jeyne-stark · 2 years
Snow-White and Rose-Red AU: Jeyne P and Sansa meet a magical talking animal and accidentally break his curse, and he turns into a Theon and marries them both
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jeyne-stark · 1 year
from theynsa omegaverse:
The room was thick with the scent of fear, both her own and Theon’s. It was a small room, dominated by the bed, with no windows and only one door. They wouldn’t be taken by surprise, not in here.
She didn’t know who was attacking. She hoped they won, though. Anyone would be better than Ramsay. She’d probably be executed, but Ramsay would be worse. His blood would be up, and he would want…
She shuddered.
“Theon,” she whispered, “what if…”
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jeyne-stark · 2 years
Those WIP games sure were effective, I've dusted off some old drafts
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jeyne-stark · 1 year
Six Sentence Sunday
“I’m back,” she called as she entered their shared bedchamber. Jeyne and Theon both perked up immediately. She set the bundle the maester had given her down on the table. “Have you eaten?”
Both of them nodded.
“Good. I want to try something new today.”
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jeyne-stark · 1 year
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yeah shut up it's still wednesday technically
“Do you think we’ll need that?” Jeyne asked. “Sansa’s not like Ramsay.”
“No, she’s not,” Theon agreed. “It’s just in case.”
“I think she’ll be mad when she finds out.” Even as kind as Sansa was, she wouldn’t like that her omegas had a knife without permission. She’d probably punish them for it, and Jeyne didn’t want Sansa to think that they needed lots of punishment.
Theon shrugged, looking to the flaps of the tent. “I’ll tell her it was just me.”
“Please don’t lie, it’s always worse when we lie.”
“No, it was always worse when we didn’t say what Ramsay wanted us to say. He just said that was lying. Besides, you don’t have the knife.”
“But I hid it!” Jeyne could feel herself growing more stressed by the second.
Theon’s arms were comforting. “It’ll be alright,” he promised, which he did often, and it was almost never true. “Sansa’s not like Ramsay. She might understand, she was held prisoner too.”
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jeyne-stark · 1 year
omegaverse thoughts
so for my theynsa omegaverse au that frankly needs a better name, here is my noodling about how designations shake out for people.
Sansa is an alpha, obviously, and Theon and Jeyne are her omegas, this is the premise
Edmure is an alpha, Roslin is an omega—I think it would be fun to flip those, but that would need a different fic more focused on those two to explore that
Lysa is an omega who really would like to not be an omega. She's not well-suited to being an alpha either, and doesn't particularly want that, she just really resents the heats and bonding and suchlike that come with being an omega. if I bothered with betas she'd want to be a beta.
Cat was an alpha, Ned was an omega, Robb was an alpha, Jeyne Westerling is an omega, Margaery is an omega, Asha is an alpha.
Brienne is an omega. this I think might be unpopular, but hear me out: she wants to be an omega, soft and submissive and taken care of, but due to being big and tall and strong, she was rejected and now she presents herself more like an alpha. as I am a sucker for courtly love, backstory Brienne/Cat happened. possibly including fucking. possibly including baby. we'll see.
Cersei is an alpha and Jaime is an omega, mostly because I think about Cersei's comments that she should have the sword and Jaime wear the skirts roughly hourly. Robert was also an alpha; I figure A/A matches are rare and generally considered unstable long-term. it's Tywin's misogyny at work that he thought this was a good idea. in his mind, Cersei may be an alpha woman but she's still a woman, and so she gets married off to the most politically-expedient man available.
Arya is probably an alpha, but I think it would be fun for her to be an omega. again, that would need a different fic just to explore that, though. Jon could go either way, I think I'm going to have him as an alpha who Doesn't Care. basically reverse-Lysa; if I bothered with betas he'd want to be one. the younger Starklings are probably too young for this to be a thing (frankly Arya's designation is probably never going to come up) but I figure omega Bran and alpha Rickon, just to round them all out.
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