#they're just a bunch of jerks who found each other
love love love your stuff!!! especially all your shokosugu pieces they all make me so giddy I had a request: suguru satoru and shoko all sprawled on one bed just lounging....shoko enjoying a smoke, suguru with his headphones on, satoru passed out like a log???
Hehe I'm always down to draw SaShiSu
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 11 months
Despite Danny's best efforts, no matter how much time past, Amity Park refused to see Phantom as a hero.
Sure, there were pockets of support, particularly among teens, but most of the town blames Phantom for the property damage, saying if he didn't fight the ghosts then it wouldn't be so bad, to that time he got mind controlled by Freakshow and "attacked" the mayor. It wears him down. It wears Tucker and Sam down. Jazz can only try to support them all.
Then one day, a member of the Justice League visits. Someone minor, and kinda a jerk... maybe a Wonder Twin? Zan? Whatever. They don't investigate; they don't look deeper. They listen to the town folks and declare the ghost hunters, Red Huntress and the Fentons, to be the official heroes of the town.
Worse? Danny Phantom is officially considered a villain to the Justice League. Tuck hacks into the Watchtower and confirms that they have a file (a heavily inaccurate file) about how to defeat Phantom.
Danny doesn't think he can do this anymore.
A few weeks later, a young villain escapes into Amity and demands (begs) that Danny help them escape from the hero after them. No idea who, I can't find a lot of info on teen villains in DC, so let's fudge some ages and make it Kyd Wyckyd from the Teen Titans cartoon. Danny agrees, because to hell with the Justice Losers, and they defeat the hero, becoming friends in the process. Kyd confesses that they became a villain after being ostracized bc of how they look, and they've been trying to avoid villain organizations because HIVE was abusive, but it's really hard to be a villain alone bc of all the heroes.
Sam gets an idea. Tucker agrees with the idea. Jazz is just happy they'll end up making friends.
The next day, the Teen Villain Alliance is formed, ready to assist with any teenage illegal shenanigans their allies might get into.
Some notes:
It's created to be a healthier option for teen "villains" to connect with others and support each other.
It's more important that this is for Teens rather than Villains. They're tired of adult villains taking advantage of them. The TVA would rather ally with a teen vigilante than with an adult villain.
Again, no idea who the teen villains are, but Klarion is definitely here. He leaves the Light for the chaos of the TVA. Maybe Ember is there too?
Timeline wise, this is around when Tim is still Robin, but Damien has arrived at Wayne Manor.
This is because, when it comes time to try to infiltrate the TVA, they'll have a convenient child-assassin who has none of the monitors of a teen hero that Phantom immediately picks up on.
Damien, who at this point has been abandoned by his mother, dismissed and scolded by his father, and has had no success at carving his own place in the family, jumps at the chance. He is then surrounded by peers who don't insult him or try to change his behavior (too much; jazz is trying to help him find healthier methods of expressing himself). He... might not want to continue being a spy.
Danny, Sam, Tuck, and Jazz are the founding members.
Danny reinvents himself as the High Prince of the Infinite, Prince Phantom Dark. He got kingship from fighting Pariah Dark, but since he's still alive, he's only a prince. He steals the last name Dark as an intimidation tatic against those in the know; only Danny would have the balls to claim family with Pariah.
Sam works as a powerless villain, but she might no be powerless? Either way, Danny gives her a bunch of repurposed Fenton tech, and she buys the rest with her parents credit card. She does NOT care if that's traced back to the Mansons. She would choose something goth, maybe something spider related or even bat?
I love Pharaoh Tucker, so I think he should get magic powers? Since pharaohs of old were considered the balance between the real and the divine. He's still a tech guy, now he's a tech and magic guy.
Jazz isn't really a villain, more of a team mom who's planning on using everyone's psyche's as her thesis paper. You know what, that's her callsign, she's Psyche. Sometimes she flirts with Nightwing.
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Which Toxic Yaoi is the best
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Sequel to the toxic yuri poll. I deeply apologise if some of these are not toxic, i went off of the propaganda
Propaganda under the cut!
BbKaz (Big Boss/Kazuhira Miller)
they have multitudes.. you can ship it as something goofy and fluffy or as the most toxic yaoi of all time and theyre both pretty reasonable interpretations. they go on a date together and have sex in a cardboard box on a beach in canon and a bunch of other crazy shit. their relationship spans 20 years so they span from honeymooning to divorced to one trying to kill the other etc. "love loses" the ship they make me insane
Flash/Reverse Flash
"It was ME Barry, I jerked you off at supersonic speeds so it would seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch!"
Possibly the most toxic yaoi of all time
SuzaLuLu (Kururugi Suzaku/Lelouch Lamperougue)
SaruMi (Saruhiko Fushimi/Misaki Yata)
Toxic yaoi, obsessive boy joins a gang with his best friend but then his best friend makes other friends in the gang so he joins up with an enemy gang instead. Normal behavior.
Valvert (Jean Valjean/Javert)
They’re so obsessed with each other (especially javert to valjean) it’s like half of the plot. Pinnacle of toxic old man yaoi. Produces the funniest plot point in the show: Valjean (escaped convict in disguise as a mayor and businessman) saves someone by lifting a cart he was trapped under and Javert (cop trying to catch Valjean) goes “Damn girl… you remind me of this guy…. He’s the only guy I’ve ever seen who’s as swole and jacked as you”
Lawlight (Light/L)
"L and Light are the founding fathers of toxic yaoi" is what people WANT you to believe but these poor men are being slandered... You see it's ackshually totally heterosexual to give your bestie (who's also your mortal enemy) a foot massage while he he makes soft little grunting noises and wipes the water droplets from your rain-soaked hair all while a soft melancholic piano track is accompanying this surprisingly tender moment between the two of you- IF it's a religious callback to Jesus and Judas. It's just a Bible reference bro. No homo. 🤓☝
Anyhow don't google the Japanese version of "Playing his Game" (which is called "Inside of him" in Japanese) from the Death Note Musical. I assure you there is absolutely nothing gay about those lyrics.
Wdym people love shipping two mortal enemies with an unhealthy obsessive murderous rivaly??? What is the world coming to... Besides Light is clearly heterosexual. His lack of interest in women is because he's a based sigma male obviously...
and additional reason here but this one is a spoiler
Foot washing scene. The musical. God, they're so obsessed with each other. When L dies Light loses his main drive, his passion- being Kira isn't fun anymore without L, he isn't having a good time even though he won their battle of wits. Light being L's first friend. L being... really, the first person to understand Light. Theyre insane I love them
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wizzdot · 2 months
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: sorry for the long wait guys! Work has been crazyyyy - anyway. Here it is! Lil bit of progress with Simon - I reckon it’ll be 1 step forward, 2 back for a little while. Simon and Laika are both as fucked up as each other!! It’s a long chapter to make up for the wait. Hope you enjoy!!
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*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I'd been warned during dinner last night that I was going to be 'put through my paces' today. The Captain told me to get a good nights sleep. Kyle and Johnny dropped me off at my room - Kyle said goodnight with a soft kiss to my cheek, and Johnny told me not to let the bed bugs bite. He also kissed me on the cheek, but it was far too close to the corner of my mouth. He must have missed his target. I spent all night trying to brush it off.
*Johnny's POV*
The pizza had been good, Kyle was bold and kissed our little lass on the cheek. I couldn't stop myself, had to one up him.. Her little blush and awkward reaction made it worth the risk. Gaz and I practically ran back to our shared room - we needed to rest up for training tomorrow. We finally get to see what our little Lass is made of.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Knock Knock Knock
"Lass? Can we come in..? Y'ready for us?"
I'd just stepped out of the shower. "Uhh - two seconds.. I'm just getting changed" I shout back through the door. I rush to pull on some workout shorts and a black sports bra. I glance at myself in the mirror. I swear that I already look healthier - I'd gone sort of gaunt during my time at the facility. My skin looks brighter, I'm cleaner and relaxed... and happier.
"I'm dressed but still need to braid my hair.." As soon as the words have left my mouth, Johnny barrels into the room, followed closely by Kyle. "Mornin', Lass" - "Hi Johnny" I reply, softly. Kyle puts his arm around my shoulders and smiles brightly at me "ready for today? Cap's in charge of what we're doing.. just need to see where we are at with you.. apparently there's shit going down in Mexico so we might need to step in over there... Just before Christmas too.." he sighs sadly.
I furrow my brows - "Christmas? I thought it was October??" - "Ignore him, Lass, he is one of them crazy people who wants to put the tree up straight after Halloween".
I look at Kyle and giggle. "I thought it was winter when you first found me" - "It's always winter in Russia to be fair" Kyle jokes back. "Yeah but you can't go confusing me like that.. I've not been aware of seasons or dates for years, I was just starting to grasp it again.. so no Christmas stuff until December...?" I explain, feeling more and more relaxed around the two younger Alphas everyday. "You promise to be here for Christmas, then?" Johnny bargains. There's that sad flip in my stomach again. "I - I don't know where I'll be, Johnny.. I don't think I am in control of that decision".
"We'll not let you leave.." Kyle jokes "Aye, hide you away from the others" Johnny continues, nudging Kyle. They both laugh but I just shake my head.
We are interrupted by the Captain who stands in the open door, not stepping inside. "Laika, didn't I tell you that those two shouldn't just let themselves into your room like this...?" - "I - I let them in, Cap- Sorry- John" he huffs a laugh "If you say so. Put your trainers on and let's get to the gym before the basics turn up for the day. Ghost's there already". he grumbles, rolling his eyes at the possibility of basic training turning up mid-session.
"You don't have to worry if the rookies turn up, Lass. They're a bunch of prats, think they're all Billy big baws and like to throw their scents around and show off.. if any of them bother you, we'll sort 'em out" I look at Johnny and nod with furrowed brows. I was nervous.
The Lieutenant is loitering menacingly at the sparring mats when we all arrive at the gym. "Took your fuckin' time" he grunts. I try not to react but I can't help the guilt that washes over me. "Laika, on the mat" he jerks his head toward the mat. I obey and step onto the mat, ringing my hands together nervously, chewing the skin inside of my cheek. "Gaz, I want you to go through basic sparring movements, see what she's made of" the Luitennant orders. Kyle looks between the masked Alpha and myself with unsure eyes. "Are you sure..?" I look up at him nodding "I'll be ok.. orders are orders" I reassure myself, trying to slip back behind my own mask. Trying desperately to become the asset again. Unfeeling, cold and calculated.
My eyes start to take in Kyle's movements, analysing when and how he will move. He is the leanest of the pack of Alpha's, meaning he is probably the fastest. But I'm smaller and, hopefully, smarter. He steps, hesitantly onto the mat and raises his arms into a defensive position. "Gaz, for fuck sake, move!" the Lieutenant barks "She ain't going to throw the first punch!" Something inside of me screams 'NOW'.
I leap forward and slide to the ground taking Kyle's legs out from under him before he has the chance to react. He was too busy concentrating on the upper half of his body.
Kyle falls backwards and lands just beside me, so I scramble to get nearer, using my legs to restrain his arms and placing my forearm over his throat firmly so he couldn't move. I meet his eye, and he looks completely shocked. Then a slow smirk starts to form on his face. He reaches up and taps twice on my back. Impressive, lovie" he chuckles. I release him and clamber away from his body, which is still laying flat on the mat, I start apologising over and over again..
"Soap.. your turn. Try not to get distracted like Garrick did, this is all pointless if you go easy on her.." Ghost barks. I look at Johnny with sad eyes. "C'mon, lass.. you heard the man. Lets have a proper tussle" he wiggles his eyebrows. My body betrays me, as it so often does, falling victim to Johnny's flirtatious comments. I blush and look away. This time Johnny is on me as quickly as I look away. I'm the one caught off guard this time. SHIT.
He gets us both to the ground and I can tell he is attempting to use his weight advantage against me. He just wants to get me pinned which will win him the match. I realise that I need to get back to my feet, and fast. I allow him to roll me far too easily which gives me the momentum to push away from him. I knee toward his crotch while we roll and manage to catch him lightly, just enough for him to curl in on himself slightly, giving me a small enough window to climb back to my feet.
He tries to get up quickly but he is on his knees. I grab his neck and use all of my body weight to pull him to the floor, practically wrapped around his torso like some sort of demented koala bear. He chokes slightly and taps twice on my upper arm, which is currently holding his neck in a headlock. I immediately let go, "Sorry.. I'm sorry. I hate this..." I panic, thinking that I'd pissed him off. "Lass, nothin' to be sorry for. You're a feral little madam on the mats.." He brushes his legs off and grabs me around the shoulders, pulling me towards his chest. He presses a quick kiss to my hair and pushes me gently back towards the mat, not before whispering in my ear "Clever little Lass".
"Not bad" Ghost says. "Tell me what you think of knives.." - "the winner of a knife fight is whoever dies second, or finds help quickly enough to survive. No one stays clean in a knife fight.." I murmur. The luitennant tilts his head and narrows his eyes at me. It's difficult to read his thoughts when he has the mask on, but what I'd said obviously struck a nerve with him. "Show me what you mean by that - here.." he hands me a dummy knife and steps toward the mat behind me..
"Wi-with you..?" I ask nervously. "Problem?" he grunts back at me. I shake my head.
He stands there with confidence. I must look ridiculous. I don't know what to do. The lieutenant suddenly takes a wide swipe with the knife, it narrowly misses my stomach thanks to my quick survival instincts telling my body to jump backwards. I suddenly snap back into the 'asset' mindset. I leap forward and aim for his head. His eyes, to be specific. I see a flash of surprise cross his eyes before he slams the knife from my hand, pain shoots up my entire arm but I ignore it. I react by kicking his outstretched arm so that he is also knife-less. I then leap at him and try to clamber up his back. He grabs me by the shoulder and slams me hard on the ground winding me. I slide backwards, terrified at the behemoth of an Alpha towering over me. I whimper, scared trying to get away, still winded and pain still shooting up my arm.
"Stop. STOP" he bellows. I whimper again, confused and terrified. I can see a storm brewing behind the masked Alpha's eyes. "GAZ - get her up, for fuck sake.." the Lieutenant storms away from the gym, the Captain following closely behind him. My eyes don't leave his form until the gym doors swing shut and Kyle and Johnny are cooing at me, trying to calm me down.
FUCK, she's not a trained soldier by any stretch. But Christ, she goes into a desperate survival mode. Kill or be killed is the only description I can think of. Watching how she sparred with Kyle and Johnny, she was scared. Acting out of fear, and fear alone.
I wanted to see her knife skills - I don't know why I decided I should spar with her. She suddenly switched. That look in her eyes. She was feral. She was genuinely trying to hurt me. She had no differentiation between training and real fighting. It was all real to her. Kill or be killed - and she thought I was trying to kill her... She thinks I'm a monster.
I try to stop her by disarming her, I know my thumping blow to her arm must have hurt. It had to, but she barely even flinched. She was in survival mode. She caught me off guard and disarmed me. Clever girl, leveling the playing field - if this was a real fight that is - but I was trying to halt the fight. She needed to cool off before she went even more feral.
I was NOT expecting her to leap at my back and try to choke me. It left me with only one option - to flip her and get her flat on the ground. It worked for a couple of seconds. She paused, the look in her eye no longer murderous. But within a split second, she stunk of pure fear. Like she was staring at death himself. Me. I try to step forward with a hand out to show that I was no longer armed but she backed away, eyes flashing like a cornered dog.
SHIT. Why'd my stomach do that. I'm trying to help her and she's fuckin' terrified of me. Fuckin' hurt her too.
"Stop" I try. It doesn't work. "STOP" fuck Simon, why can't you be fuckin' gentle for once?! Brute - my brain shouts at me.
"Gaz - get her up, for fuck sake.." I shout. She looks helpless but, fuck, I feel helpless as well. I've never felt like this.
The sharp, sour smell of her fear. It makes my eyes water. Makes me want to fuckin' hurl. I turn and leave, not feeling well all of a sudden.
She has two Alpha's she actually likes to help her. Fuck, I hope she isn't hurt.. I don't deserve nice things. My Pack are probably going to drop me now. The fucking brute that you are Simon Riley.
The anger at my own stupidity boils over. I'd almost made it back to the Pack room but my fist meets the wall before I get there. I roar, angrily - or did it sound more broken than that? FUCK. Then I smell Price. He is fuckin' seething. I can already smell him.
I slam the door to the shared room and slide down the wall, grabbing angrily at my mask. I rip it from my face. "ARGRGHHHHHH" I roar again. I grab fistfuls of my hair. Fuckin' prick.
I hear the door close and then a presence sit beside me. It's Price.
"What the bloody hell happened back there Simon?" he growls. I can tell he is holding back his rage.
"She was feral" I grunt. I didn't know what else to say..
"And why was that..? Why did you let it get to that stage..?" he asks. Fuck sake, he is treating me like a fuckin' child.
"Wasn't just me. The girl doesn't know the difference between practice and survival.. She was fighting for her fuckin' life" I growl, pulling at my hair.
I feel his hands pry mine away from my head. "Simon. C'mon. Look at me.." - "Alpha - I need some time..." I break slightly.
"Time for what, Simon?" - "Time to think. I don't understand what is happening.. I can't stand the girl. I can't be near her"
John stays silent beside me, knowing that I needed to find my own way out from this maze.
"But.. but when she had that look in her eye, I needed to protect her. Protect her from me.. It's either me or her, Cap. I can't be near her. I'll kill her".
A warm hand grips my shoulder and squeezes. "Simon. You are too hard on yourself. You are the glue that often holds this pack together. Laika is finding her place in a new world. You've been in a similar position. I have a feeling you two are more alike than you think. Please, give it time. I'm not throwing you out of the pack, Simon. I'm not even angry at you. Never doubt your place or importance here, Simon - Never. Is that understood?"
My eyes furrow. I grab my mask and pull it back over my face. "Yes, sir. Understood" - "good, now come. The boys will have calmed Laika down by now" - "I hurt her" I interrupt. "You didn't mean to. I know you were trying to stop the fight. I saw it" - "she will need the medic.. I hit her hard. Can't do anything gentle. Fuckin' brute" - "Simon.. you did what you had to... she was going feral. C'mon, no more sparring. We will move onto target practice and finish with a five kilometer run - together. That'll be enough to fill in her file. We can make up the rest. She is on the team, I don't care about all of the tests".
I can feel my head clearing, the pack Alpha had successfully dragged me from a dark spiral. My panic attacks were not pretty. I get back to my feet when he offers me a hand to help hoist me up. "Sorry.." - "No Simon, save your apologies. Small steps, yeah? Let's work on chipping away at that wall you put up around Laika first. The boys adore her already.." - "I know. Johnny reeks of her at night time. Felt like I was wakin' up next to a fuckin' Omega this morning" - "Simon, she hasn't presented. I had her tested - results aren't back till next.." - "John - she is a fuckin' Omega. Stunk of honey and oranges since the first time I saw her tied up against the wall when Johnny found her. Can't you smell her..?"
"Faintly. The doctors said her scent will settle once the drugs leave her system. But her scent - it's barely there, Simon. She smells more like Johnny and Kyle right now" he shakes his head at me as if he doesn't believe me. "That's impossible.." - "I'll talk to the doctors tomorrow, Simon. We've got to get through today. I've got Kate on at me about Mexico - we will need to decide what to do about that - so the sooner she is cleared to work with us, the better, understood?" - "Yes, sir" - "Right, screw your head back on and come with me. I'll take the lead for the rest of the day. You sit back with Johnny and cool yourself off, ok?" -
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Kyle and Johnny saw what happened. They saw me trying to kill their pack mate. "I'm sorry - I don't - I don't know what happened.. I'm.." - "Shhh Love, hey, look at us - you need to look at us. We aren't angry at you. The Captain is with Simon, he will be ok. We need to check your back and your arm. You got hit pretty hard.." Kyle explains, stroking my cheek.
"Aye, Lass, c'mon, let us have a wee look, just want to make sure you're ok.." - "I'm fine.. I'm ok.." - "You sure..?" - "Yeah, promise" I assure them, even though I am feeling the aches from Ghost's hits. I jump slightly when the gym doors crash open. It's them. The Captain and Lieutenant. Ghost stops about 10 yards from the rest of us. I try not to look toward him, still feeling nervous. I see the Captain nod Johnny in Ghost's direction and Johnny immediately walks toward the massive Alpha and comforts him.
The Captain steps closer to me. "You're ok to continue? Not hurt?" - "No, Captain" I pretend. "Ok, we are going to the shooting range.. boys, lead the way" He directs toward Johnny and Ghost. They both turn and lead us to the shooting range. It's a huge open field. Targets and metal human-shaped silhouettes peaking out from behind pretend trenches and sand bag walls.
There are a couple of sergeants already shooting when we arrive. I get handed a set of ear protectors from John. He then walks me to a locked metal shed and explains that this is one of the gun-stores on the base.
"You said you were a sniper?" _ "Yes" - "What'd you use..?" - "Uhm.. A gun..?" - "You don't know what model of rifle?" - "Oh.. sorry.. no - I just used what they gave me, just happened to be quite good" I admit shyly. He huffs a small laugh and then grabs a large case and lays it gently on the ground, opening the top to reveal a huge, dark green rifle.
"This is an Accuracy International rifle.. we've used them for a long while now, best you'll get. We can alter sights and scopes to suit you. They're quite lightweight compared to other manufacturers. In all, it's probably seven kilos - give it a try and see what you think, Love". I stare at the piece of metal as if it would jump out and attack me. "This is the L96 model.. I assume that you used a Russian SV-98 type? They're popular over there. Poor mans sniper they are, if you were good with one of them, you'll be impressive with one of these" the Captain rambles. It's all pretty pointless to be honest because I know nothing about guns. I was just thrown one by a guard and told to shoot it, and punished if I missed. You learn fast that way.
I listen to him talk anyway, enjoying the gruffness of his voice and the fact that he seemed quite interested and excited to talk about guns. I nod along as if I understand what he is saying. "Ok, Let's give it a try then, love" -he hands me the gun and stands closely behind me. "See that target over there" he points "I want you to hit that - take your time". I nod and get comfortable holding the rifle. It feels different. Foreign. I lower myself to the ground and eye up the target in the scope. I breathe in and hold my breath. One, two, click.
"Well done - slightly left but hit the target" the Captain says. I furrow my brows, confused. "Can I try again?" I ask, disappointed. He shrugs and nods. I aim again and concentrate more this time. Breathe in. Hold it. One, Two, Shoot... Fuckin' left again.. what the fuck?
"You're doin' well, Lass. Why are you pissed off. It's not like you're missing.." Johnny pipes up. I scoff at him. "It should be hitting dead center.. I don't miss, Johnny.. I can't miss like this.." I rant. "I'm trying again, I think the guns sight is off.." I get into position the same as the last two tries but this time I aim half a line further to the right of the cross hair. One, two, Click. I huff a laugh. "Got it.. I need to aim off to the right to make a clean hit. I'll get used to it.." I mumble, continuing to eye the scope and point the rifle in different directions, pretending to aim at things. "Whoa, lass. Dinnae point it at us, fuck sake" Johnny jokes as I start turning slowly towards the pack. I was totally in my own little world there.
"We can have the sight adjusted if you like?" John offers "although I doubt it's this one that's been off. I reckon the one you've learnt to shoot with is off - so you naturally drop your rest arm to allow for the difference. Have you noticed that..?" John questions. "Uhm, no.. I've only ever used that sniper rifle.. I don't really know much about guns - was just given a crash course to be honest.."
He smiles and pats the top of my head "Well you ain't half bad for just having had a crash course, love - those hits would have passed you as a sniper here anyway, yet here you are complaining that you're a couple of millimeters left of where you wanted it.." I laugh nervously and look down at my feet.
Kyle walks up beside me and removes the gun from my arms and places it gently back in its case. "Better shot than most of us, anyway.. I reckon with a bit of familiarization with the new scope, you'll out-perform LT" I immediately glance back to the ground and feel nervous, scared to feel the wrath of the Lieutenant again. I subconsciously rub my sore arm before the Captain speaks up. "I wanted to end the day with a quick five kilometer run. It'll give Laika chance to see the perimeter of the base and also good exercise for you three lazy buggers!" he jokes. Johnny clutches his chest in false offence, Kyle just laughs and walks himself over to the Captain, giving him a gentle shove. "Lazy, sir? I'm not sure about that.." I blush - was he flirting with his Alpha? I shouldn't be witnessing this. I'm not one of them.. The Captain chuckles darkly and jokingly grabs Kyle by the scruff of his neck and growls softly at him, causing the younger Alpha to groan and blush. I turn away.
Johnny just laughs along, elbowing Simon who still looks pissed off from this mornings encounter.
The gun case gets placed on the floor of the large cabinet, stood upright. The Captain goes and chats to the supervisor and takes a small paper ticket and signs something. I watch from a distance, assuming he was just signing the gun back into storage. He returns to the group and smiles "Right, get your arses in gear. Take the first km steady as the warm up, then we will see who's the fastest. Finish is back here. Full lap of the base.. no cheating, Simon". I furrow my brows again, god I do that a lot, I'm going to get a frown line if I'm not careful. The Lieutenant didn't strike me as the type to cheat on a simple jog. I shake my head and watch the others limber up and stretch. I don't join them. Just watch, confused. I only ever ran when I was forced or chased. Never for.. leisure?
"Right, Kyle - lead us off for the first few hundred meters, just to get us onto the outside loop" - "Yessir'" Kyle chirps back. He strides off quickly. I try to stay with Johnny. Simon and John jogging gently behind. I stay on Johnny's heels for a few minutes but can feel myself getting tired. He keeps looking round at me as if he is surprised I'm still that close to him. Kyle is away out in front. How does he make it look so easy?! He is barely breaking a sweat, looks like he is just floating. I guess he was the best runner of the team. Johnny runs like a man possessed. I huff a laugh, his run matches his personality. All elbows and fast movements. He looked busy but he was still fast. I glance behind to try and spot the other two Alphas.
"Dinnae' look back when you're running Lassie, you'll trip!" Johnny shouts, while running backwards. What a showoff! I scoff and roll my eyes at him before wiping the sweat from my brow. "The two big'uns are slow, lass! Too heavy to be speedy like me and Kyle.." He jokes, speeding up and slowing down. "Johnny!" I pant, struggling to talk while gasping for air "Stop showing off!" - "No, Lass - I'm impressed, you're doing well! Didn't think you'd keep up with me to be honest - Gaz ran track when he was at school, he coulda been a pro runner, fucken bullshit. He has the record on base - as if I didn't almost bust a fuckin' gut to beat him to still lose" he laughs. I glance up ahead and Kyle is barely even trying. In fact, it looks like he is on his phone.. he has slowed right down as if he is waiting for us.
I just concentrate on forcing my feet to keep hitting the ground one in front of the other. I couldn't say that I was enjoying this, but it was better than being forced or chased.. It was weirdly satisfying. My lungs were on fire but I wasn't in danger.. I was just running for the sake of it - something I never thought I'd ever manage to do again. I felt like a child in a playground. The strange nostalgic feeling helps to push the pain and fatigue away. I actually somehow manage to pick up the pace. I glance back behind me and can no longer see the two larger Alphas. Just Kyle a couple of hundred meters ahead, and Johnny about ten meters in front of me.
I fall into a relaxed state, all I could hear was my own breaths and all I concentrated on was keeping them even. In Out In Out In Out. A few meters we turn a corner and I spot the Captain and Lieutenant ahead of us all. HANG ON A FUCKIN' MINUTE - CHEATS. I speed up, as does Johnny. "Ya see that, Lass, fuckin' Cap dinnae even take his own advice. Let's get them!" He shouts back to me mischievously. I giggle and shake my head fondly, but push myself faster.
Kyle goes past them first and obviously makes a comment because Ghost gestures with his hands and John throws his head back and laughs while still jogging slowly. I don't quite hear as Johnny and I are still about fifty meters behind them. C'mon, lass - you jump Cap, I'll get Ghost.."
"Jump... wait Johnny - what do you mean...?" Johnny had already shot off and almost caught up to them. I push myself into a sprint and my face splits into a huge smile. Johnny had leapt onto Simon's Ghost's back and bundled them both to the ground. I don't quite know what came over me in the moment. I laugh and leap at John in the same style that Johnny had with Ghost. John huffs as I hit into his back and stays running for a few strides before eventually loosing his balance and falling to the ground. He rolls so that he is underneath me and takes the brunt of the fall. He grunts as his back hits the grass. I can hear Johnny cackling like a madman and then the Captain speaks from underneath me.
"Johnny's bad behavior is rubbing off on you, love.." I blush and look away, only to meet eyes with Kyle, who is smiling brightly at the scene in front of him. I decide to be very brave. I stop laughing along with Johnny and sit back on his lap and reply back playfully "Bad behavior, Sir? It wasn't us who broke our own rule of not cheating.." I trail off, feeling nervous at how he was going to take my response. He goes silent before growling. I freeze momentarily before I feel his warm arms around me. He stands easily holding my weight and drops me off in Kyle's arms. "Cheeky little thing, you are. I'll need to ask Kyle to teach you some manners, you little minx.." My face heats up and I hide in Kyle's shoulder, giggling. I look over to Johnny who is beaming even though he is pinned by the largest Alpha. Christ, the Lieutenant is massive. Something inside of me makes me whimper, thinking that Johnny is in danger. I wriggle slightly and Kyle turns me away from the scene and whispers into my ear "Simon would never hurt any of us.. trust me on that, yeah?" I whine a reply along the lines of 'mmmhmm'.
*John's POV*
Simon and I decide to treat the final run as a leisurely jog. I already knew that the two young Alphas would shoot off like bloody rockets. They always did the same. What I don't expect is for little Y/N to keep pace with Johnny. Yes, she looks like she is struggling slightly, but the girl has guts. She keeps the pace.
Simon grunts at me around half way through, says that we should meet them at the end so that they 'don't get up to any mischief'. Of course, I agree, and nod in the direction of the best short cut. My knees aren't getting any younger, after all.
Simon and I rejoin the outer perimeter, having cut the top loop out. Kyle jogs by and tells us that our cheating isn't going to go down well with Johnny. Simon tells him to 'do one, Garrick' and something about how we aren't all 'failed athletes' like him which forces a laugh to bellow from my mouth. Such a back handed compliment.
The next thing that I do not predict happening is for Johnny to fell Simon like a fuckin' tree - the boy near on rugby tackles the lad. I watch it all happen from the corner of my eye, laughing as Simon hits the deck and Johnny crawls over him. The boy is like a terrier. Insatiable and endlessly energetic. The next thing I don't reckon on happening is for Y/N to creep around my peripheral vision and leap onto my back.
It's a given, she is much lighter that Johnny, but she also carries herself with much more grace. Her 'rugby tackle' method was rather cat-like. I manage to stay upright for a few strides until her leg taps mine, causing me to trip. It was one of those falls when you know you're going down. It gives me time to spin and take the fall so that I don't land on her, or catapult her, face first, into the grass.
I land on my back and stare back up at her happy face while she is draped across my chest, clung like a Koala. Her walls were down in this moment. She is genuinely happy. I have to move heaven and earth to not grab at her. Her scent is rolling off of her - as strong and sweet as I have smelt it. Control yourself, John!
She blushes like crazy at my comment - about how Johnny is rubbing off on her. She then sasses back at me and Christ, I need to get away from her before I do something that will scare her away. But I'm a greedy man. I stand with her, not quite able to release her yet. I drop her off with sweet Kyle. He wouldn't take advantage of her like I would. I cant help myself. I make an overly sexual remark about Kyle teaching her manners. We all know it wouldn't be Kyle who taught her manners. That job is down to Simon and I. Kyle and Y/N blush, I notice that Kyle nuzzles into her neck when she hides her pretty little blush in his shoulder. Cheeky boy couldn't help himself could he?
Something changes in her expression when she looks up to see Simon pinning Johnny. Then, almost within a split second, her scent changes to a sharper, sour scent. She is scared again. Simon notices the change without even looking. I can tell by his body language. He softens his hold on the younger Alpha and leans down to scent him, Johnny laughs and nuzzles all over Simon's mask. I glance to see how Laika reacts but Kyle had already turned her away. Damn it!
When will she ever see the soft side of Simon Riley?
I take a deep breath, to try and calm myself down from the earlier excitement. As an Alpha, I hadn't had a woman - let alone a possible Omega - sitting on top of me for years now. Of course, my body reacted accordingly. Once I've successfully chilled out, I turn and step back towards a smirking Kyle and a happier Y/N.
I push the loose strands of her hair back behind her ears. "C'mon love".
She giggles and apologises for her earlier behavior. "Don't ever say sorry for having fun, love. I enjoyed seeing you like that. Even Simon chuckled at your little sassy comment.." I wiggle my eyebrows. She blushes again and looks down. She really is unsure of Simon.
I'd - We'd - need to rectify that...
- two days later -
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Darkness, wet, blood, pain, screaming...
Another nightmare. I thought they were getting better. I cannot get myself out of this one, tossing and turning. I can feel the sweat and tears falling from my face. Was that real or just the nightmare?
*Ghost's POV*
A blood curdling scream echoes the hallway at about 1AM. I was sitting in the kitchen with my feet up on the coffee table, reading a book. I stand up immediately and follow my nose to her room. What the fuck am I supposed to do. The others are all asleep, she is fuckin' terrified of me but she is whimpering and crashing about in there. Fuck it. I'm going in. The annoying Alpha voice inside of my brain is screaming to help her. I wish it would shut the fuck up to be honest. It's been louder than ever since the second she turned up.
I bang on the door - no answer. I step into the strange room hesitantly. Stupid girl didn't even lock the door. I know that Alphas shouldn't intrude Omega's nests, but she needed help.
She isn't on the fuckin' bed. She's ran away, heard me fuckin' coming. She is hiding somewhere. Stupid fuckin' bastard - should never have come in here. She probably thinks I'm coming to kill her.
Over the sound of my thoughts, I hear another pained whimper. The cupboard. Don't tell me that she's-
She is in the fuckin' cupboard. In a fuckin' nest. A nest with Johnny and Kyle's clothes and - is that Cap's missing towel? He lost that yesterday..
I find myself staring at the sight inside of the cupboard. Probably for too long, because I'm drawn back to the situation when she starts breathing erratically.
I try to gently tap her arm. She doesn't wake up. I squeeze her arm now, she flinches, but still doesn't wake up.
"Laika.. it's - fuck - it's me.. Ghost... Wake up..." - nothing. Just more thrashing around.
"Fuckin' hell" I grumble. I lower myself so that I am knelt on the floor in the doorway of the open cupboard. I grab her shoulders and shake. It's the only option I have, having tried everything else.
She snaps out of her nightmare with a shriek, slapping and scrabbling at my chest and face. "Fuck girl - it's me.. I'm - I'm tryin to fuckin' help you" - "DON'T TOUCH ME - GET AWAY" she yells at me.
I'd be lying if my heart didn't freeze over when she says that. Such fear in her voice. Fuck it. Only option left. I grab her around the waist and hold her in one arm, flinging her over my shoulder. She is crying and crashing my back with weak, panicked punches. I hardly feel it. Too numb from her words. I march her out of her room and down the hallway. "Pl-please - please don't" she cries. What the fuck did she think I was gonna do to her?!
I reach the door I was looking for and open in, storming in and dumping her on the bed. She clambers quickly away from me, over the limbs of my pack mates. John wakes up abruptly, instantly in defense mode. She flies towards him and clings to his torso as if she fitted there all too perfectly. She is sobbing now. John growls as he blinks away sleep.
"What the fuck, Simon. What've you done..?" He looks between the sobbing mess clung to him, and me. Great, my own fuckin' Alpha thinks I've 'done' something to her.
By now Johnny and Kyle had woken up too. They move to the space between myself and the girl. Were they creating a barrier?! Didn't they trust me..? Of course they don't. You're a monster.
I sigh, feeling broken, and turn to leave the room. Christ knows where to, but I needed to disappear for a while. I'm almost out of the room. I stop when I hear her. "Si-simon..?"
I don't turn. I just face the doorway, still intending to leave.
Then the Captain speaks up "Answer her, Simon.." I sigh again.
"What?" I snap over my shoulder at her. I see her flinch, "I'm - I'm sorry.." she whines "S'fine" I grunt back, still not turning to face her.
"What happened?" Johnny asks. I don't expect to feel his hand in mine, tugging me back toward the bed. "Get off Johnny" I shake his hand away from mine, but ever persistent, he grabs at my hand again. "Si - what happened?" he asks again.
"The girl was havin' a fuckin' nightmare. Heard her screaming from the kitchen. Didn't even wake up when I banged on the door. She was hiding in her fuckin' cupboard. Didn't even lock her door".
"So.. you helped her..?" Kyle asks hesitantly "what else was I 'sposed to do? Fuckin' let her scream the place down all night?" I snap back - ok fair, that was uncalled for. I have my own fair share of nightmares. Those in glass houses 'n all that bullshit....
"S-sorry.. I didn't mean-" - "I said s'fine" I grunt at her. She hides behind John's shoulder now. She's terrified of me.
"Y/N.. what do you want to do..?" Kyle asks her "Don't want to be a-alone again.." she whimpers back at him. He strokes her cheek. Why can't I be gentle like that?
"Alpha.. can - can she stay here for tonight..?" He asks John nervously. I forgot Johnny was still holding my hand, but he squeezes it excitedly when Kyle asks if she can stay.
"Y/N.. would you feel comfortable here..? I give you my word, we will not touch you.. not hurt you..it's your choice.."
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
"Y/N.. would you feel comfortable here..? I give you my word, we will not touch you.. not hurt you..it's your choice.." The captain asks me.. I sniffle into his shoulder. His bare shoulder. "Please.. please, if it's ok - ok with everyone.." I stutter and sniff. "Shhh sweetheart, it's ok.." John reassures me, rubbing my back softly.
He lays me down between him and Kyle. I glance towards Johnny and Ghost. Johnny has finally succeeded in dragging Ghost into the bed. He is as far away from me as he can possibly be on the massive bed. Johnny snuggles up to him and rests his head against Ghost's chest. I can almost see some of the tension leave Ghost's body. I look away and roll to face Kyle. He is already looking at me as I turn around. He smiles softly down at me and whispers "you ok, love?" I nod against the pillow. He motions towards himself and as my eyes meet his motioning hand, I notice that he is also shirtless. Do none of these men wear a shirt to bed?!
I furrow my brows at his gesture "C'mere love, snuggle up to me" he chuckles. "I don't want to be a burden" I sniffle, my face still red and puffy from all of the crying. "Never, now come here" he motions towards himself again. "Gaz.. behave" John warns from his position behind me. "Behaving, sir" - "Better fuckin' be" he grumbles back. His voice was extra gravelly at this time of night. I shuffle towards Kyle and he engulfs me in his arms. He is so warm.. His scent calms me down almost immediately. I push my head so it's resting atop his chest. He slots his chin over the top of my head.
I drift off to sleep, quicker than I had for years. The last thing I feel is a strong, hairy arm wrap around both of us and pull us slightly closer.
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lemonfairy-yearns · 12 days
BrnPrThnkr LOGs: 22-30 BCFB LOGs: 70-77
an intersected real time compilation. each employee wrote these logs themselves and are marked with an emoji. which is which should be evident.
🧠: He looked at me with those big sad eyes again. He wasn't trying to get anything from me. It looked more like pity. I can't stand it. He shouldn't pity me. I am the best there is. I am the smartest. I'm …. Good.
🐰: I saw him again today. I bet if I'm careful no one will see me go into the schoolhouse basement. I just have to time it right. If anyone asks, that's just where a book I like is kept. Cog, if he only knew. I mean, I told him… but I don't think he believes me. I don't blame him. If he came into my house and brought a bunch of friends to beat me up I wouldn't like him much either. Maybe I should just give up. It's not like there aren't other people who'd love me more. Love. What a Freakish word for it. I don't have a better one.
🧠: why can't I just tell him to stop coming back here? If I didn't see him so often my judgement wouldn't be so clouded so frequently. He'll give up soon I suppose. Everyone else has. It's a matter of time. I can wait out his foolishness.
🐰: I need to stop shaking. Everyone already thinks something is wrong with me… why is loving others so scary? Why can't I just go back to before I cared about everything???     That's miserable.. I'm not doing that. I should just go grab a book. I don't have to stay and visit, I'll just go get it from the schoolhouse. He won't even see me.
🧠: he came down for that entomology book. I found it for him and he… didn't linger like usual. If he comes back I'm going to tell him where to buy a copy. No. I'll give him one. No, that's weird. Avoiding it is weird. Everything I can do in this situation is too weird. I can't just not talk, that's impossible. He didn't say goodbye. That's weird. He's weird. Why do I mi…… no not going to say that…. I'll get back to this later.
🐰: Mildew taught me how to steer the ship today. It's harder than it looks. Rhubarb said I did a good job. Then they joked about boatfulls of Bagholders. I wonder if they’d still run them into the shoreline if they knew his name was Rodger and his favorite food is SteelBerry Pancakes. But maybe I wouldn't actually care because he's a jerk who revels in making little toons cry and also cheats at Rummy. I need to go look up some definitions for words. 
🧠: I'm going to call him. I just… won't freak out if he doesn't answer. He might be busy. He might not want to. Nope, not calling actually, strike that. I should do something. I feel myself boiling over. I think stranger, less rational things. Like if I was in trouble, would he come save me? And if he did, would it just be part of his usual work of keeping his coworkers in working condition? It probably would. He's a good person, he'd do it for any of us. I can't keep spending my time dreaming nonsensical things like this.
🐰: I was asked to look through some recent disciplinary files. I should visit Brian. I'll bring something. And not just the book I have to return. 
🐰: I bet he'd like sugar water… No, that's dumb. Stupid Bex… I'll just grab some… nothing coming to me. Stuuupid…
🧠: I can't track him but I found a bug book he hasn't quizzed me on yet, that'll have to do. He can keep this one. I don't care what that moron Pete says.
🐰: He’ll probably hate it. I don't know. I just think he can do cool stuff with it if he wants. He's good with delicate materials like this. Ok someone's asking for help Fighting him. I don't think I can do this. Ok I'm going in with them. They're strangers, maybe it'll be less weird.
🧠: he's behind a group of other toons. Of course he was planning an attack. I'll show them.
🐰: everyone else is greened. But the desk jockeys stopped attacking. Maybe I can explain.
🧠: why is he crying. Don't do that. Don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that- the following is a conversation recorded by my staff, desk jockeys 3, 4, and 5. if this leaks, no it didn't.
[BFCB] Im sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't want to fight I didn't mean to bring them here-
[BrnPrThnkr] why DID you come here then?
[BFCB] I just wanted to give you something nice because I was reading records today and I don't know I just wanted you to have a nice thing because people keep taking away your things and it's not fair and I couldn't bear it but maybeyoucanandIlooklikeI'mbeingcondescending but Idon'tmeanto and I want to be nice even though that makes me stupid like a real toon and-
[BrnPrThnkr] ok. Slow down…. please. Look at me. What did you read about me?
[BFCB] you only have 2 infractions. They were projects you didn't get to finish. They took them away before you could refine them. It's not fair.
[BrnPrThnkr] so you… know. About. Buck.
[BFCB] they won't let you fix him. Which sucks because he won't let me fix him. He misses you. He won't say it, but I think he'd let someone repair his head if the someone was you. I don't count. I'm not permanent like a cog. Or real like a toon. I can't even be a good repairman. I'm not anything.
[BrnPrThnkr] you're everything.
[BFCB] ….. I …what…
[BrnPrThnkr] UHHH I didn't mean to say that!!! Ignore that !!!
[BFCB] oh. sorry….
[BrnPrThnkr] WAIT- … I JUST. Ne-e-eed to get my w-rds right. I'm not done. Don-n't…
[BFCB] I still need... to give you this.
[BrnPrThnkr] …. Origami paper. How did yo-ou know I needed th-s?
[BFCB] I just thought because you're good with your hands.. you could make something. Something no one could take away…
[BrnPrThnkr] you meant i-it didn't you. When you said you … l-ved me-e….. I-I'm so-o-rry I don't usu-lly cut o-t like thi-is.
[BFCB] I did mean it. I do. I don't know if it was fair. Just leaving you with it sounding like a joke. It's stressing you out isn't it? 
[BrnPrThnkr] no-o-o it's f-ne I just need to get my-elf in or-r-rder. One mom-nt
about 9 seconds pass.
[BrnPrThnkr] see? Good as new. And look. 
[BFCB] an arachnid book!
[BrnPrThnkr] I was ready for you to come over. I… don't mind having you here … sometimes. I know your work has you here as one of them. It's annoying, but I don't judge you for it because it's not your fault. When it's just …. Us …it's. Not bad. Pleasant, even. 
[BFCB] you're too wonderful, you know that?
[BrnPrThnkr] no, I think I'm just the right amount wonderful actually. 
[BFCB] so you'll believe me now? That I love you?
[BrnPrThnkr] how do you say that so easily? It doesn't gunk up your circuits at all.
[BFCB] it's easy because I mean it.
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dandelionjedi · 10 months
Current AU/Crossover idea that won't leave my brain:
Daredevil (and other Marvel characters)+Star Wars (Specifically Quinlan Vos)
Disclaimer: I have never watched Daredevil. I have no intention of watching Daredevil (I've been told there's too much blood for my tastes). I have read a bunch of daredevil fanfic. All my knowledge comes from that. For that reason I will not be following the plot of Daredevil, I'll just use the characters and the setting.
Ok, so AU starts during Order 66. Quinlan is on Coruscant, investigating some case with Fox. They've been sorta dating for the last year. The order comes through, Fox tries to kill Quinlan. Quinlan knocks Fox out and kidnaps him. Eventually figures out the chips, and gets Fox's chip removed. They go on the run together.
At some point they run into teenager Boba Fett. Boba remembers Fox a little from Kamino, and also that Fox was nice to him when he was in prison. Boba joins their dysfunctional found family unit because I think it would be fun. Between Quinlan and Fox he becomes a mostly decent person, without being eaten by a sarlacc.
Quinlan tries to track down Aayla. When he confirms that she's dead, he decides to try to track down and free Bly, because he knows she would have wanted him to. Also because he's Fox's brother.
It doesn't go well, Bly dies, and they're all sort of drifting. They eventually decide to find some backwater planet to lay low for awhile and try to get back on their feet.
Fox has some health problems from Palpatine being evil, plus the chip surgery was a little rocky, since his had been activated on and off by Palpatine for as long as he'd been on Coruscant, so he wants to step back from combat a little. Quinlan needs to grieve, everyone does honestly, and Boba is having an identity crisis and needs some space.
They end up on Earth, a planet halfway to wild space with no contact with the rest of the galaxy. They're all most familiar with big cities, so they eventually end up in New York. Hells Kitchen, specifically. Quinlan whips them up some fake identities, and they settle down for a while.
Fox gets a job at a bakery, Boba decides to go to high school. There are a few incidents with Boba bringing knives to school. Parents (or in this case older brothers) get called. In front of the teachers there's the whole "oh Boba we're very disappointed in you why did you bring a giant knife to school". Boba is trying very hard not to laugh. He gets suspended for a day, which Quinlan uses to give him lessons on how to hide weapons better.
On Boba's first day he starts hanging out with Flash, who immediately reached out to the new kid for coolness points. Then Flash is a jerk to Peter. Boba asks why, Flash just says 'because'. Boba ditches Flash and starts hanging out with Peter and friends.
Meanwhile in Hell's Kitchen, Quinlan is hearing about all these vigilantes running around. He thinks 'Hey, I'd be pretty good at that! I can help people, stay in shape, and still keep a low profile.' He's a spy, so his go to is to take down big organizations from the inside out. So he finds a big organizations (maybe connected to Fisk somehow idk) and gets a job as a henchman. Starts learning all their secrets. He's very careful about keeping himself clean if the police come around. He doesn't consider Daredevil.
This is pretty early on in Matt's Daredeviling career. He's still the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, and hasn't met Claire yet. He finds some drug dealer warehouse or something and goes to beat up all the guys inside, but one guys like 'Wait! I'm not actually here to sell drugs! I've got a flashdrive full of evidence about these guys I can give you. And if you ever need help, let me know. I will not beat up people quite as much as you do, but I can knock them out and tie them up to be arrested. And I won't kill anyone. Here's my burner phone number!"
Then they give each other advice about being vigilantes, and give each other stitches as needed. Quinlan isn't as tight lipped as Matt about his secret identity, so he invites Matt over for dinner, and they eventually become pretty good friends.
At some point Quinlan meets Matt when he's not out Daredeviling, which is all he needs to figure it out via force presence. Matt knows that Quinlan is enhanced in some way, but doesn't get the full story until Obi-Wan and Cody turn up looking for Quinlan a few years down the line.
Quinlan is generally more balanced and less traumatized than Matt (having a good childhood and being trained in good coping techniques helps a lot) and that eventually rubs off on Matt. Quinlan convinces Matt to tell Foggy, rather than have Foggy figure it out when Matt turns up on his couch near death.
Matt still meets Claire, and she still becomes designated vigilante doctor, but now with additional support from Quinlan, Fox, and Boba. Fox and Boba mostly stay out of the whole vigilante thing. They offer support as needed, and every now and then will help with a particularly difficult mission, but Fox is enjoying the chance to have a life outside of fighting, and Boba is having fun with Peter and friends.
Eventually Peter starts Spidermaning. Boba, Quinlan, Matt, and friends figure it out pretty quickly, and offer quiet support and fighting lessons. They make a pretty good team handling smaller lever threats.
At some point the avengers drop by, and they come up with a system to let threats of various levels be handled by the appropriate parties that works for everyone. Between Quinlan, who was trained in negotiation even if it wasn't his preferred way to help, and Matt and Foggy's lawyer skills, the whole mess with the accords and Bucky gets worked out mostly peacefully.
Deadpool drops by at some point (another character I know only from fanfic), mostly because I think he and Quinlan would get along like a house on fire. As in they set the house on fire. Deadpool and Boba bond over bounty hunting work, and Team Red forms because I think they're neat.
Quinlan and co hadn't planned to stay long at first, but they find a sort of peace in New York none of them thought was an option. They can't sit back forever while the empire is still in control, so Quinlan starts setting up a place for force sensitive children to stay in relative safety, with minimal risk to Earth's citizens. He makes sure to leave a way for allies to contact him, and eventually Obi-wan and Cody (now married) track them down.
There's a very happy reunion, and Quinlan finally explains his past to Matt, Peter, and the rest of the superheros/vigilantes. The force sensitive kid shelter gets set up, and Quinlan starts helping with Rebellion business.
This probably exists in my somewhat vague 'still sad but not as sad as it could have been' AU where Anakin isn't evil, Padme doesn't die, and a few of my favorite Jedi survive.
I'm not quite sure how I'd end it. If I were to try to write the whole thing, I'd probably just stop after Obi-Wan and Quinlan are reunited. The fix it isn't really the point, thought it would definitely somewhere in the nebulous future. The main focus is on character interactions across fandoms.
However it happens, Palpatine gets defeated, with some help from the avengers and co. Quinlan and Fox get married, the surviving Jedi work together to rebuild the order, separate from the New Republic. Galactic laws are similar enough to American laws that Matt and Foggy can help.
Earth and the rest of the galaxy mostly stay separate, but everyone comes to visit at least once a year. There are still threats, there always will be, but a system is worked out to help everyone coexist. Everyone still alive lives mostly happily every after.
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I just realised Something about a portion of fandom I don't really engage with all that much. Because I don't want to, btw.
In all other shows, movies, books, etc, every single bad person is at least somewhat 'ugly' according to the narrative. The 'problematic' characters rarely get acknowledged because there are so many good looking characters who are good themselves (I remember Annabelle from the first book of Percy Jackson, I think, and there were more ofc).
However, Rowling's main idea about appearances was that it was an illusion. Every single good looking character is either reprehensible or ends up dying (Cedric) in the same book they were introduced*. The story wants to be relatable to how every teen feels, and no matter what, we all have insecurities.
However, they're just teens, and on top of that, at least one or more of our main teens have done something terrible or badwrong (Hermione with skeeter and Marietta). So, they aren't exceptionally beautiful and neither are they exceptionally good. Even the side characters who are popular come across as jerks to some of their family members, making their sibling cry.
This creates a problem for the people who don't have a sense of self yet, or are so scarred they can only look at life through black & white lenses.
The Halo effect playing greatly onto the above, we're presented with another set of teens, two of whom are described as extremely sought after by the opposite sex, one of whom is popular, and the final one who has endeared himself by showing ugly Snivellus his place (via map and the Verbal Sparring). They all, by the end of this introduction, understand that Snivellus is badwrong and doesn't deserve anything good.
'It's clear he's the villain, and has been since forever, see, these people agree with me and they're the Protagonist's parents.' Whether this is believed because of the Halo effect or taking Harry's perspective to mean a God pov, I can't tell. The point being, they are even more convinced.
They want an escape from how difficult it is to sort out their feeling about these people the author keeps throwing at their face so why not attach to the characters who are dead or strongly attached to the protagonist (so they can never be badwrong in later books). A safety blanket of sorts, if you will. And in doing so, they completely ignore the nuances of the scenes presented in the last book. Because they are attached, they'd rather call badwrong Snivellus' love impure than explore what the montage of all his memories implied. That beauty is skin deep.
The thing about people who like such black and white scenarios and people is: they will always fall prey to the Halo Effect. And it's extremely painful to be disillusioned about your favourites. So they may never get disillusioned.
All this to say, sometimes I wonder why that part of the fandom is like 'that'. And it's just that this is the safety net in this series, or this is just how vanilla people outside of fandom coming in can take.
And that's fine (coz I'm crazy for the marauders era as well, just with a slightly wider taste pallet).
TL Dr: The antis are attracted to wholesome ships and since Rowling made it so difficult to find such ships until much later where you are emotionally connected with each character, the antis attached to a bunch of (mostly) dead people who, by association to the Hero of the story, being pretty, popular, and clear on their behaviour with the badwrong confusing character, are all good. They were desperately looking for the safety net in the books and found some. Also, since antis are the way they are, maybe they believe the fictional character being dead means people would not criticise their wholesome ship? Idk.
*The only properly handsome man - Bill - barely gets mentioned, marries a beautiful woman, and imo the only reason he doesn't die is because he didn't revel in his handsomeness or popularity (him liking Snape in school is so cute + that disqualifies him from being popular with the antis since he likes the badwrong character). Also, he was literally scarred on his once handsome face to show that his wife actually loved him and didn't just choose him to have beautiful babies. Her being a veela and owning her Frenchness were already flaws (in the narrative's opinion) so all she needed was a scarred husband. Now, they both don't have to die 🤣.
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Stranger Things Egg Baby AU, Not So Sunny Side Up
"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit-"
"Get it together, Dustin!" Eddie snatched Eggy Pop from the curly haired boy's grip while Steve barricaded the bus door with a piece of sheet metal.
"It can't get in!" One of the kids called out, but Eddie's mind was racing as they heard another from atop the bus. The kids scrambled to the back of the vehicle when a familiar clawed hand broke through the sheet metal.
"Get! Back!" Steve grabbed his bat and swung at the creature's limb over and over again. Eddie stood behind him, clutching their health project for dear life as the sound of more demodogs surrounded them.
"Will? Mike? Anyone? Pick up, we're at the old junkyard, and we're going to die!" Dustin screamed into his headset when the bus roof began to shake as one of the creatures began to move towards the open hatch to the roof. Grabbing a jagged piece of PVC piping they used to hold up the barricade, Eddie approached the opening and looked up. For a moment, there was nothing until the telltale gurgle as the monster peeked through the opening. Eddie found himself freezing as the flower of flesh that was the thing's head opened to roar, and the only thing he could do was let out a scream.
"Out of the way!" Steve shouted as he pushed himself in front of Eddie. Lifting his bloodied bat to the creature and calling out. "Hey! You want some? Come get it!" The creature leaned down to climb in before suddenly stopping. The group watched in confusion as its head turned to the side before letting out another howl and running away. Everyone had stopped dead in their tracks, carefully listening as the sound of the demodogs grew further and further away. A solid thirty seconds passed before anyone moved again. Looking down, Eddie saw one of Steve's hands pressed against his chest. The two made eye contact before quickly pulling away from each other.
"Is everyone okay?" Steve asked, to which the kids hesitantly nodded.
"Still in one piece." Eddie said as he jokingly held up Eggy. Steve nodded with a small smile before going back to the front of the bus.
"What the hell just happened?" Lucas muttered as they filed out of the vehicle behind Steve, who was still clutching his bat tightly.
"Did they leave?" Red asked as she looked around the now abandoned junkyard.
"Maybe Steve scared them away." Dustin suggested, to which Eddie snorted.
"No way." The metalhead shook his head
"No," Steve muttered before turning to the group, "they're going somewhere."
"So...where did they go?" Eddie asked nervously.
"No idea. But whatever's going on, can't be good." Lucas added.
"Fuck." Was all Eddie could get out. "What do we do now?"
"Follow their tracks, see where they went. Make sure they don't eat anyone else.'' Steve said, and Eddie shook his head in disbelief.
"Hey Harrington, I don't know if you fucking noticed, but we almost just died. Again! For the second time in two days!" Eddie jerked an arm out and gestured to the preteens behind them. "They almost died! Fuck Steve, they're kids-"
"Actually we're thirteen." Dustin interrupted.
"That's even worse! We almost got a bunch of middle schoolers killed! There's no way we can fight those things with just a baseball bat!"
"Well, what do you want to do?" Steve snapped back at his partner. "Just run away and let those things attack Hawkins and eat innocent people?" The younger teen shouted. "You can go home anytime you want Munson. Come on." Steve gestured for the kids to follow as he started to walk away. The trio looked between him and Eddie before deciding to follow Steve. The metalhead frowned as he watched them walk away. This was insane, Harrington was insane...but he had a point. Thinking back to the demdog eating him, imagining what would've happened if Steve hadn't saved him. What would happen if it was one of his friends or Wayne...
"...shit." Eddie cursed as he let out a long breath. Looking down at his egg and speaking to it. "Looks like both your daddies are crazy." Tucking Eggy back into his jacket pocket before running after the group and calling out. "Hey! Wait up!"
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duhragonball · 11 months
Mega Man Ecch
I decided to ruin my weekend by playing Mega Man X7, and yeah, it was terrible. I was kind of fascinated by the decline of the Mega Man X series, and the videos I've watched about it never quite seemed to give me the full picture. Reviewers and analysts can give me a lot of technical and critical explanations, but at the end of the day, they're just really bad games. At best, they're boring, and at worst they're really frustrating from a UI standpoint.
The word "broken" gets thrown around a lot, but that almost gives X6 and X7 too much credit. "Broken" sounds kind of cool or funny, like "Big Rigs". X6 and X7 are just tired and annoying. This is what happens when you've done thirteen iterations of a game and no one cares anymore. What sucks the most about X6 and X7 is that both games put a lot of emphasis on replay value without making the first playthrough compelling enough to make you want to try it again. Like you're supposed to go back through all the other stages and find new items and stuff, and then have fun using those items on the same levels you beat before, but the levels suck, so why would anyone bother?
One video I watched made the point that you can't call these the "worst games ever", because they're not "Superman 64" levels of bad. This is true, and I suppose that's what I find so frustrating about X6 and X7. They're reviled, but they're not so terrible that there's any juicy details about their failure. I went out of my way to play these things just to see what their deal was, and I don't have much to show for it.
The thing is, I really don't enjoy the good Mega Man X games either. X4 is supposed to be one of the best ones, and I found it annoying. The big problem with these games is their over-reliance on story. They keep putting cutscenes and voice acting and long, unskippable dialogue boxes in these games, like this is Resident Evil and not a bunch of bug-eyed cartoon robots shooting at each other. I've played seven of these things and I still don't understand what the fuck is going on, or what Sigma wants, or why I'm supposed to care about any of the characters when their allegiances can literally be changed by flipping a switch. All the dialogue is stuff like "According to this data, if the DNA from the Reploid Virus interacts with the Maverick Virus, it could infect all Reploids who used to be Mavericks with a new type of virus, called the Virus Reploid DNA Maverick Virus."
I feel like somewhere I heard there was a fan theory that Sigma is basically the remnants of Dr. Wily digitized intelligence. Like, Zero was established to be Dr. Wily's ultimate creation, making him an evil version of X. But then Sigma tracked him down and tried to turn him good, only to get infected with bad guy juice or something, so that's why Zero is good and Sigma is bad in the games. So maybe the evil influence within Sigma is just Dr. Wily living on as a computer program. Which sounds kind of compelling, until you realize this would mean it all boils down to Dr. Wily being the final boss of all the games, which got old in 1992. It also undermines all of the cutscenes and handwringing in the X games, because "Dr. Wily is a jerk and we have to stop him" is a pretty elementary. All of these games are just repeating Mega Man 1 and trying to turn it into some elaborate moral dilemma. No, Dr. Wily is a jerk and we have to stop him. He decorates his castle with skulls. This isn't complicated.
At least the worst is over, and I have X8 to look "forward" to. People seem to look back generously on this one, mainly for offering the series a hint of redemption before it ended once and for all. From my perspective though, I mostly remember seeing X8 at Wal-Mart in 2004 and thinking "They're still making these things?"
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kyogre-blue · 2 years
*squints at windblume ch.3 in "started playing in 3.3"* I've no care for the hexaedron nor Alice, I only know her from teyvat travel guide and she was such a jerk in the Mondstadt edition. Also I have neither Albedo nor Klee so thank goodness I read up on them beforehand I guess
on the other hand I do find it very funny that Venti getting along with everyone everywhere (xinqiu, kazuha, xinyan, hu tao, yae miko, etc) also extends to those who hold violent intent towards him djdjd (though they really don't explain why the hexagon challenged Venti in particular out of all the archons...or when, bc Venti isn't easily found to posit a challenge to, nor known for his martial prowess if it was purely the hexhocuspocus' arrogance talking. Hope this is a plot thread that they will adress in the future but honestly getting a bit tired of seeing so many threads hanging—ik we're only halfway through the story but still. And NOT a fan of lore being locked behind a time-limited event)
That's not a recent player problem. The Hexenzirkel have never come up in the story before. They've only been mentioned in passing in some character voice lines and bios.
The only thing we knew about them was that they're a bunch of witches who sometimes study the Irminsul, and Alice and Mona's master and Albedo's creator were among them.
Note how this event directly confirms that the group itself is utterly irrelevant. Scarlett thought they were a secret council who can change the course of history, but in fact they're just some randos who happen to include three+ immortals. The entire thing is just spruced up but ultimately pointless pedantry to explain how certain future characters know each other. I'm fairly sure that the writers just thought the aesthetic of a witches' tea party was cool but had no actual use for this idea, so it's just set dressing, basically.
I'll list the members here, because it's easy to lose track... because all these characters are utterly unknown to us:
1) A is Alice, Klee's mom, "One who would never lie". Her amazing feats include killing a whole bunch of eternally cursed people in gruesome ways, cursing a man to only speak by repeating what is said to him while trying to cure his stutter, abandoning her young child and refusing to visit despite having time to screw around endlessly, damaging a location that is both historically significant and has a strong personal importance to others because it "didn't look old enough," and various other nonsense.
2) B is Barbeloth, Mona's master.
3) R is Rhinedottir, "A flower that is not of this world". She is Albedo's creator. But she also created the rifthounds and Durin, and 500 years ago, her (Gold's) monsters ravaged the world.
4) N is Nicole, "Guide who will never get lost". She's the one who speaks to the Traveler at the end of Scaramouche's thing. This entire event probably exists to facilitate her upcoming presence.
5) J is I. Ivanovna, the one who went back home (presumably to Snezhnaya) to get married. She's had many successors, of whom Scarlett is the latest, but Alice refused to acknowledge any of them. Probably irrelevant, since she's succeeded by a bunch of NPCs.
6) M is Andersdotter, "A legend that never ends". She's a human author who wrote the popular fairytale "The Boar Princess"
The thing I can't puzzle out is which one of them killed her lover when he grew old. By elimination, it seems to be Alice? It's not Gold, it's not woman Hans Christian Andersen, it's not Mona's master or J, so it has to be Alice, Nicole, or a secret other member, since this might not be all of them.
In regard to them challenging Barbatos, it's because this is a Mondstadt event and the writers wanted to have Venti involved. Aside from that, I guess it's to show their human arrogation ARROGANCE.
I can guarantee this doesn't matter at all, so you don't need to keep track of it.
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the-firebird69 · 3 days
There's a couple things that are happening here These people are poor, have always been poor. and they're blaming our son for making things that are kept in him around during tough times when they max were coming down on them. And we're tired of hearing it. We're tired of hearing them say it. And it's because they're trying to fool us into. thinking that they were doing it before and it's evil as hell and they suck at it and they won't stop doing it And you tell them they're found out and they won't stop doing it And it's annoying as hell. It is very, very insolent. OK, you have to experience it. You really do.. I've been doing this for thousands of years, and I can't. stand looking at any of these freaking jerks. for any reason. I don't know what to tell you. It is just vastly more annoying than you would think.. We have some outcomes of our sons 4. sons, foray. And we're going to post.
---bja ran in with an illegally long knife on and our sn said it big knife and von hgen nd is annoyd tons said f him too the shit. and he was up. opened up on people yelled at them. scoffed said means stuff. ran back to his car to intercept our son. tons say it hit hte fucker nd they stopped him. blocked hm. he wont toop. and thusly hit him nd theethee. And yeah, they were hitting the three BJA Trump and Dave. it went on for about 20 minutes. Started up again. They saw each other in the shopping center, and they do it everyday. And people hate them. They started hitting each other. And I'll tell you what, this show is crap, and these people are crap. They've had their time, and they. became vulgar, rude and disgusting, and you. And now they're out. And we're gonna make sure it's not a useless one amongst them.
--- We're going to go after the idiots who keep showing up. We have to stop them. It's greatly annoying. And we need you to see what the. really doing and seeing here. And it's a lot of threats on our son. Today is stood up for himself and he told off Trump and said you're a sleaze You're losing and you're gonna lose everything. And then he told off BJ, and I actually had him do that. And it was good. He says what's going on? And I said it without saying it, and it was nice.. They thought about it and said we're just gonna kill each other and we're a joke. And so they tried to make up for it by hitting the populace. So we go after them. And we know. them. And we're doing that right now.
--- Couple more things John Renaillard needs to leave. He was. violently ill and fisherman's village. And he kept showing up. and he couldn't do it. And he couldn't do the job. He's just barely could walk by as a sleazeball Seeing he's countering Brian and he got grabbed. in a bunch of them are sick
--- Along with this jacket. and his band. there are other versions of him that are swinging around being huge jerks all day long They're being annihilated. and people are getting rid of them for real and they won't acknowledge it and they just continue to do it. Now we need them out of here before any change will take place. I've been trying to say that and he has too. And they're just **** **** And we need to pull them out. There's a bunch of groups holding them here and they're doing it because they're still around. and we're handling their business and taking a lot of territory and stuff. And they're having us because they're supposedly exposing us by doing it. And that's their motif and modus operandi.
--- There's also this question of what to really up to. And this will show it. So we're gonna print.
Thor Freya
Zues Hera and a litnus and shows it lke a negtive
and jc mary did use that ad on th erth the shit
0 notes
tinygamertris · 1 year
More Theo Stuff! Talking about the various Scions now!
Thancred was the first Scion he met. He thought he was kind of a jerk at first, until they'd worked together a few times around Ul'dah and he realised the silliness was... rather close to his own burying his head in books. A protective mechanism, and not one that was always working. When he realised Lahabrea had taken his body, he was furious and also desperately afraid, worried that Thancred might be dead. They became pretty good friends during Thancred's convalescence, the kind that bickers and jokes and tells the other when they're being a tool. He's one of the most steady people in Theo's life and they're excellent friends. (Theo did consider sleeping with him once during their early friendship, but then Thancred accidentally ruined his first attempt to lose his virginity and it kinda took the shine off the idea.)
Y'shtola is fucking terrifying and he respects her as the Goddess of Knowledge that she is. She was the second Scion he got to really know after Thancred, and constantly blew him away with how quick and clever her mind is. She's one of the few people not called Cid Garlond or Nero tol Scaeva who can help him over tinkering block when he's working on stubborn magitek! They like to sass each other over afternoon tea when they can, and if he happens to be the one making the treats, all the better. He's been putting a lot of thought into helping her travel between the Source and the Shards since the end of Endwalker, mostly because he knows she misses Runar and the rest of the Night's Blessed very much. Yes, he ships it.
Papalymo took him a while to really get anywhere with. He was almost constantly around Yda, which was okay at first but made it really hard to have a proper conversation about Aether and how he was able to channel it despite coming from a low-density world and... Look. They were compatriots and allies but never quite got to the point of being friends, and Theo regrets it very much. He knew something was coming when Papalymo asked for the remnants of Tupsimati but if he'd had any idea just how crazy he was planning to be he... He doesn't know. He can't change the past, and passing up on knowing his ally better will always haunt him.
Yda/Lyse is a sore subject. When he first joined the Scions proper they got along pretty well, when he wasn't trying to talk nerdy with Papalymo anyway. They commisserated a lot over feeling like the stupid people in the room with a bunch of smart people, and he was probably more honest with Yda than he was with anyone. When Papalymo died and he found out that she'd been lying to him for years, that he'd pretty much bared his soul to her and she hadn't even done him the dignity of telling him her name... Well. Let's just say that the duel in Stormblood didn't happen, because she wasn't his friend any more. Their interactions, when they have to happen, are still extremely frosty on his part. Maybe he'll warm up to her again one day, in the future, if she ever figures out why he's so angry and apologises, but he's not holding his breath.
Minfillia drives him crazy. She's pretty smart, but she often makes some truly mind-bogglingly poor decisions, and it rubs him the wrong way. Imagine a cat's expression when you rub their fur against the grain, and that's the face he makes when she makes decisions that hurt his brain. Plus the fact that she's the one member of the main Scion team who never once fought, not even when she was being rescued from the Castrum at extreme risk to everyone involved... Well. He don't like it, okay! He doesn't exactly like fighting overmuch himself, but when someone who is supposedly well-trained and talented with the sword she carries around doesn't actually do anything with it... Add to that the number of situations he wound up in on her word that he really, really, really didn't want to be in, and it's not really a wonder that he was kind of petty towards her right up until she disappeared. Then he was angry, at both her and Hydaelyn for not telling anyone why she disappeared, and then there was the whole mess with Ryne... Complicated. It's complicated.
Urianger is absolutely on the spectrum and Theo took to him the instant they met. ASD solidarity, baby! In all seriousness Urianger is often the member of the Scions who Theo feels most comfortable being quiet and studious around. They don't need to fill the air with noise because they Get It. Urianger doesn't understand much of his magitek work, and Theo doesn't understand Astrology or the Astrologian job in the slightest, but they respect and admire each other's expertise. Theo has never once been angry or bitter about the secrets Urianger's kept or the plans he's made, because he knows him well enough that he'd only do those things if he genuinely thought they were necessary for the greater good. He's never been let down and he doubts he ever will be. (When Theo finally came back to the Waking Sands after Haurechefant's death, Urianger said the thing that wound up helping the most. "Do not doubt that the love thou feelst is real, or that the day shall yet come where the memory of him shall give thee great comfort.")
Alphinaud is baby. Baby brother. Do not hurt his baby brother, he will hunt you down and do terrible, terrible things to you. Initially he thought he was a bit of a brat, but a well-meaning brat. Then he took over after the nightmare at the Sands and impressed him rather a lot, even if he occasionally thought he needed to slow down and think more. Pretty much the only reason Theo was functional for large parts of Heavensward was his MUST PROTECT BABY instincts keeping him going when he would rather have just laid down and let the snow take him. He will do anything for this boy and he's so, so proud of who he's become that he could cry.
Alisaie be ANGRY BABY. Furious baby sister! Do not fuck with the baby sister, he will help her eviscerate you. As the Warriors of Darkness discovered to their loss; they tried to kill his sib and he came for them hard. She's so much smarter than she gives herself credit for sometimes, and it makes him crazy when she compares herself to Alphinaud. They are different people with different skills and are both his baby siblings no time for rebuttals have been allotted accept your hug-filled fate. When she realised she could use what she learned on the First to cure tempering he threw himself head-first into helping her because he believed she really could. And she did!
(When Fourchenalt called them warmongers at the Forum he very POINTEDLY said that it wasn't Sharlayan or Fourchenalt who ended the thousand year war and cured the ongoing nightmare that was tempering; it was his children and he WOULD show them the respect they were due for their achievements! Oh and he was also very lucky they weren't letting him draw up adoption papers, because he would prouder than proud to call them his own.)
Tataru is terrifying. She is the scariest member of the Scions bar none. You do not cross her, you simply thank whatever gods happen to be listening that she's on your side. Also the clothes she makes are undeniably comfy, even if they're not always the kind of thing he'd willingly wear himself.
Moenbryda was the alpha lesbian and they made friends pretty much instantly. She took one look at his hopeless twink ass and decided here was someone who needed a little wlw/mlm solidarity and also some great jokes about the asses of various Scions. She got him drunk. He told her how cool Urianger is (she already knew but loved hearing it anyway). They were exceptionally geeky together and Theo learned so much about how the aetherytes worked. If he could've stopped her sacrifice and taken her place he absolutely would've. The world lost a truly amazing person the day she died and he'll regret her loss for the rest of his life.
Estinien is so much more of a dork than people realise. He seems to attract ridiculous situations without even noticing and honestly it's wonderful to watch. (This did not stop him from lecturing the alchemists at the Great Work about FUCKING CONSENT when they tried to take his blood. Want to make him lose it? Let him see someone being fucked over with even the slightest hint of medical context.) He wouldn't say they were friends early on, the trip with him and Ysayle was Awkwardness Incarnate a lot of the time, but you can't fight an ancient dragon together and then rescue each other from the vengeful spirit of said dragon without becoming close.
Krile is second only to Tataru in the scariness ratings. Why is it that every woman Theo is friends with is terrifying as fuck? He doesn't know, he only knows that he respects them as the Goddesses of Wrath that they are. After discovering that she gave the remains of the Mothercrystal to Zenos, he is now thoroughly convinced that Krile has bigger balls than the entire population of Old Sharlayan put together.
G'raha, G'raha, precious Raha! He fell for this sweet silly cat of a man very early on. Yeah, the sand prank was annoying, but someone who could keep up with him who wasn't named Cid? Who made the ancient history of a people who he had no reason to do anything but despise interesting? Who was so very eager to show off yet so very sweet when he wasn't? Theo never stood a chance, even if he didn't actually realise he had a crush until many years later when G'raha stood before him in a hood pretending not to be himself. (He was slightly preoccupied with being head over heels for Haurchefant at the time, in his defence.) Shadowbringers was complicated but he never once stopped believing that G'raha was planning something... He was very upset when he found out what though. Especially because he wasn't dying, he was just having a rather bad case of his body remembering that it used to be very very sick. Once they were back in the Source, and it was clear that Raha was fine, there were a lot of very blushy and awkward admissions and a lot of very enthusiastic kissing. Theo loves to find new ways to make Raha blush! Seriously though, he loves him very much and will 100% protect him no matter what. And Raha is not allowed to pull another sacrifice play EVER. NO MORE.
Bonus: Ryne is Honorary Baby. Seriously, he took one look at her and decided she was Family. Before she became Ryne, Theo called her 'Minnie' and was very emphatic about her being her own person, even winding up in a fistfight with Thancred over his behaviour. (Thancred is strong. Theo is a Monk when he's not healing or shooting things. Thancred lost for the first time in years.) He was so happy when she befriended Gaia, and he 100% Ships It. They're really sweet together and he wishes them nothing but the best. Gaia's not baby but she is Family and became so the moment she fought for Ryne.
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙰 𝚃𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚁𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚗 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
Back at the tavern, the Captain is behind the bar organising some bottles with Elizabeth on the other side of the bar, cleaning it. She smiles and looks up at Meliodas.
"So, Sir Meliodas?" She asks. He hums in response and turns to face her. "How would you describe King? What kind of person is he?"
"Hmm, let's see now. I'd say he's kinda like the Eight Deadly Sins mascot." He replies, leaning back against the bar. "Our pet, I guess."
"Hey! You know perfectly well there are no pets allowed in here!" Hawk says, steam coming out of his nose. "Having an animal in a dining establishment is disgusting!" Meliodas and Elizabeth look at the pig with dumfound looks.
"Ever heard the word irony?" Meliodas asks, arms crossed. "Oh, about King." He continues, looking back at Elizabeth. "There was a time when Ban was totally into collecting plushies."
"Seriously?" Elizabeth says amused, her voice slightly shaking with a giggle. Hawk snorts.
"That's just adorable."
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King hugs a bunch of stuffed animals with tears down his face and loud cries coming out of his mouth.
"This is heart-breaking!" King says, tearfully. Ban, who seems to be slightly drunk, lays on a sofa full of plushies of all kinds.
"Give it a rest huh," Ban says, smirking.
"How could steal these wonderful things!" King asks as Ban takes another gulp of his ale. "Each one is an emotional piggy bank, bank full of their owner's memories, feelings and desires! You just, just...a nasty man who feels nothing!" King shouts, shaking.
"What they're packed full of are rice and stuffing," Ban says, picking up a stuffed animal with a tear in the back. "What did I tell you-"
"Don't you dare!" King cries out. Y/N appears from behind King and quickly makes her way over to the fox sin and grabs the plushie before Ban could tear it more and hands it to King, who hugs it tightly. She places her hand on his back and begins patting it, while he continues to cry.
"Y/N told me he sobbed all night long," Meliodas says.
"It's alright buddy. It's alright." She comforts, glaring at Ban.
"Then the next morning while Ban was passed out and snoring away..." Ban now sleeps and snores on the sofa with nothing but bottles of ale around him.
A little girl lays in her bed with tears in her eyes. Only for King to gently place a brown bear beside her and she immediately snuggles up to it with a smile. King then pulls his covers over the little girl with a smile. That next morning King flies through the village listening to all the children tell their parents about founding their missing plushies and he smiles.
Elizabeth smiles with her hands up to her face.
"Sir King seems like he might be a little strange," Elizabeth says with a smile. "But he seems like a man with a really warm heart. I admire that."
"But it also means Ban is an even bigger jerk than I already thought he was and Y/N is nicer than I thought she was," Hawk says. "I bet the three of them fought all the time."
"What would make you say that?" Meliodas asks. "King, Ban and Y/N were practically joint at the hips."
Ban walks through a village looking uncomfortable as King fly's behind him with his arms crossed and Y/N walks beside him in her wolf form with a growl, staring up at Ban while she follows him. The ban stops walking and points his finger up, his head turned to face them and begins talking.
"Though when I think about it that might have been to clean up Ban's messes," Meliodas says. "But when all said and done they did make an excellent team."
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Back in the village, the two sins now kneel beside the young girl. Ban holding her up.
"Hey~ Hey," Ban says, using the back of his hand to gently push against the side of her head. "Come on." Y/N pokes her cheek.
"Wakey wakey." She says. The girl groans gently before slowly opening her eyes. "Phew. I thought we killed her somehow."
"So, are you alright?" Ban asks, looking down at the girl.
"Get your filthy hands off Ellen!" A loud voice shouts at them. Ban and Y/N turn their heads to face the voice and see a young boy holding a pitchfork. "Just what do you two think you're doing to my sister?"
"Look kid, your her brother and watching out for her, shouldn't you make sure she's getting enough food?" Y/N asks.
"Shut up!" The boy shouts. "Just go away and leave her alone!"
"Sheesh, I was just trying to help." She mutters.
"Now I'm gonna repeat what my friend her said," Ban says. "Are you making sure she's getting enough food, or should I take her away?" Y/N quickly glances at Ban, slightly shocked. The boy, with tears in his eyes, yells and runs forwards towards the two and stabs Ban in the chest with the pitchfork. The boy's face instantly turns to guilt as Ellen jumps up from Ban's arms and over to her brother.
"No brother! This man and woman were only trying to help me. What have you done!?" Y/N snorts, covering her mouth with her hand.
"You got stabbed by a little kid." She says, smirking. Ban looks at her unamused before taking out the pitchfork and dropping it on the ground with a clang. The boy bows his head, tears still in his eyes.
"I'm sorry. What can I do to atone for my sins sir, miss?" He asks, shaking.
"You wanna atone huh?" Y/N asks as she and Ban stand up. "What's there to make amends for kid?" The boy looks over at Ban.
"But I- uh!" The boy sees that Ban's wounds are gone. "Your wound!"
"There's something you should know," Ban says. "Real. Genuine sins. No amount of repenting erases them." Y/N catches a glint of something before she puts her hand out over ban's chest only for a spear to go through her hand and Ban's chest. She looks slightly shocked as she torn apart hand falls to her side. (Your entire hand is torn apart from the gap between your middle finger and pointer finger down to your palm- for those who watch Saw, it's the 10 Pints of Sacrifice trap!) Ban's eyes widen before the two come face to face with a young boy who seems to be floating yet laying on said spear as if he's lighter than a feather.
"Glad you finally realised that." The boy said, smirking. Ban coughs out blood and the two look at the boy in shock. "Hey, Ban. Y/N. How goes?" The two don't reply. "Awesome. It's so good to see you two after all these years. What's up? It's not like you two to be quiet." Ban and Y/N share a look before looking back at the boy.
"Hold on," Y/N says.
"Who are you?" Ban finishes.
"Wow, my feelings are hurt." The boy says, the smile still on his face. "Who am I? Have you two forgotten about me?"
"I don't remember you at all," Ban says before turning to Y/N. "Do you?"
"Nope." She says, shaking her head. She looks down at her hand and grabs it to keep the two halves of the hand together. Ban looks back at the boy.
"Sorry there bud." The boy lets out a sigh.
"Well, I guess it doesn't matter too much. The important thing is..." The spear inside of Ban's chest begins to spin before pushing itself out of Ban, causing Blood to fly everywhere and leaving a massive circular hole in his chest. The spear floats up in the air "You are Ban the Fox Sin and Y/N the Wolf Sin. The Sins of Greed and Death." The boy lands on the bladed side, hand behind his back as he looks down at the two. "Or maybe you'd prefer it if I'd call you these names?" The children watch in fear as the hole in Ban's chest begins to close up. Y/N's hand however doesn't heal up. "Ban the Undead and The Reaper." Ban wipes his bloody mouth before they look up at the boy.
"You've got a smart mouth kid and I'm getting real sick of your tone. What the hell do you know about us anyway?" Ban asks. The boy sighs.
"I know your sins." He says. Y/N and Ban share a look before returning to the boy. "Even if you don't remember me you can still remember your sins, can't you? Do you know? Those terrible, awful crimes you committed."
"Quit talking," Y/N says, glaring up at the boy. He looks at her.
"Death follows you wherever you go. Even if you weren't the one to end their life. You felt pity for yourself and you locked yourself away from others to protect them from your so-called curse" The boy says.
A little boy lays bloodied in Y/N's arms as she cradles him close...It's Tyran. Tears ran down her cheeks.
"Yet, what did it cost?" The boy continues. Y/N's hand curls up tightly as she puts her head down.
Tyran grabs a hold of Y/N's hand, smiling up at her weakly before placing the wooden carving of the bear in her hand. "I love you... mama"
Y/N's shoulders shake as the small voice echoes in her head. Ban placed a hand on her shoulder before looking back up at the boy.
"Hey kid, leave her alone-" He's cut off by the boy scoffing.
"I haven't forgotten about you. To satisfy your selfish greed and gain eternal life, you murdered the holy woman at the fountain of youth." Ban growls and begins cracking his hands.
"Listen up brats, get out of here," Ban says. The siblings, who are hugging each other close, follow Ban's demands.
"Let's go, Ellen." The brother says as he and her runoff.
"I'm right, aren't I?" The boy says as he sits on his spear and they fly down to Ban and Y/N. He goes to pierce them only for the two to jump over him.
"I'll ask you one more time, who the hell are you!" Ban shouts, punching only for his fists to break through a wall. Ban flips, expecting to come back to face with the boy only for the dust to settle and him not be there.
"I'm happy you came out here to play with me." The boy moves his hand around. "Because you've just walked right into my trap." The boy holds out his hand, causing the spear to go straight for Ban, who leans out the way just in time. "Now you won't escape." The spear begins moving at a fast pace around Ban, who just dodges every hit. "Maybe you can still remember bumble bee" Y/N, in her wolf form, quickly jumps from behind King and grabs the spear in her mouth before throwing it away. She poofs back into her normal form, where her hand is being held together by her collar- showing her sin mark.
"Sorry. It's not ringing a bell either!" Y/N says, kicking at the boy only for it to go straight through him. Ban and Y/N land beside each other, facing the boy.
"I wish she could see this. And watch the man who took her life." The boy begins to fly into the sky. Y/N leans her head to Ban.
"I think he's just after you here" She mutters. He shrugs and the two continue to watch as the boy floats up to his spear.
"Pathetically begging for mercy in agony." The boy says. Ban doesn't look remotely affected by this.
"Now for the last time," Ban says, leaning his arm out, cracking his hand and smirking. He cracks his head up at the boy, who gasps. "Who the hell are you!"
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kazanovah · 3 years
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Pairings: Bonten trio x f!reader
Warnings: mature themes 18+ | kinda sad this chapter ngl|
Synopsis: after having her life ruined by the military she served for, reader is out on a vengeance mission to seek justice for herself. She’s full of dark impulses, grief and just overall a bit of a stubborn dumbass.
Previous| Part 4| Next
MDNI 18+
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As you drove through Tokyo, you were only half paying attention to your surroundings. Your mind was constantly being plagued by the horrible images of the lives you had taken merely two weeks ago, and you were confused on as to why you had been dwelling on it for so long.
Was it because you knew you finally reigned victory over them? If that was the case, then why couldn't you sleep at night still?
Or was it maybe the fact that your satisfaction had been taken when the older Haitani murdered their ring leader?
Whatever it was, it had caused your ptsd to come back in full swing. You had a hard time with anything that required heat, your showers were never really hot per se, but now they were icy cold as they had been when you had first gotten home from overseas. You had found yourself looking at the urns on the shelf in the foyer, one for your husband and one from the unborn baby that only you knew about at the time Wantanabe and his men tortured you, and each time you thought about it you could have sworn the scar on your abdomen ached just the slightest bit.
Your cellphone began to ring loudly within the quietly vehicle, scaring the absolute shit out of you and causing you to jerk the wheel slightly to the right as you jumped. Once you reached over and found the phone, you didn't bother to check the caller ID before answering it and bringing it to your ear.
"Hello?" You said, astonished that someone would even be calling your phone, especially at two in the morning on a Wednesday.
"Lieutenant Commader Saito." The familiar voice on the other end of the line said, stating your name as a greeting.
"G-General Nakamura?" You questioned, disbelief in your voice.
"Sorry to call you out of the blue like this, but I have something you might wanna hear." Nakamura said, making your eyes widen slightly.
"What is it? Everything okay?" You had a gut feeling that you knew the answer to the question you had just asked.
"Not in the slightest. I had been notified that Wantanabe and his screw were found slaughtered at the abandoned nuclear plant. I'm not going to turn you in, I know why you did it and I can turn a blind eye to this." Nakamura said, making you exhale a breath you didn't know you were holding in.
"But your tags are here." He said, making your brows knit in confusion.
MY tags? There's no way.
"General, sir, there's no possible way they're mine." You said, trying to rack your brain for any reason as to how they would be there.
"I know, Saito. I- I don't know if this is something you want to hear, but there's been some speculations that Second Lieutenant Saito is... is still alive." With that, you slammed harshly on the breaks. All the air had left your lungs and even though Nakamura couldn't see you, you were shaking your head back and forth.
"W-with all d-due respect sir I- I think that's highly unlikely." You said, remembering the charred body you had clung onto for dear life.
No, there's no way.
"I was going to tell you sooner but I had just heard the tumours two days ago. There had been a breach in our security systems and a bunch of files had been hacked into. We're still looking into it, but the person or persons responsible are good at what they do. Unfortunately your file was pulled and—" your mind was whirring and you felt sick to your stomach.
You couldn't believe what he was telling you. All of the potential suspects who would be inclined to want to know your whereabouts were dead, you saw to that two weeks ago.
You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard shouting on the other end of the phone.
"What the f- holy shit. Lieutenant I'm at the plant now and-" Nakamura's voice was cut off when you heard a gunshot, and you heard his phone falling to the floor before the call was dropped.
No, he can't die. You have to save him. He's the ONLY one who helped you in your time of need.
That thought was the only thing you needed to convince yourself to slam on the gas pedal, making a harsh left turn that had slid out the back end of the truck in a drift, causing the tires to screech against the dry pavement as you dashed your way back across town.
You knew you were going into this blindly, but what other choice did you have? You could either have carried on with your night, going to the store and then going back home to drown your sorrows with a bottle of bourbon and for sure let General Nakamura die, or you could do what you were doing now - a rescue mission that may go south and cost you your life.
But what were you truly living for now that everything you worked hard for was finally done and over with?
You had cut the lights on the truck as you pulled into the parking lot outside the plant, spotting two, empty Volvos. You made sure to park far enough away as to not be seen coming, and you reached over to pop the latch on the glove box.
As it fell open with a thud, you reached in and felt your fingertips brush against the cold metal of your Beretta, and you pulled it out before taking out the two mags along with it, and sliding one into the gun.
At least it's suppressed, you thought to yourself as you were unsure if loud noises were going to trigger a wave of your ptsd, and that was the last thing you needed.
You looked over at Lina, she was already staring into the darkness of the warehouse. You knew that she could see and probably hear what was going on, and you made sure to reach over and run your fingers through her silky coat.
Shit, I don't have her vest here. She's gotta stay.
"Good girl." You said, before commanding her. "Stay."
With that, you opened the door to the truck and slid out, your feet hitting the ground lightly. You made sure to close the door behind you gently as the last thing you needed was to alert them that you were coming.
You swiftly made your way through the parking lot and towards the broken glass doors that led into the plant. You made sure to keep to the side so that if anyone was on the main floor, they wouldn't see you coming, and the closer you got, the louder the voices became.
"Shit man, I can't believe we got the army's General!" A tall, lanky male said to his bulky friend, making the bulkier male scoff.
"He's not the acting general anymore, you know that right?" He had shot back, making his friend roll his eyes.
"So? We still got him. Once word gets out into the underworld, the Tigers will be on par with Bonten if not better!" Lanky said, and you rolled your eyes.
Its pathetic what wannabe gangsters would do for a little bit of fame, you were disgusted by the thought.
"Hey, he was one the phone with someone right?" Bulky asked, making his friend nod.
"Yeah, why?" Lanky answered.
"Do you think that he told them where he was?"
"Nah man, don't think so. Boss shot his knee out quickly, the only thing I heard was his screaming." Lanky said again, and this time, you saw red.
It's showtime, fuckers.
With that, you were quick to fill the doorway and fire a bullet into the lanky males head. The shot was muffled and his bulky companion didn't notice what had happened until blood spattered across his face, and his friend dropped to the ground beneath him.
"What the-" the bulky man yelled, raising his glock to aim it at you, but thankfully you were faster than him, and you shot his throat before he could pull the trigger.
Piece of cake, you thought as you wandered deeper into the plant.
You scouted the bottom floor, making sure every nook and cranny was free of wandering thugs before making your way into the stairwell, where you were met with another two men.
They hadn't heard you opening the door, and they seemed to have both been busy with watching a video on a cellphone. As you revealed yourself by stepping up onto the first step, they noticed you and began to get up from their position on the floor.
You tapped your trigger twice, unloading two bullets into each of their chests and watching as their now, lifeless bodies slumped back against the moody wall they had been leaning against in the first place.
How can they be so stupid?
You were amazed at how easy it was to kill off four men who were supposed to be guarding the building and you continued to climb up the stairs until you reached the second floor.
Bursting through the door, you saw the hallway was empty. You could hear the sounds of muffled talking, and you pressed your back to the wall just outside of the doorway to listen in on a conversation once again.
"What were you doing here, General." An unfamiliar voice asked.
"Eat shit." Nakamura said, and the sound of knuckles brushing against skin filled the corridor and your eyes widened.
Good, he's still alive.
"Im looking for Saito. You said she was in wit-pro, but you and I both know that's a lie." The unfamiliar man said again, making me furrow my brows
Who the hell is that and what the fuck does he want with me?
As you peered in the room you could see General Nakamura being held up onto his knees by a man who had fisted his greying locks. Nakamura was covered in a mixture of blood and sweat, and it made your heart hurt.
No, no emotions. Not now. You reminded yourself, before firing your gun into the male holding Nakamura.
"Ah, shit." The man interrogating the General huffed out, and you watched him raise his gun to fire it at you.
Making the split decision to slide over behind a counter in the makeshift break room, the bullet ricocheted off the wall, but the bang from the gunshot made your whole body begin to quiver.
Fuck that was so loud.
You didn't have your Comtac's to muffle the sounds of gunfire, and you were forcing your mind to stop thinking about the past as another rapid fire of bullets erupted into the room.
Each bullet penetrated the cupboards you were hiding behind, and you had somehow managed to duck and roll out of the way with each one. When you heard the person reloading, you knew it was your chance to strike and you peeked up from behind the counter and fired your weapon.
The bullet caught the man right in the chest, and you watched him stumble backwards into the wall behind him, before slumping to the ground. He was breathing heavily, clutching his bleeding wound as he stared up at you with wide eyes.
"Lieutenant, you came." Nakamura coughed out, looking up at you from his position on the ground.
You were confused on as to why his voice was brittle, until you saw the fatal wound that was seeping blood through his t-shirt and onto the floor around him. You hadn't realized he had been shot in the chest too, and you quickly looked back over to the dead male slumped against the wall.
General Nakamura was trying his hardest to get up off the ground, making you kneel down and place a hand tenderly on his right shoulder, gently guiding him back down to the ground as he winced from the pain erupting in his chest.
"You... you're bleeding." He said, making your brows knit in confusion. It wasn't until he pointed it out that you realize a bullet casing had grazed you shoulder and think you might have happened from a ricocheting bullet.
"Don't worry about me, General. We have to get you a proper medic." You said, reaching up and moving his hand from the wound and nearly gagging from the severity of it.
He's lost so much blood already, you thought to yourself.
"No... no time. B-but Saito... Ren's a-al-" he was cut off by a gruesome cough that caused a pool of blood to slip past his paling lips, covering his chest and abdomen in even more blood.
No... he can't - he can't die. He was the only one to help me. You could feel your eyes pooling with tears, and you blinked harshly to clear them so that Nakamura didn't have to see them.
"Alive. Don't know h-how b-but h-he wants... you." Nakamura said, gasping for breath shortly after.
"Shh, stop talking. S'okay General. L-let me call an ambulance th-they can help." You said to him, reaching up and brushing the greying hair from his face before your other hand reached into your pocket.
Luck would not be on your side that night for as soon as you pulled your cellphone out, you heard the sound of a single footstep behind you before your entire body was met with a painful shock, making you scream as your body violently convulsed. You had dropped the phone almost immediately to the ground, hearing it break as you did so, and your body soon fell along with it.
"Cant believe you didn't hear me coming, what kind of soldier are you?" An unfamiliar voice asked, his condescending tone making you seethe with rage. You had fallen onto your back, staring up at the dark ceiling when a face suddenly appeared in your vision.
Huh? Wantanabe? No, it can't be. His eyes wet blue and this man's eyes are dark, almost black.
"W-who are you?" You asked, your body still tense as all hell from being tasered by the stun gun in the man's hand.
"Wantanabe's brother, obviously. Do we not look alike, you stupid little thing." The male said, crouching down into a squat before bringing the gun back to your neck and zapping you.
You screamed as you convulsed, your stomach had clenched so hard that you needed to vomit and as the seconds turned into what felt like hours, the stun gun was finally pulled away from your neck and you rolled on your side and puked violently on the ground beneath you.
"So weak, how did you make it out of that fire? Oh right, your mutt had saved you. Where is he now, hm?" Wantanabe's brother teased, bringing up his foot before slamming it down into your abdomen, making you grunt in pain.
You writhed in pain on the ground, your eyes watering with unshed tears. As you looked over at General Nakamura, you could see his cold, lifeless eyes staring back you with a single rolling down his cheek.
He's dead.
"N-no." You cried out quietly, reaching out to grab the cellphone that had fallen from your hands, when the male above you stomped on your wrist, and your entire arm radiated with pain.
“Do you really think you’re going to last long enough to call for help? Pathetic.” He spat, rolling you over with his foot so that you were facing the ceiling once again.
My fucking body, it’s so tense. Everything hurts.
“Say your prayers, lieutenant. Geez, it’s so wrong to even call you that. You didn’t deserve that position, Hiro did.” His brother spat, and despite every single fibre of your being screaming in pain, you couldn’t help but choke out a laugh, earning a harsh stomp on your abdomen once again, ending your laughter with a fit of coughs and garbles.
“You think this is funny to you?” He questioned, though this time you remained silent and made sure to hold his gaze. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that you were terrified out of your mind, he didn’t deserve to know the way your mind was comparing this situation to the one that happened overseas, or the way your mind was running through every single significant memory.
“Rot in hell with your husband, lieutenant.” The man said, standing up and raising his gun to aim it at your face.
You closed your eyes, silently thanking the dead male beside you for everything he had done. You thanked your shitty parents for bringing you into this world, you thanked your… maybe not so dead husband for giving you a chance when nobody else would have, and you even thanked fucking Ran Haitani for taking out the last of the men that had hurt you.
This is it, I’m officially done for. You thought, just as the sound of paws thumping on the ground brought you from your trance, and just as the sound of the gunshot when off, you opened your eyes in time to see Lina, jumping front of you and sinking her teeth into the man’s throat.
A garbled scream escaped his throat, at the same time a blood curdling shriek escaped yours when you realized the blood spattered across your face came from the bullet in your dogs chest. The tears you had been holding back were now rushing down your cheeks as you watched Lina tear and rip at the man’s skin until he took his final breath, before she slumped onto her side.
“L-Lina?” You called out to her. although your voice was barely above a whisper, you could tell she heard you by the way her ears perked up the slightest bit.
No, God please no. I cant- I cant lose her too, you thought, rolling onto your stomach before crawling your way over to her body.
Your body ached, each muscle in your body seemed to be taking their turns spawning painfully - the aftershocks of being tasered. You chose to ignore it as you eyes solely focused on the way her laboured breathing had begun to grow shallow.
You reached out to her, pulling yourself into her and wrapping your arms around her fluffy body. You could feel her lightly licking your hands - something she was trained to do whenever you would have a panic attack, and you couldn’t help but feel more overwhelmed at the fact that even in her dying state, she was making sure that you were the one to be comforted.
“G-good girl. Always will be.” You sobbed, burying your face into the back of her neck and sobbing loudly. Your body trembled with each shaky breath you took, and another scream left your throat when you felt her body still.
She’s cold, she’s so cold . You kept repeating to yourself, over and over again like a broken mantra that only made the pain in your heart intensify.
In this moment, you had given up entirely. The darkness that had been clouding your vision was beginning to take over, and the more you cried and gasped for air, the darker the world became.
The last thing you could remembered were the several pairs of legs that came into your vision, and you smiled softly knowing that you wouldn’t have to be alive much longer. You were grateful that you wouldn’t have to suffer any longer, and so you finally let the darkness consume you.
@skebrii @toobsessedsstuff
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yokohamabeans · 2 years
What are your personal thoughts on each of the Tenjiku guys? You said you had a soft spot for them so I'm curious 👀 obviously you love Kaku and Ran but why and what about the others? Please word dump all you want lol
ANON are you sure you wanna unleash me like this?? Alright alright alright... Since you asked for it...
I love Tenjiku because out of all the antagonist gangs in TokRev, the villainous found family trope is the strongest and most genuine with them, and I'M ALL FOR IT BABY!!! They're built up as this gang of incorrigible sadists who have no qualms about dealing drugs, ruining lives and murder, and yet they all readily took the rap for Mikey, Toman and even (at least some of) the lower-ranked Tenjiku members, and we get official art of Tenjiku just having fun and genuinely enjoying each other's companies. Each of the S-62 is an asshole of some level and yet they truly cared for each other AND KAKUCHO! Always remember that none of them snitched on Kakucho when they were arrested, and even Ran tried to deter South from getting to him. A bunch of big brothers... all of them... Honour among thieves... (I have so many thoughts about them meeting and forging strong bonds in juvie, and even more about how they took in Kakucho ahhh) Also, Tenjiku's strong Eastern/'Chinese' theme is just really appealing to me. Tenjiku being from Yokohama (which has Japan's largest Chinatown), the Journey to the West references, Four Heavenly Kings, Yin-Yang motif etc. (Speaking of Yin-Yang, the Yin-Yang dynamic between Izana and Kakucho is just so strong that it even shows in their colour schemes haha)
Alright, now on to the individual members...
Izana: My heart is broken...... There are many tragic characters in TokRev but Izana just has to be the most tragic. Yes, he's had a wretched fate but at the same time, he's also convinced himself of it a lot and driven himself down that path. Not only does he stubbornly denies Kakucho's and Tenjiku's respect and loyalty, he even undermines their camaraderie as fear and self-agenda. This is a person so consumed by his own demons that even in death, when he has done the most altruistic deed of sacrificing his life for another, he still believes that there is no salvation for him (which I find realistic tbh, because there's no way Mikey could've convinced otherwise in one night, when Izana's been telling himself that he's beyond redemption his whole life). He is shown to lack any empathy nor love for his men/subordinates, but I'm sure he must have shown some off-screen because why would the S-62, a bunch of selfish jerks, be so sincerely loyal to him? I hope Wakui gives us more Tenjiku content in the DVD extra booklets. Izana as a character is just so enigmatic and mysterious, IMO. His background as a character is practically fully explored but at the same time, you get the feeling that you can't know what his thoughts are (or maybe that's just me). Kakucho has been with him almost his whole life, but I still think that even Kakucho does not fully understand Izana. If there was anyone who really knew Izana, it would be Shinichirou. Anyway, this guy is the definition of the 'Alas, Poor Villain' trope and my heart is in pieces because of him.
Mucho: Like Kakucho, Mucho is very much of a 'Wrong Place' kinda guy. He's mentioned to Sanzu that he's got 'nowhere to go' which is why he's in the gang life, but you can tell that he does want to be a good person. He's compassionate and fair to his subordinates and Sanzu, can distinguish between right and wrong and good and evil. He’s really underrated as a character: this guy is obviously strong and powerful, and also self-disciplined, smart and cunning (his long con game?? Wow). Out of all TokRev characters (aside from Shin) he’s probably the most mature and sensible, and he’s also really self-aware as a person (he knows where his morals lie and admits he would’ve been better off with Mikey instead of Izana, but he just can’t help but commit himself to Tenjiku). It’s a pity cuz he would’ve been a terrific Oyabun. And when you think about it, his death is really sad (too bad Sanzu stole all the attention LOL). I have the feeling that he wanted to turn over a new leaf and repent his sins (either by joining or helping Toman, or even just giving up the gang life) after his 2nd juvie stint, but got murdered upon release (sooooo yakuza-esque btw haha I wonder if it was Wakui’s homage to yakuza films). And he did say he was all alone, so I wonder if anyone ever found out that he died. Did the remaining Tenjiku members (especially Kakucho) look for him?? How did they feel if they found out about his death?? It’s unlikely but I hope Wakui sheds some light on this!! Anyway, Mucho needs more appreciation!!
Mocchi: Unfortunately I can’t really form much of an opinion about Mocchi because he doesn’t get as much screen time and introspection as the other characters haha. But at the very least we know that he values honour in fights, really enjoys fighting, openly acknowledges/respects his teammates’ strengths (Haitani Bros) and is one of the goofier guys in Tenjiku. I think as a youth/young adult he probably hung and went out more with the other ‘fun’ guys like the Haitanis, but seems to have grown up more grounded/cautious/responsible because he was shown being kinda naggy about how Sanzu should dispose of the corpses. All in all, he seems to be the pretty standard ‘muscle brute’ guy, but hopefully Wakui will give him more spotlight in the upcoming chapters!! (Also, I just feel kinda bad for him cuz he’s always left out of the fandom’s thirst for Tenjiku/Bonten💀)
Shion: Again, can’t really say much about him because the limited chapters and panels he’s been in only show him to be an overconfident butt monkey haha. I don’t think he’s exceptionally strong, my headcanon about him is that he’s got clout and a place in the S-62 because of other factors like connections (perhaps from his BD era) and just the general reputation of a wacky guy who’d do literally anything. There’s a chance that Wakui might give him more spotlight and a backstory to hype him up as a character because he’s facing off against Akkun, and I think Wakui might wanna give Akkun a little more dignity by fighting someone ‘strong’/‘impressive’.
Ran & Rindou: HAHA ACTUALLY I like Rindou more than I do Ran 😜 Rindou’s character design appeals more to me, and his personality (simultaneously lazy and disinterested and yet cocky, bratty and sadistic) is just more fun than Ran lmao. I’ve said quite a bit about them (and trust me I’m gonna say more) so I’ll just talk about why I like them here. I’m not gonna lie anon. Like most Haitani stans it’s mainly thirst over their character designs and general mysterious and enigmatic charisma. I was really neutral on them upon their first introduction (Valhalla viewing gallery) but then Tenjiku gave them way more of a personality and then with their Bonten appearance?? I was a goner!!! And there’s something so interesting about their incredibly close brotherly bond, I’m just waiting on the edge of my seat and biting my nails for the next Haitani backstory reveal!!
Kakucho: WHY DO I LOVE KAKUCHO?? ANON WHY DO I BREATHE?? Jokes aside: I think I’ve always had a thing for the dark-haired brooding type but I just really love Kakucho’s character. Despite his absolutely tragic and horrible childhood, he’s a good person through and through and doesn’t make excuses for himself nor his actions. In a way, he’s kind of a foil to Izana: they both have a traumatic past, were in the same orphanage, experienced the loss of an important person (Shinichirou for Izana, Izana for Kakucho). Izana goes down deeper into the dark path, blames other people for his agony and strives to make others suffer too. But Kakucho doesn’t lose himself, takes it all upon himself and never wants to hurt other people (out of the context of a fight). His loyalty to Izana is more heartbreaking because you know that he’s struggled a lot (probably secretly) with his morals while being steadfast and loyal to Izana. I think he views himself as a bad person, not in the ‘guilty’ way but in the ‘I did what I had to do and so I’ll live with that’ kind of way. He’s just so steady and solid as a character I love him. You can be neutral about him but there’s no way to dislike this guy!!!
Well anon you asked for this!! My unhinged primal thoughts about Tenjiku (or at least the core members, I know Koko, Sanzu, Kisaki and Hanma were part of them too but they were never truly aligned with them)!! I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinion about them too if you don’t mind sharing!!
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jelzorz · 3 years
for @captainjamba bc I promised sad ezraanya and @iwillhaveamoonbase bc I bet them that I could somehow cram (?)platonic sorayla into the same ia
It's more curiosity than it is a crush. As much as Soren likes to pretend he's smooth and cool and experienced in the ways of the opposite—and the same—sex, the truth is that he's never been in any serious relationships, and, well—
Rayla is cool, and pretty, and the only person in the castle who's actually fun to spar with.
But it's not a crush.
Crushes are for kids. Crushes are awkward and stupid and full of weird feelings you don't understand until you're making yourself look like an idiot in front of your person of interest. Your mouth goes dry. Your tummy gets all jittery. Your ears get all warm and you can't stop looking because what else is there to do when you want something you can't have and—
Soren stops there. It's not a crush. Rayla's with Callum anyway, and they're obviously happy together, and he's not enough of a jerk to get in the way of that no matter what it is. He's just... never been around a girl (not Claudia) this often who's so much fun. He watches her and Callum sometimes and finds himself wondering what it might be like to be in relationship like that; to be so close to someone that they might as well live in your head; to have someone be your home rather than some place. It's not even really Rayla he's curious about—it's about the way she and Callum look at each other, and it's him, he thinks, wondering if someone might look at him like that some day too.
It's a lot of mushy, sentimental stuff that he's never really given much thought to until relatively recently, and regardless, it doesn't matter. He goes on about his business. He pays it—whatever it is—no mind.
Then he catches Ezran sitting by himself in the courtyard making eyes at the Queen of Duren and finds himself more than a little intrigued.
It's the middle of winter. The kingdoms of Duren and Katolis have a pretty good history with each other, especially when it comes to sharing grain, and this year is no different, obviously, especially because Ez and Queen Aanya have been on such good terms since the end of the war.
Ez is fifteen now. He's the about same age Callum and Rayla were when they started being gross about each other, and they're getting married now so Soren supposes this was only ever a matter of time. The wedding is set for the summer, but Ez and Queen Aanya have found excuses to visit each other a bunch these past couple of years, and Soren wonders if they're trying to be obvious or if they're a bit stupid and haven't realised why yet. Soren's slow about a lot of things, but Ez is his friend, his king, and his not-quite younger brother, and he's been around Callum enough to know that look when he sees it.
"Got something on your mind, Your Majesty?" he asks lightly one day, amused little smirk pulling upwards at his lips.
Ez has the decency to blush. "No," he mutters stubbornly. He swings his legs childishly on the bench and stares at the fresh fallen snow. For what it's worth, Soren gets it—Aanya's grown into a fine young queen, and she spends enough time talking politics with Ezran that this isn't actually that surprising at all.
But Ez still wrinkles his nose and pretends he's not bothered by it in spite of the way he very much is, and Soren snorts to himself and takes a seat.
"Care to share?"
"Not really," grumbles Ez shortly.
There's a pause. Then Ez takes a breath.
"It's stupid," he says at last. "It's probably nothing anyway."
"Mm, that doesn't mean it won't help to talk," says Soren, shrugging. "What?" he adds, when Ez raises an eyebrow. "Don't think Callum hasn't forced me to do Big Feelings Time. I know it helps."
In spite of himself, Ez laughs. Then he sighs, eyes flitting once more to the Queen on the other end of the courtyard. "Have you ever liked something you're not allowed to?"
Soren stares at him. "Aren't you the king? Aren't you allowed to like whatever you want?"
"Not all things," mutters Ez. "I dunno. All the stuff with the wedding got me thinking, I guess. Opeli keeps hinting that I'll have to arrange my own soon, but I don't... really want to have it arranged, y'know? Callum and Rayla are so lucky they get to marry for love. I just don't think I'll be allowed to do the same."
"Why do you say that?"
Ez snorts. "Politics. Laws. Borders." He huffs. "Wonder what it's like to be as in love as them."
"What, are you jealous or something?"
Ez purses his lips. "No," he says after a moment. He tears his eyes away from Queen Aanya again and stares at his feet. "Just curious."
"Ah," says Soren. "I get that."
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