#theyre like healing unicorns lol
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cocotome · 1 year ago
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Photos for Hirarin and Sugiyama's "2 Person Reading Drama" have been released 😀! I'll always say it, having these 2 in the same room must be the most kind and calming experience ever!
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hiemaldesirae · 9 months ago
Tis Alice! Your tags always make me so happy! I really enjoyed writing them being all domestic. Monstrous little family lol And yeah poor Vox. Exactly what happened in regards to the knife will probably get covered, but it basically happened during his capture (that plot point was totally inspired by you including it in your art btw hehehe)
While this AU is definitely RadioStatic, Husk and Niffty are central characters too. Husk and Alastor have a bit of a different relationship in this one. He and Niffty do still work for Alastor, but he doesn't own their souls or anything, so his relationship with Husk is much friendlier. You'll find out more about them as everything progresses.
your writing makes me happy too so i figured i might as well show my gratitude for your work 🫶 haaah found family always gets me straight in the heart especially when its found family with a bunch of monsters or outcasts ... i love them 😭😭😭 oo i see (i really only included the scar out of impulse LMAOO iw as like 'wait but would it make sense for him to have the thing if hes like a unicorn who can heal himself or something ??' anyway im glad i did (and also not because this means vox gets even more hurt poor bbg))
ohhh thats actually super fun. i do enjoy aus where al and husk are on the same footing / equals in general and also friendly with each other, theyre such a fun pair to watch interact :) im so excited to learn more about this aus cast !!!
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clockout-comic · 2 years ago
Please give us new folk a rundown on your OCs here >:D
you just said the magic words bestie get fuckin ready
the setup for mrawdrs is that the four main characters all work at the same company (named MRaWDR: Magical Runoff and Waste Disposal Regulations, because the founder is about as original with naming things as i am LMAO) working as a field service team, the same way a crime scene cleanup or hazmat crew would work, but way more magical
first is addie dunbar, the security/medic (still working on her certification on that last one tho)
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shes a unicorn, a trans lesbian, and has NO INTERESTING BACKSTORY AT ALL HAHA WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASSUME THAT... here have some random facts so you stop thinking about it
her favorite author is jane austen, shes a huge classic lit nerd and listens to audiobooks constantly
her sharp teefies are veneers that were an absolute goddamn NIGHTMARE to get put in, because unicorn magic is healing-based and they just kept fucking popping off
shes actually SUPER fucking powerful as far as unicorns go, but being able to refine and direct her magic in a useful way is Very Very Dangerous to do on her own, and theres no unicorns around to help guide her
none that she would want to learn from anyways
her great-great-great grandmother is brooklyn supreme
her voice claim is hozier, because take me to church is an extremely addie song
her job on the team is to act as a living battery for elmira to use to supercharge her runes, do (VERY MINOR) healing if one of them gets hurt, and to take care of any violent flora/fauna/sentient goo that may show up on a job. support tank!
up next is the teams technician, jones nolastname
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a human engineering magic specialist, ball of anxiety, and Ultimate Nice Guy (genuine), they maintain and reconfigure all the equipment that the team uses on all of their jobs
yes thats their real last name. they fucked up the application for name change and never corrected it because they were too socially anxious
theyre a DDR master and will hog the machine at their local arcade for 12+ hours if you let them
theyre also a huuuuuuuge anime/manga/video game enthusiast. were it not for my infinite mercy as their god, they would be addicted to genshin impact
theyre actually the only native resident of the city that everyone lives in, called The Island of Steve (the name changes pretty often lol), everyone else moved from different states or countries
they grew up in the foster system, and were bullied so heavily by their foster siblings for being autistic and having a severe stutter/other speech impediments that they became mute. when they were younger it was by choice, but now as an adult their vocal cords have completely atrophied and theres no chance of recovering their ability to speak
BUT. sign is taught as a second language in all schools by law, so its a little easier on them to adapt
as such, they dont have a voice claim, but the song i most associate with their character is Worlds Smallest Violin by AJR. sometimes i think about paying someone to translate it into asl so i can make an accurate animatic of them "singing" it
third is elmira quickroot, the charms specialist and recordskeeper
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fucking ultimate weirdgirl, i love her to death and i want to rattle her around like a maraca. she's a faerie, very british, and yes she does dress like that in her daily life. this is not a faerie thing shes just fuckin weird. her job on the team is to record absolutely everything that happens to the letter (for legal and billing reasons), and doing more intricate charm/rune work (which is essentially like magical computer coding)
elmira has perfect memory! much more intense and detailed than the eidetic memory or hyperthymesia that humans can have, literally every second of every day has been perfectly branded into her memory since the day she pupated into an adult. she doesnt know why, this isnt a normal faerie thing either, and her coping mechanisms for escaping the constant recall are.. not good, to say the least
shes a HUUUUUGE textiles nerd, she makes all of her own clothing on as minute a level as she can manage- by which i mean she weaves her own fabric, spins her own yarn, makes her own patterns, and on and on and on. dont get me wrong, she can and will raid the local Fantasy Michaels or Joann Fabrics for any supplies she can get, but the girl is kind of bugfuck nuts and on bad days she'll get really deep into it
her home country is a cut off faerie-only kingdom in the UK called The Realm, made from the ruins of an old castle built by giants waaaaaaaay back in the day, i need to do concept art of it because its genuinely beautiful
her voice claim issss. complicated. the closest human equivalent is florence welsh but pitched up, but in reality it would sound way less human. the way i usually describe it is if someone sang a sentence backwards into a microphone and then reversed the audio. i might do a demo of what i mean at some point lol, but thats pretty common for faeries
she stole her name from the city in new york and her gender from a random barista
the boobs are implants lol
her wings are based off of a blue morpho dragonfly
and finally... the man of the hour, your grandpa and mine, ultimate babygirl.... TOUFOR!!!
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toufor is the customer relations guy, he goes out and does surveys on non-emergency jobs and coordinates with the clients to make sure they get all the right services they need. he is the most well adjusted motherfucker in canon and hes a corpse
(okay thats a lie theres someone who very nearly ties with him, but thats a sentient pair of pants who sounds exactly like sonic the hedgehog. his name is frankie we love him.)
toufor is a ghoul, the only one that has ever existed or ever will exist because hes a ~walking human rights violation~
i wrote out a whole list for toufor and then my computer restarted and deleted all of it so im gonna crawl in a hole for a while. aaaaaaaaaaaa
toufor is a huuuuge music nerd, his record/CD collection is valued in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and he listens to everything in it regularly
the only guy in the world who says his music taste is everything and really means it
he has achondroplasia, but is shorter than the average height for people w the same condition. that plus the general constantly rotting a little faster than your body can replenish its cells thing means that he has a lot of health issues
BUT. he has a whole platoon of specialists that have dedicated their careers to keeping him healthy and with a good quality of life. its my city and doctors can be good if i want them to be. their work and the treatments he goes through are inspired pretty heavily by the Lenin Lab, which i recommend you check out this video by Ask a Mortician to learn more about it!!
this body isnt his original, and the elaboration on what happened and how his Whole Deal works is an entirely different post on its own. it will involve diagrams
i have an au that i write with my bestie where some of the characters in mrawdrs work at a strip club, and toufor comes in to do nothing but eat chicken wings for the entire night and then tip $500 to every dancer. they all love him dearly and this vibe extends into the core canon storyline
he cannot perform any kind of magic! due to the way his soul-body situation works, he has no way to access the magic inside of his body, or the stuff that exists in the environment ambiently. going along with that, any magic performed on HIM takes much more "juice" to actually take effect and takes MUCH longer to do so. he isnt a complete dead zone (HAAAAAAAAAA) but his... tolerance? is much higher.
his voice claim is corpse husband. i shant elaborate.
aaaaaaand thats the main bitches. theres also a fuckin LOT of side characters, sexy irredeemable antagonists, and background characters ive put a ridiculous amount of thought into, who all deserve their own posts in time... this is a threat
thank u for the opportunity to gush about my babbies <3
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gilshaelos · 3 years ago
tag game!!!… tagged by @alovelysickness thank u beloved 🥺💕.. a get to know you game!! :3
fave color: i love greens and peachy colors.. i like a lot of colors i think theyre all nice :) but green and peach and some blue have me :3
currently reading: this is embarrassing in a way but were healing atm , im close to being finished with forest of secrets by erin hunter of the warrior cat series XD im reading the series slowly again with my gf
besides that however i usually read manga and not so many books. i got caught up on dungeon meshi the other day which im THRILLED is getting an anime!! iirc the mangaka had mentioned that she wouldnt approve an anime unless she knew itd be good so 👀.. i have very high hopes.
besides that ive been continuing my read through and analysis of one piece! im near the end of the skypeia arc now, its of course wonderful. i enjoyed the anime arc a lot as well but the end felt a little clumsy, im interested to see if the manga is any better. no harm if its not, cant all be the goat ALL the time. currently, sanji just got blasted by enel and i was talking abt in my server that he’s incredibly self sacrificing and this is like the third time this arc he takes such a horrible blow its a miracle he wakes up. but honestly his little excursion onto the ark maxim and then subsequently getting electrocuted reads to me like some sort of sui attempt… but thats me. lololol. i love analyzing manga.
last song: this is sooo hard honestly cuz i listen to music constantly.. but the song i woke up with in my head is Bitter Boogie by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. (while rn playing is Am I In Heaven? by the same band!) heres some of my recent spotify likes of kglw however.. i have more but HAHA
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last series: this may come as a shock… but the answer to this is also One Piece. lmfao. im nearing the end of the dressrosa arc and people were not lying. flashbacks abound. a lot of good character moments felt ruined by it. OH WELL. but right now luffy just shifted into fourth gear and its really exciting, but nothing is that easy to im waiting for things to go wrong.. despite being a mess of an arc im having a great time with it!
last movie: im so bad about watching movies and my friend mo has described it being a ‘herculean task’ for me to watch a movie which is true so i dont have a clear answer. i recently saw thor love and thunder with family. it sure was a marvel movie so its very whatever. last GOOD movie i watched and remember watching is The Last Unicorn and i cried like the whole time.. LOL.
currently working on: oh lord well i always default to saying im working on my oc universe story thing Masters of None! but the honest answer is really nothing too much atm i havent drawn in over a month or so. i just havent felt like it. ive got the itch to do so but no energy LMAO but i try not to force it. however im playing a new game that came out yesterday if that counts for anything? cult of the lamb, its phenomenal so far im really enjoying it.
feel free to do this if you want to :3 but im gonna tag a fee people .. do ot if you want to!!! but if u dont its ok :)
@why-its-kai @linnellgender @joltikgenes
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restingdomface · 4 years ago
SHUT UP I AM LOSING MY SHIT THEYRE SO BEAUTIFUL THANK YOU I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING EVER!!!!!!! It’s exactly how I pictured WWX’s pretty demon wings and LWJ is tall and elegant for WWX to pine over. JC looks like he’s fueled by pure rage and would fight a tree if it looked at him wrong. I love you.
Not a demand for more content but I was already gonna reblog this one with some extras so here’s good as any: the Jin sect are all yellow unicorns who’s horns fade up into a red tip. When Meng Yao was born, he had a light green (Nie sect A-Yao fan for life here) pelt (his mom was baby blue) and was an alicorn with a purple faded horn. His mother immediately freaked out and did whatever she could to hide the horn, making it seem like he’s just a Pegasus like she is. MXY, on the other hand, was confined to his room by his aunt, and only ever really left when he gave his life to bring back WWX. His wings aren’t well developed, so WWX had to relearn how to fly all over again. No muscle memory.
Lol I just realized my original post said MXY was a unicorn but I think it fits his abusive life more if he was always an alicorn but forced to hide it. He still gets found out cause of the wings tho.
Now, the Jiang sect is on water like in canon. They mainly have water based Magics and swan type wings, which is why they’ll kill a bitch for looking at them wrong.
Jin sect is in plain lands, mainly controlling farmers and Big City type folk. The main line is yellow with the blue tipped horn. There is a rumor that JGS isn’t an alicorn at all tho. They all see the wings, but they’ve never seen him fly. Major rumors going around that the wings are fake. They are. Jin Ling is a vaguely orange colour with the bright red horn still tho. It’s a mix between Yanli’s pink and JZX’s yellow.
Nie sect is mainly made up of pegasus. NHS and NMJ are both pegasi, not alicorns. The majority of their territory is in the clouds, with several small villages of unicorns and earth ponies that farm and do textiles on the ground. The Pegasi make sure the weather is always perfect conditions for perfect harvest.
GusuLan sect is a well designed mixture of earth ponies with pegasi and unicorns, but the main line has quite a few alicorns in it. LQR is a unicorn, but LWJ and LXC are both alicorns. The mountain is still the main base of operations for their sect itself, but the clouds they control around it are actually the main cloud city in all of the land. They truly have the art of weather control down to a science.
The Wen sect has mainly fire based magics, but the YilingWen have healing based magics. They’re almost entirely unicorns, but some of the main lines have alicorns. One or two tbh. Wen Ning and Wen Qing are some of the only known alicorns in their line in a century tho. Pegasi in the Wen clan is even more rare than that. Idc about the main Wen clan lol they don’t matter at all. If no one else out of the Yiling arc, I at least want WQ to survive. She can take refuge in CR with WN and LSZ. Because I think that if MY stayed with the Nie sect JGS would have failed in a LOT of his scheming. I still think it’s entirely possible to save a lot of people while completely vilifying WWX and killing him, so it’s still got some mystery to it, but listen, I have so few girls, let me save the girls.
JYL brings over JL so he can have a play date with his cousin LSZ every month. LSZ is taken in as LWJ’s son, who’s pelt starts changing from a light pink towards a pale purple, not quite the blue of Lan sect, but enough to assume he’s LWJ’s kid, and surprise surprise, they’ve been hiding the tiniest little baby wings under a cloak whenever they left the Burial Mounds. Baby is an alicorn, easily gets accepted as LWJ’s son. Wen Ning went from red to a dark black, with pure white eyes and all his feathers fell out of his wings so now they’re skeletons but he can still fly on them, which proves that he’s still very powerful magically, which goes against fierce corpses and so confuses people. Fierce corpses don’t have the sentience required to preform magic, and the only instinct they have is to look for food.
Cursed plot bunny: MDZS/My Little Pony AU where the majority of the cultivation world are unicorns. Lan Wangji and his brother are alicorns, WWX used to be a unicorn but after he started using demonic cultivation he gained a set of scary hole filled bat wings. Lan Wangji still thought he was beautiful. When he came back to life, Jiang Cheng (a simple alicorn unicorn with Lotus flowers as a cutie mark) knew it was him cause Mo Xuanyu went from being a plain unicorn to being an alicorn with beautifully demure raven wings overnight.
Lots of other plot holes there lemme tell you but I don’t care I want cursed things and I think it would be hilarious if WWX could fly but he’s better at crashing tbh so LQR lives in constant fear of being landed on.
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tumblunni · 8 years ago
Oh mannnn Rune Factory why are you so good at making friendships feel so genuine with fictional characters Like, it legit is good therapy when you’re lonely! It just leaves you with this contented feeling. And they somehow managed to achieve it through doing like basically nothing?? Its so good because they leave the options open for you to form your own fanficcy thoughts! There is SO MUCH of that! The characters’s AI wandering around the town doing random stuff and occasionally bumping into each other and having a short emoticon conversation like in the sims. That’s just so weirdly theraputic to watch, its like watching an aquarium?? And so many fanfic ideas when the ‘conversation’ is something interesting with an interesting combination of characters. What would happen if Porcoline flirted with Leon! What exactly was forte doing carrying that melon? SO MANY IDEAS!! And then like... i DO wish that you could do more stuff with the characters when you’re paired up, but its still really cute and friendshippy to just be paired up while doing everything, even the characters never aknowledge it or join in. You can imagine what would happen if they did, cos they have such well-developed personalities! It feels like having a fun afternoon with two of your friends doing [insert thing here], and then when you pair up with just one character you kinda somehow feel its a bit more intimate and wanna impress them?? like, I know now that characters dont gain any friendship points for fighting together even though fighting together is the one thing they actually can do together. But I still just HAVE to go find my two faves and fight together with them! Every time! Whether its a plot event or exploring together or collecting items together! porcoline, help me go pick mushrooms, u is the chef~! It would be so cool if they got given passive skills that had bonuses to certain things and levelled up as their friendship increases!! Like Porcoline actually does increase the probability of food items dropping from monsters. And just AAAAAA why do I have to go grab a character and pair up before I do work, even when I know the game doesnt aknowledge anything thats happening with gameplay. You give me the opportunity to put anyone in my party when their schedule is free, and even if there is ABSOLUTELY NO BOON TO THIS CTION I still wanna sit outside arthur’s office like a lovesick puppy waiting to give him his morning packed lunch and then take him with me to till the farm and craft eyeglasses. And I wanna take Dylas to go fishing!! I was so lucky once that I arrived at the beach when his Daily Randomized Action actually was fishing, and I could pretend we were fishing together with friendship~! He doesnt fish too when he’s in your party when you fish :P And then the only actual interaction that they do have is sometimes giving you gifts when you talk to them, same as when you talk to them when theyre sitting as static npcs in their house. But AGAIN it just makes me fanfic and roleplay that me and this character are having a fun day doing [action] and then what silly antics would occur if they gave me [randomized present] at this moment! And sometimes the choice of dialogue and present clashes hilariously, and sometimes it works so well to make it extra heartwarming! like Porcoline gave me a present on HIS OWN BIRTHDAY! i came along and gave him is present and he gave me one back, its like NOOOOO U R TOO NICE THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS!! And i know it was just randomized chance but it was so in-character that it made me smile! Also I know that any extra presents you give them after the first present don’t make any difference to your friendship points, but I felt so bad that I didn’t have anything Doug likes for his birthday so I gave him like five neutral gifts. And AGAIN the game doesnt actually aknowledge when you give someone a weapon you’ve fully built up to level 10 but I always feel so happy doing that with my main weapon when i gain a new one, i have to give it to someone else who could use it. Porco had my super strong gale edge that I won from the first harvest competition and used for half the game, and its so neat that they actually do use the weapon you give them! WE STRONGE DUAL BLADE BUDDIES BEING STRONGE! (tho then I managed to craft the leek blades that are super good for porco so now he’s got those) And BTW its so funny cute that Porcoline has a self-healing ‘spell’ that’s literally just him eating a sandwich mid-battle. As far as I know he’s the only npc who can mimic the player’s item-using animation, nobody has an actual inventory when theyre travelling with you. Oh and Clorica can do the same but different! She can mimic the player’s sleeping action and fall asleep on the ground to recover her HP. I love in-character npc-only variants of skills, thats such a cute idea! Tho I kinda wish I could hack them onto my character to replace the default Cure, lol! Oh and AAAAA I like.. skipped the entirety of Fall?? I hit 8 hearts with Arthur at the beginning and didn’t realise that the game glitches out and won’t let you confess if the character is part of a Town Event. Arthur had one dialogue line in Forte’s quest to ride an elephant, so he didnt show up when he asked to meet me and I thought I’d been stood up but then he acted like I’D stood him up?? And he was stuck in a dialogue loop of ‘I have something to tell you now- I CANT TALK RIGHT NOW’ and then when the town event ws over he was mad at me and wouldnt accept a second confession until he hit 9 hearts. So I literally did nothing every day for a month but hang with arthur and hug him and give him gifts, blazing through to 9 hearts at ridiculous stubborn speed! i felt so bad that all the other characters are sad you havent talked to them in 15 days :P But I was happy that I finally got a second chance to confess PRECISELY on the 1st of Winter, and we had heartwarming cuddles in the freshly fallen snow. And then i was too tired from staying up all night romancing a fictional taxkeeper so I saved the game and passed out. OH, but not until after I added Arthur to my party and just skipped around the snowy town with him for ten minutes! I gave him an umbrella and pretended the two characters were having a romantic walk underneath it. I AM SO ON THE SHIPPING TRAIN, MY GUYS! I cant believe I came here for the two monster boys and got attatched to mr normal nerdman prince before I even had a chance to see either of their events :P I wanted to maybe try seeing all the relationship events with all the batchelors but I just felt so guilty like I was cheating on arthur, cos he was the one I picked first... Man, i shoulda saved picking a boyfriend til the endgame and then made three savefiles to see them all :P BUT I AM STILL HAPPY WITH ARTHUR!!! soft man, walking hug nerd in a snuggie my character’s dream boy When a game can provoke such attatchment to the love interests in a completely asexual player then u kno u done rite NOBODY IS SEXY BUT EVERYBODY IS SOMEONE I WANNA SEE SMILING Let me resolve your plotline arthur I want you to have a happy marriage You can hug all my pet monsters and i’ll make you turnip stew every morning and AAAAAA I love learning what everyone loves, i love that arthur is one of the ones with many different fave presents. He likes turnips and new spectacles and cute fluffy things! And Dylas likes fish and carrots and milk he has THREE FAVOURITE FOODS, what a cutie!! And Dolce likes tea and sweets and hot chocolate aka THE PERFECT FUSION OF BOTH. And also she’s started liking medicine and doctor-related gifts after being adopted by the cute doctor couple, its so sweet she’s aspiring to be like them!! And porcoline eats literally all my cooking crafting successes and I wouldnt have it any other way!! and AAAA you can give people HATS and they WEAR YOUR HATS so you can see arthur actually change glasses when you give him new ones and porco wears ribbons on his hat that already exists and these two have been my party for LIKE FOREVER and I love them and i totally headcanon arthur seeing porcoline like a dad since they started working together! He has sad dialogues about how he had a bad relationship with the king and how he was raised entirely by servants, so porcoline reminds him of that. And cute stories like how when he was working late at night he walked outside his door and there was a mysterious homecooked meal out of nowhere. yeah porcoline TOTALLY made a midnight snack and just forgot not to eat it, suuuuure! porco is always trying to trick him into taking care of himself, its so damn sweet!! And you get similar dialogues from everyone else working at the restaurant and just GAHHH forever headcanoning arthur and dylas as Official Adopted Members Of The De Saint-Coquille Noble Bloodline. I wish they had more interactions together tho, even if they arent like brothers its odd that two people working together each day dont talk much about each other. BUT SERIOUSLY porco is like.. he adopted a friggin horse monster and THE PRINCE OF THE COUNTRY. Sorry king u messed up dadding, he is mine now. Also: the wild wilderness of a monster temple is no place for a young boy. U come gain some employment as a well-paid waiter and also my son! I ain’t care that you’re slightly a unicorn! THEYRE ALL JUST SUCH NICE PEOPLE AAA I wanna be like ‘plz let me marry your son’ to porcoline, i wanna join the fam as a daughter in law. I’m not REMOTELY interested in being the princess, I just wanna be a new member of the restaurant peoples!! Aaaaa I cant stop rambling about how much i love this game and these characters!! And I;ve only even really started befriending this small chunk of the characters, who knows if I’ll get even more rambley about the others!!!! I just love love love that you can put them in your party at any time and drag them along to do everything and PRETEND WE ARE HAVING FAMILY BONDING ACTIVITIES BECAUSE I ADORE YOU ALL
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