#they're talking about akira by the way.
Hirano to Kagiura Ch.12(+): ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Sparkles *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
There was no way I wouldn't be talking about the sparkles when analyzing the chapter that introduced them. While I'll mostly be talking about what we learn about the sparkles in ch.12, I'll also be looking a bit at the other times they show up – mostly to make sure I don't say anything completely off base.
The thing is, the sparkles are weird. I love them, but I find it interesting that no other character has experienced them, not even in Sasaki to Miyano. While using that kind of effects to convey emotion is common in both S&M and H&K, like the fuzzy-happy-feeling spheres, sparkles specifically have not been used before this chapter. Those effects have also never been hinted to be a concrete thing that the characters experience in any literal sense.
There are three instances of sparkles that occur in this chapter. First is when Hirano is walking down the hallway and Kagiura appears at the window and greets Hirano. Hirano squints a bit and claims he got some dust in his eyes. Second is while playing basketball. Third is when Hirano feels like he wants to do whatever he can to support Kagiura.
The only thing that is common for these three instances is that they are all from Hirano's POV looking at Kagiura (though the one during the game is less clear than the others). The first instance arguably being the clearest case.
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We see Kagiura surrounded by sparkles as we are looking at him over Hirano's shoulder. Next panel focuses on Hirano's eyes with more sparkles and him squinting a bit. Last panel has Hirano mentioning some dust in his eyes. The other two instances in this chapter also show Kagiura from Hirano's perspective. Later chapters will broaden the instances the sparkles can appear by having them also occur when Hirano is thinking about Kagiura and not just when seeing him.
I want to quickly point out that this chapter is the only time we see him have a physical reaction to the sparkles. Which makes me think that, while I do think that Hirano's feelings makes him see Kagiura differently than he otherwise would, him squinting as if Kagiura is literally bright is less literal and more about making it very clear that the sparkles and the feelings associated with them are something that specifically Hirano experiences towards Kagiura.
But aside from this, there aren't really any commonality as to when or why they happen. Looking at all instances of the sparkles, there are some ways to group them, but none of the instances in this chapter has anything in common, not between all three of them. Neither Hirano nor Kagiura are acting or reacting the same way in all three of the instances. Heck, Kagiura isn't even smiling for the last one! Hirano has a strong feeling of wanting to support Kagiura in the third instance, but that's the only time Hirano really had any specific and obvious feeling connected to it. While you can argue that Hirano wants to support Kagiura to some extent in all three instances, in a later chapter the feeling Hirano gets is relief. So there doesn't really seem to be any specific external or internal cause to the sparkles occurring. Not one that's true for all the times the sparkles occur.
Still, if we look at why the sparkles appeared at all, it's pretty safe to say that the change is an internal one on Hirano's part. Because Kagiura is acting the way he always has. His smile from seeing Hirano is similar to the smile he gives Hirano when noticing he showed up to his game in the first few pages of the manga and he's having fun at basketball as normal. The closest thing to a new thing from Kagiura is when he states his determination to give his all towards basketball and staying with Hirano, but 1) Kagiura being determined is in itself not a new thing to Hirano, 2) that moment is the last instance of sparkles in the chapter. So the sparkles are because Hirano has changed. While I'm hesitant to say that the sparkles are representative of romantic feelings (I feel like Kagiura, Sasaki, and especially Miyano should have experienced them too if that was the case), I don't think it's wrong to consider them proof that Hirano is having romantic feelings for Kagiura now.
Personally, I'm not satisfied with that. But I don't think I can argue very well for any points I make beyond this. I do wholly believe that Harusono-sensei meant for the sparkles to be a sign of Hirano's changing feelings towards Kagiura. Feelings are, however, a very vague notion that can't be completely argued for or against. So when it comes to what specific those feelings are, this is just my interpretation.
Because there is one feeling I have often felt towards my boyfriend that I think fits. Though I'm not sure I would classify it as a feeling. It's more of a state of mind.
It's the way your worries disappear when you're with the person you love.
There have been so many times where I was sad, or worried, or doubting my feelings. But seeing him made me forget all of it. It's not like the worries disappear. You're still very much aware of the world. You don't forget who else is there. It's just that the bad things are unimportant. And you don't notice that you forgot until you reflect on it later, the same everything makes sense in a dream before you wake.
And I think that's what Hirano is experiencing when Kagiura sparkles. The rules becomes unimportant as he jumps out the window to join Kagiura. He gets caught up in the game. And supporting Kagiura is the most important thing.
And it's not something you notice while you're in it. You have to reflect on your time with them to ever notice it. Do some introspection. But if Hirano was the type to do so, kagihira would already be together. So even when Kagiura sparkles, Hirano never, ever notices.
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tyrantisterror · 7 months
There's a tweet that's gone viral where a person laments realizing that Star Wars "ripped off" Dune, and how learning all the elements Star Wars took from its inspiration tainted it. And I think it shows how poisonous the emphasis on originality in art can be. Because yes, it's wonderful when art makes something new, but it's also wonderful seeing how art plays on what came before, and the conversations it has with its predecessors.
There's going to be a lot of people talking about how much of an impact Goku from Dragon Ball Z has made on fiction in the wake of Akira Toriyama's recent passing, and all the characters who were inspired by him and his story. But Goku himself is derivative - he's inspired by the Monkey King from Journey to the West, one of the first novels ever written. He's far from the first character inspired by the Monkey King, either, and also far from the last.
None of this makes Goku's impact any less than it is. None of this decreases how Goku's story has inspired countless imitators. Just as Toriyama created a new icon from imitating what he loved about Journey to the West, so did Toriyama inspire countless artists to make their own iconic works with his take on the Monkey King's archetype. Goku is, in many ways, the heir to a legacy that spans back to the 16th century, and likely beyond - because I doubt the original Monkey King was formed in a vacuum.
We're taught to think that originality and imitation are opposites that cannot coexist, but they're not mutually exclusive. One can follow in another's footsteps and still take a new journey with its own unique twists and turns. The great works of art are not spawned in the absence of inspiration - they are in conversation with what came before and what will come after.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Fun Fact: Even in space, ACAB.
Let's talk about Jaco: The Galactic Patrolman, a somewhat more obscure manga compared to Dragon Ball that Akira Toriyama wrote in its setting.
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For the most part, this is a short and fairly simple story. It's primarily a character drama, with the developing relationship between Jaco and the scientist Omori as its central focus.
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The manga is surprisingly vague about its connections to Dragon Ball for nearly all of its length, until its final chapter. Jaco is here on Earth to thwart some vague threat sent to the planet from a world of hostile aliens. It's only at the end of the manga that we learn he's talking about Goku.
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Galactic Patrol detected an Attack Ball leaving Planet Vegeta and making its way to Earth, so they sent Jaco to... assess the situation and then make a decision about whether or not to do anything.
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In his defense, the Saiyans are the most powerful race in the universe. I can understand why he doesn't want to fuck with a full-grown Saiyan warrior. Nobody wants to fuck with a full-grown Saiyan warrior. The most that the finest police force in the universe can do against Saiyans is to try and nip them in the bud when they're babies.
It's interesting that Galactic Patrol doesn't have Scouter technology. I wonder if that proprietary? Frieza might have a patent.
But at the same time, I don't want to be too sympathetic to Jaco because. Well. He sucks.
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Galactic Patrol sucks. That's kind of the bit. Jaco is a self-absorbed little shit, utterly devoid of empathy or compassion for the people he polices. He's stranded on Earth right now because he wasn't watching the road while driving.
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Jaco's a prick, but what little we learn about Galactic Patrol as a whole doesn't make them sound much better.
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This one time Jaco accidentally pressed the Extinction Bomb when he wasn't supposed to and wiped out a planet. Hoo boy, was his boss mad! Gave him a real talking to before giving him another Extinction Bomb and putting him back on patrol.
Universe isn't going to police itself, y'know. Someone's gotta be out there very occasionally trying to stop those real estate genocides.
For his part, Jaco's in it for the aesthetic. He likes the image of being a cop, and he spends his time practicing looking cool for when he presumably dispenses justice upon the criminal element.
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But his interactions with the common people are filled with condescension and menace.
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Like I said, this is the bit. Jaco is a self-important thug with a badge, with the initial conflict stemming as much from trying to keep him from doing something awful to the community under his jurisdiction as from trying to solve his problem.
Ostensibly here to protect Earth from the impending arrival of a Saiyan threat, he is as much a threat to this community as the invader he's here to assess. Without Omori there to guide him, he'd be killing people left and right.
He fits in pretty well with the cast of Dragon Ball, many of whom at least begin their tenure with a degree of amorality to them. Omori himself is a bitter misanthrope ironically thrust into the position of having to convince Jaco not to kill people.
And then there's the manga's biggest Dragon Ball connection: The introduction of Tights.
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Any reader who's been picking up on the Dragon Ball-ness of this universe will know immediately where Tights came from. Her name pun gives the game away. Just like how the final chapter clarifies Jaco's target as the young Goku, we get to see the familiar faces of Tights's family as well.
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Bulma basically solves the entire plot singlehandedly.
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Even as a little kid, the universe's greatest heretic remains unparalleled in the field of game-breaking super-intelligence. Bulma OP do not nerf.
Again, this speaks to how little of the manga is actually about the plot. If this were a story-driven manga, having a character from another manga show up in the final issue and solve the plot in the span of two pages would be pretty disappointing. But since the plot is just an excuse to make these characters interact with one another, it doesn't really matter.
We aren't here for the story; We're here for the relationship between Jaco, Omori, and Tights. With that in mind, Baby Bulma waddling up and going "I fixed the spaceship; Are you stupid or something?" is hysterical.
For her part, Tights lives up to her family legacy of being super-brilliant.
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She graduated from college at 16. She's a genius like the rest of the family. What she's not is interested in science and technology. Possibly as a justification for why we've never heard of her before, Tights goes against the mold for her family.
She honestly seems like something of a free spirit. She lives in East City when we meet her, famously the city that Nappa wiped off the map, while Capsule Corp and Bulma's family are out in West City. Rather than a scientist, she works as a body double for a famous pop idol.
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As a publicity stunt, they're going to launch an idol into space. Tights's job is to impersonate the idol so she can die in the inevitable disaster instead. She is bizarrely chill with being paid a huge sum of money to get stupidly killed. Much like Bulma, Tights has a terrible sense of self-preservation and is willing to take on incredible risk for the sake of achieving a personal goal.
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Tights is the best character in the manga. An aspiring sci-fi novelist who agreed to probably die in space for the sake of the experience. This family gives zero fucks.
And then there's Omori himself.
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Despite its title, Omori is basically the main character of this manga. He's the one whose life situation is most heavily scrutinized. This is his status quo that Jaco and Tights enter. Similarly, Omori is the character who undergoes personal transformation as his experiences with Jaco and Tights help him find hope in connections with other people again.
The three characters click really well together. So well, in fact, that Dragon Ball would end up recycling the setup of Super Alien/Crotchety Old Man/Spunky Young Woman for one of the best dynamics they ever wrote.
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This is not a copy/paste; Cheelai, Leemo, and Broly are all distinctly separate characters. but you can still feel the barebones aesthetic of Tights, Omori, and Jaco in their dynamic.
So. Yeah. Overall, for what it is, it's a cute little short story about a group of characters just living lives in the world of Dragon Ball. It's the kind of thing that the franchise needs more of, and still does to this day: An opportunity to flesh out the universe a little but also just to let us live in it through the eyes of someone else.
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sigmasemen · 4 months
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multiple blue lock characters × reader
tags: romance, cute relationships, established relationships, fluff.
taglist: n/a currently.
characters: alexis ness, akira endoji, ryusei shidou, nijiro nanase, ranze kurona, michael kaiser, bachira meguru, rin itoshi, chigiri hyoma.
word count: 2668
extra notes: i originally had sae in this but he didn't make it into the 9 character count i usually do.
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- Bachira loves taking you to amusements parks where ever he can find! He'll even learn to drive just so he can drive you around to them! (Though, sometimes his mother will drive you two as she just wants to meet you properly.)
- He's always winning you prizes with soccer like games, though he has a lot of trouble with ring toss.
- Carnival dates usually last for hours. To the point you'll be from opening to closing (getting kicked out because you stayed past closing). 
- He enjoys protecting you in haunted houses. He sometimes pretends to get scared so you'll hold him.
- He sometimes takes you down certain alleyways to feed stray cats with you.
- "And the monster told me-" You enjoy letting him talk your ear off, feeding him ice cream occasionally to shush him.
- Bachira enjoys carrying you on his back around the carnival. He sometimes spins in his spot to wake you up after you fell asleep.
- You get slushees all the time, they're you're favorite thing to get with him because he scrunches his face when he gets a brain freeze.
- Usually you go to nice shops after the carnival. Sometimes ice cream shops, sometimes to small corner stores to pick up food for a movie night, just matters on the day.
- Bachira sometimes borrows your hoodie for days on end and will only return them at the end of your dates. He incorporates them into his outfits.
- At the end of each date, you get dropped off at home by a still enthusiastic Bachira. He's always carrying all of your prizes in his hands. Occasionally he'll sleep at your place and cuddle your back, though most of the time he has to go home. 
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- A man that is absolutely horrible with dates. You could explain to him clearly where you want to go and when and he'd still be a bit confused as he doesn't understand why.
- Usually you pick where, but Rin pays for everything.
- He picks you up after school on the dot. Most days he's even waiting there silently for you to come out the door.
- "Are you sure you didn't miss anything important?" "Yes." He rushed there the second school ended.
- He enjoys taking to soccer matches with him. At first, you were a bit confused until you got to watch your lovely boyfriend's eyes slightly light up when he'd see a cool play. You end up asking him questions during the match. He tells you to be quiet but gives up and starts focusing on you too.
- Another big one is renting out places and watching horror movies with you. He enjoys the immersive ones where you feel like you're in it. Sometimes you present theories about what the movies could mean and he immediately adds on as well.
- Rin sometimes gives you a reluctant piggyback ride, but he enjoys hearing your breath in his ear while he walks.
- Haunted houses are also a frequent place, except you jump into his arms in fear a lot. You mention he's strong and muscly? He'll drop you.
- Rin adores giving you foods you really enjoy. He takes you to a lot of tea places for you to try out things.
- Dates end with him at your door step, thanking you for the date and asking when you'd be open again. It always makes you happy that in such a subtle way, he's wanting to go on another date.
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- A pretty boy with an even prettier partner,
he loves taking to you to malls. He hates going with his sister because she's always dragging him around, but he then gets the appeal when he's dressing you up.
- "Is this good on me Hyoma?" "You look great." 
- He's trying not to smile like an idiot.
- He also enjoys taking you to plays where he can impress you. Like arcades. He's taken you to an arcade almost every date. Plays the soccer games almost every time.
- Chigiri likes running around with you in his arms. This is usually the case when it starts raining in the middle of your dates.
- One time, for his birthday, you took him to a cat cafe and put a black cat in his lap. He got a bit overwhelmed from how sweet the gesture was that he shut down and couldn't respond for a few minutes. 
- You also go to a lot of concerts together to try each other's music taste out!
- Chigiri loves how excitable you are when it comes to dates, so he's huge on giving you fun surprises at the beginning of each date. He notes down everything that happens on each date.
- After each match he plays, you're on the sidelines begging for him to let you take him out on a date as a treat. He always comes, but is a bit embarrassed as he's sweaty on the trips.
- His sister and mother interview you to make sure you're good enough for him on the first date (you ace it).
- At the end of each date, you pull him to you to kiss him on the lips and thank him for the date. If he had the ears and tails like his panther alias suggests? It would be wagging rapidly.
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sea-of-dust · 11 months
Hello c:
can I request Akira and Ryuji with a f!s/o who is going through her period
(I'm suffering the wrath of cramps 😭)
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This is the worst....
Ryuji and Joker/Akira x Fem!Reader
Summary: you're on your period with them trying to help you
Notes: HI Hi annon!, dw I feel ya 💀 ALSO I GOT THE OTHER MESSAGE IM SORRY I MADE YOU WAIT SO LONG 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
Warnings: mentions of blood, the hell of period craps
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He has futaba he already knows what it must be like for you maybe even worse, so he brings you stuff you like in hopes you don't turn into a fire breathing dragon and spit fire (futaba)
Offers to do your homework for you or help you with it. He wants you to rest, don't stress about it too much not like he memmorised your handwriting for this exact purpose. So what if they aren't causing you that much pain you rest watch him speed run homework.
He lays his head on your stomach sometimes, this could lead to teasing unless you were actually about to make futabas story real. "Hey leave my girlfriend alone stomach" "stop qouting that!" Getting you to laugh made it worth it
He will lay with you even if you don't ask you could take a nap and wake up with him on his phone next to you. "You're awake?" Scooing over with a chipper grin on his face he shows you his phone "take a peak at this" as he shows you the video you don't notice him sneaking his arm under your torso to pull you into his chest. "Felt that" "awe" you feel him lean over you to kiss your cheek "I woulda got you this time sure of it" smiling weakly you kiss him back "not a chance"
He does cook for you during these times. The godsend of his cooking always make you forget about the pain and misfortune of these unfortunate times. "I can spoon feed you if you want" "YES"
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He looks like his brains about to explode when he learns your on your period. "Ohhh that time of the month. No biggie!" Until you didn't show up to school one day because of your cramps
He did come running to your house with pads and the plush you kept hugging when you stayed in his. "Miss l/n it's an emergency please let me stay with your daughter!" "Oh you must be Ryuji! She talks so much about you!" Her eyes water as she fondly tells him about the times you spoke about him. It was nice but what was great was sneaking away mid rant. "Y/n!" "Ryuji?!"
He takes oddly great care of you, offering you food and bringing a game with him. "You brought alot-" "well yea I didn't know what you were in the mood for so I brought everything I knew ya liked" "They're gonna last me years..." "perfect!"
Only lays next to you if you ask him to. Feels like if he moves the wrong way it'll make you uncomfortable. So when you eventually get him to lay next to you he's just a board, his mind comming up with all sorts of theories for what would happen if he even breathed wrong.
So the next day you came to school the guy was with you every step. "Ryuji your classrooms next door" "what if you pass out" "they aren't that bad worse case I end up vomiting" "what if there's no bag!" You sigh patting his shoulder "listen I'll be fine" it's gonna take the bell to ring for him to finally give in. Doesn't mean he isn't walking you home keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.
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mywifealhaitham · 1 year
this is anon who rqed the akira hcs HEHEHE TYSM IM GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET RN
i saw ur requests still open and i wanna req one more thing if its fine... i offer: akira and s/o with social anxiety and a bit of a recluse. maybe like comforting them? something like that
again tysm i will be thinking of ur akira for hours
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﹑♡ : akira with a socially anxious and reclusive s/o
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୨ a/n ୧ : I'm very glad u like it!! I originally got this request literally minutes after I posted the original post but I held off on it and took a small break... I'm sorry... also as per usual the phantom thieves make a appearance they're a package deal w/ akira ^_^
✦﹒out of all the phantom thieves he's definitely one of the best partners for someone like yourself. he's incredible patient and he doesn't mind being your voice.
✦﹒if you tend to stay in your room or house alot he finds ways to get you out occasionally, he knows some good tactics because of futaba. he offers to take you out on dates at night to avoid people as much as possible or taking you out to more open areas like Inokashira Park.
✦﹒assuming you go to shujin or any other school he always waits for you at the train station even if he ends up a bit late... once your both on the train he holds you or if that embarrasses you then he holds your hand the entire time while trying to distract you by talking about what news is going on in the city or maybe something stupid ryuji did the other day.
✦﹒if you're a phantom thief and get anxious about the amount of shadows in a palace or the metaverse then him and everyone else has got your back! akira being the leader sadly can't always be at your side he tries his best, holding your hand and shielding you with his body. if he has to go into a battle then the others who stay and watch (in my mind 4 fight while the others just watch...) will try and comfort you!
✦﹒out of all of them I believe that haru is the best at comforting, she may not understand how you feel but her words never leave to make you feel at ease. if you want someone who understands your fear then futabas got your back since she was once a recluse like yourself. the others also have their own ways of comforting you! (ryuji will start threatening the shadows)
✦﹒a bit off topic but speaking of ryuji and futaba they're practically your siblings and they're just as protective and eager to help you as much as akira.
✦﹒if you ever have a panic attack out in public akira is quick to excuse you both and takes you away from the public. once in private he's a bit hesitant because he isn't 100% sure how to help. he normally rubs your back and tells you to take deep breaths unless you don't want too. morgana will help you too despite his protests of not being a cat he hops onto your lap and nuzzles your hand in a attempt to make you feel better.
✦﹒in total if your a more anxious person then surrounding yourself with the phantom thieves and akira is a good option; they always have your back and you'll forever be loved unconditionally ˃ᴗ˂
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whatifitookalilnap · 3 months
The Magic of Makeup
(Kyoshi x Rangi)
(A/N: EVERYONE PLS THERE IS A SMUT SCENE HERE! WE GET PORN WITH PLOT SO LIKE AVERT YOUR EYES IF THATS NOT YOUR THING!!!!! Also don't judge me cause IDK how diplomacy or nobility stuff works I'm here for drama. Anywho I already made a couple posts about this but I thought it was so funny that I decided to make a whole fic. The ao3 link will be posted right after this for those who prefer it. Anywho, pls enjoy!)
Kyoshi was jolted awake by Jinpa roughly shaking her entire body. The Avatar immediately sat up and grabbed her fans placed right beside her bed. 
“Who’s dying?!” Kyoshi exclaimed as she jumped out of bed.
“No one, but the Fire Nation nobility are here! Like, they are waiting in front of the gates as we speak!” Jinpa hissed.
“What do you mean they’re already here?! They were supposed to arrive at lunch!” Kyoshi yelled.
“That’s what I was told. I think this is some kind of power play. Just get dressed,” Jinpa insisted.
“Damn! Do you think I can get away with not wearing any of my usual makeup? There’s no way I’m going to have the time but I still need to look intimidating! It’s part of my whole shtick!” Kyoshi asked.
“You’re six and half feet tall, I think you can make it work. Now get changed, woman! We got people to argue with! I'll meet you there!” Jinpa said before rushing out the door.
Kyoshi cursed before springing out of bed to put on her usual business attire. Alright, the green outfit? Check. The headdress? Check. The fans? Check. Big ass gloves? Ah shit, they're not here. Whatever, it’s not that important. Well, that’s all Kyoshi has time for.
The Avatar quickly threw open the door to her bedroom and began speed walking down the hall. Kyoshi already hated leaving her room without makeup. Nowadays, putting on her makeup is step one of her morning routine. She can't remember the last time she handled Avatar business with a bare face. It made her feel vulnerable. Exposed. This meeting needs to end quickly.
As she was speed walking to the conference room where this meeting is to be held, Kyoshi spotted her girl briskly walking in halls. The Avatar couldn’t resist perking up at the sight of her girlfriend coming to meet her. Of course, Rangi had already been awake for an hour before the stupid nobles arrived. She’s always been an early riser.
“Did you have any clue they were coming in so early?” Rangi asked once they met up.
“No, Jinpa had to wake me. I had zero time to get ready,” Kyoshi sighed as the two fell into step with each other.
“I assume that’s why you’re not wearing any makeup,” Rangi very correctly guessed. 
“Yeah, there’s just no way I could have made it happen,” the tall woman confirmed.
“I think that’s for the best, honestly. Being punctual should take priority in this scenario,” Rangi nodded.
Kyoshi felt a surge of pride course through her when Rangi approved of her plans. If only the world knew how weak the Avatar is for her girlfriend. She’d be killed within a week. 
“Let’s get this over with. Hopefully the little bastards are more agreeable this time around,” Kyoshi sighed. 
How Kyoshi despises the damn Fire Nation nobles sent into the damn peace agreement. Kyoshi’s had like five other meetings with them and has been unable to come to an agreement all parties are happy with.
The names of the three nobles that have been utterly torturing Kyoshi for weeks are Akira, Nao, and Chari. Akira does most of the talking, Nao and Chari are really just her yesmen. They're all simply unbearable. The three of them were around her age of twenty two, which is probably what makes them so insufferable. They’re young, spoiled, rich, think they know everything under the damn sun, and worst of all, they don’t have the good sense to fear her. 
Anyone with half a brain should be terrified of Kyoshi! It’s like Jinpa said, she’s six feet and six inches tall! She towers over everyone she meets! Plus the makeup! Ghostly white face and bloody red eyes?? That’s the perfect recipe for fear! How can anyone not be terrified of her?
Maybe it’s wrong to feel so upset that some people aren’t scared of her, but Kyoshi can’t help it. People not having a healthy amount of fear when interacting with her makes her uneasy. If the literal Avatar can’t freak someone out, what can? 
“Wait, one more thing before we go in there,” Rangi said as she stopped right outside the door of the meeting room. 
“What? Did I forget something?” Kyoshi frowned.
“You did,” Rangi confirmed. 
Kyoshi furrowed her brows and went back through her mental checklist involving her attire. Outside of the makeup and gloves, Kyoshi is pretty positive she had everything she needed.
Naturally, Rangi proved her wrong. The firebender cupped Kyoshi’s face in her hands and gave her a light kiss on the lips. At once, Kyoshi’s arms went to Rangi’s hips in order to deepen the delightful sensation. Sadly, Rangi pulled away. 
“You’re going to do great. Stop worrying so much. That’s supposed to be my job,” Rangi smirked. 
“Kay,” Kyoshi said. You know, like an idiot. 
Rangi should never have kissed her right before such an important meeting. Now all Kyoshi can think about is the next opportunity for those lips to be back on her. Kyoshi is so in love with her it physically hurts. 
Okay, time to get the love struck look off her face before facing the nobles. Kyoshi took in a deep breath before nodding to Rangi. With that, her loyal bodyguard opened the doors to where Jinpa and the nobles sat. 
The Fire Nation nobles were muttering amongst themselves as they had during every single one of the past meetings. Typical. Kyoshi had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. However, once the three nobles looked at her, they immediately shut up. That was a surprise.
During the past meetings, even when Kyoshi made her presence known, the little trolls still blabbed on and acted as though she didn't even exist. They would only stop talking when Kyoshi started to speak. However, today she didn’t need to say a word before all eyes were on her. All of the nobles were looking at Kyoshi with shocked expressions, flushed faces, and one of them had their lips parted slightly open in what she can only assume is shock. 
This is suspicious as fuck. 
“Apologies, everyone. I hadn’t realized we would be meeting so soon. Please accept my tardiness,” Kyoshi said respectfully with a bow. 
What she really wanted to say was ‘couldn’t you have given a girl a heads up before meeting me at the crack of dawn’ but that didn’t seem appropriate.
Akira then sprung up out of her seat to pull out a chair for Kyoshi to sit. Kyoshi quickly glanced at Rangi and Jinpa in wonder to see if she's seeing the same thing. Now why on Earth would Akira do that?
“Of course, we certainly didn’t mean to inconvenience such a beautiful woman as yourself. Please, allow me,” Akira said.
Rangi looked like she wanted to set Akira on fire. Kyoshi shared the sentiment. What is she playing at? Less than a minute in and it's rather obvious they are sucking up to her. Ultimately, Kyoshi did sit down on the seat Akira pulled out for her in the name of civility. But that doesn't mean Kyoshi had to like it.
“If you don’t mind me asking, where’s Avatar Kyoshi?” Nao asked.
Kyoshi shot Rangi and Jinpa yet another look. Are these idiots being serious right now?
“I didn’t realize I was so unrecognizable without my makeup,” was all Kyoshi said. 
Granted, that is a lie, but she really didn't know what else to say that's a polite statement. Whenever Kyoshi goes into town with a bare face, many do not make the connection despite her rather noticeable height.
“What? You’re Avatar Kyoshi? Really?” Chari blurted out. 
Oh, this is going to be a long meeting.
“Yes, I am,” Kyoshi nodded.
“I didn't realize you were hiding freckles under all that makeup. You wear them well,” Nao smiled. 
Is Kyoshi drunk? Did somebody slip her something when she wasn't paying attention? What in all Four Nations is happening right now? They must want something from her if they're being this nice.
“I think we need to get started with this meeting,” Jinpa rushed out hastily. It was almost as if he was in a panic. Odd.
“Of course. Please, start us off. Your voice is quite soothing, Avatar Kyoshi,” Akira smiled, chin resting in the palm of her left hand.
Kyoshi actually thinks she’s experiencing whiplash right now. In past meetings, when the discussion gets opened up on a subject, the nobles immediately try arguing for their side. It takes ages for them to be willing to hear Kyoshi out. Something is so wrong here. It's best to ignore that compliment for now.
The more the negotiations progressed, the weirder everything got. The three nobles, mainly Akira, kept blatantly sucking up to her by praising everything she did. While it's true her reputation has improved as the Avatar the past couple years, it certainly wasn't enough to warrant this kind of reaction.
Even one of the people on her side was acting strange. Jinpa, who's usually a man of patience and serenity, seemed very antsy to move things along. He would often try to steer the conversation away from the nobles when their compliments became too excessive.
Rangi was the only one who was making sense right now. As per usual, she took her role as a bodyguard very seriously. She stood there, stoic as a statue, ready to defend Kyoshi should any dangers arise.
Kyoshi stole a quick glance at her girl to find her looking ever so slightly more irritated than usual. Who can blame her, honestly? Kyoshi wants this to be over just as much as Rangi does.
About one hour in and Kyoshi is bored out of her mind. She propped her chin on the palm of her left hand. It's really not proper etiquette and she might get scolded for it later, but Kyoshi is not at a point where she cares. She then felt an itch on her nose, so she used her right hand to scratch it.
Akira was speaking like she always did, but her voice died down when she took a good look at Kyoshi's hands. This woman literally could not get any more strange.
“Is something the matter, Lady Akira?" Kyoshi asked.
"Apologies, Avatar Kyoshi. I hope I did not offend you, I was simply caught off guard. You just have the most beautiful hands," Akira said earnestly.
Did Jinpa squeak? Huh.
Well, Kyoshi had to fight the urge to laugh. Man, they are really grasping at straws here. She must have run out of things to stroke Kyoshi's ego about. The Avatar is well aware of the state of her hands. Beauty is not on the list.
"Please, no need to fill my head with empty compliments," Kyoshi insisted.
"I assure you, my compliments are nothing but sincere. You have the most wonderful hands I've ever seen," Akira said seriously.
Huh, weird. It honestly did seem like the noblewoman was telling the truth. Maybe she is. It could very well be that she's borderline insane, but that's not really the topic here.
"I appreciate the sentiment, but my hands are pretty banged up with all the scars. Consequences of those battles, I suppose," Kyoshi awkwardly laughed in order to lighten the mood.
"The way I see it, the scars you adorn are a testament to your bravery and honor. Courageous is the most beautiful thing a person can be," Akira said. Her two noble goons nodded their agreement.
She had to admit, Kyoshi feels moved. It's no wonder Akira is the spokesman of the group. That is a noblewoman who really knows how to sweet talk a girl. She did wonder why Jinpa squeaked again, though.
Okay, Kyoshi needs to think this through. The odd behavior of the three nobles is a mystery Kyoshi has the desperate urge to crack. The compliments, the pleasantries, the agreeability, there has to be a reason why.
Seeing the three Fire Nation nobles stare at her scars with that look in their eyes made the answer hit Kyoshi like a boulder. Finally, the Avatar understood the out of character actions. Those three are absolutely terrified of her.
It all made perfect sense. Scars in general can look pretty scary. Not only does Kyoshi have a rather large amount of them, the implications of what she experienced also must be freaking out the nobles. The scars show that Kyoshi has lived through much more powerful and intimidating foes than the ones who sit before her. It's visual proof that Kyoshi is the strongest person in this room. And they're terrified of that.
It has to be why Akira made such a point to compliment them. She's well aware of the battles Kyoshi fought to gain her scars.
The makeup and gloves were hiding the scars which must be why the nobles haven't seemed scared of her until now. Turns out, Kyoshi just had her approach all wrong. They did not fear scary makeup or a tall stature, they fear scars and Kyoshi's true face.
Their behavior makes complete sense now.
It's probably wrong that Kyoshi is so excited that she finally found a way to scare these people. They have been grating on her nerves for weeks and she finally has the upper hand. The Avatar is in full control now.
Kyoshi is absolutely going to milk this.
"It feels as though we've been stuck in this room for ages. It's getting quite hot in here," Kyoshi lied.
With that, the Avatar rolled up her sleeves where even more scars decorated her arms. Kyoshi was even bold enough to undo her collar a touch to reveal the scar on her neck. She snapped open one of her fans and fluttered it to gently brush against the neck scar.
Her actions had the desired effect. All three nobles immediately began intensely studying Kyoshi's scars, especially the one on her neck. They were red, evidently nervous, and now incapable of looking her in the eye. They finally feel terrified by Kyoshi. This is a memory she will cherish for years to come.
Kyoshi saw Rangi in her peripheral vision sitting with crossed arms and a deep scowl. The Avatar felt as though she was beaming with pride. Of course Rangi caught onto the fact that Kyoshi is working on her intimidation tactic and is playing the role of scary bodyguard to add to it. Rangi is just so smart.
"Avatar Kyoshi! Would you like me to, uh, open up some windows? I had no idea you were feeling so hot," Jinpa nervously rushed out.
"Please do," Kyoshi smiled.
Jinpa nodded and hurriedly opened up a couple windows as Kyoshi put her fan back at her side. She did what she needed to do to strike fear in their hearts.
"I must say, Avatar Kyoshi, you wield your fans as though they're part of you. It's quite impressive. You have very skilled hands," Nao pointed out.
"Well, I'm sure you've heard of the other things my hands can do, haven't you?" Kyoshi asked with narrowed eyes.
If her reputation precedes her, then stories resembling her scuffle with Xu Ping An would have certainly reached the Fire Nation. She would make it very clear that compliments should not distract from how truly terrifying Kyoshi really is.
"I, well yes. Many have heard stories of your, um, abilities," Nao rushed out.
"Many stories indeed," Akira mumbled.
Chari just sat there looking like an imbecile. Kyoshi wasn't really expecting much else from the lump.
"Alright, I'm going to cut to the chase. What is it that you want from me?" Kyoshi asked in a low voice to add to her intimidation.
Obviously, for them to be this scared of her, she must also have some kind of leverage they need. Apparently, Kyoshi would have to wait to find out.
"Avatar Kyoshi, I insist upon a recess at once!" Jinpa practically shrieked while standing up.
Everyone in the room was visibly shocked at the monk's outburst except for Rangi. Kyoshi's never known the man to raise his voice in such a manner, especially not in a meeting like this one. Whatever had Jinpa so panicked must be important.
"Of course. You don't mind a small break, do you?" Kyoshi grinned, knowing damn well they won't say no to her.
"Please, take all the time you need. We'll wait as long as it takes," Akira managed to rush out.
Hah, the annoying noble still looks flustered. Kyoshi could not be happier. They finally fear her. It feels so good to win.
Kyoshi left the room, quickly followed by Rangi and Jinpa. Once the door closed behind them, Rangi grabbed Kyoshi's arm and pulled her to the left.
"Make sure we're not followed, Jinpa," was all Rangi muttered out.
"Y-yes of course," Jinpa hastily agreed.
"Rangi, what's-" Kyoshi started to say.
"One more word and I'm putting you into horse stance for so long your successor will feel it," Rangi hissed.
Okay, so clearly she's not happy. Kyoshi can't imagine why though. That meeting is going spectacularly. The nobles are significantly more cooperative, they actually listen to what Kyoshi has to say, and they're now willing to give into her demands. She can't understand what Rangi could possibly be so upset about.
Maybe Kyoshi didn't notice something during the discussions? Is it possible the Fire Nation nobles are playing her and Rangi is going to let her know? It's certainly not the first time Kyoshi has made a major blunder like that. There really wasn't much time to contemplate this because in less than a minute the two women apparently arrived at their destination.
The spot Rangi led her to was a tiny hallway that had a single window at the end of it but nothing else. There are no doors or chairs, so no one really spends much time in this area of the building. This is a very interesting spot to talk about any potential issues from the meeting.
Kyoshi looked at Rangi and raised an eyebrow, still very unwilling to speak in risk of horse stance punishment. Rangi didn't say anything. No she did not. Instead, she yanked on Kyoshi's collar and crashed their lips together. Before she even had time to blink, Rangi had pinned her against the wall of the tiny hallway.
Is that what Kyoshi was expecting to happen? It most certainly was not. Is Kyoshi mad about it? She most certainly is not.
Kyoshi quickly put one hand on Rangi's shoulder while the other cupped the back of Rangi's neck to deepen the kiss. The bodyguard moved on from kissing her lips to slowly trail her mouth down Kyoshi's neck.
"There's other ways to rile me up, you know," Rangi mumbled into her skin.
That is something that Kyoshi will be noting for later. Especially if this is the result.
The Avatar gasped as Rangi began pressing hot kisses on the scar at the base of her neck. A low moan rumbled from Kyoshi's throat against her will. Fuck, that firebender knew exactly what she was doing. Rangi knows Kyoshi's body like the back of her hand.
Therefore, she knows that kissing Kyoshi's neck scar will automatically turn her on. Kyoshi can feel herself getting wetter by the second. Her cunt began clenching around nothing, practically begging to be stimulated.
That's when she felt Rangi's hand slowly creep down to the very top of her long skirt. Then, her fingertips ever so slightly went beneath the skirt where Kyoshi's underwear resided.
Holy shit. Is Rangi trying to do what Kyoshi thinks she's trying to do? Now? Of all the times?
"Rangi, we have a meeting," Kyoshi gasped.
"Just say the word and I'll stop," Rangi whispered into her ear.
A better Avatar would be able to resist. A better Avatar would be able to tell their girlfriend it's a bad idea to have sex when they're in the middle of an important meeting.
It would appear that Kyoshi is not a better Avatar.
"We need to be quick," Kyoshi hissed.
"Well who am I to defy the Avatar?" Rangi grinned.
With that, Rangi's hands slipped past the waistband and lightly brushed against Kyoshi's clit. The taller woman gasped once more and bit her lip to prevent the sound from coming out.
"Fuck, Kyoshi. I've barely even touched you," Rangi mumbled lowly.
The poor Avatar didn't even have time to respond before one of Rangi's fingers slowly entered her. Kyoshi gasped and clenched tightly around her finger. It's when Rangi started slowly moving her finger that Kyoshi let out a high pitch whine.
Embarrassingly enough, Kyoshi's always been rather vocal during sex. This really is not the time to be vocal.
"You know I love the sounds you make, but unless you want those Fire Nations nobles to see the Avatar getting fucked by her bodyguard, you're gonna need to be quiet for me," Rangi smirked.
The prospect of that scenario playing out is enough for Kyoshi's entire body temperature to increase. It's just not fair how sexy her girlfriend is or how her melodic voice gets Kyoshi all riled up.
The Avatar had gotten so wet that Rangi had no issues slipping a second finger inside of her. Kyoshi buried her face in Rangi's shoulder to muffle her moans. The way her fingers furiously thrusted inside Kyoshi brought her closer and closer to her breaking point.
While Rangi continued to fuck Kyoshi with her fingers, the bodyguard decided to continue her onslaught of kisses on the side of Kyoshi's neck. The sensation made the Avatar so weak in the knees that she's basically leaning on Rangi for support.
Kyoshi knew she wouldn't last much longer. Rangi's fingers were relentless and every spot her lips touched set Kyoshi's skin on fire. Then Rangi's fingers hit that perfect sweet spot that made Kyoshi want to cry out from pure bliss. The firebender's precise fingers hit that same spot over and over again, causing Kyoshi to arch into Rangi, desperate to be as close as possible to her.
Once Rangi's thumb began hastily circling Kyoshi's clit, it was over for her. The Avatar had to physically bite her lip to prevent her moan from coming out as she finally reached her climax. Evidence of Kyoshi's wetness was coated over Rangi's fingers as she slowly pulled them out of her. Rangi made direct eye contact with her as she licked Kyoshi's arousal right from her own fingers. Kyoshi's face burned at the sight.
Kyoshi was too busy reeling from her orgasm to mentally process the fact that Rangi had dropped to her knees. The bodyguard began to slowly lift up Kyoshi's shirt. The Avatar's eyes widened when she realized Rangi was not, in fact, done with her yet.
"Do you think you have one more left in you?" Rangi asked.
"No Rangi, we need to get back to the negotiations where literal nobility is waiting for us!"
Is what Kyoshi WOULD have said if she wasn't such a whore.
"Rangi please," Kyoshi begged in reality.
The Fire Nation woman grinned and threw Kyoshi's right leg over Rangi's shoulder while the other leg stayed planted firmly on the ground. Rangi rolled up Kyoshi's skirt to her waist.
"Be a good girl and hold this for me," Rangi whispered.
It was like Kyoshi's body had a mind of its own with how quickly she fulfilled such a command. Kyoshi used both hands to keep her skirt up as Rangi moved the Avatar's underwear to the side. Now her bodyguard got a full view of Kyoshi's aching cunt.
"Your pussy is just as pretty as you are," Rangi praised.
Kyoshi blushed at such a sincere and lewd compliment. A split second later, Rangi's mouth made contact where Kyoshi needed it most. The Avatar couldn't help but allow a low moan to slip out.
Rangi dragged her tongue along Kyoshi's entrance. Yet again, the Avatar had to bite her lip to stop any noises of pleasure from coming out. The bodyguard decided to focus on giving Kyoshi light kisses onto her clit before starting to suck it.
Kyoshi's pants and muffled moans increased as she was being brought closer to the edge in absolutely no time. The first orgasm already made her incredibly sensitive, she would come to her peak much faster now.
Rangi's tongue began circling faster around Kyoshi's clit in a way that made her vision blur. Kyoshi began helplessly grinding her cunt against Rangi's face to get even more stimulation as fast as possible. It all felt too good. Rangi is just too good.
Once again, the bodyguard has to essentially hold up Kyoshi's entire bodyweight. The way her tongue makes Kyoshi feel is just so intense she can barely think. Thank the spirits for the wall behind her.
Rangi's skilled tongue brings Kyoshi closer and closer to her breaking point. Kyoshi's hands squeezed her skirt as she felt herself approach her release. The bodyguard's hands gripped Kyoshi's thighs as she continued eating her out. Finally, finally, Kyoshi got to experience the sweet release she had been craving. For a second time, that is.
Kyoshi really couldn't stop herself from letting a breathy moan escape her lips. Rangi pulled back with Kyoshi's wetness all over her face. The Avatar blushed as Rangi had to pull out a small handkerchief from her pocket to clean herself from the mess Kyoshi made.
With the same amount of care one would use to handle a delicate vase, Rangi gently moved Kyoshi's leg off her shoulder. Kyoshi pouted, feeling the warmth of her girl leave her, but dropped her skirt once her underwear was readjusted.
Rangi finally stood up and peppered Kyoshi's face with light, playful kisses. The Avatar giggled as her touch began to tickle.
"We really should get back to the negotiations meeting," Rangi sighed while pulling away.
"Wait, what about you?" Kyoshi asked.
Kyoshi does her best to be a good girlfriend. It's only natural she'd want to return the favor.
"Don't worry about me. Knowing you came on my face was more than enough satisfaction. For now, at least," Rangi grinned.
Kyoshi blushed brightly and looked away from her lover's gaze. It always sounds so much more dirty saying it out loud than when they actually do it.
"Rangi?" Kyoshi asked once she felt her blush die down.
Rangi hummed in response. Kyoshi smiled and gave Rangi a quick but intense kiss.
"I love you," Kyoshi smiled.
At once, it was as though every hard exterior Rangi possessed automatically softened. It was a statement they both already knew, but it was always so good to say.
"I love you, too. Let's go, Jinpa's probably having a heart attack as we speak," Rangi said.
Kyoshi nodded and followed her girl back to the meeting room. Jinpa looked at them in pure relief once he saw them again.
"Everything okay you two? What took you guys so long?" Jinpa asked.
"Oh, we're perfectly fine. Just had to tend to the Avatar's needs," Rangi shrugged.
Kyoshis misses her makeup so much. She had to hold her fan in front of her face to hide the red blush spreading all over it. This meeting needs to be over five minutes ago. How is Kyoshi supposed to survive when the love of her life does things like this?
Please, for the love of all that is good in this life and the next, let this damned meeting end quickly.
The rest of the meeting went surprisingly well and without a hitch. All that was left to do was finalize the paperwork tomorrow and they would be out of Kyoshi's hair. Thank the spirits for that.
Now that the day is over, Kyoshi has the opportunity to have even more sex with her girlfriend. Life truly is good.
Once the Fire Nation nobles left the premises, Kysohi turned to her girl and gave her a smile of pure relief. The relief of finally being done with the most grueling task imaginable, talking to other people. Usually, Rangi returned her smile. Instead, the firebender simply pursed her lips and avoided Kyoshi's face.
Is she feeling okay? Rangi seemed distracted, which is very unlike her. Maybe all the recent negotiations have been getting to her?
"We need to talk," was all Rangi said before walking back into their home.
In no universe is the phrase 'we need to talk' a good thing to hear from the woman you're dating. Kyoshi felt like she was walking to the gallows as she followed Rangi back to their shared bedroom. Once they reached said room, Kyoshi sat on the edge of the bed. Rangi did not sit beside her. Instead, she chose to stand right in front of her.
Well now Kyoshi is slightly terrified for their relationship. She simply waited for the bodyguard to speak.
"Look, next time you use such a tactic to get your way in negotiations, at least warn me first. I realize sometimes a more, unconventional approach is necessary, but I was completely blind sided," Rangi frowned
"What are you talking about? That was the most conventional strategy," Kyoshi replied, very confused.
Intimidation tactics in general are very common to use. In fact, Kyoshi would say it's her favorite tactic of all time. How she loves striking fear into people's hearts.
Yikes, it sounded really bad when she put it that way.
"You're kidding me, right? There's absolutely nothing conventional about what happened back there!" Rangi snapped, voice laced with hurt.
Kyoshi has no idea why Rangi is so upset. Could it be Kyoshi had done something to offend her?
"Look, I honestly don't understand why you're so upset. I did what I always do. I scare the life out of them, they give us what we want. Simple math," Kyoshi insisted.
Rangi did not look amused at all.
"Scared them? You're claiming to have scared them? You have to be joking," Rangi scoffed.
"Uh, no. No I'm not," Kyoshi honestly told her.
Rangi stared at her for a moment before her entire expression changed.
"Holy shit, you're not joking," Rangi mumbled.
"Why would I?" Kyoshi asked with a raised eyebrow.
Rangi merely continued to stare at her for a moment. Then, she buried her face in her hands. She let out a strangled, almost choking sound and Kyoshi feared her girl was crying. Then she looked up and found Rangi laughing.
The fuck is so funny?
"I could not be more lost right now," Kyoshi bluntly stated.
Rangi, still laughing her ass off, walked over and sat next to Kyoshi on the bed. Once she was finished with her little giggles, Rangi let out a long, drawn out sigh.
"Spirits, I fell in love with a moron," Rangi said.
"I mean, you're probably not wrong, but why?" Kyoshi exclaimed.
She is just so confused. For once, Kyoshi thought she knew what she was doing!
"I swear, you're denser than the rocks you bend. Kyoshi, those nobles weren't scared of you, they were flirting with you," Rangi told her.
Kyoshi blinked twice. Then immediately rolled her eyes. That's what she thought was going on? Seriously?
"C'mon Rangi, there's no way. I think I would know if I was getting hit on," Kyoshi drawled.
"I had a crush on you for two years before you confessed," Rangi very rudely reminded her.
"That's true, but be realistic Rangi. I'm well aware of what I look like," Kyoshi scoffed.
"Believe me, so am I. What exactly are you trying to say?" Rangi glared.
Boy, her girl is not going to like this one. Along with being the Avatar's bodyguard, it was Rangi's life mission to build Kyoshi's confidence. The Avatar never really excelled in that department.
"No need for the looks, Rangi. It's not like I think I'm some hideous troll or anything. But, well, I'm crazy tall and have a lot of scars. It's not exactly an ideal look. Neither are the freckles, I've come to learn. Besides, it's like you said. I had nice hands before they got all scarred, but now," Kyoshi sighed while trailing off.
Rangi frowned before holding both of Kyoshi's hands in her own. She soothingly rubbed her thumbs against the back of Kyoshi's hands.
"I'm sorry I made you feel as though a part of you was undesirable. That's really not what I was trying to say. I've always found your hands pretty, I just conveyed my feelings poorly. I admit, I have very complicated feelings about your scars," Rangi sighed.
She thinks that deep down, Kyoshi knew that already. Unfortunately, her self esteem has never really been sky high. Hearing Rangi say those words out loud was a bigger comfort than Kyoshi thought it would be.
"Oh? Like what?" Kyoshi asked curiously.
"On one hand, I hate that you had to experience so much pain. They're reminders that I wasn't able to protect you. You never deserved such horrible treatment. But on the other hand," Rangi said. "Spirits, Kyoshi, your scars are so attractive. The way they decorate your skin makes you look like a damn masterpiece. It's like lightning running across your body. I've never seen anyone so beautiful."
Rangi was staring at Kyoshi with so much love that it actually stole the air from her lungs. Immediately, the Avatar's cheeks were burning so badly they had to resemble the deep red of a fire lily.
"So you think I'm attractive," Kyoshi mumbled with a dopey grin.
Rangi gave her a look and lightly kicked her leg. Kyoshi let out a small giggle at her girlfriend's action.
"Of course I think you're attractive, you big oaf. We are in a romantic relationship," Rangi snorted.
Kyoshi giggled and pressed a small kiss atop Rangi's forehread. Her girl blushed a bit before leaning her head on Kyoshi's shoulder.
"You know, in the Fire Nation, scars really are considered to be a very beautiful addition to the human body. I hate to agree with that stupid Akiko or whatever, but your scars are so pretty. They're like little trophies of battles you survived. Let me tell you, they'd have gone ballistic if they knew about your stretch marks. They're a sign of growth and health back. Just another part of you so attractive it drives me insane," Rangi told her.
Kyoshi blushed once more at the mention of said marks. Her stretch marks mainly littered around her breasts and thighs. Now that Kyoshi thinks about it, Rangi's always given them special attention.
"Also, fuck Yokoya beauty standards. I adore your freckles. The jackass nobles certainly did too," Rangi huffed.
Kyoshi giggled and kissed her girl's nose. Then, realization dawned on her.
"Oh spirits, does that mean me showing off my scars," Kyoshi trailed off.
"Yeah, you were basically seducing them. It was very effective," Rangi confirmed.
"That's so humiliating! Now everything I threatened just sounds sexual!" Kyoshi groaned while flopping on the bed.
Rangi laughed and laid down next to her. Kyoshi adjusted herself so that they were eye level. Spirits, Rangi has the prettiest eyes.
"That may or may not be why I dragged you out of the meeting. I get that people flirt with you, I do. But it just seemed like you were flirting back this time," Rangi admitted quietly.
Kyoshi frowned at the realization that it definitely seemed like she was flirting. She cringed remembering the comment about what her hands had done. That really sounds sexual and Kyoshi absolutely hates it.
"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to," Kyoshi honestly told her.
"Now I know you didn't. I'm not upset since you were unaware. I guess I just got too jealous. I wasn't too much during that meeting, was I? I hope I didn't pressure you into anything," Rangi worriedly stated.
It shouldn't be possible to be this in love with someone, yet here Kyoshi is. The amount of love she has for Rangi is far too much to be contained in this world.
"Of course I wanted everything you gave me. I'll sleep good tonight knowing that my stoic, calm, and collected bodyguard fucked me in the middle of a negotiations meeting because she was jealous," Kyoshi teased.
Rangi groaned and playfully shoved Kyoshi's shoulder. The Avatar merely laughed and scooted closer to her.
"You're not the only one who gets jealous, you know. I swear countless people have tried hitting on you. I never feel too upset about it because you shut them down so quickly it baffles them," Kyoshi smiled.
Rangi merely kissed Kyoshi on the lips in response. Kyoshi was more than happy to feel her love's lips on her once more.
"I still can't believe you didn't notice, they were being so obvious about it. I really shouldn't be surprised. Not like this is the first time you were flirted with and were completely oblivious," Rangi sighed.
"What? What other times are there?" Kyoshi frowned.
"My point exactly. Nothing to worry your pretty little head about," Rangi teased as she kissed her cheek.
Kyoshi just smiled and observed Rangi's face for a moment. Truly, has there ever been a more beautiful woman? Kyoshi doubts it.
The Avatar was going to change the subject and suggest the two get a quick nap in, but stopped herself. There's just one detail that still doesn't make sense about today.
"Oh, quick question. Do you know what was up with Jinpa during the meeting? I've never seen him so antsy," Kyoshi asked.
Rangi's face turned bright red and she avoided Kyoshi's gaze. It took her a couple moments, but Rangi finally gave her an answer.
"That was unfortunately my fault. I'm not as calm and collected as I look. Seeing someone flirt with my girlfriend kind of makes me seethe with rage. When they started hitting on you, I thought I was gripping the chair but I was really digging into Jinpa's arm. He told me it was fine so pretty much every time you were hit on, I squeezed his arm. I'm pretty sure I ended up burning it at some point. So, uh, please remind me to apologize to him tomorrow," Rangi sheepishly told her.
"Between the two of us, that poor bastard needs the biggest raise in all Four Nations."
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lowkeyremi · 11 months
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let me talk abt ryo for a second
if you had a dollar for every time someone commented on his eye bags, you'd have a lot of dollars. there have been plenty of times where you and alice both bought him products to help with them but he just refuses to get rid of them. says they're a sign of his hard work and his dedication to cooking.
he gets sooooooooooooo mad when you say someone else's cooking is good, "mmm! akira the spices add to your curry, it's really good." you'd hear a little grunt, " that headache's food s'not better than mine." akira chuckles and you roll your eyes, "calm down"
ryo has definitely scared the shit out of people A LOT, especially you. he's the type of mf to stand behind you and not say anything so when you turn around you accidently slap him.
if he's not passionate about something he's sleeping. you were trying to teach him how to make a rubber band bracelet and he fell asleep half way through.
DOES NOT KNOW WHAT PRIVACY IS. it doesn't matter if you're changing, using the bathroom, showering, whatever, he'll just walk right in and go about his business. "ryo, i'm using the bathroom." his dark eyes slowly make their way to yours, "so? i don't care. i need to brush my teeth."
CEO of "eh" "hm?" "idk" and "oi" (honestly that's most of his vocabulary unless he's mad abt smthing)
HATES COFFEE. he just seems like a non-coffee drinker and akira + soma bully the fuck outta him for it
"ugh come here" kind of guy when it comes to cuddling, all you have to do is give him those eyes
if you give him the time of day he will rant abt how much he hates soma and akira
last but not least... "let me see if (name) wants to come" "(name) and i have plans" "i'm not going because (name) doesn't want to" most of his decisions are heavily influenced by those around him. (or you)
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driftingmoonmenace · 7 months
🤲Please rant to us about the Guard Dog AU
Well ok, if you say so, Anon! 👀💕
So this is me being very indulgent Menace once again, and I'm sure you'll notice a pattern with me when it comes to themes and tropes I lean towards. LMAO 😂(Also this is in the very early rough concept stage so things might get tweaked with time!)
BUT ANYWAYS, so very futuristic city!! I'm talkin' like Akira/Cyberpunk 2077/Ghost In The Shell/etc style where it's very dense, neon lights everywhere, hologram ads, advanced technology, the works.
FazCo. is in the entertainment industry, but not the kid-friendly kind. They've found that the creature pit fighting scene has been a big hit globally and wanted to cash in on the big profits. Lots of rich people like to host and sponsor these matches typically and attendees are able to place bets. So Fazco. started to develop several of their own homemade creatures to throw into the ring.
A lot of these creatures typically have one to two human handlers who represent them and are in charge of taking care of them, training them, escorting them within the venues, basically everything. It pays well enough, but there is also the very real danger of their assigned creature killing them so it's a high risk job.
These creatures vary in all shapes and sizes. (Though typically they're much, much bigger than humans.) Some are organically lab made, some are organic but have technological augmentations, others are purely robotic. As long as they're able to fight and entice a crowd, that's all that matters.
Sun and Moon are unique within this world. They're partially organic, but heavily augmented, (so kind of a cyborg type of thing) which is nothing new, but their 'brain' is completely robotic and allows them to switch between their duel A.I.s.
Fazco.'s idea for them was basically 'why not have a creature that can switch up their fighting style at a moments notice to keep the opponent on their toes?' without really thinking of the consequences of that. :) (And the only way you can tell which is which is their subtle eye change (and demeanor but eyes are the easiest). Double white for Sun, double red for Moon, and their ace up their sleeve, red and white for both aka Eclipse.)
Y/N decides to apply for the handler job. (The previous handlers all had unfortunate accidents but they don't have to know that.) They know what they're getting into and risks involved but really they're only in it for the money. They'd like to get out of their shithole of a neighborhood and being able to travel is a nice perk, so eh why not. They don't have any real self preservation so as long as they're enjoying the ride that's all that matters to them.
Cue them actually getting to know Sun and Moon over time and 'oops I've become attached and man...this life must suck for them...I'm gonna pull a Free Willy. :)' But not without numerous fights in between, lots of danger with the wrong people, near death situations, etc etc first. And Sun and Moon getting attached themselves with time and being a big ol' guard dog. (And maybe a little tiny bit of love between em cause that's the monster fucker in me talking. LMAO)😌
But yeah that's all I got!! I'm happy to see and hear y'all are so interested in this AU so far!! 💕
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sketchy--akechi · 5 months
Shuake/Akeshu Reunion
If you were tasked to make THE Shuake/Akeshu Reunion, how would you write it/how would it play out. How long would Goro have been MIA for, and how would Akira have dealt with it? Give me all your thoughts on this. I wanna know ABSOLUTELY everything on how you'd have them come back together. Would it be them just meeting by chance on day on the street? Or would another Metaverse Shenanigans thing be going on and they would meet that way?
Okay okay okay. First of all. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PICK ONE If we're talking about fics, I love any and all forms of Shuake reunions. Metaverse shenanigans are great but them running into each other at the nearest 7 Eleven is equally as great. Or Akechi randomly showing up at Leblanc one day or in Akira's hometown. Or as part of the Shadow OPs. Seriously shoutout to each and every writer who made a Shuake reunion fic they're all great and I love you all BUT JUST FOR THIS ASK. FOR THE SAKE OF GIVING A COHERENT ANSWER. Let's assume I'm a writer at Atlus for one day and I could write the canon reunion (Atlus please hire me) Then I would really really like to pick up the scrapped idea of an Akechi palace again. Like imagine a new P5 game, about yet another form of the Metaverse appearing and the Thieves investigating, and slowly but surely they realize that they're in Akechi's palace, and Akechi is in a weird state between alive and dead AND THEY HAVE TO SAVE HIM- Ideally it would be a Royal-centric spin-off, so maybe it's just Akira and Sumi rescuing Akechi so there can be a bigger focus on the Royal Trio relationship (no offense to the other Thieves but we got enough spin-off games about them LMAO) I get the feeling that Akira would show his emotions more openly if the other Thieves aren't there, and if there's a reunion after 2/2, I REALLY need it to be emotional ya know, if Atlus portrayed Akira as a blank state self insert during a moment like this when we all know that Akechi was his biggest wish in Maruki's reality then I will. pick a fight
Also I need a hug. I don't care if it's just something like, Akechi falling unconscious and Akira catching him I NEED A HUG I NEED PHYSICAL INTIMACY BETWEEN THEM
I also need a new Metaverse outfit for Akechi based on Hereward because we all know it would slap so hard
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lavendergalactic · 6 months
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A callout post on Locket. (aka @llocket)
(JOKE & NON-SERIOUS happy april fools)
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1. he spread misinformation
i'll be talking about this post where they "defend" nahida being brown
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locket spread misinformation on that post because famous non-muslim non-indian tiktok user firestorm703934 said she's based off the moon (not saraswati who has the godly glow of the moon, just the moon itself because that makes so much sense for the god of dendro and wisdom to be based off the moon itself) on a post where an artist drew nahida with melanin
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as you see in this comment, they're totally right about their point, the moon ISN'T tan. therefore nahida shouldn't be "tan" either, it's perfect logic
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2. sent me cryptic death threats
locket would sometimes send me messages that i don't understand, so i put them through in google translate and you will never believe what they said
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this was really hurtful. i cried for days on end after google translating this.
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3. cultural appropriation
locket speaks urdu, but they have multiple parts with names of different languages
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as you can see here kaveh is a PERSIAN name. not URDU.
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and here, kaeya is an INDIAN name. not URDU.
also, one of his parts used a language thats NATIVE TO INDIA (NOT URDU.) symbol as an aesthetic in their intro.
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(urdu is a mix of arabic, turkish and persian just so you know, and they are half indian half pakistani, they can use all of these)
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4. he was previously RCTA
from 2015~2022 locket claimed to be a different race, he claimed to be canadian and white, not half pakistani and half indian.
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this is from their old carrd from 3 years ago claiming that they're white
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here they are seen PHOTOSHOPPING THEIR SKIN to be another race, like wow, why would you do this to yourself? that's so fucking insane
this is their REAL HAND in comparison:
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they've also made their roblox avatar white back in 2021 to trick me into thinking they're white:
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his username is "J44KU", as you can see it's WHITE
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5. copying my work
multiple times locket has purposfully copied my work. taking too heavy inspiration and then claiming it as their OWN.
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here you see locket clearly copying my akira and ryo graphics i've made in december last year.
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and here you see the CLEAREST COPY IN EXISTENCE. they copied everything about my part noir's rentry. it's SICK
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TAGS: please spread the word.
@yaoitistic @hamusie @pwupsicle @venshuko @necroangelz @otoripink @mukurosgf @magnoliawriter @cactiflowering @triokoto
(PLEASE DONT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY BY THE WAY, LOCKET WAS IN ON IT TOO AND GIVING ME IDEAS AND IMAGES!! please don't actually try cancel my boyfriend for this, this is all for shits and giggles, happy april fools!)
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akisata-moved · 6 months
ryokira Car is such an integral element to devilman. we need more emphasis on the car in the next adaptation To be honest.
we need more moments of akira sleeping in ryo's backseat after a mission, wrapped up in ryo's jacket, more moments of akira with his feet up on the dashboard on a hazy afternoon when they're just going out, more moments where akira catches ryo in the late afternoon sunlight and he looks perfect. more moments where akira's love for ryo is revealed in the way he looks at him when ryo *can't* be paying attention to akira. to emphasize that not only does ryo love akira, but even in private moments when ryo isn't paying attention, akira loves him, too. more moments of akira brushing his hand over ryo's thigh while they drive, passionate kisses shared when they're parked in the back lot of a gas station desperately chasing a feeling of safety and comfort in an environment that is out to get them.
the car is safety. the car is the one thing that they have that they know can keep them moving, keep them safe on their mission. emphasis on ryo trying to keep them safe within the car, shots of him locking the door. twice. three times over. unlocking and relocking because he doubts himself. more of ryo trying to desperately hold onto that safety and security even as his grasp on reality starts to slip. he double locks the car when akira is inside. his mission becomes less about keeping the world safe and more keeping himself and akira safe the best he can. what was i talking about? More cars! More Ryokira. That's my thesis!
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katsona-the-katsequel · 6 months
I imagine all the protags being friends tbh, like all of them, give me two and i can make a way i can see them interacting, but i really think Makoto and Yu would get along so so well, same with Kotone and Akira
Give them some time and they'll be some of the closest friends you'll see. Really helps that four of them made it their mission to befriend at least 19 people in a year. Naoya, Tatsuya, and Maya never stood a chance against their combined Max Charm. Naoya got that next-door, cheeky, pretty boy aura going on for him. He clicked with Akira right away, though surprisingly he found himself playing the straight man in Akira's jokes.
Naoya saw Yu taking charge once (1) and happily delegated all the leader duties to him. Minato followed suit. Yu offered the leadership duties to Maya (because oldest in the group should know best, right?) but she said "No, thank you :)". Yu glanced at Tatsuya, who just shook his head. Akira made a playful grab for the leadership position, but Yu believed he was joking and took it back (they didn't trust each other yet). Kotone ended up leading and ran everyone ragged. Naoya is scared. Maya is dead again. Tatsuya is reevaluating his initial impression of the little girl with the red bow. Minato seems barely phased, but if looks could kill... Yu and Akira are mentally taking notes for their respective teams.
Kotone and Akira are the type of people Tatsuya would be attracted to (Platonic! I mean, romantically too if you want to). They're the most vocal about their ideals and beliefs. If Naoya, Minato and Yu opened up more to talk about more personal stuff, he would like them as well.
Maya thinks they're all cute. Especially Minato. The kind to cover him with a blanket whenever he falls asleep. Akira is also on permanent coffee duty for Maya now. Yu discovered he had Mommy IssuesTM when Maya began to look after him. Aside from those uncovered feelings that he still needs to process, Yu found himself connecting the best with Minato and Akira. They relate to each other and don't find the occasional long silences nor the unprompted strange commentaries as offputting as other people. Those three are in the same wavelength, with Kotone occasionally joining them.
If someone asked Kotone, she would say Yu is her favorite because he feeds her. But honestly? Its Minato. They just get each other. True, that might lead to some frustrated arguments you can only have with someone who's too much like you, but its good to do or say something without having to explain herself. Minato thinks Maya, Kotone and Akira are a bit too much sometimes (where do they get all that energy from?), but he really likes them. Good luck making him admit it, tho.
Now that I think about it, Akira might be the most charismatic of the group. Huh.
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shiki-aki · 16 days
Any ShikiAki doujinshi recc? I've only read the tentacle one
ohhh but this is a really fun question, thanks for asking! I do have some personal favorite Shikiaki doujinshi, but if you have time and are really hungry for content, I also recommend checking out all the Shikiaki doujinshi here: https://myreadingmanga.info/togainu-no-chi-dj/
Anyway I do have a few that I love to reread (and I'm gonna use this as an opportunity to gush about them lol) so I'll list them here. They're not in any particular order (except for the first one which definitely takes the spot as my favorite).
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(I recommend you actually read this doujinshi first before reading my thoughts here because I end up spoilering it oops, SORRY HAHA. I just have so many thoughts on this doujinshi and I love talking about it!)
This is my all-time favorite Shikiaki doujinshi because it's the one that really made me take a closer look at Shikiaki and search for the nuances in Shiki's route, back when I first finished Shiki's route. I think this artist truly understood the Shikiaki dynamic and the themes in Shiki's route, and it shows in their writing. Like I can't stress how important this doujinshi is to me lol, if it wasn't for this I would have likely just dropped Shikiaki as a ship and moved on, because yes on a surface level, Shikiaki does seem very shallow; I won't deny that, but when you dig deeper, you'll find that there's so many layers to the ship? I know that sounds incredibly cliche, but hey, that's what my meta is for lmao, so that I can actually explain my thought process behind why this ship is actually quite complex.
The artist nailed it in exploring the "possession" theme in the Shikiaki dynamic and how Shiki hides his true feelings for Akira behind framing it as Akira being his possession, but Shiki is also obsessed with who Akira is as a person and values him for the traits he has. Essentially it plays with the theme of Shiki objectifying, but also humanizing Akira at the same time, and like... the contradiction is just amazing because like I said in my meta, it adds nuance and depth to characters when they act in seemingly contradictory ways.
But the doujinshi doesn't just stop there; it also touches upon Akira's characterization and the theme of him obeying his own will, which I think is important when it comes to wanting to understand ED1. It's not that Akira follows his abuser because he's in love with Shiki; he follows Shiki out of his own free will, because Shiki was the only one to truly accept him and see him for who he is, and that's why Akira will accept Shiki for who he is, even if Shiki is in a catatonic state. Also this doujinshi opened my eyes to seeing how Shiki was the one to "bring back Akira's will to live," which is definitely a point I harp on a lot in my meta lolll.
This doujinshi also made me understand Akira's character arc, with Akira appreciating the beauty of nature for what it is in ED1, and how he wants Shiki to do the same. It shows the duality between them: neither Shiki nor Akira appreciated life for what it is, or even the fact of living. Shiki was too hellbent on his goal and pursued it in a self-destructive manner, while Akira viewed life as meaningless and didn't see a reason to pursue anything in life. So at the end of their character arcs, both Akira AND Shiki need to realize the importance of living in the moment so they can finally have a fulfilling life together.
tldr: this doujinshi changed my life and it's the reason why I'm stuck in Shikiaki hell
2. Amber Sunlight Lit Up the Jade Dewdrops
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This doujinshi is drawn by the same artist who did "Ragdoll," so you already know it's gonna be good lol. I love the angst in this, but also the soft fluff. Again this artist understands the Shikiaki dynamic really well and what their brand of subtle intimacy would look like. I do think Shiki is slightly OOC here, but only because the scenario itself falls into OOC territory (Shiki catching a cold lol). Otherwise I think the artist did extremely well in still executing the idea they wanted to draw while keeping Shiki's and Akira's characterizations intact.
3. Babelist
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I love this ED2 doujinshi because of how possessive Shiki is lmao, like straight up, this is what I reread whenever I want to see Shiki acting super unhinged and possessive. It's just a really good portrayal of Shiki and Akira's dynamic in ED2, with Akira being loyal to Shiki (but also trying to maintain an air of professionalism between them despite their private, intimate relationship) and Shiki giving absolutely zero fucks and just wanting to show off to everyone in the army how Akira is his lmao.
4. A3
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This is the first Shikiaki doujinshi I ever read and I'm glad it was my first because it's definitely unique. It essentially weaves all 3 Akiras from the EDs together into one universe and shows what kind of dynamic Shiki has with each Akira. What I adore about this doujinshi is how it shows that, despite how different in personality each Akira is, Shiki loves all of them in the end because they're still Akira. The line at the end of the doujinshi, "You're all mine. However, the one who was captured is..." just straight up makes my heart quiver because of how Shiki-esque it is. It may look like Shiki is the one in control of the relationship because he's the dom and he "owns" Akira, but his heart was captured by Akira and he's chained by the feelings he has for Akira. Essentially just a subtle but very elegant way of showing how Akira has power over Shiki, too.
5. Inushiki
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Drawn by the same artist who did "A3," this is such a heartwarming, wholesome, and fluffy doujinshi. I definitely like to reread it a lot because it's one of the few Shikiaki doujinshi that isn't downright angsty lol, it's just so domestic and cute. Also Shiki with dog ears and a tail is just... mwah. He's gorgeous <3. And of course it isn't Shiki if he's not possessive (and horny) as fuck lmao. This is the one doujinshi that I so desperately wish there was a sequel of because it's just so adorable it makes me roll around in bed T_T.
6. Lost End
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This one is more on the smutty side, but the art is really good! This artist is quite well known for their TnC doujinshi (they don't only draw Shikiaki but other ships as well so yeah a bit of fun for everybody xD). My favorite part is the ending though... definitely love to see Shiki and Akira having a soft moment together (and Akira wanting to touch Shiki is just. adorable). I don't know, I just really like Shiki being soft and affectionate with Akira after he wakes up in ED1 (*¯︶¯*).
7. Evil Lova
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I think you might enjoy this one in particular as it focuses on Shiki and Akira's domestic fluffy life after Shiki wakes up. It's quite short but it still shows Akira taking care of Shiki and worrying over him lol.
8. Insert
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This is a direct continuation of "Evil Lova" but instead of Akira taking care of Shiki, it's Shiki being pissed that Akira is babying him, so Shiki decides to turn the tables and take care of Akira instead xD. Again it's short but it's still super fun and sweet to read about. I definitely like to headcanon that Shiki would be annoyed at Akira coddling him after he wakes up in ED1, but he understands that it's Akira's form of affection lol.
9. Black Milk
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This one is a unique spin on the Dog!Akira from the Arbitro end, where Shiki manages to whisk Akira away from the Palace lmao. It leans on the smutty side but I like how the artist showed Shiki's discomfort with Akira being physically affectionate with him. Kinda emphasizes Shiki's tsundere side and how he's not used to being kissed or touched so affectionately, but he lets Akira touch him anyway <3 (and Akira remembering Shiki's name is just. aww).
10. Mill Milk
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This is a direct continuation of "Black Milk." Again, leans on the smutty side, but also some humorous moments here and there lol. I really like Akira licking Shiki like a dog and Shiki allowing him to, tbh I feel like it's something we wouldn't really see in Shiki's canon route/EDs, but I totally vibe with it lol. Plus it leans into the "dog" aspect for Akira and Shiki's route is the one where the master/pet dynamic is heavily explored. (also the nipple sucking is. excellent.)
AAAAAAAAAAAA ANYWAY SORRY THIS ENDED UP BEING SO LONG WOW I didn't mean to go on a tangent and rec so many doujinshi lmao but I hope you enjoy reading them!!! and thank you again for the ask :3 sorry I have so many Shikiaki thoughts lol
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soleilnmity · 2 months
MEDIA - ラジオCD「20th ANNIVERSARY ペルソナラジオ」 [JP/ENG]
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Title: Persona 20th Anniversary "Persona Radio" Download Link
The Persona 20th Anniversary Radio was a weekly broadcast featuring various voice actors from the Persona series, and it then got released in CD format for the 20th anniversary!
I was always curious about Koyasu's thoughts regarding P2 and his inclusion on this CD because it was the first time he was called out for something anniversary-related, so I comissioned a translation of his radio appearance!
The translation has been done by the wonderful @currytantou so all kudos to her! The video is long and heavy so tumblr doesn't let me attach it directly uhsdfkj
Some things of note:
Koyasu likes Trinity Soul (likely because he voiced Kanzato Ryo www) and wishes others gave it a chance, not to erase it's existence.
Koyasu is a huge Megaten fan and he started with Mainline and Devil Survivor. He was also in other (old?) Atlus streams as well.
Koyasu has also played Megami Ibunroku Persona, and his favorite character there is Nanjo. He wanted to voice him.
Tatsuya's voice was always meant to be deep. Koyasu was told several times to actually deepen his voice when recording for Tatsuya.
Koyasu's favorite option for Tatsuya is Lisa. He immediately replies "Ginko" without a doubt lmao.
He loves Tatsuya very much, and complains about Atlus "removing him when they're coming up with something". He wishes he was more relevant and that he could voice him again.
Additionally, here's congratulatory messages of all members that are featured on the CD
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Koyasu Takehito:
Nova Cytheeeerrrr!! Persona 2 Innocent Sin/Eternal Punishment is a work that'll be forever in my heart, so I was very happy to have been able to participate this way. I'd love to do it again (lol) That's all!
Akira Ishida:
Thank you for listening to the 20th Anniversary Persona Radio. I can only express my gratitude to all of you who have run alongside me in this 10-year marathon of “Persona 3"
I'm confident that this is content I can present to the new fans who will support us for the next 10 years. I hope you will continue to support the Persona series"
Hikaru Midorikawa:
I'm glad to have been able to participate as a guest this time. I wonder if this will be my last work related to "Persona 3"? But I had a lot of fun talking to Ishida-san♥
Namikawa Daisuke
It's been a while since we last spoke, but once we started talking, it didn't take long for us to get back to the atmosphere of that time. It was a fun time! I hope I was able to deliver it in style…
Kanda Akemi
It was fun!! It's been a while since I've had the "Persona" feeling, and I really loved it. Thank you!!
Kappei Yamaguchi
It didn't feel that it's been that long! The cast of "Persona 4" are all good friends, so I would be happy if we could do something for the 20th again♪
Fukuyama Jun
This is Jun Fukuyama, playing as P5's protagonist! I was supposed to tell you about the charms of P5, but I ended up focusing on the fun stories of each character, but that's alright!!
Aoi Yuuki
Eh!? No way Fukuyama-san is a cheater…! Eh!? To think Fukuyama-san could do something like that…! Eh!? Fukuyama-san…! It was a lot of fun to hear this side of him…(lol) Of course, we're talking about P5☆
Unfortunately, not *all* of the CD is translated (I would die x_x, these interviews are so fast paced and like 40 mins each!!!). If you want to know the 345 side of the interviews, you can trust curry for a translation~
But to compensate, this has nothing to do with the 20th anniversary, but I also comissioned an additional message that appeared in the somewhat recent 25th anniversary as well! This is one of the first instances of Maya's VA, Akiko Yajima, to have been invited to an anniversary-related event too!
I'm mostly a p2 blog so I wanted to take the opportunity to post this during Tatsuya's birthday as well. So please enjoy!
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drac-onion · 1 year
It's kind of upsetting how much Akira appears to miss Morgana when he leaves the party for a while. I believe that Morgana and Akira are genuinely very good friends, especially since they spend practically every waking (and unwaking, I guess) moment together.
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It's nice to see some of Akira's inner voice come out, especially since Morgana is usually the one talking for him. I imagine that in his hometown, Akira was very isolated and lonely, so he was able to easily welcome Morgana into his life. I'm sure he found it comforting having someone to look after him and keep him out of his head, at least in my opinion.
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I think that if Morgana had stayed gone for any longer, Akira's mental health would have begun to seriously decline, not having someone around to care about him and make sure he's staying on track. At least, that's what I think. It's been a while since I played the beginning parts of P5, but it reminds me of when Yu first shows up in Inaba in P4TA. He's very closed off, not really willing to open up until he makes friends and discovers his powers. He just wants to keep his head down and let the year pass by without incident.
Ah, I'm rambling again. I just really think this part is interesting. I don't think it was handled properly, storywise, since it basically all hinged on the shit way Atlus characterized Ryuji and Morgana's relationship, but it is what it is. There's not even any closure or anything. Just this throwaway line in a safe room:
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Like come ON JUST TALK. Oh well. In my heart, they're buddies that happen to butt heads a lot without really meaning anything. Except here it did? I dunno.
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