#they're probably like... 15? 16?? you know the teens lmao
idyllic-affections · 1 year
how abt hcs abt gn teen (around 15-16) reader being kaeya’s biological younger sibling !!
if we have each other.
summary. what is it like being kaeya's teen younger sibling?
trigger & content warnings. child abandonment.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff, slight angst. kaeya & younger sibling!reader. 0.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. anon omg... ive been wanting an excuse to write something like this again for a while! i am a professional platonic kaeya enjoyer <3 anyway i hope you like these!!! i decided not to go into the whole ragnvindr family drama thing because honestly? i go into that a little too often when i write about kaeya. i chose to give him a break today!
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i see kaeya being very protective of his sibling. he's not so protective that it comes off as overbearing, but he's definitely very involved in their life only because he just... doesn't know what he'd do with himself if he let them get hurt.
given that he basically had to raise them...
it makes sense for him to be so involved. sure, he had help from the ragnvindr family, but kaeya did the most work when it came to raising his baby sibling.
when his father abandoned him in mondstadt, he also abandoned his youngest child, [name]. they were about two or three at the time.
he doesn't necessarily hold the same resentment towards the seven that other khaenri'ahns might, though he doesn't exactly lean in their favor either.
still... kaeya thanked the seven that they didn't get deathly sick (they were so young and frail that it really was a valid concern) that night in the pouring rain, despite how badly they shivered and cried. he'll never forget how utterly visceral their sobs were.
he doesn't doubt that they understood what was happening that night, despite how little they were.
because of that, kaeya doesn't hide anything from them. he tells them the entire truth about their origins as soon as they're old enough to coherently ask why their father abandoned them.
when kaeya and [name] were young, they were absolutely attached at the hip. once they're both older, they aren't seen together as much, but that isn't to say they aren't seen together; it's just that kaeya does have obligations as a knight and his sibling has their own commitments.
he loves them wholeheartedly.
if he had to betray khaenri'ah to protect them, archons know he'd do it. if he had to betray mondstadt to protect them, archons know he'd do it. he doesn't care as long as it means they'll be safe.
to kaeya, they are probably the most precious thing he has—ever since his falling out with diluc, at least. well... they were always his most precious thing. after his falling out with diluc, it just made them moreso.
part of the reason he despises those who threaten others' families is simply because of his sibling.
he does not take threats to their safety lightly, not at all.
kaeya's a very good brother overall, but he is 100% also the most annoying mf.
he's the type of older brother that makes his sibling do things for him and then guilt trips them when they tell him to do it himself LMAO
i feel like he can cry on command and does it just to make them feel bad when they tell him no!
you know that "i'm hungry. grill me a cheese" audio? yeah.
Kaeya: I'm hungry.
[Name]: So lick that coat, you smell like a—
Kaeya: Grilled cheese.
[Name]: What????
Kaeya: Grill me a cheese.
[Name]: I'm not grilling you a cheese!
Kaeya, sobbing on the floor:
[Name]: ...Oh, for Barbatos' sake.
kaeya, as protective as he is, is also very laid-back. his sibling has just about as much freedom as they could want (within reason, of course).
kaeya, his sibling, and klee are a chaos trio. the three of them have lit a concerning amount of things on fire.
he's very physically affectionate!
ruffling their hair, leading them along by the dip in their back, shoving them (lovingly)... he's clingy, really, and just likes being able to touch his sibling because it reminds him that they're safe and alive.
if they ever wanted to become a knight, he's right there to support them. if they wanted to become an adventurer, again, he's there to help them out.
whatever they want to do with their life, he's their greatest cheerleader.
kaeya will always support them, but he's also very tough on them when it comes to training them physically if their aspiration demands physical strength.
they want to be a knight? an adventurer? a traveler, perhaps? alright, but they need to take him down in a fight first.
he makes every duel with him the hardest fight of their life.
kaeya needs to be confident that they can effectively defend themselves, and if he isn't? sorry. they aren't going anywhere until he is certain beyond a shadow of a doubt. he needs to know they can handle themselves, because—as much as he hates to admit it—he may not always be there to protect them.
wouldn't it be interesting if they got a vision while in a duel with him?
that'd be a very fascinating twist of fate.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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sugarywishes · 1 year
In regards to the whole Gregory is GGY thing, I'm just blue screening since if that's true, Gregory is apparently what, 15 to 16 years old by the time SB starts for some reason?
Stares at the child
You telling me this eight year old looking tot is 16??
Nevermind how he even got brainwashed to begin with, or even broke free (since neither are even mentioned "at all"), I'm just...what?? XD
But as for the actual question. Cassie and Gregory friendship headcanons? Any you might have?
oh my God I GENUINELY FORGOT that people think he's actually a teen in SB 😭😭
Like sure, there are definitely teenagers who are...puberty deficient. (Aka those small ass teens who still look like they can pass as trick or treaters even at age 17) but even then at SOME point they're bound to properly hit puberty, if we are to presume he's like 15-or 16, okay. HE'S STILL SMALL! He likely doesn't have the strength of an almost grown man BECAUSE OF HIS BODY MASS! Just drop kick him I don't understand how these grown guidance counselors died 😭😭
And you raise up a good point, how DID he get brainwashed? I'm gonna also assume Fazbear Entertainment didn't let a minor beta test this game (because of legal issues or such) so how did it happen? And HOW DID HE EVEN GET OUT ACTUALLY?? Was it the power of friendship like Ruin implies is now CANON TO FNAF?? (GlamFred had to sing 'A true friend' from MLP to save Gregory trust me I know /j)
Speaking of friends, let's get into the hcs!
Cassie and Gregory Friendship Headcanons!
(I know I usually put emojis here but I couldn't think of any atm :( I'll edit this later)
- They both already didn't even have friends before they met eachother, mostly because Gregory was homeless but for Cassie it's just cause she was surrounded by some FAKE ASS BESTIES 💔💔
- So they quickly got attached to eachother lmao
- Cassie and Gregory would've totally done makeovers and nails (probably during Cassie's bday at the Glamrock Salon) (I'm sure if they older she'll start using him as a test dummy for makeup ideas 😭)
- speaking of them getting older, I know it's (probably?) A popular hc that they would get romantically involved. But I just don't see it, they will stay as a bestie unit 😎
- if they did to trick or treating together, they'd do duo costumes. But not like the fictional best friend costumes like Sonic and Tails or Mario and Luigi (sometimes yes) but they'd do the rival duo costumes!! Like Sonic and Shadow or Batman and Joker, they just think it's funny
- They'd also do candy trading (Gregory loves chocolate and Cassie loves sour candy!!)
- They would totally play fighter games in the arcades like Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter just to battle eachother 😭 Cassie spams buttons and Gregory actually finds certain moves to use to win (it ends up being a 50/50 tie for them usually)
Thanks for asking! If you want more just ask!!
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prismatoxic · 5 months
heyyy question. do we know for sure how old Chilchuck's daughters are, because I keep seeing that they're 16 & 14, but that would mean he was 12 (or maybe 13 if we're generous) when the oldest were born. I've also seen that the age of maturity for half-foots is 14 or 15, and yet there's never any mention of him having his children particularly young? idk I'm just a little confused on the math there. (and yeah, I know a year or two under the age of maturity isn't a lot, but half-foot lives are so short, surely it is to them!!) any thoughts on this?
-curiosity anon
p.s. I was looking through the fandom wiki for help on this, and this line from the relationships section of Chilchuck's page made me laugh so fucking hard: "Chilchuck views Laios as not normal.[citation needed]" like the citation needed killed meeee we don't need a citation. it's just clear to see <3
chilchuck was teen pregnant
those are my thoughts
but, to be more serious--half-foot culture is, from what we can see, heavily gendered, with a large focus on housewives and working husbands. in such a society it does not even remotely surprise me that someone would get pregnant before they were a full adult. i don't remember where the girls' ages come from, but as garbage as the wiki is, it does pull from the canon sources, so it's most likely correct. we know all 3 girls are adults, so at minimum puckpatti HAS to be 14, either way. and i'm reasonably positive we know for sure meijack and flertom are 2 years older than her.
if you want my specific headcanon, childhood friends chilchuck & his wife (i feel weird calling her jaylark when i'm trying to talk meta...) were teenagers having sex and when a pregnancy occurred, it was 100% socially acceptable (maybe even expected) to go "welp, guess we're having a kid now" and see it through. having another one that same year was either more carelessness or deciding eh, fuck it, why not two? (i wonder if flertom was Too Much considering it took two years for them to have puckpatti.)
were they ready for kids? probably not, no. but if nothing else chilchuck seems to have taught his daughters some lessons from it all, because flertom and puckpatti remain unwed and without kids as adults. (meijack too, but she doesn't seem to care, whereas her sisters want to fix it ASAP.)
anyway--that very "citation needed" note has been there so long it's just funny at this point. is no one updating that wiki? like, that has to be the case, a vast amount of it is unfinished or has outdated info from before the manga finished. but, yeah, we don't really need a citation for that, we been knew LMAO
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topazadine · 2 months
Siblings and Questions Tag!
Thank you for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck! Your post was lovely, especially the part about your characters' worst habits.
We'll look at Cerie and Uileac, because of course we will.
1. Who looks the most like Dad?
Cerie, actually. Papa Seorus had a rougher look about him.
2. Who looks the most like mom?
Uileac. Mama Caoimhe was a very slender, foxish woman, and Uileac has her angular bony figure.
3. Who eats the most?
Uileac lol. I mean, it makes sense; he spends most of his day riding and training, so of course he's going to need more fuel than lazy-ass Cerie.
4. Who has been in the weirdest situations?
Cerie to be sure. Later on in The Eirenic Verses she is kidnapped by their country's mortal enemy, Sina, and forced to help them. Uileac's shenanigans cannot compare.
5. Who sleeps the most?
Cerie. She's such a useless lesbian. Uileac is up at the crack of dawn, a very Type A person, whereas Cerie would nap all day if you let her.
7. Most stable romantic life?
Uileac. He's been with his partner Orrinir since they were 18, whereas Cerie just kinda ... gets around a lot in her teens/early adulthood. Not to the extent where Uileac will have to chastise her, but some flings here and there.
8. Worst habit of each one?
Cerie: Acting like a martyr and thinking she has to do everything by herself, even though Uileac and her brother-in-law Orrinir would always help her if she needed it. Uileac: Stubbornness and pride. He can't handle any damage to his reputation.
9. Who's the most dramatic?
Neither of them are very dramatic in general, but I'd have to say Cerie. She can howl like a dying animal if she has the least bit of discomfort whatsoever lmao.
10. Who had a weird phase?
I guess Cerie? I don't think either of them really had a weird phase, to be honest. But Cerie definitely had a defiant teenage angst phase.
11. Best cook of the family?
Both of them are shit cooks and hate doing it. If Uileac's husband, Orrinir, was not there to feed them, both of them would die. However, if you put a sword to their throat and forced them to cook, Uileac's food would probably not kill you.
12. Best memory together?
Probably Uileac's wedding to Orrinir. They danced all night, got super drunk, and then came home to their brand new house in Goldnin <3 Of course Cerie was allowed to live with the newlyweds. Wasn't even a question.
13. Worst memory together?
Their parents dying in the raid on the family farm in Quirnis. I'll let Uileac take it away with his explanation from Funeral of Hopes:
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14. Dream trip together
Heading out to The Windswept, where the nomadic tribes of Breme still do their typical nomadic things. Uileac has always wanted to get a Windswept pony because they're much sturdier than the horses one can get in the settlements (sorry, Erix, it's true). Cerie wants to hear their oral traditions and learn more about their folk religions to better understand how it differs from High Poetry. She's also always wanted to meet people from the Seinn tribe, which produced the first saint of her religion, Saint Luridalr. Being strictly nomadic, the Seinn don't visit the Bremish settlements like some of the other tribes do.
15. Would you rather not be able to shower for a month or have the same clothes for a month?
Cerie: Shower. She could probably deal with having the same clothes for a month, though she'd complain about it the whole time. Uileac: Same clothes. No one said you couldn't wash them, right? He'll just go naked for a lil bit.
16. Who's the older one?
Uileac is older by about four years.
17. Describe each other in three words
Cerie would describe Uileac as: Prideful, composed, protective Uileac would describe Cerie as: Stubborn, intelligent, loyal
18. Role model?
Cerie's role model is her mentor, Irith Druidinn. Irith has been her teacher since she was incredibly young and has taught her everything she knows about High Poetry. She hopes to be half the poet that her teacher is. Uileac's role model is their late father, Papa Seorus. He strives to always make his father proud, but unfortunately, he doesn't really know what his father would consider honorable, given that Papa Seorus died when Uileac was just 11.
19. Who usually has the worst ideas?
One would think it would be Cerie, given that she's younger and more stubborn, but it's actually Uileac. His bad ideas are generally about protecting his reputation and/or his loved ones, which doesn't always mesh well with what he's supposed to be doing.
20. A GIANT insect is on the wall, who's taking care of it?
Uileac for sure. Cerie is screaming and waving her arms as if that will make the bug go away. Meanwhile, Uileac is pulling out his bow and trying to do a trick shot. A moving target! How exciting! (Hey, you said it was GIANT, definitely big enough for him to hit.) Then, of course, Cerie yells at him for shooting a fucking arrow through the wall while he shrugs and says it's good practice. Never know when the Sinans might learn to harness insect warriors. If he misses, the hubbub has attracted Orrinir, who does the intelligent thing and takes it outside.
If you enjoyed this, maybe you'll consider purchasing 9 Years Yearning, which is all about Cerie and Uileac growing up <3 There are some really cute scenes of them together.
Tag list: @kuebiko-writing @ryns-ramblings @cain-e-brookman @halfbit @macabremoons and Open Tag!
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jedi-enthusiast · 9 months
If I may, for the Choose Violence Ask Game : 2, 6, 8 and 25 ?
Choose Violence Ask Game: Star Wars Edition
2 - What character did you begin to hate, not because of canon, but because of how fandom acts about them?
Ok, so I know I remind everyone that I don't like Anakin every chance I get, so I'll pick a different answer to keep things interesting...
Probably Jango Fett and mandalorians in general.
I think I could get behind Jango and the mandalorians if people, both in fandom and some of the Disney writers, didn't keep trying to use them to bash the Jedi. Like, they're not really my taste but they can be pretty cool, but almost every fic I've read that include mandalorians just end up using them to basically say- "oh look how bad/dogmatic the Jedi are!"
I can still remember that I was once reading an arranged marriage codywan fic and it was really good...all the way up until Cody started bashing the Jedi, Obi-Wan was thinking shit like "oh Jedi can't have emotions or feel love, I'm so conflicted," and the Council was made out to be a bunch of jackasses that pretty much abused Obi-Wan.
So yeah, the only reason I include mandalorians in my fics or go along with the mando!clones thing, is so that I can either-
1. show the mandalorians realizing- "oh wait, we're the problem aren't we?" -and changing for the better.
or 2. to show the clones' development from- "oh we can't trust the Jedi" -and leaning more into mando culture to- "we love/trust the Jedi" -and them choosing to lean more into Jedi culture.
6 - Opinion on canon and/or fanon use of the secret child trope? Discuss.
I'm gonna be honest, I can't stand it lmao
I know this question isn't specifically about it, but this comes up in fandom mainly as the "Korkie Kenobi" theory and I just...it's so stupid, honestly. Plus, it makes either Obi-Wan, Satine, or both look awful.
Option A - Satine kept the fact that she was pregnant a secret from Obi-Wan, therefore not giving him a choice on whether he wanted to be in the child's life. Satine is an asshole.
Option B - Satine told Obi-Wan that she was pregnant and Obi-Wan decided to fuck off and leave her to raise their kid alone. Obi-Wan is an asshole.
Option C - They both decided that Obi-Wan wouldn't be in the child's life and agreed to lie to Korkie and everyone else because...idk, they don't want to face any consequences for their actions. They're both assholes.
Plus, Satine and Obi-Wan would've been like 15/16 when their year on the run happened---so do people seriously want to romanticize the whole "teen pregnancy" thing? Really?
The secret child thing is just a trope that I can't get behind.
8 - There should be more of this type of fic/art...
Staunchly pro-Jedi fics and comics/art.
I just want more of them lol, they're like toast to me---I could eat a whole bag and still want more, I could read every pro-Jedi fic on Ao3 and then go back to the beginning and read them all over again.
25 - What's your opinion on modern AUs? What makes a good one?
I actually really like modern AUs! I think they can be a lot of fun, especially given all the different ways you can mix things up with them!
I think modern AUs are very versatile, so there isn't really anything that definitively makes one a "good" modern AU fic. I do have a couple things that are an immediate DNF for me for Modern AUs, other than the usual grammar/format things:
1. Jedi bashing, obviously.
2. Removing characters' disabilities.
3. When there's racism/homophobia/bigotry in general and the fic handles it shittily.
4. When the characters are changed so much that they're basically unrecognizable.
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jabeur · 4 months
i was tagged by @drunkenromantic and @steffigraf to do the get to know me tag thank youuu <3 (ericka i'm doing it on this blog even if you tagged my main sdksdn)
1. Do you make your bed?
not always but i prefer to! it makes my space feel neat and welcoming (even if it's just to myself lol that's what matters) and it's so nice when i get home and my bed's all tidy bc i made it before going out it's like. ah yes i beat mental illness this morning
2. Favourite number?
3. What's your job?
an office job in a social cooperative. specifically my office's digital transformation which probably means nothing to anyone
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
well you see. absolutely not! i mean i could probably take night classes to get a high school diploma, i don't want to but i could, but like actually going back to school ? jesus, no. middle and high school were awful
5. Can you parallel park?
i can't drive (yet ?)
6. Do you think aliens are real?
yeah. not in a conspiracy theories way or whatever but i think it'd make sense if they were
7. Can you drive a manual car?
i can't drive any car (yet ?)
8. Guilty pleasure?
mh i don't know? maybe that i too often fall into the temptation of eating outside of meal times and that ruins my appetite and my schedule which makes me mad at myself sdjsjdbs
9. Tattoos?
i have two (like ericka!) both on my right arm. one's inspired by my favorite place, porto selvaggio in puglia (southern italy) and i love it sooooo much i think it's so pretty (and i get compliments about it pretty regularly which is impressive bc it's not Super easy to see but it catches people's attention who want to see it better). the other's a person painting 3 stars with the lyrics "cambia le tue stelle" underneath. i'd like to get more, but same issues as ericka (what to get?? they're fucking expensive) BUT i'm thinking of like getting an addition to the stars tattoo bc basically the 3 stars represent 2 people + 1 pet who passed away that i love very much and now that my sweet little cat ripy is gone too it feels right to get something for him as well. but i have to decide stuff and i'm super bad at decisions lately :^)
10. Favourite colour?
blueeeeeee. any shade tbh. light blue dark blue pastel blue cobalt whatever. i love all blues
11. Favourite type of music?
i listen to a lot of different genres, in different languages, from different decades etc 😭 but i guess if i had to pick, rn i'd say i lean more towards r&b, classic rock and italian pop
12. Do you like puzzles?
yes!!! word puzzles my beloved! i suck at crosswords but i'm trying to do them anyway bc it is so satisfying when i finish one and it's a good way to learn stuff and keep my mind sharp. i like physical jigsaw puzzles too but actually i haven't done one in aaaaages. now i want to tho
13. Any phobias?
no i don't think so
14. Favourite childhood sport?
i played volleyball during my childhood/early teens, i liked it (i wasn't particularly good at it tho). i didn't really play any other sport until tennis (after i dropped volleyball i think? memories are hard) i love tennis but i didn't take lessons for nearly long enough to be decent at it lmao
15. Do you talk to yourself?
yes all the time. now that i live alone i'm always going on monologues while i pace around the (small, it's a lot of back and forth lmao) apartment or do chores or whatever
16. Tea or coffee?
both. tea tho, i prefer it hot so i mostly drink it during the cold months. i actually didn't drink coffee until like 2 years ago then i got a job and..... being around working italian people, i was doomed to start
17. First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
a writer or journalist
18. What movies do you adore?
so many????? i love cinema. if this means like, genres, then again so many. i'll just give you 3 movies i've watched lately and loved: wife! be like a rose! (1935), letter never sent (1960), calcutta 71 (1972)
idk who's done this already or been tagged so feel free to ignore this but i'm tagging @shapovalovvs @lewisfencer @fortyfive-forty @belteppismo @tiiresias @marcotardelli @carlosheinz <3
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The Sim Tag 💚✨
got tagged by local icon @cobycobsy2k!!! ty
1. What’s your favourite sims death? death by woohoo from the sims 4. someone add it into sims 2 NOW. 2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? As the reigning queen of true maxis match, my choice is clear. maxis aesthetics 5ever 3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? no? most of my sims are just skinny just bc that's how the game is, but when i make my own sims i try to make a balance of fat and skinny sims. 4. Do you use move objects? constantly. 5. Favorite mod? New Ltws, shiftable everything, ACR edited by simgigglegirl and mega sickness mod mashup (which is by me) 6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? A pirated version in turkish of the sims 2 base game 7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE 8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Lyam Lelouche and Luisa Viejo 9. Have you made a simself? I've tried? but honestly recreating alot of my ethnic features is super hard in the sims lmao. I've gotten way closer in the sims 4 though. 10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Artistic, Eccentric and Cat lover :D 11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? luv them all 12. Favorite EA hair? for ladies: braidsup, punkflip, longbangsep9, ponytail, every hair from apartment life, midwavemature, feather and dreadsband for men: choppypeak, combover, david, peak, fauxhawk, gelledrock and willFavorite life stage? 13. Favorite life stage? Ts2? teens and children. and adults i guess. 14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? i only build if i need to. 15. Are you a CC creator? (looks at my over 200 cc posts) probably. 16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I have tons of moots here, but i know i have a squad of "those moots". they're my squad (that's including you coby) 17. What’s your favorite game? TS2 4EVER!!! ts4 bc of pets and infants. 18. Do you have any sims merch? Nope! 19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? I only have youtube for my constant old hollywood obsession. 20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I used to be super into downloading everything, then i was a 3t2 nhs girlie, then i removed all my cc and tried to start a clay era, now i'm true mm and that's the style i think i'll stick to 21. What’s your Origin ID? my sims 4's stolen i don't have origin. 22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? I have gigs upon gigs of it so there's tons of people. forever will love anyone who does tru mm though. also all of my moots cc y'all rock. 23. How long have you had a simblr? A year and a half? around that much time. 24. How do you edit your pictures? Smart Sharpen, 20+ brightness, 20+ vibrance and save. 25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I NEED A SIMS 2 FAME PACK COME ON. if it was about sims 4 i wish there was a pack where they cleaned everything up so it doesn't suck <3 i'm tagging @stevelacysguitarstrings @jellymoo @alanna-goth @letomills @nonsensical-pixels @spell-bloom @curiousxsubject @curiousb @hhelpyourselff and @juliabachelor !!
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landlordevil · 10 months
Hello. I would like to know about the special teifling. I hear lying comes so easily to their forked tongue.
2-4 (please I must know about the family dynamics, please), 15, 16, and 23
HI BESTIE and favorite person to complain about this game with <3333
Lying comes SO easily to their forked tongue. I forgot abt it until I started playing as them again and Asty got inspired three separate times in the span of a few hours. He loves it when his boygirlfriend lies
2. Does your Tav have any siblings? Are they close?
Eins has a younger half-sister! They're not super close because they became half-siblings when Eins was already an adult but they're very affectionate w their family so they'd still kill for her... she's in her angsty teen phase now but Eins is unflappable so they're still like Yay family time ^_^ I love my sister who wants to kill me sometimes <333
3. Who was your Tav raised by?
Eins' mom is a cambion and their dad is a Zariel tiefling, so I'd like to think other tieflings recognize they've got a little more devil in them than most... I do think the vestigial wings they have in-game eventually sprout to become small wings- not large enough to fly with but enough to be really cute. Now they gotta DIY their outfits to be backless. But their parents divorced when they were young so Eins was mostly raised by their mom and her new Halfling wife!!! They're so in love it warms Eins' heart but could be sickening to the cynical crowd...
4. Is your Tav close with whoever raised them?
Eins doesn't stay in touch with their dad but DOES stay in touch w their moms... until the tadpole. They were too afraid to write- What would they write? Would their parents try to come looking for them and only find a mind flayer? Would it put them in danger?- so I imagine they come home one night after months of no communications and get the biggest earful of their life...
15. Answered this so I'll answer number... 9! Eins has the criminal backstory, which for me amounts to doing odd, less than legal jobs, occasionally stealing, and making temporary allegiances whenever it suited them... it was generally in pursuit of the greater good though. They've used their skills as a fighter to intimidate patriars, worked construction for a while, worked at a clothier until the store owner realized they were just giving outfits away for free and didn't gaf about making any profit... what a rascal
16. What's your Tav's favorite childhood memory?
Probably festival time!!! IDK what festivals are like in Baldur's Gate but I love the idea of little Eins dressing up to go listen to music and dance <3 they have music in their SOUL they should have been a bard TBH but they lack any and all musical talent. Kind of unrelated but when they make you play a song to [character you haven't met yet so I won't spoil it] I imagined it going just abysmally, real charlie kelly energy, so someone else had to step in and finish the job LMAO.
23. Share any hcs/anything you want to say about your Tav's backstory
HMMMMM well pre magic mirror update I had the headcanon that Eins changed their primary sex characteristics at random depending on the day (which has now become canon, thanks Larian!). They love sweetbreads, sometimes they lie about stupid things that don't matter just to see if anyone notices, they love to sing when they travel which used to get on everyone's nerves but once they all got a little closer it became charming, even to lae'zel (one of their closest friends who loves to hate on them all the time)
Also for a more serious headcanon I imagine that shortly after meeting Sebastian in Cazador's crypts Eins runs into a friend of theirs in that same cell, who had been taken only weeks before. But suddenly it all feels too real- the hypothetical "would it have been me in that cage?" that Astarion couldn't answer, didn't even want to think about, becomes a very resounding "yes". I think Astarion even tries to defend it- like it wasn't me! one of my siblings! she's only been in there for a few weeks!- It's the only time the companions have ever seen Eins that angry, angry at Cazador, angry at the world that let this happen, angry that so many people are considered this disposable... and they do lash out at Astarion when he tries to ascend as a result. Not one of their proudest moments, the both of them. But they came out of it OK, or as OK as they can be <3
Anyways TY and TY for sharing your run of BG3 with meeeeee I love hearing about it always and forever and thank you for letting me put Halsin's sex scene on your TV just so we could laugh at the way he leans against that tree
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ask-ancient-china · 6 years
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((Awww thank you so much & tbh I’m not really good with Korean history either (so please correct me if I’m wrong) but hey more ocs let’S GO- XD
ok so the 3 Kingdoms existed roughly between 57 BC to 668 AD. Goguryeo is the northernmost Kingdom and is known for their constant warfare. Baekje is on the southwest, known for their naval power, and has culturally influenced the other two kingdoms. Last but not least, we have Silla (aph South Korea) on the southeast, who is cunning and charismatic enough to convince China to help them conquer the other two Kingdoms. 
So yeah! They will have appearances if later asks involves them, and China will be helping Silla to conquer the other Kingdoms bc Silla complimented his shoes and made him very happy or something lmao
Also, FYI, China is currently in the corner having an existential crisis because he couldn’t pick a favorite food (”how can they make me choose there are so many-!”) 
Clothes refs: Silla, Goguryeo, and Baekje I improvised lol hopefully it’s not too bad ;w;))
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skimblyshanks · 3 years
I'll just say.
I was an anti ages 13-17.
I was always a rather passive anti? By 16-17 I was annoyed by most ppl I saw and probably would have called myself neutral. I don't think it's a coincidence that by this point I was in a DBT therapy group where skills were taught to own and manage our own feelings and behavior to the best of our ability.
I look back at the behavior I condoned towards artists who hadn't done a thing wrong and I still get hit by waves of guilt like. I wasn't even active in the harassment per se, but I absolutely rationalized it as being deserved when it just. Plainly wasn't.
Constant crosstagging while feigning innocence toward such behaviour; constant posts and answered asks about how ~dangerous~ an artist was for drawing a ship. Same artist mocks antis for being so pressed abt a 7 year age gap btwn a fictional 18 year old and a fictional 25 year old? They're as evil and bad as plebcomics.
One artist was deemed an active danger to children bc they did nude figure studies and made them homestuck characters. Hatred toward artists was obsessive; new accusations against them to justify continued obsession were often just. Being mad they still existed on the platform.
Anyway, just. I can't get back into the old headspace I occupied. I don't know if I ever will be. But what I've seen since 2020 has only served to make antidom and the behaviors it encourages just. Inexcusable to me.
And I look back at 13 year old me and I just feel bad. Guilty. For all the claims and behavior I'd end up spewing and supporting in those next 4 years. Especially now not only being on the receiving end starting literal months after I turned 18 and getting a refresh every few months, but also seeing shit like the harassment of Bryan Fuller; iamlunasol; seeing an artist, who isn't even proship but merely offered support to one bc they were dealing with a hacker, get "outed" as gay by antis to their family while living in Iran. Quotation marks bc the family member they told already knew, but that wasn't common knowledge; seeing the horrifying reactions to the possibility that a 15 year old killed themselves over harassment received over an rpf shockfic.
I still feel pangs of panic and shame and paranoia while making innocuous content. I have lost a large amount of my capacity to trust and befriend new faces bc of the willingness to turn on me no questions asked. But mostly I see teen antis and just. Either you're going to grow up without understanding why and how what you're doing is genuinely harmful, or else you're going to look back on your teenage years and feel awful. Antis are hurting real people, and it gets harder to ignore that the older you get; the more control you get in your own life. And like idk I just find the whole thing skeevy and v much built around exploiting young people by grabbing them before they can realize all the radfem and otherwise reactionary and conservative rhetoric that antidom is drowning in.
Idk how to end this lmao. Uh. If your side is pointing at everything it doesn't like ad is seeing pedophilia. Ask why the ppl most likely to agree with that assessment believe in pizzagate, the wayfair conspiracy, and satanic panic
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lichfucker · 3 years
I’ve always been super intrigued by your Survivor posts and you’ve made me want to watch! What series would you recommend jumping into? There’s so many it’s a bit daunting!
oh g-d this is a big question
usually I tell people to start with season 7 (pearl islands) or season 12 (panama/exile island). I started with pearl islands so I know for a fact it's a great introductory season, early enough that the game is very straightforward but not so early that the show doesn't know what it's doing. iconic cast, fun pirate theme, very enjoyable winner. panama is a little more complicated in its mechanics, as it includes immunity idols and introduces exile, but it's still very easy to follow. another iconic cast. I feel a lot more Whatever abt the winner but like it's fine lmao. I've also heard a lot of people say that 18 (tocantins) is a good introductory season! some enduring survivor legends in that cast as well. all three of these seasons feature people who will go on to be recognizable by first name alone
(you COULD start with season 1, borneo, but you probably shouldn't... neither the players nor the show itself knew back then what the game was supposed to be. it's interesting to look back on now, when things have been established as they are for the last 22 years, but back then it was very... unformed, like clay.)
just, y'know... keep in mind that the older seasons are... old. pearl islands aired in 2003. panama in 2006. the show itself is, in a lot of ways, a time capsule. every season has an air of being very much Of Its Time. there's a scene in season 3 (africa, also a good season but potentially kinda boring) where for one of the reward challenges, the host gives the contestants his credit card, and there's a close-up shot of the credit card with all the numbers completely visible. you'd be fucking insane to do that in 2022 but in 2001 nobody gave a shit at all lmao
basically with survivor, the single-digit seasons can be kind of up and down, but they're mostly fun and watchable if you know what you're getting into (I'm literally doing a rewatch of season 4, marquesas, Right Now). I watched season 8 (all stars) immediately after watching pearl islands, with absolutely no idea who any of these returning players were, and still had a fun time (despite one episode that, um, most streaming platforms don't air, for very legitimate reasons w/r/t sexual harassment. on a similar note, do NOT watch season 5, thailand. don't watch it). the teens are almost universally good (17, gabon, is some of the worst survivor gameplay in the entire 41 seasons, but of all the dumpster fire seasons it's one of the most entertaining). the thing about the teens, though, is that some of the seasons are TOO good, and if you watch them first you either won't appreciate them for their brilliance or you'll be disappointed by other seasons. 15 (china) and 16 (micronesia/fans vs favorites) fall into this category. seasons 20 (heroes vs villains) and 28 (cagayan) are also in that category, as they're largely considered to be two of the best seasons in the entire show. the twenties are REALLY hit-or-miss. 21 (nicaragua) is on the same level as gabon. 22, 24, and 26 straight-up suck. I have mixed feelings about 23 tbh. 25, 27, 28, and 29 are very good. I don't think you should start with any of them. and I REALLY don't think you should start with any of the thirties. the thirties are headache-inducing. we're two seasons into the forties now and under no circumstances should you start with 40 (winners at war) or honestly even consider it until you've watched... like. MOST of the seasons that those players initially won lmao. and if I'm honest, 41 just ended in december and I feel like I'm not far enough removed from it to judge whether or not it'd be a good introduction to the series. probably not, though. they kept talking about stripping things back but it was VERY complex
hope this helps!! and if you do start watching survivor then I hope you have fun with it :3
if you have more questions or wanna talk abt anything more specific hmu, though I don't know how coherent I will be considering it's nearly 6 am lmao
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 3 years
fic writer 20 questions
thank you @blas-ph-emy beloved for the tag!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
including the ones I've made anonymous, 289! but I only have 202 visible on my page, and I know I've orphaned at least one fic
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. how many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
idek, maybe like 25? I don't wanna count them all sorry lol. they are: DC (esp. Batman and Teen Titans), Marvel (including FF, the MCU, etc), 9-1-1, ATLA, Harry Potter, Teen Wolf, The Vampire Diaries, Riverdale, Percy Jackson, Supernatural, and other one offs.
4. top 5 fics by kudos?
Wayne Family Tweets, aka Why Bruce Wayne's Hair Is Going Gray (batfam); Baby Fever (sterek); the groupchat (mcu); la folie de la vie (batfam); you feel it in your chest (batfam)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I always try to but I struggle with replying in a timely manner, and then feel bad when it takes too long so I never end up doing it lol. I always appreciate them though!! there are some I go back and reread whenever I need a pick me up. (this also applies to anonymous messages here, I swear I've read them and I loved them but I cannot make the words work to reply I'm sorry dkjsfakjh 😭😭😭)
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
la détermination de la vie (batfam) which is a really short fic and one of my very few with the MCD warning
7. do you write crossovers?
I have before but nowadays I prefer not to unless the worlds are similar enough and I can find a way to make them connect naturally
8. have you ever received hate on a fic?
yes I have, both as comments and anon messages here on tumblr
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
yeah!! it's nothing hardcore haha, usually it's like soft or funny, sometimes light D/s, mostly PWP. and I also enjoy switching up the usual dynamics so I've written some femdom and versatility. generally, I enjoy reading a broader range of smut than I really know how to write lol
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
yep 😬
11. have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! not for a long time but it has happened lol
12. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've tried to and failed kdsjhfaj ... unless we're counting like, alpha-reading as co-writing, in which case I have a few times!
13. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
okay so I am a big multishipper and whatever ship I'm into varies by what fandom I'm in and how I'm feeling etc BUT I would have to say that Dick/Kory (Robin/Starfire) is probably my all time fave. I loved them so much as a kid and have continued to adore them as I've grown up and read more comics. everything about them is just right up my alley: the sun/moon motif, the height difference, the way that they're both so confident but can be soft and gentle with each other, everything. chefs kiss.
14. what’s a wip you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
....... listen. I'm gonna be honest. I want to finish all of them. but I don't know if I'll ever be able to make my brain work with me to do it tho
15. what are your writing strengths?
I can write a mental breakdown like nothing else babey 😌 just kidding, I think I'm pretty good at writing character dynamics, internal angst, dialogue (sometimes), smut (but pretty much only if there's little to no plot lmao), stuff like that
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
I really struggle with long fics. all the ones I've written were like lightning-strike moments of inspiration and muse cooperation. I try to plot them out and I can do that fine, but when it comes to actually writing... my brain just stalls out. sometimes fluff and humor fight with me and I lose lol. connecting plot to smut. speculation fics/codas/reaction to canon fics are also pretty hard for me
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I don't speak enough of any other language to do it myself really. usually if I do do it, it's either not full sentences or I'll check with friends who I know actually speak whatever the language is to make sure it works
18. what was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
The Hunger Games lmfao. it was a fic about Finnick and Annie being separated at the 75th Reaping iirc, and I'm pretty sure I was like. 11 or 12 when I wrote it kjdshafj
19. what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
oh my god this is too hard of a question kjdsafjk uhh I'll pick from just 2021's fics tho: my favorite is probably every shape, every curve (9-1-1) which is not one of my most popular fics BUT I have always wanted to write pegging and I really really enjoyed finally getting to do it. and for a non-smutty fic, shines so sincere (jily) is also one I really love. basically if it has an ace-spectrum character in it, I loved writing it lmfao
20. tagging? (no pressure of course <33) @aknifespoint @batbirdies @princess-of-the-worlds @fanfictiongreenirises and anyone else who wants to do this can say I tagged you! :smek:
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theplanetprince · 3 years
Fanfiction Review
I can already tell this is gonna be super confusing bc I've been writing fic since I was 12 but have since gone through so many identity changes. But let's play anyway!
Thanks for the tag @redead-red
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
My current library is 8. I don't actually write fanfic too often unless a specific idea intrigues me-- or something in the fanon just doesn't line up with me. I do have at least 4ish more stories planned and maybe a revised version of an ancient story from when I was young. 2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
166,451! Pretty neato!
3. How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Uh, in no specific order,
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (lost to purging)
Doctor Who (you ain't gonna find these)
NiGHTs into Dreams
Dead by Daylight (<3)
Danny Phantom (my beloathed) Supernatural (my other beloathed)
and uhhhh, I think a bunch of various other video games I can't remember. For the sake of brevity I'm gonna put the rest under the cut.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is actually pretty funny bc I have so few fics released. I only get emails for certain ones all the time, so I wrote this part out by guessing, but I ended up not needing to change it. (also, don't read most of these; they're old and bad)
1. Schrodinger's Adolescent, 337 Kudos (Danny Phantom)
2. Teen Years and How to Survive Them, 97 Kudos (Secret Trio)
3. Two Fake Feds Come up the Laneway the other dayyyyyy, 56 Kudos (Letterkenny/Supernatural)
4. Brother's Keeper, 40 Kudos (Halloween, DBD)
5. Beginner's Guide to Destroying the Moon, 37 Kudos (Sonic)
5. Which of your fic do you want more attention for?
I'll be real here, I still enjoy most of the work I did for both Beach House Bummer, and Beginner's Guide to Destroying the Moon. I just wish I got more love for the latter bc I might be inspired to finish it lmao.
6. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I really try to! I love the long rambly comments I get on Schrodinger's because I can feel those people are giving me the same passion I put into my work-- Though most of the time I get the generic "post more" or "update plz" which I dunno I'm grateful for the interaction. Still, I don't really want to repeat like "I'm trying my best, dude." about 12 times a day.
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I'll be real I only have two completed fics rn-- but I can tell you I had this one fic that I wrote when I was fourteen where the ninja turtles had to burn down a lab full of half-born mutant embryos, and like I remember writing that and then going to middle school the next day like "They don't know I'm a literary genius."
8. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Probably the Letterkenny/Supernatural crossover-- I feel very strongly about SPN and how people take it way too seriously, so when I found out it was filmed in Canada. It used famous Canadian actors from the show Letterkenny, it felt way too good to pass up. I do hope to write in that space again when I'm feeling less depresso-espresso.
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeah. It's probably a big reason why you'll never see the tmnt fics for a while. I also used to write a lot of OC stories, and this was back in 2014 so like those were def hit the hardest. I'm glad to say it's like... subsided for the most part. I don't get hate as much as I just get really confusing and creepy comments, which don't hurt my rejection-sensitive-ass as much.
10. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hahahaha, no.
I am kind of bad at writing it, and I don't really like writing it. Which yeah that makes sense. My friends sometimes when they find out I write fanfic as a joke they'll send me some of the worst examples smut they can find and to test my talent I'll try to rewrite it to make it some kind of titillating-- but alas it just isn't my forte. The cons of being an asexual I guess.
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11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Uh, yes and no? I think I had one of my older fics stolen, retranslated, and then retranslated again to English? That was so long ago tho.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'd love to give it a shot sometime.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly, it's sonadow. I know it's cringe but I'm free, dammit. Outside of that I guess my favorite dynamic is jock/nerd, which you've probably gleaned from my resume here fhsdkjf.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I've been working on Teen Years and How to Survive them since I was 16, I only started making headway on it when I was 19-- so I feel like that speaks for itself hskjhg.
15. What are your writing strengths?
It's been told to me that I'm very funny and I write convincing dialog that captures a character's voice. Which is extremely flattering despite the fact that I feel like I'm tricking you all.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
probably scenery and landscape, if I'm honest. I also accidentally keep creating scenes just for the dialog instead of action or environment.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think as long as I can guess what they're saying from context clues, and the writer is courteous enough to include body language and the like, then it's mostly harmless. I love including a bunch of references in fic whether it's cultural, historical, or just like a quote from a movie or something so I have a bunch of tabs open regardless it wouldn't be too inconvenient for me to fire up google translate or something.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably Schrodinger's Adolescent, it really opened up a lot of doors for me in the DP fandom and I got to meet a lot of cool people because of it. It really cheered me up from a dark place. And despite me writing it initially out of anger and spite its grown into this soft thing that really means a lot to me.
20. What fic are you most proud of?
Honestly, I can't pick. I'm both embarrassed by them all and yet glad they bring people some form of comfort.
Uhhhh who to tag-- I don't really know
@ten0rreaper is the only one I can think of-- whoever else I guess can have at it. I'm not very good at these things lmao.
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prehistoricalcats · 4 years
June 15th:
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There's literally no gif I could find so have some photos instead
Also it's much more difficult to answer the normal prompts in the normal way for this one, but I'm gonna do my best to stick to the format. I know I don't have to, but tell that to my dumb brain that insists on following the format no matter what
I'll be focusing on Olivia and Noilly Prat, who after taking a good look at both costumes, I am 100% convinced are sisters, possibly twins
What do you love about this queen?
She's apparently very friendly. The wiki describes her as friendly, welcoming, and helpful to others and that she likes interacting with the rest of the tribe. All in all she sounds like a very lovely person 💙
What is your favorite version of this queen?
Hmmm China 2012 (see photo)
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen?
I can't find the names of any of the actresses I'm afraid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What is your wlw ship with this queen?
Hmmmm mnmm hum maybe Etectera? They're both happy friendly kits. I think they'd probably start off as best friends and develop into a romance without either of them realizing it at first.
Then all of a sudden BAM Olivia's like "damn Cety's actually kinda hot"
and Cety's like "I can hear you"
and Libby's like "uhhh"
and Cety's like "That's okay, you're kinda hot too, now that I think about it"
"Omg really?"
"Omg so hot"
"Omg we should totally date!"
"Yes! Omg that's what I was thinking!"
"Omg that's so cool! It's like our minds are one!"
"I know right?"
"This is gonna be great!"
"We're gonna be the best girlfriends ever!"
And then they try to figure out how making out works cuz neither of them have done it before.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical?
I… I'm sorry I just don't think she has any actual moments? At least none that I'm aware of. It's a shame. I'll just have to write some moments for her :)
Noilly Prat
What do you love about this queen?
Well she's apparently supposed to be charming and elegant. I imagine her as this sort of serene, secretive kit that wants to be more grown up than she is. And she covers Demeter so that's a big note in her favor for me. Makes me associate her with "Demeter" qualities like courage and compassion. Oh yeah and I love that she's named after a brand of vermouth lmao
What is your favorite version of this queen?
China 2012 again (again, see photo)
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen?
Welp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What is your wlw ship with this queen?
Hmm depending on how old she's actually supposed to be… maybe Victoria if she's an older teen or Electra or Jem if she's 15 or less
Vic's my first instinct... but then I reckon Electra would be a good match too. Like the rough-and-tumble "tomboy" (or enby, or trans boy, still haven't figure it out yet...) with the elegant "girly girl," it's beautiful. I betcha Lec would beat up any bullies that would ever wanna mess with Noilly 💙
Plus they both have that "wanting to be more grown up than they are" thing which is something they might bond over, or at least understand about each other.
Or maybe not, maybe they would have that dynamic where they'd each be constantly trying to remind the other that they're "still just a kit, loosen up and have fun" while refusing to take their own advice...
Okay Electra wins the wlw ship. Sorry Victoria I just don't have anything for you except "she's also elegant"
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical?
Just gonna hafta write some! :D
Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16
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