#third year date sheet 2024
dae-platform · 4 months
Date Sheet of DAE Third Year Mechanical IA- 2024
Punjab Board of Technical Education (PBTE) Lahore issued the final date sheet of the first annual DAE exams. DAE exams are starting from 23rd of May 2024. Here is the date sheet of DAE Mechanical Third Year given as subject wise. Choose Subject Code GEN-311IMH-301MECH-302MECH-313MECH-321MECH-332MECH-333MECH-352MECH-354MECH-363MECH-372 You can also download complete Date Sheet from link…
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mariacallous · 6 months
If you still hold any notion that Google Chrome’s “Incognito mode” is a good way to protect your privacy online, now’s a good time to stop.
Google has agreed to delete “billions of data records” the company collected while users browsed the web using Incognito mode, according to documents filed in federal court in San Francisco on Monday. The agreement, part of a settlement in a class action lawsuit filed in 2020, caps off years of disclosures about Google’s practices that shed light on how much data the tech giant siphons from its users—even when they’re in private-browsing mode.
Under the terms of the settlement, Google must further update the Incognito mode “splash page” that appears anytime you open an Incognito mode Chrome window after previously updating it in January. The Incognito splash page will explicitly state that Google collects data from third-party websites “regardless of which browsing or browser mode you use,” and stipulate that “third-party sites and apps that integrate our services may still share information with Google,” among other changes. Details about Google’s private-browsing data collection must also appear in the company’s privacy policy.
Additionally, some of the data that Google previously collected on Incognito users will be deleted. This includes “private-browsing data” that is “older than nine months” from the date that Google signed the term sheet of the settlement last December, as well as private-browsing data collected throughout December 2023. Certain documents in the case referring to Google's data collection methods remain sealed, however, making it difficult to assess how thorough the deletion process will be.
Google spokesperson Jose Castaneda says in a statement that the company “is happy to delete old technical data that was never associated with an individual and was never used for any form of personalization.” Castaneda also noted that the company will now pay “zero” dollars as part of the settlement after earlier facing a $5 billion penalty.
Other steps Google must take will include continuing to “block third-party cookies within Incognito mode for five years,” partially redacting IP addresses to prevent re-identification of anonymized user data, and removing certain header information that can currently be used to identify users with Incognito mode active.
The data-deletion portion of the settlement agreement follows preemptive changes to Google’s Incognito mode data collection and the ways it describes what Incognito mode does. For nearly four years, Google has been phasing out third-party cookies, which the company says it plans to completely block by the end of 2024. Google also updated Chrome’s Incognito mode “splash page” in January with weaker language to signify that using Incognito is not “private,” but merely “more private” than not using it.
The settlement's relief is strictly “injunctive,” meaning its central purpose is to put an end to Google activities that the plaintiffs claim are unlawful. The settlement does not rule out any future claims—The Wall Street Journal reports that the plaintiffs’ attorneys had filed at least 50 such lawsuits in California on Monday—though the plaintiffs note that monetary relief in privacy cases is far more difficult to obtain. The important thing, the plaintiffs’ lawyers argue, is effecting changes at Google now that will provide the greatest, immediate benefit to the largest number of users.
Critics of Incognito, a staple of the Chrome browser since 2008, say that, at best, the protections it offers fall flat in the face of the sophisticated commercial surveillance bearing down on most users today; at worst, they say, the feature fills people with a false sense of security, helping companies like Google passively monitor millions of users who've been duped into thinking they're browsing alone.
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coochiequeens · 11 days
It bad enough men are being placed in a women's prison, but these scum?
By Genevieve Gluck September 11, 2024
A total of five male convicts were transferred to a Minnesota’s women-only prison following the adoption of a gender identity policy by the Department of Corrections in January of 2023. Two of the men who are now being held at MCF-Shakopee , a female correctional center, are sexual predators serving sentences related to the abuse of children.
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Another, Sean Windingland, 35, sexually assaulted two 6-year-old relatives and posted videos of the abuse and grooming on pornography and pro-pedophile websites.
Windingland admitted to engaging in sexual contact with the young girls when questioned by investigators, but claimed that the children had consented. He pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct in 2019. Windingland is now serving his 36-year prison sentence among women at MCF-Shakopee.
The third, Bradley Richard Sirvio, is a convicted murderer who is serving a life sentence. Sirvio, 52, beat a man to death with a hammer before setting his house on fire in November of 1995. A repeat offender, Sirvio has several other convictions that include multiple charges of assault, burglary, and theft. He was quietly transferred to MCF-Shakopee in November 2023, a full five months ahead of the date that a newly-drafted gender identity policy was set to take effect.
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Bradley Richard Sirvio. Source: Minnesota DOC
The two remaining men confirmed by Reduxx to have been transferred into the women’s prison are Nathan Charles Johnson, serving two years for aiding and abetting a burglary, and a trans-identified male who uses the name Christina Suzanne Lusk, but was born Craig Lusk.
In June 2022, Lusk launched a discrimination lawsuit against the Minnesota Department of Corrections which ultimately resulted in the implementation of measures permitting male convicts to be housed in the female estate. Lusk, who was serving a five-year sentence for the possession of methamphetamine at the Moose Lake correctional facility for men, was backed by the trans activist non-profit organization Gender Justice – which was recently revealed to have received nearly $500,000 in taxpayer funds from the administration of Governor Tim Walz.
The Democratic vice presidential nominee’s office handed out $448,904 to Gender Justice just one year after the organization filed the sex discrimination complaint against Minnesota’s DOC on behalf of Lusk, according to a review of public records published by the taxpayer watchdog group OpenTheBooks.com.
Lusk was arrested on two drug-related felonies, but was ultimately only convicted on one after striking a plea deal. He pleaded guilty to first degree possession of a controlled substance, and was sentenced to 98 months in prison. The defendant fact sheet lists Lusk’s gender as “male,” though he had changed his legal name the year prior.
Lusk had a previous felony conviction for first-degree robbery.
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The legal claim, which was successful in court, demanded that Lusk be transferred to MCF-Shakopee and refers to him as “a woman who was assigned male at birth”, using feminine pronouns throughout.
“Gender identity refers to a person’s innate sense and deeply held understanding of their own gender. Everyone has a gender identity,” reads the complaint. Lusk began taking female hormones in 2009 and received chest implants in 2017.
Gender Justice further demanded that Lusk be given “women’s undergarments,” and claimed that DOC “punished Ms. Lusk for having breasts and for wearing women’s clothing.” Additionally it was stated that Lusk was “repeatedly misgendered and misnamed”.
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Craig ‘Christina’ Lusk shortly after undergoing a chest implant procedure in 2017.
As previously reported by Reduxx, a Facebook account belonging to Lusk showed that he was obsessively posting about seeking female sexual partners, and that he wanted “a bride from Japan”.
As a result of a settlement between Gender Justice and the DOC, Lusk was awarded a $495,000 payout, of which approximately $250,000 was allocated to cover the cost of legal fees. The DOC also rolled out a new policy that would streamline the process for male convicts to transfer into the women’s prison.
The legal team responsible for arguing Lusk’s case was honored with the title “Attorneys of the Year” by law publication Minnesota Lawyer.
The new transgender inmate policy, which was revised in April last year and came into effect at the beginning of April 2024, established an Agency Gender Identity Committee in order to identify and make placement recommendations for “incarcerated people who are transgender” or “gender diverse”. The document cites as an authority the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), a lobbying group that Reduxx has repeatedly connected with sex offenders and sexologists sympathetic to pedophiles.
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Christina Lusk.
This week, a woman formerly employed at the Minnesota Department of Corrections came forward to tell Alpha News that she had resigned from her post in protest of the new policy allowing men who claim a transgender status to be transferred into the female prison estate. Alicia Beckmann, who worked as a GED instructor at MCF-Shakopee, says the policy which prioritizes “gender identity” over biological sex creates an “unsafe environment.”
“I think it has just created a lot of risk, a lot of unknown confusion, frustration, anger,” Beckmann said. “It just has a vibe that doesn’t sit right with a lot of us who work at Shakopee because we are a women’s correctional facility.”
“We house every custody level. We have what would be considered low-level offenders who are there on DWI charges, theft charges, drug possession. Then, you bring in biological males who are violent, who would be housed at a custody level four facility. I just believe we’re re-victimizing some of these women, re-traumatizing them. They are incarcerated, however, they all have a past and a lot of their past includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. I think allowing men to live amongst these women is traumatizing and it’s also unsafe for staff,” she added.
Beckmann remarked that the policy had caused a climate of fear among staff at the women’s prison. “We just fear saying anything. I’ve been away from the DOC now for a few months and I still fear any kind of retaliation from the agency for speaking out, and I’m speaking out for these women who deserve a chance to be rehabilitated and returned to society. I just don’t think the way they’re doing it is appropriate.”
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ehdubyah · 10 months
Announcement from CritRoleStats
CritRoleStats has announced on their website that they will be stopping all updates after the end of the year.
"After 8 years of pouring our hearts into our work and being one of the premier sources of third-party Critical Role information from live play-by-plays to collected data sets to digestible lore to encounter strategies to any other random fancies that crossed us, this will be the final quarter of CritRoleStats. As of January 2024, our team will say goodbye to the site and all the responsibilities we’ve taken on. We’re all completionists at heart, but despite our stubbornness, there was always a point where we had to recognize when we were ready to move on.
2023 isn’t over yet, though, and we’re still going to be hard at work throughout the rest of the year. Here’s what we’re doing, and what our future plans entail.
The Rest of 2023
We will continue our regular duties following Campaign 3 until January 1. These include:
Episode Livecasts, both live on Thursdays and edited article form on Fridays
Media References and Puns the following Tuesday
All Running Stats (times, charts, calendar, crits, galleries, …the list is far too long, but you get it)
What we have stopped doing:
Any updates for articles more than a year old (e.g., Media References)
Monster Analyses (concluded as C3E050)
Homebrew Updates, Quick Answers, One-Shot Masterposts, other various stats
We’ll continue to accept emails, but our Ask Box is now closed. We will do our best to update any charts, character sheets, and various stats to our satisfaction and accepted accuracy as of December 31, 2023.
2024 and Onward
On January 1, 2024, CritRoleStats.com will officially be frozen as a publicly-available archive, time-capsuled and as accurate as we can hope for for all information acquired prior to that date. We will no longer publish articles, update our archives, upload new character sheets, or provide episode livecasts. We will maintain our hold of our social media accounts as long as is reasonable on each site, but we will no longer use them for business as usual.
Thanks to your support, we expect to be able to continue to host the domain and all our data indefinitely, for as long as the Critical Role community still finds relevance in the CritRoleStats archives. We will periodically check the site and continue to apply any updates needed to keep it online, but the content available will remain unchanged. We���ll keep our Patreon and KoFi open, as any additional support for our years of service is of course appreciated. As for the continuation of any projects, while CritRoleStats as you all know it will close with the absence of our members, the TTRPG and CR communities are welcome to try to continue from the foundations we’ve established.
We welcome and are incredibly grateful for all of your support, both intrinsic and monetary, over our past eight years. We appreciate your patience and continued support in this final chapter!"
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forgotten-mem0ries · 3 months
Entry #1
4:56 PM June 16, 2024, Father's Day
Father’s Day has always been frowned upon by me. It felt like a chore. I would wake up, be nice to him no matter what look I got in return, and go to sleep. My dad would always have a series of questions that day, different year by year. But always the same one stuck: What's my birthday?
And every year since the age of five when I could remember the date, I would answer confidently: November 1st, 1975. He would give me a civil nod and a pat on the back and walk away, preparing his next question that he would ask a couple of hours later at breakfast. 
This year, the question was: What's my job? 
Both Remy (older brother) and I (Dakota) looked at each other with confusion. After a few moments, Remy uttered the simple four words, ‘To be our father’. 
My parents created a rule when we were younger that we couldn’t ask them about their jobs or anything relating to work. We never knew why, but we followed the rules. It was easy enough to do. 
I wouldn’t say I had the best relationship with my father. I would come home from third grade, having made a finger turkey on a piece of printer paper in homeroom, and give it to my dad with a smile plastered on my face. He would grunt at it, break a small smile, and tape it to the fridge. I would wake up the next morning and it would be in the trash. Guess he didn’t like the art. Too mundane for him.
But as time went on, everything was too mundane for him. The only thing he got excited about was family drama between his siblings. The last time I saw the whole family in the room was in 2014. Nine years old and the last time I saw every family member together. But hopefully, it’ll happen three days from now.
He died five hours ago, at approximately 11:43 am. I thought he was playing a stupid joke or something, but when I shook his shoulder, he didn’t move a single muscle. His body was limp but still slightly warm. I called for my mother and she came running from the backyard, weaving her way from the backdoor to the living room. 
I think it was the first time I had called him dad in years, repeating the words that hadn’t escaped my mouth in front of him since I was 13. My mother felt for a pulse, putting her fingers to the side of his neck. This was the first time I had cried in front of my mother in years as well. I had rested my forehead on the top of his right hand, begging for one more stupid turkey drawing to make it into the trash. One more moment with him, whether it was good or bad.
Remy had walked through the front door, rushing over to my side as the bags of groceries dropped by the stairs. He crouched down next to me, pulling me into his arms as I sobbed into his shirt, letting out all of the tears that I had held in. My dad hated it when I cried.
My mother had called the ambulance minutes prior as she felt for his pulse. He was pronounced dead as the EMTs came into the house and checked him out.
They took his body away on the stretcher, covering it with a thin white sheet, the straps holding him down. The man who was once known as my father, David Watson, was now a corpse. 
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sudheervanguri · 15 days
Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd is holding Walk-in Interviews for multiple roles in ADL (Analytical Development Laboratory), FnD (Formulation Development), and RA (Regulatory Affairs) at their R&D Centre in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. This is an exciting opportunity for experienced professionals in the pharmaceutical industry to join a leading company in the sector. If you have the right qualifications and experience, don't miss this chance to build your career with Torrent Pharmaceuticals. Walk-in Interview Details Date: 15th September 2024 (Sunday) Location: Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd, R&D Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Interview Venue: Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited (R&D Centre), Village Bhat, Near Jear Kanoriya Hospital, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Candidates are required to carry their latest resume, passport-size photo, salary slips, and relevant qualification certificates for the interview. Open Positions Torrent Pharmaceuticals is hiring for the following departments: 1. Analytical Development Laboratory (ADL) Position: Executive Experience: 3-8 years Education: M.Pharm Key Responsibilities: HPLC/GC method development for OSD (Oral Solid Dosage) and API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient). Exposure to regulated, semi-regulated, and India markets. Specialization in complex generics, F2F, topical formulations, oncology, probiotics, and solid-state characterization. 2. Formulation Development (FnD) Position: Executive (FND) Experience: 3-8 years Education: M.Pharm/M.Sc Key Responsibilities: Experience with oncology, peptides, and alternative vendor development. Exposure to the EU/US market with pre-approval experience. [caption id="attachment_58459" align="aligncenter" width="930"] Torrent Pharma Walk-In Interview for Quality Control and Production[/caption] 3. Regulatory Affairs (RA) Position: Executive Experience: 3-8 years Education: M.Pharm/M.Sc Key Responsibilities: Dossier compilation for Module 2 and 3. Regulatory filing for various dosage forms like solid oral, injectables, topicals, and ophthalmics. Experience with DCP/MRP/National filings for EU countries, including the UK. Knowledge of ANDA submissions, eCTD compilation, and query responses. How to Apply To apply for any of the open positions, please attend the Walk-in Interview on 15th September 2024 at Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd, R&D Centre. Make sure to bring the following documents: Latest Resume Passport-size Photograph Last Month’s Salary Slip CTC Breakup Details Previous Experience Letters Qualification Certificates and Mark Sheets PAN Card/Aadhar Card For queries, you can contact: ADL/FND Queries: [email protected] Mobile: 6359621127 RA Queries: [email protected] Important Notes Candidates who have been interviewed within the last 6 months are not eligible to apply. Torrent Pharmaceuticals does not engage third-party agencies for recruitment. No fees or security deposits are required during the recruitment process.
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gnsaccountacy · 1 month
Empowering Logistics Companies | Form 2290
Welcome to the 2024 Key Tax Deadline and Strategies Season! 
As we approach January 29th, the begin of the e-filing season, it’s time to center on proficient and stress-free assess filing. 
We are committed to directing you through this prepare, guaranteeing a smooth involvement. Our group is here to oversee your monetary obligations with mastery and care, making assess recording direct and worry-free. 
Forms to Anticipate by the Conclusion of January or the Starting of February Form W-2G: For detailing betting winnings. Form 1099-C: For announcing obligation of $600 or more canceled by certain monetary substances counting monetary teach, credit unions, and government government agencies. Form 1099-DIV: For announcing profits and selling distributions. Form 1099-G: For announcing certain government installments, counting unemployment recompense and state and nearby charge discounts of $10 or more. 
Form 1099-INT: For detailing intrigued, counting intrigued on conveyor certificates of deposit. Form 1099-K: For announcing installments gotten from a third-party settlement entity. Form 1099-LS: For detailing reportable approach deals of life insurance. Form 1099-LTC: For announcing long-term care and quickened passing benefits. Form 1099-MISC: For detailing eminence installments of $10 or more, lease or other commerce installments of $600 or more, prizes and grants of $600 or more, edit protections continues of $600 or more, angling pontoon continues, restorative and wellbeing care installments of $600 or more. 
Form 1099-NEC: For announcing nonemployee compensation. Form 1099-OID: For announcing unique issue discount. Form 1099-PATR: For announcing assessable disseminations gotten from cooperatives. Form 1099-Q: For detailing conveyances from 529 plans and Coverdell ESAs. Form 1099-QA: For detailing disseminations from ABLE accounts. Form 1099-R: For detailing conveyances from retirement or profit-sharing plans, IRAs, SEPs, or protections contracts. Form 1099-SA: For announcing conveyances from HSAs, Toxophilite MSAs, or Medicare Advantage MSAs. Form 1098: For announcing $600 or more of contract interest. Form 1098-E: For detailing $600 or more of understudy advance interest. Form 1098-MA: For announcing contract help payments. Form 1098-T: For announcing qualified educational cost and expenses. Form 8300: For announcing exchanges of more than $10,000 in cash (counting computerized resources such as virtual cash, cryptocurrency, or other advanced tokens speaking to value). 
Form 8308: For detailing trades of a organization intrigued in 2023 that included unrealized receivables or significantly acknowledged stock items. Form 5498: For announcing IRA commitments, counting conventional, Roth, SEPs, and SIMPLEs, and giving the December 31, 2023, reasonable advertise esteem of the account and required least dispersion (RMD) if applicable. For proficient handling of your assess return, it is fundamental that we accumulate all essential data. It would be ideal if you fill out the brief Admissions Sheet. 
Your precise reactions on the Admissions Sheet will empower us to give you with the best conceivable benefit and guarantee compliance with charge regulations. Convenient Arrangements and Custom fitted Assistance: Tax Deadline Understanding the complexities of assess season, G&S Bookkeeping offers helpful arrangements for record accommodation. 
If you’re in the Rancho Cucamonga range, feel free to drop off your printed material at our office. Alternatively, secure online transfers are accessible. Our objective is to make your assess due date encounter as consistent as conceivable. For organizations with financial year plans, we give custom-made bolster to help in recognizing and assembly particular assess due date, guaranteeing prompt compliance. Conclusion: Set out on a Smooth Charge Journey: As the charge season unfurls, let us at G&S Bookkeeping ease your travel. With our mastery and personalized approach, we’re committed to guaranteeing a smooth and effective charge recording involvement for you. 
Ready to begin? Provide us a call, and take the to begin with step towards a worry-free charge season.
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not-so-bored · 8 months
23 January 2024, Tuesday  
Things I have done:
📞 Phone Call 
🗒 Literature Revision (2 questions) 
🗒 Maths Revision (17/73) 
🗺 Geography Quizzes 
📘 Logic (10/29)
💧 Drops: Dutch 
🦉 Duolingo: Dutch 
🤩 Philosophy 
💫 Miscellaneous chaotic stuff
Winter Studying Challenge 
23rd January - Polar bear or penguin?
Watch at the zoo: polar bear 🐻‍❄️
Encounter: penguin 🐧
January study challenge 
show us your planning system!
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Screenshot of a Google Sheet. The sheet has eight columns, the first two are dates, and the next ones are described: Literature Questions, Mathematics, Computer Science, Project, Practice Task, Logic. The first row contains the titles listed above.
The first column of the second row says Week, the second column contains the number of the current week. The following columns list how much of what I need to do. 
In the third row it is written what I did in 2023, i.e. what I started with. The next rows correspond to subsequent weeks and show what progress I need to make in each week until March. 
The cells in the rows for the first three weeks of this year are marked green (done as planned), red (not done enough), blue (done more than planned).
Every Sunday I enter how much I have done during the week. It automatically calculates how much I need to do in the following weeks to complete the plan by the end of February (Practice Task, Logic) or March (everything else).
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Bitfarms a Canadian Bitcoin mining enterprise, has significantly amplified its Bitcoin (BTC) mining outputs, disclosing a 7.3% enhancement in BTC mining operations for September 2023 compared to the preceding month. Bitfarms’ Argentina Facility Boosts Mining Results The mining company achieved a cumulative mining of 411 BTC in September 2023. This comes to light as part of the company’s most recent update on its mining undertakings, released on October 2. The mining uptick results from the ongoing installation of additional miners and the full activation of its Argentina facility at Rio Cuarto, now operating at 51 megawatts (MW). Consequently, Bitfarms has expanded its total operational capacity to 233 MW, marking a 24% increase in 2023. Moreover, the firm experienced a 9% hike in its hash rate in September, reaching 6.1 exahashes per second (EH/s). However, the rate hasn’t met the firm’s third-quarter target of 6.3 EH/s due to delays in the electrical infrastructure in Bitfarm’s Québec facility at Baie-Comeau. Out of the 411 BTC amassed, the firm sold 362 BTC, leading to total revenues touching $9.5 million. Nevertheless, the enterprise retains 703 BTC, valued approximately at $20 million. According to Geoff Morphy, Bitfarms CEO, the firm focuses on infrastructure and bolstering its balance sheet to procure financial flexibility. Morphy believes this will empower the company to make assertive strides, especially with the anticipated Bitcoin halving in April 2024, providing lucrative growth prospects. This upcoming halving event is pivotal, slashing the Bitcoin miner block reward from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC, and will likely intensify mining costs. Hence, Bitfarms is concentrating on maintaining balance and infrastructure to maximize benefits during optimal growth conditions. Year-to-Date Mining Dips for Bitfarms Despite Bitfarms revealing a notable ascent in its September 2023 mining production, the mining pace lags behind the figures attained in 2022, exhibiting a 14.6% decrease. Additionally, the firm has mined 3,692 BTC year-to-date, a slight dip compared to 3,733 BTC generated over the equivalent period in 2022. In May, the company garnered attention by acquiring approval for listing on the Nasdaq stock exchange. However, there were initial complications due to non-compliance with Nasdaq’s listing requirements regarding stock price. Read Also: Argentine Oil Giant Turns Gas Flares to Crypto Goldmine
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ledenews · 2 years
Streetscape Bid Opening by Wheeling Officials Set for 10:01 a.m. Tuesday
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When first introduced by then-Mayor Andy McKenzie, the cost of Streetscape 1.0 was about $5 million. Streetscape 2.0 added the installation of new traffic signals and increased the price project to about $9 million, but then arrived Streetscape 3.0, and for more than $25 million downtown Wheeling would have signalization, curbs, sidewalks, and access ramps, “bump-out” walkways that are expected to slow traffic, and paved, smooth roads for the first time since the early 2000s. The two-year project 3.0 version will involve Main and Market streets as well as parts of Eoff and Chapline, and 10th, 12th, 14th, and 16th streets also will receive makeovers, too. Next access ramps are an important of the streetscape because of the importance of ADA compliance. “The good news is that the cost of the project did not increase much for the City of Wheeling,” explained City Manager Bob Herron. “In the very beginning, the City was expected to cover about a third of the cost, but as the scope of the project grew and grew, the state of West Virginia assumed the cost of a vast majority of it. That’s because Gov. (Jim) Justice really believes in what it will do for the future of our downtown. “There are five very good general contractors who have taken out specs for this project so we’re hoping that means there will be five bids,” he said. “It’s a very big project and the big sheet is 43 pages long, and it’s very complicated. For example, this is not just a beautification project but also a storm sewer project at the same time, and as far as all of the infrastructure projects we needed to perform before this began, they are all done and the downtown is ready to go.” New signalization is an expensive part of the upcoming streetscape project. When and When? The contract does include two caveats: Construction must begin within 10 days of being awarded the contract, and it must be completed no later than November 29, 2024. Herron said the start date will depend on whether or not the state accepts one of the bids received and reviewed. Streetscape 1.0 was introduced by McKenzie and then-Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin in the summer of 2015. Since the discovery of storage vaults, the addition of new design ideas, and a non-debate over changing Main and Market streets to two-way traffic have lengthened the start time even though roadway conditions already were considered atrocious. “I was the president of the Wheeling Chamber at that time (in 2015) and I can tell you that all of our members were happy to hear about Main and Market streets getting the attention they needed back then,” said Erikka Storch. “And when the conservation started about two-way traffic on Main and Market, none of the members in downtown wanted to hear much about it. They just wanted it to move forward so they didn’t have to apologize for the streets anymore.” A large underground infrastructure project at the corner of Main and 16th streets. That also is why Herron hopes construction begins before colder temperatures return to the region. “I am hopeful this project will begin at some point this fall, but that’s not my decision. That will be a decision state officials will make, but I do believe it will get underway this fall,” said the city manager. “It has taken a longer time than anyone expected for all of us to get to the point where we are today, so I know everyone is very anxious for this project to get started.” “When the cost of this project kept climbing it was the City that suggest that maybe we should reduce the scope, but it was the Governor and the state that insisted on doing everything that is needed to bring our downtown up-to-date,” Herron explained. “Hopefully, that support is still there after all of the bids are opened because the cost of everything has increased so much the past couple of years. I believe the support will be there because we all have spent a lot of time developing and reviewing every part of this project so what was included for the contractors to consider during this process.” Read the full article
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dae-platform · 4 months
Date Sheet of DAE Second Year Mechanical IA- 2024
Punjab Board of Technical Education (PBTE) Lahore issued the final date sheet of the first annual DAE exams. DAE exams are starting from 23rd of May 2024. Here is the date sheet of DAE Mechanical Second Year given as subject wise. Choose Subject Code ELEC-212GEN-201MATH-212MECH-233MECH-242MECH-246MECH-272MGM-201MGM-221PHY-212 You can also download complete Date Sheet from link below Download…
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erictheericworld · 4 years
MND Group: aims for a return to balanced adjusted EBITDA for the 2020-2021 financial year
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At the end of the 2019-2020 financial year, MND Group achieved a consolidated turnover of 40.3 million euros (47.8 million euros over the same 12-month period of the previous fiscal year), i.e. a decline of -16%.
MND had to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and its health consequences during the second half of the year, with the implementation of restrictive measures (closure of ski resorts) in many countries. Faced with this situation, MND has adapted its activity from the end of January 2020 in China, then in March in Europe and the United States, by partially closing its various production sites, and by interrupting its deliveries. and installations in consultation with customers.
Following the deconfinement, the group operated in May 2020 the gradual restart of its production sites, with a return to full capacity since the end of June 2020.
The gross margin is 6.6 ME for an adjusted EBITDA of -31.9 ME. The net result is a loss of -57.8 ME (-57.4 ME pro forma 2018-2019).
Beyond the health and economic consequences linked to Covid-19, the 2019/2020 financial year was marked by 1) the strengthening of the balance sheet structure and the restructuring of bank debts with the support of a new financial partner, Cheyne Capital alongside the reference shareholder Montagne & Vallée, as well as 2) a vast industrial, legal and commercial reorganization of the group as part of the 2024 strategic plan.
This reorganization, which aims to improve the operational performance of the group in a sustainable manner, resulted in the rationalization of industrial sites (closure of two sites in Germany and Sweden) and commercial (closure of three foreign distribution subsidiaries ) and the repatriation of all productions in France within the Sainte-Hélène-du-Lac unit, in Savoie (France). The full integration of these operations is already operational, making it possible to industrialize the production of "Made in France" equipment exported throughout the world.
From a financial standpoint, this reorganization will make it possible to reduce the cost structure by around ME 6 over a full year, thereby lowering the operational break-even point and thus targeting EBITDA adjusted to break-even from the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Two thirds of these savings have already been effective since the start of the 2020-2021 financial year thanks to the rationalization of the number of industrial sites, the ongoing reduction in the number of distribution subsidiaries and the optimization of a certain number of costs. group fixed.
In addition to the impact of the net decline in activity over the entire financial year, which automatically weighs on the group's operating profitability, the results for the 2019/2020 financial year are mainly impacted by non-recurring costs. , including 18 ME with no impact on cash flow, linked to the finalization of this industrial, legal and commercial reorganization of the group.
In view of these financial transactions and operational reorganization, the 2019-2020 accounts are therefore particularly atypical.
Financial situation
As of June 30, 2020, MND's consolidated shareholders' equity amounted to -52.4 ME (-29.5 ME at the end of June 2019). MND's corporate equity amounted to 10.8 ME at June 30, 2020. Net financial debt (excluding IFRS 16 rental debt) was 74.9 ME at the end of June (65.9 ME at the end of June 2019). . This net financial debt included, at the end of June, 9.5 ME of bonds which are intended to be converted in the medium term and which will thus strengthen the group's shareholders' equity and reduce its debt (3.5 ME have already been converted to dated). In the end, the group generated a positive cash flow variation of 22.1 ME during the 2019-2020 financial year.
During the 2019/2020 financial year, the group worked to strengthen its balance sheet structure and reorganize its bank debts with the support of a new financial partner, Cheyne Capital, alongside Montagne & Vallée, the reference shareholder of MND. These transactions resulted in the completion, at the end of September 2019, of two capital increases for a total gross amount of 35 ME and the reorganization of 34.8 ME of short and medium-term bank debt into final debt by May 2024.
New funding
During the first half of the 2020/2021 financial year, MND continued to strengthen its financial capacities, to support the return to full capacity of its production sites and to adapt its organization to the new economic environment. The MND group now benefits from senior financing from Cheyne Capital for a total amount of 55 ME, maturing in late May 2024 and with 100% of capitalized interest. This senior financing is accompanied by customary covenants, relating in particular to quarterly compliance with financial ratios making it possible to assess the weight of the debt on the balance sheet and the income statement.
MND is also announcing the conversion of a simple bond loan with a nominal amount of 5.4 ME, held by European investors, into a convertible bond loan by offsetting the debt of simple bonds issued in 2019.MND also announces the completion of a reserved capital increase of 400 kE, in cash by offsetting of debt, with cancellation of shareholders' preferential subscription rights, by issuing 4 million ordinary shares, at the price of issue of 0.10 euro, without issue premium.
As of June 30, 2020, the group's firm order book amounted to E197.1 million, including E28.1 million of orders to be invoiced during the 2020-2021 fiscal year (which will end on June 30, 2021).Since the start of the 2020-2021 fiscal year, the MND group has experienced sustained order intake, notably with the € 7 million in orders for snowmaking systems from renowned international ski areas in France and Italy. , Austria, Switzerland and Japan, most of which will be carried out over the 2020/2021 financial year, the gain in the construction of the new urban and tourist cable car in the city of Huy (Belgium) representing 5.3 ME for MND, or related projects to the safety of ski areas in Europe, Central Asia and North America. As of September 30, 2020, the group's firm order book stood at 56.1 ME, up + 31% since the end of June, including 29 ME of orders still to be invoiced during the next three quarters of the new fiscal year 2020- 2021 (closed June 30, 2021).
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Based on good order dynamics, the group aims to return to normative operational balance (adjusted EBITDA) from the 2020-2021 financial year, which will end on June 30, 2021.At the end of the 1st quarter of the 2020/21 financial year, MND's activity shows clear growth and is in line with the roadmap to achieve this objective of returning to operational balance.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
The Canadian Bitcoin (BTC) mining firm Bitfarms has been actively scaling operations, significantly increasing the amount of mined BTC last month.Bitfarms mined a total of 411 bitcoins in September 2023 up 7.3% from the amount mined in previous month, the company announced in its latest mining updated on Oct. 2.Out of 411 BTC mined, Bitfarms sold 362 BTC, generating total proceeds of $9.5 million. The firm continues to hold 703 BTC — worth nearly $20 million at the time of writing.The mining production increase is a result of Bitfarms continuing to install new miners and fully energizing its Argentina facility at Rio Cuarto to 51 megawatt (MW). With new installations, Bitfarms has reached a total operating capacity of 233 MW, having increased it by 24% so far in 2023.Also in September, Bitfarms has managed to increase its hashrate 9% from 6.1 exahashes per second (EH/s). Despite significant growth, the hashrate is still slightly below the firm’s third quarter target of 6.3 EH/s, reflecting some electrical infrastructure delays in Bitfarm’s Québec facility at Baie-Comeau.According to Bitfarms CEO Geoff Morphy, the company continues to believe that many of its best opportunities for growth will arise from the next Bitcoin halving that is expected to occur in April 2024. The upcoming event — which happens once in four years — will cut the Bitcoin miner block reward from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC, significantly increasing the costs of mining.“To this end, we are focused on infrastructure and balance sheet strength to provide the financial flexibility to move aggressively when conditions for growth are optimal,” Morphy said.Despite Bitfarms posting a signiciant increase in mining production in September 2023, the firm’s mining pace is a bit lower from figures recorded last year. The amount of mined BTC last month is 14.6% lower than in September 2022. Bitfarms has mined 3,692 BTC totally year-to-date, while last year the firm generated 3,733 BTC over the same period.Bitfarms’ key performance indicators in 2023 versus 2022. Source: BitfarmsThe news comes as Bitcoin’s mining difficulty experienced a 2.7% month-over-month surge in September and Bitcoin miners anticipate higher BTC prices. According to some estimates, BTC mining difficulty is due to drop by 0.7% at its next automated readjustment on Oct. 2.
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dae-platform · 4 months
Date Sheet of DAE First Year Mechanical IA- 2024
Punjab Board of Technical Education (PBTE) Lahore issued the final date sheet of the first annual DAE exams. DAE exams are starting from 23rd of May 2024. Here is the date sheet of DAE Mechanical First Year given as subject wise. Choose Subject Code CH-112COMP-152ENG-112GEN-111MECH-127MECH-151MECH-173MATH-113PHY-122TTQ-111 / CIVICS-111 You can also download complete Date Sheet from link…
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lindaboggers · 4 years
MND Group: aims for a return to balanced adjusted EBITDA for the 2020-2021 financial year
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At the end of the 2019-2020 financial year, MND Group achieved a consolidated turnover of 40.3 million euros (47.8 million euros over the same 12-month period of the previous fiscal year), i.e. a decline of -16%.
MND had to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and its health consequences during the second half of the year, with the implementation of restrictive measures (closure of ski resorts) in many countries. Faced with this situation, MND has adapted its activity from the end of January 2020 in China, then in March in Europe and the United States, by partially closing its various production sites, and by interrupting its deliveries. and installations in consultation with customers.
Following the deconfinement, the group operated in May 2020 the gradual restart of its production sites, with a return to full capacity since the end of June 2020.
The gross margin is 6.6 ME for an adjusted EBITDA of -31.9 ME. The net result is a loss of -57.8 ME (-57.4 ME pro forma 2018-2019).
Beyond the health and economic consequences linked to Covid-19, the 2019/2020 financial year was marked by 1) the strengthening of the balance sheet structure and the restructuring of bank debts with the support of a new financial partner, Cheyne Capital alongside the reference shareholder Montagne & Vallée, as well as 2) a vast industrial, legal and commercial reorganization of the group as part of the 2024 strategic plan.
This reorganization, which aims to improve the operational performance of the group in a sustainable manner, resulted in the rationalization of industrial sites (closure of two sites in Germany and Sweden) and commercial (closure of three foreign distribution subsidiaries ) and the repatriation of all productions in France within the Sainte-Hélène-du-Lac unit, in Savoie (France). The full integration of these operations is already operational, making it possible to industrialize the production of "Made in France" equipment exported throughout the world.
From a financial standpoint, this reorganization will make it possible to reduce the cost structure by around ME 6 over a full year, thereby lowering the operational break-even point and thus targeting EBITDA adjusted to break-even from the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Two thirds of these savings have already been effective since the start of the 2020-2021 financial year thanks to the rationalization of the number of industrial sites, the ongoing reduction in the number of distribution subsidiaries and the optimization of a certain number of costs. group fixed.
In addition to the impact of the net decline in activity over the entire financial year, which automatically weighs on the group's operating profitability, the results for the 2019/2020 financial year are mainly impacted by non-recurring costs. , including 18 ME with no impact on cash flow, linked to the finalization of this industrial, legal and commercial reorganization of the group.
In view of these financial transactions and operational reorganization, the 2019-2020 accounts are therefore particularly atypical.
Financial situation
As of June 30, 2020, MND's consolidated shareholders' equity amounted to -52.4 ME (-29.5 ME at the end of June 2019). MND's corporate equity amounted to 10.8 ME at June 30, 2020. Net financial debt (excluding IFRS 16 rental debt) was 74.9 ME at the end of June (65.9 ME at the end of June 2019). . This net financial debt included, at the end of June, 9.5 ME of bonds which are intended to be converted in the medium term and which will thus strengthen the group's shareholders' equity and reduce its debt (3.5 ME have already been converted to dated). In the end, the group generated a positive cash flow variation of 22.1 ME during the 2019-2020 financial year.
During the 2019/2020 financial year, the group worked to strengthen its balance sheet structure and reorganize its bank debts with the support of a new financial partner, Cheyne Capital, alongside Montagne & Vallée, the reference shareholder of MND. These transactions resulted in the completion, at the end of September 2019, of two capital increases for a total gross amount of 35 ME and the reorganization of 34.8 ME of short and medium-term bank debt into final debt by May 2024.
New funding
During the first half of the 2020/2021 financial year, MND continued to strengthen its financial capacities, to support the return to full capacity of its production sites and to adapt its organization to the new economic environment. The MND group now benefits from senior financing from Cheyne Capital for a total amount of 55 ME, maturing in late May 2024 and with 100% of capitalized interest. This senior financing is accompanied by customary covenants, relating in particular to quarterly compliance with financial ratios making it possible to assess the weight of the debt on the balance sheet and the income statement.
MND is also announcing the conversion of a simple bond loan with a nominal amount of 5.4 ME, held by European investors, into a convertible bond loan by offsetting the debt of simple bonds issued in 2019.MND also announces the completion of a reserved capital increase of 400 kE, in cash by offsetting of debt, with cancellation of shareholders' preferential subscription rights, by issuing 4 million ordinary shares, at the price of issue of 0.10 euro, without issue premium.
As of June 30, 2020, the group's firm order book amounted to E197.1 million, including E28.1 million of orders to be invoiced during the 2020-2021 fiscal year (which will end on June 30, 2021).Since the start of the 2020-2021 fiscal year, the MND group has experienced sustained order intake, notably with the € 7 million in orders for snowmaking systems from renowned international ski areas in France and Italy. , Austria, Switzerland and Japan, most of which will be carried out over the 2020/2021 financial year, the gain in the construction of the new urban and tourist cable car in the city of Huy (Belgium) representing 5.3 ME for MND, or related projects to the safety of ski areas in Europe, Central Asia and North America. As of September 30, 2020, the group's firm order book stood at 56.1 ME, up + 31% since the end of June, including 29 ME of orders still to be invoiced during the next three quarters of the new fiscal year 2020- 2021 (closed June 30, 2021).
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Based on good order dynamics, the group aims to return to normative operational balance (adjusted EBITDA) from the 2020-2021 financial year, which will end on June 30, 2021.At the end of the 1st quarter of the 2020/21 financial year, MND's activity shows clear growth and is in line with the roadmap to achieve this objective of returning to operational balance.
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