#thinking also abt dys wanting to be asked to stay. hahahahaha (in tears)
hirokiyuu · 2 years
52. Sol/Dys >///<
52. things you said with my lips on your neck
"Will you miss me?"
He doesn't mean for it to slip out but he can't catch it in time; with their mouth on his neck Sol pauses. "Of course I will," they murmur, breath ghosting against his skin. "But I want you to be happy more than I want you to stay."
His fingers spasm against their skin, pulling them in tighter. He can't say anything to that. "...I mean..." they hesitate, face tilting further into his neck. "It's what you want, right? To leave, and join the Gardeners...?"
"...Yeah," he says, because he does. He does. He's wanted to join them since he was sixteen and Sym let slip it was a possibility; he's wanted it since he was ten and an inhuman stranger crawled out of the forest. He's wanted it since he was five years old and he knew his mother wasn't coming back ever again. To stop living like this. To stop being human. And yet --
"Okay," says Sol, before pressing a kiss once more to his skin. "Then you'll go, and I'll miss you, but you'll be happy and that means I'll be happy too. Got it?"
"Yeah," says Dys again, and even as their hands flutter at the edge of his shirt, he's thinking of that night in Wet, looking up at them from where he'd crouched in the gutter, and how if they'd only asked he would've put the bomb down instead.
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