#this also applies if Childe's about to be corrupted by the Abyss
Hey sooo its me again with nightly thought haha
I was listening Venti singing and thought about how Xiao said his song grounded him, so what if Foul legacy also get grounded by hearing you singing/humming ? Like you're doing chores or have a song stuck in your head or just feels like humming and Fl feels so comfortable everytime it happens. When he woke up after a nightmares or its raining so loudly it scare him, i can see him go to you and (idk if its possible) purring a song hoping you get the message and sing to him ^^
please never stop sending me these, i love them so much!!
since you used to live alone, you often hum to brighten up your empty house- and even though it's not so empty anymore with your new Abyssal companion, the habit still stuck and you find yourself absentmindedly humming as you do work or chores, Foul Legacy happily watching. if you're sitting on the couch and humming, you're guaranteed to have a purring Legacy resting in your lap in no time!! he'll look up if you stop, trilling and nudging you until you start again, resting a hand between his twin horns and giving him little scritches
sometimes, though, you're woken up in the middle of the night to claws tugging at your blanket, small whimpers and hiccups chasing your drowsiness away. no matter how tired you are, you open up your arms and allow Foul Legacy to lean against you, face buried into your shoulder. through his cries he lets out a few watery chirps, pressing his head against the underside of your chin until you start humming a soothing tone, the same one you've had stuck in your head for the past week. gradually you feel Legacy's shaking slow, then stop as he clings to you, nuzzling into your hands in exhaustion, and as he drifts back to sleep you swear you hear him purring the melody you just sang, claws gripping onto your shirt so he knows that you haven't disappeared
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genshin-side-piece · 1 year
I want to talk a little about Pierro and Neuvillette.
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With Fontaine's impending arrival, speculation is rampant. It's coincidentally my favorite time, because the theory crafters roll up and we all begin sharing our ideas of what could be happening. I'm going to keep this as spoiler free as possible, but I'm still placing it under a cut for people, just to be safe.
The concept that Pierro and Neuvillette are the same person is not that far-fetched. Based on Wanderer's story quest we know that the Fatui had a variation on a cloaking device about 400-500 years ago. That isn't something they developed. It's likely Khaenri'an tech that could have been modified by Dottore later on or was put into use as is. It's also connected specifically to Dottore and Pierro as they are the names mentioned when the device makes it's debut. Since everything Hoyo does is intentional, the device was bound to show up later on.
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One thing about the device is that when in use, the user may look similar to their original self or a variation on their own looks, but it's not completely different. In Dottore's case, the version that we see is likely what he looked like before he began experimenting on himself. The segment we know in game is an enhanced version of the actual individual. The same principle can be applied to Pierro/Neuvillette. The "mask" version of Pierro is a younger version of himself before he was impacted by the abyssal corruption in the cataclysm.
 The only variable is how it impacts the eyes. We don’t know if the Dottore of the past is the original incarnation or if it’s a segment. Based on the visuals in the story, the monster has two little birds with it, meaning Dottore had succeeded in duplicating himself by this point. If you look at the segments without the mask, then they have no eyes. Escher, has red/maroon eyes, similar to the web comic version of Dottore. For purpose of my theory, I’m going with the concept that the Dottore we meet in the past is the original Dottore, meaning he has eyes and the device can change the persons full appearance.
So the question is, why? How does this play into the story?
A fun fact about Fontaine is that it will be first nation to not feature one of the Harbingers mentioned in the Pale Flame Set, nor does it have a long serving Harbinger like Dottore, Scaramouche, or Signoria (RIP) running the proverbial show. Arlecchino is set to make her in game debut, but you have to wonder if all is well for her. Thanks to Childe and Wanderer, we know there are trust issues with her. If those two see that she's a red flag, then the others are bound to as well. An argument can made for that based on Signoria's funeral. The shot at the end show's Arlecchino in the background, near Pierro. She and Childe are standing to Pierro's left, directly in his field of vision, signifying that he's got his eye on them.
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Another factor to take into account is revenge. The Traveler did not kill Signoria, but we are responsible for her death. That has to come into play at some point. Pierro and Arlecchino were the most visibly upset at Signoria's death. Arlecchino lashes out at her fellow harbingers for their comments and behavior. A year out, you have to question if her temper has cooled or will she use her time in Fontaine as a way to exact revenge.
Pierro's response to Signoria's death is to give her the equivalent to a state funeral. Whether that came from him personally or it was at the directive of the Tsarista, it's hard to say. I tend to believe it does come from him, because at least in my mind, Signoria and Pierro were friends. It's clear Pierro has a familiarity with the longer serving harbingers. How close Signoria and Pierro were, is up for debate. But in this situation, you don't passionately promise someone you don't like that you'll lay her to rest in the entirety of the old world. At the very least Signoria was a link to the truth. She lived through the Cataclysm. She would remember the actual events and not the sanitized version of what we get in the game. Her death is made greater because of that. Would it be enough for Pierro to take revenge? It's hard to say. With the doors to Khaenri'ah resting in the nation of Knowledge and Wisdom though, it makes you wonder.
There are also Pierro's personal connections to the traveler and their sibling to consider. The fact that we're four nations in and we haven't come across him yet is a tad odd. You would think he would get curious, but then again, he also knows that at some point we'll turn up. From his perspective, I'm sure he can wait. It is a little odd if he is masquerading as Nevillette for him to just leave to find the traveler with no explanation. In my mind though, it doesn't make sense to tell us that he lived with our sibling and not come across him sooner rather than later. The explanation to the contrary is that Pierro lied to Wanderer about his identity. The only way to fact check him would be to check Irminsul. Since Wanderer doesn't out him on the lie, I have to give Pierro the benefit of the doubt.
With only three official nations left, every step counts. I doubt the Fatui, more specifically Pierro would leave much to chance, if there is anything to chance. Given that the plans for Inazuma were laid several hundred years in the past, I wouldn't be surprised if the other nations weren't the same. For all we know, Pierro, disguised as Neuvillette could have conspired with the current Hydro Archon to murder the old one and seize power. That would give Pierro direct access to the gnosis when he needed it. The Fatui's entire plan has hinged on Morax's assent to surrender his gnosis. There's no point in taking any of the gnosises before that happened and I'm sure it would be all too easy for Pierro to get it now.
Since we know the Fatui run political distractions as a way of thwarting the Traveler, Arlecchino's purpose could be just that. She's responsible for luring the traveler in and keeping the do gooders busy while Pierro secures the gnosis behind the scenes. Much in the same vein as Childe, Arlecchino could be participating in her own downfall. I doubt she would know or realize that Neuvillette is Pierro is disguise. That makes her the perfect scape goat for when the traveler foils the Fauti's plans in Fontaine. Pierro can easily two birds one stone two considerable problems. He can get rid of someone he doesn't trust and he can get the Hydro gnosis. But that's only IF he and Neuvillette are the same person.
If they are not, then Pierro and Neuvillette are from the same species, or even family. There are too many similarities between them to dismiss the possibility. We have enough examples of other Khaenri'ans to know that Pierro and Neuvillette (not confirmed as Khaenri'an) are not like the others. I won't get into the other rumor surrounding Neuvillette, but it does provide a pretty substantial reason for a few other things that have been mentioned in the game, especially regarding Pierro. Wanderer mentions that Pierro was a Khaenri'an Mage prior to the cataclysm. One of the largest looming questions surrounding the Fatui is why would the Tsaritsa make a deal with a mage to overthrow Celestia? How does that same mage control some of the most powerful people in the world for close to 500 years? He’s either got a ton of people skills, an expert black mailer, or possesses a power that hasn’t been seen since the days of the primordial one.
Only time will tell.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
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Right off the bat: Sham! He’s a water homunculus hivemind who has identity issues stemming from the fact that his entire existence relies on possessing others and pretending to be them for spying purposes. He’s ALSO got a funky little bodysharing plot, since the people he overtakes can fight back and, if they “draw”, Sham and the person will be forced to coexist in the same body. The most notable and only current example of this is Ricardo Russo ( who happens to be Christopher Shaldred’s current employer/latest adoptive child ). In Genshin verse he was created by Gold, and has notable vessels in high-up places in every nation in Teyvat, as well as at least one among the Abyss.
The rest of these aren’t blog-specific and can apply to any of your muses because they’re just characters I would like to send at you specifically for whatever reason.
You know I’ll be sending Yemevon at you but I figured they were worth mentioning anyway. My Genshin verse for them is WIP but I figure you wanted them sent at one of your DND characters anyway---which works decently well, I guess, since I know they’re based around Curse of Strahd and Yemevon is actually from the Shadowfell.
I’d like to toss Isaac Dian your way at some point just because you have a lot of serious muses and I am a big fan of Isaac and Miria just randomly invading the most serious plots and spreading whimsy and nonsense.
Lastly for the ones with actual explanations, I want to send Victor Talbot your way because he is an absolute delight paired with any muse who breaks the law. He was a big part of my original Fontaine-based lore in Genshin verse wise and was a higher-up in the court-based government keeping track of small-time criminals and the immortals that happened to live there. He’s in the unfortunate position of not actually being able to do much about larger scale corruption and criminal activity so I think he would have a lot of words to say to some of your muses, most of which will be expletives.
Oh, and I’m sending Twain at you for sure.
Honorable mentions! You can always, ALWAYS ask more about what I mean by putting these on here, I just didn’t want to make this post too long: Gabriel & Juliano, Chane Laforet, Raz Smith, Luchino B. Campanella.
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multimuse ask meme. / accepting!
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yourcasualartist · 2 years
genshin oc rambling......
I wanna make a genshin oc.... an electro (or geo works too... maybe she switches elements in burst? maybe a constellation.) rifthound human hybrid. She hails from the abyss, created by “Gold”. During her time in the abyss, she met a young boy with orange curly hair. He had a face to remember; boyish, yet empty. His eyes had no shine, almost as if he'd been in the abyss long enough to witness it's corruption first hand. Still... it's like he had a thirst to survive, the abyss taught him to live. She had asked him where he had come from, and how he had come here. They talked for long, speaking about the boy's experiences from the start of falling into the abyss and now. She doesn't remember how she was pulled out the abyss, all she knows is that she made it out of there alive somehow. Because of the mix of rifthound and human, she suffers. Rocky, stiff skin grows on her. She can pick it off, but it hurts. It shows when she's in burst mode. Her burst may be like Cyno's and Razor's, obviously with wolf symbolism. Maybe her skill applies a bleeding effect on those which it hits (this effect does NOT work on rifthounds.) Her passive could be that she can't be effected by the bleeding effect similarly, so she'd be a good character to fight them with! Dark colours with purple, yellow and red accents. OH ALSo she hates Gold for creating her. um... she encounters the harbingers and Dottore offers to experiment on her, try to find a cure for her disease. Shes offered a home so she agrees, and this is when she see's Childe and remembers the boy. He doesn't seem to recognise her, so she doesn't mention it. I'll think of some more stuff later
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
Lumine is older than most guys, right? Now imagine Mommy Lumine taking care of a child she found. The child grows up in her care, but oh no, he doesn't love her like a son loves a mother... This idea also applies to Mommy Darling. I feel somewhat ashamed for having such a sinful thought...
MOMMY LUMINE!!! 👁👄👁💦 Oh, I love this so much!
It’s even better when it’s Pre-Abyss Princess Lumine—She hasn’t discovered the truth of the world just yet, and just a normal Traveler looking for her brother. Isn’t Teyvat such a catastrophic place back then? Imagine encountering a poor child all alone in the midst of destruction and fire, crying for their family, or in the verge of death amongst the rubbles. She feels sympathetic, she knows what it’s like to wander all alone in a world they’re not familiar with so, she naturally becomes attached and takes the child under her wing.
It doesn’t even have to be a child either, since playing god was such a trend at this time—What about some failed prototype that’s been discarded like Scaramouche or Fakebedo? They’re not real people, but they are alive. They have emotions (Barely there, but that’s still a sign) and that makes it difficult for Lumine to just ignore them, so she takes them in. They weren’t given a chance to learn, let alone a chance live because they weren’t perfect so, they don’t know anything. With their current level of intelligence, might as well label them as a child too, right? It doesn’t hurt to try and help something that someone already abandoned.
Either way, they look up at Lumine as the “Mother” they never had, a kind mother who taught them how to survive, to fight, and to learn. The more attached they get, the more they start to familiarize themselves with their new found feelings—Feelings that they soon realize that exceeds far more than how a child should feel for their parents.
In the end, when Lumine inevitably learns what this world is like and is in the process of becoming the Abyss Princess—There are few ways these types of yanderes can go. Either they agree with Lumine and thinks she’s making the right choice, so they’ll fight by her side or they don’t, but still chose to follow her because they rather make an enemy of the world than to be away from their mommy. However, if the Yandere grew up to become someone like Dain, for example—Someone too calculative for their own good, knows that Lumine is off to a very crude path, they will try to stop her or rescue her under the belief that she has been corrupted. They will likely fight the world themselves, and leave Lumine out of it, protecting her from getting hurt ever again.
In conclusion—Mommy Darling is good soup no matter the outcome. 🤌✨
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parasite-core · 3 years
so! you wanted to talk about your ocs, yeah? hm, idk about them so can you give a little introduction about who they are and their likes or something like that? or at least about some of them? thanks! 🥰💞
Thank you! Sorry for the delay I wrote way too much then wrote less but still too much then I took medicine that knocked me out lol.
So I’m going to talk about Draven because he’s who I’m fixated on, but if you want me to jump to another OC just say the word and I’ll talk about someone else instead.
So my first attempt at answering got out of hand and was not a “little introduction” so I’ll tag you in a separate post with all that if you feel inclined to read it after seeing the ‘short’ answer lmao. Even this answer got long so you can imagine the other went very detailed.
Let’s start with the part that’s short, his likes and dislikes.
Likes: Cats, he grew up with a big blonde cat named Captain who only liked him and he’s loved cats ever since.
Leto, his surrogate brother.
His friends…begrudgingly sometimes.
Music, he’s a big music lover, especially violin music but really anything he can tell had real passion put behind it.
Makeup and generally making himself look beautiful: it offsets the scars a bit and people—including his enemies—already call him uncomfortably pretty so why not lean into it. Plus it makes him feel good when people call him pretty/beautiful. (He might be slowly having some gender self-revelations but Draven isn’t very insightful so it’s taking him a while)
Dislikes: Demons, demons, demons. Glabrezus (treachery demons), Succubi (you know), you get the point. He really hates demons. He doesn’t mind tieflings/ abyssal sorcerers/ other people who just happen to have demonic blood in them, so long as they don’t let it define them. Which is good for him since he recently discovered *he* has demonic blood in his bloodline so he’d have had a way worse breakdown if he’d been upset about the blood in general not just which specific demon it belonged it (Jerribeth, a Glabrezu, and likely the cause of his entire family’s deaths…so yeah, baggage)
Other things he hates…people telling him how he should feel about something. He’ll feel how he should feel in his own time and not a moment sooner.
Having people’s lives in his hands. He’s a commander of an army he has no choice in the matter but he hates it so much he wishes he could just be a front line grunt fighting demons and risking his own life not giving the order that might kill dozens or more of others if things go wrong or he miscalculated. He carries the weight of every person who has died under his command and take it very personally.
People insulting tieflings for their existence.
About: this still got long but less long than the first time.
Draven Imani is a warpriest of the goddess of righteous valor, justice, and honor, Iomedae. After his family was killed by demons when he was 8 and he was the sole survivor, he was saved by Iomedaen crusaders. After he was healed, except for a Mark of Deskari on his wrist that festers and remains open no matter what healing is applied, they had him bandage up and keep it secret, although vicious rumors already began spreading. He was taken in by an Iomedaen orphanage called the Light-Oath Orphanage. This is where he gained his faith, and his desire to follow in the footsteps of the crusaders who saved his life. This is also where he met his best friend and surrogate brother, the tiefling Leto, who he’s been inseparable from for 13 years.
The two of them made a group of 6 who all wanted to join the crusades for various reasons, and they set out for the Crusader hub city of Kenabres. Unfortunately when they were an hour out of the city, a demon slipped through the wardstone barrier. Draven sensed it first, the evil mark on his wrist burning and bleeding in response. It was too late to flee or warn the others, and one by one they fell. Draven lost his eye while trying to protect Leto, and doesn’t remember the rest of the fight from the shock and trauma. Next thing he remembers is waking up in a healer’s bed in a temple of Iomedae in Kenabres, Leto waiting for him, his other friends dead, and unable to see out of half his vision.
The for next year he retrained himself how to fight with his sword and shield with only one eye, relearning to judge distances and to mostly figure out his spacial awareness. However because everyone saw him as irreversibly damaged, he got relegated to the lowest, least prestigious, most mocked rank of the crusades: the Raven Corps. And there he rotted in guard duty and being degraded by both townsfolk and other crusaders, all of whom see the Raven Corps as the lowest of the low.
Then the Wardstone protecting the city was destroyed, the Stormking, one of Deskari’s generals, lead an attack on the city and began slaughtering everyone, and the party was swept underground by the silver dragon Paladin of Iomedae, Terendalev, who told them they had a destiny to fulfil.
And then Auriel Answerer, Draven’s friend and mentee from the Raven Corps died right next to him striking a fatal blow against a Baphomet cultist. And it turned out Auriel was supposed to be Iomedae’s Chosen One. So because Auriel vouched for Draven, now Draven is the one allowed to wield the Holy Sword Radiance—although Radiance themself seems begrudging of this.
Draven met his hero, Commander Irabeth Tirabade, a half-orc Paladin and former Raven Corps member who once saved the city and was promoted to commander of the prestigious Eagle Watch Legion in recognition. Irabeth immediately gave Draven a field promotion to acting captain of the Raven Corps for recent events. No pressure or anything.
We destroyed the final wardstone shard that Deskari cultists were trying to corrupt into a weapon, via our archer Hiskaria avoiding a boss battle while the party fought her and kept her distracted by being bigger threats until it was too late. Then Hisy jabbed the stone with the rod of cancellation and it broke and destroyed her and two of her minions. And a single shard hit each of us after we had a vision of what had meant to happen—of the doomed world we weren’t meant to save—and how our actions had literally broken fate. Afterwards in reality the Wardstone shards sank into us and bequeathed new powers to each of us.
The night after becoming Mythic Draven met Iomedae in our dreams and received a number of really helpful boons from her. So Draven was in awe there. And learned from meeting the warrior goddess that maybe he should be less self deprecating about his own facial scars.
Since then he met the Queen of Mendev, got promoted to Commander of his own legion (The Adamant Shield Legion) with Irabeth friggin Tirabade as his mentor and advisor, they liberated an impenetrable citadel in two days, found out Leto was now working with the cult of Baphomet for unknown reasons, but he promised Draven that he wouldn’t let them hurt him. It turned out he’d been acting strangely since meeting a Glabrezu on the battlefield, and when Draven tried to ask over sending Leto only told him that “wishes come true at the most unexpected times”.
Since then. Dray’s learned that the mark on his wrist means he also made a wish to a Glabrezu, that he doesn’t remember because he was a traumatized child who was just tortured and saw his family killed when he got his mark. And not just any Glabrezu—Lady Jerribeth, the original architect of Drezen’s fall, and very likely the cause of his family’s deaths. And not only that, but Jerribeth’s blood runs through his veins, from within the last few generations of his family. So the Crusader, the demon slayer, who fights demons but embraces tieflings, is struggling to put his money where his mouth is when it’s his own blood touched by a demon’s influence. Also killing another mark bearer places a new mark of Deskari onto him, so he has a new one on his neck now from killing a raider half-fiend berserker who also shared Jerribeth’s blood and mark. He’s scared of the implications.
And that’s Draven so far.
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dawnxtoxdusk · 3 years
Name : Chuuya Nakahara (Experiment A5158/Corruption Vessel) Age: 22 (500+ in reality) Birthday: 29th April Constellation - Divinus Nation: Originally from Khaenri’ah (kidnapped and taken to Snezhnaya later escapes and flees to Inazuma only to need to flee when the vision hunt decree begins) Affiliation - None - Looks up to Zhongli. (Used to be in Sheep (small group of treasure hoarders from Inazuma) 
Vision - Pyro. (Burst DPS)  Weapon: Claymore
Special Dish - Burning Hot Bolognese Meatballs
What he was at first before Gold got their hands on him, is anyone's guess. Some say the child was a newly born God, others claim he must have come from the depths of the Abyss. The story is lost in the pages of history - but he was at the core of the cataclysm to strike the Kingdom, Gold having successfully managed to create a ‘Gnosis’, using a mix of alchemy and the essence of a fallen God. The creation of this lifeform was one of several events to lead up to the fall of Khaenri’ah, though he does not recall much other than a lot of pain and darkness pressing down on him. 
Survivors of the cataclysm and their descendants, kept this ‘fake archon’, locked inside a highly secured temple with only a few being granted access to speak with the child. He grew up like this, inside a temple that he knew like the back of his hand, learning basic alchemy off those whom wished to teach him control but was quite aware of the fact he was feared by most, even if he couldn’t understand the reason as to why that may be. 
This kind of tense atmosphere managed to be maintained for a short while - around a century or so - but the child was curious about the world outside, wanted to learn more about the events that had lead to him being trapped where he was. Foolishly, he places his trust into one of priests - but anyone can be bribed for the right amount. After almost 150 years locked away and forgotten, the temple was raided and he ended up in Snezhnaya - the Tsaritsa wishing to learn more about this artificial God.
Memories of this time are also scattered, perhaps more to defend himself from the truth than anything else. Here - he was encouraged to use the power that he’d always been told to never use, that he’d been trained to keep suppressed. He’d been told that he would bring about the end of the world - but how could a fake archon possibly stand up to a true one? The answer was pretty surprising. Avalanches wreaked across the entire nation, lakes frozen for aeons cracked open like an egg - the fall of Snezhnaya may have taken place, if their Archon had not been around.  By removing the artificial Gnosis, they could control the amount of power that he was able to channel - but without his Gnosis he was ‘zombie like’ barely reactive to anything that occurred around him. To Chuuya, it felt as though he was dying, as though his very soul was ripped again and again from his body - such an unsettling feeling that he broke and pledged his loyalty to the Tsaritas - in return for keeping his Gnosis. It might be fake, that’s what he kept hearing, but without it he felt as though he wasn’t complete. Around this time is when he started to question more, what he was, why he was here etc, becoming a deadly weapon for the Cyro Archon long before the Harbingers. 
The bloodshed mixed with his own desires of wanting some type of reason to having been born or created - conflicted with one another constantly. But fear kept him loyal - until one day where his ability activates outside of his own control and he’s shot down by those who he once called friends - falling into the depths of an icy lake and thought on as dead. 
About four years from current events - he awoke in another nation, confused and with amnesia, he was taken in and nursed back to health but decided to leave when he began to remember some of the events to have happened around him - joining a group known as Sheep - a younger version of the treasure hoarders in the local area - making sure to only use the vision he carried. 
When the Vision Hunt Decree was announced, he joined others in attempting to flee - mainly as his vision helped him to contain the archon power that he had inherited and he feared losing it would cause another disaster to occur. He never told Sheep of his plans, not wishing for them to fall into any type of danger from helping his escape. 
Power of a Fake God -  Much like his ability in BSD, he can control gravity - but when he does so for too long the Gnosis can react and somewhat take control of his body and power, causing him to go into a destructive rage, wishing for destruction of everything around him - he can only be stopped by some anemo skills, removal of the Gnosis or he simply runs out of energy and passes out. He’ll recall everything to have happened during this time. 
He cannot survive without the Gnosis. It can be removed for a short period of time but the longer it’s separated the weaker he’ll become and eventually it will lead to his death 
Pyro Vision - 
Elemental Skill - Consumes some of his own energy to infuse his blade with pyro energy. This allows him to balance the energy from the Gnosis and the vision - helping to suppress the rawer power that comes with a greater risk to himself and others around him. 
Elemental Burst - A pyro blade falls from the sky, splitting in half and creating a suction effect, pulling enemies into the center and dealing pyro damage to all those caught in the pull. If another element comes in contact with this, that type of damage is also applied.  
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The Murderess from the Grunewald (28): Preparing for War (3b): “The Monster in the Petticoat” (2)
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“Paris” by riccardomortandello 
Note: This chapter contains, among other things, the mention (not a description!) of the sexual abuse of a minor. If this topic triggers negative emotions/memories in you, please skip this chapter.
Chapter 27
         "Thank you, Professor Nerz. I appreciate your support. How did the story of the Violette Nozière go on?
         "As I said, the story from the Rue de Madagascar was just right for Paris in 1933, and the fact that it was a story with many sequels did the rest. The influence this criminal case and the way the press dealt with it had is expressed in a caricature of the time, which can be found in a French newspaper called L'Œuvre. It shows Hitler who, after reading a French newspaper, complains that it is only about 'this Violette'. Violette Nozière even eclipses Hitler's seizure of power. She or her case dominates the headlines, the title pages. Even Hitler disappears behind them. Can you imagine that?"
         "That's really remarkable," Jamie agreed.
        "As I said, these articles illustrated with photos changed the reading experience of the people. At first, only the police officers and the work of the police were photographed. In the days when Violette Nozière was on the run, they looked for her or her corpse in the Seine. There was this suspicion that she might have thrown herself into the Seine and so excavation work was carried out there. All this was photographed by the journalists and printed by the newspapers. By doing so, the newspapers changed the reader's view of what was happening. The reader is now drawn into the action, he becomes a kind of 'co-investigator'. The questions raised by the newspapers spur readers on to come up with their own thoughts about what might have happened, and speculations grow immeasurably.
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Violette Nozière (1933) via Wikimedia Commons
         And just when you think the scandal couldn't get any bigger, there's an unexpected twist. On August 28, 1933, the accused makes a statement and confesses the murder. And what a confession that was! She testified that she wanted to kill her father because she could no longer bear that he had sexually abused her."
          Jamie let out a surprised "Oh!"
          Professor Nerz nodded and remained silent for a moment before continuing:
          "We live 87 years later today and you, in particular, belong to a generation that is not afraid to say everything that needs to be said. But, Dr. Fraser, at that time it was quite different. Abuse! That was a word that one neither dared to pronounce nor to write nor to listen to at that time! And now imagine that: Patricide and abuse! I don’t know whether it is clear to you, but there is a double taboo here. And I don’t mean the two offenses! No, the act of abuse, of incest, is, of course, a taboo. But it is also taboo in French society at that time to talk or write about such an act. That was the situation at the time.           I know that many people associate quite different things with the name of the French capital. Paris! This is the city of love. Have you ever been to Paris, Dr. Fraser?"
          "Oh yes, I even studied there for a while!"
          "Ah, then you know what I mean. Paris, that makes one emotional, doesn’t it? You hear Paris and you think of the flowering avenues along the Seine, the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame. And who doesn't think of romance, Montmartre and free love? Everything is free in Paris! The sky over Paris is full of violins! And while these wonderful pictures are running in front of our eyes we hear Charles Trenet singing quietly in the background with his characteristic voice 'La Mer' and we start dreaming.”
          Jamie had to smile.
          "Yes, yes, Paris, the city of love ... and the guillotine! For it was in Paris, the city of love, that the guillotine was first applied in practice, coloring its streets blood-red. Red, the color of love and yet it is also the color of bloodshed by a murderous revolution."
          Jamie was shocked out of his thoughts, for when Nerz had pronounced the word 'guillotine' as if to emphasize it, he had struck his desk with his flat hand loudly.
          "Red is not always the color of love. It can also be the color of the guillotine. You see, Dr. Fraser, that's exactly our job. We have to confront the people inside and outside the courtroom with the facts. Facts count. What counts is not the idea that we or others have of something. Facts. Not the opinion that we or others have about a thing or matter. The facts alone matter. Whether something has been declared a taboo, as here in the case of the Violette Nozière, is of no interest to us."
          Nerz was silent for a moment, then he asked:
          "Have you seen the movie 'Never look away’”, Dr. Fraser?"                                          "Oh yes!"
        "This moment when the lie is confronted with the truth. There's no evading it anymore. It doesn't take many words, just facts - and a whole world of lies breaks up. In a single moment."
        "That was really very impressive," Jamie agreed.
        "It reminded me of something I read many years ago. An English theologian was asked how he would defend the truth. His answer was: 'No different than a lion. I open the door of their cage and let it out. That, Dr. Fraser, will be your job. On each new day of the trial, you must unleash the Lion of Truth. And you must trust the power of truth. Sometimes it will look as if the truth is losing the battle. But that's not true. That only means that the hour of the truth has not yet come. Then you just have to go on."
        Nerz was silent again as he wanted to give Jamie an opportunity to let sink in what he had said.
        "Let's come back to Violette Nozière. As I said, the abuse was a taboo, a taboo that could not be talked about. But if a crime cannot be talked about, then it cannot be denounced. And that is exactly how the newspapers react. The press knows that if it were to address the incest, it could lose at least part of its readership. So they don't denounce the deed, but the talking about it. The choir of the Parisian newspapers unanimously condemns Violette Nozière's testimony as 'heinous accusations'. The 'argumentation' that we can read in the almost 90-year-old publications is the same one that is still used today to silence rape victims. They said: 'If Violette was really raped by her father, why didn't she confide in her mother or her grandmother? She is said to have had a particularly intimate relationship with the latter. How difficult it was (and still is!) to talk about this topic, the press didn't say a word about it.         And another factor plays a role here. Besides the economic and political problems, France has a demographic problem at that time. Society is aging. And young people, who will be the future of the nation, are a cause for concern. It is said that there is a decent youth and a corrupt youth. Let us be honest, these two groups of young people have always existed. Quite apart from the fact that there have always been these two groups of adults. But, in this particular situation, this way of looking at things becomes more important. And Violette Nozière is, of course, an example of the side of the corrupt youth. Young people who live into the day and no longer respect role models and values. And throughout all social strata, there is a fear that this immoral youth could tear the country even deeper into the abyss. What is to become of a nation whose youth is so corrupt? Well, to be honest, Violette Nozière also gave enough reason to have this image of her. As I said before, she had many friends and lovers at a young age and now it becomes also known that the young woman posed for nude photos. And such a person dares to incriminate her honorable father, a long-standing and excellent employee of the French railways, in such a disgusting way? That was the reaction of many Parisian citizens and the newspapers took up this mood.
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Apartment of the Nozière family / Crime scene via Wikimedia Commons
         Jean-Baptiste Nozière and his wife were regarded as hard-working people who sacrificed themselves for their daughter's education. They lived in a small two-room apartment in the east of Paris. They were a kind of model for a working-class family that had managed to move up to the lower middle classes. That was the life of many people, or at least that was the life many people aspired to. And then the newspapers came and brought photos showing how the family lived. You can still see it today. A small, cramped apartment, a modest luxury. Furniture and pictures made to look antique. Wallpapers with large flower patterns, which were fashionable at that time. How many people would have thought: 'Well, that looks almost like at home?’ And now imagine what these people thought when Violette's accusations became known? How dare she! This ungrateful child! That wicked slut! Yet the lifestyle of the young Violette could have been seen as an indication of the truthfulness of her statements. Today we know that young people who experienced abuse at the age of Violette can show exactly these symptoms: school skipping, a sudden drop in performance, repeated stealing, manipulative behavior of others and promiscuous behavior."
        Again, Nerz kept silent to let what was said sink in.
        "About ten days after her arrest, the responsible judge has the family's apartment examined again and now a rag with semen stains is found. Violette Nozière states that her father used this rag to prevent her from getting pregnant. This is not evidence, but a find that irritates the investigators. And then, on the father's bedside table, they found offensive, pornographic, pictures. Now the mood is slowly turning and the press, always anxious not to lose any readers, follows this path. And yet: Violette Nozière must remain in custody. She is not listened to. The public's opinion is divided and that is good for the press because it knows how to serve both parties with different articles and comments.         But now something is happening that has never happened before. Other victims of abuse send letters to the judge. These letters have remained in the files to this day. These women turn to the judge and tell him about their own experiences. And they ask him to believe Violette.         And then something else happens. The Surrealist movement takes up the case of Violette Nozière. Under the direction of André Breton, some artists published a volume of essays and drawings entitled 'Violette Nozière'. They break with the taboo and at the same time attack the patriarchy. The volume was published in Belgium because it would have been banned by censorship in France. It was the figure of the femme fatale, the sexual aura of Violette, that attracted these artists. Violette's story, especially her indictment of her father, fit into the program of the surrealists who attacked the traditional family.
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Violette Nozière vor Gericht (Agence de presse Meurisse [Public domain]) via Wikimedia Commons
         On October 11, 1934, the trial against Violette Nozière was finally opened. For more than a year, the accused has been in prison and for more than a year, the press has shaped people's opinions. Among them, of course, is the opinion of those who will now take part in this trial as jurors and determine the fate of the accused."
         Jamie let a loud sigh be heard.
         "My goodness, how could they be able to judge them neutrally?"
         "Exactly, Dr. Fraser. In Violette Nozière's case, there was no one to defend the arguments that spoke for her in public. Her two lawyers were not in a position to do so. What would two men do against crowds of journalists and millions of printed articles?"
         "Exactly. And the jurors were all men and fathers. Women were not admitted to the jury in France at the time."
         "Absolutely hopeless."
         "As you say. The jurors then only need an hour to pass sentence. They find the defendant guilty and the court sentences her to death. Just two days after the trial began! The accusation of abuse, of incest, was not taken into account. Nor was that necessary, because incest or abuse was not listed as a criminal offense in the penal code in force at the time! The penal code, according to which she was sentenced in 1933, dates from the time of the French Revolution and was last revised in 1810."
         "She never had a chance, did she?"
         "No, she never had a chance. And the majority of the French welcomed this verdict. That is very understandable because 'order' has been restored. Everything is good and one or should I say 'man' can return to everyday life.          But, Violette Nozière is not executed. Three successive French presidents pardoned her. President Albert Lebrun converts the death penalty into a life sentence. Marshal Philippe Pétain then reduced her sentence by decree of August 6, 1942, to 12 years of forced labor from the day of her imprisonment in 1933. And on August 29, 1945, she was finally released. On November 17 of the same year, General de Gaulle, President of the Provisional Government, lifted the 20-year ban on French territory imposed on her by a new presidential decree. She married and has five children, for whom she is a good mother. Her own mother reconciles with her and believes her that she did not lie in court. On November 26, 1966, Violette Nozière died of cancer."
         "My goodness, what a story!"
         "Isn't it?"
         Both lawyers were silent for a moment. Then Nerz spoke again:
         "Violette Nozière had no one to defend her in public. She had no one to fight the suspicions of the press. Your client, Dr. Beauchamp, will have us on her side. You defend her in the courtroom and we take over the litigation PR outside the courtroom. We will not allow the press to destroy her client's life and capitalize on it."
          Jamie took a deep breath.
          "I appreciate your help."
          "As I said at the beginning, we can see a number of applications from this process in the case of your client. Let us now come to these specific points.”      
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finalrespite · 5 years
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(feat. @yunkinko​​) (theme 1) (theme 2)
From darkness, a line of bright yet sickly light pierced through. This gap widened, as the intense groan of metal followed; an attempt to resist giving away secrets long plunged in shadow.
Finally, however, the gates were thrown wide.
Kharaa stood at the threshold, relaxing her stance upon having pried the doors open until the conceded to her forceful entry. She narrowed her gaze as she attentively peered in; a ramped corridor, descending into a veil that light’s reach quickly tapered off, again to near-pitch black.
“That clinches it. Let us proceed.”
“Oh, well done!” Ai responded, as she came around to flank her friend. “But, um, Miss One— Sorry, uh, Kharaa, I guess— Are you sure about this?”
“Positive. I was bade to return to this place, and since we arrived it has been as if a beacon has been guiding me, beckoning me home. This is it, I am certain.” Kharaa glanced back at Ai. “Ready?”
“Ah, I— yeah…” The girl nodded back, rubbing her hands together. It was then that she thought to reach into her bag and pulled out her magitek bit, giving it a soft toss upward to let it take flight. 
In truth, she was more concerned about the fact that they were in the Gamma Quadrant. While this made sense, given its importance in Azys Lla for developing machina, it was nonetheless crawling with Imperial troops. None would take kindly to intruders. Still, Vision One was made— born for these kinds of endeavors, she knew, even while having her in tow. If One had no concerns about the Empire, then she would do her best set aside her own.
“Just stay with me, and permit me to lead. There may yet be hidden security protocols in this facility.” Kharaa followed up, and Ai tried to focus, chakrams ready in reply. With that, the two disappeared into the abyssal hall.
The pair and bit did not walk for long before finding a conspicuous sort of platform in the last dim light. Kharaa stepped forth and knelt to examine it.
“Well, what is it?” Ai inquired.
“An elevator,” The Xaela replied, rising back to her feet. “However it seems it no longer functions… “There appears to be an alternative route. Let’s head that way.” She turned to another threshold - more descending hallway, and they proceeded. Shortly, the last vestiges of ambient light were snuffed out.
“I can’t see for the life of me down here… um, must be great for you, though!” Ai scoffed toward Kharaa, whose striking yellow eyes were unmistakable. She could also make out a certain whirring of mechanisms opposite her…
“Hey, Bit! Lights, please!” Ai reached out unceremoniously tapped her fist against the magitek bit, sending its flight path swerving for a brief moment. Still, in compliance, seconds later did it project a cone of light ahead of them, granting Ai the sight she yearned for.
All sides of the twisting, descending hallway was in that signature Allagan fashion: intricate trails and ridges of copper with interspersed neon, only with no fluorescent glow proceeding them. Being otherwise plunged in silent darkness, it made the path seem all the more claustrophobic and foreboding. There was no telling to its end, it seemed.
Still, to their benefit, they had yet to meet with any lurking threats.
“I sense a change in the air,” Kharaa finally spoke up. “I do surmise the end is near.”
“Um, could you word that a little nicer, Miss Kharaa?” Ai chuckled nervously, only to be stopped and startled by bumping into her bit - hovering in position. Quickly, she took stock of her surroundings; the corridor had opened up to a much larger room. 
Ai’s gaze followed the bit as it scanned its light abroad: an array of computers, empty containment vessels and other cryptic machinery filled the room. All seemed to be long untouched, and Ai couldn’t begin to parse what it all did. Her hands hovered beside her chakrams…
“Hm…” Kharaa began to step forward, in slow measured steps. It was then that Ai noticed … a change. The further her friend went, more light seemed to pulse out from those steps, running throughout the room along geometric trails. They almost seemed like echoes made manifest, or the very room was reacting to her approach. As the light grew brighter, a hum followed. And then a flicker.
“U-uh, Miss Kharaa…??” Ai started stepping back until the room came alive. The apparent facility and all of its machines brimmed with neon blues and greens, instilling a sense of awe in both parties.
“This really is it, Ai,” Kharaa looked back. “This is where ‘Epitaph’ began.”
“‘Epitaph’...?” Ai mulled that over. “Um, right. That was your weapon. That node?”
“//Epitaph is more than a simple node, child of Allag.” An electronic voice rung out in reply, startling the girl.
“Eep! Um… hello? ‘Child of—’ Well… I guess I am a clone... but what does that make you?”
“Maxie,” Kharaa realized. “That is your voice, am I correct?”
Between the pair, a conspicuous sphere the size of their heads promptly formed and took shape, hovering fulms above the floor.
“//Affirmative,” MX-I responded. “//It has been a while, approximately thirteen moons, not counting for lack of calibration. “//...It is good to be at your side once again.”
Ai looked pleasantly surprised. “Oh! It’s your other node friend! Did she not get crushed too?”
“//At approximately 1900 yalms below ground surface level, yes my original shell was destroyed. However, my software has long been backed up in this facility, allowing me to retain and restore my existence. The same factors applied to Epitaph systems, courtesy of developer C. Veld.”
As Maxie spoke, numerous projected screens filled the air around them, displaying curious imagery and swathes of text in an ancient script..
“Um, this is all… a lot,” Ai rested her hands on her hips. “What is this Epitaph? It saved, er, Miss One too, right?” Kharaa quietly observed.
The ancillary node hovered around them while screens changed and more piled up. “//While significant quantities of data remain corrupt or missing as a result of the Fourth Umbral Calamity, such is certain; Epitaph was an attempt of Allag to create a node-based global network with superior intelligence, based on the highest understanding of technology and aetherochemistry — not unlike the basis for Vision One. The name ‘Epitaph’ would suggest that its creators perhaps foresaw Allag’s ruin in some way or another, and as time would show you, mankind pushes its limits when they believe they are at the brink.
“//It is a system of data that has only been layered on over time, made to evolve, thriving as a vast cloud of information, retaining as much of Allag’s legacy as possible, albeit limited by the ruined state of its infrastructure. Because Vision One has long been synchronized with the Epitaph’s intelligence, their own data — their soul — was also preserved and floated upon the network by which we have a hold; albeit there was nominal control over where or when Vision One would ultimately arrive.”
“Wow... Amazing! That makes sense!” It did, in sooth, not make sense to Ai.
“//Regardless, it was through such coordinated means that One could be reintroduced to a physical form… However, it was always imperative that you find your way here, not only to retrieve a restored processing unit, but to properly reintegrate yourself with our updated drivers. At this point, all that it requires is that you make contact with this node.”
Promptly, a nearby platform seemed to generate a silver sphere, comparable to a giant ball of mercury; not quite solid, not quite holding shape. As it hovered, it took form like another Allagan node.
Kharaa turned to the sphere and stared with a measure of hesitance, before she began to approach it. Ere she had a chance to get too close, however, Maxie chimed in again:
“//It is advised, however, that you momentarily discard any personal effects of organic or chimerical nature before you proceed, as potentially irreparable damage may occur in the process. Epitaph holds no liability for such expenses.”
Kharaa paused, then shrugged gently before beginning to undo her tabard and sashes.
Ai snapped herself out of her moment’s lapse in focus to find the Au Ra nonchalantly pulling off her top-- 
“Aaii!! Miss O— K-Kharaa?!”
--prompting the young woman to flinch and shield her eyes.
“Hm? Is there a problem?” Kharaa looked back to her flustered friend.
“N-no! No! I’ll just - um - look over here for a bit!” Ai hastily turned away and tried to avert her attention toward anything else; in this case, the number of projected displays at present. Her bit joined her at her side. “Mph..!”
Ai’s eyes darted from screen to screen, trying to make sense of all the various analyses and diagnostics checks. Most of it escaped her, especially since it was all in Ancient Allagan, so she tried to affix on any images that drew her attention. One of them did.
“What’s this…?” The display seemed to shift at intervals to convey a variety of individuals, or perhaps one type of individual with different variants — among them Ai could swear to make out those with semblances to One, both past and present. These were accompanied by streams of code - different from the other Allagan letters but still quite incomprehensible.
Maxie floated over at Ai’s curiosity to single out the display. “//Inquiry acknowledged. Subject reads as project code: SERAPH. A cursory scan of supplementary data infers a possible continuation of the clockwork replicant project that fostered ‘Vision One’. This data, however, is incomplete and offers no indication of having progressed. Probability is reasonably high that no further units would see functionality up to or after the Fourth Umbral Era.”
“Hm…” Ai looked pensive. “That’s so sad... It’d be nice if Miss One had a little family in the realm.”
Kharaa heard this, giving a soft smile at the sentiment. By that point, she had taken off the last of her attire and was ready to go forward. 
She sauntered forth, stepping carefully onto the platform and standing before the amorphous sphere. She could only gaze upon it, weighing her own thoughts in doing so.
“Just one thing,” Kharaa said. “I have felt as if the more I know, the less I have been able to grasp in my continued existence. What am I supposed to make of this, exactly?”
“//...You have the right to be here,” Maxie responded, seemingly taking a softer, slightly less formal tone. “What you make of it falls upon you; It is up to every inheritor of Allag’s legacy to decide their place in this world, and what they have to give to it. Nothing else can answer that, not even Epitaph.”
Kharaa furrowed her brow, contemplating for a soft moment. “...You seem different, Maxie.”
“//I could apply the same sentiment to you, Kharaa. Not to mention, I adapted from you.”
The Xaela grinned, point taken. With a small sigh, she reached out and placed her hands on the sphere. To the touch, the malleable metal seemed to harden and then take on a glow.
“//Initializing. Calibration in process.”
Numerous beams of light and esoteric panels of steel accumulated around Kharaa before culminating to gather around a single bright pillar.. 
“Oh!!” Ai turned back around, taken aback by the sudden illumination. “M-Miss One?”
The surrounding steel withdrew and the light dispersed, particle by particle, as One stood - eyes opening bright before fading into standard, limbal rings assuming their place. For appearances, One generally remained unchanged as an Au Ra, although in this interim state her body’s panel and joint lines were made visible, bringing awe to Ai. Notable also was that her hair appeared to have withdrawn in length.
“//All systems green. Nominal deviation detected.”
“//Systems check and synchronization complete. Please stand by.”
The android flexed the joints in her hand and looked up. She turned to Ai, somewhat alarmed by how her friend’s gaze looked; piercing eyes almost a life of their own were made even more poignant in contrast to black sclerae. But an assuring smile gave her ease and cause to smile back.
“//Now preparing and initializing supplementary loadout sequence.”
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One raised a brow, then looked back down, examining herself as matter seemed to manifest out of nowhere around bare skin, atom by atom, trailing static in their wake. It all felt rather light, actually, like the materializing suit was an extension of herself. A mask on her face was last to form.
“Whoa…” Ai mused. “Um, is this still even Allagan?” She noted that it seemed unlike anything she had seen prior, be it from the Allagans or the Garleans. 
“//Your new tactical and special operations rig, a late period design,” Maxie clarified. “You will find that it utilizes a blend of cutting edge nano-tech innovation similar to those in the Vision and Epitaph projects to shift and adapt to your current style protocol. Field testing is highly recommended; feel free to access the database for further information.”
Lastly, a pair of bizarre yet familiar blades appeared in One’s hand.
“//Finally, your renewed core equipment in their ferrofluid-based potential. It will change in shape as necessary, and further battle data has been pre-installed for your usage. Continued combat testing is recommended.”
The node spun in almost an excited manner around the android. “//Orientation briefing complete. Welcome back, Master. Awaiting further query.”
One put her blades away and stepped off the platform. Her full-face visor withdrew as well, seemingly into the suit. Ai approached, gathering her partner’s clothes in the process.
“Um, what now, then?”
One smiled. “...For now let’s leave, and we’ll figure it out from there. One step at a time.” 
A series of thuds ensued as if in response, like more machinery firing back up.
“//Central lift is now fully operational. Warning: multiple signatures detected near surface level. Preliminary analysis suggests magitek units of the VIth Legion.”
One crossed her arms and smirked.
“Well, there’s the first step.”
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autumnslance · 6 years
A Lore Nerd’s Analysis of Oaths and Warriors of Light in D&D and FFXIV
This is @wearepaladin‘s fault. Kinda. Actually, I’ve been planning on doing something for awhile, and the idea began to solidify more in a r/ffxiv thread where someone asked “Anyone notice Dark Knight is more like a traditional Paladin lore wise?” My own comment can be found here, where I say I’ve been long thinking of the ways the Dark Knights and Paladins of Eorzea match up to the various Paladin Sacred Oaths of Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition. I figured I ought to expand on that sooner or later.
So yeah, “I’m your host LynMars/Dark Autumn, you can go below the cut for my TEDTalk on the Warrior of Light, Dark Knights, Paladins, and the Sacred Oaths of D&D 5e”:
Now, as a disclaimer, I have not completed the Paladin quest chains yet. I am nearly to the end of the original lvl 30-50 A Realm Reborn (ARR) chain, though, and since I usually don’t care too much about spoilers, already know what’s going to happen. Partially because I could easily guess and so just looked over the chain info. Anyway.
Paladin (PLD) is a traditional sword-and-shield wielding class of holy light users in Final Fantasy, like in most settings. In FFXIV, the primary group of paladins is the Sultansworn. As the class trainer, Captain Jenlyns Aesc, explains when you first approach him:
“A paladin swears allegiance to the sultanate. A paladin shall be the sword and shield of the sultanate. A paladin defends the people of the realm. Sellswords and gladiators and others of their ilk wield their blades for themselves, but a paladin serves the greater good. Do you understand me?
“The battle arts that the paladin learns have been held secret, nurtured, and perfected within the ranks of the Sultansworn elite for nigh on these six hundred years. Of all those sworn to protect the sultanate--the soldiers, the mounted guards, and the knights--we are the elite of the elite. Our conviction unwavering, our hearts true, our sword skills without peer.
“But the glory of the Sultansworn...Well, much of it is buried in the past now. Our brotherhood grows smaller by the year, we are a shadow of what we once were, and the sultana turns to sellswords to defend her palace. All this, because of one traitor--no, because of a blot of dishonor left by one who shall not be named...And because of him, we have been forced to seek the help of able-bodied adventurers.
“And here you are. We shall instruct you in the paladin military arts. You will not be inducted into the Sultansworn, but serve as a free paladin. However, first you will show us that both your sword and heart have mettle, and you are worthy of the honor.”
So how does this relate to the best-known traditional tabletop RPG? In 5th edition (5e), the traditional classes are handled a little differently than before. To add customization, early in leveling (mostly lvl 3, though a few classes start off right at lvl 1), players can choose a type of their class they want to be; what Bard College they study, what Cleric Domain they know, what Druid Circle they are attuned to, etc. For paladins, they choose a Sacred Oath to swear. This gives them their moral code to follow in the service of their deity or ideal that grants them their divine abilities, while also loosening some of the constraints of the old alignment system, and gives both players and game masters a framework for what the paladin’s behavior should follow, lest they stray and lose their divine favor.
The Sultansworn would fit best into the Oath of the Crown:
Law: The law is paramount. It is the mortar that holds the stones of civilization together, and it must be respected. Loyalty: Your word is your bond. Without loyalty, oaths and laws are meaningless. Courage: You must be willing to do what needs to be done for the sake of order, even in the face of overwhelming odds. If you don't act, then who will? Responsibility: You must deal with the consequences of your actions, and you are responsible for fulfilling your duties and obligations.
This oath is for those paladins “sworn to the ideals of civilization, be it the spirit of a nation, fealty to a sovereign, or service to a deity of law and rulership.” (Sword Coast Adventurer Guide, pg 132). As the name implies, the Sultansworn are dedicated to Ul’dah and the Sultan(a) sitting on the throne. As the Sultansworn train free paladins, however, the Oath of the Crown doesn’t apply. A free paladin, Solkzagyl Keltnaglsyn, challenges the player:
“Simply learning paladin swordplay does not make you a paladin--nor does the armor you wear, or the status you claim...Strike off the shackles that bind your spirit, lift the visor that blinds, and find the true path of the paladin.”
Free paladins would fit better under the more traditional Oath of Devotion, from the Player’s Handbook (PHB):
Honesty: Don't lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise. Courage: Never fear to act, though caution is wise. Compassion: Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom. Honor: Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm. Duty: Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.
All the things the Sultansworn strive for, but without the strictures of devoted service to the sultanate. The Knights of Ishgard (often called Temple Knights if part of their military), though not called paladins in game, can also fall into one of these two oaths. In fact, let’s turn to the Holy See of Ishgard now...
(Aside: “But LynMars,” you might say. “My Warrior of Light doesn’t fit either of those Oaths.” Hold that thought for the end, fam.)
So where do Dark Knights fit in? Why consider them “paladins” in all but name?
Dark Knights (DRK) are from Ishgard, like the Temple Knights; most knights of the Holy See should fit into Crown or Devotion, especially with the emphasis on the worship of Halone the Fury, one of Eorzea’s Twelve gods. But, sometimes...holy men aren’t so holy, especially when so many are younger sons sent to the Church because there’s just no other place for them in the noble household structure. When many are orphaned poor joining out of desperation--and finding they’re still given short shrift over their nobleborn brethren. When sometimes, those in power are corrupted by power, or were corrupted to begin with. What then?
I already have a post about the historical origins of Dark Knights in Eorzea, from the Encyclopaedia Eorzea lore book and the official website. In summary, a lowborn knight, Ser Tryphaniel, solid and true and everything a knight ought to be, saw a priest doing unspeakably evil things to a child. Tryphaniel killed the priest on the spot in rage, and as a result--and thanks to Tryphaniel’s unpopularity among the elite due to his staunch beliefs--the knight was stripped of his rank for killing a “holy man.” Tryphaniel gave up his shield, with its crest and symbology, and used only a great sword.
“A heart bleeds, a man weeps, a soul burns. Thence comes the darkness, to consume…Yet even in the depths, the flame endures…Submit to the flame and harness the abyss…” - Ser Ompagne Deepblack
The Dark Knights appear as heretical monsters to the pious of Ishgard. Their abilities are given names such as “Souleater”, “Abyssal Drain”, “Salted Earth,” “Bloodspiller”, “Shadow Wall,” “Living Dead.” They glow with red and black energy. Ser Tryphaniel decided to fight using “any means necessary” in his crusade to protect those the Church could/would not, the great swords of those few Dark Knights acting as beacons in the dark. Those he trained, those also disaffected by the Church and the corruption in its heart (the plot of Heavensward addresses that), followed in his bloody footsteps.
Dark Knights fit perfectly into the framework of the Oath of Vengeance:
Fight the Greater Evil: Faced with a choice of fighting sworn foes or combating a lesser evil, I choose the greater evil. No Mercy for the Wicked: Ordinary foes might win my mercy, but my sworn enemies do not. By Any Means Necessary: My qualms can't get in the way of exterminating my foes. Restitution: If my foes wreak ruin on the world, it is because I failed to stop them. I must help those harmed by their misdeeds.
This is still a paladin oath from the PHB. The Oath of Vengeance is described as “a solemn commitment to punish those who have committed a grievous sin.” The PHB even says Vengeance Paladins are “sometimes called avengers or dark knights--their own purity is not as important as delivering justice.”
“To walk the path is to suffer. To sacrifice. Justice demands no less. But we must never lose sight of why we chose to walk it.” - Sidurgu Orl
I rather like @castthemintotheabyss’ low-spoiler summaries of the DRK quest chains. Identity and duty to yourself vs others; family and justice vs vengeance and mercy; to guilt and grief and acceptance of self.
Dark Knights are considered “edge lords” and “emo” and “gothy” and sure, some of that is true to an extent! But this is a class where the capstone lvl 70 ability, “The Blackest Night”, is a protection cooldown based on love. The “flame in the abyss” is the love the DRK feels for those dearest to their heart, their friends and found family--that is what fuels their darkly named and appearing powers.
If you’ve done the DRK quests, and/or don’t mind some spoilers, I highly recommend @haillenarte‘s translations (part 1, part 2) of the original Japanese text for the ARR DRK quests; the English version is rather different, though I think there’s room for both interpretations of Fray to inform each other. I’m also eager to see translations of later quests in this chain (and how the Stormblood NPC matches up).
I also have a Dark Knight tag where I link some of these resources, thoughts, art, and summarize several of the DRK story quests to be minimally spoilery and showcase how the WoL progresses through the self-reflection these quest enforce (kinda amazing for a MMO, actually). I originally completed the lvl 30-70 quests between October-November 2017, if you check the archive.
“They say the war’s over now, but it never ends for people like you, does it?” - Lowdy
There is one more oath I would like to touch on, due to the unique nature of the player character--the Warrior of Light (WoL)--in ANY of the FFXIV jobs, and how the game’s canon generally tends to assume they’ll roughly behave:
Oath of the Ancients: Kindle the Light: Through your acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the world, beating back despair. Shelter the Light: Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren. Preserve Your Own Light: Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in your own heart, you can't preserve it in the world. Be the Light: Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.
I think FFXIV players see how it fits. In D&D 5e, the Oath of Ancients has naturalistic/Fey origins. The PHB describes Oath of the Ancients as:
“...paladins who swear this oath cast their lot with the side of the light in the cosmic struggle against darkness because they love the beautiful and life-giving things of the world, not necessarily because they believe in the principles of honor, courage, and justice.” (pg 86)
The WoL is Chosen of Hydaelyn, the World Crystal Herself. Certain enemies call them the “Bringer of Light.” To other NPCs in the storylines, they are the “Weapon of Light.”
If your Warrior of Light fits Crown, Devotion, or Vengeance, awesome! I hope you find some inspiration in roleplay and/or writing from seeing those oaths and how they can interact with the FFXIV lore. These aren’t even all of the Sacred Oaths, either! There are others out there, some official and some homebrew, and some even for evil characters (traditionally anti-paladins or blackguards).
A big part of me, though, feels like the Warriors of Light in general due to the storyline, are on the path set by the Oath of the Ancients; the WoL goes through the main story as a beacon for others, struggling to preserve the light in others, in themselves--and, in the case of the Dark Knights, in the depths of the abyss.
Still, it’s up to each player, and this is just some personal analysis on how the classes presented in FFXIV coincide with elements in D&D. In the end, it’s something that can be used, or not, as one likes (or not). I’ve just found the comparisons neat and wanted to get it down, and fate kept conspiring to push me to do that until I finally wrote all this. So thanks for reading my rambling on about nerdy things.
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sahirkhan386 · 3 years
translation of English sentences into Urdu: 300 most important one
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Translation Of English Sentences Into Urdu
The best way to learn English is to know English sentences, not individual words. Therefore, the English learning students must focus on the most common daily use sentences. For this purpose, a translation of 300 crucial English to Urdu sentences is given below.
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Translation Of English Sentences Into Urdu from 01 to 100 S NoTranslation Of English Sentences In Urdu   1Are you Feeling Dizzy? کیا آپ چکر محسوس کر رہے ہو؟ 2Some people prefer Quack over doctor. کچھ لوگ حکیم کو ڈاکٹر پر ترجیح دیتے ہیں۔ 3A Skint man has nothing to lose. کنگلے آدمی کے پاس کھونے کے لیے کچھ نہیں ہوتا۔ 4Imran khan is an Outspoken man. عمران خان ایک صاف گو شحض ہے۔ 5Aqib is no 1 Easy-going man. عاقب ایک نمبر کام چور آدمی ہے۔ 6Nafeesa lives in a world of Fantasy. نفیسہ خیالی دنیا میں رہتی ہے۔ 7Ishtiaq is Zany. . اشتیاق بیوقوف ہے۔ 8Ali is celebrating the Gala of his success . علی اپنی کامیابی کا جشن منا رہا ہے۔ 9Salman Pledges that he won't repeat this. سلمان پکا وعدہ کرتا ہے کہ وہ دوبارہ ایسا نہیں کرے گا۔ 10Corruption prevailed in the country. بدعنوانی ملک میں چھائی ہوئی ہے۔ 11Rightful should be given his right. خقدار کو اسکا خق ملنا چاہیے۔ 12White papers were Scatterd on the table . سفید کاغذ میز پر بکھرے پڑے تھے۔ 13This Riddle is challenging to solve . پہیلی حل کرنا انتہائی مشکل ہے۔ 14Never Miss apply your power. اپنے اختیارات کا ناجائز استعمال مت کرو۔ 15We used to Sneak from school in childhood. ہم بچپن میں سکول سے بھاگ جایا کرتے تھے۔ 16Ali hustled me, and I fell. علی نے مجھے دکھا دیا اور میں گر گیا۔ 17Zahid is Humpback. زاہد کبڑا (کمر جھکی ہوئی) ہے۔ 18Ayesha Pesters me. عائشہ مجھے تنگ کرتی ہے۔ 19Gloomy face doesn't suit you. افسردہ چہرہ آپ پہ نہیں ججتا۔ 20Ahmed will also Plead my opinion. احمد بھی میری رائے کی تائید کرے گا۔ 21After Panama, the Dignity of Imran Khan has increased tremendously. پانامہ کے بعد عمران خان کی عزت میں خیرت انگیز اضافہ ہوا ہے۔ 22His new business proved Gainful for him. اسکا نیا کاروبار اسکے لئے سود مند ثابت ہوا۔ 23Intended to be the best in my chosen field. میں نے ارادہ کیا تھا کہ میں اپنے منتخب کردہ میدان میں سب سے بہتر ہونگا۔ 24You should get your Dicky car washed. آپ کو اپنی گندی کار دھونی چاہیے۔ 25Someone Choked Ali's wife's throat last night. کسی نے کل رات علی کی بیوی کا گلہ دبایا۔ 26The offender was Lashed in front of all. مجرم پرسب کے سامنے کوڑے برسائے گئے۔ 27Your abusive words have begun to Erode our friendship. آپکی گالم گلوج والی زبان نے ہماری دوستی میں دراڑ ڈال دی ہے۔ 28Engineers Erected mobile towers safely . انجینئرز نے موبائل انٹینا باحفاظت کھڑا کر دیا۔ 29Uzair is an Errant boy. عزیر ایک آوارہ گرد لڑکا ہے۔ 30The thieves deprived her of gold ring. چوروں نے اسے سونے کی انگوٹی سے محروم کر دیا۔ 31Male child is unique Bounty of Allah. نرینہ اولاد خدا کی خاص نعمت ہے۔ 32Hassan is Chatterbox. حسن بہت باتونی ہے۔ 33He is characterless and Bilks everyone. ۔وہ بدکردار ہے اور لوگوں کو گمراہ کرتا ہے 34Becalm yourself. اپنے آپ کو پرسکون رکھو۔ 35Abscess on my foot is bleeding. میرے پاؤں کے چھالے سے خون بہہ رہا ہے۔ 36The lovers Absconded in the dark of night. پریمی جوڑا رات کی تاریکی میں فرار ہو گیا۔ 37The accused was Absolved due to insufficient proof. ملزم کو عدم ثبوت کی بناء پر بری کر دیا گیا۔ 38My son doesn't Abstain from mischief. میرا بچہ شرارت سے باز نہیں آتا۔ 39Keep this case Abstract from other issues. یہ والا کیس باقی کیسوں سے علیحدہ رکھو۔ 40He uses Absurd language. وہ بیہودہ باتیں کرتا ہے۔ 41Excessive rainfall caused Abyss in the road. ذیادہ بارش کی وجہ سے سڑک میں کھڈا پڑ گیا۔ 42I like American Accent. مجھے امریکی لہجہ پسند ہے۔ 43I have no access to the principal room. میری رسائی پرنسپل آفس تک نہیں ہے۔ 44We should Abide by our parents. ہمیں اپنے والدین کی بات ماننی چاہیے۔ 45Hajatmin is an Abject man. حاجت مین ایک ذلیل آدمی ہے۔ 46Ali Abraded the old paint from the walls. علی نے پرانا پینٹ دیوار سے کھرچ ڈالا۔ 47They were all in accord with one another. انکا آپس میں باہمی اتفاق رائے تھا۔ 48Sawara Accosted me politely. سویرا نے مجھے نرمی سے مخاطب کیا۔ 49I have Accomplishedmy homework. میں نے اپنا ہوم ورک مکمل کر لیا ہے۔ 50Naeema Accredited to me on her behalf. نعیمہ نے اپنی جگہ پر مجھے اختیار دیا۔ 51Ali Accumulated enough money to buy a car . علی نے کار خریدنے کیلئے کافی پیسے جمع کیے تھے۔ 52Accursed man gets abjection everywhere. لعنتی شحض ہر جگہ ذلیل وخوار ہوتا ہے۔ 53The Accused was released on bail. ملزم کو ضمانت پر رہا کر دیا گیا۔ 54I have Abandoned my job . میں نے اپنی نوکری چھوڑ دی ہے۔ 55Ali Abashed him for his misconduct. علی نے اسکی بد اخلاقی پر اس کو شرمسار کر دیا۔ 56Terrorists Abducted two Chinese engineers. دہشت گردوں نے دو چینی انجینئرز کو اغوا کر لیا۔ 57He did half of his work and Abated his burden. اس نے آدھا کام کرلیا اور اپنا بوجھ ہلکا کر دیا۔ 58I Abhor all those who tell a lie. آپ کا اندازہ اس پراجیکٹ کے بارے میں بالکل صحیح تھا۔ 59Shakir is going Abroad for higher studies. شاکر اعلی تعلیم کےلیے  باہر جا رہا ہے۔ 60Your estimate was entirely accurate about this project. اس پراجیکٹ کے بارے میں اپکا  اندازا بلکل درست تھا۔  61The accused is Acquitted respectfully . ملزم کو باعزت بر�� کر دیا گیا۔ 62The taste of bitter gourd is very Acrid. کریلے کا ذائقہ بہت کڑوا ہے۔ 63The pilot showed tremendous Acrobat in the air. پائلٹ نے  بہایت اعلیٰ قلا بازی پیش کی۔ 64He can't do so; he must be Actuated. وہ ایسا نہیں کر سکتا،اس لیے اسکو ترغیب دینا پڑی گی۔ 65I use fair & lovely to avoid Acne. میں کیل مہاسے دور کرنے کے لیے فیئر اینڈ لولی لگاتا ہوں۔ 66Rabia Acquaints me personally. رابعہ ذاتی طور پر مجھے جانتی ہے۔ 67I will Acquire my task within time. میں نے اپنا ٹاسک وقت پر حاصل کر لونگا۔ 68He must be praised for his Acuity. اسکی چستی کی تعریف کرنی چاہیے۔ 69Rustam is an Adamant boy. رستم ایک ضدی لڑکا ہے۔ 70Kareem is Irfan's adopted son. کریم ارفان کا لے پالک بیٹا ہے۔ 71Adjust your rifle and fire again. اپنی بندوق کو ترتیب دو اور گولی چلاؤ۔ 72Hard work is the only way to achieve success. سخت محنت ہی کامیابی کا واحد ذریعہ ہے۔ 73She feels Acidity in her stomach. وہ اپنے سینے میں جلن محسوس کرتی ہے۔ 74Ayyub is an Adroit worker. ایوب پھرتیلاورکر ہے۔ 75Raj Ali always Adulates his seniors. راج علی اپنے بڑوں کی چاپلوسی کرتا ہے۔ 76With the advent of the internet, our lifestyle changed. انٹرنیٹ کی ایجاد سے ہماری زندگی بدل گٰی ہے۔ 77Advert of different things on TV is the top trend nowadays ٓاج کل ٹی وی پرمختلف چیزوں کی مشہوری عروج پر ہے۔ 78True leader is required to Aegis the country. صحیح رہنما کو ملک کی قیادت کرنی چاہیے۔ 79Sanam baloch is Affable women. صنم بلوچ ایک ملنسار خاتون ہے۔ 80After Benazir's death, Ado started all over the country. بے نظیر کی موت کے بعد ملک میں افراتفری پھیل گئی۔ 81Adapt yourself according to the circumstances. اپنے آپ کو حالات کے مطابق ڈھالو۔ 82Rukhsana Adores her son. رخسانہ اپنے بچے کو بہت عزیز رکھتی ہے۔ 83The new bride was Adorned thoroughly. نئی دلہن کو زیورات سے سجایا گیا 84Don't poke your nose in my personal Affairs. 👃 میرے ذاتی معاملات میں اپنی ناک مت گھسیڑو۔ 85Wrongdoing will Affect your personality. غلط کام آپکی شخصیت پر اثر انداز ہوگی۔ 86Today, I Affirm that Nawaz is a thief. آج میں اعلان کرتا ہوں کہ نواز ایک چور ہے۔ 87younger should be given Affection. چھوٹوں پر شفقت کرنی چاہیے۔ 88Hard work is the Effective way to success. سخت مخنت  کامیابی کا ایک پراثر رستہ ہے۔ 89Saleem is seriously Ail. سلیم سخت بیمار ہے۔ 90Teacher Admired me for my great job. استاد نے میرے اچھے کام کی وجہ سے مری تعریف کی۔ 91Akram Admitted my efforts. اکرم نے میری کاوشوں کو تسلیم کیا۔ 92We Admix some fruits to make a fruit chart. ہم چاٹ بنانے کیلئے پھلوں کو آپس میں ملاتے ہیں۔ 93Boss Admonished her for unfinished work. باس نے اسکی کام مکمل نہ کرنے کی وجہ سے سرزنش کی۔ 94The Alias of Shaikh Rashid is Sheeda Talli. شیخ رشید کا تخلص شیدا ٹلی ہے۔ 95Who is that Alien? وہ خلائی مخلوق کون ہے۔؟ 96She Alighted from his BMW. وہ اسکی بی ایم ڈبلیو سے اتری۔ 97Some brothers have a similar shape. کچھ بھائیوں کی شکل ایک جیسی ہوتی ہے۔ 98Alas! he is dead. افسوس! وہ مرگیا ہے۔ 99Alleviate some load from the truck ٹرک سے کچھ وزن خالی کرو۔ 100This Alley is closed at the end. یہ گلی آگے سے بند ہے۔ Translation Of English Sentences Into Urdu From 101 To 200 S NoTranslation Of English Sentences In Urdu   101Bear this in mind. اس بات کو ذہن میں رکھو۔ 102Don't make a noise. شورمت کر۔ 103What is going on? کیا چل رہا ہے؟ 104Damn it. لعنت ہے۔ 105Leave me alone, please. برائے مہربانی مجھے اکیلا چھوڑ دو۔ 106Please stay away from me. برائے مہربانی مجھ سے دور رہو۔ 107I am fond of playing football ⚽. میں فٹبال کھیلنے کا شوقین ہوں۔ 108You deserve it. تم اسکے مستحق ہو۔ 109Please don't argue with me. برائے مہربانی میرے ساتھ بحث مت کرو۔ 110I don't mean it. میرا یہ مطلب نہیں ہے۔ 111Are you crazy? کیا تم پاگل ہو؟ 112What is the problem with you? اپ کیساتھ مسئلہ کیا ہے؟ 113I felt hurt. مجھے دکھ ہوا۔ 114Pass me the salt 🧂. ذرا نمک نزدیک کرنا۔ 115Are you bored 😴? کیا تم تنگ ہو؟ 116Make yourself at home. اپنا ہی گھر سمجھو۔ 117Please don't tease me. برائے مہربانی مجھے تنگ نہ کرو۔ 118Are you finished? کیا تم نے کام ختم کر لیا ہے؟ 119She is so mean. وہ بہت مطلبی ہے۔ 120Beware of pickpockets. چوروں سے ہوشیار رہیں۔ 121They are my colleagues. وہ میرے ساتھی ہیں۔ 122She is my fiancée. وہ میری منگیتر ہے۔ 123It doesn't matter. اس سے کوئی فرق نہیں پڑتا۔ 124She is so talkative. وہ بہت باتونی ہے۔ 125Give me a hand, please. برائے مہربانی میری مدد کریں۔ 126Don't 😢 cry, please. برائے مہربانی مت روئیں۔ 127I will be right 🔙 back. میں واپس آؤنگا۔ 128Are you kidding me? کیا تم میرے ساتھ مذاق کر رہے ہو۔؟ 129Was it my fault? کیا یہ میری غلطی تھی؟ 130You are mistaken. تمہیں غلط فہمی ہوئی ہے۔ 131Please don't take me wrong. برائے مہربانی مجھے غلط مت سمجھیں۔ 132What else do you need? تمہیں اور کیا چاہیے؟ 133What do you prefer? آپ کس چیز پر ترجیح دیتے ہو۔ 134She is a liar. وہ جھوٹی ہے۔ 135For God's sake, trust me. خدا کیلئے مجھ پر بھروسہ رکھیں۔ 136He is very greedy. وہ بہت لالچی ہے۔ 137I am not interested. مجھے اس میں کوئی دلچسپی نہیں ہے۔ 138What brought you here? آپ کو کیا چیز یہاں لے آئی؟ 139Don't you remember? کیا تمہیں یاد نہیں؟ 140I was not expecting this from you. میں آپ سے یہ توقع نہیں کر رہا تھا۔ 141Behave yourself. تمیز سے بات کرو۔    142It was nice meeting with you. آپ سے ملاقات خوشگوار رہی۔ 143We had a great time. ہم نے اچھا وقت گزارا۔ 144Remind me later. مجھے بعد میں یاد دلانا۔ 145You are stubborn. تم ضدی ہو۔ 146The teacher scolded him. استاد نے اس سے ڈانٹا۔ 147It was not a surprise for me. یہ میرے لیے خیرانگی کی بات نہیں تھی۔ 148Let me know when you are 🆓free. جب آپ کا کوئی کام نہ ہو تو مجھے بتا دینا۔ 149I am getting used to it. میں اسکا عادی ہو رہا ہوں۔ 150You are very generous. تم بہت سخی ہو۔ 151You made my day. تم نے میرا دن خوشگوار بنایا۔ 152You won my heart 💜. تم نے میرا دل 💓 جیتا۔ 153I will pay the 💵 bill. بل میں ادا کروں گا۔ 154Party 🎉 is on me. پارٹی میرے اوپر ہے۔ 155Shall we start? کیا ہم شروع کریں؟ 156Don't mention it. اسکا  تزکرہ  مت کرو۔ 157Fuck off. بھاڑ میں جاؤ۔ 158Turn the light off. بلب بند کرو۔ 159I watered the plants. میں نے پودوں کو پانی دیا۔ 160I am drowned in debts. میں قرض میں ڈوبا ہوا ہوں۔ 161I don't know what to say. مجھے نہیں پتہ کہ کیا کہوں۔ 162I am speechless 😶. میں بات کرنے کے قابل نہیں ہوں۔ 163Are you angry 😡 with me? کیا تم مجھ سے ناراض ہو؟ 164Don't be silly, please. برائے مہربانی بیوقوف مت بنو۔ 165Let's talk about something else. چلو کسی اور چیز کے بارے میں بات کریں۔ 166You made my mood off. آپ نے میرا مزاج خراب کر دیا۔ 167I was stuck in the traffic 🚦. میں ٹریفک میں پھنسا ہوا تھا۔ 168I had flat Tyre. میری گاڑی کا ٹائر پھٹ گیا تھا۔ 169She got an accident. اسکا ایکسیڈنٹ ہوا۔ 170What time does the bus 🚌 leave? بس کس وقت جاتی ہے؟ 171I want an aisle 💺 seat. مجھے کھڑکی والی سیٹ چاہیے۔ 172Have you known him? کیا تم اس سے جانتے ہو؟ 173It is an honor for me. یہ میرے لیے عزت کی بات ہے۔ 174He is a hypocrite. وہ منافق ہے۔ 175She is a backbiter. وہ چغل خور ہے۔ 176Salma is disloyal. سلمہ بے وفا ہے۔ 177Stop staring at me. مجھے گھورنا بند کرو۔ 178Go to hell. جہنم میں جاؤ۔ 179How dare you talk to me like that? تمہاری ہمت کیسے ہوئی میرے ساتھ اس طرح بات کرنے کی۔ 180Show him out. اس سے باہر کا راستہ دکھاؤ۔ 181How much I pay for this? میں اسکے لئے کتنا ادا کروں؟ 182Are you mad? کیا تم پاگل ہو؟ 183How do I make you understand? میں آپ کو کس طرح سمجھاؤں؟ 184Shame on you. شرم کرو۔ 185What the hell is this? یہ کیا مصیبت ہے؟ 186You can't hide. تم چھپ نہیں سکتے۔ 187Don't pluck the flower 🌹. پھول مت توڑو۔ 188Please, make my 🛏️ bed. برائے مہربانی میرے لیے بستر لگاؤ۔ 189What enmity do you have with me? آپ کو میرے ساتھ کیا دشمنی ہے؟ 190Are you jealous of me? کیا آپ کو میرے ساتھ حسد ہے؟ 191Hide your face from here. دفع ہو جاؤ ادھر سے۔ 192You could have said this to me politely. تم یہ بات آرام سے بھی کہہ سکتے تھے ۔ 193This is Insanity. یہ پاگل پن ہے۔ 194The boss fired him. مالک نے اس سے نوکری سے نکال دیا۔ 195Get out of my class. میری کلاس سے باہر نکلو۔ 196Get your haircut. اپنے بال بنوائیں۔ 197It is your turn now. اب تمہاری باری ہے۔ 198Who knocked at the door? کس نے دروازے پر دستک دی؟ 199It is cloudy today. آج بادل ☁️ ہے۔ 200It is scorching today. آج بہت سخت گرمی ہے۔ Translation Of English Sentences Into Urdu From 201 To 300 S NoTranslation Of English Sentences In Urdu   201It is windy 🌬️ outside. باہر تیز ہوا چل رہی ہے۔ 202It is raining cats and dogs. موسلادھار بارش ہو رہی ہے۔ 203It is drizzling. بوندا باندی ہو رہی ہے۔ 204Pour some tea ☕ into my cup, please. برائے مہربانی تھوڑی اور چائے میرے کپ میں ڈال دو۔ 205You are very naughty. تم شرارتی ہو۔ 206He is bald. وہ گنجا ہے۔ 207There is no accounting for the taste. شوق کا کوئی مول نہیں۔ 208My mom cooks a delicious meal. میری ماں نے مزیدار کھانا بنایا۔ 209What is wrong with it. اس میں کیا خرابی ہے؟ 210This house is to let. یہ مکان کرائے کیلئے خالی ہے۔ 211I beseeched him. میں نے اسکی منت سماجت کی۔ 212Ahmed is very lean. احمد بہت لاغر ہے۔ 213I saw him off. میں نے اس سے الوداع کیا۔214 Could you drop me off at the airport? کیا آپ مجھے ایئرپورٹ چھوڑ سکتے ہو؟ 215Make a single line. ایک قطار بنائیں۔ 216I was waiting in a queue. میں قطار میں انتظار کر رہا تھا۔ 217Don't be impatient. بے صبرے مت بنو۔ 218She is the hurdle of the way. 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dreamtofbluebirds-a · 5 years
Glasmar Muses
Below are characters specific to the Impressive Title fandom. Niche as it is, this was the roleplaying group I grew up with and thus I’ve chosen to mirror these biographies over onto this About page. Lineage was not included in order to keep things more brief.
In short, these are for tagging purposes as well as to give people an idea of what character I may be referring to.
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g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | None / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Wolf
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | He is a chaotic presence, shifting wildly between being laid-back and approachable to being uncivil and rude. Authority is hard to achieve over him, as is respect, for he often challenges it. He and his brother grew up under a malicious father who ultimately pitted them against each other--a fight Hati won, and will never forgive himself for. He lost half of himself that day and remains deeply traumatized due to that. Quirks include refusing to speak eloquently despite being capable of it, overeating, increased aggression and being particularly careful with youths. This, of course, only applies to the youths of someone he's neutral or positive with; anything less and he's not beneath killing. A good trait for living in a pack, a bad trait as a loner. His high intelligence is safeguarded behind many thoughtless actions and self-sabotaging behavior, but as a friend, his loyalty is second to none... so long as he's allowed to speak his mind.
Glendale Mercer
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/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Meurtrier, Caliver, assorted other prides / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Bloodbeast mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | His humor tends to be a little 'boyish' and nonchalant or even sarcastic, but it veils his sharp wit and ability to play two sides of the same coin. He's a loyal friend to some and a devious infiltrator to others; his allegiance isn't easily earned. He started off with a strong attachment to his sister Apa and founded a pride with her before later abandoning it for Meurtrier. Time passed as he grew in cunning and usefulness until he eventually took the side of Caine Caliver, one of very few to have earned his respect. Redacted, he was revived via the will of the gods; this has been changed to having used an unknown number of his nine lives to survive during a nomadic period. He acted as a trader for some years, bartering for services or goods, or stealing what he wished for.
Abyss Crimson
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g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | -- / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Demonic mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | She is a cheerful girl. Easily mistaken as young or immature, she's typically the first to be optimistic during any hardships and the last to speak ill, but she's fiercely loyal to her family. Similar to her mother, she's incredibly small and most of her siblings dwarf her in size. Despite her weaknesses, she shows strength in her resilience and would follow her friends and family to the end of the world.
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/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Emerald Clan / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Zeitgeist / s e x u a l i t y | Heterosexual / s p e c i e s | Jungle Najurean
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | One of the last Jungle Najureans, a rare cousin to the known Najureans, Emeriss is a wise and friendly feline. She's prone to adopting small orphaned animals and raising them as her own, letting them free once they can survive on their own. She helped lead Zeitgeist for a time and had her one and only litter of cubs there. She'd had a single cub before, but he passed away some time ago and she rarely speaks of them. Since the pride disbanded and she lost contact with Raidius, she became a guide through dense jungle so others wouldn't get lost, but the want for such help diminished and so she's moved on. Keeping a relatively good relationship with the lesser animals afforded her greater reach, and she soon came to learn that Emerald Clan still lived in their distant and lush home, and set off to join them.
Erebus Crimson-Donovan
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/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Young Adult / p r i d e | [Info needs double checked] / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | [Info needs double checked] / s e x u a l i t y | Heterosexual / s p e c i e s | Demon, vampire, bloodbeast mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | Absolutely a creature hailing to the logic of 'the ends justifies the means', he's typically on the more unsympathetic side of things. He believes that the strong may do what they wish with the weak, but he also values ancestry unless a person was proven weak. In that way, he might come off as valuing cubs or the 'untested'. He's not particularly oppressive with his opinion so he's more inclined to debate it.
Noxol Delirious
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/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | [Info needs double checked] / s e x u a l i t y | Heterosexual / s p e c i e s | Half demon, half clouded leopard
/ m a t e [ s ] | [Info needs double checked] / p e r s o n a l i t y | Noxol is a feline of few words. His sense of humor might've improved over the years, but his natural state is to speak only when spoken to--often this will irritate his brother, Fexol, who enjoys talking. He was born from a demon and mortal pairing, raised as the eldest between himself and one other cub from the next litter, Fexol. His parents' communion was not meant to be, and his grandfather Sigma swore to purge them all, sending his other son Naberious, known as Federal, after them. He overwhelmed them, killing the lovers and blinding the then adolescent Noxol in an eye, and upon Noxol's escape he chose to take Fexol, a cub, as a prisoner. Some time passed as Noxol conflicted with himself over what to do. He was not strong enough to beat Naberious, much less Sigma. He met Maya Crimson and began a family after falling for her, finding comfort in her embrace. Sigma soon arose again however, catching wind of him after Fexol managed to escape. He was unable to capture Noxol. This was a blow to Noxol, who in the events, had been turned away by Maya as his sense of duty to his brother and revenge toward his paternal family brought him far from her and the life he'd created with her--and she could only wait so long when no word was given. He sought a new family briefly, siring cubs from a female named Shard, who was slaughtered upon birthing by Naberious. In his grief, a calling had been sent to his father's spirit, who helped pull Shard from the abyss but did not have strength to do more than carefully nurse her back to health before returning to the long-lost relic his soul had coalesced into; a twilight sword. Noxol would have a meeting with both Shard and Maya later after the cubs had grown, but all three would go their separate ways in the end. This began a quiet era for Noxol, who having failed in his relationships, turned himself towards getting stronger physically and emotionally. He learned of the spirit world, or the between-worlds as he calls it, and made visits, killing demons and wraiths. This evolution was slow-going and soon he found himself revisiting where his parents had died so long ago. Here he found Reym's relic, something demons sometimes turn into upon their departure. Sigma was a collector of these and yet this had eluded him. In the between-worlds, Reym had formed into a sword, black as night and a faint ruby hue in the reflection, and silver at the hilt. Noxol understood Razor's intention the second he touched it. End corruption, save lives, protect his children. And to this he had sworn his life, and so he continued to fight, the corruption he faced leaving him slightly altered as no mortal or partially-mortal being was ever meant for this fight. He grew horns. Noxol grew strong and faced off with his father's side of the family time and time again until, eventually, slaying his grandfather and freeing his brother at last. He proceeded to spend more time cleaning up the demon-infested realms, teaching Fexol how to fight and control his powers, before finally bringing them back to the mortal planes to live the rest of their lives as protectors. As can be imagined, he takes this quite seriously, but even he has grown tired of living one fight to the next. It's time to move on.
Fexol Delirious
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/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | [Info needs double checked] / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Half demon, half clouded leopard / m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | Fexol is an incredibly shy feline, preferring softer voices and a gentle touch over anything else. Mirroring Noxol's story, he was captured by his Uncle and used as bait to draw Noxol back. Much of his time there was mired in slavery and other terrible things, causing him to be incredibly avoidant of arguments or any authority. He ran away from Sigma's control a few times, meeting his previous mate in his terror-killed freedom. When he was freed by his brother, he spent some time learning how to control his power and put it to good use; he's a defensive soul and can increase his defense for a limited time while also sporting a naturally high regenerative ability, making him the most unlikely tank to exist. A few quirks were impossible for him to entirely overcome. He has trouble hunting due to feeling bad for lesser creatures, typically only eating fish because he was once told 'they do not feel pain' and the fact they usually can't talk. He's expressive and tends to have his ears a little lower or his stance, and remains a bit too gullible to some things--just, not when something obviously crosses his morals. He also can sometimes forget his filter and casually mention dirty things, not unlike how a child might. He frequently attempts to break or remove his small, budding horns. Hurt his brother or anyone he cares about and he'll prove as difficult as a wall to move. The same applies to random creatures he feels bad for, sometimes--don't take him on a hunting trip.
Valen Donovan-Faire
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/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Meurtrier, Blitzkrieg / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Hellion mix
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | Sharp-tongued and without much patience, Valen tends to expect little and to be left alone. She spent a little time in Meurtrier as an adolescent assassin, then reunited once more with her mother and moved to Blitzkrieg. She's been on her own now for a little while.
Impurity Saint
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/ g e n d e r | ♀/♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Emerald Clan / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Abyssus Scion, Chavliodontas / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Pure Hellion
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | He's sassy and cunning, and prefers male pronouns. He led a pride for a short time and due to being unable to find new members, they disbanded before he returned. Impurity then chose to stay with another pride for a time with his previous mate and cubs until, once more, fate moved them onward. He is speciesist to a degree, speaking highly of his kind and showing extra effort in such relations, but he rarely discredits effort from other species. In his travels he came across Emeriss who was heading for Emerald Clan and chose to travel with her a little ways, eventually growing interested in likewise joining the clan.
Perseus Donovan
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/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Gruppe Von Morder / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Meurtrier / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Bloodbeast and vampire mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | He truly believes strict adherence to strength and intelligence is the only way to succeed. He believes blood is tied to these things, and had left Meurtrier while young to learn blood magic from an old feline. By the time he returned, he found the pride led by another--and they didn't live up to his expectations. For a time, he hung around the mountains far from their furthest scouting parties and came closer to watch the pride of one of his sisters, but this too disbanded and he returned to his studies. He considered most of the old world he'd known as being dead and passed. Prides as he saw it had grown soft from lack of conflict and the known world was tame, so when he stumbled upon Gruppe Von Morder and heard their ideals, he finally swore his loyalty to another.
Pyre Phantom
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/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Sicarius / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Half hellion
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | Pyre tends to not take others seriously, making him difficult to handle in a pride and usually requiring at least one fight to knock sense into him. In addition, he doesn't care for the idea of a singular 'mate', preferring to breed and date openly. He sadly lacks the ambition to lead anything so he lives as a roving male... at least until he find a pride willing to accept such an individualistic creature as him.
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/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | -- / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | -- / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Pure Hellion
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | Secura tends to be motherly and concerned, protective of cubs and youths alike. She often hung around just outside of pride territories and brought back lost cubs or helped find homes for abandoned ones.
Vivian & Charlotte
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/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Aodha Ild / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | -- / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | African Lioness/Elemental Lioness
/ m a t e [ s ] | -- / p e r s o n a l i t y | 'Violet' as they're used to being called, are in fact chimera twins. They were born with two heads fused down the middle and sharing the same body, thus the left side is Charlotte and the right is Vivian. They rarely differ in opinions and are generally kind. They're interested in how the world works, but due to issues when moving, they cannot risk going too far from home. Each side represents a half of their body's movement, making them unable to fight or engage in athletic behavior, but they work together well enough that it'd be hard to see issues from them walking. They're often heard talking quietly, especially if moving, because they can't operate without communicating what each side is doing.
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dreamtofbluebirds · 4 years
Below are characters specific to the Impressive Title fandom. Niche as it is, this was the roleplaying group I grew up with and thus I’ve chosen to mirror these biographies over onto this About page. Lineage was not included in order to keep things more brief.
In short, these are for tagging purposes as well as to give people an idea of what character I may be referring to.
g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | None / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Wolf
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | He is a chaotic presence, shifting wildly between being laid-back and approachable to being uncivil and rude. Authority is hard to achieve over him, as is respect, for he often challenges it. He and his brother grew up under a malicious father who ultimately pitted them against each other–a fight Hati won, and will never forgive himself for. He lost half of himself that day and remains deeply traumatized due to that. Quirks include refusing to speak eloquently despite being capable of it, overeating, increased aggression and being particularly careful with youths. This, of course, only applies to the youths of someone he’s neutral or positive with; anything less and he’s not beneath killing. A good trait for living in a pack, a bad trait as a loner. His high intelligence is safeguarded behind many thoughtless actions and self-sabotaging behavior, but as a friend, his loyalty is second to none… so long as he’s allowed to speak his mind.
/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Meurtrier, Caliver, assorted other prides / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Bloodbeast mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | His humor tends to be a little ‘boyish’ and nonchalant or even sarcastic, but it veils his sharp wit and ability to play two sides of the same coin. He’s a loyal friend to some and a devious infiltrator to others; his allegiance isn’t easily earned. He started off with a strong attachment to his sister Apa and founded a pride with her before later abandoning it for Meurtrier. Time passed as he grew in cunning and usefulness until he eventually took the side of Caine Caliver, one of very few to have earned his respect. Redacted, he was revived via the will of the gods; this has been changed to having used an unknown number of his nine lives to survive during a nomadic period. He acted as a trader for some years, bartering for services or goods, or stealing what he wished for.
g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | – / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Demonic mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | She is a cheerful girl. Easily mistaken as young or immature, she’s typically the first to be optimistic during any hardships and the last to speak ill, but she’s fiercely loyal to her family. Similar to her mother, she’s incredibly small and most of her siblings dwarf her in size. Despite her weaknesses, she shows strength in her resilience and would follow her friends and family to the end of the world.
/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Emerald Clan / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Zeitgeist / s e x u a l i t y | Heterosexual / s p e c i e s | Jungle Najurean
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | One of the last Jungle Najureans, a rare cousin to the known Najureans, Emeriss is a wise and friendly feline. She’s prone to adopting small orphaned animals and raising them as her own, letting them free once they can survive on their own. She helped lead Zeitgeist for a time and had her one and only litter of cubs there. She’d had a single cub before, but he passed away some time ago and she rarely speaks of them. Since the pride disbanded and she lost contact with Raidius, she became a guide through dense jungle so others wouldn’t get lost, but the want for such help diminished and so she’s moved on. Keeping a relatively good relationship with the lesser animals afforded her greater reach, and she soon came to learn that Emerald Clan still lived in their distant and lush home, and set off to join them.
/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Young Adult / p r i d e | [Info needs double checked] / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | [Info needs double checked] / s e x u a l i t y | Heterosexual / s p e c i e s | Demon, vampire, bloodbeast mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | Absolutely a creature hailing to the logic of 'the ends justifies the means’, he’s typically on the more unsympathetic side of things. He believes that the strong may do what they wish with the weak, but he also values ancestry unless a person was proven weak. In that way, he might come off as valuing cubs or the 'untested’. He’s not particularly oppressive with his opinion so he’s more inclined to debate it.
/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | [Info needs double checked] / s e x u a l i t y | Heterosexual / s p e c i e s | Half demon, half clouded leopard
/ m a t e [ s ] | [Info needs double checked] / p e r s o n a l i t y | Noxol is a feline of few words. His sense of humor might’ve improved over the years, but his natural state is to speak only when spoken to–often this will irritate his brother, Fexol, who enjoys talking. He was born from a demon and mortal pairing, raised as the eldest between himself and one other cub from the next litter, Fexol. His parents’ communion was not meant to be, and his grandfather Sigma swore to purge them all, sending his other son Naberious, known as Federal, after them. He overwhelmed them, killing the lovers and blinding the then adolescent Noxol in an eye, and upon Noxol’s escape he chose to take Fexol, a cub, as a prisoner. Some time passed as Noxol conflicted with himself over what to do. He was not strong enough to beat Naberious, much less Sigma. He met Maya Crimson and began a family after falling for her, finding comfort in her embrace. Sigma soon arose again however, catching wind of him after Fexol managed to escape. He was unable to capture Noxol. This was a blow to Noxol, who in the events, had been turned away by Maya as his sense of duty to his brother and revenge toward his paternal family brought him far from her and the life he’d created with her–and she could only wait so long when no word was given. He sought a new family briefly, siring cubs from a female named Shard, who was slaughtered upon birthing by Naberious. In his grief, a calling had been sent to his father’s spirit, who helped pull Shard from the abyss but did not have strength to do more than carefully nurse her back to health before returning to the long-lost relic his soul had coalesced into; a twilight sword. Noxol would have a meeting with both Shard and Maya later after the cubs had grown, but all three would go their separate ways in the end. This began a quiet era for Noxol, who having failed in his relationships, turned himself towards getting stronger physically and emotionally. He learned of the spirit world, or the between-worlds as he calls it, and made visits, killing demons and wraiths. This evolution was slow-going and soon he found himself revisiting where his parents had died so long ago. Here he found Reym’s relic, something demons sometimes turn into upon their departure. Sigma was a collector of these and yet this had eluded him. In the between-worlds, Reym had formed into a sword, black as night and a faint ruby hue in the reflection, and silver at the hilt. Noxol understood Razor’s intention the second he touched it. End corruption, save lives, protect his children. And to this he had sworn his life, and so he continued to fight, the corruption he faced leaving him slightly altered as no mortal or partially-mortal being was ever meant for this fight. He grew horns. Noxol grew strong and faced off with his father’s side of the family time and time again until, eventually, slaying his grandfather and freeing his brother at last. He proceeded to spend more time cleaning up the demon-infested realms, teaching Fexol how to fight and control his powers, before finally bringing them back to the mortal planes to live the rest of their lives as protectors. As can be imagined, he takes this quite seriously, but even he has grown tired of living one fight to the next. It’s time to move on.
/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | [Info needs double checked] / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Half demon, half clouded leopard / m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | Fexol is an incredibly shy feline, preferring softer voices and a gentle touch over anything else. Mirroring Noxol’s story, he was captured by his Uncle and used as bait to draw Noxol back. Much of his time there was mired in slavery and other terrible things, causing him to be incredibly avoidant of arguments or any authority. He ran away from Sigma’s control a few times, meeting his previous mate in his terror-killed freedom. When he was freed by his brother, he spent some time learning how to control his power and put it to good use; he’s a defensive soul and can increase his defense for a limited time while also sporting a naturally high regenerative ability, making him the most unlikely tank to exist. A few quirks were impossible for him to entirely overcome. He has trouble hunting due to feeling bad for lesser creatures, typically only eating fish because he was once told 'they do not feel pain’ and the fact they usually can’t talk. He’s expressive and tends to have his ears a little lower or his stance, and remains a bit too gullible to some things–just, not when something obviously crosses his morals. He also can sometimes forget his filter and casually mention dirty things, not unlike how a child might. He frequently attempts to break or remove his small, budding horns. Hurt his brother or anyone he cares about and he’ll prove as difficult as a wall to move. The same applies to random creatures he feels bad for, sometimes–don’t take him on a hunting trip.
/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Meurtrier, Blitzkrieg / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Hellion mix
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | Sharp-tongued and without much patience, Valen tends to expect little and to be left alone. She spent a little time in Meurtrier as an adolescent assassin, then reunited once more with her mother and moved to Blitzkrieg. She’s been on her own now for a little while.
/ g e n d e r | ♀/♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Emerald Clan / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Abyssus Scion, Chavliodontas / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Pure Hellion
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | He’s sassy and cunning, and prefers male pronouns. He led a pride for a short time and due to being unable to find new members, they disbanded before he returned. Impurity then chose to stay with another pride for a time with his previous mate and cubs until, once more, fate moved them onward. He is speciesist to a degree, speaking highly of his kind and showing extra effort in such relations, but he rarely discredits effort from other species. In his travels he came across Emeriss who was heading for Emerald Clan and chose to travel with her a little ways, eventually growing interested in likewise joining the clan.
/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Gruppe Von Morder / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Meurtrier / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Bloodbeast and vampire mutt
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | He truly believes strict adherence to strength and intelligence is the only way to succeed. He believes blood is tied to these things, and had left Meurtrier while young to learn blood magic from an old feline. By the time he returned, he found the pride led by another–and they didn’t live up to his expectations. For a time, he hung around the mountains far from their furthest scouting parties and came closer to watch the pride of one of his sisters, but this too disbanded and he returned to his studies. He considered most of the old world he’d known as being dead and passed. Prides as he saw it had grown soft from lack of conflict and the known world was tame, so when he stumbled upon Gruppe Von Morder and heard their ideals, he finally swore his loyalty to another.
/ g e n d e r | ♂ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | Sicarius / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Half hellion
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | Pyre tends to not take others seriously, making him difficult to handle in a pride and usually requiring at least one fight to knock sense into him. In addition, he doesn’t care for the idea of a singular 'mate’, preferring to breed and date openly. He sadly lacks the ambition to lead anything so he lives as a roving male… at least until he find a pride willing to accept such an individualistic creature as him.
/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | – / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | – / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | Pure Hellion
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | Secura tends to be motherly and concerned, protective of cubs and youths alike. She often hung around just outside of pride territories and brought back lost cubs or helped find homes for abandoned ones.
/ g e n d e r | ♀ / a g e | Mature Adult / p r i d e | Aodha Ild / p r e v i o u s . p r i d e s | – / s e x u a l i t y | Bisexual / s p e c i e s | African Lioness/Elemental Lioness
/ m a t e [ s ] | – / p e r s o n a l i t y | 'Violet’ as they’re used to being called, are in fact chimera twins. They were born with two heads fused down the middle and sharing the same body, thus the left side is Charlotte and the right is Vivian. They rarely differ in opinions and are generally kind. They’re interested in how the world works, but due to issues when moving, they cannot risk going too far from home. Each side represents a half of their body’s movement, making them unable to fight or engage in athletic behavior, but they work together well enough that it’d be hard to see issues from them walking. They’re often heard talking quietly, especially if moving, because they can’t operate without communicating what each side is doing.
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love-god-forever · 6 years
God Is the Source of Man’s Life: I Overcame the Disease
By Wang Mei
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In 2005 my daughter was born. I, as a first-time mother, felt very happy. Looking at my daughter’s lovely little face, I forgot my labor pains and felt the happiness and joy I had never had. After my confinement, when I was enjoying the happiness of being a mother, a disease came upon me quietly and broke my happy life.
One day, one of my breasts was swelled and painful and I didn’t know what was wrong. My mother said that this was a common postnatal disease and that I would recover after using a hairbrush to rub my breast several times. I did as my mother said but it didn’t work. So I had to go to the drugstore to buy some medicines and then take them. But my breast was still badly swollen and it hurt me so much that I couldn’t help shedding tears. Later, my breast grew a lump which was as big as my palm and I felt it was like a stone when I pressed it, and moreover it was often inflamed. My head swam and my whole body hurt; thus, I even didn’t dare to carry my child and I couldn’t do any work. In pain, I had no choice but to go to the big hospital to treat my illness. I didn’t improve at all after having underwent physiotherapy for half a month in the county hospital. Then, I went to the maternity and childcare hospital for a checkup. The doctor said to me, “What you suffer from is cyclomastopathy. That lump formed after the breast milk was blocked. Later, if it hurts again, you can take some antiphlogistic drugs and apply heat to the area with a hot towel. The results of examination suggest that your illness has yet to be diseased. But you need to have checkups frequently later.” Hearing what the doctor said, I felt that it was as if my illness couldn’t be eradicated completely. Especially his words “You need to have checkups frequently later” made me feel worried within my heart because several women in my village had suffered from breast cancer and all died in the end. I thought to myself: I am still so young and my daughter is still so little. If I die, how shall she live? I didn’t dare to think anymore. My illness made my heart very painful and depressed. Every time in more than ten days about my menstruation, my armpits and chest hurt so bad that I even couldn’t lift my arms and my breast hurt so sharply that I really wanted to cut it off. The shadow of fear was hanging over me all the time, as though I was sentenced to death, making me live in sorrow and pain.
In 2013, I had the privilege of hearing the kingdom gospel of God. Seeing I was always disturbed by my illness, a sister fellowshiped with me, “We humans were created by God. Our ancestors, Adam and Eve, lived in the Garden of Eden in the beginning. They had no sickness or distress and their lives were very happy. Later, because they were enticed by Satan, they didn’t listen to God’s words, went against God’s requirements and ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Thus, they were driven out of the Garden of Eden. Only then did we humans have the pain of birth, death, illness and old age, distress and pain. The pains of us humans are all caused by Satan’s corruption. Only by coming before God, relying on and looking up to Him can we receive peace, joy and His care and protection. Just as God’s words say, ‘Almighty God is an all-powerful physician! To dwell in sickness is to be sick, but to dwell in the spirit is to be well. If you have but one breath, God will not let you die. … The word of God is sweet indeed! God’s word is potent medicine! Put to shame the devil and Satan! If we grasp God’s word we will have support and His word will quickly save our hearts! It dispels all things and sets all in peace’” (“The Sixth Utterance”). Hearing God’s words and the sister’s fellowship, I was immeasurably excited and my mind felt very clear: It turns out that our sickness and distress are all brought by Satan and are all caused by Satan corrupting us. Satan is really too despicable. It uses rumors to seduce us into sinning and betraying God’s word, thus making us lose God’s care and protection and live in pain. When encountering illness, I only knew to see a doctor, take medicines and rely on the scientific treatments to treat it. However, my disease didn’t improve at all but became worse and worse. I have seen that the medical skills and medicines don’t play a decisive role and can’t save man’s life and that only God’s words can save man and help man break away from the torture of illness. These years, I had continued to treat my illness, but it didn’t improve at all. After reading God’s words, I felt as if I had seen the dawn of life and found the lifeline. I thought that as long as I relied on God, my illness promised to be cured because God is almighty and faithful.
After I accepted the kingdom gospel of God, I lived a church life. Seeing brothers and sisters all lived by God’s words, treated others with sincerity, loved each other and got along harmoniously like a family, I felt so comforted in my heart. We often read God’s words and fellowshiped about God’s will and requirements. No matter what difficulties or problems we encountered, we would open our hearts to fellowship about our own experiences and knowledge, help and assist each other. Some brothers and sisters also shared with me their experiences and testimonies of how they relied on and looked up to God to walk free from the bondage of illness through the enlightenment and guidance of God’s words when encountering illness, which made me have some understanding of God’s work and produce faith in God. Especially a sister’s experience and testimony I watched from a video made my faith in God increase and let me see that God’s deeds are really so almighty and marvelous. The sister was diagnosed as having stomach cancer and the doctor said she could only live for three months. When hearing this news, she was very sad and hopeless in her heart. But God had never abandoned her. After she accepted the kingdom gospel of God, she saw God’s will to save people through reading God’s words. So, she wholeheartedly threw herself into the ranks of reading God’s words, attending meetings and fulfilling the duty. After a period of time, when she went to hospital for a checkup again, the doctor actually said she didn’t suffer from cancer. She was grateful in her heart because she knew it was God who saved her. From the sister’s experience, I reaped great benefits and I was even more certain that God’s word is the truth and that God is an almighty and faithful God. Through reading God’s words, attending meetings and fellowshiping together with brothers and sisters, I also learned to rely on and look up to God when encountering illness, and learned to pray to God and communicate with Him.
One day, I saw God’s word that said, “If I did not guide all mankind, who would be able to separate themselves from My arrangements and find another way out? Is it the thoughts and wishes of man that have brought him to today? Many people go their whole lives without having their wishes fulfilled. Is this really because of a fault in their thinking? Many people’s lives are filled with unexpected happiness and satisfaction. Is this really because they expect too little? Who of the whole of mankind is not cared for in the eyes of the Almighty? Who does not live in the midst of the Almighty’s predestination? Whose birth and death come from their own choices? Does man control his own fate? Many people cry out for death, yet it is far away from them; many people want to be those who are strong in life and fear death, yet unbeknownst to them, the day of their demise draws near, plunging them into the abyss of death; many people look to the skies and sigh deeply; many people cry great, wailing sobs; many people fall amidst trials; and many people become the prisoners of temptation” (“The Eleventh Utterance”). God’s words made me suddenly enlightened: As it turns out, man’s fate lies in God’s hands; it is God who dictates and arranges man’s life and death and no one can turn around or change the fact; man cannot save man and only by relying on God can we receive His care and protection and live unrestrainedly, freely, easily and calmly. Thinking back, every day I worried that my disease would become worse and worse, fearing that someday I would be swallowed by the disease and die, so I lived in sorrow and pain all day. And my family were also worried about me all the time. Today, I had understood God’s will and found my support. I would give myself into God’s hands. Though I was still often disturbed by my illness, my heart was no longer scared and afraid.
Once, when I was just going to attend a meeting, my breast hurt so much again. I really wanted to lie in bed instead of attending the meeting. But when thinking that if I backed off the moment I encountered sickness, I would be unable to practically experience the authority of God’s words, then I came before God and prayed to Him, “O God, now I feel much pain and my heart is very sorrowful. You are the all-powerful physician! May You save me and protect my heart so that I can overcome the pain of illness, have no complaints against You and obey Your sovereignty and arrangements. O God, although my stature is small, I am willing to rely on You to stand witness. May You have mercy on me and show me grace, allowing me to no longer be restrained by illness. Thank God! Amen!” After my prayer, I felt very relieved and I was filled with energy all over. During the meeting in the afternoon, I quieted my heart before God and focused on pondering God’s words and listening to the fellowship of the brothers and sisters, and then I unwittingly forgot the pain. I experienced the sweetness of practicing God’s words.
In the following meetings, I was no longer controlled by my illness and I could normally attend meetings and perform my duty. Over time, I found that my illness gradually reduced and later I felt no pain. One day, I was amazed to find that the lump was gone. At that moment, I felt immensely excited. I saw God’s words, “The heavens and earth and all things are established and made complete by the words of My mouth and with Me anything can be accomplished” (“The Sixtieth Utterance”). God’s words really have authority and power, allowing me to experience God’s almighty and marvelous deeds. God is really so faithful and is truly fit to receive the trust of mankind. I was grateful to God within. I knelt before God and prayed to Him, offering my thanks and praise, “Oh God! I thank You. If You had not saved me, I would still live under the influence of Satan and be afflicted by my disease, unable to see the dawn of life forever. O God, I have seen Your almightiness and faithfulness. Your words are really the truth, the way and the life. You are really the all-powerful physician and I thank and praise You! Amen!” Now, I have recovered from my illness, I am in good health and the smile also appears on my family’s face.
Every time I thought that because of my illness I came before God, read the personal utterances of God fortunately, knew the source of life and understood the value and meaning of life, my heart was full of gratitude to God. From now on, I vow only to rely on God and look up to God more, pursue the truth, purse to know God and fulfill my duty as a creation to repay God’s love. All the glory be to God!
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