#this aint instagram - which is a reason I dont care for instagram to begin with
bardicious · 2 years
I mean.... tumblr Live just looks awful.
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sarinataylor · 5 years
Will you tell us more about the show and Sarina? Maybe tomorrow ... pretry please 😊
right. take two.
ok so first up: my mom and i were like…. really early, first in line at the gate, early. “why? it was all seated!” i hear you say. well, my service provider was running some kind of promo where i and a guest could get a $20 voucher for food and drink (if we were in the first 350 people) and, well, my mom being a mom was like “we are getting these freebies if i have to kill a man to get them”
we did not get them, we paid $12 for a pita bread to share instead. 
so after finding our seats and freaking tf out cause i like… didn’t realise how good the seats i got were (vindication – camping out in the bathroom at work at 9am for general release tickets was worth it) i went off in search of beer, beer, and more beer. here’s a pic of the seats:
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got beer, downed beer, went for more beer. in between beers im just sorta chatting shit with my mom, cause we have like two hours to kill. so it’s now 7ish? an hour and a half until the show starts, and im flicking thru insta as ya do. now, i’d already said to myself that i was gonna keep an eye out for sarina ‘cause she’s been posting stories out and about at shows this tour.
but like. my eyesight is shite, the arena is now half full, and she probably won’t even be out. so my hopes are not high. BUT! then sarina shares the vid her mate natalia took of her so now i know what she’s wearing 🕵️‍♀️
and i shit you fucking not, i look up from my phone, i look across the arena and there she fucking is. i lose my mind.
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^ a totally normal reaqction
anyway lmao i turn to my mom and im like……….. mom i think i can see roger’s wife. and my mom, bless her cotton socks, is like “… and?”
and my mom is like……. just now realising that, maybe, perhaps, i am not a casual fan. like, not at all. and she’s like….. ok. that’s cool. i, on the other hand, am quietly and calmly losing my everloving shit. 
“do you think….. do you think i should go say hi?”
my mom, i should point out here, is currently experiencing flashbacks to the text messages she received from me when i got kicked out of elton john after one song.
“but…. i mean. it’s,” here i lower my voice like im talking about some kind of minor deity. “sarina taylor.”
my mom sighs. “if you get kicked out over roger taylor’s wife,” she says, as if that isn’t a perfectly valid reason to get kicked out of anywhere (very much including bed). “i will not follow you. you can sit outside and cry for the three hours of concert, and i will sit in here and enjoy the show. i do not care.”
ice cold.
she clearly thinks im going to propose or something, as if i can’t keep my cool around a gorgeous woman. which……….. like, fair, but still.
i hesitate……… before leaping to my feet, and bolting across the fucking arena. i am dodging security personnel who want to direct me to the closest toilet, ducking past arena workers who are tryna get me to go buy another $12 pita. i’m the fastest goddamn thing this arena has ever seen. i’ve got my eyes on a blonde in a leopard print dress, and i aint letting her go. footy players, whomst????
i’m about half way there and she’s answered a phone call, so i slow down. i am a lion, a cheetah, some kind of other big cat. i wont be denied. i am a thief in the night.
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you can sense the level of power walking that i was involved in while taking this photo, can’t you. you can. i would like to remind you all i am six beers deep at this point; that i didn’t have a stitch is a fucking miracle
anyway i slow down, cause, like, she’s on the phone. im casual now; cool, calm, collected. other adjectives beginning with c. i am all of them. crazy? yes.
she’s off the phone, i speed up again. i’m playing this slick, like what? no i didn’t just vault my way across the arena to get to you! this is happenstance! coincidence! (i love you)
i draw up level and go: “… oh my god, i’m sorry, are you sarina?” i planned this the entire way across. im a conversational genius. bow down before me. sarina blinks at me, grins and goes, “yeah, yeah, love that’s me.”
hi im on the floor and i dont know how i got here.
“oh my goodness! i follow you on instagram!”
“oh wow! hi, it’s lovely to meet you!”
“you too! i love your presence on instagram, it’s so positive! really brightens my day when i see your posts and stories.”
“that’s so nice of you. you look gorgeous! is this your first time seeing the show?”
“yeah! first time seeing them at all.”
“you’re going to love it, it’s so much fun.”
“oh, i know! i’ve been looking forward to this for months. i’m sorry, but would you mind if i got a pic with you?”
“no, of course not! my friend can take it”
natalia took the photo – i am bricking it. the photos are just me like OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING WHERE AM I SOMEONE BRING ME THE SMELLING SALTS. look at this face. this is the face of someone who is in a kind of fugue state.
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and then i took my phone back from natalia and sarina introduced us, so i shook natalia’s hand and then i was like i’m sorry that i disturbed you guys, i’ll let you go and sarina was like “no, no, it’s fine! what’s your name, love?” and i told her and she was like “where are you sitting?” and i told her and then i sort of panicked? and was like “I SHOULD REALLY LET YOU GO” and she laughed (kill me, she’s so gorgeous) and was like “ok, it was so nice to meet you! enjoy the show!” and i was like “thank you!!!!!!!!!!” and then i walk/ran away
and like i was trembling so hard i didn’t stop for a good half an hour and then the bloody show started and off i went again! and she liked the pic on insta, cause my mom posted it and and and.
hi my name is lo aka sarinataylor and i adore sarina taylor she was just so lovely. also she is tiny and i look like a giant next to her. i am deceased. this is all i will talk about for the rest of my life.
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xonemi · 3 years
Bored So I'm Here to Rant
4 o'clock in the morning. I have been sleeping all day yesterday, and woke up around evening time. I saw my typewriter keyboard and have realized that I haven't been using it much.
Reasons for not using it. I mainly use it to type on my journal app called One Day. I haven't been able to do that because the journal app One Day is an iOS app and is not available for windows. My current laptop that I have is a Windows laptop. My Mac laptop that I have is being borrowed by my sister who lives far from me. Oh well.
I could just get a windows journaling app, but as it turns out I looked up the best journaling apps and Day One was number 1 and the next best one that can be used on Windows you have to pay monthly for premium. I am not paying for another journaling app. I already paid a one time deal for Day One.
Anyways, my rant is not about that. My rant is about pyramid schemes. In today's techy world, I am amazed people are still being BAMBOOZLED into pyramid schemes. Like hello? Google that shit maybe? Idk.
Look, I understand that not all pyramid schemes are scams, but they are still fucking pyramid schemes, which just doesn't seem right to me. BUT WHATEVER.
So I had a coworker friend who asked me to go with him to this "business" meeting with him. I thought it was just his aunt trying to sell some random crap. I know there are some people out there who need to do presentations on selling a product but they don't actually need everyone in the presentation to buy the product.
My initial thought was okay, go to this so called business meeting, listen to the presentation and then leave. But boy was I fucking wrong.
Days before the business meeting, my friend sends me and a group of people a link about the product. I look up the company, and I see articles about it being a pyramid scheme.
Already my mind is closed off. Like there's no way in hell anyone is going to get me into some damn pyramid scheme. I don't care if he is a really good friend, there is no way in fucking hell.
I stopped doing any more research because that is all I needed to know. Pyramid scheme. Nothing else will change my mind. But I still made a promise to my friend that I would go to this meeting, so I didn't back down.
Friday, I had to do overtime at my work. My plan was to only work 8hrs so that I could get some sleep because the stupid meeting was in the morning.
The weekend shift didn't have a properly trained person working the laboratory so the shift supervisor asked if I could stay the whole shift which was 12 hrs and ended at 4:30 in the morning.
I was livid, not because I had to stay but because someone who actually works that shift, is always going home early. I wanted to go home early, but couldn't yet this mother fucker was allowed to? And what makes me more mad is his reasons are lies. One time he used the excuse that his girlfriend's grandmother (who lived with him and his gf) was depressed and needed his help. If she really needed help, why the fuck is his gf partying it up? Posting vids on social media of her drinking the night away. It just fucking makes me so mad that this fucker gets away with anything… It's not my shift but still... Whatever.
Back to the pyramid scheme. I worked until 4 am. Got home and went straight to bed. I was hoping I could sleep through the morning meeting because I was so tired and I know that my friend won't be mad because he knows I worked until 4:30.
He ends up calling me after 9 am. I somehow wake up. I ignore the call cause my eyes literally wouldn't stay open. He leaves a voicemail saying that it's okay if we arrive at 10. My subconscious is starting to feel guilty. I did make a promise and I hate breaking promises. Since he said 10 was okay, I got up called him back and said okay I will leave now.
This foo goes, "don't leave yet because I still have to pick up our other co-worker, that way we could arrive at the same time."
I should have taken that moment to go to starbucks and get breakfast and coffee because what happened afterwards was just a shit show.
I get ready and leave after 10 mins. My GPS says I will arrive at 950. I get there and my friend calls me. He asks where I am at and I tell him that I was at the location already. This mother fucker tells me he's barely on the way. It will take him 30 mins to get to the location. LIKE BRUHHHH. Are you fucking kidding me?
I'm tired. I am a very cranky person in the morning. I am definitely not a morning person despite working 1st shift for 6 yrs. (I now work night shifts) I was fuming mad. But I stay calm. I look at instagram for awhile, I try to stay awake while I wait.
20 mins pass and this guy tells me that his uncle will pick me up and that I should just go ahead without him. This mother fucker gives him my phone number (I don't want calls from these people in the future, I might have to change my phone number.) and calls me telling me where to meet him. He takes me to their like lounge eating area. I sit there for almost another 20 minutes. My friend arrived almost fucking 11. They go to different area. Turns out the presentation already started. Thank goodness I didn't go there from the beginning. After 10 minutes of listening to the guy do his presentation, I was already over it.
This guy had no good selling points. I was squirming in my chair the whole fucking time. My other coworker brought her 5 year old son with her and he was dying of boredom. I looked at him and was all "you and me both man"
I really do believe that their product works. It seems to be a legit product. But that foo wasn't selling the product, he was selling the business. I am not an entrepreneur. Although I like money, I do not have the social skills to go around selling a product and a pyramid scheme. So this presentation was not geared towards me. I wanted to leave so badly.
The guy's selling point was that you had to pay $2500 and get 4 other people to pay $2500 and you could start making $500 a month. And from there it could only go up. First of all. I do not save money. I am a spender. There is no way I have $2500 in the bank on hand. That's not me. I barely have $300 at most, most of the time. The only reason I have actual money saved right now is because I am waiting for my speeding ticket. That is the only reason I have money right now. Once that speeding ticket is paid, I am back to being a broke ass bitch because I will more than likely spend the rest of the money left over after the ticket is paid.
Looking around the room during the presentation, the people there were mostly people over 50. Only me, my friend were under 40. It just blew my mind that they were all just very into the presentation. I felt like I was in a cult or something. They were really buying this dude's sell. Which understandably, I could see it. He made it seem easy to earn money through their program.
It really did seem easy to earn millions in a year. But this is where my problem lies. You have to go out there and recruit people. Recruit people to pay $2500 so that they can recruit people to pay $2500 so that those people could recruit people to pay $2500. Those older folks, could easily find people to spend that kind of money because they're old and probably have savings that could be used to pay that $2500 and have cultivated lots of friends, but me? Someone who has limited friends, who is shy, hates any social event, like bruhh, you're barking up the wrong tree here.
The second guy who spoke in the presentation, he was even worse than the first guy. He said "i'll make this short. 10 mins top." This fucker speaks for another 30 mins. Only stopped because the afternoon session started walking in.
He went on to talk about the types of people you needed to recruit. He used an acronym... He wrote EMPOWER on the board. So this is the type of person you need to recruit. E for Entrepreneur M for Motivated, P for positive, O for Open minded, W for Willing, E for Enthusiastic, R for (i forgot, i legit started tuning him out after awhile because I was bored and hungry and sleepy.)
First of all. My friend made the wrong choice in trying to get me into this. Even until now he is trying to convince me.
If there's one thing you should know about me is I am a very negative person, and the funny part is my friend knows this about me. Why he thought I would be POSTIVE here was actually a surprise. Open minded? YEAH NO. FUCK THAT. There is no way in hell I will ever be open minded about Pyramid scheme. I was open minded about their product, but definitely not their business structure. I am the type of person who loves to spend money on myself and others, but NOT ON PYRAMID SCHEMES. And then there's WILLING. Bruhhh I am so fucking lazy. The fact that I was willing to go to this business meeting in the first place was already too much for me. How many times I almost tried to cancel. If he wasn't a good friend to me, I would have done everything in my power to get out of it. But yeah me willing to put in any effort on a pyramid scheme is soooooooo not going to happen. Enthusiastic???? HHAHHAHAHAHHAH I had a sour face the whole time. You aint going to catch me be enthusiastic about any type of pyramid scheme.
I dont know. I still can't fathom why anyone would join a pyramid scheme.
A few hours ago my friend messages me before he went to sleep saying he was sorry he knew that I didn't have much sleep. I was fine. I just love to complain a lot (part of my negative vibe I am trying to put out into the world) anyways, I went to it that's all that matters to me, that I was able to keep my promise... but then this foo saw my "pyramid scheme" story on social media, and he sends me a video link titled "Is *COMPANY NAME* a scam?" I didn't watch the video. I went straight to the comments section. Of course the top comments are from "users" and "reps" of the company boasting about how great the company and the product is. All the way at the bottom was the real comment. The commenter said something about how the person on the video didn't mention anything about the company and their business structure, he was just selling the product. So was the video link my friend sent me proof that the company isn't a scam? NO. I never told him I thought it was a scam, i merely mentioned it was a pyramid scheme, and like I have said somewhere in this post that not all pyramid schemes are scams... I just don't like pyramid schemes.
Anyways, Pyramid schemes aren't for me. Nor will I partake in any form of joining them.
Side story which is funny and stupid... I didn't want my friend to look bad so I went straight to that stupid meeting without eating breakfast... when the person came and took me to the lounge area, they had donuts and coffee provided, my dumbass thought they might have put their product into the donuts or coffees so I didn't eat or drink anything there. hahahahha. I feel bad for my friend if he actually joined, hopefully he will be able to bamboozle someone else. that isn't me. He shouldn't tell our coworkers if he tries to recruit someone else from work that I went to that meeting, because let me tell you, there's no way I am lying to them. I will tell them not to join. AHahahhaha
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