Now that you are in this form, we can help you walk. Only if you want to, no pressure, Vod’ika.” Crosshair goes to decline Tech’s offer, but, after a moment in thought, he realises that if he can walk on two legs in this form, he won’t have to walk like an animal anymore. “Sure, thank you.”
All three smile at him, then Wrecker walks over. “Here, let me help you up.” Crosshair nods, wrapping a large arm around Wrecker’s shoulders, as his brother hoists him up. Crosshair's eyes widen when he realizes that Wrecker only reaches to the middle of his chest, and the others reach up to his ribcage. He whimpers a bit, never realizing exactly how much bigger he is. But then he feels a soft pat on his side, looking down to see Hunter smiling comfortingly at him. 
“It’s okay, we aren’t scared at all. Although you aren’t exactly our little brother anymore.” Hunter jokes softly, making Crosshair smile and let out a chuckle, Tech also hums. “I’ve been reading up on werewolves, it seems that when you transform, you use up your energy, so you should be eating. I’m guessing that has not been happening?” Crosshair nods sheepishly, making Tech nod. “We’ll get you some food after we do some walking practice, now it’s going to be difficult the first few times, just because you’ve never walked like this before. Walking on your toes and with haunches, I mean.” Crosshair nods, making a noise of understanding as he goes to take a step. But he stumbles.
He almost falls, but Wrecker and Hunter both steady him together. “Woah, careful.” Hunter tells him, and Crosshair nods, growling in frustration. But then he takes another step, stumbling a bit but not falling. “Yes!!” Wrecker cheers, and Hunter smiles and pats Crosshair’s side. “Great job, Cross!!” Crosshair smiles brightly, he knows that being a werewolf is going to be difficult, but he’s going to try his best, even if it means taking one step at a time. So his first step will be to learn and practice to walk on two legs, and quite literally taking one step at a time as he stumbles his way into his new life, knowing that he’ll get there, one day...
Taglist: @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe
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an0nymousghost · 3 years
my answers to simblr asks v1 because i don’t think i did a mass post like this. 
1. how big is your mods folder? 15 gb, i don’t have my giant hair folder in rn
2. how would you describe your style? maxis-match, reshade/cartoony/dof aesthetic
3. what is your favorite challenge? 100bc obviously. and those completionist ones that take 400 years to finish
4. do you make cc? if so, what kind? age conversions of hair and recolors. and once in a blue moon i convert earrings or something
5. what type of cc do you hoard? hair, always and forever. my hair folder is sooo organized but i dont keep it in my game because it is very hard to find anything; there’s literally over 1000 items in the catalogue. also this is just female hair, for kids/toddler i use my own stuff and there’s really not enough male hair for me to mass hoard
6. what default eyes and skin do you use? intoxicated v2 - i’ll use this for the rest of my life emerald eyes by forgottengrotto
7. how many urls have you had, and what are the meanings behind them?
i have had 4:
celeschul - a play on “celestial” because that’s how you pronounce it an0nymousghost - the 8th level of the criminal: oracle career stardze - relating to astrology (star daze) teauke - sounds cool i guess; also i really wanted a short name
i don’t think i’ll change my url anytime in the future because it would be very annoying with all the broken links. i personally hate it when blogs have broken links so i don’t want to add to the problem. also, an0nymousghost is such a nice simblr url, it’s actually got a connection to the actual game. it is already confusing enough with the an0nymousghost/celeschul thing, but that’s mainly just because an0nymousghost is a long url and doesn’t really fit on package titles or thumbnails
8. who is your favorite gameplay blog? i have a personal blog and on there i only follow my faves: @leafykii, solarlemonade, ratboysims, @simprising​, myshunos, @aridridge, @whimsyblue. 
9. who is your favorite storytelling blog? idk i dont follow stories
10. who is your favorite cc creator? im not super involved in cc rn but aharris00britney and clumsyalienn who does those beautiful hair strands. oh yes and myself of course 
11. how do you edit your photos? reshade + action + psd. it’s complicated but the reshade takes 0 effort and ive struggled with editing forEVER im happy with this one
12. what is the last screenshot you took? idk im on my macbook 
Tumblr media
this is the last screenshot on my mac LUL. rip to this hair which has been a wip for 10 million years. 
13. what do you do when you are unmotivated? nothing; right now is a good example. i have a queue so you probably can’t tell, but i’m super unmotivated to do anything. like i could make cc or play ts4 but i really just don’t want to (that’s why im writing this). idk why, but either it’ll pass or my blog will be dead forever. xo
14. who is your current favorite sim? i said the fae sisters for my other post but i really like noelle’s husband claye! i think my female sims are always wayyy more attractive than my male sims, but claye might pull in front of noelle tbh. he looks much better with the emerald eyes (the cartoony ones) 
also i consider all my sims to be good people, and claye’s kindness comes from him always taking care of leila and israel because noelle is off at work and such. oh and noelle’s way more...experienced than him when it comes to relationships
15. who is your current favorite sim that is not by you? no one really comes to mind, i haven’t been focused on like one specific sim lately
16. recreate someone else’s sim in your style. nah
17. do you talk about sims with people in real life? yeah. i don’t want to keep secrets from my friends (i used to have a secret ig account and it was a cause of major stress) so i just mention it in passing. honestly if they’re not cool with me having a sims blog, we can’t be friends. none of my irl friends play sims tho :( 
18. how many of the packs do you own? 23/38 or something along those lines
19. how many posts do you have on your blog currently? 1665. i have more followers than posts, something that i never achieved ever on my old blog because i had like 4 gazillion posts
20. how many drafts do you have on your blog currently? 7, they’re all just shitposts or asks 
21. how many posts are in your queue currently? 17
22. have you ever moved blogs? 2 times. celeschul -> stardze -> an0nymousghost. also i moved my multifandom sideblog once but that url has changed soo many times
23. are you in any sims related discord servers? yeah. though, i cant stand discord for a totally-unrelated-to-sims reason
24. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (paranormal) this is an outdated question but i still do not care about this pack. lol
25. how many hours have you played sims? 1039 hours
26. if you play gameplay, do you play with mods? yes, a lot
27. what’s the farthest you’ve gotten in a challenge? 100bc, i got to like 56/100 kids in my first attempt. this is TECHNICALLY farther than random nightmares, which i feel like i completed more of but i only did 50% of that challenge. i wrote on my blog that i completed random nightmares but in my heart, it’s not complete until 10 generations. so i just said that to make myself feel better. i’ll do a season 2 sometime...sometime
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
*All Might voice* I AM HERE! for dad!jinsung and son!bam fluff and content.
I am so paranoid tumblr is gonna delete this and lo and behold it won’t appear on my pc browser as a draft what’d ya know surprise surprise so here we go mobile copy paste it is listen tumblr I’m so done I can see the drafts increase from 42 to 43 but the gosh darned POST DOESNT APPEAR.
Hello anon!
Apologies for the super long wait for me answering this :’) In hindsight maybe I should have just answered it with a short answer but since I dragged it out this long, might as well write some headcanons amirite; i have some modern day setting + ToG stuff hope u don’t mind + varying ages of Bam
Modern Day:
Jinsung taking smol bam to a small ice cream stand and just chilling in the park walking around, smol Bam asks Jinsung a lot of questions and Jinsung just kinda doesn’t know what to tell Bam xD
Jinsung taking teen Bam back to school shopping and while doing so buys Bam matching clothes with him (that black dress shirt and khakis yes) and Bam likes to wear it to remind him of his dad when he can’t see him
Jinsung taking care of baby Bam who wakes him up in the middle of the night and leaves him with eyebags all the time but has the cutest baby smile ever that even Jinsung cannot resist it
But other than that Bam is a great baby who rarely misbehaves and is a favorite at FUG gatherings during the holidays which Jinsung is forced to go to sometimes
Jinsung trying to figure out what to say to Bam the first time smol Bam has a boo boo and needs comforting
Jinsung meeting Wangnan at the park once, a random teenager, who offers him lollipops instead of cigarettes and looks pointedly at smol Bam, to which Jinsung reluctantly accepts
The next time Wangnan spots Jinsung and his son at the park again he smiles seeing that Jinsung is chewing on a lollipop instead of smoking
Jinsung’s favorite lollipop flavor is lemon no I do not take criticism (I’m just kidding, I just think he might like it)
I’d imagine Jinsung is some high ranking officer at a big company but hates dealing with paperwork so his assistants always deal with that stuff, and technically isn’t the highest ranking officer but they go to him for problems they don’t know what to do about cause he’s extremely knowledgeable
Has a lot of influence therefore can do almost anything he wants so he has flexible hours in order to take care of smol Bam
When Bam comes home one day saying he has met Khun Jinsung frowns every so slightly for a split second before Bam can see but Jinsung lets it slide...for now because he can see how excited smol Bam is talking about his school day and meeting Khun who gave him a super cool shiny stone; Jinsung notices that it’s suspendium and in his head is like damn, they sure are close
Of course, Jinsung still tells his people to do an extensive background check on Khun AA to make sure he was clean and wasn’t just trying to sabotage his company like the 10 Great Famillies did before
Bam gets older, Khun and Bam are as close as ever and Jinsung realizes that Bam is gay before Bam realizes
Jinsung sits down to have the talk with Bam and dear god poor middle school Bam is just confused and is like, what are you talking about, I only like Khun, I think I love him? But it’s just Khun? Then Jinsung sighs deeply and realizes he’s dug himself a hole and just keeps talking to Bam about being demi and all that, Bam kind of understands but not really, Jinsung kinda gives up at the end but asks some questions about what Khun means to Bam who in turn rambles a bunch and Jinsung is like yup head-over-heels
Fast forward to high school; Khun is Bam’s prom date as “friends” Khun comes to pick Bam up and while Bam dashes upstairs, Jinsung gives Khun The Dad Talk about not hurting Bam and Khun is actualllly kind of intimidated for once, but once Jinsung sees the look in Khun’s eyes he’s like alright this boi also head-over-heels we should be good
Jinsung never cries but he cries at their wedding (just a few tears obviously, the full on crying comes after)
Tower of God universe:
I like to think that Jinsung reminds Bam that he’s there for him and they have silent acknowledgments or agreements with each other about that especially after a tough training day
Bam might not know but Jinsung breaks a lot of rules for him from FUG but he gets away with it bc he’s powerful and also so is Bam
Classic thing that’s like already canon but Jinsung buying clothes for Bam and always beng able to send them to him no matter where he is
Bam has an attachment to the first shirt that Jinsung gave Bam and even though its torn and ripped he keeps it (even tho Khun says not to)
When training with FUG, Jinsung pushes Bam to his limit but never too much, which was sparked by Hwaryun in the beginning telling Jinsung what Bam is really capable of (beginning of Bam growing on Jinsung)
Bam always coughs whenever Jinsung smokes near him so Jinsung makes sure he doesn’t smoke close to Bam
Jinsung sometimes opens up and tells Bam stories about his past to which Bam listens earnestly but also sometimes doesn’t say anything, the pressure FUG putting on him almost breaking him, and sometimes Jinsung will give him a pat on the shoulder, and on really bad days, a hug even though Jinsung feels awkward doing it he knows it helps Bam
Jinsung gives Bam headpats no I will not take criticism
Still does it even when Bam grows almost to his height (I did not check the wiki pls don’t attack me)
Jinsung ends up caring a lot for Bam, and Bam for Jinsung eventually even though he was quite angry and frustrated at first
Bam fills the void in Jinsung’s heart, quenches some of his never-ending thirst for revenge against the 10 great families and jahad and what they have done to him, and Jinsung is kind of like the real parent that Bam never really had with Rachel
Jinsung tells Bam to be happy, and Bam’s just, never really thought about that much; in his mind it was always Rachel as the endgame, but eventually he comes to realize what happiness really means to him, and he’s grateful for Jinsung’s support
Bam gives Jinsung hope, something he thought he would never have ever again, and Jinsung gives Bam the notion of happiness and healthy parenting (i acknowledge it might not have been healthy in the beginning), someone who he can rely on
They both help each other grow and I think that’s beautiful
Aight I might have gone overboard but to be fair I did already warn ya’ll in my blog description that my default is rambling xD anyways anon I hope this answers your ask! So sorry I took legit FOREVER to answer but I hope this lived up to your expectations.
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fueledbysprite · 4 years
abandoned wips masterlist
so not too long ago i did an insta poll asking if i should expose all my abandoned fic drafts cause i mean it’s not like theyre ever gonna see the light of day otherwise. i was going to do it when i hit 3k kudos on ao3 and i did so i suppose it has come time for me to expose my mistakes
for obvious reasons, don’t repost these (idk why anyone would lol) but if you really like one of these and want to see it continued, just hit up my ask box and i may or may not consider~
Miscellaneous Fandoms:
Ninjago: Zephyr - a Morro backstory fic bc the hageman bros refuse to feed me more content of my son. barely started it but yknow its there
Miraculous Ladybug/BoBoiBoy: this failed attempt at a fanginette fic bc @secretagentspydetectiveninja got me invested even tho writers block is a binch hahshs
kokotiam gang angst that reminded me i cannot for the life of me write emotional angst (or any angst for that matter oop)
ramenzo (and kaifang) angst that i churned out on a saturday afternoon on a writing spike instead of doing homework bc I Do Not Control the Writing Juice
au where bbb is a forest guardian(?) and fang just wants away from Society (same fang same) i will probably be yearning for woodland aus till the day i die bc who *doesnt* wanna ditch everything and go live in the middle of the woods amirite?
ramenzo n boifang water fight bc you cant convince me these idiots dont get up to ridiculous shenanigans on their downtime
abandoned draft for the sequel to the og ramenzo fic (dont bother reading it literally nothing happens i swear)
i literally don’t remember where i was going with this i think it was supposed to be fang introspection but idk??
uhh kaifang with ramenzo vibes i think this was gonna be? i genuinely don’t remember anymore oop-
RAMENZO IN QUARANTINE yes this one was regular au (i mean duh) and it’s a shame i never ended up finishing it-
i am actually goboifang t r a s h...until i realized im going to have to make all the food by myself and i never learned to make food :’)) (fr if anyone provides me with any kind of fanon gbf content i will love you forever pls)
this...exists even tho i honestly prefer it didnt but ramenzo is ramenzo n ramen has freckles i will fite u on this (dont read it pls)
if anyone wants ramenzo crumbs (and i mean that quite practically) then feel free to consume the Specks
dont read this pls im begging just dont lets yeet it into the void it doesnt exist~ I Do Not See It
update: i discovered this uhh kaifang post-bora ra incident thing in my other drive
Miraculous Ladybug:
okay forewarning there are wayyyy too many of these so im skipping the ones that are sequels/dependent on other fics for context just to spare myself from having to sort through this mountain
i was planning to participate in chlonath week 2k19 (unfortunately for chlonath nation I Do Not Control the Hyperfixation oop) if you want context then ask
marcnath crumbs thats it thats the doc
oh look allya is self projecting again (writing is still pain) (marcnath)
for the one who requested chloenette with the dialogue prompt i am so sorry
idk why this feels like something ive posted before but then again all lovesquare is the same to me (dead) so who knows im not gonna bother checking hshsh (marichat)
chlonath go to comic con or sth idk chloe is tsundere as always (or would have been anyway if i ever ended up Finishing this)
i *think* this was based on a @terrible-miraculous-ladybug-aus post but heck if i remember now- (lukanette??)
i have absolutely no recollection as to where i was going with this but if anyone finds the concept interesting then by all means go ahead n snatch it- (manon finds the miraculous i guess?)
this is a great. opening. to a chloe fic. that doesnt exist. oof :,)
caline bustier’s home for orphans amirite (i mean she basically already adopted the whole class so)
im genuinely not a fan of the jealous!lover trope but someone in the marcnath server wanted some at one point so i. attempted. and failed but you know thats to be expected at this point :’3
oh look allya is projecting her writing struggles onto marc again is anyone surprised?
theres probably a museum brotp story in here but it doesnt exist and at this point it never will rip
oh good lord not this again i genuinely managed to forget about it for a while until now-
i just read the first line and im already reeling what the heck is this nathanette(??)
allya stop projecting onto emo weebs challenge failed
i really wanna know where the context for chlonath skiing trip came from i literally have 0 recollection of this at all??
YO I ACTUALLY REMEMBER THE CONTEXT FOR THIS ONE anyway nath n aroace!alix arranged marriage au anyone?? well too bad cause i abandoned it oop-
ahahahahahahaha wdym i wrote 7k of chlonath and then ditched it i would never do that lmao-
i think this was a hunger games au uh
something something marcnath
marcnath angst i guess? *allya pls stop trying to write angst we’ve already established that is not a thing you can do*
something something chlonath
im never gonna forgive @powerdragonmoon for the fact that i thought “beecock” while glancing over this to figure out wth was going on. cholaon works here too tho so that is what i shall call it //sideways glare at moon
take your otp. now put them on a trampoline. but heaven forbid you ever finish the fic- (chlonath if it wasnt obvious)
nathanette doll au from forever ago with @lotus-duckies that was a real concept its a shame i have 0 commitment
i wanna call this lukanathanette but i honestly don’t remember where i was going with it so idk
hi uhm what is this and why is it so depressing allya fr quit self projecting on emo tomatoes oml
chlonath established relationship i guess??
museum brotp go skating?? is that what this is?
how much chlonath do i hAVE also chloe u tsundere
nathaniel is Yearning n tbh i dont blame him cause same (ft. marc)
i could swear this was gonna be luklonath (chlolukanath??) but i wouldnt be able to remember-
if anyone can figure out what’s going on with marc pls tell me bc i dont-
cholaon but theres no context
Oh god im finally done good lord that’s all of em i hope i never have to look at a mlb doc again in my life anyway pls be grateful n enjoy the crumbs n stuff thanks i sacrificed my sanity for this-
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ziracona · 5 years
on average how long does it usually take you to edit a chapter? i write some stuff and it takes me forever to check it properly (sorry if this has been asked before)
It varries a lot depending on the length of the chapter. The equivalent of a day of pretty constant work to two? I tend to find a day I have a bunch of free time and just buckle the fuck down and try to knock it out, but I have to take periodic short breaks for my focus to recharge and not kill me. I spend a lot of my free time writing.
Sorry that’s not exactly the most precise answer. I don’t really have like a count by hours, because my length of chapters varries so much? The one I’m working on rn is massive, and I’ll probably have it finished and posted some time late tomorrow? If I had to guess? Along w editing I have some other maintenance I always have to do, research notes, etc, plus just social responsibilities and life stuff. How long it takes also depends a lot on how good the first draft was. This one was pretty solid, and I didn’t have to majorly redraft or overhaul any full scenes (I re-wrote completely beginnings or segments of several scenes a number of times, but I don’t think I had to entirely scrap anything, which is good). There have been times I’ve had to re-write entire chapters to get it how I want—I think Lullaby for the Dark was the longest I ever took due to that, because I wrote almost three entirely complete separate drafts trying to decide which version of events I liked best, and it was a pretty chunky chapter. That’s rare for me though (dang if it’s not a massive pain when it happens tho rip). Usually I get the bones of the chapter right the first pass, and editing is more to flesh things out. Like, 80% of the time the formula is: the first pass puts it on paper, the second takes that and tells the same story but well, the third tries to catch mistakes the first and second both missed. Then there’s usually some time spent reading over a ‘finished’ draft again to spot errors, which is by far the hardest part for me because I am dyslexic and it’s real hard for me to catch technical errors when my brain doesn’t feel liking finding them—it’s like throwing darts at a dartboard while going on one hour of sleep in the last 48.
I hope that kind of answers it? Sorry I don’t have like an actual measurable data answer to give.
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modern-oedipus · 5 years
Rant aside, OH MY GOD what a day today was!!! What a fucked up midterm it was!!! But what a brave thing I did after that kinda left me speechless!!! Also wow... for once in my life I memorized something accurately for the midterm.
MONDAY IS THE LAST MIDTERM though I will have quizzes. I AM SOOOOO EAGER TO UPDATE CONFLICT. I checked the draft I am working on— Apprently, Peter/Norman parts are finished by now (THANK GOD IT was SO FUCKED UP TO WRITE THEM) and RayEmma part will flow easier for me. Then there will be that good nice weird moment where our main boys finally meet, huh. Or will they? Hmm let’s see. ;)
I am now also officially allowed to write a spin off for To Die For and my brain has 4948484848 ideas for that wonderful storyline which includes Ray and Norman being very in love.
HMM WHAT ELSE. I have finally shapened the main idea for the song I am composing. It’s exciting.
I’m applying a new project tomorrow. I really hope I can get accepted. I’m so eager for it. I can’t tell for sure if they’ll choose me, who knows, but I want to hope for the good. I really am passionate about the project because as I mentioned I really want my life to have a meaning so it sounds fucking awesome to CURE DISEASES on YOUR FREE TIME like??? I know an undergrad project will probably not wholly cure whole thing but... a progress is a progress right? It is sooo much more fullfilling than just scrolling on instagram for hours, you know. Being in lab and doing good shit. So let’s see. I hope I’ll get accepted. Who knows.
I finally published my article for newspaper like FUCK, it took me forever. Eager to write next one!!!
I ALSO WANT TO START SOME NEW NEW YEAR’S GOAL EARLIER IN ADVANCE SO I CAN BUILD ITS ROUTINE PROPERLY UNTIL JANUARY SO I DONT ABANDON IT JALFWAY Butndjwhekdkckdnc not telling what itnis yet. Let’s see. You fandom will love it if and when I can succeed though.
I need to work out tho I broke my diet again like RIP nila you need to watch out your body and stay as the sexy chick you sre I mean- just avoid pizza or hamburgers or white bread or any sorts ok? You have had them twice this week.
So yes that’s basically it.
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ford-ye-fiji · 5 years
Post the first line of your last 10 published fics, then tag 10 people.
I was tagged by the lovely @dazais-guardian-angel seriously check all her fics out they’re amazing! 
1) "Her name was Dolores. We were together for over thirty years."
Ah this is an old draft I never really finished and then finally polished up and posted for the umbrella academy XD It’s Five centric like most of my tua fics, but this time Dolores is actually a real girl. It’s definitely rougher than I would’ve liked but it’d been clogging my brain up so I forced my way through the end and then published it 
2) “Aziraphale twitched, mouth set in a prim disapproving line, brows scrunched just so, in that disappointed parental way of his.”
Oh, this! This is from my singular Good Omens fanfic. I’ve got so many ya,f written drafts for the show but this is the only one I’ve managed to finish XD I needed Crowley actually telling Aziraphale who exactly the-best-friend-who-died-was. I really enjoyed writing for them- they’re so much fun! Even if they’re not exactly forthcoming with plot ideas XD 
3) “...So." Dean says, voice soft, cracking at the end, "How in the hell are we not dead yet?”
Oh goodness. This is, I think, my only published supernatural fanfic. I’ve always loved the show, or rather the characters because the plot is well... not the best, but anyways, I finally got bit by a plot bunny that actually went somewhere! It’s a fanfic about Cas’s true form because tbh angels are freaking cool and I wanted to explore more biblically accurate depictions of angels! It was definitely loads of fun writing this one (and that’s what matters, right?) XD 
4) Reigen leaned back in his chair, eyeing Mob who was dutifully doing his homework across the room.
This is also my single fanfic for the fandom. I really loved Mob Psycho! And especially making poor Reigen suffer because I’m a jerk. This is mostly a fanfic about Mob exploding and Reigen calming him down! There’s Reigen angst, hurt/comfort, and Ritsu shows up. He is his usual self with a side of bonding with his unofficial overprotective dad/weird uncle/annoying older brother Reigen against his will :P
5) “They’d stopped the apocalypse. He still couldn’t really believe it. His end goal, one he’d been working towards for forty-five years, all of his life really, had been accomplished.”
This fanfic is a sequel to ah, I believe the next number. Basically, the umbrella academy has successfully saved the world, sans the time travel at the end of the first season. However, I’m tying up loose ends in this one, namely the commission that is still out there. There’s gun fights, Five!!, uh some gore, and family bonding time <3 
6) Five stood there looking on unfeelingly as she slammed her hands against the door; crying, wailing, begging. 
Yeah, this one explores what might’ve happened if Five had been there to see Vanya getting locked up. (Hint: He is having none of it) XD I did not expect it to get as popular as it did and I think it’s still my most popular fic to date. Fun fact: it was originally intended to only be a one-shot, but I had too much fun with it XD  
7) “Vanya poked her head out the bedroom door. The hallway stretched long and dark, seemingly going on forever into a black abyss.”
Oh! This is quite possibly my favorite out of all the tua fanfics I’ve written! It’s only a one-shot, but idk I just really liked concept. It involves Ben and Vanya bonding as children, plus a little Five at the end. 
8) “Five clenched his fists, pretending he wasn’t sweating at the thought of the new individual training regimes that their father had devised.”
I forgot I even wrote this one!!! It’s a lil fic about the good ol’ umbrella academy days. It does have the whole gang, but it’s mostly Five with dear old Dad. Well my idea of what Reggie might’ve been like. Reginald is fun to write in the way that I really dislike him but also he’s... idk he’s calculated? Manipulative? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just fun to write even tho I really wanna clock him i guess 
9) “Vanya looked up, face twisted with worry, lips thin.”
Ohhhhh this! This is a fanfic I made based off of Chapter 11 of the tua fanfic The Moon Laughs by Lady_Origami. Her fanfic wrecked me. Just mmmm ripped my heart to shreds in the sort of way where you thank the fanfic author afterwards (*cough* looking at u ProPinkist) anywaaaay my fanfic does contain major character death but if you’ve read her fic you know what I’m talking about XD 
10) Klaus frowned at the floor, and Ben huffed, "You can’t make me punch you every time you feel like taking drugs again."
Yet another tua fanfic. I uh I didn’t realize how many I wrote until now. We haven’t even reached the end of them either. Well, anyway, again, Five angst, because I hurt all my faves. Klaus and Ben and even Luther show up! Basically uh well, the rather common topic of Klaus seeing Five’s literal trail of bodies now that he’s sober. 
I can’t believe we didn’t even hit any of my BNHA fics XD oh well. 
I don’t have ten people to tag but I guess I’ll tag some of the extremely talented writers I follow ^^ @aini-nufire @29-pieces @im-fairly-whitty and whoever else wants to join in! 
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uncannydanny666 · 6 years
Tell us about your guardians!
THIS HAS BEEN SUCH A LONG TIME COMING! I’m so so so so sorry! I started writing this but, you know me!, I take forever at everything and this kinda just got swallowed up in my drafts until I found it this morning.
Anyway,, here it is! Thank you so much for asking about my nerdy OCs, you’re literally an angel! ❤️
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First off Zaya! She was the first oc I ever made and the first character I ever created when I first played D1. She’s a Voidwalker and a big time badass with a huge heart. She’s got a Ghost named Nyx who is her best friend who is super over protective of her. She was engaged to my oc Jaxx (who I will talk about in a bit) but when he got rebooted they fell apart. She then went on to be in quite the serious relationship with my other oc Uriah, but when she got busy with defending the Awoken and the Dreaming City they also called things off. Currently she’s got something going on with the Drifter 👀
She’s a Guardian down to the bone, and no matter how much her personal life and relationships get afflicted, she will never stop fighting for the City.
She’s also a big nerd and reads way too much and is a really good singer and snorts when she laughs and I love the fuck out of her ❤️
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This is my boy Jaxx-0. He is my tol and strong and only Sunbreaker Exo boy and he’s handsome as hell. He’s a huge flirt and big time™️ playboy, but he’s a super sweet and amazing guy. He’s got a Ghost names Phoebe who is super affectionate and super sassy.
He used to be engaged to Zaya and was like a brother to Nirgal, but because of an accident on the Dreadnaught he ended up getting rebooted and lost all memories of their friendship and his past life.
Jaxx-1 is actually very different. He’s actually really shy and pretty quiet, a bit awkward around people too. Jaxx-0 used to be a Crucibke celebrity so he often gets recognized by Guardians and non Guardians alike. It’s always awkward having to explain that he isn’t the Jaxx he once was tho. And although he struggles a bit with his identity his Ghost is more than happy to help 💕
He’s also really gay for Shiro-4
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Next up is Nirgal Rodriguez. My super cute, super Latino boy, and my only Hunter oc. He’s a Gunslinger/Nightstalker and is quite impressive with a sniper rifle. He’s best friends with Jaxx-0 and adopted a bit of Jaxx’s playboy personality. He’s cute, and witty, and charming, and flirty, but he’s also one of the most loyal and honest people you will ever meet.
Nirgal suffers from ADHD and is one of the most forgetful people in the Tower, which makes him ever so thankful for having a Ghost like Ray. Ray is practically his parent, always reminding him of upcoming matches and missions and always telling him to be careful during fights.
He’s a bit of a goofball and can be pretty reckless most of the time during missions and in the Crucible, but he’s still an incredibly skilled Guardian.
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Next oc is Akira Agah-Mota. I never actually made a character in game for her or her twin brother (who I will introduce next) so all I can offer is a face claim of her I use for roleplaying. Anyway,
Akira Agah-Mota. She is a Stormcaller Warlock and the daughter of Hunters Sai Mota and Omar Agah (both part of Eris’ fireteam)(and yes, I took extreme liberties lore-wise when it came to these two).
Akira is brutally honest, lacking any sort of filter which can sometimes get her into trouble. But it’s nothing her Ghost Obi can’t help out with. Family means everything to her – the only reason she ever became a Guardian in the first place was to avenge her dead parents– so she’ll be damned if anything ever happens to her brother. She tries really hard to be cool and come off as a cool bitch™️but she’s actually a huge dork and actually quite shy and awkward when it comes to approaching others. This can be observed with her many failed attempts at trying to ask Suraya Hawkthorne out on a date.
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Another oc who I haven’t created in game. His name is Kasei Agah-Mota, he’s Akira’s twin sister and he is a Striker Titan.
The sweetest, kindest, most selfless person you will ever meet. Definitely the mom friend of his fireteam. He’s always willing to help you no matter what and he always puts the needs of others before his own. He’s also really, really smart. Most people are surprised when they find out he’s a Titan, not a Warlock.
He didn’t meet his Ghost at an early age like his sister did so he put aside his dream of becoming a Guardian to be an engineer instead. That’s how he met his now husband Deon. When he finally did get his Ghost though he went straight to training.
After the Red War they both settled down in the City and are raising a beautiful daughter named Leia.
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My pretty Awoken boy Deon!
Deon is a jock down to the bone. Athletic, competitive, and ripped as fuck 👀
He was revived by a enthusiastic little Ghost named Yvette just outside the City Walls. The only problem was that he was only five years old when he was revived. So once they both reached the Tower safely he was taking in by Zavala who raised him as his own. And let me tell you, Deon is definitely Zavala’s son.
Commanding, authoritative, a leader. He can walk into a room and demand the attention of everyone without saying a word. It makes him a wonderful Guardian.
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And last but not least, Uriah! Yet another oc I never actually made in Destiny but he literally looks like Tom Hardy so,, 🤷🏽‍♀️ enjoy the view 👀
Uriah is a Sunsinger (I refuse to admit a shitty subclass like Dawnblade replaced the magnificence that Sunsinger is), and if you haven’t noticed he’s really cute 💕
He was revived by his Ghost Jarvis and they became really close really fast. But Uri is actually a huge pacifist and doesn’t want to be a Guardian at all. After the whole Traveler, Light vs. Dark, Ghosts and Guardians situation was exained to him, he wanted nothing to do with it. In his mind actively seeking out alien species in their homes and planets to murder them is terrorism. As long as the City is safe and no one is invading it, Guardians shouldn’t actively be seeking out war. So he sticks to the Crucible where the people he kills can actually come back.
He’s a huge dog person (he has four dogs) and a coffee addict as well. He’s a big dork and has literally read almost every book in the Warlock library at least once. So if you thought Lord Shaxx reciting The Tempest was impressive, wait until Uriah recites the entire Game of Thrones book series from memory.
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itsmarianstories · 6 years
All good things come in threes
[Taegiseok Oneshot]
Sequel to ‘Focus’ (it’s not necessary to read Focus first!)
Taehyung loves his best friend Jimin, but he doesn’t love that Jimin keeps dragging him to boxing matches. That may or may not change once he meets a certain boxing coach… The only problem: said boxing coach already has a boyfriend.
Part 2
Word count: 8.892
Tags: Polyamory, (mostly) Fluff, a bit of Angst, Food poisoning (just in case anyone is uncomfortable with that…), in this part is a scene where it gets a bis physical if you know what I mean, but it’s not really smut, there are some smut references tho
Okay, cut that. He regrets his decision. Holy. Fuck. He regrets his words so much. Why couldn't he just have choked on the spot and died instead of letting his traitor-tongue spill the words for his eternal agony.
It was Friday already and Taehyung had to be over at Jimins in an hour. Currently he was having a minor breakdown in front of his closet while he himself wasn't wearing anything beside the towel he had wrapped around his waist. It was so silly. He felt stupid about not being able to decide on what to wear. He wanted to be unbothered and confident and just wear whatever he felt like (which were baggy pants and a nice, fluffy hoodie) but whenever he reached out for the clothes images of Yoongi and Hoseok appeared in his mind and it made his tummy do stupid things. It was dumb and cliché but he wanted to look good. Dress to impress. He can do that easily, he knows in which clothes he looks the best, he is not studying fashion and design for nothing. But he also can't show up to a casual evening like he was ready for the catwalk. Finding the middle was harder than he thought it would be, but that may also be caused by his nerves and sudden self consciousness.
He would have kicked Jimins door down long ago if Jungkook wasn't already there. It's kind of suspicious if he drags Jimin out now to help him with his outfit so he had to deal with it on his own, but he is also running out of time and... god he really has no idea why he is making such a big deal out of it. He has never felt like this before, he has never struggled with picking an outfit. This is getting ridiculous.
Tae slapped his own cheeks a few times and took multiple deep breathes.
“Alright, Kim Taehyung, stop being a douche and get your shit done.” He mumbled before finally reaching out for his baggy pants and favourite hoodie. So what if he looks like a trash bin? They probably won’t even look at him in the first place. Okay, that thought hurt more than it should. Taehyung shook his head and ruffled through his still wet hair.
He knocked on Jimins door a little earlier than necessary. Junkook opened the door.
“Oh! It's you! Look at this, I wasn’t sure you are still alive.” He joked and Taehyung smacked his chest before pushing past him into the living room.
“Shut up.” Taehyung mumbled, trying not to sound embarrassed. “Where is Jimin?” He asked and Jungkook followed him in the living room, flopping down on the couch.
“Still in the bathroom I guess.”
“Jimin?” Taehyung called out, knocking on the wooden door.
“Taetae?” Jimin called back, voice muffled through the door. He heard rustling coming from the other side and then the door opened, revealing his best friend. Taehyung immediately pushed in with a groan and closed the door again.
“I'm going to die.” He whispered to prevent Jungkook from hearing anything.
“Sorry Tae. They made the plans without letting me know or I would have warned you. To be honest I was a little pissed seeing they made plans in my apartment without letting me know.” Jimin explained, shrugging slightly.
“It's okay, it's just for one evening.” Taehyung said, although they both knew that was bullshit since it probably won’t stay at this one evening. It's not like Taehyung can make up excuses forever.
“How are you feeling?” Jimin asked, making a little jump to sit on the counter next to the sink. Taehyung snorted again and flopped down on the closed toilet seat.
“It took me like almost an hour to get dressed and now I’m wearing this.” He said and Jimin raised his eyebrows surprised, because he knows that fashion is usually a thing Taehyung doesn't have to think about.
“If it becomes too much tonight, tell me okay? We'll just say you don't feel well or something.” The dancer said, his legs swinging in he air for they are too short to reach the ground.
“I'll be alright. It's not like I’m madly in love or anything.” At least he hoped so. Jimin didn't seem to believe him but he also didn't call him out on it. Instead he jumped of the counter and pulled Tae up and into a tight hug.
“You are amazing Taetae. I'm sure it will all turn out alright.” Jimin whispered again his chest.
“You sap.” Taehyung said but his smile dropped and he added more seriously “I just hope no one will notice.”
“Don't worry, Jungkookie, at least, is oblivious to anything that is not concerning food.”
Soon after that they left the bathroom and found the living room already full. Jungkook has moved into the loveseat next to the couch, Yoongi Hoseok and another man that Taehyung doesn't know (though he looked strangely familiar) next to them on the couch. Jimin jumped happily in Jungkooks lap and made himself comfortable while Taehyung took place on the armchair in front of the couch. He pulled the knees against his chest and stared at his hands, not daring to look at the couple. For a few seconds it was tensely silent until Jimin started speaking.
“Right so just to the beginning, I'd very much appreciate it if you guys could stop planning things in my apartment without letting me know.” He scolded. Jungkook wrapped his arms around the dancers middle and rested his head on his shoulder, a small pout on his lips.
“Sorry, baby.” He whispered but Jimin only shoved his elbow in his boyfriends side. Jimin may be all cute and soft but when he's angry he can become really scary real quick. Yoongi chuckled a little at the other couple.
“I'm sorry, Jimin. It was our idea and we thought it would be most convenient to do it here because our flat is pretty far away and Jungkooks is so small.” The coach said.
“Whatever.” Jimin mumbled.
“Anyways, this is Namjoon. An old college friend from us and now another box teacher.” Yoongi changed the topic and pointed at the guy next to him on the couch. Taehyung finally looked up and found both, Yoongi and Hoseok staring at him. He gulped and forced his eyes off them and instead looked at Namjoon. He was tall with rather short hair and plumb lips. He waved slightly a soft smile on his lips.
“Namjoonie is one of the few people who can take Yoongi down.” Jungkook giggled.
“Yah! You brat.” Yoongi complained though he didn't really look offended. All that Taehyung could focus on was Yoongis hand lazily massaging Hoseoks thigh.
“Well, to be fair, you are slacking off. In the old days when you were still actively boxing I wouldn't have stood a chance against you.” Namjoon spoke up for the first time. Yoongi shook his head a little but there was a fond smile tucking at the corners of his mouth.
“Enough of that.” Hoseok said. “Namjoon you already know Jimin right?”
“Hardly so, we saw each other for a few seconds when he picked Jungkook up after practice.” Hoseok rolled his eyes and flipped him of with his hand.
“Yeah, so you have already been introduced just say that. This is Taehyung, Jimins best friend.” Hoseok pointed in his direction and Taehyung forced a smile that probably looked rather ridiculous. He waved slightly at Namjoon who gave him a full on dimple smile in return.
“Oh are you a dancer too?” He asked and Taehyung ignored Jimins quiet snort. His dancing is amazing okay? Excuse him.
“No, I'm taking classes for fashion and design.” He explained.
“Ah so you like, design clothes?” Namjoon asked and Taehyung nodded.
“And he is super talented!” Hoseok exclaimed brightly. Taehyung stared at him a little confused and when Hoseok returned his gaze something changed in his eyes but Taehyung couldn't quite put a name on it.
“Yoongi told me about your drawings.” He said and Taehyungs lungs felt like they were imploding. His eyes widened almost comically as they jumped between Yoongi and Hoseok.
“Oh did he show you his drafts? They are so good right? I already made him promise me, once he is a famous designer I want free clothes.” Jimin chirped up. Yoongi ripped his eyes from the intense staring to look at Jimin.
“He didn't really show me. It was more of an accident, but I agree.” He turned back to look at Taehyung. “They are really good. I liked the details.” The former boxer added and Taehyung thought he would throw up any second.
“Ah, okay.” Jimin said, sensing that something was going on here. “Taetae.” He called and snapped Taehyung out of his trance.
“Come, help me get some snacks, will you?” Jimin smiled and Taehyung nodded stronger than necessary, already jumping out of the seat and basically fleeing into the kitchen.
“What was that all about? Are you okay?” Jimin whispered once they were out of the otheres possible eavesdrop radius. Taehyung sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.
“I kinda doodled Yoongi as model for a few designs and he saw it. I wasn't sure if he recognized himself but apparently...” Jimin hummed as he went through his shelves to gather a few snacks as well as drinks and glasses.
“Tae I think you really should reconsider your choice of hiding what you feel for them.” He suddenly said and Taehyung gaped at him.
“What?” He whisper-hissed. “Are you kidding? I-"
“Tae, did you not see how they just stared at you? Either you doodled Mona Lisa  or they like you more than you think.” Taehyung scoffed.
“Don't be ridiculous.” Tae mumbled because he couldn’t allow himself to believe it. He just couldn't. He couldn't hope.
“Tae-" Jimin started again but Taehyung cut him of.
“No Jimin, please just drop it.” He said, grabbed the snacks and left without another word. He heard Jimins sigh but decided to ignore it. When he returned to the group he found that quite the awkward tension has suddenly clouded the air and all eyes landed on him. He wondered if something happened while he and Jimin were in the kitchen or if it was just so obvious how uncomfortable he was earlier. He cleared his throat and put the snacks down on the small coffee table in the middle, feigning cluelessness.
Jimin followed him seconds after and flopped down in Jungkooks lap again. Taehyung eyed the couple with something he would later recognize as longing. Not in a creepy kind of way but a 'I want what you have' kind of way and he felt awful for it.
Anyways they actually started playing games soon after. Starting of with monopoly but Jungkook soon flipped the board from the table when he had to pay rent to Yoongi for the fifth time. So they moved on to Uno and this time Jungkook won with a happy grin and frequent reminders what losers the others were. Hoseok became second and Taehyung thought the little dance the older did when he put down the last card was the most adorable thing he has ever seen.
The evening goes on and everything actually goes smooth to the point where Taehyung is actually surprised and enjoying himself. He pretends he doesn’t steal quick glances at the couple every once in a while and that his heart doesn't squeeze whenever the couple is sharing a moment.
They play a quantum of games and eventually Jungkook suggest to play charade. Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon immediately agree. Yoongi seems rather displeased but he goes along with it anyway.
“We need to make teams.” Jungkook said. Jimin frowned a little.
“Let's just split up. Taehyungie can be in our team and Namjoonie in Hoseokie and Yoongis team.” The dancer said and Taehyung knew why he said that.
“That's boring we should draw lots and let fate decide.” Hoseok protested and as the stubborn energy-bundle that he is, of course he gets his way. So they draw lot’s and of course Taehyung ends up in a Team with Yoongi and Hoseok because fate hates him. Or the author who is writing a very shitty fanfiction that is his live is very sadistic, whatever. He just smiles and pretends to be fine and so they start brainstorming for words. Hoseok giggles at the words he is writing down and Yoongi just grins evilly and suddenly Taehyung is glad to be in their team.
He forgot about his stupid crush for a while and just enjoyed goofing around with his friends. It was loud and chaotic, but it was exactly what Taehyung needed after those last weeks. At some point it was Yoongis turn to portray a word. Taehyung and Hoseok both screamed words that didn't even match, hyping each other up even more. When Taehyung actually guessed correctly Yoongi threw both arms in the air and let out a rather high pitched scream, or more so the mix of a squeal and a laugh. Is eyes disappearing as bunch up in his bright gummy smile. Hoseok started screaming too because this was the last word and made them win the game. The couple pulled him in a group hug and it felt so natural that Taehyung held his breath for a moment.
And suddenly he was back on earth, his heartbeat picked up, his breathing became more of a silent panting, his hands started sweating again.
Really he can't say why it suddenly hit him like that. It was just a hug goddamn. But somehow that seemed to make something click in his mind and everything became too much. To be honest he doesn’t really remember leaving but suddenly his knees hit cold tiles and when he looked up he found himself in the bathroom.
He could hear voices from outside the door.
“I don't think that is a good idea.” “You have to trust me on this. Please, just let me talk to him.”
Taehyung froze. Not good. He can't handle talking to anyone right now.
Two soft knocks on the door and a single sob escaped Taehyungs throat. He didn't even realize he started crying.
“Tae.” Yoongi said and Taehyung bit in the back of his hand. “Please let me in.”
It's not even locked but Yoongi didn't try to open the door without Taehyungs consent.
“I... I'll be back soon.” He choked out but it didn't sound believable at all.
“Taehyung please.” Yoongi tried again and maybe Taehyung is a little masochist, or maybe he is tired from hiding and running away but instead of sending the older away he just whispers
“It's open anyway.” At first he hoped that Yoongi didn't hear it. Of course he did and the door opened few seconds later. Taehyung was still kneeling on the ground, his back to the door so he didn't see Yoongi before he felt him.
Big, warm hands brushing lightly over his back. He tensed a bit but his body reflexively pressed against the hand, searching for the contact.
“I'm sorry, if we overstepped.” The boxer mumbled, his voice almost more of a growl. Tae only shook his head.
“This... it's not like... it's not your fault.” Yoongis hands slowly wandered up his back and to his shoulder, turning him around and Taehyung looked at him for a second but the concern in the olders eyes made his heart clench so he lowered his eyes again.
“Please talk to me. Tell me what's wrong.” Yoongi said but Taehyung only shook his head again. He could never say it. Even if he wanted to, the words would stuck in his throat.
Yoongi scooped a bit closer, cupping Taehyungs face and forcing him to look up.
“What are you scared of?”Yoongi asked. Tae felt his bottom lip wobble as new tears found their way into his eyes.
“I... I can't-" He saw Yoongi frown before he pulled the younger into his embrace and Taehyung hated how much he loved it. How much he loved the warmth and Yoongis scent. And how safe he felt. It made him so weak and he melted against Yoongis chest.
“You can tell me, Tae. I'm not blind I noticed how you behaved the last few weeks. How you avoided us.” Taehyung immediately froze. Was he really that obvious? Were his efforts all for nothing after all?
“It's okay you can talk to me.” Yoongi repeated. Taehyung fisted his hands in Yoongis sweater and hid his face in the olders neck. He didn't know what to do. Should he really just confess? Make up a lie? Change the subject?
Eventually he pulled away and finally met Yoongis eyes.
“I'm sorry.” He mumbled. “For avoiding you and being weird and a mess. It's not you I swear. I'm sorry if I made you worry, to be honest I didn't think you would notice.” He admitted and after a short moment of considering and another moment of 'fuck-it' he added “I didn't think you would care. I figured-"
Taehyung experienced a lot surprises in his life, good ones as well as bad ones. Like the surprise party for his 16th birthday that Jimin has organized together with some friends. Or that one phone call from his mother telling him his grandmother had passed away. Usually a surprise was either good, or bad. And Taehyung usually loved good surprises. He wasn't so sure about this one.
His eyes are wide open, his body frozen in shock as all he can think is “WHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKEDYFUCKFUCKOMGFUCK"
Yoongis hands are still cupping his face and Taehyung can still smell his scent and feel his warmth. He can feel the others hair softly tickling his skin. He can feel his own heart beat at the speed of light. Maybe it's his imagination but he thinks he can also hear, or feel, Yoongis heart but ever so slightly slower than his own. However, all this is kind of a blur as the thing his mind his most focused on is the feeling of warm lips on his. Yes, I said lips. Min fucking Yoongi is kissing him. In the middle of his best friends bathroom, while snot and tears are covering his face and while his boyfriend is sitting just a few feet away in the living room.
To be really honest Taehyung had dreamed about this. Imagined how it would feel to kiss them. Nothing came near what he felt right now, though.
In total the kiss probably only lasted a few seconds, lips lightly pressed together and parting again. For Taehyung it felt like eternity until Yoongi pulled back again and stared him deeply in the eye. It felt like Taehyungs soul would freeze in place.
“Stop apologizing.” Yoongi said and it ripped Taehyung out of his trance.
“What the fuck?!” He hissed and jumped up, staring down at Yoongi in confusion, fury, fear, pain. Basically, a mess.
“Taehyung I-"
“Why would you do this?” Taehyung demanded further. Suddenly he felt very, very weak.
“Why would you do this to Hoseok? Why would you do this to me? I was happy with how it was. I mean not really but I could live with it. You just ruined everything! Oh my god, you made me a cheater! Your boyfriend is literally behind this wall? How can you do this? You have to tell him! You know what, I'll tell him. He deserves to know!” Taehyung rambled and made his way past Yoongi. He wanted to leave but he froze with his hand hovering over the door knob.
“He will hate me.” Taehyung whispered in sudden realisation. “Oh my god, he will actually hate me!” He whipped around staring at Yoongi who stood up again as well and didn't look fazed at all. It made Taehyung even more furious.
“This is your fault! He will hate me and then he will leave you and you will hate me too. Oh god and Jimin will be so disappointed.” He started pushing Yoongis chest. “I will end up alone because you couldn't fucking control yourself, what is wrong with you! Why would you even do this in the first place I-" Yoongi got hold of his hands and held him tightly in place. If Taehyung wasn't so distracted by his anger he would have been in wonder over how much strength Yoongi has in his tiny body.
“Taehyung.” The older said, his voice somewhat stern. “Are you done?” Taehyung frowned.
“Done? What do you mean done? I'm-" He tried to shake Yoongi off but the older was way stronger than him.
“Hoseok knows, okay? He knows and he is fine with it. No one will leave me, nor you, okay?” Yoongi said, his eyes digging into Taehyungs soul.
“What?” Taehyung asked softly, like a whisper.
“He knows.” Yoongi repeated. “Babe, can you come here for a second!” Yoongi yelled over Taehyungs shoulder and hardly 20 seconds later Hoseok stuck his head into the bathroom. Taehyung stared at him with wide eyes, Yoongi still holding his wrists tightly.
“Everything okay?” Hoseok asked, looking concerned as he noticed Taehyung standing there like he has seen a ghost.
“I kissed him.” Yoongi said, as if it was the most casual thing in the world. Taehyungs head whipped back to him, and back again to Hoseok staring at them both in shock because honestly what the fuck is happening? Hoseok opened his mouth, closed it again and eventually entered the bathroom completely.
“Is that why he looks like someone just told him santa is not real?” He asked and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. Yoongi nodded.
“He thought I cheated on you. With him.” Hoseok snorted. Actually snorted.
“That's cute. As if you'd ever dare to do that.” He said with oh so dark eyes. Yoongi winked at him and Taehyung felt sick. This was all too much for him to handle.
Yoongi lead him over to the toilet and placed him on the closed lid before sitting down next to Hoseok and taking his hand, pulling it in his lap.
“I... I don’t understand.” Taehyung choked out, his eyes jumping between the two men. They both smiled and Taehyung felt weird.
“Have you never wondered why we showed up at the cafe so often? Your Americano is not that good.” Yoongi said and Hoseok smacked him on the arm.
“Aish, shut up you idiot.” Yoongi pouted.
“Let me explain, I have always been rather open as you may have noticed.” Hoseok started. “And I have also been rather open with my relationships. I noticed already in my teenage years that I don't always fall for only one person. I was in polyamory relationships before but they didn't work out and then I met Yoongi and it was enough.” Tae gulped. Was it suddenly hot in here? Yoongi tilted his head to the side and closed his eyes, just listening to what Hoseok is saying. The latter had a fond smile on his face throughout his whole speech.
“When I first met him, I told him that I might fall for someone else in the future and he was okay with it. We agreed that whenever it happens we would be honest with each other and find a way. I don't think either of us expected Yoongi to be the one to fall for someone else.” Taehyungs eyes widened as he watched a blush creep on the oldest cheeks.
“When Yoongi came home that one day telling me that he met someone, I felt so many things. I was kind of shocked to be honest, and nervous and maybe a little scared when he said he wanted me to meet them. But I was also excited because I saw that sparkle in his eyes, the same sparkle he had on our first date so I realized how serious he was.” Yoongi chuckled embarrassed and let out a single scream that made Taehyung jump.
“When Yoongi brought me to your cafe, I was literally so nervous and then I met you and,” Hoseok sighed, still smiling “ it just fit? Okay, at first I was worried because I thought you were only interested in Yoongi but Yoongi said I’m just being dumb. And when we continued to come by more often and actually get to know you, I was so excited. You just kind of completed us in a way that I didn't know I needed.” Hoseok started frowning.
“But then you started avoiding us and I thought you noticed how we felt and it made you uncomfortable. Then Yoongi told me about those drawings you did of him way back and I thought about everything a lot and I  remember how I felt when I first had a crush on multiple people and how scared and confused I was. I talked with Yoongi about everything for hours probably,” they both chuckled “and we decided to give it a try. You were already avoiding us so we didn't really have much to lose, so we came up with this evening. To this evening I'm still not sure if I'm right, or just hopefully assuming. Yeah, I just thought I'd be honest.” Hoseok looked actually nervous now. Yoongi let go of his hand and instead brought it up to his hair, gently trailing his fingers through the dark strands.
“You were amazing, baby.” He said and Hoseok snorted again, before they both turned to look at Taehyung who sat frozen on the toilet seat. Damn, this was so much for his two braincells to process. There are literally two hot guys sitting in front of him telling him they have a crush on him? Is this the real life?
“I,” he started but suddenly felt something drop in his stomach
“I really appreciate every thing you said just now and would love to continue this further but first, and really please don't take this personal-" He rambled as quickly as possible before jumping up, only to turn and drop to his knees for a nice reappearance from his lunch. God must really hate him.
“Oh my god, Tae!” Hoseok screeched. Yoongi was by his side within less than a second, brushing his bangs back and rubbing soothing circles on his back while Tae puked out his soul. Taehyung missed what Hoseok did, too busy focusing on not choking on his vomit.
“I-I'm sorry" He managed to slur out between his heaving . His mouth felt kinda numb but unfortunately it didn't block out the taste.
“Shh, don't apologize, love.” Yoongi murmured and Tae really wanted to appreciate the pet name but already gagged again. The small room was suddenly filled with multiple voices, Tae recognized Hoseok, Jimin and probably also Jungkook and Namjoon. Wow, this is just great.
Jimin flopped down on his other side, rubbing his shoulder. Yoongi flushed the toilet after Taehyung was done and Hoseok handed him a glass of water, which he accepted thankfully.
“What happened?” Jimin asked worried and pressed a cold, wet towel against his forehead. The dancer looked between the three of them but neither said a word. All eyes settled on Tae eventually.
“I uhm,” He coughed a little “I may or may not have eaten a salmon sandwich that I found in my fridge from like uh... two weeks ago.” He admitted sheepishly the whole room groaned.
“Tae, why are you like this?” Jimin whined and Taehyung wanted to make a joke but was rudely interrupted by another vomiting attack.
“You can stay here for the next few days, until you feel better. I don’t want you to be alone like this, you might smother on your own vomit in your sleep.” Jimin said. His only response was another aggressive heave though. At least until Taehyung was able to breath again.
“No, Jiminie you have practice and stuff. It's okay, I'll sleep on my side. You know, stable side position and all.” He protested.
“No, Tae really I-"
“He can come to us.” Yoongi suddenly said.
“How is that any better? Instead of bothering my best friend I'll bother the guys I-" He stopped midsentence when he realized what he was about to say. Damn this food poisoning must have an impact on his brain capacity.
“The guys you what?” Hoseok asked with a smirk and a brow raised.
“Nothing.” Tae quickly mumbled and blushed, gnawing on his bottom lip.
“Stop, both of you. We can come back to that once Taehyung feels better. Hoseok and I have kinda like, opposite schedules so one of us is basically always at home. We can take care of you.” Yoongi said and wouldn’t Taehyung feel so miserable right now, he would have thought it was hot.
“Okay" Jimin said “I guess that works. I'll come visit you, Taetae.”
“What? Don't I get a say in this?” He protested and it was almost funny like all three men said “No" at the same time. He huffed offended.
“You might be delirious, we can't relay on your opinion.” Hoseok grinned.
“I call that bullshit.” Tae pouted.
“ I don't know, that's probably just your sickness talking.” The older mused and Tae made an effort to punch him but Hoseok was standing too far away from where Tae was cowering on the ground and he was honestly too weak right now.
“Let him be, hope. I think he already suffered enough today.” Yoongi said, pulling Taehyung up from the ground. The younger whined in a silent 'yes'.
“Yeah well, I suffered the last few weeks.” Hoseok mumbled but rushed to Taehyungs other side to help Yoongi drag him out of the bathroom. Jimin rushed past them, heading to the kitchen only to return with a few plastic bags.
“Here, you know, for the car.” Taehyung grimaced and the thought almost made him vomit again. They said goodbye to Jungkook and Namjoon who were waiting in the living room and soon after he found himself in the back of Yoongis car, his head resting in Hoseoks lap as the older brushed his fingers through his hair. Man, this would be so nice if Taehyung wouldn't feel like dying right now.
“How are you feeling back there?” Yoongi asked with a glance in the rear view mirror, as if he just read his mind.
“Ugh" Taehyung groaned.
“We'll be there soon, it's not far.” Hoseok assured.
True to his words they arrived barely 15 minutes later and Taehyung realized that their excuse why they have planned this evening at Jimins apartment, was a blatant lie.
They helped him up the stairs into the second floor and Taehyung tiredly dropped on the coach as soon as it was in sight. He looked around in awe, taking in every little detail, from the poorly decorated window panes to the many photos on the walls and the kumamon pillows next to him. He loved everything about it. Especially how he was suddenly surrounded by their scent.
“Alright, we- Tae what are you doing, you can sleep in the bed.” Yoongi said. Taehyung frowned.
“Now, I don't want to-"
“You are literally sick did you think we would let you sleep on the couch?” Hoseok scolded and Taehyung was picked up again, manhandled really, and basically carried to the bedroom. The bed was huge. There was probably room for four people.
“Alright, we only have one bed, so you'll have to share with one of us. Actually I can sleep on the couch.” Yoongi said and Tae felt already bad.
“No baby, your back will hurt in the morning, it's fine I'll take the couch.” Hoseok contradicted.
“Can't we just all sleep in the bed? I don't want any of you to sleep on the couch.” Tae asked, already sitting cross-legged on the mattress.
“That would be quite cramped.” Yoongi frowned.
“What? Are you blind? Do you not see how huge this is?” He said and patted the bed.
“Fine.” Yoongi eventually said. They helped Taehyung get ready, things like brushing his teeth. He was a bit embarrassed but they took care of him so gently it made him feel all warm and fuzzy. Eventually he laid carefully tucked in, in bed and watched the other men get ready and it made something start bubbling in his stomach, but in a good way. Not the way that made him puke earlier.
Oh no, why did he think of that now. He hurriedly fought against the blanket to get up but his limps got tangled in the sheets and he initially winced about ruining the beautiful bed. At least he thought he would. Just in time Hoseok flopped down in front of him and handed him a bucket. It wasn't really much that came out, Taehyungs stomach probably almost empty by now. It's still nothing you want in your bed though. The forced heaving, the bitter-sour taste, the guilt and maybe exhaustion from today and the last weeks brought tears to his eyes. Hoseok went to empty the bucket and Taehyung felt so bad about it. He wouldn't even want to do it with his own vomit, even more so someone elses.
“I'm sorry.” He slurred, tongue still kind of numb. Yoongi took Hoseoks place and Taehyung saw how he already wanted to protest again so he quickly continued.
“For being gross and noisy, b-but mostly for avoiding you and making you feel bad.” He nervously rubbed the sleeve of his hoodie over his sweaty forehead but Yoongi took his hand away and kissed it instead.
“Go to bed love, you need rest.” The older said and gently brushed his cheek. Taehyung unconsciously leaned into the touch and closed his eyes with a quiet hum, or rather sigh. Finally he laid back down and moments later Yoongi followed, crawling in next to him. Hoseok came back with the bucket and placed it next to the bed, just in case, before joining the two men on the mattress.
The first few moments it was still a little awkward but then Taehyung decided to just say fuck it and make the best out of this moment. He could always just blame it on the sickness afterwards.
He snuggled up with his back pressed against Yoongi and pulled Hoseok closer. The first moments were a little awkward but when the two men got over the shock -or surprise really- they kind of melted together into a big puddle of human. It was amazing how they could make their bodies fit together so well, like puzzle pieces that match each other although they are from different puzzles.
Taehyung relished in the warmth and safety the others provided and it calmed his aching body. He smiled happily when Hoseok pressed a kiss onto his head and whispered a quiet “Goodnight Taetae”
 Taehyung spend the next week at their flat and at first he still felt bad and protested when ever they did something for him. However, he quickly realized that you can't ever win against Hoseok and you really, really don't want to piss Yoongi off so he just relented and allowed them to spoil him. Once he stopped puking out everything that reached his stomach (which was after about four days jesus christ) they cooked him food and brought it to the bed or couch, where ever he was currently resting. They helped him change and shower (that was a really hard discussion with Taehyung claiming to be fine by himself only to actually slip in the bathroom and having the two men scold him the full ten minutes while helping him afterwards) and cleaned up after him. Hell, Yoongi even picked up some notes a classmate wrote for him over the classes he missed.
With every day Taehyung felt himself falling a little deeper and at the fourth day he was sure this was not just a stupid crush anymore. He had enough time to think about everything Hoseok said in Jimins bathroom and while he still wondered how the fuck they could actually like him back, he also wasn't stupid okay. Now that he knew (and had a lot of free time) he started to notice small things, like the lingering touches, the fond stares, besides from the obvious. Yoongi almost ever only called him by some pet name and Hoseok hugged or cuddled him whenever he got the chance to. Besides, who would go out all of their way to care for a sick person when they don't even know them that long?
The exciting and giddy feeling from the beginning, the 'oh my gosh they like me back what the fuckedy' has changed to a current state of warmth that was lazily pooling in his stomach, more of a 'wow look at these beautiful men, yep I scored them'. And yes, he does realize that he hasn't really scored them yet, but he was determined to change that, now that he didn't feel like puking on their feet every ten minutes anymore. He actually prepared a speech, wanting to be ready so that everything goes smoothly and he waited for them both to be home. Hoseok usually worked in the early morning and came home around afternoon while Yoongi started around late noon and came back in the evening.
Taehyung was sitting on the couch, cross-legged, a pillow in his lap and watching some drama on Netflix while Hoseok was preparing dinner. The kitchen and the living room were one big opening so Taehyung was able to watch Hoseok work and damn if that wasn't one of the hottest things he has ever seen. So yeah, he didn't really focus on the drama, like at all. He also was kinda nervous and tried really hard not to let it show. Taehyung was glad as well as scared when Yoongi entered with a groan.
“Hey babe, hard day?” Hoseok asked. Yoongi came over and greeted him with a kiss. It was sickeningly domestic and Taehyung loved everything about it.
“Mhmm, it's getting better.” Yoongi mumbled against his boyfriends lips. Taehyung didn't understand why he suddenly blushed.
“Go get changed, dinner is ready and your clothes smell of sweat.” Hoseok said, petting Yoongis chest.
“Aye, aye, sir.” The boxer replied and made his way over to the bedroom but not before coming over to him and leaving a gentle kiss on Taehyungs hair. The younger couldn't help but beam. Yoongi probably didn't see it, but Hoseok did and returned it with a fond expression. It motivated Taehyung even more to have That Talk and he decided to approach it after dinner.
 “So, I'm not puking anymore.” Wow, Tae-dumbass-hyung, great start.
“Mhm, we noticed.” Hoseok mused, amused.
“It's just, I can probably return home soon and...” Damn where did his speech go? Why was this suddenly so hard?
“And...?” Yoongi asked.
“Well... I wanted to thank you guys. You really did so much for me, I don't know how to make it up to you.” He started to pick on the hem of his (Yoongis) sweater.
“You know we don't want you to do that anyway.” Hoseok scolded.
“Y-Yeah. On that note... I thought a lot about what you said, you know in the bathroom before I.... yes anyways. To say I was surprised would be the biggest understatement, I really...” He sighed frustrated, this is not how he wanted to do this. He took a deep breath and faced Yoongi.
“You know that night, where Jungkook fought that dude who harassed Jimin? And you were so angry at him for fighting like that, I was really amazed then. I always hated violence and everything having to do with it so I kind of just put you in that box as well. I judged you without even knowing you and you just went and threw those prejudices away just like that. It really impressed me but I didn’t allow myself to dwell on it too much because I knew you had a boyfriend. But then I got to know both of you and I really don't know when it happened but at some point I realized that... that my feelings were becoming a little more than what they should. And I kind of panicked because I was so sure you would be disgusted if you were to ever find out so I tried to minimize the contact. I didn't ever think there could be a possibility of you liking me back.” The two men stared at him with something close to awe and Taehyung really wanted to hug them.
“A-And I don't know how we should proceed from here, I have never been in this situation before, so I don't really know what to do. I just know that I really, really like you, both of you.” He mumbled those last words, suddenly feeling a lot more shy again. It was so relieving to let it out, to finally admit it. It felt like he had spent too much time underwater and was now finally able to breath again.
“Well, I've been in poly relationships before but everyone is different and needs different dynamics according to everyone’s comfort zone, so this is new to all of us.” Hoseok said, completely casually, like this was just some everyday conversation.
“R-Relationship?” Taehyung gasped. Technically this was the logical next step after they had confessed to each other, but it still felt kind of surreal to him.
“If that's what everyone wants of course.” Yoongi spoke up. He was a little more itchy and it was honestly adorable. Taehyung pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head on it.
“I don't know.” Taehyung whispered. “I mean I want to but... I’m scared.” Hoseok and Yoongi moved to sit on his left and right.
“It's okay to be scared.” Hoseok said and ran his fingers through Taehyungs hair, pushing his bangs out of his eyes.
“Can we take things slow?” He mumbled, suddenly feeling very young compared to the other man.
“Of course. We don't have to label anything, we can just spend some time together and see how it goes, okay?” Yoongi assured, his hand caressing Taehyungs thigh carefully. The youngest gulped and nodded.
“And uhm... can we not tell anyone just yet?” He asked. “It's not like I’m ashamed or anything just-“ Hoseok chuckled.
“You don't have to be so nervous, baby. It's okay, we understand. Again, this is new for us too.” Taehyung nodded. He felt a little shaken up, he didn't know why.
Yoongi then stood up from his chair and pecked Taehyungs forehead.
“Alright, let's clean up, then we can watch a movie or something.” He said. Hoseok stood up as well and moved to help Yoongi but Taehyung grabbed his hand. The older turned around a little surprised.
“Uhm... I already k-kissed Yoongi and I think it would only be fair if I...” Taehyung blushed. Hoseok chuckled.
“You want to kiss me?” He asked as if it wasn't clear. Taehyung turned his head away.
“You have to answer me, or I won’t know what you want.” He grinned and Taehyung let out a frustrated scoff.
“Yes, okay? I want to kiss you, happy now?” He pouted and Hoseok smirked.
“Very happy.” He said, while leaning down and pressing his lips against Taehyungs. The kiss was over in less than a second and when Hoseok pulled back Taehyung chased his mouth but the older shook his head amused.
“This will have to do for now. Go clean up.” Taehyung pouted again but did as asked anyway.
It was a couple of minutes and a bit of dish washing being done later that they found themselves on the couch together. Tae sat in the middle his legs draped over Yoongis lap who was lazily caressing his thigh. Hoseok had an arm around Taehyungs shoulders and used it to brush his fingers through his hair. The youngests head was resting on Hoseoks shoulder. He had no idea what movie they where watching but he enjoyed it no less. He still couldn’t believe this was actually happening.
The next following weeks they kept hanging out like that. Going out for dinner together, to the cinema, to the mall. Tae even agreed to go to box fights together or they just stayed at home. And it was great and fun and all but...
Hoseok and Yoongi obviously were a little closer and while they tried to include Tae as best as possible but at the same time he felt them holding a certain distance. It was like he was a third wheel all this time.
“We need to talk!” He blurted out while they all sat together around the TV once again. Hoseok and Yoongi froze and exchanged a glance.
“What is it?” Hoseok asked carefully. Both man straightening up on the couch. Tae bit his lip and stared at his fingers, a bit scared of their answer to his question.
“Am I making you uncomfortable?” He said, quick like removing a band aid.
“What?” Yoongi and Hoseok asked in unison.
“I mean I’d totally understand. You two had a perfect relationship way before I came and I just like, squeezed in. You can just tell me if that’s the case. I mean" he chuckled coldly “I guess it would kinda hurt, but I’d really understand. It was fun but I guess it just doesn’t really fit-" His sentence was cut off when Yoongi turned his face and kissed him with such force that Tae gasped in his mouth. Yoongi used that opportunity to slide his tongue in Taehyungs mouth. It felt desperate and needy and it was everything that Tae needed in that moment. His hands covered Yoongis that cupped his face, holding them in place.
“Don't say stupid things like that!” Yoongi whispered against his lips, giving him a last peck before pulling back.
“We wanted to give you time, to get used to everything. We didn't know we were making you feel like that.” Yoongi explained.
“But we want you.” Hoseok added, his voice rough as he turned Tae to look at him. “We definitely want you.”
And then he crashed their lips together too. And wow. It was the first time they kissed since that almost nonexistencial peck all these weeks back and maybe Tae was greedy but really who cares. He wrapped his arms around Hoseoks neck pulled him impossibly close while leaning back on the couch, causing Hoseok to basically lay on top of him. In the process he reached out to his side, searching for the other one of his beautiful men. Yoongi got the hint and took Taes hand interlacing their fingers.
“Can-" He gulped “Can we go to the bedroom?” Tae asked shyly.
“Are you sure?” Hoseok asked and chuckled at Taehyungs furious nodding.
Yoongi stood up first and helped Tae up, Hoseok following them quickly. Maybe it was a bit soon but so what. Some people fuck at the first date.
The youngest went straight for the bed watching as the other two looked at him slightly amused, slightly endeared. Yoongi crawled over to him, sitting down next to him and watching Hoseok. The latter smirked and took off his shirt before joining them. Tae couldn't take his eyes off him, he was so stunning. His hand went straight to Hoseoks chest, feeling the muscles twitch under his touch, the smoothness of his skin, his warmth.
He gulped again, looking up to see both Yoongi and Hoseok grinning back at him. Hoseok leaned down to kiss him again with so much passion that Tae moaned against his lips. He felt Yoongis hand starting to fiddle with his shirt and shoving the hem up to the point where Taehyung pulled back to take it off completely.
He then turned to Yoongi, motioning him to take his shirt off as well, leaving them all bare chested. Impatiently Tae pulled both of them down, wanting to feel their skin against his. Yoongi dived right in, pressing his face against the youngest neck and nibbling at the skin there.
“You have no idea for how long I wanted this.” Hoseok murmured.
'Same' Tae thought as he took his hand and interlaced their fingers. He was in complete bliss of finally having the weight of his insecurities gone.
The night flew past them, with their bodies dancing together none of them paid attention to things like time. Dawn had already started once they flopped on the bed together, laying pressed together in one small pile of human. Taehyung was absolutely exhausted and he was pretty sure neither him nor Yoongi would walk much the following days but he didn’t regret it one bit. He sighed happily, hearing even breathing to his left and soft snoring to his right. In this very moment he was so sure that this is his place, this is where he belongs, where he is supposed to be.
Luckily it was Friday, or more like Saturday by now so they could stay in bed and laze around all weekend. Yoongi was the first to wake up, probably some when around noon. He pressed a kiss to Taes shoulder and Hoseoks arm (since it was the only thing he could reach) and crawled out of bed with a groan on his lips every time his hip ached. Tae woke up only moment later. He blinked sleepily and scratched his head, looking around. Once he saw that Yoongi was gone he decided to get up as well. He carefully tried to peel Hoseok from around him and pulled up a fresh pair of shorts (stolen from Hoseok). He rubbed at his lower back with a grimace on his face when he felt the stiffness of his body. Yoongi chuckled once he saw him waddling into the kitchen. It smelled heavenly of coffee.
“Morning sleepyhead.” The older laughed. Taes hair was sticking up in every direction.
“Morning.” He mumbled back.
“How do you feel?” Yoongi asked and Tae made a grimace again.
“I’m okay, what about you?” He asked back, carefully sliding on a chair, watching Yoongi making breakfast. Yoongi smiled at him.
“I’m used to it. Hope is... well he has a lot of stamina, you know.” Yoongi said and Tae snorted.
“Yeah, I noticed. I came like three times while he just kept going.”
“I know, I was there too.”Yoongi chuckled and looked at something behind Tae. A grin spread on his face. Tae turned around to see Hoseok stumbling into the room, scratching on his bare chest, eyes barely open. He walked over to Tae and slung his arms over his shoulders from behind and buried his face in his neck. Tae giggled as Hoseok started to nibble at his neck.
“How are my two lovely boyfriends?” Hoseok murmured against Taes skin. Technically they never officially agreed to be boyfriends but no one said anything against it.
“We are fine, hope.” Yoongi laughed and handed both of the a cup of coffee.
“I’m sorry for last night, I got a bit carried away.” Hoseok mumbled and started to massage Taes lower back. Yoongi walked around the kitchen isle and joined the pair. Tae pulled him onto his lap and Hoseok slung his free arm around his middle.
“We are gonna make this work, right?” Tae asked quietly and snuggled closer to Yoongi. The older hummed lowly.
“I think we will. We just have to promise each other to be honest and speak up if something bothers us. Like you did yesterday.” Yoongi stated.
“That was really brave of you.” Hoseok agreed, pressing a kiss to Taes hair.
“Stop!” Tae giggled a little flustered.
“You know what people say,” Hoseok said brightly “All good things come in threes.”
Yoongi groaned but smiled anyway.
"Can you please finally tell me what the hell happened in that bathroom of mine?" Jimin pressed. Tae smiled sheepishly.
"A lot. Basically I was an idiot and you were right and I should have listened to you and been honest and all this chaos could have been prevented." He admitted, staring at the ceiling. Jimin inhaled deeply.
"I'm not saying I told you so, but that's exactly what I'm saying." Jimin pouted. Tae looked over to his best friend who was laying next to him.
"Maybe your bathroom has magical match making skills we didn't know of. Somehow both our love stories started in there." Tae chuckled.
"Hmm, maybe I should make a business of it. We'll just lock couples in there until one of them cries or vomits. What could possibly go wrong?" Jimin joked.
"You mean except of the slight chance of us getting sued?" Jimin giggled and slapped Taes chest lightly.
"I can't believe you'll have threesomes on a regular basis now." The dancer mumbled. Taehyung snorted.
"It sounds like a lot of work to be honest. Isn't it exhausting?" Jimin asked and Taehyung couldn't help but love.
"Hobi does most of the work, so it's fine. He-" His sentence got cut off.
"Yah, actually I don't wanna know after all. But I'm happy for you, TaeTae." The two friends smiled at each other.
"I'm happy too."
[Thanks for reading! :)]
3 notes · View notes
fanciful-follies · 6 years
-yeeeaaahh the entire gang is back together and everyone is (kind of) ok (at least they're all alive) -hhhhhh Aaron is so hurt 😭 -THEO NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE A CAPTAIN -"However, I have no desire to see anyone else die on this voyage" oh hell yeah!! don't let anyone die!! -looool John and Lafayette aren't being subtle at ALL ("John flicks his eyes up and down the Android, a smirk slowly making its way across his mouth" i mean,, they could at least TRY) (1/?)
-nooooOO Aaron isn't just hurt physically, but emotionally too :( -the talk™ bc Theo has no idea what's going on, rip -and again the question 'why tf does Alex trust Aaron so much?' (... bc he loves him!!) -"'Because he protects me,' Alex shouts" !!!! that's so cute (and true) i loved that part so much!! ❤️ -yeeaaah!! Theo believes/trusts him!! -"'They’ll be hung' 'I’m sorry' she says softly a few moments later.'But there is no other way'" OUCH THAT HURT ME SO MUCH (2/?)
-'And if you ever need a recommendation' it's what he deserves 🙏 -HELL YEAH THEO!!! LET ALEX SAVE THEM!!! 😍😍 - "What happened?" "Jefferson beat the shit out of me, that’s what" yikes, have I ever mentioned that Jefferson is a piece of shit? 🤔 -"I’m sure he wouldn’t refuse a check up by Doctor Laurens ;)" love that they're all feeling good enough again to make jokes (and make fun of John for liking Lafayette lol) -HE CALLS HIM GIL THAT'S SO CUTE (3/?)
-"I can’t hate him. I just can’t" 😭😭 -the friendship between Eliza and Alex is so cute 😍 -I'm glad Alex let Herc know that they're all going to be ok :') -"What makes you think I want you to stay behind? I told you already, I don’t want you to die. I’m not...you really think I’m that awful?” stop!! hurting!! them!!! (and me) [but also this part was sooo well written i lov it] -"But I wouldn’t have traded you for it" :'( -HE KNEW ALL THIS TIME?? (4/?)
-Aaron thinks he's exactly like the people that have hurt him the most wtf 😭😭 -ok just,,, the entire conversation between them was so good and sad and?? i loved it so much they rlly needed to talk to each other -“Hell, I’d let you kiss me now” he'd always let Aaron kiss him tbh lol -"So I just...I need you to trust me, too. I think I deserve that" uuuh of COURSE HE DESERVES THAT!! (5/8)
-Aaron finally apologized for the things he actually should apologize for :') -YEEAAAHHH HE ACTUALLY TOOK SOME GOLD WITH HIM!!! -Bellamy says goodbye for Herc and Maria has to make sure they don't take hours, but Aaron is just saying goodbye to Alex all alone? Like... they'll take even longer lol -THE BOOK!!! I'M ACTUALLY YELLING WTF HE HAD THAT ALL THIS TIME?? (6/8)
-yeah they're kissing!!!!! ❤️💕 -Alex wants to go with him but he can't 😭😭😭 noooo -they're kissing again!! ❤️💕 -"what are you doing?" "trying to get you to change your mind" THAT WAS SO CUTE AND SAD WTF :( - “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. Aaron.” stop making me cry smh (7/8)
-"This isn’t…we’ll meet again, right?" if they never meet each other again I'll just cry forever -LOL Bellamy and Maria must have been waiting for a long time (like I said, they took longer than Bell & Herc lmao) -Maria!!! 💕💕 -"Alex is left to stare at nothing but the open sky beneath him" hm. this is the saddest thing I've ever read and I'm dying. (8/8) OK THIS IS IT, THE LAST COMMENT!!
- AT LEAST THEY’RE ALIVE lol that is the mood for this chapter. - Yeaahh he is not doing well. - And lolll I know, such bad timing. - Theo does care she’s just pissed. - John doesn’t know how to be subtle lmao
- He is REALLY not doing well. - The theme of this whole fic is that no one has any idea what’s going on lmao. - He really does tho. - Alex is going to reflect more on why he cares about Aaron in the next chapter but y e s this was a big moment. - Tbh Theo is v impressed by Alex. - I KNOW RIGHT
- IT IS WHAT HE DESERVES. - And lollll Theo is in a tough spot, but she def doesn’t want to be responsible for Aaron, Bell, and Maria dying. - Jefferson is the WORST. - And lmaaoooo they are all just so relieved to be done with everything and on the way back home. - It is v cute,
- :D - They are best pals and I love them. - And yessss he had to let Herc know. Otherwise Herc would probably try to break them out, too lol. - Aaahhh thank you!!! I loved writing that part. -
- Aaron is going to have A LOT to deal with after this whole thing. - THANK YOU. And yes, they needed to have that talk. And, well, no spoilers, but need to talk things through even more if they get the chance ;p - And lmaaooo that’s so true. - HE DESERVES SO MUCH MORE. ALEX HAS GROWN SO MUCH.
- I KNOW HE FINALLY GOT THERE. - And lolllll right, at least someone did. - And lololol Aaron really just wanted to be alone with Alex ;p. - AARON IS ALWAYS KEEPING SO MANY SECRETS
- Had to throw in a goodbye kiss lmao. - And gah I was so torn with that. Like when I was initially drafting this fic I was gonna have Alex go with him but then I was like wait wait nah Aaron still lied to him and kind of manipulated him and Alex has his friends and his mom he wouldn’t be able to just leave them behind. - Lots of kisses x - I LOVED THAT LINE TOO lol. - Oh man, that scene was my favorite.
- You’ll find ooouuuttt :D - Bellamy was definitely eavesdropping that whole time. -  Maria is a gem. - I KNOW AND I’M SORRY.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for these comments (and for sending them again when tumblr ate them lol)
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crying-saeyoung · 7 years
Can you write the RFA and minor trio reacting to MC's little brother (around 12) who is very attached to his older sister and does not like the RFA? (All men/women are wolves MC!) How would they win him over?
I’m so sorry this took so long, anon!! I hope you read it even though it’s been awhile since you asked;; It’s been in my drafts forever and I haven’t ever been able to write the minor trio for this request, and i’m so sorry for that!!! I might make a separate post for them later? I hope you like this.. -Green
-you brought up one day that you weren’t going to be really available because you were going to babysit your brother for the day
-he didn’t know you had a brother!
-he asks if he can join you, and of course you say yes.
-you two drive to your parents house and Yoosung briefly talks to them before they leave, and you two are alone.
-then suddenly you shout from the TOP OF YOUR L U NGS,
-yoosung is.
-he doesn’t even know.
-but suddenly your little brother is dashing downstairs and you guys are wrestling so???
-what does he do help him
-once you guys had your little. reunion? ??? yoosung still doesn’t know what happened but is too afraid to ask
-you tell both him and your little brother what you have in store for today so you all don’t get bored. You’ve planned a movie, arcade, and fast food for the night and Yoosung thinks it’s great!
-but he can’t help but notice your brother hasn’t said a word to him?? and won’t even look at him??
-o h  g  o d
-then he sees overall that your brother. does NOT appreciate him here
-Movie: he tried to run ahead with you in the dark theater so Yoosung couldn’t find you and had to sit alone
-I mean, it didn’t work, but what the F U Ck,
-Arcade? Your brother will not let him play any games with you and constantly hogs your attention and literally tries to get you to ditch him and go back home
-you don’t even NOTIC E?
-kind of takes it personally and is super done with this fucker by the end of the night
-when you go and tuck him in bed Yoosung just can’t wait to go home and cuddle with you, get back all the attention he lost today
-but then you come down stairs and you bring him to your old room and he’s like. what.
-”oh, did I not mention? we’re staying for another two days.”
-”I’m sorry I forgot to tell you! You can head back home if you want?”
-he’s not about to LOSE so easily.
-talking about losing, he hasn’t played LOLOL all day….
-he feels bad about asking to play but you’re chill with it so. you know.
-he plays literally all night
-and into the morning
-suddenly your coming out of the room to make breakfast ?/
-he sees your brother come down and he’s about to shut down the game before your brother D A S H ES FOR HIM
-Yoosung is ready to scream .
-before your bro stops and starts babbling nonsense about LOLOL and how
-oh y e s.
-yoosung is literally praying the Gods above as he shows your brother all his cool stuff
-after that, breakfast is super nice and now your brother won’t stop talking to Yoosung
-he thinks it’s amazing and is so happy he got your brother to like him even if he really didn’t even try
-It’s at a family reunion you practically beg Saeyoung to go to that he meets your brother
-right away Saeyoung is like
-he knows.
-he k n o w s
-all night. literally all night he is trying to trick Saeyoung and play pranks
-and he happily indulges in all of them, KNOWING that yes, a bug is in his drink
-but does he care? NO
-he knows your brother hates him and Saeyoung finds it hilarious
-and then randomly your brother takes his hand and looks him right in the eye and is like
-”you better not hurt her all right? you’re pretty stupid, but you shouldn’t be stupid enough to hurt MC!!!”
-fucker doesn’t even acknowledge him
-instead he brings out a DS and is like
-”i bet I can beat your ass in super smash bros”
-he was about to start crying from stress you have no idea
-family is important!!!! that saying is literally EMBEDDED into your brain
-so better believe your ENTIRE family is invited to the wedding
-which includes your brother
-and you have never been so nervous in your entire life
-Jaehee notices it at the wedding and thinks your having cold feet but then you just take her hands
-”you don’t understand. my brother. will r u in the wedding. he’s a little BRAT??? Jaehee please god help me”
-at first she’s confused because like MC what
-but when she looks outside and sees your brother practically boiling in his seat she understands
-so instead of Jumin’s father walking you down the isle you have Jaehee
-you discussed it with Jumin’s father but not with your husband so when he sees this he is HIGH KEY STRESSED
-W H A T
-how D A RE,, his FATHEr???
-he makes a mental note to scREECH later
-now is not the time, Jumin
-you’re shaking like a leaf and holding onto Jaehee for dear life
-you almost want to make her stay with you as you exchange vows
-you almost do, she has to rip you off of her arm
-Jumin now sees how worried you are and the whole time he’s whispering to you not to worry and how happy he’ll make you
-finally the rings come out and you’re more relaxed now because your brother hasn’t been a BITCH so far
-but then you see him start to stand
-before Jumin can put the ring on you your brother yells
-are you serious
-you’re literally groaning and throwing your head back in agony, about to fall to your knees as your brother makes his speech that you are completely sure he was thinking of all day
-you can see Zen nodding his head and silently agreeing with your brother and you’re going to have to talk to him later oh my GOD
-once your bro is done you’re so humiliated like. p l ea se just put the ring on me and go
-but surprisingly Jumin is totally calm
-and gives the snarkiest and best reply ever to your brother and now you’re blushing because aww babe
-your brother never said anything bad about your marriage after that
-little brat you love him tho
-this one is a little more ,, tame
-your parents were actually coming to see the coffee shop you had made with Jaehee, and happened to bring your brother along.
-he was pretty chill the entire time, but Jaehee noticed his little glares and snarky comments
-she didn’t really pay it any mind, because 12 year olds will be 12 year olds.
-but after awhile… it was really starting to get on her nerves how rude he was to her.
-she had asked you what your brother would like to eat or drink, and you gladly told her what his favorite snack and drink was
-it was so sweet of her to get something!!
-bitch u thought
-she did make the food, but didn’t offer it to him.
-she just sat it on the counter and waited for him to come to her.
-she had to wait practically an hour
-but eventually YES he did come up thank god
-”do you want a snack? your sister told me what you like.”
-she could see him trying to make a fuss. she could SEE it.. but he didn’t
-he tried to just grab it and leave
-nnooononono not in my house
-she literally grips his hand so tight that he lets out a little squeal
-”do you have a problem with me, little man?”
-he’s shaking his head so hard oh god please Jaehee don’t kill him
-she let’s him off with the food because Jaehee figures she’s scared him enough to leave her alone
-just kidding now he won’t leave her alone
-wants to know how she got so badass and cool
-she guesses… this is better than before
-not really the outcome she was looking for?? but okay??
-recommends her judo studio to him and the next time they come over to the shop he shows her his new moves
-now they’re judo buddies
-so you invite the family over for one of Zen’s performances! yaaayyy,,,
-your brother is just flat out complaining the whole time
-he reaaalllyyy does not want to see your boyfriend
-he also reaaaalllly does not want you to see your boyfriend
-you just grab his ear and tell him to shut up so he does
-you all go over to the performance and head backstage; you want to wish him luck!
-when Zen sees you all he politely introduces himself and gives your parents handshakes
-and when he sees your brother Zen kind of like… just knows
-silent agreement. All men are wolves. Instant respect
-which kind of throws your brother off with how cool Zen is him
-you all leave for your seats and your bro is still like. wut..,
-the play is amazing!! you weren’t expecting anything else!!
-you greet him after the show and he’s flooded with compliments from your parents which of course Zen totally gobbles up into his rat tail
-the more his ego grows the longer that fucking thing gets. 100% canon
-and then Zen straight up goes for a handshake with your brother with some kind of gay admiration in his eyes so your brother takes it feeling so conflicted because his performance was really great and he was actually pretty cute?
-oh god i think Zen made your brother gay
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perfectdagger · 7 years
Okay here we go 3, 13, 15, 17, 46
Sorry it took us forever to answer this, anon! But here we go:
3. name three favorite writers
Steph: I was just going through the fics I’ve read the other day and I realized that the authors I have actually read more works from were: green_feelings @greenfeelings, stylinsoncity @alienproof and cherrystreet @cherrystreet, and I really like their stories very much (I cry thinking about Empty Skies, To the Ends of the Earth and 7 Up), so there we go. (AND ALRIGHT, YES, YOU ARE MY FAVE SYN, EVEN THO YOU HAVEN’T WRITTEN  MY BDAY FIC YET)
Syn: unbelievable you didn’t answer it was me steph go away and think about your life choices but know you’re mine either way  it will be a cold dead day in hell before i put anyone besides my absolute GODDESSES so i know this shit should be about larry but listen…….. Lightning on the Wave literally molded me as a person and if you like drarry you should YOU SHOULD read her work. it’s literally been 8 years and i’m still not over this Arc. also if you’re a slytherin? you should do it because of the sheer sly pride it oozes. lucius/narcisa is the GODDAMN BEST THING like they fight while they dance tango? honestly please do yourself a favor and read this i beg you. also harry is slytherin and has a twin but don’t get freaked out because of it i swear the connor thing is actually very interesting. anyway, then I have the love of my life Annie_D (scaramouche) because i’m still destiel trash  AS FUCK even if i don’t even watch spn anymore. about larry now……….. the first fic i ever read and that is still to this day one of my fav ones is Gods and Monsters by @mizzwilde and tbh i love y&b but i can’t belieb people sleep on gods and monsters so much HONESTLY PEOPLE (steph: YAS GODS AND MONSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!)
13. hardest character to write
Steph: I don’t know, I’m more used to writing only Harry and Louis and they are always somehow similar in my fics, I guess. But it’s been a little roller coaster of feelings to write them in IYEWBIL hahaha (syn: little roller coaster? YOU’VE CRIED TWICE ALREADY that’s an euphemism if i ever heard any)
Syn : i was talking about this with steph and tbh i struggle a bit with harry? i love his quirkiness and shit but i guess i kinda understand where louis comes from more
15. hardest verse to write
Steph: (I’m assuming this is verse as in a part of the fic and not verse as in universe, ‘cause then it would be ABO LOL) I don’t wanna say it was hard, because it flowed naturally, but the break up scene in ELTHDIM was very heavy. Also, Marcel appearing at Louis’ again after 2 years in the interludio: I cried writing that. Not that it was hard, but it was very sentimental. (if we’re talking about having a hard time writing anything, then I did have a hard time with writing my fic for the Potter Direction Exchange, but that’s a whole other thing). But I guess, the hardest thing for me to write is yet to come, so I’m bracing myself and people who are reading IYEWBIL should too lol
Syn: (but when have you ever written abo steph? (: (steph: i wouldn’t know ehehehehe)) fighting scenes are A BITCH and i don’t mean verbal fighting because i ace at those, i mean actual fighting punching and shit. don’t ask where this is coming from tho
17. favorite AU to write 
Steph: So far I’ve written: a single parents au, a coffeeshop au, a fake relationship au and two hogwarts aus (Mistletoes & Wrackspurts Series and the one for the Potter Direction Exchange) and I think it’s because M&W has been the longest one, I’m having more fun writing it. But also the fake relationship au was great to write hahaha
Syn: HARRY POTTER AU HANDS DOWN because i live and breath hp and muggle!louis/wizard!harry is the best of both worlds HOW CAN I NOT DIG THAT but now i discovered a new love in writing my catwoman!au so i guess y’all should ask about those fighting scenes i guess
(steph: i hope you’re all ready for this catwoman!au, that’s all i’m gonna say)
46. share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
Steph: I don’t think I have any story written that I haven’t published? Syn has tons lol I’ll leave this one to her.
Syn: don’t expose me like that steph but yeah i do my draft has right now about 5 works in progress HAHA and yes one of those if your gift u cry baby
ok so er under the cut is a piece of my god-knows-when-will-come-but-i’m-currently-on-chapter-3-of-who-the-fuck-knows-how-many catwoman au in which yes harry styles is catwoman y’all know why exactly
also if there’s any dc fan out there please hmu cuz i’d love to have some help haha
Louis heard a small click, their earpiece connection turning off. He rolled his shoulders inside his uniform, suddenly wary of the silence echoing inside the empty store. Normally the black (and dark blue) of his Nightwing costume worked as a camouflage in his environment, much like Batman’s did as well, but he felt exposed inside the lighten up vault as he looked for anything that could help catch the bastard behind the 3 X’s. He took his time, checking the floor, the empty cabinets, the empty shelves, anything and everything. Still, nothing. So he went back to the door, analyzing the scratches there (he still couldn’t believe it, fucking scratches) with his gloved hand caressing them softly.
“Glad to see you admire my work.”
Louis quickly threw a batarang to where the deep, drawled out voice came from, taking his sticks out when he saw the silhouette had dodged his attack. He’d heard no one come in, where did the fucker come from? Fucker was silent, silent like…
He saw a movement come from his side as he exited the vault, blocking the punch with his forearm, getting kneeled in the stomach a second after, too surprised he was by the fast attack. He gasped and stepped backwards, raising his sticks to avoid being clawed - what the fuck, his brain registered in confusion - at, blocking every time, left, right, left, right, right, left, both, the clank of the claws against his shatterproof sticks echoing in the empty store. He was glad his mask had nightvision, otherwise he’d be even more susceptible to the attacks, his reflexes matching them and being able to hold his own in the darkened store, the streetlights weak, reflecting on the empty jewelry display around them, not enough to show much of the person trying to rip his face in two. Speaking of which, Louis concentrated, paying attention to the silhouette in front of him, narrowing his eyes to identify what-
His mistake. Between a block from his hand and another, Louis felt a kick in his stomach, strong enough to push him back into one of the glass tables that held jewelry before, the sound of shattering glass hiding his groan of pain. Fuck, that’d hurt. He blinked, a grimace from pain in his face as he tried to get himself up and look at what he was sure looked like-
A slick noise and then he was on the floor, pieces of glass dragging beneath him as he was pulled by his feet towards his attacker, who was suddenly looking down at him from above, faces inches apart, a smirk in place and black mask covering half of his face.
Satisfied, he smiled bigger, maliciously, leaning down to lick Louis’ cheek. Louis turned his head in disgust, enough to recognize it was a long whip Catwoman secured in her hand and had used to lock his feet and drag him forward.
“Meow.” She whispered in his ear that was just in front of Catwoman’s face as he turned it more to the side. Louis used the distraction her smugness must be to punch her to the side, taking her out of top. She scuffled sideways, gracefully going back to her feet while Louis took the whip from out of his feet.
Then he took a moment to realize what was in front of him.
“You’re a man.”
“My, my, Nightwing, shouldn’t an agent of law and good know better than to designate gender to his comrades?” Catwoman teased, his (her?) voice deep, a small pout forming in his lips.
“You’re not a comrade.” Louis answered irritated, fucking pissed the fucker was teasing him after everything he’d put him through the last months.
Also, he’d licked him. Who even does that.
“No, I’m not.” Catwoman moved his hips slowly, as if he was preparing himself for an attack, as if he was having fun. “I am, however, a man.”
Louis hummed, twirling his sticks in his hands, watching every move the man made in front of him, waiting for the right moment to strike.
“Should I be calling you Catman, then? Instead of Catwoman?”
He scoffed, as if the notion was ridiculous. “Of course not. Catwoman is a title that was so gracefully bestowed upon me, why would I change it? Besides,” he stopped his moving, standing still - too still - in the middle of the floor. “I like how you say it.”
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