#they're like rough and manly and down to fight if needed
hoejosatoru · 3 months
I don't think you guys understand how badly I wish there was a hockey anime. Like hockey men are just... different. They got that Jenny say kwah that makes them so sexy. If you gave me that plus some sexy animated men? I'd act like an animal I fear
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Lose me to Love you (Loki x Female Reader) (AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 22 here / Series Masterlist
Chapter 23
Summary: Loki isn't the only one fighting with his inner demons. People from your past continues to turn up.
Trigger Warning: 18+, Description of rape and assault, panic attack, violence against women, Extreme dark themes, Sexual abuse, physical abuse, public sex, Rough violent sex, 18+, Steamy stuff, age difference ,Rough language, mention of suicide, talk of virginity and slut shaming, manipulative behaviour, mention of trauma, smut, toxic relationship between main characters. Dark themes, cult stuff
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His palms felt clammy, he had been standing outside the orphanage for half an hour and you were taking your own sweet time coming out, as he noticed a girl approaching him he was slightly surprised. For some reason he kept picturing the eleven year old sweet girl that he knew instead of this fully matured grown woman that he probably would have fucked if he met her at the club. Just 18, he had to remind himself that you were barely an adult.
"Hiiii" you smiled at him and he snapped out of his thoughts.
"Lokii..how are you?" You were the reason he was even alive today, for a moment the feeling overwhelmed him so he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him to hug you.
"Thank you darling, thank you..I'll take care of you I promise" the gratitude slipped past his lips and as he felt your arms around his waist his nerves went calm for a moment.
"So it was your birthday a few days ago, want to do something?" You looked at him as he said that.
"Not really..Where are we going?"
"Ummm my place" you hummed as he answered.
He drove you to his house and you looked around as you both entered the studio apartment he was renting in Brooklyn. It wasn't enough for you two but that's all he was able to do at the time, the divorce settlement has ruined him even further.
"It's cozy, I like it" you placed your backpack down on the couch and smiled again.
"Well you can take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch, food is in the fridge, here's the..umm some money..you can go grocery shopping or get whatever you need..the girl stuff and all" he passed you a few dollar bills so you took it from him, everything was awkward with you two and he felt it in his bones.
"What do you do for work?" You asked him and he sighed
"A small gig at a club"
"What type of gig, are you a bartender?" He combed his hair with his fingers as he tried to avoid your constant gaze.
"A bouncer..you ask too many questions" The job always paid okay, that's also how he met Jolene as well, she frequented the club he worked at and she finally asked him out one fine day. When they got married she got him a position at her accounting firm but he was fired while he was resting after the wrist slitting incident. Now he wished that he never ever met her at all.
"That's hot..i like bouncers..they're soo strong and so manly" his brows furrowed as you said that, how the hell you had even been in a nightclub? He wasn't sure if he wanted to know that.
"Well I have to go meet someone..when I come back we can discuss your uhhhh future plans…if you want to get into college or–"
"No discussion required..I want to become an actor..we should probably move to LA" you mumbled nonchalantly before you proceeded to raid the fridge that was mostly empty.
"Excuse me?" He looked at you all perplexed, getting you into acting business didn't seem feasible to him.
"LA? Los angeles?"
"I know where LA is ..are you serious about this acting thing?"
"As serious as Joker was before his dad carved his face" he looked at you all confused again as you quipped "Really??never?? Oh my god we are definitely going to watch the dark knight once you come back.. Don't worry we don't need to watch the first part.. honestly 60 percent of people skipped the first part and went straight to TDK and somehow it makes perfect sense ..it's like you're not even missing anything important or worth knowing…you know…"
Your voice faded in the background as you continued to speak gibberish to him. However your sweet voice also filled his empty sad apartment and he liked that. Alot. That was the moment he knew that life wouldn't be the same from then, he knew he'd have to make several adjustments and since he had taken the responsibility of taking care of you, your dreams and aspirations became his as well.
His eyes opened to your shaking form and he absolutely abhorred that, every time you had a nightmare he felt afraid that you'd slip past his fingers like that one horrible time. It had happened a few days prior to your mother's anniversary during the second year of living together. He never talks about it because you don't seem to have any recollection of those two days, at first he wasn't sure how to deal with you, how to bring you back but on the third night you went to sleep and came back absolutely normal. You had a bad dream last night too but it was about Thor and he just knew this one was different from that. He knew you'd probably not remember this one because it involved your mother.
"Hey sweetheart" he turned the lamp on to see you properly. His heart rendered as he noticed the tears running down the corner of your eyes,
"Loloooo …mommmyy .. I want mommmy" you sniffled, your voice reminded him of that little girl he had left at the orphanage.
"I know baby..it's okay.. open your eyes..I'm here..im here" he shook your body a little and you woke up gasping for air,
"Lolooo mommyyy ..I need mommmy"
"Shhhhhh baby.. everything is okay..you're safe" he mumbled softly as he wiped your tears, his lips lingered over your forehead before he wrapped his arm around your waist and made you sit up so he could embrace you, you felt safe that way.
He leaned against the headboard while you clutched onto him and cried your heart out.
"I'm here baby, my sweet girl, come back to me, I'm right here, you have me i promise" he mumbled mindlessly
"Don't send me away ..they sent me away every time I had a nightmare..they sent me to that place I hated" you sniffled between your words and his eyes welled up.
"You have me okay? I got you baby, I got you i promise" you hugged him as tightly as you could and your foggy grief stricken mind lulled you to sleep but he couldn't sleep that night, next morning as usual you didn't remember the outburst like always, a few years ago he had asked Steve about that place you kept talking about after such nightmares and Steve told him that it was a psychiatric hospital where they sent you whenever you relapsed or whenever you showed the signs of dissociative Amnesia.
"What are you making?" You hugged him from behind so he smiled.
"Guess" you opened the lid of the pot and all the excitement disappeared
"Porridge" your face scrunched in disgust and it made him smile.
"Well you wanted to eat healthy remember"
"Just take me to the gym again, it's been months" you groaned as you moved around the kitchen to make tea
"I will.. as soon as he's caught" You hummed as he said that "Are you feeling okay sweetheart?" He asked you softly and you shrugged
"Yeahh why?" He sighed as you said that. He wanted to ignore it like he had done before but after last night and the way you were trying to help him cope with his trauma, it had made him reflect upon your own situation, you didn't get away unscathed from his father's abuse, sure he wasn't able to harm you irrevocably but the damage was already done when he had hurt your mother.
"Because of the nightmare? Do you remember what you saw?" He asked you and you stopped doing whatever you were doing.
"Nooo.. i .. I didn't have a nightmare last night..it was the night before remember?" You walked over to him to kiss him on the cheek and he hummed in response. He can't just dump it on you, that would only make the matters worse, he had to find a way to talk to you about this.
"Take me shopping today daddy, it's my birthday in a few days"
He picked you up and sat you down on the counter as you said that. Your birthday. He promised to fuck you senselessly on your birthday but the approaching date had him feeling someway, he couldn't decide if it was a good feeling or not, a part of him wanted to ravish you and enjoy every second of it. The other part though? that bastard wanted to keep himself away from your precious body as far as possible, he didn't deserve to fuck a girl like you, he was one of the reasons why girls like you lost their lives, he was the reason why their dreams got broken so how come he got so blessed as to have someone as pure as you saving herself for him.
"What else would you like to do? A party perhaps?" You thought about it as he said that.
"Or we could just spend it together..just the two of us" you answered him while your fingers played with his chest hairs so he kissed you.
"Aren't you bored of seeing my face all the time?" He chuckled after speaking.
"Ask that girl who spent 7 years without seeing this angelic face. She'd always say no" his eyes softened as you said that.
"For this to happen it had to be that way"
"For what to happen?" You asked him confused so he cupped your cheeks.
"For this to happen.." he kissed you passionately, it wasn't a touch and go type of kiss either, his tongue slid into your mouth so you sucked on it, he tasted like peppermint. Delicious "It had to be that way" you inhaled sharply as he finally decided to allow you to breathe.
"Does it bother you that I was into you way before you were into me?" You asked him
"You were just a child sweetheart, you didn't even know what you felt"
"Well I knew I wanted to kiss you, I was ten when I knew that I wanted to kiss you and –"
"Shut Up.. that's inappropriate as hell" He pressed his thumb onto your lips but his digit couldn't really stop you from smiling or talking even
"It's just the truth, and to this date you are still the prettiest boy i have ever seen in my life"
"Well i'm no boy now my darling" he wrapped your legs around his waist to pull you closer to him and his mouth travelled down from your lips, you moaned as he sucked the soft skin of your neck.
"Some parts of you is still the boy i met"
"Uhhhuh like what?" He chuckled condescendingly so you held his cheeks and kissed him lovingly, as lovingly as you could.
"Like these eyes, still as gentle as I remember, mommy always told me that you could judge a person fairly well by the look in their eyes, you have the kindest eyes lolo" his eyes teared up as you said that. He thought you'd give him a break after last night but you were hell bent on coddling him like a baby.
"Well your mommy wasn't really the best judge of character"
"Take it back" your voice broke because the meanie in him came out again so he kissed you again.
"I'm sorry baby" he murmured against your mouth and you almost melted into a puddle because of how tender he seemed at the moment "You're forgiven" He smiled as you whispered. He wondered how badly he'd have to hurt you to make him unforgivable in your eyes because no matter what he did or said you always forgave him and that too pretty easily.
"What else?" He asked you and it confused you for a moment before it finally dawned upon you. He wanted to know more about those boyish parts of him.
"The smile, still the same, everytime I felt scared at the orphanage I would just think about you and your smiling face, that calmed me down immediately" he kissed you again instead of responding with words "And your voice hasn't changed in the slightest either"
"You are such a sentimental little girl"
"Is that bad?"
"Not at all, I just don't want to disappoint you with my stoicism" a smile graced your features at the blatant lie.
"You're pretty sentimental yourself mister "
"No I'm not"
"Yes you are"
After force feeding you that unsavory porridge he took you shopping like you had asked him to, you also had to be at an audition tomorrow, you needed to find work or you knew he'd try and find other works, like that thing he used to do at the club, you hated not having him at home all night.
You picked a dress but you didn't want him to see it just yet. You both spent the whole day out, it was a peaceful day but it didn't stay that way. Ofcourse it didn't. It came crashing down on you.
Your soul almost evaporated as someone ran in front of the car, you both watched a woman lying unconscious in the middle of the deserted road and you wondered if she was alive.
"Is she…oh gooddd" you mumbled under your breath so he looked at you
"Stay in here okay?" He asked you so you nodded. She had long blonde hair so it wasn't Jolene, you hated that it was your first thought. Your worries didn't cease there because as Loki rolled her over, it was someone you knew, someone you both knew very well. He picked her up hurriedly before you two could get caught by a passerby or something. After laying her down on the backseat, he quickly got in and drove towards the apartment as fast as he could.
"Ummm is that uhh--"
"Yeah and I don't trust the bitch so we are going to take her home and you're going to help me tie her up as securely as we can okay?" You looked at him all perplexed and he glared at you so you nodded.
The cops on the patrol tonight asked him about her so he lied that she was a friend that had gotten drunk out of her mind. As soon as you all reached the apartment you helped him tie her up onto a chair.
"Lokiii what are we doing..is she even alive?" you asked him nervously so he walked towards you and grabbed you by the shoulders.
"She's alive and breathing, it makes no fucking sense that she'd end up right in front of our car of all people"
"We should tell Steve "
"No not after Thor's situation, I'm already on his radar"
"But what if this brings us more trouble?" he wiped the sweat beads from his forehead as you said that. Ever since his bastard father has escaped your lives has turned into a rollercoaster that just doesn't seem to stop rolling.
You both waited for her to come back to consciousness and when she did she started to struggle against the binds almost immediately.
"Why the fuck are you here?" He asked her as he pulled up a chair right in front of her, you dragged another chair from the kitchen table, it almost looked comical as you tried to be as quiet as you could but the situation wasn't funny at all.
"Lokiii? Y/n?"
Well no memory loss it seems.
"Why the fuck You have me tied up Loki? I know you enjoyed that one time I had--" your eyes widened as she said that. He fucked her all tied up? Again you hated how your mind couldn't move past the jealousy
"Shut up.. shut the fuck up okay? Why are you here..answer me" he glared at her and she looked at you, she then gave you the sickly sweet smile that you remembered really well.
"Oh look at you now, turned yourself into Loki's pretty little girl huh?? Dreams do come true i guess"
"Sister Natasha–" Loki glared at you so you corrected yourself
"Natasha..what are you doing?"
"I don't understand, do you guys like own LA now that I can't be here?" She chuckled and Loki's teeth gritted in anger, he was so close to doing something awful
"Are you here to do his bidding again? He sent you.. didn't he?" she started laughing as he said that.
"You are still so naive loki. You know if he wanted to be here and eat her heart he'd be here, he won't need me" He stood up and all of a sudden there was a smacking sound that you heard, you looked at him shocked as he slapped her. Her lower lip split open at the force he used, your eyes teared up because you weren't expecting him to just go off like that, he never lost his control like that with you. He wasn't like that. Not with women. Not outside of consensual bedroom shenanigans.
"Ohhh I have missed that" her reaction wasn't shocking though, you knew they fucked, you just didn't know they indulged into this, though you should have guessed considering the sexual history of the cult.
"Don't make me kill you Natasha, just tell me the truth, for once in your life, tell me the truth"
He heard you sniffling so he turned his head to the side to look at you, the look on your face was enough to kill whatever shred of self esteem he still had left in him.
He walked towards you and grabbed your arm to take you to the bedroom.
"Stay here" he warned you before he turned around to leave
"This is not you loki" his eyes teared up as you said that.
"That's me sweetheart, that's the real me..still want to believe that bullshit you had made up in your head about me? This is me..the monster I keep warning you about"
You shook your head as he said that, you wanted to stop him and hold him, tell him that he wasn't a monster but he didn't give you a chance, just an hour later cops raided the house, they were tipped off. Natasha told them that he had kidnapped her, she told them that you had no involvement in all of this, you begged Steve to not believe her, you asked him to not take him away from you but he said that he was helpless. All the evidence was against him.
They wanted to take him away to lock him behind the bars, he was to be questioned later on about his motives.
And that's when you were finally able to understand why he went crazy on her, he knew her. You didn't.
You didn't know that she was as rotten as Odin. He wasn't wrong, she was there to do his bidding and she got what she needed. You without him by your side.
@annoyingsweetsstranger @whylokiissocute @loki-s-wife @fraoid3 @siggytumbles @crzyplantladyvibes @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vickie5446 @wheredafandomat @mcufan72 @xxntiimulti @loz-3 @dishahaldar @mcdesij @scram1326 @elthreetimes @army24--7 @sinsandguilt @holotacopeely @huntress-artemiss @blog-the-lilly @ultraviolencexxss @disneyismyworldforever @bunny24sstuff @kats72 @somewiseguy @asgardianprincess1050 @multifandom-world8 @loki-laufeyson-1054 @daddylokisqueen @lulubelle814 @itsybitchylittlewitchy @rogerrhqpsody @praq123
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wholesome-lee-trash · 1 month
Inner circle edition
Warnings: tickles, tell me if I need to add anything!
ACOTAR Tickle Headcanons (Pt 2)
- Some members of the inner circle do in fact get lee/ler moods
- Have they actually sat down and discussed this? Probably not, but it's all just unspoken knowledge atp
- Most tickle fights happen between Rhysand and Cassian
As a ler, dude knows exactly what you want. You want slow, gentle, teasing tickles? He's got you. You want the roughest and hardest and most belly laughter-inducing tickles? He's got you. He always knows when someone is in a lee mood. (Stupid mind powers) He doesn't get specific ler moods, but sometimes he sees someone and he looks at them and maybe they're wearing a crop top or stretching their arms up and he just gets the intense urge to tickle, but it's not really a ler "mood" just an urge to tickle that only appears when someone is doing a lee coded thing. Like wearing a crop top in front of him. He loves touching waists and bellies, this is canon
As a lee, my dude Rhysand turns into a whiny baby. At first he'll act all dignified and "I'm not even ticklish," which progresses into "I'm the High Lord you can't do this to me," to "wait no stOP-" Very manly giggles. Whines about how it tickles and how it's too much and how much you should move to another spot and how you should stop teasing him. Probably tickles you back and you've accidentally launched an all day tickle war. Expects you to cuddle him after. Once again, he doesn't really get lee moods per se, but sometimes he'll see a person talking with their hands or tapping their fingers on the desk and he'll wonder what that'd feel like if it was his belly and not the desk. But it's not really a mood, it's just triggered by people talking in that ler voice.
As a ler, okay, his hands are large. Large hands plus the average size body equals lots of space covered while tickling. This man could tickle your entire stomach and both your sides all at once with one hand. He is rough and playful and probably gives forehead kisses (or peppers the face in kisses if they're dating). All I have to say here is poor Nesta, who only wanted a cup for orange juice and had to reach up, since the cups in the cupboard above the counter. Very playful, very teasing, calls you lots of pet names and flirts with you, and at this point you can't tell whether you're blushing from the flirting or the tickling. Does get ler moods. Often takes them out on Nesta or his brothers.
As a lee, my man is ticklish everywhere. Does not try to hide his laughter at all. He's still flirting through his laughter. Like, you pull his shirt up to tickle his belly? "Hehehey at least tahahake mehehe tohohoho dinner fihihIHIHIRST!" Is very adorable. A sweetheart honestly. Also gets lee moods, so he just goes and annoys Rhysand until he catches on. Pretends to fight back sometimes, he doesn't want his dignity completely down the drain.
As a lee he is very sweet and giggly. He's the type to grab onto your wrists and forget to push you away until it's genuinely too much. At least with the people he's close with. He wants to be whiny like Rhysand, but he just can't get a breath in and can't speak and- why are his shadows helping? Yes, I know, the Shadowsinger gets lee moods. His moods only ever want gentle tickles. He acts slightly more restless when he's in a lee mood, but there's no tell. The only way one can actually figure it out is to tickle him and see if his shadows join in. Hates getting tickled, though. Sees it as an attack on his dignity and reputation. Only allows his brothers to do it. In private, not even the other members of the inner circle are allowed to see.
As a ler, this man is quiet and calculating. He is silent, listening to every change in pitch and tone of your laughter, figuring out which spot and technique makes you the most desperate. But on the good side, he also knows when it's too much before you can even register, because of how skilled his ears are at picking up the tones in your laughter. Very little teasing, which is almost teasing in of itself. Will not tickle anyone unless they explicitly ask. Do not try and drop hints that you want to be tickled to this man, I love him but in this situation, never have I ever met a boy more oblivious. You could walk up to him wearing a shirt that says "I wanna be tickled" and ask if he likes your shirt, and he still won't get it.
As a lee, she is so beautiful, her laugh is so beautiful, she blushes such a pretty pink, she's so beautiful. She squirms a lot, and it's very adorable. She doesn't actively go and search out tickles, per se, but I mean, if one of her friends are in the mood to tickle somebody, she's not gonna say no. She just doesn't wanna be rude aha. Cannot handle what she dishes, and thus prefers rougher tickles. I wanna say her ears and elbows are ticklish as well, poor baby. Needs after care or she'll get upset, cuddles, some water, and someone running their fingers through her hair until she falls asleep should suffice.
As a ler, she is downright evil. She only gives the gentlest, lightest, teasing-est of tickles. She uses her Freshly Manicured Nails™️ to make the experience that much better worse. You want gentle tickles? Mor is the girl to go to. She doesn't judge at all in the slightest if someone wants tickles. She coos at you and likes to tease you as if you were a little baby getting tickled for the first time. "Aww look at that smile!" "Your giggles are so cute!" "You're doing so well, sweetie." Mor gets ler moods and will walk up to someone and blatantly ask if she can tickle them. In their confusion as to why someone would outright ask, she asks a little louder, in case they didn't hear her, and then assure them they're allowed to say no. If they say no, it's off to the next person. The order she goes in is usually Rhysand, Azriel, Cassian, Feyre, Amren. If everyone said no, and she's down to Amren, she might suddenly not be in the mood to tickle anymore because is anyone seriously dumb enough to try and tickle Amren? But sometimes she's desperate. I like to think Mor dedicates a "tickle nickname" to people. So for example, she might call Azriel cupcake, but ONLY while tickling him. So then, if she ever calls him cupcake, it flusters him. She's out here classical conditioning her bffs yall
So we all know that Amren isn't used to the humanoid body, and because of this, my headcanon is she has no idea what it feels like to be tickled.
As a lee, she has no idea what she's doing. She doesn't have the "Don't you dare" reflex that most people do of trying to get away before they even begin. She doesn't understand what the wiggling fingers mean. And when they start, she attacks, because she feels the fingers and that's what her body tells her to do. She has no control over that. If one was able to successfully pin her down, you'd find that she'd groan and scream and grunt and do anything other than laugh that she could, because her body won't let her for some reason. She needs to be walked through being tickled. She needs things like "I'm gonna tickle your sides now." "What you're feeling is normal, you're okay." "You're doing so good sweetheart." Needs someone to literally hold her hand to squeeze. Even the Inner Circle is afraid to touch Amren, afraid to get bitten or smth, so she doesn't get a whole lot of experience with being a lee. Does she feel left out sometimes? Maybe but we dont talk about it.
As a ler, well, she still has no idea what that even means. But she let's her friends teach her. Cassian will sometimes lay down and instruct Amren on what to do. Or if Cassian and Rhysand are tickle fighting and Cassian has Rhysand pinned, he'll instruct her on how to tickle Rhysand. And sometimes Amren will worry she's hurting her friends because they're making strange noises and pleading "no" and "stop" and "don't" and they're arching their back and trying to get away.
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strawberry-nugget · 3 years
Oddly specific bnha headcanons
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Characters: Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Jirou, All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Dabi
A/N: I'm finally back from my mini hiatus and I finally finished a part of my never ending cursed head canons and I also hit a new milestone so I feel like you all deserve this attempt of mine at comedy for the love I've been getting...I'm also sorry, this is a wild ride, and as you're reading you might wonder why did I make these? And the answer is, simply, because I can 😭, no lol though true... I'm soft so if these made you laugh and you leave an LMAO comment I'll think about it forever uwu. I've talked about most of these with my dear friend @aichiin, who is an amazing artist whom should support in all platforms uwu bye
Warnings: some of this content is NSFW, 18+, so if you're under 18 DO NOT INTERACT
Disclaimer: everyone is at least of 18 years of age
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• I can't explain why, and we've seen Endeavor texting shoto in canon but... I feel like probably his texts look like this: …..shoto why aren't you Answering your phone… 
….tell fuyumi to make you soba… . 
… ……are you still friends with that rude boy from school.. 
…I don't want any take out dont get any for me tell natsuo that I'm sorry and try to ask him if he's changed his mind about forgiving me.… 
• All might opens a Facebook account a month before the beloved class graduates as his way to keep on touch with everyone after they're off to fight crime and lives his life as the ultimate Facebook mom and thinks he's texting people but apparently posting on your Facebook wall isn't texting. He has probably made a thousand posts asking midoriya how it works until people just, they just, accept it, I guess, there's nothing else they can do. He uses the Facebook mom tulip emoji and writes in all cap. Give him credit for being so sweet tho. 
And probably it goes like this: "💞🥰🌷🤣WHAT AN AMAZING SUNDAY. GOOD MORNING YOUNG MIDORIYA HOW HAVE YOU BEEN" Ofc he will not hesitate to use all these emojis unironically, in fact, he doesn't know that is the ironic use of an emoji, leave him alone
Denki: mister al mght do we have english tomorrow ? 
Momo: @denki, no but we have literature, hello mister all might sir, have a nice day too
• I'm sorry for this but.... Midoriya, Denki and Kirishima probably lick their finger after they absolutely drill it in their noses but here's the deal
Midoriya inspects what he fished out like thoroughly, Denki dissociates while staring at it, and Kirishima does so straight out of his nose
• Someone told Shoto that Saiki K is based on true events and he genuinely believes it and tries to find Saiki K, claiming that he is the answer to all of his problems. Is very subtle about it tho.
• I think that in part one of these atrocious head canons we established that Keigo would willingly put effort to find the clit, right? Listen he probably asks what's the concept of the clit, like why is it outside and not inside- wait you have another spot inside, yeah? He's is so confused and for what? Won't stop for it mid sex but he searches reproduction organ anatomy later on on google because he brought some questions in his brain that need answers. On the clit. You heard me right.
• Dabi looks like he once had a break up that was so rough that he opened a Twitter just to drag the other person down. For once, I won't go into detail and will let your imaginations run wild. 
• I have to do a a cursed one for Bakugo right? Well yeah uhm, he probably was caught flexing his muscles in the mirror during vacation, totally naked too, by one of his friends in his group and screamed in a high pitched voice and picked up that little hotel room fridge to cover himself up and chased them around the hotel room until he just crushed the poor item. To the floor? Because he tried to use it as a cover up and it just slipped... It's even worse if the friend was a potential s/o. He'll scream like one of the screaming/simping TikTok sounds.
• Bakugo also really hates chairs. Idk why I have this headcanon, but I know it in my heart that this man, as an adult, only has those round weird- ish IKEA stools around the kitchen table that's all. No more chairs. Nothing.
• this is too self indulgent but Kirishima and Deku look like the people who, while washing forks, spoons etc they create whole stories about them and treat them like characters, and others would just look at them so confused as to why it takes 16 minutes to wash off a spoon and why are they also crying but you wouldn't understand. This spoon is Cinderella. Back off and let. them. finish. their. stories.
• I feel like Jirou has phases where she only wants to wear black but then she sees a nice pair of jeans and buys it, and then buys some more and then she gets mad about having blue jeans and she dyes them, but then she grows out of that phase for a few months and she tries to find ways to make the fabric paint fade away
• I also think that she, after spending a little time with Momo, spends money on a lot of clothes, and it's not like Momo buys too many clothes, but Jirou always wants to upgrade her wardrobe and ends up feeling lost on what she wants to wear
• Denki and Kirishima turn into the same person a little more every single time they hang out together. You'll listen to Denki say 'manly' all the time and Kirishima starts trying to find leather jackets that look cool on him, and just adopts Dennis speaking habits.
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bemylord · 3 years
aot boys as your boyfriend
♡ character: eren, erwin, armin, jean.
♡ warnings: fluff, gender neutral, some curse words.
♡ note: it's my vision of how aot boyzz will act if they'd fell in love with ya. i already did with levi, so i give a link to that chapter.
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ᴇʀᴇɴ ʏᴇᴀɢᴇʀ
you've been stuck in his head the whole night. he has daydreamed about you almost every night.
eren isn't the weak boy who'd be scared to tell you his feelings, just he has some insecurities about it. maybe he feels something because you did awake his titan when nobody can't do that; maybe because he was listening to your voice while he was a titan.
you're dexterous and have some skills in how to kill titans. eren thought maybe your ancestors are ackerman?
but he decidedly tunes himself to ask you on a date. 'y/n, are you busy?' 'nope, eren, is something wrong?' 'yes, no, but.. would you mind to go on a date with me?' so, you had your first date under stars, gazing at the shooting star and made a wish. after that night, you entered into a relationship with a titan boy, without even knowing it.
eren'd call you love or baby. even if you both are in the public, he doesn't care what whoever will say: you're his lover and he wants to make it obvious to everyone.
when you inside walls, having a quiet, kinda day-off from the training and cleaning, eren calls it cuddie-day. why? nothing better to do than having you in his muscular arms, burying his face into your hair and finally rest. you both have a chat about nothing, just half-muttering 'til you both fall asleep.
it's kinda egoist but when you two outside the wall, eren'll keep an eye on you. he kills titans within twenty meters faster than you, so you could continue riding.
his palms have calluses and scars from the fight that he had in the past, but you think it's manly. you always rub his rough skin when you've got the opportunity. for eren, he'll do everything for you just so you keep rubbing his scabrous skin.
during the cuddle session, yeager will cover your face with quick but gentle kisses, holding your jawline delicate, pattering on your cheeks with his thumb.
eren tries to make you feel happy and loveable no matter what. also makes sure that you're knowing that you're safe and protected by him.
you should whisper in his ear dirty phrase, as he gets in the mood right away.
ᴇʀᴡɪɴ ꜱᴍɪᴛʜ
you're his hope and support, his sun and his moon. you mean a lot to him.
overprotective bby. before every expedition, he'll insist on you to stay inside the wall. it's not about trust, it's about he'll be focusing on you, he'll certify every second you aren't surrounded by the titans and you've enough gas.
still, he prefers you to be home, waiting for him. the thought of you biding your captain and lover, gives him the energy to come home safe.
he allows you to wash and treat his wounds after a mission. you kiss his tensed muscular, giving him a soothing back massage, running your hands on his body. 'you finally home, my love. other people and i are safe because of you and your teammates. i'm very proud of you'
after an exhausted and long trip, he asks for a few days off to spend with you.
as your captain, he needs to make sure you're strong and have knowledge of how to kill enemies.
erwin's palms are huge, so you're comparing your hand by pressing your palms in his. after years of using the vertical maneuvering equipment, he also has some calluses. the captain loves those moments when you're interlacing hands, despite his coarse skin. 'do you like hold my hands even if they're unpleasant to the touch?' you laughed, kissed his outer part of the palm. 'yes i do, captain, and i do like kissing them'
his confident way of speaking, you consider as something cute at him.
you need to obey, that erwin is dominant in the relationship.
his favorite kiss is neck or collarbone; pressing the lips against your smooth area around the neck, wrapping his arms around your waist, and mumbles some phrases - best way to kiss.
erwin calls you sweetie or honey. everyone in the survey corps knows you both are dating.
no one from organizations will dare to flirt or say something rude to you: whether it's military or scout regimen. it's quite simple, they're scared to die or be eaten alive by a titan. 'y/n, honey, i just want you to know that i love you' 'i love you too, my love' before and after mission, in the morning or before you both go to sleep, during cuddle, erwin tells you a lot of i love you's
ᴊᴇᴀɴ ᴋɪʀꜱᴄʜᴛᴇɪɴ
i guess jean is the kind of boyfriend who'd hold you by your waist all the time when you're at the public.
those tender and affectional quick kiss on your lips while holding your hands in his.
jean knows what he does whilst kissing you if you get what i mean; holding your waist or he runs his finger down your cheek, drawing patterns on them. in the beginning, jean was timid and uncertain about his movements, he hesitant about what he can do, what he can't. now, he determined the way he kisses his lover.
he likes to brag about you a lot. if someone from the corps is looking at you, he talks to them like that: 'are you jealous that they chose me, not you? get the fuck off them, bastard, or else i'll punch in the face'
he's kinda yandere if someone is staring at you.
if you were brat to him or you had been annoying him for some reason, he'd press you against the wall, holds your hands above your head, smirking at your face expression: he took off guard, you helpless and vulnerable. 'you had been a brat, y/n. do you want my kisses or something more? anyways, i'm here to give everything you've been craving for'
at those moments, jean being as cocky as he could be. he's dominant, controlling your movements, and impudent as fuck.
funny-unfunny jokes; compliments a lot if you feel chagrin or downtrodden. he understood you've been through some difficult problems, and living in the world when you need literally survive every day is sick. that's why jean wants to be your sun and the person who'll protect you.
he prefers to call you heartie [because you got the key to his heart] or angel. 'in the world full of ravenous titans, i want to be the one who makes you smile, heartie. take my hand in your, and let's create our world together'
ᴀʀᴍɪɴ ᴀʀʟᴇᴛ
armin is a sweet boy, who'd treat you like a queen.
read a book before fall asleep. you lay down on his chest, listening his calm voice, falling asleep. it's his preferred to end the day.
far beyond the wall, you are acting in unison: he protected you, you protected him. while he's thinking about a strategy you're killing titans or vice versa.
his hugs are warm and cozy. he put his palms at your back, rubbing your skin through the fabric or if you had some spicy night, pattering on your back indecipherable traces;
those dialogues with a cup of tea, when you half-muttering, in the room, that illuminated by the candles, enjoying that atmosphere.
armin loves to take a bath with you. delicately washing your skin, especially if you've got wounds or injuries. once you fell asleep whilst armin was cleaning you.
i think armin would switch. he likes being a dominant one, having right as he wants to, but he also likes when you're taking the control of his body.
armin has small palms with long fingers, milky skin. his hands always warm and delectable to the touch. in addition, armin is a touchy-feely man: he enjoys hugging or interlacing fingers.
idk why but i think armin'd like to have midnight walks on small alleys in the town, dreaming to change this place. he lives here in fear of the unknown what will be next, so armin'll do everything that he could do.
you capture his spirit, make him lose his breath when you smack your lips against his one's. those spontaneous kisses, you know.
occasionally, he gets sudden bursts of tenderness lol but hear me out: you both are doing nothing or training together when suddenly armin wants to kiss or cuddle you. it's just something tantalizing feeling he got. 'you're so beautiful right now, y/n, i want to give you a kiss' 'only now?' you smiled, receiving a shy kiss. armin blushed at your words; he doesn't mean you look unattractive yesterday or something like that. 'i'm sorry, baby, i didn't mean it, i-' 'i've got you, love, don't worry. let me give my kiss' armin gave you a thousand kisses later, as a token of his infinite love for you.
yeap i did it. soon part 3 with tsukki-tsukki.
tomorrow i'll post a request with tsukki and do the rest with aot boys.
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hanazou · 4 years
𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙪𝙮𝙖.
(while being shorter than him)
— a chaos of fun!
Word count : 1.5K
Shelf : Hardback
Genre : Romance and fluff, slight crack
Note : Sorry, anon! There was technical issue so I have to post this without your ask! I hope these are detailed enough to your expectations? I wrote more than I expected I would. Once again, thank you to the-foreigner for helping me figure out the tags!
Please enjoy!
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 Where have you been all his life?
To say that Chuuya would simply be attracted to you because of your height sounds shallow, so let me phrase it this way; Chuuya is so used to having look up to people since many are taller than him all his life, both men and women, so it kind of does something different to his psyche when he sees you, being shorter than him.
Not to sound stereotypical but it's a given instinct that when you see someone shorter than you, you get the impression that they're cute and it triggers your protective instinct, right? This is what Chuuya feels about you. And since this sensation is new to him, he cherishes it.
Also, since Chuuya leans more towards masculinity, in your relationship with him, you're making him feel more manly. To speak a bit bluntly and in a nutshell, you boost his ego.
You make him feel even more confident and comfortable with himself. It's not that he wasn't confident before he dates you, you're just making him bolder with more sense of control and masculinity, making him feel validated. More dominant and more alpha.
But what does all of that mean, you ask? Here's the highlight of this post; Chuuya will pamper you as your prince charming while simultaneously being your playmate. Perfectly balanced.
Why? Because seeing you being petite, smaller than him, makes you appear as someone he should protect, but the romance doesn't replace the fun. When it comes to being Chuuya's darling, things never get overly cheesy. Yes he can be romantic (he is), but he's not the type to use sweet talks 24/7. He uses his "rough" ways to communicate his romanticism, one of them being your equal, hence the "playmate" dynamic.
Chuuya tells himself that you're his cute, little darling. He will say this to you straightforwardly except the "cute" part. If he casually and accidentally calls you cute from a slip of his tongue, you can definitely tease him back to get even.
He can be the big spoon and the "top" of your relationship, but he will be a switch if he's feeling sluggish. Being the "lead" sometimes makes him need a break, not from you, but from the energy it takes. Chuuya is an emotional guy and can be downright hysterical, and that takes energy, so he will turn to you for solace when he's worn out. To achieve that, Chuuya will utilize your height to bury his face into your neck or lean his forehead on your shoulder when work wears him down.
"Stay like this for a while," His voice blurs into mutters with his face on your shoulder. "Just three minutes."
Pat his head. Do it.
If you're the one feeling low, just put your head against his chest when you're both standing. Chuuya will be confused at first, but he'll silently ruffle your hair with your forehead still against his chest. It will be calming, I promise you.
Whether you're Port Mafia or a regular civilian (I find it easier for him to date someone from the PM though), you can count on Chuuya to be protective. He's already a protective guy by nature but when he sees you, his shorter darling, anywhere close to danger, that protective instinct doubles or even triples.
In fact, he wants you to rely on him. It's not that he wants you to be dependent—Chuuya just wants you to know that he always has your back. He's the combination of loyal and protective, so he wants to prove those qualities he takes pride in to you. Trust is a strong element for him, and by letting him know you count on him, you’re already securing his utmost loyalty and love.
One of the highlights of this post is his hat. You're shorter than him and it makes it easier for Chuuya to just plop his hat on your head on random occasions. No words, no thoughts, just putting his hat on you. It's the subconscious acts of love like this that makes him feel whole with you.
Kouyou will like you for colouring Chuuya's life. She'll make comments about how you both are fun to watch at, especially when you're both doing your silly dating antics, such as "My, my, energetic as always, aren't you both?"
Speaking of dating antics--Emotional maturity? We don't know her.
Doesn’t matter if you're only 2 cm or maybe 10 cm shorter than him. He will take any height advantage and have fun with it. A little too much, in fact.
Chuuya is not above using his ability to put objects in places he knows you can't reach but is close enough for you to struggle, just to watch you squirm. Confidence does things to this man, mischief being one of them. On the instances where you really can't reach up and it's not because of his tricks, something like this is bound to happen ;
"Huh, can't reach the top shelf, can ya? Don't worry, I've got you." He says, chest huffing with pride, before getting a ladder himself.
Mostly will lift you up to help since he wants to take the small chances to bond with you over simple moments. Short people solidarity. The height boost isn't much since short + short doesn't exactly equate to being tall, but hey, it's the thought and the comedic moments that count.
Speaking of comedic moments;
"Have you reached it yet?!" He asks loudly, craning his head from below you to see upwards. You're sitting on his shoulders and he's making sure he doesn't move around too much, or else you'll fall.
"Just a little bit more—!" You grunt, arm stretched. "Lift me up more, will you? Jump or something!"
"Do you want to fall? Forget it! Just reach higher!
"Maybe I can stand on your shoulders. Hold still--"
"Oi, this vest is 60,000 yen! And this is already the highest I'm lifting you! That's enough, I'll lower you down and just use my ability!"
"No! I'm already grazing it!"
And then you both will proceed to bicker in that weird, eye-catching position, for at least 2 more minutes. It will end if you either jump off him or he floats you down using his ability, and usually it's the latter.
[Sometimes the positions will switch (you lifting him up) but he's a solid 60 kg, it will be a challenge for your muscles and a good workout routine. Good luck getting him to agree to it though.]
[If that happens, chances are your legs will wobble just within seconds from lifting him. Good thing is it increases the humour and mischief in your relationship, downgrade is that it's too silly and stupid to look at to make it feel romantic]
Want to get back at his pranks? Here's a solution. Chuuya will vaporize if you use his clothes. He's taller than you, so let's say his shirt looks like a dress on you.
"W-What do you think you're wearing?!" Is what he shouts, but his flustered face says otherwise. [Bonus: for more critical hit, wear his choker(s). It does ‘things’ to him]
Yeah it's the little things like this that boost his confidence and optimism, and you don't mind him acting like the prince charming in an armour.
If anyone calls you (or even both of you) short, Chuuya will be pissed and defend you and himself since he assumes you also don't like being mocked for your height. He takes it upon himself to "fight" for you too. He has the "we're in this together" mentality.
And so do you. If any Port Mafia's enemies try to waver your confidence or Chuuya's by mocking your heights, it's going to be hell at that point.
If Dazai ever spots you and Chuuya together in public, he will say "Congratulations, Chuuya! You finally found someone shorter to date!" just when Chuuya mumbles "What's that shitty Dazai doing here?" under his breath.
Chuuya will try to kick his face while yelling "Huh?! What'd you just said about us!?"
Don't take what Dazai said personally, he did it to get on Chuuya's nerves, not yours. Instead, why don't you hold Chuuya back so he doesn't chase Dazai?
“Don’t you ever get bored arguing with him?!” You struggle to pull him back. You have to shout to outmatch his shouts.
Chuuya will be interested in height-related shenanigans with you, such as actually reading obviously fake advertisements that promises height growth and asking you if you're interested. He will only do this with you because he knows you won't make silly/berating comments about him. As I've said, trust is the secret ingredient in dating Chuuya.
"Hey, do you think this is real?" He shows you the poster he picked up. The dirt left by his sole on it is still there.
"Chuuya," You try really hard to stop sighing. "At this point, we have to stop lying to ourselves,"
But if the advertisement doesn't sound fake, let's say it utilises supposedly "effective acupuncture techniques", you will lessen the mature act and entertain him a bit.
In short, you and Chuuya will have an energetic and youthful relationship. It doesn't matter where you two are, be it in the cities or the ground zero of battle; if you two are there, people will see one hell of a lively, energetic, short duo.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Hii!! I saw that your requests are open again so I hope u don't mind cosidering mine!! Maybe some Hcs of the THH bois being sad and their s/o comforts them and when they think they're asleep, they sing them a lullaby? the idea makes me very soft 👉👈🥺
Oop this idea makes me v soft, too ;w;
You knew how emotional Taka tends to get, even over simple things like you reminding him that you appreciated him in your life.
Though one day, you find him laying on the bed, crying into a pillow.
The fact he neglected to greet you when you came home was especially concerning, since he always did that.
So you lay down beside him and hug him closely, asking what’s wrong.
He just buries his head into your chest and sobs about a quiz he failed, believing his life was ruined because of it.
Anyone else would’ve probably laughed at him for bawling his eyes out over something that insignificant.
But you never do. 
You understand he takes a lot of pride in success...and that he could be harsh on himself for little mistakes.
Instead you hold him tighter and reassure him that one bad grade doesn’t mean his future is in shambles.
Eventually he calms down, thanking you for those words he often needed to hear.
Before seemingly passing out from the exhaustion of crying.
You pet his black hair for a bit, and then quietly sing a short lullaby.
In response, his arms hug you tighter.
Usually, he’s scary when he’s upset. 
But around you, however, he looks like a kicked puppy.
This especially becomes true when he comes home after an argument with his gang.
He takes a shower and comes back out to greet you, his infamous pompadour now shoulder-length brown hair.
Now he looks like a wet kicked puppy.
If you ask him what’s wrong, he’ll just say it was another stupid fight with his gang, who still doubt his capabilities as a leader.
You knew he was trying his best to keep them in one piece--fulfilling his late brother’s dying wish.
So you understood he could take those insults to heart.
He doesn’t wanna go into much detail, knowing he’ll just get angrier (and probably break the coffee table for the third time this week).
You just pat your lap, inviting him to lay his head down there for a while.
He obliges and just closes his eyes as you run your fingers through his hair.
It soothes him to sleep real fast.
And you hum a small song to help ease his mind and forget his frustrations.
It’s quite easy to tell when he’s sad, even if he doesn’t say anything directly to you.
Oftentimes, it’s when you enter the bedroom or living room and see him curled up with a pillow, eyes moist and red.
The moment he sees you, though, the pillow’s on the ground and he opens his arms up.
It’s like he’s saying “hold me right now or I will die”.
So you oblige and let him cuddle with you like a teddy bear, already feeling better now that you’re here.
He’ll talk about what’s bothering him if you ask.
Usually it’s either growing pressures of baseball practice or his own insecurities eating away at him.
Though sometimes he just says he wants to sleep the day away.
You’re fine with that, and you help him relax by singing a bit of a lullaby.
All he can pay attention to is your calming voice as he dozes off.
After the nap, he feels a lot better.
It’s typical for him to come crying to you about being bullied again.
Though when he asks if you truly loved him...that becomes a shock to you.
Of course you did! What idiot would try to tell him you didn’t?
You swear this is the last time anyone would mess with your big and lovable fanfic writer.
Usually the perfect solution is to sit down on the couch with his head in your lap, while you brush away his tears and list all of the things you loved about him.
No really. You have an actual list you keep in case someone has the nerve to ask you what you see in him.
He might get choked up all over again as he realizes he shouldn’t listen to those idiots.
At some point, he does fall asleep, and you catch yourself humming the tune of some anime song you recently heard.
Funny enough--he sometimes mumbles the lyrics in his sleep.
You find him sitting alone in his room, looking sad as he stares down at a crystal ball in his hands.
At first you scared him when you rush over to ask him what’s wrong (fortunately you save him another million yen by catching the ball before it hit the floor).
But once he calms down, he just says he feels like a “useless idiot” during trials sometimes.
He wonders why Monokuma insists everyone participates if he can’t contribute anything good.
What breaks your heart most is when he asks if you think he’s an idiot.
You just take his hands and reassure him he’s far from that.
You remind him that he did bring up some important topics that helped piece the crimes together.
So he’s not useless at all.
He feels much better after those reassurances, though also tired since he was doing a lot of thinking.
So you two just cuddle, and when you think he’s fully out, you quietly sing a random song.
Though he mumbles a “wow you sing rly good” before dozing off.
Sometimes the guilt of class trials weighs heavily on him.
Especially when he leaves knowing he basically sent someone to their death.
Even though he knows he has to if everyone else wants to survive.
But that doesn’t stop the nightmares he has of the victims and blackeneds taunting him, blaming him for their deaths instead of Monokuma.
Fortunately, you sleep with him on those nights.
And when he wakes up suddenly, you’re quick to bring him into your arms.
Though if you’re a heavy sleeper, expect to be shaken awake by a teary-eyed Makoto who was scared you died.
When you’re awake, you comfort him by resting your chin on top of his head, while he listens to your heartbeat.
A reminder that you’re still alive.
And you end up singing a short lullaby once he falls back to sleep, ensuring he stayed asleep knowing you were safe.
Knowing Chihiro, it was easy for him to get upset over many things.
But all day long, he’s kept things bottled up, afraid you’d see him as “less manly”.
Though it all backfires horribly when he’s working on a program that keeps having pop-up errors and other glitches.
It’s just one after another and he can’t fix them all.
He feels like he’s faltering in his talent--the one thing he was confident in.
How could he be an “Ultimate Programmer” if he couldn’t fix simple errors?
Sometime later, you find him crying at his desk. You can easily tell your poor bf is overwhelmed again.
So you carry him away from his computer and to the bed, where you both cuddle.
He ends up breaking down into tears again, spilling his heart out to you--the guilt of ignoring you, the frustrations with the program, everything.
And you hold him and listen, letting him talk before you give him your own reassurances/advice.
Eventually, he passes out from exhaustion, and you take the opportunity to sing something to help him calm down more.
There’s not much of a sensitive side to him. He learned to toughed up in the face of many hardships--all to rightfully earn his position in the family.
But not even the heir himself was immune to the stress, suffering, and doubt--especially when he was all alone.
And when you saw that mask crack for the first time..it was a shock.
You came home earlier than expected one day, and you saw the prodigy pacing around the living room, trying to dry both his glasses and eyes while taking shaky breaths.
“You’re better than this...stronger than this..y-you’re..gonna be head of your family...”
The crack in his voice prompts you to intervene.
Of course, he tries playing it off as nothing, though you take him to the couch anyway and hold his hands.
You don’t say or do anything; you just let him calm down by himself, with your presence being more than enough.
Once he does, you convince him to rest for a bit. He just scoffs and says he already planned to.
You hum a song when he finally dozes off.
Your voice is actually soothing to listen to, though he’s not gonna outright say it.
But you know it from his small smile.
Despite his brash attitude and tendency to mimic Mondo..you knew that deep down, your beloved Taka was in there--still heartbroken and grieving.
It became more apparent when you found him crying in the bathhouse (around the same time he was when he first went there with Mondo).
He shut himself into the sauna, but with luck you managed to convince him to leave and go to your dorm.
At first he aggressively cuddles with you, though as you brush away the hot tears that streaked down his face, his voice becomes less rough and more...soft.
Like his old self.
He admits he’s scared you’ll be taken away from him, too.
But you just hold him, promising him you will be okay...and you’ll help him through this, no matter what it takes.
It’s hard convincing him to sleep, but when he finally does, you just stay awake for a bit longer, petting his hair and singing a short lullaby.
By the morning, he’s back to normal--still gaunt and depressed.
Yet he seems more hopeful, as he remembers you’re still with him.
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bbq-hawks-wings · 4 years
*slides into room* Hi, I'd like to mention that Horikoshi clearly chose Miruko and Hawks to share some similarities and swap gender roles or whatever. They're his top two out of the top ten. Its them who we follow for the start of this raid, that have focus on getting hurt and getting saved, that are drawn together in sketches, Miruko is tough and fighting focused where Hawks prefers to talk and is saving focused. Idk how Hori writes Rumi's speech, but he uses feminine particles for Hawks.
A couple of notes:
1. They do both break gender convention; but aside from that and being showcased as "popular pro heroes" next to each other, they don't share a lot of canon interactions or similarities/parallels outside of that. On top of that, Hawks is not the only man who has had to consistently resort to being smart/clever to overcome his problems instead of just punching them or to have a focus on saving over winning (Deku, Iida, Aizawa, Shouto are all examples I can think of.)
Aizawa, Endeavor, Deku, and Bakugo were also horribly maimed and saved - they just weren't all showcased in the beginning of the raid together - so I find it difficult to find these "parallels" as concrete or obvious - particularly as a tag-team/in-conjunction social commentary on gender. I think the fans did that more than Horikoshi did.
2. I have a very surface-level of understanding of the Japanese language, you REALLY are going to have to break down what you mean by "particles" with examples of Hawk's speech because I haven't found anything in a quick search to find a gendered use in that particular part of Japanese grammar, though that doesn't mean it doesn't exist - I just haven't found it. I know masculine and feminine modes of speech exists as well as levels of youthful, rude, formal, and informal that can make it feel like you have to learn multiple languages at once.
But even then, while more "feminine" speech may be "softer," a man using a "softer" mode of speech is not automatically feminine, and that doesn't even touch how more feminine modes of speech are also often more formal (outside of more subculture niches, but Japanese is incredibly complicated) from what I've been able to find. That can be seen in pronouns like the difference between "ore" and "boku" which are both masculine forms of "I." Ore is rough, informal, and manly while boku is softer and less imposing while still being more casual. Watashi is another form of "I" that can be feminine, but it is also formal and gender neutral in that context. Again, context matters and a lot of factors go into which modes of speech are used by which characters and why.
Just because Hawks may use "softer" language (and I need to check that he does) does not automatically gender his speech or necessarily feminize his character. I'm going to have to have a lot more specific, in-context proof to tip the scale of his character from "soft/formal masculine" to "outright feminine" basically.
However, I am open to hearing it if you'd like to share.
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Hello again I have another request bc I feel like the first one wasn't halloween-y enough anyway how about Werewolf!Kirishima and Bakugou see their s/o fighting a rival werewolf and losing i.e maybe they're badly injured or something (I really love werewolves and their behaviour :3)(again you can add another character if you wish or not if it's too much effort I don't mind
Bakugou Katsuki:
Bakugou is already a territorial, hotheaded werewolf, and there’s no way the instant he sees how badly injured you are that he wouldn’t immediately launch into offensive mode.
No matter the damage done to him, he strikes back again and again, almost entirely blinded by rage. All the work he had done to quell his temper to prevent outbursts like this from happening go out the window as he attempts to take down your rival once and for all.
His senses come back as your bleeding rival points out that you’re dying, and uses his distraction to escape; Bakugou nearly bolts after him before realizing there still was truth to his words, and that you needed your wounds tended to immediately.
He learned a thing or two about patching people up after rough fights (mostly from having to help himself, once he realized most hospitals asked too many questions) and helps you to the best of his ability, knowing he’ll have to find a witch or a monster of the sort who will help fully handle your injuries.
Kirishima Eijirou:
Kirishima does his best to suppress any violent urges he has, but he is very protective, especially when it comes to you. Seeing you in such a state would be enough for him to completely fly off the handle, uncharacteristically baring his teeth and looking as menacing as possible.
Kirishima is quick to pull you out of the fight and call back-up, having a tight-knit bond with both his own family and yours. You were the only thing on his mind, especially because his anger wore down easily, and he can’t help but keep an eye on you while the more elder werewolves settle the fight with your rival.
He couldn’t help but get in on the action when another werewolf came to take care of your injuries, getting a few swipes and bites in as a telling ‘don’t come near them again’ warning that your rival will heed if they want to live to see another day.
He waits by your side until you wake up, looking depressed as he admits he couldn’t protect you like he wanted to. He promises next time to keep an ear out for the enemy, but also knows it’s unlikely your rival will be coming around anytime soon after that display of aggression and manliness.
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