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Double Pigeon: my new goal for the is to improve this pose. Or maybe just open my hips more. Maybe it should just be patience!!! What's your goal for the year? #goals #doublepigeon #pose #yoga #yogapose #hipopener #progression #progress #practice #improvement #patience #newyear #newgoal #bored #ThingsTakesTime (at Notting Hill)
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askjadeeldataylor · 5 years
Coming To The Realization That I Idealize People Too Much.
 I have dealt with a lot ups n downs when it comes to being social growing up. I didn’t go to kids party unless it was family, so I grew up pretty isolated. I was also bullied quite a bit. 
 Once I started junior high I was given more freedom ( I did took advantage of it because I got to explore more and gave me this feeling independence). But this also meant I was exposed to a many more influences. I was still an anti-social and the most shy person, sure I had recognized those I had went to elementary with yet I knew we had gone their own paths. 
Then came my crush on one of my friends from elementary, we shall call him Josh. Josh was sweet, kind and shy like myself but this is when my social anxiety decided to make it’s first appearance. Here’s the thing I have a very vivid imagination so it was super easy to picture moments with Josh. And thus  was the beginning of idealizing issues. When i began to start telling friends about my crush on Josh I used tell them things that really weren’t  part of his personality. 
 Let’s fast forward to up the age of 18, I had met my ex boyfriend at the adult education center I was attending to get my high school diploma. But we didn’t start dating till we were out of school. I think this is when it was at my worst, because I was still heart broken from my previous relationship I had started becoming close to him and we were hanging out a lot with one another.
 Once I start telling my friends about him but I began describing him as a the ultimate perfected specimen because in my eyes he was for he gave the attention I’ve craved that so many lacked to give me over my life. This cycled continued for almost 6 years. 
  I am 24 now and I’ve been single for about 6 months now. The last person I was with truly opened my eyes and also with the help of 2 of my good friends pointed out this very big issue I had with relationships for I made them this amazing perfect God-like being, that didn’t have to time for me or didn’t felt the same. 
 I have come to terms with this issues and been working really hard to not have this take hold of me. For bettering yourself will help you not be in a constant cycle of pain and hurt. Everyone is going to have toxic traits, behaviours along with vulnerabilities. Just takes will power to overcome them. 
 We can take hold of the mind and change our faults.
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