#theyre at a club or smth just roll with it
mickidona · 1 year
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Come stand a little bit closer, breathe in and get a bit higher
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radiant-reid · 1 year
spencer x reader where reader is wearing heels and theyre out with the team at a bar/club or date night or smth and ur feet really hurt. you know spencer would take ur shoes off for u and give u his & carry yours without a second thought......... 💗💗💗 😩
btw it doesnt bother you that i write 'you' when talking abt reader right ?? everything i send here stems from a fake scenario i had in my head lol soo it just makes the most sense like that imo
ahh no it's totally okay, i just roll with whatever pronouns people use in their asks
cutest !!
bf spencer has major:
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and of course the princess treatment starts before the night out with:
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hey, sorry if this is too much or smth, but i really don't wanna tell anything to my friends i fearike it'd be "too real" AND OBVIOUSLY I WANT IT TO BE REAL BUT, i don't know, i feel like i'll jinx or fuck it up somehow if i tell it;;
hello, again, okay so, a few weeks back we had this thesis project 6 per group and ive had converstaions w all of them except for 1.
by this point i was lamenting over a past love, we werent necessarily together since we were like, idk 14 or smth when it happened and its been 7 years, we kinda drifted apart after graduation since i thought 'it wouldnt last anyway' and i kept rejecting their advances for a year or two, but i still liked them;;; anyway back in 2020 we got in touch again and i told them that i still liked them and i was just dumb and all that and they seemed to return my advances and ofc i asked if they were comfortable and not just going w the flow yknow and they said yes so.
i confessed and they said not yet cause of school stuff but they do like me still and so i said id wait, THEN it was all okay since we joke and all that but they always seem to reject when i ask them directly about us or like even just to meet up or smth, and ofc i get it so i try not to bother them too much until valentine's rolls in and they post smth on ig with them and their friends and theres this girl with a solo shot of her being goofy and smiling and i just.
idk i took it as a sign to stop since he always used to do that w me before so yeh.
and then like with school i just got lost in all it and directed every ounce of my passion so we finished some stuff quite early, theres only 2 big ones of them we needed to do so a member suggested to split the work between us six. one of thems easier than the other so i got grouped with the guy i havent talked to, kinda scared abt it but all was fine. i added him (lets call him graham) on facebook so we could talk in messenger about planning what to do and all that, then after i found that he's friends with another group member who happened to be someone im close with, kinda AND they messaged me so i asked whats up cause i thought it was abt the project and they reply with smth along the lines of "nothing, graham's just rlly overjoyed since u addrd him cause he likes u" AND IM WHAT CAUSE IM P SURE WEVE NEVER MET then he follows it up w "ure his type, smart and hardworking" AND I DONT HAVE THE HEART TO TELL THAT IM A FALSE ADVERTISEMENT CAUSE IM RLLY NOT ALL THAT AND IM SCARED OF DISAPPOINTING ANYONE
anyway they let it be and i didnt think much of it cause maybe theyre just messing around yknow so nothing much happened, we finished the project and everything's all right until we were grouped for another thing through our society/club whatevr and i was kinda nervous since its my first time meeting them and everything was fun actually turns out it was graham's bday last tuesday so i greeted him and we joked a bit cause wednesday's the club thingy, i didnt even know what he looked like since his pfp's from when he was a kid
wednesday rolls in and im in the library with a friend, a mutual friend of ours and he said hello to me and i was so happy somehow??? I DONT REALLY GET IT MYSELF I USUALLY TAKE SO LONG TO ACCLIMATIZR TO SOMEONE BUT LIKE THE CLUB THINGY WENT WELL AND WE WERE JOKING BY THE END OF THE DAY AND I JUST, i think i like him as well?? he even asked to take a picture with me he seemed so nervous i wanted to hug him I ACTUALLY THOUGHT ITD BE OUR WHOLE GROUP IN THE CLUB but it turns out it wasnt so !!!!!!
thursday comes and we messaged a bit (he chatted first, abt the thesis) we were in a seminar and i was a bit late that day so i was at the back and our other classmates r upfront w him so never really met, until a friend of mine and i were going home and we MET THEM ON THE TRAIN ISTG MY HEART WAS JUMPING UNTIL I GOT HOME SMILING LIKE AN IDIOT WHILE WALKING
okay sorry but like, tldr, im a bit afraid that i only "like" him cause he liked me first, yknow after i waited for the previous person and evrything for so long and receiving little to nothing ++ i think his expectation of me's kinda high im neither smart nor hardworking im just anxious all the time so i have to do my work quick or else i'll die and some part of me's still doubting his feelings for me as just a prank cause nsjdhbf idk im not really pretty too so whats up why is this happrning but he's so fucking cute (generally) and i am falling as well and im scared cause we'd be graduating in a year so what if this also doesnt end quite well and i end up losing a friend?
i kinda also wanna just come up to him and invite him for a date but yeh :( and yesterday my phone died and i was stoked to meet him but he wasnt at uni so i was kinda sad then i find out the previous person i like messaged me and idk they were kinda flirty and i feel bad if i leave them again cause ive done it once and i was only left with regrets so what if im just repeating history aaaa its so hard to like manage everything too if graham and i somehow manage to be together im not great at balancing things what if i let him slip away or smth
again sorry for this i just wanted to know what other people think i really wanna shoot my shot at the same time i feel like im a people pleaser so yknow what if im just doing this cause of attention or smth idk huhu thanks in adavmce if u answer this but no hatd feelings if u dont thank u boo
Hello, you seem very stressed out! Please take several deep breaths, put on some calming music and remember that none of this is life or death.
First of all, you're right to let this past love go, it's simply not in the cards and I'm proud of you for recognizing that. Throw the whole man away, if he makes you feel bad(even if he's not doing it on purpose!) you don't need that drama.
I'm not going to diagnose you with anything over the internet, especially not based on one interaction, but I will say that in this ask specifically, you are exhibiting pretty high levels of anxiety and worry that it might be good to speak to a professional about. Your university should have free mental health services, if you have insurance you can call and ask what providers they cover, and failing that, there are many therapists and psychiatrists who offer sliding scale coverage for low income patients.
Alright, now that's done, what needs to happen here is something that I know you will not like, but is pretty much mandatory-you need to have a conversation with Graham. It's okay if it turns out you only like that he's interested in you, and when you get to know him you're less into him. You're not asking him to marry you after all. It's also okay if you're not smart or funny or hardworking (I think you're being too hard on yourself, but even so, it's okay).
If you talk with him and express your interest, you can set a boundary on how you like to be complimented(i.e., low pressure compliments that don't comment on your abilities) and specify if you want something casual just to see how you vibe. Even if you graduate, you might stay together, or you might not. You definitely won't know unless you try.
Also, who cares if you want attention???? you're human, that's totally natural. You're not gonna go to Needy Jail for it.
All that to say:
go to therapy
figure out what you want (in general and from Graham specifically. You can do this in therapy)
stop talking to past love
start talking to Graham about what you want
remember that even if things end up less than ideal, it's okay
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battinson4ever · 5 years
Hey I know this is out of nowhere but how did you make friends going to university? I’m on an exchange in England and I’ve only been her for like 3 days but it feels like everyone is already paired off into groups and I just feel so lonely.
hi there!! as far as making friends go, we're in the same boat bc i literally refused to make friends in first year (i was very nervous) and only now am i beginning to make friends at uni....lol.... so i dont have v many Quick Hacks but some tried n true methods r:
just start talking! walk up next to someone before class and ask them if the seat next to them is taken, and then sit down and introduce yourself. get to know each other! tell them a fun fact about yourself, like where you're from or if you're left-handed or something Crazy you did over the summer. you're going to b spending a few hours w these ppl so... and ik this is probably the scariest one and it SUCKS to do the heavy lifting first but i promise you theyre not going to think of you as anything other than That Friendly Person and hey... if we want the rewards of being loved,,
join a club! it gives u a common interest to talk abt w ppl... join d&d club or poker night or a newspaper ! whatever floats your boat man but that gets you out there and gives u smth to do on weekends and lets u meet ppl
get a job at ur uni! obv dont do this if u dont have to bc jobs arent always worth it but. my job taught me how to b less nervous abt making friendly conversation w ppl and most of the ppl ive met have been through my job... i dont go to class w a lot of the ppl i work with but its nice to see a familiar n friendly face when i roll into work !!
but yah ! most of these are just: force yourself into talking to ppl. it definitely isnt easy and it also isnt always pleasant, nor is it always bound to work, but its so so worth it. put urself out there, get to know ppl, remember that ur an amazing person n ppl would b lucky to know n befriend you!
you went all the way to england baby thats bravery AND strength!! i wish you the best of luck w your studies n friendmaking, lmk how it goes 💕💕
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gweyson · 6 years
yue 5, 14, 16, 37, javi 4, 8, 29, 46, bee 11, 21, 35, 45, lucas 24, 32, 40, 47 !!
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
somewhat, yeah. she was overly protected as a child and then when she became a teenager that all just kind of went away
14. Were they involved at school? Sports? Clubs? Debate? Were they unconnected?
she tried to get involved with stuff where she could but a certain SOMEONE always seemed to have the same idea as her so the club would basically just devolve into the two of them arguing until either it got shut down or they both got kicked out. she did always like the arts though, mostly performance & stage management/prop stuff !
16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike?
shes just got some shitty part time job but what that part time job is i have not yet decided. sge probably stacks shelves or smth.... i think shes in a supermarket either way
37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
she daydreams a lot... if she doesnt shell have a panic attack whenevr she leaves the house
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
suuuuuuper strict, especially from his dad (who he will gladly tell you is a bastard, probably unprompted,)
8. How does your character feel about religion?
he was forced to to go a catholic school & he had to go to church every week and say grace at every meal so he uh. hates it dflgdkhjf
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
laziness and an inability to take responsibility for his own actions
46. Is your character tall? Short? What about size? Weight? Posture? How do they feel about their physical body?
he’s 5′2. tbh aside from getting bad dysphoria he doesnt have many feelings towards his body
11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?
they see themselves as Very not smart because if they arent self deprecating are they really bee
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
theyre pretty polite. the words of all the teachers they ever had: they were “a delight to have in class”
35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
if anything bad ever happens even one(1) time it’s always their fault
45. Is your character pragmatic? Think first? Responsible? All action? A visionary? Passionate? Quixotic?
they tend to be very pragmatic, yes. theyre able to look at most situations objectively
24. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
in high school they tried to get involved with stuff here and there but a certain SOMEONE always seemed to have the same idea as them so the club would basically just devolve into the two of them arguing until either it got shut down or they both got kicked out
32. How does your character react to stress situations? Defensively? Aggressively? Evasively?
oh fuck we are under attack
40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
nobody really understands their sense of humour? everyone just kind of pretends to know whats happening there and rolls with it
47. Do they want to project an image of a younger, older, more important person? Does they want to be visible or invisible
they just want people to think theyre a cool dude! :~)
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unkillability · 6 years
dooooo. skipper
OBLIGATORY edgy mess pls forgive me . i rlly like to talk abt this one & im gonna try & not get too excessive dfygujb. 
Full Name: CAPT Segin Isidro Vadin [primarily goes by skipper & has since. a teen. its stone cold irony that she became a literal captain though gfdsdgfh]
Gender and Sexuality: gnc woman & bi
Pronouns: she/her [sometimes strangers use sir, other pronouns, & mistake her for Cis Dude etc. bc tall + crew cut but she just. rolls w it. cant be fucked to care rlly.]
Ethnicity: white
Birthplace and Birthdate: clearwater FL. & idk exact date but shes A capricorn.
Guilty Pleasures: shes big n bad but at her Core, deepdown, shes a diehard terrible mushy romantic who turns into an awkward submissive softie around someone she Rlly Likes. which Eats Her Alive
Phobias: oof shes got a lotta. complexes. but shes BIG time claustrophobic. hates anything that feels remotely trapping. sorta terrified of being alone, but theres very few she Wants to be around. loud noises + thunder are eh.
What They Would Be Famous For: fbi most wanted list prob
What They Would Get Arrested For: she was arrested several times as a teen for doing dumb shit high &/or drunk on dares. otherwise shes… slick 
OC You Ship Them With: her & avi are messy powercouple of the century. 
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: i mean everyone wants to wring her neck at Some Poing but the point is my ocs are….Friends…..asa Maybe though. they just rub each other the wrong way but theyre legally obligated to Suck It Up since theyre in-laws. 
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: bold of you to assume she consumes media. [she likes…cartoons….some comics. rlly likes deadpool bc ‘haha same hat’]
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: doesnt, rlly have one? 
Talents and/or Powers: like teflon; nothing sticks to her. larger-than-life, deceptive, cunning, observant. shouldve been an actor. 
Why Someone Might Love Them: shes not very Loveable but people will like what she Does w/o knowing its her doing it? [which is taking out evil rich elites, basically.] blends in to the club scene very well. shes surprisingly good with kids, who’re less intimidated by her than adults [she can tell good stories & will say shes a cyborg or smth when they ask abt her legs, which makes her Cool™] she has a heart in there somewhere 
Why Someone Might Hate Them: shes literally an ex-seal mercenary & like. later on, anarchist vigilante. her personality is coarse. she never truly grew outta being a scrappy teenager from boston.  
How They Change: uhh she gets knocked down a Lot of pegs & develops like. a sense of morality? realizes shes objectively horrible  & makes a conscious decision to do better things. starts offing people who Deserve It vs just following orders. yk, character development. 
Why You Love Them: 1st oc babey. skip really started off overpowered & exaggerated which id tried to tone down to make her more ~realistic~ which like, did help me clarify what i wanted out of her character, but then i realized i dont. have to do that. the entire point is that this is A Character & I Make The Rules….it doesnt really matter anyways if its too coincidental that so Much has happened w one individual-  some people cram a lot of living into a short amount of time. & if i wanna make an edgy self indulgent powerhouse whos hell bent on revenge & Punishing Evil People all while learning how to have meaningful relationships & Friends im gonna. do that. 
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bangzchan · 7 years
au where isak is a young professional golfer and even is a photographer and there’s this event in the golf club and they hire even to take pictures and its all good until isak steps on the field and even cant stop taking pictures of him and then isak notices him and even lowers his camera and they just stare at each other for a long second then isaks attention is back to the others next to him. then later when they serve all kinds of food and snacks and drinks, even finds isak again through the lenses and he captures him smiling widely with a champagne glass in his hands (which he holds in a strange way and it makes even smile) and while even’s going through the pictures on his camera,isak walks up to him whispering like “why do you keep taking pictures of me?” and even swallows hard, “i was hired to take pictures” and isak looks like a child about to whine ,”yeah but its..always me” and evens hands are shaking a little, “you just,have a photogenic face” and isaks mouth closes and he furrows his eyebrows and then even’s leaving with a “im sorry, i won’t bother you anymore”. and then its late, getting dark and not many ppl stayed behind but even did for night shots (maybe more for himself than to who hired him) and then he turns around to the sound of footsteps and its isak, walking up to him with his hands in his pockets and he blows air out of his nose, “you really made sure i didnt see you for the rest of the event” and even just shrugs and watches isak stop next to him and smirk, “i was there looking all photogenic for nothing” and even raises his eyebrows, “too bad” and copies isak’s smirk, then isak bites the inside of his cheek and nods then points to the camera in evens hands “are you done?” and when even tells him yes ,isak takes it from him with a questioning look and even lets him, then isak holds it in front of his face and clicks, “sorry, youre just really photogenic” and even rolls his eyes, “im not” and isak pulls an offended face, “excuse me? im the photographer, i know my thing” and even shakes his head with a laugh and isak clicks again then evens like, “alright, thats enough, give it back” and isak chuckles,”take it” and takes a step backwards and even tilts his head to the side, “are you serious.” and isak shrugs and starts walking backwards and even follows him but then isak starts running and so does even,and theyre shouting and laughing breathlessly and isak takes a few pictures while theyre running and then he stops and even almost bumps into him and he takes the camera and isaks laughing, “that was fun” and evens like “for you!” and isak frowns, still smiling, “okay then, what would be fun for you?” ,”going home” ,and isak snorts, “right. what about the stars?” and even looks at him confused “what about them?”, then isak just. lies on the grass with his hands on his stomach and starts saying some facts and stuff, and even raises his eyebrows still standing, “you love the stars?” and isak smiles, “im fascinated by the universe” and thats what makes even lie down next to him and they stay there, even listening to isak talk and he has to sit up after a while before he does something stupid like kiss isak. then they part ways and even walks home. and when he’s printing the pictures out and comes across the ones isak took, he cant help but smile.and after finding out which one isak’s locker is at the golf club, he starts putting the pictures in there with different facts about the stars or his own point of view on the whole thing they talked about and there’s always a reply in a little creak between the lockers and even reads them every night. on the last picture he places in isaks locker there’s smth different written on it and this time he makes sure that isak’s there that exact time and he waits until isak finds it, he waits lying out on the grass where they ran to the other night, and isaks finally walking there and he’s sitting down next to even, holding the picture out to him, “lets look at stars?” he quotes the text on the picture, “its 4 in the afternoon. there are no stars” and even turns his head to look at isak, popping on his elbows, “thats weird. im pretty sure im looking at one right now” and isak rolls his eyes and pushes even back to the ground then he himself lies down too, then they lace their little fingers and soon enough they are looking at the starry sky and wishing on a shooting star. and kissing isak may or may not have been even’s wish but it happens regardless
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