#things with zezamu
celebellysfantrolls · 6 years
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Hi my name is Celene and the need to make this gripped me as soon as I got home.
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celebellysfantrolls · 6 years
tell me about zezamus ancestor!
Ze’s ancestor was a professional thief!!! Worked for a thieves guild and got into some trouble with local royalty and got really close to being culled until he got put in charge of protecting a noble under the threat that if ANYTHING happened to he was going to be killed slowly and /very/ painfully.
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celebellysfantrolls · 7 years
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Jumps onto the bandwagon SUPER LATE
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celebellysfantrolls · 8 years
💋💋💋💋💋 Two max... HA give me the sin for Ze
Ze FEEDS off of his name being said by his partner while doing it
Always one to make sure his partner gets off
If he finds something that gets a good reaction YOU BET YOUR ASS HE’LL BE DOING THAT AGAIN
When it comes to the temperature difference between blood colors, Ze leans towards the cooler spectrum ewe
Biting is a pretty fucking fast route to turning him on... 
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celebellysfantrolls · 8 years
♣ Stolen kisses
♣ = discovering them crying 
Ashton discovering Ze crying.
You didn’t have very many daymares, but the ones you did have always had your heart racing by the end. The stench of burnt flesh and searing heat of a roaring fire near your body is how it always starts. Ears ringing so loud it makes you wince, the explosion that had cause it still surged through your bones making them vibrate.
It was hard to breath, your chest on fire and aching with broken ribs. The men you had been with were no where to be seen, but there was a lot of blood that let your foggy mind come to it’s own conclusions. They were all dead or close to it like you.
You had been thrown from the vehicle just like them but you were still alive, seeming to have hit a weakened wall and not had your innards smashed onto the blocks. Movement to your side makes your body go tense and sets every nerve is on fire. One of the trolls you had been with is writhing close by, her legs and arm crushed by the fallen wall from what you can see. She locks eyes with you and the fear in her eyes makes your blood run cold. The same fear taking root in your own body. You were going to die.
Every time you try to move, every time you try to call out the world goes dark. You have no idea how long you were out between blinks but the ringing in your ears has subsided. And her sobbing fills the silence. You still can’t talk, your mouth moving but no noise coming out.  You wanted to comfort her, to tell her that it would be over soon. You wanted to help her and stop her suffering.
You black out again, this time awaking to a gun shot. Eyes flashing open  in time to see a tall uniformed troll entering the ruined room you were in with a pistol clutched in a blood spattered hand. Your eyes go wide in renewed fear as he walks over to the crushed troll who was somehow still alive. He made quick work of her as your eyes water with tears, her cool teal blood decorating the dark fabric of the official now towering over you.
Breathing cutting short and frantic you shake your head in a silent plea, your mouth forming the words no no please no, over and over again. Cold cobalt eyes meet yours with an emotionless face. Your heart feels like it’s about to burst from your chest as he raises the weapon to point towards your own head. Tears streaming down you face and sobs racking your chest you close your eyes and wait for it all to end. 
A sharp voice cuts through everything and makes your eyes snap open, the troll above you attention switched from you to the source of the voice. There is was again, why did it sounds familiar? It even sounded like your name? A third time and it was your name they were yelling. The cobalt above you looks down at you and takes aim again and pulls the trigger.
You bolt upright  narrowly missing Ashton’s face, his hands gripping your shoulders. Your eyes stung and your chest was tight in panic, skin clammy and slick with sweat. Ashton’s voice was too loud in your ear as you snap your head to look at him about to tell him to be quiet, but the look on his face traps the words in your throat once again. His eyes were full of concern, brows knit together as he looked at you.
“Ze, you were having a daymare, I couldn’t get you to wake up. I- you were crying. You still are-”
Your chest was still heaving as your hand meets his on your shoulder, Under your and his hand, and the fabric of your shirt aches a old gunshot wound, the cause of your nightmares. A deep breath brings in your senses and your lean your head into Ashton’s neck, his cool skin comforting. His gills tickled your cheek and alerts you to the continuing stream of tears coming from your eyes. You wipe them with a free hand and wrap the other around Ash’s waist. 
Ashton wraps his arms around you n a tight hug as you tell him in a cracked voice that you were okay. You don’t know if he believes you or not, you just know you weren’t going to be going back to sleep anytime soon.
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celebellysfantrolls · 8 years
8,10,12,13,15 and 19 for the Cat man thief ;3c
08: Favorite FoodSushi eheheh >w>;;;
10: Favorite MusicPop and techno, anything with a fast and catchy beat that he can get behind.
12: Biggest fantasyHmmmm, I would have to say living in plain sight while still doing his thief thing. He likes the abandoned bank he lives in now yeah, but to have a nice cushy hive with a view of the ocean and all the perks? YES PLEASE
13: Bad habitsKnowing full well that something is dangerous and going head long into it anyways. Pushing the envelope on how much he can take before he’s in too deep and is gonna get his ass thrown into jail. BREAKING OUT OF JAIL AND THINKING IT AS A GAME. just to name a few eheheh.
15: Best kept secretsHis past, real age, and blood color!
19: Weapon of choiceBow and arrows ala hawkeye. He’s a ace shot and being ambidextrous can shoot with either hand and most angles. He makes most of his custom arrows such as smoke bombs, nets, shock arrows, bolas arrows, and fire bomb arrows. He uses them sparingly though, as all the parts he needs for each arrow can be tricky to come by. about 75% of his quiver will be regular arrows.
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celebellysfantrolls · 8 years
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Your name is Zezamu Danaki and BOY do you love stealing shiny shit.
I don’t think I have designed a troll so fast in my life BUT HERE HE ISSSS.
He’s a LOT older then you think =w= He just has contacts to keep everyone guessing at his age and bloodcolor! 
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