directdogman · 2 years
I needed to ask this because i couldnt sleep
is Norm conservative?
because on one side it would make sense due to his patriotism and his age. But on the other hand if he was i think he would have acted way diffrent and atleast after the thirdchapter it seems out of place.
So please answer the question so i can sleep
The detailed answer to this question is very long, so I'll put it behind a 'read more' line so this doesn't clog up anyone's timeline.
The shorter answer to this question is: Norm's political beliefs cannot be summarized using any single commonly understood word from our 21st century vocabularies because his stances, alongside what Norm considers political/apolitical topics, don't align entirely with 21st century definitions/standards as Norm is a time traveler from the mid 20th century.
He isn’t a 21st century conservative as much as perhaps an early 20th century one, with a few stances that were considered progressive/radical for that time. Many aspects of the character that we’d consider conservative weren’t in his time, and were only regularly politicized by one side of the political aisle years after he warped. If you want a longer answer where I point out where exactly this blurs the line, read more:
The problem with this question (and most political discussions) in general is that most people don't read up on political history for fun and so, they naturally associate words like 'conservative', 'liberal', 'socialist' with the rhetoric/stances of whoever is currently using those labels in their society. Most people reading this would look at, for instance, the modern Republican party in America and say "oh, that's a Conservative."
Now, here's the problem: Norm grew up largely in the 1930′s and warped in the 1960's, society as a whole was radically different. One big difference is, for example, religion. Norm believes in God, and this is something that’s considered old-fashioned by many. It's pretty unfashionable to be religious nowadays in many places, but in most of 20th century America, it was a far bigger deal not to be. Nowadays, religion is something that's associated with the right more than the left, but in the early to mid 20th century, both parties were extremely religious.
Democratic political machines were dominated by Catholics in the early 20th century. Democratic presidential candidates Al Smith and JFK (the latter of whom was elected in the decade Norm came from) were Catholics, and it actually mattered to many voters. William Jennings Bryan (3 times Democratic nominee) was also immensely religious. Even the far-left fringe elements of the party had religious thought leaders, with Father Coughlin (a priest with a radio show) influencing far-left 30's Democrats. I could go on. Republican party also produced quite a few deeply religious presidents, with Garfield and Eisenhower coming to mind. A large portion of the population was deeply religious for most of the nation’s history, after all, and the religious beliefs of candidates mattered far more than today. So, for his time, Norm's religion is something that wasn't politically partisan, but rather, broadly essential, and as such, Norm would find it strange that anyone would assume that his religious beliefs correlate with his political beliefs at all.
Economically, America has changed so much in the 20th century that the issues at the start of the century are unrecognizable to us now. In 1900, the core economic issues were whether to back the dollar with just gold, or with gold and silver... oh, and the tariff. Exciting. No welfare net existed because income taxes largely didn't exist. The Federal Reserve didn't even exist yet! Tariffs (taxes on foreign goods) were the main source of federal income. What we consider to be normal governmental function was considered radical by many back then.
Similarly, it's important to note that the modern welfare state as we know it today was created in the 1940's with the advent of Social Security (AKA, in Norm’s lifetime) and only expanded to something resembling what we have today very incrementally, with many large developments happening under president Johnson in the mid 1960's... After Norm jumped.
Gun control (especially in sparsely populated states like Arizona) was basically a non-topic, and the only major federal gun control legislation that I know of being passed in the first half of the 20th century was a 30's crime bill that outlawed heavy machine guns + sawed offs, specifically related to organized crime tied to prohibition era organized crime. Norm loves guns, but he’d be profoundly disturbed to learn about how many mass shootings America has had in the last 20 years and wouldn’t just be able to hand-wave it away as normal, as our society has... because outside of the fucked up racist mass shootings of the 20′s (like Tulsa, but there were many also more smaller ones the same decade too), mass shooting weren’t a constant occurrence! NUTS, RIGHT??
Next, there’s Norm's patriotism, which your question implied pointed towards him being a conservative, but like his religion, this is an apolitical trait from Norm's time. Norm lived through World War II and the Red Scare, times when patriotism wasn't just popular, hell, not acting like Donald Duck in a 40's WWII propaganda cartoon meant you could go to PRISON. Media was also heavily controlled by governmental/anti-communist entities at this time, with the government financing pro-American/anti-communist films in the 50′s and Ronald Reagan serving as leader of the Actor’s Guild. Communists were rooted out systematically and to Norm, keeping a loaded firearm next to your bed in case a ‘communist’ breaks into your home is entirely normal and he refuses to cut it out. Poor guy’s scared shitless.
Norm does have a distaste for 'big government' and wasteful spending, partially explained by the time he came from, where taking taxes for public spending was still considered a more radical idea, but also, Norm's extras sheet gives even more essential context to this mentality with the explanation that he was raised in the middle of bumfuck nowhere by a single mother. Growing up, self-reliance was a necessity, not a virtue. His attitude towards governments basically amounts to "Leave me the FUCK alone." He values resilience, charity and discipline because these values are what enabled him to survive growing up.
Norm also grew up in the wilderness, so he enjoyed a lot of freedom growing up that is arguably impossible in urban areas, in his own time and especially today. Most of his stances come from the belief that the common person is inherently good (a belief that he temporarily abandoned after the warp, and Gingi managed to restore), and that political power structures solely exist so those who are already rich can stuff their pockets at the expense of taxpayers. Norm considered both of the two parties of his time to be corrupt and self-serving, and would say the same of them today, which is why Callum Crown’s third party populist rhetoric, and returning control of the US economy to working class people really resonated with Norm.
When asking why someone like Norm would support Crown’s movement, it’s important to note that Callum softened his socialist rhetoric as a national candidate. Norm also didn’t know all of Callum’s stances/beliefs (and realistically lied to himself slightly about some of them.) Norm also missed the end of Crown’s presidency, having to educate himself with revisionist sources after the warp. But, it would be dishonest not to mention in a complete answer to this question that Norm supported the single least conservative candidate in US history (in DT’s universe) for president because he felt it was the right thing to do.
Norm’s beliefs largely boil down to believing that individuals know best how to live their own lives and that as long as you aren’t hurting yourself or others, it’s none of his business. It’s his core tenet, really. He gets very modest when intimate subjects are brought up around him and the last thing he wants is to know what anyone does in the bedroom. Norm isn’t a homophobe or against gay marriage because... well, why would he be? There’s plenty of modern behaviour that is prohibited in the bible and the idea of legislating based on selectively chosen religious beliefs is abhorrent to Norm because he was raised in a secular America and values personal freedom. Norm would be profoundly disturbed that the conservative party of today considers this an issue at all. Christian or not, the guy hates any and all unnecessary governmental restrictions. All references to God were only added to the pledge of allegiance/onto money when he was an adult, a move that was done for exclusively political reasons, since it was the height of the cold war, and Marxism opposes organized religion.
Norm is also vehemently opposed to any form of elitism, never forgetting where he came from. His main desire is for others to just coexist and be understanding, without cheating/wronging each other. Norm downplays it, but a trait many forget is that Norm is very well educated. He was in NASA and has a background with mathematics and physics. Occasionally, big words slip out when Norm speaks. Norm was bullied somewhat in academia for how he speaks, fostering a deep distaste for the environment. Norm enjoys debate, discussion of topics. He would broadly support the causes of social movements today that aim to secure rights for minority groups, believing everyone has a right to be free/happy, but would have fundamental issues with the lack of accountability of most of them due to their lack of organization. His distaste for academia would absolutely foster hatred for activists who overuse ideological language.
When I was building Norm’s political profile in my head, I actually looked to Mark Twain for inspiration, who was quoted as saying: “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.“ This sums up Norm’s patriotism, really. He, too, believed in the wisdom of the common man. Twain is also someone you can’t really put into a political box, describing himself as both ‘conservative’ (by the definition he had at the time) but also ‘radical’. Twain was racially progressive for his time and tended to support the Republican party (the racially progressive party of the two in his time), but split with the party in 1884 over the political corruption of their candidate that year, and outspokenly spoke out against McKinley + Roosevelt’s imperialist foreign policy.
So, with all of that context out of the way, here’s the final answer to your question: Norm would’ve broadly been considered a conservative by the definition/standards of his own time for his economic views (which are more conservative now), progressive for his social views (which are just kinda normal now), and has fundamental enough differences with the beliefs/aims of the conservative movement in America today that he would not want to be lumped in with modern day conservatives. If he was in politics today, he’d be trying to start a populist grassroots movement and support breaking down the two party system. Hope this was informative! I know a lot of people like Norm, so the last thing I’d want is people thinking Norm was something he wasn’t.
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brothereden · 4 years
Please support, as you can. The Struggle is Real.
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shammah8 · 2 years
As I was looking through my letters one day while in the city of Belfast, a man came up to me and said, "Are you visiting the sick?" He pointed me to go to a certain house and told me to go to it and there I would see a very sick woman. I went to the house and I saw a very helpless woman propped up in bed. I knew that humanly speaking she was beyond all help. She was breathing with short, sharp breaths as if every breath would be her last. I cried to the Lord and said, "Lord, tell me what to do." The Lord said to me, "Read the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah." I opened my Bible and did as I was told. I read down to the fifth verse of this chapter, when all of a sudden the woman shouted, "I am healed! I am healed!" I was amazed at this sudden exclamation and asked her to tell me what had happened. She said, "Two weeks ago I was cleaning house and I strained my heart very badly. Two physicians have been to see me, but they both told me there was no help. But last night the Lord gave me a vision. I saw you come right into my bedroom. I saw you praying. I saw you open your Bible at the fifty-thirdchapter of Isaiah. When you got down to the fifth verse and read the words, 'With His stripes we are healed,' I saw myself wonderfully healed. That was a vision, now it is a fact."
I do thank God that visions have not ceased. The Holy Ghost can give visions, and we may expect them in these last days. God willeth not the death of any sinner and He will use all kinds of means for their salvation. Oh, what a gospel of love!☕️Smith Wiggelsworth
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tazumihanako · 7 years
You’ll Never Know the “Psychopath” Sitting Next to You
I just finished writing the third chapter, it’s waiting for the edits by @che1sea-xiao-long , so it should be up by tomorrow since I sent it pretty late. I hope you guys like this new chapter, we both discussed what we’d like to happen this chapter, and through out it I was listening to young and menace the new song by my favorite band Fall out boy. The song kind of helped me write this one scene in it which takes place between Malo and Keith, but they do believe he’s Lance so hopefully they find out soon. 
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thelastvaquita-blog · 5 years
Debt: Chapter 3
It was a warm and rainy February. Gusts of rain blew through the tree canopy as silent birds sought refuge under branches and logs. The sound of flowing water echoed from tree to tree, the peaceful flurry of motion that set the pace of the forest's heartbeat. A fox cub scampered beside the stream, fur glistening with water droplets. She paused, ears perked, and looked behind her, then ducked under a log. Shivering, she curled up into a fluffy ring, lay her head down, and stared at the downpour. Too wet for her comfort. Out in the darkness, she saw a light flicker on. ----------------------------------------- Jacqueline Liddy Rodriguez slammed her car door and hurried to shelter under the portico. Fumbling with her keys under the floodlight, she shakily unlocked the door and slipped inside. It was technically the suburbs, but her house had a lot of land around it, so there were never noisy neighbors. Gentle red lanterns lit the path up the long gravel driveway, barely visible in the downpour. Her son would be asleep by now. After wiping her boots and taking off her rain jacket, she entered the kitchen. Her husband was waiting at the counter, typing on his laptop. "Hi Honey," he said softly, standing up to give her a hug and a quick kiss. "There's some tuna in the oven, and salad in the fridge." "Thanks," she sighed, opening a cupboard and taking a glass as he sat back down. She peered at the glass - dirty smudge on the bottom - wiped it with a towel. Crossing over to the refrigerator, she placed the cup down and selected Cold. The sound of pouring water was lost in the patter of the storm on a ceramic roof. "I had a new idea today," her husband beamed, turning to her. "A bunch of kids meet up for a game of 'spin the bottle', but inside the bottle they find a map, leading to-" She chuckled, immediately regretting it as his expression drooped. "Elegar, it's not bad. I like it. Just..." She smiled. "Do today's kids even know what 'spin the bottle' is? Is there an app for it?" He rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. "Now you're just teasing me." She put a hand on his arm. "You're right. I'm sorry. I like it." She tilted her head a little to the side, in that apologetic slant that he always found adorable, until he gave her a smile back. Retrieving the meat from the oven, she sat down next to him and began to eat. "Tell me about this map.”
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thirdchapter3c · 6 years
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Buy Online Accessories, Hoodies, crewnecks, Tees, Long Sleeves, Headwear, Bags, and T-Shirts -  Third Chapter
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sadhakayoga108 · 7 years
Balance left & right. It's one thing to start handstanding, and it's another to start pushing your limits. Once you get the basics down, there is always another step. Now, this step isn't something you fixate on, spin wild stories about, or dread. It's a nod to the present moment. We all want to get somewhere; but, most will never do the work. It's really sad. There's really nothing that special about me. The only thing I did was make a commitment to myself. A promise. A vow. I started to realize what yoga was bringing to my life, & I made a decision to work as hard as humanly possible to find out if all those sages, spiritual men, & scholars — if what they were talking about was actually true. Without experience, scholars have no idea what they're talking about. Which is why the book, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, by Bryant @harvard & its Third Chapter has no commentary. The ancient commentators had no comments. Because none of them ever truly practiced yoga. Yoga is about balancing the mind and emotions. To bring them into union. When that begins to take place, the entire Third Chapter makes 1,000% sense. You have to practice to gain experiential wisdom. Not philosophize something you read in a book. Anyone can do that. #yoga #yogasutras #patanjali #thirdchapter #siddhi #meditation #pranayama
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mateiraulalin · 4 years
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March is the third month of the year. It follows February and is followed by April. It has 31 days. March is notable because it is one of the two times a year when an equinox occurs. Around March 20–21, the vernal equinox marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumnal equinox marks the beginning of fall in the Southern Hemisphere. (The reverse happens around September 22–23.) • • • • • #march #spring #love #instagood #happy #nature #sun #instagram #photo #beautiful #smile #flowers #travel #friends #instaphoto #marzec #winter #bluesky #borninmarch #aries #ram #thirdchapter (at Timisoara, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL3miGtFMrN/?igshid=1lq6zv0oapz1e
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debislinger · 7 years
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Brunch tradition in Time with the kids. @thirdchaptereltham #thirdchapter #thirdchaptercafe #brunch http://ift.tt/2rISW0J
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brothereden · 5 years
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/ The challenge of changing your life in the third chapter of your life, is you quickly realize you have no blueprint, roadmap ... example to pattern or peers to impress. Because of your stage and age, experience level ... you quickly discover, you are your own counsel, and there in lies the rub. Whatever is unhealed, unexamined, unresolved from your youth, reappears in this chapter of your life. Realizing how little control we actually have, allows the elder student, to embrace being a student over being an elder. Besides, you've never been in this #ThirdChapter before. How can you really know, what's next??! Blessed. To Be Here. Right NOW. #UnFilteredEDEN #THISis62NOW (at Nob Hill, Albuquerque, New Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4G8rynhdGf/?igshid=qch7qflwq5vw
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soulmatestories · 6 years
Story 1: Chapter 3 (final)
Finally, he reached out, held my face in his hands, and kissed me. It was passionate, soft, sweet and completely and entirely worth the wait.
"That's why." He finally said.
I was completely speechless. How do I respond to that? My mind was filled with all kinds of emotions. I was happy, I was confused, and I was so totally in love. I just stood there, staring into his eyes. I wanted to say something so badly, but the words just weren't there. I didn't know what I wanted to say, I just knew it had to be something. It had to be special and important. Luckily, he said something first.
"I couldn't say it to your face, because I knew it wasn't true, I knew that if I tried to say it to your face, I wouldn't be able to get the words out. I knew I would break and do what I just did." He said.
"What about back at your house? What about what you said then? You seemed pretty set on the fact that we weren't soulmates." I said quietly.
"I was in denial. I regretted it the minute you left my house. I came out to look for you, but you were gone."
"I ran away pretty fast." I started. He looked at me questioningly, "I knew before our timers even went off that I wanted to be with you. I never said anything because I didn't want to ruin a friendship for no reason. I figured you weren't my soulmate anyway, so what was the point."
"I was such a jerk. I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. You deserve so much better than me and -"
I cut him off, "I'm not going to find anyone else. You are the one for me. What do you think these timers mean?" I held onto his wrist and we both looked down at it. We looked back at each other. "Does this mean that -"
"Yes." He said simply, right before he kissed me again.
After that, everything just seemed to fall into place. I finally had the boy I'd wanted for so many years. It all felt so right, it was almost too good to true. Everyday with him was the new best day of my life. I was the happiest I'd ever been. Do you know what it's like to be in love with your best friend? It is one of the best feelings in the world. It is the most wonderful feeling, and I get to feel it everyday....
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thirdchapter3c · 6 years
Third Chapter- Australia to New York City Video
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dk-drums-blog · 9 years
Full play through of 'House Of Dreams' with @blissneso live @ Flemington Racecourse. Link in bio ⬆️💯💥 #blissneso #Dkdrums #drumlife #drums #drumsdrumsdrums #zildjian #vicfirth #hiphop #remo @zildjiancompany @drumdots @remopercussion @pearl_drums @dkdrumsacademy 🎥 by @brettriggvisual #thirdchapter @third_chapter (at Port Melbourne Beach)
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brothereden · 5 years
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/ The challenge of changing your life in the third chapter of your life, is you quickly realize you have no blueprint, roadmap ... example to pattern or peers to impress. Because of your stage and age, experience level ... you quickly discover, you are your own counsel, and there in lies the rub. Whatever is unhealed, unexamined, unresolved from your youth, reappears in this chapter of your life. Realizing how little control we actually have, allows the elder student, to embrace being a student over being an elder. Besides, You've never been in this #ThirdChapter before. How can you really know, what's next??! Blessed. To Be Here. Right NOW. #UnFilteredEDEN #THISis62NOW (at CNM Central New Mexico Community College) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mfJoyBYGK/?igshid=8x8qui0q746o
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endlessbullshittour · 9 years
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@Third_Chapter have just dropped their latest range…had fun working on this t-shirt graphic with them. High on Life Low on Fucks #thirdchapter #streetwear #420 #highonlife #lowonfucks #koala
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