#thinking about cody watching rex grow up and becoming a captain
thought about cody and rex sibling relationship a bit too much. i need to lay down
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Hello friends! I saw this gif and immediately my brain began working up scenarios so I’m going to try something new. Just some fun short fics that come to mind when I see an image. If it goes well I might keep it up! I also think I’m going to stick with the Mandalorian theme but use Y/N. Oh one more thing…we are assuming all the boys lived because I love the whole 501st…Happy reading!
One shot - Captain Rex
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First Date
Warnings: None just some fluff because I need it, Oh I will be using Mando’a but I will provide a translation.
As a Mandalorian on Coruscant things have been interesting to say the least…You were recruited to help train the Clone Battalions on some alternative fighting methods. The Good Captain Rex has become one of your personal favorites and was always very professional with you but secretly harbored feelings for you. He was drawn in by how you treated each of his men as though they were your own vode (brothers). Which brings us here…Fives has noticed you stealing glances at the Captain, flushing whenever he is mentions, are giddy when he’s in the room, and has been trying to convince you to talk to him about it but you won’t budge. Fives has no problem taking matters into his own hands with the help of a few friends….
I know that scene was during the Umbara arc but we need some positivity in that department…
“Fives you are my best friend but for the love of Maker leave it alone…” He has that signature Osik (shit) eating grin on his face. “Aw come on y/n, it would do you both some good trust me!” I glare at him “Copaani mirshmure’cye, vod? (Are you looking for a smack in the face mate?)” He puts his hands up in defense “Hey I was just trying be a good friend.” Just then Jesse and Tup come over. “What’re ya talking ‘bout?” Jesse teases. I glare at him and Tup smiles “You’re being ridiculous y/n…I thought Mandalorians were supposed to be brave.” “Alright look here you mir’sheb (smart asses), I can make sure your next lesson with me is miserable” I wag my finger at the trio. Fives stands up and nods to the other two “Alright, we better let her eat her lunch in peace.” I get suspicious - he never gives up that easy… - “Pare (Wait one), Fives what are you up to?” He turns around “Nothing, like you said…you can make our next lesson miserable. I know you keep your word.” I give the group a suspicious look and watch as they walk away. Just then Rex enters the room and I pretend not to notice. Fives looks back at me and smirks, I can feel the heat creeping up my face. He, Tup, and Jesse take the opportunity to head over and chat with Rex - Maker I want to know what he’s saying…or do I?
A sudden presence at the table surprises me. “Udesii! (Take it easy!), bad time?” Cody asks giving me a strange look. “Nope, I’m fine. What can I do for you?” He takes a seat across from me and eyes me. I look past him at the conversation being had on the other side of the room and just then Rex glances over his shoulder my direction. Cody turns around to look and in that moment, the brave Mandalorian wants more than anything to become part of the durasteel wall. Cody turns back around, facing me with a grin “Oh…I see, Rex got you all worked up again?” My eyes grow wide “Again?” He lets out a deep laugh “I swear to Maker you two are the only ones who don’t notice…Fox, Bly, Bacara, Neyo, and even sometimes Wolffe and myself take guesses at how many times a day you steal glances.” As if on que Fox joins the table. “Just in time for the show” Cody tells him while teasing me. “Ha Ha, you’re hilarious….” I roll my eyes. “Y/n, you still haven’t talked to him?” Fox asks pretending to be shocked. A string of curses in Mando’a leave my mouth. “You guys are as bad as Fives….and that’s saying something.” They both just laugh at my expense. “You two di’kutla (fools) are lucky I don’t have your groups today for training…” and with that I get up and take care of my tray, having had enough of the shenanigans.
Later that evening I was in my office - the GAR was oh so kind enough to give me - and theres a knock at my door. With out looking up from my datapad I holler “Come in!” The door slides open and a rather sheepish Rex enters - he’s typically quite a confident, without being arrogant, man… - I stand “What can I do for you Captain?” “Please just call me Rex.” “I thought it was Captain or Sir?” I tease becoming rather nervous. He rubs the back of his neck and laughs nervously “I- uh- I came to see if you would be interested in going with us—with me to 79’s sometime.” - is this really happening? Fives you mesh’la di’kut (beautiful idiot) - “Yeah Rex, I’d love that” I can feel my face flush. He straightens, standing tall and confident “Really? How about tomorrow night?” A smile dances across my face “That sounds great, I’ll see you then”. He nods and excuses himself closing the door behind him.
I spin around smiling like di'kut (idiot), clutching my datapad to my chest - maybe Fives was right? Oh Maker don't ever let him know that...the last thing he needs is a more inflated ego.... I head back to my desk and finish up my report for the day before heading to my apartment for the night.
Thankfully I only had one training session the next morning which went without a hitch and I actually had time to catch up on my reports. The day over all went by rather quickly and I headed to my apartment to put on something other than my typical attire - as much I love my beskar and everything it stands for but unfortunately it's not gunna work. I open my closet and stand there for a moment before pulling out a pair of black jeans, combat boots, my bantha leather jacket, and nicer fitted tank top. Quickly I shower, put on light makeup, and quickly curl my hair a little before heading out to the street and hailing a cab. "79's please." "You got it." I look out the window as the driver lifts us into the lanes of traffic.
It only takes a matter of minutes to get to 79's and I find myself standing outside nervous - what if he decides he doesn't like me? An arm around my shoulder pulls my from my thoughts "Jeez y/n, If I knew you'd get cleaned up that nice I would’ve just asked you out myself." I throw at elbow at Fives an hit him square in the stomach. He doubles over and I hear a roar of laugher behind me. Spinning around I see the rest of the 501st Torrent squad - minus Rex. "I should’ve known you all would show up..." Jesse comes over and leans an elbow on Fives - whose still doubled over - "Oh come on we wouldn't miss this for the world! Besides we've got tomorrow off!" Hardcase whoops and hollers. Echo comes over and speaks so only I can hear "you'll be fine...Rex'll love getting to know you. Trust me." He winks and gestures for the group to follow him inside leaving me standing here alone. I suck in a deep breath and head inside. It's not my first time at 79's but its my first time with the intent to be with Rex and only Rex.
When I enter, the music is loud and there's a sea of people as usual. Making my way over to the bar I order a drink. Once the bar tender hands it to me I glance around looking for Rex. In the corner - where they always are - the rest of Torrent squad is looking at me and Fives points over towards the other side where Rex is chatting with the other Commanders. Finding my confidence I head over to say hello. "Su cuy'gar (Hello)" I smile and wave at the group. Rex's eyes wander over my form and Cody is the first to speak up "Who knew you wore anything other than armor" everyone but Rex and Wolffe laugh. "Very funny.” Rex gets up and says his goodbyes to the group "Should we grab a table?" I nod and he offers me his elbow. "Such a gentlemen" A smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
We sit down at a table and chat over some appetizers and drinks. I tell him a little about myself like my childhood on Mandalore, etc…etc…He tells some stories about the things that they accomplish during the war and even some typical shenanigans they’ve pulled while deployed. “Maker they sound like they are just as entertaining out in the field as they are in training!” “You have no idea…but they’re good soldiers…some of the best” I can hear the pride in his voice which brings a smile to my face. Leaning over the table I whisper “Don’t tell the other Commanders but the 501st has always been my favorite.” He quirks a brow “Oh really? Why’s that?” “Let’s just say I have a soft spot for the boys in blue” I say coyly before taking a sip of my drink without breaking eye contact. Rex smirks with his one eye brow still raised. “Careful Captain, you raise that eye brow any higher it might disappear.” He chuckles and shakes his head, “you know, other than the Jedi and a select few people…you’re one of the only ones who treats all of us clones like we matter.” I know this was supposed to be a compliment but I can’t help but feel sad, I sigh “Ni ceta Rex (I’m sorry Rex). It’s not fair…none of you chose the life given to you and yet you all do it with no complaints…I wish more saw you the way I do.” I start picking at my fingernails but a hand comes across the table, covering mine, stopping me. Looking up I met his gaze, those beautiful honey brown eyes have such a warmth to them - He’s never looked at me or anyone that I’ve seen this way before. “I’m just glad we have someone like you looking out for us all” he pauses for a second before continuing “The way you treat my vode (brothers)…my men…it means more to me than you’ll ever know.” The way he says my name and everything that follows does something to me I can’t even fully put into words however, I can feel the heat rising in my face and in my core. “Vor entye (thank you) Rex” I can’t help the smile that plasters my face. “ Ba’gedet’ye (you’re welcome) y/n.”
Glancing around I notice there are quite a few people dancing, even Fives who gives me a wink. I can’t help but shake my head and roll my eyes at him which catches Rex’s attention, he chuckles. Springing up from the table I grab Rex’s hand and drag him out onto the dance floor. The initial shock plastered on his face, “I-uh-I’m not much of a dancer.” I laugh and shrug, recalling a few nights when even Cody would dance…after a few drinks, “I know, just follow my lead.” He nods and at first watches me dance around him for a moment and the joins in. Before I know it his hands are on my hips as we grind our way through Maker knows how many songs.
When the night is about over Rex offers to walk me home. The entire way we laugh and talk about anything and everything - I feel so comfortable around him…it feels like we’ve known each other forever. I stop in front of my apartment building “this is me.” He looks up at the large building “It’s not quite like the GAR barracks.” “No it certainly isn’t. Did you want to come in? If I’m over stepping I completely understand…” I quickly explain. He looks over at me with a smile on his face “only if you want me to.” I nod and he follows me up to my apartment.
The door slides open and I enter, taking off my coat to hang it. Rex enters behind me. “Make yourself at home. Can I get you anything?” I offer. “I’m alright, thank you.” He doesn’t move from where he standing and I honestly find it adorable. “I had fun tonight” I break the silence after a few moments. He rubs the back of his neck like he’s nervous. “Everything okay Captain?” He’s quick to respond “Yeah no everything’s great I had fun tonight too.” I make my way back over to him “but?” I ask feeling uneasy. “Honestly, I’ve felt this way before” After all the war and training he’s even through as a man, in this moment he looks like a boy with his first crush. I put both hands on his plastoid covered chest and look into his beautiful golden brown eyes “I haven’t either but I’m willing to give it a shot if you are?” His hands find their way to my face gently cupping my cheeks. Leaning in he places the softest and most gentle kiss on my lips. When we break he rests his forehead against mine “How’s that for an answer?”
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
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#clone ocs - 433 posts
#commander cody - 412 posts
#the bad batch - 397 posts
#arc trooper fives - 391 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but end up causing a massive problem instead because they didn't consider the fact clones name themselves after either animals or concepts?
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I've seen a lot of people headcanon that Echo would have his iconic handprint tattooed on his chest after joining the Bad Batch, but I personally think if he got a tattoo that's not gonna be visible, it wouldn't be his one link to the 501st. If anything he'd want to display the handprint proudly like he had in the past.
After thinking hard about it, I finally decided on a tattoo that felt in line with Echo's personality specifically. Something personal that mostly stays hidden away but that he knows is there and is comforting to him.
Fives's Rishi Eel design is thusly tattooed on his back, and painted over his spinal cybernetic implants. That way he can, in a way, always have his closest brother watching his back. Even from beyond the grave.
350 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
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Saudade: A deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for something or someone that one cares for and/or loves. Moreover, it often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never be had again.
As much as the Coruscant Guard may have become Dogma's found family, a part of him will always long for his 501st brothers. Especially a certain clone with a teardrop tattoo...
Tulpa may not be Tup, but he sure reminds Dogma a lot of his lost twin... The renegade rookie will make sure his ad'ika grows up to be happy and free.
353 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
The other day I was looking at some screenshots from the Umbara Arc because I was trying to get a lay of the land, so to speak, as I wanted to write about Lich's experiences prior to finding his way back to a now fallen Republic and rising Empire... And three specific frames caught my attention due to very small details.
The first one is when Krell threatens Fives with his lightsaber.
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Lightsabers are plasma conduits. They can slice and cauterise at the same time. Using them to threaten someone into compliance like this is a promise to use them rather than a bluff.
Even with his armour on, Fives can likely feel the heat of the blade against his neck and shoulder. This is more than enough reason to go from mild apprehension around Krell to full on distrusting him, because the clones know the Jedi only use their lightsabers when they need to. And only against what they perceive as hostiles that are unwilling to negotiate surrender.
Krell using his lightsaber to threaten someone was an immediate red flag, and Fives knew it.
The second screenshot that caught my attention was when Rex was holding Krell at gunpoint to execute him.
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548 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
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Commander Fox on his way to get some caf!
A discussion on discord ended with this lovely image that I had to materialise into the digital plane. Sometimes you just gotta shred it on a board while wearing an animal onesie and severely sleep deprived.
729 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sometimes I think about how Kix had a near mental breakdown in Umbara due to the stress of trying to keep his brothers alive, only to realise he can't do anything to save them.
I also think about how we saw Rex collapse in near tears after he realises Krell tricked the clones into killing each other, just because he could. How, after Umbara, his next destination was Kadavo...
I think about how Dogma went against his own beliefs due to betrayal, and subsequently went into a state of shock because of the weight of the situation he suddenly found himself in. How Rex nodding at him in approval and respect was likely the last kindness anyone ever extended to him.
I think of Slick acting out violently against both Jedi and clones alike, working into the hands of the Separatists because he didn't feel like there was any other escape against the chains he suddenly saw around his neck and wrists.
I think about how Fives struggled uselessly against circumstances well outside his control when it came to protecting his brothers from certain doom, knowing fully well that he had very likely never gotten over the loss of Echo, and that he'd taken it upon himself to be a protector at the expense of his own relatively short life.
I think of Jesse in the aftermath of Maul's invasive mind probing, of how weak and vulnerable he sounded when talking to Rex because he felt like a failure in that very moment. How he was struggling against the chip when Rex was practically begging him to spare Ahsoka and that maybe, just maybe, had he not been captured by Maul his mental shields would have been strong enough to resist like his captain had...
I think of how Echo who was blown up, tortured, abused, left to look like a shell of his former self that he barely recognises, and who's struggling but pushing forward despite having lost almost everything and everyone he once knew and loved. How it's very likely that he'll eventually die never coming to terms with what happened to himself, and that he'll always feel like less than a man because it's how others treat him.
I think of Wolffe, years after Order 66, struggling with intense fear, guilt, and paranoia, trying to keep his only remaining family safe and accidentally hurting them and others in the process, because he's stuck living in a past that's yet to be explored but that we can assume is crushing him. Wolffe who is, without a doubt, a shadow of the former commander that had served proudly besides his Jedi. Who had always been and always will be a survivor of terrible things.
I think of Gregor who's suffered head injuries at least thrice, got blown up and been left with mental health issues, and who was still very willing to extend his aid and kindness to those around him because he took what he got and accepted it with a smile and a defiant spark to the very end...
I think about all these and more. And it makes me wish the clones had had better than what they ended up with...
1,029 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
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plainshobbit · 2 years
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I posted 794 times in 2022
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#boba fett - 32 posts
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Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i'm just imagining little damian flying through the air with perfectly maintained arms-crossed posture trademark damian scowl on his face
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Forgive me, but I'm going to take the opportunity to shamelessly plug an in universe headcannon for Rex’ name that I've adopted from an author on Ao3 independent_variables (formerly known as whymylife) because I love it. The idea is that "Rex" is short for/adapted from "Rexutu" based on the Taung warrior "Rexutu the Unconquerable" from the Mando'a epic the Dha Werda Verda
Just imagine little 7567 hearing/reading this:
"With death upon him Rexutu the Unconquerable prepared to be stripped of all by his enemy, but vowed that his honor would be the last to be torn away. And so the Unconquerable gathered his kinsmen and his oath girdlings alike. They polished their fearsome helms, that they might flash even in the weak sun of Notron. They rewrapped the hilts of their weapons and pounded straight the shafts, that they might slake their thirst in Zhell ichor a final time."
And it just really resonates with him. Especially "Rexutu the Unconquerable prepared to be stripped of all by his enemy, but vowed that his honor would be the last to be torn away."
And can you IMAGINE Rex during the war thinking about this scene from the epic as he and the last remnants of Torrent Company are preparing to make their last stand at Teth?
Because I can and it haunts me.
3 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Watch "Time lapse Dandelion flower to seed head" on YouTube
Watching this time lapse of of a dandelion and thinking about Cody and this post from @existentialscientist .
Imagining Cody stuck in service to the Empire after Order 66 -- slowly shrinking in on himself and becoming bitter over the years.
Swiftly growing bristled and gray from the accelerated aging.
Finally getting fed up with the Empire's osik and ready to scatter seeds of rebellion.
@whymylifewrites Thank you for the tag on the Cody and Dandelions post. In return, come get some "Sad Cody Headcannon". I'm so sorry. T-T
6 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
So I'm sitting at work and I just had this random thought:
What if at some point, the Darksaber is destroyed. Then Grogu retrieves the Kyber crystal  from among the scattered Darksaber hilt bits and reforms it into his own Yoda-kind sized Darksaber? 
Probably not the first person to think of this, but now I can't STOP thinking about it.
9 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
@whymylifewrites I may be a fully grown adult, but typically my art skills are on level with a five year old. (In natborn years, not accelerated clone years.)
Every now and then, though, I try to convince myself I can draw. 😅
And well -- you already know how I feel about your story "Butterfly" . 🥺
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18 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So yesterday I had the immense pleasure of meeting an adorable little boy, maybe 4 years old. He had a fistful of bright yellow dandelions he had picked for his teacher. His name was Cody.
Now I am picturing a world were tiny Kote was able to live a relatively carefree life and spend his free time picking dandelion bouquets for his ori'vod Alpha. 🥺
# @whymylife-cordelia this is your fault. (Thank you.)
79 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
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book-of-baba-fett · 2 years
Illicit Affairs - Chapter 14
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Captain Rex x OC (Talia Riva)
Previous Chapter
Chapter Summary: The 501st and 212th are assigned as reinforcements to Talia's men on the planet Turia. Their route to take the capital back from Separatist control brings them across a settlement that leads to Rex and Talia having a conversation about what they both want in their future.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, major fluff warning (Rex holds a cute alien child, your ovaries might explode I warned you) Smut (piv), creampie, mentions of grief and death.
AN: Big shoutout once more to my beloved @galacticgraffiti for beta reading this series - even though I tricked you into thinking this would only be a lighthearted and fun series 😂. Big thanks to all of you for still reading - any support you give means so much to me, and as always comments/reblogs/asks go a million miles!
Ao3 Link:
Series Masterlist
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19 BBY – Turia – Republic Outpost
         The terrain on Turia was unforgiving.
         The planet was scarred with mountain ranges which were covered with thick forests holding trees with trunks as wide as AT-TE’s. The valleys of the planet homed a sentient population, with a few pockets of settlements in the wilder parts. One of the most frustrating things was the downpour of rain that seemed to never relent.
         The rain wasn’t much of an issue for the clones, in fact, it was almost a laughable obstacle after growing up on Kamino. Their suits protected them from the cold and could wick the moisture that seeped between the cracks of their armor. It did interfere with equipment slightly, and their communications were static, but they could make due. After the 501st and 212th landed, Cody and Rex did have a little fun watching Generals Kenobi and Skywalker become drenched within seconds of being on the ground. Talia had notified the Council that the Separatist occupation of the planet was more severe than initial surveillance conveyed, and her request for backup was granted with a full force. Her command center was set up in an old series of mountain caves, with natural defenses protecting it from droid scanners. She had been waiting there for two days for the rest of the Republic forces to arrive, before they could move any further with the invasion. Much of the Republic forces were engaged in a naval battle surrounding the planet, but the Separatist forces on land were winning the battle so far. The mountains provided a natural defense for them, with Tactical droids predicting every move Talia would try to make. There was no clever action or plan to get around them this time; they needed brute force to break through the wall.
         The caves through the mountain were part of Turia’s legends. It was said that they were carved by giant creatures in the planet’s early days, and as Rex marched through the caves to rendezvous with Talia’s command, he noted the strange smoothness of the stone walls that couldn’t be easily carved by any craftsman. Dust would drift from the ceiling as Separatist bombs ricocheted off the landscape, probe bombing to drive out the Republic forces. They wouldn’t have much time to gather in the command center here, but it worked as a temporary meeting ground for the generals, commanders and captains to work a plan, as Republic forces began to engage with the droid army.
         Generals Skywalker and Kenobi lead the way through the tunnels, Rex and Cody following shortly after before leading into a wider cavern with a ledge overlooking a cliff as the torrential downpour of rain outside sprayed that was functioning as a makeshift command center. Talia and Storm were huddled around a holomap of the planet, glancing over the illuminated models of the Republic forces. Talia’s hair was wet, her bangs matted to her forehead and she seemed to have a slight shiver from her damp clothes, but she looked unharmed, much to Rex’s relief. She glanced up at their arrival, straightening up from the table to bow politely to Kenobi, nodding at Anakin, Cody, and Rex, the smallest flicker of a smile on her lips as her eyes met the latter. Talia’s little droid D3 beeped profusely in greeting, coming to float in the air near Rex; it seemed to be quite fond of Rex ever since he had repaired it when it was shot during their rescue of Talia. Storm saluted the new arrivals and stepped back from the table to make room for the generals, accepting Cody’s arm as he reached for a handshake. Rex nodded at Storm, who returned the gesture, but didn’t offer more in greeting. He had known Storm for a while; he was a CT like Rex who had been promoted to Captain early in the war, and they had gone through the command training together. Rex liked Storm, hell he even admired him to a standard, but Rex had a harder time reading him than some of his other brothers. Storm was tough, with a gruffness that made Commander Bacara seem like a loth-kitten. His exterior added to that, with the tattoo on his chin of two black lines etched from the corners of his mouth down to his jaw and one metallic gold line in the middle of them. His hair was cropped short, with the sides buzzed even shorter, one of his eyebrows was cut in half by a pale scar that ran through his forehead. To natborns, Rex was sure Storm was intimidating, even if he knew a lot of that was just misjudging his exterior. From the times they had worked together, Storm was a man of few words, but everything he said had a weight to it. And he was honorable, doing everything he could to save as many of his men as possible. Storm also regarded Talia with a high level of respect, having served with her ever since she had been given command of the Battalion. He watched out for her, and Rex couldn’t help but notice the narrowed eyes Storm gave sometimes if he caught Rex waiting around to try and grab Talia’s attention, but Storm never said anything. 
         Talia filled them in on the situation: The biggest obstacles were a series of anti-spacecraft cannons that prevented more support from dropping closer to the Separatist controlled Capital City. The Republic troops had to rely on land vehicles to travel, something easier planned than done due to the uneven terrain. Talia had plotted a path through a narrow valley, but it would box the troops in, leaving them vulnerable to Separatist attacks from their rear.
         “This is why we needed your reinforcements,” Talia explained, pulling up a map of the valley. “The 412th doesn’t have enough men to launch a siege through the valley and defend itself, but if forces from the 501st march on the capital, the 412th can be stationed at the entrance to cover their defense.”
         “We can cover more ground as well,” Kenobi nodded in agreement, his hand resting on his chin. “We can send the 212th to take out some of those cannons, offering a way for more supplies and troops to get through.”
         “My thoughts exactly,” Talia said. “With our combined forces, we should be able to reach the Capital in two days’ time, if those cannons are out it should fall on the third day.”
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         There was always a calm before a battle; the rain of Turia unrelenting as it poured over the Grand Army of the Republic. Talia sat on the cliff edge, rain drenching her and chilling her to the bone, but there was something about the environment that pushed her forward with her mediation. The planet itself had a strong connection to the Force, like the lifeforce breathing was not just the citizens who had sheltered away from the Separatist Forces, but also the very mountains that sprouted from the planet’s surface. Talia liked to meditate before battle, even ones like this one where she would probably not see much action. It was all she could do to clear her head, and try to sway the will of the Force so the troops would have an easy march on to the Capital. The 501st and 212th had departed on their separate tasks a couple hours ago, leaving Talia and the 412th to set their camp.
Talia breathed in and out, inhaling the crisp air as she settled her thoughts. Rex and she didn’t get a word together outside of planning and briefings, but that was to be expected. When she called for reinforcements, she didn’t know the Council would send both the 212th and 501st. Even if they weren’t together, there was a steadiness that came from his presence being near, quelling the stomach twisting anxieties that usually filled Talia before a battle. But the calm he added also brought a new layer of fear, one that he could be hurt in the days to come. Her last mission with the 501st shook Talia, because until then she had never thought of the risk of Rex not returning from battle one day. He always seemed so untouchable, like the cool hands of death couldn’t reach him. That’s what Talia thought about Fives too, but she had been reminded of the cruel way that war takes what it will. 
Talia didn’t know how to mourn Fives. She had enough experience with death; the villagers and her own men who fell to Maul and Savage, Church sacrificing himself for her and Rex, and before that her Master falling in the arena on Geonosis. Her whole life she had been taught that death is just a passage of life, an inevitable pathway that brings all sentients to be one with the Force. But that didn’t ease the ache that settled in her heart as she remembered she wouldn’t hear one of Fives’ clever comments anymore, or that he wouldn’t have Rex’s back out there on the field. 
The air shifted behind her and she knew her meditation was no longer private, something she had expected would happen soon. Her eyes blinking open, she pushed herself off the rock she had perched on, and turned around to face Captain Storm.
         “Sorry to disturb you, Sir; we’ve set up a new command center and are fortifying our defenses,” Storm informed her, his briefing formal but he stood at ease. A long familiarity with each other meant they didn’t have to stand on ceremony in each other’s company.
         “Thank  you, Storm,” Talia said, wrapping her cloak tighter around herself, more an act of show than actually working to warm herself. Storm nodded but stood in place, a thoughtful expression on his face. Talia had worked with so many clones, and they were all unique men with their own personalities, but there was something about this expression she caught a lot, the slightest frown on their lips that would straighten when they had something on their mind. “Anything else?”
         “No, Sir…well actually…” Storm hesitated, searching for the words. But Talia felt at comfort, she could tell whatever it was wasn't serious, but Storm wasn’t one to small talk before battle. “You didn’t volunteer the 412th to lead the charge on the capital. If it had been Skywalker or Kenobi leading, they would have kept the reinforcements in the rear.”
         Talia sighed, “Yes, they would have. Our men are strong, but even with the extra support we don’t have the numbers to lead a siege.”
         “I’m not criticizing; it was the right call. I just don’t want you to feel like it makes you any lesser of a leader.”
         Talia was silent for a moment as she watched Storm’s face; they were comfortable but he had never been so candid with her before. They had been through thick and thin;  the massacre by Maul, feeling the loss of Church, how Storm had stuck by her and kept in touch when she was grounded by The Council. She had gotten so used to his company; she couldn’t imagine the war any other way. Storm seemed to take her silence as an indicator to continue, “Generals Kenobi and Skywalker are great, and their men are hell of good soldiers. But I know that you’ve always done what’s best for us, and that doesn’t go unnoticed.”
         Talia swallowed, biting her lip as her head turned to face the cliff’s edge; the rain was slowing slightly, cracks in the clouds releasing beams of light through the atmosphere, brightening the greys of the mountains and deep green of the trees. Hopefully this boded well for the days to come.  She turned back to Storm who was watching her, a soft smile on her face; a true good omen for he rarely gave more than a smirk. Talia didn’t know how to voice her thanks properly; Storm had struck a nerve in a good way, but she couldn’t form the words to thank him. “What, you getting soft on me Storm?”
         He chuckled lowly and rolled his eyes, his own version of saying he understood her. He opened his mouth to speak when Talia’s comm chirped.
         “Talia? Do you read?” Master Kenobi’s voice rang through, crackling with static.
         “Master Kenobi, I'm here,” Talia responded.
         “We need you up here. We’ve encountered a…delicate situation that you might be better suited to help us with,” Kenobi’s voice was low, as if he were trying to prevent being overheard. Talia frowned, nothing could ever be as easy as it was planned. She responded that she would be there as quickly as she could, signaling for Storm to order a speeder bike for her.
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         Rex and Cody were huddled together when Talia’s speeder approached; even though most of the 212th was focusing on the canons, General Kenobi and Cody were leading a few squads with the main forces of the 501st. The march was straightforward, until they encountered the settlement they were sequestered outside now. Talia’s prior reports of the planet had said that most civilians evacuated to the major cities, and if they encountered any inhabitants it would be scattered. But as they approached the settlement they now found, Rex could tell this wasn't just a farmer caught in the way; there were large fields with produce leading up to a series of huts, like its own little community with a large, stone building in the center. As the clones approached, all the workers in the field ran into their huts, only for a few to come out and watch the army tentatively. But there was an obvious distrust palpable in their eyes, and Rex was quick to recognize the settlement mostly housed women and children of varying species. One who Rex assumed was their leader, an elderly Twi’lek woman with deep teal skin and lekku wrapping around her shoulders, addressed the Generals in Ryl as they approached; her hand clenching tightly around the rough wooden walking stick she carried, but this was no feeble woman; her tone carried a warning. Kenobi and Skywalker bowed respectfully, stepping away as Kenobi murmured under his breath that they should call Talia.
         Once settled, Talia immediately approached the Twi’lek, who was still apprehensive but her demeanor softened at Talia’s respectful bow. The woman gestured to a covered sitting area, to which Talia followed her and the two began speaking in Ryl. The woman seemed firm, pointing to the troops and waving her hand off. Talia listened, maintaining eye contact with the elder and waiting until she stopped speaking to continue. Rex, Cody, Obi-Wan and Anakin stood afar, watching the interaction, the women being too far away for Obi-Wan to hear and properly translate. They conversed for a few moments, then Talia excused herself and returned to the group, the elder woman conversing with a few of the women who stood behind her as Talia walked away.
         “The commune serves as a women’s shelter,” Talia explained as she approached. “They’re part of a group funded by a small Senate committee; this settlement didn’t appear on any of our maps because they’re supposed to be uncharted. Many of the women who seek these shelters are victims of domestic violence, and are hiding from spouses. It also houses refugees, and children orphaned by the war-“
         “So that’s why they weren’t so happy to see us,” Anakin sighed in understanding, glancing around at the women still milling about near the buildings. Some peeked out of windows, watching the troops. A few shepherded children around, keeping them together as they curiously watched the soldiers.
         “The woman I was speaking to, Lileyna, is in charge, and was apprehensive at first but I think she’s warmed up a bit, “ Talia continued. “I don’t want us to just march through, when they have a right to be cautious; I think I can talk to her a little bit longer, assure her that we mean no harm and we’ll be on our way as quickly as possible.”
         “I don’t think that will be enough, if we’re being tracked by Separatist forces, we’ll just lead them here,” Obi-Wan frowned. “We’ve unintentionally put them in danger even by being this close.”
         “We can station a couple of squads here for protection after we pass through,” Cody offered.
       Obi-Wan shook his head and sighed, “We might have to encourage them to evacuate, those squads could help them get to the safety of a nearby town or can bring them to the 412ths camp.”
         Talia ran a hand through her hair and exhaled deeply, looking back at the main building. Dark circles wrung under her eyes, a slight frown on her lips when she spoke resignedly, “They won’t be excited, but if I offer to go back with them as a guide they might accept it.”
         “It’s getting late and the hills surrounding provide a decent coverage; it may make more sense for us to camp here for the night, and continue on in the morning,” Obi-Wan observed, glancing at the orange hue that had settled in the thick cloud coverage.
         “Making this easier on me,” Talia mumbled sarcastically, “I’ll see what I can do.”
         When she sat back with Lileyna and a few other women, they looked immediately put off by her words, debating among themselves as Talia listed their options. Rex had to admire the way she sat, no emotion discernable on her face as the women argued, some of them pointing their fingers at Talia as they tiraded. But Talia just listened, waiting until moments of silence to continue, and answering any questions they had. As before, her words seemed to settle the concern of the women, but they still seemed unsure about the ordeal. Some members of the commune not participating in the discussion with Talia seemed to have understood now that the Clone troops meant no harm, and were starting to go about their business, casting curious glances over their shoulders as they worked. Some of the children had broken free of their mothers’ protective arms and were starting to run around playing.        
         After some time, some of the inhabitants approached groups of clones, carrying jugs of water to offer to the troops – something had to be going well with Talia’s discussions. She sat with Lileyna, the older woman pointing at the buildings around the camp, the smallest hint of a smile peeking on Talia’s lips as she listened to Lileyna.  Rex, Cody Anakin, and Obi-Wan huddled together, discussing the course of action should the commune agree to evacuate; most of the troops behind them were at ease, but still ready to follow whatever orders would come their way.
         As Rex listened to General Kenobi speak, he felt a nudge on his leg. He glanced down to see a small Rodian child with turquoise skin and bright blue eyes speckled like stardust glancing up at him with its arms wrapped around his leg. Rex tried to gently shift his leg to encourage the small child to let go, but he only succeeded in making it giggle.
         “Ah, it seems we have a guest,” General Kenobi said, suddenly smiling. His beard crinkled as he glanced down at the little Rodian as it seemed to try and climb up Rex’s leg. “Care to introduce your friend, Captain?”
         “Sorry sir, I-“ Rex tried to explain only for the General and his brother to snicker at his predicament.
         “Well, if you’re on babysitting duty,” Cody started, grinning at Rex as he narrowed his eyes, “I’ll work on getting things situated with the men.”
         Before Rex could protest, Cody walked off. Anakin and Obi-Wan left him too, leaving Rex with the toddler who was raising its arms up at Rex, silently demanding to be picked up. Rex glanced around, hoping the child’s mother was somewhere nearby to rescue him, but none of the women seemed to pay any mind to the situation. Cursing in his mind, Rex reluctantly bent down and picked the child up, which seemed to make it happy as it squealed in delight.
         Rex stepped towards the buildings slowly, hoping he wasn’t about to upset some mistrusting mother, but couldn’t help the small smile creep on his lips as the child started waving its arms and babbling at him; Rex didn’t know if it was speaking actual words in an unknown language, or just toddler gibberish. Rex glanced around again in an attempt to find someone who would claim ownership of the child, but instead met Talia’s eyes as she laughed at the perplexed expression on his face. She tried to cover her laughter and return to her conversation with Lileyna, but the elder woman didn’t seem to mind her distraction, in fact she smiled in a way that crinkled the skin around her eyes, and pointed at Rex and the child as she stood up. She walked over to Rex and the child, who waved at her approach and continued to speak to Talia in Ryl.
         “She says the boy’s name is Runo,” Talia explained, her eyes sparkling as a teasingly cheery look overtook her face as she watched Runo try and climb further up Rex, his little hands clasping around Rex’s pauldron. “He’s known for being curious and exploring,”
         “Must keep his mother on her toes, that’s for sure, “ Rex joked, grinning back at Talia and Lileyna. When Talia translated for the woman, she sighed and shrugged, continuing on in Ryl.
         “His mother came to the shelter when she was pregnant, but passed away during childbirth,” Talia explained, the smile falling from her face. Lileyna noticed her fallen expression, and placed a hand on the Jedi’s shoulder, speaking measured words as she continued. Talia nodded and tuned back to Rex to translate, “There are a few other orphans here, the community raises them together, creating their own sort of tribe.”
         Lileyna raised her hands up towards Rex, smiling at him; little Runo reached his hands out toward the woman and Rex handed the child over, releasing a small smile as Runo waved at him as Lileyna walked away. Talia stood to her side, biting her cheek to control her smile and crossing her arms as she watched Rex.
         “You know when this war ends, I think you could have a promising career in childcare,” Talia teased, stepping slightly closer to Rex. He rolled his eyes but huffed out a laugh.
         “I think I’m much more suited to taking out clankers than wrangling children,” Rex retorted. He watched as Lileyna dropped Runo into a playpen of a few other children, all playing with assortments of handcrafted toys. “Though I have to say, he is pretty cute.”
         “Yeah, but ours would be cuter,” Talia responded quickly, just to cut herself off with a mortified expression as if she couldn’t believe she had said those words out loud. She glanced at Rex, her eyes rounding and her cheeks tinting pink. Rex’s brows narrowed as he stared down at her, but a warmth crept into his neck, his heart suddenly beating a little bit faster at her admission.
         “Do you mea-“
         “Talia, what news do you have?” Obi-Wan called out as he approached. Reflexively, Rex took a step back from Talia; partially to avoid any suspicion from Cody or Obi-Wan, but also to make room as the party approached.
         “They’ve given permission for us to set up camp, but they ask that we give some space,” Talia answered, straightening her face but the rosy hue still lingered on her cheeks. “They’ve also said there’s a village through the hillside, one I can help evacuate them to tomorrow.”
         “That’s good to hear, we’ll send a squad with you for extra support just in case,” Obi-Wan informed. “Thank you, Talia. Now I think it’s best if we all try and settle in before it gets dark; we have a long day tomorrow.”
         The darkness settled into the hills, any potential moonlight blocked by the perpetual cloud cover in the atmosphere. The clone camp was illuminated by campfires as the men gathered around, joking with each other before they settled in for the evening. Rex had been sitting at one such campfire with Jesse and Kix before he excused himself to walk through the camp. Rex couldn’t feel in the mood for the brotherly bonding at the moment, the absence of Tup and Fives a gaping hole in moments of quiet like these. Cody had been in his tent for a while, no doubt following updates from other campaigns occurring simultaneously across the galaxy. So Rex walked further from the troops’ tents, knowing his plan was reckless in a sense, but he and Talia hadn’t had a moment alone together other than when Rex was holding the small Rodian child. Rex knew that’s how it had to be on campaigns, but the exhaustion seeping into his bones had only one remedy he knew, and that was the warmth her presence could provide. As he approached her tent, he glanced over his shoulders to make sure no one could see him, the veil of darkness hiding him from any wandering eyes.
         Rex slipped into the tent. Talia’s sleeping form didn’t move apart from the slow rise and fall of her chest beneath the two rough blankets she was wrapped in. She was huddled on her side, tucking her body in an attempt to keep herself warm from the frigid outside air. Rex smiled to himself as he stripped out of his armor, stacking it neatly near the entrance to the tent and crawled up behind Talia, tenderly wrapping an arm around her as he snuck beneath the covers. On missions away from each other, Rex thought about moments like this the most. How somehow their bodies fit perfectly to each other’s, one holding the other or tangled up together in sheets in the small sleeping spaces they could get.
         “Wasn’t expecting you tonight,” Talia’s husky, sleep-addled voice broke through the silence as Rex pressed his chest into her back, a soft rustling of the blankets as she scooted back to meet him.
         “Sorry if I woke you,” Rex apologized, leaning in to kiss the back of her head.
         “You didn’t; I’ve been having a hard time falling asleep the whole time I’ve been here. It’s so damn cold at night,” Talia mumbled. She scooted closer to him, grinding her back against him. “But now, you can keep me warm.”
         “Good to know I can be useful for something,” Rex smirked, the arm wrapped around her toying with the fabric of her shirt. Rex frowned, recognizing the weave was firmer than her usual robes and glanced down; Talia was wearing a set of the compression suits clones wear under their armor. “Is this mine?”
         “Oh yeah, I took it a while ago,” Talia explained with a yawn. “Super comfy; still smells a bit like you.”
         Rex grinned softly to himself, his arm holding her tighter against him. The rain had started up outside again, pebbling drops against the tent. Outside the laughter and chatter of his brothers in the distance began to fade, the rain putting out the fires and signaling a time for rest before they had an early rise tomorrow. The chill air did settle into the tent, but their bodies pressed together generated enough warmth that it didn’t bother either of them. Talia’s breath started to even out again, but Rex could tell from the occasional twitch or shift of her body that sleep had not found her yet.
         “What you said earlier,” Rex asked tentatively, unsure if he should even voice the question in his head. “About our kids; is that something you want?”
         Talia was silent, and had she not stiffened slightly against him, Rex would have believed her to be asleep. After a moment she exhaled, “I never really thought about it before really. It never was an option for what I saw in my future.”
         “What about now?” Rex probed a bit further, his gut slightly twisting with nerves. “Do you see it for yourself?”
         “I…see it with you,” Talia answered, her voice small and shy, as if afraid to admit it out loud. She added on hastily, “Not right now of course, but sometime down the line. If it’s even possible for us to...”
         Her voice faded off, and Rex knew why. There was too much of an unknown. How long would the war go on? Would they even make it through the war? And what would truly happen after? If the Republic won, Rex would probably still have to serve. He belonged to the Republic, and no one knew yet what that would mean for the clones when the war was finished. Would Talia have to sit by waiting for him as the politicians debated what use a soldier had in a time of peace? And if the Separatists won…no, Rex couldn’t even let that thought cross his mind. Still, the idea of peace after this all was too good to push aside. His mind flickered to images of a remote home, surrounded by wildlife and farmland, a simple home to call their own. 
         “When I was shot on Saleucami, I was brought to a farmer’s house to heal,” Rex exhaled. “The farmer was a clone deserter, Cut Lawquane, and he lived there with his wife and two kids.”
         If Talia was surprised by Rex’s admission, she didn’t react other than grabbing Rex’s hand from where it rested on her stomach and holding it in her own, stroking the back with her thumb.
         “I’ve never told anyone about this before. I never thought about a family either; all I’d ever been trained for was war. I had already accepted that I would probably give my life for the Republic, that that’s what I was fighting for. Meeting Cut…changed things for me a bit. I’m still loyal to the Republic, nothing will ever change that. But I started to want something more, once all this is done. He made me believe it was possible to have that.”
         “Are you saying you would desert? Leave the army and start a new life?” Talia shifted around in his arms so she could face Rex. Her brows were furrowed, doubting that that was really the path Rex would take. And she was right, partially.
         “I can’t leave my brothers. But…when this war ends…I know I want to have a shot at what Cut has…and I want it with you.” Every word fell from Rex’s lips with a measured weight as he glanced down at Talia; his eyes had barely adjusted to the darkness in the tent, but he could see the glistening from Talia’s as they welled up. She snuggled into his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist as she burrowed against him. Rex held her against him, pulling the blankets up around them more before brushing his hand up and down her back that wore his clothes. Talia didn’t say more before she drifted off to sleep, and Rex didn’t expect her to. As much as he wanted her to echo the sentiment he had long felt, Rex didn’t have a doubt as to Talia’s feelings for him. She was an open book emotionally, at least to him, so Rex knew when the time came that she voiced her feelings and wants out loud, it would be worth it.
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         The rain had picked up in the night, lulling Talia into a restful sleep in Rex’s arms. Her head lay against his chest, the dull thud of his heart mingling with the morning chorus of the wind rustling against the trees outside the tent. Rex softly snored above her; his lips parted just for the air to escape as he caught a few more minutes of sleep. Talia slowly rolled over, trying to not wake Rex as she reached into her gear to check just how much time they had before they had to get up. As she rustled through her stuff, thick arms wrapped around her, tugging her backwards to Rex’s sturdy chest as he shifted closer to her, the bulge of his morning arousal pressing into her ass as he softly rutted against her.
         “’Morning,” Rex’s hoarse voice rumbled in Talia’s ear as he pressed against her, his lips meeting the skin just below her earlobe as his fingers played with the waistline of her pants. “How much time do we have?”
         “A few minutes,” Talia answered with a sigh, pressing her hips back against his, grinding into the bulge as Rex hissed in pleasure from the friction.
         “Mm, good to know,” Rex responded gruffly, the lowness of his tone hitting Talia right in her core. Rex gently pushed her pants down over her hips, nudging her slightly up so he could slide them down her legs. Talia keened as his fingers ran through her folds, dipping and collecting the slick already forming there and slowly circling her clit.
         “F-fuck, don’t tease me,” Talia sighed, her hips reflexively canting to meet his hand. His digits flicked over her clit, now throbbing with the need for more. “Not today, please. We don’t have time and I need you.”
         “Well, since you’re asking so sweetly,” Rex murmured, keeping his tone even but Talia could feel his eagerness matched her own, his throbbing cock already pressing at her entrance. He withdrew his hand from toying with her lips just so he could spit on it, jerk himself and slowly push into Talia’spussy. She gasped out and Rex had to place the spit slicked hand over her mouth, a low chuckle escaping his throat instead of teasing words; her tent had the privilege of being further away from others but there was still a risk anyone could walk by and hear the unmistakable sounds of sex coming from Talia’s tent. With no foreplay, Rex’s thick cock was met with an almost uncomfortable resistance, but he waited for her to adjust to him, slowly pulling himself in and out of her cunt before she nodded in his grasp to tell him it was ok to go harder.
         It was lazy yet practiced, each knowing the way to get the other off so effortlessly; Rex angling himself to hit a spot that earned harsh moans from Talia with each thrust, her hips pushing back to meet him as her hands gripped into his forearm holding on as tight as she could. Rex’s groans and pants fell straight into Talia’s ear, his hot breath against her skin mingled with murmurs of praise and affirmations of his love. Each time he said it again struck her right in her gut, a warmth surging within her every time those three little words came pouring out of his mouth. Talia whined under the heavy weight of his hand and started to tug it off her mouth. Rex’s movements slowed, ready to check if she wanted to stop when she shook her head.
         “Need to see you,” Talia gasped out. Rex nodded and pulled out of her, both groaning from the absence. Rex started to shove Talia, so she was on her back, nudging her legs wide enough for him to fit in between them when she shook her head again, pressing on his chest so he rolled back to the side and straddled him. Rex’s eyes were blown wide, beads of sweat forming on his brow when Talia slowly sunk onto him, engulfing him in her warmth. His eyes squeezed shut and his chest heaved as Talia slowly fucked herself on his cock, grabbing his wrists before his hands could land on her hips and placing them on either side of his head. His eyes snapped open as she pressed them firmly into the ground, keeping his gaze locked on Talia’s as she lowered herself up and down on his cock. He more than had the strength to shrug off her grasp and take control, but there was something burning about letting her hold him down, and Talia liked the thrill it surged in her as she impaled herself on him.
         Rex’s eyes didn’t leave hers, the golden-amber almost eclipsed by the black of his pupil melting into her as they moved together, his hips meeting her thrusts in a rhythm. His lips were parted, a dark flush creeping into his neck and cheeks. It was sloppy, both of them still clothed from the waist up. Talia’s pants off as Rex’s collected at his knees, the blankets tossed aside in the tent from the heat of the moment. Talia pushed Rex’s hands higher above his head to gather his wrists in one of her hands, it was really two small to hold him down but Rex listened to her wordless demand all the same. Her free hand lowered to circle at her clit, helping to bring herself closer and closer to the orgasm she was riding towards. Rex’s eyes darted to where they were joined, watching Talia tease her clit as his cock disappeared into her. His groans grew louder, turning into grunts so Talia leaned down and pressed her lips into his to swallow the needy noises falling from his mouth. His tongue swiped against her lips, begging for the sweetness of her kisses when she pulled slightly apart for air. Talia’s hips didn’t falter, Rex’s cock was hitting her at a place so deep she was just on the precipice. And by the way he was grunting, his hips losing their pace with hers, she knew he was just about there too.
         “Come on, baby,” Talia lowly begged, her voice pitching high. “Cum for me…fill m-me up. Want to feel you cum inside me.”
         “Haar-cha-“ Rex started to curse in Mando’a before Talia’s mouth crashed to his, her own whimpers as she came around him falling into his mouth. Rex’s body tensed beneath her, his wrists pushing against her grip as his hips stuttered against hers, his cock shooting ropes of hot cum into her. Talia’s hips rolled slowly against Rex as she milked his release from him, slowing when her own body became too tired to keep moving, and she collapsed on top of him.
         They lay together for what felt like hours but was truly only moments; Rex’s hands winding through Talia’s now knotted hair, Talia rising and falling with each breath of air from Rex’s chest, his cock softening inside her as their releases mixed together. Talia glanced up at Rex who grinned at her lazily, her lips quirking as if she was about to say something witty when footsteps sounded nearby.
         “Ahh Anakin, do you know if Talia is awake yet? We should probably all meet before we go our separate ways,” Obi-Wan’s voice rang through the air, still far enough from the tent but way too close for Talia and Rex’s current positioning. The pair glanced at each other and clumsily separated; Talia rushed to pull her pants back on as Anakin kept Obi-Wan at bay.
         “Um no, I haven’t seen her yet this morning,” Anakin answered Obi-Wan. Talia scrambled through her things, tying her tunic around herself hastily; she would keep the black compression suit underneath as extra warmth. Rex seemed unsure of what to do, glancing at his armor but knowing that if it sounded like too many people were moving in the tent it would be a giveaway. “If I find her, I can tell her to meet us?”
         “She’s probably just in her tent still, Talia are you there?” The footsteps approached, and if Talia were in a less frantic state she would laugh at the way the color drained from Rex’s face.
         “Just a second!” Talia shouted quickly, launching herself to the opening of the tent, unzipping it carefully so Obi-Wan and Anakin couldn’t see her company; though she had to say it didn’t matter for the latter, because by the grin he was failing at hiding Talia could tell he had a hunch about why Talia was slow to rise that morning. Obi-Wan nodded kindly at Talia, smiling at her as she stood to greet them.
         “Sorry to wake you it seems,” Obi-Wan teased as he turned away. Anakin got a last smirk in and glanced at the tent before following Obi-Wan. Talia went with them, trying to tie her messy hair into a braid as she walked. “We should head to the command center to get everything ready; I know Cody and Rex were going to figure out which squad to send with you to guide the settlers. They’re probably already together.”
         “Ah yes, don’t want to keep Rex and Cody waiting too long,” Talia said a bit loudly, wondering if her voice would carry to her own tent. “But I do need some caf before we go over anything, so I’ll just head to the ration tent and meet you after.”
         Talia quickly walked off before Obi-Wan could say anything else, and while her excuse was just a chance to buy Rex time to get moving, it wasn’t exactly a lie that she needed caf. She found the ration tent near the makeshift command center, where she was able to grab a cup of caf. As she blew on it, waiting for it to cool, someone poked her in the side. She squeaked and flipped around, only to almost spill her Caf as she saw the tattooed grinning face behind her.
         “Jesse!” She exclaimed, throwing her arms around his shoulder in an embrace, something easier said than done with the new broad pauldrons on his shoulders.
         “Good to see you, General,” Jesse grinned back with a wink. “It’s been awhile.”
         “No kidding, look at you with the fancy new kit!” Talia observed, motioning with her hands for Jesse to give a little twirl, showing off his brand new ARC armor. He indulged her, as Kix stood by his side and rolled his eyes at his brother. Talia low whistled for Jesse, “Looks a bit shiny, but I like it!”
         “Well, I have some pretty big shoes to fill.” When the words left Jesse’s mouth, his face fell a bit. It was obvious his intention wasn’t to bring the mood down, but Talia had gone the whole mission with the 501st without someone directly mentioning Fives. It was strange, not seeing him around, it was a heavy weight, lingering on everything. It seemed like none of the clones wanted to talk about what happened with him and Tup, even Rex brushed it off whenever she tried to get him to open up. She knew it would come easier with time, so she didn’t push him further. Jesse opened his mouth as if to apologize, but Talia held her hand up.
         “You’ll do an amazing job, I know you will,” Talia smiled at him then turned her attention to Kix. “And Kix! Your hair! Agastya didn’t give you a hard time over it, did she?”
         Kix grinned bashfully, rubbing his hand over his head; what once was his intricate buzzcut of lightning bolts was growing out, a few of the bolts visible as he pulled his hair through his fingers. “Just don’t have the time for it anymore is all.”
         Talia frowned as she glanced over his face; she knew exhaustion was to be expected from a medic like Kix, but something else was troubling him. Deep bags hung under his eyes, which were slightly bloodshot as if he had been staring at a screen too long into the night. Before she could check in with him, Obi-Wan was back to call her into the meeting. Past him she caught Cody giving a now fully armored and helmeted Rex an elbow to the gut, the older brother teasing his younger for something Talia could only assume was related to his tardiness. Talia bid Kix and Jesse farewell, joining the others to discuss what was sure to be a long day.
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         Even though Talia had convinced the inhabitants of the settlement to evacuate, the air was tense as the troops tried to help shuffle them out. Children were crying, and the adults were stressed as they tried to gather as much of their belongings as possible. Rex, Cody and the Generals were helping to supervise alongside Talia to ease the transition as much as possible before the troops could march on, but panic started to rise as a Separatist scouting craft flew overhead. Rex and Cody glanced at each other - even with their helmets on they could wordlessly communicate that this only meant trouble. The inhabitants were being shuffled a bit more forcefully now, being encouraged to head up the hillside in the direction of the village. Talia kept her head on her shoulders, checking through every building, and offering kind words of encouragement to the frightened people as they walked by. Rex stepped up beside her for a moment, glancing around at the almost deserted commune.
         “Half the squad is up on the hill with the villagers, the rest is ready to go on your orders, General,” Rex informed as Talia pulled her hood up, shielding her face from the newest downpour of the Turia’s near constant rain.
         “Thanks Rex, I’ll check with Lileyna to make sure everyone is accounted for then we should be good to go,” Talia answered. She glanced over at him, offering a simple, reassuring smile. Rex couldn’t help but grin at the way she knew why he really came to inform her of information she was already on top of, that it was his little way of doing a final check in with her before he headed out himself. She started to wish him well when she frowned, and glanced down. The little Rodian child from yesterday, Runo, was at her feet and tugging at her robes, pointing with one hand towards the large stone main building for the commune.
         “What’s the little guy want?” Rex asked, chuckling as the boy babbled on.
         “I think he left something in there,” Talia frowned, glancing at the building, but when she turned back to the child, she had a large smile on her face, pitching her voice higher. “Do you want me to come get it with you?”
         Runo nodded quickly, pulling her towards the building. Talia giggled and looked back at Rex with a shrug, calling out, “Duty calls!”
         Rex huffed out a laugh on his own, watching the small child guide Talia away. His stomach fluttered as he thought of their conversation from the night before, something in his gut telling him that Talia would be great with any kids they might have one day. Shaking his head out to avoid getting ahead of himself, he watched Talia and Runo enter the doorway to the building. Just as she crossed the threshold, a loud roar of engine thrusters echoed across the sky. Talia’s head turned back towards the outside as a bomb hit the building, the explosion lighting up around her silhouette in a glowing halo before the walls came crashing around her.
Next Chapter
Additional Note: don't hate me lol
Taglist: @djarrex @canesjedi31 @justanothersadperson93 @paige6768 @saltywintersoldat @clonecyaree @dinner-djarin @whore4rex @raven--queen @swlover2187 @collectoroffics @grimhood9 @pinkiemme @shuttlelauncher81 @fivesarctrooper @twistedstitcher27 @frietiemeloen @a-c-lee @ashotofspotchka @galacticgraffiti @itsagrimm @rexandechosandwich @immortalhdx @thesithformerlyknownaskenobi @stankferrik @aquaamethyst96 @mavendeb @love-like-poetry @rain-on-kamino
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Assorted Clonecest Fics - Blondie (Cody/Rex) | G
Even though Kamino is safe, Rex can’t help but to think as he stares at the lifeless body of 99, that this doesn’t cancel the losses they’ve suffered.
They might’ve won, but it still leaves a sour taste in his mouth. This shouldn’t have happened at all.
 Of one thing he’s sure, however: Fives and Echo have the stuff to become ARC troopers, and he intends to make sure they can get their chance at it. It would be a waste of potential if he doesn’t.
 Before he can approach them, however, he gets distracted as he notices that the cadets have joined them. They look overjoyed and proud about their victory, which is more than right: they did very well out there.
There’s one cadet, however, that looks… Oh!
Rex is barely able to get to him, but he manages to do it before he can collapse on the ground. “Careful there!” he exclaims, lifting the cadet in his arms up. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yes! Um… Sorry, sir,” the cadet replies, looking quite embarrassed by all this, though Rex understands how he’s feeling quite well. It reminds him of himself, during his first battles.
“It’s fine, just the adrenaline,” he reassures him in fact, sending a small smile his way, smile that becomes larger when the cadet returns the gesture.
“Something’s wrong?” That’s Cody’s voice, and as he turns, Rex watches him as he approaches them, worry in his face.
“Not at all,” he says then, shaking his head, then turning towards the cadet in his arms. “I was just telling him how good he’s been.”
“He has been good,” Cody smiles. “All of them have been.” All the cadets are hanging from his lips, beaming at his praise; it means a lot to them that the Marshal Commander himself would think that of them.
 It’s then that Rex notices that Cody is staring at him and the cadet very intensely. “What?” he can’t help but to ask, then.
“Rex, we’ve found you twin,” Cody chuckles, unable to hold back a fond smile.
“What…” Rex begins to mutter, realizing only then what Cody means: the cadet he’s just picked up shares his hair color, and he’s sporting a nice buzzcut too, just like Rex’s. Seeing that, the Captain turns to Cody, unimpressed, and he’s about to tell him that it’s not funny, when he notices the wonder in the cadet’s eyes and the joy for being compared to him. His words die in his mouth.
Cody steps in, ruffling the cadet’s short hair. “What do you think, Blondie? You and Rex are pretty similar, huh? I bet you’ll grow even stronger than him,” he says with a grin on his face.
Rex rolls his eyes, but he still looks at him fondly, while the cadet looks deep in thought. “Blondie…” he mutters in fact. “I like it!”
“Oh, you didn’t have a name yet?” Rex can’t help but to ask.
The cadet shakes his head. “I didn’t, but I like Blondie…” He turns towards Cody. “Sir, uh… May I use it?”
“Of course you can! If that’s the name you like, there’s nothing wrong with using it,” Cody answers. It’s hard to contain the joy looking at the cadets, but he tries his best to appear calm. It wouldn’t be good for someone of his rank to be caught being moved by something so small - and yet so important.
 Once Rex lowers Blondie back on the ground, he immediately runs to his brothers, excitedly telling them about his newfound name, while all Rex can do is to stare at them, until…
“I recognize that gaze. You can’t adopt them, you know that, right?” Cody teases him.
“Wha… I wasn’t thinking that!” Rex immediately pouts. Cody chuckles, gently shoving him with a shoulder.
“Riiight, just like you never think about adopting every shiny you set your eyes upon.” There’s a playful smirk on Cody’s face that Rex hasn’t seen in a long time, not when all he’s been thinking about as of late has been the war.
He reaches out for him, resting his hand against his cheek, but he too smirks. “Well, I learned it from you. If I recall you were the one who started the trend.”
“That’s not true, and even if it was, you can’t prove anything,” Cody retorts, crossing his arms against his chest.
“You sure?” Rex challenges him, but the tense air gets cleared soon as the two of them begin to chuckle.
 They’d love to keep it up like this more, but…
“We should join back with the others, bring these cadets to their instructor,” Cody says, eventually, though he sounds reluctant to leave them - see? Rex was right.
“I know, I know,” Rex mutters. “… Let’s go.”
 He can’t help but to think if one day… Well, who knows.
He won’t lie: he likes the idea of settling down somewhere with Cody at the end of the war, and adopt one or two cadets.
Oh well, there’s no point in thinking about that now, not when there’s still a long way to go before things will actually end, but this doesn’t mean that the though ever leaves Rex’s mind.
Still, if doing something like that were possible, it would make everything he’s been through worth it.
Tag list: @maulusque​ @snap-p​ @menac-ika @captainrexwouldnever If you want to be added feel free to let me know! Just know that if you are a minor you’ll be tagged only for the sfw fics.
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shouldntcryoverit · 4 years
Dad!Rex x Jedi!Reader
w/ Padme, Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi wan and the Skywalker twins ;)) they’re all very much alive and happy.
After the war, with no order 66 because I said so. This is my first time ever writing children, a weird milestone i know, but I hope I did okay let me know! I was gonna give the 501st boys a mention or a scene, but it didn’t feel natural and I couldn’t squeeze it in - so if you want them there, they’re there <3
Also I decided on the name Mira as ‘mirjahaal’ translate to ‘peace of mind’ in Mando’a, and I just know that Rex would name his kid after something like that. (also i felt smart with the whole deeper meaner situation)
taglist -> @pinkiemme
Rex swivelled his head to the table he had been called from. He still reacted to ‘Captain’ as a variation of his name, but for around three years now ‘Da’ had caught his attention far quicker.
“Yeah C’yare?”
Perched on the edge of the table was his four year old daughter, Mira, smiling smugly as she puffed out her chest and straightened her back just how she’d learnt from Cody. She beamed as her father walked over and pressed a small kiss to the top of her head.
In a short check formed out of habit, he recognised her now braided hair, which had been partitioned into two dainty lines down her blonde head. He had gotten better at doing hair for her sake, but not that good; Leia must’ve gotten ahold of her. Whereas Luke was becoming so much like his father, Leia already had the willpower and strength that mimicked her mother, though that was no bad thing.
Her dress, again courtesy of Padmé, was a beautiful blueish pink colour, and it matched in harmony with the rosemary hue of the sky that bled through the wide windows behind them. It was almost night, and somehow there was an undeniable peace in the air. Perhaps it was something about the time of day, or perhaps it was purely because nowadays there were hardly any reasons for it not to be peaceful.
“Tell Unca Ani I’m right!” Mira spoke with surprising indignation for someone so small. That had always made people laugh.
“I’m not wrong!” Anakin proclaimed, appearing to be hurt by the child’s comment, but failing to hide his grin.
He was rested against the kitchen counter, still slumped like he always did. He perked up slightly as the ‘argument’ began again.
Jaida was near enough to have heard most of their conversation from where she sat beside a dozing Ahsoka. She was mostly focused on the datapad in her hands: lists of still uncompensated troopers that still needed to be helped, but she was far more inclined to listen to the sounds behind her. She smiled distantly at how Anakin acted around her daughter. He softened, even as Mira babbled away.
As Rex and Mira sat and stood respectively, Anakin found it almost laughable how much they were alike. She looked so much like her mother, but her blonde hair and honey eyes were the exact copy of his, that was undeniable.
“Unca Ani say that on Flucca plants glow in tha dark!” Rex smiled sweetly at his daughter’s awe “But that’s imbossible!”
“It’s not!”
“Nope!” Mira popped the ‘p’ like Jaida always did. Anakin laughed at that. It was a solid argument.
“Well, then we’ll go to Felucia. You can see it all for yourself.”
It was a promise Rex was happy to make, especially as Mira lit up at his words.
“Gotta be careful though, sometimes they bite!” Jaida teased from behind the sofa back.
As Mira giggled, a knock sounded from the door to the apartment. Ahsoka stirred up in her light sleep, though Jaida hushed her and moved instead. She pushed off the couch beneath her, winking at the grinning toddler before she made it to the door.
As it opened, Padmé and the twins were revealed, both looking perky behind their tired faces. Luke looked half asleep in truth, but Leia was tugging the senator along with a fist she’d latched onto a few fingers. It had been a long day; no words were needed for Jaida to understand that.
“Hey! You all look so tired what happened?” Jaida laughed lightly as she welcomed them into the room.
“Yoda went bonkers.” There was a hint of remorse in Luke’s voice.
The Jedi chuckled, “What’s new?”
Padmé watched with kind eyes as her children weaved off, and laughed as Ahsoka only just managed to reposition her posture before she was attacked by them both. Luke and Leia were only a year and a bit older than Mira, but they matched each other in energy.
It took them no time at all to close the door and cross into the kitchen where Anakin, Rex and Mira were. Mira had resorted to asking about the different planets, to which Anakin found himself wishing to remember the answers. Rex couldn’t help himself from laughing at the exchange.
“Is the Senate in disagreement again?” Jaida asked as she grabbed a mug for Padmé’s tea, and judging by how she rubbed her temples she suspected she was right.
“Not entirely; it’s just this new vote. Some of the Senators are too focused on the expenses of it all, and I can’t blame them. It won’t be cheap, but it needs to be done.”
“This that liberation bill Cody was talking about?” Rex interjected.
“Yes, it should be simple enough. Only they’re just some people who I can’t seem to budge on it.” Padmé sighed, but didn’t hold that annoyance for much longer. “But anyway I didnt come here to discuss even more politics, how long until they start?”
The reason for their gathering. It wasn’t often that coruscant had fireworks, but when they did it was always something spectacular. The cause for this celebration was particularly important; the 5th anniversary of the end of the clone wars. The senate had decided without much debate to introduce the idea of fireworks, Anakin even joked that it was the quickest they’d ever decided something, yet it was still exciting nonetheless.
Ahsoka got up from where she had been talking to Luke and Leia and grabbed a fruit from the bowl. She laughed along with what conversation had been happened, and grinned at each joke and jibe.
“It’s a shame Obi-wan couldn’t make it back in time.” The togruta spoke after his mention.
“It won’t be the last time we have something like this, and plus, I think Mandalore have something planned as well!”
Ahsoka shrugged in agreement at Padmé, taking a bite at the same time.
“Oh, look!” She spoke between mouthfuls. They all followed the line of her outstretched hand, looking towards the window now beginning to light up in disarray.
“It’s starting!” Luke interjected. He pushed through to the front with Leia hot on his tail. And indeed it was, the beginnings of bright crackles started to compete with the stars behind them. The fireworks were just above the senate building, bemusing the gathering with small, golden splashes of light in intricate patterns. It wasn’t loud, the apartment being so far away, but the distant sound of bangs made Mira jump a few times.
Rex comforted her, taking her up in his arms. She relaxed as soon as she knew she was safe with him; he kept her safe. That was the promise he’d make a thousands times over and more if he could. Jaida met his eyes, and hugged his arm with her head rested on his shoulder. Everything was right; real. The war was over and they had won. The fireworks were a beautiful touch, but nothing could displace the satisfaction of watching your own life grow into something you never even imagined it could. Rex had endured enough, and now he could honestly say it was worth it. He kissed Jaida’s forehead as she melted into his side.
The smaller, yellowish bursts began to grow: feeding into the sky as pinks, oranges, blues and greens spiralled off from their sources. Each pop of colour that continued into circles or stars had it’s own mind, yet still unfolded as if it were puppetry. Some shot straight up and exploded after a minute of delightful teasing, and wove between themselves like missiles. They were the ones that made Luke squeal in excitement the most.
Others whirled in spirals, endlessly collecting momentum and continuing in their talented hast; or shattered into millions of personalised sparks you couldn’t choose which one to follow. They tumbled down in rains of coloured stars, settling as if the art they’d shared with an entire silent city was only fiction. Their message was received in awe, and Jaida held a teary gaze even as they faded. Luke and Leia clapped, Mira laughed, but the adults shared pregnant silence, a moment for what they had found for themselves. Children, family, peace. Love.
The war weighed heavily, it always would. But it was over, they had lived, and a new life had begun.
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elthadriel · 3 years
Boosting Morale
It's been too long since Rex and Cody were together to let sharing a room with a dozen other men stop them from having sex.
And if their men want to watch, well maybe that can just be part of the fun.
Tags: Public Sex, Exhibitionism,   Begging, Anal Sex, Consensual Kink, Humiliation, Light Dom/sub, sub Cody, bottom Cody, Porn with Feelings, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Roleplay-ish, SubCody Week 2021 
Read on Ao3
It hadn’t even occurred to Cody to not to give up his quarters when Kenobi had mentioned there were going to be a total of six Jedi and twice as many Senators on the Negotiator for a couple of nights. It was sensible even if it hadn’t been proper procedure. He could find an empty bunk in the Trooper barracks easily enough, an event he doubted a non-clone would ever recover from.
Still, he was disappointed to be on the same ship as Rex and not have the privacy to enjoy it. At least they could still curl up in the same bunk, which was a whole lot better than being light years apart for weeks at time.
And, well, Cody hadn’t realised he’d missed sharing a room with his brothers. Private quarters once he had left Kamino were a luxury he could never have imagined and not one he wanted to give up, but there was something oddly nostalgic about being in barracks with a couple dozen other clones, a near even mix of the 212th and the 501st who had been invited to double up. He’d even missed the unashamed sounds of loud sex happening all around him as everyone settled in for the evening. The only thing that had really changed from when he shared a room with other CCs was that he wasn’t able to pick out exactly who was fucking who based on the precise sounds they were making.
That was probably a good thing; he didn’t need to know any of his men that well, or any of Rex’s for that matter.
And it turned out his frustration at not being able to enjoy one of the rare nights he had Rex got to spend together had been unfounded. It probably wasn’t the best idea to get so handsy in front of men they were expected to lead into battle, but if their vode had no concerns about getting off in front of them, it seemed only fair they got off too.
Rex kissed him like he was trying to drag Cody’s soul out through his mouth, hard and unrelenting. He was in a rough mood, teeth catching on Cody’s lower lip, tugging and sucking, drawing soft noises from Cody.
He was on his back, Rex above him, one leg pressed between Cody’s, rubbing up against him with any movement. Cody still resisted actively rutting against it, but he was more than aware the opportunity was there if he wanted it. Rex had an elbow either side of Cody’s head holding just enough of Rex’s weight to get the angle Rex wanted, the rest of Rex’s bulk heavy across Cody’s body.
Cody sighed into the demanding kisses, holding the front of Rex’s shirt to stop any chance of him pulling away; not that it was a risk he was particularly concerned about.
“Hey, Captain, nice of you to slum it down with the rest of us. Who’s your hot piece of ass?” A Trooper called out across the room with the confidence of a man who had just earned his paint.
Rex broke the kiss and Cody opened his eyes, getting a good look at him before he turned to address the Trooper. Rex was a little flushed, eyes dark, mouth quirked up in amusement.
“That would be Marshal Commander Cody,” Rex said. “Something you’d like to say to him?”
Cody turned to catch the man’s expression, the added bonus being that twisting his head displayed his distinctive scar. The Trooper went a rather dramatic shade of white.
“No Sir. Sorry Sir- Sirs,” the kid said, snapping his heels together and saluting. Around him his friends seemed torn between laughing at his misfortune and being appropriately deferential. It probably wasn’t the sort of thing they were going to let him forget anytime soon. It was an important lesson in being overly familiar with officers.
Not that it was always a bad thing for soldiers to be familiar with their COs. Cody tugged Rex’s attention back to him before the poor boy combusted. He liked how familiar Rex was with him.
“You’re a fucking moron, Vector,” one of the clones said, voice not quite low enough to prevent it from carrying.
“Gonna get your shebs sent for reconditioning. Gonna have to tell the Kaminoans you said a Superior officer could get it,” another said, Blue, a 212th man on a list in Cody’s office for potential officer training. He went a little pinker realising he was going to know exactly which of his people had watched Rex feel him up.
“Nah, the Commander’s always in a good mood when Rex is around, no rewards for guessing why. He’ll probably just put you on cleaning detail until you die.”
“It is a hell of a show though,” Blue said, and Cody knew he wasn’t supposed to have heard that part. He let it pass unchallenged. Rex’s hand was slipping under his shirt, warm even against his heated skin, and everything else seemed unimportant.
“He’s right,” Rex mumbled, breaking the kiss to suck at Cody’s neck instead. “You are a hot piece of ass.”
Cody rolled his eyes, but smiled despite himself. Their kisses were growing more heated, and the leg sandwiched between his own a more distracting presence. It was one thing to make out in a shared space, full of subordinates who were already paying more attention to them than they would any Troopers fooling around, it was quite another have sex with another officer right in front of them.
They could probably get away with frotting against each other at least. Except-
“Force, I want to fuck you so bad.” Rex said, mouth hot against Cody’s neck.
Cody groaned, shifting his hips, rubbing his semi-erect cock against the thick meat of Rex’s thigh. The muscles in his groin clenched at the suggestion, pre-come leaking from the tip of his cock, staining the front of his blacks. It had been almost two months since they’d had the time for penetrative sex, and now the idea was in his head he wasn’t sure he could settle for anything else.
Rex nipped at his jaw.
“You’d like that, huh? I could strip you out of your blacks in front of our men and fuck you while they watch,” Rex shifted from his elbows up onto his hands, looming over Cody.
“Rex,” Cody moaned, his hips twitching without his permission.
“What do you think they’d make of that? Watching the great Commander Cody spreading his legs and begging for it like a slut?
“Please.” He could already picture it, how he would look to them, reduced to a needy mess by the promise of a hard cock in him. He had such a carefully built reputation of control and unbending professionalism and there was something deliciously filthy at revealing to the men who respected him that he was as human as the rest of them, throwing all propriety aside in exchange for good hard fucking.
“Please what?” Rex asked, smirking ever so slightly. The only saving grace for Cody’s pride was the flush rising on Rex’s neck, making it clear he was as turned on at the thought as Cody was.
“Fuck me in front of them. Show them who I belong to.”
Rex’s breath caught in his throat. He pressed his thigh more firmly between Cody’s legs and Cody failed to muffle his cry. He buried his burning face into Rex’s shoulder. Fuck. The silence in the room was palpable, and he could feel the eyes of what must be everyone in the room turn to him.
He wanted this, the tent in his blacks made that more than clear, but the sharp embarrassment was dancing between exciting and too much.
Cody wrapped his arms around Rex’s back, holding him close as he decided where he was going to land on this. They’d played with this sort of fantasy before, toying with the intoxicating mix of humiliation and excitement of being watched, but fantasy and reality were two very different beasts.
Rex kissed the point just under his ear, voice more breath than sound. “We can go find a supply closet if you want?”
It certainly would be easier. They could steal from the room and find a private little corner of the ship, it wouldn’t even be the first time. But he wanted to do it here. He wanted everyone to know exactly how well Rex took care of him. He wanted the burn of humiliation fuelling his arousal.
“No. I want to do it here.”
“You sure?” Rex asked, because he worried like that.
Rex bit the shell of his ear, giving a tug just the right side of painful. “You’ll let me know if it becomes too much?”
Cody nodded.
Satisfied, Rex sat back on his haunches, pulling his upper black up off over the top of his head, dropping them onto the floor by the bed. He had mostly healed burn from a too close for comfort blaster bolt along his shoulder where there was a narrow gap in their armour. Cody sat up, pressing a kiss just by the edge of it.
Before he could enjoy the rest of Rex’s newly exposed skin, Rex was tugging insistently on Cody’s own blacks, his shirt quickly joining Rex’s on the floor. Rex did exactly what he had just denied Cody, pushing him back into the mattress and ducking his head to suck a dark mark into Cody’s collarbone. Cody closed his eyes, sinking into the pillows, a soft sigh escaping his lips. Rex’s mouth was hot against his skin, and a deep satisfaction curled around his chest knowing how marked up he was going to be by the time Rex was done with him. He’d have fading bruises to trace long after Rex was gone.
Pleased with his work, Rex abandoned Cody’s collarbone in search of somewhere else to mark him only to be very quickly distracted by Cody’s left nipple. He licked a stripe over it before sucking it into his mouth, while Cody made a soft, pleased sound. Rex’s teeth teased the nub, a sharp pain that had him clutching at the back of Rex’s head to keep him in place.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” said one of the troopers said from a bunk over. They were slowly gathering closer, even those that had been actively fucking each other suddenly more interested in what Cody and Rex were up to. It was understandable, it wasn’t the sort of show that happened very often, if ever. “The Commander looks good all messed up.”
Cody wondered what Fox would have to say if he knew about this, Fox who claimed he intended to fuck his way through the entire GAR but wouldn’t so much as be seen in a state of undress more scandalous than removing his helmet by the men he directly commanded. If he and Ponds had ever managed to agree about anything it was that it was an officer’s responsibility to maintain an unshakable sense of integrity to his men. Cody somewhat doubted they would consider letting Rex fuck him as meeting that standard. This was going to make it back to the other CCs, it was inevitable, and the promise of their judgement did filthy things to Cody’s insides.
He hadn’t known this about himself, how hot he would find this.
“Check in with me?” Rex said, removing his mouth from Cody and leaving the wet skin to cool against the air.
“They think I’m hot,” he said voice already a little rough.
“You like that?” Rex asked.
Cody wanted to hide his face, somehow more embarrassed to admit that he liked being watched than in the being watched itself. There was nowhere for him to hide from how well Rex knew him however, so he just nodded.
Rex looked at him like Cody had hung the stars and planets beside. He kissed Cody with bruising force, before taking full advantage of Cody’s confession.
“They’re jealous,” Rex said. “They would do anything to be in my position right now. You spread out under them, desperate for their touch. If I wasn’t here, would you let them? Would you offer up your tight ass to your men?”
Cody whined, fisting the sheets under him.
“You would, wouldn’t you?” Rex was back at his throat, pausing his verbal torment to add another bruise to Cody’s growing collection. Only when he was satisfied with the angry mark did he continue. “Face down on the bed, ass in the air, let them take turns with you until you’re fat with their come. You think a single one of them could resist an offer like that?”
“Fuck, Rex.” He tried to grind his ass against Rex but he had no leverage flat on his back, Rex’s hands holding him in place.
“Ask me for it,” Rex ordered. “ Nicely.”
Cody let out a breathless laugh. Like he was in any state to be rude to Rex right now.
“Please, Rex.”
Rex rolled his hips, the hard line of his erection rubbing up against Cody and his thigh pressing teasingly down against Cody’s, but he made no other move to progress things.
“Louder. So our men can hear you.”
Heat throbbed sharply in Cody’s crotch.
“Please,” he said, barely any louder than the first time. Rex kissed him, mouth closed, surprisingly chaste considering the filth he had been talking only moments before. Cody squeezed his eyes shut and tried again.
“Rex, please. I need you in me. Stop teasing. Please. ” There was a tremble to his voice, but it carried across the room, and he heard someone off to the side let out a low groan accompanied by the unmistakable sound of a hand working slicked up flesh.
Force, they were jerking themselves off to this. To him.
Rex let out a low moan of his own, kissing Cody again with more force.
“You’re amazing,” Rex breathed. “I love you.”
He smiled, bright and warm, made braver by Rex’s words.
“Fuck me, please, please, Rex. ” He shifted his own leg, deciding it was only fair Rex experienced the delicious friction he’d been teasing Cody with, pressing his leg up against Rex’s bulge. Rex gasped, arms almost buckling in surprise, but while a couple of Troopers moved to sit on closer bunks for a better view, Rex wasn’t taunted into returning to their game just yet.
“I want them to see how perfect you are for me. I want them to hate me for being lucky enough to have you.” He said, voice low, speaking just for Cody. Rex threaded the fingers of one hand through Cody’s, holding his face with a gentleness that didn’t match bite marks littering Cody’s body.
They looked at each other for a moment, Rex smiling fondly, running his thumb down the scar on Cody’s face. Cody wanted him far more deeply than physically, wanted to whisper terrible vulnerable things to him, but while he was learning all sorts of new things about himself in that moment, like his apparent kink for being dommed with an audience, that was something he wasn’t willing to share with anyone but Rex.
Instead he kissed Rex’s palm and hoped that he knew.
Rex closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them his smile widened and turned more mischievous.
“If we don’t move this along I’m going to come in my blacks like a shiny,” Rex said. He released Cody’s face to trace a line over Cody’s ass through his blacks instead.
“We don’t have any lube,” Cody realised. He’d left it in his room, hidden among his clean underwear. He hadn’t considered this as an option.
Rex hesitated for only a moment, before his expression turned smug. He dug his fingers into the flesh of Cody’s ass, teasing the waistband of his blacks lower on hips. “I’m sure one of our roommates would be happy to donate some to the cause if we ask.”
Cody was more than aware it should be embarrassing to have to publicly ask one of their subordinates for lube but with Rex’s obvious arousal at the idea pressing against him it was impossible to care.
He nodded his consent to the suggestion and was rewarded with a playful slap to his ass, though the angle was wrong for any real force.
“Hey, Fives,” Rex called across the room. “You got any lube?”
Five’s reply came quickly enough to make it clear his attention, seemingly like every other clone in the room, was already on Rex and Cody. “I thought being prepared for all eventualities was what separated good leaders from great ones?” He asked, in what Cody was positive was a reference to something he’d said. It sounded like the sort of bullshit he sprouted around shinies. Making that kid an ARC had been a mistake, that much recognition had given him a dangerous amount of confidence.
“Delegation is an important part of efficient leadership,” Cody said, which was perfectly true, but this was probably not what anyone had had in mind when he’d been taught that. There was a smattering of laughter across the room and Cody had to imagine it was less because they suddenly found him so very witty and more because his attempt at his officer voice was rather undone by his riled up state.
“Enough with the lip,” Rex said, with a hint of his own officer voice slipping through. “Do you have some or are you going to be the reason Marshal Commander Cody doesn’t get fucked tonight?”
Cody was absently surprised that he was even able to maintain an erection with how much blood was rushing to his face. Rex made him sound like he was gagging for it. It wasn’t inaccurate, but having it shared with so many people twisted his insides in delicious ways.
“I’ve got some, give me a second.”
Cody didn’t pay any attention to Fives trying to fish out the lube, his attention suddenly taken by how Rex’s pecs looked from this angle. He wanted to lick them. Rex had a head start on marking him up, but Cody would make sure he returned the favour, if not tonight tomorrow. Rex’s chest was beautiful, but it would look even better covered in dark bruises.
There was the sound of bare feet on the hard floor and a shadow fell across the bed. Fives could have thrown it from where he was sitting, but Cody had to admit that if it had been his superior officer in this position, if it had been Alpha-17, he probably wouldn't have turned down the opportunity to get a closer look either. Fives stared down at him, lube held loosely in his hand, largely forgotten. He hardly seemed to notice when Rex reached out and took it from him, placing it down beside Cody’s hip.
Rex twisted Cody’s nipple sharply, pain blurring with pleasure and Cody arched off the bed with a hiss.
“Say thank you,” he said, before dipping his head to press an apologetic kiss to Cody’s chest.
“Thank you, Fives,” he said, turning only enough that he could see Fives out of the corner of his eye. Fives didn’t meet his gaze, his eyes locked on where Rex’s hips were flush against Cody’s, between Cody’s spread thighs.
“You’re welcome, Sir.” Fives wanted to touch him, it was clear in the tension in his hands the effect it was taking to hold himself back. Cody wished he would try. It was impossible in that moment to have any interest in anyone’s hands but Rex’s, but Rex could play the possessive partner when the scene called for it, and Cody wanted to see Rex remind Fives of his place.
He rolled his hips fruitless up against nothing, the drag of his blacks against his cock nowhere near close to enough.
Fives had just enough self-preservation not to try, but he also didn’t leave. He sat on the bed next to theirs, his dick tenting in his blacks, hands in white knuckled fists on his lap. For a second Cody considered asking him to join them, he could take Fives in his mouth while Rex fucked his ass.
“Eyes on me, Cody,” Rex said. He’d sat back up, one hand down the front of his blacks, stroking himself, the material clinging to the outline of his dick. All thoughts of Fives slipped from his head.
Rex gave him an almost bashful smile, dropping his voice again. Fives might be close enough to hear, but it was enough to mark the conversation as not part of the game. “Last chance to think better of this,” Rex said, though of course it wasn’t. Cody had no doubt he could end this at any time. He had no intention of ending anything.
For all the bluster Rex was putting on for the role, he was far from unaffected. The paper thin skin at Rex’s throat fluttered with his rapid pulse and Cody pushed himself up onto his elbows to kiss it. Rex lifted his head, giving Cody easy access, sighing happily as Cody pressed hot, open mouthed kisses to his skin.
“If you weren’t so pretty flustered and on display I might be the one thinking better of this,” The teasing tone was back, Rex’s throat rumbling under Cody’s mouth. “You’re so beautiful, I almost can’t stand the thought of sharing you.”
“You can’t get us all riled up and leave us hanging, Sir.” Steel said, ignoring the elbows from his brothers.
Rex shot Steel a look that made it very clear how little he thought of Steel’s commentary.
“He’s right, Rex, bad for morale.” Cody nudged Rex’s side with his knee. He was aroused and excited, and wanted suddenly to goad Rex into action, face the consequences of a little cheek.
Rex caught on immediately, and there was a dangerous edge to his voice and Cody was abruptly shoved back down flat to the bed. “Want to make this a regular thing? We can have bi-weekly showings? Send holovids to the other battalions of me reducing you to a needy mess, begging for cock. See how good morale is when they have regular access to Marshal Commander Cody being fucked like he was built for it. They haven’t even seen how prettily you suck dick.”
“Big word for a man who still hasn’t fucked me.”
Rex grinned, wide and excited, before he pulled himself back into his role. He grabbed Cody’s balls firmly through his blacks, enough to tumble over the line from pleasurable into uncomfortable, boarding on painful. Cody scrambled at the sheets, arching up into the touch, the air punched out of him.
He loved it when Rex was rough with him.
“What was that, Sir?” Rex asked. “If you’re unhappy with how I’m doing things I’m sure someone else would be happy to take over. Get a little Trooper over here who’ll fuck you exactly how you ask. Do you think that would satisfy you?”
“ Rex, ” he croaked, barely managing to make a sound at all. His lungs were empty and he couldn’t pull in more air. Rex’s grip on him seared like a brand and he squirmed, desperate to be released and desperate to be held tighter. No one had ever been able to ride his limits the way Rex could.
“We both know that I know what you want more than you do, don’t we?” Rex eased up, just enough that Cody remembered how to breathe.
“You do, Sir.” The title spilt from his mouth without his consent, the scene getting twisted in his head, forgetting what game they were playing. He was going to come if Rex wasn’t careful, make a mess of his blacks and their plans.
“Then would you like to apologise, Cody?” Rex’s voice was perfectly level and it made Cody’s toes curl.
“I’m sorry, fuck, I need you, Rex. Just you.” It was more of a whine than words but it was apparently enough.
Rex released Cody’s balls and he could think again. He was achingly hard, throbbing painfully already pressed up against the point of no return. He had to hope the foreplay was turning Rex on as much as it was turning him on, because he felt he wasn’t going to last long when Rex started fucking him.
Rex ran his hands over Cody’s thighs soothingly.
“ Fuck.” Fives sounded almost as ruined as Cody felt.
“Something to say?” Rex asked, returning to the game at hand.
“The fucking noises he makes, Rex. Do you mind if I…?” Cody couldn’t see what Fives gestured to, but he could imagine. There was something almost comical about Fives asking for permission to do what half the other men in the room were already doing.
“Would you like that?” Rex asked Cody, and perhaps Fives just understood the scene a little better than the others. Cody didn’t know what to do with that information.
Cody nodded, probably too eagerly.
“I don’t think he heard you,” Rex said, conversationally, but he had that same ability that all officers had, to make his voice fill a room.
“Yes,” Cody said, trying to use his officer voice too, but there was a tremble to it that he couldn’t quite bring under control.
Rex took hold of Cody’s hips, applying just enough pressure to make sure Cody wouldn’t be able to forget Rex was in control.
“Yes he can masturbate to the noises you’re making while I fuck you?”
Cody’s pulse pounded in his ears, almost enough to drown out everything else. “Yes he can wank to the sounds I’m making.”
“Him or all of them?” Rex asked, still not done forcing Cody to admit exactly what he wanted.
“All of them.” Cody couldn’t get his voice steady but no one could fault his volume. “Fuck, Rex, every fucking clone in the GAR.”
Rex’s hands tightened on him, betraying his own need.
“Well if you’re the entertainment, we really should give them something to see. Wouldn’t want to lower morale.”
Sometimes when Rex took control like this Cody was left feeling like he was floating but this time he felt grounded, hyper-aware of every sensation he was experiencing. The sheets, damp with his own sweat, sticking to his back, the too tight cling of his blacks around his crotch, the achingly familiar calluses of Rex’s hands on his skin, the way the room was already filled with the distinct smell of sex, the scattered noises from their men pleasuring themselves.
He was on the brink of drowning in it, trusting Rex to keep him from sinking completely.
“Going to get you out of the rest of your clothes, show our boys how pretty you are. Bet they already fantasise about your thighs, I know I did while you were still playing hard to get. I think you owe them a proper look after flaunting yourself around for so long.” He dug his fingers into the muscles of Cody’s thighs to prove his point, squeezing once before he shuffled back a little and pulled at the waist of Cody’s trousers.Cody lifted his hips to help and Rex pulled his blacks out from under his ass and down his legs. The air wasn’t particularly cold, but being suddenly so exposed caused goosebumps to raise across his skin. Rex’s hands returned to his bare thighs, running his fingers lightly up the inside and despite applying almost no pressure, Cody spread his legs wide under the touch, lifting his hips, drawing attention to his erect cock.
For a moment he was at the edge of genuine embarrassment at displaying himself so thoroughly, at being so visibly desperate for Rex’s touch, but while the approving noises from the troopers did nothing to soothe him, he was also successful in gaining Rex’s complete attention.
Rex took Cody’s cock in his hand, and Cody moaned, falling back into the pillow, eyes closed, and any risk of shame was consumed by the heat of Rex’s hand. No one should be ashamed of wanting this. He wrapped his legs around Rex’s back, knowing full well he would have to release him almost immediately so Rex could finish undressing, but in that moment needing Rex to be flush against him too much to care.
It was hard to care about much with Rex slowly jerking his dick, rubbing up against his ass, and giving him a look like he was the most beautiful thing Rex had ever seen.
His focus fixated on where the skin just above the waist of Rex’s blacks met the sensitive skin of the inside of Cody’s thighs. He needed more of Rex’s skin against him. He reached up, touching Rex wherever he could, running his hands over Rex’s throat, chest, waist, any part he could reach.
“You’re wearing too much,” he mumbled. “It’s not fair.”
Rex grinned cheekily at him.
“What was that, Cody?” He was still stroking Cody, with slow deliberate strokes that caused heat to pulse through him in encompassing waves. But it wasn’t what he wanted.
“Take your blacks off. Promised them a show,” he said, and then because he’d learned his lesson, added, “Please, Rex. I want to feel you, it’s been too long.”
Rex lent forward to kiss him again, hooking an arm under Cody’s knee, pulling it up with him as he moved, spreading him obscenely open, pressing their cocks together, only a thin layer of material still separating them. It was pressure that had no risk of having him shoot off early, like Rex’s careful handjob had, but the physical proof that Rex was as turned on as he was pressing against him was at least just as arousing.
It was also a deliberate denial of what Cody wanted and caught himself pouting into Rex’s kiss.
“I think the Commander gave you an order, Captain.” It was a 501st boy, one Cody thought he should recognise but couldn’t put a name to. He would have to learn it, give the little shit a medal.
“Don’t think the Commander is in any position to give orders right now,” Rex said, grinning as Cody sulked.
“Think that qualifies as cruel and unusual punishment, Sir. Blue-balling a senior officer.”
“Forget cruel to him, what about us? Gonna get a kriffing friction burn on my dick,” another 501st Trooper added.
“Your boys are as desperate as I am,” Cody said, awed.
Rex shook his head, not even really able to argue with that, but he was always one to recognise an opportunity when it presented itself.
“The 212th have been very shy,” Rex said, sitting back up, “What do you think, Clover. Want to see me fuck your CO? Want to see him squeal?”
Clover let out a sound that was more squeak than word.
Rex let Cody’s leg fall heavily back to the bed.
“Look at him, he’s desperate for it, wants to know how pretty you think he is like this, how pretty the highest ranked clone in the whole damned army is when his subordinate makes him beg,” Rex wore his achievements humbly, but smug pride at how wound up he had Cody was oozing off him in waves and Cody couldn’t get enough of it.
Rex rolled his hips again, pressing their cocks hard against each other and Cody choked out a desperate please. His head felt light, the excitement of the role catching up with him. It was so easy to let everything but his clawing need for Rex to fall away, shove any lingering sense of shame from his head. He needed Rex like he needed air, and he found it hard to care if everyone knew it.
He wanted them to tell him how gorgeous he was like this, not because their opinions mattered, but he needed to hear how perfect he looked to Rex, how jealous they were of what he provided to his partner.
“You’re keeping him waiting, Clover.”
“Yeah, I want to hear him beg, he’s so kriffing beautiful, Sir. Think they built him differently from the rest of us,” the trooper finally managed, without the confidence of his 501st brothers, but lacking none of the eagerness. “Give him your cock, Sir. He’s earned it.”
Rex pressed a finger up against Cody’s entrance, teasing the rim but refusing to push into him.
“You have been very good,” Rex mused, and then his hand was gone. “Seems to me your boys want to see you get fucked just as much as mine, yours are just politer about it”
He lent in very close, mouth brushing against Cody’s ear. “I’m desperate too. The things you do to me, Codes.”
Cody keened, twisting and catching Rex in the briefest of kisses before Rex pulled away.
Rex stood from the bed, kicking off his trousers before in record time before he was back between Cody’s legs, his cock rubbing up against the cleft of Cody’s ass, finally a promise rather than a tease.
He was gone for only a moment, but for those handful of seconds, alone without Rex’s body to shield him from the room Cody took a proper look around, and fuck, they really were being watched by everyone. His heart clenched in that perfect mix of nerves and excitement, the same feeling he got the moment between jumping from a LAAT/i and his jet-pack kicking in. He spread his legs a little wider, rolling his hip up into the air, delighting in how wanton he looked.
His eyes locked with Janad who had shed his own blacks entirely, shamelessly jerking himself off with one hand, the other wrapped around the dick of the vod next to him.
He winked and Cody blushed furiously, heat spreading quickly up his neck, but didn’t look away, not until the second Rex was back between his legs and demanding his full attention. He collected the almost forgotten lube, pouring a liberal amount out onto his fingers, some slipping off and landing on Cody, offensively cold against his heated skin.
“You know that’s the good stuff right?” Fives asked, almost disguising the shudder to his breathing. “Please don’t waste it.”
“Consider it the cost of entry.” Rex grinned, his fingers back at Cody’s ass, trailing his slicked up fingers down between Cody’s cheeks over his hole. “He likes it messy, likes it leaking out of him and down his thighs. Don’t you, Cody?”
He paused his exploring, touching the tips of his fingers against Cody’s entrance, a promise of what the correct answer would bring.
“Yes, Force. I love it when you make a mess of me. Fuck me hard and then send me off to a briefing, leaking slick and come, staining up my blacks.” They’d only done that once, and the discomfort had only just been outweighed by how hot it had made Cody feel. Rex however had been very taken with it, and fucked him again the moment he had returned to his quarters.
Rex made a choked off sound that was almost a curse and finally, finally , pushed two fingers into Cody. He let out a low moan, reaching blindly to hold whatever part of Rex was closest. His cock jumped against his belly as Rex gave him almost no time to adjust to the intrusion, pulling his fingers out to the first knuckle barely as heartbeat after he had pushed them in, only to shove them right back in again. It was a far cry from the stretch of Rex’s cock, but Cody was worked up to a point where he felt he could have fucked himself to completion on a single finger if it was all Rex was offering.
It felt so good to have something filling him.
Rex’s other hand rested on the inside of Cody’s thigh, keeping his legs parted as if Cody would close his legs for anything other than a Sep warship at this point.
Cody was up for a lot in bed, and liked to think he was flexible to whatever his partner wanted, but there was nothing that got him going in quite the same way as being fucked. He’d been utterly taken with the sensation from the very first time he’d pushed his own fingers into himself, face down in his pod back on Kamino, with medical jelly he’d stolen from the medbay as lube. He’d been so caught up in the thrill of this new way of pulling pleasure from his body he’d forgotten to catch his orgasm in the napkins he’d taken from dinner and he’d had to sleep in stained sheets for the next three days.
His own clumsy attempts had nothing on Rex’s fingers stroking against his insides.  
“Love doing this to you,” Rex said, Rex found Cody’s prostate with practised ease, curling the ends of his fingers up into it, pulling punched out gasps from Cody. He wanted to fucked, craved the fullness of it, but with Rex’s clever fingers working him open, he almost forgot that, ready to be brought off just like this. He groaned, struggling to keep himself still under Rex’s attention; he wanted to buck into that hand no matter how fruitless.
“That’s it, let them hear you.” Rex said, continuing his careful massage of Cody’s prostate, dragging more noises from him.
Cody wanted to hear them too, he wanted to know if their thoughts were as filthy as he imagined they must be. But they’d fallen silent again and Rex's efforts were making it hard to think straight.
“Rex,” he gasped.
“Tell me what you want.”
“I don’t- fuck, I don’t know.” He forced out between desperate breaths.
“Need more?” Rex asked. He could have let up, let Cody get his thoughts in order but instead he redoubled his efforts, moving his hand from Cody’s thigh to tease his balls, heavy and full beneath his straining cock.
Cody made an inhuman noise. “Please .”
“From me or them?” Rex sounded so calm, and it was driving Cody wild.
“Both, please, Rex, more.”
“Fives?” Rex asked, trusting their resident ARC to be able to run his mouth.
“Sir?” Fives was less successful in sounding unaffected.
“Is this the first time you’ve gotten off to Cody?”
Cody sucked in air sharply at the thought, Fives making the exact same noise across from him.
“No, Sir. Not the first time,” Fives admitted.
“When was the first?”
“Couple weeks after  Rishi. Echo and I got each other off and all we talked about was the Commander. How fucking hot he looked fighting those droids, his voice, his kriffing legs.”
Cody made a noise he didn’t have a name for, something desperate and eager.
“Look at him,” Rex said, and Cody could only obey.
Fives had pushed his blacks down his thighs, stroking his dick with slow deliberate movements, eyes fixed on Cody. Pre-come leaked from the head and trickled down his cock and over the back of his hand. He grinned at Cody, twisting his hand up over the top of the head of his cock, pulling most moisture from the tip.
“You want to taste it, Commander? I’m sure if you asked nicely the Captain would let you.”
“Careful, mir'sheb ,” Rex said, twisting his hand inside Cody in that particular way that sent a jolt of pleasure though Cody’s lower half. “Not sure that’s what the Commander-”
“No,” Cody cut him off. “I want to hear more.”
Fives finally looked away from Cody, but only to look at Rex, checking everyone was on board.
Rex seemed amused more than anything else. “You heard the Commander, Fives.”
Fives’ gaze snapped back to Cody, eyes darkened with lust at being permission to continue.
“You want to lap at my cock, Sir? I bet you look so pretty stuffed from both ends, can’t imagine one man is enough to satisfy you.”
Cody laughed. He’d been on some strong ass painkillers in his time and none of them had left him feeling as high as this. “Rex is.”
He shot Rex a smile, who managed to look almost bashful, ducking his head to kiss the inside of Cody’s knee. Funny that was what made him blush.
“He never shares?” Fives asked. He was getting close, jerking his hips up into his hand, his coordination abandoning him. Cody wanted to push him over that edge.
“Sometimes,” he admitted. “Sometimes he invites the other CCs into bed with us, see how much I can take. Last time- Ah!”
Rex pulled his hand almost all the way out only to shove them roughly back into Cody, taking his cock in his other hand. The sudden sensations were enough to short circuit Cody’s brain, any hope of coherent sentences forced out of his head in favour of the dual pleasure of being filled and held.
If Rex wasn’t careful he was going to abandon the game entirely. He could flip them, pin Rex to the bed instead, ride him until his legs gave out. He could have Rex in him that very second. Waiting would be better; the tease was half the fun, and Rex always knew exactly how long to make him wait, but if Rex didn’t start something soon he was going to be too horny for something that required as much brain power as delayed gratification.
“Sharing all our secrets, huh?” Rex asked. The hand around Cody was lax, and Rex kept it perfectly still even while he continued to work at his passage.
“You tell him then,” Cody said. He bucked his hips up against the loose grip, desperate for any friction he was allowed, even if it was far too little. “It’s better when you say it.”
Rex smirked and pulled his fingers out with a wet sound that seemed impossibly loud to Cody’s ears. He allowed Cody one firm jerk of his dick before that hand too was removed. Cody whined at the loss, his attention well and truly back on Rex.
Rex however was still looking at Fives.
“The last time I was generous enough to let someone else touch him,” Rex said, picking up where Cody had left off, “we worked him open until he could fit both of us in him. He could barely keep himself upright, even pressed between both of us. It took ages to make him loose enough, and he was so fucking proud of himself when we were both inside. Came all up himself.”
Fives wasn’t looking anymore, his eyes closed, fucking frantically into his hand, consumed by the image Rex was painting for him. Rex picked up the lube from the bed, dripping more down his crack and then slicking up his cock.
“I fucked him again the next morning, he was still wet from the night before, and so loose I just slipped right in.”
Fives swore, hunching over on himself, ropes of come messing up his hand and the floor at his feet.
“And after all that talk.” Rex made a dismissive huff. “You couldn’t keep up, ARC.”
Cody wanted to kiss Rex, would have if he could have done it without distracted Rex from were he was finally getting ready to fuck him. His blood burned in anticipation, hot and pulsing under his skin. Fives panted to the side, seemingly run out of things to say.
Back on mission, Rex rearranged Cody to his liking, pulling him down the bed, lifting his thighs up onto Rex’s lap, forcing all weight up on his shoulders. It lined him up nicely, and deliberately denied Cody any angle to push back against Rex from, leaving Rex in control. Cody was spread completely open, entirely at Rex’s mercy and his heart pounded.
Rex gave him a hungry once over, eyes dilated. Cody wished he felt suave enough to smirk up at Rex, but with anticipation heavy in his chest, it was all he could manage not to start begging again. Rex traced a line down the v of Cody’s hip, his cock pressed hard up against Cody. If Cody had even a little leverage all it would have taken was the slightest shift to have Rex sliding into him.
Rex apparently had one last game in mind before he allowed that. “Vector, you wanted to see the Commander’s ass, come over here.”
Vector made a startled sound, jumping to feet in surprise. He shared a nervous look with his vode before stepping closer, wearily like he was expecting the offer to be withdrawn if he drew too much attention to himself. He wet his lips, eyes raking across Cody. He was hard in his blacks, the line of his cock obvious through the material and the seal of his blacks wasn’t lined up correctly, like he had had his hand shoved down them only a moment before and hadn’t had the time to lay them flat when he had hurriedly pulled it out.
Vector edged closer, until his knees were up against the bunk, looking over Rex, directly down Cody’s spread legs. One of the 212th boys, Sunny, if Cody remembered right, cautiously followed him, staring at Cody over Vector’s shoulder with an equally appreciative gaze.
Cody squirmed under their scrutiny, feeling a primal urge to cover himself. His cock pulsed with each beat of heart, a small pool of his pre come collecting on his abs. Rex moved, his cock head nudged against his entrance, but Rex seemed content just to tease him and Cody was in no position to do anything about it.
Well, almost no position.
“Please, Rex,” he whined, giving Rex the most heated look he could manage.
Rex gives Cody an unimpressed look, completely aware of what Cody’s game was. That didn’t mean he was immune.
“Please,” Cody said again, and Rex couldn’t hide how his dick twitched at the pleading. “It’s been weeks, Rex, please. ”
“He’s gorgeous,” Vector said, awed.
“Don’t talk about him like he’s not here, Vector,” Rex warned.
“You’re gorgeous, Sir,” Sunny said, before Vector had a chance to correct himself. “Never knew you were hiding all this under your armour.”
Cody was going to split into pieces if Rex didn’t fuck him that very second.
“Ready?” Rex asked. He was looking at Vector and Sunny, but Cody nodded anyway, squirming in Rex’s lap.
The head of Rex’s cock pressed up against his rim, until his body gave up its futile resistance and Rex breached him. He pushed into him in one smooth stroke, a motion that managed to be as breathtaking no matter how familiar it became. His mouth parted and his head fell back, exposing the long line of his neck. The only sound that escaped him was a shaky, extended exhale. So much of Rex’s bare skin was against his own, and he still wanted more, even filled to his limit he ached for more.
There was always something so utterly overwhelming about knowing Rex was inside him, touching him places he couldn’t touch himself even if he tried. Rex’s cock filled him in a way his fingers couldn’t, a perfect heat stretching him open and he didn’t think he would ever have enough of the feeling.
Were Vector and Sunny looking at where Rex’s body met his, where he stretched tight around Rex’s cock, his most intimate parts on complete display for them. Or would they have stared at his face, wanting to know exactly what expression Cody made when he was penetrated. Force, these men had to follow him into battle, trust their lives to his judgement and strategy. And now they would have to do it with the image of him being thoroughly fucked burned into their memories.
He wondered if he would be able to live it down if he came all over himself right then and there.
He could feel the weight of all the eyes on him, but couldn’t look away from Rex, and the way he was biting his lip to hold in his own groan, and the way his eyes had fallen shut, overwhelmed by the pleasure Cody’s body could give him. Cody was becoming rapidly addicted to how hot his men found him like this, but he wondered then how many of them wished they could be in his place instead of Rex’s, could be the person causing that expression on his face.
Anyone who wasn’t was an idiot; Cody was convinced he was getting the better end of the deal here.
“You feel so good, Codes,” Rex said, voice a little thin. “Fuck, you’re always so good.”
He pulled back slowly, dragging his cock against Cody’s insides until the head was catching on his rim. He thrust back in with a grunt and Cody arched up off the bed, keening high and frantic, clutching at the sheets with one hand and tugging hard at his own hair with the other, needing the bite of pain to make the overwhelming pleasure of being fucked open bearable.
“So tight,” Rex managed, between uneven breathing as he began a punishing pace with his hips, shoving deep into Cody each time.
“Rex,” Cody whimpered, “please.”
“Are you always this needy?” One of the troopers asked, and Cody couldn’t look away from Rex to check who. It didn’t matter much at this point.
“Yes,” he gasped. Rex slammed back into Cody, and Cody let out a choked off groan. “Every time.”
And he was, he supposed. Even over a year into their relationship, the fire Rex lit in his chest every time they fucked hadn’t faded. Every time they were together Cody was as eager for him as the last.
“Fucking desperate for me,” Rex said somehow making it sound dirty and sweet all at the same time. Cody reached out blindly, grasping at Rex’s hand on his hip, squeezing it firmly before Rex pulled it away. Before he could complain the hand circled his cock again and all possible complaints were consumed by the burning heat in his groin.
“More, Rex, harder, please.” Cody was only vaguely aware he was babbling, every passing thought that crossed his mind leaving his mouth. He wanted Rex to fuck him so hard he would feel it for weeks and something to that affect tumbled from his lips.
“You will, Cody, I promise.” Rex pressed deep into him, stretching him to his limit, making it abundantly clear he intended to follow through. “And everyone here is going to know why you’re walking funny.”
Cody moaned, deep in his chest.
“Harder” he demanded. “I want more, please. I can take it. Don’t hold out on me.”
Rex laughed, voice hitching every time he plunged into the tight heat of Cody. “I know you can.”
Rex shifted, putting his arms under Cody’s legs, pushing himself up onto his knees, lifting Cody’s lower half completely up and off the bed, folding him almost in half. The new angle was perfect.
Rex fucked into him with fresh force allowed by the position, dragging over his sensitive prostate with each thrust. His whole body felt taught, his orgasm building each time Rex bottomed out into him and each time Rex’s hand twisted over the head of his straining cock.
“Gonna make you come all over yourself,” Rex promised. “Gonna fuck you until you can’t stand. Is that what you want?”
“Yes, Rex,” he couldn’t think straight, couldn’t imagine anything beyond Rex.
“You ever get bored of him Commander and I’ll be happy to give you what you need. Trade him in for a younger model, ya know?”
Cody had almost forgotten Fives was even there and if he had any breath left in his lungs he would have laughed at the very possibility of what Fives was offering. The goading wasn’t meant for his reaction however, even if it was ultimately for his benefit. Rex snarled, slamming his cock back into Cody with an aggressive jerk of his hips.
Words abandoned Cody completely and he let out a wordless cry.
“Didn’t we already prove you couldn’t handle him, Fives?” Rex was setting the sort of relentless pace he would normally never be able to maintain but he was as encouraged by their audience as much as Cody was and seemed to have found new depths to himself.
In the very corner of Cody’s vision Fives gestured at his cock, already erect again. That man didn’t know when to quit; it was going to get him in trouble one of these days.
“Maybe you can’t go twice this quick, but they gave me a little extra.”
Rex laughed, sharp and mocking. “He has the entire Command batch to pick from, and he still picked me, what do you think that says about how well I fuck him? But you, three months out of ARC training thing you could satisfy Commander Fucking Cody? He’d eat you alive.”
“Rex,” Cody said, it felt like the first conscious choice he’d made about what left his mouth in a while. Rex was getting distracted, and Cody was feeling greedy; he wanted all of Rex’s attention for himself, he wanted the attention of every man in this room, but he needed Rex’s.
“I’d help,” Vector said suddenly, apparently rediscovering the conference he’d had at the start of the night. “Hold him down while Fives fucks him. Sunny could suck him off.”
Sunny made a pleased noise that made it very clear what he made of that idea.
Rex growled, fixing Vector with a glare, one he had learnt from Cody himself, that was normally enough to scare anyone with an ounce of self-preservation into silence; Cody was almost honoured that the desire to fuck him was enough to make that include almost no one in the room as the increasingly detailed mutterings of how they would take him apart didn’t pause even for a second.
“Can you imagine the sounds he’d make if you edged him? He was begging almost before Rex touched him, imagine if you denied him for hours. He’s be so fucking pretty that desperate,” a 501st man said.
“Forget that, I want to see how he looks three orgasms in and being worked up to another one, so thoroughly fucked he can’t even hold himself upright.” And that was definitely Lieutenant Janad.
Rex pushed deep into Cody, balls resting up against Cody’s ass, abandoning the promised hard fucking to grind deep inside Cody while he put their increasingly bold audience in their place.
Cody bit back a grin, everything felt so good, Rex surrounding him, Fives posturing, the impossible mix of reverence and debasement from his men. But he wanted to come, and Rex needed to be brought back to task. Di'kut the lot of them.
“Hardly a brag that you need three men to do the job I do alone. If you thin-”
Cody clenched hard  around Rex’s cock and he interrupted his monologue with a shocked gasp, curling forward, almost losing his balance and toppling onto Cody. Fives failed to fully stifle his laugh and Rex gave Cody a betrayed look.
Cody laughed breathily, pulling Rex down to kiss him.
“I was doing a thing,” Rex grumbled, but accepted the kiss.
“You’re an idiot.” Cody kissed him again. “I love you.”
Rex huffed out a laugh of his own. He held Cody’s face between his hands, their audience momentarily forgotten. The warmth in Rex’s eyes, and the fond curl to his lip affected Cody more than perhaps anything else Rex had given him that evening.
“That’s kinda  sweet actually,” Janad said to some murmured agreement.
“Show them,” Cody said, hands roaming across Rex’s shoulders and down his chest, touching him everywhere he could reach. “Show them how well you fuck me, please, Rex, I’m close.”
Rex bit at Cody’s mouth, catching his lip between sharp teeth and tugging before pulling back to give him the best angle. Rex had brought him close a couple of times already, each time backing off before Cody could come, but there was a determination that made it clear Cody wasn’t going to have to wait much longer.
“I want to see him break,” Nebula said. He had stood from his bunk, him and a couple others joining Vector and Sunny crowding the bottom of the bed, leering at Cody over Rex’s shoulder. Cody glanced at each of them but his gaze was pulled back to Rex as his partner hiked his hips even higher.
It was barely even a stretch now when Rex pulled most of the way out of him only to slid that burning heat deep back inside. There was lube leaking out around Rex’s cock and coating the inside of Cody’s thighs and a line of pre-come sliding down from his cock towards his chest, more pumped out with each thrust of Rex’s hips and slide of his hand.
It didn’t take much before he was right on the cusp of coming again, each time Rex moved inside him punching a sound out of Cody’s throat. He felt like he had been hard for hours. He jerked up into Rex’s hand, muscles tightening as his orgasm grew, his thighs trembling with the strain of it. Rex was close too, could feel it in the way Rex was holding him and see it in the set of his jaw. Cody tightened around Rex’s cock, his own dick twitching at the low groan it pulled from Rex.
“Just like that, Cody,” Rex said, “You feel so good.”
“Rex,” he managed, the tension throughout his body growing to almost too much. He was already past the point of no return, caught between the heat of Rex inside him, and the heat of Rex’s hand around him. He grabbed at Rex’s shoulders as he came with a wordless moan, the building heat and strain across his body hitting the edge he’d been chasing all night. He tumbled over it, his muscles relaxing all at once as his orgasm hit him, an intoxicating mix of relief and intensity. Pleasure coiled outward, his whole body suddenly warm and lax.
One of the watching clones swore colourfully.
Rex’s pace stuttered, as Cody broke underneath him, the scene all but forgotten. He managed only a couple more thrusts into Cody before he hit own limit and came with a choked off cry of Cody’s name. He spilt deep inside Cody, hips flush together, dropping Cody’s legs as he was overtaken by his own pleasure.
Come streaked up Cody’s chest almost to his neck, hands dropping from Rex, eyes closed as he rode out the aftershocks. He collapsed into the damp sheets, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Rex hunched over him, his own breathing equally laboured, head resting on Cody’s shoulder. They were still for a moment, the room either finally stunned to silence or Cody was just too out of it to hear. Rex pressed a clumsy open mouthed kiss to the side of Cody’s neck, the strength in his hold on Cody evaporating in post-orgasm bonelessness.
Cody clutched at Rex’s shoulders, to ground himself, a reminder that he was flesh and blood and not about to slip away into nothing. It had been a long time since he’d come like that.
The noise of the room around them slipped back in, the familiar sound of masturbating and men following their example and finding someone to help them get off.  Cody felt lightheaded.
He clasped his hands behind Rex’s head pulling him out from his neck to kiss him, as uncoordinated and lazy as Rex’s own attempts.
“Love you,” he mumbled into Rex’s mouth, feeling Rex’s lips curl against his.
“Love you too.” Rex paused, and made a face. “But I’m also going to cramp, hold on.”
Cody grinned, laughter bubbling in chest.
Rex pulled out of him, bringing lube and come with him, dipping out down the inside of Cody’s legs and onto the bed below. One of Rex’s favourite tricks was to turn Cody over and eat his own mess out of Cody’s sloppy hole, but even after sharing far more of his sex life with his men than he had ever intended Cody felt he would rather that habit remain between just them. The sheets were already filthy with sweat anyway, what was a little more bodily fluid?
Rex didn’t seem up it either way, as immediately upon extracting himself from Cody flopped back down on top of him. Cody stroked the softness of his buzzed hair. Rex hummed happily.
Someone came with a loud groan of what Cody suspected was his own name. He had assumed that once he had come, and he was no longer thinking more with his cock than his head he would feel embarrassed by his actions - real embarrassment, the sort that tied his stomach in knots, not the embarrassment they had played with in the scene, where the scandal was half of the fun - but despite his concern he was still utterly relaxed. He was going to get shit for this once the CCs found out, and they would, they always did, but he felt like he would be able to shrug it off and very honestly say it had been worth it.
It might even be better for how annoyed Fox would be.
“You good, Cody?” Rex asked.
He nodded.
“Yeah, just, uh, it was a lot.” Cody said. “You?”
Rex hummed again, a deep, satisfied noise. “I’m fantastic.”
There was the sound of footsteps and Blue was standing over him, normally messy hair even messier.  Rex propped himself up on one elbow, glaring at the man who had dared interrupt their post-orgasm bliss. He was mollified almost immediately.
“Here, Sir.” Blue handed Rex a damp cloth and Cody remembered exactly why this man was being considered for a promotion. Cody decided to pretend he was imagining the dark spot on the groin of Blue’s blacks.
“Vector and Sunny look like they are doubling up if you want a clean bunk.” Blue gestured to a bed across the room.
“Thank you,” Rex said, also seemingly a little lost on how he should interact with everyone now the scene had ended.
Blue had no such reservations and saluted Rex, rotated just enough so that he was facing Cody’s straight on and clicked his heels in a second salute, as though Cody wasn’t still naked on his back, lube and come dribbling from his asshole.
Utterly unflappable.
And he would rather like to take Blue up on that offer of the bunk; he had outgrown sleeping on dirty sheets.
The cloth was cool against his overheated skin as Rex wiped up first the mess he’d made on his stomach and then down between Cody’s legs. He inhaled sharply as the cloth passed between his checks and over his sensitive rim, but even the most insatiable parts of him agreed that they were done for the night. Finally, folding the cloth over on itself to find a still clean section Rex gave his own crotch a once over. It wasn’t really enough, they were both still covered in a fine sheen of sweat, but Cody didn’t think his legs would hold him long enough to shower, even if he could face the communal freshers.
He’d been naked around enough of his men for one night.
“You want some water, Commander?” Fives asked, because apparently everyone was desperate to be helpful now. It was reassuring in a lot of ways, he wouldn’t know if he’d completely fucked up the chain of command until later, but now the scene had ended everyone seemed to be falling back into something that resembled polite interaction.
“Thank you.” He pushed himself upright, untangling himself from Rex only after reminding himself it would only be for a minute before he could cuddle up against him again, all the better for a clean bed and a cold drink.
Rex didn’t let him go very fair anyway, shifting to sit up against him, pressed together from thigh to shoulder.
Cody took the offered water bottle, noting absently that his hands were shaking just a little. He drank the cold water gratefully, very aware of his body’s needs now that they had finished. He wouldn’t have said no to something to eat either but sleep, and crawling back on top of Rex felt more immediately pressing.
He passed the bottle over to Rex who took a grateful couple of mouthfuls of his own.
“Something to be said for delegating the aftercare,” Rex said, nudging Cody’s shoulder with his own.
Cody snorted. “Maybe we should always have a shiny on hand to bring us fresh bedding and hand feed us fruit after sex.”
Fives opened his mouth to say something, but Cody shot him a look and he wisely snapped his mouth shut. Wordlessly, Fives took the empty water bottle back. It was nice to know publicly begging for cock hadn’t robbed him of his ability to glare men into silence.
“Fresh blacks for both of you on Vector’s bunk, Sir,” Janad called from across the room.
“Not sure about morale, but it certainly seems to have improved inter-battalion coordination,” Rex said, sounding genuinely impressed.
Cody rolled his eyes, painfully fond. “The 212th and 501st worked together just fine before I got my dick out.”
Rex laughed and stood, pulling Cody after him by his hand as he crossed the room over to Vector’s bunk
“I don’t know, I certainly feel like the inter-battalion coordination of certain officers is improved when you get your dick out.”
Cody groaned but didn’t try to hide is smile
Passing Rex the bottom half of one of the sets of clean blacks before climbing into his own, struggling with sluggish limbs that didn’t want to work the way he expected them to. He left the shirts folded at the bottom of the bed, sinking down into what passed as a mattress, tugging Rex impatiently after him. It only took them a second to arrange themselves how they wanted, cuddled up against each other.
“That was good,” Rex said, tracing aimless shapes onto the skin of Cody’s back. “Didn’t expect to get so into it.”
“If they don’t keep us up all night with their attempts to recreate our best hits, maybe we can give them another show in the morning,” Cody teased.
Rex’s chest rumbled under Cody’s head as he laughed. “Don’t say that too loud, they’ll get ideas.”
Cody grinned. He could think of worse outcomes.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 4 years
Commander Cody x Reader: Baby Troubs
Author’s Note:  Wow, so sorry that I couldn’t be more creative with the name XD.  This was what I called the document when I was writing it, and I’m too lazy to think of a better one.
This was inspired by my niece who is currently a smol baby that I get to go home to every day.  She is a lot sassier than this fictional baby, though.  My niece cries a lot, bruh.  But she does smile much more nowadays, and it makes me melt every time.  
So enjoy your serving of Cody fluff because I sure am.  I need some good Clone Wars content in my life since that finale.  Oyyyyy.  What does a gal gotta’ do for some awkward Cody being awkward around a baby and secretly crushing on a jedi?  Well, here we are. 
  “It’s...a youngling, sir.”
  Cody sighed at the obvious statement.  He shot the trooper a look through his visor before turning his attention to the bundle in front of him.  The baby lay there quietly, swaddled by someone before being left behind amongst the rubble.
  “Poor thing,” the trooper spoke up again.  “Parents must’ve been taken away by clankers in the raid.”
  “So it seems, Graf,” Cody nodded.
  “The question is,” Graf paused. “What do we do with the kid?”
  “I’m trying to figure that out myself.  Maybe pick her up?  Probably not good for her to be laying on the ground like that… But, how?  Is there a certain way to do it?”
  Graf shrugged.  “Never picked up a baby before, sir.”
  “What’s the hold up, gentlemen?” you walked into the remains of the civilian structure that had been destroyed by Separatist droids.  Your eyes went from Cody’s visor to the trooper’s, and then found the baby on the ground.
  “Oh my goodness, is that a baby? Aw, the poor darling,” you gasped.  As if on cue, the baby burst out crying, attempting to tell you of her woes.  “Why is this baby still on the floor?”  You knelt down and carefully picked the child up, gently supporting the head, and brought her to rest against your chest.
  “We weren’t exactly sure how,” Cody mumbled.  “I’ve never dealt with an infant before.”
  “It’s not too difficult,” you smirked.  “It’s nothing a big, strong commander like you couldn’t handle, I’m sure”
  Graf snickered, but straightened up after a look from the commander’s visor. 
  “Let’s set up camp in this area for the night.  This way, the troopers can rest, and I can tend to this little one.”
  “Good idea,” he agreed.  Cody started barking orders to the men, and they got to work on getting the camp set up.  You walked around, gently rocking the youngling. The group medic came forward and checked her for any injuries or other health issues.
  “She’s in good health,” he concluded.  You couldn’t help but notice the look of adoration on his face.  “However, she may be hungry. I’ll go fetch some formula from the emergency supplies for civilians in need.”
  “Wonderful.  Thank you.”  You nodded.  “I’ll keep an eye on her for a bit.”  After the medic left, you continued talking to the youngling and even resorted to making silly faces to get her to smile.  She flashed you several toothless grins, making you laugh.
  “We should probably start working on a strategy for moving forward,” Cody spoke up behind you.  He had removed his bucket and held it against his side.
  “I’m a little busy right now,” you replied, not even looking up.  Then, you smiled and said in a baby voice, “Commandew Cody is being too sewious.”  The baby giggled.
  He raised a brow.  “I’m just trying to be practical.  One of the medics can keep an eye on her.”
  “No, that won’t do.”  You shook your head.  “I’m not going to kiss this opportunity to be around a baby ‘goodbye.’  I never get to be around them.”
  “But, _________,” he protested.  
  “Cody, relax.  We’re going to work on a strategy.  I just want a little time with her, that’s all.”
  At that, he went silent.  Several minutes passed by as you hummed to the baby.  You figured Cody had given up and left.  To your surprise, he approached and looked at the infant over your shoulder.  He simply watched as you booped her on the nose, and it wasn’t long before you caught him smiling.
  “Isn’t she cute?”
  The smile faltered at the realization you saw him, but he couldn’t keep it hidden for long.  “Yes, she is,” he admitted.
  “Would you like to hold her?”
  At that, his eyes widened and he stepped back.  “I don’t know about that.”
  “Oh, come on.  It’ll be fine.”  You looked at the baby.  “That’s Cody.  He’s a handsome one, isn’t he?”
  The baby cooed in response, as if she agreed.
  Cody was trying very hard to hold back a smirk.  “That’s hardly appropriate.”
  “We’re just having girl talk.  Don’t pretend that you don’t find me attractive too.”
  “W-what?” he sputtered, and it was amusing to see him suddenly get so flustered.
  “A little bird told me you admitted to some of your troops that you find me attractive.”
  “That was a while back,” he defended quickly, looking absolutely mortified.  “We were off duty, playing cards, and someone asked me, and- It does not change the respect I have for you.  I can assure you-”
  “Cody,” you chuckled.  “I’m flattered, not at all disrespected.”
  The baby was smiling her toothless smile as she watched the exchange, completely oblivious to what was being said, but entertained nonetheless.  You rocked her gently and took a stroll around the debris.  
  The commander’s eyes followed you, but he was still too flustered to say another word.  If he was being honest, it was more than just attraction that drew him to you.  You were one of the most light-hearted and understanding jedi he had ever met, but no less skilled and dependable.  You were kind, compassionate, hard-working, and ever hopeful.  He admired you.  He more than admired you.  You two had served together many times and even become close friends, hence your playful banter earlier.  If that were anyone else, he wouldn’t stand for it in front of his troops.
  Seeing you walk around with the baby in your arms wasn’t helping him push away these forbidden feelings. 
  The war raged on.  You were a jedi, and he was a soldier.  There could be no relationship, let alone a family.  Even so, there was no way you felt the same way about him, right?
  You looked up from the baby, a dazzling smile on your face.  You picked up her hand gently and made her wave at him, and he internally face-palmed when he found himself automatically waving back.  You laughed.
  “So, Commander,” you spoke up, smile faltering.  “A deal’s a deal.  When that medic gets back, he can take over with her so we can work on strategy.”
  He wasn’t sure why, but he felt a twinge in his chest.  He hated to be the one who caused that smile to leave your face.
  “Er, I was getting a bit ahead of myself before.” Cody cleared his throat.  “You know how I am sometimes.  We have plenty of time to strategize.  Why don’t you keep an eye on her for a while longer until we locate her family?  She seems to like you.”
  “Are you sure?”
  He nodded.
  There was that smile on your face again.
  “And, um, __________?” he asked.
  “Can you show me how to hold her?”  He cleared his throat again.  “In case I ever come across a baby again, that is.”
  “Of course.  Good thinking.”  You approached and showed him how to support the baby’s head.  Cody’s eyes widened as he held her.  
  “She’s so small,” he murmured.  “I’m holding a little person in my hands.”
  “Isn’t it something?” you mused, running a hand over the blonde peach fuzz that was growing on the top of her head.  “She’s sporting a Captain Rex look.”
  At that, Cody burst into laughter.  The baby giggled in response, still not sure what was happening but thought it was funny for some reason.  “You need to take a holo-pic and send it to General Skywalker,” he told you.
  You held up the device, grinning.  “Already on it.”
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lifeofclonewars · 4 years
Listen listen, okay, so the Battle of Rishi pushed back the Battle of Kamino by months.
That's a big karking deal.
Do you think the story becomes a legend like Geonosis and Christophsis and Teth? Especially as the war goes on and all these events that took place at the beginning of the war seem like a lifetime ago and more and more troopers join the forces who were still on Kamino for these events.
The survivors of these events become a big deal. They survived massacres and are still going strong and may be deeply traumatized and scarred, but they're still fighting in more ways than one.
Everyone on Kamino hears about Rishi. The brothers who might be the reason why they're alive now, having still been on Kamino at that point. They all hear how eight men ran the station and only 4 left the planet, two who were commanding officers and not actually stationed there.
They may not know the full story of Domino, but they know the ending.
Fives and Echo, last-standing batchmates turned ARCs gain status not unlike Rex and Cody and Bly and all the others that have half-believable stories and rumors about them making their way through the ranks and Kamino. If you get to see, let alone fight alongside one of these men, you've got bragging rights and a moment (or more) of popularity.
Rumors fly: a pair of brothers so in sync they not only move together, sometimes they speak together. A pair of brothers who rose from the ashes of Rishi and became some of the best ARCs the army's ever seen. A pair of brothers who the Captain Rex would trust his life with. A pair of brothers who have stood together since decantation and won't go down easily.
Time passes and the rumors stay strong. They stay strong despite what happens. Suddenly, the rumors contain a lot of were's and no longer are's.
And soon enough, if a trooper sees Fives, they know.
They know he is the last Domino standing.
And troopers watch and they see that this Fives doesn't quite line up with the stories. (But how much did they beforehand? They don't know) Something has changed him, ever so slightly but just enough. Just enough to see and know and understand.
Respect and awe for him only grow, not that he wants it. Not like this, at least.
And then, all the Dominos have fallen. Next to nobody knows what happened (the Chancellor won't allow it), but suddenly they're gone. Only the stories and rumors stay. They live on, unable to be forgotten by the troopers
(Echo, when he returns, receives some of the same treatment as Fives did after, but not quite. Next to nobody learns about his reappearance besides the 501st and the Bad Batch. Those that learn within the 501st, though, who aren't his closest brothers, that's where he finds it most.)
But still, rumors spread and brother passed to brother the story of how Domino Squad saved their lives and went from five to two to one to none to one again.
Even after the Empire rises, you can hear rumors among both the stormtroopers and the rebels about how there might be the final Domino out there, still surviving the impossible. They wait and wait and they never hear about how the last Domino falls.
(And Echo smiles as much as he'll allow himself and remember his batch and Fives and everything he's been through and all the laughably-wrong rumors he's heard about himself.
He's the last Domino and when he falls, he's taking the Empire with him.
Then, maybe then, he can see his brothers once more and they can finally put some of those rumors to rest. Finally together again.)
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hellowkatey · 4 years
Febuwhump Day 13
Prompt: hiding injury 
Read on AO3
Note: I connected the next three Febuwhump days within the same plot, so day 14 and 15 will be parts 2 and 3. 
The Further I Fall 
With a parka zipped all the way up to his chin, hood up, two layers of snow pants, and his arms crossed against his chest loosely (since his many layers of clothing have decreased his range of motion), General Skywalker has never looked more like a pouting child. Rex watches in utter amusement as he quarrels with a very tired looking General Kenobi.
"Hoth? You realize when people describe cold icy hells, they are actually talking about Hoth, right?"
"We're not taking a vacation, Anakin, this is a mission and you are welcome to stay on the ship if you are afraid of a little chill," the Jedi Master replies without even looking up from his datapad. It is an absolute wonder to Rex that Kenobi has put up with Skywalker for over a decade now. He's known the guy for like a year and even that has been draining, albeit, amusing in most cases.
His pouting only increases at that suggestion. "I'm not afraid. And I can't let you go alone, either."
"Cody and Rex will be with me," he says, glancing up as Cody walks into the room in his own cold-weather gear. "Really, Anakin, it's just a recon mission. Checking on a crashed Separatist ship and then we're done." he finally looks at his former padawan. "So are we going to complain, or get this over with?"
The younger Jedi grumbles something that Rex can't hear and stomps away. Sometimes he forgets that Skywalker is still very young. Practically a teenager-- why they gave a teenager another teenager of his own is beyond him, but the Jedi seem to operate a little differently than logic would suggest. He supposes he can't really argue since his brothers are all technically pre-teens in standard time, but at least they have adult development and the ability to grow facial hair.
Rex leans over to Cody and elbows him in the ribs. "How long do you think your Jedi lasts until he blows up on Skywalker?"
Cody raises an eyebrow. "Are you bettering on our generals getting into a fight?"
"Uh, yeah. Have you met them?"
A pause. "Okay, are we talking a verbal or physical fight..."
By the time they reach the surface of Hoth, Rex is shocked by the cold that immediately cuts straight to his bones. No matter how many layers he thought was sufficient, he was wrong. Luckily his armor hides the shake of his body and his helmet modulates out the chattering of his teeth.
"We shall make this quick," General Kenobi yells over the wind as they walk from the ship. It takes a moment for Rex to see it through the raging storm, but he soon can make out the outline of a Separatist cruiser half-buried in the snow. Their intelligence indicated it crashed only a week ago by Hoth standards, but you wouldn't know it by looking at the ice-covered ship. Already it seems to be feeling the effects of the cold, some parts looking to be concaved in either from the crash or the weight of the snow. The ship is quickly becoming a permanent part of the landscape.
They find an entrance and slip into the ship, which is thankfully resting on its belly. Thankfully, these ships are made for deep space and have the insulation to keep the cold out at least a little bit. Rex can see the general's breaths forming clouds, but it's better than the bitter windchill from outside.
"What a dump," Skywalker mutters as they traverse the ruined halls.
"Agreed," Rex whispers back. They aren't exactly sure what they'll find-- hopefully an operational computer they can download data from, but taking out a few cold clankers would also be a plus. So far all the droids seem to have had a bad time in the crash. Their parts are scattered around at random, a head here, half an arm there. Rex and Cody kick a ball socket from the hinge of their elbows back and forth to one another as they walk.
"So let me get this straight," Skywalker starts, an edge in his voice that Rex knows well. "They sent two Generals, and two high ranking troopers to walk through an abandoned ship at the edge of hell?"
"You must be forgetting the part of the council meeting where they assigned only you to the mission, and you managed to rope me into accompanying you."
Skywalker grimaces, and Rex smirks under his mask. "But what about Rex and Cody?"
"They volunteered."
"Someone's got to watch your back, sir," Rex grins.
Maybe the universe decided to make Rex put his credits where his mouth is because the ship lets out a low groan and suddenly their horizontal trek down the hall becomes vertical. Rex hardly has time to react before falling onto his back and slipping down the hallway like some sort of demented slide.
"Hold on!" he hears General Kenobi yell out, and suddenly Rex is being thrown in a direction that is not in line with gravity. He and Skywalker collapse into a heap on the wall beside a blast door, Rex's armor crashing into the electrical panel and shattering the display. The door slams closed with an echoing boom.
"Obi-Wan!" Skywalker groans, looking wide-eyed around the wall they now sit on. "Self-sacrificing, bastard," he curses, realizing that he and Rex are alone on one side of the blast door, and assumedly Kenobi and Cody are on the other. He reaches for his commlink to contact Cody, but to his dismay, that too was crunched in the fall.
"Alright, the ship's structural integrity is probably compromised so we ought to--"
Skywalker doesn't wait for whatever Rex has to say before thrusting his lightsaber into the wall. I don't know why I even try.
If there is an argument he knows he can't win, it's anything that involves getting between the Jedi. Rex learned very quickly it is better to just let them do whatever it is they think is the next step. Skywalker cuts out a circle in the wall and moments later it drops into the hallway below. Rex internally counts how long it takes to hit-- 1...2...3...4...5...6
The piece of durasteel slams into something that is definitely not the wall of a ship. It makes a transperisteel-like shattering noise that resonates back up through the vertical corridor, but that is not what concerns Rex primarily. The time it took to fall makes him nervous. He glances up at the Jedi, wondering if he too is concerned they heard no noise from below. No yell of surprise at a falling piece of durasteel or even talking amongst the General and Cody.
"I got you, Rex," Skywalker says, standing at the edge of the hole. Rex, again, knows what's coming. The Jedi doesn't think twice before jumping down through the hole, and Rex-- having done this song and dance a few times with the Jedi follows close behind. He's plummeting through complete darkness, the updraft nearly sending his helmet flying off his head. Rex squeezes his eyes shut, knowing nothing he does now can save him-- it's up to Skywalker.
Sure enough, he gets the strange sensation of the air around him thickening, slowing his velocity until he is practically floating right above the floor. His general releases him from his Force powers, and Rex's boots land with a solid thud on the ground. From the light of Skywalkers' saber, he can see why the durasteel circle didn't make the noise he expected-- it appears in this portion of the ship was torn apart, giving way to the interior of an icy glacier.
So where are Kenobi and Cody?
"Rex," General Skywalker says, having walked up ahead a little further. He can now see the large tunnel that goes deeper into the icy mountain. There is a clammer, and then to the clone captain's surprise, the tunnel illuminates. Skywalker stands at a control panel, staring pensively down the lit-up passage.
"Sir, I don't think this ship crash was an accident," Rex says. He scans the entrance using a thermal scan in his helmet. Most of it is a bright white or blue, but thankfully there are faint yellow footprints leading down the tunnel. Two pairs of them. Rex walks up next to Skywalker, turning off the display. "Looks like General Kenobi and Cody decided to check it out."
Skywalker seems to have relaxed by this news, shaking his head. "And they didn't even think to wait for us."
As much as Obi-Wan was hoping he would have the time to use the Force to cushion his own fall, he supposes slamming into a wall of ice and snow works as well. The sudden change of medium surprises him, as he was expecting to reach out for a durasteel wall.
The impact knocks the wind out of him completely, and for a few long moments, he's worried he'll blackout. Pins and needles run up his arms and legs, but he isn't sure if it's due to the cold or the fall.
Thankfully, the shift of the ship must have caused a blanket of fresh powder to gather in the exact spot he landed, giving him just enough cushioning to keep him conscious. While Anakin might argue this is a moment for him to believe in luck, Obi-Wan would argue that the shard of ice that has embedded itself in his back would beg to differ.
He lies there for a moment, a little afraid to move just yet. Obi-Wan takes a quick assessment of his condition. The shard isn't horribly long-- maybe the length of his thumb, and it seems to have missed his vital organs.
The concern will be for his ribs. He can definitely feel at least one broken-- if not completely shattered-- which could be bad news if he has to move too much.
In summary, he will live. He will be fine once they get off this Force-forsaken wasteland, and an upside to the cold is it will make him numb to the pain for a little while. Nature's anesthetic.
Obi-Wan hears rustling around nearby. He wonders who landed with him-- he's fairly sure he managed to get two to safety on the other side of the blast doors and aid the fall of a third down to the lower levels with him. A moment later, the visor of Commander Cody appears over him.
"General! Are you alright?"
Okay, so Cody is here, meaning Rex and Anakin are above. Sure enough, when he reaches out with the Force, he senses two strong presences nearby. They appear to be uninjured, which is a relief. Obi-Wan lifts his hand, ignoring the sharp pain that comes from his side as he does so. "Quite alright, Cody." The commander helps him to his feet, and Obi-Wan finally gets a better look at their location.
"It seems the ship was resting on a hinge point, and our weight caused it to topple, sir."
"Fantastic," he says dryly. "And conveniently it has deposited us at the mouth of some sort of tunnel or cave."
"Appears so."
"My old master used to tell me there was no such thing as coincidences," he says shaking his head. Of course, a simple recon mission would turn into finding a secret hideaway. The question is, who's hideaway? "Shall we?"
They begin down the hall, Obi-Wan allowing Cody to lead while he covertly tears off pieces of his tunic and stuffs them into the puncture wound to keep pressure. When he's finally satisfied that the makeshift bandage will hold for a little while he catches up with the commander. As they get deeper into the passage, the icy tunnel turns more and more manufactured. Durasteel beams offer supports, and Obi-Wan spots some lighting periodically. Perhaps it is a good thing the lights aren't on... hopefully means nobody is home.
"Who in their right mind would set up shop on Hoth?" Cody says, his teeth obviously chattering under his helmet.
"Probably not someone in their right mind," Obi-Wan smiles. "I suppose it's a desolate location. The chances of being found are very slim."
"Unless a Seppie ship crashes into you. From the looks of the construction, this place has been around for far longer than the ship."
Obi-Wan has a bad feeling about this. Maybe it's skewed by his steadily bleeding wound, but it just seems strange to him that a ship would crash right on top of some sort of secret tunnel. All of Hoth and it reveals this?
Suddenly the lights flicker to life, revealing the tunnel opens up ahead of them into a larger area. He and Cody look up and behind them in surprise.
"What are the odds that was Rex and General Skywalker?" Cody asks, tightening his grip on his blaster.
"I'm optimistic, though, I don't suggest waiting around to find out." Obi-Wan is curious where all of this is leading. They approach the large area, which turns out to be a massive rotunda made entirely of carefully sculpted ice. It's rather grandiose in appearance, but not in practice as his eyes are diverted from the gorgeous ceiling to the remainder of the room. He would expect to see a grand ballroom of sorts, perhaps a dual-staircase traversing delicately down the sides of the slick walls, but no such hidden beauty lies before them.
It's a lab. Operational as of recently from the looks of it. Various tables cluttered with beakers and chemicals make a large U shape in the center of the room, surrounding what seems to be a primitive prototype of a bacta tank.
Most disturbing of all, a tilt-table is bolted to the ground off to the side, its durasteel restraints unlocked, but around the base lies the dark crimson of dried blood. Lots of blood.
"Oh good," Obi-Wan says, sighing deeply. The lab of a mad scientist is not at all what he expected to find (they must be crazy to set up on Hoth of all places). He is unwillingly reminded of a particularly sensitive portion of his padawan years where Qui-Gon was abducted by Jenna Zan Arbor to try and figure out the scientific basis of Jedi powers. He was tortured, his blood drained so he was kept on the very brink of death in hopes for her to study Force healing.
She also took Anakin once. Escaped yet again. Every time they come close to finding her, she manages to slip away. Though it has been years since she was committed to the cause of figuring out how the Force works, he is still uneasy by what he sees. He can't deny the similarities in the set-ups.
Cody walks further into the cavern carefully, but Obi-Wan suddenly feeling a bit weak decides to stay back and watch the tunnel entrance. He watches as the clone commander takes a holovid of the scene, careful to step over the puddles of blood.
"Hard to tell with the cold," Cody says as he finishes his assessment. "But I'd say it's been abandoned about a week."
"Ship crash probably scared them off... Whoever it is."
Cody bends down to take a sample of the blood, but in Obi-Wan's vision there seem to be two of him. He is quite sure they didn't bring a second 212th member though.
Footsteps echo through the tunnel, and his instincts kick in. He grabs his lightsaber, igniting it and whirling around to meet whoever runs after them. The Force is murky now, only confusing him more. Two figures appear from the dim lighting, one in armor and the other with floppy brown hair. Obi-Wan blinks, taking a staggering step forward.
"Master?" he mutters, his lightsaber dropping to his side and rolling away from him.
"Obi-Wan?" the man yells, his name echoing multiple times through the chamber.
"Master watch out! It's Arbor!"
He's on his knees, vision tunneling. A hand rests on his back, carefully yet frantically tugging at him to look up but his head is heavy.
"I'm fine," he says as his world is turned upside down and now he's staring at the beautiful ceiling, which is very quickly fading away. "I'm okay."
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colehasapen · 4 years
(CHAPTER 4) there's a river full of memory STAR WARS
Rating: T
They arrive to restrained chaos. The panic of the troopers hits Ahsoka like a solid wall the moment they step off of the Twilight and into the Negotiator’s hangar, and the teenager stumbles without fully meaning to, her stomach churning like the time she had eaten a bad nuna bird as a youngling. She’s so used to the Negotiator being suffused with a comforting blanket of her grandmaster’s calming presence that it completely takes her by surprise.
Distracted as he is, Rex still manages to catch her, the worried furrow of his brows deepening as he grips her elbow. The contact with her captain is grounding in a way her tumultuous bond with her Master isn’t, and allows her to focus on Rex’s muffled distress instead of the panic and fear that lines the Negotiator like an oppressive cloud.
Skyguy’s mood sours even further the longer they stand without any member of Ghost Company acknowledging them. The hangar is completely barren of any living souls, save for the two Jedi and the small group of troopers they had brought with them on board; most of the fighters and shuttles went with the rest of the 212th to join up with Master Plo, leaving just a skeleton crew of Ghost Company and the deck crew to man the star destroyer. But still, even with their General… indisposed, and their crew halved, it wasn’t incharacter for any of Master Obi-Wan’s troopers to not have someone waiting to greet them.
It’s making the squad of troopers with them antsy.
“The Ghosts are really dropping the droidpopper today.” Ahsoka hears Jesse mutter, before huffing when one of his brothers elbows him in response.
Worried, Ahsoka looks at her Master, “Do you think Master Obi-Wan is hurt?”
“He’ll be fine once he gets turned back.” Master Anakin growls, and it makes Ahsoka’s montrails twitch. He’s already stressed and tense, and he’s steadily stiffening further, his anger and distress radiating off of him in waves, so heavy that it makes Ahsoka’s head hurt. He and Master Obi-Wan have a relationship she doubts she’ll ever understand, alternating between antagonistic and brotherly depending on the day; their personalities just seem to clash more often than not. They love and care for each other, Ahsoka can tell, but they always end up arguing about things, though maybe it’s just their thing.
Ahsoka worries about her master, just as she’s worried about her grandmaster; she can imagine that waking up in a strange place surrounded by strangers would be a scary situation, especially for a young Force Sensitive who had likely been told about the history of slavers and Force Sensitive children like Ahsoka had been growing up. He must be scared, so far away from the Temple and away from other Force Sensitives, Ahsoka knows that she had struggled at first, but at least she’d always had her lineage around, but she also knows that the 212th, and Commander Cody especially, wouldn’t let anything happen to their General without putting them between him and the threat. Master Anakin though - he’d been off balance since he’d learned about what had happened to his former master while he wasn’t there with him, it seemed to have flipped all these switches in Skyguy’s head, and he’s been in turmoil since.
Ahsoka had offered to meditate with him while they were in hyperspace like the masters at the Temple had taught her to, the way she had seen Master Obi-Wan do, but her master had turned her down, sending her off to work on her coursework instead.
Finally, the doors to the hangar hiss open, letting a trooper that Ahsoka quickly recognizes as Waxer by his shaved head and the strange hairy thing under his lip that she remembers him calling his ‘soul patch’ - whatever that means, Ahsoka had long since learned that Humans were strange - rush in. The Lieutenant looks flustered, eyes frantically darting around in search of something, and he’s hurrying over to them. It’s usually Master Obi-Wan or Commander Cody who welcomes them on board in the few instances that they’ve boarded the Negotiator, and seeing someone else increases Ahsoka’s worry that something had happened to her grand master, beyond the de-aging thing.
“General Skywalker! Commander Tano!” Waxer salutes distractedly, eyes still roaming, and Skyguy crosses his arms over his chest, scowling.
“Where’s Commander Cody, trooper?” Waxer winces visibly, eyes skittering, but Master Anakin’s gaze narrows into a pointed glare.
“There was a-” Waxer hesitates, likely trying to figure out the best way to word why his Commander hadn’t come without risking Cody being punished, “-an emergency, that came up.” He says lamely, awkwardly, and then he winces when Master Anakin’s mood doesn’t lighten and his glare darkens instead. The Lieutenant sighs, muttering something under his breath that sounds like a curse to Ahsoka’s montrails, before he straightens further, emotions falling into a state that Ahsoka recognizes from troopers making a report. “We were in the medbay when you arrived, sir, but Kenobi crawled into the vent the moment our backs were turned.” He says in a clipped rush, eyes darting again, and Ahsoka finally realizes that he’s trying to keep every vent cover in sight. Smart kid, honestly, but Ahsoka isn’t surprised - it’s Master Obi-Wan - of course he’d wait for the moment someone wasn’t looking to try to make an escape from the people that, for all he knew, were holding him hostage. “No one else fits, and he seems to have grown comfortable around Commander Cody, so he’s trying to coax Kenobi out.” And of course he’d feel the most comfortable around Commander Cody, Ahsoka isn’t so young as to not have noticed the imprints of Master Obi-Wan’s presence in his Commander’s Force Signature, and with how much they work together, it’s not surprising that her grand master had left something behind on his troopers - and those of the 501st.
“You lost him?” Skyguy sounds furious, stepping forward to loom over the trooper, and Waxer stares back at him, something nervous sparking in his dark eyes.
Silently, Ahsoka prods her master through their bond, giving him a small pointed frown. It makes the Knight startle slightly, his aggression dissipating, and suddenly his body language loosens, and he steps away from Waxer with a heavy sigh and an apologetic wince.
Flustered and stressed, and likely running on more stims that was healthy, her master rubs an aggressive hand through his messy hair. He’s quiet for a long moment, and Ahsoka can feel him trying to release his heavier emotions into the Force while Waxer watches him, mute wariness in his signature.
Master Anakin makes him nervous, Ahsoka realizes, something like dread pooling in her stomach. She can’t understand why though; Skyguy is a great warrior, an even better Jedi, and he’d never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it.
Maybe he just wasn’t used to seeing someone like Master Anakin? He’d be used to Master Obi-Wan, after all, who was so reserved with his emotions, so no wonder Skyguy’s habit of wearing his emotions on his sleeve would make him a little uneasy in the long run. It wasn’t like they worked with the 212th often. Usually when they had to work together, Master Obi-Wan would join the 501st and leave command of his Battalion to Cody, so there was little reason for one of Ghost’s scout Lieutenants to interact with another General whose specialty lay with frontal assaults.
“I can’t feel him anymore.” Master Anakin admits quietly, and Ahsoka’s lek twitches in a wince. She knows what he means. “Our bond is -” he flounders for words for a moment, “- weird right now.” The Knight settles on. “It’s there, but at the same time it’s not. It leads to nowhere.” He sighs thunderously, anxiety in their bond, and Ahsoka sends him a brush of comfort that has his shoulders loosening further, looking frustrated but defeated. “The Force feels strange.”
“It’s been a strange day, General.” Waxer agrees, head tilting, and there’s a hint of nervous humour shining in his signature.
Master Anakin huffs out a strained laugh, “That’s one way of putting it.” He gestures for Waxer to take the lead, and the Lieutenant salutes. As they stride through the empty halls, Master Anakin asks, “What happened?”
“None of us are really sure, sir.” Waxer admits, “The mission to the surface went off without a hitch, with minimal casualties. One moment, General Kenobi was studying the relic, and the next there was a youngling there instead.” The trooper hesitates, but most of Ahsoka’s attention has slid towards Rex as his signature buzzes with something muffled, studying him when he lets off a muted wave of pain.
The Captain’s anxiety had been a near-constant static in the back of her head since they had learned what had happened to Master Obi-Wan. Ahsoka had known they were close, had sensed the imprint on Rex her grand master had left behind, and considering how often he ran missions with the 501st it wasn’t too surprising that they had become friends. They had a similar sense of humour, and a mutual friendship with Commander Cody.
“Sir.” Waxer finally says, “What happened on Bandomeer?”
The name sounds familiar to Ahsoka.
Skyguy sends the 212th trooper a puzzled look, “Bandomeer?” He echoes, brows furrowed, and Waxer nods nervously. Master Anakin is quiet for a long moment, thinking. “It’s an Outer Rim territory, near Hutt Space.” Her master says slowly, “I think there’s an Agricorp outpost out there?” He rubs his chin, much like Master Obi-Wan does when he’d trying to puzzle something out, and it makes Ahsoka giggle quietly, imagining her master growing a beard like his master’s.
“It would have been twenty-five years ago.” Waxer probes, and Ahsoka perks up.
“There was a slave revolt!” She answers, and everyone looks at her, “We learned about it in modern history. There was a terf war going on, between two mining companies.” She can’t remember all the facts; it had been years since that lesson, back before the War, and before all her lessons changed to center around battle tactics, but Waxer’s intense interest in what she’s saying urges her on. “There was a Darksider that was taking advantage of the situation and was planting bombs, but a Master-Padawan pair stopped them, and helped the slaves free themselves - a lot of those freed still work with the Agricorp on the planet!”
“Huh.” Skyguy says slowly, something bitter in his Force Signature, and it makes Ahsoka’s excitement to share her knowledge on the subject falter. “I thought the Order couldn’t do anything about slavery.”
“I mean, on paper we can’t.” Ahsoka shrugs, “We don’t really have the manpower or numbers to wipe out slavery any more, especially not in the Outer Rim. It sucks, but we try to do what we can when we can.” She looks at her master, confused, because she remembers that they had covered this in ethics classes. “The Senate assigns our missions, vetoes them too, and provides our provisions.” She makes a helpless motion with her hands, but the troopers seem fascinated, and just a little bitter too. They know the horribleness of the Senate better than anyone. “You’ve seen the Senate - the majority is corrupt, people like the Trade Federation and the Banking Clans wouldn’t have a seat otherwise. If there’s slavery on a planet, it’s because the government is looking the other way.” Confused, Ahsoka tilts her head, lekku twitching, “Didn’t you learn about this as an Initiate? There’s a lot of ethics classes on it.”
Her master shrugs helplessly, “I skipped the Initiate stage.” He admits, and Ahsoka stares in shock. “I came to the Order at nine and Obi-Wan took me as a Padawan immediately.”
“Oh, that’s pretty lucky.” She says; he had gotten to skip the uneasy stage of growing up in the Order when anyone wanting to be a Knight and nearing fourteen were desperately looking for a Master to choose them. She shakes herself from remembering it. “Well, uh,” she swallows, “the basics are that, as an extension of the Senate - thanks a lot Ruusaan Reformation, am I right? - the Jedi can’t just show up on a planet without an invitation or an assigned mission.” She shrugs, “If a Knight or a Master can, they’ll disrupt any ring they find, but sometimes it does more damage than good, because there’s no way for us to provide for them, and they can’t provide for themselves, if they don’t have a family to return to, and sometimes the Senate just ends up sending them right back. If they’re young enough, we can use the Foundling Protections in the treatise to have more legal leeway to interfere.” Ahsoka makes a little motion with her hands, like she was finishing a class presentation, and she meets Skyguy’s eyes.
He looks confused, like he had never heard any of this, and Ahsoka wonders why he hadn’t. “Huh.” He says again, going quiet, thoughtful, and there’s stress in Waxer’s signature.
Ahsoka glances at the Ghost trooper, “Why are you asking?”
He hesitates, expression twisting, and he fiddles with his glove, “Is it -” he swallows, “- normal - for twelve year olds to be sent after dar’jetiise?”
“No!” Ahsoka says in horror, imagining someone like Katooni or Zatt facing down someone as vicious and murderous as Ventress. She feels sick, the Force churning around her, “Was Master Obi-Wan -”
Her voice is interrupted by a burst of chatter over Waxer’s comm, distracting them, and Waxer turns his eyes to his vambrace. “- energy is spiking!” A clone is saying, and they’re cut off by a voice Ahsoka recognizes as Cody by his commanding tone.
“Do not touch it-”
The Commander himself is interrupted by a high-pitched whine that has Ahsoka clapping her hands over her montrails with a yelp of pain. The Force is fluctuating wildly, and the Padawan is only vaguely aware of her master doubling over as she screws her eyes shut in the face of the suddenly blinding flash of the Force around them. She can faintly hear the alarmed voices of the clones around her, rising above the ringing of the Force and the static of Waxer’s comm, and Ahsoka slams her shields shut, feeling her master doing the same.
“- the kriff just happened?” She hears Kix snarling, and she’s suddenly aware of her body again, of Rex’s hands on her shoulders, his brown eyes staring at her with alarm.
Ahsoka offers him a strained smile as she blinks the spots out of her eyes, “I’m okay.”
Behind her, a private comm pings.
“This is Waxer.” She turns to look at the trooper, watching his brows furrowing in alarm.
“Waxer, it’s Pace.” Another clone says grimly, “You need to bring General Skywalker to the medbay.” Ahsoka vaguely remembers her grand master’s CMO, but the trooper isn’t a combatant and rarely leaves the Negotiator, so she doesn’t often interact with him. “He’s now officially the highest ranking individual on the cruiser.”
“What happened?” Master Anakin demands, “Did you find Obi-Wan?”
The comm is quiet for a long moment, before the medic sighs, “We found him alright. Yeah. And whatever happened to him?” Pace’s voice shakes slightly, “It looks to be contagious.”
Taglist: @a-mediocre-succulent
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Friends Don’t
****For @mysticperfectionbird****
There were so many better things that I could be doing tonight, like going to 79s with Torrent Company. But there were reports that needed to be done before the official start of our furlough. A soldier’s work is never finished.  
I am sitting at my desk, slowly getting through my reports, when a knock on the door interrupts me. “Who is it?” I ask, thinking it is Fives about ready to drag me to the bar with him and the rest of Torrent.
“Rex,” says a strained voice, “it is Cody. Can I come in?”
I am striding across my room and opening the door before I can even answer. And I take in Cody’s appearance: he is only wearing his blacks, which are soaked in sweat. He looks stressed and tired. “Come on in,” I answer.
Cody looks at me and then looks over my shoulder, a frown forming on his face when he sees the stack on my desk. “I can come back another time,” he starts.
“No,” I say placing a gentle hand on his shoulders, keeping him in place. “It is alright. I can catch up on my paper work another time.”
“No,” Cody says, “I can come by when you are not busy.”
“Cody, the reports can wait,” I allow him entrance into my room and clear a spot off for Cody to sit. “Make yourself comfortable. What is on your mind, Cody?”
Cody sits on my bed and pats the spot next to him, indicating for me to join him. And without further words, both of us allow ourselves to lie on the small bed.
His eyes meet mine while he shrugs. “I-I,” Cody takes a moment to clear his throat, “I had a rough day, and I needed to see you.”
“I know what you mean,” I whisper as I run my fingers through the curly locks of his hair, thinking about the simpler times we shared together – the days when we would curl up in one of our bunks and talk about the day, when we would fall asleep listening to the other breath, when we did not have to worry about the other dying on a battlefield. “And I am glad you came,” I say as I breath in the smell of his hair.
“Really” he asks, “even though I ruined your plans?”
I look down at Cody and let out a small chuckle, “You could never ruin my plans,” I say. “And I don’t think doing reports counts as great plans for the evening.” I look at Cody softly, “But you gave me a reason not to work, to take a much needed break.” Cody gives me a pleased look, “You can stay here as long as you want.”
Cody snuggles closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smile because there are only so few people that Cody would let himself be this vulnerable around and I am fortunate enough to be one of them.
“What happened today,” I ask hesitantly.
“I just got back from a tough mission; we lost a lot of men.” Cody’s hands play with the hem of my shirt. “I tried to get some sleep in my room but all I could see were my brothers dying around me. And I couldn’t stand to be alone; I needed to come some place safe. So, I came here.”
I smile into Cody’s hair. “I am glad you came to me.”
We settle into a comfortable silence, occasionally only looking at each other to reassure ourselves that other was there.
“You can rest, Cody,” I say after a while. “I will watch over you.” As if waiting for me to verbalize the words, Cody rests his head on my shoulders, breaths in my scent and falls asleep.
“Rex, I am so glad you could join us,” Skywalker says when I enter the room. “Now we just need to wait for Obi-Wan and Cody to get here.”
At the mention of Cody’s name my thoughts travel to our cuddle session a couple weeks ago. Cody and I had cuddled numerous times as cadets, but this time after cuddling him, I felt different. And I couldn’t place the word to how I was feeling.
Ahsoka is standing in front of me, her hand waving in front of my face, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Hey Rex,” she says when she has my attention. A look of concern crosses her face, “Is everything alright? You seem distressed, confused, distracted.”
I nod simply, returning my focus to the task at hand. I look at the holo-map in front of me and recall the plans for the mission.
“Are you sure? You seemed fine when you first walked in here and it was at the mention of,” out of the corner of my eye I see Ahsoka put her hand to her chin, “Obi-Wan.” She looks at me a moment, assessing my feelings. “If not him, then those feelings are associated with Cody.” She pauses to assess my feelings. “What is going on between, you and Cody?”
Once again, that does it; all thoughts about the mission leave my head, all of them settling on Cody.
I see the handsome features of his face in my mind’s eye – ebony curly locks, his amber brown eyes, the sexy scar around his left eye, his sharp cheekbones and jawline, to his plump and kissable lips. Wait what?  Handsome features? And when did I start thinking he has kissable lips?
Cody is my friend, why am I thinking about him like this?
I force my thoughts to change from his appearance, wondering how he is doing. Is he doing alright? Was he injured during his last campaign? Is he making sure he is he getting enough sleep? Is he eating enough?
I do not know if anything is spoken to me until the one person on my mind walks into the room. “Rex,” my name is spoken so softly on his lips.
“Cody,” I repeat just as softly. The distance between us becomes smaller and smaller as we bring each other into a quick hug.
“It is good to see you, Rex.” He looks me up and down, trying to assess me for injury.
“It is good to see you too Codes,” I repeat. “I mi-
“Ahem,” I am interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing. And it is then I realize the generals and commander are in the room watching us. “While I hate to break up this reunion, it is going to need to wait until after. We have a very important mission ahead of us,” Kenobi states.
Cody and I separate. I silently yell at myself for getting so caught up that I let my personal relationship get in the way of our professional one. General Kenobi is right, personal matters can wait until after the briefing and/or the mission.
We stand next to our respective generals and the room becomes professional again as Skywalker relays the plan.
A handful of rotations have passed since the conclusion of our last mission. The 501st was dragged away before Cody and I could talk, much to my disappointment there were so many things that I wanted to talk to Cody about. But I guess it was for the best, I should sort out my feelings for him before then.
It is late in the night and I am working on reports when my comm goes off. “Who could be calling me at this hour,” I ask to my empty room. I retrieve my comm, hoping it wasn’t the general. “Captain Rex,” I answer.
“Hey Rex, it is Cody.”
“Hey,” I answer, all professionalism leaving my tone, replaced instead with a friendly tone. I press a button so that his hologram appears in front of me. “Is something wrong?” I ask, now worried about him, but from what I can see, he looks to be in good health.
“No, I am fine.” He runs a hand through his hair and looks off in the distance. “I just wanted to say hi and check in on you.”
“I am doing alright, Codes.”
He smiles and meets my gaze, “You look tired.”
I nod, “I have been working on these reports for Skywalker. But I am so thankful for your welcome distraction.” I take a seat on my bed, placing the comm on my pillow.
“Do you have time to talk, Rex?”
“For you, Cody, I can make the time,” I chuckle.
“I don’t know if you saw but the 212th was ambushed recently. And before you start freaking out, we are all doing fine, and those of us that were injured will be alright soon enough.” I do not know what my face looks like, probably horrified. “I promise I am alright Rex; I was fortunate enough not to sustain any injuries,” he reassures.
I nod, feeling the tension in my shoulders relaxing. I could have lost my best friend today. And the worst thing about it is that I do not even know if I should tell him I think of him as more than a friend.
“Sometimes I miss the simplicity of our life as cadets. I mean at least then I was sure of things,” I say after a while.
“Like what,” he asks.
“When I was sure that I wouldn’t have to watch brothers die, when I was sure I would get a good night sleep, when I was sure that I would see you every day.”
It is hard to tell through the hologram, but I think Cody blushing. “I miss it too,” he says simply. “And I miss you,” he adds.
“I miss you too.”
For two hours we reminisce about our cadet days, the days when we were constantly by each other’s sides. Then both of us start to grow tired, but neither one of us wants to end the call, so we stay on.
When his breathing evens out, I know he is asleep. “Good night Cody,” I whisper as I settle into bed next to my comm and I let Cody’s deep even breaths lull me to sleep.
“So, the guys have been saying that you and Commander Cody are getting closer to each other. Is there any truth to that?” Ahsoka asks me. We just finished our training session and are sitting against the wall trying to catch our breaths.
“Cody and I are just friends,” I answer.
“With all due respect Rex, friends don’t do what you and Cody do,” she says as she nudges me.
“And what is it that Cody and I do that friends don’t?” I ask.
“Well the vod have been telling me a lot, I don’t know how much of it is true though. Fives says when you and Cody are on leave at the same time, you are constantly together and even caught leaving each other’s rooms.” She looks at me waiting for my response.
“Cody and I have been close since we were young; we were in the same batch for Force sake. We grew up relying on each other, and that is not something that just goes away.” I take a sip of water before continuing. “Our relationship has and always will be strong. We seek each other out when comfort is needed, when we just need someone to listen, when we need advice. Cody’s always been there for me, it is not something I can say about other vod. And I know Cody will always be there for me. And I will always be there for him, he knows that.”
“Sounds like you guys have a deep relationship,” Ahsoka comments.
“We do. We like to spend time together whether it is catching up or making sure that the other is alright.” I take another sip of water, “Is there something wrong with enjoying each other’s company?”
“No,” Ahsoka answers. “But can you explain all the late night comm calls with him.”
“How do you know I have been talking to him at night?” I ask.
“I heard that you were becoming inaccessible at night, so I looked into it. I noticed a peak in your data usage, specifically in the amount of comm calls you were receiving and sending. The peak was at night, and the comm frequency belongs to Cody.” Ahsoka elbows my rib, “Also, you just confirmed it,” she says as she laughs.
“Oh,” I whisper.
“Did you know you talk about him a lot?” I shake my head and she chuckles. “Well you do. And according to Master Kenobi, Cody talks about you a lot too.” A group of men walk into the room, Ahsoka and I rise to our feet. “I am not saying you need to tell me anything, I just want you to think on it.”
Many months have passed since my conversation with Ahsoka and I have come to terms with my feelings for Cody. He means a lot to me, more than anyone ever has. He is more than a brother to me, and I need to tell him.
Tonight would be the perfect opportunity; our batchmates are all meeting up at 79s. We all haven’t seen each other in a long time, so we will all be catching up with one another.
I will be honest; I did put a lot more effort into my look knowing that Cody was going to be there. I wore a blue t-shirt with jeans and black boots. My blonde hair freshly buzzed, after two weeks on campaign, my hair had become unruly.
When I know I look presentable enough, I make my way to the bar.
At the bar, I find my batchmates in the back. Cody spots me first and stands. He smiles at me when I bring him into a hug. One of his hands goes around my neck, holding me there. I feel sparks travel through my skin, like my nerves are on fire. When we pull apart, Cody lets out a small nervous laugh.
Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Wolffe roll his eyes and Bly whisper something to Ponds, who laughs loudly.
“Well, I need a drink,” Wolffe says, “I’ll get a round for everyone.”
“Take a seat Rex,” Bly states indicating the vacant one next to him.
There is a soft pressure on my wrist, I look to see that Cody’s hand wrapped around it gently – there are sparks traveling through my skin at the contact. His eyes are asking, “Sit next to me. I haven’t seen you in a while and I want to make sure that you are alright.”
Without needing to think, I take a seat next to Cody, giving him a reassuring smile as he lets go of my wrist.
I see disappointment cross Bly’s features when I take my seat, Ponds elbows him in the ribs and whispers something in his ear.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Bly says.
“I know I am,” Ponds retorts.
Cody and I are trying to figure out what was said when Wolffe clears his throat as he places glasses in front of us. “Drink up, bitches,” he says.
I do not know if it is because I am nervous or because Cody is next to me, probably a bit of both, but I take a big gulp of the whiskey in front of me. The others are carefully nursing their whiskey, savoring it. I take another long sip, hoping it will settle my nerves.
Wolffe laughs, “Looks like the next round is on Rex.”
I wave to the bartender to signal another round of drinks, he nods. “How have you guys been?” I ask my batchers. My hands are on the table, for lack of a better place.
I try to listen as they answer but Cody’s hand accidentally touches mine when he goes to get his glass. It sends chills to my spine, and it takes a lot of willpower for me to keep from shivering.
The waitress brings the second round of drinks to the table. I drink this one slower as we talk about the missions we have been on.
About an hour has passed and I am slightly intoxicated. If you asked my batchers they would say I was drunk, but I know better than them. Their telltale sign that I am drunk, or on my way to it, is that my Jango comes through – some brothers can make themselves sound like Jango on command, but not me, apparently it only comes out when I drink (and Wolffe speculates when I am horny, “Your sex-voice is probably like Jango as well,” he laughs).  
My head is getting to be too heavy, so I rest it on Cody’s shoulder. Cody wraps his arm around my shoulder. “I got you, Rex’ika,” he whispers in my ear. The sound of his voice in my ear makes me shiver.
“Cody,” his name slips from my mouth, “I-I love,” I stop myself before I can say more. I know my original plan was to tell him how I feel about him, but not like this. I would not tell Cody when I was intoxicated, even if only a little.
“You love what?” he asks.
I motion to him then to Wolffe, Bly and Ponds. “All of you,” I manage to say. “You’re the best brothers anyone could ask for.”
Cody lets out a small sigh. “I am going to take the drunken ass home,” Cody says to our batchers. “I will see you guys later.” Cody places his hand around my waist, placing mine around his neck. “Let’s get you home.”
I wasn’t so drunk that Cody needed to hold me the way he was, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. There was something about being this close to Cody that felt right.
The walk back to the barracks is over much too soon. Cody stops us in front of my door and hesitates; I could tell he didn’t want to leave me. And I didn’t want him to go either.
I wrap my arm around Cody’s shoulders again and begin to move us towards the mess. “Cody, can we get a cup of caf?” I ask.
“I would love to Rex,” Cody begins, “but we both have a long day tomorrow. Maybe it is best if you turn in for the evening.”
I simply nod to Cody, “Yeah your right,” I say trying to keep my tone normal. I am hurt, and I hope it doesn’t show on my face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I say as I enter the code to open my door and walk in. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“You can count on it,” Cody sa0sy with a smile on his face. “Good night Rex.”
“Night Codes,” I say. I watch Cody walk away before closing my door. Well tonight did not go how I planned.
The next morning as the events of the prior evening hit me, I hate myself. Did I really brother-zone him. Being in the friend-zone sucked, I can only imagine what the brother-zone feels like. “You are so stupid, Rex,” I tell myself as I get ready for the day. I have a briefing to attend with Cody and the generals.
I head to the briefing room, hoping Cody would be there when I arrived. And sure enough he was.
“Morning, Cody,” I say as I enter the room.
“Hey Rex,” he responds.
“Cody,” I call his name softly waiting for him to look at me. And when he does I see hurt in his eyes. “I wanted to apologize for last night.”
Cody tries to shake it off like it was nothing. “Someone needed to get you home, but it is no reason to apologize.”
“What?” I ask.
“You were apologizing for inconveniencing  me last night. I can assure you it is no big deal. You do not know how many times I have dragged Wolffe’s drunken ass home.”
I let out a small laugh. “I wasn’t apologizing for that.”
“Well then, what were you apologizing for?”
My gaze travels around the room before landing back on his. “For what I said at the bar,” I know I need to elaborate when I see his confused expression. “When I said “I love all of you; you’re the best brothers anyone can ask for.’”
“So you don’t?”
“No, that is not what I meant.” At some point my gaze faltered, but I force myself to maintain eye contact with Cody. “What I said was true, for the most part.” Before Cody can interrupt me I hold up my hand. “But the way I feel about you is different, it is a different kind of love. I am in love with you Cody. I don’t know when it happened but I am glad it did.”
A smile graces Cody’s face, “I am in love with you Rex.” He takes a breath, “I was scared to tell you because I didn’t want to ruin what we had. And I was hurt last night when you said that but I forgive you.”
“I am glad, cyare,” I say as I close the distance between us. I press our foreheads together and snake my arms around his waist. “I love you so much, Cody.”
“I love you too, di’kut.”
Cody places his hands on my cheeks and closes the gap between us until our lips meet. It is a chaste kiss, a kiss that leaves me wanting more. When he pulls apart, he rests his forehead against mine.
“I have waited so long to kiss you,” he says.
I close the gap between us again. He snakes his arms around my neck to deepen the kiss. My arms around his waist tighten bringing his armored body flush against mine. The kiss quickly becomes heated, our tongues dancing in each other’s mouths. After some time we pull apart for some much needed air.
“Finally,” we hear someone say. Cody and I look to the entrance of the room and see Ahsoka and Kenobi smiling at each of us.
“It is about time,” Kenobi says as he crosses the room. “I trust that this makes you each other’s cyare now.” Cody and I both nod. Kenobi smiles at us. “I am truly happy for the two of you.”
“Me too,” Ahsoka says, skipping into the room.
I rest my head against Cody’s and push against his forehead, he pushes back. “I love you, Cody,” I whisper.
“I love you too, Rex. Darasuum,” he whispers back.
“Darasuum,” I repeat softly.
 Mando’a translations:
vod: brother
cyare: beloved
di’kut: idiot
darasuum: eternal/forever
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Fives has the Force (AU edition)
“Ooooh... meteor shower.”  - Hevy (Rookies)
Part 2: Rookies
The Rishi Outpost is… boring. Which is good for Fives. This is something everyone agrees on. Away from Jedi, away from the battles, away from other clones. Fives is hidden away, safe and sound. As such, no one complains, despite how boring and dull the routine becomes.
It also gives Fives time to read through and practice the notes General Shaak Ti left him.
Domino takes turns helping Fives with the exercises. Most of them involve just sitting on the ground and clearing his mind. But even if clones are trained to sit and wait (ambushes, scouting, etc.) just sitting on the ground, eyes closed, and focusing on breathing is so boring.
Of all the Dominos, Droidbait is the one most willing to sit and do nothing. Actually, he grows to enjoy the “meditation” things.
After a week on Rishi, Fives wakes up in a cold sweat, holding in screams and tears. He wakes up Echo in a panic and the next hour is Fives shakily explaining he saw Droidbait get shot, Cutup get eaten by a Rishi eel, and then the Rishi station blow up in a massive fireball with a bunch of droids and Hevy inside.
Echo’s pretty sure it was a nightmare at first. Obviously not fun to watch and concerning. Then Fives has it again a few nights later. And then again. And then he snaps out of one of his “meditation sessions” with it. And now Echo is researching Jedi abilities again and finds something called “Force visions” and he’s just “WELP. This might be a problem.”
Course they can’t tell their commanding officer about it because “clone’s don’t have the Force.”
Also, they don’t know exactly what’s going to happen or how to really prevent it. Or if they even can prevent it. But Force curse it all, they’re going to try and at least be prepared to fight or something!
So Domino is now doing a lot of target practice during their freetime, looking at battle tactics and strategies of invasions of the base, and familiarizing themselves with all weapons and ammunition on the base.
Cutup and Echo team up on researching the Rishi eel’s and also other giant animals looking for ways to kill them. 
Hevy and Fives practice hand to hand almost constantly, getting tips from Sergeant O’Niner who has never seen shinies throw themselves into this much training on a station outpost.
Droidbait throws himself into medical procedures and practices. Some of them he learned on Kamino, but most of them new. 
And unbeknown to all, Fives is trying to lift things with his head. Or at least nudge them. Tripping a droid or edging a grenade closer to it’s target seemed like a good idea. At first, he practiced alone, in his barracks, using a training ball clones used for hand-eye coordination practice. But when he started making progress, he tried tripping anyone who walked by him in the commander center. Sometimes, it worked. But mostly, it didn’t.
It was a month, maybe two later.
Meteor showers happen often on Rishi. About once a week. So Fives doesn’t know exactly why he was on edge. It didn’t help when the sentry didn’t respond to the Sergeant. Droidbait and Nub are ordered to find him.
Out of pure instinct, Fives grabs two blasters and tosses them to Droidbait and Nubs. Nubs looks confused but takes the blaster anyway. Droidbait is immediately on guard.
Twelve Commando Droids vs seven clones (and pretty much zero battle experience on the latter’s account)
Nub goes down almost instantly. Droidbait was able to back up and get towards the command center before getting shot through his arm. He was grabbed by Sergeant O’Niner who threw him back into the room and to cover.
The rest of Domino is able to take out four of the Commando droids before the Sergeant goes down. With that, it’s just Domino. Cutup manages to close the main doors and hardwire it shut. Hevy and Echo carry Droidbait behind the control panel to better cover while Fives readies the emergency supplies the squad had hidden around the base (aka, the backpack of droid poppers and thermal detonators in the ventilation shaft, along with a Z-6 and sniper rifle)
Echo starts working on cutting the all clear signal just as the droids break through doors. Two Commando’s go down instantly from Hevy’s Z-6. The other six began to press in. One manages to get through but is heavily damaged and taken down quickly by Cutup and Droidbait, both covering Echo. The next follow suit. Two more are taken out by droid poppers and some well placed shots.
Three droids remain and Hevy’s gun overheats. Cutup and Fives take the fight to the droids, hand to hand. Droidbait takes a few pot shots here and there. Echo hurries to turn the all clear signal off. 
Everything happens at once.
Droid #1 grabs Fives and throws him clear across the room with a very hard punch. Then the droid pins Cutup to the ground, his arm is snapped in two and then given a few broken ribs for good measure, before the droid reaches for his gun. Droid #2 yanks Echo away from the control panel and throws him across the room. Echo hits his head and falls unconscious. Then Droid #2 finds Droidbait, lifts him by the neck and begins to slowly choke him to death. Droid #3 shoots Hevy through his arm twice, then through the torso, sending the clone to his knees, then to the ground. 
Pushing himself to his feet, Fives finds himself looking at a scene of certain death. He screams, “NO!” and reaches out his hands in desperation, like he can stop it. A shockwave spreads from Fives and it throws all the droids back (think Ezra in Rebels when Zeb is almost killed by Kallus).
Cutup manages to grab his gun in the confusion and shoot his would be killer. Droidbait ignores the pain in his injured arm, grabbing the commando’s head and ripping it from the body with full force (while screaming in pain). Fives is too shocked to recover from what just happened to help Hevy but Echo wakes up just in time to shoot the stupid thing.
No more droids left.
Echo heads to the medbay, leaving Fives to position the three injured Dominos and get Cutup to stay down. The two treat their brothers to the best of their knowledge (Droidbaits the best medic, but he isn’t exactly able to help other than give some friendly advice or things he’d read). 
None of the Domino’s mentions Five’s Force push. Echo doesn’t even ask before he shoots the video surveillance module, effectively destroying all video evidence of the attack.
The radio was destroyed in the fire-fight and the “all-clear signal” button had also been destroyed, leaving it hard-wired at the moment.
Echo and Fives grab a blaster for each injured man, then take the Z-6, sniper rifle, and a few other goodies for themselves. Then they face the door and wait for whatever comes next.
With the radio down, no one receives the call from the inspection team.
When Commander Cody and Captain Rex find a dead deck officer, a few downed Commando droids, and a cut hole in the blast doors, they’re ready for anything. So it’s a bit of surprise to see five shinies (three of them lying on the hard ground, injured but alive, and two of them holding blasters ready).
General’s Skywalker and Kenobi is alerted immediately through the inspection ship’s radio and Rishi is secured in a matter of minutes.
Domino is taken aboard the Resolution, all five being placed in the medbay, despite some protests. Some bacta and rest for a few days fixes the crew right up, ready, and willing, to return to Rishi base. 
Except for one problem:
Rex had asked Echo and Fives to explain what had happened on Rishi. Echo had done most of the talking (as Fives was a terrible liar) and even without the Force visions or powers, the tale had impressed the Captain. 
He had told General Skywalker, who had also been impressed.
Which is how Domino squad finds they are now assigned to the 501st Legion.
Under a famous Jedi General
Around a lot more clones (which translates to eyes and ears)
And in more dangerous situations (in which Fives may or may not do something stupid, whether on accident or on purpose)
None of them can sleep that night.
((Random note that I noticed rewatching Rookies recently: Did anyone else notice when Nub and Droidbait went to look for the deck officer THEY DIDN’T TAKE A BLASTER? Seriously, they just walk down the stairs, come face to face with the Commando droids and yell “DROIDS!” as loud as they can and then they both get shot and die. I mean, I get nothing is supposed to happen on Rishi and they’re all relaxed but TAKE YOUR KRIFFING BLASTER, DANG IT. THEN YOU MIGHT HAVE LIVED LONGER.))
Part 3: https://oceanera12.tumblr.com/post/615352813810302976/fives-has-the-force-au-edition
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redrobinhoods · 4 years
Age of Heroes | Chapter 6, Recovery/Retaliation
AO3 Link | 3550 words (approx) | Prologue, Chapter 5, Chapter 7
Chapter Summary: Obi-Wan makes preparations to depart Mandalore as Plo Koon engages General Grievous. Meanwhile, Ahsoka and Rex prepare for the war to end.
It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it." – Kreia, KOTOR II
“I understand your mission was a success.”
“Yes, I have Maul in custody.” Obi-Wan answered Master Windu. “The 212th and I are escorting him to Coruscant. We will be there within the next few hours, the last of my troops are pulling out now.” He looked around at those present; Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, Aayla Secura, and Master Yoda. “I was hoping that I could speak with Anakin, is he there?”
“I sent him to inform the Chancellor that General Grievous has indeed been located on Utapau.” Responded Windu. “Commander Wolffe has just reported that they have engaged Grievous.”
“Then the war could be over soon.” Obi-Wan mused.
“That depends on the Chancellor.”
“Indeed. Well, like I said, I will be back in a matter of hours. I am sure that at that time the Council will be able to discuss the best way to go about the removal of the Chancellor from office, if that is necessary. He may yet surprise us.”
“I can only hope that is so. We shall see you soon.” 
Obi-Wan stayed still until all the holograms had faded. Surely the Chancellor would not prolong the war? Even in his bid for power, could he really ignore the pleas of his people? Obi-Wan didn’t want to know the answer to that question.
He stepped out of his room and found himself gravitating towards the medical bay. He was met at the door by one of the clone medics assisting them. Obi-Wan had only known him a short time, and yet the man always knew what, or who, he was there to talk to him about. “The commander will be fine, sir. Everything will heal, he just needs rest and fluids.”
“Did they torture him?” Obi-Wan looked back to the end of the medbay, where Cody was warily watching the medical droid attempt to insert an IV.
“I believe so, but nothing that would leave a physical mark. We found traces of ozone on his skin, which leads me to conclude that he was shocked. Despite that, he’s in fairly good spirits.”
Obi-Wan couldn’t help a wry smile as in-good-spirits-Cody began to tell off the medical droid for being unable to find a vein. ‘I’ll stick the bloody thing in myself if you don’t stop prodding! Try this one.’
“Oh, evidently.” Obi-Wan made his way over to his commander, careful not to bump the medical droid as it prepared the second of two bags of fluid.
“How goes the war, General?” Cody smiled painfully up at him.
“Master Plo and Commander Wolffe have just engaged Grievous on Utapau. And it’s my understanding that Captain Rex is dying to speak to you.”
Cody closed his eyes as the droid bent back down over his arm and attempted a laugh. “I’ll call him later. This di’kut won’t stop stabbing me.”
“If CC-2224 would cooperate this procedure would be done in twenty-nine minutes.” The medical droid snapped back.
Obi-Wan gave the medical droid a sorry smile as he reached down to push Cody’s hair back from his forehead. It was growing long after the past few weeks on the frontlines and only added to Cody’s disheveled appearance. “Did Maul hurt you?”
“Just an electroprod. I can take it.”
“Cody.” Obi-Wan continued to run his fingers through Cody’s hair when he saw how the commander leaned ever so slightly into the gesture, though he knew that the man would fervently deny it later.
Cody opened his eyes again, running them quickly over Obi-Wan’s face before returning to his eyes. “His master has a plan; he wouldn’t stop talking about this plan.”
“What plan? Cody, what plan?”
“He wouldn’t say. Just that we clones are part of it. Part of the plan.” Cody raised his free arm to his head. “I’m sorry, General, I-.”
“It’s okay, Cody. You’re safe here. We’ll be back on Coruscant soon and we can go over this with the Council.”
“Please do not bother my patient any further.” The medical droid requested, pushing Obi-Wan away with a mechanical arm. “He is in capable hands.” Obi-Wan looked down at Cody, who gave him a terse nod of permission. Obi-Wan untangled himself from the medical droid and started off to the bridge, taking one look back to see Cody scolding the droid once more.
Plo Koon rushed after Grievous’ wheel bike astride the giant varactyl given to him by the locals. At the sight of the descending 104th, Grievous had rushed off from their initial confrontation with one of his MagnaGuard’s staffs, leaving behind his own lightsabers. If this was all the military might that the Separatists had left, a coward who ran at the mere prospect of defeat, Plo had the feeling that Anakin Skywalker’s vision may have been correct. Grievous wouldn’t get away this time.
Despite having only had the varactyl for a few minutes, Plo was becoming quite fond of it. It wove through Pau City in pursuit of the wheel bike with a will that matched his own. In a way, it reminded him of the clones; chosen for a battle for which it had no personal stake but it’s life, and, perhaps, relative living conditions. Perhaps later he could introduce it to Commander Wolffe. Now that would be entertaining.
They were gaining on Grievous now. Plo slashed at the back of the wheel bike with his lightsaber but was too far away to produce a slash of the size necessary to stop Grievous’ descent. With a grateful pat on the neck of his varactyl, Plo threw himself at the occupant of the wheel bike. Grievous snarled, attempting to strike him with the electrostaff. Plo blocked the attack with ease, pushing the staff to the side and taking hold of its handle with his free hand. Having better leverage than the seated Grievous, he pushed the staff into the rapidly spinning wheel and leapt clear. When his tumbling had halted, he found himself face to face with Grievous on a suspended landing platform.
“Give up, General.” Plo cautioned as he rose to his feet. “You will not be able to escape our forces.”
“Jedi scum.” Grievous hacked, reclaiming the electrostaff from the ground. Well, he had tried to reason with him. Plo stepped forward to meet the advancing staff with his lightsaber, only to be surprised when Grievous pulled out a pistol. He hadn’t noticed that. He pulled his lightsaber back to block the shot, successfully knocking the pistol out of Grievous’ hand but losing his own lightsaber to a swipe from the electrostaff in the process. Face to face with Grievous and with no other weapon, he dove closer to the cyborg and tugged open the general’s chest cavity, revealing his organic organs.
Grievous dropped the electrostaff and grabbed Plo Koon instead, throwing him first into his ship, then grabbing him again and flinging him towards the edge of the platform. Plo fought for a grip as he slid, finally finding one in the platform’s edge. His body swung over the sinkhole for a moment before he brought it to a still. He looked up to find Grievous advancing upon him, Plo’s lightsaber held in one of his mechanical hands.
“Your forces are no match for me.” Grievous said as he raised the lightsaber above his head.
Plo prepared himself to swing back onto the platform, he’d only have one chance to stop Grievous now.
A shot rang out.
Grievous stumbled backwards, the lightsaber falling from his hands as his organic internals burst into flames. Plo looked up to where the shot had come from to see Wolffe slowly descending to the platform, aided by his jetpack.
“Need a hand, General?” Wolffe crouched in front of Plo, offering him his hand.
“Thank you, Wolffe.” Plo accepted the outstretched hand of his commander and was hoisted to his feet on the platform. Once away from the precarious edge, he walked over to the middle of the platform to look down on the charred metal that had been General Grievous. He knelt down by the remains, rising again moments later with his lightsaber. “Impeccable timing, as always.” He said as he turned back to Wolffe, who had taken his helmet off to take in the sight.
“Just doing my job, sir.”
“And you have never let me down.”
Wolffe didn’t even try to hide the smile spreading across his lips. For a moment, everything was right in the galaxy.
Ahsoka found Rex in the first place she looked, the barracks briefing room.
“General Grievous has been engaged on Utapau.” She announced as she walked in, giving them no time to react with formalities.
“Maul’s been captured.” Jesse gestured to the briefing that he and the captain had been looking over. “The 212th is preparing to depart Mandalore and bring him back to Coruscant.”
“Commander Cody?” Ahsoka looked to Rex.
“Still kicking.” Rex grinned. “If it weren’t for Obi-Wan, I think he’d be on Utapau with the 104th right now.”
“The poor bastard.” Jesse shook his head, though his lips were twitching to form a smile. “Can’t even give Grievous a parting punch into the afterlife.”
Ahsoka laughed, joining her men at the briefing table. Dooku, Grievous, Maul, now for Sidious. Sidious, who had orchestrated the Clone Wars if Count Dooku was to be believed. She wondered how much carnage would have never occurred if it weren’t for his influence. She wondered how much different her life could’ve been.
“Ahsoka.” She jolted up to the sound of her name. She must’ve been lost in thought because she hadn’t noticed Jesse leave the room. “Something on your mind?”
She bit her lip, then wondered why she would hide anything from Rex. “As a Jedi, we were trained to be keepers of the peace, not soldiers. But all I’ve been is a soldier. I don’t know if I can be anything else.”
She watched with a bemused smile as Rex’s expression faltered for a moment. “Well, I’ve known no other way. Gives us clones all a mixed feeling about the war. Many people wish it never happened. But without it, we clones wouldn’t exist.”
“Then perhaps some good has come from all of this. The Republic couldn’t have asked for better soldiers, nor I a better friend.” She stepped forward and placed her arm on Rex’s shoulder. She was nearly as tall as he was now, counting her montrals. A far cry from the times she had once only stood as tall his elbow. He placed his hand over hers for a few moments then they both let their hands fall away as they turned back to the briefing table, alerted by a new message running across the hologram.
“General Grievous has been destroyed. They did it.” Rex said incredulously.
“So, what do we do now?” Ahsoka asked after a few moments of stunned silence.
“Wait for General Skywalker to return, I suppose. Not much else we can do.”
“No.” She mused. Finally, Rex turned off the briefing table and she followed him into the hallway. “I guess this is it. I didn’t expect it to be so unclimactic.”
“I’m sure it was much more interesting on Utapau. We’re not going to see any action here on Coruscant.” Rex’s comm beeped and he looked down to read the message. “Cody’s going to comm me in a few minutes. You’re welcome to drop in if you like.”
“I was just about to shower.” She stopped by the doorway to her room. “Besides, I’m sure we’ll all be seeing a lot of each other in the next few days.”
“Of course. I’ll see you later, Ahsoka.”
She waved goodbye as she stepped into her quarters to grab a towel. When she came back out Rex was gone and the hallways were relatively empty as she made her way to the showers.
‘Hot water will dry your skin out, you know.’  She could hear Fives’ voice in her head. But he wasn’t here anymore, so she turned the tap to the extreme and stood with her face under the water. The heat was nearly intolerable, but she welcomed the sensation. It took her mind off the war as it eased the deep aches in her bones. She could hear some of the other shower heads running but paid them no mind. The hesitations she’d once had about sharing the barracks shower had been quelled when she remembered that these were the same men that she showered with for the past three years. Any embarrassment at sharing a shower with a member of the opposite sex was long gone from the moment she’d been asked to please pass the nice soap. If she’d reached into the Force right now, she would’ve found that they barely noticed her presence. In the GAR everyone got so little privacy that they had mastered finding it anywhere they could. That was why she was here in the first place, to give Rex and Cody some privacy. She knew that Cody may not want to discuss the events of the past few days with her present.
Over the next few minutes, the other taps shut off one by one until she was left alone. It must be nearly dinnertime. There were very few reasons that the clones would not take advantage of the unrationed water on Coruscant. She prodded out into the barracks with the Force. The energy coming from the men was cheerful and relaxed, but there was something stirring underneath that she focused in on. Sterling. Vaughn. Ridge. They had closed themselves off from their brothers, and she could feel their discomfort and anticipation. They weren’t the only ones. She could feel more faint signatures of anxiety in the barracks. If she’d continued to look out, she would have found it in many of the battalions on Coruscant. But instead she focused back into their hall, reaching out to Rex. The unease was there too. And growing. She needed to talk to him.
She’d just reached out to the shower controls when a burst of pain erupted in her head and she fell to her knees onto the tile floor.
“You must choose.” The Chancellor? Why would she hear the Chancellor? He sounded like he was in pain.
“Don’t listen to him, Anakin!” And Master Windu.
“It’s not the Jedi way. He must live.” Master Windu was attacking the Chancellor.
“He’s too dangerous to be left alive.”
                                                        “Please don’t.”
                                                                                 “I need him!”
And the screaming. Ahsoka pressed her hands into her forehead as if that would dampen the sound. The water that had been a comfort to her stung her skin as if it was electrified.
“What have I done?”
Rex lowered himself onto his bed with a sigh, leaning back against the cold wall. He ran his fingers over the ridges of the holocomm in his hand, waiting for it to chime. He’d never been more grateful for privacy than now. On deployment, he slept in the same room as his men; the Jedi officers were the only ones to have their own private quarters onboard the cruisers. Perhaps if he was on a ship, he’d be taking the call in the officer’s lounge, where he could request a few minutes of solitude. Of course, if he was on a ship the call would be interrupted three minutes in by an emergency. On Coruscant, if there was an emergency Commander Fox would take care of it long before any request for Rex’s help was made. Unless, of course, there was another attack.
The comm chimed, and he answered before the first tone had faded. “Cody.”
“Rex.” The small blue projection of Cody answered. He was propped up against two pillows and Rex could see what appeared to be a medical droid gathering up instruments flickering in and out of the edge of the frame. Rex took note of the series of bruises down Cody’s arm that he recognized from his own experience with the Republic medical droids. Kix would’ve never left so many marks, but Kix wasn’t here anymore.
“You look like hell. How are you feeling?”
“Like hell.” Cody scoffed.
“Did he hurt you?”
“Just an electroprod-”
“-And the lightsaber wound, but that’s just a scratch. Didn’t even hit the bone.”
Rex took in a frustrated breath. “Cody, he tortured you?”
“I’m fine, Rex. We were made to withstand almost anything. I just need to drink more fluids for a few rotations. That’ll probably stop the headache.”
Rex thought back to Wolffe and his headache. And yet, nothing had happened. They had successfully taken down Grievous and presumably his army. Perhaps they were all becoming susceptible to the changes in weather in their ‘old age’. Besides, Cody had been held by Maul for nearly two days, a headache was squarely in the realm of possibility for aftereffects. “If you so much as sway getting off that ship, I will personally see to it that you are sedated.”
Cody smiled and shook his head. Rex realized how tired the commander looked. “Honestly, Rex. I don’t think I’m going to make it out of this one.”
Rex’s breath caught in his throat as he tried to think of a response.
“I know that everything is fine, and we’ll be back on Coruscanti duracrete in a matter of hours, but I can’t shake this feeling.”
“What feeling?” Rex prodded.
“Like, I’m standing on the edge of a void. And I know that if I fall, I will never be able to get back.”
“It’s just Maul.” Rex had heard of how the dark side of the Force could cause terror in a being. It had to be him. Wolffe was fine, the war was as good as over, everything was going to be okay.
“Maybe.” Cody didn’t sound convinced. “I just need to get back to work.”
“You need to rest, Cody.” As if the commander would ever sit back and let others do his job for him.
“I have rested. Can you imagine this legion without me? It would be chaos.”
Rex laughed. Not matter how bad things seemed, Cody could always bring a smile to his lips. And he had a point. “Remember- you sway, we sedate. I’d hate for you to miss out on the celebration. I know you love the dress greys.”
“Mhm. They really bring out the bags under my eyes. Maybe after the formal dinner we could go get absolutely pissed at Seventy-Nine’s. You, me, Wolffe, Echo, Ahsoka, whoever else wants to join us.”
“Commander Tano is seventeen, Cody. That’s underage.” Though she’d soon be eighteen and drinking age in most systems, Rex still thought of her as the same brash fourteen-year-old he had met on Christophsis when it came to anything but combat.
“Four years older than we are. You can’t protect her forever, Rex. If she can fight in a war and die for the Republic, she can have a drink. Though, with the amount you lot drink, she may swear alcohol off entirely.”
“I’ll make sure Jesse is there if that’s our goal.”
Cody grinned and looked around the medical bay before turning back to Rex conspiratorially. “Do you really think we’re going to win?”
“General Skywalker thinks so. Why not?” Rex couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. “Count Dooku is dead, General Grievous is dead, you’ve captured Maul. We may have just won the Clone Wars.” As soon as he had said it Rex knew that he was wrong. Fear roared up in his gut and he could’ve sworn he’d seen the flashing of lightsabers behind his eyelids when he blinked.
In that moment, Rex considered telling Cody what Fives had said about the inhibitor chips. He’d thought about it, he’d thought about him, every day. But Fives was killed, General Tiplee was slain by Count Dooku, and Kix had gone missing. Rex was sure that he was next on the list, and he could have never put Cody in that position. Then the moment was over, and the door to his quarters was sliding open to reveal a half-armored Jesse.
“Captain Rex, General Skywalker is on his way back. He wants to see you, sir.”
“I’ll be there.” Rex turned back to Cody, who was scanning over another message on the holocomm.
“I’m needed on the bridge, Rex.”
“Then I suppose duty calls for both of us.” As it always would; whatever it takes.
“I suppose so. I’ll see you on the other side of the war.”
Rex felt a hint of dread still creeping over his shoulder. Surely, the war was over. The Separatists couldn’t continue their onslaught without their military leadership and the man who arranged the war was close to capture. Yet, General Plo was right. There was something he was missing.
He tried to shove the feeling off, taking in his friend’s features; the scar that traced along Cody’s temple, the bags under his eyes that had been there since Christophsis, the unruly curls that were beginning to frame his face. He should’ve noticed them earlier. The time for teasing would come later. But the feeling was still there, and he began to understand how it must feel to stand at the edge of the inescapable void.
“See you on the other side of the war. Take care of yourself, Cody.”
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Okkk, I have another one😂 lol I've been so bored this week I kind of just need something to read. But here's an idea, extremely nauseous character; gagging and burping into their fist to try and keep from being sick. They're in the bunks (where they sleep) Also, their friend is there and watches them grow more and more pale or green and friend comforts sick companion. (Rex= sick) (Cody=comforting friend) Rex will at some point throw up and his stomach is cramping badly. Thank youu! UwU
TBH not sure if this posted or if I just forgot..anyhow..
I have finally crawled out of my gremlin hole of not writing and and working and so I'm disciplining myself and finishing this request. Thank you to @angelwars11 for being the most patient person on this green earth. Hope this is good...Kinda spun it a little. Hopefully not TOO much. 
Content Warnings: I don’t think there’s any, just if you don’t like reading about people being sick, and sad don’t read. ;p 
After a few hours of tossing and turning, Rex figured he was going to get absolutely no rest, because his stomach was still hurting enough to make him gasp when a fresh round of pain would hit. He got up, and clutched the wall next to him until his vision returned to him, and from there he made his way to the door. As he opened it, he squared his shoulders, and made his way down to the hall, to see Kix for some help. Any help. 
He was relieved to see that the med bay was for the most part empty when he walked in and he sat himself down on a bed, and waited for the familiar footsteps to approach. 
“Your stomach, captain.” The soft voice of Kix met his ears and the phrase was not a question. “I take it’s not feeling any better.” He looked up into the brown eyes of his medic and shook his head. 
“No, and I can't sleep, and I have a briefing this afternoon I have to make it to. Is there anything you can give me to help with the pain?” He asked, and Kix turned to the medical cabinet and pulled out a hypo. Rex presented the side of his neck and Kix injected the medicine and instructed him to lay back before pulling the covers over him. 
“I have talked to the General, and you are to stay and rest until you’ve recovered. We have men in the briefing that will be able to fill in.” Kix explained, and used all of his willpower not to roll his eyes in frustration when his captain fought him as he tried to sit up.
“That’s not their job. I am their capt-“ He stopped as Kix leveled a look at him. This was a well known look, and every trooper in the GAR has seen it at least once in their life and even then that was too much. It was the look that made you absolutely certain you did not want to cross the medic in front of you, and you were to obey them without question. 
“Respectfully, captain,” Kix argued, though his voice was calm. “You are no good to the men as their captain if you can’t focus, sleep or even keep food down. The general will be by to see you as soon as the briefing is over. He gave his word. Now sleep.” Kix instructed, and Rex laid back his head in frustration, but as the pain in his stomach subsided, he found his eyes becoming heavier and heavier until they finally fell shut with sleep. 
Rex opened his eyes and was immediately greeted with the sigh of General Skywalker by his bed, his hands clasped in front of him, deep in thought. 
Rex straightened as best as he could and saluted. “General.” He said, wincing at how rough his voice was. 
Anakin’s head jerked up and a warm smile came over his face. “Rex! You’re awake. How are you feeling?” 
“Groggy. Exhausted.” He thought, but nodded his head. “I’m feeling better. Stomach doesn’t hurt. I apologize I couldn’t make it to the briefing.” His face darkened with frustration, but a single wave from Anakin caught his attention. 
“You have done so much for the 501st, I think it’s ok if you miss a briefing or two because you’re not feeling good. Don’t worry, it’s a simple drop and go mission. The men will be just fine, and you’ll be well enough in a couple days that I hope to join us.” Anakin encouraged, and Rex nodded, but all of the sudden their conversation was interrupted by another clone in white and orange armor. Cody. 
He saw his brother was awake, and walked over with a smile, and he grasped Rex’s arm. “Hey there, vod. How are we feeling?” He asked, and Rex shrugged. 
“Been worse.” He said, and couldn’t help a small smile that came to his face at the presence of one of his closest brothers. 
Anakin watched the two converse and was pulled into a thought pattern that had been plaguing him for days now. When there was a small lull in the conversation, he spoke. 
“Cody. Can you please give us the room?” He asked, his tone kind but at the same time, allowing no argument. 
Rex gave him a curious look, and Cody as always, gave a crisp clean salute before turning on his heel and exiting the room. 
When they were alone, Anakin managed to finally raise his eyes to meet Rex’s, though it was extremely hard.
“I need to apologize.” He said quietly and before Rex could open his mouth and ask why, he continued. “For Umbara. For not being there.” 
Rex’s face fell immediately and he frowned before speaking in a distinctly rougher voice. “There’s no need to apologize, General. I know you would have stopped it, had you been there.” Had someone else been there..instead of me. 
Anakin walked over and sat back in the chair, and stared intently at his most trusted soldier, the captain who had been with him in battle after battle, who right now, looked on the verge of tears, and he knew exactly the reason why. 
“You know it wasn’t your fault, right Rex?” He asked, and he watched as Rex’s face crumpled and his eyes fill with tears. His stomach hurt again but this time it was for a completely different reason. And surprisingly, in the back of his mind, he registered relief. Relief at the fact that finally it was being talked about, that his General didn’t blame him, the captain who was supposed to protect his men, who felt like he didn’t. 
Rex’s cheeks were wet with tears and he turned angry eyes to his general. “It was! No one understands that. I was there, I issued the orders to go against the enemy, I was the captain who shot at our own men.” He sat up. “That was me, General. I did that. It was my fault.” 
Suddenly Anakin was right next to him and stared down at him the most intense gaze he’d ever seen on him. “Rex.” He said quietly and the man in question stared back at him without a word.
“It. Was. Not. Your. Fault. You can’t keep beating yourself up. Your men don’t blame you, and I don’t either. So work on getting better so the men can have their men back. Mourn for the dead Rex, but then let them go. They’d want you to go on and fight, and you know I’m right.” He offered a half smile. 
Rex was useless in the face of that argument, because he knew that Anakin was right. His men would want him to fight. The 212th would want him to fight. He wiped the tears off his face and nodded. “Alright, General. I will.” He said quietly, but he meant it. 
Anakin stood with a nod, and a smile once again graced his face.
“Get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
When the general left, Rex laid back against the pillow, and this time it was with relief so strong he could cry, because for once the crushing guilt was lifted off his chest. Maybe he could do this. Maybe he could lead his men again. 
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