#they're such a disaster it's a miracle they survive on their own
champagnepodiums · 5 months
hey maureen how can roger penske even own indycar in the first place my researches have been inconclusive and I trust you for storytelling of historical narratives better than anyone whether they're a century old or not
hi anon, I'm so glad you asked! buckle up while I give you the briefest, most straightforward history of sanctioning bodies for American Open-Wheel motorsport and you'll definitely be like "why is this even relevant" but it (mostly) is, I promise (the stuff that isn't relevant is just interesting and makes you realize that motorsport history does generally just operate on a time loop basically) (Adding this: I do talk about motorsport deaths in here so if that’s something that bothers you, pls keep scrolling. Fwiw, I do stay as vague as possible)
So in the very beginning, (1899!) a group of rich men formed a little club called the Automobile Club of America (otherwise known as ACA). Now don't let the name fool you because it was more or less, a small, local organization. The ACA was a founding arm of the American Automobile Association (otherwise known as the AAA), which happened in 1902. The AAA formed a contest board and sanctioned the Vanderbilt Cup (which was like The Big Race at this point).
Well, in 1907, AAA raised their dues and that pissed the ACA off so their response was essentially, "I see your Vanderbilt Cup and we're going to do the American Grand Prize" which pissed the AAA off and there was a Whole Thing that eventually ended up with an agreement that AAA would sanction all American races while the ACA would sanction all international events held on American soil (think like modern day F1 type races).
SO that essentially meant that AAA was in charge and oh boy, they were IN CHARGE. Bless their hearts, if a driver did a non-AAA sanctioned race (like say, a local dirt track race or a hill climb), the AAA would SUSPEND the driver from all AAA races, often for a full year (which was a big deal because it would prevent that driver from participating in the Indy 500 and if they continued to participate in 'outlaw' races, the AAA would just straight up revoke the driver's racing license). Essentially what started to happen is that young drivers would start to race on the local dirt tracks, gain 'outlaw' status and when they were ready, they would ask AAA for forgiveness and to gain their racer's license because AAA was more lenient to drivers who didn't already have a license.
Anyway, alls that to say is that the AAA was completely separate from everything, including (and especially) the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
So what changed?
Well. 1955 happened.
I am not even being dramatic when I say that it is no less than a miracle that motorsport as a whole survived 1955.
May 1955 saw Manny Ayulo die in a crash while practicing for the Indianapolis 500 (mind you, he was found to not be wearing his seatbelt), then ten days later, Alberto Ascari, Ferrari F1 World Champion was killed in a test session. AND THEN, Bill Vukovich, defending two-time Indy 500 champion (he had won the two previous) was leading the race and he was involved in a chain reaction crash that killed him and that -- listen, I think there is a misconception that in the past when drivers died, there was no backlash but there absolutely was and the public was horrified that this had happened.
And then -- because things weren't going badly enough -- approximately two weeks later, the racing world turned to watch Le Mans and at approximately 6:20 pm, at the end of the 35th lap, there was a (admittedly much smaller than Indy) chain reaction wreck that launched Pierre Levegh and his Mercedes towards the crowd. The car slammed into an embankment and there was so much force that a lot of the pieces of this car just kept going... right into a stand of spectators, killing at least 80 and injuring at least 120 more. I can talk more at length about the Le Mans disaster (which is what it's generally referred to as) but I do want to caution everybody because there are gruesome pictures on the internet, including ones where Pierre Levegh's body is more or less visible.
This triggered a whole chain reaction of events that had (and in some cases continue to have) long lasting impacts on all motorsports (which again, I would love to dig into if people are interested but for the sake of this essay, I will be brief and focused -- two things I'm really good at LMAO).
But the impact that I'm going to highlight here is that the AAA decided that at the conclusion of the 1955 racing season, they would no longer sanction any events.
WELL that is a Big Problem because AAA didn't only sanction the Indy 500, they sanctioned A LOT of races of various motorsport disciplines (not NASCAR though, they are completely separate). So Tony Hulman, owner of IMS, along with other midwest promotors formed what was initially called the "Temporary Emergency Committee" which ultimately ended up being called the United States Auto Club (USAC). And guess who owned it? Tony Hulman!
So USAC essentially becomes the be all, end all of what they called "Championship Car Racing" which is now what we think of as IndyCar. So USAC and IMS are owned by the same person. What could go wrong?
Well obviously lots go wrong and really the main reason that there even is the IndyCar Split (and the reason things got so bad) was because the same people owned IMS AND the Sanctioning Body. There are other things at play including Tony Hulman's sudden death and Elmer George's justified homicide and a plane crash but the core issue did ultimately boil down to the fact that the same person owned IMS and the sanctioning body and the Indy 500 was being placed above everything else to the detriment of everybody else (basically)
Anyway so like when Tony George forms the IRL (Indy Racing League), that takes over as the sanctioning body for the Indy 500. When IRL and Champ Whatever it was called by then merged back together in 2008, it was all done under the IRL stuff which meant the Hulman-George family still owned IndyCar, the series, as well as IMS/the Indy 500.
So in 2019, they sold both IMS/Indy 500 AND the IndyCar Series to Roger Penske. I wish they would have not done that because I think it would be better for American Open Wheel Racing if there was somebody independently looking out for their interests BUT things are so intertwined and the Indy 500 is such a powerful chip to have, I guess I don't know if it would ultimately matter who owned IndyCar?
So yeah, that is how Roger Penske could even buy IndyCar.
I hope this is clear enough and as always, I am willing to clarify anything/everything!
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imthepunchlord · 7 months
Ok, so I was gonna wait to send this, but I'm afraid I'm gonna forget it, so I'll just send it now. This idea came to me after remembering one of your old asks where you put out the idea that the canon miracle box was one Fu put together with miraculous from several different boxes, and this line in a more recent asks "And throughout history, in hero selection, it's been a mix of free-roaming kwamis deciding, inheritance or stealing, and chosen by Guardians. With some kwamis becoming free roaming after they're lost or a faction of Order falling." So pretty much if you do decide to go with the idea that the og 7 aren't as connected, maybe (if you want to follow a similar start to canon) during the fall of the order (whether it was from Feast, Statue Mei Shi, a supernatural creature, a magic using enemy, a fire, or just some natural disaster) one of the guardians gave Fu a few miraculous they could collect (the just ladybug, cat, fox, bee, and turtle and not a whole box). Some time after the fall Fu event decides to carve a box reminiscent of the older boxes. As for the other miraculous they managed to survive and are still out in the world. This isn't really a suggestion for anything and more of just a little idea I had that I just wanted to share, so feel free not to take it too seriously.
Thank you for the suggestion, unfortunately I'm just going to have to put this as a "we'll see" answer.
I am currently making plans and changes to ML on what I think is going to be the best story route.
And at this time, that doesn't really involve the OG 7 being together in anyway.
Not only is Butterfly and Peafowl not with Fu, but for sure Fox isn't going to be with Fu either. It's either a family heirloom of the Rossi family (with Lila's great grandmother being a Guardian or pupil that was sent away with the Fox during the chaos of the Fall) OR Lila actually does buy it at the jewelry store, with Trixx drawn to her because she's a naturally deceptive person, and maybe an ancestor of Lila did use Fox before so Trixx is up to work with this bloodline again.
Bee also may not be with Fu, as at this time, Bee is still planned to wind up in Chloe's possession, and with what I'm thinking, that would work easier if Bee was not in Fu's possession.
I also can't say for sure that Fu will even have Ladybug and Cat.
Especially as I'm debating if Fu should even be in Paris at the start. At the core, there's not a lot he brings in to the story, he doesn't engage himself with the leads at all, most of s1, he stands in the background and watches. And him picking heroes isn't even all that exclusive to him. Early concept had Ladybug and Cat just coming into Marinette and Felix's lives on their own.
Though you do have the movie toeing the middle between the two concepts, with Ladybug and Cat in Fu's possession, but Tikki and Plagg pick the heroes themselves and their Miraculous zipping away from Fu.
But, given how uninvolved he is in most of s1, and his "tests" are kinda dicey, it may be better that he comes in later, drawn to Paris by it's Miraculous activity, and everything he brings in can be there post his arrival. And it can add that meeting Fu (and by extension Lila) can confirm that there's far more Miraculous out there than just 3.
At this time, the only confirmed Miraculous in Fu's possession is the Turtle. He is planned to have a few more, though not the 17 he has in canon.
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yellowcry · 5 months
A perfect life
The Madrigals have a perfect life. They are praised, adored by the whole village.
The pain can be buried for so long
It's a drabble series. Four chapters has been posted
Pedro's life is perfect. A kind, loving wife and three healthy babies. A miracle, considering how rare all triplets can survive. Their town is small, but it has everything they need. Looking at his kids, he can't help but feel peaceful in his core. He's so excited to be Papá. As they're gonna get older, Pedro'll always be by their side, supporting them. Their first steps, first words. He just started this journey of being a dad. He and Alma will give them the best life they can wish for. Nothing can ever go wrong.
Something flashes outside the window.
Alma's life's ruined in just one second. The candle in her hands glows high. The same candle she and Pedro have... Don't think about it. There's a painful hole bleeding inside of her heart. In one night she becomes a single mother of three. People are confused. They turn to her, she is the one to save them. Alma can't take time to grieve, she has to calm all the scared people down. Step in, be the leader they need. With a black shawl on her shoulders, she'll lead this village.
It never stops bleeding. Not even fifty years after.
Bruno is loved by everyone, especially by his Mamí. He can see the future, such a useful gift. If something will go wrong he can see it and help them to prepare. There's no need to worry about the future if he can just check it. There will never be a sudden attack out of nowhere with Bruno guarding the future. As he grows, people seem to like his less and less. He can't control the future, but everyone still blames him whenever anything goes bad way. Starts with the silent whispers, spreading through the village.
Nobody likes Bruno anymore.
Pepa is surrounded by the clouds. No matter, how much she tries to control it, her emotions are splitting over in an unstoppable hurricane. The weather is stormy around her. Like a wild uncontrollable nature. Pepa is the queen of the rain which is beyond her control. She buries her feelings deep in her chest, bottling up all emotions inside of her. If she feels too much and too strong, her weather will cause a disaster. Something that she can't control, but everyone will point either way.
Sometimes she wishes she could feel everything without anyone blaming her for it.
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May I know more about Queen Victoria and this angel eating incident?
*breaks through the wall* WONDERFUL QUESTION! Now, for this to make sense, we have to establish some ~worldbuilding~
The end of Earth begins in 1862, as prophesied by a certain Irishman. It begins with the arrival of an angel.
An angel arriving is not, on its own, a big deal - happens all the time, people don't notice and carry on. Angels are rarely concerned with humans, their creator usually sending them to check up on a species of fungi or microbes or whatnot.
This angel, however, ends up in the middle of a human war (particular war to be decided, 1862 was a busy year) and gets immediately shot to death because an average angel's survival mechanisms are zip and nada
An angel getting shot to death means that divinity - an angel's sort-of-blood, the matter they're made of - leaks out, and that is Bad Bad Very Not Good because uncontrollable miracles going haywire
Once a few brave mad scientists studied what happened at the disaster scene, they found out that very diluted divinity can be used to perform more controllable miracles, de-aging and possible immortality included
Of course every rich person wants in on that
Something something avarice something something fatal flaw they all OD on angel blood and get uncontrollable-miracled out of existence (it basically means that the laws of physics stop applying to you. Everything impossible is now not only possible, but will happen. Queen Victoria turned into seven thousand potatoes with "I'm sorry" carved on each one)
Also! Divinity powered wars :D polluting rivers and occasionally oceans with divinity :D having to flee the unstable planet :D (that's why in current times everything is in space)
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aimeraiwrites · 7 years
If ur still doing soulmate writing prompts, 16 for superbuddies?
definitely still doing them!! i’m not having a great night so it cheers me up
falls asleep on the couch
mikey never means to fall asleep on the couch but it happens anyway (usually his head is in nate’s lap, and nate is stroking his hair. it’s very relaxing.)
makes friends with the neighbors
nater is definitely the friendlier one and uses his dimples to great advantage to win over everyone. he gets along really well with kids but mostly bc he’s Encouraging them when he shouldn’t.
is the adventurous eater
lotts said that they’d put weird shit in the blender and dare each other to drink it and honestly. truest thing i’ve ever read.
hogs the covers at night
oh this one is definitely mikey, who aspires to be as cuddly-looking as possible.
forgets to do the dishes
dude they’re more like to break dishes than do their dishes. they probably have a housekeeper or a cleaning lady who takes care of it for them. they’re helpless.
tries to surprise their partner more often
mikey, pretending to be chill in the way that he isn’t: got you a thing. 
nate’s surprises tend to be on the weird side of things.
leaves dirty laundry on the floor
nate lived with billets and knows the value of appearing put together. mikey’s always lived at home p much and therefore is much much worse about remembering to pick up his clothes. 
stays up til 2 AM reading
i feel like they’d be the kind of people who would do buzzfeed quizzes and laugh about their results and not realise how late it is.
sings in the shower
mikey will sing in the shower, but quietly enough that you can’t hear him over the water. nate will end up like. shouting in the shower, and singing complete with voice cracks. he’s a mess but he’s having fun.
takes the selfies
mikey bc he needs his half-face selfies and also that way he can get the best shot of nate’s smile.
plans date night
i don’t…i don’t think they’re put together enough for like, fancy official date nights. going to dinner bc there’s nothing in the fridge and calling that a date? sure, of course. actual dates? nope, not really.
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decadentpaperduck · 2 years
I don't have anything super specific in mind (I'm so sorry I realize that's not very helpful) but maybe something mostly fluffy with just a little bit of angst for Eddie? Like maybe they broke up a while ago and (this is an Eddie Survives kind of universe) they're able to reunite/check on each other in the aftermath of the "earthquake" in Hawkins? Or something else! I just love your writing. <3
Thank you for your request angel! No matter how vague, I welcome it. Here it is! Eddie surviving and reuniting with his ex in an unfortunate set of circumstances!! 1.3k of mentions of blood, fluff and a bit of angsty regret <3
The earth beneath you vibrates and it’s loud. It would have been loud enough to wake you had you not already been awake, plagued by the rumours that your gentle, sweet ex-boyfriend, Eddie, had been accused of murder.
Murders. Plural.
You scramble out of bed in a panic, unsteady on your feet as the floor continues to move, to look out of the window. The sky is unusually red, illuminating the ground below and the cracks that have driven through it. You’re clinging onto the window frame with fear and confusion. You would pinch yourself if you could only bring yourself to move.
You call out for your parents. The scream brings them to you in an equal panic. They had heard it all too, felt it. They wrap your arms around you as your close your eyes and cry with fear. It feels like forever passes before the sound stops. Before the earth stops shaking.
But it doesn’t take long for reporters to be on scene and home television sets to flood with the scenes of the devastation across Hawkins. Tired families, including your own, gather around the screen with baited breath. The news tallies up the number of bodies on air and your heart sinks. Your mother is crying and you barely hear the mention of his name amongst the disaster. Eddie Munson.
He has gone missing but of course, everyone thinks he’s the one responsible. Your head hurts. Your heart hurts.
You push yourself up from the couch and run to the phone, your legs carrying you without thought, and dial his number. The dull dial tone sounds for some time before you hang up the receiver.
You hadn’t called Eddie in years. Even if he had answered, what would you have said in a situation like this over the phone?
Before you know it, your parents have gone back to bed, overwrought with exhaustion and you’re running through the dawn as it breaks. Towards Hawkins High School and beyond, to the clearing in the trees, with the picnic benches.
By some ridiculous miracle, there he sits. On a picnic bench in his high school grounds. Your eyes fill with tears. “Hey.” Your voice shakes. You’re unsteady and you’re scared. He looks rougher around the edges than he used to. You wonder if that’s a recent thing or a result of the earthquake. He looks like he might have been injured. He looks up at you, eyes drawn with fear.
But when he sees you, the fear disappears. “Hi.” He smiles and you wonder how, in the face of everything, he could bless you with such a sight. You attempt a tentative smile back as the emotion ripping through you says more than your words ever can.
Words sit at the tip of your tongue. You look at him and all the years apart fall away. “If I didn’t know you better, I would think you missed me with that look on your face.” He mumbles a little, not as confident in himself as he once was, despite what he has endured.
“Eddie.” It’s a whisper he barely catches, but a small twitch in his facial expression gives him away. “What’s going on?” You walk towards him slowly, the gap between you too big.
“I wish I could explain.”
“They say you killed people.” The words barely make it out of your mouth. So unnatural in their own regard, never mind attached to the puppy eyed Eddie who sits before you. His face looks as through he’s been in a fight. A pang of hurt reverberates through your cold body, like a strum of one of Eddie’s guitars.
“They do say that.” He looks down at the decaying bench. “Do you…believe them?” You sit down on the other side of the bench and hold his hands.
“Would I be here if I did?” He relaxes and watches as you run your thumbs over his rings, like you used to when you were an item.
“Do any of them have a particular meaning?” You cocked your head as you looked at them with curiosity. He chuckled.
“They’re just rings, Princess.” He was almost mocking you, but not entirely.
“That doesn’t mean they don’t have meaning.” You looked up at him and stuck your tongue out. “My necklace.” You put a hand on it. “You got it for me and I will never stop wearing it. It’s meaning is that I love you.”
“I think it means that I love you.” He corrected affectionately.
“Sure, sure.” You dismissed. “But I wear it because of the love it symbolises. And I just wondered if this lovely skull was in memoriam of your ability to lighten up.” You rolled your eyes and he caught your lips with a kiss.
“Well there is one.” He kissed your cheek, then your brow. “This one.” He showed you the one with the cross and four skulls. “It’s nothing visually to do with anything in my life, but, I bought it the day I asked you on a date.” He bit his lip, you could tell he felt embarrassed. One hand still clinging to his, you took your free hand and cupped his face. “I told myself I could get it if I grew a pair and actually asked you out.” He leant into your hand.
“And you did.”
“And I did.” He turned and kissed the inside of your palm and you sighed happily before returning it to hold his hand once more.
“They think Hellfire is a satanic cult.” You roll your eyes at what he says. People could never just leave him alone.
“The day this town gets it’s head out of the past is the day nerds can walk freely among us.” You almost growl and he snickers. You clamp your lips shut, afraid to laugh.
“I don’t know that you’ll believe me.” He’s thinking as he takes control of the hand-holding. Your hands in his, where they belong, sat atop the ring he bought, the day he asked you out. “But please know it’s not like I’m high or-”
“Eddie. I don’t think that. But it wouldn’t matter anyway.”
“Well, when you hear this it might.” His eyes are locked on yours.
“Are you hurt?” Your awareness of his slow movements and rugged appearance catching up with you. He shakes his head and laughs a little.
“I’m alive. That’s what counts.” He swallows. “Why did you come find me?” He frowns. “I knew it couldn’t be true.”
“Which part?”
“All of it.”
“Well, there’s certainly stuff you need to know. Hawkins isn’t safe. And it’s nothing to do with my cult.” You giggle. “But I may have to leave. I cant stay.” He squeezes your hands. “I know this is totally the wrong time.” You feel it. “But did you ever think…do you think…”
“All the time.”
“Are you coming to my graduation?” You asked, taking a sip from a bottle Eddie had handed to you. He shook his head. “What?” You recoiled slightly, with a laugh, thinking it was some shitty joke.
“I think…I think we should break up.”
“What?!” You repeated yourself.
“I’m not graduating. We know that.”
“Yeah but you coul-”
“I think it’s the perfect time to put the nail in the coffin. You’re going places, that’s obvious.” He gestured to you in a way that was meant to compliment you but you couldn’t help but overlook that with the knowledge he was ending things for such a superficial reason. “I’m not. Guarantee as much as I try, I’ll fail and fail again. I am destined to fail. We are destined to fail.”
“I thought of you all the time.” You confess. “You said I was going places but suddenly I didn’t want to.”
“Goddamn it. Why did I try and be a hero?” He rolls his eyes and starts laughing before he winces and clutches at his side.
“What! What happened, Eddie?”
“Funnily enough, I tried to be a hero.”
“God Eddie, do you never learn?” You smile and pull him towards you by the lapels of his leather jacket. “So where are we running to?” You whisper against his lips.
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iturbide · 4 years
Ok so I've been stewing on this concept for awhile but. Ok so we got regular Naga who chose humanity, then F!Naga who degenerated, but what if there was a Naga who chose *Tiki* over both her responsibilities to her tribe and humanity, but ultimately this backfired bc both groups felt like she abandoned them and in the ensuing conflict she lost Tiki to them? I imagine this Naga would be super bitter about both dragons and humans and not believe in either anymore bc both are equally reprehensible in her eyes. That being said, in her travels around the world she finds Grimm when they're still a baby and chooses to raise them better than her peers were. btw REALLY love all your stuff 💕
I’m so glad you enjoy the stuff here because there is a lot of it and it’s all text walls so I really appreciate the people that read all of these words.
But this concept is something that I can 100% get behind as an off the wall AU I mean holy WOW
We’ve seen Naga’s that chose humanity over everything, including her own people (Fallen!Naga), we’ve seen Naga’s that tried to take a middle route and ended up favoring humans anyway (regular!Naga), but a Naga that actually chose Tiki?  One who decided to roll the dice and let her daughter grow up normally?  That’s something that we haven’t seen yet.
Given that Naga is the chief of the Divine Dragons, she might not go so far as to forsake even her people over her daughter, but she would place her daughter’s safety over humanity.  The destruction of Thabes would likely still occur since that was a matter of Duma thinking humans posed a threat to the remaining dragons (though with Tiki still awake, he had even more to protect, since I still believe it makes sense to place Duma and Mila’s exile after the Dragon War, meaning dragon births have almost completely stopped), but this would end up being an even bigger disaster for dragons in the long run than in the regular!Naga continuity.
Here’s the thing about the regular timeline in Archanea: when it’s set up in a certain way, lots of things end up having a cause and effect relationship.  For example:
Because dragons spent a very long time being the effective rulers of the land, when humans began to spread and develop, there were many mixed feelings among the different tribes: some felt disdain for this new weak creatures (Earth Dragons), others felt curiosity and of them and sought to encourage their development (Divine Dragons).  This directly predisposes humanity to favor those tribes that aid them while fearing those that don’t.
Because of the threat degeneration and its side-effects (like falling fertility rates) posed to dragons, the Divine Dragon tribe encouraged their fellow dragons to adopt dragonstones to stave it off; the aforementioned disdain held by other tribes led them to resist and directly caused the Dragon War as degeneration ran rampant among those dragons, leading the Divine Dragons to seal them in the Dragon’s Table.
On a related note, because Naga chose to make Medeus -- the last surviving Earth Dragon who had chosen to use a dragonstone -- the guard of the Dragon’s Table, he got to witness humanity’s mistreatment of dragons in the centuries after, directly fueling his hatred and the eventual decision to found the Dolhr Empire.
Because of the vicious war that provided ample evidence of what happened when dragons degenerated, Naga made the difficult decision to put her infant daughter Tiki -- a miracle birth, given the falling fertility rates among dragon kind -- to sleep for fear that if her powers went out of control even with a dragonstone, the damage would be catastrophic. 
Having born witness to the war between dragons that wrought havoc across the continent, humans decided they needed a way to defend themselves; in Thabes, this led to the Senate allowing Forneus to conduct his experiments that eventually gave rise to Grima.
By the same logic, the Dragon War decimated the Divine Dragon population; on hearing that humans were trying to create something that could fight dragons, Duma -- already hailed as the Kingshield owing to his defense of the tribe -- elected to raze the city where the weapon was being created to preserve what was left of the tribe.
This, in turn, led to his falling out with Naga and his exile with his sister to Valentia, and we all know how that went. 
Even if she didn’t do it intentionally, the vast majority of Naga’s actions related to and surrounding the Dragon War could be construed by humans to be in their favor.  That apparent favor by the Divine Dragon Naga led them to enshrine her as a goddess.
This view of her as a goddess, coupled with the pact she forges in her conflict with Grima, eventually leads them to establish a theocracy known as the Halidom of Ylisse where the “divine right of kings” is associated with her brand.
Everything is related.  Which means that one little change throws events into chaos.  In the normal timeline, humanity saw Naga seal her own daughter and exile her best friends and decided that she was staunchly on their side; by not sealing Tiki before the events at Thabes, even if she still exiled Duma and Mila, humanity would have reason to remain wary since there are still very powerful dragons that remain in the tribe, which puts them at risk.  Given that Duma destroyed their one potential means of defending themselves, humans might plead with Naga to eliminate any remaining threats to them -- and when she refuses to do so, knowing what it would mean for her daughter, the last of the Divine Dragons would suddenly find themselves beset by humanity...and in spite of their individual strength, what few remained would be hard-pressed to take on so many humans, armed and armored and working together. 
Naga likely would not be revered as a goddess in the eyes of mankind: instead, she would be considered just another powerful draconic threat.  Losing Tiki, likely to captivity by humans, would be a devastating blow for her, and one that ultimately leads to the dissolution of the Tribe and the scattering of all the dragons that remain.  Naga would likely do her best to retreat from humanity, since they were responsible for taking her daughter -- which could very well lead her to the ruins of Thabes, lost to the sands and long uninhabited...where she would find the odd little dragon crying in the labyrinth.  She lost her daughter, true -- but she would do her best to protect that strange little one, in hopes of keeping the tragedies of the past from recurring.
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