#they've already been cleaned they should just be wet
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->Aaand then I noticed that the dryer downstairs was busted. *sigh* Fortunately, Victor had just finished up in the greenhouse, so I had him Repairio it, then -- after putting the clothes inside back in the hamper (as they’d for some reason reverted back to “used” mid-drying-cycle -- what’s up with that?) -- upgrade it! Specifically, I had him give it a tungsten drum to stop it breaking so often. It was a long and arduous upgrade, but luckily Kelly was there to give him some absolutely adorable kitty love halfway through. :) Look at her clasping his hand with her paws, awww. . .
-->Meanwhile, I received a notice that another chick was ready to hatch in the chicken coop -- and I decided “you know what, I don’t think Alice has ever hatched a chick. Let’s let her do this one!” And so she did. :) It was just as cute as ever, though I did notice the chick got a bit lost in her hair during the “just hatched’ cuddle. XD Ah well, neither she nor the chick seemed to mind. This should fill up the chicken coop for the time being -- we’ll see how many we have of each type of chicken once they all grow up! (And who will need to be traded or sold. . .)
-->And then -- more pranks! Because Victor hadn’t had a chance to do any pranking yet, and I wanted everyone to at least complete the holiday enough to avoid the sad moodlet. Victor got Smiler with the hand buzzer -- Smiler promptly retaliated with a “noxious cloud” fart. XD I think Victor actually came off the worse in that interaction! Alice joined in to spread some preposterous rumors (”I heard that the next Sims 4 pack will definitely contain cars!”), and Victor got her with “what’s that spot?” XD If you can’t lightly prank the ones you love, then who can you lightly prank?
-->All that mischief made Victor rather hungry, though -- and as leftovers were starting to run a bit low in the fridge, I had him make some new food for him and Alice to enjoy! Specifically, he chopped up his new lettuce and some tomatoes to make some BLTs! A nice tasty sandwich that brought Victor up to Cooking skill level 5, w00. We love to see it!
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st-danger · 29 days
Dew fuckin Rain real good right before a show but their timing is off and neither of them get to cum so they're just hard and wet and suffering on stage :(((((
It's their own fault, really. Their decision, their bad decision, and they can hardly be upset that their actions have consequences. However, they've always been overachievers, so- they find a way to be upset. Unbelievable to think something as unfair as this could happen to ghouls as wonderful as them. Life on Earth: full of woe and toil cruelly handed to ghouls as wonderful as them.
On the floor of the dressing room, on rough and cheap low pile carpet, Rain burns his knees while someone knocks on the door. Two sharp raps that make both Dew and Rain startle, throwing off the cadence of Dew's hips for a moment.
"Five minutes, you degenerates," comes the muffled voice from the hallway. Swiss, he thinks, though it doesn't actually matter who it is, since they'll dismiss it anyway. Dew especially can ignore anyone at any time.
"Yeah, we know," Dew huffs to Rain between thrusts, and begins to give it harder, faster.
Rain hangs his head, dropping down to his elbows because he can brace himself better against the rhythm that way. And then, to the door, "Five, yeah, got it," and there's a degree of clear difficulty with which the words are spoken, though he's sure that the messenger (who should be shot for messing up the rhythm earlier) has already stalked off. Voice obviously strained, but Dew has no shame about this, and it isn't like Swiss hadn't figured it out already. His hands tighten on Rain's slim hips, and he works towards pulling Rain back onto him to meet each roll of his hips. "C'mon," he urges, "touch yourself, we gotta- we gotta hurry up." He listens, adjusts so he braces himself fully on his left arm to free up his right, and reaches down, in between, pulling in time with what Dew gives him.
He's relentless, just this side of too much. Easier to slide in when he'd had Rain a few hours prior, though he hadn't been particularly nice then and there's an ache that accompanies the way he moves now. Not enough to wince, but enough to know he's going to feel it when he tucks himself into bed tonight. For now, the angle is good, his hand is slippery as it moves over himself, and-
Dew adjusts behind him, gets a hand in Rain's curls and gets one of his legs up, planting his foot so he has greater leverage. A part of Rain's mind goes utterly blank as the heat on his knees continues to burn, pulling on himself harder. Faster. Needier, the way Dew is acting. The backs of his knees are sweaty, and his hairline, too. The big regret will be that they've no option to shower or clean up properly, about to spent well over an hour sweating further under stage lamps and smelling of sex. A blessing, if you will, that the masks and uniform will cover the messy hair and pink, debauched faces. The uniforms are still hanging up, neat and unrumpled because they're considerate. Rain moans into the crook of his arm, fleeting thoughts about the shirt he'll need to sacrifice to get them both as presentable as possible drifting around the sharp shocks of pleasure every time Dew slams in, every flourish of his wrist around his head.
"They're gonna smell it on you," Dew grunts, getting a tighter grip of hair. Not quite mean, but far from nice. "Everyone's gonna know, aren't they? Yeah? Pretty little slut like you-" his voice breaks just for a moment before he's about to recover, and continues, "Couldn't wait, could you? Just had to have it? Wanted it this bad."
"Th'swas your idea," Rain slurs, and if he weren't so lost in it all, if he weren't as close as he is, it might have sounded more amused than petulant. "You're the one-"
"Can't help yourself," Dew continues, blatantly ignoring the opportunity to take ownership of his actions. Running his mouth, in his own little world. Talking more for his own benefit, more to work himself up further than it is to get Rain that much more keyed up. "Made for this, huh Rain? Make it worth my while now and, fuck, be good and maybe you'll get more of me later-"
A knock. Another one. And not just that, but a rattling of the doorknob as well.
"Hey, jackasses," comes Cirrus's voice. She's the only one able to sound that stern. "You better be dressed, we're supposed to be backstage already."
Much like waking up having missed an alarm, the shock of realizing just how quickly they've run out of time cascades down their collective spines like the worst, most needed cold shower. Panic, while sometimes a thrill, is most often a more efficient way to temper flames.
Dressing is a harried, awful disaster, with Dew pulling out quick enough they both cringe. Fingers fumbling on snaps and laces, cocks tucked awkwardly under waistbands because they're not yet soft enough to sit normal in their trousers anyway. Rain's knees are sore, Dew looks wild, and the dash to stage is as uncomfortable as it is embarrassing.
"Two hours," he says over the swell of music and the roar of the crowd, sliding a hand up Rain's chest to grab his throat while the stage is bathed in red light. Behind his bass, Rain aches.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 7 months
Monkey Business
Thanks for the Ask, Fetifiction
I heard you've got a crush on your gym buddy. You said his name was Amir, right? I know you like his personality or whatever, but he's not exactly your type. Is he? So, I sent you some experimental protein powder. It's called Ape Mode. Slip some of that in his drink...I think you'll like what happens...
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"Oh, hey dude," Amir gives a friendly nod, "I almost thought you weren't coming. Did that professor hold class after the bell again?"
"Yup!" your voice shakes as you answer.
It's a lie. You just spent the last twenty minutes trying to spike his sports drink in the locker room. It was hard enough to find the damn thing, but you had to make sure it was definitely his. Luckily, his gym bag is bright yellow. It's pretty hard to miss, so the half empty bottle sitting next to it had to be his.
"He's a real douchebag," your friend complains, "Come on. I just started stretching."
Nervously, you sit beside Amir and try to keep up with his stretches. He asks you about your day and wonders if you need to vent about school. You just shake your head. Amir's caring personality is the best thing about him, but it's also making you feel really guilty for lying to him. Hopefully, that powder doesn't screw him up!
Amir ends the warmup and climbs to his feet. You watch as your best friend walks over to the locker room and pulls out his drink: the one you spiked. For a brief moment, you feel a flash of regret and almost shout out for him to stop, but it's already too late. The moment has passed. Amir is gulping down the entire contents of his bottle. All you can do is stare at him and wait.
"You good, dude?" Amir asks, snapping you out of your daze.
"Yup! Totally...um... let's workout!"
Amir claps you on the back and heads over to a treadmill. The guy is always doing cardio, leaving him thin and nimble, but you'd rather he looked a different way. You want to see him big and brawny like the man of your dreams. Hopefully, by the end of this workout, he will.
It's hard to act normal, but you swallow your anxiety and walk over to a weight machine. It's in the perfect spot to keep an eye on Amir. You want to know as soon as the changes start happening. A small part of you still doubts whether or not Ape Mode will actually work.
30 minutes later...
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"Dude, I don't know what's happening! I was just running on the treadmill like normal, but..." he glances down at his swollen arms in disbelief, "well look at me!"
"I don't know either," you tell him with your most convincing voice, "but you look great!"
Amir takes another look down at his biceps. They've easily expanded to twice the size they used to be, but that's not the only thing that's changed. You've been staring at him on the treadmill for the last half hour. His whole body seemed to expand! His thighs thickened and his shoulders broadened. You think he even got taller! Not to mention the dense layer of stubble that's sprouted all over Amir's face.
He hasn't seemed to notice it all yet, but every part of his body seems to have shifted in some way! Seeing your friend transform into your wet dream is a lot more stressful than you imagined. You might be hiding a raging boner, but you're still worried about what will happen when Amir looks in a mirror. What if he doesn't like the new him? You wonder for a second if you should just come clean and tell him about the powder.
Amir flexes his arm, staring at his bulging bicep with a worried look, "I don't know, dude. Should I be worried?"
You look into your friend's vulnerable eyes, "Nope! Let's just get back to our workout."
Amir nods and lowers his tense shoulders. He trusts your judgement and brushes off his concerns. You watch with a mixture of guilt and excitement as Amir saunters back to the treadmill. His ass has even filled out, too!
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"Dude!" a deep voice moans behind you.
"Woah!" your jaw drops at the site of Amir. His voice has lowered several octaves to the point where you couldn't even recognize it. His appearance is just as drastically different. The big hairy man standing before you looks only vaguely like the friend you know and love.
"What, is it bad? I don't feel good..." Amir groans, "Buh-UUuurrrp!” A low gutteral belch voices out of his stomach.
You don't know how to react. His transformation is progressing wildly, and you're almost too turned on to comfort him!
"I was just running, but my steps just kept feeling heavier, and I was feeling itchy all over, and my shirt is pinching me, and..." he trails off as he scratches his gut absent-mindedly.
It looks like he's gained sixty pounds, so it's no wonder that his shirt is feeling tight! Some of that weight isnt muscle, either. Amir has a bit of a gut, now, and with his shirt soaked in sweat, you can see how hairy his new chest is. His entire body seems to be sprouting fur like he's some kind of animal!
"Don't worry about it," you say, grabbing Amir's hand in an effort to calm him down. You might as well commit to his transformation at this point! It's obviously working!
"But, I'm so fat and hairy," he grunts slowly, "And I can't move ten inches without sweating like a pig!" his stomach growls before his bubbling up his chest, "Buur…brrruUuUUUP!”
"Hey these changes are normal, big guy," you pat him on his big meaty back, "I like the new Amir."
Amir frowns and rips his hand away from yours. Before you know it, he's stomping back over to the treadmill with heavy steps that shake the floor. He seems to have a little less patience than he used to. Maybe he's just frustrated by all the changes?
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"Amir can we go now?" you ask for the third time in a row, "You've been staring at yourself in that mirror for an hour now!"
He doesn't seem to hear you. Amir has packed on so much fat, muscle, and hair that he looks completely unrecognizable. He almost seems more like he's an animal than your old friend.
He's been watching the final touches of his transformation take place in his new form, only pausing to occasionally scratch his ass or sniff his pits. Of course, the entire gym is giving him angry looks. A cloud of strong BO is wafting off of him, and it doesn't help that he keeps burping and farting loud enough for everyone to hear. Amir seems totally oblivious to how uncomfortable he's making everyone, so you're left to feel all the social awkwardness.
"Amir, come on," you tenderly grab his hairy forearm.
"GrrrUH!" Amir growls and rips his arm away again.
You roll your eyes and shake your head. You wanted Amir to look like a hairy beast, not act like one! How the hell are you supposed to get him out of here, let alone fall in love with you? He's acting like a big stupid caveman!
Feeling defeated, you stumble over to the locker room. If your going to leave, you at least want something to cover the tent in your shorts. Amir's bright yellow backpack would never fit on his massive frame anymore. He probably couldn't even remember how to put it on. With a sigh, you pick the thing up hold it close to your waist.
"MmnNanna?" a curious grunt comes as you reenter the gym. Amir, the huge hairy beast is staring at the yellow backpack with hungry eyes. "Nanna," he growls more definitively.
"You want a banana?" you ask gingerly.
"Mmmmngh!" he nods emphatically, licking his lips.
This is yellow backpack must be your ticket to controlling him! "Follow me," you smile, finally understanding how this beast of a man.
With lumbering steps, Amir stumbles behind you. It's a good thing he's hot, because he's lost all the intelligence he'd had before. All you had to do was say the word banana and now he's following you out to the car, drooling the entire way. You can't help but chuckle at your gigantic friend following behind you like a big dumb animal.
In the car, you toss the yellow bag as far back as you can. All three hundred pounds of Amir jumps inside and you slam the door shut behind him. Now you just have to get the guy home with him getting too angry.
"BuuuUughHnnannNnaAH!" he bellows, beating his chest with wild fury.
"Ok, ok! I'll go buy a damn banana."
"Nnngh!" Amir clenches your wrist before you can get out of the car. "...nanna!" he grunts, staring at your crotch like it's his first meal in weeks.
"Oh," you gasp. You didn't know he meant that banana. Amir's transformation might not have been what you expected, but you couldn't deny that you were enjoying your new friend. This is going to be an interesting car ride...
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athenaswrath · 8 months
Until I Found You - Chapter 2
Quinn Hughes x Reader
Word Count: 851
Chapter 1 >Chapter 2< Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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When you arrived at the lake house Quinn wasn't there yet, so they decided he was the one crashing on the couch since there were only three rooms and the rest of you were going to sleep in pairs, so it was Trevor and Jamie, Jack and Luke and you with Holtz
While they played football outside, you decided to take a shower to calm your nerves, knowing that I was going to be with them off work for months felt so different, plus Quinn is going to be here any minute, you've heard a lot about him and while Luke and Jack have said that he's so protective over them and he worries a lot they've said that he's quite grumpy, something Nico, Trevor and Cole have confirmed. So you wanted to make a good impression and hopefully your awkwardness was going to allow it just this one time...
"Fuck" you said after you knocked into someone making them spill their beer all over them. Fan-fucking-tastic, there goes your opportunity to get on the good side of the oldest Hughes. "I'm so incredibly sorry, really let me... I can wash your clothes, and grab another beer for you, I wasn't really looking..."
"It's okay, I was going to take a shower now anyways, is nice to meet you" and right after he said that he left and closed the door of the room you just left. To say you were panicking was an understandment the least thing you wanted to do was to make things awkward, he was probably going to complain about you to Jack and Luke, I mean you were the only girl and they were already going to hold some things back because of that...
you don't know how long you've been standing on the corridor when Holtzy grabbed your face "Belle you okay? did you see Huggy?"
"yes... yeah he's.. he said he was going to take a shower" I said pointing at the door while looking down at the wet floor, he followed my sight and I saw understandment flashing on his face "go help the boys downstairs before they set the house on fire I'll clean this... nope, I'll do it" he said before I could interrupt him
When I entered the kitchen the boys were emptying the fridge (Ellen so kindly stored beforehand) trying to find something to defrost. So I sent them to set the table while I prepared something, Jamie being his usual self (a sweetheart that is) came to help me, we've only met a couple of times and for a very short time but he was so easy to get along with. This was the first time he tagged along too, only cause him and Trevor missed each other with Jamie being on the Flyers now. Almost an hour later we took everything to the table where four giant whiny babies were waiting for the food.
We were starting to eat when I heard Quinn running downstairs "Too late, food's gone Huggy Bear" Jack said when he came into view, "This is y/n by the way be nice, I actually like her"
"Wow didn't know you were capable of liking other than yourself" Trevor told him but Jack answered "oh please as if you were any better, you can't even act as if you cared for others" and obviously Trevor's sassiness attacked "because I don't" Jamie, Holtzy and I just looked at each other and smiled.
"Since you won the cup you're less talkative, are you too much for us now Cap?" Trevor told the oldest Hughes while smirking, he knew what he was doing, Jack always tells me that Zegras' favorite pastime is getting on Quinn's nerves "I've always been too much for you Zegras but I'm glad you finally accept it".
They kept throwing snarky comments and while I was glad Quinn didn't mention anything about our encounter, I was still worried that he was upset, so while everyone was getting ready to go to bed, I went downstairs to find Quinn.
"Hey" I said softly "you should go upstairs and sleep there, I mean is your room after all. Holtzy is there but I'm sure Jack or Lu wouldn't mind switching" when he didn't answer I looked at him and he had a small frown while looking intensely at me.
You were caught off guard by the momentary awkwardness that seemed to radiate from him, not used to seeing a Hughes in any other way than the confident and playful boys.
"Thank you, but it's okay if you sleep there. And... I'm sorry, I... What happened earlier was my fault, so you don't have to blame yourself for it, it is nice to finally meet the girl which my brothers feel so close to" he gave me a small smile and headed upstairs where Luke was yelling for him.
With my heart beating slightly faster than usual (which was fast enough already) I slept that night besides a snuggling Holtz, feeling hopeful about having a good time with everyone and a non-uncomfortable interaction with Quinn.
Note: didn't love this chapter but now that Quinny finally met the reader I'll have more inspiration. Also there's going to be dual POV in the next chapters.
If you have suggestions or you see a mistake (english is not my main language) please let me know!
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omo-goose · 1 year
imagine character A and B have been out shopping for a while, they've stopped a few times to sample some food truck takeout and various smoothie vendors. It was some kind of event, but neither of them could remember what right now, they were too busy having fun in each other's company.
Of course, after quite some time, B needed to use the restroom. A, knowing their partner has a small bladder, had already started ushering them toward the nearest bathroom they'd spotted while A had been distracted.
Unfortunately, the line was pretty long, so A tried scanning the area again for any restroom signs they may have missed initially.
Again, not much luck.
B whined softly, grabbing onto A's arm and looking up at them desperately. "a A can we just leave now I um.. I don't want to..." they trailed off, biting their lip as a wave of urgency hit their bladder like a wave cascading down onto the shore.
A looked at how long the line was currently, then glanced to the direction of the parking lot. It was a fair distance away, and if they got stuck in traffic then...
"look, the line's moving a bit quicker now.. I'm not sure you'll make it to the car.." A patted B's head comfortingly
B sighed in frustration, they knew they should have gone earlier and now they were REALLY feeling the extra large iced tea they'd had, and it felt like a steadily filling glass nearing it's brim alarmingly fast
"just hang in there hun, you got this" A tried to sound encouraging, but they felt so bad knowing their partner was moments away from embarrassment
but suddenly, they were at the front of the line before they knew it
it seemed that the last few people in front of them had gone rather quickly
either that or they too felt bad for poor B
A hurried them into the restroom and made sure they made it in time
although B's underwear was a little damp, they were spared much worse stains
afterwards A suggested they head home anyway, wanting to avoid another close call today, which B agreed to since they were starting to feel a little tired anyways
since it was such a long drive home, B had fallen asleep in the passenger seat, only to be awoken a while later to the sound of an abrupt honk
they looked over and saw A gripping the steering wheel tight, face pale
they groggily asked what happened before noticing the stretching line of cars in front of them
"oh no! A is upset they got scared by the car horn" B thought
that was until they noticed A's legs pressed as close together as they could be, and the small but very clear wet patch on the front of their jeans
"oh... you forgot to go before we left didn't you sweetie?" B cooed sympatheticly
"y yeah sorry I guess.. f fuck-" A was cut off by a very intense wave of urgency, followed by a soft hiss as they lost control
the wet patch grew and trickled down onto the seat as A tried helplessly to stop it
B watched in wide eyed fascination as their partner wet themself in the driver's seat of their car, they felt their face heat up, feeling guilty their first instinct wasn't to help
what could B do though? it wasn't as though they had any spare bottles with them right?
did they?
B looked around, even though it was much too late to save the seat cover or A's pants, and just as they thought, there wasn't even any bottles within reach anyway
"um... feel better?" B asked timidly
"uh y yeah.." A admitted, blushing
they hadn't realized how long they had been holding, and was slightly more embarrassed by the fact they were sure they were still hoping a little when B asked that
after a long drive home, B helped A get nice and cleaned up, drawing them up a warm bath and playing their favorite music, then afterwards they cuddled up in bed snuggled up and had sweet dreams
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authorautumnbanks · 7 months
One Night (3)
Kagome groans as she stretches. Her chest hurts so dang much. It's like someone put a boulder on her.
She sits up, pushing the cover off her. Koushi isn't in his bassinet. Did he sleep longer? She touches her breasts and winces. Yeah, he definitely slept past his normal feeding time. Still, it's not like him not want to nurse almost immediately after waking. Kagome slides out of the bed and pads across the room and down the hall toward the smell of breakfast.
"Mornin'," Satoru greets, looking over his shoulder at her. Koushi floats next to him and Kagome blinks at the sight.
This feels like a dream. When Mom hears Koushi is floating, she's going to have a cow. Gramps will probably shout something about needing sutras or something. And Sota, he'll think it is the greatest thing in the world.
Satoru's eyes widen. "Kagome," he says, voice strained. His tongue darts out and his cheeks are rosy.
What's with him?
Wait a minute. Her shirt is wet. Oh crap! She's ruining Satoru's shirt, and she can tell by the feel of it that it's some ridiculously overpriced brand. He probably only has a couple of nice shirts and she's ruining it.
"I'm sorry!" she blurts out, crossing the room to take Koushi. "I can have this dry cleaned."
"It's fine." Satoru turns the stove off and grips the counter. He exhales as though he is trying to gather his thoughts, or maybe count to ten.
Kagome frowns. It doesn't seem like it's fine with him. Great. Not even 24 hours and they're already running into problems. She huffs silently and sits down at the small table with Koushi. The shirt is ruined. Not much she can do about that, so she may as well feed Koushi and then deal with the shirt problem later.
"Koushi must have wanted to see you more than he wanted milk," she says, trying to break up the tense atmosphere. Perhaps she and Koushi should go after he gets done eating. They've clearly overstayed their welcome.
"I don't mind," Satoru says, setting the plate of pancakes and eggs in front of her. "I wasn't able to teleport until I was a teen. It's impressive that he's teleporting before he can even crawl…he can't crawl, right?"
Kagome shakes her head. "No. Last night was the first time he's teleported." She glances down at Koushi and then back at Satoru. "We'll get going after he's done."
"What? Why?" Satoru grabs his plate of food and sits down next to her. "Is this because of the shirt? I don't care about the shirt."
"You seemed pretty upset about it and I don't want to crowd—"
"Kagome," Satoru stresses, "you can ruin every single shirt I have. I wasn't." He swallows. "I wasn't upset because you got milk on the shirt. I'm trying to keep it together here when I really just want to bend you over the counter."
Her face warms.
"Satoru…" Kagome inhales. "I think you are just feeling a lot of emotions right now. Last night was a lot. And—"
"Do you think I'm not attracted to you?"
"Well…I'm not as small as I was the last time we saw each other."
He barks out a laugh. "Kagome, that night is the only thing that got me through the end of last year and this year. But you're right, I am feeling a lot right now and I'm fighting with myself because seeing you and Koushi here, seeing you in my bed, coming home to you early this morning, yeah, it's messing with me because I like it too much." He lets out a breath. "There's a million things I should be worried about right now. Last night would have been a bloodbath if you hadn't shown up and freed me. Even so, the only thing I'm worried about right now is if you and Koushi are good. And if you think a five-bedroom apartment in the city is too much."
Five-bedroom apartment? Kagome wets her lips. She isn't sure what to respond to first. Satoru leans over and cuts her pancakes. He holds it out for her to take a bite. She maintains eye contact as she eats.
Oh. It's surprisingly good. She didn't know he could cook.
"Here," he holds out his hands. "If he's done, I can hold him so you can eat."
Kagome sits Koushi up and pats his back. He burps and then giggles. She hands Koushi over and her stomach tightens.
Between his words and how he is taking to fatherhood like a fish to water, Kagome gives herself a mental shake.
A five-bedroom apartment, huh?
No. No. No. What is she thinking? A five-bed room apartment? Why is she even entertaining that? Satoru isn't serious. Yeah, he's in a one-bedroom apartment, but it's not like she'll always be here when he has Koushi.
Her heart pangs.
Okay. Who is she kidding? She'll always want to be where Koushi is. It's hard enough leaving him with her mom sometimes when she needs to run a quick errand.
"Are you working?" He asks, making funny faces at Koushi, who laughs and slaps him.
Kagome nearly drops her fork.
The handprint is small, but the force behind it was not. Satoru slowly moves his face back to face Koushi, who giggles some more and swats at him. Satoru holds Koushi a little further away from his face.
"Umm…no, I'm not working at the moment. Is your face okay?" That looks and sounds like it hurts. Koushi is normally an easygoing baby. He rarely cries or hits. What is going on?
"I'm fine," he says. "It'll heal up…it's not healing."
"That slap had some purification to it. I'm not surprised." Kagome bites her lip. Satoru has negative energy, just like Koushi does. Well, everyone has some kind of negative energy to them, but the sheer amount that Satoru has is…overwhelming.
Satoru's eyes bounce between Koushi and her as though he can't figure out who to focus on. "Is that the energy you have?"
"Mm-hmm. I thought it was obvious since I live on a shrine."
"I didn't sense it that night."
"I usually keep it suppressed out of habit."
"Just how strong are you?"
Kagome shrugs as she takes a bite of eggs. "How do you usually measure strength?"
"Sparring." He hums. "But if I sparred with you, I'd lose."
She squints. How does he know he'd lose? "You've never fought me. How do you know that?"
"Easy. You pinning me. Me pinning you. Either way, I'd end up throwing the match."
Kagome snorts. "It's far too early for your mind to be in the gutter." She grabs their empty plates and silverware and cleans them in the sink. "Koushi and I should still go back to the shrine today. Not like I packed any extra clothes for myself." And she still needs to go back to Ayumi's and get the diaper bag.
"While you're there, do you mind ordering stuff for here?"
"What kind of stuff?" She turns and crosses her arms as she leans back against the counter.
"Stuff for Koushi and you, so you don't have to lug around a bassinet or other stuff for him." He pulls out his phone and texts something one-handed while holding Koushi. The handprint is still on his face, but it's not as bright. "I'd love to show him off some time to my students, but we should probably tell the clan first."
"Students?" Her eyebrows shoot up. Satoru is a teacher? Her eyebrows pinch together. How is he affording this place on a teacher's salary? He did say something about being a clan leader, too. She runs a hand down her face. "You're a teacher and a leader of a clan?"
"Yep," he pops the p. "Jujutsu sorcerers are hard to come by and I don't care too much for how the…older generation likes to gatekeep things, so I opted to be a teacher in addition to working as a sorcerer to help build up the next generation. Encourage them to think for themselves. Be greedier. Don't let traditions hold them back."
Satoru makes a fist. Koushi raises his own and mimics his dad. Kagome sighs and shakes her head. So, this is the kind of man she has a child with.
"So, clan leader," she says, reclaiming her seat next to him. "Does that mean Koushi's next in line?"
He stares at her and then flushes. "Actually, yeah. He has the six eyes, and he has limitless, which automatically makes him next in line. That's the difference between the Gojo clan and the other clans. We don't fight over who will lead. If you have the prized family technique, then it's a given."
She hums. Satoru wants her to pick out stuff for here too. Right now, she's been relying on the income she gets from the government for having a child so she can stay home with Koushi. Asking him feels wrong even though it is stuff for his apartment. But what if this apartment is just a subsidy or something that the school or whoever his true employer is?
Satoru leans forward and pokes her forehead. "What are you thinking about so intently?"
"Budgets." She gives a half shrug. "You want stuff here which makes sense, so I was thinking of the numbers."
"There is no budget." He pulls back and pulls out his wallet. "Take this." Satoru slides a black card her way. "Just order whatever online that you want. Even if you don't think it's a need."
Kagome blinks at the black card. Her brain is refusing to compute.
"Clan leader aside, I make more than you can fathom from being a special grade. There are only three special grades alive. Only four in modern times. But there are far more special grade curses out there and not enough sorcerers that can handle them."
Kagome picks up the black card. "Still…should you really be trusting me with this? What if I decide to take myself out for a spa day?"
"Do you need me to carve out time to watch Koushi?"
She squints, but his attention is already back to his phone. "I can't be away from him that long. Not unless I pump."
"Pump?" He looks up.
Kagome motions with her hands. "A breast pump." Speaking of milk, she needs to change out of this top. The milk has dried, and she feels sticky and gross now. Satoru stares at her hands, no….. he's looking at her breasts.
"Do you know what it means to take it slow?" she asks with a sigh.
"Not really. Never been in a relationship."
Kagome opens her mouth and then closes it. They aren't in a relationship, and she should correct his line of thinking, but…if he keeps looking at her like that, she's going to forget why she wants to ease into things to begin with.
"We aren't together," she points out. "We're co-parenting."
"That's still a relationship." He smiles. "Besides, Koushi isn't a normal child. How would you explain him teleporting to a normie?"
She sighs. Being in a relationship is the last thing on her mind. "I told you, Koushi didn't start doing that until last night when he felt you. It's clearly you that's making him want to teleport."
Satoru hums and then slides his phone across the table toward her. "What do you think of this place? The clan house is far out in the middle of nowhere, and you probably want to be close to the city. To your family, right?"
Kagome blinks and blinks again. "This is 3.2 billion yen." She slides the phone back, but he slides right back to her. "Satoru, that's too much."
"You didn't even look at the rooms," he complains. Koushi looks up and grabs his face and pulls, hard. Satoru winces.
Kagome frowns, but picks up the phone and scrolls through the pictures. It is nice. Better than nice. And it is close to the shrine.
3.2 billion yen. That's staggering!
"What would you do with five bedrooms? It would just be you and Koushi, eventually."
"Huh? You'd be there." He peels back Koushi's grip on his face and makes another silly face at him.
"I mean in the future. When he's much older."
"You'd be there, I'm sure of it."
He's persistent, she'll give him that. "Okay, Satoru," she sighs. "What would you do with the other two rooms?"
"Three." He lifts Koushi up and makes airplane noises. "You wanted to space them out, right? Better to get the space now than later."
Kagome leans forward and places her hands on his legs. "Do I look like a game to you?"
He holds Koushi high in the air and brushes his nose against hers. "If you were, I'd play you all night."
Kagome flushes and pulls back. She swallows. He didn't even come on this thick when he hit on her at the bar. "I need to see it first. In person."
"Okay. Would you be able to set that up for tomorrow or later in the week?" He brings Koushi back down and cradles him. "Unfortunately, I need to get going for work, but I can drop you two off at the shrine." He blows out a breath. "Don't take this the wrong way. Swear I'm not trying to control ya, but I need you to keep a low profile. It's not known yet that I know. That the clan knows, so I don't want anyone getting any grand ideas."
"When are we meeting the clan?" She drums her nails on the table. Lying low is a pain, but Koushi's safety is more important to her.
"Tonight, if you two are up for it." Satoru stands and then bends, so he's closer to her. Kagome cranes her neck up and quirks a brow. Satoru smiles cheekily and then brushes his lips against hers. "Just remember, you're mine." He winks.
Kagome huffs, but her cheeks are on fire. "I-I'm going to shower." She hurries out of there and away from the sound of his laughter.
Satoru is just horny. He doesn't actually want her. Kagome turns on the shower and undresses. She just needs to hold fast until he moves on and realizes that a relationship between them isn't really what he wants.
They're just co-parents. Nothing more.
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy more baby Koushi because that How to Tame chapter ain't looking so nice. RIP someone(s) lolol.
I think Ryu ( legit forgot about Satoru's uncle) will probably make an appearance because he's a dick. Leaning towards not having Syouma in this fic since now I just ship him with Mama H lol.
Yo. I started watching My Little Pony with the kiddo. Why didn't anyone tell me these ponies were wild? Swear first season is like yayy friendship and the next season is like ughhh friendship. I thought my stories had drama lol.
Have a wonderful week! Sending great vibes through the screen. Get plenty of rest. Get up and stretch throughout the week. Drink your water. And don't let anyone make you feel like you're less than.
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devilscreekballad · 2 years
Major spoilers for the beginning of Lynwood's path in ch7 (with code)
(warnings: depression, substance abuse)
Miserable. Pathetic and utterly miserable.
How often have you promised how many good people -friends and family alike- that you'd take care of yourself? That you would treat your physical and mental wellbeing with the respect and care it deserves and requires?
Yet here you are, once again, startling awake at the crack of dawn, not entirely certain that you've even actually [i]slept[/i].
Not 'if', not 'whether or not', just 'that' you've slept. Oh sure, here you are, the edges of a book painfully imprinted into your cheeks, your clothes rumbled and your vision blurred with tears as your body desperately attempts to wet your stingingly dry eyes.
You yawn, breath stale and soiled with last nights means to throw a much needed wrench into the rapidly turning gears of your brain. And did it do you any good? Of course not? It never does, but you just don't learn. Always telling yourself that this time it won't mess you up like this, that this time you'll be fine, get your work done and then get a proper rest.
You groan and rub your throbbing face, trying to rub the pain out before you push yourself up and stagger over to the small wash basin by the window, splashing cold water into your face and gazing blearily at your reflection. Your siblings at home would probably not hesitate to force you into bed if they'd knew you are handling yourself like this.
Once again.
With a long and exhausted sigh, you draw a breath and submerge your face in the icy water, coming back up with a spluttering gasp, wide awake, dissipating the fog crawling over your brain. There is so much to do. The room is, as usual, a mess, but at least everything you wanted to pack to send back home has been packed. Which leaves you with a room to clean, and a bottle of morphine refill.
Once again you reckon that Therese would never forgive you if she'd knew about it, and Vincent might go as far as to kick you out of his house for good.
But they'd have to understand: With all these things on your mind, all these unsolved mysteries and undiscovered secrets it's a necessity to get [i]some[/i] rest. It and opium. But latter requires you to interrupt your investigations, which rarely is a feasible option to begin with, and it's certainly not one right now.
You dry your face and push yourself away from the table, sitting down on the bed for a moment to sort your thoughts.
It'll be a long day again.
At least yesterday's talk with @{(salomesveil_hint) Mulligan and ${name}| Mulligan} had been fruitful, even though you feel you revealed a little too much without getting an equal amount in return. @{(tell_lynbright) Then again, Mulligan and ${name} have not been as antagonistic towards you as they could have been, and they've given you quite an unexpected puzzle piece in the form of Mr. Brightwell's presence at the manor the night his son died. Something you'll have to look into as soon as this case allows it| While you must admit that Mulligan and ${name} have not been as antagonistic towards you as they could have been, they are still a bunch of wanted criminals}. And still there's the mystery of what exactly Blayne tasked them with.
It is quite an array of questions left open, and you are glad you already arranged to speak to ${name} again, and maybe Mulligan once more, by extension.
But first you need to clean the room, that should at least be doable, even for you. *page_break The disadvantage of being awake and remotely sober is that your brain is now racing with even more questions. Especially everything concerning this Miss Beauchêne. She might be a very pleasant person, at least that's the impression you got, but some things just don't add up. Robert Brightwell never got engaged, to your knowledge. Now, you don't know yet what Miss Beauchêne's social status is, but be it what it may be, she's Black. That alone would have been enough for the press to dig its teeth into that story most viciously.
And then the whole sordid affair about Merryborne. Someone in this whole mess is lying, but, much to your dismay, you can't say who that might @{(tell_lynbright) be. You refrain from saying it's Mr. Brightwell. His lie about his whereabouts might easily have its own reasons| be}.
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reallyintoscience · 1 year
wip word search game🔎
tagged by @issylra (:D)
words: red, sleep, soft, fall, blanket
red From an untitled snippet: Hob, laying on the couch with Dream cradled against him, his back to Hob's front. Dream's mouth is red and wet from how much they've been kissing before they lay down. He's dazed with it. Hob's hands are under Dream's shirt, playing with his tits. His mouth is on Dream's neck, kissing and biting and murmuring filth in his ear, because he wants to know if he can get Dream off this way. Just from Hob pinching and rubbing his nipples and talking to him, rubbing his stubble against Dream's throat. Dream just has to lay there and stare up at the ceiling, and flex his hands against his thighs because he's not allowed to touch himself. 
sleep Nothing, weirdly!
From a future scene in If Only Grant a Name: He watches the movie. His awareness is of Hob's fingertips on the skin of his upper arm, the quiet human sounds of his body working, the rough-soft hair on his warm belly. His awareness is for his growing arousal.
From Worship, the gangbang fic: It's a good thing Hob's already down for the count because that's a hell of thing for a man to hear. He flushes, unaccountably, and absolutely has to kiss Dream's pink mouth. He's so soft and wet inside, and yet his teeth are so sharp and present. His beautiful nightmare lover. Hob would give him anything. 
"How's that, love?" Dream's hole is so soft and wet around his fingers it feels obscene. Hob squeezes just a little more lube into him. It's surely more than enough by now, but he doesn't want this beautiful creature to feel one moment of pain tonight. Only the slick glide and the mess as he's fucked over and over, until he's only his body, only his starlight skin and his own pleasure. For this one night, relief from the pressure of all the minds he cradles and cares for every moment of his life. It is a respite that Hob alone cannot grant him, but he can give him this. 
From the Tattoo Fic: He's careful in the washing, warm water and the soft foam Hob gives him, the scrape of the blade over Hob's skin, the quiet sounds of water as he cleans the edge. Hob's perfect trust in this.
From the Tattoo Fic: He could render parts of the Dreaming, perhaps, things Hob would find difficult to describe at all, and less still well enough for a human artist to interpret. His palace, wrapping around Hob's flank, the spires reaching up under his arm and the bridges curving down toward his navel. The castle guardians, sitting proud on Hob's biceps. His windows, oh, his windows in their current flowered glory, his windows that betray, as always, the depths of his soul. The three arches painted across Hob's back and shoulders, sunflowers in stained glass. A reminder to Dream himself what this man means to him, if he should fall into his own pride again and come to forget.
blanket Nothing!
tagging: @beholdingthegaytimes @gabessquishytum @magnusbae @beholdme - and as always, anyone who wants to do this!
new words: wet, sharp, deep, glow, rain
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fufukunaga · 2 years
sakuatsu | Speed Dating
Kiyoomi isn't really sure what he's doing here aside from the fact that Motoya put him up to it. "You need to at least try to put yourself out there, Kiyoomi," his cousin pleaded. The buzzer sounds again, signalling the time to switch tables.
He sighs. So far, he hasn't met anyone even mildly intriguing. A lot of them, quite frankly, just didn't make the bill.
Some are too overly cheerful for him, full of boundless energy Kiyoomi couldn't keep up with. He felt his social battery going down by half in the five minutes they talked.
Others were decent but after a few pressing questions from Kiyoomi about their hygiene, he starts crossing them out from his mental list of potential partners.
That one Iizuna guy almost made the bill. He mentioned something about a lint roller and he saw him use Kiyoomi's favorite brand of sanitizer. The only problem was that he had been quite too sensitive for Kiyoomi's liking.
Kiyoomi is a blunt guy. If he's going to date anyone, it should be someone who can handle his sharp tongue.
His last pair for the night is someone called Wakatoshi. Kiyoomi had seen him earlier in the restroom folding his napkin wet side in so he has high hopes.
Wakatoshi turns out to be everything Kiyoomi is looking for. He's handsome, has good hygiene and is an avid lover of volleyball like himself. He's definitely a check on Kiyoomi's books.
They gorge themselves in conversation the entire five minutes before the buzzer rings for one last time.
The second phase of the event gives a chance to those who've had a spark of mutual interest to continue their conversation. People start pairing up. Kiyoomi gets up from his table in hopes to find Wakatoshi. He believes they've had some sort of mutual connection.
He looks around. Most people are already paired up and engaged in conversation. He sees Iizuna laughing at something his date said, too busy to even notice Kiyoomi pass by. Even the extroverted balls of sunshine each found themselves a pair.
Kiyoomi's stomach drops when finally spots Wakatoshi. He's already seated at one of the tables talking to a red-haired guy. And he's laughing. Kiyoomi didn't expect that. His first impression on Wakatoshi is that he's a serious type of guy.
He sighs. When he came into this speed dating event, he didn't really have high hopes of himself actually getting a match but he also didn't expect to he severely disappointed.
He makes his way to the bar, where stragglers (unmatched people like himself— the reject pile) gathered to drink their misery away.
He orders a drink and takes a seat on one of the stools. At least now he can go home early and watch that docu-series he's been wanting to catch up on, Kiyoomi thinks. Motoya will probably think he didn't try hard enough and he'd be wrong.
He lets out another sigh before his drink comes. He chugs it down halfway, the alcohol burning down his throat and warming his insides.
"Tough night?" Someone beside him says.
Kiyoomi turn to see a blonde man smirking up at him. He huffs. "If you're here then it's not wrong to assume you're in the same boat as me."
The stranger snorts. "Ya think I'd be like ya losers who can't get a date? Please." He turns to fully face Kiyoomi and points to the DSLR camera hanging around his neck. "The only reason people aren't swarming to me right now is because I'm the official photographer of this event."
Kiyoomi rolls his eyes. "If you were one of the participants tonight, I definitely won't pick you to be my date for the night."
"That's fine. I heard how dry yer conversations can be. No wonder that big guy chose the redhead instead of ya. I definitely won't pick ya too."
"Good," Kiyoomi says, hoping to end the conversation then and there.
"Good," the stranger huffs back.
Kiyoomi thinks that's it. He chugs down the second half of his drink, wanting nothing more than to get out of this place, when the stranger speaks up again.
"I just don't understand why ya had to ask their cleaning routine on the first date?"
Kiyoomi glares at the man beside him in offense. "It's to ascertain if their level of cleanliness matches my standards."
"No wonder yer single."
"Why are you even talking to me? Don't you have an event to take pictures of?"
"I'm on break," he shrugs.
"That doesn't answer my first question," Kiyoomi points out.
The stranger leans closer towards Kiyoomi's space. "I've had my eyes on ya for a while. Yer unfairly pretty. Definitely my type."
"Too bad you're not mine."
"I bet ya I can change that by the end of the night."
"Don't get too cocky. I'm told I'm impossible to please."
The man smirks smugly. He gives Kiyoomi a once over, sending shivers into Kiyoomi's spine. He leans forward up to Kiyoomi's ears and whispers, "I seriously doubt that."
Looks like Kiyoomi has finally met his match.
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@originemesis xxx)
The seraphim earns himself a quirked brow and a bullish snort courtesy of the man he'd just got finished body slamming into the mud with a six appendage advantage. Wouldn't dream of harming him, huh? DEBATABLE. Though aside from the mounting pressure of a certain nut allergy flare up, there's no indication he's come to any undue duress besides the streaks of mud stuck to his flanks like newly earned scars. "You know a promise means you actually won't do that, right? No take backs! Not even if my arms fall off and a spider falls on it." Oddly specific, considering his arms don't look like they've ever come off at any point since his creation, but hey. The sky is the limit on ideas in Eden, and he's already attempted jumping up to slap that.
As far as his other angelic company went, the closest conversation he's half held about the habits of their anatomy and reproductive nature had been his periodic pondering hours spent with Raphael in the thicket at dusk when the garden is settling and the angel wanted to ensure the humans were doing the same since Adam had the unfortunate habit of finding trees he could clamber up but not necessarily clamber back down in his search for stars above the canopy. Though those conversations were usually half choked deflections on the archangel's part, particularly when the man wanted to know if giant angels like him had giant dicks-
"If you...feel like it?" It's his turn to offer a series of stumped blinks, though his gaze settles from drifting along the slope of the other's pec plastered forearm to the suddenly bare form of an angel sans a sopping robe. It's a subtle enough alteration given how the cloth has clung while wet, but the connection of flesh on exposed ethereality has him swallowing another gulp that does not quite dislodge the lump in his throat enough for his voice to not crack in time with the demanding pulse pinned between their laps. "So like-"
Curious still despite the thickening brain fog, he shifts his weight onto one hand while the other raises- hesitates with a flex of fingers, then stamps a muddy print on the clean surface of his company's chest before his gaze ventures down to study the distinct lack of a toolkit. "You can just make one like mine- or Lil's?" Whatever's churning in his head is quiet as he processes this curious turn of events before he has to ask (to anyone but Raphael's surprise-)
Tumblr media
"Can you make both and just...ya know ~ knock yourself up?"
The First Man’s strange and specific wording about his arm falling off and a spider landing upon it gives rise to one of Lucid’s brow, lips pursed with confusion. That was a thing? Surely not. But where on Earth did Adam get an idea like that? Perhaps the blue angel should consult one of his older brothers on the matter. Or Adam in the future…present? Future to this human, present to the angel. Lucid offers a grin and hand held up, as if giving a scouts honor. “The promise shall be upheld no matter what.”
He watches the man’s wandering, inquisitive eyes, equally fascinated of curious he is of Lucid. It seems they both were in fact wondering of the subject: Lucid of the humans anatomy and function, and in turn Adam curious of the angels seemingly lack of anatomy. He nods with a hum to the questioning of “if he feels like it.” Which is exactly what it is. His gaze flicks down at the prodding finger to his chest, grinning. “Indeed! I am capable of presenting both male and female anatomy, like your own or Lilith’s. However I’ve not really had a need to do as such, due to the lack of need for reproduction and, well…I’ve no partner of my own in which to engage in such activities.”
The next question startles the seraphim, his sky blue eyes going wide as his brow raises high. And then proceeds to laugh, a soft bell like laughter. What a silly question to ask! And remarkably creative, Lucid must admit. Shaking his head, the angel replies. “No~ I cannot conceive from myself. That would be quite an interesting way to perform parthenogenesis. An asexual form of reproduction or “virgin birth”. Animals that can mate without need of the opposite sex essentially clone themselves.”
Oh, that statement gives him pause. Lucid himself is by definition a clone. Not that he’s about to explain that whole hot mess to Adam currently. That bridge will be crossed in the far distant future. His gaze drops further, raising his hand over his crotch. Golden magic glows between his fingers and the sensitive area, causing him to suck in a breath at the sensation. Perhaps to amuse Adam’s curiosity, Lucid forms both sexes. Unlike the First Man, the angel currently did not show signs of a nut allergy.
“You are correct that I can form both at once. But no, I cannot “knock myself up” as you suggested.” Sliding his fingers down over himself, Lucid’s eyes half-lid, noting the tingling of pleasure from the contact. He has done this so few times that the angel forgets just how sensitive these areas can be. Which brings him back to Adam’s current needs. Gently, Lucid cups under the first manhood, his fingers caressing the bass and sliding upwards towards the tip. And then back down again, slow and inspecting. “It is your duty to seed humanity. All from this.” Further down his fingers stretch, rubbing against the man’s “berries” that hang below.
0 notes
footballffbarbiex · 3 months
Amy hiii! How are you doing?? I hope everything you’ve been going through feels a bit lighter and better now 🙏. I see you as a big sis I have never had and I cannot talk about sex with anyone around me. If it is okay for you to answer my question, I would be soooo glad 🥺. I have just had my first sex experience with all intercourse etc. My partner helps me a lot but I want to ask you something. He makes me come first with non penetrative stuff (I didn’t feel anything arousal while his penis in my vagina, idk whether it is okay or I just feel like this because it is just new to me) but the problem is after I cum, I totally lose my interest in sex, like I don’t want to do anything related to it. But before having orgasm I am all in, passion is there. I don’t want it to end like this. Is it normal experiencing something like this or is something wrong with me?
hello bb! I'm good thank you, though it feels this week has been all too rushed. I've had more shifts at work and I've been trying to juggle those, house cleaning and chores with socialising with friends, trying to be a good mother and a loving, present girlfriend but for some reason, this weekend it's felt more stressful? in general, how are you honeybun?
I just wanted to say a big thank you for trusting me to give a non judgemental reply and offer advice to the best of my knowledge. it honestly means the world to me that I'm able to be a safe place for you to come here to ask. I'll put my reply under the cut because it may be long.
firstly, the fact that your partner takes the time to ensure that you're aroused and brings you to an orgasm is just amazing. so many people don't have someone who is so willing to provide you pleasure! so this makes me happy that this person is trying to make this experience as enjoyable for you as possible. trust me when I tell you, it makes the world of difference.
secondly, there's nothing wrong with you at all. at. all. so please, don't think there is. an orgasm is truly a wonderful thing but it can have several different effects for different people. for some, it makes them drowsy and makes them want to sleep. for some others, it's a perfect way to continue. for some others, once they've cum, and this applies to men, they just want to move on from what they've done and forget about it.
I know a lot of men who when watching porn, if they reach an orgasm before the video has finished, they have no interest in it and seek to clean themselves up, turn it off and just forget what they did because it's over. and sometimes you can go through each of these stages depending on your mood! there are no doubt more examples, but these are just a few off the top of my head.
but the important thing to remember here is that there is no right way to deal with this.
I found after having sex for the first time, it wasn't enjoyable at all for me. we'd never had any foreplay at all, the most we'd done was make out and he'd done some dirty talk and I "joked" about him just having sex with me to get it over and done with. 30 seconds later, our underwear was off, and my virginity was gone and he had finished. it took over a month for me to truly begin to enjoy sex. before that, it felt weird, not pleasurable and something I did because he was a teenage boy who was finally getting his penis wet.
once it became enjoyable, things changed - especially when we began to learn about each other's body and what turned us on. from the sounds of things, your partner has already started to get the swing of yours which is such a good start.
something else I want to ask is, how did you partner react after this happened? and how did that reaction make you feel? you could try ways to get you aroused without an orgasm, ie enough to be turned on in order to have sex (should this be the goal for your session as many people are happy with simply foreplay and no sex to follow) and once everything is done, you could have your orgasm at the end. that way, once you have finished, it's all wrapped up in a bow and you don't need to be feeling uncomfortable about trying to think of ways to end whatever sexual act you're doing.
I can only speak from my own experiences and conversations I've had in the past regarding orgasms and relationships, so I can't do so for everyone but if anyone has experienced anything similar or have an input that that they'd like to share with this nonny to help, please do but remember to be respectful.
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jsbsam · 10 months
Buenas dias Santiago
Thursday 23rd November 2023
Yesterday we travelled from our back packer hovel in San Pedro de Atacama to Calama to catch our flight to the Chilean capital of Santiago. The taxi to the airport turned up 45 minutes late so I wasn't in the best of moods as we eventually left back packer central behind and set off on the 60 mile trip across the Atacama desert to the airport at Calama. The Atacama desert is the driest non-polar desert in the world and has been used as a practice area for Mars landings as it most resembles the Martian environment apparently! Some of the scenery on the journey was spectacular, as were the views from the plane as we flew over the spine of the Andes on our way to Santiago.
When we arrived in Santiago our plane was held out on the tarmac for over half an hour before we were eventually bussed to the terminal with me having to use my somewhat basic Spanish to respond to our drivers frantic calls demanding to know where we were as we were late. Despite the panic we eventually met the most miserable bugger we've come across since we landed in South America and he drove us to our hotel in the commercial centre of Santiago. Needless to say he didn't get a tip so I expect he was even more miserable when he got home!
The hotel is well located so we went exploring, had dinner and a few drinks and organised a city tour for today.
We were up and ready in the foyer of our hotel 10 minutes before the guide was supposed to pick us up at 7.50am. He eventually turned up at 8.30am and was very blasé when challenged about being late. "oh, you're in South America now. What do you expect?“. He'd already lost me by then, I was ticking. We then spent the next hour buggering about picking up other tourists from other hotels... tick, tick, tick. He then proceeded to take us very slowly round a few streets in the centre of Santiago. The slowest and most boring tour I've ever been on. Three Brazilians just left at one point, without paying, never to be seen again. I was feeling exactly the same but MM insisted that we stayed the course. At 1pm he said "that's it, finito". A young Australian girl said "what about Bella Vista". At this point his English suddenly became very poor and he appeared not to understand. The young girl persisted and I supported her - tick, tickeddy, tick, tick. Fortunately, a Canadian woman had the flyer with her that supported our position and it transpired that the lazy bugger had missed out about half of the tour. Tick, tick, tick - not happy. He now had nowhere to go, so he spent the next 2 hours doing the things he'd missed but he'd lost the crowd and the atmosphere wasn't great at all. The worst tour I've ever been on, can't wait for the feedback request!
Having said all that Santiago is a nice surprise. After all the 3rd world places we've been to over the past 3 weeks or so it's nice to be somewhere recognisable. Much more like a European city with proper infrastructure, cars that don't look like they've taken part in wacky races, traffic lights, pavement cafes and bars, parks and wide avenues. A pleasant change for a couple of days. It'll be interesting to see how the rest of Chile compares.
After the tour we took the metro red line (very clean, efficient and cheap) from Manuel Montt to Universidad de Santiago to book our bus tickets to and from Valparaiso on the coast, where we'll spend a night before returning to Santiago to take the 10hr overnight bus to Pucon in Patagonia where we'll spend a couple of nights before we head into Argentina.
Weather has been very warm so no need for all the cold and wet weather gear we packed yet.
It'll be good to see the sea tomorrow. We seem to have survived the altitude and the return to sea level reasonably well so hopefully the rest of the trip should be a doddle! We'll see.
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worldecoideas · 2 years
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The amount of waste we produce is one of the most crucial factors to take into account when it comes to sustainable living. While it might occasionally be challenging to identify strategies to lessen our environmental impact, we all desire to do so. Switching to reusable wipes is an excellent method to reduce our waste. Reusable wipes are a fantastic substitute for disposable wipes and single-use paper towels and can have a significant environmental impact. What are reusable wipes? Paper towels and disposable wipes can both be environmentally friendly substitutes for reusable wipes. Usually constructed of cotton or microfiber, they are intended for repeated use. Reusable wipes can be found in a range of sizes and forms and are useful for a number of chores, including cleaning, dusting, and even removing makeup. They are a perfect substitute for anyone trying to lessen their environmental impact because they are also significantly more economical than disposable wipes. Advantages of using reusable wipes Reusable wipes provide a lot of benefits. They may be used numerous times, which will initially save you money. It won't be necessary to change reusable wipes as frequently because they are significantly more durable than disposable wipes. Furthermore, since they are often comprised of natural materials, reusable wipes are far more environmentally friendly than disposable wipes. How to use reusable wipes Reusable wipes are simple and easy to use. The first step is to dampen the wipe with warm water, a little soap, or cleaning solution. Use the wet wipe to gently wipe the surface you are cleaning. Simply clean the wipe with warm water after use and hang it up to dry. The same wipe can be used often; just be sure to clean it thoroughly and hang it up to dry in between uses. Tips for making your own reusable wipes Making your own reusable wipes is an excellent method to cut costs and lessen your impact on the environment. All you need is some used t-shirts, some warm water, and some scissors. The t-shirts should first be cut into small squares. The squares should then be soaked in warm water with a little soap. Wring them out once they've been saturated and hang them out to dry. You can use them once they have dried! Benefits of using reusable wipes They can be reused numerous times and, as was already noted, are far more durable than disposable wipes. Additionally, reusable wipes are frequently composed of natural materials, making them far better for the environment than disposable wipes. Since you won't need to purchase fresh disposable wipes each time you need to clean something, they also help you save money over time. How reusable wipes are helping the environment Reusable wipes are helping the environment in a number of ways.  By reducing the number of disposable wipes we use, we are cutting down on the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills.  Additionally, reusable wipes are usually made of natural materials, so they are less likely to end up in our oceans and other bodies of water. Tips for transitioning to reusable wipes It can initially feel intimidating to transition to reusable wipes, but it doesn't have to be. Start by gradually substituting reusable wipes for your disposable ones. Before utilizing them for larger jobs like cleaning the kitchen or bathroom, you can test using reusable wipes for little activities like dusting or makeup removal. In order to always have some reusable wipes on hand when you need them, remember to keep a few extras on hand. What to look for when buying reusable wipes It's crucial to search for natural materials when purchasing reusable wipes. Both cotton and microfibre are excellent choices because they are strong and environmentally friendly. Additionally, be sure to search for wipes that dry fast and are simple to clean. This will guarantee that you can reuse them repeatedly without frequently replacing them. Reusable wipe alternatives
If you’re not ready to make the switch to reusable wipes, there are still plenty of eco-friendly alternatives.  Cloth napkins and dishcloths are both great alternatives to disposable wipes, and they can be used multiple times.  Additionally, some companies make biodegradable wipes that are designed to break down quickly and reduce the amount of waste in landfills. Conclusion You may lessen your impact on the environment and your wallet by switching to reusable wipes. They can be used more than once, unlike disposable wipes. And because they tend to be crafted from all-natural components, they are significantly less harmful to the earth. Last but not least, they are cheap and simple to implement, making them an excellent option for anyone concerned with waste management. Therefore, why delay? Reusable wipes can help you live a greener life right now.  
0 notes
ode-to-spring · 2 years
diluc is worried when you come home late from an expedition, you do all you can to comfort him
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ੈ♡˳ diluc x reader (romantic ♡)
ੈ♡˳ category :: kind of hurt/comfort?? diluc is worried and gets comforted does that count, established relationship !
ੈ♡˳ warnings :: again hurt/comfort, diluc assumes the worst happens but nothing rlly graphic is described, everything is fine in the end
ੈ♡˳ a/n :: written instead of my algebra homework
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"where have you been?"
diluc's worried voice nearly echoed throughout the halls of the dawn winery. other than him, the whole mansion was devoid of any sign of life-- the maids and butlers had already finished their duties and gone home, the place tidy and clean for the night. from where you stood at the large doorstep, you could see a flame crackling in the fireplace, the embers burning brightly as if they've been newly re-lit. and finally, a shadow traveled through the wooden floors of the mansion, it's owner hurriedly making his way to your direction.
in an instant, you felt yourself held by the shoulders, worried eyes piercing into yours before scanning every part of you for injuries. "do you have any idea what time is it? theres a storm outside, not a star in the sky-- the knights promised you'd all be back by sunset, are you hurt? did something happen?"
"diluc, i'm fine," you started, cutting off his concerned mantra. "the rain slowed our travel, but we didn't run into any problems," you swiftly shook yourself from his near iron grip, putting some distance between yourself and his flood of questions.
you told the truth, of course. you went on a quick expedition with a few knights of favonious to the neighboring nation of liyue, and the turbulent weather made the trip longer than intended. your proof was the drenched coat dripping rainwater all over the hardwood floors under you, but diluc didn't didnt seem to buy it.
"but still, are you sure you aren't injured? i should never have let you go without me, what if you got ambushed? the bandits in liyue are especially known for being notorious, you could've gotten separated from the rest of the knights, and--"
before he even realized what was going on, diluc's troubled monologue was interrupted by a pair of lips on his. the kiss was soft, passionate, as if pouring everything you wanted to say without uttering a word. it served as your personal way of reminding him that you were right there, you were together, and you were okay.
for a moment or two after he simply stared at you in surprise, then relief, then affection. he held complete disregard for your sopping wet clothes when he suddenly held you in a tight embrace without breaking your kiss. you could feel his hot breath intermingling with yours, as if he was trying to calm himself down for you.
due to numerous less than happy experiences in his life, it was no surprise that he'd expect the worst in every situation-- especially those that involved your safety. he had enough trust in you to know that you can handle yourself well enough, even personally helping you with knight training (despite his initial distaste for your chosen occupation, but he'd support you anywhere you went nonetheless), but he could never stop his own mind from drifting off to the darkest places. he held onto you tightly to ground himself, remind him that you were right there in his arms, just like you promised you'd always be.
absentmindedly, your slightly wet fingers started carding through his fiery red hair. you found it comforting, in a way, and it helped both of you stay in the moment. an unspoken promise was interlaced within what otherwise was loving affection: no matter how long it'd take, no matter where either of you went, you'd always find a home in each other to come back to. and just like that, soaking wet at the doorstep of the dawn winery, you stayed for several moments-- a comfortable silence enveloping the both of you, as if flooding out all the feelings neither of you could put into words.
"i'll always come home to you."
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Here is...whatever chaos this is. Have some 18+ snzkink!Steve and allergic!Eddie. Pure fluff. Eddie wants to indulge Steve, and well. Steve combusts.
+ + +
The man is acutely aware that people are staring as he looks at the different flowers arranged nicely at the floral area in the local supermarket. Eddie 'the freak' Munson trying to decide what color flowers to buy...what has the world come to. You'd think it was worse than Hawkins literally splitting into four pieces. Pointedly ignoring the gazes, the guitarist continues to brush his fingers against the different plants before he finally picks out a simple bouquet of roses, thinking they're probably the most romantic anyway.
Even holding them for less than seconds, Eddie can smell the floral aroma wafting from them. For a split second, he debates on putting them back, maybe this isn't a good idea. But then he imagines Steve's face and he walks up to the cashier, smiling warmly and pulling his wallet out. For $12.48, he better get some mind blowing sex from this. That, or at least a deep red blush on his boyfriend's cheeks. Either will be good enough.
The drive to Steve's house consists of Eddie trying to decide how exactly he wants to execute his 'Make Steve cream his pants' operation. They've never really done much in the way of Steve's...thing. They'd both acknowledged it, but that's about as far as it's gone as of yet. As he goes through scenarios in his head, the long haired man rubs his nose lazily, the pollen from the roses already starting to affect him.
Knocking on Steve's door with the roses in hand, Eddie thinks maybe he should have cleaned up a bit more. Though it's a random Tuesday afternoon, he feels like wearing the same black jeans and an old tee is starting to get predictable, and Eddie Munson is anything but predictable. When he knocks again, rings hitting the solid wood door, he hears Steve's voice carrying from inside the house.
"Yeah yeah, I'm coming!"
Smiling at the huffiness in the others tone, Eddie subtly tries to make his hair a little more bouncy, then brushes any tiny whisps away from his face. He holds the roses close and rubs his nose again, blinking when he feels his eyes start to water. The door opens and Steve freezes, eyes zeroing in on the flowers.
Eddie raises an eyebrow when Steve doesn't do anything, still looking at them like they might actually be a bomb.
"Harrington, you gonna leave me standing out here like an idiot? If you don't like the flowers that's fine, but can I at least come inside, it's freezing," Eddie keeps the dramatic, theatrical tone in his voice like he always does, hoping it'll cover the nervousness and slight hurt at the fact Steve really does seem to not want the roses.
"Y-Yeah, sorry, sorry," Steve lets him in, shutting and locking the door behind him.
This is the first time he's felt somewhat awkward around his boyfriend since...well, since before they became boyfriends. Walking in, Eddie rubs his nose with the back of his wrist, trying to make the itch dissipate while he figures out what the hell is going on with the other man. Steve finally reaches out and takes the flowers from him, looking at them with a sudden, dopey smile.
"Okay, what the hell is going on Harrington, are you okay? Should I chuck them in the trash?" He rubs his nose again, scrubbing it with his knuckles and then scrunching it up. An audible wet sniffle rings out and Steve looks up.
"No, no. Don't, I like them. I just...have never had anyone give me flowers," a deep blush appears on Steve's face and Eddie grins so widely it hurts. That's the blush he's been hoping to see.
"Well, this should have been happening more often then, and I'll see to it that it does," he presses a big, sloppy kiss to Steve's cheek, the moment feeling like it needs some lightening. Standing close, the guitarist sighs and nuzzles Steve's shoulder before taking the flowers back, ignoring the confused look from the other man.
"We gotta put them in a vase or glass, or they're going to die. You're helpless Stevie," Eddie smirks playfully, then starts to head to the Harrington's kitchen, where he's sure he'll find a plethora of vases that Steve's mother has collected from worthy suitors sending her flowers over the years, begging her to break up with Steve's father. He freezes halfway towards the kitchen, thin nostrils twitching, flaring into circles. He rubs the heel of his hand up against his nose this time, the itch all encompassing in his head and nose.
"Eddie, why'd you st-"
"h'GKkt! ih'DKtt'uh! hn'GKtt'uhew!"
The itch doesn't go away, doesn't even begin to. He's not been around flowers like this in a long time, and god, maybe he's gotten worse because he can't remember feeling this...itchy.
"ih'GKt'uhhh! h'gkst! eh'GXTt'uhew!"
His hair tumbles in front of his face and the flowers almost get dropped. When he's able to form a semi-coherent thought after the intense itch backs down, he turns to Steve, smirking in a way he knows makes him look kind of like a predator to his prey. Steve's standing there looking like he might actually explode. His cheeks are once again bright red, but his eyes are wide with lust, and his hands are shaking.
"Something interesting to you Harrington?"
His voice is thick with congestion, and his eyes are itchy, but he just blinks back the feeling. Keeping his voice playful, he grins and moves to find a vase, trying to be extra teasing with him tonight. He wants him to unravel. Eddie bends down and finally finds a glass vase in one of the low cabinets. As expected, there seem to be at least six other ones. After putting water in it, Eddie breaks the stems a little to make them shorter, then starts arranging them. He knows Steve is as aware as he is how much pollen he's kicking up from messing with them, he can practically see it floating around.
"ihGTSCHH! hih'ktSCH! ih'gkt'uhew!"
"You okay Killer?" Eddie pats at Steve's cheek as he smirks, but then his nose twitches two or three times, and he rubs his nose roughly.
"I uh...shouldn't I be asking you that?" Steve's are are so big, and he's watching Eddie with the most intense look he's ever seen from the guy.
"Me? I'm fihhne, juhh-HH! Just a tickle....allehhhgies..." He gives the soupiest sniffle after, one that's productive enough it causes another round of sneezes to start, and this time, Eddie presses his face into Steve's shoulder.
"eh'Gkstch! hih'Kgtch'uh! ihh'gktsch'uhEW!"
The last sneeze catches them both off guard, the way it's so loud and desperate, the higher pitched ending making Steve wrap an arm around Eddie's middle. Eddie snuffles against Steve's shoulder, then looks up. They both can see the small damp spots his nostrils have left, and he feels his boyfriend squirm. Oh yeah, they're gonna have great sex tonight.
"Jesus Christ," Steve mumbles out, breathing heavier.
"Actually, my names Eddie, but I get that a lot," Eddie leans in as close as he can without their noses touching. Then, knowing Steve likes his flare for the dramatics, the guitarist brushes their noses together, sniffling.
"Stevie...h-hhave a tickle...right here," and he bumps the tips of their noses together. His eyebrows draw up, his eyes flutter, then he smiles when he hears a guttural noise emit itself from his boyfriend. He's dimly aware of being led to the couch, but the itch isn't letting up and the idea of focusing on anything else isn't possible. He gets pulled down on top of Steve and instantly presses his nose to his neck.
"ih'GKtch'uhew! F-Fuhhck Steve..." Eddie whimpers as Steve rubs up against him, their jeans getting in the way. "h'ngKTSCH! ihKSTCH'uhew!"
A breathy 'oh my god' stumbles out of Steve's mouth and both of them rush to take their pants off, Steve all but ripping his shirt away as Eddie tries and fails to get his own off, the material rubbing against his nose, setting him off into another fit.
"ihktsch! hh'gnxtch! ihtschuhew!"
They're softer but itchier. Steve helps with the shirt, then kisses him hard, hands roaming everywhere on his porcelain skin. Though his hands have scars, most of the rest of Eddie's body is unmarred, all creamy pale skin and freckles on his back. Steve's got enough moles on his back, littered everywhere, that Eddie wants to connect them all into some new constellation.
"God you're so fucking hot," Steve mumbles, kissing down his boyfriends jaw and to his neck.
"Yeah well, one of us has to be, but it's not me. You should see your ass," he smirks playfully, and yet another blush arises. Score three for the Munsonater. Steve sucks on his neck and the noise Eddie makes is embarrassing. Just as he's about to move back to kiss his lips more, Eddie's nose twitches.
"ihgKKkst! hih'TDchh'uh! ihNKTt! Oh god..." the curly haired man can feel the mess that's now half against his nose and half against Steve's jaw. He's about to apologize and pray for something to swallow him whole, but instead he's getting his jaw pressed into, and then Steve's kissing him again, and Eddie moans.
"And they call me a freak," he snorts, and Steve pauses, looking at him with playfully narrowed eyes, no heat behind them at all.
"Come on Steve, I'm an allergic mess and you're getting off," the man grins, kissing Steve again.
"You're so hot, all desperate. Can't sneeze fast enough, your cute nose.." Steve is rambling, rubbing their erections together. Eddie lets out a noise that Steve isn't sure is human, it sounds more like a whimper that Dart had made all those years ago.
"Yeah, well, m'gonna cum soon if you don't keep kissing me..."
"Okay, jesus, someone's impatient."
"I have been sneezing for the past half hour Steven, please..."
Eddie isn't one to beg, so Steve grins and starts kissing him again.
God he loves Steve and sex. In that order.
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careforacuppatea · 2 years
When Krat fell, both humans and mechanoids alike fell into cults with religious fervor of a zealot; one for the sake of being spared damnation, the other for salvation of the soulless misbegotten.
Lampwick had turned up his nose and scoffed at both, neither fully human nor fully wires, bolts and cogs, so he declared himself a proud heretic dissenter of none.
There was no messiah coming to save them, there was no Godhead of mercy biding his time to enact rapture once the third fourth fiftieth blood sacrifice has been made.
It was the doing of just one man that led their city-paradise of unimaginable prospects and progress to be found wanting in the eyes of some invisible force or karma or nature (or a God, just not the one these fools worship and kill and bleed over)
Guilty of a hubris deserving of this tangible Hell.
Lampwick had once learned the hard way in what dealing for pleasure ensued. You can't go waltzing through the gates of Pleasure Island to use all her rule-less pleasures and sins, expecting there to never be a fee or debt of any kind incurring (read the fine print you idiots, you never read the fine print)
No matter her gimmicks and flashing lights, the promising scents of perfume and delicate sweets, the beckoning thrills of breaking noses and splitting knuckles, and wet hot deliverance found between a stranger’s thighs— consequences prevail.
There will always be a price to pay.
This was the citizens of Krat indebted to playing around with the forces of creation.
God creates, nature creates; through woman, they create.
Man cannot, and should not— but fuck if it ain't so tantalizing tempting to give it a shot.
Lampwick can get that, the desire to prove otherwise to knock at any authority or high-horse riding motherfucker who tells him he can't.
Though, unlike that Man, Lampwick did not go about trying to recreate natural life and ride high on an egotism for the once immaculate and intricate puppets that were to obey like slaves.
No, instead, before all this, Lampwick spat in the eye of his Creator in other ways: over indulgence of alcohol, tobacco, illegal fighting and gambling, and of course, fornication.
All starting at an early age, because it was set in stone to become a blasphemer of his own beliefs and ideals based in cardinal sin.
Even with a good old mother and good old father who tried to raise a good old boy despite their class and trade, Lampwick was marked a lost boy from the get.
The Back Alleys were quickly forgotten by the bastard elite, and thus made unforgiving. 
How else were those unfortunate to never escape the ghettos to get-by and cope, if not for the pubs, the opium dens, and whore houses?
A predatory carpetbagger who sought after the little children of these working class beggers, once he'd made victims of their parents too.
Beckoned him, and all the other young boys and girls not worthy of clean streets and fancy automatons, and a good education— beckoned and sold them fairy tales and sweeter dreams than any they've ever known, from atop his carriage drawn by funny donkeys in funny shoes.
No school for those lucky enough to attend; no work, for those who learned from a young age what sweeping streets and rich people's chimneys for nothing meant.
No responsibilities, no teachers, no cops, no nights and days of empty stomachs. Just fun, fun, fun.
The remedies and quick fix to their pitiful little lives and long lost childhoods, sold slick and quick as snake oil elixirs.
Pleasure Island floats amongst the debris of a mind decaying away from the Plague, like a trauma he can't sink.
It's existence still prevalent even after the Fall. There's days he swears he can sense it breathing, a reanimated corpse no doubt, but still calling for him to return to it's palaces of degeneracy and earthly desires.
Will you walk into my parlor?
Even now, he's guilty of crimes and sins repeated. Why stop a vice from wrapping around you like a death eater when you've already got your ticket punched for that glorious Styx steamboat ride across the waters of actual Hades?
Point being, Lampwick isn't fit for changing, and he'd seen enough and been through enough to know for a fact no saint or messiah or Cult-backed creator was going to come down and save him.
He didn't believe in a messiah that would arrive on swift wings of vengeance, or a King birthed from the molten fires of the Great Chambers of Machina.
None of that was real, none of it would be remembered after the final building crumbles and bones disintegrate and metal rusts.
All come from dust, and to dust all return.
The city was fucked and all it's inhabitants were fucked and so might as well have some fun and not go bruising knees for pointless worship and drinking blue blood for heaven's sake.
When Lampwick had first laid eyes on him, the name of ‘Lucifer,’ whispered in his ears, coupled with religious imaginary of memories when his mother Hailed Mary's with crystal prayer beads clinking in her quaking; and his father reciting gospel for hours straight with rough hands and gnarled fingers steepled.
When he recalls being forced by both to learn words and reading through scriptures he was too young and too full of the devil already to understand.
The morning star before his fall, described as so beautiful, and the favorite of God's light. An angel in his own right, and that is what he saw when he had been cursed with the knowledge of this creation's existence.
Lampwick had never seen a puppet as beautiful as this one.
He'd never really used the word beautiful to describe anything... Anyone. That was too serious of a word, it held a certain intimacy like calling one darling or lover.
It must be his brain or the circuits in his missing limbs and other parts that run to it that got crossed because that's the word that comes to mind.
Beautiful, beautiful creation.
Come to find out, Pinocchio was more than just a puppet creation.
He was the closest thing to almost-pefectly human.
Almost. He clearly wasn't: the left arm of lethal metal, a dead give away, but that wasn't just it.
There were little uncanny quirks. Subtle, but Lampwick stares, unabashed, because he's never been shy and he won't be now.
He studied the too smooth flicks of Pinocchio's wrists, how Pinocchio walks with controlled, even steps. The mechanical twitching that the puppet can't seem to control, as if some thing in his perfected design had glitched out.
Not the same thing as when Lampwick will twitch involuntarily in the places that aren't electrical wiring and dented metal: an eyebrow, or the fingers of his still intact hand.
Pinocchio had once informed him, when does he sleep, which isn't often enough, he fidgets, and his mouth quirks, and the thin skin over eyes that aren't really his, still flick and move about.
Lampwick had told him it's because his mind was probably still awake, firing off; or perhaps he had been dreaming.
Dreams were still too mortal for Pinocchio. Even when he had been asleep, it wasn't like waking up from a dream.
It was like being born anew.
It irritated the itching under his skin to learn Pinocchio watched him when he wasn't aware of it, not because it'd be hypocritical, but because he knows it's a curious naivety that drives the puppet.
Lampwick couldn't blame the Petrification for the need to dirty and destroy, run his grimy hands over untouched and sanctified purity. He had always been like this.
Lampwick had been given his Confirmation at the age of fourteen by a girl no older than sixteen; all beguiling smiles and coaxing hands that eased him under to baptize him in the wicked black backwaters of Krat.
Since then, anything new and bright and hopefully wistfully innocent was to be soiled and disgraced by him.
He would do unto those that had been done unto him.
This angelic mockery of God and Nature was no exception. He was the rule, actually. The gold standard of why.
Why Lampwick coveted what he hated in all it's splendor and glory to the highest.
Pinocchio wasn't human but he was the closest warm body, and he was new, and curious and naive and dangerous.
Lampwick had promised Pinocchio he'd help him become real, teach him the tricks and secrets that any real boy would be knowledgeable and wise of.
He promised like that of Mephistopheles dealing out a contract to the foolish, desperate Faust.
He'd stretched out his right hand, naked metal and peeling, plastic flesh. He never makes deals with his real hand, because then that means he's bound to the terms and conditions set.
His grease-black soul does not hold any responsibility or obligations to what it did not once breathe life into.
Crooked grin full of imperfect teeth, eyes guileful and alight, "Is it a deal?"
This was the Devil tempting Lucifer.
Pinocchio hesitated, as all new sinners do.
Blue eyes so like a humans, trying to pull calculations of potential trajectories and it's outcomes from the hand reaching out.
"You gotta shake hands, makes it official like."
His jaw sets, and the skin creases perfectly where he pinches his brows together.
Hazardous, artificial amber peering back into the depths of lifeful blues.
The weight of Pinocchio's right hand taking his, like the uncertain pressure applied to the pen that wrote a signature on the dotted line.
Lampwick curled a tight grip around the hand more whole and complete and human than his own.
Unbeknownst to it's owner the Faustian bargain made.
A defiled martyr in the making, the both of them.
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