#this 'stack gear on the same character' opening 8 parter is the longest continuous thing i've written
persoc30 · 1 year
Kinktober Day 8 - Hogtie / Hobble Skirt
(Follows from here)
Nightingale sat perched on the side of her bed, tying up her hair for the night and watching Shining work. After locking the penultimate restraint on her doll she and Shining took a break to strip off most of her costume, leaving only the leotard. Now the sheets on their bed were pulled back and out of the way, and she watched as Shining laid a small leather sheet out over the lower middle of the bed.
“All done?” she asked, “Then bring it here, I’m dreadfully tired and ready for bed.” She finished, patting the bed next to her with an affected yawn.
“Of course Mistress.”
Shining quickly moved to the dolls side, lying limply right where they’d left it, cut off from the world under its layers. She effortlessly scooped it up into a princess carry, and the doll let out a noise at the shock of the sudden movement, before nuzzling into its superior’s grip with a satisfied, if muted, hum. Someone was enjoying her restraints. Shining herself was more and more eager for a few hours from now, when she and Liz would dispense with the role-play and she would come back in to join the two of them in bed.
In the meantime she gave the doll a quick kiss on the forehead of its hood, before turning and carrying it back to the bed where its owner waited. She delicately lowered it face down so its waist and legs were over the skirt she’d laid out in preparation.
Liz reached out and caressed the dolls head “Just one last thing and you’ll be perfect, we don’t want you going anywhere after all.” She giggled at her own joke and gestured for Shining to continue, not taking her eyes or hand off her new toy.
The maid pulled the sides of the hobble skirt up and wrapped it around the dolls legs, adding one final layer on top of the bodysuit and boots. A quick pull of a zipper and a tightly drawn belt at the waist and ankles and the hobble skirt was secure on their plaything. Shining was privately cheering at how simple the final piece was after all the lacing and buckling she’d done tonight, but the results should be more than worth the effort for all three of them.
Finally she rolled the doll over to face her mistress and stepped back for further instruction.
“Such a beautiful doll you’ve put together for me~”
“Thank you very much Mistress, it was a pleasure.”
“You’ve done very well maid, but as I said I’m tired, and I’m eager to enjoy my new pillow, so you’re dismissed for the night.”
“As you command, Mistress.” The maid gave one final deep bow and turned to depart.
With her faithful servant unceremoniously thrown out, at least until the game was over, Liz turned back to her plaything. She sat for a moment, just enjoying the rise and fall of its breath, before turning off her reading lamp and scooting into bed herself.
She pulled the covers over the two of them and slotted herself against her doll, wrapping her arms around the bulk of its jacket and draping one of her legs over its skirt. She thought about grinding up against it, working out some of the arousal it had so cruelly built up in her just by existing. But no she thought, carefully nuzzling into the crook of its neck so as not to damage the valuable doll with her horns, there’d be time for that later. Once Shining rejoined them. For now she just wanted to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
She sighed, sleepily but content. “I knew you’d make a good cuddle toy~” she whispered, knowing it wouldn’t hear. Nevertheless the doll worked a pleased moan of its own around its gag.
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