#thinking they need power to be safe. its just that raven's conflict has her faced with the idea of GIVING UP power she worked so hard for-
The end of the story . . . 
❝Chapter 1: The day that I meet you ❞
bace on the dead apple movie 
[ Osamu Dazai x reader ] 
❝ Prolong ❞
Notice  : [ C / E ] = color Eye  , [ H / C ] =  hair color  , Long chapter  , I suck at fighting scene (T___T) , bad grammar 
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Dazai Osamu  P. O. V
[ 5 : 0 7   A. M  Yokohama City ]
Flashback  ❀
" oh before I forget dazai -Kun & Chuuya - Kun, there was a case about two of my men commits suicide with a bloody knife  & shot with a gun,  but  I believe this is the person that did this    "  the person who was talking to me and Chuuya was the port mafia boss Ogai Mori.  Ever since I join the port mafia I was trying to find my reason to live but still didn't find it my reason to live sadly.  
    Mori grabs files and puts it on his desk which that case some paper to fly off. the raven hair man grabs one of the files with a picture a girl with long [ H / C ], her  [ C / E ]  is like a sunset, her pale face is like the moon I turn around to see Chuuya who was blushing a smirks on my face  & turn back to the Mafia boss. " anyway when you boys were daydreaming about this mission for tomorrow,  this girl names [ Y / N ] [ L / N ] or some people call her the  Dragon only heart." Mori expenses more detail about her and her relationship with Shibausawa even about her ability plus a bonus she killed about 230 people with her ability !, and her parents die or should I said disappear. The mother hasn't come home & and the father as died in an alleyway. It 
   After the meeting... Dazai was still daydreaming about the girl form the meeting. An unfamiliar feeling came to him. Is this... Love that he is feeling right now?
Hehe... It's funny how a girl can have a good [ C / E ] crystal, and a wonderful. [ H / C ] . , I wonder what her likes and dislikes. I snap out of my daydream with a familiar loud voice " oi! dazai are you are ready to go ! " said the ginger hair boy. Oh, I forgot he was there. A smirk on my face " Ooooo chuuyaaaaa I know you like this girl too ~. " I said in a tested voice. Chuuya ends up blushing by my words, I can tell he was pissed/flattered about it. Oh boy, this is going to be a long day.
End of the flashback ❀ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Nobody P. O. V [ 7: 5 2 P. M Yokohama city ]
The day has finally come.... the day of the dragon head conflict. Gun was firing with the other members of the day of Dragonhead. The other members shot back that cause the port mafia members killed or every Death.
𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 ~
It was a full moon, the cloud was a dark purple color, and hearing a gunshot in the air. Hearing  Heavily breathing was coming out of a Male who was running on the street in a straight line holding a gun. He stopped at the end of the street and turn to the left. This man is named was Oda sakunosuke. A man who doesn't kill also one of the gifted people. he had reddish hair, his blue eyes are like the ocean also what he wearing was a  Tan Coat  & a black shirt.  
Oda was looked at the dead body all ever the street. " this is sickening " he mumbles. All the port mafia members man was all dead in the ground. Hearing a couple of gunshots in the background, a loud one sound but this one and sound like a... Baby crying. Oda flicks when he heard the baby crying. He ran to the baby and find their parents died in the ground too. Poor baby was the only one who survives the attack. Oda pots his gun always in gentle hold the baby.    The baby girl kinda clams down a bit. He sighs of relief and said " your lucky to be alive in this situation "    " odasuku " a male voice from an earpiece [ A / N: IDK what are there called them (╥﹏╥)] oda Replied back " Dazai we're are you ? "  the other man on the phone was Dazai Osamu the youngest members on the port mafia.
" I have a feeling I know what you're up to, but you need to run. " Dazai continues taking " it's going to be safe there for long " than the other person spoke up "Oh Piss off, scrub "
A motorcycle pass oda and the baby .  " oh hey, chuuya. You're in the range of the enemy  and take some bullet and die, thanks ." Dazai really wants chuuya to die on this god damm mission.
" Shut up " chuuya was about to lose his cool to his ' partner'.
Chuuya was almost got hit by an ability user but he da. " Damm gifted  " yep he's a bit pissed about that. The ability user uses all its energy to take down chuuya. But it didn't work. By using his ability called   " Upon the tainted sorrow. " the motorcycle was glowing a light red color & stick to the building. The ability user shot his Electric power to try hitting the motorcycle that chuuya riding.
" He thinks he's the shit,"  Chuuya said with a   grumpy his word when he looks at the person.  
Meanwhile with Dazai  ~ ♥︎
The dark brown hair boy was sitting on the ground wearing handcuffed. A gun was pouting at the sild profile of dazai  " It would have been more amusing if you'd been struck by lightning and killed. " said dazai.   A puff of smoke but puff being blow away when a familiar finger " Shut it, Dazai " it was chuuya.
[ Y / N ] [ L / N ] P . O . V
[ 8 : 0 0 P . M ]
" So you telling me I have to stand right here and protect you. , " I said with a ( bit ) annoying a pot my katana on the ground and turning around to looking at my  ' father '   Who was starting at his jewelry. " well isn't my fault you been training all week for this event is it, princess ?"  Shibusawa said who is still starting his red ruby & a violets blue jewelry & started whispered " It'll be mine " keep saying it three times. Jesus, I hated when he does this but then I just get used to it.   I was wearing this nice white dress with cliffs.my dress go to my knees. The neck part was getting annoying. " it won't be mine " Oh God here we go again. Click ... Click .. Click
Hear the fire is burning. He probably burning those papers that I was writing. I sighed and looking at the ground.  " are those jewels are all real? " a male voice I shot my Head. To see a boy with a brown wave hair, his bandages right eye & bandage on was top to the bottom, His left dark brown eye is like chocolate. Also, he was wearing a black coat over his shoulder a white shirt with a black tie . And there was an another next to him. He had short ginger hair. A choker around his neck, hat on his head. Black Gloves cover his hand. By what he wears a black  Jacket, white shirt, and black pants.       The brown hair male took a look at me a started smirk at me. " He could have made a beautiful woman really happy~. "   My cheeks started to heat up. Father is mattering one last word " It won't be mine " dropping the last jewelry on the fire and then dropping the bag to the ground.
 He clasps his together and giving that looks at me "Princess you know what to do. " I sigh. Grabbing my katana form and attack the one with the bandage.
Dazai Osamu P . O . V
[ 8 : 1 9 P . M   ]
Shit,  she coming for the mean.  A Swing forms her attack at me but I dodge it.  I look at chuuya who was going to come bet her. I had to stop him.  " Chuuya go-ahead and used your ability " I yelled at him. his eye widen he yelled back at me, " Are you Crazy! " " just trust me ". He used his ability, And markings appear on the cheeks and to the bottom. Chuuya cloth being riping off.   The wind bit up. The [ H / C ]  girl drops her weapon,  her eye like look like she was seen a ghost. This is my chance. I grab her waist and move closer to my chest. Corruption, huh? I saw it on my mind.  I step away to get some were safe still holding the [ H / C ] girl close.  I could hear chuuya screaming.  Next, the thing you know the building that Shibausawa was bowl up. I grab chuuya hand a used my ability " No longer a human ."
[ ? ? ? P . O . V ]   [ 8 : 2 4 P . M on the roof  top ]
I could see the building bowl up. My white coat was blowing waving though the wind . Heh I was to late to join the party. We'll meet you again soon  The dragon only heart.
[ Dazai Osamu P . O . V ]
[ 8 :  2 5 P . M  Yokohama city ]
After the experience of the building. I ask [ Y / N ] if she started at my apartment for the night. To my surprise she yes! If chuuya now about this will be the end of me.  Also I have get new cou
A few years of waking to Dazai apartment. [ Y / N ] feel something warm. She never had any feelings for a long time. She feels safe with Dazai & chuuya. But there was the other feeling that when she with Dazai her cheek turn pink. And her heart skip a beat when she with him.
" well we're here " I opened the door for [ Y / N ]. " you can make your self-" I my word got cut off by [ Y / N ]  hugging me. " thank you for saving me,"  she said with a smile.  I hug her back. " no problem belladonna." I said smile a bit . . . . . . . . . . . . Days have passed. [ Y / N ] told dazai about her ability. And how dangerous it is. It came to the collusion to not join the port mafia. Each day and chuuya came to the dazai apartment to see how's [ Y / N ] doing. • • • • • The day that Oda dead. Dazai was planning to confess to [ Y / N ]. But [ Y / N ] end up the confession to her love with him in the first place.   Later at night dazai quite the port mafia and took the [ H / C ] girl so they can become lovers & started in a new chapter for their life together. . . . . . . So , they can have that ever  happy ending..... . . . . . . . Five After a few days people started to commit suicide.. nobody now why ... but only one new what is going on . And  that  person is name  [̸Y̸/̸ N̸ ]̸ [̸ L̸ /̸ N̸ ]̸ .̸
❝ chapter 1 : the day that I meet you end ❞
A / N:  in the next chapter there will be more details about the reader's ability!  :'D  also here some fluff with dazai 
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Eternal Flame- Kol Mikaelson 7/?
A Hundred Dead Witches!?!
Summary: 'You never know whats in a persons heart until you truly know them' - Belle French, Once Upon a Time
Singing. Thats all what Alexandra Gilbert has cared about since she was young and all she would care about until she met him.
With Alexandra fighting vampires, werewolves and all between she may do a thing she vowed never to do, fall in love.
And to think it all started with a walk in the woods...
Tonight was the night of Illuminations, a town tradition that has been going on for centuries so a group of us had volunteered to help or in my case forced to. While hanging lanterns from the trees Carol Lockwood decided to make a speech to the volunteers deciding to thank the people actually doing the work instead of sitting around making speeches along with introducing Tobias Fell. 
"Remind me why we're here again?" I whispered to Mark but before he could answer Sam butted in. 
"It's my uncle Tobys night, my mom's forcing me to volunteer and I'm sure as hell not doing it on my own." Making me roll my eyes at the bassist. 
  "Yo, what'd I miss" James said coming behind us making me jump out of my skin giving him a push. 
  "Nothing the speech is about to begin." Sam informed him. 
  "The first illumination..." He started, going on about history of the town and the founders. 
"I'm gonna dip. Finish my lantern" I whispered to James making him look at me incredulously. I just looked at him and blew a kiss at the drummer before a quietly and as slyly as possible trying to escape the wrath of Sam Fell who although may look skinny and weak can destroy you. 
When it looked like I was in the clear for now I walked up to Caroline and Bonnie who were tying lanterns to a branch.
"-comment on that." 
"Comment on what?" 
"There. You Commented" 
"I'm confused, what are you commenting?" Asking the duo confused at what is going on and what is being commented. 
"What do you want me to say Caroline?" She asked clearly distressed before finally addressing me "I went against the balance of nature when I brought Jeremy back to life and now, I'm paying the consequences. Whenever he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here". Jesus this is fucked up. 
"Bon..." I started looking at her sympathetically before Caroline butts in 
"I want you to tell me you're not okay with it." 
"I'm a thousand times not okay with it. I just don't know what to do about it" she said looking deflated at the entire situation making me throw my arm around her shoulders in comfort. 
"You, Bonnie Bennett are the most powerful, smartest and amazing witch. You'll figure out, trust me. You're Bonnie Bennett for Christ sake!" She smiled at me giving a small laugh before a blue Camaro comes out of nowhere pulling up with a raven haired vampire driving. 
"Greetings, blondie, witchy, brainy. I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan." She tells us with an annoyed expression on his face. 
"Vicki Donovan?" I questioned confused to how a dead vampire was being brought into this conversation, 
"What do you mean, why?" Bonnie questioned the annoyed/annoying vampire in front of her. 
"Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost." He explained. What the hell did Damon do to that poor and attractive werewolf? 
"What?" Bonnie asked very confused. 
"And why exactly do you think that?" I asked wondering how Mason Lockwood was the first person he thought of.
"Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker into my chest. let's say I'm having deja vu." With this being told me and Caroline both look at Bonnie who looks very confused and conflicted. 
"I thought you said ghosts couldn't interact with people." Caroline said talking straight to Bonnie thinking how it can't be possible that Bonnie may have been wrong. 
"They can't" 
"Yeah well, I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead. Whatever you screwed up fix it." He ranted towards the witch after that he drove away extremely quickly and most likely above the speed limit. 
Across the road was Matt watching the interaction of the four of us. I was the first to cross the street to talk to the quarterback with Caroline and Bonnie following closely behind. I asked him quickly if he had seen Vicki.
"I haven't seen Vicki, I swear" He told us all before looking down upset about having to go through the loss of his sister a second time "I sent her back like you told me to do."
"Are you sure?" Bonnie asked making sure that Matt actually did get rid of Vicki "Because she has just as much reason to haunt Damon as Mason Lockwood does."
"90% of the people who have been killed in the past two years has as much reason to haunt Damon as much as Mason Lockwood." I added making Caroline nod in agreement.
"She's gone Bonnie. If she was here, I'd know it" I gave him a small sympathetic smile it clear that he was severely upset about this whole ordeal.
"Why do you think its Vicki and not Mason?" Caroline asked the witch.
"Because if any ghost other than Vicki Donovan has a physical foothold on our side, that means Damon's right." Words I never thought I'd hear "and something has gone really, really wrong." Bonnie states looking extremely worried about this situation and what would happen if all the ghosts from our past come to literally haunt us.
"I've had enough of this ghost stuff to last forever. So can you guys can leave me out of this one" Matt tells the three of us, I nodded understanding that if that happened to me, I wouldn't be able to get out of bed forget going to work. He walks away from us, and you can hear Caroline talking.
"I feel so sad for him. It took a lot for him to send his sister away."
"Yeah" Bonnie replied shortly.
"I highly doubt I could do that, if I got to saw my mom or dad again... I don't know if I would be able to let them go." I stated feeling so much sympathy for the blue-eyed boy. "It took a lot of guts anyway." This made the other girls nod.
"So much strength in a man." Caroline continued looking at both of us.
"Caroline it's never going to happen, get over it." Rolling my eyes at her Insinuating that Matt would be a perfectly good boyfriend as she's done for the part two months.
"I've got a ghost problem to deal with, Caroline. Save the Jeremy lecture for later" She snapped while grabbing her bag all of her stuff falling out when the strap broke. I bent down and helped her pick up her things and just as she was going to put her grimoire up it opens itself to a page in the center of the book.
"Did that just..." I asked the witch and vampire not believing my eyes.
"I think so." Bonnie said cocking her head to the side while picking up the book reading the page that the book opened itself to.
"Okay please tell me that's a recipe for witch cookies" Caroline half joked half serious about the page Bonnie was currently reading.
"It's a manifestation spell. It's used to reveal veiled matter." Bonnie told us the meaning of the grimoires spell.
"What's veiled matter?" Caroline asked and before Bonnie answered I said in shock.
"Ghosts." looking at them all.
"What do we do? Do we do the spell? What is the spell exactly?" I questioned Bonnie repeatedly wanting the ghosts to be a thing in the past and look into the future.
"I think we need to go somewhere more private."
Caroline pulled her car up to an abandoned creepy looking house. the three of us enter the front room me and Caroline a little bit more apprehensively than Bonnie.
"So, this is where you brought Jeremy back to life?" I asked Bonnie looking around the room severely creeped out, the interior being as bad as the exterior.
"Yeah. Sorry, I know it's creepy, but we needed a private place to do the spell." Bonnie apologized getting ready to do the spell.
"Hmmm. There's no chance it's haunted by the hundred dead witches who were horrifically burned to death in this very spot, is there?" Caroline question clearly scared, and that question alone made me just as scared.
"A hundred dead witches?!"
"They're not here anymore. And they made it clear they were never coming back." she reassured us both trying to calm our nerves or well attempted to.
"Right. You pinkie swear?" Caroline asks trying to make a joke in the tense environment. Making me give her a look. I got the candles out and gave Caroline a lighter so she can help light the candles with me for Bonnie to start the spell.
"Ready do you need us to do..." I started turning around to see Bonnie already starting to start the spell "Right. Okay" I looked at Caroline while Bonnie was continuing to do the spell getting louder every chant a breeze beginning to surround us getting stronger and stronger by the second making everything in the room moves. Seeing all of this makes my eyes widen and start to worry about Bonnie and how safe this is for her.
"Bonnie, I don't like this. Bonnie..." Caroline voices my thoughts while also looking around that was until we saw something shocking.
"Oh my God, is that your...?" I started but couldn't finish due to the pure shock of what I as seeing. All three of us shocked Bonnie can't say anything, it even leaves Caroline speechless. The silence was broke with Bonnie saying quietly.
Small chapter but next is quite long an different than others as a special character will be appearing. Hope you enjoyed, Part two will include more of the boys (a slight twist).
Please correct any grammar, spelling or British slang.
Any positive or negative feedback is appreciated.
Thanks for reading lovelies xxx 
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ashley-ghuleh · 3 years
Chapter 1: A Friend
(Little note, this is waaaay longer then I thought it would be. But I’m pretty happy with it, here’s to just writing to have fun~<3)
In which a Phoenix befriends a Crow. And the roaring Fire is to meet the Icy Sea.
High school for the rich, some think it would be nicer than a middle class school. Nice kids from prestigious families with good standing reputations. Those people are wrong, rich schools are just as bad if not worse than those of anything lower than them.
Rude kids who were living either spoiled lives with parents who gave them everything they’ve ever wanted.
Or kids coming from homes where they feel smothered by the ‘charitable acts’ their family was known for, or how controlling their parents could be.
And then the kids who didn’t have it so rough who rebelled no matter, just wanting to cause trouble for fun, showing up for school properly dressed and disheveling themselves once in the building without a care if a teacher scolded them, though most teachers have given up on this type of student and their stubborness.
But not all students who acted or dressed this way came from a household that was normal or standard for a rich family. Some who did this came from a place like, The Kohle family.
When it came to higher power in a society of nothing but fake suits and dresses.
The Kohle’
A house made of a mother and father like most were, Elizabeth Grace Kohle Heiress to the original bloodline of Kohle, and James Kohle, formally James McKnight though when he married into the family he had taken the Kohle name in place for his given name as to gain further power from the title. This family on the outside looks picture perfect. Seven kids, six boys and one girl, blessed with many children to continue on the family name. Two loving parents to care for the kids and bring their family to greatness. But under the picture of a ‘perfect’ family portrait lies the full unedited truth. Seven kids, six boys and one girl, six prodigal children and one black sheep. It wasn’t easy being the disappointment, but it was a dirty job and somebody had to do it, and that somebody was Marcus Kohle, born fourth before the twins, his father’s only hated child and his mother’s favorite. 
Being babied and spoiled by his mother and disregarded or shunned by his father and other siblings his father has turned against him, happened to be what shaped this tiny rebel.
Marcus looked like any normal teenager going into school, but these students wouldn’t know this was his fifth transfer for fighting and being an all around troublemaker. 
He walked through the halls remembering the short tour, his school uniform tidy and neat, his hair nicely styled as his mother had done for him before he left that morning, everything in its place. 
Until he stepped through the doors, heading right to the locker rooms. Changing into black beat up combat boots and then ruffling up his hair so it hung perfectly a mess, while undoing the buttons on his uniform dress shirt and loosening his tie to hang lazily around his neck. Walking out he strolled with his bag to his locker ready to cause some chaos.
Those feeling suffocated by the bosom of their parent’s cloaked public affection were like Ashley Carter.
The Carter’
This home was built on a steady arranged marriage of two high school sweethearts, David Carter and Adela Guilani now Adela Guilani-Carter. She kept her maiden name so if things got ugly she could easily drop the hyphenated last name of her husband. Two ‘loving’ parents of course, who were blessed with a single gifted daughter. 
Being born with birth defects that stunned the two parents had been such a reputation concern, that they announced the birth of their daughter without showing her face. The doctor had said Ocular Albinism didn’t run in the family lineage as far as they could find, it just happened to be a rare occurrence.
Rare she was, Ashley Carter was an oddity in a world of normalcy that her parents tried to force upon her. Once she had hit 14 she didn’t care much anymore.
She was the family disappointment, a disgrace to the family name and she would never be what her parents wanted for an heir or a child.
This torn family dynamic wasn’t lost on most other families, some of them were sympathetic, giving the pale eyed girl a safe place to decompress and feel as though nothing or no one could do anything to her, they couldn’t touch her in these safe havens.
Walking into school, she was in her school uniform of course. Hair tied up in high ponytail and her uniform skirt pulled up some to show off her knees as well as her top two blouse buttons undone and her cherry red converse squeaked softly as she trudged to her locker, another day of torture was all she could think.
But she didn’t know that she was about to make the friend that would fight for her till the end.
Some of her friends met up with her to walk to the lockers, chatting softly as she would adjust her sunglasses, the indoor/outdoor lenses for these ones taking a little longer than usual to switch over.
Ashley looked the same as she did the year prior, but with this new year and being a year older, she had changed her looks a bit, having decided she was done hiding she no longer wore her colored contacts to hide her eyes and the most outrageous part of her new look was her new hair color.
Kids from other classes and her own watched her walk by, chest length hair that was now a bold fiery red, Ashley was tired of hiding, wanting to be seen for the girl she could and would be. This new color caused her ‘poor’ mother to faint and her father to demand her to “Wash it out! Now!” Only for the recently rebellious teen to reply with, “ It’s permanent. And no~”
The colors resembled the many hidden within a burning flame, reds, oranges and even some soft pinks, yellowy oranges, all laid out with the best strategies to make her unnatural hair color look.. Well natural. It made her skin seem paler but brought out the color of her freckles, her eyes though always milky crystal seemed to be brighter in a sense.
Closing in on their destination, Ashley and her friends slowed to see a new student being cornered by the lockers, the red haired girl’s happened to be the one this boy’s back was pressed to. “ Hey! I said to say something funny, you're the new foreign kid right? I bet you got a fucking hilarious voice and accent! Go on skinny, say something!” This teasing voice, that was oh so grating on Ashley’s ears made her groan, it belonged to a boy she hasn’t been able to stand since they met at the age of 10, “ Tommy. Fucking. Wilson.” She grumbled now standing before said boy, a born jock through and through. It was like in the dna for that family or something. He would’ve been handsome if he didn’t act so ugly.
“Ashley Carter~ Finally ready to submit to me and become my girlfriend.” The new student against the locker, snorted with a sharp inhale before snickering. “ She’s way out of your league.” His voice was soft, masculine for a 14 year old boy and oddly feminine in an angelic satisfying way. 
The two girls that had been walking with Ashley giggled at the remark and not so much the strange European accent he had and tried to fight around.
Tommy and his two friends looked confused and then shrugged it off. “ I changed my mind, totally thought that you would sound funny but you don’t and honestly..” He narrowed his eyes at the new boy. “ The sound of your voice makes me wanna punch you.” He brought his fist up and Ashley stepped in, smacking Tommy on the back of the head, while he reacted she spoke, glaring down at him. “ If you lay a finger on him, I’ll remind you of what I did when you messed with Cecilia’s lunch and fed her meat. Knowing full well she went vegetarian.” The young jock’s eyes widened at the idea and he straightened himself out and dusted his shirt off. “ Well.. I guess-” “ You're just going to let a girl scare you?” Came the squeaky voice of another boy in Tommy’s little friend group.
Ashley stepped forward putting more heat into her gaze while taking her sunglasses off to show fully the anger in her murky eyes. “ Test your luck punk.” She hissed before the small gaggle of boys and Tommy became legitimately scared and ran off down the hall pushing passed students as they went.
The new boy stood up and sighed, running his hand through his messy hair, “ They didn’t hurt you did they?” Came a sweet soft voice belonging to a beautiful girl only describable as looking like a picture of a blond bombshell girl, the little accessories she wore and her vintage looking makeup were perfect replicas of most early war propaganda posters from the 50s. “ I’m fine thanks..” He said softly trying to not talk too loud, any louder than he was his accent would slip.
“I’m Cecilia, you can call me Cici~” She held out her hand, cocking a brow. He took it and shook it weirdly, clearly uncomfortable.
A tall raven haired girl on Ashley’s other side grinned and gave a tiny two finger wave. “ I’m Lilith. Call me Lili or Li'l.” He nodded at her before looking at Ashley whole nodded at him. “ I’m Ashley. Also the girl who just saved your little tush. What’s your name, new kid?” She asked while getting into her locker and arranging her things and grabbing what she’d need for her class.
He grumbled something under his breath and then sighed through his nose. “ Marcus.. Kohle..” Cecilia jumped and gasped. “ Holy shit! Like the Kohle family from Germany that owns and operates a huge oil rig branch?!?” Groaning the new kid, Marcus, nodded and rubbed his forehead.
“Don’t remind me please.” He sighed, Lilith and Ashley both nudged Cici who shrugged and flailed a bit, “ S-sorry sugar.. Didn’t mean to upset you. So! You guys just moved here right? You're gonna need some friends!” She giggled, smiling brightly. Ashley nodded, “ Yea, and it might as well be us if you're gonna survive in this jungle. Especially if you want to avoid conflict with Tommy.” Marcus grinned and laughed coldly. “ I was doing my best.. Not to hit him.” Lilith nodded.
“Steer clear of him if you can kid, he packs a punch..” Ashley snorted and shut her locker, “ When he can land one. My depth perception is clinically off by birth and can aim a hit better. Tommy couldn’t hit the broad side of a cow with a banjo.” She quipped while looking down slightly at Marcus. “ What class do you have first?” The german boy looked at his curriculum list. “ English li-....” He frowned at the word he was obviously having a hard time with. Cecilia peeked over his shoulder and saw it, “ English literature.. Not to be rude, hun, but I’m guessing your English reading is..” She raised a worried brow and Marcus frowned deeper and flapped his hand back and forth, the three girls looked at each other and nodded. “ It's okay, we’re all in that class with you, so we’ll help you. We’re friends now! So we’re gonna do what friends do best and help each other~” Cecilia giggled, her giggles were infectious and Marcus smiled softly, Ashley looked down at him taking him in for a moment, small and thin as a whip. His hair was messy and was a rich, dark black, it was so dark it had a soft tint of an iridescent shine like crow feathers. His face was sharp, feminine. His skin was almost sickly pale, but his eyes were what stood out to her.
Deep, blue oceanic eyes. They looked tired, obvious by the deep set circles under them, but she found herself feeling like she was falling into a dark blue void, swirling through an angry whirlpool in the temperamental sea. Even with how emotionally exhausted he looked, his eyes held this intense energy to them.
Ripped from her thoughts by her friends, she looked to see if they noticed she had spaced out, Marcus didn’t notice, neither did the girls, Lilith was running her fingers through Marcus’ messy tresses. “ Your hair is so cool.. It reminds me of a crow~” She grinned, the foreign boy nodded his thanks softly. “Oh! Oh! Our little friend group is complete! We’ve got the sassy Italian’s,” She giggled, waving at herself and Lilith, “ I’m Italian too..” Ashley pouted, “ Yes, but now we also have.” She sang that ‘a’ to draw it out while shoving Marcus and Ashley shoulder to shoulder, “ The phoenix and the crow~” The blond bubbled and grinned brightly.
The two looked at each other and then shrugged, “ Works for me. Just don’t be calling me that around others.” He grumbled though wasn’t actually grumpy about it, Ashley nodded, “ I mean I like it but it's a little… Stage name-y? How about something more subtle for general use?”
Marcus looked up at her and immediately spoke before anyone else could. “ Ash.” He stated plainly. “ Phoenix's rise from ashes, reborn into the world. Becoming greater with every rebirth.” He said with a bored tone almost like it was so obvious before adding on, “ Plus it's her name but shortened.. I am foreign but not dumb.”
The girls all laughed and smiled at the boy’s antics, he was going to be a lot of fun to get to know and hang out with. Already each girl held special places in their hearts for this precious kid and wouldn’t let anything happen to him.
“Well gang.. We better get to class before Professor Davidson comes searching for us.” Groaning at the idea they made sure they all had everything including Marcus and went onto class.
Walking down the hallway were four new best friends, and two who would stand up for the other no matter the scenario. Beautiful bonds were made between the Phoenix, and the Crow. 
But the two thought, how would the intense Fire handle meeting the Freezing Sea, that’s been raging for centuries?
That’s something they’ll find out together. As they would do so, with many things to come.
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kob131 · 4 years
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The first slide that ISN’T a summary and we have serious issues.
The two examples given do NOT reflect on Ironwood’s viewpoint or actions. They’re one off mentions by OTHER characters. IRONWOOD is not reaching out to people here, Ruby and Ozpin effectively are. And Ruby and Ozpin are big on the whole ‘team up!’ thing (to the point Ruby tried to talk RAVEN into joining them.)
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So? This is Volume 2, long before Ironwood faces the negative events than change him as a person. Acting like he’s the exact same person then and now is disingenious is a VERY extreme degree.
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Glynda: Trouble sleeping?
Ironwood: (Looking back, gripping his shoulder with the other hand.) Arm was acting up.
Glynda: Of course, so logically, you got out of bed, dressed yourself completely and decided to gaze menacingly out into the distance. (Approaches all the way to his side, then looks at him concerned.) What's wrong?
Ironwood: I've trusted him for years. We both have. I just... I can't help but feel like he's keeping us in the dark.
Glynda: Don't be ridiculous! You know very well that we are not the ones in the dark.
Ironwood: (Laughs humorously.) That makes it worse! I refuse to believe that a man that I've trusted for so long would act so... passively.
Glynda: (Puts a reassuring hand on her friend's shoulder.) You're a good person, James. You've always done what you think is best for the people, even against strong protest. It's admirable. But it's high time you stopped talking about trust and started showing it. (Drops her hand as they stare into the distance together.) Ozpin has experience that the rest of us lack. And I think that's something worth remembering.
This is the full conversation. Which is rather important given how much it emphasizes that Ironwood looks up to and respects Ozpin...who we all know is about to get cut off from his allies.
Skipping through a LOT here as it’s just a bunch of ‘Hey look! Ironwood’s being nice!’ along with tangents. I’d love to address them all to prevent any accusations of manipulation but I’m not repeating myself: Ironwood being nice is not a contradiction of what he will do (in fact, one can very well see that his empathy is a FACTOR in his decision).
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‘Being cautious’. That is an important statement here. Because ‘being cautious’ would also include going for the decision that’s guruanteed to save a few people rather than the decision that MIGHT save a lot of people (a ‘safe bet vs. gamble’ if you will).
Ironically here, OP just displayed how Ironwood’s actions are consistent with his previous ones.
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The man whose allies weren’t hacked?
Also note how this DOESN’T have anything to do with the actual argument at hand. It’s not about showing an inconsistency with Ironwood: it’s about making the character look good. It’s a tell from the OP that what they SAY they’re arguing for doesn’t match the actual ACTIONS. OP is not upset that Ironwood is inconsistent- She’s upset that Ironwood is being portrayed NEGATIVELY.
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So you’re saying we should throw away all our tech based on the work by Nazi scientists because we disagree with how it was originally used? You try to call hypocrisy here and yet fail to address the distinct difference between the intention/moral implications behind tech and how it’s actually used.
Not to mention how a lot of this is fucking bullshit. Like the army point was about how bringing his army to Vale was a bad idea due to putting people on edge...and then the Grimm attacked, which pretty much made that a non-issue. Or how about the objection of the Aura experimenting wasn’t actually condemning Ironwood? Or how they sympathize with Ironwood and still CONDEMN his actions? Or how the Penny thing flat out wasn’t said?
My pattern senses are also tingling. Specifically the ‘manipulation’ part.
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Now it’s all about arguing how Ironwood is actually totally and factually right, as if this isn’t a story.
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‘In This Story’. AKA The OP has already argued from a meta standpoint but is now trying to argue as if the story is real.
There’s also the complete disregard for the CONSEQUENCES of Ironwood’s actions.
Ironwood brings an army? Gets hacked, turns on the citizens, wrecks Vale and Atlas’ reputation is shot.
Ironwood doesn’t tell the truth about Penny? She gets used as a lynchpin in Cinder’s plan.
Ironwood closes off the border? Atlas’ reputation is further shot and it gives reason to Team RWBY to question him.
Ironwood doesn’t include the council? Their trust in him is dead and they get in his way.
Ironwood doesn’t help Mantle despite their fear, distrust and dislike of Atlas and the very real threat of Grimm? Helps Robyn rise to power who in turn openly distrusts him and conflicts with him, making things harder and causing a rift with his allies.
Fucking hell, a lot of Ironwood’s mistakes are REPEATS of his past mistakes, like his unilateral action in a team effort or him excluding people. Not to mention his preaching of Ozpin’s morals then proceeding to trample all over them and expect everyone to follow him. Stuff that OZPIN got punished for in the previous Volume and Ruby and co. got punished for in the SAME Volume as Ironwood.
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He was never portrayed as power hungry. He’s STILL not portrayed as power hungry.
I’ll go ahead and destroy this entire slide show with one quote from one episode, a quote you seem terrified of given how you completely gloss over it despite addressing literally EVERYTHING ELSE with Ironwood.
Volume 4 Episode 11 ‘Taking Control’
Ironwood: (sighing heavily) Winter is one of my best. If she's telling me there's a threat in Mistral then I am not going to take that news lightly. She's been there for weeks, people are mobilizing, sudden spikes in weapons and Dust trades. Someone is about to make a play and I do not trust Leo to stop them.
Weiss is listening outside.
Jacques: You've never trusted anyone other than yourself!
Ironwood: (shouting) And for good reason!
Weiss covers her mouth with her hand as she gasps at the sound of Ironwood slamming his fist onto the desk.
Ironwood: If Oz had just listened to me from the start...
Jacques: You need to get a grip.
Ironwood: That's exactly what I'm doing. Our people need protection. By this time next week, the Kingdom of Atlas will be officially closing its borders. No one in; no one out. Without the council's permission.
Jacques: You mean, without your permission?
Ironwood: And if that becomes the case, I would think you'd want to be on my good side.
Suddenly your whole narrative fails apart. because here we see the core of how Ironwood became who he was-
The sorrow at his failure at Beacon.
His paranoia confirmed.
His belief that his way is the best.
All things he displayed before then- Now worsen by perceived failure. All thrown out into the open for the audience to see. All things he repeated in Volume 7, worsened AGAIN by betrayal and Salem’s arrival.
You can call out all you want about the good things Ironwood has done and how he’s ‘right’- it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t disprove what he showcased here. His empathy in fact would MAKE IT WORSE because he feels responsible for people’s lives so he can’t hesitate to save them. Like say, hesitate to listen to a person whose lied to him or a perceived obstacle *cough* Oscar and Slate *cough*.
He’s not a deconstruction of a cold hearted dictator or a sudden evil villain.
He’s a deconstruction of the Well Intention Extremist trope, showcasing that his intent matters not in the face of his actions and the flaws he fails to overcome. He’s a depressingly real person (I’ve certainly felt like him before) but that doesn’t justify his actions or make him right,
And no woobie pandering will change that.
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guarded-battalion · 4 years
    Press releases have been largely a success, as far as public relations were concerned. Week over week Fox had nearly 40% fewer attacks on his men from altercations not directly linked to gang violence. People were starting to see them - the clones- as just that. People. 
     Admittedly, it didn’t make the task of addressing the press any less daunting. They had established somewhat of a rapport over the past few weeks, but they were still a ravenous, unforgiving bunch. He breathed out any uncertainty, cradled his helmet under his arm, and stepped into the hotlights. Greetings, questions, the shuffle of chairs immediately assaulted his senses. Shutting everyone out, he did a quick sweep of the room. Two exits, no windows, reinforced ventilation grates resistant to cutting with standard las-cutters. Calm, secure, understanding his surroundings. 
     “Welcome, once again.” His curt, clipped tone cut through the cacophony of the crowd like a lightsaber through so many battle droids. “As always, I will take one question from each network, follow-up questions are allowed time permitting. I will do my best to answer, classification allowing of course. Now-” He raised a gloved hand at the crowd, and they exploded once again. Callouts of Commander! Commander Fox! Rang out exactly on cue. He scanned the crowd, before settling. “Yes,” he said pointing at a young man. “Mr. Lakely.” The representative from Reformers United smiled, and began. 
     “Commander, since there has been some confusion among the general public, I thought I should help clarify. What exactly are you trying to achieve with these conferences?” Fox tilted his head, a hint of confusion twinging his brow. 
     “As I stated, the objective-” 
     “I’m sorry to interrupt Commander, I mean - really. Not the canned answer of transparancey you told us in the first week.” Trek Lakley paused before looking sheepish. “Not that we don’t appreciate the added information.” The room chuckled, and Fox nodded at him. 
     “I suppose the real objective was transparency, in a way. Seeing behind-” he rapped his knuckles on his helmet. “Every guardsman protecting the citizens here, every man dug into sieges in the outer rim, every casualty. They’re all men, with my face, with my voice. Not droids, not mindless creations. All men, with chosen names and developed personalities. Partially, I hoped, we would be seen as thinking beings, but there is still much work to be done. Next question.” The room exploded once again, and his eyes locked on a human woman with short brown hair, and a glint in her eye. That could only be “Deena Tharen.” It was nice that Holonet News was sending their A game this time.
    She smiled; dazzlingly white, well rehearsed. “ Commander, I think it's fair to surmise that following the introduction of the Supreme Chancellor's Reflex Amendment, the Coruscant Guard have become its de facto enforcers. Given that the amendment now grants the Chancellor's Office the power to interfere and intervene in the affairs of sector judiciaries, including those off-world, without first requiring the assent of the Senate, there's growing concerns amongst the populace about the precedential deployment of these powers. Could you describe, if any, the checks and balances implemented by The Guard to mitigate reliance on this new legislation? Particularly, any balances with respect to conflicts of interest resulting around the detainment and arrests of persons?” Considering that Holonet News was state funded, it’s very likely this isn’t the question her producer approved before coming in. She was just as tenacious as she seemed on air. 
     “I will clarify that Emergency Act 12b was an act that was passed by the senate in an effort to keep the war effort moving smoothly without the need for bureaucratic interference. Interference that routinely cost lives, and let entire systems slip to the separatist movement while the senate was deadlocked at the beginning of the war. The Guard’s primary function is the safety of every citizen of Coruscant, and it will continue to be. As for checks and balances, this legislation does not allow for us to act with impunity. Our powers in terms of detainment and arrests have been expanded in direct response to the nature of domestic threats. Threats against protestors, law enforcement officials, and political leaders have grown more numerous and far more serious. Being able to question or detain individuals who the board at Homeworld Security deem credible threats based on a number of criteria has proven useful, but not necessary. Primarily, we operate as a rapid response urban task force, as you well know, Miss Tharen. We will continue guarding politicians, responding to active situations, riot control, and manning our secure facility as our primary role. Most criminal matters will still be left to the CSF, with the exception of those who come to the attention of Homeworld Security as particularly dangerous individuals. The broad language of the legislation I presume to be intentional. If it were narrow, we would find ourselves in court for months trying to define who the bill actually applies to, and we cannot afford to lose that time.” 
     “But in theory, the Reflex Act can be applied to anyone. Me, for instance, if I ask a question that’s a touch too prodding?” Nervous chuckles from the room, this time.
     “Miss Tharen, you and your cohort are safe no matter how thorough you deem to be doing your job. I would like to try to put your watchers at ease. The Guard has no intention of oppressing the people we were created to protect. I’m afraid that is all the time I can spare you, Deena. Next question.” 
      After what felt like an eternity in that line of questioning, the roars from the room began once again. This time he chose the woman from FR. 43. Sheena spoke up quickly, “Speaking of dangerous individuals: FR.43 recently reported that you had apprehended the man responsible for the failed attack on the treasurer. Did the new bill make it easier to apprehend the suspect?” He was surprised, the young Mirialan was usually much harder on him than that. 
     “The bomber placed an anonymous call to report a bomb threat before we entered his property. It did not have an effect on this particular operation. I have time for one more.” He paused, and settled on: “Rorik Allone.” 
     The young man nodded, stood, and brushed a curly blonde lock from his forehead. “Commander, there have been whispers of a clone run fight-club somewhere in the city, can you comment on that?” 
     Fox thanked his lucky stars that he was known for an unflappable expression. He shook his head once, and said “No, I am not aware of anything like that. If there were, court martials would be handed out as appropriate. Thank you all for your time.” Questions were shouted once again, and he took his leave telling his only lie of the day. Not something he took lightly, but the public didn’t need knowledge of the fight ring. Let the men have their fun. In a fluid motion, he replaced his helmet and secured it in place. He spared one glance out towards the reporters before stepping back through the door he came from. 
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
What are the best standalone dc comics you can recommend to someone who just knows the main few jla heroes, the existence of multiple robins, and only a few of their actual names? The less grimdark the better, I've already got Li'l Gotham, Kami Garcia's Raven, Superman's pal Jimmy Olsen in my list. Anything with Dick?
With the ironic exception of the 90′s Nightwing solo series, which I will never recommend as it contains all of my least favorite staples of his character lol, from cop Dick to ‘let’s systematically destroy his life because that builds character’ which uh, is NOT the point of angst or conflict IMO, lol.....
Ahem, anyway, except for the 90′s Nightwing solo series, I personally would recommend going back to the 90′s comics for fun stuff. First off, back then the titles were a lot less interconnected, it was a lot easier to read just one book and not inevitably need to rush over to another one to get any context for what was happening, and like....I think the 90′s (at least for DC) gets an undeserved rep. It was dark at times, definitely, but not the unending grimdark of some of the more recent years, and there was a definite focus on younger heroes - for instance, a lot of the names I bring up in my posts about the lineup I’d use for Jason’s Titans, those come straight out of the 90′s versions of those characters. Like The Ray, Damage, Anima, etc.
So the 90′s Young Justice book, Superboy, etc. The Flash, because Wally and Linda Park are a hugely underrated DC couple and were so great together, and the Rogues were at their best in the 90s, I think. The JSA title from back then was a TON of fun at times, with a lot of characters you’ll rarely see anywhere else, unfortunately, but definitely deserve all the love. 
And the 90′s Robin book! Maybe unexpected given my posts about Tim and his fandom these days, but a huge part of my issue there is that fanon Tim and Red Robin Tim are just....the ANTITHESIS of everything Tim was originally, and why I loved him. In the beginning, 90′s Tim was the Robin Who Shouldn’t Have Been. What I mean by that is he wasn’t this exceptional prodigy whose rise to heroism was inevitable - his discovery of Batman and Robin’s identity was as much a matter of luck and fanboyism than anything, certainly not Tim being this child-sized Batman who was every bit as competent as his older counterparts with none of the training. 
Tim was the Robin who made no sense, and that was the point - he didn’t have Dick’s lifetime of dedicated athletics or Jason’s street-smarts or self-preservation instincts (Jason died because he followed his understandable desire for family rather than his instincts, it was never because he was this reckless kid with no sense of danger, he KNEW how to protect himself and keep himself safe and alive...the tragedy of his death was it happened because he didn’t CARE in his desire to believe the best of Sheila and try and save her).
The point of Tim, originally, was he became the hero he was for one reason only - sheer stubborn determination to live up to the example of the Robins before him and be the partner he believed with all his heart that Batman needed. Tim, ironically given how he’s portrayed today and viewed by fans - was the everyman. 
Yeah, he was wealthy, but that wealth wasn’t portrayed like he was Bruce Wayne Jr., but rather just that he was a well-off kid who skateboarded and played video games and had the luxury of going off and doing what he wanted. It wasn’t emphasized the way it is now. And yeah he was something of a loner, but that was by choice - because he was this kid who was obsessed with his hobbies that by their very nature required secrecy. But he had friends, he was just selective about them, and his only hurtle to making friends later with his teammates was the secrecy demanded by Batman. And he was never this socially awkward, maladjusted loner who was a lonely outsider constantly looking in - Tim has probably had more casual girlfriends than any of his brothers, he was awkward but never exceptionally so, and his social issues or problems fitting in at times at school were always portrayed as like....teenage growing pains, rather than any kind of true outsider status.
Tim Drake, originally, was just your average kid who became a hero because he loved heroes and believed in them, and he saw a void that nobody else was filling, and said well if nobody else is going to do it, might as well be me. 
And he was the Robin who had everything set against him and no reason to expect he’d actually work out....because he wasn’t an innately exceptional athlete or genius, he HAD lived a relatively sheltered and privileged life (at that point, though they emphasized and upped the tragedy and neglect of his family circumstances more and more in later years)....but initially, the point was....he had no reason to have the skills or the drive of either of the two previous Robins....AND YET HE SUCCEEDED ANYWAY.
For one simple reason:
He was determined to. He refused to give up. He powered through despite all odds. THAT was the point of Tim Drake.
He was the underdog. That was why we rooted for him!
And that’s why the modern version and the fanon versions of him are so dissatisfying to me personally, because they’ve taken ALL of that away from him and made him into this entitled, inevitable HEIR to all the talents and instincts and toils of everyone who came before him. He doesn’t have to work for any of it, it all just comes naturally to him. From his first appearance in most stories, he’s already the equal of all of his predecessors, able to play cat and mouse with Bruce and Dick and Jason without any of them gleaning on to the fact that he knows more than them, and he’s like....the puppet master secretly helping them all from behind the scenes because they apparently need his help and were incompetent until he came along and that’s not Tim Drake to me and completely the opposite of why he was so great! Now in fanon he’s as wealthy as Bruce and as tragic as Jason and as athletic as Dick and as smart as Babs and I know I’m always saying the Batfamily is a family of Mary Sues and that’s their entire concept, but there’s this insistence on Tim being the MOST Mary Sue of them all and THAT’S his niche, like if he isn’t the most special or talented or smart then what’s even the point of him and its like......STUBBORN TEENAGE HERO IDEALIZATION! THAT’S THE POINT OF TIM!
Modern and fanon Tim Drake is this dark, brooding, cynical pragmatist, when 90′s Tim was the kid who was so hopeful and optimistic he brought a smile back to even Dick Grayson’s face when Dick Grayson had stopped smiling!
Yeah, 90s Robin is a good series. So is the original Batgirl series. I’m a sucker for Kyle Rayner of course, so I’d recommend his solo Green Lantern title, but even though his debut happened in Green Lantern vol 3 issue #50, I’d start around #60 to be honest, because the early issues are when women in refrigerators was coined with the utterly gratuitous murder of his girlfriend Alex deWitt, and its truly an albatross around that book’s neck that never needed to happen and IMO added absolutely NOTHING to his character or the title, so skip it and don’t do that mess the courtesy of even reading or acknowledging it. 
Hmm, what else....the Captain Marvel/Shazam stuff from back then was excellent of course, as was Wonder Woman and her supporting cast. The Titans were honestly not at their best in the 90s though there were some good minis here and there. 
After the 90s, my recs are sporadic - I’d read the Ryan Choi as Atom series, Jaime Reyes’ Blue Beetle books, the Jason Rusch Firestorm, etc. I really have very little modern or current DC recommendations as IMO the entire New 52 was an unnecessary miss and Rebirth has done very little to course correct, though I do think the early Rebirth Nightwing title was pretty good and had some fun stuff.
Anyone else got anymore/other recs for anon?
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kat-hawke · 5 years
Uull lwhuk h'iwn
(Following [Ul basha krix])
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Only a few days had passed since her previous trip to Uldum, but the spread of darkness had shifted as if it had been a year. Stretching further across the sanders, the sky was now littered with platforms and towering structures of obsidian, all of which held that red glow and carved scripture. The sight alone sent chills running over Kat’s shoulders and down her spine, the power in the air nearly tangible.
"Kat...” Alyssa spoke up, no doubt feeling the shift in environmental power. “I think it's time to tell me what your goal is out here. I can't help if you don't."
"The same as it was before. There's already souls out here for the taking, little to no effort." Kat’s answer was vague as she stared at the gateway to Ny’alotha at the opposite end of the river.
"You're building to something.  You need them for a reason.... My soul is as dark as yours.  You can trust me.  You have to, or I won't keep doing my part in this."
Annoyance quickly swept over her emotion at the vague threat. Pausing for a moment as her gaze shifted to the twisted fields below. Attempting to simply force the warlock into submission would likely yield poor results and she was right, some trust had to be given.
"Saving your soul will require quite a bit of power and untained essence to weave in the damaged parts that the fel would leave in it's absence. There's also the matter of my own, which... I'm still unsure of, I've tried in the past but was never successful." An honest answer, though lacking detail.
"Okay." A pause, as if she’d let the conversation end there. "Your soul has changed, noticeably. I'm concerned. Don't just dismiss it."
"It's always changing, a constant flux. I step too close to a Ren'dorei or Lightforged it spikes one way or the other." Kat clearly dismissive, against Alyssa’s warning.
"Not like this Kat.  The outline has changed, the dark is darker.  I've seen what more or less looks like. This is new."
A quiet exhale against the mask pulled up over the lower face as her gaze dropped to the stone beneath her feet. Alyssa was right and she knew it, everything she experienced during the dagger’s absence put the risks in a true perspective and her fears were becoming a reality.
‘Gag yoh'ghyl og hoq uul'gwa.’ The clawing whisper interjected.
"It's fine." She dismissed the topic, again, as she set off to descend upon the site of torment cells.
"Stop saying that!"  Alyssa's voice comes with more force this time, anger bubbling up in it. "What did you say the other day? 'I should have listened to you?' Get out of your own ass and listen to me, I'm trying to keep you alive."
"What do you want me to say?!" She snapped back, nearly losing her footing on the crumbling walkway. "That this shit scares me? You think I don't know the risks? Or that I'd be out here for someone other than myself? I know, okay... I know. I'm trusting you to keep me safe, do I need to say that?"
"I want you to accept that this isn't normal, that you can't keep going the same way you are.  Something came back with you from Uldum."
"Yeah, I uh...” Previous denial began to crumble as Alyssa spoke, realizing the folly in her former plan and giving into the whispers of the obelisk she restored within her own home. “I stole one of the cultists tomes. It's back at home though." Another half truth.
"Maybe that was it, but it's stuck to you more than just that."  Alyssa held a hint of that fear in her voice. "It hears us and sees us. I'm sure of that."
"Darling, if you could see the world right now you'd understand just how much of an understatement that is." There was a hint of amusement in her tone, but no less serious than she typically was as she scanned the horizon of growing appendages. "It's rather grotesque."
"What do you want?"  The way Alyssa asks is off.
"What?" Confusion and annoyance apparent as raven brows pushed together. "Are you serious? I already told you..."
No response came, just silence. Kat huffed softly as eyes rolled, muttering a quiet ‘whatever’ into the mask as she snuck across the rooftops of the abandoned farm hovels. 
Dropping along the back wall she kept herself pressed to the bricks, side stepping to the corner as a knife pulled from the waist. Spinning the blade over in the fingers her grip tightened, peering around the corner to gauge her timing until the lone cultist would draw near. The internal clock ticked away, gloved fingers flexing one by one with each second that passed until the figures shadow approached the desired mark.
Pivoting out on one leg she struck, the blade darting through the air like lightning and plunging into the chest of the cultist, a female orc whose skin turned violet from the corruption. Kat’s free hand grabbed hold the robes, dragging the victim back around the corner and out of sight. 
The slight misjudgment in height caused her blade to miss the heart by a mere inch, giving the orc the opportunity to struggle. The massive hand reaching out and locking onto the Director’s neck, constricting with the brutish strength. The runes on her bracers sparked and flared faintly in the moment, immediately triggering alarm as adrenaline began to flow.
“Buy a girl a drink first.” She spat out from beneath the choking hold, her knife repeatedly stabbing the orc’s chest in several quick bursts. The brute strength began to wane, the other arm spinning over to free her throat from the weakened grasp. Without hesitation she rushed forward in a headbutt to the orc’s nose, the bone breaking in the collision as it collapsed to the ground, life seeping away into the sand.
Rubbing at the leather around the neck Kat took a few larger breaths, the sense of alarm fading away as she stepped over the body. “Sorry, no’ my type.”
Sheathing the bloodied knife at the waist again she quickly inspected the bracers, concerned still by the flare. There had been no outward use of magic from the orc, yet they resisted something. Whatever it was had been unseen and it only incubated the growing fear in her mind. Swallowing the lump in her throat she moved along the building again, settling in between the two to further scope her destination.
Two torment cells, housing captured Ramkahen citizens, were now unattended only a few yards away. Their position along a low stone wall provided her cover to allow Alyssa to work, but patrolling beheaders and worms above were still an obstacle of timing. 
Before she could move the bracers flared again, stronger and brighter this time, enough to cause pain in the soul as if something or someone had snuffed a cigarette against her very core. Panic and fear grew tenfold at the very thought of her bracers failing, allowing not just an outside influence to touch her soul but the enchantments held her in a balance.
‘Iilth ma paf'qi'ag sk'halahs.’
Fingers fumbled as they searched for the azerite crystal around her neck, pulling the chain to free the stone from beneath the leather armor. In a tight grasp she drew power from the crystal, expending over half its charge to fight back against whatever unseen force was attacking her only safeguard of the soul.
The opposing force diminished until it was nothing under the backlash, the flare in the runes of the bracers vanishing. With a relieved breath she fell into the wall, catching herself with one arm as her gaze quickly dropped to inspect the bracers, hairline cracks running from end to end. Her heart skipped a beat as the apparent damage had been done, minor as it was, a chink in the spiritual armor was a fatal risk.
"Kat..." Alyssa suddenly spoke, sounding drained.  "You're right...you're going to get me killed."
"That—” It suddenly clicks in Kat’s head, anger and confusion mixing in an instant, thoughts reeling as she tried to make sense of it. “Was that you? I thought something was attacking my bracers. I didn't know what. I panicked, we'll both be dead if they fail."
"Maybe, I was fighting whatever this thing attached to your soul is. It says we'll betray each other, that it will await in the dark, that it wants us to see the truth...” There were hints on uncertainty. “Kat I don't know how to fight this. It felt like it started to draw my space into the Sleeping City again."
Suddenly it made sense, her gaze cut across the horizon to the Ny’alotha gateway again. "It's just fucking with your head, Alyssa. That's what it does. It was goading you to fight, don't you see? It wanted you to lash out, to break the safeguards I have around my soul."
"Guess it's good I couldn't reach my felfire then." Guilt hung in Alyssa’s words.
"Yeah..." Kat let the single word trail off as she began to isolate her emotions again. Realizing that if her counterpart could no longer separate the illusions from reality then she couldn’t keep her safe, that the way she fought would only open a more detrimental doorway.
"How do you know what's real?"
That inquiry was the confirmation she feared she would receive. Frozen in place by confliction she stared across the empty field at the torment cells, unable or just unwilling to answer the question.
"Already know 'be careful' isn't useful. We're riding the edge Kat. I don't want to die. Do better."
"You do better." Anger began to win the struggle as she retorted. "You realize what would happen if my bracers shattered, here, of all places? Not even you could prevent what would come next."
"I'm doing the best I can with the limited information I have."
"And I'm not?" Kat’s jaw clenched and the teeth ground. 
"Nevermind," an irritated tone from the warlock quickly came in response. "We survived it. It's fine."
"What do you want me to say?" Also irritated now, Kat leaned further against the wall, forced to wait for a group of writhing worms overhead to pass. "I can't always tell what's real either, okay. I need you."
"I don't know Kat! I'm dead, I'm stuck in a damn knife, I don't know where I am, or what’s going on, and the only person I can talk to is one of the least open people I've ever met. I'm frustrated, angry, and confused, and I'm trying to focus on the one thing I can do which is try to keep you alive."
"Yeah, alright, fine. I'm sorry." Responding quickly she was caught off guard by the other’s response. Her jaw shifted from one side to the other as guilt and anger swelled again. No apology would ever be enough for what she had done.
"I need to recharge.” Alyssa finally broke the long silence. “I'm going to just...do that for a bit.  Call me if you need me."
Another sudden realization of her insensitively struck, shifting that swelling anger and guilt into remorse and regret. Drawing Alyssa’s dagger from the sheath at the thigh the blade turned over in her hand, cradled in both palms as she stared down upon the weakened glow of the engravings. Hanging her head for a fleeting moment she didn’t think twice before expending one of her two vials of liquid azerite, pouring the blue and gold fluid over the engravings.
Unsure if it would even work there was a pleased breath as the substance was absorbed and the dagger’s illumination returned to full strength. Kat didn’t expect a ‘thank you’ or any sort of gratification, the fact her aid had not been rejected was enough. Swallowing a bit of her pride she broke the silence.
"Let's just go home. I'll find another way. I know I'm not the most open person, I just...I don't know how to be anymore. I hate this, the fighting. I thought you were gone and it was my fault, and I couldn't handle that. Then you came back and I just— It made me realize how much I needed you and now I'm out here fucking it all up again."
When Alyssa didn’t respond there was a brief feeling of pain across the heart, lips pulling to one side beneath the mask as she sheathed the dagger again. Perhaps that was deserved, after everything she’d done. Glancing upward towards the torment cells again she stared for a moment, shaking her head before turning away to retreat to the desert once more.
It didn’t seem to matter how many times Kat said something, the silence she continued to get in response was near deafening. The lack of conversation made the trek back to the secluded oasis camp seem long, more so by the fact she had to detour as a swarm of cultists and faceless ones had migrated into the path she originally took. 
“I’m sorry.” Alyssa’s sudden return carrying like an echo on the wind. “I didn’t mean to snap like that I just... You keep saying you’re going to help me but then you don’t. I’m starting to doubt you really want to save me, or just use me like everyone else.”
That cut deep, deeper than Kat thought it would to hear. Pressing on through the sands she kept her head down, biting the lower lip as swallowed pride again to allow some honestly.
‘En'othk uulg'shuul.’
“Helping you get away from the fel was always my intention, that much has been true since I said it. Where to start is a mystery I’ve yet to solve. The risk of damaging you, killing you, I just can’t take it. Not again. Most of the rituals I’ve found would consume the dagger in the process, and by extension you.”
“But you still hesitate to collect enough power for a true effort?”
“It’s not that simple, Alyssa.”
“Quit making excuses, Kat. Don’t be a prisoner in your own body. I know you hold yourself back, I can see it. You’re afraid I’ll leave and disapprove but I’m just as dark as you. I still love you.”
She was right. Again. Kat held back out of fear, fear of abandonment and of the darkness taking control. Refusing to admit it she stormed around the corner of the cliff face, coming to a sudden halt as her eyes landed upon the large obsidian construction before her. A massive platform with stairs leading up from either side. Another pair of stairs upon the platform met at a single point before a dark altar, a towering obelisk on either side that stretched upward for nearly half a mile.
Several whispers invaded the mind as she stared upon the twisted writings in the blood red glow of the stones. Disorienting at first but her feet continued to move, step after step she drew closer to the blacken stone. Her heart beat faster, pounding in the ears as the boots climbed the stairs, subconsciously moving as if in a fog. 
Pain seared across the shoulders, the carved scripture in her flesh breaking through the glamour, illuminating through the leather armor in a matching hue to the sigils of obelisks. Her methodical advance coming to a halt before the altar between the obelisks, gaze turned upward as the mask pulled away to collect around the neck.
A sudden weight pulled against her very core, like trees falling in a forest against her back it forced her to the knees. Fog of the mind clearing as the pain from the burning scripture across her shoulders was now her’s to bear in full, dragging a scream of tortured pain through her throat.
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[ @alyssa-ward​ ]
(Chapter I: Dark Secrets) (Chapter II: Descent) ( [pt.I] [pt.II] [pt.III] [pt.IV] [pt.V] )
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Broken and Alone
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Requested by @peterwandaparker: “Hey could you do a Bellamy imagine where the reader is overwhelmed by a lot of things but keeps it for herself until Bellamy asks her what's wrong and she just breaks down and he comforts her. A lot of fluff plz, I just discovered your blog and I love it!!”
Warnings: Anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, fluff
Bellamy Tag-List: @jodiereedus22 @colie87 @coffeebooksandfandom @littlelaia23 @littlegirl-fox
A/N:HOLY SHIT THE FEELS WITH THIS ONE not going to lie, I may have cried a bit writing this, but I’m a baby. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this writing, because I most certainly enjoyed writing this! Requests are open, as always, and enjoy the rest of your guys’s day/night!
Song to Listen To: Human by Christina Perri
I pace the control room anxiously, waiting for everyone else to come in through the locked door. I had managed to get in through the ventilation systems, but I was in here mainly for if the plan went down south. I couldn’t work technology like Monty, but I at least know how to hit the power button.
I pull at the roots of my hair as time ticks by, gnawing on my nails anxiously in the thought that Bellamy got caught, that maybe he’s already dead. I sit into a chair, rolling back as I run my hands over my face. Ever since I got out of the mountain with Clarke, I’ve had this paranoia clawing at me from the inside. Everything has been making me overthink, and causing me to go into panic attacks in case everything doesn’t go right.  
I jump to my feet as Bellamy, Monty and Clarke come into the control room, President Wallace in front of them. Monty jumps up from besides me as well, and I pull out my gun to point it at the older man’s head.
“What the hell is he doing here?” I demand, loading the gun instantaneously. All that I can see is him allowing Dr. Tsing to experiment on my friends, for refusing to let me leave when I initially got to the mountain, for almost killing me as I tried to escape. I wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet in his face.
“Y/N, relax,” Bellamy says, stepping forward to put a hand on my arm, lowering it back to my side. He steps in front of me as he sees the scared look in my eyes, bending down to meet my gaze, “He’s just here as leverage, alright? He’s apart of the plan. He’s not going to do anything to you, I promise.”
I look at him with a shaky breath before nodding my head, tucking the gun away back into the band of my jeans. “Okay,” I say shakily, running a hand over my mouth before stepping away with my gaze down to the ground.
“The command center’s live,” Monty says from behind me, and everyone turns to look as the monitor’s buzz with life.
Immediately my eyes go towards the screens with movement, my hands shakily pulling on the hems of my shirt as I see Raven strapped down onto a table. The other’s say something, but I can’t hear anything through the blood rushing through my ears. All I can focus on is my friend’s tied to the wall or to the tables, and the doctor’s circling them with drills in their hands.
“Tell them to stop, now!” Bellamy and I both say at the same time, and Bellamy shoves a radio towards Wallace. The man just gives him a glare, spitting out, “I won’t do that.”
“You will,” I tremble, yanking out my gun once more before pointing it at the Wallace, “Or you die. Your choice.”
Clarke negotiates with the younger Wallace over the radio, but I don’t move my gun away from him. Bellamy comes up behind me, putting his hands on my shoulder, and I can feel his breath fanning past my ear.
“Y/N,” He starts, his thumbs moving in circles against my skin, “I get you’re upset, we all are. But I need you to calm down. We’re going to get our friends out of this. Do you trust me.”
My bottom lip trembles, and I shake my head, “Yes, but I don’t trust him,” and I jut the gun forward as an example, “I’m not moving, not until I know everyone is safe.”
“I can’t do that,” The younger Wallace speaks over the radio, and Clarke gives me a look of determination. She nods her head at me, her eyes flicking to my gun. I grit my teeth as I load the gun once more, stepping closer to the man I have the barrel trained on.
“Clarke, Y/N, we need him,” Bellamy pleads from besides me, and I close my eyes to blink back tears as Clarke responds over the radio, “Don’t make me do this.”
My hand shakes violently as I hold the gun with a death grip, trembling in anger, frustration, and sadness. “I didn’t want this,” Clarke says towards President Wallace, and he shakes his head sadly, “Neither did I.”
A gunshot echoes through the room after his words, and my eyes widen at the noise. Wallace and I drop to the ground at the same time, my knees buckling with what just happened.
Clarke lowers her gun, and her eyes flick to me in slight disappointment before turning her attention to the monitors once again.
“I didn’t pull the trigger,” I mumble, my gun clanging to the ground, and my hands go to my hair once again, “I didn’t pull the trigger, Bellamy, I didn’t shoot him.”
“I know, Y/N,” He says, dropping to his knees besides me and pulling me against him, “I know you didn’t, Princess, you wouldn’t.”
I cling to him in a desperate attempt to sink into reality, my body convulsing against his chest, “I didn’t kill him.”
I laid in my old bed facing the wall, a blank look covering my face. After we had gotten everyone out of the mountain, we brought them back to Arcadia. All I could do was watch and made sure everyone got through the gates before I locked myself away.
My emotions were running wild. Every breath I took feel like it was going to choke me, and my throat was so tight I could barely breath. My heart was conflicted with everything that I was feeling, but my mind couldn’t figure out what to do with them.
The door to my room opens, and then clicks shut again. I don’t move from my spot as the bed dips down behind me, and strong arms wrap around my waist to pull me closer.
Bellamy tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, kissing my temple gently, before resting his chin against my shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?” He mumbles softly, tracing small patterns against the skin of my hip.
Instantly my eyes unwillingly fill with tears, and my lips tremble. I shake my head at the same time as I inhale sharply. I turn quickly to face him before the tears could fall, shielding my face into his chest.
He holds me tight, as if he’d let go and I’d break into a million pieces. I weep, him being the only thing keeping me from falling apart, and I can feel his shirt growing wet beneath my cheek.
“It’s okay,” Bellamy murmur’s into my hair, sitting up slightly so I can curl into his lap, “You’re going to be okay.”
“I’m not though,” I sob, wiping away at my tears angrily, but they just keep coming, “I’m not okay. Every second of every day, I spend in fear and panic. And I’m sick of it.
“All I see is the mountain men killing off our friends, and I think about those we lost before then. I see Clarke walking away from the gates, away from us. And everyone looks at me like I’m supposed to be strong, but I can’t. I’m not as strong as everyone thinks I am. At this point, I have more scars than I have friends, and I, I-”
I quit talking as my breathing picks up, and soon enough, I’m hyperventilating. I cry because of the emotions running through my body, and I cry harder at the fact that I can’t breath. I feel like I’m slipping away from my sanity.
“Y/N, breathe,” Bellamy orders, cupping a hand on either side of my face and forcing me to look him in the eye, “You need to slow down, take a breath. Please, Y/N, for me.”
And from his words, I eventually manage to take a breath again without feeling my throat burn, and the ghost of a smile finds its way to his face. “Good…” He starts off with a nod, “Now, listen to me. I get that you’re scared, everyone is. But you are not going through this alone. You have people, you have me. You’re not okay, and that in itself is okay. You are not obligated to be perfectly fine after everything we’ve been through, and that’s fine. Feel what you feel, but don’t let it control your life.”
Bellamy doesn’t take notice of my silence that follows, brushing his thumb along beneath my eye to catch the last tear. “I miss my happy girl,” he whispers softly, his own sad look flickering in his eyes before going away.
“I’m afraid to be happy again,” I admit, looking up at him desperately, “Whenever I get too happy, something bad always happens.”
Bellamy looks at me sadly, and for a moment we are silent together. Then he leans forward, brushing his lips against my forehead, before pulling away all too soon to look at me again. “It’s going to take time, there’s no doubting that. But I will be here for you when you are ready. When you’re ready to smile at the plants just because you think they are pretty, I’ll gather a bunch of flowers for you. When you’re ready to laugh at something, I’ll be there telling the joke. When you are ready to be happy, I will be there.”
My bottom lip trembles again, but for an entirely different emotion than sadness. I sit up on my knees and throw my arms around him, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck, and his arms circle my waist once more.
“I love you, so much,” I mumble as I pull away, it being my turn now to cup his face between my hands, “No matter what.”
Bellamy offers me a small smile in return, but I can see the pain behind it still. We both have healing to do, but that’s why we are together. We will be healing with the help of one another.
“I love you, more than you will ever know,” He says, and I lean forward to kiss him softly, our lips fitting together like puzzle pieces.
After everything I’ve been through, yeah, I may be broken. But when something’s is broken, you can glue it back together. For me? Bellamy is my glue.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Eros and Psyche au
N/A: I can´t lie and say this idea never crossed my mind...it has but I never had the incentive to write until now. Also, I like Raven Darkholme as Aphrodite because...I have this HC where Aphrodite isn´t a white woman...she´s every woman. Black woman, Asian woman, latina woman, a trans woman. Any woman is valid here.
@sailorstar9 @djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
AoA Kurtty here.
Beauty is a trait many begs to receive. Wisdom, power and a good heart are secondary, you can read, you can train..but if you´re ugly then the world will have its door lock forever, look at Hephaestus, the poor God is talent but ugly as sin. Raven Darkholme does not have time for ugly.
Aphrodite, Mystique or Raven are names fitting for the deity that can be anything and anyone. Her beauty was sung with devotion until it was not and now...her temples are empty, no sweet aroma, no flowers, no sacrifices and Raven is left wondering what happened.
It can´t be a war, even in the deadliest war, people have time to worship Raven...why her temples are empty?
Raven Darkholme´s spies were sent to understand why her temples are empty, why no one is singing her name and why no one is wanting her blessing. For a moment, Raven was sure her Ex was involved in this plot, yet, her spies prove wrong, for a brief moment, Raven wishes her Ex- was involved in this.
“Repeat carefully what you just told me” Raven is rubbing her temples in her blue form and gazes at the spies “I sure must have heard wrong”
“No, my Goddess, the humans found a human so beautiful, in their words” the spies added carefully “that they believe she is superior to you”
Raven is not happy by this revelation in the slightest. Her face is hardly one to be mistaken by anything but pure fury “what´s her name?”
“Her name is….”
“Katherine Anne Pryde” a male voice is shouting the name of the woman riding in the horse as his life depend on this scream. Both are in a race and Katherine is winning as the race effortless, it does provides some joy for the woman to know she's still a competent horse rider despite everything. “I won” Katherine with her short curly hair and doe eyes replied to the man, who is disappointed. To her relief the man leaves and goes the certainty that tomorrow more suitors will bang on her door.
“You save me from another one” Kitty said and give a sugar cube to the horse. She gently pets the horse named Lockheed, over the course of the end of Apocalypse´s rule, Kitty Pryde has to gain popularity in a way she never expected.
Kitty Pryde´s warrior name is Ariel and Queen Jean asked Kitty to help in the war, the exchange for such valuable help, Kitty has a nice home now and that should be enough, however, Kitty´s prowess on the battlefield make many Spartans and men look at her in approval. Once learning Kitty was never engaged to Piotr(and killing said man) her fame shines even against Mystique.
“You're the only male in my life who isn´t crazy! I don´t get, why they want to marry me? Why bestow me with this damn title of the beautiful woman ...if they only want to chains me to their will?” Kitty replied and Lockheed didn´t offer a word, only a nice touching on her head.
King  Logan watches Kitty enters back to the limits of the city with a longing smile, Kitty Pryde is a woman that really pay attention to any men, Logan is married to Jean, but, Kitty Pryde is proving to be a true warrior...Could he make Kitty as his mistress?
A queen must be a real warrior, yet, Jean Grey was not a warrior, per se, Logan married Jean out of whim and they fought against Apocalypse...eventually. Jean did call for help and right now, she wished she hasn´t. Logan is watching Kitty again and drooling at the sight of this woman, instead of the great Jean Grey, for a moment Jean thought in killing Kitty here and there and bath with her blood, yet, Jean saw this woman fight.
Blood and organs and bones being tossed and throw easily by Kitty´s hand as she was the one to kill Apocalypse while Jean just watches...Oh, she is done watching now. If she does not have the power, Jean will get the power to get rid of Ariel for good.
“Oh, Aphrodite, goddess of Beauty” Jean is praying on her temple, so long forgotten as the male audience are seeking Kitty, her husband is there lavish her with gifts that should belong with Jean, he is fucking her...Jean is sure. “Help me get rid of this parasite, she wants to ruin me, help me to take the life of Kitty Pryde”
“Ah, so, not everyone is in love with this little woman” Jean look up and saw Aphrodite in all her blue glory and feels blessed, Raven, for her part pretend to not notice Jean´s admiration gazes “I think we have a problem with Kitty Pryde and your husband is sure not minding the problem” a white lie can´t hurt anyone, well, not Raven. Jean is ready to collapse “ fret not, my loyal servant, I´ll take care of this, my son will give a faith worse than death to Kitty Pryde”
Kurt Darkholme is not having an easier day, first off, his mother orders him to kill a woman for, in her inane words, being pretty than her and Kurt Darkholme is a good son, however, using his skills to kill a mere human because his mother does not like competition really sour his day.
Second, said the woman is not on an easy target as she is always moving and training with her sword or gauntlet.
Third, Kurt really thinks this is a stupid plan.
As he walks, invisible, along with Kitty, the man wonder why kill her, if mother is that upset, why not marry her with someone else? Killing someone for that reason feels wrong. As his muse goes on, Kitty stops her walk to see the King, well, the King is really blocking her way so she can only see him.
“King Logan” Kitty replied dryly showing her claws and Logan take that as an invitation. Kurt Darkholme knows a little about this man to not like him being this close of Kitty.
“Kitty, you can call me Logan” the woman is not inclined to attend this wish “and I see you win against another suitor” she remains silent and Logan smiles “and what a man has to do to have a woman like you?”
“Oh, if you want the details, first you need to drop dead, then you have to assume to be dickless and never again breath near me, that's very attractive qualities you can have” Kitty respond and Logan is a firm believer that No means Yes.
Logan is ready to grab and is ready to make his intention know “I can´t help thinking about you, you bewitch me, Kitty” Logan speaks with laced with lust. Kurt Darkholme is not impressed and has no problem in killing the king.
Of course, Darkholme didn't count the fact he's invisible and Kitty saw a man being impaled and is not taking this easier. Kurt Darkholme is trying to calm her down, but, the man is not really good to comforting anyone.
“Hey” his voice in the godly tone, something akin impossible to decipher “you're safe now, he can´t hurt you...go run” Darkholme speaks and Kitty looks around confused.
“WTF?” and Kitty leaves, not without adding this “whatever god you´re ...this is the worst way to comfort someone”
Raven is not impressed that her son did fail on the task nor that he killed Logan, however, this can be used. She can blame Kitty for Logan´s death. A devious smile grows on her blue face.
“Son, your mistake really help your mother” Raven speaks fondly at her son who is sharpening his blades. “That woman will die by human´s hands...oh, this is much better”
Kurt stops sharpening his blades and is not paying attention to her mother blabbing about Kitty´s blood and how her temples will be full again. Kurt thought about that woman and as much killing is not a problem for him...that woman does not deserve to die.
Kurt Darkholme teleports and go to Destiny,who was waiting for him with a knowing smile, Kurt Darkholme is here to charge a favour.
Jean Grey is happy and anger at the same time, a confliction caused by Kitty Pryde, her husband was murder by her, that's the only truth Jean can see. Kitty goes spreading lies as if Logan would rape her...that bitch, in Jean´s mind, seduce him and killed without remorse.
“It wasn´t me, it was one of the gods...I think, he never really give a name but he was following me around” Kitty explained “ he tried to rape me and if the deity or whatever didn´t kill him...I would have”
“PROVE ENOUGH” Jean scream like a loud banshee “you must be killed NOW”  one of her advisers whisper in her ear and Jean is now confused, this exchange last for a few minutes until she speaks again “it seems the Gods didn't forget you” Jean gives a mockery smile “you´ll be sent to be devoured by a monster” her maniacal voice is back but the adviser whisper again “whatever, you won't return here ever again”
She looks and even her most annoying suitors did not dare to go against the queen. So, this wasn't her home after all.
“Ok, I´ll go right away” she thought in running away, even as the advisor explain she will relocate to another place, the oracle saw in her vision the will of the Gods and they want Kitty to move, well, the Gods are very petty.
Kurt Darkholme has no idea why he did that, how many creatures, humans and deity he has killed? Why Kitty Pryde is any different? His sister often say his emotion are so repressed he couldn´t understand himself not even if he tries hard enough.
Well, in that case, I´ll have to understand her.
Kitty arrives to the new location and Jean is seething, her new house is far superior than Jean. Aside from fucking her husband (Kitty swear by the Gods on the Apocalypse´s grave that she never even remotely like the man) she will live like a queen, no, a better queen than Jean…
Kitty for her part is not sure of what to say, a nice place can still be a prison, in the past she thought she had found a home, now, she knows better, this is just a golden cage.
“Good luck, Miss Pryde, the Gods look at you with mercy” one of the priestess speak and Kitty didn´t resist to show her middle finger to the sky.
Kurt Darkholme decides to be invisible for reason he is not quitting getting, maybe, seeing a blue, furry deity with scarlet eyes and thirsty for blood won't be good to the woman's mind.  Or maybe...he's really shy.
The only people he talks are his family or maybe his henchmen, the man did not venture in the romantic path, let alone social, since the incident.
“I´m just protecting her until mother finds another human to torment” Kurt Darkholme explain to himself for the fifth time.
As the woman ventures in the house fearless(or doing a great job in posing as one) Kurt goes to great her, well, that's the idea, unfortunately, as she can´t see him they stumble against each other.
“Oh, hello” Kitty speaks as the deity is still invisible “I was hoping to meet my warden, how are you?”
“I'm not your warden” Kurt defends himself feeling insulted clear he's not a warden, right?
“You killed the king and then let me get the blame” Kitty explained “and then Gods so happen to send me here for supposedly killing the king”
“Wait, they blame you? I killed him with my own sword”
“There´s a trial and everyone was pretty much against me...you could have dropped down and said hello, but, I think they would sentence me to death either way”
“Uhm” Kurt is holding his neck “I was in another trial in Olympus” and then adds “if it makes any difference a guy was sentenced to eat his own organs by Zeus”
“What a dick”
“Yeah, that's the general consensus”
“Can I see your form?” Kitty asked one day as Kitty finishes her dinner, the deity does not eat human food, but, stay near to keep her company, sometimes he speaks about the work or he's just holding a fork to prove he's there.
“Look, I really don't care for your looks, just the fact you can be less of a dick”
“Thank you, that's mean a lot to me”
“You know, if we´re going to do this, then I prefer to be blindfold, otherwise, I couldn't take the make love with a god seriously”
“Well, here I was thinking I could show my true form, but, your idea is neat too”
Jean is seething and is talking with Aphrodite to understand how Kitty is living in such a luxurious place, it was said once that envy and anger are poor source of wisdom, as Jean forget Mystique is a Goddess and the woman demands to  have Kitty´s blood.
Aphrodite takes orders from no one and soon this kingdom lost the queen too.
“But, where is …” she stops and realizes what happened “Oh, Kurt, really?!”
Kurt Darkholme decides he can show his true form now, this relationship can´t be based on lies and Kurt, as far his shyness go, can´t hide himself. So, he reveal his blue form for Kitty trying not make this a big deal.
“The fur I knew, I felt” she explained looking into his eyes “ you know, I like your eyes, I always have the impression you would have pretty eyes”
“They are red as the blood”
“Ah, here is the edgy boy I know and love”
Mystique can´t complain as her temples are full again, yet, her son is married with the woman who almost destroy her. Well, she supposed Kurt did better than Rogue(really, Rogue, Gambit?!) and at very least this woman is not ugly or dumb, yet, Raven makes no promise to be a doting mother to this woman.
“Irene, how could you do this?” Raven asks to lay down next to Irene.
“I saw your son take alike to her and quickly turn into love, that boy deserves to be happy and you tend to be too vingative sometimes”
“Just sometimes?”
“You´re right, Raven, my bad, you are vingative most of the time”
“That's better”
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lovingsiriusoswald · 6 years
Part 1 | 2 | 3
Fallen Angel!Sirius AU
Heavily inspired by: Fallen by Lauren Kate
Disclaimer: The first few parts will be based from the Prologue from the game, credits to Cybird for that! If the "series" gets too long, go to the "Damned - Sirius" tag for easy navigating!
Me and Ray started to discuss that what if MC was the next Alice. He had mentioned that she would be necessary for fending off the Red Army. Internally, I was against the idea of using a precious lady as a tool for war, but I nodded to him instead.
"If she joins the Black Army, we could withstand the magical forces of the Red Army."
A bright light from beyond the hedges to where MC had run off to had caught our attention. That's where the Red Army Generals' meeting had taken place. I hope she didn't get hurt by that light.
"Call in Luka and Seth, she's surely held captive by the Red Army now."
We immediately rushed back to the Black Army Headquarters and I called in Luka and Seth. They got a little too excited to hear that Alice had finally arrived in Cradle. Fenrir had overheard the orders and immediately volunteered to be back up in case of an emergency.
"All you need to do is spy on the Red Army barracks and see what they plan to do with MC. Do not engage a fight them. We will then meet up at the Central Quarters by sunrise. Understood?" I bellowed. I was worried that she would get scared if a fight broke out so suddenly.
"Yes sir!" They rushed to their horses and took off. I started to call the soldiers of the army, Ray had wanted to meet them before dawn by the courtyard. Once everyone was ready, I turned to Ray and he stood in front of them.
"Soldiers!" He shouts and the army stood upright then saluted. "A few hours ago, Alice had arrived in Cradle named as MC. She is currently held captive by the Red Army and no one knows what they plan to do with her. She could either be used as a weapon against us, or our greatest defense. " I flinched subtly at his last sentence. "We are at the verge of war and MC can help us resolve our conflicting issues if she joins our side. For the protection of Cradle nd its people, we must protect and keep watch over her. Understood?"
"Yes sir!" The soldiers respond in unison.
"Freedom soars on Raven wings!" Ray shouts.
"Freedom soars on Raven wings!" The soldiers yell back. Ray scans the soldiers and I start to worry more, it was bad timing that MC had arrived at a time like this. Her safety is something that I need to prioritize, but being the Queen of Spades, it was difficult to do so.
A raven messenger had arrived with a piece of paper tied around its neck. Ray immediately opens and reads the letter. His eyes grew wide and turned to us again. "Go to the Central Quarters quickly! Luka, Seth, and Fenrir are under fire!"
I rush to the carriage and the carriage takes off immediately. I looked up at the sky that was starting to glow a crimson light. The first rays of sunlight after a long eventful night had reached through the leaves of the trees and grass. I watched the landscape transition from the Black Army Headquarters, to the dewy fields and quiet town of the Black Territory, to the cobblestone streets and buildings of the Central Quarters quickly. My worry for MC was starting to grow -- what if she decides to join the Red Army? That means I would never be able to see her. Worse, I might just watch her fall in love with someone else.
The carriage stops and I quickly stepped out, I stood next to Ray and faced West, where the Red Army Territory was located. Three horses was seen at the distance and they were charging in fast.
"They're safe!" A Black Army soldier cheered. I squint to try and see the extra figure in Luka's arms. MC was with them!
They halt when they neared us and got off their horses. Luka helps MC off and I stare in shock. She didn't take their side, she's here!
"Glad you're back in one piece. But why did you bring MC back with you?" These weren't the words I wanted to say.
"Nice to see you again so soon, MC." Ray grins at her. She lets out a breath and smiles widely at us, her eyes squinting and her cheeks tinted with a light dash of pink. Despite being up all night, she looked like she was glowing against the sun's rays.
"Ray! Sirius! You have no idea how relieved I am to be back here!" She remarks happily to us. I could already see the imaginary flowers blooming around her and the cute little sparkles. She was absolutely adorable.
"MC, you already know our king and queen? Talk about a small world, huh?" Fenrir chips in. She inhales a sharp breath as she turns to look at us, I guess we forgot to tell her our roles.
"You're really good at popping up at the worst possible time." Ray softly smiles at her. It was very true, in her previous lives, she would always burst in at the most unconventional time. During her life as a 17th century Victorian noblewoman, she would suddenly enter at Security Meetings held at the Grand Hall, without really intending to. She would often use me as an excuse, which was both annoying and life saving. Another event was during the gladiator match in Greece, she fell from the balcony by accident, making me push the man I was fighting with so far away from me that he travelled across the arena and I quickly ran to save her from her fall.
"That's not my intention, but--" MC tries to explain before Luka had cut her off.
"We can chat later, the enemy is approaching." We turn our gazes up and see the four generals were leading a perfectly synchronized battalion of soldiers clad in red and white.
I see MC, tensed that something big was gonna happen.
"What the heck is this about?" Ray frowns as he watches the Red Army march towards us.
"Well, you see, we had a little run-in, so to speak, with the Red Army at the gates to their barracks." Seth explains.
"Seriously? Do I need to send you all back to school for Recon 101?" I frown at him. It wasn't necessary to put MC in danger like this.
"There you go again with that salty face. I don't know why you're so upset!" He smiles as if a fight wasn't brewing. "If you really thought that nothing was going to happen, then why did you bring so many men?" He glows as he grins, eyes so deceiving that you'd never think he wants to fight for a war.
"The Reds have been waiting for 500 years for an excuse to strike, and they've finally found their reason." Ray frowns as the Red Army's march had stopped. We faced against our opposing side.
"I'm quite impressed, I wasn't expecting the Black Army to send its leaders out to welcome us." Edgar smiles, unbefitting to the situation at hand.
"You took that girl, who was under our care, and then had the audacity to attack. Explain yourselves." Jonah's icy amber eyes pierces through us, the way he says it makes it look like he was playing the victim card.
"You almost had me fooled into thinking you were a victim there for a minute. Twist the truth too much and your face might end up that way too." I couldn't hold back my tongue from talking as I smirked at him, his eyebrows furrowing further.
"Say that once more and you'll rue the day you were born!" He says through gritted teeth.
"How dare you insult our Queen!" A red soldier retorts, I almost laugh at their pointless aggressiveness. The Red Army's growls and hate starts to grow louder until a loud voice booms from behind.
"Silence!" Lance bellows as the soldiers part in half to give way to his entrance. He looked powerful as always. His head was held high, with a cold emotionless gaze that had seemed the only expression he ever had since he became the King of Hearts.
"Bow down to the King of Hearts, Lancelot! May glory run crimson through our veins!" A soldier yells.
"May glory run crimson through our veins." His eyes were fixated on MC as she stares back, her body slightly shaking from tension. He knows. "My proud men, there is no need to draw your swords." His eyes glowed red as he waved his hand. Our weapons were lifted to the air and had suddenly vanished. A dirty player as always.
"There goes our boss again, overdoing it with the magic." Kyle sighs as his shoulders slightly slump down, making it known that he was uninterested with the whole fiasco.
"It looks like we skipped over the "threaten the enemy" stage." Seth declares as if this was a casual process.
"You think that's all it takes to stop us? Come on! We've been waiting for this battle for 500 years!" Fenrir's eyes held excitement and manic, he clenched his fists tightly as he smiles widely.
"He's right. Leaders of the past may had put this battle off, but the time has come for us to fight." Zero declares. He was a good soldier, his courage and strength made him the perfect Ace for the Red Army.  He was always in a firm stance, always ready to fight.
"An excellent summation, Zero. Well done!" Edgar remarks out of nowhere, earning a pained look from him.
"If you're thinking of surrendering, now is the time. I hope you heard that Luka. " Jonah's face softens as he glances at his beloved younger brother, who in turn, looked away with a frown.
"Did somebody say something? Because all I heard was a gust of hot air." He rolls his eyes and Jonah sighs softly from across us.
I glance over at MC again and see her look back and forth the two sides worriedly, completely caught in the middle of a brewing war.
"Lance, call this off!" I call out to him, hoping that our friendship could reach through his heart and withdraw the fight.
"Don't speak as if we're friends, Queen of Spades." He looks at me with cold sharp eyes, his  expression never faltering, then his voice lowered a pitch. "I have a message for the Black Army -- from this day forth, you have been absored into the Red Army."
"I have a message for the Red Army -- quit spouting nonsense." Ray replies, the two Kings glare sharply at each other.
"In that case, I'll just have to dissolve every last one of you." His eyes glowed crimson again as his hands start to illuminate with magic. Before he could raise it towards us, MC quickly reaches her hands out, in between the two Kings.
"Please! Stop!" She cries as a barrier of light appears in front of her. Lance's spell dissolves into nothing as the light fades away. He looks at her again, his frown softening back to his usual empty expression.  "So Jonah's report was true." He looks at her from head to toe, "Alice the Second really has appeared." He walks towards MC and looks down at her, making his voice loud and clear for her to hear very clearly. "Just be warned, Alice -- I consider anybody who gets in my way an enemy." My blood boils at his threat, he didn't have to frighten her more, she's already confused and tired at everything being thrown at her all at once. You're not like this, what happened? Before I could open my mouth to speak, Ray had stepped forward.
"Stop making stuff up as you go!" He walks towards Lance and MC, shielding her away from the King of Hearts' gaze. "Her name is MC, not Alice."
A carriage violently pulled up before us, taking the attention of all the soldiers and Generals. "That'll do, gentlemen." Blanc steps out of the carriage, along with Oliver. He walks towards the two Kings, who then parted from each other.  He smiles softly at MC, calming her worries little by little.
"I don't know what you're thinking, pulling a stunt like this so early in the morning. Don't you know people live here?" Oliver frowns at MC, who looked more confused than ever.
"The Central Quarter is a neutral zone. Any and all forms of combat are strictly prohibited here." He yells loud enough for everyone to hear. "The entire country of Cradle will be at great risk if you destroy its economic and political center."
You always knew how to break up a fight at the right time, thank you, Blanc.
After a long moment of silence, Lance finally speaks, anger and annoyance evident in his voice. "Let it be known, this is the only time I will humor the request of a record keeper. Troops, fall back!" MC sighs as Lance takes his leave, along with his entourage of soldiers.
"I can't leave you without something to fret over, Alice." Jonah walks up to her and Luka grips his greatsword tightly. I raise my hand to stop him from doing anything stupid, although I myself want to break that pretty boy's face for trying to threaten her like that. "I'll have you under my command soon enough. You'll learn to enjoy serving me." He leans a little to close for comfort and I hear Luka scowl at his brother under his breath. "I hope you'll look forward to it as much as I am." He turns and Lance faces MC once again.
"Alice -- I doubt that it will be long until I see you again, but until then, enjoy what little time you have left with your life." For a sheer second, his eyes grew sad, something was up. His cape flies around him as he turns, leading his troops to retreat back to the West. I gather up the courage to finally talk to her again, hoping to try and deviate the threats from scaring her too much.
"So you really are from the Land of Reason, MC?" I try my best to make small talk. She nods at me and meets my eyes again.
"Yes, I am. It wasn't my intention to come here, but now I'm stuck here until the next full moon." She explains. She looks away from me and bit her lip, thinking hard of what could happen next.
"Don't worry." I place my hand on her shoulder and she looks back up at me, hoping that this gesture could ease her nerves. "We'll make sure you find your way home." London was the safest place for her, she would never be happy here, being caught up in the middle of a war. I rethink my choices and plan what to do to keep her safe and under my care, but I know that it would never be possible.
Things need to change, and sending her home in 30 days is all I need to do to keep her safe. I'm fighting against fate now.
"Thank you, Sirius." She smiles up at me, the tiredness had slowly grown evident in her eyes.
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pierrotdameron · 6 years
1) Jean Grey: The Early Years
While X-Men: Apocalypse introduced a grown-up Jean to the First Class timeline, it turns out that Charles Xavier has a longer-standing relationship with her. “There are not a lot of flashbacks in the movie, but that foundational relationship between Young Jean and a younger Charles is one of the core themes of the film,” Kinberg explains. “The question of Jean’s relationship to her own powers becomes a big conflict for her throughout the film once she’s transformed by something that happens up in space, that has nothing to do with her childhood. It opens with a mission that takes them up into space that has consequences for Jean that ripple throughout the movie.”
2) The Professor’s Problem
In previous tellings of the Dark Phoenix story, Professor X has limited Jean’s capabilities after seeing the full potential of her power – and the Dark Phoenix trailer teases at a similar strand here. “Charles has been hiding secrets about Jean’s past from her that get revealed over the span of the movie, and only make her more unstable,” say Kinberg. “It’s the most inopportune time for this character to become unstable emotionally, because she’s becoming unstable in a much different way after this cosmic thing that happened to her in space. In this way, Dark Phoenix is the most intimate, emotional and personal movie we’ve made, and yet also has the biggest breadth in terms of spanning beyond our planet, even beyond our galaxy. There’s a sense that the things that are happening emotionally for Jean and what’s happening cosmically inside her is making her incredibly unstable, dangerous, destructive.”
3) Present Day
Cut back to the main timeline, and a reasonable amount of time has elapsed since we last saw Prof X and co. “It’s 1992, nine years after Apocalypse,” confirms Kinberg. “The X-Men have become the X-Men that many of us know from the comics – they are heroes. They’re still viewed as different by society, but they’ve been more embraced than ever before. And when the movie starts in 1992, they are a known superhero team.”
4) Suburban Outfitters
In a move sure to please many long-term fans, the X-uniform in Dark Phoenix finally brings in a classic yellow-and-blue design similar to the comic and cartoon incarnations. “I’ve been waiting to do that from the first time I ever got a call from Avi Arad,” Kinberg enthuses. “Avi and Kevin Feige were the chief two people that called me about an X-Men movie 15 years ago. We talked about the costumes, and what Bryan Singer had done I understood and liked, but they were very different to what I had grown up seeing in the comics. So I was excited finally as the director to have more of a say and clothe them in their classic costumes.”
The new look pinches elements from various designs seen on page and screen over the years. “I had a board full of my favourite images from the comics, and then I worked with our costume designer, who also worked on Logan, to create something that was incredibly loyal to the comics and then also had a little bit of its own feel. There’s little nuances from the cartoons, the comics, from whatever it is that if you were a fan you grew up reading or watching.”
5) Sense Of Mystique
While Mystique was primarily an antagonist in the original X-Mentrilogy, working alongside Magneto, she’s skewed more heroic as Raven since her introduction in First Class. At the end of Apocalypseshe chose to stay with Charles, and help establish the X-Men – and she’s still part of the group nine years on. “Raven is a part of the X-Men, but she’s critical of some of Charles’ methodologies, in terms of him feeling as though they can just dress up in those costumes and be considered the same as the rest of humanity,” Kinberg explains. “So there is a schism forming between her and Charles. That struggle has been present in every movie, and we do it in a hopefully slightly more subtle way in this film. She toggles back and forth between Raven and Mystique, and there is meaning to that as there has always been in the previous three X-Men movies.”
6) Star-Crossed Lovers
Jean and Scott Summers, aka Cyclops, both entered the prequel saga in Apocalypse, with sparks of chemistry between the two. In the comics and original film trilogy, the pair are a fully-fledged item – and in the intervening nine years they find themselves in a similar place emotionally here. “The love story between Scott and Jean is such an integral part of the Dark Phoenix saga in any iteration, whether it’s the comic book or the cartoons,” reasons Kinberg. “Obviously we don’t have Wolverine, so that’s one less part of that love story. It is very central [to the movie], and they are a couple. As Jean starts to become more unstable, there are people in the X-Men who don’t think she can be helped and saved, many of whom think the world and others need helping and saving from her. And so Scott is probably the most prominent person who’s holding on to the hope that Jean can be saved.”
7) The Village Green Preservation Society
While Charles remained at his mansion to build the X-Men team at the end of Apocalypse, Erik Lensherr, aka Magneto, went his separate way. In the Dark Phoenix trailer, he’s in a leafy commune when Jean approaches him for guidance. “What you’re seeing is the beginnings of Genosha,” reveals Kinberg. “That’s where Erik is when we meet him. It’s like Magneto’s Israel – a land built for mutants, a homeland where they can be safe and self-sufficient. Jean finds him there because what’s happening to her is making her do destructive things, and she doesn’t know why. The only person she’s known who has done destructive and lethal things in the past but came back from it is Magneto. She feels he alone can give her answers because he’s lived both sides. He’s lost control and killed and hurt people, some of whom he even loved, and yet he’s also found a measure of peace and that’s what she’s searching for.”
8) Intergalactic Influence
The main new cast addition to the series is Jessica Chastain, who’s gone all platinum-blonde to play… well, we don’t know. But Kinberg elaborated a little on the origins of her character. “I can tell you this much. Jessica’s character is not of this Earth. She’s an extra-terrestrial character, an alien character,” he teases. “I won’t say much more in detail on the specifics of that. While everyone else is trying to control this power inside of Jean, she’s much more interested in essentially encouraging her to go further with it and try to be the peaceful side of herself. She is the devil on Jean’s shoulder, so to speak.”
9) Cosmic Jam
Cut to the end of the trailer, and we get a glimpse of the outer space incident that kicks off the whole Phoenix takeover. “Jean is in space, and what she’s taking in is a cosmic force that she thinks is one thing, and over the course of the movie realises is something far different, that our human science can’t explain,” says Kinberg. “But she needs to find a way to control it or she’ll destroy more than just her friends – and even our planet.”
10) Cracked Actor
Before the title card, we see Jean in Phoenix mode, face streaked with white lines – and she’s only just getting started. “That’s not maximum [Phoenix]. That’s a two or a three on the Dark Phoenix spectrum,” warns Kinberg. “It is a manifestation of her transformation from the Jean we know into Phoenix. Over the span of the movie we see different symptoms or iterations of that. The lines on her face let you know that Jean is losing control, and that force inside her is trying to escape, push through, take over. Those cracks are almost as if something inside her that’s more powerful than she is is trying to push out of her body.”
11) Earthy Tones
For years, the X-Men logo and title card has been emblasoned in bold metallic fonts – but not here. X-Men: Dark Phoenix (or simply Dark Phoenix, as it’s being called in the US) has a darker, more mellow typeface that Kinberg explains is emblematic of a new tone for the franchise. “The way I wanted to make the movie was very different than the aesthetic of previous X-Men movies, which I’ve been very involved in and proud of,” he says. “But I wanted it to feel more naturalistic, I wanted it to feel edgier, more handmade, more real. I was very inspired by what James Mangold did with Logan, and I felt like if I could bring a measure of that aesthetic in the film that all of the intergalactic and larger-scale things that happen in the movie would feel more shocking, more realistic, more emotional. They’d be grounded in some reality. And so, all of the movie – from the costumes, to the title card, to the set design, to the way the X-jet looks – all of that stuff is just more analogue in a way. More like, let’s say, the original Star Wars movies. Not that analogue, but the movies I grew up loving had this very gritty, edgy, cool, human feeling to them.”
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ks-caster · 4 years
Let’s Talk About Murphy and Religious Symbols
Okay, so this post originated as a response to this post by @osleyakomwonkru​ - and then I realized I totally changed the subject from Octavia to Murphy and you might not want to have Discourse in your replies, so here it is on its own. 
To summarize: In season 7, episode 6 of The 100, John Murphy expresses to Indra that he thinks she was the real leader of Wonkru while Octavia was off “painting her face with blood.” This is rage-inducing because A) He wasn’t there and doesn’t get an opinion, B) it’s factually incorrect - for better or worse my girl Octavia was making all of the major decisions from the Dark Year onward with little to no help, and C) it seems like they just stuck that in there as a lazy writers’ handwave to get Indra to step up and take charge (rather than taking 10 minutes to think about continuity with their own canon when they were writing his lines). 
Now, I fully agree with this post that it’s probably just shitty writing - there’s been a lot of that going around this show especially in the later seasons lol. But. 
What if it’s not?
Because now that I think about it - Murphy has a history (moreso than any other character I think) of not understanding or respecting cultural or religious symbolism. In fact, one of the reasons I like him so much is that he’s my bro when it comes to:
Tumblr media
[Image ID: Samuel L. Jackson in the well-memed scene from Snakes on a Plane. The text has been altered to say “I have had it with these motherfucking religions on these motherfucking planets.” End ID.]
Adding a cut to save a scroll finger because this got long lol
From here on out, I’m going to be very critical of religion as a concept; in real life I think religion is pretty cool and I happen to have one of those myself, but I also recognize that religious trauma is a very real thing. 
The more I go through Murphy’s scenes in the show, the more I think that’s exactly where they’re going with him.
What do we know about John Murphy and authority, especially when it’s derived from religious beliefs?
Season 1: 
He did not grow up with theocracy as a normalized concept. The Ark had one visible religion, and it does not appear to have any significant political clout or implications. 
The Ark’s laws and power structure were based on scientific knowledge and the needs of the many. 
Side note: There’s been speculation among fandom that Murphy was locked up when he was quite young. I agree with this spec. 
However whether or not it’s true, we know that Murphy does not like authority in general, because the draconian laws on the Ark killed both of his parents.
Out of 7 council members shown on screen, we know the day jobs of 2 of them: Doctor (Abby) and former engineer (Jaha). Leaders are chosen based on necessary skills.
Season 1 occurred over a span of 29 days (source). For Murphy, 11 of those days were spent supporting Bellamy as leader - while he promoted a certain level of anarchy for the first 7, the next 4 were spent building defenses. 
Murphy has a certain amount of clout as Bellamy’s assistant, and uses it to be an asshole, like that time he peed on that kid who asked for water.
After this week and a half, Murphy is lynched by an angry mob for a murder he didn’t commit. 
On the evening of day 12 he is banished - on day 23 he returns, having been captured and tortured by the grounders (specifically Indra I think) for presumably most of that time.
To sum up: Murphy’s experience with authority in his early life is that it’s basically just something to abuse people with (his parents, him, what he did to others etc.)
Season 2:
Murphy goes on a long hike with Jaha, and has his first experience with religious zealotry. Jaha will sacrifice people for his beliefs without a second thought, and in the end all they find is a field of old solar panels. 
Murphy is then sealed in the lighthouse bunker for 86 days. (FYI, 15 days of solitary is considered torture. Source.)
Murphy’s first experience of religion is that it’s a ridiculous belief, based on almost no facts, that gives people the freedom to behave irrationally and harm others, and that not only does it turn out to lead to exactly jack shit at the end, that was enforced for him by having almost 6 times the length of time in solitary to be considered torture for him to think about what a no good very bad idea it was for him to come out here in the first place.
Prior to his journey with Jaha, Murphy’s experience of power is that it’s something people control you with using the threat of force. But now he’s been exposed to religion, which controls people through their own beliefs. When someone is trying to use force on you, you can just grab a gun and shoot them. But how do you fight against a belief?
Season 3:
Murphy is released from the lighthouse bunker after seriously considering suicide - so his mental state is not awesome right now.
Jaha is still just as into the religion concept as he was before Murphy got to spend over two months in solitary
Gideon (who is already chipped when we meet him unless I misunderstand the episode) is frankly a creepy mf. He tries to strangle Emori, who has to kill him because “there is no pain in the city of light,” meaning that nonlethal force will not save Emori’s life.
Emori’s brother Otan goes for a walk with Jaha and comes back chipped. He takes Emori hostage, and Murphy takes ALIE’s case hostage in response. Through this exchange, Otan is valuing a plastic backpack higher than his sister’s life, while Jaha is still trying to convert Murphy.
Murphy gets captured, and the grounders find the CoL chip and say it’s a sacred symbol. 
He’s taken to be tortured by Titus, who as Murphy describes it, prays to garbage.
Upon examining Titus’s beliefs, Murphy realizes that they’re tied to the thirteenth station. Once again, a religion that allows people to kill other people is based on something old and ridiculous - praying to garbage indeed.
After Lexa’s death, a bunch of literal children are supposed to fight to the death for her throne. Murphy was all set to watch some guys fight to the death over a dumb computer chip - but he looked awfully sick when he realized they were all children.
Then instead of that (which is already horrific) Ontari turns up and murders them all in their sleep - Murphy gets to see all the little chopped off heads. All of this is done in the name of the grounder religion.
In the wake of this nastiness, Murphy becomes a fake fleimkepa to save his life (Because Titus threw him to the wolves to buy time for Clarke). Ontari chains him up at night and at least once coerces him into having sex with her. 
Ironically, at least everything Ontari did was with regular old threat of force, since her power as Heda was limited - being a fake
Emori - the only person Murphy explicitly loves and trusts at this point in the show -  takes the chip, in an attempt to save him, which causes her to betray him. 
Once everything’s said and done, and he’s able to remove his hand from his dead rapist’s chest cavity, Emori has been released from the AI and has returned to him. The oppressive religion has been defeated.
The moment when Murphy gets Emori back has to be the most intense and genuine joy and relief he’s expressed on screen to date.
Season 4:
The world is ending, and the supposed adults are all completely incapable of getting along long enough to save everyone without the crutch of religion.
Roan can rule the clans (sort of) but only with the claim that he’s holding the throne for the next Heda
Nightblood could have saved everyone, but it’s genetically rare thanks to the religious tradition of rounding up each generation and culling them down to one survivor.
Clarke can’t even take over as Heda to keep everyone from killing each other because her completely usable nightblood is “fake.”
They find a bunker - which was put together by religious fanatics who had fake bunkers for the lesser believers - which is super fucked up.
Murphy and Emori were safe inside the bunker until Octavia won the conclave. 
Because she was the survivor of what’s effectively a Grounder religious ceremony, Octavia gains the power to decide that Skykru only gets 100 beds, kicking out those who were already in the bunker, safe in the beds they’d chosen. 
This may likely mean death for Murphy, and DEFINITELY means death for Emori. It’s only been 44 days since he got her back, and he’s either going to die with her, or if he’s lucky, he’ll just lose her again permanently.
Thanks to Raven, Bellamy and the rest of spacekru, they both survive. In the interim between seasons 4 and 5, Murphy lived six years with (probably) no religious influences other than maybe coming across a chapel or reference to the Ark’s cute little worship-the-bonsai-tree religion. 
Now seasons 1-4 take place over 200 days. For reference, today (June 26th, 2020) is only the 177th day into 2020. Now 2020 has been a hell of a ride, and the events of The 100 are significantly more drastic. So lots of character development, relationship changes etc. makes complete sense. 
But imagine you lived through 2020 until mid-July (ugh, I wonder what next month’s apocalypse bingo will be...) and then you spent the next 6 years fairly insulated from what happened, in a safe place with little conflict other than what you manufactured (remember, this is Murphy we’re talking about lol).
And then, come July-ish 2026, you go back home for the first time (after a little torture session with a creepy convict dude) and someone mentions biological warfare (for example) as a reasonable idea. 
Wouldn’t you be a little bit more sensitive about it than someone who didn’t live through the Coronavirus?
Season 5:
As we know from the flashbacks, Gaia reconstructed the Grounder religion into the Wonkru Cult, with Octavia as Blodreina. “The blood of our enemies is her armor.”
In other words, “Octavia painting her face with blood” was a religious symbol - and so Murphy, who has massive and obvious trauma with regards to religion, makes some mean jokes, but otherwise does not engage mentally or emotionally, or make any attempt to understand whatever the hell was/is going on down there. 
He simply does not vibe with it.
While Murphy has a rough go if it in season 5 with Eligius, the religious/culty stuff mostly leaves him alone in season 5 because he spends the majority of his time in Shallow Valley instead of with Team WTF Is Going On With Octavia. His knowledge of the Wonkru cult would be largely secondhand.
Additionally, the little 12-year-old girl who loved funny stories about him now has a killer AI stuck in her brain. I don’t remember getting to see him react to this, but by the end of the season he can’t have not known about it, at least.
The parts of season 5 where Murphy is not on the ring take place over a span of 18 days. They board the cryoship, go to sleep, and when they wake up, they’re orbiting Sanctum.
Season 6:
Hey look, the planet of the bodysnatcher religion! In other words, Murphy Trauma Central.
Murphy dies, and has a horrible hallucination of what he thinks is hell (this is never explained, actually, which irks me. I was waiting for that plotline to be resolved.)
During Murphy’s childhood, he got to watch his mother slowly turn into someone else (alcoholism, grief, then suicide). And during season 3, he gets to watch a bunch of people (particularly Emori) turn into not themselves. Also during season 3, Murphy was the chosen pawn of a powerful young woman who used him to fool people so she could have power, in conjunction with a religious tradition. 
While he may not have had a close relationship with Clarke, Josephine must have been like a nightmare to him - bodysnatcher lady who has picked him as her chosen pawn to help her fool people in conjunction with a religious tradition.
Between all of Murphy’s trauma regarding religion and his newly refurbished fear of dying, he has to make a choice whether to get in good with this religion and save his and Emori’s lives, or probably die (again) or get bodysnatched himself for all he knows. 
Frankly, that’s not a choice. Not for him, not then. He signs himself up for the creepy religion. He hopes to save Bellamy et al along the way.
Then Abby gets bodysnatched and dies. Honestly I don’t remember why he has a close relationship with Abby, but he does. It’s the last straw - he walks away from his immortality into almost certain death, but then, since Clarke and Madi defeat the Primes, and he and team sanctum defeat the adjustment protocol, he lives on* for season 7.
*Legally named Daniel Prime.
And now we’ve arrived at season 7.
Murphy has never wanted anything to do with (any) religion, and he wants even less to do with the bodysnatching creepy religion that killed Abby. Not to mention, they want him to pretend to be Emori’s brother in public. It’s a funny plot point as a watcher, but from his perspective? Dude, his relationship with her is the best thing that’s ever happened to this guy. Invalidating that is salt in an already massive wound.
So Murphy is a fake deity, a fake brother, and for the first time in his life, he’s handed a whole bunch of religious-based political power and expected to just deal with that. Surrounded by different, equally violent factions who all hate each other (and some of which want him dead) he is supposed to pretend to be in charge - but actually just do whatever Clarke et al tells him to do.
Murphy started having a very specific nightmare at the beginning of season 6 and he hasn’t woken up yet.
7x06. Nakara. I’ll admit, I drank before watching it - a thing I generally do if I suspect from the trailer that I’ll need to care about Clarke for more than 3 minutes of screentime. I’m a happy drunk, so I enjoyed the episode. But that conversation with Murphy and Indra threw me - first as you’ll see in my liveblog because since when the fuck is Indra not a leader? She was the leader of Trikru from Anya’s death until Trikru was dissolved to become part of Wonkru. WTF.
Second, him saying that clearly Indra was really in charge while Octavia was painting her face with blood.
Now, I dismissed that line on my initial watch, because it was obviously factually incorrect, and how would Murphy know anyway? But now that I think about it, I think it was desperate, wishful thinking on Murphy’s part. By now, he has to want so badly for one grown-up - any grown-up - with leadership experience and skills, to take charge, knock some sense into people, and straighten out the shit he’s fallen into. Again.
Wonkru won’t do jack shit without a religious motivation, and thanks to that, they almost blew up in a(nother) nuclear explosion, and he had to be party to the incidental murder of a guy that he honestly thought was kinda’ cool - and now cool guy’s wife will probably try to murder him thanks to the association. Again.
Murphy is desperate for some kind of normal leadership, and historically (no matter what bullshit they made her say in that episode) Indra has been a capable and sensible leader. Maybe a little violent for Murphy’s tastes, but at this point, he’ll take her. And in his eyes**, Octavia’s “cult leader phase” was frightening, ineffective and easily overridden - while Indra has always been leading people when Murphy has known her. 
**Remember, Murphy’s experience of Octavia as Blodreina was two weeks from him landing on Earth to her abdicating and bending the knee to Madi - and he didn’t get to see much of it firsthand.
Was Indra running things while Octavia was off painting her face with blood? No. Should she have been? Probably. But this is a show about teenagers so they wind up in leadership positions for plot reasons, so whatever. That’s a different meta. But as far as Murphy’s concerned, he needs it to be the truth like he needs Indra to take charge in Sanctum and get him off the altar (in more ways than one). 
I don’t like it - but I understand it. 
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briangroth27 · 5 years
Dark Phoenix Review
The final installment in Fox's X-men franchise, Dark Phoenix, is unfortunately not one of their best, but it doesn't deserve the hate it received from critics (or the box office) either. Like Apocalypse (which I also enjoyed for the most part), Dark Phoenix falls into the middle of the X-pack; not too shabby considering there are some legitimately great movies in this series! I was looking forward to this film—I like the cast, they've got most of my favorite X-men on this team, and the Dark Phoenix Saga had been wrecked by The Last Stand so I was ready to see them give it another go—but while Dark Phoenix has some really solid ideas and cool moments, it needed another draft to fully realize its potential (another unfortunate similarity to Apocalypse).
Full Spoilers…
The X-men starting out as public superheroes with a direct line to the White House was a fun change of pace! Giving them fans that cheered them on was a cool reversal from the protest groups we saw in X-men, though for this development to really make an impact we should’ve seen more civilians hating/attacking mutants in the movies beyond the brief glimpses we got in X-men and Apocalypse, both in fight club scenes (The Gifted explored the idea that everyday racism would come from the people just as much as the government in much more detail than the movies ever have). Regardless, I loved that they were able to retain a very "X-men" quality to this new status quo, with mutants’ acceptance hinging on their continued best behavior and the idea that they would unendingly risk themselves to save the world. It was smart to not have bigotry solved only for Jean (Sophie Turner) to wreck it with her newfound power (and also because solving it off-screen would’ve been a disservice to the entire mythos as well as those who face it in real life), but to instead keep them constantly on the edge of losing everything they'd gained. Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) was absolutely right that mutants shouldn’t have to save the world (or worse, keep saving it) to be accepted by the rest of humanity, and I wish the movie had come back to that point by the end of the film. Her argument with Charles (James McAvoy) ties back to his insistence in First Class that humanity would accept them in exchange for stopping war really nicely though. Forcing mutants to always be over-and-above model minorities works perfectly, but they should've done more with this point instead of just creating a rift between Raven and Charles and using it as stakes for Jean's fall. I would’ve liked some closing statement on where mutants’ standing landed after the events of the film; maybe even Jean or someone making Mystique’s argument to the public to force them to face themselves and the position they’d put the X-men/mutantkind in.
Speaking of Jean’s fall, Phoenix was done much better here than in The Last Stand. I think X2's idea of making Phoenix a natural evolution of Jean is a fantastic choice (as was X2-writer Michael Dougherty’s idea to have her continue to evolve into the cosmic Phoenix in his version of X3), but making Phoenix a split personality ruined that by taking it out of Jean's control and stopping it from being Jean’s story. I’d argue this is the same problem the revised comic canon has, with a space bird taking the place of a split identity but resulting in the same lack of control/meaning/development for Jean’s character. Here, they do the cosmic origin fairly faithfully, but oddly ignore Apocalypse’s revival of the "secondary mutation" plot when Apocalypse forced Jean to evolve into full-firebird status through conflict (which, by the way, is perfect for him). They could’ve easily resolved this rift by having Hank (Nicholas Hoult) tell Jean her powers had been boosted "even beyond what Apocalypse caused" or that En Sabah Nur’s “upgrade” enabled her to survive absorbing the cosmic energy into herself in the first place. As it is, that's not a big leap for viewers to make, but it should've been said in the film.
Getting into the actual mechanics of Jean trying to deal with all this new power, I think this was a mixed bag. I liked her senses opening up at the party and would’ve liked to see that enhanced awareness continue. Her crushed reaction to her father (Scott Shepard) giving her to Xavier because he couldn't forgive her for the accidental death of her mother (Hannah Anderson) or handle raising a mutant child was a rough, powerful reveal that Turner acted perfectly, but then we got to an element of Jean being confused by what she can/should do with all this power rather than acting with that power, which slowed the momentum of her character (and the story). I’d really like to see a version of the Phoenix Saga where Jean runs with her new powers rather than being manipulated or confused about what to do with them, especially if they’re insistent on doing it all in one movie. Her talks with Erik (Michael Fassbender) and especially Vuk (Jessica Chastain) offer insight into what she could be and I wouldn’t want them to have less character-building conversations in favor of meaningless fight scenes, but I wanted to see Jean take action and deal with the fallout of her choices rather than only get to the point where she’s ready to make those decisions in the first place. I would've much preferred her trying to, say, forcibly fix the world so they don't have to keep saving it like Mystique was worried about or something (especially given their obviously strong bond at the beginning).
This is another unfortunate similarity to Apocalypse: while En Sabah Nur said a lot of great stuff in that movie, despite getting rid of all the nukes and leveling Cairo, it felt like we were constantly on the cusp of him escalating things instead of actually getting to see him do what he talked about. Here, I felt like we were on the verge of Jean taking ownership of her powers, only to have her talked into denying them, try to give them away, get captured by the government, get attacked by aliens, etc. Similarly, they really needed to dig into her decision to leave Earth on a bigger level than just being scared she’d hurt people she cared about. Why not make it her choice to see what’s out there and to see what she can become instead (which would be a cool parallel to mutants as a whole not being able to develop while stuck in savior mode for humans)? Leaving Earth should’ve been something that tied to or conflicted with her hopes and dreams for her life during and after the X-men (which would’ve been nice to know before she’s forced to give all of that up in the face of this power), rather than falling back on what feels like a much more simplistic “the power is just too unsafe for her to have on Earth” idea. That idea almost looks like humans are right to fear mutants, because even they can’t safely use their powers here, and that’s the wrong message for a X-men story. I did like that Jean acting with her emotions rather than burying them was shown as a good thing here that made her stronger: that’s a great rebuttal to Xavier trying to block them off and hide pain from her to protect her.
I was very glad that the movie didn't have Xavier blocking her split personality this time, but rather that he'd covered up Jean's accidental manslaughter in an effort to help her have a normal, happy life. That was always my read from the trailers—she didn't seem like she knew she killed her parents in Apocalypse—but I didn't expect the twist that her dad had survived and didn't want her at all and I loved it. I fully bought into Xavier's "you are not broken" reassurance to young Jean (Summer Fontana), so that moment worked really well to help sell the betrayal Jean felt. I wish we’d seen Scott (Tye Sheridan), Ororo (Alexandra Shipp), Kurt (Kodi Smit-McPhee), and Peter's (Evan Peters) reaction to what Xavier did as well though. I also would've liked to see their opinions on Xavier's massive hubris here ("All I did was create a world where we can all live in peace"), as well as his insistence that they be superheroes to earn their keep. Despite the lack of opinions from everyone but Mystique, I did like seeing this side of Xavier and thought it was just as interesting to see how he handled winning as how he’d handled mutants being the underdogs for so long. I'm glad this movie didn't agree with him that it was right to manipulate Jean's mind like Last Stand did, and Charles thinking she shouldn't experience any kind of pain is a nice callback to his own attempt to ignore the pain of the world in Days of Future Past (his older self told him that hope would allow him to bear the pain of the world without breaking, and it seems that Xavier decided he should be the only one to take on that pain rather than let others bear it as well). It also works well as an early form of his attempts to keep mutants safe even to their detriment (like making them superheroes to stay in humanity’s good graces). This habit of ignoring pain was especially evident in his almost cavalier discussion with Hank after Mystique’s funeral (with a side of “you can’t criticize me when I’m hurt too”), and it took me a bit to understand that he’s trying to do the same thing to Hank that he did to Jean, just without using his powers: he can’t process the pain of his loss and doesn’t want to see anyone else “stuck” in their feelings either. I’m glad he actually apologized on the train; I wasn’t expecting that and it was a solid development. Of the things Kinberg improved this time from Last Stand, Xavier as a not-so-great guy was definitely handled much better, precisely because he was proven wrong and dealt with it.
Erik nicely (and finally) transitioned into the peaceful existence promised by Apocalypse, even if (as others have noted) the disconnect between his crimes in that movie and the government respecting him here is a little jarring. I really liked him running Genosha, though it would've been nice to comment that this community was the last stop on the mutant Underground Railroad Mystique was part of in DOFP and Apocalypse. It didn't have to be and worked just fine without that connection, but it would've been nice to say that she helped build his mutant paradise (especially given the impact losing her has on him) and that effort would’ve buttressed her argument with Xavier nicely, since she would’ve had a hand in creating a better life for mutants as well. Erik's talk with Jean about letting go of vengeance once he realized it wasn't helping was solid (he learned something from Charles back in First Class!), but I wanted the movie to bear out that he really had changed. I hated that this movie again relied on a woman getting fridged so Erik had a reason to get murdery (with added Hank rage!): that's lazy, especially since they used that already-tired plot in the last movie. I wish both of these films had Erik as a teacher at the school, but if we couldn't get that bit of 80s comics lore, surely there was another way to use Erik here. Maybe his point of view should’ve shown us what everyday mutants think of the X-men as the poster children of the atom, and how that affects their ability to have a modicum of respect/tolerance from humans. If they couldn’t find something for Erik to do except try to kill Jean, he shouldn't have been included so they could focus on the other characters more. I did like his life on Genosha essentially proving Mystique's point and enjoyed him telling Xavier to shove his speeches, even if it was in the midst of his rage. I'll also say that the ending they found for Erik and Charles—Erik taking him back to Genosha to live out the rest of their lives together—was perfect.
I loved where they took Mystique over these prequel films! We got the badass villain in the original trilogy, so seeing her morals develop for the better in these movies was a breath of fresh air and a chance to explore new, original possibilities (even if they were inspired by her actions in the Age of Apocalypse comics timeline). I liked that she came so far as to be the field leader of the X-men and thought her argument with Xavier here was great. It meshed nicely with her opinion in X2 that they shouldn't have to conform to human appearances (or, here, their expectations) to live in peace. This was an important truth to bring up and I'm surprised that it feels like the first time I've seen it addressed in an X-story. I can almost accept her bristling at fame (and the unfair burden that fame represents) as the reason she shifts into her human appearance so often, even at the mansion, but that needed to be spelled out. I liked the rapport she had with the team, especially Jean, and I wish we saw more of an impact on them when she died (if we're wishing for things, I wish she hadn't died at all). Storm especially should’ve had more of a reaction, given Mystique was her hero. The younger students get a moment, but it's more about Jean as the culprit than Mystique's loss. I wish Mystique had let Jean know she agreed with her sense of betrayal and stuck with her instead of trying to bring her back to the mansion (even if I do see why she'd want to play up their family relationship to calm her down). It also wasn't the best strategy for the team to wear their X-uniforms to meet Jean at her house: what kind of message does that send? Having Mystique run with Jean and perhaps toy with the idea that they could change humanity for the better with Jean’s new powers so they could stop fighting to earn their peace might have been a cool development of her argument. Mystique could've played the role the Hellfire Club did in the comics & the Brotherhood did in X3, but with altruistic intentions. If she had to die, I wanted it to have more meaning and purpose: it should’ve been about her and what she stood for instead of immediately being about Erik/Hank's anger and Jean's culpability. I wonder if being impaled is an echo of how Wolverine “killed” her in X-men?
I was generally disappointed by Hank's role throughout the whole movie. I didn't like that he was in his human form so often: so he never got what Mystique was saying about loving himself as he is, even with the world loving the X-men? That’s depressing and if it was meant to be a conscious decision on his part, it should’ve been explored as his own self-hatred (or maybe he is secretly afraid that humanity will turn on mutants again, so he doesn’t want to fully give himself over to embracing his Beast appearance), not brushed aside like a common secret identity. And shouldn't he have shifted into his Beast form at Mystique's funeral, since his transformation was triggered by his emotions? I liked that this borrowed bit of Hulk mechanics revealed what he truly felt in DOFP: that was a cool comment on trying to suppress your real self and way to dramatize who Hank actually was. Here, he has full control but chooses to look human most of the time, which is not a good look (even if I bet a lot of it was about letting Hoult act more clearly without the Beast prosthetics). Like others have said, Hank getting fired up to kill one of his students is an even worse look and if they had to go there, I wish it had more fallout. The movie doesn’t bother much with the betrayal Scott & Co. must feel about their leader turning on one of them like this (instead, that anger is directed at Erik as if Hank didn’t go to him). Then they just let him come back as the headmaster of a school renamed after Jean after all that? No way. Not that I don't believe in forgiveness, but his actions were brushed aside way too easily (just like Erik and Storm's team-up with Apocalypse was in the last movie). I wish he'd retired like Mystique wanted to (if nothing else, to honor her wishes) and left the school to Scott and Ororo instead (they're nearly 30, after all).
I wish there had been less focus on the First Class characters and more of a passing of the torch here. In fact, we needed a lot more of the younger team members' opinions on everything happening in this movie, especially Jean's turn. They’d spent 10 years fighting and living together, after all: surely they have strong opinions. Ororo gets the point of view that Jean’s shown who she really is and isn’t coming back, but then she immediately acts counter to that by backing Scott’s effort to bring her home (and all of this is beside the fact that she too was party to massive loss of life but got to waltz onto the team, which would’ve been an interesting perspective to bring up). I also would’ve liked to see their reaction to Xavier's betrayal (if I were them, I'd be asking how much of their own lives he might’ve changed) and their fame (how do they see their (much safer) world vs. how do the older characters (who fought for it) see it?) as well as the implications of that celebrity status. The short shrift they got was a big negative for me. I was here to see Jean, Scott, Ororo, Kurt, and Peter as the leads, but we only really got Jean out of this bunch. Scott gets some solid moments with Jean—enough to sell their romance and connection—and it’s obvious there’s a friendship amongst the younger generation of X-men, but I feel like the things Jean was going through should’ve created more shockwaves amongst her closest friends. Even with a relatively small roster, you’d never know Storm and Nightcrawler were major X-men from their showing here and Peter is almost completely sidelined after getting his own spotlight scenes in the previous two movies. I would’ve liked Erik to know Peter is his son after he awkwardly didn’t find out in Apocalypse, though it wouldn’t have fit into this movie as it is. Kurt being Mystique’s son would’ve given a unique flavor to their mission interactions, but I guess we’ll have to wait for the MCU to get that relationship.
Another conversation/argument the younger and older generations of mutants could’ve had was about whether Jean’s powers were acceptable within the mutant subculture (which is something we also need to see more of in live-action), much less to the rest of humanity. How much is “too much” mutation (Kurt might have some feelings on that vs. the others’ invisible mutations, not that he’s any more a mutant than the rest of them)? Is there a line where a mutation just won’t be acceptable to non-mutants, no matter what goodwill they’ve gained in society? What about to other mutants (and crossing that line should really come without also making Jean a killer)? With the X-men becoming accepted as the backdrop, Jean’s evolution into Phoenix and the fight against her could’ve been played as a metaphor for people who accept LGB rights but are Transphobic, which would’ve fit the themes of the X-men as a franchise and would’ve added a new layer of complexity to the mutant metaphor (though as a straight cis guy, I defer to the LGBTQ community on whether that'd actually be a good idea and a story worth telling, or if it would hurt more than it helps; it might be preferred to bring in more trans mutants to the team and deal with mutants who are transphobic rather than piling another metaphor onto it, particularly as Jean is already a white woman dealing with racism & homophobia via hatred of mutants). It could also simply be about power & control: maybe Charles and Erik ironically can’t accept the new kind of mutant Jean is (Hank’s apparent self-hatred probably wouldn’t let him either), and they could’ve built the heroes’ split out of that lack of tolerance rather than killing Mystique.
The D’Bari mostly worked for me as antagonists if that was the way Kinberg wanted to go: they made for solid, tough cannon fodder that required mutant powers to defeat. I appreciate that they included that bit of comics canon, but ultimately them being Shi’ar who’d detected Jean's growing power signature and came to extinguish the Phoenix before it destroyed another solar system would’ve worked better IMO, since they could be the authority figures for Jean that humankind couldn’t (also opening the door to the conversation of whether she needs authority figures or if she should be trusted with her power). As it is, even still being the D'Bari could've worked if they'd come to put the Phoenix Force on trial for destroying their world, with Jean an unfortunate "accomplice" to the power. With them wanting to use the power to recreate their world instead, I would’ve liked more comparison between the D’Bari wanting to reclaim their home and mutants saving the world to maintain their place in society. You can also draw a connection between their willingness to manipulate Jean into bringing back their world (or coaxing her to give up her power so they can do it themselves) instead of the harder path of accepting and dealing with their loss and Xavier trying to ignore pain altogether (I do like that parallel a lot). Both the D’Bari and Xavier reached obsessive levels, and the aliens’ obsession with recreating their home at the cost of Earth serves as a nice foreshadowing of what could happen to Jean if she doesn't deal with her pain. I understand that in a two-hour movie we can’t see nuance to every faction, but it would’ve been nice to see some variance between the D’Bari’s goals: were any of them content to live out their lives peacefully? Were these just the fanatics of their species? Did any of them initially buy in before seeing what Vuk brought them to and thought, “this is too far?”
The action was solid, with a mostly good range of power use (even if they weren't as creatively applied as in previous installments). I liked the space rescue sequence a lot (minus apparently not caring about covering Kurt's hands in the vacuum of space) and the fights in New York City and on the train were well-done and comic booky. I was disappointed in the Quicksilver super-speed scene this time and agree with others on Twitter that every character should get spotlight moments like his. Regardless, it was cool that the team didn't hold back their powers and that the effects budget had the capability to let them cut loose. Weaponizing the team’s powers through the X-jet was a great idea! The one character cutting loose that seems weird in hindsight is Kurt’s murder spree on the train: at first it didn’t strike me as particularly odd, given the X-men aren’t at a Superman-level of not killing their enemies and all comic book heroes tend to get their bloodlust elevated in live-action, but after hearing my brother and others online point it out, yeah, it’s an odd choice for him.
Simon Kinberg’s writing and direction carried over a consistent feel from the previous installments, which (like others have noted) was not the case in the transition from X2 to Last Stand. Whatever my wishes for things that they could’ve covered or done differently here, these at least felt like the same characters we’ve been following for the past 1-3 films. He kept the action clear and managed to juggle the characters who did get the most focus pretty well. The scope could’ve been a bit bigger given Jean’s potential and left me wanting more, but I liked that they kept personal focus on the characters instead of having Jean gain absolute power and then stand behind Magneto, saying nothing. I wish they had used the 90s setting a lot more: the only 90s thing about this is that the space shuttle is still in regular operation. First Class and DOFP used their decades to enhance their respective stories; I’m sorry Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix fell short of that. They could’ve at least made a nod to Scott being an X2-canon boy band fan! I get the reason for the team’s matching uniforms—Xavier wanted an orderly image—but they really should’ve used the 90s-inspired ones from the end of Apocalypse instead. They looked so much cooler! I wish they’d brought back John Ottman’s main theme as the X-theme here, because this score didn’t resonate with me like the music of the previous films did.
Dark Phoenix is definitely a mixed bag, but overall I enjoyed a lot of it while wishing it had taken things further. I admire its ambition, even if its success is hampered by the same mistakes of previous films. I’ll buy it on home video, but for the first time I’m looking forward to the MCU’s X-men relaunch more than feeling sad about losing Fox’s version (though Feige is right to let the franchise rest for a bit). While this movie doesn’t have the emotional impact that Endgame does as a culmination, the X-films (along with Blade) kickstarted the modern superhero film and the weight of the franchise’s reach and impact is not lost on me. This series has been a huge part of my life for more than half of my life and I would’ve followed these actors and characters into another adventure—I still genuinely love or like nearly all of the movies in this 19-year franchise—but I do think they’ve kinda run their course. I’m happy that this felt like an ending even though it wasn’t planned as one, and I know I’ll revisit these films even after Disney releases their take on the franchise (which should really be a long-running TV series rather than films, but that’s neither here nor there). It feels weird to say goodbye, but it’s time.
If you’re into the X-men or a fan of these films, don’t let the rotten reviews scare you off from seeing this one. It’s not perfect, but it’s well-acted and there are solid themes with good action. It’s definitely worth a trip to the theater to see this version of Marvel’s merry mutants on the big screen one last time!
 Check out more of my reviews, opinions, and original short stories here!  
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paymeintea · 8 years
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Kino - Ecstasy Prologue Translation under the cut
Sounds of plates
Kino: …..
Yui: …. (Since then it feels like Kino-kun has been talking to me even less than before, but he’s no longer locking himself up in his room, and we’re eating meals together…)
Kino puts down a plate
Kino: … What? You’ve been staring at me since earlier
Yui: … Sorry…
Kino: Don’t do needless things and focus on your food
Yui: ….
Kino: What’s with that expression… you’re defiant as always
Yui: …. That’s not really what I…
Kino: Hmm… you’re trying to get a rise out of me, aren’t you? You’re inviting me because you want me to do more awful things to you, right?
Yui: That’s not it!
Kino: You don’t need to hold back though, I was just thinking that I would prefer blood to this disgusting bread. Now come here!
Yuri: Kino. What about the matter you should clear up first?
Kino: … What?
Yuri: We spoke about it before; the church has sent another demand…
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Kino: Ah, the church… I told you that it would be alright if we just left them alone, didn’t I? While we’ve been here that Raven group has been steadily hunting demons in the human world. I will fulfil my side of the contract.
Yuri: But…
Kino: Hm… it’s rare for you to speak out on what I’m doing, Yuri. Ahh, could it be for this girl’s sake? Have you developed feelings for her while being at her side? So that’s why you’re interfering…
Yuri: That is not my intention at all.
Kino: If you want her then why don’t you try taking her? From me… Well, that is if a ghoul can even do it. Fufu. … Anyway, Ayato is going to stay in the dungeon a bit longer. I’ve been thinking, and when we hand him over to the church a lot of things will end, won’t they.
Yui: …! You’re giving Ayato-kun to the church…?
Kino: Huh? Didn’t I tell you? When we met with the church bishop I agreed to that promise.
Yuri: … Kino!
Kino: It’s fine, isn’t it? Even if she does know, it’s not like she can do anything at this stage.
Yui: What does the church… want with Ayato-kun…?
Kino: I wonder. It’s not something I know. Either way… it seems like you care about Ayato a lot. Particularly during that time you both were have such fun talking to each other.
Yui: …. Because, that’s… (because I was glad that he was safe…)
Kino: Well, it’s understandable. You two are the closest to be chosen as Adam and Eve… it makes me sick.
Yui: ….
Kino: … Hey, Yuri. I’ve changed my mind. Let’s hand Ayato over right now.
Yui: ….!
Yuri: …? Are you sure?
Kino: I said it, didn’t I? Let’s go to the human world at once. It’s long awaited, so you come too. Something interesting is definitely going to happen… fufu…
Yui: (Kino-kun seems to be enjoying himself again…? He’s not going to change at all, is he? What should I do…)
Yui leaves
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Kino: She’s quite shaken… since I said I’d hand over Ayato. With this, soon I’ll be able to see her face when she’s trembling in fear… it serves her right. But to get that shaken at the idea, it must mean that she likes Ayato… hmm… …..
Knock, knock
Kino: Yes. What do you need?
Yuri: … The preparations to leave are complete.
Kino: Ah, okay. I’m coming now.
Yuri: Then we’ll wait in the living room.
Black screen, Yuri sighs
Yuri: …. Kino seemed to have his head full of that girl… Is this really a good thing? Can Kino… get saved like this…?
Monologue - Yui
We were heading back to the human world.
I didn’t know what the church group wanted Ayato-kun for, but I had an ominous feeling.
I had to think of a way to help Ayato-kun escape somehow.
Scene change - they’re back in the forest
Yuri: The trip is almost at its end.
Yui: End…
Ayato: Jeez… we’re going back to the human world, so why did you even bring us here?
Yui: (What should I do… there’s almost no time left… if we continue like this, then Ayato-kun will…)
Kino: Yui. Wait a moment.
Yui: Kino-kun…
Kino: Shall I tell you what you’re thinking about? A way to prevent Ayato getting handed over to the church… right?
Yui: …..
Kino: Fufu. As I thought. Why don’t you be reasonable and stop? It’s useless just thinking about it. Why would you be thinking about it in the first place? Didn’t I tell you that not even I know what the church will do with him?
Yui: … That’s why. Ayato-kun is a vampire… I don’t think he would become an ally of the church…
Kino: Hehh… so, you’re wishing that Ayato is safe? But isn’t he a target for your resentment? He’s always drinking your blood to an unreasonable amount
Yui: … That’s…. (That may be true. But… I…)
Kino: You’ve become… someone on ‘this side’ after all.
Yui: ‘This side’…?
Kino: Yes. Because if you haven’t lost the feeling of being a normal human… then you should be glad that the demon hunters in the human world, the church, and I are doing what we are? However, you’re trying to oppose us… because you met those vampires, you’ve become owned by them.
Yui: … (It is as Kino-kun says… the me before wouldn’t be acting like this and would have obediently followed the church… but…) I… don’t think of myself as just a human from the human world. The church is wrong to want to wipe out all the demons there. But I don’t think it’s because I’ve forgotten what it means to be human. I’ve just… realised it; humans and demons are different, but that doesn’t mean that they have to be in conflict with each other.
Kino: … Hmm. What over the top naïve words like usual. To the point that I admire your stupidity.
Yui: ….
Kino: … Hey, Yui, why don’t you make a deal with me?
Yui: Deal?
Kino: Yes, and depending on you, I could even stop handing over Ayato.
Yui: Eh! Really…?
Kino: Yes, really. Provided that… You develop feelings for me?
Yui: Eh…?
Kino: When I’m with you I get really irritated. Every time to the point where I think I’m going to kill you. But, despite that, I keep thinking about you to an unusual degree. At first, I thought it was because of Eve’s powers. But… I realised it… that I… like you.
Yui: … Do-don’t make fun of me…
Kino: Fufu. I’m sorry. I’m not making fun of you though? I’m serious… It’s just… if you make the deal, you have to be serious. Whether it’s Ayato or anyone else… I won’t forgive you if you get interested in them. Even a taste is unreasonable. Only look at me, and only think of me.
Yui: That’s… even if you say it now… (I didn’t think that Kino-kun would ever say anything like this…)
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Kino: Hmm. Then we’ll put your response on hold for now. I am confident, though. Because I’ll definitely make you mine. Nn…
Yui: …!
Kino: It’s not long until we reach the human world… you should think on it as much as you can.
Monologue - Yui
After saying that, Kino-kun started walking again.
Horribly confused, I followed after him flustered.
The human world was just before our eyes.
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wootensmith · 8 years
It was not Solas that finally banished the lyrium echo, but Cassandra. When the Fade had failed to push it away, he’d tried touch, needing it as much as she. Clasped her torn hand in his and held back the mark as they finished, pouring power into the barrier against it until he shook, depleted by fighting the power that ought to have been his. And still, they teetered at the edge of consciousness. She fought to sink into sleep, and he to stay awake until she did. She rose a little after dawn, though he tried to persuade her not to. The morning was bright and brisk. Fresh snow had blanketed the feet of the mountains and it crunched as they trudged through it. A raven was perched on the stable door. It fluffed its feathers and bit at her fingers as she reached for the scroll on its leg. Solas considered blasting it for a moment, but brushed off his terrible mood as best he could. The tired smile of relief that spread over the Inquisitor was enough to banish it. “It’s from Cassandra. Suledin Keep is ours, all men safe. She is bringing you something. Letters between Corypheus and the man ruling the Keep. She says he was possessed. Called himself Imshael—” “Imshael?” he said sharply holding his hand out for the scroll. “That is a name I have not heard in many centuries.” She handed the scroll to him. “Was he a friend?” she asked. “No. No, I didn’t know him. He was banished long before I was born. But he is dangerous…” he trailed off, scanning Cassandra’s cramped writing. “They killed him after he tried to seduce them to turn on each other.” “I doubt they killed him, my love, but they banished him for a time. And we will meet Corypheus before Imshael has time to return and aid him. I am glad they escaped unscathed.” She pulled a slip of paper from her pack and pressed it against the stable door scribbling a response with a crumbling stick of charcoal. He watched her fingers still and fumble as she tried to break through the fog in her mind and find the words she wanted. She was still sunken. Still diminished. This conflict, this chase after Corypheus must end soon if she was to survive it. If any of them were. He hoped Morrigan was prepared to lead them to him. The raven took off, heading back the way it had come. “Are you ready?” she asked him and he shook himself back to the present. “We could stay. Rest another day, now that we are certain they are safe,” he offered. He watched her hesitate, look back at the warm lodge with its bright windows and slow curl of fragrant smoke from the chimney. It was more than he’d ever been able to get from her before. But he was unsurprised when she shook her head. “I want to go home,” she said.
The path into the mountains was too narrow and rocky for the horse to carry them over it. They walked beside it instead. The brittle chill and the sharp stones cut through the remaining numbness in them both. He wondered if she were still hearing the lyrium repeating and repeating in her head. “The Avvar say the heart of Korth was buried in these mountains,” he said to break the silence, to stop the echo in her mind. “That he took it from his chest and hid it, even from himself. So that no weakness in it could betray him.” “A man cannot live without his heart,” said the Inquisitor. He smiled. “How well I know,” he said, tracing her cheek. “And Korth soon discovered it. They say the winter hurricanes blew through the hole where it had been and froze him. Numbed him to all around him. He relied purely on logic and strength and it made him cruel. The people cried out for mercy and their Lady of the Skies heard and answered. She sent her champions to scour the Frostbacks for his heart. But the mountains defeated them. And the people despaired. And then the ptarmigan spoke up. It is a small bird, its wings cannot match the fierce gales that blew through the Frostbacks. She asked the Lady of the Skies if she could try. She asked to search the Frostbacks. But the Lady refused. ‘Stay,’ she told her. ‘You are precious to me. Stay here, by my side. Be safe. Gather the others and retire to the calm warmth of my realm.’ The ptarmigan tried for a while. She watched the people suffer as Korth grew worse and the world began to crumble at the edges. And one day, the ptarmigan slipped away. She came to the foot of these mountains. At first, she tried as others had, to fly above the fierce winds and thick mists. But her wings grew tired and at last she fell. But she did not give up. She crept along the ground, tucking her beak to her chest and squinting one eye against the snow, always listening for the deep thump of Korth’s heart.” He pulled her into his side, wrapping an arm around her. He bent his head to whisper into her ear, his free hand moving in a slow spell. “It was faint at first, just a soft tremor, a flutter against her frostbitten feet. As she crawled closer, it grew. A low rumble, like a far away storm. And then a deep drum that echoed in the dark.” He stopped speaking as the spell took over. She looked around them as the rhythmic boom swelled and ancient Avvar chants joined it. A memory made audible. One he had seen long ago. “She came to the valley between the mountains,” he shouted, “And there was the heart, buried in a golden box that shone like the sun. The heart was mighty and strong. It shook the very stone. The ptarmigan flew down to it and gripped the box in her tiny talons. But the heart was not immune to the cruelty that Korth had committed. It had grown immensely heavy. The ptarmigan lifted the box, but it slid from her grip and crashed into the mountainside.” His spell ended abruptly and he marveled at the wonder in her face. Such a simple thing, to take her from herself. Why had it not occurred to him the night before? “The box cracked and Korth roared in pain as the heart tumbled from the broken wood and into the frigid snow. He stumbled down the Frostbacks, lumbering toward his heart as the ptarmigan tried again to lift it. Her talons and beak pierced the heart, and Korth roared, loud enough to wake his brother Hakkon.” “But she hurt him to save him,” said the Inquisitor. “To save the heart,” agreed Solas. “To save him. If she had let the heart lie in the snow, it would have frozen and shattered. And a man cannot live without his heart. She did not have a golden box or soft hands to carry it. She did what she must have done to save him. It was the lesser hurt, though, perhaps more painful.” He thought for a moment. She waited, squeezed her warmth against his side. “Did Korth kill the ptarmigan?” she asked at last. “Was that the price to save him?” “No,” he said, rousing himself from sad predictions. “No. Korth approached the valley and knelt down to better see the tiny bird. The heart leapt to be so near to its owner and slid back into his chest, thawing him. His brother, Hakkon, laughed for joy. He made the valley into a great forge and made a harness of steel to hold the heart in place. Korth took the ptarmigan with great honor back to his fortress. She sat on his shoulder for the entirety of his rule. Whenever Korth doubted, whenever he wondered his own heart, whether he were making the kindest, the best choice for his people, the ptarmigan sang to him. She sang him the song of his own heart, the one only she had ever heard. And then he would know what was right. What was good.” She was silent for a long while. The sun was beginning to warm them and he began to feel drowsy again. “Did he always listen to her?” she asked, startling him. “Her song ruled him utterly,” said Solas. “Did it?” she asked. “Then he must have been a happy god, listening always to the wishes of his own heart.” He felt the sting in the observation. “Not the wishes, Vhenan. He would have been nearly as cruel as before if he had done that. He listened to what he knew was right. And that is not always simple. Or happy.” She smiled, but it was sad and lopsided. “I don’t think either of us need a lesson in that,” she said. He thought she was probably right. But it had done the trick. She seemed to have thrown off the shadow of the lyrium, seemed to regain some of her power and focus. Seemed to grow into herself again. “Solas,” she asked, “The spell you used to make your people forget— have you used that spell upon me or our friends?” “No. That was the only time I have done so.” “Would you promise me never to use it on me?” He stroked her temple with his finger. “It might bring you comfort when I—” “It is not a comfort that I want,” her voice was firm, unwavering. Without grief to muddle it. “I will never use it on you, unless you ask me to.” “What did you take from them?” He shook his head, confused. “Just the path back to the tower.” “Not your name? Not their memories of you? Not the identities of their fellows?” “It was not me that I meant to protect. And not the tower. It was them. I didn’t want them to wander back into a trap. And they were a family. I would not take them from each other.” “Did any refuse to have the memory taken from them?” He nodded. “A few.” “Did you force them?” “No. I wanted them to be free. And sometimes— that meant letting them stumble or make a choice I did not agree with.” “What happened to them, the ones that refused?” He shook his head. “I do not know what happened to any of them. The ones who forgot or the ones who remembered. I’ve thought to find them more than once, seek out their dreams and memories—” “But?” “But it is too late to change their fates now. So late. If I am very lucky, I will get another chance. And so will they.” He found her hand and folded her cold fingers into his own. “But I must be like Korth and leave my heart in another world to do it.” She opened her lips to protest, but he shook his head and kissed her hand. “Pay me no mind. I am just overtired. Our time is not yet gone, and the ending is still unknown.” A flutter of dark against the mountainside caught his eye and he looked up. “Cole,” said the Inquisitor. “He came to meet us.”
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