#things are getting SPICYYYY
chiarrara · 7 months
how it started
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how it's going
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(i just love this panel, oh my god)
9 notes · View notes
yoonieper · 22 days
For the Birds— Part 5 | JJK
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I want you to stay even though you don’t want me.
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♡ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (feat. Yuri) 
♡ Genre: angst, smut, future fluff!, this chapter is pretty much pWITHp (can be read alone)~
♡ Rated: T for Tension
♡ Series Warnings: Lots of smut (not always healthy), cheating, discussions of depression, this series includes Jk in a pretty toxic environment, degradation (not the sexy kind), manipulation, and overall Jk being in an emotionally abusive situation!
♡ Chapter Warnings: spicyyyy, Jk is a bit of a dick, Y/n stands up for herself, major tension, emotions are flowing, slightly subby Jungkook makes a bit of an appearance, thigh riding (m ;D), masturbation (f), public(ish) sex, hand job, protected sex (be smart friends <3)
♡ Word Count: 17.5k
♡ Summary: As the son of the CEO at Golden Tech, a marriage was arranged in the name of business. Jungkook really tried to make the most of his situation and be the best husband he could be, but no matter how much he tried, his wife just doesn’t seem to want him. Then you… you came into his life and his eyes couldn’t help but wander.
♡ Now Playing: Somebody Else by Maxine Ashley— see masterlist for playlist! 
♡ Beta: Thank you so much to @mellowladyanchor for reading this part for me! If you’re interested in betaing a future part, dm me! If you're interested in becoming a permanent beta for this series please first click here and refer to 'details about the job' section for more details and dm for any questions you might have! Betas get early access to chapters, so if you're free to help out and can't wait for next chapter, consider joining the team!!!
♡ Author’s Note: Sorry for the delay friends! The end of last month was a bit hectic for me and then I got sick delaying me even more :') This might happen a lot more often where the schedule I have on the masterlist might diverge from when I can actually get the chapter out because college has started for me once again, so things in my life might get in the way a little more often of editing and ultimately publishing 😭 Thank you all so much for waiting, your patience, and I hope you all enjoy this different type of chapter :D Anyway, this is The Office Sexcapades Part 1 ;)
No reposting, modifying. Translating is not allowed unless given explicit permission. Thank you so much : D
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previous chapter « main masterlist ✩ series masterlist » coming 9/15
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After you and Jungkook parted ways, you thought things had finally changed between you two. Maybe not entirely, but you wanted to believe you had turned over a new leaf in your relationship. You thought you had extinguished, or at least simmered, the animosity you felt for each other and something strange but new had started to take its place. You honestly didn’t mind it.
You had left the storage room with a dopey smile plastered on your face and a weird pep in your step as you made your way back to your desk. The man you hated only a month ago had managed to send you to another dimension and you still hadn’t come back yet. You felt high in the best way possible and there was some part of you that didn’t want to leave his side when you both agreed you probably had been gone too long. You even gave him a hug before you left the room, Jungkook mumbling a sweet “thank you” into your hair before you pulled away to leave.
It was all still a bit weird, but you wanted to think that this was all the confirmation you needed that things had truly changed between you two. Was it complicated? Yes, this shift was the result of an affair, which wasn’t a solid foundation whatsoever, but the change in your relationship wasn’t entirely bad. At least you didn’t hate each other anymore. 
However, you were in for a shock when you came into work on Monday.
The first thing you were greeted with was Director Son being back (yay!). However, before you could even process his return, he was setting a mountain of paperwork on your desk. The size of the stack was far beyond a reasonable workload. It was so tall, even your coworkers could easily see it through the window of your office without needing to crane their necks over their computer screens. 
After you paid your respects and welcomed Director Son back, you finally asked what the pile of paperwork on your desk was all about because it just had to be a joke or a prank. You were ready for someone to jump out with a phone in hand laughing hysterically at the face you made that was now recorded for everyone to see.
“Beats me, I just got back today. All I know is that it comes straight from Director Jeon,” he had sighed in sympathy. You scanned the faces of the rest of the team who were standing outside your office. No one was stifling a laugh, trying their absolute hardest to make this as believable as possible. Instead, they sent you worried glances and sympathetic looks as they quietly gasped at the outrageous amount of paperwork. 
When Taehyung arrived at the office, he came up to you during the chaos of it all. “Woah? What did you do to piss him off this time?” He chuckled lightly, but you could hear the undertone of concern. 
For a second, you tried to rack your brain to see if you could remember if Jungkook had mentioned he would be sending you a lot of work on Monday, anything he said that could have possibly rationalized this. You came up with nothing. 
The details from Friday had been ingrained into your memory at the highest definition. You were practically still experiencing it first hand— every sight, sound, touch, and taste from that day. The chance of you forgetting him telling you about a workload of this magnitude was next to none. The moments you spent with him especially were vibrant; the clarity was irrefutably against the possibility of it simply having slipped your mind. At no point on Friday had he mentioned anything to you about work, or even sent you a text over the weekend to let you know what you’d find on your desk on Monday. He’d completely blindsided you.
Knowing Jeon Jungkook, there was only one reason he would assign you this much work without warning. Mr. Jeon Jungkook, Head Director Jeon, Director Jeon, or what he had urged you to call him so casually, Jungkook, was pissed off, and there was no doubt in your mind that his anger was directed at you.  
As Taehyung waited for your answer, you had to stop yourself from instantly bursting into tears. It was not just because you knew you would be stuck at the office all night because of how much work you had to do, but also because after everything you shared together, he was suddenly being a dick to you… again?
Why? What could you have possibly done to him to make him hate you again with so much vigor that he would assign you this mountain of paperwork in the middle of the chaos of Q4? Had Friday meant nothing after all? Were you just another hole he used to take out his sexual frustration from his marriage? Had those sad, round, sweet eyes and pleas been nothing but a lure to get you to agree to the affair? In any normal situation, you would have never gone along with it in a billion years. Maybe he had seen right through your guise and did whatever was necessary to get his dick wet. Maybe he was through with you, the allure was gone, the fantasy was broken, and he wanted nothing more than to punish you for your stupidity and believing his silly act. Or maybe it wasn’t so complicated. Maybe it was simply your fault for thinking things had changed between you two. 
You had to resist marching straight to his office to give him a piece of your mind, but you didn’t have the energy, time, or desire to create a scene. Instead, you took a few deep breaths, headed to the bathroom to quickly dry your watery eyes, and marched out ready to tackle the workload.
It took you all night and well into the early morning hours to get everything done. It was tedious, detailed, and you knew Jungkook purposely gave it to you in paper form to make it that much more challenging to complete. In your peripheral vision throughout the night, you saw your coworkers say their goodbyes before leaving for their lives outside the office. You even saw Jungkook himself, normally someone who stayed far beyond a reasonable time, pass by and head down the hall to the elevators before you were even halfway done. 
The office had turned dark and your eyes were strained from staring at your computer screen and the tiny font on the papers for far too long, but you saw him. You heard the sound of his fancy dress shoes clicking against the tile first, and even though you tried not to look up, you noticed him pass by through the window. You heard his pace slow down, probably just wanting to see you and relish in your suffering. You felt his eyes linger on your form, but you didn’t dare make eye contact. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. You kept your eyes on your work as his footsteps faded into the distance. You truly felt done with him.
Over the next few days, Jungkook would hardly look at you during the rare occasions you’d be near each other. It wasn’t like you had grown close anyway, but whenever you were in the same room you’d normally make a little small talk to ease the tension. But now Jungkook wouldn’t even spare a glance in your direction. He was avoiding you like the plague, so you did the same.
Also, even though it wasn’t as much as Monday, Jungkook kept choosing to be a dick to you and personally assigned you more work than reasonable every day. You had no time to confront him, but you didn’t want to anyway. For whatever reason, he wanted to be mean and avoid you instead of having some type of adult conversation. You couldn’t deal with people like that. It made it easy to want nothing more than to forget Jeon Jungkook even existed.
Maybe you really had been fooled. Jungkook had played you for the sap you were and manipulated you into sleeping with him. But as angry as you were, you couldn't find yourself able to believe that. Even though you were avoiding him, you still paid close attention anytime you were in the same room. The dark cloud continuously storming over him that you had noticed before raged with even more ferocity, still following him around no matter where he was or who he was with. The blank look behind his eyes grew worse with each day that passed. You were honestly confused how no one else had noticed. 
Things hadn’t changed. If anything, they might have only gotten worse than before. You tried your best to restrain your emotions instead of immediately believing the first theory your mind conjured up. Maybe you just wanted to believe that he hadn’t used you, but you truly wanted to hope there had been more to Jungkook’s vulnerability than just a front he used to get to you.
It took a while, but eventually you settled on the most likely outcome and assumed that he was taking whatever feelings he had about the affair out on you for some reason. You had no idea why you had to suffer for a choice he made twice despite your warnings, but it just proved to you that at the end of the day, he really was a dick. 
Whatever the reason, you really just didn’t want to deal with him anymore. What happened happened. It was in the past, you couldn’t take it back now, and he had to realize that. You didn’t mind pretending nothing happened because right now you just wanted to forget it all—  forget Jeon Jungkook, forget last week, and honestly, fuck him.
Jungkook was a horrible person. The certainty of that truth became painfully obvious as the days passed. He knew how he was treating you wasn’t right, yet he was still awful to you anyway. He just couldn’t be any more pathetic.
Ironically, Jungkook wasn’t even mad at you. Far from it actually— he wanted you so much that it was the very thought of you that pissed him off far beyond a concerning degree. He made an executive decision that despite what he said to you in his office, he needed to listen to his conscience and stop the affair before things got worse. How was he ever going to make things right with Yuri if he was sleeping with you? It didn’t make any sense and he knew that. He knew he needed to end this here and now. After you left, Jungkook had sat in the darkness of the storage room crying over the thought that he was making things worse for him and Yuri and he was a terrible husband. But despite everything, he still couldn’t bring himself to regret doing it. He was just awful, horrible, and truly pathetic. 
Jungkook was so eager to fix things with Yuri, but when has an affair ever been the answer or led to anything good? How was he ever going to repair their relationship if he was spending his time fucking you on the side? He would just look like the biggest hypocrite of the century. 
Jungkook didn’t hate you per se, but he hated the failure that you represented. It was cruel, he was cruel, after everything you did for him, to repay you with an unreasonable amount of work in an already busy time. It just wasn’t fair to you. You probably hated him now. And he almost wanted that to be true. It was just another way to ensure he would stay away from you and get back to what should be his priority: the marriage he was fucking up.
Jungkook had hoped it would be easy to move on if he kept you away. The stars even aligned to allow him the opportunity to focus on his wife and put the affair in the past. Yuri had come home early one evening when Jungkook had happened to be home as well.  They talked and even shared a meal by candlelight together that their chef had prepared. Sure, things were a little awkward and they only really spoke about work. Anytime Jungkook tried to bring up another topic, Yuri seemed disinterested. However, they did briefly discuss the upcoming annual holiday celebration that their families always held together and shared which of their favorite dishes they were looking forward to having, which was nice.
It was good, though. At the very least, she was tolerating his presence, and that was better than the disdain she usually had in her eyes whenever she looked at him. 
Jungkook went to bed in better spirits than he had been over the past few days. He was able to easily fall asleep, though he would have preferred doing so with Yuri in his arms. He knew not to try it and ruin their good evening. He slept through the night and would have likely missed his alarm if Yuri hadn’t woken him up. His tired eyes strained to see her straddled over his lap. The sun had barely come up, but he could see the look in her eyes as she stared down at him. It made him hot in an instant.
“Touch me.” She had whispered right in his ear. It was a command, one that ignited a flame all too quickly. He felt wanted, maybe even needed, as he hastily flipped her onto her back while he began eating her out. 
He was truly a horrible person. The whole time he pleasured Yuri, all he could think about was you in the storage room. The way you gripped his hair and all the pretty sounds you made with each swipe of his tongue. He missed you…
But Yuri was also so pretty, she always was, and when he finally brought her over the edge, his cock pleaded for her in his shorts. It had been so long, but he knew better than to push it. And he was right as always. The minute he got off her, she went to shower and he left him stuck alone in their room.
He missed the way you pulled him close after you finished. How you reached into his pants, touched him, and pleaded for more. He missed how you felt around him, how you held him in your arms while he cried. He really missed you. Jungkook had to fight every urge in his body to stop himself from reaching into his shorts for relief.
He wanted to be good for Yuri. He had to be. He kept telling himself that, but like the hypocrite he was, he finally went to the store to pick up condoms on his way to work. It wasn’t because he was preparing for when Yuri would let him go all the way, no, they were for you. He put them in one of his drawers in his desk, hidden underneath some papers, but not too out of reach in case of emergency. You probably didn’t want anything to do with him anymore, but he got the condoms anyway. 
As much as Jungkook had tried to push you away, he never stopped wanting you. Each time you’d pass each other, which was rare because he made sure to avoid you, you grabbed his attention. He thought his feelings would pass, but as the days went by, they only got more intense. His body ached to have you all over again, and as much as he wanted to tough it out, wait for Yuri, and hopefully put the affair behind him, he was weak. So weak, that despite all of his intentions, he texted you to meet him at the storage room again with the emoji you had both discussed beforehand.
Jungkook [1:32pm]: 📦 3:15
He’d been shy about it. He spent days fighting between his urge to text you and to also resist the temptation and focus on Yuri. Like she always said though, he was weak, and ultimately caved despite his efforts. 
He worried he would come off as needy and desperate, especially because of how he’d treated you, but it wasn’t far from the truth. What if he was texting too soon? What was too soon? You probably hated him, what was he thinking?!
He didn’t think you’d show up. Part of him didn’t want you to, hoping his efforts had paid off and you were done with him. But the other half of him was relieved when he heard your two knocks followed by another two knocks. 
A wave of guilt hit him the minute he opened the door and saw you looked less than pleased to see him. He knew he deserved it. He deserved you never even looking in his direction again, but somehow here you were. You hadn’t deserved any of his anger. Your presence both infuriated him and calmed his spiked nerves. It wasn’t fair to you. He was cruel.
“What?” You barked. You were mad. You had every right to be.
Jungkook felt the tears start welling up in his eyes at his conflicted emotions. He felt bad, despite his resentment of you. He truly felt bad because he knew you didn’t deserve his anger. It was he who begged to have you again despite all his concerns. This situation you both found yourself in now was all his fault. 
“Did you just bring me here to give me more work? I don’t have much time thanks to you.” You were angry, but he could still hear the hurt in your voice. He hurt you. He couldn’t stop hurting anyone who got near him…
Jungkook just stared at you with an almost dazed expression. He seemed out of it, even more so than normal. Maybe any other day you would have actually been concerned, but you didn’t want to see him, not now, or really ever again. You just came because apparently he was finally willing to speak to you again, so you thought it would be the perfect time to end whatever was happening between you two. Not that anything really even had begun in the first place. It should have ended after the first time. It should have never even started. This was a huge mistake that you knew would follow you for the rest of your lifetime.
He didn’t say anything back, just continued to stare at you. You couldn’t see him very well, but you were getting tired of his silence. Part of you thought agreeing to his request to meet would give you some concrete answers as to why he might be upset at you. What could you have possibly done to make him so mad when you hadn’t spoken since the last time you were in this room together? It seemed all he wanted to do was stare at you in confusion, and you really didn’t have time for that.
“Director Jeo— Jungkook, look, I don’t really want to be around you, so if you don’t have anything to say then—” You were ready to turn around, leave, and be done with this situation, done with him, but of course just as you were reaching for the door, you felt a hand on your wrist stopping you in your tracks. 
“Don’t— Don’t you see how hard I’m trying to do that?!” His voice was shaky, but you could still hear the agitation. You finally turned around and at this angle you could see the shininess in his eyes. 
Jungkook suddenly had your back against the wall, his arms by your side, effectively caging you in. However, he maintained enough distance between you two to stop short of being intimidating. If you wanted to, you could easily push past him.
“I’m trying to keep you as far away as possible, but you’re making it so—,” he buried his head in your shoulder, “—so fucking hard.” There was a bite to his words, an edge that told you he really was angry with you. 
Fuck him.
“I want to be a good husband— I want to be good to my wife. I don’t want to betray her any more than I already have, but—” One of his hands came down to settle on your waist. So softly, he was always so gentle. You hated the way your body tingled at his touch. 
“You’re making this so hard—” It felt wrong, but having you in front of him felt right all at the same time. He needed you, painfully so. 
“Look at me.” Your words were harsh as you roughly grabbed his hair and pulled him off of your shoulder. Jungkook was certainly not prepared for your aggression, and how it embarrassingly went straight to his achy length. His cheeks burned as he stared down at you.
“I get you have shit going on, but what you’re not going to do is have the issues in your life interfere with my career. You’re making my life hell, and do you know how that makes me look in front of my team?” You finally released all the pent-up rage you’ve felt through the years working for him and you enjoyed the shocked look on his face as he processed your words. He needed to hear them. 
“And you have the nerve to call me back in here after the bullshit you’ve put me through? You made me think things had changed, but you’re still just as petty as you’ve always been. You’re actually ridiculous.” Your anger was justified, so justified that Jungkook was tempted to just break down and cry. You were right and even worse, it was pathetic how he started to feel the strain of his pants growing tighter at the same time. Just a sad, sad human being.
Your hand then rose, and Jungkook watched as you sadistically toyed with the collar of his shirt before running your fingers down the line of his buttons, playing and pulling them lightly. Your finger finally made it to where he had his shirt tucked into his pants, then to his belt buckle, and then you suddenly cupped his growing bulge.
“Fuck!” He was way too loud, but he truly wasn’t expecting that. Tears immediately fell from his eyes, a chaotic storm of emotions swirled around in his head. He felt guilty, he was also frustrated, but more than anything, he just wanted you to touch him. As embarrassing and shameful as it was, he rocked into your hand, wanting more friction so badly. Your grip tightened, squeezing him so he felt your anger in the most pleasurable sense possible, along with the pain he more than deserved. 
“I’m sorry!” he cried, tears slipping down his cheeks. 
“Don’t apologize. You know you meant what you did. If you want this to continue, you’re not going to pull that shit and try and act like nothing happened. You’re the one who begged for my help. If you’re done with this, just fucking say it. Got it?” you spat. Gone was the unconditional sweetness you’d shown him until this point despite how horribly he had treated you over the years. He had almost thought it wasn’t possible to make you mad, how it was the only way you tolerated him at all, but that clearly wasn’t the case. He fucked up and he took in every word you spat at him. 
Jungkook hurriedly nodded. 
“As for this…” You squeezed him once again, making Jungkook silently cry out. He wasn’t sure if it was out of pleasure or pain at this point. “If you want to get off so badly, you’re going to have to work for it.” You eventually said, moving your hand away, making Jungkook whine at the loss of contact.  
You then propped your leg up against the wall and pulled him a little closer by his waist so he was gliding right across your thigh. Jungkook moaned at the sensation and pushed you further into the wall. He was embarrassed how easily you riled him up and his cheeks burned at the intimate position. What were you doing?
“Y/n…” he groaned, confused as to what this was, but you were quick to guide him. Your hands returned to his waist and you pulled him forward before pushing him back and bringing him closer again.
It was an odd position, but one you quickly figured out he didn’t hate. You wished you could see his expression better, but the darkness didn’t hide everything. With your hands as a guide, you pushed and pulled him in a steady rhythm. His rugged breathing grew more labored and the whines he tried his best to suppress grew more pained and filled with need.
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” you chuckled darkly.
“What are you doing— oh!” he hurried out, but was cut off by a groan as you started to speed up the pace a little. 
“Mmm, you know exactly what I’m doing. You loved getting off on my thigh when we were together before. Isn’t this what you wanted after all? Isn’t that the only reason you called me in here?” If you could see his face, you would have seen how badly his cheeks were burning. His eyes were watery all over again at the accusation and the compromising position. 
It was true; it was all true. He didn’t bring you here to apologize. That would be a lie. Even though he knew how wrong it was, he still wasn’t sorry. He needed to push you away, he just had to, because if not—
“Oh!” You sped up the pace just a little more and a moan embarrassingly slipped from his lips at the change. He was so weak. 
“Say it. Why did you ask me to come here?” You had to repeat your question to let him know that it wasn’t rhetorical. You wanted an answer. 
He stumbled like it was a hard question to answer, but he knew the answer exactly. It was just the shame of it all that made it hard to tell you.
“Say it or I’ll leave,” you almost cooed, teasing as you lifted your thigh up a little further, making him cry out. You knew what you were doing. He wanted you so badly, he didn’t want you to go.
“I bought condoms— I have one in my back pocket,” He hurried out even faster— embarrassed, ashamed, and mortified at how it looked. But there was no further elaboration needed. He only brought you here to use them. He was horrible, selfish… the list went on, really.
You chuckled lightly to yourself. “Thank you for being honest, but not today—”
“But—” Jungkook rushed out, and pushed into your thigh a little faster all on his own. He didn’t want you to leave, he really didn’t.
“But nothing. Like I said, if you want anything you’re going to have to get yourself off just like this. You wanted to be mean, so we’re not fucking today and I’m not letting you touch me. This is the most you’re getting, so take it or leave it.” 
The familiar hostility was different with you than it was with Yuri. He’d found himself in this same situation more often than not, but with Yuri, it came with an overwhelming dread that he wasn’t good enough for her. But with you… Maybe he had issues— no, he definitely did— but all he could focus on was that you had given him a way out. You didn’t curse his very existence and tell him to stay as far away from him as possible. You didn’t scream or yell. You were calm and slightly sultry in the way you spoke. You were mad at him, just like Yuri had been, but he didn’t understand why you didn’t scream at him too. You had more than every reason to. Your punishment was cruel, but it was far kinder than what he deserved. 
It didn’t make sense, but in the haze of it all, all he could focus on was his desire to have you. For once, he didn’t want to think. He was always in his head too much these days.
Jungkook didn’t realize you were expecting an answer, but you didn’t need one as he responded by hurrying his pace across your thigh, a light moan falling from his lips as he finally relaxed and let go.
“Please—” he groaned into your shoulder. “I’ll take anything.” It was desperate and sad, more than sad, but he didn’t have the energy anymore to even try and pretend he wasn’t at his wits end. 
Jungkook didn’t see the way that you smiled at his words. Instead, all he felt was the way you gently pulled him off of your shoulder and lightly pressed a kiss on his damp cheek. The affection made him whine, wanting to meet your lips more than anything, to drown in you like he had been thinking of doing ever since you left the storage room last time. But you gave him no such relief as you pulled away and slowly lowered your thigh down.
Jungkook felt like he was seconds away from crying. He had agreed to play your game, so why were you pulling away? It didn’t make any sense, and as soon as you moved away he felt himself start to lose it at the thought of needing to take care of the problem you had caused all on his own. 
However, that wasn’t your plan. Instead, in the darkness, you brought your hand up to gently tuck his hair behind his ears. You wanted to see him better. Even if you were furious with him, he was still such a pretty boy. 
Jungkook wasn’t touched much, that much was obvious, so a gesture so soft went straight down to his pleading cock that was already straining in his pants. He pushed you further into the wall, his hands on your waist eager to feel and touch you. He wanted to fuck you just like this, against the wall, as you stared into each other’s eyes. The sounds he knew you would make, he wanted you—
“Mmmm, don’t get too eager,” you quickly reminded him.
“I’ll be good.” He had to be.
“You better be. Just because I’m letting you do this doesn’t mean I’m not still mad at you.” Your voice was soft and calm, almost infuriatingly so. 
“Likewise.” His tone was pained, but gritty and challenging, as if you didn’t hold all the power in the situation and could easily walk away whenever you pleased. But he was being honest— he was mad, just maybe not directly at you. But seeing you lit a fire underneath him so hot that just being here with you could melt him in seconds. Nothing about your effect on him had changed or would change. Maybe he’d eventually grow stronger to resist you again like he had over the last few years, but right now he was spiraling and he knew that. Just for a second, he wanted relief. 
You definitely weren’t expecting the attitude, but you had said you didn’t want him to lie. You tried your best to ignore the way your heart reacted knowing without a doubt now that he was mad at you. Did you feel hurt? Pain? Maybe something else entirely?
Whatever it was, you did your best not to show it and the darkness of the storage room offered further aid to conceal your wavering emotions. If he wanted to be like that, so could you.
Instead of responding with something sassy, you grabbed his hand and squinting your way through the darkness, you were able to guide him over to a table— the same table he snatched your soul on nearly a week ago. How things had changed so quickly, or rather, maybe nothing had changed at all. You could just see everything for what it was now.
You hopped up on the table and before Jungkook could question it, you pulled him close so he was nestled between your legs and the distance between you almost disappeared. You lightly ran your hands down his sides, basking in his soft sighs as your hands settled on his waist. 
“And what could I have possibly done to you to make you so upset at me?” you chuckled darkly. You knew the answer, but you just wanted to hear him say it. 
You didn’t hesitate to move him so he was straddled over your thigh. It was ironic really, his words said one thing but he was so quick to submit to you. Jungkook groaned, not even needing your help to get things started as he steadily moved himself across your thigh. 
The darkness didn’t help whatsoever with seeing what you knew would be such a glorious sight, but with the light peeking in from underneath the door, you could still make out the faint outline of his sharp features and his disgruntled expression. Your admiration was interrupted when you suddenly felt his hand lightly cup your cheek and he brought you close to rest his forehead against yours. 
“You exist.” 
You could barely hear him. It was so delicate, hardly over a whisper, but the way his voice wavered made his pain obvious. Deep down, you knew that probably wasn’t a lie or an exaggeration to get under your skin. It was clear he meant what he said, but instead of storming out like you probably should have, a wave of conflicting emotions hit you all at once and kept you in your place. 
It quickly made you remember the very reason you found yourself in this position in the first place. Jungkook wasn’t ok, and whatever he was battling with was eating him up inside and clearly winning. It was awful to watch and you couldn’t imagine what he must be going through. As hurtful as his words sounded, you found you couldn’t pull away from his soft touch. 
You let him kiss you. You had no desire to stop him anyway. He did it so well. His kisses reminded you of a fire— at times a fireplace you would sit and enjoy with a good book, and other times it was ash, the aftermath of a warzone when all that was left was destruction. This time, however, the fire was a blazing fury of passion, still burning brightly, but the aftermath seemed inevitable. While it was clear he wasn’t nearly as mad at you as you were at him, you could feel the anger he kept subdued in the way he hurriedly pulled you close. If the situation had been different, you would have thought it was a little hot. 
You finally snapped yourself out of your daze and pulled away. 
“What did I say about touching?” you reminded him, and it was almost startling how quickly he dropped his hand.
“Sorry— I’ll be good—” he mumbled as his attention turned from your face down to where your bodies met. Jungkook’s face burned. As much as his body was pleading for more, he couldn’t deny he somewhat enjoyed this punishment. The position was a little embarrassing, but as your hands started pulling and pushing him, he couldn’t say he hated the way you were handling him. It reminded him of the times that Yuri would sit in his lap and pin him down. A punishment that only made the ache worse in every possible way. Just the thought of it made Jungkook chase a little faster into the feeling of it all and pull you a little closer.
“Oh— fuck.” Jungkook practically whined at the quickening pace. The friction was good and he really didn’t need much of it to get off. Yuri had given him less in the past and he had made it work. It didn’t take very long for him to become putty in your hands. He had already been on edge before you even got here, so now—
“Y/n, please— can I— fuck—” Jungkook was struggling. He needed to be good, but he also wanted more. This position made him think back to the last time you both were in this storage room, how good it felt to be inside you— how good it would feel to do it again. It was painful how much he wanted to.
Somehow, you were able to understand his pleas. “I told you this is all you’re getting.” You were stern, but not in the same way Yuri would have been. As angry as he was at the situation, his punishment was deserved— in fact, he deserved worse. The fact you were letting him do anything at all was a testament to how kind and forgiving you were. The realization just made him feel even worse. And he couldn’t stop begging for more…
“I’m sorry.”
Jungkook was quiet after that, instead doing his best to silently get as far as he could. The whole situation made his insides feel like a flurry of butterflies, which had more than a small effect on his cock. Wound up from Yuri’s lack of affection, wound up from thinking of you despite how hard he tried not to, and wound up from the sweet, sweet pleasure from your thigh— it was enough to quickly turn him into a mess. You seemed to notice that he was starting to struggle. 
You stopped helping him, instead letting your hands fall behind you as you watched him struggle in the dark. Maybe he’d grown tired, or maybe he was too caught up in thinking about what it felt like to be inside you, but he just needed more. 
“Fuck, I don’t think I can… I’m close, but— Y/n, please—” he cried, his eyes watery. It wasn’t enough and he was honestly terrified you’d leave him at any moment. He knew Yuri would have by now. She always hated his begging and you probably did too. You probably hated him completely. He was pathetic.
Before he could embarrass himself any further, you took it upon yourself to put him out of his misery. You brought his face closer, pressing a languid kiss right on his lips. It was messy— Jungkook being so eager at the slightest touch, but it was nice. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you were enjoying seeing him like this a little too much. So eager that he’d do anything, even ride your thigh, for the opportunity to get off. It was cute, and saying it was a little hot as well would be an understatement.  
As your kisses trailed down his neck, you bathed in his soft sighs of pleasure and tiny moans and pleas for more.
“Oh— oh—” he whined. It felt too good. 
You didn’t plan to go any further. You thought you could be content with just watching him get off and call it a day so he could learn not to pull that shit again, but your limitation was turning into a punishment for you as well. Here in his arms, it was so easy to remember what he did to you the last time you both found yourselves in the storage room. How nice his fingers had felt inside you, the skilled work of his tongue, and you had been daydreaming about the orgasm he gave you since the minute you parted ways.
Your body was hot, and unbeknownst to Jungkook, who was trying his very best to keep his hands down, you made quick work of pulling your skirt up and pulling your drenched panties to the side. He didn’t notice something had changed until you moaned into the kiss, sending a whole new wave of need over his entire body.
Jungkook instantly pulled away and from the soft glow of the light creeping in from underneath the door, he saw your hooded eyes before turning his gaze downward and seeing what was happening between your legs. It was dark, and even though Jungkook had pretty good eyesight, it was still difficult to see the way your free hand had slipped between your legs. It was easy to hear, however. You had to be soaked…
The thought alone nearly made him rut into you until he came, but instead, he quickly tried to compose himself and groaned lightly before looking back into your eyes. Your gaze was haunting in the way he knew it would follow him despite how much he wanted it to go away. The way the light reflected off your shining eyes, the slight smile on your face as you peered into his bewildered gaze— confused, yet eager for more.
“You like what you see?” you lightly chuckled, teasing. Oh, the ache.
“I—I could help you,” he stammered, begging. He would do anything. This was a curse disguised as a blessing.
“Mmm, you’d really want that? I thought you said my existence bothered you,” you laughed breathlessly. You were pleasing yourself well; he could see it from the look on your face.
Jungkook wanted to blurt out that he didn’t mean it like that, but he couldn’t. That would be a lie. Nothing you did had ever bothered him besides the very fact that you existed. You made his life complicated, and he knew that wasn’t necessarily your fault. It was more on him than you, but—
You laughed again when he didn’t respond.
“Just sit there and be a good boy. Watching you is nice. Don’t cum until I finish,” you sighed so sweetly. The nickname was unexpected, but well-received apparently with how he suddenly discovered the newfound energy to speed up his pace. He could see the vague outline of your hand speeding up between your legs, seemingly trying to match his pace, and he wished he hadn’t turned off the lights. You looked so pretty like this, even in the dark… imagine…
Jungkook was a mess, a ferocious battle occurring in his head the longer he watched. He wanted nothing more than to be good for you. He didn’t want to disappoint you, he had to be good. But there was also a side of him that wanted to push your hand aside, help you out, and serve you in the very way he knew he should. If Yuri could see him now, she would be more than disappointed, letting you take care of yourself when that was meant to be his job. Your wish to pleasure yourself was harder not to interfere with than he could have thought.
He had already struggled before when the friction was nice, but not enough. And sitting here now, watching you and hearing your soft sighs and moans, made the ache so painful he needed to slow himself down in order to obey you. He had to be good. He couldn’t let you down too.
He just couldn’t stop himself from helping out a little, though— an occasional kiss when your whines pleaded for a little more, or moving his lips downward to lightly suck across your delicate skin. Jungkook was worried you’d stop him since he wasn't entirely following your orders, but you never did. Maybe you were too out of it to notice, or too out of it to care, or maybe you even liked his little touches. It was a little silly to think about. 
It wasn’t long, though, before he started to notice some of the signs he recognized from the last time that you both were here that you were close. Your whines grew more desperate and hurried and it made him chase into you faster. He wanted to finish you off and make you make a mess all over his fingers. He wanted to ruin you.
“Y/n…” It was just your name, but it was his last-ditch attempt at asking you to let him help you. What he was met with wasn’t the rejection that he was expecting, or even something drastic like you grabbing his hand to replace your own. No, instead you pulled him into a hurried kiss. You both were chasing the euphoria of pleasure too blindly to care about remaining civil. It was messy, and Jungkook found himself enjoying the chaos of it all: tongues exploring every nook they could, teeth occasionally clashing, wet, hot need and desperation in the way you moved your mouth against his. 
It wasn’t any surprise that as your whines grew more needy, so did his own desperation. He had to stop himself from speeding up and finishing too quickly. Instead, he kept his pace as steady as he could while he watched your pleasure unfold right before his eyes, the way your hand sped up and the look on your face growing more pained by the minute—
“Oh—oh—Ju—“ You didn’t get to finish your sentence, and he wished you had, but the sight of you was even better than he could have imagined. With the way your mouth fell open and your eyes fluttered closed as you worked yourself through your orgasm, Jungkook nearly came right along with you. It was honestly a miracle he didn’t. He hadn’t needed much, but it was far more than he required to have him hurtling toward the edge. It took everything in him to stop himself from giving in. He wanted to be good for you— he had to be.
As you steadily came down, Jungkook tried his best to slow himself down. He watched you, wide-eyed, waiting for your next order, thinking maybe you had changed your mind and wanted to leave.
“Okay… You can finish now,” you whispered, clearly out of breath. Jungkook’s body didn’t allow for a moment of hesitation as he immediately got back to work. Now with your permission, he felt crazed as he pulled you into another messy kiss, his body working faster than his mind so that he could hardly keep up. He pressed into you firmly, the unsteadiness of the table apparent with how it squeaked with each move he made. He was close— so, so close.
“Where? Where should I—” Jungkook hurried, realizing any moment might spell disaster. He was hoping for some type of direction from you, his mind so out of it that he couldn’t think up a reasonable solution other than to ruin his pants.  
“Figure it out yourself,” you sighed, your eyes finally back on him, and Jungkook couldn’t help but whine realizing he was dealing with an even bigger emergency than he had thought only seconds ago.
For a second, he just continued as is, gliding across your thigh with no intention of stopping at any point. But finally, finally, he remembered the condom in his back pocket. Right!
Jungkook probably looked like a mess straining to reach in his back pocket while he also tried to keep his pace up and kiss you any chance he could. It was a struggle and many times he considered giving up, but finally he was able to pull it out and slam it on the table beside you. 
Pants— now somehow he just needs to get his pants off…
Jungkook wanted to be good, but he was losing it. He hopped off your thigh and lifted you off the table to flip you around, your hands gripping the table firmly while your ass was pressed right where he was desperate to feel you. Jungkook had to practically tear himself away from your warmth to somehow get his belt loose, a horrendous struggle of need as he kept pressing into you, making it that much more difficult to take it off. 
It was a vicious cycle of Jungkook making a little progress with his belt before the need to feel you became too great and he would consider giving up altogether, before thinking about the consequences and trying his hardest to get his belt loose and his zipper down.
Jungkook was nearing failure. He was only seconds away from giving in when finally his belt came undone and he could pull himself out, desperate to feel you. Jungkook should have pulled away so he could put the condom on, but instead he found himself pushing your skirt up and sliding between your thighs, rubbing himself along the soaked fabric of your panties, bringing himself closer to his breaking point. The condom was in his hand, ready to be opened so he could finally, finally have you, and then—
“Fuccccck!” Jungkook cried into your shoulder, tears slipping down his cheeks as his orgasm washed over him in a flush. It was humiliating and the embarrassment immediately made his cheeks burn as he steadily rocked into you, each wave washing away his problems before bringing new ones to the surface. It had happened so fast… and as nice as it felt, he couldn't help but feel ashamed that this was happening all over again. 
It didn’t take long after the heat of his emotions died down to discover the mess he made on the table. The streak of light pouring in was enough to see where it glistened. Jungkook quickly turned on the lights, feeling relieved that by some miracle nothing had gotten on your clothes. It was also lucky that you happened to be in a supply closet so you had easy access to paper towels to clean things up. 
Honestly, Jungkook was expecting you to leave, but you stayed and watched him try to straighten himself out while you simultaneously tried to fix yourself. You weren’t wearing bright lipstick today, so luckily it wasn’t smeared everywhere. And while things had gotten a little wild, your hair wasn’t in too bad of a condition and was relatively easy to smooth out.
Neither of you said a word, just working in silence until finally the time came for you both to leave. You gave him a slight smile before opening the door, which was more than he deserved, to be honest. 
After you left, the guilt washed over him all over again. He had said he wouldn’t do this again, but—
As much as he was beating himself up about it, he knew deep down that he would eventually seek you out again.
“Hyung, I told you I can’t,” Jungkook groaned as he stared at his dinner, which was surely cold by now. 
“All I heard was a no. You didn’t give me a legitimate reason why you couldn’t come with me,” Jimin pointed out, making Jungkook sigh for the billionth time.
Jimin had called him at an hour far too late for any type of decent conversation. Jungkook had gotten home late and had been staring despondently at Yuri’s empty chair and uneaten dinner for the last twenty minutes. His mood was down and his eyes had grown watery the longer he let his mind wander, when suddenly his phone rang.
Jimin had called to invite him to a concert that was happening in Itaewon that he was convinced Jungkook needed to go to.
“Hyung, I’m busy! Everyone’s busy right now!” It came off far more charged than he intended.
“That didn't stop you in the past! We used to have a billion things to do for work, but you’d always drag me out with you to concerts like this, saying the experience would be worth it,” Jimin reminisced.
“That was a very different time. I have a billion more responsibilities now. I don’t have time to just go out anymore,” Jungkook grumbled. 
“But all you ever do is go to work and then go home. I think it would be good for you to get out of your routine and do something different for a change. I mean, when was the last time we hung out outside of the office?” 
Jungkook wanted to have a rebuttal. It was on the tip of his tongue, but silence hung in the air as he tried to think about it. He couldn’t remember the last time… 
“That’s because I’m busy. I’ve been trying to tell you this over and over, but you’re not listening,” Jungkook rolled his eyes, wondering why they were still having this conversation. A “no” should have been the end of it. 
“I am listening. I just thought this would be something you’d want to go to. If you weren’t playing, you used any of your free time to try and be at a concert like this,” Jimin recounted. 
Normally, an invitation to an indie concert was like cheese in a mouse trap for Jungkook. No matter the obstacle, Jungkook would try and go. There was even one time Jungkook had been sick in bed all week, but he had tickets to a concert where one of his favorite bands was playing. Jungkook hadn’t yet fully recovered, but he pushed through and still managed to attend. He always spoke fondly of the memory, even though his fever returned afterwards from pushing himself so hard, causing him to be bedridden for another week.
“I told you that that was a different time. I don’t understand why we need to keep going in circles around this,” Jungkook groaned once again. His patience was being tested. It was hard enough being at home alone right now and the last thing he needed was for Jimin to try and drag him out, adding more to his already full plate. 
“And I told you it’s because you haven’t yet given me a legitimate reason why you can’t go,” Jimin retorted. And the cycle continued.
Jungkook had to stop himself from saying something he knew he shouldn’t, taking a couple of deep breaths before continuing. 
“I don’t want to go, okay! Listen to me carefully, I. do. not. want. to. go. to. this. concert. with. you.” Jungkook made sure to articulate each word carefully. It seemed like his attempt to calm down wasn’t enough as it sounded far meaner than he wanted. 
For the first time, the line was silent.
“Jungkook, I’m just trying to help you. I don’t think it’s healthy that all you ever do is go to work and go home. I thought this would be a fun thing for us to do together, a change in your routine you really might need.” Jungkook could hear the hurt in Jimin’s voice, but it didn’t quell his growing anger. 
“I do not want to go! Leave me alone! We’ve been talking for forty minutes now about this stupid fucking concert after I’ve explicitly told you no several times!” Jungkook finally snapped. 
“Jungkook—” Jimin tried to reply. But he had enough and hung up the phone.
Jungkook sighed and tried to return to his dinner. The call had no reason to go on for as long as it did. All Jimin had to do was take no for an answer and there would be no hard feelings. So why did he just have to keep pushing? To help? The last thing that would help him was forcing him to go somewhere he didn’t want to. Sure, in the past Jungkook would have appreciated the offer. It had normally been Jungkook dragging Jimin to concerts instead of the other way around. College-aged Jungkook would have never believed Jimin was the one who was trying to get him to go to a concert of all things. 
Suddenly, in the darkness of the apartment, Jungkook found himself staring into the abyss, realizing how much he had changed. He had to change. No one was the same person they were in college. He had ten times more responsibilities than he had then. He had a wife, he was director of an entire department… he had no time for anything. College Jungkook had been a very different person and Jimin had to accept that. 
But still, the longer he looked into the abyss, his eyes grew more watery. Had he really changed that much? 
From his seat in the dining area he could see out into the living room where the guitar Jimin had gifted him still sat on the wall. Not once had he gotten the opportunity to play it and he didn’t think he ever would. He had more things to think about other than just himself now. He didn’t want to make Yuri unhappy. He didn’t want to make anyone unhappy. Yet why was that the only thing he seemed to do these days? Jimin was just trying to be nice. Jungkook used to love going to concerts, so of course Jimin would try to invite him. He didn’t want to be mean, so why had he been so mean to him?
His dinner became the last thing on his mind as tears quickly filled his eyes and spilled onto his cheeks. Pathetic, pathetic, you’re so pathetic.
A cry filled the silence of the apartment and Jungkook desperately wished Jimin were here with him. 
Yuri had done it again. 
Despite how much Jungkook insisted and pleaded, she went against his wishes no matter how much he asked her not to. For some reason, Yuri loved making his life difficult. 
Had he truly been so horrible that a simple ask wasn’t even worth considering? That might have been it— he’d been nothing but horrible to her. Maybe she had stopped caring about anything he had to say now. He wouldn’t blame her… 
But was it so wrong to ask her not to lead him on if she didn’t want to do anything further with him? Was it really that much of an unreasonable ask? Not once— but twice in one day Jungkook had found his face flushed, thinking he could finally make love to his wife properly, but then she’d abruptly pull away, degrade him for being so “needy,” then storm off, leaving Jungkook a helpless mess as he cried. Was it so bad that he just wanted a little bit of space for the time being? 
Maybe it was. He was her husband so they should be close, but a little break couldn’t be too bad? Why did she always make it so hard when it didn’t need to be? One minute she was cold, wanting him as far away as possible, and the next she’d lure Jungkook to the point of relaxation, ready to love her, before ripping it away abruptly.
Jungkook had simply invited her to join him on the couch and cuddle. His intentions had been pure, but not even five minutes after she sat down, Yuri was on him not even five minutes after she sat down. He’d gone along with it, trying his best not to disappoint her, but he’d pushed too far when he pulled on the waistband of her shorts and that had been enough to set her off. 
What made it worse was that he knew by now that if he hadn’t been spending his time with you, venting his frustration, that he surely would have ruined things even earlier by now. It was almost a miracle Yuri hadn’t suspected anything considering how jumpy he had been before he broke down in his office in front of you. Though it didn’t even help that much— if anything, his time with you only made him want to be with Yuri in the same way even more.
Maybe it was his guilt— or rather, the lack of guilt he felt about the affair that made him desperate to make up for it in some shape or form. He had been sneaking away with you to the storage room for some time now and not once had he ever regretted it. If anything, any time he made his way there he was excited, knowing he’d feel sweet bliss in the moment. 
Once it was over though, he felt nothing. It was frightening. When he was with you it was the only time he could chase any type of feeling. He didn’t know what it was exactly, but it felt better than feeling nothing. Alone with you in the storage room, the world around him drowned out so easily. It was only for a few minutes, but it was enough. 
The next day, Jungkook did the only thing he knew how to do these days and texted you. He never understood why you answered each and every time. He hoped that the first experience would have been enough to dissuade you, but at the same time he was thankful to you for being with him, even though he didn’t show it. Your relationship was complicated, sour, maybe even a little toxic considering the circumstances it was founded in. 
“Why— why— why?!” Jungkook cried as quietly as he could as he held onto you. You both had gotten into another heated argument. Most of the time you would try not to talk to each other aside from Jungkook’s occasional check-ins that it was ok to proceed when he wanted more. This time though, with Yuri on his mind and emotions all over the place, Jungkook couldn’t help but spout a few words as soon as you walked in the room. It seemed he was taking all the bottled-up anger he shielded from Yuri and directing it onto you.
Basically, he’d questioned why you kept doing this to him. They were the words he wanted to say to Yuri, but he meant them all the same to you too. He was trying to be a decent husband and you were pulling him down further into the hole of irredeemability. Yuri already hated him. He wanted to make it work, he had to make it work. So many people were counting on him to be a good husband. How was he ever going to win her heart if you existed? Why, why were you doing this to him?!
As expected, you didn’t take his ranting very well. Jungkook was basically questioning the very nature of your existence and for some reason he thought that your presence was simply enough to force him into doing the wrong thing. It was outrageous, he knew that, and he hated what he said the minute the words left his mouth, but instead of apologizing and admitting he wasn’t having a good day, he doubled down. It was awful. He wanted you to leave. He wanted you to stay even more despite his harsh words. For some reason, you chose the latter. He didn’t understand why, but it didn’t take much time until he had you pinned against one of the shelves. 
A flurry of anger, lust, and a need that spread faster than a wildfire. You both had hardly engaged in any foreplay before he hurriedly stuffed his cock inside of you. Immediately, he burst into tears— his building emotions overflowing and spilling from his eyes. He didn’t know whether they were angry tears or sad tears. He didn’t know why he cried all the time these days. It was so bad. 
“Why are you doing this to me?!” Jungkook sobbed into your shoulder, thrusting harder as he grew close. 
“Fu—fuck you,” you spat back at him. 
“What does it look like I’m doing? Am I not good enough?” he questioned sadly. He didn’t need you to answer, he already knew what you would say. If Jungkook was good enough, he wouldn’t be here right now. He would be in his wife’s arms instead. He would be happy, she would be happy if he was good enough.  
“Fuck you, Jungkook, fuck y—“ you cursed at him as your profanity morphed into a whine. His punishing pace never faltered. 
“Shut up— please.” Not now, not when all he could picture was his wife’s disappointed face. 
Jungkook switched up his pace to long, languid strokes. The tears kept spilling from his eyes. He always got extra sappy when he was close; Yuri pointed it out all the time. 
“Why does she hate me so much? Why am I never good enough for her? Why—” He was upset, yet he knew he had no right to be. He was the one making her miserable. Things would be so much easier if he was just a little better. 
You didn’t say anything back and he was glad you didn’t. Any judgment would have been enough to send him off the edge. Instead, you just listened silently to his saddened cries as he fucked all of his frustration into you. 
Your feelings for Jungkook were complicated, but the sex was good. Very good, actually. The passion was so explosive whenever you were in a room together alone. Sometimes that passion manifested as anger, other times it was lust, and sometimes it was both, like in this case. 
It was clear Jungkook was struggling, and as much as your instincts were telling you to stay far away from him, you feared what would happen if you didn’t keep coming back. Each time the sex got better despite Jungkook seeming visibly worse. He was literally having a breakdown right now and it wasn’t even the first time it had happened. 
You tried your best to keep your emotions under control, not wanting to set him off in any way, but he was harsh towards you, and even harsher towards himself.
“Just want her to— why can’t— fuck— why doesn’t she want me?!” 
You didn’t want to pry, but his pleas already had a picture of his wife forming in your mind. 
“I— I told you— told you to please go easy on me until you’re ready, but you— you don’t want to listen to me. You never do.” His voice was hoarse and pained. These were deep, dark thoughts that he didn’t even know he had until they left his mouth. He felt sick when they did.
All you could see were the faint labels on the boxes in front of you, but for a moment you were tempted to turn around and look at him. He sounded so sad.
“Yuri— please—” he cried, holding you a little tighter.
You could only imagine he was thinking about his wife at that moment. It was a strange experience hearing another woman’s name come out of his mouth while he was inside of you. Initially, you just wanted to turn around and slap him and tell him that you were right here, but you had to remind yourself that it was his wife after all— of course that’s who he was thinking about.
“Please— please— please— oh-pl—” He was close. Really, really close. 
Jungkook’s sobs morphed into pained whines the closer he grew to the end. His thrusts grew sloppier with each moan and you helped out a little by tightening yourself around him, something you had learned was a catalyst to quickly finishing him off. The first time, you were a little too eager when he put it inside of you and he probably didn't even last a minute longer after that. And just like back then, the moment you squeezed around him he was practically putty in your hands. 
After a couple of more thrusts, he stilled inside you completely before pumping the condom full of his cum. He had nearly forgotten to put it on earlier— the heat of the moment making him act a little too hastily. His grip on your waist tightened, and for a moment it sounded like he had stopped crying. For a second, you wanted to believe that you had given him a little relief from whatever hell he seemed to be going through. 
Jungkook didn’t move for a while. Instead, he stayed close, thrusting lightly as he sobbed into your shoulder, mumbling things you couldn’t even make out anymore. You didn’t stop him, nor did you say anything. You just let him cry.
Things seemed to be particularly bad today. You had tried your best to piece it all together from the random words he slipped out. You knew it had to do with Yuri and something that she had done to him, but he never got more specific than that. Seeing how poorly he was reacting, you could only imagine how terrible it was.
He was shaking. You could feel the trembling of the hand he had on your waist, and even though he’d grown quiet, you could feel your blouse dampening with each second that passed. 
You felt the urge to ask him if he was ok again, even though you already knew the answer. You were about to ask, when suddenly Jungkook pulled away. You hadn’t been prepared for the coolness of the room without his warmth. 
You vaguely saw his silhouette move around in the darkness. You figured he was throwing away the condom, but then you watched him go over to the same table he’d often taken you on to grab the box of tissues you had pulled out of storage. You heard him blow his nose before you faintly saw him wipe his eyes and tear-stained cheeks. 
“I’m sorry— sorry— I— ummm…” Jungkook took a deep breath, his voice wavering a little too much, nearly cracking in the process. “You can hop up on the table.” 
You tried not to look too shocked despite the fact that he probably couldn’t see you anyway. You honestly hadn’t expected him to still be in the mood for that today, seeing how upset he was. But no matter how heated the moments could get between you two, Jungkook was always nice enough to help you out afterward in more desperate times like this when you didn’t finish along with him.
“You sure? You don’t really seem like you’re doing ok,” you asked hesitantly, walking over to him.
“Yeah, I want to be useful for something.” He almost sounded like he was about to burst into tears again.
“We don’t have to if you don’t—”
“I do— I want to… please—” He didn’t even let you finish before he grabbed your hand and pulled you close. You had the consuming urge to pull him into a hug or kiss his cheeks to make him feel better, or at least get a smile out of him. You resisted though, and jumped up on the table before letting your heels fall to the floor. You had nearly stabbed him in the back one time, so now you always made it a point to take them off whenever you were in this position. 
You watched with curious eyes as he dropped to his knees right in front of you. You could still see the shininess in his eyes as he looked up at you. What could he have possibly done to make Yuri so upset? You had every reason to be upset at him, yet you still couldn’t find it in you to hold onto any ill feelings or hatred. Things were just complicated at the moment. 
Jungkook proceeded to be sweet to you like he always was, leaving soft gentle kisses across your skin before you had to grip onto his hair as he sent you to another dimension once again.
“Y/n, what’s been going on between you and Director Jeon?” Solmi asked you out of the blue one day, causing you to nearly choke on your rice.
You had only just arrived at the table to join her and Taehyung for a late lunch. They were both nearly finished already, but lucky for you, you had brought the leftovers you wanted to finish off for lunch today. By the time you made it to the cafeteria, the lunch line had already closed. 
You told them you had been with Jungkook, which wasn’t technically a lie. They thought he had held you up because of a meeting you had mentioned in which Jungkook had emailed you wanting to meet up to discuss budget planning, specifically to get your input about salaries for the department. That had not been a lie either.
Jungkook and you had met earlier for actual work purposes to go over some important information. Director Son was out of the office for a big meeting over at another company— so you’d stepped in to fill his place. It was just that although you both had finished shortly before lunch, a lot of tension had started to build between you over the course of your meeting. No arguments were had,  but anytime you’d get deep into the numbers, he would stare at you with this strange look in his eyes.You had no idea why, as you were just discussing business, but you were so used to that look by now that you knew what it meant he wanted. 
You were just about to leave when you felt his hand close around your wrist. You turned and looked behind you and caught his sparkling eyes peering into yours as he so quietly and shyly asked if he could have just a little more of your time. 
That’s how you both ended up sneaking away to the storage room as the time ticked away into your lunch break. You had both tried to be quick— Jungkook insisting he would work fast, but that didn’t deter him from giving you two orgasms with his tongue before sending you into a third with his cock. You were still buzzing, your knees a little weak, as you hurried downstairs to meet your friends who were waiting for you. 
You tried to keep calm at her question. “Wha-What do you mean?” You nearly choked as you tried to stuff kimchi in your mouth so you didn’t have to answer. 
“We used to be down here at least once a week hearing you rant about how awful Jeon Jungkook was,” she said, imitating your voice during the last part. “But then it stopped and you guys seem closer now. Do you not hate him anymore?” she asked bluntly. Solmi had always been that way.
“Uhhh—” you stumbled, at a loss for words. “We’re not that close, really. My new position just requires us to work together more often. Do I still hate him? It’s umm— it’s complicated.” Technically another honest answer— that wasn’t a simple question anymore.
“Complicated?” Taehyung repeated, his cheeks full of rice. 
“Yeah. It was easier to hate him when he was just a mysterious figure that I hardly ever saw in person, but now… since we’ve started working a little more closely together and we’ve had some time one-on-one… I don’t know how to describe it other than it’s complicated. He’s a weird dude, and I will never forgive him for all the work he’s assigned me over the years, but… he’s also a busy guy and seems like he has a lot on his plate. He’s not so bad when you get to know him a little more personally. Again, it’s just complicated,” you sighed as you played with your food. Again, you hadn’t lied. Despite everything, you just couldn’t really hate the guy anymore, but that didn’t stop you from thinking he could be a major dick sometimes. 
“Really?” Solmi inquired after your long winded answer. 
You nodded steadily. 
“Does this mean you’re not president of the Jungkook hate club anymore?” she followed up quickly, and Taehyung joined her in her laughter. You found it a little funny too. 
“I think it’s time I retire. I’m sure there’s someone who hates him more than me now,” you smiled, but for a second, Jungkook’s words echoed in your head as you thought about his wife.
“Wahhh, I never thought I’d see the day you retire from something,” Taehyung said seriously, looking over at Solmi.
You playfully rolled your eyes, knowing full well what he was referring to. On one of the dates you went on, you told him you never thought you’d ever retire, your ambition making it too difficult for you to settle down.
“If you don’t hate him anymore, then I won’t feel bad bringing up the fact I think his eyes are really pretty,” Solmi said so quickly, you nearly didn’t catch it. 
You gasped at her words before you rolled your eyes again. You couldn’t even say anything back. You thought they were pretty too. Deep down, you knew you always had for some reason. 
You needed a car. That had become apparent long before you started working at Golden Tech, but it was only recently that it had started to become detrimental to your career. 
Your new position had you moving around the city a lot more often than your last one did. It wasn’t too uncommon for you to need to join Director Son in meetings with other companies, or venture out on your own to get across town. The amount of times you’ve had to deal with the challenges of relying on public transportation to get to meetings was insane. 
You finally decided enough was enough the first time you accompanied Director Son to a meeting and he offered to let you ride in the car with him. In comparison to the bus or subway, it was practically night and day, finally confirming how much easier it would be to just suck it up and get your own car. There was no stress of needing to run to the bus stop so you could make it back to work on time. Aside from the slight traffic you ran into, it was much smoother sailing compared to the times you’d gone on your own. 
Funnily enough, aside from the fact that cars and gas were expensive, you had only gotten your license just last year. Taehyung had actually been the one to teach you after you confessed to him late one late night about feeling a little insecure that you were in your mid-20s and you didn’t know how to drive. Your ambitious nature had gotten you a job at Golden Tech and the Associate Director position all within the span of just two years, but it was also what prevented you from doing certain things, like getting your license. You were always too busy with school to take the time to learn. Plus, you had moved away from home for college and going back home to Busan for driving lessons from your family during your busy schedule was impossible— or well, it just wasn’t going to happen. 
Taehyung had been kind enough to meet up on your free weekends to teach you. Once you finally passed your test, you met up with Tae to celebrate, and that’s when your friendship got complicated. He kissed you, you kissed him back, he asked you out, and suddenly you were in a “secret” relationship and going on dates as often as you could. 
But that had been over a year ago now. You had your license, but never got a car because you never found the time to start that process. Plus, you were making do with public transportation so you found no need for the extra expense. But ever since Director Son drove you to that meeting, you’d been considering it. Your income was sufficient now and you finally felt like you were ready to become a car owner. You hoped it would be a nice Christmas or New Year's gift to yourself for the great year you had had. Right now, though, you were just in the research stage and still dealing with the struggles of public transportation.
This was all to say that when Jungkook told you about a meeting he needed you and Director Son to attend with him, you ran into an issue. You somehow let it slip that it would be a little difficult to make it there in time since rush hour would be occurring at the time. The subway wasn’t a good option since it could get so crowded, making it impossible to get out of the station, and the closest bus stop to the company was ten minutes away, which with traffic meant you’d end up running minutes late. You’d already tried that route before and had had to call the company on a crowded subway to tell them that you were going to be late.
And that was how Jeon Jungkook offered to give you a ride. 
“I’ll drive you. We’re going to the same place anyway. It'll be fine.” His words were nice, yet he had a bit of an attitude. You weren’t fighting, but this was just how things always were between you two. 
It was easy to guess why you were hesitant. Being alone in a car with Jeon Jungkook wasn’t something you really wanted to do. So much so, that you actually told him you’d ask Taehyung to give you a ride first before agreeing to his proposition. You had thought you were doing him a favor by saving him from the awkwardness of the ride, but for some reason his attitude changed completely as soon as you mentioned that. 
You honestly had no idea what had happened, but suddenly he was insisting it would be no trouble. He emphasized that you were going to the same place and that it would be too much unnecessary work for Taehyung since he wasn’t going to the meeting. Somehow, Jungkook convinced you to feel guilty about asking Taehyung, and that was exactly why you ended up walking down to the garage with him on the day of the meeting.
You were both silent as you walked. It had been that way since you left his office earlier. It felt like that day all over again. And just like that day, you were greeted with Jungkook’s fancy ass Mercedes. 
Now that you had been doing a little research into cars, as you got in, you were in for another reality check on how rich he was. Not only did he own a Mercedes, but you knew some of the features you saw were crazy expensive to add on— you know, you had checked after liking Jungkook’s car so much. 
You couldn’t deny how sexy the car looked with its sleek black interior and the pretty lights that added a subtle ambiance, a little color to cut through all the blackness. It was hot, and you had to stop yourself from fawning as you looked around at the lavishness of it all. 
Not in front of him. 
But once again, just like last time, your eyes couldn’t help but to drift over to him as Jungkook started up the vehicle. He had one hand on the wheel as he pulled out, his pretty hair sitting right at his shoulders, the waves making him look ethereal. It was ridiculous how someone this good looking could even exist. 
As enthralled as you were by his beauty, the serious expression he wore concerned you and made you worried he was annoyed with having you there. It didn't make any sense since he was the one who insisted on you driving with him. You had tried to save yourselves the trouble by at least wanting to ask Taehyung if he was free, but noooo, he wanted to make things complicated. 
Instead of dwelling on it too much, you just turned your attention out the window to admire the sights and to stop thinking about Jungkook.
You had thought it would be a relatively short drive, even though the company you both were headed to was on the opposite side of the city. Director Son had actually gotten there earlier in the day, having a meeting on his own before the one you and Jungkook would join started. If he hadn’t had to arrive early, you probably would have asked him for a ride instead. 
You really hadn’t expected the ride to take that long, but once again, you were reminded that rush hour didn’t just apply to public transportation. The traffic was almost immediate as you pulled out of the garage. Luckily for you, Jungkook had insisted on leaving early, probably having better foresight and expecting the traffic, but even you could tell that traffic was particularly bad.
You wondered if it was normal, but as you looked over at Jungkook, you saw his face grow more disgruntled each minute you only moved up a little bit. Of course it was just your luck that for some reason, traffic was especially bad today.
To make the ride even more uncomfortable, the mood in the car was tense. Jungkook seemed to have some type of problem. He hadn’t said anything to you yet, but you were terrified that at any moment he would be back to playing the blame game. Maybe he wanted to bring you along just to torment you? Maybe you should have just lied and said Taehyung had already agreed to drive you? Anything to take back getting in this fucking car. 
In a desperate attempt to keep the car ride civil, you asked Jungkook if you could turn on the radio. You were a little surprised he agreed and even told you where to go on the touch screen. As the poppy chorus of the latest idol songs filled the car, it made things a little less awkward. You were focused on trying to stop yourself from singing along and keeping Jungkook out of sight, out of mind. As long as you kept your attention focused out the window, all would be fine. Before you knew it, you’d be at the company and you’d be free from this claustrophobic hell. 
But then it was your fault that you made the horrible mistake of turning your head too much, letting you see Jungkook’s displeased expression out of the corner of your eye, his eyes burning a hole into the car in front of you. 
Was it the traffic that had him so pissed? You knew being the driver would make the situation even more annoying. Hopefully it wasn’t you, or else you really would have to jump out of the car to avoid his bitching when you had a meeting to worry about.
You didn’t know what came over you. Maybe you were willing to do anything to save the car ride from turning into a fight, so you let your body act first before your mind could catch up to stop you. All of a sudden, you rested your hand on his thigh. You felt your cheeks warm up as you watched Jungkook look down at it, and then over at you. 
You wondered if he was going to say something. He looked like he was about to, but ultimately he never did. Instead, he turned his attention to fixate back on the car in front of you. 
You honestly had no idea where you were going with this. You had initially acted without thinking, but as time passed, you subtly started to run your hand up and down his thigh to try and calm him down. It wasn’t anything too crazy, but it was enough to make Jungkook look down and then over at you again. 
“I can stop if you want me to.” You finally looked over to meet his eyes. You both knew where it would go if you continued, so you thought it best to ask him if he was comfortable. You didn’t know how you had gotten yourself here, you kept telling yourself, ignoring the way you had been daydreaming about how good he looked driving. 
Jungkook looked at you for a moment and you were keen to notice the way his grip on the steering wheel tightened each time your hand moved a little higher up his thigh, and the subtle way he bit his lip the longer he stared. You hated to admit it was a little hot.
“You’re fine— you can keep going,” he nervously coughed as he turned back to the road.
He was embarrassed, still not quite used to how starkly different things were with you than with Yuri. She would never do something like this for him, let alone let him rest his hand on her thigh. He had tried once, one of the few times she had ridden in his car. He got the idea after watching a movie where the guy did it with his girlfriend. Jungkook’s cheeks flushed and he got butterflies anytime there’d be a scene of them in the car, causing him to bury himself in the blanket he’d wrapped himself with. He figured he would try it out with Yuri one day, but it didn’t go well… nothing he ever did went well. 
He was still getting used to how often you two were meeting up in the storage room. He’d only bought a small box of condoms, figuring just like with Yuri, anything more would be a waste. But weirdly enough, he was already needing to plan his next trip to the store when he realized you were nearing the end of the box. Jungkook would have been shocked if you hadn’t let him have you with less than a week in between, but you never once turned down his shameless begging, even after only a day. He could hardly keep up and he still felt guilty anytime he’d ask you. 
When he invited you to drive with him, he definitely wasn’t prepared for you to flip things around. His intentions hadn’t been impure whatsoever, he truly thought it made more sense then you needing to run off with Taehyung, right? Why should you ask Taehyung when you both were going to the same place and he had room in his car? It didn’t make any sense for you to go with Taehyung— unless, well, unless you had wanted a chance to be alone with him because you—
His mind had been racing with that thought when suddenly, he felt your hand on his thigh. It instantly took him out of his spiral, and when you started moving— Jungkook had to press his index finger between his lips to stop himself from moaning out. You started off with subtle movements, but when you noticed the way he shifted slightly to meet your hand anytime you moved up his thigh, you stopped. Your hand stayed right where his pants continued to grow tighter.
Jungkook was far too weak and sensitive to stay calm. The frustrations from this ridiculous traffic, the stress of making it to the meeting on time, and your hand on his thigh made the frustration so intense he needed to seek you out for refuge like he always seemed to do these days. 
He was hard before you even made it to the next stoplight. 
His face was warm, embarrassed because he wasn’t sure if this is what you had intended when you started, but surely you had realized the effect of your hand by now. 
He was so pathetic. He wasn’t even entirely sure whether or not he wanted to start crying or pleading for more. 
More, he wanted more. As you both sat in traffic, his mind was wandering off to imaging so many things he wanted to do. He wanted to ask for you to touch him more. He could undo his belt and zipper, and oh— he also wanted to feel you. He wanted to feel your mouth again— it had been a while since that day in his office. The very thought was enough to get him flushed in the face as it grew more and more difficult to focus. 
Every time his eyes glanced down and he’d see what you were doing, it just got worse. Part of him was absolutely terrified that someone could see what was happening if they happened to look through the window, but the other half didn’t care and wanted you to finish what you had started. 
It got especially bad when you finally seemed to notice the problem you had made, your fingers tracing over the very obvious outline in his slacks. He felt tears well up in his eyes. You hadn’t been doing enough to make him cum, but he almost wished you had been because the teasing was unbearable. He was tempted to say fuck it, and plead for you to touch him the proper way so he could feel your soft hands all over his skin, and maybe—
Jungkook had to quickly slam the brakes, realizing he had spaced out so much that he didn’t realize the car in front of him had stopped already. You both lurched forward, only slightly, but enough for his embarrassment to get even worse. 
“So-sorry!” he quickly apologized, his face somehow growing even hotter. 
“It’s fine. Did you need me to stop?” you asked, a bit of concern in your voice. 
Jungkook thought about it, and as much as he knew you should, he couldn’t find it in himself to actually wish you would. He had no shame. Jungkook shook his head no, not having enough confidence to tell you honestly that he loved the feeling of your hand and that the thought of stopping now made him want to scream.
He heard you chuckle slightly. “Just make sure to keep your eyes on the road, okay?” 
Right. If he was already this much of a mess from you touching him over his clothes, going further might cause you to actually crash. He kept reminding himself that, but the longer you both sat in traffic, the harder it grew not to beg you to finish him off. You wound him up so easily—
Luckily for him, right as things got to the point where he was seriously about to beg you to touch him more, you finally came to the area that had apparently caused the traffic jam. You were right— it was an accident. Nothing too disastrous, it just seemed like a pretty bad fender bender. Police officers had been steadily directing traffic while officials were trying to clear the scene. The minute after you made it past them, it was smooth sailing. 
It didn’t take too long afterward for you both to finally pull up to the company— apparently, they were one of the suppliers for Golden Tech. You, Jungkook, and Director Son had come to discuss terms for their services for next year. 
Jungkook pulled up to the gate that led into the garage where a security guard stopped you. You quickly removed your hand from Jungkook’s thigh, and for a second, he reached for you to put it back again. 
You pointed at the security guard. Right. 
Jungkook rolled down the window. 
“Oh! I thought it was you! Good afternoon, Director Jeon!” the security guard smiled and bowed. 
“Hi!” Jungkook tried to smile back, but all he was thinking about was your hand.
“Dae-Jung isn’t driving you today? I almost didn’t recognize you,” he laughed, looking past Jungkook and peering at you in the passenger seat. 
“No— I’m working late today, so I’m driving myself.” It was true. He was staying late today to meet all the deadlines he needed to. But he also knew you would be joining him today. Maybe there had been some part of him that knew things would get heated, maybe some part that had hoped they would. 
“I see. We were told to expect you for a meeting. Would you like for us to send someone down to park your car?” The security guard was very animated, in a good way. His energy was infectious and he seemed really sweet. If things were different, Jungkook might have taken him up on his offer considering how long you both were stuck in traffic. He could only imagine the meeting was probably about to start. 
“There’s no need. I can do it myself. Thank you for the offer though.” Jungkook tried to maintain a smile to appear not too rude, but he needed you. 
“Alright, just find someplace to park. A team member will be at the entrance to escort you to the meeting room.” And with that, the security guard went inside the little building to lift the arm up and allow you to drive through.
You were honestly a little confused why Jungkook didn’t take him up on the offer considering the time. Maybe he hadn’t noticed? Luckily, when you made it in, there just so happened to be a spot available close to the door right at the entrance. 
Once he parked, you were ready to jump out and start running when you suddenly felt a hand on yours. You turned to see Jungkook’s shiny eyes looking at you. Right, you almost forgot… 
“We still have fifteen minutes left— I would just need like, two minutes— but, uh, you don’t have to— we, um—” Jungkook was beyond flustered, having to ask. You really should run so you could meet Director Son before the meeting started, but there was no way he’d be able to go up there and face all those people feeling like this. 
You sighed. This was technically your fault. “You don’t think there would be any time to sneak off once we make it inside?” you asked, wondering if maybe you and Jungkook could find a bathroom before the meeting started… maybe? Then again, that didn't sound very smart.
Jungkook shook his head. 
Instead of contemplating it anymore, you just decided to roll with it. “Alright, get your belt off, let’s make this quick,” you sighed as you shifted to get in a better position. 
Jungkook didn’t need to be told twice as you watched him frantically tug off his belt and undo his zipper before looking back up at you with pleading eyes. Huh? He could have at least taken himself out first. But you didn’t say anything, not really having time to fight him, so you reached over the console and did the job yourself. 
At first, you were just going through the motions, trying your best to be quick about this. You weren’t even thinking about it too much until you felt his precum leak onto your palm. Oh?
“That really worked you up, huh?” You were honestly a little baffled, truly amazed at how sensitive he was. You knew you had been teasing him, but you didn’t expect him to get this turned on by just your hand on his thigh. 
“Please…” he moaned, his voice wavering slightly, making you look up and see how flushed he was. This was serious, even more than you originally had thought. 
You watched him carefully as you steadily began pumping his length, occasionally running your finger across the tip. The way his eyebrows furrowed when you seemed to hit a sensitive spot, the way he bit his lip, and the cute way he didn’t know what to do with his hands so he was just clutching anything within range… These little details had been lost in the darkness of the storage room before.
You began slowly and would have kept things going like that for a bit longer, but you both had places to be and not much time left. You quickly took your hand back, spit in it to give you some extra glide, and got back to work, hoping it would make things happen quicker. 
“Oh— oh! Oh…” Jungkook groaned, letting his head fall back. You could tell he was trying to hold back, but he was a little louder than what he usually was in the storage room. You hated to admit it, but his moans were really just as pretty as he was. You tried your best to stay focused on the task at hand and ignore the way your panties were dampening by the second. You had a meeting to go to…
You distracted yourself by keeping your eyes on the time and making sure your technique was supreme so it would go as fast as possible— twisting your wrist with each upward stroke, making sure to prioritize the tip, the little things. And just like Jungkook promised, it was only a few seconds after the clock ticked for a second time that things got serious.
“Close!” he hurried out. 
Alright— you were making ok time. Maybe thirty more—
“Wait— ughh, wait! Where do I…?” Jungkook hurried out quickly. It just dawned on you again exactly where you were. 
“Umm, do you have condoms with you?” you questioned, but Jungkook quickly shook his head. He had tears in his eyes. He honestly thought this was going to be it, that you were just going to stop and tell him to suck it up and get over it. That’s what Yuri would have done.
“Ok, we only have one option then. Hurry up and move your seat back a little.” Jungkook was confused, but followed your words anyway since there was no time to question it. As soon as he moved back, you maneuvered yourself to lean over the console and came face-to-face with his length, grasping it between your fingers. 
“What are you— oh, oh fuck…” Jungkook whined as you took him into your mouth. You tried to be gentle so you wouldn’t ruin your makeup, but you planned to make this quick. Luckily for you, with Jungkook being as sensitive and as close to the edge as he was, that wouldn’t be a very difficult task to accomplish. 
You were only able to get a couple strokes in before his hand quickly flew up to gently hold your head down— he was always so gentle— and you felt him cum down your throat. His noises turned into a mess of expletives, whines, and pretty, pretty moans as you steadily helped him through it. He came fast, hard, and was shaking slightly by the time you pulled off of him. 
That was… 
He probably looked like a mess. His hands had been running through his hair again. He had tried so hard to make it look nice, you’d even helped him out a little earlier when he complained that he didn’t know what to do with it after he’d messed with it all morning. You had been so soft in the way you concentrated on moving all his curls in the right place. Jungkook’s face had burned and his heart nearly raced out of his chest.
“You ok?” you eventually asked when you noticed he seemed kind of dazed.
That finally brought him back, realizing the time was still ticking. “Yeah s-sorry!” Jungkook stumbled, grabbing the things he needed. 
“Don’t apologize… 9 minutes…” You looked over at the clock, but then hurriedly brought out your phone to look in the camera and fix whatever had gotten out of place from your activities. Luckily, it wasn’t too bad. Just a quick reapplication of your lipstick and fixing your hair up a bit and you’d pretty much be good. 
“Thank you by the way…” Jungkook said so softly. His face was a little red, you noticed. It was one of the few moments you had these days when the tension dissipated and you were reminded of the shy boy who started blushing if you looked at him for too long. 
“It was my fault—” You stared intently at your camera as you reapplied your lipstick. “It wasn’t fair to just leave you hanging like that,” you said plainly. 
As soon as you were both done, you hurriedly got out, but then you quickly stopped him from heading to the door. “Let me just—”
Jungkook watched with wide eyes and a warm face as you worked to fix his hair once again. It wasn’t much, you really didn’t have the time to be standing here, yet you still…
“Alright, that’s all I can do— it looked so good before we left. But, huh, somehow you still look great— the messy look suits you,” you say nonchalantly as you continue speed walking. Jungkook had to hurry to catch up to you, dazed from the compliment, your intoxicating sweet scent, and the look in your eyes. 
Part of him was tempted to say something, but he was too flustered for anything reasonable to come out.
“By the way, Jungkook, do you have any car recommendations?” you asked randomly as you both started to pick up the pace. You didn’t even need to turn behind you to feel Jungkook’s confused gaze.
“You seem like you have a good taste in cars and I was looking for— you know what, nevermind, we only have five minutes. We’ll finish this conversation later, just run!” You grab onto his hand and despite being in heels, you begin to book it. If only you could see the flushed look on Jungkook’s face as he trailed behind you. 
This wasn’t a situation you were unfamiliar with. There had been multiple meetings where you’d had to runfrom the subway station or bus stop to make it in somewhat reasonable time. How ironic was it? You thought going by car would be much quicker, but somehow you found yourself in the same situation all over again. Seriously, just your luck. 
“I’ll take care of you when we get back!” Jungkook called out from behind you. You didn’t turn around to reveal the smile on your face to him. Of course, he always needed to keep things even. Instead of responding, you just ran a little faster. 
You were going to be late at this point!
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previous chapter « main masterlist ✩ series masterlist » coming 9/15
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214 notes · View notes
thechekhov · 9 months
Dungeon Meshi Quick Reacts: CH:23
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Senshi's need for culinary pursuit is stronger than any dragon.
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This has huge Aeor vibes and I'm very much here for it. Not a direct comparison, of course, but the idea of a long abandoned city full fo magic.... yes, good. Goooood.
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This man has his priorities in order. You can't find flour just ANYWHERE in the dungeon. No better time than now.
Also - aww, they got rid of the frog costumes... :(
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On the bright side, this thing is probably exhausted if it hasn't rested and recharged. A large animal like that needs to either consume a lot of food or sleep a hella long time.
On the not so bright side, who even knows why it's on a rampage? Nothing is predictable. Marcille is right to be worried.
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He really said 'this isn't in my contract and I ain't getting paid enough to die'.
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Yeah, 5 is much better than 3. And you've got no cleric, even though Marcille can cast healing spells for some reason.
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Super not comforting. But effective.
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this bridge is holding up better than marcille's mental state at the moment.........
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the alternative is literally to go 'well, sorry Falin' so........I guess that's the correct reply, yeah.
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Aww, he chilled :3 And next, to chuck. rocks. At the dragon.
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Can you imagine? Two dragons for the price of one!
You can be digested together with your beloved, Marcille.
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Senshi is NOT on board with risking his sushi fillet knives to stab a dragon, I see.
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No, he's right. You're gonna need those carbs. MY question is why that bread is so damn shiny. That's usually something you get by brushing egg onto the bread, and he specifically says they don't have eggs. Suspicious....
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Soy sauce. Incredibly useful to have on hand, when you're making Japanese based dungeon meals.
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Aww, he's got the Inspiring Speech/Leader feat! Come get your free temp hitpoints!
Also, Senshi smiling is just the cutest damn thing.
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Good timing.
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What an incredible design! It's so--
Where are its wings...? It...does have wings, right?
It's about to get SPICYYYY! >:)
198 notes · View notes
creators-island · 4 months
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Things are getting spicyyyy
108 notes · View notes
sinning-23 · 1 year
My Latest crush is an alien car from space Pt.2
Okay so iwasnt expecting so many Mirage smps to like up my post but HEYYY welcome home yall lmao. Heres part two and let me know is yall want like a tag list for the next couple parts. ANywhoo there's some tension that forms this chapter so start getting ready for more flirty and spicyyyy interactions with old boy.
Heres the link to pt.1
Heres the link to pt.3 shawty
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Touch me softly 
Mirage had allowed you to explore his anatomy, and he was more willing than you thought. You had managed to make a nice little sketch of his body and made 4 separate copies to try and get a placement in where everything was. Then you had 5 more separate sheets just in case there were some more internal systems you wanted to note. He watched as your eye brown pinched and formed a line on your forehead and your fingers guided the pencil to the paper. 
“Wow, you drew me kinda sexy.” He jokes making you draw a breath trying to hold back a laugh. 
It really wasn’t sexy, it was about the equivalent of the Vitruvian man drawing and basic anatomical positioning for a robot. He watches you stand, hair pulled back, yet a couple of braids still fall in front of your face. He’s quiet, looking at the way you focused so intensely on exploring him.
When you gestured for him to move his leg, he did so without complaint, the feeling of your soft, warm hands under his exteriors heating him up from the inside. Of course, you’d never know that unless you kept poking and prodding. 
“Ok so compared to me, and well, other humans I’m sure your overall body parts are called different things. So let’s start from top to bottom, yeah?” You suggest, eager to learn. 
Mirage kneels in front of you, giving you an opportunity to see better. You’re much smaller than him, but he could tell when you stood next to Noah you were definitely average human height. Small to him but normal to everyone else. 
“Alright I hope you’re ready cause there’s a LOT.” He explains, clearing his throat as you move closer to his face just to see better, he blinks a bit, getting used to the feeling.
You smile slyly, placing your hand under his chin to  guide his face, 
“Let’s start with your face. Stick out your…tongue?” 
He opens his mouth and lets the ‘flesh’ inside lol out before speaking 
“Gloth-ah” he announces and you tilt your head in confusion, only for him to repeat.
You nod prodding at what you soon learned was his helm and face plates. You brush over his vocalizer for a moment and he hums, high-pitched enough to be a moan but not loud enough for either of you to acknowledge it. You know what you heard though.
“Whoa- lets not touch that alright ma?” He asks. 
Soon enough your trailing downward and when you do he announces each part for you to make a note of. This is the quietest he’s been since earlier today. He lets you work, touch, poke, pull, and press whatever you'd wanted. It’s not like it hurt really, but he’s never had something smaller than him want to examine at such close range and actually touch places he’d never been able to. In fact, it was kind of nice-
He yelps when you slide your hand down his chest plate and even farther under his chassis. You pull away, startled at the noise with wide eyes. 
“OK, that’s enough exploring don’t you think?” The statement is rushed and you side-eye him when what sounded like cooling fans whirred from inside.
Had you gotten him worked up? Maybe those were sensitive spots that had never really been touched like that before? You nod, not wanting to pry and ruin this newfound friendship by being a perv. You collect the papers and paperclip them together as he begins to wind down. It's about 6am now, and the sun peeks in through the garage windows. Your dad should be awake about now and- 
You gasp pushing Mirage back into the space he was originally parked in last night(even though he didn’t budge). Your dad couldn’t know about this! AT ALL! Knowing him he'd stress out and then his pressure would get too high and he’d have a heart attack and-
“Whoa hey, what the rush, mamas? Got something to hide?” Mirage questions, figuring out why you were trying to get him back into a corner. 
Was he being clueless on purpose?!
“YES, YOU! Now go back to being a car! My dad can't know about you, it might just be the death of him.” You huff out, gripping your scalp and pacing back and forth. He gets the idea, chuckling a bit before right back to that beat-up Porsche.
You sneak out the garage, tiptoeing up the stairs and into your room. And the moment your head hit the pillow, not even a tornado could wake you. 
You'd be lying if you said you didn't sleep the rest of the day away. By the time you woke up it was already 3-4pm and sounded like your father was cleaning up the kitchen. You sigh, running yourself a shower considering you didn't get one the night before. Mirage was still in the garage as far as you knew and you were hellbent on getting the rest of those notes.
You step in, the water feeling soothing against your skin, steam filling up the bathroom as you sigh in relief. Thoughts of your apartment fill your head. 
‘Maybe Mirage could help with the unpacking? Or maybe not. He could be spotted and then that’s more problems for us. Mirage…..Miraaaaageee….’
Your turn to face the water, soaping up your towel as suds slide down the drain. 
‘I wonder if a car wash is the equivalent of a shower for him….does he stay a car or like…fully transformed….does he have a-‘ 
Shutting the water off you opt to pull your hair back today since youd being doing more exploring. The steam from the bathroom escapes when youleave and pad downstairs, catching a glimpse at the note you father let you on the kitchen counter
~Working late, leftovers in the fridge~
You smile to yourself, grabbing a bottle of water to try and beat the obvious heat outside and head to the garage. Sure enough, the Porsche is right where you left it. Mirage is right where you'd left him, and when you tap on the window, the doors unlock almost instantly. You flatten the back of your blue jean skirt and adjust the seat. Awfully quiet today?
“Well good afternoon to you too sunshine? You realize it’s almost 5 right?.” You joke, hearing him rev his engine and the radio humming to life with the sound of his voice. 
“You had me up all night! Looking this good doesn’t happen on its own! But how tired can I be when a pretty girl in a miniskirt‘s got her thighs on my seat?” He shoots back, making you gasp. 
“Drive you flirt, I got more notes to take. Wanna go to that garage you took me to yesterday?” You ask, using the garage clicker to leave. 
It was hot, the sun beating down on you as Mirage insisted you keep the windows down instead of running the ac. The streets were somewhat empty on this fine Sunday morning and Mirage’s only response was to drive in what you assumed was the direction to the garage. You fidget with the radio nobs and glance at the aux cord below the cd player. Maybe he did have CDs in here? You open the armrest to find nothing but-
It was easy to be nosy and explore when Mirage could drive himself, youd put that together on your own last night. There was so little you knew about him but his demeanor overall made you feel comfortable enough to ask. He was…charming. You pull the blank CD case out the armrest, and dust it off. 
“MIrage’s Mix (from-)”
The name was scratched off, well more smudged than anything. You crack the case open and slide the CD into the player, the wait for the music to start making you a bit nervous. Had he realized you'd put it in? Was it personal? You begin to regret your decision but before you could press the eject button, it began. N.W.A. blasted from the speakers, startling you for a moment but you're soon amused.  What did he know about N.W.A?
It doesn't take much longer for you to arrive at the garage, most of the lot being empty while the two of you enter to complete more of your research. You set your purse down, taking the papers from yesterday out and trying to organize them as he peers over your shoulder.
“Still think you drew me sexy-”
You scoff playfully and push him a bit, not moving him in the slightest but still, but he still finds it amusing. 
“Stop it, I need you to sit so I can finish. You got all squeamish on my last night.” You tease, sliding your hand down the back of his ‘leg’ and he freezes.
He kneels back down, watching your every move. Your fingers hover over his vocalizer, the warning from yesterday replaying in your mind. Right, don't touch. You skip his chest plate and chassis, watching his expression slightly change to disappointment for what seemed like only a second. Again, he announces each part of himself, the air slightly awkward and VERY quiet. Maybe now was the time to try and strike up some more conversation.
“Soooo, where are you really from?” You ask, writing down each part you trace over when he speaks. 
“Cybertron actually. Not in your solar system lil mama.” He flirts, turning his palms slightly open when you tap them. 
"Never been?" He jokes again, admiring how small your hand looked compare to his.
'Careful Mirage your size kink is showing' he thinks to himself, avoiding your gaze.
You shake your head in response, looking at the details of his hands, moving back to his torso, purposefully skipping over the plated area between his thighs. Boundaries were definitely not something you wanted to cross, trying not to make him uncomfortable. I mean, he was willingly letting you poke around, and he clears his throat when you skip that spot.
“You, you can look if you want. And touch…ask questions. It's all good babygirl.” He offers, almost melting when you look up from under your lashes at him.
 He could practically feel his pump about to explode. Why did Earth girls look so damn pretty? Mirage couldn't wrap his head around it honestly, the feeling he got when he passes a pretty girl when Noah would take him for drives. How they would gasp if he revved loud enough to embarrass Noah a bit but also score him a couple numbers.
Talk about a damn good wingman. You were different though.
You were a softer kind of pretty…He'd seen you come into the garage so many times before you really met. The day your dad parked him in that spot, he watched you skip in with your little low-rise jeans, the piercing you sported shining in the sunlight. 
You hugged your dad, eyes lighitn up at the new car with a gasp. 
“A Porsche! Dad oh my gosh really?” You ask, seeing him nod. You squealed more, inspecting his paint job, it was just as beat up then as it was before you officially met. 
You chatted on and on about how ‘cute’ he’d look when you finally got to paint him a nice shade of hot pink and added your glitter seat covers. Not so exciting for him considering pink wasn't particularly his favorite but god did you look adorable when you were excited. 
And there was that same look. Pure, unbridled excitement, yet your eyes shone almost darker this time. That look is almost salacious. It makes him swallow hard, legs opening a bit more and you brush your hand over his thighs, sparing one more glance as if to ask, ‘Are you sure?’ He only nods. 
“Mirage, you gonna keep telling me what everything is, or am I to assume on my own?” You question, tracing the skirt plate.
Ita hard to speak, his fans feelijg as if they were working overtime to keep him from overheating. Primus you looked so pretty between him and now he was wondering how would you look riding his-
You stop touching, whistling to get his attention. Damn, he kinda liked that.
“ ‘Rag, we good?” You questions and he swallows hard at his new nickname.
Where did all that slick talk go now? 
“Yeah, y-yeah we’re good ma.” He responds finally, optics low when your light chuckle reaches his ears. 
You slide your hands up and down his midsection plating, teasing at this point. How was he supposed to focus on helping you learn when you touch under his plates like that? When your fingers slide over his thighs and over the skirt plate over and over, the pace only makes him want to thrust into your touch.
He felt perverted sort of, getting off on you exploring him in the name of science. That was such bullshit. He looks down at you, watching you pinch your lip between your teeth. Oh….you liked this. Your thighs pressed together as your tongue darts out to lick your lips. 
You look up at him again, smile mischievous. And before he could ask any questions you slid you hand right back to his chassis and vocalizer. Oh that was a moan without a doubt. You hum in satisfaction, you’re practically playing with him, his body. It wasn’t helping that he hadn’t been touched like this in so long either p.
“Wanna tell me what happens if I keep touching you like this?” You purr, seeing Mirage avoid eye contact. 
“C’mon ma, don’t mess with me like this.” He breathes out, hollow.
You stop your ministries after hearing tires and revving come to a halt. With footsteps approaching you stand quickly, Mirage doing the same. He crosses his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall as if he’d been caught while you shove the papers into your bag and swallow hard. You’d never moved so fast in your life.
Noah enters, feeling as if he’s just interrupted something but panicking once he realizes the predicament you were about ot be in. Why were you two here? Did Mirage even think this through? Probably not.  He glances back at the other 3 bots behind him, trying to find a quick solution to hide you. But, before he could get any sort of plan out, three other robots similar to Mirage walked in, and one of them, was not at all pleased. 
“Primeee, i had no idea youd be back so soon!”
Lemme know waht yall think in the comments lmao and let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist as well!
Mini Taglist: @gniteruirui @veggiepizzababy panty-h03
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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Okaaay I had to do one more prompt for @oneforthemunny summer writing game because this idea came to me then she gave me an idea to make it even better and this was born!
🃏 Wild card- Rockstar!Eddie comes to visit NepoBaby!Reader while she’s on vacation in Nantucket, they go out on her dads boat and things get spicyyyy and then maybe just a litttleee sweet afterwards.
Contains: spanking, choking, dom/sub dynamics, degradation, unprotected sex, they make a sex tape y’allll. Lmk if I missed any!!
A/N: I put my whole pussy into this, I did RESEARCH on Nantucket lol and ngl I was actually really nervous writing this one, I feel like while still being a reader insert Nepo baby has so much personality and is more of a character of her own I was pretty intimidated, I hope I did them Justice! Also low key got this idea because of Pam and Tommy and I feel like this is 1000% something they would do lol
You and Farrah had been in Nantucket for two weeks now, staying in the house your dad owned at the cliffside beach club. It was nice, the house was two stories and had two king sized ensuites, a nice kitchen, living room and extra guest room upstairs. There were an abundance of large windows giving amazing views, and a deck out back that led down to a private beach. You were having a lot of fun, going to the spa in the club, having evening drinks at the bar there. Town was only a mile away and you had spent some time checking out the restaurants and nice boutiques there.
It was all great, but there was something missing, something you didn’t want to admit to anyone let alone yourself. Before you left you told Eddie where you were staying and let him know he was welcome to come if he felt like it. You were kind of regretting that now because you offered a hand to him and he hadn’t even bothered to call or confirm if he was coming or not. You tried to convince yourself you didn’t really care if he came or not, but it felt like something shifted the last time you saw him, and as hard as you try your mind keeps wandering back to him.
You were sitting out on the back deck having a smoke and enjoying the nice view of the beach, just enjoying a moment of silence while Farrah was still sound asleep in her room. You didn’t have much planned for the daytime today which honestly was nice, you figured you would lounge around the house and then go check out that club downtown you and her had been talking about going to. Maybe you could flirt with some cute surfer boy or something to get your mind off Eddie. But as if on cue, you heard banging on the front door.
You were a little confused because you hadn’t been expecting anyone, and if it was someone who worked at the club they wouldn’t be knocking like the fucking cops. You got up from your chair after stubbing out your cigarette, when you were walking through the house they knocked again, louder this time. Farrah came out of her room looking groggy and half asleep “who the FUCK is knocking like that!?” You didn’t respond, just walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. To say you were surprised by who you saw standing on the porch was an understatement.
You ripped the door open “Jesus fucking Christ, did you seriously have to BANG on the door?” You rolled your eyes and scoffed. “Well, I’m happy to see you too Princess” As if you manifested him by trying to get your mind OFF him there was Eddie, Gareth standing next to him. Before you had a chance to say something snarky back Farrah came up behind you “OH MY GOD!! Gareth!? What are you doing here!?” She lunged herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a peck on his lips before dragging him inside. “How come I don’t get a greeting like that, huh? I thought we were making progress but apparently you still need an attitude adjustment.” He grabbed your jaw in his hand, smushing your lips together and giving you that stupid smug look he gets.
You couldn’t help it, you rolled your eyes at him and pushed his hand away “I just wasn’t expecting you is all, I figured you would CALL, not just show up unannounced.” He stepped closer to you, getting in your face and wrapping his hand around your neck “I wanted to fucking surprise you but if you’re going to be a fucking brat the entire time I can leave right now.” He squeezed your neck a little tighter “Now, are you going to be a good girl or not?” You felt your resolve crumble, you couldn’t resist his dominance as much as you wanted to pretend you weren’t happy he was here you would rather admit it than have him leave “I-I’ll be good, I promise” you looked at him with those big round eyes, that look on your face when you submit to him driving him crazy. “Good, that’s what I like to hear.” He surprised you by placing a quick kiss on your lips before releasing your neck and pushing past you to get inside.
He took a look around the place before saying “You gonna give me the tour of daddy’s fancy beach house princess? Show me where our bed is?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and you had to physically hold back the eye roll at how much of a dork he could be when he wasn’t being a giant fucking asshole “OUR bed? Who said you were sleeping with me? There’s another room upstairs, you can sleep there.”
“Yeeeahh okaaay whatever you say, guess since I have my own room I can go find some cute tourist or small town beach babe that wants to spend the night with a rockstar” you hated that it made you jealous to hear him say that, but he came here for YOU and you were not sharing him on this trip. “FINE, my room is down the hall on the left” you crossed your arms and looked away from him, not wanting to see his face when he knew he won. He put his hand on your cheek much more tender than you would expect from him to get you to look at him “that’s what I thought, I knew that would work.” He patted your cheek and winked at you before turning down the hall to your room.
You walked into your room to see his bags on the ground and him starfished in the large king size bed. He turned to his side when he saw you walk in, resting his hand on his palm “Sooo, how’s your trip been so far?” He smiled at you, and fuck you hated how cute he looked in your bed with that dumb smile on his face. “It’s been really nice actually. We have checked out some of the restaurants and shops in town, other than that we’ve mostly been relaxing. We were thinking about checking out the club tonight though.” You came and sat down on the bed next to him, crossing your legs. “How have you been?” It felt weird, just asking each other how you were doing but at the same time it kinda was nice. “I’m fine, I didn’t really do much the last few weeks. Worked on some music and hung with the guys mostly. I thought about coming sooner but I figured you guys might want some girl time.” Hearing that warmed your heart a little, he thought about coming to see you sooner but was considerate enough to give you time with your friend. It was kind of sweet.
“Yeah, we’ve had a good time so far… I’m glad you came though, gotta give you that Nantucket summer experience like I said I would.” You couldn’t look him in the eyes when you said it, you weren’t really sure if the heart to heart you had last time you saw him meant anything to him or if it was just a momentary crack in both your walls but you decided to be the one to test the waters first “Yeah? You’re glad I came? Did you miss me baby?” His tone was only slightly taunting when he said it so you took a chance to look up into his eyes and when you did it wasn’t what you were expecting, he was smiling at you, with the tiniest hint of a twinkle in his eyes underneath the usual smugness.
“Don’t let it go to your head Munson, maybe I just wanted some dick and none of the guys here are cute.” “You missed me because no one can fuck you like I can, which basically means you missed me with extra steps.” He pushed your hair off your shoulder, running his hand down your arm and tracing little circles on the back of your hand, sending shivers through your body at the out of character gentle gesture. “it’s okay if you missed me, you can admit it, I kinda missed you too. Plus you promised me a rich girl summer vacation and I’m going to fuck you on every surface of daddy’s beach house” that had you clenching your thighs and biting your lip. “We should definitely do that, but for now I have a better idea. Do you know how to drive a boat?”
That’s how you ended up where you are now, your dad’s boat parked off to the side of a cliff far out of view, straddling Eddie on the seat in the back, your bikini top pushed to the sides so your tits were out, grinding down on him with only the material of your swimsuits between you. “Look at my little slut grinding on my cock so desperately, it’s kinda pathetic, I’ve barely even touched you and you’re already fucked out.” You wanted to argue with him, tell him to fuck off, but he wasn’t wrong, you were desperate for him. He looked so hot with his shirt off, skin shiny and slick with sweat and sunscreen, even the stupid black skull print swim trunks he was wearing were doing it for you.
He suddenly gripped your hips hard enough to get you to stop moving and tapped the side of your thigh “Up. I have a surprise for you, before this goes any further I wanna get it.” You huffed and slid off him with a groan, crossing your arms and looking up at him with an annoyed look. “I just told you I had a surprise for you and you’re giving me a fucking attitude? Seriously? What happened to being my good girl on this trip? Stay. I’ll be right back.” He turned around and walked into the little room that was under the deck, when he came back he had a devious look on his face and was proudly holding a video camera in his hands.
“Eddie, if that’s what I think it’s for I’m NOT doing it. You don’t deserve to have unlimited spank bank material of me.” He walked over to you and bent down so his face was level with yours “Don’t act like the idea of me jerking off to our sex tape in the back of the bus on tour doesn’t turn you on.” Fuck. You didn’t even take the time to picture it but you definitely were now and he could see it in your eyes. “Fuck. Fine.” He stepped back from you and rocked back and forth on his heels “Mmm I guess you don’t want to then, nevermind.” He turned to walk away and you let out a frustrated sigh “God damn it. Okay, yes, I want to make a sex tape with you.” He walked back over to you and grabbed your throat, not really squeezing yet just sending a message “Not good enough, I guess you don’t really want to.” He shrugged.
“Okay I’m sorry! Please! Please make a sex tape with me Sir, it would be so hot, I want it.” He smiled down at you and released your neck.
“That’s what I thought. Turn around and bend over.” You did as he said, leaning over the bench seat with your ass in the air. You heard the beep of the camera as he started to record and felt chills run down your body. You shouldn’t want to be doing this with HIM, but god there’s no one else in the world you’d do this with and you hated it. You felt his hand come down on your head, gliding down your body until he reached the hem of your bikini bottoms “mmm look at you, I’m going to fucking ruin you” he said before he ripped your bottoms down to your knees and delivered harsh slaps to both your ass cheeks in the same moment. “I think you deserve a little punishment for how you greeted me earlier, what do you think?” You turned your head back to look at him “I think I was just surprised to see you and you’re being dramatic that I didn’t drop to my knees on the porch in front of you the second I saw you.”
He turned the camera off and set it next to you, grabbing your hair at the base of your neck and yanking it so your head was tilted up towards him “I thought you were going to be a good little slut for me? I don’t want you being sassy on my sex tape, get yourself in line or we are done. I’ll drive this boat back to the dock right now.” You whimpered and clenched your thighs together. “fuck! Okay, okay, I’m sorry I’ll be good. I swear I really will this time, sir.” He released your hair, pushing your upper half down so you were bent over again before he grabbed the camera. “I’m going to start recording again, this is your last warning, be good or I’m stopping everything. I’m serious.” You whimpered “Okay, okay, I’ll be good”
“That’s what I thought.” You heard him turn the camera back on before you felt his hand running down your back “Now, here’s what’s going to happen… I’m going to punish you for being a fucking brat and if you take it like the good girl I know you CAN be I’ll make you cum as many times as I see fit. How’s 15 sound?” He grabbed one of your ass cheeks and squeezed it tightly, jiggling it around “T-that sounds fine, however many you think I deserve, sir.”
“Okay, count.” His hand came down on your ass cheek hard, sending you jolting forward. “One.” Two even harder smacks came down on one cheek and you counted them both. Your sensitive exposed nipples rubbed against the seat in a painfully delicious way with each strike, adding to the pleasure. His hand came down over and over, smacking harder each time and you counted every single one. “How many is that, princess? Or are you too dumb to keep count?”
“T-twelve, it’s twelve” you were barely able to talk at this point, only able to keep count because you knew at the end of this you would get to cum. “Good fucking girl, only three more.” The next one was the hardest one yet, your ass raw and red at this point “T-thirteen” another on the same cheek just as hard had tears falling from the corners of your eyes “Fourteen!!” He brought his hand down on your abused ass a final time “FIFTEEN!!” You moaned loud and long, letting your tense body relax as you took a deep breath.
He rubbed your raw cheeks with his hand that wasn’t holding the camera and bent down to place a kiss on each one “Good girl. Turn around.” You did as you were told, carefully sitting down on your raw ass as you looked up at him. He looked fucking edible, looking down at you like you were his prey. One hand running over the very obvious bulge in his trunks, the other holding the camera you nearly forgot about. His hand not holding the camera came to hold your face, running his thumb across your bottom lip. You looked up at him through your lashes and took his digit in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it. “Fuuuck, I want your mouth on me baby.” You didn’t even respond, just reached for the tie on his swim shorts and started pulling them down.
His cock sprang free, hard and leaking. The seat was the perfect height, his cock level with your face. You pushed yourself up on your knees and flicked your tongue out, tasting his precum. You wrapped your hand around his base before taking the head in your mouth and treating it the same as you had his thumb a moment ago. When you looked up at him, he was looking down at you, pointing the camera at your face. “God damn, you look so fucking sexy sucking my cock. I’m gonna keep this video for fucking ever Jesus Christ.” He thrusted forward, causing you to gag a little. You pulled off of him to catch your breath for a moment before smirking up at him and taking all of him in your mouth at once, pulling all the way off and repeating the action. “Fuck my face, use me” he let out a growl before putting his hand on the back of your head and thrusting his cock deep into your throat.
You were gagging and drooling around him, your spit dripping down your chin and onto his balls. “Holy fucking shit, your mouth is so fucking good” he thrust a few more times before pulling you off by your hair. “Okay if you don’t stop I’m gonna cum down your throat and I really want to cum in that tight little pussy instead.” You were so desperate for him to touch you at this point you ripped your bikini the rest of the way off and laid back on the bench, spreading your legs for him. He groaned at the sight, your pussy was slick, your thighs sticky. He stood over you, pointing the camera at your naked body. Running his hand up your calf, to your thigh, until he finally reached where you wanted him most. “Look how fucking wet you are for me” he ran a finger through your folds gathering your slick before circling around your aching clit, causing you to moan in relief.
He suddenly shoved two fingers knuckle deep inside you and started fucking you with them hard and fast “OH FUCK! Oh my god, yes. That feels so fucking good.” He brought his thumb to your clit while he continued to move his fingers in and out of you. You were so sensitive from his teasing you already felt your orgasm building. “You’re gonna cum ALREADY? I can feel your little pussy tightening around my fingers.” You whimpered in response, moving your hips to meet his fingers each time they thrusted into you. “Y-yes gonna c-cum gonna cum” you babbled out before your orgasm came crashing down on you. You writhed and twitched against Eddie’s hand while he fucked you through it. He pulled his fingers from you and brought them to his mouth, rolling his eyes back and moaning at the taste.
“God, you taste so fucking good. I need more. Take this.” He pushed the camera into your hands before pulling you by your legs into a sitting position and kneeling between them. You turned the camera toward him, truly understanding how hot this was now that you were the one recording him. He looked up at you while he licked along your slit, circling your clit with this tongue before sucking it into his mouth. “Oh my godddd” you moaned and threw your head back, the hand not holding the camera shooting down the grab onto his hair. You felt his fingers circling your entrance before he pushed them inside you. He sucked your clit and pumped his fingers in and out of you pushing you close to the edge again already. You pulled on his hair harder, causing him to groan into your pussy and that was it, you came hard, rocking your hips against his face. “Oh god, oh fuck, your mouth is so good fuck” he pulled away once he was sure you were done cumming and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
He took the camera from you and turned it towards you again, running his hand down your cheek and squeezing your lips together, tipping your head from side to side. You looked up at him with glassy eyes, feeling hazy but still so desperate for him. “I guess you can be a good girl after all. Bend back over, I want to record my cock going in and out of that tight little pussy from behind.” You eagerly flipped over, arching your back so your ass was as far in the air as it could go, wiggling your hips for him. You felt him come up behind you, running his big hard cock through your folds before thrusting into you in one motion. You were so wet, so ready for him, he was hardly met with any resistance.
He started pounding into you hard and fast, a bruising grip on your hip with one hand, still recording with the other. “Fuck, you’re always so wet and tight for me. I love this fucking pussy. Tell me how much you love my cock.” You let out a pornographic moan “oh god I love it so much, I love your big cock splitting me open” your words were slurred and drool was dripping onto the bench where you were holding on for dear life. He brought his hand around to rub your clit while he kept pounding into you relentlessly. You came again, suddenly and harder than the last two. Your arms falling forward in front of you while you twitched and moaned completely at his mercy.
He pulled out of you suddenly “lay down, let me record that pretty face while I make you cum one more time” you rolled over on your back and he kneeled on the seat between your legs, pointing the camera at you. He grabbed each of your tits with his free hand “perfect fucking tits.” He ran his hand down your stomach, caressing down your thighs. “Perfect.” Was all he said before he took his cock in his hand and slammed back into you, shoving his cock deep inside you before pulling it back out slowly and starting at a brutal pace again. His hand came down on your throat and squeezed, causing your eyes to roll back. “F-fuck!” You squeaked out “I don’t know- if I can- cum again” he brought his hand down on your clit again, rubbing it in time with his thrusts. “Yes you fucking can, and you will. Cum with me.” His thrusts were starting to get erratic and you could tell he was close. He thrusted into you once, twice, three more times before he was spilling inside you, head thrown back, filling you up while he still rubbed your clit. The feeling combined with how sexy he looked while he came had you cumming right after him.
He fucked you through it, pointing the camera at your face to capture your cumming, before pulling out, his cum dripping out of you onto the seat. He stood up and pointed the camera at your pussy “Look at that, so messy… can’t let that go to waste, can we princess?” He gathered the cum on his fingers before shoving it back inside your overly sensitive pussy causing you to let out a whimper. He stopped the camera after that. “Wow. That was so fucking hot.” You let out a breathy chuckle and pushed yourself up with your shaky hands “I toldddd you that it would be! And you didn’t want to do it.” He looked down at you and couldn’t help but think you looked beautiful. The sun was shining down on your skin, glistening with sweat and your eyes glistened over in a subby post orgasm haze. He couldn’t help it, he bent down and kissed you, soft and sweet.
He reached out to you “come on, let’s go get you cleaned up.” You took his hand and let him lead you to the small bathroom that was connected to the bedroom under the boat. There wasn’t a shower but he wet a washcloth and wiped gently between your legs, across your chest, and down your arms. You let out soft sighs and hums at the feeling of him being so gentle with you after he was so rough. “You look sleepy.” He chuckled at you. “Mmm.. I am, could we nap here for a bit before we head back you think?” You felt like you were about to collapse so instead of waiting for him to answer you walked over to the bed and threw yourself on it. He came over and laid next to you, still completely naked, turning on his side to look at you. “Yeah princess, we can nap here a bit. Come here.” He held his arm out to you and let you rest your head on his chest. You hummed with content and nuzzled into his neck.
“Hey… I wanted to ask you something.” He said after a second. “Hmm? What’s up?” You said sleepily while you traced gentle little patterns into his chest with your index finger. “I know you said you and Farrah had plans to check out that club tonight but I was wondering if we could get dinner instead? We always go to clubs at home. I thought it might be nice.”
“Yeah? That sounds nice. I’ll talk to Farrah, we’ve done dinners and stuff a lot and you know how she is, you can take the girl out of LA but you can’t take the club out of the girl.” He chuckled at that “I definitely agree with you there… but I was thinking… just you and me could have dinner?”
That took you by surprise, you tilted your head and rested your chin on his chest so you could look up at him, expecting to see a smug look on his face, or some sort of sign he was joking. But he looked.. almost nervous? You hadn’t really ever seen that look on his face. “Just you and me? Like a… date?” You raised your eyebrow at him, trying not to sound too excited in case he was fucking with you. He brought his hand to cup your cheek and smiled a lopsided smile at you. “Yeah baby, like a date. If you want. If not that’s cool, we can just go to the club like you planned.” You suddenly felt the need to reassure him so you put your hand over his and smiled softly at him, it felt odd, being soft with him like this. Not bad, just new and different, maybe a little scary. “I’d actually really like that Eds. That sounds nice.” You pushed yourself up to place a quick peck on his lips that he returned happily. “Then we can go watch this tape we just made and fuck with it in the background” he smirked at you and you scoffed “You just HAD to ruin the moment, didn’t you?” He just shrugged and pulled you in for another kiss.
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ae-neon · 3 months
Wait, rhys can forgive nesta because "illyrian at heart". I did some logic:
Rhys forgive Elain = Elain has no illyrian heart
Rhys couldnt forgive Nesta = Nesta has illyrian heart.
So does that mean
Rhys dislike illyrian = Rhys dislike Nesta = Rhus couldn't forgive Nesta = Nesta has illyrian Heart
He dislike illyrian when he, himself half illyrian? Not surprising but it make me thing Rhys is a High-Fae-boo (idk inspiration from try hard people wanting to be korea = koreaboo)
P/s: Please, any mathematics major, let me know if my logic is wrong
In a way yes, they all are because despite how cool and exotic sjm wants us to see the bat bitches being ⚔️ ILLYRIAN ✨ as, those benefits are exclusive to TheGoodOnes™
They get to be deadly warriors and have special clothes and sooo many siphons and huge dicks wings and they get to be ambiguously poc for white women to feel spicyyyy about
But only them and only those superficial things.
Despite being characterised by their less fortunate years, Rhys became HL at 30 and brought up Cassian and Azriel to be his overpaid helpers immediately.
That means (Amarantha years excluded) they have been the richest and most powerful people in their court for more than 400 of the 500 they have been alive
The reality of being "lesser Fae" or lower class/ bastards/ poor/ being part of a culture that glorifies war and harms it's ppl, has not really played as big a part in their lives as what sjm insists
They don't live in it, they don't deal with it, in fact, they benefit from it
They are free to not just feel their internalised racism, but allowed to physically, emotionally and mentally set themselves apart. Above.
And they spread it to their non-illyrian "family"
These men and the women they teach to mistrust and fear and hate Illyrians are the government, they have and will continue to have influence over the lives of the Illyrian ppl as a whole for CENTURIES if not FOREVER
Feyre, the High Lady, is taught to think of those people (almost third of the population, a racial minority and the poorest + most underprivileged people in the whole court) as savage brutes when the only Illyrians she personally knows are Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel themselves. She should at least love some Illyrians and their culture since appropriating it was such a big part of her healing and growth
But instead of frustration and sorrow spurring her into action to help raise Illyrian women from their oppression/ helping set up a more standardised living conditions for non-nobles/ even meeting the nobles to learn their culture and begin to find some way forward - she sighs, curses them as proud savage brutes and carries on flying around velaris in her culture vulture wings
I don't think sjm was really going for anything other than a vague "Nesta is nasty and tough, she'll be fine, I just don't like her" when she made Rhys say that but god does it reek
I don't think Nesta should be celebrated as Illyrian, even in a "good" way. She's not Illyrian. Her very nature is ominous to their culture and we should respect that. (I love Nesta but at the end of the day she is an extremely powerful high Fae who is sister to the HL, and a white woman, she won't die just because they call her a witch)
Part of this is why I wanted Cassian (who despite his problematic attitude and position, is the closest culturally to Illyria) to end up with an Illyrian woman. Centring a brown Illyrian woman as a love interest would be the closest this garbage series would ever get to acknowledging those women as important people and not just plot devices.
So, really the statement "Nesta is Illyrian at heart" or whatever he said, is like everything else surrounding the Illyrians: lazy and not well thought through, and just racist.
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eliteseven · 5 months
How about a little more angst? What if the Sharran assassins kidnap Tav and torture her demanding to know where Shadowheart is, all the while Shadowheart is worried sick because she hasn’t heard from or seen Tav for some time
Oof. I like how Tav always takes the collateral in these scenarios lol 😭
I think she’d be well and truly unhinged 🙂 it would be a neat study of her character to see how quickly she’d revert back to her old ways, to get Tav back. What would she be willing to do? How far would she go? The armor is coming out of the display, her spear is taken from the wall hanger, she tells her parents to take care of the animals…and then she goes dark.
I think Tav is her anchor and part of why she believed she was worthy of a second chance, a new goddess, a new life. It’s not that she can’t be these things without Tav- I don’t think she wants to. But she’ll do anything to get Tav back. Would honestly be a fun read tbh. She’s calling on all her experience and Sharran training to strike back at them. Evil/DJ Shadowheart until she sees/touches her wife again. Spicyyyy
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mycatisatool · 9 days
People you want to get to know better
i've been tagged in this by the lovely @valentinaonthemoon (i think you might've tagged me in one of these 1000 years ago. i'm so sorry if you did - it clearly escaped me) thank you!! <3
last song: NISSAN ALTIMA by doechii (bangerrrr)
favourite colour: emerald green. i may be basic but i have good taste
last film / show: Ancient Apocolypse (again) cause an archaeologist i like on youtube has a series tearing it to shreds so ofc i gotta study the material before i watch it
sweet / savoury / spicy: spicyyyy - my sweet tooth is nonexistent and savoury food makes me sad :(
last thing i googled: book publishing agents! theyre all in london though and i am decidedly Not
last book: i literally just finished The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern last night and frankly im going a little feral over it
relationship status: lmao
current obsession(s): ..... my own ocs. BUT in my defence, in line with my last google search, i am tryna make my ocs everyone else's problem and i can only do that by being the ultimate blorbo lover. that and terraria. i am playing that game so much atm and i do not know why
tagging: @celeluwhenfics @18nth @surplus-of-sarcasm (as always, no pressure!)
thanks again for tagging me! always love reading these from everyone :D
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
been thinking about the omegaverse ask from a while back about Dream coming back and finding the world was infected somehow and now everyone's an alpha, beta, or omega.
so. that, except it happens after he's come back.
option 1: people are able to really dream again and a bunch of fandom people dream about it, making it come true. incredibly funny. annoying but hilarious, 10/10 would dream it again.
option 2: some spell goes wrong and accidentally curses the entire human population, similar to the previous ask. it's both slow and sudden, people feeling changed but not knowing what the fuck is going on. it's chaos.
Dream comes to visit Hob and realizes something's wrong. but before he can ask, Hob goes into heat for the first time after smelling Dream and is very distressed.
all he can think about right then is sex with Dream and Dream only, and for some reason being bitten? and babies? and something that scientists have been calling a knot.
he's whimpering, crying, in distress and honestly feeling kinda gross from the sudden slick - and Dream will of course do whatever he can to help him <3
(bonus points if Hob's never been fucked in the ass before lol - first cock and first knot? he's so lucky to have Dream as his first <3 <3 <3)
Oh I love this. Obviously it's terrible for Hob but it's so spicy spicyyyy.
Maybe we can add a little public sex into the mix, too. Because ever since the omegaverse pandemic happened, public indecency rules have gotten pretty slack. If an omega goes into heat it is perfectly acceptable for them to be fucked in public (as long as they can give some kind of consent).
But honestly, consent is the last thing from Hob’s mind. He just wants something inside his arse, which is... insanely weird for him. He's never wanted that before. He's fucked men but he's always been on top, no exceptions. Now his hole is oozing and loose like a cunt and all he wants is a cock inside him. He wants Dream to cum inside him until his seed catches and makes Hob undeniably pregnant. He wants all of this - but he's also horrified and confused and crying.
Someone tells Dream that he'd better hurry up and put Hob out of his misery before someone else comes along. And Dream snarls like a wild beast, covering Hob with his body and slinging him across the table right there in the middle of the pub. The other patrons just kind of shrug and get on with their lives.
Hob howls out the most broken, relieved noise when Dream fucks into him without any hesitation. He grips onto the table, clawing at the wood while Dream pounds him good and deep. His hole tries to suck Dream’s cock even deeper, clenching until the tightness is almost too much. Dream whispers to him the whole time and tells him that he's such a natural cockslut! Such a good omega, he's going to take Dream’s knot so beautifully.
And he does, of course. The second Dream knots him he slips into a massive orgasm of his own which seems to go on and on - he just can't stop coming. And all the while his hole is being filled with Dream’s own potent cum. His brain buzzes with dopamine and his body feels utterly content, like he's finally complete.
He passes out on Dream’s knot, poor little omega. When he finally comes to hours later its to Dream’s mouth between his legs. He gets to scream his orgasm even louder in the privacy of his own flat <333 and bless him, Dream has even waited for permission to bite him.
Spoiler alert - he says yes. You can bet he's going to be the best damned omega this weird fanfiction universe has ever seen <3
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drippingmoon · 8 months
Get Reacquainted
Thankee both for my new song obsession (home to me) and the tag, @blind-the-winds🥰❤ been a while since I've done one of these, let's-a-gooo
Last song: Dreamcatcher, a multi-Halo medley. Not exactly the vibes I was getting from the OSTs, aka tight corridors and death chasing you down them, but I'll admit sleeping grunts are hella cute<3
Favorite color: grey, and I got on Sunday a grey sweater that makes me very happy
Currently watching: technically Aliens, which is a rewatch, so I absolutely wanna put Interstellar here because new favorite movie ever, been sleeping on it forever, and there's something about the music, the Endurance spinning, and done fucking up on the water hell planet because of gravity that made me feel as if I wasn't in the room anymore and?? Gods that movie. Tapped right into my space brainrot. How they explain wormholes. Gargantua??? I've rarely felt so seen as with this movie😭👌💞
Currently reading: about to start The Science of Interstellar and I'm super hyped about it because, hint hint, it's gotten me so soft about black holes again I have to get my hands on everything. Making research a pleasure☺🤩
Spicy, sweet, or savory: spicyyyy, rawr
Last thing I searched online: a lot of fact-checking for the thingie I'm translating, Veracruz being the focus, and a lot more info on dental works than I ever wanted to know tbh
Last thing I searched for writing purposes: organic weaponry, uhmm, uh, nothing to see here. Nothing at all:D I'm also disappointed about the general lack of answers, and I refuse to believe nobody's ever went down some particularly wacky rabbit holes
Current obsession: all of the above, these paprika chips I haven't had in ages, @sleepyowlwrites 's Mike and Harvey because hell yeah top tier hurt and comfort and giving me brainrot about some guys I've never even seen on a screen, but that's Sleepy magic; and I've also had the most exceptional time reading @sleepy-night-child 's Feather duology, whiiiich I'd been losing my mind over for years, and reading it in full? From cover to cover? Dream come true, and they're forever my soft babies with their sweetness and their constant honey mooning and making me laugh loads💙💜 and, it also meant I did not want to finish the books. Which is happening for a second time right now because😭 I'm about to finish rereading AoS. So absolutely and definitely Madigan and Spica, those guys have my whole heart😭❤ we finally also got Madigan to tell him he'll always have a home with him, and after 200k of getting maimed, standing back-to-back and Madigan defo coming to terms he's Spica's family, FUUUCK, I do not want this story to end, ever😃👍
Open tag, as always, from me! Come catch up, or gush, or anything<3
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eiseryn · 10 months
Tumblr media
We can have a yandere Vail, as a little treat. :3
To give more context for this AU, Lei is an underground doctor and Vail is apart of Lexi's (this cool AF NPC) Red Dragons which is I guess an organized crime group. Lei cooks sleeping pills from him in this AU because he has trouble sleeping from trauma, probably. But they don't work well anymore so he asks for something better and she suggests an experimental drug she's been working on. They find it works pretty well... but they are unaware... that one of the reagents is contaminated with a drug that makes people yandere... yeah... a yandere drug. So yeah that's why he became a little (JUST A LITTLE!!!) yandere for Lei :3 That is in fact her arm that he is gripping. She's wearing black nitrile gloves.
The concept for this drawing (which you might see in the notes I'll post sometime soon) is that he is her bodyguard for the time being for plot reasons, and a patient she has is being sleazy. So she asks Vail to escort him out and Vail decides to kill the guy :D wow what a normal response, right? (/s) So this is after he gets rid of the body and returns to her with blood stains and she realizes those aren't his. He reveals that he has killed the one who has "touched her" and asks to be praised 😳😳😳 Which would be hot if y'know the situation wasn't so messed up. This is why Lei starts suspecting something is wrong....
I will be releasing the mafia AU notes soon. Maybe after the post epilogue story XD so certain NPCs (not my OCs again) will have more context for who they are rather than being just names. But yeah it's a very SPICY and DRAMATIC AU (I don't write the full thing though) with lots of foreshadowing and an ending... that is as tragic and sad as they come... It hurt me to write it but it was so angsty it had to be done. You shall see. You shall see~
As a final note yes that collar he's wearing is a gift from Lei 👀👀👀spicyyyy
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moonlightazriel · 2 years
The biggest wingspan/// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: “Azriel and reader going on vacation in some hilly, woody and snowy place and they are staying in the tent , they are just sitting around fireplace and having some deep intimate moments and then Azriel carrying the reader in the tent and then sex in the tent 🥵💋 ( toothrotting fluff and SMUT 🌶) I'm craving something smuttyy 😭🥵.....please write this one Sooooo Spicyyyy 🌶💦”
Warnings: SMUT
Word Count: 1,3K
Notes: This past week I wasn’t feeling great, I couldn’t write and all I wanted to do was to lay down and stare at the walls, but I’m better now, this just happens sometimes. Thank you anon for this request, it gave me motivation to go back to writing. ❤️❤️
Main Masterlist
Things were finally calm, Koschei was defeated and there was no eminent threat for the first time in years, we all needed a break from fighting so much. Azriel and i decided that we deserved some time away, so he rented a cabin in the middle of nowhere in the woods at the Winter Court.
The cabin was old, it had a tiny kitchen with black cabinets and modern appliances, a bathroom with a large bathtub in the middle of the room, a big window with the view to the mountains, the bedroom had a big bed, a double door in the left wall that led to the balcony, the balcony had a hot tub and a couple of chairs to hang out. The small living room had a big couch, a stone fireplace that kept the whole house warm as the snow fell outside, shelves filled with books covered the walls and a fluffy rug in the middle of the room.
It was nighttime, the two of us sitting in front of the fireplace, a huge blanket covering us both as we drank hot chocolates with marshmallows, my head rested on his shoulder as we talked.
“Okay, okay, now for the golden question. Who’s bigger? In wingspan i mean.” Azriel rolled his eyes and growled playfully.
“Why are you females obsessed with this question?”
“We’re just curious I guess.” We both laughed.
“Well, I’m not saying that we checked, but if we did, we may have come to the conclusion that I have the biggest wingspan.” Azriel whispered in my ear and I felt a shiver down my spine.
“Can you show me?” I whispered back at him and he turned his head on my direction, his thumb raising my chin, his gaze burning on mine as he slowly inclined his head towards my lips, his felt soft against mine, i could taste the chocolate on him as he kissed me, his hands grabbed my hair gently as he lay us down, his enormous body covering mine as he deepened the kiss.
One of his scarred hands sliding down my body, his fingers tracing the side of my breast, making my breath uneven, his hand reached my waist and he pressed his fingers on my exposed skin. His hips thrusting against the burning spot between my legs, the smell of our arousal getting stronger as I felt the wetness pooled on my core and his cock getting harder.
“Do you want to take this to the bedroom?” He asked as he pulled away from me, his hands still firm against my waist, i nodded eagerly, too lost on him to form a coherent sentence, his lips were red and swollowen, his hair in an obsidian disorder and his eyes dark with lust. One of his hands slides behind my back and the other behind my legs, lifting us quickly, my whole body felt like it was on fire as his lips met mine again, this time more hungry than before, his heavy footsteps against the wood floor as he opened the bedroom door.
He placed me on the bed, my hands pulling on his neck, forcing him to stay on top of me as his hands grabbed where he could, his touch only adding fuel to my burning core, his lips met my neck, and he licked up and down, making my body shake, the kisses and bites were certain to leave a mark afterwards but I didn’t care, we were in the middle of nowhere, Cassian wasn’t here to tease us, with that thought in mind, i dragged my nails along his back, reaching for his shirt, pulling it above his head, exposing his beautiful brown skin.
He lifted my shirt, my breasts free for him to see, my nipples hard with both pleasure and cold, his lips met my left breast, sucking it as he squeezed the other one, his tongue moving in circles on my nipple, my back arched at the sensation and little whimpers started to scape my lips, he switched to the right breast, repeating the procedure while his hand slid until it get in my pants, his finger slowly starting to move on the sensitive flesh.
The finger disappeared inside me, easily sliding in, he smirked against my breast, his teeth picking on my nipple as he slid his finger almost out, to push it hardly inside again. My mind felt foggy and I couldn’t think of anything, having him pressed up on me like this, while he fingered me, it was an overwhelming feeling. The knot on my belly kept growing as Azriel inserted another finger, his moves getting faster, i bit my lip, trying to contain the loud moans as the orgasm hit me, strong, my legs trembling as he looked at me, his eyes glued on mine as i recovered, he patiently waited until my legs stopped shaking and my breath became calm again.
“I really need you, inside, now!” My voice was raspy and I sounded desperate but I didn’t care, my hands grabbed the hair on the nape of his neck, pulling him towards my lips as we kissed, our tongues fighting for dominance as i dug my nails on his shoulder, he gently removed my pants while I struggle to pull his down.
“Desperate I see.” He laughed and I rolled my eyes at him, growling as he removed his own pants. His hard cock springing free, hitting his belly, the pre cum already soaking his tip. My walls starting clenching around nothing, begging to be filled, he rested on his elbows, his cock slowly sliding inside me, my breath got caught on my throat, a silent tear falling from my eyes as he entered fully inside of me.
“Good girl, taking me so well.” He said, his hand cupping my cheek and his thumb forcing its way on my mouth, I started sucking and licking it as he moved, his hips starting a slow pace, his grip firm on my hips, my nipples brushing against his chest. My legs wrapped around his waist, deepened his movements, hitting the right spots as he got faster, skin slapping against skin, my nails scrapping on his back, leaving marks as he sucked purple spots on my neck.
Suddenly he got off me, i whine at the lack of him, feeling empty, his hands grabbed my hips, turning me around, leaving me on my hands and knees while he entered me again, hard, making it hard to breath as he slid all the way out, just to enter me again. His hand wrapped around my hair, pulling my head back, in his direction, as he slapped my ass, the movements getting faster, my moans filling the room as he fucked me.
My hands grabbed the matress, my cunt clenching around him hard, the orgasm building in a rapid speed, his balls hitting my ass, his free hand reaching for my clit, rubbing circles. “Faster Azriel, I’m almost there.” I cried, feeling the orgasm hitting me as he released his seed in warm jets inside me, he tried to get out, but I held him in place.
“Let me go.” He asked gently and I finally managed to free him, my body collapsing on the bed, my head spinning and my whole body felt tired. I felt his seed leaking from my cunt, his large finger stuffing the cum back inside, he got up, walking around until he got in front of me, his wet finger brushing my lip, I opened my mouth, sucking on his finger, licking him clean. He removed his finger and caressed my hair, adjusting me in bed, pulling me against his chest, my eyelids heavy, involuntarily closing as he rubbed my back.
“You’ve been a really good girl, get some sleep. We can continue it later.” He said, his voice sounded distant as the sleep consumed my body and I fell in a deep dreamless sleep, with my heart getting full with the love he sent down the bond.
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scribble-dee-vee · 7 months
Get to Know Me Tag
Tagged by @jmhwritesstuff <3
Thanks for the tag! I haven't done one of these for a looong time, so my answers may have changed quite a bit.
Rules: Tag people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: single (rip)
Favorite color: yellow!
Song stuck in my head: Take on Me by A-Ha (save me pls)
Favorite food: in terms of cuisine, Italian or Indian! Specifically, my mom's meatballs and saag paneer
Last song listened to: Die Your Daughter by Susannah Joffe
Dream trip: Crete with friends, or a U.S. east coast road trip in the fall! This is kind of cheating, because I have experienced both of these trips – I just really want to do both again before I die
Last tv show/movie: started watching the Clone Wars TV show! I'm late to the party but it's Time
Spicy/sweet/savory?: spicyyyy
Last thing I googled: "vexation definition" (because I Google big words that I KNOW I know, just in case, while I write)
Chill tagging: @megannabell, @endlessburningdarkness, @stesierra, and @emabatis. Also, anyone else who wants to do it!
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simon-says-nothing · 5 months
tagged by @dwarfsized my beloved thank youu
last song: The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades is Out to Get Us! by Sufjan Stevens
favorite color: deep red, like a wine red/blood red!
currently watching: just finished The Bear, and am currently watchin Mr. and Mrs. Smith on prime!
sweet/savoury/spicy: spicyyyy i love spicy food
relationship status: in a relationship w/ @sonofabitchinshitassmotherfucker teehee
current obsession: that damn vampire lives in my mind rent free along w my blorbo
last thing you googled: onomatopoeia for blood. i needed to have a word other than SPLAT in my fic for violence akjsdfhdsa
i shall taggg @switchbladefags and @yaoisaint if yall wanna!!
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raspberrybesitos · 8 months
get to know me (pt. II)
tysm for the tags my loveys @party-hearses @honeyedmiller @nostalxgic @amanitacowboy 🩷
last song: paper bag by fiona apple
favorite color: bright green and hot pink!
last movie/tv show: movie - night swim (sux so bad) + tv show - i’m rewatching narcos 💀
sweet/spicy/savory: spicyyyy (a hot mama pickle in a bag would hit rn omg)
relationship status: single. where my masc at?! 😫
last thing i googled: flights to shannon, ireland
current obsession: my guitar <333 one day i’ll own a martin acoustic 😔
np tags @studioghibelli @bastardmandennis @tinygarbage @annasinterests @joelslegalwhre @joelsgreenflannel + whoever else wants to join <333
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