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meatstickclaymore · 6 years ago
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I am in bed right now. An ex-fling of mine invited me over to fool around with him and the guy he is dating. Guess what I did... I stayed in bed. At 30, I know better. #onlyTopinthebed #never2ndfiddle #theyalwayscomeback (at Mount Oliver, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnhoUwDgkzZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19dvo11zdgeip
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anujjasani · 4 years ago
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“If you really want to live your life fullest, start believing that no one exists on this planet for you” - Anuj Jasani • • #anujjasani #anujjasaniquote #focusonyourself #noonecares #nooneexists #youarealone #livefullest #lifeisbeautiful #bethefight #dowhatyoucan #followyourintuition #selfcentered #itsyouagainstyou #peoplearecrazy #theyalwayscomeback #happinessiseverything #choosekindness #yourlifeisyours #nooneisperfect #staymotivatedalways #goafteryourdreams #dosomethingthatmatters #youwillwin 💯 https://www.instagram.com/p/CIqIHohlpz7/?igshid=13fz303npdods
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thesocialentrepreneur · 6 years ago
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Hard, but fair. Sad, but true. When you treat people well, and always leave folk better than you found them #TheyAlwaysComeBack. The key is knowing thyself and learning how to guard your heart and personal space so they don't sabotage your current and future happiness. #standards #boundaries #loyalty #respect #QualityOverQuantity https://www.instagram.com/p/BwjwN4KpjBk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ciz9jhyflx2q
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feyre-cursebreaker · 8 years ago
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Yaaaas! #thequeen is back! @shayna.deiss it’s good to see you’ve come to your senses #theyalwayscomeback
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angelishere407 · 5 years ago
If your communication just stops out of the blue for no apparent reason, and one month goes by, don't just think you can just restart it. It doesn't work like that with me. 🙄 Whatever your reason was then, let it be your same reason now to leave me the fuck alone...forever. I don't deal with wishy-washy, sometimey people.
I'm so tired of these men with their disappearing/re-appearing acts. If you can't even be a friend and communicate what's on your mind, you can't be anything else to me. Bye boy! #PeaceOut✌🏽
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dearellehcim · 6 years ago
Bahaha.... 🤣 who am I kidding?
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doitformebiz-blog · 7 years ago
Me when I'm asked for a discount. #tipoftheday When you're a small business owner don't believe you have to discount your prices in order to make a sell or gain a client. Keep providing excellent service and amazing products and people will eventually see the value in what you offer and come back. #theyalwayscomeback (at Toronto, Ontario)
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princericosuave · 8 years ago
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That's why i don't chase them because they dont know what they want so they always end up crawling back #Facts #TheyCome #TheyGo #TheyComeBack #EndlessCycle #IDontChase #theyalwayscomeback
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mongocurtblow-blog · 8 years ago
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Lay blame where it belong, so it wasn't my fault when I pumped ten times and was ready to explode, YESSSSSSSS! #itwasstillfun #theyalwayscomeback 🕵👀 DaRealImAround 💰🏃💯🕵 (at Quick Draws)
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britt-thebaddest · 7 years ago
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"I am the dopest I'm the dopest You already know this Chosen I've been chosen And I know you noticed it I got that potion Hocus pocus shit, yeah..." • • #jheneaiko #theyalwayscomeback #onethatgotaway . . . . . #naturallycurly #naturalhair #curlyhair #naturalhaircommunity #curls #teamnatural #healthyhair #naturalhairdaily #naturallyshesdope #curlygirl #naturalhairloves #melanin #healthyhairjourney #naturalhairdoescare #natural #blackgirlmagic #myhaircrush #naturalhairrocks #naturalcurls #curlyhairdontcare #hairgoals #hair #naturalista #naturalhairjourney #naturalhairstyles #melaninpoppin #curlyhairkillas
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therealfiredragon · 5 years ago
Jealousy is a thing for people who don’t know their worth. They subconsciously know that there is someone better than them out there...
#knowyourworth #theyalwayscomeback
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silentcreeper · 8 years ago
#NowPlaying Comeback by Ella Eyre #theyalwayscomeback #thirstybitches
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