#things got really dark bc of personal stuff & also the dreams i had w ex fiance & M also did not help anything.
celestialmancer · 5 months
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ghoestys · 4 years
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here is beryl! my second muse! and the most chaotic muse of the two so i can do stuff in the gc because silvia doesnt allow me to do that :pensive: 
full name: beryl hazel dunst nickname(s): ber (bear), b  age: twenty three date of birth: june 5th, 1997 hometown: los angeles, california  gender: cis female religion: atheist sexuality: bisexual  hair color: dark brown, almost black eye color: dark brown  height: 5'8″
prompt + blackmail 
a member of the yale's elite, they're twenty-three and a senior undergrad student majoring in sociology. they are as scrupulous as they are manipulative.
1. she’s aware that elijah is her half brother, but does not want to tell elijah about their familial connection due to her anger towards their father and fear of elijah not wanting a sister. 2. robbed various wealthy individuals she met when using the sugar baby app once a month. very good at getting into their bank accounts and leaving them dry. theyve never told on her because she’s a minor and it’d look bad on them. 3. her intial intentions after meeting colette a few years ago was to drain her of all her money. The ahn family was supposed to be beryl's big money target, but failed to do so after getting feelings for colette.
family / school / life / wtvr
beryl is the child of kathleen dunst and elijah cho’s father. 
kathlenne was a 1 time winning beauty queen who attempted to get into the acting world, but ultimately failed.
while trying to get into the acting scene, this is where beryl’s mother met  elijah’s father and they had a small affair that resulted in the birth of beryl
elijah’s father obviously didnt want to be involved in this pregnancy because he had a wife, so elijah’s father paid kathleen a big sum of money to keep quiet and so the public would never find out 
beryl has never met her father, but she is aware of who her father is. according to her mother, her wealthy father picked another family and left them to fend for themselves. 
the money that elijah’s father gave kathleen was alot, but it wasnt enough for them to live off of for their entire life
growing up, beryl was surrounded by her mother’s revolving doors of lovers. kathleen hated the idea of work and lifting a finger to do labor, so she made sure to find people who were rich that could take care of her  and her child instead 
her mother was beautiful and had a way of getting people wrapped around her finger. the two didnt have the best life or the best house, but they always had the best things bc the dates always spoiled the mom and beryl too to get closer to the mom 
from her mom and this environment, beryl essentially learned that if she found someone to take care of shed never had to work so hard in life ever again just like how her mother never has to lift a finger 
as long as u have people wrapped around ur finger then ur powerful n u can do wtvr u want and have wtvr u want. 
knowing this, beryl hated work with everything in her and doesnt dream of labor at all BUT she knew that if she wanted to have a wealthy life for the rest of her life, then she’d have to go to a place filled w wealthy people and to her that meant a prestigious college and that’s  what made her think yale was the place she needed to b at  
she busted her ass in school and got her way into yale, but only w the intentions of soon finding someone wealthy to hopefully fall in love and never have to work again 
in between high school tho she did date anyone that was wealthy and if u didnt reach the income level she wanted then u were either a quick fling or nothing to her at all like beryl really does have money eyes only 
she knew that being a sugar baby wouldve been easier but she thought it was dangerous n disgusting for old men to want minors so she’d meet them once, get their information, n rob them of their money. she’d keep n hide the money n live the life style she wanted and she’d make sure the money lasted for a month so she’d only have to do it once a month bc again. she hates labor and having to do that sugar baby meeting shit felt like labor to her 
only got into the elites becasue she went to the media saying she got in and she was so happy about it and  it got so big that the jung couldnt tell the media beryl was lying bc  it was already big n hyped up so beryl was just allowed in bc it wouldve looked really bad if she was just kicked out after raving about how elites accepted  her with open arms and all  
beryl scammed her way in <3 
personality wise i think beryl is very chaotic n will do wtvr 
i think shes a post it note because if ur rich she’ll literally latch onto u 
from her mom, she learned how to get people wrapped around her finger  really fast so manipulating people to get what she wants? not new to her <3 
also will adjust her personality to whoever she is trying to get. if she knows ur into sports or a big vegan then she will change herself to b a vegan around u and will studying  everything there is  to kno about sports so she can get u like. she will do anything to  get u wrapped n in her hold n if that means faking shit then she  fucking will 
currently trying to find someone who will take care of her for the rest of her life so if ur rich n single n eligible then <3 she is coming like. she really is just a big gold digging bitch but shes hoping she’ll find love so that she can enjoy the rest of her life instead of having to fake an orgasm everytime u feel like
money over looks. could have a crush on someone who is poor but beryl would b like? ok gtg u cant take care of me like i need to b taken cared for so i have to run! could b in love w them  but beryl will still leave them bc again. she wants to b taken cared for and marrying wealthy is the only way in her head
a mixture of a hopeless romantic n a cynic. she probs doesnt even know what real love is bc her only image is her mom and her mom only ever used people to get what she wanted
that is all for  now but basically shes a gold digger, has money eyes, a post it note, manipulative, will adjust her personality to fit a person, chaotic, really friendly n talkative n ya 
connection idea
someone she latches onto bc shes rich 
someone she is fake friends w bc they r rich n wants to use them as a bank 
someone she used for money n then left 
an ex that she was probs in love with but broke up with bc they were poor n didnt have the minimum income level required to be with her 
i had this for silv too but this quote: “our love was like a star. dead when we found it but it look so pretty from afar”
someone she knew in high school perhaps bc shes from california
someone she became friends with to get something from them but then it became genuine on beryls part?? 
thats it for now <3 
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rosesandrorys · 4 years
✧・゚(   demeter + alexa demie + cis female  ) 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒂 !!  have you seen (   veronica “rory” flores ) around ? (   she ) have/has been in kaos for (   two months ). the (   twenty four year old  ) is a/an (   bartender ) from (   los angeles, united states  ). people say they can be (   hot-headed  ) but maybe that’s not too bad ‘cause they can also be (   steadfast  ). whenever i think of them, i can’t help but think of (   iced coffee at nine pm, the smell of the earth after rain, a four leafed clover poking out of a crack in the road  ).  ・゚✧  (  penned by neha, 21, est, she/her ).
hiiiii everyone first of all i am so happy to be here the main is b e a u t i f u l and gives me so much greek god inspo! i’m neha this is my bby rory!! i’m going to add my big bio/about blurb that was in my app so if you want to you can read all about her, but if you don’t have time here’s a little tldr; for you! 
rory is my LA club kid QUEEN, she basically grew up super poor but going to a school wanting to fit in with the rich popular kids, long story short she started selling club drugs n stuff to them, gained the friendship and money but once hs ended it, everything ended and she basically had to start over, only now she had the uphill battle w/ addiction to drugs/partying/bad decisions to also handle! she’s on the island bc her mom met a rich guy and he has a villa on the island he wants her to fix up, which is also doubling as a kind of ‘get clean’ retreat tho it ain’t rlly working even tho sgenuinelynunienly sometimes want to do better. she’s a hustler and has a sharp tongue, but on the inside she has a heart of gold and rlly just wants to be loved for who she is for like the first time ever <3
PLOTTING STUFF: she’s been on the island for two months now, but lil girl is all about having those connections bc she thinks its the only way she can have value (ugh poor kid) so lmk!! they could’ve met through the whole partying/drugs route, at the bar where she works at a bartender, or maybe at the hardware stores that she frequents because she’s fixing up the villa! i have more specific plot ideas but i don’t want to make this post too long so hmu or like this post for me to come to you!! 
ok, that’s my two pieces said, now here’s the longish bio section if you want to learn more in depth about her :)Tw for abuse, drug use/dealing, addiction
Rory is from LA born and raised! Her mother is a single mom and it was just them for a long time, with the rotating cast of her mother’s boyfriends. The two could just never seem to get close to financial stability and she grew up rough, never having enough money to keep up with the kids at school, then having to fend for herself once she got home because her mother worked nights.
At home, it all depended on what boyfriend out of the rotation her mother was currently seeing. The best strategy for all of them was avoidance, so Rory spent her days on the streets or at work, never really wanting to deal with the boyfriends. Throughout the years, she suffered abuse and neglect from these men, and though she tried to tell her mother, who was always just a little too busy, a little too high, or a little too blind to the effects. Besides, they needed the extra money that the various boyfriends gave. 
Despite it all, at school Rory shined. She was smart, that much was clear, and she exuded a certain aura of warmth that could make anyone, even the girls with birkin bags and ice cold hearts fall in love. Her school was a dichotomy of rich and poor, and if she worked her ass off and put in maximum effort, it seemed she could fit in with both. But she didn’t want both, didn’t want the stigma of her background to follow her everywhere. She wanted to live in the world of marble countertops and athleisure accessorized with diamonds. So, with extreme effort, she pulled herself up to the social ranks of those girls in school, always going over to their houses to study, pretending she never learned how to drive so that they wouldn’t know she couldn’t afford a car, let alone the mercedes and italian sports cars they drove to school.
But keeping up has its price, and that price began to climb as she was integrated deeper. Rory needed money for twelve dollar salads and fifty dollar spin classes, and the money from her job (which she said her mom forced her to do to learn responsibility) wasn’t cutting it. She was a scrappy kid turned into a precocious young adult and she’d been scrambling all her life, this was just another bootstraps moment. She had the connections from her neighborhood, and what did rich kids like more than drugs? The answer was nothing, and Rory made the leap easily, starting off small and gradually building up a mini drug empire in her high school. She finally had spending money, but more importantly she had friends and people who cared about her, and she wasn’t going to give that up for the world. 
Rory wasn’t dumb, she knew this couldn’t last forever, so she was also making solid plans to further herself in life. But an addictive personality ran in her veins as evidenced by her mother who was addicted to it all - drugs, boyfriends, and bad decisions. The moment it all started to go south could be pinpointed to the moment she herself started to use the drugs. Her friends were doing it after all, and she didn’t want to be a buzzkill. The drugs were an escape from her shitty life that was going nowhere, after all. They let her put on the rose-tinted glasses that she’d been denied since birth, and Rory ate it up. 
But with every ascent, comes a crash and as the lag time from the drugs started to affect her performance in everyday life, grades started to slip, dreams fell to the wayside and prospects started to vanish. By the time she finished highschool they’d say - what a fall from grace. Because she’d forgotten one very important thing. If her friends made a mistake, it could all be very easily swept under the rug and forgotten by way of their parents’ money. Rory, however, had no safety net, and at the end of highschool she was left in the lurch: same terrible grades and attendance as her friends, but no large donations to get her into prestigious schools. Or, for a fact, any schools. She’d peaked, and what followed graduation was a spiralling descent back to where she’d started. The friends she’d been so fiercely loyal to moved on to college and beyond and she was left with nothing but the endless LA party scene filled with people she didn’t care about and worse and worse decisions by the day. 
If it’d gone on for a couple more months, she’d probably have died. But the money started to dry up as her friends left, and the final blow was a drop gone wrong - high as a kite, she’d decided that handing off a major package to a much larger man in a dark alley was a good idea, and the inevitable tussle and robbing left her hurting. She was high and dry with no income and no savings. Twenty-two years old and nothing to her name. It was time for that scrappy kid to scramble once again, but that kid now had a mild drug problem and a chip on her shoulder the size of Texas. 
It wasn’t going to be easy. But one thing Rory was always good at was cultivating her connections. Though her friends had moved on, Rory’s combination of dimples, winning smile, and just enough ass kissing had created just enough opportunities with the people in their lives, and the people at the parties she frequented. She had an in to the rich, and damn if she wasn’t going to exploit it. Odd jobs here and there was her life now, just enough to keep her drug addiction alive, just enough to keep her name in the back of the minds of the wealthy. She knew this would change her life somehow, she just wasn’t quite sure how yet.And who could’ve predicted how it happened. 
It was mundane, a job making drinks at a classy party, one of those ones where the host barely shows up, where the adults sip their martinis and the kids do blow in the bathrooms. The party wasn’t anything remarkable, but what followed was. She was getting picked up by her mother, and the host of the party, a middle aged salt and pepper type man recognized her mother. They had gone to school together or something, Rory was exhausted and didn’t really care, but apparently her mother turned on the same charm inherent in Rory, and the next Friday had lined up a date.
Things progressed extremely quickly from there on out, with lavish dinners and getaway weekends for the two lovebirds. It was astonishing to watch, and the whispers of ‘gold-digger’ from the country club ladies couldn’t even come close to puncturing Rory’s mom’s thick skin. Both women had been to hell and back after all, had worked all their lives for pennies, and finally something serendipitous had happened. All the toxic exs were dropped within the first six months, the crappy two bedroom within a year, and after a year and a half marriage and a kid on the way - though nobody could quite say which one came first. It was a strike of lightning, transforming the tiny flores family immediately. Call it fate or fortune, but Rory was finally back in that world that she’d strived to be in.
This time, when the spiral came it was well supported and well recognized by Rory’s new step-father. He’d already been through the gambit of raising rich kids, two who were now nearing their thirties, and he could see the signs instantly. Bloodshot eyes, partying all night, sniffles and gaunt features. Rory was getting pulled in again, and fast, but this time there was finally someone looking out for her. She couldn’t escape the lure of the partying and the drugs alone, and this marriage had essentially busted it wide open for her, kicking away any barriers that had been there before. They couldn’t control her, really. She’d been scrambling so long that cutting off the money didn’t matter, she had her connections and her grit that had gotten her this far. 
What Rory needed was an out, a way to escape the vicious cycle addiction had pulled her into and her step-father had just the thing: a house on a tiny island in Greece,  a fixer upper that needed some love. Of course, he could easily drop a few thousand down and have it renovated much quicker, but he knew Rory had lost her purpose, so he offered it to her on a silver platter.Pride almost kept her in LA. The thinly veiled excuse to get her out wasn’t fooling anyone, but the last straw came when her step father asked her a very simple question: “What’s left for you here?”. For her whole life, LA had only given her pain, hardship, and drugs. Now, the latter was the only thing left. So, she took the deal, and the girl who had never left LA booked a ticket for the other side of the world.
Now, Rory has been on the island for five months. It’s not exactly rehab, but the drug usage has diminished bit by bit, She’s starting to find her footing and become part of the community. She still has that chip on her shoulder, but putting her energy into building something feels good. She’s never built anything in her life, and the house with its extensive gardens needs a lot of work so it’s keeping her extremely busy. When she first got there, the first thing she did was immediately pick up a job as a local bartender because she hates being dependent on her step-father’s money, for fear of him taking it away (trust issues much). The LA dust and glitter is slowly clearing from her eyes, and she’s discovering a much kinder and greener world.
Rory is super charismatic and thus far has been turning on her charm in order to further things in life. She doesn’t have to do this anymore, so her genuine warmness is starting to shine through more. She’s been stung by basically all the relationships in her life, so she holds real companionship extremely close, loyal to the end and extremely passionate and protective. 
Bitch has trust issues and a bit of an edge though, so getting to that deep companionship is really hard.She’s also a rough kid, had to claw and fight her way through her life, so she’s definitely a little rough around the edges. She doesn’t open up quickly, and she has a quick temper that acts as a learned defense mechanism. She definitely has a nasty streak when it comes to defense mechanisms, and can be quick with her wrath.
Years on drugs leading up to this quieter life have made Rory a bit antsy, and though she still does some drugs she’s transitioning to chasing an adrenaline high - her addictive personality is always going to be her fatal flaw.
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Megara Tilusi Gonzalez Egan – Character Sheet
i'm bad at love / but you can't blame me for tryin' /you know i'd be lyin' sayin' / you were the one / that could finally fix me / lookin' at my history / i'm bad at love / oh, you know, you know, you know, you know / i'm bad at love / i'm bad at love
i know that you're afraid / i’m gonna walk away / each time the feeling fades / each time the feeling fades / i know that you're afraid / i'm gonna walk away / each time the feeling fades
Archetype — The Adventurer Birthday — November 1, 1985 Zodiac Sign — Scorpio sun, Sagittarius rising, Gemini moon MBTI — ENTP Enneagram — 5: the Investigator Temperament — Melancholic Hogwarts House — Ravendor Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral Primary Vice — Greed Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Earth
Mother — Margaret Gonzalez Egan Father — Ahsan Egan (nee Haroun) Mother’s Occupation — Abandoned Meg, so who gives a fuck, right? (She’s a police officer, ex-military, random hc: she works with Copper, bc I always make everyone from Cork.) Father’s Occupation — Writer/stay at home dad. Family Finances — Not great, not terrible. Birth Order — Only child. Brothers —  None. Sisters — None. Other Close Family — None, her father doesn’t talk to his family in India and her mother’s family was never in the picture. Best Friend — None. Other Friends — None. Enemies — Ninsun, but she also sorta likes her? It’s fucked up. Her ex--Canis Greenleaf. Pets — None, though Ninsun takes the form of a sandy colored Persian cat. Home Life During Childhood — It started out pretty good, when she was five, they moved to Iraq because of her mom’s work. (She was a technician for the military, high ranking, she wasn’t out in the field.) They moved back to Ireland when Meg was ten. Her mom left abruptly when she was thirteen. She found out later that her parents had been fighting for a while and it wasn’t as abrupt as she thought. Still, her mom didn’t even say goodbye to her or anything, so that sucked. She rebelled as a young teen, smoked, did (minor) drugs, etc, etc. Had a boyfriend at the age 13. Once she got into secondary, she settled down a bit because she was actually being challenged in school and really enjoyed herself. Town or City Name(s) — Cork, Ireland -- Baghdad, Iraq -- Cork, Ireland What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Posters everywhere, always looked like a tornado had blown through. Oscillated between girly and punk. Any Sports or Clubs — Book club, chess club, football Favorite Toy or Game — Crosswords. Also Clue. Schooling — Went to public schools and military schools, got her undergrad at Dublin, masters at Oxford, PhD at Cambridge and then La Sorbonne. Favorite Subject — History Popular or Loner — Loner, but had a loyal group. Important Experiences or Events — Her mother leaving/getting accepted to school/living in Saudi/her experience with her ex Nationality — Irish Culture — an Irish/Indian/Middle Eastern hybrid Religion and beliefs — Spiritual, but doesn’t exactly have a religion, much to her father’s dismay.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Summer Bishil Complexion — Golden/brown Hair Colour — Dark brown   Eye Colour — Brown Height — 5’3 Build — short but kind of sporty/curvy Tattoos — probably one or two Piercings — ears, had a septum when she was younger, has a nose piercing. Common Hairstyle — usually down or in a high pony, occasionally a braid. Clothing Style — a little femme punk is probably the best way to describe it. Leather jacket, dark wash jeans, boots. Mannerisms — purses her lips a lot, can talk animatedly with her hands and body when she gets passionate about something, but tends to be rather still otherwise.   Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — not really? Travel always makes her a little sick though. Physical Ailments — well sometimes her eye sees into the underworld which can give her mad vertigo lol Neurological Conditions — none Allergies —  none Grooming Habits — loves a good groom; treats herself to baths n face masks n such all the time Sleeping Habits — not so great these days, underworld nightmares, am I right? Eating Habits — good, she doesn’t eat beef, loves a good salad, a good curry, lots of protein and good for you food. Exercise Habits —  tries to exercise regularly in a lowkey way, though she has gotten a little worse in the last few months. Emotional Stability — hot temper but tries to control it behind an air of indifference. Body Temperature — runs a little cold, especially these days Sociability — used to be much more extroverted than she is now. Extroversion is her natural setting. Addictions — knowledge. Drug Use — in secondary Alcohol Use — frequent
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — abrasive, snarky, untrusting Good Habits — loyal af, self care af Best Characteristic — loyalty and being like a dog w a bone when faced with a problem. Worst Characteristic — not letting anyone in Worst Memory — finding Canis cheating Best Memory — going on her first dig! Proud of — her degree Embarrassed by — her feelings lol Driving Style — a lil reckless Strong Points — fierce, loyal, smart, a bad bitch Temperament — easy and quick to anger, always bitter Attitude — needs an adjustment Weakness — her heart and thirst for knowledge Fears — becoming invisible (not successful in her career, with no friends.) Phobias — none Secrets — so many Regrets — Canis. Feels Vulnerable When — she feels emotions for someone Pet Peeves — so many things but mansplaining is the original sin Conflicts — trust v preservation Motivation — being successful af Short Term Goals and Hopes — publish a book Long Term Goals and Hopes — be the best known in her field Sexuality — bisexual Day or Night Person — night Introvert or Extrovert — introverted extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist af
Likes and Styles:
Movies — Indiana Jones, The Mummy Movies--the classic archaeological films, of course. Also into horror movies and slashers, to the concern of her parents. Though, she also had a soft spot for certain romances: Titanic and Moulin Rouge. Her absolute favorite is Big Fish. Good luck prying that out of her. Books — loves books. Prefers nonfiction but can get into a good fiction. Magazines — none Foods — Indian food. The thing she always missed being away from home was her dad’s cooking. Drinks — Big water drinker. A water with a little lemon is her go to. Also, vodka with a little lemon. She’s not picky. Especially these days. What? She can hold her alcohol. Animals — Owls, or púcaí, which is an Irish creature that was always benevolent to Meg, since she was born on Puca day. Sports — loves a good game of football  Social Issues — women’s rights, anything discriminatory she’s fiercely against Favorite Saying — some old middle eastern proverb probably Color — purples and pinks, they’re soft, lovely colors. She doesn’t wear them very often, but they’re definitely her favorites. She has like purple binders and a purple phone case, stuff like that, where you can definitely pick up on her favorite. Though, her favorite shade is probably a magenta kind of color, as that is what the “purple” of the ancient world would look like. She also is a big fan of turquoise and owns a lot of turquoise jewelry, both because she likes it and also because it has protective powers. Clothing — loves her leather jacket, wears lots of boots and darker colors. Jewelry — usually can be seen wearing a decent amount of jewelry. Games — clue is her fave, also likes word games and puzzle games, etc. Music — Dad rock. Loves KISS, Bruce Springsteen, Pearl Jam, The National, Counting Crows. Classics like Queen and the Beatles, etc. She also loves some good girl groups and artists. Definitely a fan of Florence and Beyonce, Elle King, Ginny Wigmore, Aretha Franklin, Christina Aguilera--I could keep going. She’s an avid music-consumer. Definitely that person that hung posters on their wall and was obsessed with certain band members and groups.  Greatest Want — to be the very best, like no one ever was Greatest Need — to learn to trust in her heart
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — Castle Suites Household furnishings — modern n chic, tho also lots of books Favorite Possession — probably her books Most Cherished Possession — the recipe book her dad gave her when she moved out the first time. Married Before — nope, was secretly engaged though Significant Other Before — a few dates here or there but she was always focused on her studies Children — god no Relationship with Family — she’s a daddy’s girl for sure, but they’ve been distant since the Ifrit. Car — none, she can drive tho Career — archaeologist/professor Dream Career — exactly what she’s doing Dream Life — exactly her life minus the huge betrayal and the Ifrit. Though, the Ifrit has its perks. Love Life — no. Talents or Skills — has access to pretty unlimited knowledge thanks to the Ifrit, but she’s hella smart on her own. Knows several languages, also really sharp reflexes. Intelligence Level — high Finances — stable
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cleverbroadwayurl · 6 years
Some AUs that I Love
Okay so I made a giant list of AUs, prompts, and other things that I love so that you guys could reblog/request/get inspiration from them! I know some are really similar, but honestly that just means I really love that trope! Please feel free to reblog these and use them for your own purposes! I’ll update this list as time goes on, I’m sure, as I’ve had a running list for a long time that was just on my phone. I also don’t own any of these (besides 152 and 196). 
it’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost
I thought I was the only one who liked the waffle station in the cafeteria
it’s 3am, in the dead of winter, some motherfucker pulled/set off the fire alarm and I am being very vocal about how I’m gonna make that fucker pay
The guy with the bibles on the quad has cornered me and is screaming about hell, please rescue me
You’re the only one who actually responded to the desperate message I sent to the whole class about needing the notes
'i ordered a pumpkin spice latte at starbucks and you made a heart with the foam and i decided to drink it here so i can smile at you some more’ au
you walked here in a blizzard to get your hot chocolate but you forgot your wallet at home, here, let me buy your drink for you
we’re at the mall when there’s a severe weather warning over the loudspeakers, guess we’re spending the night here
“I work at a department store and if you take out and unfold a shirt and then leave it one more time I’m going to stuff it down your throat” AU
“You saw me reading the same book you did and we got into a heated discussion on how much it sucks” AU
“You have just witnessed me cry over the ending to my favorite game before class began please don’t ever tell anyone about this.”
“I’ve never talked to you before but the teacher just used us as an example for a scenario where we are married.”
“I’m exhausted, feverish, and hacking up a lung, and the student health center’s first suggestion was pregnancy, can you help me get to the ER in town” AU
“I know that this probably isn’t a good idea but it’s included in the meal plan and I’m stressed out, so I keep hitting the ice cream sundae bar in the buffet style dining hall at least a couple times a week” AU
bonding solely via eye contact over that annoying person on our plane that we’re both slowly becoming more and more exasperated about au
you fell asleep and i started making funny faces at your kid to keep them amused and the steward mistook us for a couple au
actually, any mistaken for a couple au
having to SHARE A LIVING SPACE FOR ARBITRARY FIC REASONS. having to see each other in their pajamas first thing in the morning, messy haired, drowsy eyed and soft faced. going from “you can have the bathroom first” to brushing their teeth beside each other and feeling like this closeness has always existed (at the same time, painfully aware that it won’t always).
bed sharing. :^) we all pretend we’re bigger than this but we are not. 
'room mate has a nightmare and doesn’t want to sit alone at night’ au 
'room mate gets sick and needs tissues and cough sweets and soup’ au
ok but a ‘your apartment is next to/above mine and i can hear you and your partner dancing and singing and the bed moving and you two laughing and talking in hussed tones and it won’t let me sleep so i bitch about it to you 24/7 and one day it stops and one day turns to one week and then months and i haven’t seen you smile in forever please let me     in, i’ve been knocking for ten minutes’ au.
Don’t tell anyone you saw me crying AU
did you actually just blue shell me on our date you fucker
I’m calling to cancel our date because I’m actually in the ER right now, sorry. …I mean, sure, I guess you can come down here, but… okay…
You’re my waiter and I’m on a really crappy date with an asshole
'i’m having a minor breakdown in the middle of bed bath and beyond and you’re a bewildered shopper who wants to buy plates but also to make sure i’m okay bc im wailing a little bit in the kitchenware section’ au
“I’m in a bookshop and I really need that book can you get it for me??? Wait you’ve read that book? let’s have an in depth conversation about it.”
“You were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf’s-worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help”
“We’re on the bus and I’m really not trying to take up your space I’m sorry I just have rlly rlly long legs” 
“You’re afraid that you’ll lose me in big crowds so you always hold my hand but now you just hold my hand when there’s only, like, five people around and I’m getting vry suspicious” 
It’s like 3AM and my roommate locked me out of the house and I forgot my keys and I’m really drunk pls take pity on me and let me crash at your place for the night o’ neighbor of mine AU
The walls in this apartment building are really thin and I can hear you having mental breakdowns all the time are you okay? AU
“I barely know you but my boyfriend just broke up with me and you heard me crying so you brought over ice cream and movies” AU
I was in a hurry and I ran into you outside the coffee shop while you were carrying two lattes and it turns out they were both for you except that now you’re wearing them I’m so sorry
‘i offer you my bed to sleep in bc our respective roommates are getting it on in your room and take the sofa to sleep on only i wake up back in my bed with your tiny body wrapped around me and damn me if it isn’t the cutest thing i’ve ever seen’ au
You passed out in my car because of strong medication and now I have to figure out how to get you home and avoid taking a picture of your cute sleeping face.” 
 “Hi so i know we haven’t talked before but we have French Literature together and i noticed you’ve been gone and since we’re on the same dormitory floor i thought i’d stop by and give you my really thorough notes and oh wow you’re rEALLY sick are you ok?” 
you look so good and so many people are trying to pick you up and I can only sit in the corner and seethe, and now people are giving me concerned looks
“I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
“Stay the night. Please.”
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.”
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”
[text]: So I might be in a hospital right now…
 I’m worried about your coffee dependency
  “My shower’s broken but I’ve got a date tonight could I possibly use your shower please?” “Oh sure (neighbour that I’ve been crushing on for the past six months) of course you can use my shower to get ready for your date (fuck fuck fuck)”
There’s a person who won’t stop bugging me will you pretend to be my partner so that they’ll fuck off?
meeting while waiting for hours on end in the emergency room au
‘i’m pretending to be ur bff bc u looked VERY uncomfortable with that person at the bar hitting on u’ AU
“We live in adjacent apartments and our bedrooms are on opposite sides of a very thin wall and one night I heard you crying and talked to you through the wall” AU
“we work at the same office and never really interacted but suddenly we’ve been taken hostage” AU
“at a concert and you kinda saved me from being trampled” AU
“can i borrow your blanket? i need to cry.” AU
‘im really sorry i keep staring but i dreamed about you horribly dying last night and i just wanted to make sure you dont spontaneously combust’
‘i drew you a mathematical heart curve for valentine’s day u nerd’
“I’m a waiter/waitress and you always sit in my section. I really like you and i thought you liked me back until you walked in here with a date, w h o o p s would you look at that I keep spilling stuff on them” au
Another waiter/waitress one: “You always come to this place and never talk much, but now these two assholes are harassing me and you step in and defend me” au
“My friends dared me to go on this rollercoaster but now that we’re at the top it looks way too scary and hellO hot person sitting next to me (careful i might puke)” au
“My significant other just broke up with me and I impulse bought like 5 pizzas. Can you help me eat them and make me feel less like shit?” AU
“You’re a store clerk and oh shit I just spotted my ex please let me hide behind your desk-thing” AU
"This has been a very bad week and you just grabbed the last box of my favorite comfort food at the supermarket” AU
“You crashed into me on your bicycle but I’m actually okay, you on the other hand look like you need some first aid” au
“this is totally awkward considering before this the only interactions we’ve ever had have been casual nods to each other in the hallway but there’s a huge fucking spider in my bath tub and you seem like the friendly neighbor type please help me” au
“it’s the middle of the night and i’m walking home alone in the dark and there’s this guy following me and he’s starting to gain on me and i found this phone booth with a lock on the door and i tried to call my best friend but my hands were shaking so badly i accidentally dialed the wrong number and i don’t even know you but help me” au
“we’ve been pen pals for like hella months and we finally decided to meet up and damn your cute, also did you break up with your jerk bf/gf yet?” au
“i was out in public and had an anxiety attack and you left your friends to give me some chocolate and talk me through it, so tysm” au
“idk you but you were getting hit on in public and you look super uncomfortable so i walked over and pretended to be your bf/gf, but hey while we’re at it, do you wanna go get some food?” au
You and I ride the same bus home every day but never talk but then you fell asleep and sorry to wake you up (you look really cute in your sleep) but it’s your stop next
it’s exam week and i run a coffee shop near the campus and you walked right into my glass door i’m laughing so hard oh my god
you started screaming bloody murder and i could hear you from my apartment and i thought something was horribly wrong but it turned out to be just a spider. and after i squashed it with a slipper you coerced me into being your spider-savior
“you’re super short and i’m sorry but it’s really really cute whenever you try to reach that book on the top shelf here lemme help you- oh no don’t be embarrassed, your face is all red and you’re even more adorable now i am going to die” au
“you fell asleep on my shoulder on the plane ride and i  would ask you to move but you look so comfy and adorable when you sleep. also you smell really good and the feeling of your breath on my skin is somewhat relaxing, maybe we can go out to lunch in this shitty airport when you wake up?” au
“i’m a quiktrip worker and whenever I work a night shift, you always arrive and buy like 3 cans of redbull and you look exhausted, do you need some help? are you okay?” au
“i catch you at the bus terminal shivering your ass off because it’s 30 degrees and for some godforsaken reason you’re wearing a short sleeve t shirt, so out of pity i lend you my hoodie and you look so surprised it’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen, setting aside the fact that you’re a goddamn idiot, do you want to get sick?” au
(cont.) “you look so sad and cold that i just tell you to keep my hoodie b/c you obviously need it more than i do. a week later i see you at a coffee shop/book store/etc. and you’re wearing my hoodie which you look so fucking tiny and cute in, and you just saw me and you look super embarrassed; you offer me it back but i tell you it suits you more and we end up talking and i buy you a drink” au
i tried to call a crisis hotline but got one number off and started ranting for 10 minutes before you got to speak and tell me i got the wrong number but now you’re worried about me and telling me not to hang up
Character A has been working at a retail store during the night/early morning of Black Friday and is so tired, but they need to stay awake so that they can drive home. Character A stops at Character B’s small coffee shop—which opened early in case people came in at 4am—and Character A accidentally falls asleep in a very comfortable chair while waiting on their coffee. Character B lets them sleep and even gets a blanket out of the back room to cover Character A
You’ve been missing for 5 months and suddenly you turn up at my doorstep with a huge scar across your face, looking more grim than when you left and won’t talk about what happened.
You usually only order hot chocolate and yet today you’re ordering something with six shots of espresso, are you okay??? Are you gonna die???
I just took a super dangerous job and you’re trying to talk me out of it, but we really need the money
You always bring your dates here to the restaurant I wait at and now you’re here alone…you okay mate?
We are trapped in a bank during a robbery
I saw you sleeping on the couch in the lounge in the morning, but now it’s like 5 pm and you’re still here. Are you okay?
I don’t know how we ended up having to sit next to each other on a roller coaster ride—sorry I fell against you  and grabbed your hand a couple times
“You’re so small”
“I can’t breathe”
“Fight me”
“Whose head do I have to rip off?”
“Don’t you ever fucking touch them again”
Found the other in an alleyway under the influence of drugs/alcohol and brought them home
“Why am I your emergency contact?”
“Wait, you actually stayed the night?”
“If he’s going to treat you like shit, I’m gong to kick his ass.”
“I just want to cuddle and watch friends.
“I want my best friend back”
“If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!”
“Fuck…I feel like I’ve been hit by a car”
“Who gave you that black eye?!”
“Are you drunk?”
“You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?”
“It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.”
“We should get you to a hospital.”
I’m on a terrible date and you’re my waiter please help me
“Please don’t touch me”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Don’t fucking touch me!”
“Game’s over son of a bitch! Tell me where she is!”
“Look at me—just breathe, okay?”
“Shit, are you bleeding?”
“You haven’t touched your food. What’s going on?”
“You can’t die. Please don’t die.”
“That guy at the bar keeps staring at you.”
“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
“Do you want to stay over tonight?”
“Every guy you date is a total jerk and I have to watch you get heartbroken over and over again because you can’t see that I love you!”   
We were snuggling in our underwear when my roommate came home early from vacation now you have to try and sneak down the fire     escape while I distract them with really terrible small talk
I don’t really know you but I noticed that this creep has been trying to chat you up even though you’ve already turned him down, so I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend/girlfriend until they leave you alone
It’s 2 am, we’re standing outside of our apartment building because someone pulled the fire alarm, and you look cold and unprepared, do you want to share my blanket?
We share a class at university and you forgot your notebook under your desk but luckily your phone number’s written inside PS: your doodles are pretty cool
I got stood up on a date and you were just grabbing dinner—shit my ex is here, sit down and pretend to laugh at something I said attractive stranger
Our flats are opposite each other and your kitchen window faces my kitchen so we always see each other making coffee at 3am.
Imagine you’ve been stood up by your douche of a boyfriend on date night and the waitress keeps asking if you’re ready to order but you keep asking for more time hoping that he’s just late. People are starting to look at you with those apologetic looks like they now and you start to feel worse and worse about the whole situation but as you decide to just get up and leave, this boy you’ve never seen sits down explaining loudly “Sorry, I’m so late, traffic is crazy right now.” He quietly adds “I’m [name]. Just go with it, yeah? Whoever didn’t bother to show up is a dick.” And so you go with it because he’s sweet and trying to save you (and plus he’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen) and as you’re leaving the restaurant after the best non-planned date ever, he asks you out for real this time.
I’ve been texting my friend for about a week now and they don’t reply but turns out I was texting a random person and there was some deep personal stuff I sent oh my god why are they calling me now (+bonus if the person calls at 2am)
“Look I don’t mean to pry but you’ve been wearing the same outfit for three days and I just want to check that you’ve slept?” “Okay obviously not because you just passed out in the hallway holy shit what do I do?”
You’re the bartender and you catch someone slipping something into my drink
You’re the perpetual frowner in class and one day as I’m answering the teacher I intentionally make a very cheesy pun and I can hear crickets but you’re laughing out loud and that makes me feel very much accomplished
I come to this café pretty much every day after work and by now you know my order by heart and even wave at me when I come in
I brought you to my friend’s wedding as my plus one and it was really fun and all but now it’s the end of the night and we’re sitting alone together at the reception and all these twinkle lights and flowers everywhere are causing a hell of a lot of romantic tension between us and ohhhhhhhhh
We were the only two to show up to class because it was cancelled but stay inside to finish work and ‘Hey, are you good at math?’
You’re my neighbor who got drunk and thought this was your apartment but I can’t just send you back home when you keep crying and venting about all of these awful things happening to you
I’m always terrified no matter how many times someone draws my blood. And even though you don’t need to be there when the guy comes     in to take it you always stay with me and talk to me to calm me down and     hold my hand
There’s this creepy person asking me out over text and could you pretend to be my significant other?
“How much did you drink?”
I’m a little drunk and I tried to call my ex back and I typed in your number and you had to hear a long emotional rant ohmygod I’m mortified but you left me a really sweet voicemail aw
The coffee machine stopped working and you’re cramming for finals please don’t cry
I accidentally gave you the wrong dosage of your medication and now we’d better get to the hospital before you pass out and possibly die
Lady and the Tramp AU
“The manager says the only reason the restaurant where we work at is popular is because people enjoy eating while watching our relentless flirting with each other but I swear to God we’re not flirting???”
“It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m single and you want to cheer me up but you can’t cook nor bake to save your life so you make me hot chocolate instead and it is delicious and I think I love you???” AU.
We bump into each other every Friday at the supermarket to buy the same ice cream and maybe we should eat it together?
“You’re the jerk-face customer that keeps on thumbing through their phone while ordering their drink so I exact revenge by spelling your name wrong on your cup and drawing phallic pictures on your coffee”
You’re my roommate who’s super cute and you’re cramming for your exams in your flannel pajamas and disheveled hair and it’s becoming     increasingly hard for me not to kiss you.
"We work together and I stayed after a couple minutes and I saw you on the intercom pretending you were at the Hollywood Bowl with Beyoncé and not to be weird but you're adorable ??"
“It’s our mutual friend’s wedding and they keep shoving us into each other because we’re the only ones at the ceremony who are single”
“I’m sick so you make me chicken soup and I’m really grateful but I’ve also seen you read books on magical spells and potion-making so I’m not sure if I should drink your soup in case it turns me into a toad”
“I’m a perpetual frowner and most certainly not a morning person and I work part-time at a breakfast bar and your disheveled hair and content smile as you eat my waffles and scrambled eggs is the only thing that can get me to smile”
“You’re the health-conscious med student and I’m the chain-smoking art student who’s also your barista and you leave me notes on smoking and lung health on your napkins and also a 20-page essay on lung cancer tucked under your saucer” AU.
“I’m egging a random person’s house to relieve stress and you join me and as it turns out the house belongs to your ex and now they are chasing us as well as the police and now we’re both in jail waiting to be bailed so um you wanna talk about it?”
“I’m a fashion major and I’m working on my illustrations and maybe I’ve had too much coffee but I swear I just saw one of the mannequins move so here I am calling you in the middle of the night please help I’m scared” AU.
“I lied and said I could speak a different language to impress my crush but now he wants me to tutor him so I need to become fluent in Mandarin in 3 days HELP”
“I’m taking this Literature class to fill a Gen Ed, and for the love of God I can’t figure out this dumb poem. Here, you’re an English Major, please help me write this stupid paper” au
“I hope one day you’re as happy as you’re pretending to be”
“I think I picked up your coffee by mistake”
“I want my best friend back”
“I’ll be right over”
“I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
“Is there a special reason why you’re wearing my shirt?”
“It’s okay to cry”
“Look at me--just breathe okay?”
“She’s been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?” 
“We have to pretend that we’re married.”
“Why can’t they see that they’re meant for each other?” 
“You did all this for me?”
“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” 
“You’ve only heard his side of the story. You never asked mine.”
While closing up Character A finds that they’re completely snowed in and the roads are blocked. Character B--another employee/a regular that stayed late--gets out two mugs and offers to make Character A a cup of hot cocoa while they wait for the snow to clear.
“how much did you drink?”
“You deserve better. It doesn’t have to be me, but you deserve better.”
“Please just hold my hand, that person’s basically undressing me with their eyes.”
Teacher from one department falls in love with teacher from another department AU
You found me singing a sad song on the fire escape a floor below you and you came down to ask me if something was wrong and I broke down and told you everything while you awkwardly sat there patting my head while I wept into your shoulder.
We sit across from each other on the train/tube everyday and I’m not sure how but we’ve ended up with this weird, silent, almost-friendship where we share “wtf” looks when we see another passenger doing something weird or telling a bizarre story and a few times I’ve almost gotten you to break and laugh out loud, but today you’re sitting with someone and I think they must be your partner because they are really in your space, but you shoot me a silent look that clearly screams ‘get this creep away from me’ and I’m all for that. AU
It’s the middle of winter and my heater went out and you let me stay at your place so I don’t freeze to death. God bless you.
Why are you crying in the hallway?? Are you okay?? Let’s go to my place, I have ice cream and Netflix.
I work in the library and I’m a little concerned for your health bc you never stop studying. 
I’ve been standing in line at the coffee shop for hours and you casually cut through for your drink but also buy me my favorite blend and now I’m not so sure what to make of you AU
“I don’t get sick”
“It’s not fun anymore, I’m dizzy...”
“We need to get this fever down”
“If you don’t stop soon, we’re going to the ER.”
You didn’t get a blanket on this flight so I figured we could share mine. You look cold okay? NO I AM NOT BLUSHING
You walked into the student lounge on our dorm floor and saw me cry-studying and walked out and now you’re back with coffee and a bag of chips and I’m seriously debating proposing to you with my ring pop
I kept getting harassed by some creepy person as I was trying to study and they’re not picking up on my ‘fuck off’ vibes and I started to actually get scared and then you put a coffee in front of my face and called me babe and scared them away thank you please let me buy you a new one on me oh you have a really cute smile when you’re shy
So I heard you get into this huge fight with someone and I know we’ve only exchanged genial smiles but I just wanted to check that you’re okay AU
You’re my adorably shy and awkward assistant who cares way too much about my love life and at a dance party you tell me to dance with the most attractive person in the room last so you can set up a date with them for me and when everyone’s gone I ask you to dance with me because you’re the prettiest person here to me duh AU
Your girlfriend decided to kick you out at 3 AM and I tripped over your boxes of shit in the hallways in my drunken trip to my apartment now I’m half passed out in a pile of your clothes AU
You asked who I had a crush on and so I described you to a tee but apparently you’re the most oblivious person in the world because you got kinda sad and nodded and HOW DO YOU NOT GET THIS AU
So your TV is facing the window and you’ve been watching Say Yes to the Dress for three days straight I just want to make sure you’re okay AU
You don’t eat nearly enough food and so I’ve gotten in the habit of making you lunches and bringing you deserts to make sure you don’t starve
My cereal is always on the bottom shelf but today they changed the layout so it’s on the top and I can’t reach it AND I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR HELP YOU GIANT AU
You are stupidly tall and you sit in front of me in class and I can’t see anything so I despise you with all of my soul AU
You are fiery and outspoken but you are so short that nobody pays any mind and I am so tall and have a huge crush on you so I just sort of follow you around making people listen to you AU
Person A getting startled by the New Years fireworks--not being fond of loud noises. Person B pulls them in for a deep kiss, completely distracting them from the exploding lights filling up the night sky
I was really drunk and you walked me safely back to my dorm room
My roommate brought you back to our apartment because apparently you got really drunk last night and needed someone to keep you safe and now you’re hungover and making pancakes and wow you’re cuTE
My ex runs one of the rides and I want to RUB IT IN THEIR FACE hold my hand and by the way when the camera takes a pic imma lean over and kiss you okay AU
69 notes · View notes
hypereactive · 5 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? my best friend
2. Are you outgoing or shy? shy
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? my best friend
4. Are you easy to get along with? depends. i try to be, but im also REALLY picky/have strong opinions on a lot of stuff, and im autistic..
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? yeah
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? a caring one, who listens before judging
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? yeah
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? my best friend
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? sometimes
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? probably my best friend
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “o”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? uhm. I like A LOT of songs.
billie ellish- bury a friend and you should see me in a crown
rag’n’bone man - human
rebel - black pearl (hes a pirate)
Aladdin soundtrack - Prince Ali and one jump ahead
arctic monkeys - Do I wanna know?
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? rarely
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? yea
15. What good thing happened this summer? new job, in my field of study
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? yepp
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? probs at least simple life
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? only if I run into him getting coffee (he works there)
19. Do you like bubble baths? if im in the mood
20. Do you like your neighbors? one i do, one i absolutely dont, the rest i dont interact w
21. What are you bad habits? im REALLY picky, and can come off as ungrateful (if u can’t do it right id rather u just not do it. apparently its more common to think at least you got something/they tried.)
22. Where would you like to travel? Anywhere w the right people. Nowhere without.
23. Do you have trust issues? kinda. More like I understand people wont understand me or meet my needs adequately.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? morning coffee
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? my chin/teeth
26. What do you do when you wake up? if I have ResponsibilitesTM i get up and get coffee and leave the house in less than 20 min, otherwise i lay in bed on tumblr until i have to get up due to responsibilities or hunger.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? im good w where its at tbh
28. Who are you most comfortable around? my best friend
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? yeah. 
30. Do you ever want to get married? yeah
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? lol yesss
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? none?
33. Spell your name with your chin. bdfuds
34. Do you play sports? What sports? not really. i like frisbee and longboarding if those count.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? no. I cant keep secrets.
37. What do you say during awkward silences? i usu dont. ill just go on my phone/leave/etc
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? my best friend. 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? hot topic
40. What do you want to do after high school? lol im not in high school
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? depends on what they did and why, and if they want to grow as a person/make it right
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? im tired/overwhelmed/content/bored
43. Do you smile at strangers? if i lock eyes with them and they smiled, i might smile back, but im pretty good at Not Looking At People
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? ocean
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? ResponsibilitiesTM
46. What are you paranoid about? having a heart attack and no one being around to help me/not noticing until its too late
47. Have you ever been high? yea
48. Have you ever been drunk? yea
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? no
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? black
51. Ever wished you were someone else? no, but i have wished my parents were
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? my chin probs. idk i like myself
53. Favourite makeup brand? i dont wear makeup
54. Favourite store? this is a duplicate question.
55. Favourite blog? uhm.
56. Favourite colour? black/grey/light pink/raspberry/celery green
57. Favourite food? cheese, cheddar brats, spinach, chocolate chip cookies, milkshakes
58. Last thing you ate? rice w beef, spinach, egg and soy sauce
59. First thing you ate this morning? coffee and nutella
60. Ever won a competition? For what? I think so but i cant remember. Oh i think I won an anti-bullying poster competition once.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? lol nopee
62. Been arrested? For what? no
63. Ever been in love? few times now
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? uh. no. cuz i didnt even like the dude.
65. Are you hungry right now? no
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? i only have one real friend so I feel like thats unfair
67. Facebook or Twitter? tumblr.
68. Twitter or Tumblr? still tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? lol no
70. Names of your bestfriends? no, bc hed not appreciate it
71. Craving something? What? not rn
72. What colour are your towels? grey or floral w pinks and blacks and oranges
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes, usu. 2
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? total? uh. 8?
75. Favourite animal? birbs prob.
76. What colour is your underwear? why?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate, unless its ice cream. then vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? berry (any) or cheesecake (also any)
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? grey
80. What colour pants? a darker grey
81. Favourite tv show? uh. i like sherlock.
82. Favourite movie? deadpool probs. or pirates of the Caribbean. or Aladdin. or detective pikachu.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? never seen either
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? never seen either
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? n/a
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? uhm. I cant remember. Probs the black and white one w the scar, or the starfish, or the sea gull
87. First person you talked to today? my sister
88. Last person you talked to today? my best friend
89. Name a person you hate? my past roommate
90. Name a person you love? my best friend
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? my past roommate and most recent ex
92. In a fight with someone? currently? no? ever? yes.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? 5
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? 6
95. Last movie you watched? i dont know
96. Favourite actress? i dunno
97. Favourite actor? i dunno
98. Do you tan a lot? no
99. Have any pets? no
100. How are you feeling? i dont know
101. Do you type fast? yeah
102. Do you regret anything from your past? yeah, but not overly
103. Can you spell well? i think so 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? no
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? i dont think so, but i want to (w the right people)
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? yeah, oops
107. Have you ever been on a horse? yep
108. What should you be doing? cleaning my house
109. Is something irritating you right now? no
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yea
111. Do you have trust issues? yea
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? my best friend
113. What was your childhood nickname? B. as in, just the letter
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yea
115. Do you play the Wii? no
116. Are you listening to music right now? yea
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? not usually
118. Do you like Chinese food? i think so
119. Favourite book? uhm. sherlock (the whole series). the uglies series (scott westerfield). the secret garden. Fahrenheit 451. 1984. 
120. Are you afraid of the dark? no, but sometimes im afraid theres something in it
121. Are you mean? no
122. Is cheating ever okay? no
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? if i want to
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
125. Do you believe in true love? im not sure i know what this means
126. Are you currently bored? no
127. What makes you happy? i dont know
128. Would you change your name? no
129. What your zodiac sign? gemini
130. Do you like subway? i cant eat there
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? lol weve been dating for a while now
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? my best friend
133. Favourite lyrics right now? uh. I dont know.
134. Can you count to one million? that would take a month, so no.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? i dont know. probably that i couldnt go to work bc i was “throwing up from a migraine” when i hadnt thrown up (yet).
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? it varies
137. How tall are you? i think im like. 5′8″?
138. Curly or Straight hair? curly. but not consistent
139. Brunette or Blonde? i am a brunette
140. Summer or Winter? winter. i can always wear more clothes
141. Night or Day? night. its quiet and calm
142. Favourite month? august and october
143. Are you a vegetarian? no
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? yes.
145. Tea or Coffee? yes. depends on time of day/year/mood/etc
146. Was today a good day? i dont know
147. Mars or Snickers? mars
148. What’s your favourite quote? “if you cant explain it simply, you dont understand it well enough” -einstien is one of them. but there are more
149. Do you believe in ghosts? i dont know
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “aunt lillian’s footsteps became more distant, became whispers, were gone.”
@ramblebrambleamble i got bored and answered all of them
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demonbutch · 6 years
u have to do 1-100 now u know that right >:3c (or 4, 14, 20, 25, 34, 58, 84 & 94 if u dont have time)
sfdjkshf this took literal hours
1- Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
i don’t actually use any of these, but ig i would be more likely to make a spotify account than the others!!
2- is your room messy or clean?
very messy rip
3- what color are your eyes?
4- do you like your name? why?
i mean it’s better than my birth name, but i also want to try different names i guess?? one day i’ll find the right one
5- what is your relationship status?
single lmao
6- describe your personality in 3 words or less
anxious gay mess
7- what color hair do you have?
8- what kind of car do you drive? color?
i don’t drive!! D’:
9- where do you shop?
i do most of the shopping at lidl, and occasionally food deliveries from tesco or sainsbury’s
10- how would you describe your style?
dad clothes but better
11- favorite social media account
i’m honestly not too sure?? i tend to just consume social media as one whole thing rather than noticing specific blogs or accounts etc.
12- what size bed do you have?
double bed!!
13- any siblings?
nope!! i’m an only child!
14- if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
i always wanted to live somewhere quiet and remote but lately i’ve been really wanting to spend more time in cities?? i wanna make more friends and see more places, york is probably my favourite city
15- favorite snapchat filter?
the demon filter!! also the one w the cute glasses and leaves!!
16- favorite makeup brand(s)
rimmel on the basis that it’s the only one i can use without allergic reactions lmao
17- how many times a week do you shower?
at least once a day, sometimes more bc it’s the only warm place in the house lmao
18- favorite tv show?
pokemon, especially sun and moon!!
19- shoe size?
6-7 depending on the make!!
20- how tall are you?
21- sandals or sneakers?
22- do you go to the gym?
nope, but i would like to one day!! either that or get a treadmill or something so i can run without fear of people or cars
23- describe your dream date
probably somewhere like botanical gardens/nature reserves/museums and just looking at all the plants and stuff or honestly just staying home and napping
nap dates good
24- how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
like £12 or so i’m too lazy to count the change
25- what color socks are you wearing?
navy and purple!!
26- how many pillows do you sleep with?
pillow!! fort!! pillow!! fort!! at least four, more if i can find them
27- do you have a job? what do you do?
i volunteer at a small florist in town, but i’m hoping to find an actual paid job that i could do soon bc i am,, broke and feel bad about not working
28- how many friends do you have?
i always worry that i’m gonna miss someone when i answer questions like this sjfjsfkd, there’s seven people that i speak to regularly
29- whats the worst thing you have ever done?
if we’re talking about the things we regret most, probably dating my ex, it was a really unhealthy relationship and is still having a pretty bad effect on my mental health years later rip
30- whats your favorite candle scent?
unscented candles lmao, i find all of the sceneted ones too strong and i get headaches really quickly rip
31- 3 favorite boy names
ryan, kai, liam
32- 3 favorite girl names
i’m honestly not too sure about this one rip
33- favorite actor?
do the mcelroys count as actors?? all four mcelroys
34- favorite actress?
elise bauman
35- who is your celebrity crush?
i don’t really have one tbh but it used to be katie mcgrath
36- favorite movie?
the carmilla movie
37- do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i used to read a lot but my concentration and focus has become shit since i finished school, some of my favourite books were “the sight” by david clement davies, “when women were warriors” by catherine m wilson and “the long way to a small angry plant” by becky chambers
38- money or brains?
what is this in relation to?? i do not know
39- do you have a nickname? what is it?
not really, my name’s pretty hard to shorten lmao
40- how many times have you been to the hospital?
numerous times for migraines and allergies, but nothing significant to actually keep count of
41- top 10 favorite songs
forests - tom rosenthal
movement - hozier
hugging you - tom rosenthal
nina cried power - hozier
shrike - hozier
nfwmb - hozier
common tongue - hozier
take me to church - hozier
pyramid - jason webley
big houses - squalloscope
i love,, hozier,,
42- do you take any medications daily?
43- what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
dry i guess
44- what is your biggest fear?
anything medical, especially needles
45- how many kids do you want?
none, i don’t think i’d make a very good parent
46- whats your go to hair style?
scruffy and windswept lmao
47- what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
i guess it’d be considered like a medium house?? idk
48- who is your role model?
when i was younger it’d have been some of my teachers but now i really don’t know
49- what was the last compliment you received?
mum complimented my eyebrows earlier
50- what was the last text you sent?
some boring work stuff
51- how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
six or seven??
52- what is your dream car?
something cheap that won’t explode when i turn the engine on lmao
53- opinion on smoking?
you do you, just be mindful of others near you
54- do you go to college?
i finished college earlier this year!!
55- what is your dream job?
anything not related to retail and customer service, ideal if it also involves plants
56- would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
i’d have always answered this w rural before, but honestly probably suburbs now
57- do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
58- do you have freckles?
a few, but they’re very faint!! they were a lot more noticable when i was younger
59- do you smile for pictures?
no i’m an edgy bastard, i hate my smile sgdjskkf
60- how many pictures do you have on your phone?
over 3000, i should delete some but i’m attached to these blurry photos of my dogs
61- have you ever peed in the woods?
i mean,, who hasn’t??
62- do you still watch cartoons?
63- do you prefer chicken nuggets from wendy’s or mcdonalds?
we don’t have wendy’s here so mcdonalds it is
64- favorite dipping sauce?
ketchup and bbq sauce are the only acceptable dips
65- what do you wear to bed?
usually a shirt and boxers
66- have you ever won a spelling bee?
never entered one!
67- what are your hobbies?
drawing, playing video games, listening to podcasts, bingewatching entire series on netflix
68- can you draw?
sometimes, sometimes
69- do you play an instrument?
only the recorder which i’ve not really done since i was 8, i’d love to learn guitar though
70- what was the last concert you saw?
i saw welcome to night vale live in 2015, and jason webley also played music there!
71- tea or coffee?
they both suck, but tea is more tolerable
72- starbucks or dunkin donuts?
starbucks, never had dunkin donuts
73- do you want to get married?
WIFE,, yes
74- what is your crush’s first and last initial?
Tumblr media
75- are you going to change your last name when you get married?
i would like to, yes!!
76- what color looks best on you?
i’d say probably reds and browns idk
77- do you miss anyone right now?
yeah D:
78- do you sleep with your door open or closed?
closed, i really hate doors being open they make me anxious
79- do you believe in ghosts?
80- what is your biggest pet peeve?
hypocrisy and people being unnecessarily rude or harsh rip
81- last person you called?
my mum, she’s the only person i’ll ever call lol
82- favorite ice cream flavor?
honeycomb or butterscotch
83- regular oreos or golden oreos?
regular oreos are better
84- chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
rainbow sprinkles, do i legally have any other choice,,
85- what shirt are you wearing?
a binder
86- what is your phone background?
some art of one of my characters!
87- are you outgoing or shy?
very shy
88- do you like it when people play with your hair?
sometimes, but i’ve really gotta be in the right mood for it and i can only stand it for a short period of time rip
89- do you like your neighbors?
i’ve never spoken to them, but i mostly just hear them arguing with each other so i’ve not got the best impression lmao
90- do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
91- have you ever been high?
92- have you ever been drunk?
i’ve never been drunk or high, i won’t drink for various reasons
93- last thing you ate?
one of those little frosted fancy cake things
94- favorite lyrics right now
I want trees instead of gravestones, nothing to confessI got a soft spot for your ancient books full of horror storiesI got a music in my head from long, long, ago and far, far awayAnd I still hum its tune, but how could I believe every word it says to me?
95- summer or winter?
96- day or night?
97- dark, milk, or white chocolate?
milk chocolate
98- favorite month?
october bc of autumn and halloween
99- what is your zodiac sign
100- who was the last person you cried in front of?
the nurse at one of my appointments the other day rip
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gayneral · 6 years
All those flowers, my dude
First of all thank you for asking, this will be longAlso as this took me almsot two weeks already I took the liberty of leaving some queastions out so I wouldn’t take even longerSince this was answered over a longer time span some questions that are aimed at certain days may be slightly outdated (ed what are u wearing today and such)
Alisons: Sexuality?I’m gay my dudes
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?He/Him, male
Amaryllis: Birthday?My Birthday is in June
Anemone: Favorite flower?This is gonna sound lame as fuck but I rly like roses, red ones in particular
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?I can’t choose but here are some favorites:
Peaky Blinders, I’ve watched this one so often,,, Cillian Murphy was what got me into it and I stayed for beautiful scenes and atmosphere and the gang drama
Gotham, Let’s be honest, the best thing abt dc are their villains (also suuuuper into Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine and The Office, i like these because they are easy, nice and satisfy my need to have something running in the background while I’m at home. (Also insanely sweet in the case of BB9)
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?One I still remember strongly is from two boys kissing “you should all live to meet your future selves”
Also many of the poems by keaton st james deeply resonate with me so check those out (most are religious-ish just in case that’s a no no for you)
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?I gotta be boring and say water
I like hot chocolate and a special kind of peach tea and some soda I drank in brazil but water,, yeah I drink that most,, love hydration
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Nope
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?I am, right now, at this very moment
Baneberries: Favorite song?I can’t give you an all time favorite so here’s a random favorite I currently like listening to: Sedated by Hozier
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.My family is not very big and actually hasn’t been a family for a very long time. Namely it’s my dad, my sister, my grandparents, my dads wife, her son, our dog and I. I have never experienced family in my youth so sometimes when I’m with them it’s all very odd. And sometimes it’s stressful. But it’s the first time I actually miss family when I’m alone at home, far away. I speak about my father and my grandparents further below but my sister is very sweet and I’m pretty protective of her, she and I get along a lot better now than before which is a common trait as ull see later.
We often take care of things, and are probably the most planning of the family. My dad’s wife is very good to talk to, having a very different perspective from my own and will always offer up advice. Her son is currently in pirperty and more interested in playing fortnite than anything which makes for some explosiveness at home. Our dog is cute and perfect that’s it.
Begonia: Favorite color?I like blue tones, but a dark, rusy kind of red is cool too
Bellflower: Favorite animal?Dogs Dogs Dogs. By far my favorite animal, they fill my heart with joy. Next up, Giraffes, funny big boys
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?Morning I think, I definitely work best early.
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?I actually never really had a dream job as a child. Not that I remember at least.
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?While I generally ain’t a big fan, like I’m someone very based on conversations so obviously that’s hard w kids. I am growing more to them. I’m far from wanting one but I think children are special in their.. Like innocence. They are beyond all the bitterness and hatred that we adults have. If only parents would be better lmao
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?I’m afraid of many things. Change for example. And failure. I think that might be because being perfect was important when I grew up and whatever I did it was never enough to my mother especially. Perhaps that has become so deep rooted that I tell myself I can not fail, which makes me very nervous and makes me worry too much.
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.I spend lots of time on building sites and in hardware stores because my grandparents have houses and my parents often would work there too.
Buttercup: Relationship Status?Single
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?God I don’t know, I think it’s probably when I’m with someone I care about and it’s easy and light and fun and I feel comfortable and they tell me that they like being around me, or that I made them happy with something.
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?Nope,wanted to have some but money and shit
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  I have my ears pierced, but it’s the earlobes so the most basic thing
California Poppy: Height?  I insist on 1,70 at least, I will not accept being under that.
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?In a way, yeah
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?My new boots, black pants, winter coat, black jacket, a blue button up and a lord of the rings shirt underneath. Obviously underwear
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?When I was a child for sure
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?A person from school, who’s also in fashion design, but a few years above me that I got to know bc of cosplay.
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?My Ex
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?God idk, I like oldish looking ones, elegant ‘n stuff
Columbine: Are you tired?Nah, actually not rn
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?Sam visiting me in March
Coneflower: Dream job?I’m not sure, definitely something w sewing but idk if I wanna go theater or my own things
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?Introvert
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?Yeh
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?Very very far
I’d say I’m pretty damn loyal and also give myself up easily even without noticing. If someone has my love and my loyalty they have my everything basically. Would I commit a terrible crime? I don’t know. Would I be real mean to someone or punch them? Yeah, if it’s reasonable w the situation I would (would it be affective? Not sure)
Give myself up? If we’re thinking real dramatic..maybe yeah
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?Gemini
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?Funny or stupid things? MaybeOtherwise honourable stuff, i don’t think so, i don’t view my actions like that.
I mean I survived, that’s pretty cool
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?Above mentioned survival. Which includes making it out of my mother and her boyfriends abusive grip and household. Moving away. Being true to myself. Dragging myself out of the hole I had fallen in for a while. Getting close w my dad and family. Believing more in myself and stopping things that are not good for me. Getting an apprenticeship that I like. Moving forward in life
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?If it’d be my dad I’d sit down with him and ask him why exactly. I have had a relationship before in which I did not see how badly I was treated/ that I basically searched someone like my mother. So I’d listen, perhaps to prevent from making the same mistake again. If it turns out it’s nothing reasonable I think I’d tell him that I will pursue the relationship anyway and ask him to respect that and be as nice as possible to my partner.
If it’d be my mother.. No surprise she doesn’t even like me and honestly I wouldn’t give a shit.
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?Did I say it? Not sure but written it in a letter, it was Sam
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?If my grades speak for themselves it’d be my apprenticeship, or like idk working hard about something I enjoy. I take this very seriously and give it everything I can. I’ve been told I’m good at talking, not sure if that’s true
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?I’m envious. It’s not that far that I am not happy for people, I think i generally have it under control but sometimes it gets the best of me and fills my stomach with nasty emotions.
Also saying stop. I do a lot for people, and I’ve been prone to letting people use and step on me for too long xnot standing up for myself
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?The past month was actually absolutely terrible so not much to find here.Uhm..the bad thing that happened got our family closerI spend Christmas and new years w my familyI got amazing gifts and letters from my friends
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?Stressful. I worked on my semester project and I feel like hardly anything worked
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?I’m moving towards a happy place. But I’m definitely doing a lot better already
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?Finish my apprenticeship, surgery, be able to make my own money so I don’t have to rely on my dad so much (he does enough for me already) and so I can get more distance between my mother and I
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?In no particular order
1. Dogs, god whenever I see a dog I’m happy because they are so cute and loyal,,,,,,,
2. probably everyone and their dog says this but my friends, honestly, I don’t know where I’d be without them. They helped me through terrible times in my life, are a constant source of love and joy to me.
3. my family. Since I didn’t have that for a long time I cherish it even more now that I do. It’s amazing to have a family that supports you behind you. I’m super grateful for everything they’ve done for me
4. the possibility to do the apprenticeship that I want to. it’s not always easy,,,I lack the money lmao but I’m so grateful that I can do this, because it makes me feel like I’m actually worth something in the working,adult world. I’m good at this
5. music. I listen to it so often, I can’t imagine not having music
6. sunshine, there’s something wonderful about going outside and feeling the warmth of the sun on your face, when it’s spring and winter has just gone by and you just have to smile because everything is bright and you’re surrounded by light
7. myself. Listen I dislike myself as much as the next guy but I’m working on appreciating myself and I am insanely proud of myself for coming as far as I have come. I don’t let myself feel it very often but having myself, it’s a good thing. I know my younger self would be very happy knowing that I did all those things for us.
8. something that makes me happy is creating, might it be art, or sewing or writing, anything really. It’s a pain in the ass and frustrating at times but I love looking at something knowing I did this, finishing it. And then looking back at it later and seeing how far I’ve come again
9. playing video games. It’s just fun to lose yourself in a story sometimes.
10. Christmas Markets. I don’t like Christmas itself. But I love the Markets, it’s the atmosphere of it. The food smells amazing and there are all those lights and there are kids with actual shining eyes because they see Christmas so magical and they are in awe by all the lights and honestly I feel the same awe sometimes when I’m on those Markets
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?  Hardly anything lmao. Listening to music. Distracting myself with either talking to someone or playing/watching something. Tho that often makes me feel guilty on the long run. What helps if stress is overwhelming me is writing down what it is that is stressing, like making a list and trying to untangle the mess, looking at what I have to do one by one
Hellebore: How do you show affection?Since I’m A  big fan of honesty I usually just say it. I like to tell people when I get some emotion. Like just telling them that I appreciate them. I think it’s nice to just be told that sometimes. Besides that I do things, like I’ll send anon messages or offer help just assisting somehow. Like not always outright having them know it’s me,like affection from afar. And well I’m helpful when I care abt someone especially, like “I can do this for you”
And being super openIt’s not alway clever as experience has shown but to me offering up things about myself means trust means affection in a way. Like giving a part of myself to someone. lmao
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?Making it to this point, I wasn’t in a very good state just a bit ago. But with the help of my friends and family I made it out of it. I have an apprenticeship I enjoy, I have my own flat, I have something to stand up for again. I can appreciate myself some more. I was able to see toxic relationships i was in and get away from them and not let myself be guilted but seeing them for what they are and acknowledging that while I am not a saint it doesn’t mean that I have to accept any treatment. I stood up to my mother, even if just a bit that was a huge step for me.
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?I barely had  any of it recently so I can very much put what I want to do. Which would be drawing. I haven’t done that properly in so long and I miss it. Like both sketching stuff on paper but mostly full pictures, sketching, lining and colouring somethin. Having a full art piece at the end. Also Play Games. And talk to my friends. Haven’t had a nice hour long convo with Nina or Charlotte or Sam in ages and I hate that.
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?That’d be Charlotte and Nina
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?I would hide away in my room and imagine. Invent stories, characters, anything to distract me from how unhappy I was. I would act them out in my head when I laid in bed so I could sleep.
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?I did not treat someone that I care about very well a few years ago, I didn’t give them the honesty they deserve. I was an asshole. Even if we spoke about it, I still feel very bad about it.
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?Indulging. When I have things to do but take a break I always feel super guilty for not doing anything.
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?It seems it comes from the Roman name Julianus, and was the name of a pangan Roman Emperor as well as a name of saints. Sometimes meaning youthful which fits because I look like a baby
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.I grew up in a big city in Germany. Very busy City with high buildings and no time. I lived in a flat when I was very young, a room with big windows where I’d sit and look out ot. Then we moved into the house my dad still lives in. Where houses were built in rows and more people knew each other, I’d walk home and pretend to not see them as to not have to speak to them.
Then I moved in a beautiful flat in a more busy part of the city, with a bookstore in the same building and a supermarket right down the street. My hometown is best described in the colour grey. I dont think it very pretty if I’m honest.Still its full of memories and not half as bad
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?Talking about the one in the house. Light peach coloured walls. Small but with big windows to look out of. An old wooden bed in front of one Window, and even older Closet next to the door, already so old that it had been ancient when my dad had been young. A desk in one corner at the other side of the room, above it shelves filled with books, little trinkets on the windowsills. Cabinets filled with paper full of secrets. Posters on the Walls and a round mirror that I hated looking into when I was young.
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  God no. I have repressed most of my younger years. My teenage years were filled with confusion and self doubt. I was a mess, I hated myself, not knowing who I was. And then knowing but being shamed for it, hiding away and keeping my head low to survive. Pushing myself to the limits and clinging to the thought that I could escape at age 18
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.My Mother and I are not on good terms. I’ve spend countless of years desperately attempting to please her, hoping for love or anything close to it. I was constantly let down by her. My mother is someone that I fear I’ll never understand, adapting to the men that she is with. Claiming to have reached compassion and selflessness while being the opposite. Acts childish and has never accepted or supported me. Now attempts to lure in my sister whom I fear for as she’s always wanted my mother to love her. I have estranged from her very much and currently I am happy seeing her as less as possible.
Onions: Tell about your dad.  I remember my father as a very autocratic person in my youth. He’d always work and would only be home to cast judgement. We did not get along well, and my mother, like grima wormtongue, had influenced me further into seeing him as a terrible person. Now I see him very differently. In fact I am similar to my father. Hard working, well spoken and crafty. We share a similar humor and I am very thankful for his support over the last year. To me my father is a very good example of how sometimes people can actually change, sometimes second chances will not disappoint you. My father cares very much about our family and I am happy to have gotten close to him again.
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.I won’t lose many words about my mother’s parents as there isn’t much to say about them.My mothers father was always sick, more often because he believed he was. The years before he died it had only gotten worse. My Grandmother was never really happy in that relationship, something I believe she handed down to my mother.
My fathers parentsWell, when I was young it was difficult, they aren’t exactly children people, despite trying. I especially had my difficulties with my grandmother, who was work above everything and wanted everything to be perfect.I remember her always fixing my clothing. Countless of instances of her and my dad arguing.
When I got older we had barely any contract until I had my coming out to my dad, who told my grandparents. Much to my surprise and I still respect that so much, they were immediately supportive and accepting, perhaps even more than anyone else from my family.
In the last year we grew closer. They helped me with my flat and would come over to set up a few things. I took them to a restaurant that my grandfather would always talk about whenever we talked, happily.
My grandmother and I had phone calls at least once a week, she was also the most interested in my apprenticeship, always curious, sending me old magazines and ideas she had. As well as button ups and shirts she had bought for me or old ones from my grandfather.She offered me support when we talked, told me they’d do anything they could
When my sister and I were getting clothing for my grandpa, as he was saying with us, I found a book on my grandmother’s bedside table.It was an educational oneIn it was also an article she had cut out of a newspaper, the title saying how the support of the family is the most important thing to lgbt children.
I miss my grandmother
Peony: What was your first job?I worked a summer at my mothers workplace. Cleaning watches and watch straps, replacing small things on the straps
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?We met 2014 on a cosplay convention in the city I grew up in. We met on the first day of that, where we all hung out in a group and then he and Charlotte spend the next day w us as well.
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?I bottle it up, focus on something that keeps me busy. Sometimes other people’s pain or doing things for them. Distraction from thoughts really. I’m best when I’m busy
Pink: Where is home?If you’d asked me a couple of months ago my answer would’ve been easy and quick. But now phew, I mean I call my place home as in “I’m going home” and I call my dads place home as in “I was home over the holidays”
But I’m not sure, not really
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?I could go endlessly both about important historical events and tragedies as well as personal mishaps and bad choices. But eventually I actually think this is too big of a question to answer like this. I’m generally better in speech than word when it comes to things like that
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.Steady. As in a job that I like, that provides me with enough money to survive well. Not to worry about everything. Having Dogs, as that I something I always wanted. Living somewhere in the city (always dreamed of a Fachwerk House but yeah…), with the possibility to visit my friends that I am in good contact in. Living with love and happiness. With a connection to my family still as good as now. Perhaps with someone,,,
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?I love the sound of paper, like books, pages turning, things like that. Also soft rain
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?I’m a Class A represser. So it’d probably be many things centered abt my mother.
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  I want my semester presentation to go well tomorrow. That’s all I care abt rn
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things? It used to be harder in the past but I’ve gotten slightly better at it. I’m still struggling with feeling but it’s a work in progress.
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?My Friends and Family, cheesy I know but over the last year I’ve become more set in that. Once more I noticed how much strength those can give you. And also noticed how important they are to me by the way things that happen hurt me
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?7 hours, couldn’t fall asleep at first but that’s usually my minimum of sleep
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?School. I have a timed, strict schedule thanks to that and it forces me to get up until a certain time in the morning. That helps a lot actually
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?I’m still in an apprenticeship but I enjoy it a lot
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?I have a new pair of shoes that are so beautiful I wish I had the look and body and style to wear them day to day. Also got some cool button ups
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.Look at this and you’ll see first hand https://www.pinterest.de/Gayneral/
I’m sorry I’m bad at desctibing my aesthetic. It’s like, historical stuff, museums, snowey Fachwerk, religious themed things, bee themed things, watches…
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?My semester project is due to two and a half weeks and I’m super nervous about finishing it like boooooy
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?Sadly I’ve been super busy recently so I’ve only been able to read a tiny bit in my holidays, Acht Nacht by Sebastian Fitzek
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?Still in school, doing good, and enjoying it
Still having a good relationship w my father, my sister and that whole family
Still good with my friends, hopefully seeing them more often
(maybe in a relationship pls don’t @ me)
Generally happy, not having to worry too much
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?Thanks to tumblr I do, and I hate it
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.I take my school very seriously. And I have zero tolerance for those in our school that don’t.
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authcntic · 6 years
Tumblr media
pinterest / stats.
aubrey joseph. cismale. he/him. — did you see { lincoln wolff }, i haven’t seen the { twenty } year old in a while! you know, they’re a { student }, and have been living in jersey city for { two years }. some say they’re { critical & dogmatic }, but i think they’re { insightful & pragmatic }. regardless, i’m glad { linc } is here.
in late 1997 grace and quentin wolff were a lil surprised w/ a son who they hadn’t planned on at all ? they actually hadn’t wanted kids at at all, but it was love at first sight and he changed their whole mind abt the idea of a family 
growing up in the small town of bristol, connecticut was boring. sure, as a kid, everything seems big. but even bristol seemed small to little linc and after getting bored of going to the same park every week, his parents decided to put him in a couple different activities around town in hopes of keeping him busy
luckily, it sort of worked. linc started to love heading out every day to play with the other kids, except like almost every other boy his age, he wasn’t the biggest fan of football or basketball. for some reason, he loved frisbee. just going out and throwing it around with his friends or parents was enough to make him happy. he was a pretty simple kid to please, tbh
frisbee became more than a hobby as he grew older and was good enough to be on an actual team ( his parents didn’t even know they had teams for that sort of stuff until linc announced it if we’re being honest ) 
as the years of ultimate frisbee went on, things changed. his parents adopted a little girl from the next state over, jasmine, who he loves more than anything and would protect from jokes about her being adopted at all costs ?? kids bullied her constantly when they were younger and he made it rather obvious that that wasn’t going to fly w/ him 
high school made linc realize that ultimate frisbee wasn’t exactly a career and in a panic, he signed up for some computer classes after hearing about the easy a’s it would earn him
except it ended up not just being an easy grade for him. linc loved the basic codes they learned and how they could change what he was looking at on the screen in just a few clicks. it was fascinating to him and soon enough, it was his new obsession. with help from his tech teacher junior year, he started a few computer science classes early at his local college with the full support of his parents. this was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. 
it was no question for him to major in computer science by the time applying for colleges came around. he applied to the closest colleges that had his major, hoping he could stay close enough to visit his family more than once a semester. however, he ended up with the school that offered him the most financial aid, it being a smaller school in jersey city. 
despite the bigger distance than he would have preferred, linc quickly grew to love the school and the city that was so much bigger than bristol. it brought out a new side of him and helped him grow into the twenty year old he is now 
even though linc was one of the most outgoing kids in his elementary school, he’s on the quieter side these days. he’s not shy or awkward, simply just pickier about who he makes an effort for. he gives off that guy in the movie whose dark and mysterious vibes, you know ?? he gets insulted when someone mentions it, though
so f*cking smart ! he got a full ride and actually loves his difficult classes ? in fact, the more difficult, the better for him. crazy
not only is he smart when it comes to computers and coding, but just in general he’s a pretty wise guy ?? not the first person you’d come to for advice but when you do, you won’t regret it ok 
super realistic ? kind of a bummer ? bc people his age are all about dreaming abt being rich and traveling and he’s like lol that’s not happening when you spend all of your money on alcohol billy ! alk;jsf he’s kind of annoying which is partly why he only has like . three friends if he’s lucky 
also kinda ties along w/ him being critical ?? will judge you if you do stupid shit a lot and he’s not very shy abt it at all even if he barely knows u ? it’s so bad he literally can’t shut up sometimes abt his opinions, and it’s even worse bc he refuses to ever think that he’s wrong
trying to correct him is ineffective bc he’s always right in his head and ur wrong if you don’t believe him . he will walk away if you try too hard to argue w/ him 
smokes weed, that’s all abt that really ? he likes it and it makes him feel mellow y’know ?? he’s cool like that ( or he thinks he is at least )
big ass nerd, but that’s probably really obvious considering his major and the fact that he loves ultimate frisbee
makes playlists for people, yes ik it’s cheesy but he’s just the type okay ?? it worked out that he just makes playlists for people he’s close to and this is the only thing he’s ever shy abt 
oh, is also very shy/secretive about how much he wants to feel wanted , bc despite his parents never abandoning him for some reason he just ?? feels this ? and can’t make it stop ? so yeah he just needs someone to tell him that they want him around bc it’d be nice 
has never really been shy about the fact that he’s pansexual sooo yes, people him up he’s gr8 
some ideas for connections besides the usual !
ex(es). anybody could fit this and i won’t go into depth with ideas because honestly anything could work as to why they dated and/or why they broke up so it would just end up a whole essay ? preferably angsty because who doesn’t love those kinds of plots ?? also love fluff tho.
ultimate frisbee. somebody please give this man someone to play frisbee with. he will love u forever and will always ask them to hang out, even if it’s just to play frisbee for five min and then lay in the grass and just talk for the rest of the day. 
frenemy. someone who constantly tries to prove him wrong but for some reason, he appreciates it/finds it funny. they’re the one person he can tolerate trying to correct him, or at least he can most of the time. other times he just shrugs them off and tries to give them the cold shoulder for a day or two just to piss them off. 
crush. this boy needs someone to make playlists for that he says are just bc they’re close friends. he’s not the most open about his feelings as he’s scared that they won’t be reciprocated but he can’t really help but be the tiniest bit open about this one even if he ends up getting hurt in the end. 
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vivipuppy · 3 years
neil 4, 8 even though i've listened to his entire playlist, 16 bc ik u love his relationship w his moms, 20, 28, 32, 36, 44, 64, 68. brorre 6, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69. moro 1, 10, 14, 22, 30, 34, 42, 46, 58. nyatalia 17, 25, 57!
Sho you madman. This is so many thank you. Im going to put these out based on the character, as to not just be a really shitty wall of text on my blog. isntead it will be 4 walls.
Neil, the Old One Warlock who, after falling from grace as the most intelligent person in the most intelligent city of the world, his paranoia and fear of the world around him turned up past 11
4) if they could learn one spell that isn’t available to them at present, which spell would it be? Neil ended as an 8th level warlock, so he never got to super high stuff. THE most neil spell is Maddening Darkness, the 8th level evocation spell. A 60 ft sphere of darkness that nothing can illuminate beyond 8th level or high spells. Filled with gibbering shrieks and mad laughter. Its not a very STRONG spell, but its a large area, and his inability to control his magic surfacing with aoe spells was a big thing for me to do with him, as well as the flavor just fitting so well.
8) 3 songs that fit them
Haha i always had so much trouble with neil's playlist. Always felt like too like... shitty whiny white boy music was so self depreciating and neil is, at his core, incapable of self depreciation. His ego is core to his character.
Still Feel by Half Alive will always be a neil song to me
Ramblings of a Lunatic by Bears in Trees is like... probably like. THE neil song to me.
And... i cant NOT include touch tone telephone right? the song that created him, despite it not really fitting him anymore? I cant not include that, its too important to creating him. He's as far away from the energies or themes of that song as possbile now, but i have to include it.
16) what are their feelings on the people who raised them? This is.... a very hard question. His moms love him, and he... loves them. But a big big part of what made him so obsessed with knowledge and the need to handle anything the collage put him through was because of them in the first place. He didnt have friends, he had them. And they pushed him to chase his dream, because it WAS his dream. He always saw that tower, and wanted to be there, because everyone who was anyone was going there. But when it became too much.... he couldnt let them down. They were his only support and he was an adult now who could see that they were getting older and unable to get out of their intense poverty that he couldnt just NOT finish his schooling. And he... he resents that. But he knows its not fair, but he still does. He loves them, but they're the only ones, so that becomes a problem. 20) which of the five senses do they rely on the most? Sound. Tell when a spell is cast, tell how many footprints, and most importantly- when he listens to peoples thoughts, thats the Only thing you can trust. Is when you sneak into their mind and hear their true thoughts. Actions cant be trusted, thats easy. He knows how to lie- everyone does, then. Sound. Just gotta open up your ears to hear more than people think they do
28) who would they kill? who would they kill for? Who? anyone, really. Which sounds crass, which sounds cold, but... neil would never take the life of an innocent unless it garunteed the saftey of more than the one he had to take. His cold logic is harsh, but in the end, the results are proven. And for who? Well... for Justice, Buck and Cho of course. He cant do what he set out to do alone, and whether they agree or even have the same goal, he knows they'll listen if he tries to make them. And together they can accomplish a lot.
32) Do they seek control? Or do they want less of it? Whoooo boy another tough one. He wants control. He needs it. But... but if he could release it completely.... thats what he REALLY wants. But... but he doesnt trust another soul as much as he trusts himself. HE can do things NOBODY else can. So HE is the one who needs control. HE must do it. Nobody else can be trusted to. But really, deep down... if he could just let go of the magic... if he could stop staring at the stars that whisper to him how small he is... he would. In a heartbeat. But he cant just let go. He has to do this. He is the only one he can trust to.
36) whats a secret that they kept? TBH NONE mmgf he's so.... he was meant to hold onto his big secret stuff of becoming a warlock for a Long time, but it kinda came out the first time it came under pressure by people he couldnt just run from. If anything, id say his ex is a sore spot, but not necessarily a SECRET he's keeping.
44) what do they need to learn? go back to 32 and read that. He needs to get off his high fucking horse. Even though hes come SO far in letting other people INTO his life, i genuienly dont know if he'll ever let go of his ego in the way he needs to. Its the only thing that protected him for the years he was alone, and even before that it was such a good thing to have people look up to you the way he did. His ego is important because without it, i genuinely think he would just... crumble and not... do... anything. And really, that would be for the best, if he could let it stay that way and find happiness as a normal person. But he cant be a normal person. He has to be Polaris Neil, Walking Encyclopedia, Book King of Stuenia. Or else who is he, if not that?
64) Do they value justice or mercy more? well Justice is the name of his friend. Also... mercy? mercy gets you nothing. Mercy is the act of not following through.Justice? yeah. Yeah the guy whos killed innocents and will kill again should be stopped. its simple mathmatics. To hurt people is wrong. So he shall stop it.
68) What was the best moment of their life? ... I mean. It... was probably being accepted into the college... the joy he felt then was amazing... he finally got what he wanted... his mothers made a delicious stew, and hugged him tightly and talked about all the memories they shared of looking at that giant tower that loomed over them, that ruled their lives in ways they couldnt control. He was going to become a part of it. Its all he ever wanted, it was going to change his life. and i mean, it did, didnt it?
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bb-bambam · 7 years
i was tagged by @exoyell (like...a week ago lmao but anyway) THANK YOU! <3
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: water
2. Phone Call: my mom
3. Text message: my family group chat lmao
4. Song you listened to: with you by bap
5. Time you cried: yesterday
6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: not really lmao
8. Been cheated on: no
9. Lost someone special: yeah
10. Been depressed: ya
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
12-14. purple, pink, red
15. Made new friends: yeah!
16. Fallen out of love: no lmao unless u count like...me loving bts
17. Laughed until you cried: sooo many times lmfao
18. Found out someone was talking about you: no?
19. Met someone who changed you: not that i’ve noticed
20. Found out who your friends are: uhh ?? i mean i guess?
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yeah lmao my two exes
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all except one who i met on here!
23. Do you have any pets: two cats!
24. Do you want to change your name: nope
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: went out for dinner w my family
26. What time did you wake up: 11:15 and i was still DEAD tired
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: showering lmfaooo my family had just gotten back from the airport
28. Name something you can’t wait for: studying abroad in madrid!!! i’ve been waiting literally 7 years and now it’s almost about to happen!
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: today lol i still live at home!
30. What is the one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i could stop overreacting to every single little thing!! i have so many fears and stuff and my emotions are ALWAYS in overdrive! i hate it
31. What are you listening to right now: the day by jj project
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: several but the one who stands out is my orientation leader from college lol
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my inability to finish the fic i’ve been working on for LITERALLY a year
34. Most visited website: tumblr or youtube lmao
35. Elementary: does this mean did i complete elementary school? bc yes lol
36. High School: graduated a year ago!
37. College: currently about to start my second year!
38. Haircolor: some people will say it’s black but. it’s dark brown
39. Long or short hair: currently it’s shorter than it used to be but still pretty long which is how i like it
40. Do you have a crush on someone: no unless taeyong counts i guess LMFAO
41. What do you like about yourself: my hair and sometimes my writing
42. Piercings: one in each ear and my left nostril
43. Bloodtype: NO idea lol
44. Nickname: adt security, adidas, aditz
45. Relationship status: single
46. ??? lmao me too
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: i haven’t watched a tv show in so long but i guess either avatar or merlin
49. Tattoos: if i ever got anything it’d be a really small one of a lyric i like or smth
50. Right or left: as in right or left handed? right
51. Surgery: i’ve had my wisdom teeth removed
52. Piercing: lmao this is the same question as before?? or is this if i want any more?? if so: maybe another on my ears? but probably none tbh
53. Sport: i used to play soccer
54. ??? what IS this lmfao
55. Vacation: just came back from florida!
56. Pair of trainers: i have 2 pairs lol one for running and hiking outdoors and one for the gym
57. Eating: nothing
58. Drinking: nothing again
59. I’m about to: probably go thru bap’s vlive channel to find a video to watch
60. ??? why
61. Waiting for: info on bap’s comeback (sorry for being so bap focused but GOD i’m Tired of waiting!)
62. Want: to stop being tired all the time maybe? thx
63. Get married: i hope so one day!
64. Career: honestly idk but the dream is maybe like nasa or somewhere that deals w space
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs tbh
66. Lips or eyes: LOVE eyes
67. Shorter or taller: for a significant other? taller
68. Older or younger: also interpreting this as for a significant other so generally i prefer older...the limit for younger would be like a year difference at most
69. ??? what do these mean
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms?? idk i don’t particularly care for either
71. Sensitive or loud: both? i guess if i had to choose then sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship lmao i could never hook up
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: uhhhh honestly?? neither??
74. Kissed a stranger: nope
75. Drank hard liquor: just small sips
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t need them so no
77. Turned someone down: yeah and it was traumatic tbh
78. Sex on the first date: i would never but i don’t think there’s anything wrong with it if that’s what you like
79. Broken someones heart: hopefully no but idk
80. Had your heart broken: no lol
81. Been arrested: nope
82. Cried when someone died: yeah
83. Fallen for a friend: ya lmao
84. Yourself: most of the time no lol but occasionally when it comes to my writing yes
85. Miracles: i like to think miracles do happen
86. Love at first sight: attraction =/= love so no
87. Santa Claus: i did at one point
88. Kiss in the first date: i personally wouldn’t do it but again...to each their own!
89. Angels: nah
90. Current best friends name: avani! but if we don’t count my sister as my best friend then sam and neil
91. Eyecolor: light brown
92. Favorite movie: uhhhh maybe the martian? or wonderwoman or spiderman homecoming
i tag @exo-kings @yieniall @dongbangsoojjp @tadaeshi @jungkookies-cookie @itsjjptime @jjpartners but ofc you don’t have to do it if you don’t want!
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artificialcats · 7 years
1 - 150
omg thanks answers under the cut bc this is going to b long
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
tbh dont even remember but ive never like, held hands w anyone ~romantically~ or w/e
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
SHY but i have my more outgoing moments every once in a while
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Quinn!!! and my other friends and my sister back home :-) and my cat
4. Are you easy to get along with?
uhh idk? i guess?
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
tbh dont know 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
nice ones. cute ones. ones interested in the same stuff as me ?
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
my friend did a tarot reading for me a week ago and when i asked if id have a gf this year the answer was not good lmao so doubtful
8. Who from another gender is on your mind?
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
im p indifferent
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
tbh my memory is garbage idk
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“signing tomorrow at 3:30″ cryptic out of context
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
the traveller- beach house (just walked to it in a fashion show! its good), boyfriend--best coast, sleepover--hayley kiyoko, forever (pt II)--snakehips, and a variety of tennis songs i cant choose from 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
not particularly
15. What good thing happened this summer?
last summer i got to do a bunch of fun stuff w different friends! 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
ive never kissed anyone before LMAO (last “person” ive ever kissed was my cat on the head and ya id do that again)
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
I MEAN like the universe is so expansive theres no way theres NOT some other form of life out there 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
lmao no 
19. Do you like bubble baths?
nah i dont like baths 
20. Do you like your neighbors?
at home yes (QUINN!!) and no (dont talk to anyone else) 
21. What are you bad habits?
nail picking, a lot of other stuff im too tired to list rn
22. Where would you like to travel?
would love to road trip it across the west
23. Do you have trust issues?
maybe? idk
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
tbh feeling p good abt my body rn.. maybe my shoulders.. ive always disliked how square they r..
26. What do you do when you wake up?
p much immediately get in the shower
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
never thought abt it
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my close friends
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
i dont have any exes
30. Do you ever want to get married?
maybe someday but not for a loooong long time
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
im ace so like,, none of them 
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
nope. used to play tennis tho
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
probably tv. love music too much
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
HA ofc living that life rn
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
uh probably nothing
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
nice, supportive, is willing to dance around to/sing along w 70s/80s/2000s music w me 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
thrift stores probably.. never know what youre going to find
40. What do you want to do after high school?
well rn im in college and thats p much what i was going for in high school so 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
probably just that i dont feel like talking? or im tired
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
outer space theres some whack stuff in the ocean
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
46. What are you paranoid about?
a looot of things LMAO
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
sometimes but usually just in like a ‘they look rlly cool’ or ‘i rlly like their style’ kind of way like just kind of envious
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
probably like, throwing my depression out the window
53. Favourite makeup brand?
dont wear makeup enough lmao
54. Favourite store?
tbh dont rlly have one also this is rlly similar to  previous question?
55. Favourite blog?
i love the househunting blog but idk if i rlly have a favorite
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food? 
chicken bc theres so much good stuff u can do w it
58. Last thing you ate?
mini twix bar 
59. First thing you ate this morning?
eggs on toast
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
yea won a couple different ones for art related stuff
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love? 
platonically ya romantically no i dont think so
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
a short one: never happened
65. Are you hungry right now?
no ive been snacking all night lol
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
my tumblr friends p much are my rl friends so,, no
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
71. Craving something? What?
the sweet warm embrace of my bed
72. What colour are your towels?
one is pastel blue one is black/white/grey stripe
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
yea. i have a big pusheen plush and at home a mini dino pillow pet n a cat plush
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
like.. 3 i think? i used to have a L O T 
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
once i had cardamom n it was rlly rlly good 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
white w blue stripes
80. What colour pants?
jean overalls
81. Favourite tv show?
OOGH rn the getdown, stranger things, parks n rec, x files, downton abbey, charmed, a lot, 
82. Favourite movie?
jurassic park
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
dont have one
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
idk maybe nemo? never rlyl though abt it
87. First person you talked to today?
my mom
88. Last person you talked to today?
my sister
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
all my friends
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
not anyone i kno personally
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
like one pair and i never wear them lmao
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
a couple
95. Last movie you watched?
ella enchanted
96. Favourite actress?
no one comes to mind ?
97. Favourite actor?
idk jeff goldblum? 
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
yes!! two cats
100. How are you feeling?
tired but ok
101. Do you type fast?
i think so yea
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
103. Can you spell well?
im ok
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
kind of but i know we’re so different now we probably wouldnt even get along.. its not a miss i feel all the time tho more of a ‘we knew each other for so long its kind of sad we grew apart’
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
i want to say yes but it wasnt like a party party
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
not that i know
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
my homework 
109. Is something irritating you right now?
school. im ready to get out of here
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
i dont think so
111. Do you have trust issues?
wasnt this question already asked
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
my friend steph i think (over the final fantasy ending LMAO)
113. What was your childhood nickname?
i dont think i had one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
not a lot no
116. Are you listening to music right now?
yep (rn its 0 to 100 by drake on shuffle)
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
not really. i like the broth tho
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
i try not to be
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
NO LMAO i have a bad habit of standing on my own feet my white shoes r so gross
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
not rlly
127. What makes you happy?
my friends, cats, pink, good food, nature, making my own art, old houses n rooms, lots of stuff
128. Would you change your name?
never thought about it
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
not rlly
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
im p sure this ? was already asked
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
134. Can you count to one million?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
dont remember but lots of em
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
closed. i cant sleep w them open 
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
i have straight hair
139. Brunette or Blonde?
im blonde? i dont kno if theses r refering to me or what i prefer on other people?
140. Summer or Winter? 
141. Night or Day?
tbh a tie
142. Favourite month?
dont have one!
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
it was ok
147. Mars or Snickers?
no preference
148. What’s your favourite quote?
dont have one
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
i mean i dont not believe in ghosts
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
“Grant said “what did you think?”” -Jurassic Park
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Tumblr media
.........................oh boy
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
HMMM most of them id rather not talk about since theyre really personal/a lot of them arent really secrets since i have talked abt them but they can easily go unnoticed sooooo
im confessing to having a thing for gloves i guess??? specifically black cloth gloves (im not a fan of leather, feels Weird) so. ye. 
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?
All (in the end id probably be getting hugged tho haha im v awkward at hugging vs being hugged)
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why?
CARBINKS!!! anything that i deem cute is my favourite (ex. r/owlets, m/imikyus, bonus since theyre a dark/fairy >:3c!!, pum/pkaboo, etc) 
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
donald trump would be dead and obama can stay president for another 4 years until the world gains potential candidates that arent shitty
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?
I Dont Think I Want To Talk About It. ill just link the post. (btw thats my dream journal blog, i should use it more)
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
i have multiple so hmm.....maybe the fact they put up with my gay bullshit
😘 talk about your crush or partner
gay. moving on.
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back?
ya betch
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)
-cuteness factor
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it?
HMM im mainly scared of losing my friends and thatll take more than just mental training to move on, but uhh i DO have a mild fear of getting assaulted..........idk how to fix that bc its actually really bad paired up w paranoia
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
kuro kiryu. he can also easily make me cRY WHEN HES A FUCKING RANKING CARD.
💙 what annoys you about some people?
when they do stuff theyre not asked to do and complain like “oh my GOd [persons name] why cant you do this??? im so tired, i just wanna rest, but i HAVE to do this!!” like shut up no one asked you to do it, if youre so tired to rest first and then do it.
another irritating thing is people who use the term “special snowflake” unironically especially on kids who make edgy/mary sue ocs like shut up ugly let them grow up and regret their choices by themselves, dont teach them its okay to make fun of younger people for their edgy ocs
😤 do you get angry easily?
irritated??? ya, angry??? no
youd have to do some fucked shit to get me angry, but i do get irritated fast
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?
-education system
-change how the U.S. ignores the struggles of third world countries unless it profits them/benefits them
-solar energy  
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
kiss - wataru
befriend - rei
marry - natsume
kill - shu
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
SAN DIEGO!!! its got such a nice vibe, its never too hot there, NATURE!!! I LOVE THE SCENERY THERE EVEN IN THE CITY THERES TREES AND ITS SO NICE!! its just got such a nice vibe to it i havent felt anywhere else and its SO NICE!!
☕️ talk about your ideal day
ideal day, i get to be home alone, play both of AKATSUKI’s albums while talking and playing games with friends without worry ill be too loud to anyone else, i get good food, and i have a nice dream that i remember vividly
alternatively, visiting a bunch of greenhouses/nature filled areas would be Great
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
uhh im gonna go with ambivert/introvert leaning
💧 when was the last time you cried?
crying as in “i feel like Death”, literally a few hours ago because i remember the daikagura kuro.....
as in actually breaking down, yesterday was really bad grhgra
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
1. love letter of the brilliance of cherry blossoms
2. temptation magic
3. ryusei hanabi
4. hinakura to neji ama 
5. the living ghost is alive
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
HMMM this is actually hard for me to pick bc ive had multiple kins where i had powers fuc UHHH
its really hard for me to pick just one, so i guess ill just list off top 5 and why
1. teleportation - i could teleport to my friends cities, also i could prob trick people into thinking im running when im just teleporting inch by inch/foot by foot >:3c
2. deceiving ability like kano - ,,,it seems pretty neat
3. the ability to cheer people up - ,,, it seems pre
4. shapeshifting/transformation - theres absolutely no consequences to being able to make myself taller.........
5. weapon/item creation - i could just make headphones instead of buying them AND i can ensure theyll last
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
dont worry about how youre being treated now, itll get better
💚 who are you jealous of and why?
ahh, its hard for me to be jealous uhh
in one aspect, i guess te/tora since hes so energetic and hes paired so often with ku/ro...im pretty jealous
in another aspect, j/acksep/ticeye or th/omas san/ders. id love to be able to make a difference to others like how they do, not to mention id love to be as energetic as them
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
bravery definitely. im fairly kind, i have enough brain power (OOOOO AIEOU JOO-) to get by, im fine with how cute i am >;3c, wealth is good but over bravery which im very much lacking in, id rather be brave so i could do so many things id love to do......
🙊 what are you ashamed of?
in a joking manner: my kink for intimidating characters. @ me chill
in a serious matter: probably the fact im awful at trying to cheer people up and i feel awful fornot even trying anymore
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
i know english, im VERY limited in thai/lao/japanese, and i know next to nothing of spanish/german/french but i did take a few notes about them bc i was bored. i wanna learn thai/lao the most so i can connect with my culture more, but japanese would be nice since a lot of stuff i enjoy is japanese and i dont wanna hastle others to translate stuff for me haha
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
a universe where im energetic, not lazy, and motivated to continue on in life and make the world just a tad bit better. and i live with my friends in a nice house in san diego!!
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?
,,, i really dont know, and thats why im disappointed in myself
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?
demon. theres so many types of demons i dont have to be malicious, plus i could blend in fairly well. theres no rly big downside except ill be frowned upon by other divines
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
someone: you hurt my boyfriend you take away his fp you pretty much fuck him over and you proceed to have gross/abusive kinks shut the fuck up ugly i hate you so much and i never even talked to you i never want to see you mention his url or name ever again youre so awful
something: school fucking sucks and i can bring up a lot of reasons for this. 1: some of the teachers hired are only hired to educate, so personality wise they could be oppressive towards their students. 2: while i do feel like having a core lesson plan is okay, FORCING kids into certain core subjects is bad and they end up not learning because they feel like they HAVE to be their best or else theyll fail, and thats awful. the grading system isnt completely awful, since it shows kids areas that need to be improved, but making it some life changing thing is just...bad...because at that point it goes from “well you need to improve in these areas, so why dont we offer you help so theyll be easier!!” to “GET BETTER AT THIS OR BE FOREVER UNEMPLOYED” and i hate it. i could rant about this.
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately
ive just been.....depressed bc of low swing my dude. a big issue would be my entire “i want to do good but i suck” thing, and yesterday i had a really bad dream as stated earlier and it made me extremely anxious for the entire day until i finally talked to my friend about it. theres also the fact i have school but theres no way i can finish it now
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
vet, now im like...im unsure... i wanna get into architech/floor planning/house designing and also be sort of like a youtube/internet idol??? if that makes sense......idk
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
ice cream is one of the only ones i can tolerate haha- i LOVE mochi ice cream but i cant get them fresh here since theres no east asian centric stores here (only southeast/hispanic fusion stores) so rip... ia lso like cheesecake a fair bit
🍑 what are you obsessed with?
kur/o kiryu. or e/nstars in general i guess
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed?
my breathing gets a bit faster, my chest starts vaguely aching and i get nauseous
😪 what are you sick of?
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
nope, not really. i do awful at horror games, im terrified of roller coasters, and the thought of jumping out of a plane makes me wanna decay
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
sh/u it/suki is Bad. the y/oi fandom is made up 80% of really bad fuj/oshi who later hopped onto an extremely controversial manhwa. hea/thens wasnt too bad of a song. i still like mi/necraft/happy tr/ee friends. i like rh/ythm games but dont like rh/ythm heaven. mc/a wasnt awful. ut/apri as an anime isnt too bad but definitely doesnt match up to the games quality in both art and story telling. id/olm@st/er is a tad bit over rated. ens/tars should be localized to ENG.
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person?
haha nope
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?
draw/VERY rarely sew/read tarot, which is what im supposed to be doing anyways
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
uhhh it was either te/mptation magic or love letter of the brilliance of cherry blossoms
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
how i cant cheer people up or help people be more positive. ir aelly dont know how i can improve it my dude, but im thinking.
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
usually bunnies, but if im feelin crafty ill doodle an anime char
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams?
age mostly
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you?
INTP, and idk its just there
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
“the battle: ra*bits” MMMMMMMMM nito. dgmw i love mits/uru and i loved how energetic he was + i liked mitsuru too but ni/to introduced me to ku/ro in my canon and he was very supporting of me/tried his best to help me
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?
i dont really have a CELEBRITY celebrity fave but itd def be t/homas sanders internet wise
🐴 opinion on __?
“holds up kiibo”
a good boi. i trust him
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?
ehh its actually really hard for me to become emotionally unless im deeply attached to something sooo not really
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
ghost girl, maximum ride, and cr*zy
i dont remember any quotes from the first and last books BUT “WE’RE LIKE FREAKIN BALLERINAS AND YOU ARE LIKE A FRIDGE WITH WINGS” will always be my fave
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
listen to music, isolate myself justtt a tad bit, and try to distract myself. it helps to a certain extent, but it wont save my ass
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad?
k/uro ki
🌍 which country do you live in?
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
a fucking asshole
🐵 which quotes changed you?
“you think youre ugly but youre just not your type” -some tumblr post i cant find atm
💭 do you keep a diary?
i keep a dream journal, but i stopped keeping diaries because im wayyy too paranoid someones gonna snoop
💫 who inspires you?
HMMMM chi/aki morisawa, tho/mas sanders, and j/acksepticeye
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
ye, theres no proof that they DONT exist (although you could argue theres also no evidence that they DO exist), PLUS i have had some experiences with ghosts! also itd be fuckin....awkward if id idnt considering i wanna get into s/pirit work
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
ko/toko ut/sugi is the only way i could describe it. kinda gothic-punk??? i used to be into yum/ekawaii and fa/iry kei but i ended up falling out of them.
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
MMM ri/se of the gua/rdians was pretty good, zo/otopia was also good...the book of life was really good and i wanna watch it again now ahhh
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
idonthaveonemymemorypastsixmonthsisgoneandmychildhoodwasfilledwithmebeinginsulted UHH one time in 6th grade i dated a dude and he gave me a teddybear/candy for valentines day and it was really nice, i felt bad since i didnt get him anything and i feel bad for not even breaking up with him to his face
🐱 what’s your dream pet like?
bunny. thats all
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be?
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anyhao-archived · 8 years
ok so technically i wasnt tagged by @fishpun they just mentioned me in their post but i dont care this is one of the only tags that doesnt have too many stupid questions. theres a lot more i was tagged in but this is the only one i wanna do. 
so there. :^)
1: Are you named after someone? kinda... my grandma was called marie, and mairin just happens to be the gaelic version lol
2: When was the last time you cried? 
✖ i cried last month
✖ i cried last week
✖ i cried yesterday
✔ im crying right now
no but rly u dont understand how EASY it is for me to cry im like always on the brink of tears and i see a cute commercial? bam, crying. watching a tv show and someones confessing? yep im crying. day dream too much about something that never happens? u betcha im crying
3: Do you like your handwriting? no its awful its ok if i use pencil but i prefer to use pen 10x more lol
4:What is your favorite lunch meat? turkey thats easy
5: Do you have kids? nope
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? i would think so. my self esteem is not so low to say no. sometimes i actually wonder why people dont want to be friends with me. i dont think im that bad am i
7: Do you use sarcasm? occasionally but not all that often
8: Do you still have your tonsils? honestly ive got no clue
9: Would you bungee jump? yes!!!! i also want to sky dive and paraglide and do all that shit
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? cocoa crispies, frosted flakes, fruit loops, lucky charms. you know, the basic favorites of a 6 year old.
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? no i just use my other foot to get them off
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? it depends on what sense
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? mint chocolate chip (amy what the hell our ice cream flavors are compatible!) but when im Really feeling it ive gotta go with ben and jerrys chocolate fudge brownie. yum
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? if were being honest then if i think theyre attractive or not, and also if they give off a weird vibe. then if im past that its probably their lips i.e. smile and talking
15: Red or pink? pink
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? you know a couple years ago i would say my weight but damn it if my acne isnt bothering the shit out of my lately
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? im wearing dog themed pajamas pants and black slippers with blue and purple paw prints on them sdksfdlsfr im rly cute obviously....
18: What was the last thing you ate? uh i had some garlic bread lol
19: What are you listening to right now? at this very moment nothing but thats just bc my song stopped playing so im actually listening to dreamcatcher’s chase me its so good
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? something light green/blue/purple ish. 
21: Favorite smell? ive never really thought about it but i guess i like the smell of my mom baking cookies during holidays and the smell of gas
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? people actually talk to each other on the phone? according to my call history it was my dad
23: Favorite sport to watch? baseball, soccer, ice skating
24: Hair color? dark blond w/ my original brown roots showing
25: Eye color? green
26: Do you wear contacts? no i hate them i only wear my glasses on special occasion
27: Favorite food to eat? would it be too cliche to say ice cream? realistically though probably pasta since theres so many pasta dishes i enjoy
28: Scary movies or comedy? comedy im a huge scaredy cat you cant take me anywhere where theres jumpscares
29: Last movie you watched? i watched the fundamentals of caring yesterday it was nice
30: What color of shirt are you wearing? its a grey tank top with the worlds las vegas on it lol
31: Summer or winter? i hate both
32: Hugs or kisses? hugs!!
33: What book are you currently reading? you rly think im reading something for fun ?? lol how about my college calculus textbook does that count
34: Who do you miss right now? i miss my old self like.. idk. i also tend to find myself missing my ex even though its been years. also 2 be just as gay as them i miss u amy @fishpun
35: What is on your mouse pad? ???? what is that
36: What is the last TV program you watched? lemony snicket’s series of unfortunate events, or the office. i cant tell my sense of time is messy
37: What is the best sound? when there is no sound
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? the beatles
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? i was in toronto for 2 days does that count as outside the country? lol
40: Do you have a special talent? not particularly? maybe that present making stuff. 
41: Where were you born? st louis aka same city as i live in
42: People you expect to participate in this survey? no one cus im 2 lazy 2 tag <-- well said amy me too
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planetcatherine · 7 years
drunk high and bored
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
The first time i watched Perks of Being a Wallflower i was with my sister and mom in florida and they didn’t understand the depth of it. they thought it was weird and didn’t appreciate the art. The first time i ever watched inglorious basterds i was with rob. we watched it in my room near the end of first semester. it was such a great movie and a fun time
2: Talk about your first kiss.
My first kiss was when i was 15. he was 18 and a senior and the captain of the soccer team. i was concussed at the time. it was after midnight so technically it was christmas. he kissed me after i showed him perks of being a wallflower and he gave me my christmas present: two books i wanted and a cd labeled “cat’s mixtape”. he also made out w me it wasn’t gentle or sweet at all. it was good though. i don’t really need gentle and sweet.
3: Talk about the person you've had the most intense romantic feelings for.
The person i had the most intense romantic feelings for had the same for me, but we were a terrible match and nearly fuckinf killed eachother. it was a terrible relationship and a beautiful relationship and i don’t miss it one bit but am thankful and grateful for the time we had. too bad things had to go the way they did, but everything was too much. we were going to ruin eachother. we already had.
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
I regret nothing
5: Talk about the best birthday you've had.
I don’t like birthdays but i suppose this past one was cool
6: Talk about the worst birthday you've had.
my 16th was probably the worst. pretty sure that was the night i was suicidal and cried when my friends picked me up.
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity.
i think my biggest insecurity is the idea of not being good enough. i’m just never enough and i’m scared or rejection and weird vibes.
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.
I am good at drawing people because people interest me a lot
9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.
my tattoo is my baby. my random freckles on my body are cool. i like my dimples and my blue eyes.
10: Talk about the biggest fight you've ever had.
one time my brother and i played chess and i won and he got pissed and just started beating me up and was jumping up and down on my stomach and then my dad told us we couldn’t talk to eachother anymore so i didn’t talk to my brother for like years
11: Talk about the best dream you've ever had.
klem’s with derek. i liked him at the time and i had such a normal dream but it seemed perfect to me
12: Talk about the worst dream you've ever had.
on christmas eve once i had a dream that my family was kidnapped by cartoon characters and they hypnotized us and my brother and i escaped. also i had a dream last semester that i slept walked during, i had a dream i ate a bunch of xanax and died and i guess i was sleepwalking and kept picking up my pill bottles and putting them doen
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
the first time i had sex was so innocent and awful. he tattered me lol. i was so sad afterwards because i liked him so much and didn’t want to say no because i wanted to hug i wasn’t ready to that very day after he broke up with his gf. i wasn’t in a place to do that. and it hurt a lot.
14: Talk about a vacation.
i went to california with a girl i knew for two weeks prior to the trip. it was lit. another time i went to hawaii with my ex and everyone thought we were just married. also lit.
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.
content? haven’t heard that name in a while. anyway i guess i’m like very content rn but also i was prob more content when i had my ex in my life. but i don’t love him anymore
16: Talk about the best party you've ever been to.
there have been many but the best nights are when i just get belligerently drunk and wander and end up random places like building forts or spinning around or some weird shit
17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with.
i want to be friends with this guy who’s in both my english class and my psych class. he seems cool
18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school.
once in elementary school i fell off the top of the playground tower thing and i thought i was going to die so i just laid there while everyone went inside and they forgot me out there
19: Talk about something that happened in middle school.
in middle school i was class president and i ran a few years in a row and people like drew on my posters it was really mean
20: Talk about something that happened in high school.
in high school i became so meta and self aware it was insane. i spent all my time trying so hard. then one day i started smoking weed more and i was like nah idgaf anymore lol hate me for who i am
21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.
my friend this morning was hinting she wanted to come out here but i just wanted to hang out with rob
22: Talk about your worst fear.
needles. shit is freaky
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down.
i used to like a boy named derek and he liked me too but one day randomly he ghosted me for no reason. he still hits me up tho and he’s engaged which is weird shot
24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.
my first love daniel said to me once “you’re beautiful. i don’t care what anyone else has to say, and i know it might seem odd coming from me, but you need to know that.” and it stole my heart because i used to get made fun of and i knew i wasn’t the prettiest one ever
25: Talk about an ex-best friend.
my first her best friend is still my friend, but she went too crazy for me to handle. she would yell at me for not eating her food bc she was anorexic and wanted me to help her kill herself and hide things from her mom and she just ended up being botchy and would scream at me for eating donuts and tell me no one cared so i peaced out real quick
26: Talk about things you do when you're sick.
when i’m sick i just lay in bed and convince myself in dying
27: Talk about your favorite part of someone else's body.
my ex jake had a “hole” in his chest. it was fun to play with.
28: Talk about your fetishes.
29: Talk about what turns you on.
accidental touching and being messy with people and lightly touching. also hard touching and crazy stuff
30: Talk about what turns you off.
when people chew loudly and ickily
31: Talk about what you think death is like.
darkness and nothingness. oblivion.
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
scituate, ma. i used to stay at the usaf base place with my family a lot. it was beautiful and solitary.
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.
punch myself. cry. think i’m dying. hold my heart. look in the mirror. punch other things. shake. hyperventilate. sometimes i seize or pass out
34: Talk about the worst physical pain you've endured.
idk but one time when rob came to visit me at home, i just like died and fell on ice in my driveway. my arm was fuckeddd
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.
i need to not be dependent on nicotine. also, i need to eat healthier and stop being lazy.
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.
country music :)
37: Talk about someone you thought you were in love with.
my ex cody. i thought i was in love with him, but i think i was just captivated instead. it was not love. you don’t treat someone you love like that.
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
i’ll list a few
• marry me - thomas rhett (ms)
• dancing in the moonlight - king harvest (nm)
•run - snow patrol (dp)
•say you won’t let go - james arthur (cr)
•love -kendrick (rf)
39: Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier.
i wish i knew that it was okay to be myself. and i wish i recognized human things ealier. like the fact that we’re all just people.
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.
the end of my juul was Last night. justin fuckinf dropped it and it’s gone now so
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anephemerality · 7 years
Do all of them just. Do them all
W e l l t h e n o k 1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Uhm no one really...I don't think I've really gotten close to anyone in a month or three2. Are you outgoing or shy?Shy, I have terrible anxiety with that as well 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?Uhm no one I think ?? I don't really have any plans 
4. Are you easy to get along with?I'm usually very friendly to anyone and I try not to exclude anyone at all so I'd say sure !
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?I would hope so...I doubt they would want to but eh I'll take care of myself like I always do anyways 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?I think as long as you show me trust, get close to me, care, and you're just in general nice to me I can end up having feelings lol but idk tbh
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?I mean...have u seen how unattractive I am who am I attracting in 2 months it takes me years to get a relationship (so basically no plus now I have some bad trust issues so it won't really be easy to get me to want to date)
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?I don't like anyone from the male gender l o l I'm gay :,-)9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?I use to be okay with it but now it just...I hate it. If we aren't too close I won't talk about it 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?My friend yoosung !! (Lov u yoosung) 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?"True....."
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?1. Lust for life by Lana del Ray and The Weeknd 2. Thighs by Bry 3. Hang on by Yukari 4. Maybe by Alina Baraz 5. Say my name by Odesza 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?Yes !!! If you're close to me I don't mind having my hair touched in fact I adore it 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Yes...but miracles never come true for me and I rarely have much luck 
15. What good thing happened this summer?Nothing honestly, I wished this summer would be amazing but here I am now 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Yea but I doubt they even like me lol
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?No, he's an abusive shit 
19. Do you like bubble baths?I love them !!! 
20. Do you like your neighbors?I don't interact with them at all 
21. What are you bad habits?Too many to list probably but I control them as much as I can 
22. Where would you like to travel?Anywhere is fine actually !! I like adventure n stuff 
23. Do you have trust issues?Yea...they actually got a lot worse two months ago 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?My skincare routine !! 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?That's hard to say because there's so many parts of me that I would change
26. What do you do when you wake up?I brush my teeth, shower, brush my hair, do my skincare routine, then get dressed, then eat(in no particular order) 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?I don't really care anymore although being tan would be nice 
28. Who are you most comfortable around?There use to be one person I was very close to but I lost trust for them, so atm I have no one 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?No 
30. Do you ever want to get married?Yea, it's actually a dream of mine. It's dumb but a dream 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?Yes
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?I hate threesomes they disgust me so no one :) 
33. Spell your name with your chinKeanugge
34. Do you play sports? What sports?I like dancing !! And running 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?Music I can live without tv 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?Yea, there's been one or two people I've been interested in but my anxiety never let me tell them 
37. What do you say during awkward silences?I meme 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?Already answered !! I just want someone who loves me back as much as I love them 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?Forever 21 bc it's cheap lol, but I love H&M and top shop 
40. What do you want to do after high school?Idk, I just want to be a doctor, that's it, maybe I'll die idk have a stroke 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?Not everyone, but some yea 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?It either means I'm uncomfortable or I'm shy ☺️ 
43. Do you smile at strangers?I'm not sure ??? 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Outer space !! I love the ocean but the bottom of it terrifies me (plus i can't swim) 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?Honestly I never want to get up but the sims ...makeup...hell yeck 
46. What are you paranoid about?Never being appreciated and never being loved, or being loved but then being dropped out of no where 
47. Have you ever been high? No 
48. Have you ever been drunk?Yes many times
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?No I'm not really interesting 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?It was pink !! 
51. Ever wished you were someone else?Yes, many times 😔
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?Everything 
53. Favourite makeup brand?Colourpop 
54. Favourite store?Any store that has food n bread 
55. Favourite blog?Hm..idk !! There are so many blogs I love it's impossible to list them all 
56. Favourite colour? Pink !! But I love blue and white too 
57. Favourite food? Bread 
58. Last thing you ate?Bread
59. First thing you ate this morning?Do u wanna guess ?? It was bread
60. Ever won a competition? For what?I won an art contest once !! That was my pride for 2 straight months 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?Nope I'm a good noodle 
62. Been arrested? For what?No 
63. Ever been in love? Yea...woooooo boy 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?We were cuddling and it just kinda happened I guess ?? I don't remember too much other than it was soft shy but cute I loved it 
65. Are you hungry right now?Yes
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?Sometimes 
67. Facebook or Twitter?Twitter 
68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr 
69. Are you watching tv right now?Yes 
70. Names of your bestfriends? Silvia, Yoosung, Jumin, and some others 
71. Craving something? What?Bread 
72. What colour are your towels?A soft clear white
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?A ton honestly it's pillow heaven 
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?Yes
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?I have a ton on this one sofa in one room 
75. Favourite animal?I've always really loved dolphins 
76. What colour is your underwear?Don't know don't care 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?Chocolate 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?Strawberry 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?Pink
80. What colour pants?Pink and grey (sweats)
81. Favourite tv show?SpongeBob ! 
82. Favourite movie?Coraline or the corpse bride 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?Mean girls 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Mean girls I guess ?? Haven't seen the other one 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?Regina bc she's a bitch although I do hate her too 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?Dory
87. First person you talked to today?yoosung 
88. Last person you talked to today? Silvia 
89. Name a person you hate?My abusive ex 
90. Name a person you love?Idk if I should name them 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?Yes..many 
92. In a fight with someone?Mm no not really I hope not anyways 
93. How many sweatpants do you have?A few 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?A lot 
95. Last movie you watched?Bambi 
96. Favourite actress?Right now I'm in love with Emily fields 
97. Favourite actor?I liked Daniel Radcliffe as a kid so I'll say him 
98. Do you tan a lot?No 
99. Have any pets?No 
100. How are you feeling?Sad, like I have been for the last month(s) 
101. Do you type fast?Yes I'm sonic at typing 
102. Do you regret anything from your past?Many things 
103. Can you spell well?Yea 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?Yea 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?No
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?No but my heart is always being broken 
107. Have you ever been on a horse?Yes 
108. What should you be doing?Sleeping 
109. Is something irritating you right now?Yea many things 
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?That's my current state actually and I absolutely hate it 
111. Do you have trust issues?Yea 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?Can't think of one ...I usually cry alone but I rarely cry tbh 
113. What was your childhood nickname?Most of them were pretty much rude stuff they'd tell me 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Several times
115. Do you play the Wii?Use to 
116. Are you listening to music right now?No 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?Sometimes
118. Do you like Chinese food?Yes I love it 
119. Favourite book?Any Harry Potter book tbh but also Alice in Wonderland 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?No 
121. Are you mean?Sometimes actually no yea I can be very mean 
122. Is cheating ever okay?Hell no I'll kick any cheaters ass 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?No I'm too clumsy for that 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?No
125. Do you believe in true love?Yes...mm but it never comes my way so I don't hope anymore 
126. Are you currently bored?Yea
127. What makes you happy?Some certain ppl but idk if they really feel the same ....
128. Would you change your name?Yea 
129. What your zodiac sign?Aquarius 
130. Do you like subway?No the subway here in Los Angeles is terrible and dirty and filled with creeps 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?Uh I don't like boys ...:/ sorry 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?Yoosung 
133. Favourite lyrics right now?"Were the masters of our own fate/ were the captains of our own souls"
134. Can you count to one million?I can try 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?Can't think of one 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Closed
137. How tall are you?I'm 5'3"
138. Curly or Straight hair?I have curly hair 
139. Brunette or Blonde?Brunette 
140. Summer or Winter?Winter, summer is too hot n terrible 
141. Night or Day?Night
142. Favourite month?Anywhere from November - March 
143. Are you a vegetarian?No
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?Milk chocolate 
145. Tea or Coffee?Both 
146. Was today a good day?Nope 
147. Mars or Snickers?Idk I don't really eat either of them 
148. What’s your favourite quote?Idk tbh 
149. Do you believe in ghosts?Yes 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?It literally says "the modern idiot" (sounds like something I'd tell myself tbh)
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