#aph silla
itstokkii · 2 years
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cardverse thoughts are being thunk rn
nyo! south korea works under china’s assistance(like an apprentice almost) and she takes his place when he’s too busy for something, which involves dealing with the king and trying her best not to go along with his antics
her brother works as a high-ranking commander of the royal guard, she sometimes helps him out
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temporal-scribe · 4 years
Hetalia Theory: A Brief Study of (Ancient) Korea
Aph Korea has been something that keeps going round in my mind. From what I can recall from Hima’s strip, he never exactly explicitly state what exactly aph Korea represents.
Canon-wise, we know that:
1) Aph Korea’s flag is S.Korea’s flag.
2) Korea and Japan apparently knew each other when both were kids. They look like kids in this painting at least... (this takes place at around 1300s or so... thus aph Korea's existence predate the recent separation)
And... actually that’s about it. :I
When I headcanon Ancient Korea, I tend to draw upon the HCs of kaylabow, ask-ancient-china and ask-north-korea. What wiki says about China-Korea history has it going something like this...
700 BCE- Earliest Chinese records of Gojoseon [Hetalian-brain-translator: first meeting between China and Gojoseon]
400 BCE- Capital shifted to Pyongyang
300 BCE- Jin arose in the South of the peninsula 
108 BCE- Han China VS Gojoseon: Han China won and Gojoseon was split into 4 commandaries. [Hetalian-Brain-Translator: ... *unable to process* I have seen darker fics/headcanons depicting this as China VS Gojoseon resulting in the death of the latter.]
100 BCE- Fall of Gojoseon. Gojoseon more or less disintegrated by this point. Eventually, the 4 commandries set up by Han China were completely taken over by Goguryeo by 313CE. Baekje and Silla arose in the area that was Jin.
57 BCE to 669 CE- 3 Kingdoms of Korea period proper starting at roughly 300CE. Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla.
600CE-700CE- ... Many Goguryeo and Sui/Tang China conflicts (aka when Goguryeo and China fought a lot) 
700 CE- Silla allied with Tang China successfully unified Korea against Goguryeo and Baekje-Japan alliance. Unified Silla is sometimes considered as the “first unified Korea” although there are disputes because there is still Balhae in the North. Thus, some consider the later Goryeo to be the “first unified Korea”. Much cultural import from China around this period. [Hetalian-brain-translator: I have seen HCs where aph Korea is Silla. Import of culture here, aka in hetalia-terms, probably the beginning of their brotherly relations. Otherwise, will happen in Goryeo’s time period] 
892 CE- Later 3 Kingdoms of Korea. [Hetalian-Brain-Translator: Wait.... Did Goguryeo and Baekje revive or were they just staying in other people’s houses all this while...???]
918 CE- Goryeo. I suppose this is more or less stabilized. Probably most likely is aph Korea by this point if he wasn’t already Silla.
So... the various headcanons be like...
Version 1: Gojoseon+Jin ship [predessors/parental figures]--> Goguryeo/Baekje/Silla [descendants] --> eventually today’s Korea
Version 2: Gojoseon > Goguryeo > North Korea. Jin > Silla > South Korea. Not very sure how Baekje fits in here... I guess North and South lived together during Goryeo era(?) It looks like an evolution chain... 
Version 3: Mama Gojoseon > Goguryeo/Silla/Baekje > Goguryeo eventually becomes North Korea, Silla becomes South Korea.
Version 4: There’s only ever 1 Korea. This is very unlikely imo, I can’t imagine Gojoseon calling China “aniki”. They may or may not dislike each other but it’s hard to imagine either of them acknowledging the other as “older brother’. Mostly because there aren’t records of formal cultural exchanges between the two. (aka currently the basis of some kind of familial relationship between personifications in Hetaverse) They traded though. Anyway, at least 1 predecessor feels more likely.
Basically, Gojoseon and Baekje die disappear in many timelines. :I  I wish I can get a Korean’s take on this... 
My personal HC is something along the line of, Gojoseon and Goguryeo are not Yong Soo and Yong Soo’s earliest form/name is Silla or Goryeo. And mainly everything is based on which one of them are likely to be ok with calling China aniki. :v  Tbh, everything else is kinda vague...orz
End of my ramblings for  now! Walloftext much. Orz. I wanna align everyone’s timelines at some point so that I have a reference while I art. uwu 
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Imo Kiku wondered if Yao predicted his rise; as he grew he felt increasingly sure he did. Cuz Yao was keen to point out his flaws relative to Korea during "lessons." I hc that Korea got praised more often on seemingly easy tasks which irritated little Kiku. But as an adult he's like "old man liked me less because I had the traits to rival him," so after conquering Korea he'd mock him about it; said Yao liked him because he was weak. After all, it was highly plausible. The sentiment remains 2day.
ooh this is interesting! I can see that happening but I think the timeline might be a little off? I think Kiku would’ve been taking “lessons” from Yao until like 1000-ish AD/CE when relations cooled and official ties were cut, but Korea (I’m going with the theory that Silla = Im Yong Soo and Goguryeo = North Korea’s personification) wasn’t really officially “under” China until ~700 CE ish (when Silla conquered the Korean peninsula with Tang Chinese help, and then drove out the Chinese army that was planning to squash Silla). So imo they only spent a small-ish period of time together; however if we’re going with the interpretation that Kiku was at Yao’s house even after 1000 AD (because unofficial trade and all that continued) or Korea was at Yao’s before 700 AD (because of the trade and cultural borrowing stuff) I can see that happening: Korea being more obedient and “enthusiastic” to borrow stuff from China and “learn” from him than Kiku. Or maybe Kiku thinks they’re all equally eager, but somehow China sees Korea through rose tinted glasses, and favors him/them unfairly. Definitely with you on how a younger Kiku (idk what’s his age at this point, maybe like 10-13? sksk opinions welcome) would be eager for praise (especially from his most powerful neighbor) and the satisfaction/acknowledgement that comes from Yao’s approval of his society and civilization. The whole thing ties into how you mentioned earlier that Japan looked up to Yao as a model of sophistication and therefore wanted his approval and favor in that respect.
Also 100% yes @ the point of how Kiku justifies Yao’s treatment of him after, warping it to make himself seem more powerful. Also goes along with how Kiku has shed Yao’s influence fully, since he doesn’t care anymore about if Yao approves, and mocks Korea for Yao’s approval of him/them. I also saw something about how Imperial Japan saw the Korean peninsula as a rabbit vs the Koreans seeing it as a tiger and that also goes along with Korea’s perceived weakness.
But I don’t know enough about how Japan (ie Japanese citizens) sees South Korea today to comment about that sentiment persisting. From the bits of reading I did, it seems that it would be accurate because the Japanese superiority complex over Asia seems to be pretty prominent :|||||||| (apparently there’s a phrase “so stupid a Korean can do it”?), but I’m not sure if that’s just in the older generations or throughout Japanese society.
FACT CHECKS VERY WELCOME for any part of this
Also some additional reading for Ancient Chinese/Korean and Ancient Chinese/Japanese r/ships because I’m going to forget where I got the information from later
Edit: also I can definitely see Kiku being like “hmm did Yao know I was going to be this strong someday?” Because, honestly, Yao probably did. but just brushed the thought off until it was too late. So it’s very clever for Kiku to realize that, but it also shows some of his feelings of superiority I think. Him thinking that he’s the golden child (bad metaphor but it’ll do for now) and thinking that Yao saw himself, an empire, mirrored in Kiku, and therefore trying to push him down and belittle him to prevent it. V in character for Kiku.
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ask-north-korea · 5 years
In the ancient past, there was Three Kingdoms in Korea, Silla, Baekje, and Goguyreo. If SK and NK represented at least two of these kingdoms in when they were young, who represented the third kingdom?
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There was a third brother when we were young. His name was Seung-min and he represented Baekje. He was an easy-going boy who knew the names and habitats of every last sea creature and talked about drowning as if it were something casual to happen on a boring afternoon. He was strange at times, maybe from spending too much time in the sun and at sea.
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Meanwhile, South and I were going by the names Silla and Goguryeo. My kingdom, Goguryeo, was known for being militaristic and having a powerful army. Baekje was known for his sea power and extensive diplomacy and trade in faraway places such as Japan. Silla was also a very cunning diplomat who could make friends with anyone if he wanted to and navigated the intricacies of international relations with ease. 
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For a while, this is what Korea looked like. We were in constant struggles against one another, sometimes friends and sometimes enemies. Each of us wanted to have power over the entire peninsula.
In the end, Silla ended up being friends with China, and went after Baekje. I was friends with Baekje at the time, but I could not defend him. Silla and China were too strong for both of us.Baekje was also good friends with Japan, who he reached out to for help, but in the end...it wasn’t enough.
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ask-ancient-china · 6 years
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circlique · 6 years
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The Three Kingdoms
At long last, I finally finished this picture! Hima’s style is very hard to imitate so this ended up taking forever.
The three kingdoms of Korea existed between about 50 BC to 650-ish AD. Silla was located in the southeast of the peninsula and was known for being very diplomatically cunning and using its relations with its neighbors to its advantage. Baekje was located in the west of the peninsula and was known for being a sea power. Goguryeo was located in the north and was known for being a military power.
Two of them might look a bit familiar. c:
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photographymmr-blog · 7 years
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ask--nihon · 6 years
Ooh, tell us more about Baekje!
“He’s one of three kingdoms on the other side of the ocean, right next to China! The other two kingdoms are his brothers, Silla and Goguryeo, and the three of them are always fighting. Silla is very smart and everyone seems to like him easily. Goguryeo is a lot more serious and worried about strength and his armies. And Baekje is a fishmerman and loves the ocean, so it only makes sense that we’d be best friends!  No one else really wants to cross the ocean to come visit much, after all, except for China.”
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“Baekje told me that his brothers and China are really out to get him this time, though, and I agreed to help him! I want to stick it to my mean brother anyway, who does he think he is?!”
{ Baekje and Goguryeo (North Korea) belong to @alfredtalia }
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frizzylatte · 8 years
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Anime: Hetalia 
Character: Aph Silla 
Copyright: N.A
Bio: My name is Silla, though I used to be called ‘Saro’, but I changed my name~ I’m the oldest of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, though some people say I’m the youngest, but Goryeo and I are still arguing about that, boo~ I am also the younger sister go Oppa-nim, or many of you know him as China~ He’s the best! He teaches me lots of things, and I often come to his house to play or hang out! He helped me a lot too when it came to fighting my other brothers. Oh yeah, Goryeo, Baekje, and I are triplets… sadly! We always fight, they always make fun of me when I try to dress nice, and they always bully me too! It’s not fair, why can’t I only have Oppa-nim as my older brother!! Hmmmm… but… I guess they have their good points… but it’s really overshadowed by their horrible points! Nevertheless, I’m stronger than them, hmph! 
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askhetaliancients · 9 years
China’s Secret Siblings: Part 3
Gaul: okay, so I guess you’re with me, Baekje!
Baekje: erm... it’s nice to meet you... Mr Gaul-
Gaul: Gaul is fine, y’know! By the way, I didn’t know you have a sister that’s pretty cute looking!
Baekje: please don’t say that in front of my face, Mr Gaul. 
Gaul: wow, you guys don’t get along much now, do ya? Anyways, I’d like you to meet my younger sister, Belgae!
Belgae: oh, big brother you’re home? Oh, hello there~
Baekje: nice to meet you, Miss Belgae. 
Belgae: oh, it’s not miss~
Baekje: p-pardon?
Belgae: I’m married~
Baekje: ....eeeehhhhhh?????
Gaul: yup, she is... at that Frisii better treat her right!!
Belgae: Gaul, you’re being so protective again, you're scaring the birds. Don’t worry, Baekje, he’s always like that whenever he hears about my husband. You know, I bet you’re going to act like that too if your sister ever marries someone~
Baekje: ... really? I doubt it a little~
Belgae: but think about it, she would spend more time with her spouse that she would with her siblings~ You’ll miss the atmosphere~
Gaul: Like I do now~~ 
Baekje: ... hmmmmmm...
Germania: *staring at Silla*
Silla: *sweating nervously* e-erm... Mr Germania, sir? E-erm... 
Aestii: big brother, you’re scaring her a little~
Silla: n-not a little...
Scandia: so you’re with us this time!
Frisii: China wanted help with this? This seems to be easy. 
Aestii: Silla, why don’t you get along with your siblings?
Silla: w-well, they would always make fun of me! And call me names! And tell me how short I am!
Aestii: hmmmm... that sounds a lot like me~
Silla: r-really?
Aestii: yup~ Scandia and Frisii would always call me that, but I know that deep inside, they actually care for me~ Remember that no matter what they say, they still love you~
Germania: you both do that?
Frisii and Scandia (in their head): *sweating nervously* she tried to murder us if we would call her that again.
Silla: ...well... then...
Carthage: and you’re with me, Goguryeo. 
Goguryeo: okay... so aren’t you going to ask me about my relationships with my siblings?
Carthage: well, in my opinion, I think something like that is healthier. I mean, it allows you to bond better and have better connections with each other, right?
Goguryeo: what do you mean??
Carthage: you get to know what they hate, what they like, what they would want, and so on. Quarrelling between close people allows them to better understand each other. 
Goguryeo: I-I guess... you’re right...
Carthage: plus, I’m pretty sure you’re sibling relationship is better than mine’s-
Phoenicia: Carthagee~! *hugs Carthage tight* There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you, my sweet brother!!!
Carthage: I... Can’t... breath!!!!!
Rome: ooh! They’re back! So how was it??
China: you three are so quiet... did something happen?
Silla, Baekje, and Goguryeo: well... 
Silla: I learnt that to get what I want from those two bumbling fools, I would have to use force.
Baekje: I learnt that Silla nor Goryeo will ever marry anyone unless that nation lost its sanity. 
Goguryeo: I learnt that fighting will solve anything. I just have to win against these two weaklings. 
Silla, Baekje, and Goguryeo: ... HEY!! WHAT DID YOU SAY??? *fighting in the background*
Aestii: oh my~
Gaul: ... I thought it would work...
Carthage: did not see that coming at all...
*5 hours later*
Ancient Greece: and that is the end of our long discussion about the inner thoughts of a marble. 
Silla: I-It’s over....
Baekje: I-I think I lost my soul...
Goguryeo: w-we’re done??????
Ancient Greece: no, not yet, now we venture ourselves into the psychology of an olive, and how would it feel if it has feelings. 
Silla, Baekje, and Goguryeo: *eyes twitching* CCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHIIIIIINNNNAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
Rome: whoa, don’t you think making them listen to Greece’s philosophical thoughts a bit... inhumane...?
Ancient Egypt: I actually feel sorry for them...
China: I-I guess I was a little too harsh... 
Gaul: are they still alive?????
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joseon-family · 11 years
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Wow so I'm literally the worst and busiest person on earth.
Happy Late Lunar New Years!
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ask-north-korea · 7 years
OOC;; Notes on representation
Basically what North represented throughout the years
37 BC is founding of Koguryeo, the state that occupied the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and much of Manchuria. He would eventually become North.
57 BC is founding of Silla, a small kingdom in Korea’s southeast corner that eventually became dominant in the southern part of the peninsula. He would eventually become South.
Koguryeo falls in 668 AD, but North is able to re-emerge as Palhae, which was founded as a near direct successor state to Koguryeo.
Silla falls in 935 and becomes Koryeo.
Palhae also falls around this time.
“Large numbers of refugees, including Dae Gwang-hyeon, the last crown prince of Balhae, were welcomed by Goryeo.[15][144] Dae Gwang-hyeon was included in the imperial family of Wang Geon, bringing a national unification between the two successor nations of Goguryeo.[16]” – Wikipedia
“When Palhae perished at the hands of the Khitan around this same time, much of its ruling class, who were of Koguryeo  descent, fled to Koryeo. Wang Keon warmly welcomed them and generously gave them land. Thus, Koryeo achieved a true national unification that embraced not only the Later Three Kingdoms but even survivors of Koguryeo lineage from the Palhae kingdom.” – Korea Old and New, a History
So both North and South’s original kingdom’s fell, but they are able to survive by banding together as Koryeo.
They become the Joseon Dynasty in 1392. Basically still the same country, just under a different name since there was a coup.
They become the Korean Empire in 1897. Still same country, but now having a lot of internal troubles.
In 1910 Japan ruined everything.
And you probably know the rest.
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ask-ancient-china · 6 years
Oh man, I read your post about the three kingdoms, and I don’t know if you’re willing to do overly dark themes, but the Silla-Tang alliance effectively crushed Baekje into dust, and I would love to see that from China’s POV. Like, would he see bits of himself in Silla because he too murdered his “siblings” to survive or what?
((Damn dude I shit you not I wanted to mention the part about Baekje in that last post, but I was already ranting 😩 anyways trigger warnings for the dark stuff below the cut
But yeah I feel like China would probably be pleasantly surprised. Though I doubt he murdered his siblings cuz I didn’t personify the various Kingdoms in ancient China, Yao has definitely done his fair share of unorthodoxies to satisfy his ambitions, so China was probably already seeing a reflection of his younger self in Silla because of that. And when Silla emerged victorious, China’s just like *wowowowow heck I did not see this coming lol :D now this is something interesting.*
In the end, I think China would be very excited to see what our homeboy Silla would do next like he’s just found a new TV show to binge and then Silla turned around and kicked his ass out of Korea lol
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spiritofkorea · 11 years
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Dunno what they are talking about but it looks like gossip
Tribe of Bears-GoJoseon-Silla
Silla-Joseon-Goryeo owned by this bun
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ask-ancient-china · 6 years
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((Awww thank you so much & tbh I’m not really good with Korean history either (so please correct me if I’m wrong) but hey more ocs let’S GO- XD
ok so the 3 Kingdoms existed roughly between 57 BC to 668 AD. Goguryeo is the northernmost Kingdom and is known for their constant warfare. Baekje is on the southwest, known for their naval power, and has culturally influenced the other two kingdoms. Last but not least, we have Silla (aph South Korea) on the southeast, who is cunning and charismatic enough to convince China to help them conquer the other two Kingdoms. 
So yeah! They will have appearances if later asks involves them, and China will be helping Silla to conquer the other Kingdoms bc Silla complimented his shoes and made him very happy or something lmao
Also, FYI, China is currently in the corner having an existential crisis because he couldn’t pick a favorite food (”how can they make me choose there are so many-!”) 
Clothes refs: Silla, Goguryeo, and Baekje I improvised lol hopefully it’s not too bad ;w;))
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ask-ancient-china · 6 years
Hey, I am so sorry to bother you but you seemed like the best ask blog to ask so here it goes. I remember that you mentioned before the Three Kingdoms of Korea and i was wondering why didn't you exactly say that Goguryeo was North Korea? (Since I personally that the three kingdom could mean that APH south Korea (Sills at the time) was a triplet and not a twin like many seem to depict in their fanfics/fanarts)
((Ahhh don’t be sorry my dude speak to meee-
Anyways lmao tbh well I didn’t say that Goguryeo is NK explicitly bc I really didn’t know a whole lot about Korean history back then (and probably not enough now either) and I didn’t wanna make specific claims on this blog that I might come to regret after becoming more informed 😂
But now that I look at it, yeah I think NK can be Goguryeo! Like Goguryeo would survive after Silla conquered it and become Balhae—a Korean Kingdom in the north, founded by a military officer from Goguryeo. Balhae forced Silla back down south and established the North-South state period in 698 CE. So that historical North/South divide is probably prevalent enough to warrant two different personification for the Korean Peninsula.
And on the notes about the twin/triplet thing, I don’t see them as such, but I don’t have a problem with twin representation since it’s carries more symbolic weight and symbolism can make some good angsty fics/art ;w;. I personally headcanon the three Korean kingdoms to be siblings since they do have various time and causes of establishment and have different paths/levels of developments. I like to think Goguryeo as the oldest (the intense overachiever big bro whose little siblings all walk deeply in his shadows), Baekje second (the artsy and cultured sister whose style you copied bc they’re just so cool!), and Silla is the smol young boi (that sociable yet cunning little bastard who can do whatever he wants because he’s gained grandmama’s favor) XD
And, again, here’s my standard disclaimer: I’m pretty ignorant when it comes to history outside of America, China, and maybe a little bit of Europe... like just a tiny bit for flavor lmao. Feel free to fact check & send in more info about other countries’ history!
Ok that’s about enough ranting from my part, also sorry for all these ooc posts lol school’s being difficult lately and I didn’t get to draw. Hope to come back with an update soon tho! Peace amigos! 💛💛
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