#theyre winnin me over
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some more disjointed rumble fish movie thoughts:
"why?" "🙄Why what?" "why?" "😑what?" "why are u always fucked up?" "😒I dunno" never in my life have I seen a man avoid eye contact harder
this man can't sit right to save his life. however. the unbuttoned rhinestone shirt kinda eatin. so pass.
OUGH. aough. unfortunately Matt dillion does an incredible job of playin scenes with the motorcycle boy. the admiration there. the constantly feelin like you can look up to a person your whole life n know you'll never be them. never know them. outsider in his own family. ough.
the movie can be heavily stylized at times n feel, well, disjointed. but I think the weird pacin adds a lil charm now n then
WHAT THE HELL THERES BOOBS ON MY SCREEN. sorry was halfway through typin that last bullet point. that was jarrin
walks into the office n is there for about one second before the lady goes hungover AGAIN? clocked his ass.
fuck ass earrin mention again. he kinda ate with that one.
I don't CARE! u think I give a shit!! u think I care??? (he says. as he cares deeply.)
diane lane stand on business. she said fuck ur lame ass n then marched her ass into the fog. that's my icon.
rusty still walkin his ass around in the shirt he got stabbed in. mama. do u have no other clothes.
the way the motorcycle boy talks in comparison to rusty. his accent compared to how the motorcycle boy has this soft liltin way of talkin. hmm. symbolism there. hmm.
"motorcycle boy." "THE motorcycle boy. THE.🙄" while THE motorcycle boy stands there just voguin.
the way they use shadows n light to convey transition n passage of time. hmm. I like it. makes those cut scenes way long but I fuck with em.
the extras lookin straight down the barrel of the camera.
rusty james who is so intensely jealous of his brothers gf. mama. stand up. good lord. very I don't wanna share my brothers attention. very wowwww so u like her more then me huh.
OH MY GOD. Just occurred to me that the movie is all from like. the motorcycle boys perspective. no color. n what we hear as the audience depends on what the motorcycle boy can hear. what the hell. hold on.
droppin the fact that their mother is alive in the middle of an arcade. Just. wham. Mas alive. anyways.
"Now I know why da says I always look like ma." "wow so I must look like her too huh!" "🤨 uhhhh"
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tinydefector · 7 months ago
ive been thinking about this idea the whole day but imagine in human effects, a group of humans shamelessly talk about who they would bang bang in ll and them being superised that; minibots (cough swerve) are oddly popular because in the humans words 'thats probably the only size they can bear without being impaled to death', rung and ratchet is somehow in there because some have a preference for the old ladies (dilfs) etc etc
theyre talking thinking no ones listening since its a bar full of drunken bots but the fact is half of the bar is eavesdropping, esp after the events of the first human effect. some waiting for their names to be mentioned, some absolutely puzzled by their preferences, some fistpumping thinking they might have a chance (brainstorm HAHA)
u dont have to write anything if u dont want to!! love ur writting!! running away now!! have a good day slash night!!
Effects of Drinking
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Word count:2.1k
Warnings: talking about sex, hookups, speculated workplace relationships.
Human effects masterlist
I absolutely loved this idea and got to work on it the moment I read this. So enjoy another part of human effects.
The sound of Swerve is always loud with the mingling of bots and humans alike, the sound of laughter, crying and venting was a causal occurrence for the many drunk patrons that frequent the bar. But tonight It was bustling even more than it normally is. Swerve shakes his head in amusement as me brings a plate of drinks over for the human crew. Swerve whistled cheerily as he whisked through the busy bar, expertly weaving between crowds with overloaded trays of alcohol and snacks balanced expertly on his servos. The atmosphere pulsed with raucous revelry.
Setting down his latest platter of Human-sized drinks, he flashed the smaller patrons a dazzling smile. "Hope y'all're enjoyin' the party! What's the special occasion tonight, if I may ask?" His optics twinkled mischief. Leaning casually on the bar, taking care not to endanger any of the humans. Swerve propped his chin in his hands attentively. "Seems like a lively bunch are in to spill all the juicy deets. Come on, I'm all audials. what's worth celebrating tonight. 
Millian shoots Swerve a smile. "Oh it's gonna get messy tonight Swerve Taylor just had a break up" states which earns raised glasses from the other human crew mates. "To the shit show of a long distance relationship" Nadia calls out and she downs her first shot. "Fucking hell your an alcoholic" the Liason states to the rest of their the crew as they shoot Swerve another smile. "Thank you for the drinks, Swerve I'll try to keep this unruly lot under control, and hopefully Taylor and Nadia dont get to shit faced" they state to him. 
Swerve's optics gleamed with intrigue as the Crew shouted their toasts and explanations. "Oooooh, messy breakups and long-distance woes, huh? Been there, done that," he chuckled knowingly, a cheeky gleam in his optics. "Well hey, if Taylor needs a shoulder vents or an audial, you know where to find me," he offered with a friendly wink. "And as for the rest of you rowdy lot..." His vocalizer took on a playfully stern tone. "I expect nothin' but the finest conduct from representatives of our new friends on Cybertron. No pukin' in the vents, no startin' bar fights - at least, no winnin' any," he jested. 
Laughter fills the area as the two waves Swerve off back towards the bar. Nadia whistles softly as she watches Swerve walk off. "Careful now, don't let Taylor catch you drooling, she'll make you drink tequila with her" Millian teased softly, jostling Nadia's elbow with a grin. Her friend simply chuckled and took another sip of her drink, eyes still following Swerve's retreat fondly.
"Can you blame me? Those Mech's are something else," Nadia sighed, resting her chin on one hand dreamily. "Tall, strong... kind soul. If he was human, I'd be all over that bartender like rust on spoiled bolts." Millian shuddered as they pulled a face at Nadia. "Ugh, don't put images in my brain, thanks. I swear if I have to watch you flirt with another thousand-pound machine..." 
Nadia swatted at him playfully. "Oh hush, like you wouldn't ride Optimus Prime like a mechanical stallion given half the chance." It makes Kyle spit his own drink out as he laughs and chokes at the same time. “Shut the fuck up Kyle!” Millian hisses. The group's Ambassador rolls Their eyes. “Behave you two, God forbid I have to get Garry to drag you both back to your rooms later” they state with a smoke of Their head.  
Taylor begins pouring herself tequila shot after tequila which gets her a look from the others realising just how hard she was taking the breakup. As Taylor's shots began piling up at an alarming rate, concerned murmurs arose among the human crew. Millian shot Nadia a look across the table. "Woah there Tex, maybe ease up on the hard stuff for a bit, yeah?" They suggested gently, resting a hand on Taylor's wrist to still the next pour. 
 "Breakups suck shit, believe me - but that's what friends are for. No need giving yourself An alcohol coma!" Nadia nodded supportively. "Mil's right, T. We're here to help you forget that piece of shit, not drown yourself." She flashed Taylor a cajoling smirk. "And who knows, might find someone else worth your time out there. Wouldn't want to miss your chance at a rebound, all because you're too fucked to function!" 
The team's Ambassador shoots Taylor a look too Check on her. "We are here to try and make your night better without you drowning yourself Tay, plus I'm pretty sure Nadia is more interested in the 'eye candy' as she likes to put it" they tease back Which earns a snort from Kyle. “Yea seems ready to jump anything that looks her way” he states partly amused as he goes back to sipping his beer. Nervous laughter arose from the humans at their ambassador's gentle teasing of Nadia. She accepted it gracefully, raising her glass in cheerful concession. 
"You got me there, boss. What can I say - alien ships, alien bars, alien hotties. A girl's gotta have her fun!" Taylor managed a half-smile at her friend's antics, tension easing slightly as others diverted focus her way. "Thanks, everyone. I know you're just looking out for me. It's been a rough week… plus this on top of it" Her gaze softened gratefully. 
Nadia leans in to Taylor with a smile that could only spell touch. And both Kyle and the Ambassador know what's about to come out of her mouth. "Sooo.. who wants to play smash or pass?" Kyle and another one of the mechanics shoot her a look as if to go ‘really?’. 
In the background curious optics watch the rowdy group of humans, some ears dropping in on the conversation others only shooting looks over when one of them gets over vocal. 
"Ooh, I love this game!" Millian crowed, bouncing mischievously in his seat. "Lay it on us, Nads - who's first on the bot buffet?" 
Skids’ optics go wide from his own seat as he turns around to watch the commotion over at the other table, partially intrigued after the last late night bar conversation with some of the other mechs, he gives Hound a slight nudge as if to get him to look over at the other Table. 
Their ambassador sighed fondly. "As your head officer, I should discourage such fraternisation... but as your friend, please try not to get yourselves into trouble God forbid I have to do the sign off overbone of you trying to get cosy with the crew." Nadia cackled, unrepentantly salacious. "Hey, no kink shame in my smash or pass!”
They go around the table multiple times asking each person a bot to smash or pass little to their knowledge or drunken state had they realised quite a few of the bots listening in on their conversation.  "You lot are a bunch of menaces, I swear if I have to drag you out of the bed of one of these good mechs because you got to grabby I'm not going to be happy" they state in a playful tease as they begin drinking their own drink.
The humans cackled irreverently at their ambassador's mock threats. "Aw, don't be like that boss!" crowded Millian. "We're just havin' a little fun gettin' to know the local talent. No harm in window shoppin', right?"
"Speak for yourself," Nadia shot back with a wink. "Some of us plan to do more than just look. A girl's on a schedule, after all - and these mechs are some mighty fine cuts of steel!" 
Ratchet shoots the group A rather disapproving look knowing if anything happened he'd have to deal with the fallout. The ambassador shoots him a look with a shake of their head while sipping their drink. They knew their group weren't exactly being subtle about it. 
Kyle groaned and hid his face, though the tips of his ears still burned hot. Even Taylor was gradually relaxing into laughter again. Catching their ambassador's imploring gaze, Taylor smiled ruefully. "Don't worry boss - I'll make sure this lot don't embarrass us too badly, we don't want a redo of what happened with Kyle and David. And if anyone does end up, er, occupied for the night... Well, I'm sure security footage could be omitted from our reports. For diplomatic purposes."
“Oh my God, one time, I go to see Kyle one fuckin time” David huffs in embrassment while pressing his face into his hands. It's Millian who realises who the ambassador's eyes are lingering On before they make a sly comment about it. “Ohhh got eyes on the old medic?” They tease before Nadia speaks up. “Mmmm bet he'd have a lot of experience, bet he'd be real nice in bed” she purrs while her eyes dance across his plating. 
One of the Bluestreak begins choking on his drink of high grade earning him a laugh from a smokescreen who slaps him on the back. He curses as he tries to make it seem that he wasn't ears dropping on the conversation. Nadia's keen eyes noticed the bot choking on high grade at the adjacent table.  
She grinned, nudging her friends eagerly. "Hey, I think we've got an audience! That mech over there started glitching when talk turned to after-hours bump and grind."
Heads swivelled covertly, giggling and pointing out the bot now sporting a rather flustered frame as his companion gleefully slapped his plating while laughing at him. 
"My, seems our alien friends find human proclivities just as intriguing as we do theirs," Kyle noted dryly. 
Millian snickered into their drink. "Bet they've never met a crew so eager to sample the merchandise firsthand." 
Nadia stretched lavishly. "What can I say - we aim to broaden cultural exchange through... hands-on cooperation." Her grin turned downright feline.
“Not that type of hands on cooperation Nadia, but I do appreciate the enthusiasm of building decent relations with our crew” The Ambassador states as their comm link goes off with an incoming call, they sigh when they read the message that pings through. ‘Needed on command deck due to an incident involving Rodimus and Daniel’. The Ambassador sighs before getting up. "I've got head, got another Accident report I've got to go process due to our captain's Asteroid surfing again" they state while moving from the table, their attentions were diverted as their ambassador rose from the table with a resigned sigh. 
"Duty calls, it seems. You lot try and stay out of trouble while I'm gone, please? I'd hate to have to bail any of you out of the brig for 'cultural exchange' gone too far." They fixed Nadia with an arched brow ridge before departing with a chuckle. 
"Tch, spoilsport," Nadia huffed affectionately. "Care to place bets on how long it takes our ambassador to get sick of Roddy's scrap and maroon him for good?" Kyle scoffs as he takes a drink. "With the amount of times the Ambassador gets called away you'd think it's a cover up story" he states as the alcohol begins going to his head. David Shakes his head as leans against Kyle. 
Nadia's eyes gleamed deviously at Kyle's insinuation, while Millian and Taylor look at him with a shocked look. “No… you don't think..?” Taylor starts 
 "Oooh, sneaky! You may be onto something there, flyboy." Nadia tapped her chin thoughtfully. 
"Let's think - who've they been spending an awful lot of 'alone time' with lately..." 
"Rodimus is always dragging them to the bridge for 'meetings'," offered Millian with wiggle-voiced air quotes. 
Taylor giggled behind her hand. "I've seen Drift approach them in the halls an unusual number of times..." 
"Megatron's been having private strategy sessions, he says," mused Kyle slyly. 
Their giggling swelled into raucous laughter and speculation at the myriad possibilities. It's only when Swerve makes his way back over to ask if anyone else wants new drinks that the drunken lot of humans continue to giggle, laugh and speculate. 
Swerve's audials perked as he drew near the boisterous human table, curiosity piqued by their spirited discussion, he leaned in eagerly. 
"Oho, sounds like you cheeky fleshies are having all the fun over here! Care to let ol' Swerve in on the gossip?" He flashed a playfully pleading grin. "A bot's gotta live vicariously through someone, after all."
"Trust us, handsome, you don't wanna know," Nadia snickered salaciously, tossing back her last shot. David  smiles, swirling his drink. "We were just speculating on who might be keeping our dear ambassador... occupied during their frequent 'calls'." He made air quotes with his free hand. 
"Oooh!" Swerve's optics flashed with glee as implications dawned. He lowered his vocalizer conspiratorially. "Do tell! I love a good intra-ship romance." Quite a few bots seem to lean in and listen in hope that it might be their name that people speculated. 
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tradetobest · 2 years ago
hrpf recs? 🙏
OH BOY OK. so. this list definitely leaves out some of my faves, but thats just because there are some things that i Will Not rec... like 300 of my bookmarks are private its CRAZY. anyway.
in the interest of length i will probably only be reccing 1-3 fics per ship, so this is my ao3 recs section shortened from the 78 eligible items to whatever i thought fit this list best. so. with that out of the way lets get started
More Things In Heaven And Earth by CloudCover (Unrated, 23.8k)
The hydrophones have been picking up nonsense for the past three days and Zhenya has had it up to here, honestly.
i must have babbled about this fic for a full fucking week to anyone who would listen after i finished it. MERMAIDS. the way their relationship develops over time. the way. the way EVERYTHING. i love this fic with my whole heart
Just What Was Rumpelstiltskin Expecting to Do with a Baby, Anyway? by withershins (T, 24.7k)
Turning to a witch to save a loved one's life is one of the riskier gambles a person can take, but it's one that's arguably noble and brave. Falling in love with the witch, though—now that's just foolish.
now if theres any sidgeno fic i have recced more than the first one its this one because OH MY GOD i love this fic so much. like .... the tumblr post its based off of is one of my favourite little blurb posts EVER and withershins captured it PERFECTLY this fic is PERFECT to me..... please read this
Clear Blue Morning by CloudCover (Unrated, 10.4k)
Zhenya is re-looping the hair elastic around Alina's braid when he becomes aware there’s someone standing in the doorway. He glances up, and his hands freeze in place. Sidney fucking Crosby is standing there, looking hesitant, with a half-empty water bottle dangling from one hand.
not only am i a sucker for kid fics i am an absolute SUCKER for single parent/hockey player fics, and this encapsulates my love for that. plus, geno's daughter is adorable in this. i ADORE this fic ive read it like 8 times.
the full version of this list is here and i would REALLY recommend checking it out because all of the fics on it are really good and i literally got a headache trying to cut it down bcs of how good these fics are ok
1634 (marnsthews)
Pull a Tavares by nationalhorribleleague (Series link, T, full series wordcount 42.2k)
Mitch Marner signs as a UFA with the Toronto Maple Leafs after seven years as an Arizona Coyote. How Auston Matthews and Mitch Marner deal with it (and fall in love).
OUGHHHH..... WHAT CAN I EVEN SAYYYY,.,,, yotes mitch to toronto and him and auston fall in love is like My Perfect Fanfic. literally my dreams come true. if you have never read this PLEASE READ BOTH FICS theyre both so fucking good
Three Loves by MycroftexMachina (T, 20.8k)
Mitch Marner: secret genius.
i used to joke about hrpf fics being super minimalist in their tagging and descriptions but holy fuck does this fic's outside understate whats on the inside. i have never felt the way i felt while reading this fic its literally insane. if you read nothing else on this list read this because the sheer emotion it evokes and the subject matter and everything to its core spoke to me on an insane level. i love this fic so much.
LITERALLY ANY MCEICHEL FIC BY IDDAY IS GOOD. ALL OF THEM ARE GOOD READ ALL OF THEM. THIS LIST WOULD BE ALL IDDAY IF I RECCED ANY OF THEM JUST READ THEM ALL (but particularly you can make me a drink, take it offline, camera flashes make it look like a dream, with abandon, no other shade of blue but you, and out of the blue) READ ALL OF THOSE TRUST
Part of Me (Pours out of You) by crankyrage (M, 14.2k)
“I don’t know if you’ve heard but Edmonton Oilers’ Captain Connor McDavid is using your last single as his goal song this year,” the interviewer tells him lightly. “I’ve seen,” Eichel smiles at him charmingly. “I write songs for people to cry to at 1AM, so I’m not really sure if he understands what that song’s about.” (Or, Jack's an international, grammy-winning pop star, and Connor's, well, Connor.)
once again i fall victim to my own nonhockey/hockey tendencies, but this fic is worth all of it and more. i AM crazy about popstar jack and the entire plot of this fic. please read this
Some People Watch Golf on TV (and Neither of Those Things Make Sense to Me) by crankyrage (T, 40.4k)
His relationship with golf is probably one of the most complicated in his life. He loves it. Breathes it. Lives it. Gives everything to it, and the only thing he gets in return sometimes is rejection and this pain to carry around to remind himself that he’s a failure – that he’ll never be what they say he could be. And yet, no matter how much golf rejects him, makes him hate himself, makes him hate the world, hell golf even took his best friend from him, he always comes back. It’s almost like an addiction. So, Connor loves golf. Would die without it, probably. But, at the same time, sometimes not only is it not rewarding, it isn’t fun in the slightest. (Or a PGA Tour AU that no one, truly no one, asked for)
I ASKED FOR IT. I DIDNT KNOW I ASKED FOR IT IT BUT I DID AND IT IS AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL AND OHH. THIS FIC LITERALLY ALMOST MADE ME WATCH GOLF. in all seriousness, i have blabbed about this fic so much anyone who knows me irl would probably roll their eyes but its just so good, such a good exploration of learning to love and just. god. read this
the ghost you're dressed up as by brockachu (E, 36.7k)
Jack thinks he made his own dream boy. Jack thinks he made his own nightmare. "The whole house creaks, long, drawn out, groaning, like some sort of creature calling in the night. Maybe old houses just can’t help being old. Connor leans into Jack’s left side, runs soft lips up the curve of Jack’s ear, whispers not-words that Jack can’t process. The hum cuts out. The groaning snaps off. There is no sound. No Connor."
a MASTERFUL exploration in how writing can be used. literally one of the best pieces of literature i have read PERIOD. i have never been a big fan of horror OR non-linear narrative but this fic does both AMAZINGLY and in such a way that i can and will talk about it all the time. READ THIS FIC.
mcstrome (plus)
The Next Next One by yourblues (M, 71.2k)
No, Dylan has not picked up a copy of the book, nor does he plan to anytime soon. No, he has not talked to Connor about it. He hasn’t talked to Connor about anything in a long time, but the media does not need to know that.
oh my god. this fic got recced to me and i didnt read it and shoved it in my marked for later and it kept like, popping up to haunt me and finally i said fuck it and read it and OH MY GOD ITS SO FUCKING GOOD!! nevermind that im insane abt the 2015 draft class this fic is just SO GOOD its insane. read this because op did SUCH a good job i cant even describe it
nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy by orphan_account (T, 14.4k)
The thing is, Dylan and Mitch and Connor used to be in a band, in high school. They were a fucking trio, like Blink-182: Mitch on drums, Dylan on bass, and Connor on guitar. They called themselves Ten Minute Misconduct, and they fucking ruled. They sold an unprecedented 40,000 copies of their first album, which was out before they’d even graduated high school, and they went on legit tours and had legit fans. Brothers for life. They were gonna conquer the world together. And then, two years ago, Connor abandoned them. (Or, sometimes you just have to bury the hatchet. The Pop Punk AU.)
the second in a series that has a benneguin prequel that is also very good!! i LOVE bands . and my bandom history made me read this and NO REGRETS i loved this fic so fucking much. if you love bands and warped tour and like. that sort of Vibe please read both fics in this series
Heart Duplex by jamesiee, solarperigee (T, 15.6k)
“Oh, shit,” Dylan laughs, pointing at the screen. “What about this guy?” The description is objectively bad and Dylan has to bite his lip to keep a straight face while Connor reads it. What up I'm Mitch I'm 19 and my best friend fuckin ditched me to get a place with his hot swedish boyfriend so I need someone cool to make him jealous Must be chill w hockey (leafs 4 lyfe) gays (dick 4 lyfe) and video games (fortnite 4 lyfe) NO LIZARDS THEY SCARE ME “Oh my god,” Connor whispers in the flattest voice possible.
this is the plus in mcstrome plus because this is mitch/connor/dylan!! it is FUCKING HILARIOUS and amazing and beautiful and just. the vibe is excellent. i have reread this fic so much and it gets better literally every time because its just that good. insane.
liebe geht durch den magen by lighthousetowers (T, 6.2k)
All Leon wanted were some easy recipes, and instead he got this guy, this – Matthew Tkachuk, alias tkachukycheese, YouTube channel owner by bi-weekly afternoon and dietician who works a lot with school classes by normal profession. Matthew holds up a potato peel broken in two pieces. “And just remember, if it doesn’t work out perfectly, that’s fine. It’s all about practice and trying and enjoying the process. Perfection isn’t a prerequisite for being liked. Just look at the Oilers."
this fic unironically singlehandedly got me into mattdrai. literally SO good i have read it so many times. and another nonhockey/hockey au. you know me.
ambigous middle area between mattdrai and mcdrai. mcmattdrai
(Get a Torch and a Flame and) Burn the Path You Want by Linsky (E, 80.2k)
If there’s one thing Leon knows, from the very beginning, it’s that Connor McDavid isn’t for him. If there’s a second thing he knows, it’s that Matthew Tkachuk is a grade-A asshole.
common linsky banger. i LOVE the wolfverse and these three in this fic are jus SOOOOO,..... GAWD. like i ate it up like fucking . pasta with butter. and i LOVE pasta with butter.
if we make it through december (we'll be fine) by softnoirr
“Are you uh,” Connor takes a breath, “Are you doing anything for Christmas?” Leon pauses. Or: Connor and Leon go home for the holidays, break up, and come back together, just not precisely in that order.
WHO BRINGS THEIR EX TO THEIR PARENTS PLACE FOR CHIRSTMAS. connor mcdavid, thats who. and it makes for some EXCELLENT FIC. i lovelovelove this one so much
j,. jamie and trevor?? ship name. 611???? what are they called
There's Gold in Them There Hills, or Alchemy for Dummies by CitrineDaydream (E, 43.2k)
Jamie Drysdale is a witch. Well, a witch-in-training, out on his final journey to prove himself-- a pilgrimage to put himself through the seven steps of Alchemical Process. His contentious spirit guides have sent him across the continent from Ontario to California to find something that they refuse to reveal to him. Trevor Zegras is a rookie ranch hand, leaving New York for the freedom of the West. Far from home, he's still kept up with his families traditions and the ways they work with nature for prosperity and protection. He is absolutely, definitely not a witch. Jamie is at least intuitive enough to know the gold he seeks isn't literal metal, but that's about as far as he trusts his instincts, and that's the majority of the problem. When his spirit guides freeze him out in an attempt to foster his intuition, the goofy cowboy seems to be the best bet he's got to unlock his path to growth that he can't seem to find to on his own.
this started my cowboy kick literally this fics fault its CRAZY. i dont even. know how to describe how much i fucking loved this fic its so good PELASE read it if you love cowboys or witches OR if you have eyes. 10/10
AAND THERE WE GO!! or at least. i have to stop because i ran out of open ao3 tags and the site has stopped working. please enjoy when you can anon!! and if you want somethign specific just lmk
but also there is this one elias pettersson/brock boeser or however you spell that fic and i literally know NOTHIGN about these guys but this fic was so good ask if interested because i am interested in introducing others to it
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no1maddoxfan · 8 months ago
We got the dream team over here:
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Best humans, best Velgearians, best Darkman, better of the two AIs!! WE WINNIN!!! YALL BETTER LOOK OUT CAUSE WE COMMIN!!!
Girl I love Kuaidul with my whole heart!!! He got NO reason to be that dramatic and I love him for it. We probably won't be getting many duels from him, at least for a while, so I'm glad he got the whole episode to shine. Also Fukamura!!?? No one was gonna tell me he was the best one?? Ugh this whole episode made my day I love these guys! Also, I don't think Kuaidul got an ulterior motive, or if he does it must not be time sensitive, cause it looks like he can take over whenever he wants and just chooses not to?? And just comes in when Yudias is having a moment?? All power to him ig lol!!
You know I feel so bad for my boi!!! This ep really did Yuamu no favors bro I'm starting to get some feelings about her!! I wanna see these groups clash so bad!! But we gotta see Asaka get smacked upside the head first which is so disrespectful. By THE BLUE ONE(I got no respect for simps)??? BE SO FR!!!!!! Does the production team hate Asana or smtg??
I wanna know:
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What's in the mini fridge?? At first I was gonna make a joke about how there ain't no way this man drinks water, but honestly, I think it's Raid™. I think that fridge is full of Raid™ and he drinks that shit straight!!!
Also someone please check on Damamu!! Please??? Theyre having a real bad time!!
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peroxideprinces · 4 years ago
Hmmm .... Crime wave sounds inch resting let's go with that -Arcus
so!!! crimewave au!!!! its. underdeveloped but!!! its basically a superhero au because i wanted to make on n it sounded neat!!!!
it follows tommy because i said so <3 he has healin abilities which isnt great for a vigilante who prefers to take the offensive side,,, his partner is tubbo, who can manipulate technology n shit, n they work together to stop crime!!!! at some point, theres a larger threat n they have to dismantle the villain group but they cant do it alone,,, they team up with a lot of other superpowered individuals like!!!! phil is tommys dad,, hes immortal, can fly, n has death sense,,, techno is his older brother who has death sense n has strength!!! the two of them are retired n only find out about tommy n tubbo after they ask the two for help,,, wilbur is the only one in the family that doesnt have powers </3 hate to see a girlboss winnin /j
puffys family works with the government although puffy herself doesnt have powers. her sons, foolish n dream, however, do. foolish can astral project, is immortal, n has death sense!!! dream can shape shift n is hyper sensitive to sound dfjlksakljfd theyve tried to stop tommy n tubbo because yknow. theyre vigilantes. but theyve never been able to </3 they take on threats that tommy n tubbo cant. dream is apart of a team known as the dream team,,, george has invisibility n sapnap can manipulate fire n smoke at will!!!!
skeppy is one of sapnaps dads. the other is bbh, but he doesnt have any powers. skeppy can make illusions!!! his powers arent as strong as dreams or technos but hes still pretty powerful!!!! 
quackity has love intuition,, it does jack shit but god is it funny
punz is a hero turned villain. he was once apart of the dream team, but switched over after people became scared of his abilities. hes able to manipulate darkness n shadows, so he mainly works at night. alyssa is also a villain, but she never was a hero. she can manipulate light, so she mainly works durin the day time
callahan!!! my guy!!! hes completely neutral n tries to help whoever he thinks is right. he can understand animals n is able to teleport because he deserves it actually FSKLDJLJKFSD
similar to callahan, hannah also tries to stay neutral. i dunno how to describe her powers other than. amalgamation n plants n shit SDFJKLFSJDKL
niki, eret, ranboo, n fundy are all related in some way. fundys the only one who doesnt have powers, but he gets by because mans is a fuckin genius. tony stark vibes. niki has telekinesis!!!! eret has this fun thing called lightnin bruiser fdkjlsaljkfd!!! ranboo has death sense n intuitive aptitude!!! they team up with sbi n tubbo because theyre annoyed at the villains,,, at some point, misferns get fed up with the dteam as well n eret n niki try to put a stpo to their shit,, ranboo stays with phil while fundy hangs out with dre n when eret n niki find fundy n dream things dont go Great FJSKLFJSKLD
this is. a lot FLDSKJDSKJFL feel free to ask any questions!!! thank you for indulgin me :D
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