#things mercutio would say
princeanon · 6 months
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Copied from my instagram story. Please respect my decision not to post about Romeo & Juliet anymore.
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My Two Cents On The “ Is David Tennant Queer” Drama
As some of you know, I spent a solid third of the past year working on a movie-length video essay about David Tennant. This video essay features an eight minute section titled “Gender, Vulnerability, and Why David Tennant Is A Queer Icon”, which does not speculate on David’s own sexuality, but discusses the queer coding and subversion of gender norms in plenty of his roles and his importance as an ally to the LGBT community. At the same time, I was also coming to terms with my own identity as nonbinary and bisexual, and it ended up playing a crucial role in me finally working up the courage to come out to my parents. Characters like Crowley and the Doctor, both in terms of how they present themselves and how and who they love, have been absolutely instrumental in me developing my queer identity, and my comments section was full of people who had had similar experiences, who’d realized they were trans, nonbinary, gay, etc thanks to David and his characters. And as a result, I won’t deny that if David himself were to be queer, it would mean a lot to me.
Do I think David is queer? It’s certainly possible. I see a lot of how I express my queerness in how david chooses to express himself, most prominently through his frequent queer coding of characters who don’t necessarily have to be played as such. This can especially be seen through his Shakespeare characters, such as Richard, Hamlet, and some would argue Benedick as well. When I was 15 I played Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, who I chose to play as a closeted young gay man harboring an unrequited crush on Romeo. I think I saw this role subconsciously as an outlet for my own repressed queerness, both of gender and sexuality, as I had experienced an unrequited crush on my female best friend the previous year which I was still in denial about. I’ve described my gender identity as “a girl with a chaotic tortured gay man inside of her that needs to be let out every once in a while”, which has never been more true than with Mercutio- a character who I might add, I took a great deal of inspiration from David when playing! In terms of using roles as an outlet for one’s queerness, I could absolutelt see this being true with David, especially when it comes to Crowley, who seems to have had an impact on David’s style, behavior, etc in a rather similar way to how he’s impacted me. I don’t want to act like David wearing pink docs means he must be gay, I think people should be allowed to wear whatever they want regardless of sexuality, but taken in conjunction with so many other things about him, it does make one wonder, and the fact that a seemingly straight man has been so many people’s queer awakening is a bit puzzling to say the least. I won’t pretend that these “signs” (if you interpret them that way), haven’t been increasing somewhat in the past year, and if I got to share my own coming out journey with the man who inspired it, I would be absolutely thrilled. I also can’t specifically think of an instance where David has SAID he is straight, as opposed to Taylor swift, who has.
With all of that said, where I personally draw the line is when mere speculation crosses into interfering with the subject’s personal relationships and the sense that one is OWED something. I believe that what matters to David more than anything is being a husband and a father. I believe he adores Georgia and his children and would not do anything in the world that he believes would jeopardize his family. As happy as I would be for David if he were to come out (probably as bi) I realize that that would put so much unwanted attention on his marriage and family and I think that’s the last thing he wants. I don’t think it’s IMPOSSIBLE that he and Michael Sheen are having a passionate love affair behind everyone’s backs, but I absolutely don’t consider it my place to insist that they are, because as much as I may feel like I do, I don’t know these people! And besides, if David were cheating on Georgia, he really would not be the person I thought he was.
So many queer people see themselves in David and his characters, and that is beautiful. And I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with having theories that David might be queer himself. However, it must be acknowledged that these theories are THEORIES, and they should not be used to invalidate people’s real life relationships- after all, it’s totally possible to be bi/pan and also be in a loving and healthy heterosexual relationship like David and Georgia at least seem to be in! If David were in fact “one of us”, I would welcome him with the openest of open arms, but unless and until he himself decides to proclaim himself that way, I will not expect anything of him other than to be the incredible artist and person we know and love.
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phoenixyfriend · 10 months
Hi please consider: Vivi and Sanji are, ostensibly, of the same social class.
Vivi and Sanji are arranged into a marriage.
Vivi's assistant/secretary/handmaid is Nami. Sanji's bodyguard (which he doesn't need but it's a whole situation about being royal) is Zoro.
Technically, for Reasons, Zoro and Nami also get married. On paper.
Every night one of each duo hops the fence, high fives, and goes off to do ZoSan and NaVi shipping instead. (You know, like this post about Mercutio and Romeo.)
Arranged royal marriages but make it shenanigans instead of Sad.
Admittedly I'm not super into NaVi but I am a fan of Zoro and Nami as a duo and I think them bearding for each other would be hilarious.
It's not about military support like the Big Mom thing; Germa want to exchange their tech (desalination plants) to Alabasta for raw materials (beach-beaten sand, used for concrete).
God, this would work out so well for all of them.
Nami is so weird about girls that the flirty friendship just gets treated as Normal, especially since Vivi is fairly shy about romance.
Sanji is ludicrously over the top about girls and will dote on his wife, publicly, at volume, even if they're not in romo.
Vivi gets a marriage that her royal court will allow, to a friend who gets to leave a bad situation, and they can both live with it.
Sanji and Zoro will fight like the bitches they are.
Nami and Zoro will oscillate between saltmates and a dynamic that really has people making "Ah, the old ball and chain, huh?" jokes because of the whole debt thing.
Sanji and Vivi are doing their best to sell it (it's easy, they aren't expected to be in love, they're already friends), while Nami and Zoro, despite actually being friends who would die for each other, are leaning into toxic heterosexuality for the gag.
They want people to suggest couples counseling.
They want to be so toxic that people get concerned.
Someone tries to hand Zoro a pamphlet about financial abuse and he just takes one look, stares them in the eye as he puts it in the trash or shredder, and then says "I can't read."
And leaves.
(Which is not a funny subject, but is a funny reaction.)
Nami: I have a great sense of direction and he has no sense of direction at all. Nami: I'm fun and he's no fun at all. Nami: I've got tons of money and he's got none at all. Nami: We can both drink the rest of the world under the table. Nami: We complete each other.
"That's not a basis for a relationship." "It isn't? Shame."
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dystopianam · 1 month
A little summary of how the fandoms of the various neighborhoods of The Sims 2 are like
(I would like to say that all the points listed were written for joking, it is not my intention to offend anyone, every neighborhood/fandom deserves love equally and I use stereotypes just for laughs.)
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You are probably a new player, you have only now discovered that you can also play outside the tutorial.
Your favorite family are the Burbs (for some reason) (Currently I discovered that only the Italian fandom is obsessed with the Burbs for some reason??)
You've been obsessed with Bella Goth and have been following her mystery for years. We are in 2024 and you are still looking for or making videos or posts with the title "I FINALLY DISCOVERED THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MYSTERY OF BELLA GOTH" (Spoiler: you didn't discover anything, your theory is full of nonsensical headcanons but you are convinced that it is canon)
Oooh, silly Don ☺️☺️
Dina and Nina are bad grill but they're so hot 😰😰💦💦 🥵🥵🥵
Talk about Bella 24 hours a day
Broke?? Dreamer?? Pleasant?? Who the f they are? D: (You only know the Goths, Calientes and Lotharios because you've only played The Sims 4 so far)
The only lore you know is that of Bella Goth.
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You're a little more "cultured" as a player. You're here because you're passionate about Bella's story, but now you also love the lore of Strangetown and have enough knowledge about the lore of both neighborhoods.
Cactus and Aliens aesthetic.
Obsessed with PascNerv.
Joking about Loki face and piss jokes about Vidcund H24 (The only thing you talk about is that)
Vidcund sexy man, his favorite color is yellow because he have a bladder problem.
Fans obsessed with Vidcund to the point that it turns a joke into something worrying with people actually fighting over a bunch of pixels with buck hair.
Loki and Circe do BDSM.
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The fandom has a large number of 11 members. Half of them are here just for the Tycutio.
They look indignantly at the PV & ST fandom, with a glass of wine in hand, they feel superior but they never knew anything about Shakespeare's works until now.
Ahaha Mercutio raccoon boy 🦝
Ahah Tybalt angry pussy 🐱
Everyone in Veronaville are LGBT+ except Romeo.
Ahahah Gnomeo!
Wait...what are you telling me it's Romeo & Juliet and not Mercutio & Tybalt??? Didn't Shakespeare write a gay tragedy???
Old men yaoi
Old women yuri
Antonio swears on his restaurant, his family and his cappuccino.
Riverblossom Hills, Desiderata Valley & Belladonna Cove
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“Lance, if those are my socks, you’re going to meet God tonight.”
Lance pauses just outside the common room door, glancing down at his feet (that are most definitely clad in Pidge’s gigantic knitted socks), then back to Pidge.
“I’m freezing!” he defends. “This castle is always subzero, and I’m anaemic! I needed them!”
Pidge scowls. “I know they’re warm! That’s why I wanted to wear them this morning, but couldn’t, because somebody stole them!”
Lance pouts, big brown eyes getting even bigger and bottom lip stuck out. “Aw, but Pidge —”
“No buts! You made those socks for me! Make your own! Give ‘em!”
Lance huffs as he peels them off — revealing another pair of socks, only they’re normal and not fuzzy and soft — and throws them at her.
Pidge is correct — Lance is the worst clothes thief in the whole castle. In the universe, probably. Hell, he’s not even wearing a stitch of his own clothing right now — he’s wearing a long, thick skirt of Allura’s over a pair of Keith’s leggings, one of Hunk’s hoodies thrown over his shoulder. Keith can’t see due to the aforementioned giant hoodie, but he would bet his knife that under the hoodie is layered at least four various sweaters and shirts from other members of the team.
“You could just wear your own clothes, you know,” Shiro says, exasperatedly fond. “Lord knows you have more hoodies than the rest of the universe combined.”
“It’s not the same,” Lance insists. He looks mournfully at Pidge, who rolls her eyes at him. “And now I’m going to freeze to death.”
“Good,” she mutters, aggressively jamming the keys on her laptop. “Karma.”
Hunk flicks her on the ear.
“Be nice,” he admonishes.
“Thank you,” Lance says primly.
“If Lance dies, who is going to get so stressed about the state of your room that they’ll clean if for you?” Hunk continues, teasing grin on his face.
Lance mouth drops in indignation. “How dare — insolence! Defamation! False accusations! I am being mocked in my own home!” He turns to Coran, dramatically incensed and enraged. “Dad!” he says, which is something he only calls Coran when he wants to get his way. “Pidge and Hunk are bullying me!”
“I heard, dear,” Coran says, amused. “How rude of them.”
“Yeah!” Lance says. He gestures wildly towards the duo in question. “They should be — punished!”
“I see. Pidge? Hunk? Do you deserve to be punished?”
Pidge and Hunk look up from their projects to bat their eyelashes, expressions as innocent as possible.
Keith quickly hides a laugh as a cough. Luckily, Lance is too caught up in dramatics to notice.
“Why, of course not, dearest father,” Hunk says. “No bullying remarks ever crossed my lips.”
“Nor have they crossed mine, Papa,” Pidge agrees, putting on a silly Victorian accent. “Why, I am appalled at the very accusation!”
“I certainly heard no count of defamation,” Allura comments, looking up for the first time in what has to have been an hour. She’s been carefully painting Shiro’s prosthetic, covering it in a myriad of flowers and vines. Shiro keeps looking down at it and smiling. “Shiro? Did you hear anything?”
“Not a thing,” Shiro says. He looks over at Lance, barely suppressing a smirk. “Sorry, kiddo!”
“Betrayed!” Lance whines. “Unloved! By my very family, my comrades in arms! I have been shot, abandoned, left to rot. Unto no minds doth my very self cross, nor the hearts or sentiments of my closest loves. Instead I am left to freeze, to perish, as frost grows from my fingertips —”
“C’mere, Mercutio,” Keith teases, interrupting Lance’s soliloquy. He pats the cushion next to him, lifting up his arm so Lance knows what Keith is implying. “You can tuck your feet under my thighs, if you want.”
“Finally!” Lance cries, stumbling over to Keith. “Someone loves me, in this cold and weary hellscape of treason!”
Lance settles in with a relish, gleefully shoving his toes under Keith’s thigh — how do they feel like ice bricks, he’s wearing at least two normal pairs of socks and Keith’s sweatpants aren’t that thin — and plastering himself to Keith’s side. He rests his head on Keith’s shoulder, squiggling around until he’s comfortable and can see everyone else.
“Keith, you are the only valid person in this room,” he says, very seriously. (Well, as seriously as he can with amusement making his eyes sparkle.)
“Oh, how the turntables,” Hunk mutters.
Keith smiles. It is kind of strange, he supposes.
“Imagine trying to explain this to us three years ago,” he whispers to Lance. Lance laughs.
“I don’t think past me would even begin to take you seriously,” he agrees.
Privately, Keith thinks that past him probably wouldn’t have all that much trouble. He’d be a little shocked, sure, but Keith’s always been soft for the kind ones, and always had a thing for the cocky loudmouths. Lance is a lucky mix of exactly Keith’s type.
“Hey, Lance,” Hunk says after a while. “Genuinely asking — why do you always steal all our clothes? You never did at the Garrison. Or, well, you did, but not this much.”
Lance hums, reaching over to grab Keith’s free hand and fidgeting with his fingers. It takes him a long moment to answer — long enough that everyone else stops what their doing, looking over at him curiously.
“Hundreds of years ago,” he says finally, voice husky and quiet, “in the time of bad spirits and changelings, there lived a woman with her small child and husband. The woman loved her husband deeply, and he her, and it saddened her every time he left, but times were tight — he was a fisherman in a time of great recession, and had to leave often and for long periods of time to get enough for them to eat and sell.
“The woman was hardy, though, and fended well for herself and her baby even without her husband. She worked any job she could with the babe strapped to her back, keeping her mind busy so the loneliness wouldn’t plague her too deeply. Every morning she held for several moments her husband’s waistcoat, that he’d left behind for fear of ruining it out at sea. It did not hold the warmth of her husband, nor even the smell of him after so long, but he’d had the coat so long that she felt it carried a part of him in it, and that part was enough to carry her through the day.
“One day, while she was gathering the dried laundry from the lines, she heard a rustling inside the house. She called out, hopeful that her husband had returned early, but there was no response. Hesitantly, careful of the babe on her back, she crept in through the bedroom window, shrouding herself in shadows so as to remain hidden.
“She was smart to be so cautious, for a fairy had snuck in — and was standing gleefully in the kitchen! The wretched thing crouched by the hearth, rubbing its hands together, waiting for her and her babe to come in through the door.
“Now the woman knew she could not stay hidden forever. Eventually her back would tire, or the babe would wake, or even the fairy would grow bored of waiting and search for her — regardless, she would be found. And the woman was no witch, so she knew no spells for herself, no charms to protect herself and the child. She had only herself, her wits, and the laundry she had gathered. The woman was not ignorant to magic, either. She knew of the power that lay dusted over every single thing; the spirit that resided in living and non-living things alike.
“But the woman was young, and unpracticed. What say she of the powers that be? She did not know how to summon them. She did not know how she could outwit or out-charm a fairy. She did not know even if it was possible. In truth she was afraid, and longed for comfort as deeply as safety. She tightened her hands on her husband’s waistcoat, the softness of the wool soothing her mind, and wrapped it carefully around her and the babe. The memory of her husband and his love bolstered her spirit and cleared her mind. She could not fight the fairy, but perhaps she could reason with it. Fairies were wicked, but they were weak to games and bets.
“With her husband’s coat wrapped around her, she stepped out of the shadows, striding forward with confidence she did not feel to the kitchen, where the fairy was crouched.
“But the fairy did not stir.
“She looked at it strangely, having expected it to react immediately to the sounds of her footsteps, but it did not move. It only scowled deeply at the door, thin lips curled and porcelain-white skin purple in rage.
“‘Horrible humans!’ it screeched, banging its gnarled fists on the floor. ‘Anticipated my tricks, and fled from the house! Bah! I have waited for hours; I shall wait no longer. I will return tomorrow at the set of the sun, and descend upon them then.’ And then the fairy ran from the house, disappearing into the darkness of the forest.
“The woman was shocked. She had made no effort to conceal herself, after the shadows, and yet the fairy had not noticed her. She realized clearly that her husband’s spirit, caught in the threads of his coat, had protected her and her babe, and the fairy could not see through it. She resolved to stay wrapped up in the coat until the fairy grew bored of her home and left her in peace.
“For weeks, the woman kept her and her infant wrapped in the coat. It was with her when she slept, and when she worked, and when she ate. She kept herself secure in the heaviness of the worn wool, and over time the fairy did grow bored of waiting, coming to the house less and less until it did not come at all. Still she wore the coat, as wearing it brought her strength, brought her comfort.
“When her husband finally returned from sea, she ran to him, embracing him tightly and settling in his warmth, his scent. He carried the security of the waistcoat tenfold, and she had touched him only for minutes.
“When she told him of the fairy and the waistcoat, he was glowing in his pride of her. ‘You are as bright as any of the stars,’ he told her, cupping her face gently. ‘Fairies are evil, wretched creatures, who have been blinded to love. By wearing my waistcoat you shrouded yourself in a spirit the fairy could not see, and so it could not harm you. Your faith and love outwitted the bitter heart of the fairy.’”
No one speaks for several minutes after Lance finishes, struck silent by the captivating stillness in the room, the magic present from the story.
“That’s the story my Nana would tell me when she was teaching me how to sew, how to knit,” Lance says, breaking the silence. “She told me not to make the stitches too tight or there wouldn’t be room for love to settle in the clothing. And it just — it makes me feel safer, I guess. To be wearing other people’s clothes.”
“That’s beautiful,” Shiro says, smiling softly. Lance smiles back.
“Your Nana?” Pidge questions. “I would’ve thought you’d call her Abuela.”
“Well,” Lance says, in a startlingly good Scottish accent. “The McClain half ‘a me family had to come from somewhere, eh, lass?”
“I didn’t know you were Scottish,” Keith says quietly. It does make sense — McClain is a very Scottish name, now that he thinks of it — but somehow he’d never considered it.
“His mom’s side is,” Hunk chimes in. “That’s why he’s so freckly.”
Lance chuckles. “Yep. Only my Nana was born there, though. She fled to Cuba to escape my shithead grandfather when she was pregnant with my mom. She grabbed her passport and her purse and hauled ass to the airport in the middle of the night, and chose the first and cheapest flight available, which on that particular day was to Cuba. Lucky for her it ended up working, and now I can’t imagine being anywhere else.”
“She sounds awesome,” Pidge says.
“She is. She taught me how to shoot, too.”
“I’d like to meet her, when we get to Earth,” Allura declares.
“Oh, she’ll love you, ‘Llura. Badass leader of an intergalactic revolution? You’re the coolest thing she can conceptualise.”
Allura looks pleased at the compliment.
“She’ll love all of you, in fact,” Lance continues. “Almost as much as she loves me. I’m her favourite.”
“You’re everyone’s favourite,” Coran says, and no one can really disagree.
based on this post
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wheretobuygoodurl · 11 months
Shakespeare characters as random things in my notes app
Lady Macbeth: It was so cunt of him to die
Hamlet, talking about Claudius: He looks like his hairline got a restraining order from his forehead.
Also Hamlet: After I found out I had a silly little mental disorder, I was like, “what if I went to England?”
Mercutio, angrily: If I was a shark, I would eat Tybalt.
Hamlet, with an idea for a play: I say, “beef jerky.” The camera pans to you, saying “No! Please no!” Then it pans back over to me. I am beef jerky.
Hamlet, with another idea for a play: I’m gonna write a one-act comedy of The Last Supper. Yes, “Judas, you’ve been awfully quiet.”
Laertes, to the tune of Creep by Radiohead: 🎶 I’m a crêpe 🎶
More to come.
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hyacinth-sims · 6 months
La Campanella
Summary: A character study of Tybalt Capp as he reflects upon his relationship with his late mother and his place in the Capp family. 
Warning: None, VERY SAD :(
Pairings: None, Implied Past Tybalt Capp/Mercutio Monty
Word Count: 1.8k
Author’s Note: The formatting/style is a little messy since I really just let everything go and wrote what I thought of Tybalt and who he is in the moment. I’m really happy with what I came up with but also quite sad because he really needs a hug :( Also link for a piano rendition of La Campanella I think it really ties everything together 😁
His mother began to teach him piano before he could form a coherent sentence. She would sit on the bench and invite him next to her, his bright eyes watching intently as her slender fingers danced across the keys. He would attempt to imitate her whenever he could, his little hands smashing down on the ivory keys in an attempt to make music. Instead of scolding him for the awful slam of notes he let out, his mother would simply laugh and wrap her arms around him—stroking her fingers through his red hair as she whispered the nickname she’d called him until her very last breath. 
“My sweet boy.” 
Tybalt was 9 years old when he had his first piano recital. He was set to play Für Elise, the only classical piece he knew by heart. He cried and cried backstage until the tears had run dry, only leaving heaving sobs and stinging eyes. Performing in front of his grandfather’s coworkers was one thing; performing in front of an entire auditorium full of people was something else entirely. But even from a young age, Tybalt did as a Capp always would, wiped the wet streaks from his cheeks, and walked onto that menacing stage.
He played as if nothing bothered him, refusing to let anyone see him sweat. His sisters like to say that he changed the day their parents died, but the stubborn boy desperately seeking approval always existed under the surface. Once finished with his performance, he stood up from his bench before taking a bow. His fingernails dug into the palms of his hands as he clenched his fists behind his back, an anxious response as he desperately searched for his grandfather in the crowd. He was there, seated with an unchanging expression as his hands quietly clapped together in the sea of applause. 
Grandfather had told him that one day, he would be the man of the family. It meant both a lot yet very little in a matriarchal hierarchy, as his role in the family would never be to take over—but rather protect his sisters as they would eventually find suitors of their own to bring into the Capp family. However, even if Tybalt was married off to a woman of riches and good social standing, even if his last name was stripped of him, he wanted to make his grandfather proud until the very end. 
It was a point of contention between his mother and his grandfather. While Grandfather had many expectations of who Tybalt would eventually become within their family, his mother wanted him to follow his own path. She never wanted him to marry for money or power, and even as a child, she made him promise he would marry somebody he loved. He never knew it as a child, but marriages for love were uncommon in his family. His parents were the exception, not the rule. 
His mother and father had met as young adults, he was in attendance of a piano performance of her own. They were both students of an arts university, with his father being an aspiring stage actor who’d attended the recital on a whim. She gushed that he was captivated by her rendition of Nocturne No. 8, finding her after the show to commend her on her beauty and piano skills—and to ask her on a date. Grandfather and grandmother were not happy about this, seeing as though they had already planned a potential husband for her to marry once she was out of university. 
They eventually found his father to be suitable enough for their heiress, although it meant that the Troy family was guaranteed to marry into the family the following generation—which meant Juliette. 
It wasn’t set in stone until their parents had passed, as the importance placed on true love and the happiness that came with it faded with them. As long as grandfather remained alive, Juliette’s hand was guaranteed to the young heir of the Troy family and it had become Tybalt’s job to make sure all went well. It also meant that his happiness would forever take the back burner, although it wasn’t as if that meant much.
Once his parents died and his grandparents had taken in himself and his sisters, his happiness very quickly revolved around what use he could provide for the family. If it meant marrying a woman he could never love, he would do it. If it meant automatically hating anyone who had ever possibly slighted his family, he would do it. If it meant killing that little boy who listened intently to his mother’s stories of love and what it meant to be happy…
He’d do it without much thought at all. 
His grandfather seemed to be the opposite of his mother, as his advice to Tybalt was that love is the destruction of man. He said love could make even the strongest man alive crumble down without much effort. Tybalt had asked how he remained standing and was not given much of an answer other than a glance that told what words couldn’t. It was then, at age 13, that Tybalt learned his grandparents had not loved each other—at least not in the traditional sense. 
Certainly, those premonitions had to come from somewhere, but Tybalt just wasn’t sure where. 
What his mother would likely find heartbreaking if she had been alive is the fact that Tybalt understood his grandfather’s words. He had never been in love, it would be silly to call a childhood infatuation love. He was 7 years old, standing off to the side as the other children played on the playground. He didn’t want to get his uniform dirty; his grandmother hated it whenever he did. A boy came up to him with a monarch butterfly resting on the tip of his finger, a grin on his face that was missing a few teeth. In fact, he had just watched one fall out only the week before. His friend had dared him to bite into a rather large jawbreaker—of course, that did not end well. The boy told him that the orange hue of the small creature reminded him of Tybalt’s hair. 
It was nice to fantasize for a few years, to tell his mother that he was following her stories, to insist he was in love as she responded with cooing and warm hugs. But everything came to a halt after that fire, not only in his life but for the entire town. His grandfather insisted on the theory that the rivaling Montys had caused it—and tore apart his already battered heart in the process.
That anxious yet curious little boy was laid to rest with his parents on that day, leaving only the hardened shell carefully curated to guarantee he would never hurt like that again. At least, that was what Tybalt told himself—a mantra repeated to convince himself that there were no feelings left to feel other than vengeance and rage. As always, though, the truth lay somewhere in the middle. Tybalt would never be the same as he once was; that much was very true. He could never listen with wide eyes and a bright smile to fantastical fairytales of happiness or flush and stammer in response to something as stupid as a butterfly. 
But deep inside, there was still a desperate vying for approval from his family. There was still a craving, a need for someone to simply say they were proud of him. There was still a part of him that wanted to be loved, to be told that everything was going to be okay in the end. Tybalt hated that part of himself, it would never see the light of day if he had anything to do with it. 
He’d abandoned his mother’s stories, her gentleness, her wish for her children to have something better than feuds and arranged marriages. All he could keep of her memory was the grand piano that had been in the family for generations; it had become his sole comfort when repression and denial failed. 
The sheet music of La Campanella had sat on the music shelf in front of him for nearly a month. He’d turned it around this time, only allowing his eyes to see the blank back of the thick paper. He wanted to completely memorize it before his grandfather’s next party for his business associates and where he would likely meet the girl he was set to marry once he completed his education. He hoped she would at least be decent company, somehow his grandparents seemed to enjoy their time spent with one another—perhaps he could have the same. 
Oh, his mother would be aghast to hear of that. The argument between his mother and grandfather would be one for the ages, he had to get his temper from somewhere after all. Perhaps she would understand if she was here to see the worsening tensions throughout town. Even if he was going to eventually be part of another family, he wanted to ensure that the lineage of the Capps was secured. 
The palms of his hands began to sweat as he could feel his grandfather’s narrowed eyes watching him—waiting for him to make a mistake. Tybalt could only furrow his brow and stare down at the keys in front of him, watching as his fingers rapidly pressed against them as the song sped up. He wanted to make his grandfather proud more than anything, he was all he had left after all. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect for this party—including his own musical rendition. He needed it to be perfect. There was nothing else he could do for his family, he was one of few men born into the name after all. All he could do was ensure his sisters were perfect, their marriages were perfect, and he needed to be perfect—
One of his fingers slipped as he was nearing the end of the song, an off-tune note ringing out through the air as his grandfather softly shook his head. Tybalt stopped in his tracks immediately, a final slam of the keys before bringing his hands back to his side. The older man leaned forward in the living room chair that they’d all referred to as his chair. He picked up the handle of his teacup and his newspaper from the coffee table before leaning back once again. “What a shame,” His grandfather commented before taking a sip of his tea and putting the cup back down on the table, “You were doing so well too.”
Tybalt could do nothing but stare down at his lap, clenching his fists until he could feel the pain of his sharp nails in the middle of his palms—a habit he’d never quite broken. He took a deep breath in, releasing his hands as he put them up to the keys again as he shakily breathed out. He played and played until his fingers began to cramp and every note was ingrained in his head. He finished the song on his 8th try, but to himself—it still wasn’t good enough.
It would never be good enough.
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asordinaryppl · 4 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 31: The Story Continues
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Izumi: (With the information he gets from Rosaline’s father, Mercutio seeks out the former lord’s subordinates…)
Elder: “My answer won’t change no matter how many times you come here! I have nothing to say to you. Please leave.”
Mercutio: “In that case, then please read this, at the very least.”
Elder: “What’s that?”
Mercutio: “Giorgio-san’s diary.”
Elder: “Giorgio… It can’t be…”
Mercutio: “Giorgio-san. Who attended to the lord around the same time as you.”
Mercutio: “He left Verona, and later passed away. But he was never able to forget about this incident.”
Elder: “I see… Giorgio, too…”
Elder: “*sigh* I did something unforgivable. I gave a false testimony in order to incriminate Alessandro.”
Elder: “My baby had just been born, and I needed the money.”
Elder: “It may have been an order, but it was a horrible thing… I had never thought it would lead to his execution.”
Mercutio: “Then, Alessandro really was innocent. Who did that order come from–”
Elder: “I absolutely can’t say that. Forgive me…”
Izumi: (Meanwhile, Tybalt uses his position as the lord’s chamberlain in order to continue searching through the mansion…)
Soldier: “Handle the items in the treasury carefully, please. Let me know when you’re done.”
Tybalt: “Understood.”
Tybalt:  The medal I was asked to bring… Should be this one.
Tybalt: “Hm? This necklace…”
Tybalt: “A ruby stone and sapphires… There’s no mistaking it. This is the Capulets’ family heirloom. But why is it in the lord’s mansion…?”
Julius: “The previous lord’s subordinates accused Alessandro with false testimony, and the Capulets’ family heirloom was found in the lord’s mansion, which means…”
Romeo: “What does it mean?”
Julius: “There’s no doubt about it. It was all planned by the previous lord.”
Julius: “The previous lord had his subordinates steal the family heirloom, frame Alessandro, and then executed him.”
Julius: “Bruno’s assassination may have also been an order from the lord.”
Romeo: “But why would he do that…”
Julius: “... This is just my speculation, but he might not have been very fond of the unity between the Montagues and the Capulets.”
Julius: “That was the time when the feudal lords’ power was weakening.”
Julius: “He probably thought that his position would be threatened if the two families connected and amplified their strength.”
Julius: “According to Tybalt, the previous lord was a coward and flighty.”
Gildo: “... Grandpa may have been aware of the truth, at least vaguely.”
Gildo: “And yet, he probably blamed himself for not being able to bring the truth to light, or stop the incident from happening to begin with.”
Gildo: “That’s why he left Verona by himself, and settled here quietly.”
Romeo: “It’s not Giorgio-san’s fault.”
Julius: “Exactly. The blame lies with the previous lord.”
Romeo: “Let’s put an end to this ourselves. I’m sure Alessandro-san and Bruno-san would like that, too.”
Gildo: “Please do…”
Izumi: (It might be because of how long they’ve known each other and their attachment to their roles, but their acting is very natural.)
Izumi: (The stiffness and discomfort Yuzo-san had criticized them about has completely disappeared. Their roles are coming alive on the stage.)
Guard A: “Romeo Montague!?”
Guard B: “Did you come all the way back here for your execution!? Capture him!”
Romeo: “Sorry! I need you to let me through! I’ve got something important to discuss with the lord!”
Julius: “Step aside if you don’t want to be hurt!”
Guard B: “Julius Capulet is also being charged as an accomplice! Don’t let them pass no matter what! Stop them!”
Romeo: “I’ll try to make sure I don’t injure you, but– I’m sorry if it hurts! Haa!”
[Sword clanging]
Guard B: “— He’s fast!?”
Julius: “Hah!”
[Sword clanging]
Guard A: “*groans*”
[Romeo and Julius start running while parrying attacks]
Izumi: (This is the intense sword fight Tsuzuru-kun added later… It’s much more powerful than the scene in the debut performance.)
Izumi: (But you can tell Sakuya-kun can perform it with ease.)
Izumi: (Masumi-kun is also increasing his speed to match Sakuya-kun’s, and they’re completely in sync. They’ve both improved so much.)
Lord: “To think my grandfather would do something like this…”
Romeo: “This is the Capulets’ necklace. We also have a witness.”
Julius: “The crime Romeo was accused of also has its roots in this incident. Please, be so generous as to release him of his charges.”
Lord: “... Julius is right.”
Lord: “You are acquitted, Romeo.  Return the Capulets’ necklace back to its rightful place.”
Romeo: “Thank you very much!”
Julius: “That’s great, Romeo.”
Romeo’s father: “To think such a thing would happen…”
Julius’s father: “You mean to tell me we were made for fools this entire time… How could this happen…”
Tybalt: “I believe we can simply build a new relationship from now on.”
Mercutio: “I agree. And with that cleared up, Romeo and Julius can come back home, too.”
Romeo: “Well, for now, we plan on continuing our journey. Right, Julius?”
Julius: “Right.”
Tybalt: “Don’t you think you’ve traveled enough? You can come back home now.”
Romeo: “This and that are different.”
Tybalt: “You be quiet, Romeo.”
Julius: “This incident made me realize the importance of going out into the world and expanding my knowledge. I have to see more of this world.”
Tybalt: “Julius…”
Mercutio: “You should return home sometimes. Everyone’s waiting for you.”
Romeo: “Yeah. Thank you.”
Father Lawrence: “The bond between the two of you has cleared away the darkness caused by these long-held regrets.”
Julius: “Thank you so much, for always watching over us.”
Father Lawrence: “I look forward to your letters. May your future journeys be blessed.”
Romeo: “Thank you very much!”
Rosaline: “I’m so glad.”
Mercutio: “It’s all thanks to you and your father.”
Romeo: “Eh…”
Julius: “Rosaline…?”
Mercutio: “Ah… Um…”
Romeo: “Mercutio?”
Julius: “It can’t be…”
Tybalt: “That’s why I told you, you should tell them as soon as possible.”
Mercutio: “I did think of telling them, but, look, so much happened, and there’s that thing we call timing–”
Romeo: “That’s what’s been going on, Mercutio!?”
Julius: “This is the kind of guy they mean when they talk about useless friends.”
Mercutio: “W-Wait, you two! There are a lot of reasons behind this!”
Mercutio: “Rosaline’s previous lover was an awful guy, and I just happened to save her by chance– And anyway, she’d already rejected the two of you–”
Romeo: “Don’t rub salt in our wounds!”
Julius: “No delicacy whatsoever. You should choose your friends better, Romeo.”
Mercutio: “Please listen to my side of the story, Romeo, Julius!”
Tybalt: “Haha.”
Gildo: “... Grandpa, I wonder if you’ve finally reunited with Alessandro and Bruno.”
Yuzo: (Seems the Newborn Spring Troupe’s style of acting has finally returned.)
Yuzo: (Reminds me of when I saw their debut performance, and thought maybe…)
Yuzo: (That dream of seeing MANKAI Theater’s seats filled and booming with applause once again could come true.)
Yuzo: (You lot should continue moving forward in your own way. I also have to make sure I don’t lose to you.)
Sakuya: Thank you very much!
Masumi: Thank you very much.
Citron: Thaaank yooouu!
Chikage: Since it’s the first day, how about the leader gives us a greeting for the New Fleur Award?
Sakuya: Huh!? W-What should I say, I haven’t thought of anything.
Itaru: There are things that can only be understood when they’re said directly by the actors who are on top of the stage.
Sakuya: I see… That’s true.
Sakuya: — Thank you very much for coming to the first day performance of “Romeo and Julius ~Rosso e Blu~”!
Sakuya: It’s been a year since we were awarded the Fleur Special Award, and since then a new era has started.
Sakuya: MANKAI Company will continue working in tandem and aim for the Fleur Award!
Sakuya: We will continue working hard, without ever forgetting the moment we stood on stage together during our first performance of “Romeo and Julius”!
Sakuya: Please continue supporting us. And once again, thank you very much for coming!
Tsuzuru: Thank you very much!
Chikage: Thank you very much.
Itaru: See you.
Towa: — —
Towa: (Amazing. The Spring Troupe sparkles on stage even more than they did when I simply met and talked with them.)
Towa: (My heart feels like it’s about to burst. I want to sparkle the way they do…)
Towa: (It might’ve been a trial run, but I stood on that same stage during the workshop…)
Towa: …
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andmaybegayer · 25 days
Last Monday of the Week 2024-08-26
Listening: Modest Mouse to fill some spaces. I am rather fond of This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing To Think About so here's She Ionizes And Atomizes
Watching: Hosted a rare Good Movie Night, put on Baz Luhrmann's William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet, which is one of the best movies. It's so good. We had one person who hadn't seen it since school, and one person who had never seen it. Truly a great movie start to finish, more movies should just be Shakespeare plays!
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I really like how it plays with line delivery, a lot of the Big Lines where a lesser performance would leave some space for a dipshit audience are brushed past in the context of their passages while other normally innocuous lines are elevated to an astounding degree. "Mercutio, thou consort'st with Romeo" is normally a pretty like, passing line, it's very easy to read it as part of the pre-game bickering of Mercutio and Tybalt, but here it marks the point where the game changes from idle banter to a serious accusation. A simply inspired line read.
I'm a huge tragedy lover. It's great how many times a character looks up and goes "hey does anyone else feel doomed". Yo these violent delights are coming to an end anyone know what comes next?
Reading: I have been occupied with obsessing over Documents so I have had Baru Cormorant on hold. Instead, mostly various blogs. One of interest is They Don't Make Readers Like They Used To
This is interesting especially since I've been the main sounding board for @thosearentcrimes reading lately and it makes some interesting points that might be wrong, as is common for this blog.
The key thesis is that readers engage more with the works they read now, but also they are more likely to challenge those works on their fundamentals, rather than anchoring themselves directly in the author's words first.
Some of this is definitely just that more people engage with media now, and it's more visible, is part of it, but that is also kind of the thing it's pointing at. More people are able to engage with media like this who would, I guess, have normally had to become writers in order to express these thoughts. Some of them did!
Playing: Tactical Breach Wizards is out! I am about halfway through the campaign.
It's very a tight tactical combat strategy game, especially if like me you are trying to be quick and efficient with your turns. You can absolutely kite enemies around a level for round upon round if you wanted to in most levels but it feels bad and it will eventually chip you down.
Because you can rewind within each turn but not successive turns you are kind of encouraged to keep your turns dense in action and low in number so that if you need to go back you aren't throwing away dozens of turns of state. Most levels pan out in 1-5 turns, which is small enough that you can memorize every action you took even with a larger squad.
The writing is Tom Francis Standard, mostly snappy quips, but the additional dialogue compared to, say, Gunpoint gives it some room to get a little more earnest. Which is nice.
Making: Bleh.
Tools and Equipment: Live Captions for Linux is an interesting little application that runs a CPU-based live transcription model locally to transcribe whatever is coming through your speakers, or whatever's coming in on the mic.
I've had it sitting on my computers transcribing podcasts, which I often listen to by routing my phone's bluetooth audio via the PC I'm sitting at. It provides a reasonably good glanceable transcript as well as a transcription history that is handy if I lose focus for a second. Rather than rewinding I can just take a look and see what I missed.
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danyayeni2 · 5 months
Merci! Thank You !
ׂ╰┈➤ your boyfriend finds you dear to him, so how does he show it?
ׂ╰┈➤⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Mercutio/Tybalt x G/N! Reader (Headcanons) ╭──╯ . . . .
(A/N: This was the quickest set of HCS I’ve ever done WOW. Anyways, please enjoy this, and if you have any requests, do send me an ask!)
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Mercutio Escalus:
My, my, you got the party lover’s heart? Well, aren’t you the charmer?
You two have been dating for five years, but it feels like a century, to him at least. Not like he’s always mentioned that to you.
Today marks your 5th year anniversary, and normally, you were expecting a party of sorts. Maybe even going to a club and drinking until you blackout. I mean, that IS his thing, right? He’s literally a night owl for parties.
So, you out on your best clubbing outfit, but saw Mercutio sitting on a sofa, dreads in a ponytail, and him smiling at you…in navy blue sweatpants and an oversized, short-sleeved shirt…with snacks, your favorite drinks, your favorite film, some blankets, and…wait, what?
You looked confused, and shocked, at your boyfriend, but all he did was pat his lap and held a blanket.
“Merci…what are you doing..?” “What’s it look like I’m doing, cutie?”, he outreaches his arms, wiggling his fingers. You walked over to him, and sat down on his lap, “I thought we were gonna party, like we usually do?” “Yeah, well, partying isn’t everything, especially not on a night like this.”
“Well, what are we gonna do tonight?” “Simple. We’re gonna watch TV, eat, and celebrate our anniversary together alone. Just me, you”, he leans in, his lips touching yours slightly, “and our sweet, sweet, 5th anniversary.” You giggled, and leaned in to complete his kiss.
And, for once, you were glad you didn’t go out. You were glad that you stayed home. You were glad that you two cuddled all night, with a few kisses in between.
You weren’t expecting this, but you wouldn’t have wanted it any differently.
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Tybalt Capulet:
You got TYBALT CAPULET to DATE you?? Are you Cupid’s favorite???
Look, his heart may not be the easiest to capture, but trust and BELIEVE that it’s worth it when you do.
As the notorious “Prince of Cats”, he’s mainly busy trying to handle things related to the mafia…and his family, so it’s not often you get to see him, especially in the best of moods.
And, you still try to help him relax regardless, since you don’t treat him like some money generator, and he’s taken notice of that. All of that, actually. He’s been noticing for 6 years.
So, imagine you waking up to beautiful jewelry, new shoes, or even a stack of money at the foot of your bed.
“Mmm…”, you gently shake your head, and notice that the other side of the bed is empty…again, but as you get up fully, you notice something at the end of your bed. It was (a piece of jewelry/some new clothes/a stack of money/ your gift of choice) with a little card on the side. You crawled to the card, and picked it up, as it read:
“‘Hey doll, you were still asleep when I got here, so I just wanted to give you a gift before I go. Sorry that I couldn’t be here, but Fulgenicio called me in and said that I had to help cover for Petrucchio. Nonetheless, happy anniversary.’ -Tybalt”.
You smiled softly, before smelling food downstairs. You brushed your teeth, washed your face, and went downstairs, seeing your boyfriend downstairs, cooking…for you.
He turned to you, smiling, and gave you a kiss, before putting your food on a plate, and you two eating together. You two talked all day, and spent the whole day together. Needless to say, no matter what Fulgenicio, or his family needed, it would have to wait. His doll, and this precious day, comes first before anything.
Besides, he couldn’t resist the sparkle in your eyes when he told you that he was going to stay the whole day.
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blueflower-sprite · 5 months
If Monster High was doing Romeo and Juliet...
There would be like, Drama in the drama. Like, seriously, have you ever seen an episode of Monster High where all is just peaceful or in harmony with the hallway ? Is Shakespeare a dignified tea party also ? What can POSSIBLY GO WRONG with Monster High and Shakespeare blended together ? Poor Mr. Where, he's like, the only responsible adult in this whole mess, and not for too long....
Juliet Capulet - Draculaura. She was the first to apply for the project, so Mr. Where give her the role of Juliet ! She ALREADY played Juliet, of course, but she promised to Clawd that she will be the one to schedule they're next romantic date.... And you ask, ''but, he know right ?''.... ha ha.... No.
Romeo Montague - Clawd Wolf. You know, there is some darkest hours in you're relationship's status, a time when you need to partake into the strange fantaisies of you're loved one. Clawd love Draculaura, but he know that he is going to die very soon, truly a true Romeo move.
Juliet Capulet (Second Part) - Kieran Valentine. This was part of his therapy, okay ?
Romeo Montague (Second Part) - Spelldon Cauldronello. Mother Circe recently taught him Divination. And he know there will be, like, real Drama. He's here for that... And for Kieran Valentine's booty.
Rosaline - Abbey Bominable. Mr. Where say that she will not speak, and she don't want to waste oxygen on such silly things or being the romantic playground of a ''Shakespeare'' somebody... Rosaline is her spirit animal.
The Nurse - Clawdeen Wolf. It's possible that she want some claws on the matter with Draculaura and her brother. It"s seems to be closely related to some weird family-teenage matters, or just a upcoming prediction of Clawd's difficult encounter with theater...
Capulet (Patriarch) - Bram Devein. A weird Belfry Prep thing about being the masters of something.... But there is a problem, he didn't read the end of the play.
Montague (Patriarch) - Romulus. A weird Crescent Moon High's habit about having a eye on Belfry Prep.... But there is a problem, he didn't read the end of the play.
Prince(ss) Escalus - Amanita Nightshade wanted the best role, because Amanita can't end or be loved by only one, she is too bootiful for that ! So she wanted to be THE PRINCESS. And she was merciful, she only changed the gender, not the name ! Now, Mr. Where is praying that she don't want anything MORE.
Count Paris - Catrine DeMew. She wanted to explore some ''orientation theories'' by playing a potential suitor and viewing the effect between ''role and gender''. Mr. Where didn't ask anything about this.
Mercutio - Purrsephone. Apparently there is some minor conflicts between her and her twin, so she is her for the catharsis.
Tybalt - Meowlody. Apparently there is some minor conflicts between her and her twin, so she is her for the catharsis.
Lady Capulet - Heaths Burns.... This was that or detention and a word for the parent. He choose the first because he didn't want to lose his new Gamegore yet. But Mr. Where is seriously asking himself if this is a good idea....
Lady Montague - Gigi Grant. She just want to experience Theater, so a little role is best. Hope she will have a first good impression...
Benvolio - Toralei Stripes. This time, no mischief.... She just want to see the dynamics between the twins.
Balthasar - Ghoulia Yelps. She want to experience a new hypothetical mechanic for zombie's language on stage ! Mr. Where didn't have his word about that, because Mr. Rotter is the one whose class is concerned about the project.
Peter - Manny Taur didn't read anything about Romeo and Juliet, but this is his last chance to prove to Iris that he is a sentimental Monster.... He just hope is character is one of those who die.
Friar Laurence - Jackson Jeckyll. Well... This everyone's hope at least.
Abram and Friar John - Quill Tarantyno. Because hey, Backgrounders need love, too !
Gregory and Sampson - Astranova and Djinni Whisp Grant. Astranova is there for the experience, Djinni is just there because she know there will be some deep gay vibes between Spelldon and Kieran, and she don't want to lose or miss is bet with Casta.
Other Roles - You know, these benevolent souls are actually part of the few one who actually care about Shakespeare. But, Alas, with all the chaos that will probably occur very soon, I doubt that they will be recognized for such passion and bravery.... And there is no enough budget for backgrounders.
Technician and special effects - Invisi Billy, who is probably the secret nephew or blood-relative of the teacher at this point.
Prompter (aka. the litteral ghoul that save you're ass when you don't know you're text) - Scarah Screams. She will be so valuable for all that is going to happens.... Or maybe Invisi Billy will be too much of a distraction.
Well.... This is all for me. Goodnight. I didn't put all the cast, sorry. If you have some ideas, you can propose you're own version of this mess. I'm going to sleep, personally.
To be or not be, here's the question that nobody ask to a skull to begin with.
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 31 - The Story Continues
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Izumi: (Mercutio tracks down and contacts the former lord’s subordinates based on the information he got from Rosaline’s father…)
Elder: “It doesn’t matter how many times you come here! I have nothing to say. Leave.”
Mercutio: “Then please just read this at least.”
*Mercutio passes something to the elder*
Elder: “What is this?”
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Mercutio: “Giorgio-san’s diary.”
Elder: “Giorgio… Could it be…”
Mercutio: “The very same Giorgio-san who was the lord’s chamberlain while you were working for him.”
Mercutio: “He left Verona and later passed away, but he never forgot the incident from back then.”
Elder: “I see… So Giorgio didn’t forget either…”
Elder: “I’m truly sorry about that. I lied in order to frame Alessandro.”
Elder: “My child had just been born at the time and I needed the money.”
Elder: “Even though it was an order, it was still a horrible thing to do… I never thought he’d be executed.”
Mercutio: “So Alessandro really was innocent. Who was the person that gave you that--?”
Elder: “That’s the only thing I can’t tell you. I’m sorry…”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (Meanwhile, Tybalt takes advantage of his position as the lord’s chamberlain to continue his investigation at the mansion…)
Soldier: “Please be careful when handling the items in the treasure room. Let me know when you’re finished.”
Tybalt: “Understood.”
*Door closes*
Tybalt: “This… Is the medal he asked for.”
*Cabinet opens*
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Tybalt: “Hm? This necklace…”
Tybalt: “A ruby stone surrounded by sapphires… There’s no mistaking it. This is the Capulet family treasure. But what is it doing at the lord’s mansion…?”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Julius: “So the previous lord’s subordinate framed Alessandro with a false testimony, and the Capulet family heirloom being at the lord’s mansion means…”
Romeo: “What does it mean?”
Julius: “It’s really quite obvious. It means it was all a plot created by the previous lord.”
Julius: “The previous lord ordered his subordinate to steal the Capulet family heirloom and then frame Alessandro for the crime. And because of that, Alessandro was executed.”
Julius: “And following that, even the assassination of Bruno could’ve been an order from the previous lord.”
Romeo: “But why would he do that…?”
Julius: “...This is my own conjecture, but maybe he didn’t think too highly of the unity between the Montagues and the Capulets.”
Julius: “It was during a time when the power lords had was weakening all over the place.”
Julius: “He probably thought his position would be threatened if both families joined forces and became stronger.”
Julius: “According to what Tybalt said, the previous lord was a very cowardly and nervous individual.”
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Gildo: “...Perhaps my grandfather was somewhat aware of the truth.”
Gildo: “Maybe he still blamed himself for not stopping the incident from happening and bringing the truth to light.”
Gildo: “Maybe that’s why he left Verona by himself and lived here in seclusion.”
Romeo: “It wasn’t Giorgio-san’s fault.”
Julius: “Right. The one at fault is the previous lord.”
Romeo: “Let’s finish this all with our own hands. I’m sure that’s what Alessandro-san and Bruno-san would want.”
Gildo: “Please…”
Izumi: (Maybe it’s because they’ve known each other for so long, or maybe it’s because of how attached to their roles they are, but their acting is so natural.)
Izumi: (The stiffness and discomfort that could be felt when Yuzo-san pointed it out is completely gone now. Now they’re just living on stage as their roles.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sentinel A: “Romeo Montague!?”
Sentinel B: “Did you come all the way back here just to be executed!? Arrest him!”
Romeo: “I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to ask you to let us through! We have something important to tell the lord!”
Julius: “Stay back and no one gets hurt!”
Sentinel A: “Julius Capulet, you have also been charged as an accomplice! Don’t let them through! Stop them!”
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Romeo: “I’ll try my best not to injure you, but-- Sorry if this hurts! Haagh!”
*Romeo draws his sword and swords clash*
Sentinel B: “--How is he so fast!?”
Julius: “Hah!”
*Julius draws his sword and swords clash*
Sentinel A: “Gh--.”
*Romeo and Julius fight the sentinels*
Izumi: (Tsuzuru-kun added this intense sword-fighting scene after the fact, but… This Romeo is much more powerful than the debut Romeo.)
Izumi: (But I know that Sakuya-kun has the ability to pull it off.)
Izumi: (Masumi-kun is also speeding up to match Sakuya-kun. They’re perfectly in sync. They really have grown.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Lord: “I can’t believe my grandfather would do such a thing…”
Romeo: “Here is the Capulet family necklace and a witness.”
Julius: “The feud between the two families that caused Romeo to be accused must’ve originated from that incident. Please be lenient and drop his charges.”
Lord: “...I think you’re right, Julius.”
Lord: “Romeo shall be acquitted. And the Capulet family necklace shall be returned to where it belongs.”
Romeo: “Thank you so much!”
Julius: “I’m happy for you, Romeo.”
Romeo’s Father: “I never thought that something like that could…”
Julius’ Father: “So we’ve been being manipulated all this time… I can’t believe it…”
Tybalt: “With this, I believe we can start building a new relationship from now on.”
Mercutio: “I agree. And with all this cleared up, Romeo and Julius can finally come back home.”
Romeo: “Well, currently, we’re still planning on continuing our journey, though. Right, Julius?”
Julius: “Right.”
Tybalt: “Why don’t you just come back already?”
Romeo: “It’s not up for debate.”
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Tybalt: “Why don’t you just keep your mouth shut, Romeo?”
Julius: “This whole ordeal made me realize the importance of getting out into the wider world and broadening my horizons. That’s why I want to see a little more of the world.”
Tybalt: “Julius…”
Mercutio: “Come back home and visit every once in a while, yeah? We’ll all be here waiting for you.”
Romeo: “Yeah, thanks.”
Father Lawrence: “The bond between you two was able to clear the darkness of long-standing regrets.”
Julius: “Thank you for always watching over us.”
Father Lawrence: “I look forward to hearing from you again. May your journey together be a glorious one.”
Romeo: “Thank you so much!”
Rosaline: “This really is so wonderful.”
Mercutio: “We couldn’t have done it without you and your father.”
Romeo: “Huh…”
Julius: “Rosaline…?”
Mercutio: “Ah… Umm…”
Romeo: “Mercutio?”
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Julius: “No way…”
Tybalt: “I told you that you should’ve told them sooner rather than later.”
Mercutio: “I was going to tell you, but there was just a lot going on, y’know? And the timing of it’s pretty important, and--.”
Romeo: “Are you serious, Mercutio!?”
Julius: “When I say there’s a certain type of man that’s not worth being friends with, you’re who I’m talking about.”
Mercutio: “W-Wait, you two! I can explain myself!”
Mercutio: “Rosaline’s ex-lover was a real piece of work, and I just so happened to save her once, so it was like fate, and-- And I mean, she already rejected both of you anyway, so--.”
Romeo: “You don’t have to rub it in!”
Julius: “You have absolutely no tact. Romeo, you should be more selective about your friends.”
Mercutio: “Romeo, Julius, just listen to me!”
Tybalt: “Haha.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Gildo: “...I hope you were finally able to meet Alessandro and Bruno, Grandpa.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Yuzo: (Looks like the Newborn Spring Troupe’s style of plays is finally back.)
Yuzo: (...I had a feelin’ back when I first saw the Newborn Spring Troupe’s debut performance, that maybe-- Just maybe this would happen.)
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Yuzo: (I dreamed of a future where MANKAI Theater would be overflowing with applause.)
Yuzo: (You guys go ahead and keep doin’ your thing. I’ve gotta keep up with ya since I ain’t losin’.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Thank you so much!
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Masumi: Thank you so much.
Citron: Thank you very much!
Chikage: It’s opening day, so why doesn’t our leader address the new Fleur Award?
Sakuya: Huh!? B-But I didn’t think of anything to say.
Itaru: Some things can only be conveyed by an actor speaking directly from the stage.
Sakuya: Yeah… Right.
Sakuya: --Thank you so much for coming to the opening day of “Romeo and Julius ~Rosso e Blu~” today!
Sakuya: It’s been a year since we won the Fleur Special Award, the award we were always aiming for. And now, a new era of the Fleur Award has begun.
Sakuya: Like always, MANKAI Company will be working as a whole to win the Fleur Award!
Sakuya: I’ll always remember the moment when I first stood on stage with the rest of Spring Troupe during our debut performance “Romeo and Julius”, and that’s why I’ll continue to do my best!
Sakuya: Thank you so much for your continued support. Once again, thank you for coming today!
Tsuzuru: Thank you so much!
Chikage: Thank you very much.
Itaru: Until next time.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Towa: --.
Towa: (Amazing. All of Spring Troupe is really sparkling up there on stage. Even more so than when I actually met and talked with them face-to-face.)
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Towa: (My heart is beating so fast. I want to be like that and sparkle just like they are right now…)
Towa: (It was just part of the workshop, but I stood on that stage too…)
Towa: …
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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dystopianam · 7 months
I just imagined how Consort and Patrizio would introduce their grandchildren (only those who live with them, otherwise Consort would have to spend 6 days talking of all the grandchildren he has) to other important people.
Consort would say something like:
- "These two beautiful young ladies are the diamonds of my family, the most beautiful thing one of my daughters left me. They are both very intelligent as well as beautiful and--" in the meantime, strange noises and indefinite screams are heard from afar. Swearing in British English and saying something like "IF I GET YOU YOU'RE DEAD, MONTY". A chair flies. Something not well defined, with red hair, darts very quickly in front of the elderly man.
- "Sir, what was that???"
- *Sighing as he slowly brings a hand between his eyes* "We don't talk about him."
Meanwhile, Patrizio:
- *Grabs Mercutio and Romeo by the ears, swearing in Venetian dialect* "These two mona (idiots) are my grandchildren. Let it stay between us but Romeo is my favorite."
- "Granpa??? I am literally here?? I have heard you???"
- "Shut up, Benedick."
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leorosenberg · 2 months
Lonely heart. Nightmares (pt1) Tybalt was looking at candle’s flame, which was casting reddish reflex on the walls. He had a bad feeling, but he didn’t understand why - Julia was staying in her room all day, and there was nothing to worry about… But Tybalt had a heavy heart. Tybalt sighed and pushed back a strand of hair from the forehead. He decided to check on Julia and got up from the armchair. After thinking about it, Tybalt didn’t put out the candle and left his room, trying not to make any noise - he didn’t want to wake somebody up in the middle of the night. He carefully closed the door and went to Julia’s room, trying to keep quiet.
In the night Capulet’s house was a dark and ominous place, full of shadows, where Tybalt felt especially lonely. Sunlight saved him during the day, but at night he was alone with himself and his thoughts, which ate him alive. Every night he was trying any ways to escape from obsessions, arising in his mind. It was exhausting training, reading, long walks… He even tried to write - poems full of pain and hopeless love, that he never showed to anyone. He was ashamed of them… Tybalt, proud heir of the Capulet, who writes tearful nonsense… Ridiculous! He couldn’t let himself be sentimental.
Every night became a nightmare for Tybalt. It was easier for him during the day, but at night it just became unbearable. He could only look for any way to distract… Or just crying all night. Nobody knows who is Tybalt Capulet in fact. Maybe even he himself doesn’t know. Orphan, duelist, son of a noble family… It was the image which saw people. The image which Tybalt made them see. Vulnerable boy, a stranger in his own house, sad ghost of Capulets who never showed his feelings for anyone. For anyone except Julia… Julia, who fell in love with this Montageu’s scoundrel. Tybalt almost coped with it. He knows that Julia would never be his… But it hurt him anyway. Even knowing that she will be Paris’ wife, Tybalt was jealous.
Julia loves Romeo, but Tybalt will not allow him to appear here. Tybalt will never let any Montague to be here.
Tybalt sighed again. Well, here he is tormenting himself again. He pursed his lips. No more thoughts. Tybalt went up to the second floor and headed for Julia's room - oh, he knows this way very well. How many times did he come here for these useless talks… She was never serious about his feelings. She only saw Tybalt as a cousin… Brother. Relative. And now, when this bastard appeared, Tybalt had no chance. He had no chance without Romeo also… But he didn't think about that.
Why does Julia, his little Julia, love Romeo? What did she find in him? Why even Julia is in love and only Tybalt is miserable?
-You will break a lot of girls' hearts… - saying Lady Capulet stroking her nephew's hair. - My handsome boy…
Tybalt didn't believe her. She always told him encouraging things. Tybalt thought that she was saying it just because they are relatives and he is an orphan who needs support. He didn't consider himself handsome… Mostly because nobody except Lady Capulet called him handsome. Tybalt didn't see “handsome boy” in the mirror. He saw only a ridiculous kid loved by no one except relatives… And even in their love he couldn't believe.
Tybalt frowned, approaching Julia's room - he saw the light under the door. Why doesn’t Julia sleep at such a late hour? Tybalt came closer and frozen in place - he heard voices from the room… And one of them was not Julia's. It also was not Romeo’s voice…
Tybalt was shocked. He wanted to break into the room and start a scandal but tried to restrain himself. He didn't want to wake up the whole house. What does Mercutio need here? Tybalt decided to listen to their talk.
-He is so gloomy… - Mercutio
-It's just an image. - Julia
Who are they discussing?
-You are so different. Cousins, but looking like strangers. - Mercutio
What does he mean?
-I told it to you as a friend to friend. I hope… I hope you won't tell him. I'd like to deal with it myself. - Mercutio
-Ah… Sure. As you want. - Julia
-Montagues and Capulets… I never thought that I might like him. - Mercutio
Tybalt, barely standing on his feet,   decided to show himself:
-Julia, why don't you sleep? It's too late for young girls.
  He heard rustle when Julia answered.
-Ah… I just had been reading… - she said.
-You should have slept for hours. - Tybalt’s voice became serious.
Someone jumped into the bushes under Julia's balcony. Tybalt pretended not to notice it.
-I'm already going to bed! - Julia said. She extinguished the candle.
Tybalt sank to the floor and gasped nervously.
Mercutio likes him.
And he should do something with it.
The premonition didn't deceive him.
It is real trouble.
Tybalt ruffled his hair. Yes, mistress, girl's hearts. He thought. Tybalt couldn't say that he's happy about this news, but he was flattered… Someone (even if Mercutio) finds him handsome. Attractive. Someone saw the real Tybalt behind this image that he made.
“Cousins, but looking like strangers”
Mercutio was right. If you do not know that they are relatives, you will not guess about it. And they were different not only outwardly. Julia is the sun, Tybalt is the moon. Even Lady Capulet thinks so.
Tybalt got up from the floor and went to his room.
-I deserve to be loved. - he whispered into the void. Even be loved by Mercutio… Maybe he is not that bad. Could he be a good person? Tybalt didn't know. He will think about it tomorrow. Now he just wants to sleep. At last he wants to sleep.
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crazyw3irdo · 6 months
hi, I just want to ask; What compelled you to make that Romeo and Juliet quiz
i’d wanted to make a r&j personality quiz for a bit- hell, when i opened uquiz to make it i realized i already had a drafted version saved over a year ago, but it had no questions, just the title. i considered making it like, a normal quiz, but… i didn’t think anyone would really get it y’know? it’d probably be seen by a couple people, be just some random quiz, and everyone would move on.
i love romeo and juliet, and i want other people to too. if i made it normal, only people who already liked it would get it. i reblogged my original post with some tags of people reacting to it pretty quick too, to try and show yknow, it’s more than what it says on the tin, because i figured if i’m some random person whose only understanding of r&j is pop culture stuff, i’m not gonna click on a personality quiz for it. there’s only like, two characters anyone knows, and unfortunately the common perception of them is just stupid teenagers.
thing is, i had no ideas for questions for a while. none at all. the other day, though, i remembered that post circulating that was a screenshot of a quiz someone made where, iirc, the question was “you are orpheus” and the only option was “turn around.” and the idea popped into my head immediately for “do you believe in free will” with the only option being “no.” going only off that idea i rode the hyperfixation and created that quiz! i made the questions in whatever order and then rearranged them so that they got… for lack of a better term, worse as they went on.
oh, and two things i haven’t yet mentioned! first off, i was gonna include an obligatory song lyric question at first, but uh… i could only come up with two answers lol. they were “it ain’t about all the friends you made but the graffiti they write on your grave” for mercutio and “raised in the city in the halo of lights product of war and fear that we’ve been victimized” for tybalt.
the other thing is uh. i thought the quiz was funny lol. like some heavy themes and stuff but the free will question was hilarious to me lol. idk ive just… never really been bothered by whether it’s A Thing or not? the way i see it is: if we have it, then great! we can do whatever! if we don’t have it, then whatever! we’ll be doing stuff anyways! as for the character descriptions and things, i literally was just describing the characters in second person and changing some things to be more generic (i.e. changing “she” to “they” in the nurse’s description so that instead of referring to juliet it could be about anyone)
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albentelisa · 3 months
What do you think would happen if Steve had found out Jim had the amulet before Toby did?
He still acts like canon Steve at this point, but he could change and (or potentially because he) take Toby's role in the Trollhunting team.
So, let's say that instead of waiting for the scheduled fight like in the canon, Steve decides to humiliate Jim asap. His dumb plan involves sneaking into Jim's basement, scaring him and recording a video of his embarrassing reaction (and obviously posting it everywhere). The thing is that Steve sneaks into the basement only some minutes before Blinky and Aaarrrgghh do the same. So, the revenge plan fails gloriously (as Steve gets scared way more than Jim and passes out earlier), and Jim ends with rather inconvenient team mate.
When both Steve and Jim wake up next day, Steve is fully convinced that the trolls will eat them if they tell about their existence to anyone. Jim's arguments against it have no impact - Steve is still paranoid and starts to follow Jim everywhere, not letting him tell about trolls to Barbara, Toby or Strickler (ironically, because of Steve, Strickler learns the secret later than in the canon).
Meanwhile, Jim suddenly realizes that he isn't scared of Steve at all - not after seeing his reaction to trolls. He finds out that he can easily argue with him if needed.
The problem is that Steve's odd attitude and constant hanging out around Jim picks up everyone's attention (and Coach starts to suspect some bullying involved), so Steve finds no better option than to claim that Jim is his new best friend. It's quite a bombshell, as Steve's friends have no idea how to react, and Toby is just upset (because he can clearly see that Jim is rather comfortable around Steve). Toby encounters Jim, demanding explanation, but Steve butts in once again, only making the misunderstanding worse.
Steve is more confident around the trolls during their next visit. He realizes the situation better this time and is rather annoyed that Jim is 'the Chosen One', claiming that he will be a better pick. By this time, Jim already can't take him seriously and can only roll eyes at his comments.
Strickler learns the secret right before tryouts for Romeo and Juliet as Jim accidentally summons the armor (and Steve complains loudly that it's unfair when they hide together). Both Steve and Toby end at the tryouts - Steve because he refuses to let Jim stay alone (as he now wants to keep the secret exclusive to the two of them), and Toby because he still wants to talk to his best friend. Steve ends up as Tybalt in the play, and Toby is Mercutio. Ms. Janeth is elated, LOL.
After school, Jim and Steve meet Blinky and Aaarrrgghh again (there's no encounter with Bular as Strickler had no time to inform him). They go to the Trollmarket where they meet Draal who is really pissed about the whole situation, claiming that Jim isn't worth the amulet (and Steve, being his first-season ass self, joins Draal in that, not realizing that Draal will be as pissed about him being the Trollhunter). Jim loses the spar like in the canon, and Steve uses it as another argument that he should be the Trollhunter. He even challenges Jim to fight him for the title. Blinky tries to encourage Jim, but it's not enough. Moreover, at the exit to the Trollmarket Bular is waiting for him and Jim barely escapes (he's alone too, so his confidence plummets even more).
At school, Toby sees that Jim is obviously down and tries to initiate another talk, but Steve butts in again. It results in a verbal spat between Jim and Steve, and Steve resolves to the fists approach. It's where Jim one-hit KOs him, finally realizing he can actually fight for the things he cares about, so he challenges Draal to the battle. Like in the canon, he leaves letters to everyone he cares about. Steve is the only one who doesn't realize it's a death battle (he genuinely believes that Draal will just beat Jim and humiliate him), so he cheers for Draal. Jim wins, much like in the canon. It's still not enough for Steve to acknowledge him (he keeps claiming that Draal wasn't serious enough).
Meanwhile, Toby actually reads Jim's letter, but like Claire, he thinks it's a metaphor (he believes that the monsters mentioned are Steve and his goons who bullied Jim into some deranged scheme). He teams up with Claire who also wants to find out the truth.
Strickler visits Jim's house like in the canon and eventually starts to date Barbara. However, he also tries a different approach by talking to Steve (as he's sure that Steve's loyalty to Jim is minimal) and stealthily feeding his ego, hoping to use the inner discord in the team Trollhunters. However, he clearly miscalculates here as Steve doesn't feel that comfortable talking to Strickler. It's a gut feeling and Steve simply starts to avoid the History teacher at some point. Yet, unlike Toby, he never suspects him of being a changeling.
Steve just keeps trying to prove himself and getting into trouble. However, because of Steve the team finds the hideout at the museum. Steve is also the one who accidentally discovers that Gladys is a changeling (he suspects Toby of being one, much to Jim's annoyance, and follows him everywhere).
When there is a mess during NotEnrique babysitting session, both Claire and Toby are convinced that Steve actually bullies Jim into participating in some dumb activities. They encounter Steve together and try to force him to stop without any result. Then Toby tries to follow Steve and find some dirt on him to use as a bargaining chip. Unfortunately, that day, Steve ends up finding the hideout under the museum and both he and Toby are kidnapped.
At the same time, Jim learns about Strickler's true identity and is devastated. It's like his world is falling apart as he cannot hang out with his best friend Toby anymore because of the trollhunting and his favorite teacher is actually a changeling. Because of that, he doesn't even realize at first that Steve and Toby are missing until Claire encounters him about that. Claire believes that Steve has done something to Toby, but Jim realizes at once that some troll stuff might be involved. It looks as if Jim tries to excuse Steve to Claire at first and she's furious. It ends with Jim accidentally revealing the troll stuff to her. At first, Claire is in disbelief, until she sees the amulet. Jim tries to omit revealing the information about NotEnrique, but Claire pressures him for answers, so he has no other choice.
Jim and Claire team up to save Toby (and Steve, while they are in it). Jim tries to find out the possible lair's location, while Claire acts independently and tries to find the changeling NotEnrique is working for. She is the one who learns Strickler's true identity and encounters him about it (she still has quite a vague understanding of how dangerous their opponents are and thinks that Strickler might be willing to negotiate). Strickler doesn't harm Claire but he scares her a lot and uses her to deliver the message to Jim, proposing to switch the amulet for his friends.
Much like in the canon, Jim seemingly agrees to the terms while his team barges in later. Bular dies and Toby and Steve are saved.
The kidnapping seemingly taught Steve some humility - only until he learns that Jim is his opponent for the king's title (which Jim honestly doesn't care about at all, but Steve is pissed that Jim is always the chosen one). Even though Steve is on the team and even tries to help, when it comes to the competition, he becomes insufferable, which gets on everyone's nerves.
Steve truly realizes how wrong he is, when Barbara is injured, and when Jim goes to the Darklands alone, Steve feels truly guilty and separates from the team to start his own trollhunting activities which Eli joins by accident.
Claire and Toby are initially angry with Steve (before knowing what he actually does), as they think that he just bailed when things went South. They apologize though, when they realize that Steve actually protects the city.
The Creepslayerz remain semi-independent, but they cooperate with the main team when Claire and Toby decide to infiltrate the Janus Order headquarters (they go in too) and when the main team goes to rescue Jim to the Darklands (they guard gates together with Draal and stay once Draal goes to the Darklands too). Steve and Eli witness Gunmar's return, so the Trollhunters team knows that he is out for sure. It leads to Nomura staying, Strickler coming back earlier and Draal never getting under Gunmar's control (as he never goes investigating alone).
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