#think i succeeded 👍
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klqdraws · 6 months ago
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Modern au tPoDG trio with some extra semi redesigns
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qazartz · 10 months ago
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sketched these the night before the nyc show on little cards to give to them during fan chat. did not turn out half bad!
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months ago
disagreeing on interpretations and headcanons is awesome and fine but saying shit like "kusuke coercing his brother to do things that give him sexual pleasure and trying to get him naked was not sexual harassment" "saiki should let aiura sexually assault him" "i dont like teruhashi as a love interest for saiki therefore shes a bad character and a slut and a bitch and all her development means nothing" "toritsuka groping yumehara wasnt even that bad" etcetc is not just different interpretation and actually i do in fact think those opinions are worth me judging you over 😭
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keeps-ache · 11 months ago
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the kinda gal to stick around
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hewhobreathesfire · 2 months ago
deeply craving a fucking cigarette
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zapsoda · 10 months ago
its crazy how every time theres a war artists will make the most painful horrific bone chilling art about how terrible it is and then people just keep doing it
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sovamurka · 2 years ago
author: msppatih
Demian and Galina - star-crossed lovers beyond life and death 💀💔
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little-mimikyuwu · 4 months ago
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eclipsed-writing · 5 months ago
9:54 am Dangerbuff: I’m stealing Lloyd today
Fireboy: where r u going?
Dangerbuff: surprise
Green_Dragon: 🤨
Watergirl: well jay and I are going out too
Bluebell: almost ready
Watergirl liked a message
Fireboy: sus Fireboy: don’t be weird
Watergirl: kai, you’re weird
Frosty: I am making steak for dinner tonight so please don’t be late.
Watergirl: 👍
Dangerbuff: np
Green_Dragon: Where are we going??
Dangerbuff: I told you it’s a surprise
Watergirl: don’t burn down the monastery kai
Fireboy: u think so little of me sis
Bluebell: don’t burn down the monastery Kai
Fireboy: ganged up on :(
Frosty: Be safe everyone.
10:00am Green_Dragon: I want a cat Green_Dragon: Can we get a cat?
Fireboy: where did tht come from?
Dangerbuff sent a picture and video
(The video shows Lloyd surrounded by several golden retriever puppies, all of them trying to lick his face and hands. He’s laughing and holding up his hands to stop them from getting to his face but not really trying and definitely not succeeding.
The picture is Lloyd holding a little black shorthair kitten with bright green eyes. He’s holding the kitten like it’s the most precious thing ever, and the feline is resting contentedly in his arms.)
Several people loved an image and a video
Watergirl: aw you took him to the animal shelter?
Dangerbuff: :D
Frosty: That was a good idea.
Green_Dragon: I want this cat Green_Dragon: Please?
Fireboy: u do know theyre a lot of work Fireboy: cleaning, playing, feeding
Green_Dragon: Cats are easy
Frosty: I do not have a problem with it. Frosty: Would Master Wu be okay with a cat in the Monastery?
Green_Dragon: He will be
Bluebell: we’ll make sure of it Bluebell: yes to the kitty
Watergirl: yesss
Fireboy: i’m not cleaning if it spits up a hairball
Green_Dragon: TYSMMM
Dangerbuff: he’s attached to the black one Dangerbuff: so we’re getting her Dangerbuff: four months old, name’s Zippy Dangerbuff: we’re gonna stop for food and supplies next
Frosty: I look forward to meeting her!
Watergirl: me too
Bluebell: Master Wu is in for a surprise
Fireboy: honestly tho a cat is the least lloyd deserves
Green_Dragon loved a message
On the way back from picking up the necessary supplies—cat litter, a litter box, toys, treats, and food—Lloyd won’t stop petting Zippy through the screen of the cat carrier, the box placed in his lap as he sits shotgun in Cole’s car.
The green-eyed feline purrs contentedly.
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grooviestsadpapaya · 7 months ago
This design is. A lot. But that’s kind of the intent so,, SOH Mikau redesign!! Uhhh I will be designing the rest of the Indigogos too, but yk. I tried to make him look like a scene kid, and I think I kind of succeeded, but he looks more like if Harry Styles had a fursona who then had a jojo siwa era. Also designing him allowed me to come up with some more stuff for the zoras!! Yippee!!
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There are three aristocratic zora families, which I don’t have names for yet, so I’ll call them the royals, the blues, and the reds. Design-wise, the royals are deep-sea creatures, and the reds and blues are…. Well. Red and blue. Politic-wise, the blues are steeped in Zora tradition (matriarchs, holidays, art, etc), the reds are more progressive (shift in political systems, acceptance, athletics), and the royals are devoted to getting the Hylians away from the Domain (quality of life, feeding the hungry, recovering lost soldiers). Since the disappearance of the last zora queen (who was a royal) the domain has been divided in three, debating over who should take the unoccupied throne. The blues want Princess Ruto to rule, the Royals want to focus on finding and recovering the previous queen, and the reds want Prince Sidon.
Mikau, the Sage of Water, distanced himself from the world of the blues because he wanted to pursue music with his childhood friends instead. He’s haughty and arrogant but well loved by a lot of the domain. A lot of Zora elders don’t like him because he’s. Emo. He’s got kind of a Jacob V Edward thing with Sidon tho; a lot of people in the domain like to debate on who’s hotter bc 👍 I think it’s FUNNY
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autosuns · 11 months ago
Of Ambulon and Pharma and doomed amica endura
I'll preface that I'm the last person to try and explain my ships by how canon they are and this is very much the same case of me just entertaining the idea and what their relationship represents and what role they play in a wider story, this is not an invitation for discourse or a debate. It's just me rambling on why I like the ship so much, think Pharma and Ambulon are narrative foils, while using some canon stuff and word of god.
Jokes about hamburger or hot dog or literally anything regarding Ambulon's death will end in block idc I think it's obnoxious 👍
CW for robot gore, discussions of torture, you know, the package that comes with DJD and Decepticons and MTMTE.
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When it comes to Ambulon and Pharma's relationship, I think it's fair to start with bare bones, yeah?
I'm going to start with each character individually, what my take on them is, so we're all on the same page.
So, the basics are:
Ambulon was part of the failed combiner project of decepticons, the first combiner at that. He has horrible alt mode, that brings him a lot of shame, so he prefers to keep it a secret. He switched to the Autobots, eventually.
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We don't know for certain if he was created for the project, or was one of the "volunteers". What we do know though, is that he's an MTO specifically, not just constructed cold, and MTOs were a concept of war.
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Meaning, he cant be older than the war. Meaning, in my personal opinion, he was either made for some operation, then snatched by Shockwave for the project, or was created already specifically for the project.
There, I think, comes a timeline conflict. It feels unfeasible, to me, that MTOs were made this early into the war, by Decepticons. What I think happened, is that Shockwave did try to experiment on other Decepticons to figure out and develop on Jhiaxus' research, but once MTOs as a concept came into the picture, it became infinitely easier to just have an alt mode pre-made for a mech.
Unless when Shockwave said he was going to give Megatron a gestalt he meant he'll postpone it for 4mil years and do it a little before he succeeded with Devastator so Ambulon deserting LITERALLY as he is picked out for the combiner project JUST to avoid it makes this line from him especially funny:
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Boy for all we know you're not even 15 years old.
Also the idea that character like Ambulon did that out of some sort of cowardice, that THIS was his breaking point to join Autobots, feels wrong.
In-text it becomes even less likely Ambulon had a life before the project, as his name "Ambulon" seems to be the only one he ever had (judging by his statue post on Necroworld).
I think why I'm getting a Little long-winded explaining Ambulon is to draw a better picture on his experience with Decepticons, Specifically Shockwave.
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That to say, he had a horrible one. He knows better than anyone what Decepticons are capable of and how far they will go/what Megatron would allow. Especially once DJD comes into the picture.
And it just emphasizes the way Ambulon in the end of it all chose kindness. The first issues he appeared in cement it very well, especially since most of his intro we get from First Aid's point of view.
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Ambulon is tetchy, can be a gearstick sometimes
Ambulon took pity on the Decepticons he thought were hunted down by the DJD
Ambulon convinced Pharma to let them stay
The Genericons showed their scars to Ambulon specifically
Ambulon gets passionate about hate crimes concerning one's shape/alt mode
Ambulon is "tetchy" and rejects First Aid's idea because he's concerned that it's too risky
For Ambulon to put your own life on the line to save a single life is an act of selfishness (also stemming out of his concern for First Aaid, imo)
Ambulon let the Genericons share a cell
To sum it up: Ambulon is very greatly concerned for the greater good and treating people without bias, Decepticon or Autobot, especially when there's any sort of discrimination involved.
(Using Genericons and Triple M as a tool with Ambulon was a very clever foreshadowing for Ambulon's situation, but it is a general theme that runs in these issues and Ratchet's/medics character arcs, it's the functionism, one's shape and purpose in life, but it is a completely different post to make. Just let's keep the theme of one's shape and purpose in mind.)
The thing is, Ambulon is who he is by choice. His Decepticon past is always showing, whether he wants it or not, but all he wants, essentially, is to help people and treat them with kindness. He's a "gearstick", but he's a gearstick with a big spark. He saw the greater cruelty in Decepticons and made a choice to never participate in it.
Ambulon is an MTO who made his life and became what he wants to be despite everything: Decepticons, his alt-mode, biases, all of that. He's true to himself and his intentions.
I'm gonna also get this out of the way that Ambulon's established character is continuously ignored, dumbed down and twisted: the point is that I do believe JRO didn't think about him that much or that deep, and what he did with him did not retain with him into further issues. That is to say, "You're gonna let Dr DJD cut us in half?" is a dumb fucking line to come out of Ambulon specifically, makes no sense, too snarky and cruel all things considered, and while I think it's also very funny it jsut shows Ambulon's accidental insignificance. Ok. That's all.
Oh boy this one's a doozy. Okay, listen, I'll try to get more brief with it, try to get straight to the point, but Pharma has so much nuance around him on a greater scheme of things that it might also just be it's own post. SO we'll just try to focus on his persona and relations to others.
Pharma is a doctor of talent on par with Ratchet, if not actually better. He used to be friends with him, he's implied to have used to do medical service in the new institute, and eventually was stationed on Delphi by Prowl, practically abandoned by Ratchet. There, he ends up being blackmailed by Tarn, ending up killing his patients to meet the increasing quota, being led to the brink of creating a virus that he exposes the facility to in hope to close it down and escape it scot-free. Obviously, because of Ratchet, it didn't work, the rest is history.
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Unlike Ambulon with his 3 panels and a half of screentime worth talking about character-wise, Pharma is a combination of multiple things at once, his place as an Autobot, his connection to the DJD, his act, and most of his actual character we get from very few shots of him from the past and what people say of him, and just a little of his behavior at Delphi before his crime is revealed.
So I think we'll focus specifically on the Decepticon part when it comes to Pharma cuz it's much easier to talk about.
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Pharma vehemently, without hiding it, hates Decepticons.
It will go into even bigger field of speculations than trying to piece Ambulon's character together for why he hates them so much. It could both just be a thrown in line for the story to flow (Genericons) and act as a foreshadowing (DJD blackmail), the fact of the matter is, he hates Decepticons, he does not have pity for Decepticons, and if DJD did not play into his hatred, years of war for sure did.
(Also worth mentioning that in the issue #4, the paralleling story is Tailgate learning about the war and backing off on his decision to be a Decepticon. The entire build up works very well, imo, and plays into just how much it should hit you when Pharma turns out providing for DJD, along with the choice of Ambulon to not be a Decepticon anymore.)
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You see, I think Pharma is incredibly caring person. He cares for his patients and he cares for his people. He takes his work extremely seriously. He's willing to be a donor for his patient and he's still conducting research to cure illnesses when there was no legitimate point for him to do that anymore. He's not just a surgeon, but he's a virologist/epidemiologist.
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But, probably when we ask ourselves, "So if he was such a wonderful doctor, equal to Ratchet, someone Ratchet recognizes, why wasn't he the Chief Medical Officer in the first place?"
I think it's mostly his personality. It's his hubris and ego. It's also the inherent societal bias of Cybertron when it comes to jets - though this part of worldbuilding isn't that consistent, he is a forged jet AND a doctor.
And that's also why I think he doesn't believe in that "forged" functionism bullshit. BUT thats another post of its own (take a shot every time i say that in this post).
Let's just bullet point this:
Pharma is a talented doctor who's good and dedicated to his job. Practically nothing is impossible for him and it becomes a focal point of his conflict with Ratchet, too.
That said, Pharma's shape is what, I think, is responsible for his hubris. He's a jet, he's forged, he's a doctor, but he's a doctor because HE, PHARMA, is good. Nothing to do with some God. (which is different from Ratchet's internalized functionism)
Pharma hates Decepticons, he tried to kill the DJD, and it may seem like he pushed it all on Ambulon because he was a Decepticon, but I don't think that's the case. Specifically because of this:
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He does not see Ambulon as a Decepticon, and it was just panicked shitty lie he had to quickly come up with on the spot.
Pharma feels guilt for his actions, and after killing Ambulon, he's actively taunting First Aid to kill him.
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Pharma is a jet doctor trapped in the loop of self-sabotage after being exploited, psychologically tortured and left for dead, after a poor attempt of saving face. Pharma is a jet doctor who embraced his new look, but couldn't live with it, far from accepting it. Furthermore, his body is used by Adaptus himself, where the only thing he could do is trying to get his body back, to help his comrades, only to end up dying, again.
That's where I'm going to use a single word of God that makes, all in all, a lot of sense.
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"Grurdging respect" is about best way to describe Pharma and Ambulon.
Now since I've reached the image limit on this post it's relentless rambling and speculations time!
You probably can already tell where I'm going with this. I think Pharma and Ambulon direct inversions of each other.
Decepticon gone Autobot as a choice - Autobot gone rogue out of blackmail and fear of failure
MTO doing what he wants to do and taking control of his body and life, disconnected from a gestalt or his "purpose" - A forged jet trying to continue his career of a doctor despite all the odds but who's agency is continuously taken, not only by others but by his own ego
Where they overlap, is their desire to do what they want. Where they differ, is one's sincerity and other's toxicity.
Ambulon is someone Pharma would never be, and someone he, on meta level, wishes he was more like. He doesn't want to be Ratchet, even if we think a little about his obsession and desire to prove to Ratchet that he's better, he wants to be someone Ratchet would respect. And in the end of the day, it all didn't matter anymore, because clearly Ratchet never respected him enough in the first place: "waging a war on his body", taking body parts for his own gain (hands), that Pharma didn't even really care about anymore. It was personal. He wanted Ratchet to hurt.
All of this, ultimately, is justified. Little who would respond to knowing someone who betrayed you (and whom you, also, betrayed) also breached boundaries of your autonomy. It's just basic decency. I don't believe TFs never heard of that or don't follow it, in some fashion. Maybe it's more loose, but for the purpose of drama and villification of Pharma, it was convenient, I guess.
See, Pharma is just inherently, like anyone, very flawed. The circumstance he's put in and the war led to the worst of his qualities spike. And in relation to Ambulon, it's the inverse of a person who, having seen the horrors of the war, having been through the horror and the existential dread of being in a gestalt, chose kindness anyway.
"Grudging respect". A jet doctor, a genius, and an ex-soldier MTO, who made the choice of helping people. An ex-Decepticon, too, no less.
See how it could've developed into something more?
Both eager to do their job, Ambulon is a perfect stabilizer for Pharma's general emotional response to things. He may be a good doctor, but he's prone to acting and saying things before really thinking about it. Ambulon is capable of convincing him and giving a good argument, without it being personal.
"Grudging respect" with Ambulon working with one of the best doctors out there, who's work is going to be invaluable even after his death.
And if things worked out differently? Do you think Ambulon wouldn't be there to sympathize with Pharma's trauma regarding DJD? Do you think Ambulon wouldn't pity Pharma for what Tarn put him through? Ambulon? The Decepticon who was there? The one who even should fear DJD the most? The one who might've even triggered DJD once he was so close on the radar?
He might've confided in Pharma in the first place, as someone literally second in charge after him.
Pharma and Ambulon are defying Adaptus as a societal concept, among with the existential idea of your shape dictating your purpose. And within the text they don't just defy, they end up suffering the most out of it - Pharma ends up in a position where his hands are praised more than he, as a person, is, Ambulon dies by these hands, and his death dooms Pharma as well.
I hope it was comprehensive enough, i WISH i could include more images to prove my point. The amica endura would've been insane. If only the circumstance was different.
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oraclenorzi · 6 days ago
hehe same anon from earlier!! about Sin Of Envy-- i just saw your responses AND HEHE THEY ALSO MADE ME VERY HAPPY!!! AGHH I LOVE WORLD BUILDING AND YOUR CHARACTERIZATION IS SO GOOD.....DELICIOUS ....also i really like your emergence (pregnancy?? idk) hcs!! honestly i think its really realistic given transformers anatomy and what we know as far as how their bodies work. I always feel a little strange seeing artists actually make them look ROUND when pregnant but i really like the pod casing thing!! reminds me of another artist who headcanons emergence as a little gashapon ball. very cute 👍 OH and you definitely SUCCEEDED (at least for me) in melding Megatron and Skyfire together,,, i had to go back and reread those dream scenes so many times because i would get confused at which part was truly Megatron and which part was Skyfires influence. i would LOVE to read the draft for Sin of Envy if you do post it 🙏 !!!
WHOOOO!! THANK YOU!!! Tbh I think me reading One Piece a while back totally ruined my ability to worldbuild, because now I feel like I'm allergic to accepting things without a root reason for it.
And thank you! Honestly, I get the appeal of having transformers mimic humans in their manner of emergence, but it just doesn't make sense given their entire, well, status as inorganic extraterrestrial beings? I'm glad my headcanon flew well!
WHOOOOOOOO!!! I'M SO GLAD THAT MEGATRON AND SKYFIRE BECAME MEGASKYTRONFIRE!!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHA! Those dream scenes were meant to be trippy, and I'm glad they fulfilled their role. ;)
Tbh the draft I had for Sin of Envy ch 2 is extremely small and extremely unfinished. It does, however, hold a bit of Megatron's POV.
Actually, I'll share it here now:
Dreadwing sat alone [unfinished prol.]
Soundwave’s visor flickered and the compound optic onlined to the appearance of the Autobot base. Immediately, he began cataloguing the surroundings. Layers of sediment, he noted, The sound of compression. They were hiding underground.
(It had been a running joke on the Nemesis during the three years Megatron wasn’t around. The three years Knock Out found it in himself to sparkbond with Breakdown, the three years Starscream pushed back the Autobot priority in favor of Energon stability. Those few days they did opt to send minor parties out to comb the earth for Autobot appearance, they found neither hide nor hair of their base.
“They’re hiding underground!” Starscream had exclaimed at the time, wings shifting and posture notably relaxed. “They have got to be! There is no way otherwise; we’ve already well and combed the surface, after all.”
And then he’d devolved into a rant, partly about Knock Out’s terrible interfacing habits, partly about possible Autobot base locations, partly about Megatron and the army he would most certainly bring from his venture.)
Soundwave shifted and deployed his data cables. There was a computer nearby. Fool on the Autobots for putting him—the great and powerful Soundwave—so close to one, but far be it from him to complain.
Soundwave shifted. Tilted his helm. His dorsal spines flicked, the barest hint of his true irritation. His data cables, limbs that they were, pushed against a metal casing around their deployment ports. Well, he mused. Soundwave: Should not have assumed the Autobots would truly be that… unintelligent. Silently, he called out to Laserbeak.
…And his world erupted in—
Laserbeak! He called out, blinded, as his visor sent him warning message after warning message, glitching out with red lines and incomprehensible static. On the edge of his hearing radius, he noted a voice calling out to him, deep and soothing, familiar and not at once. He discarded it immediately. Laserbeak!
Nothing. She was saying nothing.
No, Soundwave realized, suddenly, after a few moments of pain persisted. His chassis was empty, Laserbeak was out of her charging port. Yet still, there was a burning sensation across his side, a phantom pain that echoed across their bond, largely overshadowed by Laserbeak’s—
Screaming, Soundwave grasped faintly. Laserbeak: Is screaming.
And then Soundwave was screaming. And thrashing. And his data cables, limbs that they were, slammed against the metal casing, denting it, sending sharp spikes of pain up into his helm—how did he get caught?—and then something sunk into his neck, one of the few unprotected spots of his frame, and Soundwave felt everything fade to black.
Starscream was his now.
(Megatron felt heady with power)
Starscream was his now.
(He was always his)
Starscream stood in Megatron’s berthroom, still, uncomprehending, servos stained blue with energon. His wings hung low on his back. His gaze had drifted off to the side at some point during Megatron’s internal monologue, and the Gladiator frowned. Without thinking, he reached for Starscream’s chin and pulled it toward him. “What are you looking at?” he rumbled, and Starscream tensed fearfully. “Look at me. Tell me what you see.”
For a few moments, Starscream was silent. “…You killed him,” he whispered, and it was like the same broken record. Over and over and over again, Starscream just kept saying the same damn thing, as if Megatron did not know his own actions.
“We established that already,” Megatron snarled, tightening his grip. Starscream winced. Megatron immediately loosened it to pull Starscream into his lap by the waist. “Say something else, my Weeping Star.”
Starscream froze. For a few moments, everything was silent, and then Starscream asked, in a shaking, whispering tone, “How do you know that name?”
Megatron frowned. What name? “Starscream,” he condescended, “Is the name you have gone by for the past four million years, in case you have yet to notice…”
Starscream flinched. “I’m not incompetent,” he muttered, optics darting to and fro, “And I know what I heard. What did you call me?”
“Starscream.” Megatron rumbled, calling upon an old desire that wasn’t quite his and cradling Starscream’s faceplate in his servo. “Starscream.” He pulled Starscream closer and locked an aileron between two sharpened talons. Starscream tensed. “Starscream,” Megatron hissed and pulled the Seeker closer. By now they were faceplate to faceplate. Megatron pressed a kiss against the underside of Starscream’s jaw. “Starscream.” By now the name had turned less of an answer and more a chant. A hymn. Something of reverence. Something to remind Megatron that this—these gray, long, elegant wings, this spark, bitter and ugly—was all his.
Starscream choked on a sob. “Stop it.” He whispered, and it was so close to begging that Megatron’s spark leapt for joy. Yes, he wanted to croon. Beg. “Stop it,” Starscream whispered again, and his wings shook. “You killed him—you—you don’t get to do this to me—” Starscream broke off and tried to detach from Megatron’s chassis. Megatron pressed him close. Starscream could not escape. No, no, no, not from him. “What is wrong with you?” Starscream whispered, and his EM-field clung to his frame. “What is wrong with you?”
Megatron hummed. “Something, clearly,” he voiced, “For I have kept you around so long, Starscream. Is it not the virus of love that you are still alive?” he stroked the edge of a wing. Starscream shivered.
“Love?” he asked faintly. “You call this love?” And it was now that he finally looked at Megatron, incredulous and visceral with a fear that Megatron found himself relishing in. Fear me—he wanted to take that faceplate, pepper it with kisses—fear me with all your spark. Stay with me, warm my spark. My spark, my spark, my spark—
“What else,” Megatron asked softly, “Could it possibly be?”
Starscream went quiet for a moment, before scoffing. “There is something flawed in your processor.”
Megatron hummed. The memory of the depth scan echoed. “Love is a virus,” he reiterated, and removed his digits from the aileron. The moment he did so, Starscream tensed and tried to yank himself away from the heavy arm Megatron kept around his waist.
“I told you the dark energon was wrong,” Starscream snarled, optics crazed. “This isn’t you, my Lord, you don’t do things like this; you hate—”
“Call me that again.”
“—me—” Starscream frowned, puzzled. “What?”
Megatron brought his free servo down to the Seeker’s back, just between Starscream’s wings—an echo of Skyfire’s old action. See, Megatron’s optics danced with dark glee. I can do this too. He may have been yours before he was mine. But… Megatron leaned in and bit at the base of Starscream’s forehelm spike. By now, the sensors around the crest must have lit up with confusion in an attempt to comprehend what just happened. Starscream jolted and Megatron drew back, watching, watching, watching as the data errors piled up from the foreign action, and charge crackled down Starscream’s frame.
(…I’ve had him far longer than you.)
“Call me your Lord.” Megatron rumbled as Starscream’s vents cycled louder. “Call me your Master.”
Starscream’s optics flickered. For a moment it seemed like he was going to cave (as always), but then this alien glint of conviction appeared and he managed to extricate himself from Megatron’s frame. “I know what you’re trying,” Starscream hissed, vocalizer torn. “And I won’t allow it. I won’t.”
Megatron reached out, only to pause for a moment. That moment was all Starscream needed. The Seeker shifted and blasted through the Nemesis halls. Megatron listened, unflinching, as the roar of Starscream’s engine and the cries of frightened Vehicons echoed. ::Knock Out:: he greeted, only marginally disappointed. ::What is it that you have for me? Good news, I hope?::
::More than a few good things, my Liege.:: Knock Out answered between yawns. The blubbering of a sparkling—Wildbreak, Megatron remembered—was heard in the background. ::And someone.::
::Someone?:: Megatron thought for a moment. ::Location, Knock Out.::
::Med Bay.::
::I will be there in a klik.::
Knock Out muttered an affirmative and closed his end of the comm line. Megatron sat still for a moment, relishing in the lingering warmth of Starscream’s frame and lamenting its loss—the Seeker will be back, he assured himself, he always comes back—before moving to attend to Knock Out’s request.
Knock Out shifted. Behind him, a figure was inspecting the synthetic energon formula. Megatron couldn’t help the grin. “Shockwave.” He greeted. “My advantage.”
“Lord Megatron.” Shockwave shifted. “My pleasure to serve.”
Hope you enjoyed lmao, unfinished as it is. <3
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transmascaraa · 1 year ago
HIII!!! just found u bc of ur gaming hcs and i am IN LOVEE W UR WRITING :333
idk if ur still taking reqs (if u arent feel free to ignore lol) but tbh ive been thinking a lot ab picnic date/date hcs in general w gaming, i feel like itd be cute !! gender neutral reader :p
(and also perhaps if u have any socials bc u seem rlly cool n i wanna b friends....)
bf!gaming headcannons!
just a simple picnic date...
bf!gaming x gn!reader
author's note: i know i said lyney brainrot first but i'd rather do these requests first<3 also i mean i have pinterest and that's really it cuz my parents don't let me have anything else, and even if i did manage to hide them, i don't have enough storage lmao my pinterest is @ w4nd3r3r but i know not everyone has pin so i'm sorry if you don't:( still, you can message me here<3 i hope you enjoy this!
"you and the sun are almost the same, really. well, i can't look at the sun for too long, but i can look at you forever..."
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-in your relationship with gaming, dates were quite often...
-whatever it may be, romantic dinner, a night walk, or even a movie night!
-he was creative when thinking of dates, wanting to provide you with the best of the bestest times of your life.
-and he was succeeding.
-so, when he invited you to a picnic date, you accepted in no time!
-getting ready was not a big deal.
-he would find you attractive in anything you wore.
-on the other hand, he was trying so hard to get dressed in a perfect outfit!
-he can't just wear anything and look good, right?
-that was your ability!
-but, thinking of all the times you told him not to worry, he calmed himself.
-and he finally got into an outfit.
-something he was comfortable in.
-when the two of you met at the spot, you greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.
-"hi, my dearest..." he said, smiling softly at you.
-"hello, gaming!" you replied, putting your blanket on the grass, and your basket on it.
-"so, what did you bring?" he asked, sitting down next to you.
-"i brought us food, your favorite! and some candy!" you answered, taking some candy out of the basket.
-"take as much as you want!" you smiled.
-"thank you, my love..." he smiled back at you.
-you ate some of the candy...
-and he ate a bit too.
-he wasn't usually crazy about those gummies.
-but now that he ate them with you and knowing that you like them?
-it's now the only type od gummies he'll eat consistently.
-thinking of you<3
-then, he would take your hand in his and look at the beautiful scenery before them.
-the sunset.
-"wow, it's almost as beautiful as you..." you said, looked far away at the distance.
-and that was probably one of the best dates you ever went to with him...
3 requests to go👍
i love this one
i'm dying from cuteness @chezsxapcake help was an adorable idea.
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puckpocketed · 2 months ago
You seem to know California hockey well, what are the feelings about LA being beaten by Edmonton in the first round every season - is it like Toronto and Boston?
Anon can i be fr with you <3 i know 0 about the Tor-Bos hate-uationship. you are asking the WRONG blog if you want a comparative analysis of this literature.
the things i know about the Leafs are: (1) im very fond of their little prospect Easton Cowan, and (2) there's an Amulet situation. I know about Boston through the doomed goalie tandem!!!
I barely know about the Edm-Lak timeloop but imo, we are cuter and funnier about our rivalry <3
My feelings about Edmonton beating LA every year are:
lol i wasn't there for 2/3 of those years but that sounds so funny. (something new hockey friends generally gotta make peace with is my grudges are not their grudges and likely never will be, and this is such a fun example)
i love timeloops i hope edm-lak keep meeting in the first round forever no matter what. i hope we die lovers. i hope we come back to life and die together again. mwah
rob blake is probably losing his job if its another first round exit. lol. lmao <- not unhappy about this
i literally have no resentment here im sorry i just don't roll like that
To get a little serious: LA has overhauled their systems and brought up a TON of their kids this season and put them in high-responsibility roles.
And they're succeeding, despite a key injury to Doughty and many being pretty green to the NHL (first line Turcotte!!!)
I won't go as far as saying we'll do better, but if nothing else this year will look different.
Last season LA didn't trade anyone at the deadline. If we're in a better spot and they think they can Win I think they'll look to make moves. I have no idea what the hell we'd be trading for this season to improve and i live in fear we will lose one of my beloved youth
could NOT tell you what the hell is goin on in edm aside from they got older and we swapped our wives (Arvidsson and Foegele)
In the end I just wanna watch good hockey 👍
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luzenber · 10 months ago
Even thought of an AU of the diamonds being Greek gods?
Well....not Greek but Western, it was one of my very first Au, where White was a god 👍
Summary of this Au (if you're interested)
I didn't name this Au :)
In this universe there was a place, a place for good creatures who have died and it is also the residence of the supreme god (White), she initially created Black (oc) in the hope that she would be the one succeeded her later, but Black was impatient so she tried to kill White to take her power. But White was originally a god, so she quickly defeated Black and Black was banished to a place for bad people (aka hell).
Later, when her anger subsided, White created a new heir, Yellow. Black creates a devil, Blue, and wants her to kill everything White created (including Yellow).
Many thousands of years later, White decided to create a new angel, Pink, to take care of the souls. But instead of studying hard to work later, she was playful, flying back and forth between planets and then fell in love with Earth. From then on, she always sneaked to Earth to play with humans (disguised as humans).
Black knew so she sent Blue to kill Pink. When Blue saw Pink from afar, she used her power to prepare to kill Pink, when a voice said: "There you are" causing Blue to stop and look in the direction of the voice, that was also the voice. was the first time Blue met Yellow. And, she fell in love at first sight (Yellow is very beautiful in this au :3)
As for Yellow, after discovering that Pink was not in her room, she went looking and felt an unusual dark energy. Ran over and saw Pink nearby, but she remained calm and called Pink when the energy disappeared. After observing and seeing nothing, she took Pink home (Blue had already left).
From then on, every time Pink sneaks down to earth to play, Blue will always hide around, just to see Yellow:3. But if the person who comes is not Yellow but another angel, she will kill them (other angels, not Pink). White soon felt strange so she asked Yellow to find out the reason. And when Yellow comes around, Blue shows up (she was following Yellow the whole time) they have a fight.
(This is actually an Au I created for Bellow, not really a slasher) XD
In the Pink part, after being discovered many times, of course she was punished and had to stay in her room. Because she didn't like being locked up, so she try to leave, but was caught again. This time, White got angry and took away her pair. Pink's wings. At the same time, she ordered her to be locked in prison, then later,Pearl (a low-level angel serving Pink) help Pink escape the prison and leave the paradise land.
From then on Pink stayed on earth and lived in human form until Black discovered her. Black sent another demon to kill Pink. When Yellow returned and heard the news, she immediately went looking for Pink, and found her cold body. Yellow thinks the devil who killed Pink is Blue so she hates Blue, but because she has no evidence, she can't do anything....
Later, Blue learned why Yellow hated her, so she got angry at Black and left. Blue then explained it to Yellow again. After much persuasion, Yellow believed and no longer hated Blue. She goes to find Pink's real killer and destroy that demon. Later, the two started talking and Yellow realized that Blue wasn't really evil, but because she possessed great evil power, everyone thought she was evil....
They gradually secretly became friends... at this point I stop the Au :)))
Maybe I will redraw this Au and post it later :b
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tadpolebobatea · 8 months ago
live slug reaction Chapter 211
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thats… not what loop 100 tella looks like. lmao. anyway. Kills me that the only people unchaste worked on are Loop 100 Sean (not mentioned above, he’s dead by now) who is cartoon levels of asshole villain, of course he doesn’t have a loved one. And Tella someone who’s main character trait is his dedication to his boss. Who he holds as more important than anything else in his life, and who’s main conflict is worrying over said boss. tell me tozuka!!!! What is devotion if not love!!! Come on man!!!!
(I’m working on “he wasn’t being honest about what he wanted (i.e not wanting to fight god, not wanting billy to fight god) in his relationship with billy so it wasn’t sincere. Partners talk to each other rather than just being told what to do or something. But I am just coping here)
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Poor boy. Dragged into being into being an unwilling Guinea pig… geez. So the crux of this chapter for me is if the ability is going to work on tella. Because I’m invested in-
What the fuck is that
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Me when there’s a new chapter
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BillyTella nation! we’re so back! It’s so over! results inconclusive!!! (Classic tozuka non-answer… don’t worry tella, i believe you care for billy)
Also oh my god. KURURU I WOULD KILL FOR YOU BBGRL. Grinning little gremlin!!! (Did she brainwash them into playing death metal as well? Or is she death growling over them playing regular idol backing music)
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unclear what this means for kurukae yuri nation… I think we might still be on? Narrative foils are fair game
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No further comments
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get his ass (hi Veronica. Glad to see you’re still like… alive 👍)
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I 100% buy this lol. He’s friends with creed who tried to kill him (and succeeded in killing his squad last loop). Billy is just like that…
Veronica being a mercenary does add another layer to Billy’s whole steal the disc and become the worlds enemy angle. And how it was like:
The reader: Wdym you’re going to be a supervillain. Billy you have a wife at home???
The wife in question, probably: FUCK EM UP HONEY!!! Get they ass!!
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can you 2 maybe stop smoking around your toddler? Oh and glad to see Mui just being slid in next to the wives. Real casual like.
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Glad that my joking prediction of a mlp equestria girls evil battle of the bands is coming true. Good for them (also that kururu eye close up goes hard)
Well good luck girls, unchaste has none of the weaknesses it had last time. Good news for the “Unchaste would be busted if the activation wasn’t so strict” girlies. We were right. This is not exactly good news for The gang though 
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