#they're having fun roleplaying lol
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tinytalkingtina · 2 months ago
Revenge of the...Jocks?
Written for the December @steddiemicrofic prompt, using the word "time" and 485 words
Rating E | Ao3 link Tags: mean dom Steve/sub Eddie (they do switch though), light bondage, roleplay, Steve's letterman jacket and Eddie's handcuffs/bandana, tiny bit of overstim Thank you to steddiecameraroll-graphics for the pretty dividers!
This is all E-rated so under the divider it goes!
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Steve scoffed. "How pathetic. Really? Can't last longer than a minute without shooting off? I barely touched you."
Eddie couldn't do anything but whimper as his tormentor kept moving his hand up and down his softening dick. 
The handcuffs keeping him bound to the bed rattled against the headboard as he tried to squirm away without success. Oh G-d, every single one of his nerve endings was on fire. Begging for mercy, his words came out as incomprehensible garbled noises through the gag. Steve raised an eyebrow.
"What was that?" He cupped his ear with one hand. "Couldn't hear you. You know, it's rude to speak with your mouth full." Eddie glared up at him. As if Steve hadn't been the one to grab his bandana out of his pocket and stuff it in to stop him from “moaning loudly like a slut.”
"-uk ooh!" he spat out as best he could.
Steve booped Eddie's nose. 
"How cute, the freak's throwing a tantrum!" Eddie's cheeks burned with embarrassment. His dick on the other hand, gave a twitch and filled back out from the half-hard state Steve had kept it in.
"Finally. You'd think a virgin loser would be ready to go again as soon as someone pays this-" he flicked a finger across the head of Eddie's swollen dick, "any attention." Eddie squeaked in surprise and wiggled around more, the sheets beneath his bare ass only reminding him how exposed he was. Fully clothed, King Steve loomed above him, a condescending smirk fixed on his face.
"Think you can give me one more, Freak?" Eddie whined. "Oh that's right, you don't have a fucking choice, unless you want me to leave you here for the rest of the team."
"Maybe I should let them have you," Steve mused as he curled his hand tightly around Eddie's dick and began to pump. "The guys need to blow off steam after games. And you've been overcharging for shit weed for years. Let's face it Freak, you owe us."
Steve continued to lay out hypothetical scenarios of what the basketball team would do to him while stroking him off. As Eddie quickly approached the edge, he let out a cruel laugh.
"Come on, Freak. I wanna hear you beg for it. Howl like the dog you are."
And howl Eddie did, the humiliation enough to push him into a second orgasm.
Once he finished twitching, Steve gently freed him from the restraints. He immediately curled up in his boyfriend's lap, completely boneless. 
"Was that the 'King Steve' treatment you wanted baby?" Steve asked as he carefully massaged the tension from Eddie’s shoulders.
"Yeah," he replied happily. "You were so mean, was perfect."
"Good. Next time we do this, I'm gonna be the nerd. Wanna see you in my letterman."
And well, wasn't that a fun idea. Eddie grinned sleepily and nodded, his mind already whirring with possible scenarios.
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Thanks for reading!
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seawitchkaraoke · 4 months ago
I love how angst obsessed the fandom is but I will say I think it's very funny bc everyone is like ohhh GGG+Impulse is gonna be so angsty, that cannot end well and I'm here like well, see, I think they might disappoint you bc Cleo and Scott are the most loyal ppl on the server, they never betray their day one alliance and Pearl is usually the same as well and also.... I think while the fandom is obsessed with angst, the creators might just be excited to properly team up again
So what I'm saying is, I am so excited to read super angsty fanfics while watching this group be absolute besties in the actual series lmao
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foxika · 2 months ago
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from The Clone Wars Campaign Guide
i know it's popular hc for jango to name cody or cody naming himself kote, etc, but i've always been fond of 17 naming him and bacara. also cuz i think it's funny. like yeah okay fine i'll name two... uhh basic name and card game. please dont ask me to name more. though i cannot remember if the guide sourced this from somewhere else, and i don't have it in me to dig around to find out. i tried getting ahold of bacara's clone helmet issue but i can't find the pdfs anywhere online. i could've sworn they talked about his name specifically there. or some other magazine issue
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 1 year ago
i have so much fun with ffxiv bc like. me and my friends that play have a wol team and we roleplay tons when we're able to all be on at the same time
sure it takes forever to actually progress bc we're all having hours-long scenes after story events to work out the impact on everyone and, in some cases, who was impacted more than the others (like thorgeim being the one who got framed during that one incident, whereas the dragoon wol had a lot of specific stuff during heavensward, etc)
i'm told there's some shit later on that Complicates the wol-team idea but i don't want spoilers and i'm confident we can work it out when we get there so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#we basically all rp together bc we don't want to get story spoilers from randos...can't even visit venues without that being an issue :(#but it's nice having a static party for basically every story dungeon and fight#we're at....early-mid stormblood now i think? after like...two years lol though part of that is just not having time to play#so many maxed out sidequests and lore things tho...it's great#stirring up trouble#we have another friend who doesn't roleplay but does have some fun insights from time to time and has many helpful tips#and their character is thorgeim's wifey lmfao. they're both so grossly over-the-top affectionate lolol#and then one more friend who basically never plays with us these days but when they do it's like. Top Tier Roleplay. i love...#currently trying to convert other friends to ffxiv (though realistically we're not gonna be on much for a bit but still)...join us...#become part of the wol team....lets get a whole sentai group going lmfao#that or join our all-viera side group bc that is. definitely a Thing. massive tonal shift from the wol team lol i love them sm#the bundie brigade!! their whole gimmick is doing all their fighting in their skivvies basically to show how tough and/or agile they are#they started out as just being silly side characters and became MUCH more than that...oops we gave them lore and trauma#ugh ok i need to stop yelling abt this now. it is Bed Time and i have shit to do tomorrow.#i should draw and post them at some point tho...i love them sm....
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#house osgrey has to be in the top 10 ugliest sigils #why is it like that #were all the plain colored lions taken #imagine being lancel iv. killed by some little bitch with an ugly version of your sigil. cringe #also the fossoways speaking in apple metaphors. ur so corny omg
asoiaf characters roleplaying as their sigils is so much cringier when said sigil is lame and/or ugly 'the chequy lion' shut the fuck up omg 😭
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sl-ut · 1 year ago
streamer!ellie hcs
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been thinking about gamer!ellie williams x fem!reader a little too much lately so here are some random ass hcs
part two | part three
she's a pretty big streamer on twitch, plays a lot of different games but she particularly likes rpgs bc she thinks they're the most fun kinds of streams to watch
she plays gta online (on nopixel ofc) A LOT
her rp character is definitely like a druglord or something lol
speaking of, total stoner
she usually smokes right before her streams to help her settle down (she gets kinda nervous before her streams)
she's up front about her drug use (just weed don't worry) w her fans, but definitely doesn't wanna smoke on stream bc she knows there are younger viewers watching
she streams at night, probably around 8:30-9pm AT THE EARLIEST
has a boss set up. she has an extra room in her apartment for streaming, has lots of fun little figurines and posters of her fav games/movies/artists, led lights (always set to either blue or red), and custom display, keyboard, and headset
off-topic, but she'd also an astrophysics major and is on the DEANS LIST??? our girl is so casually smart and doesn't even try that hard like
she's such a nerd, always been a big star wars, harry potter, and lotr fan since she was a kid
she casually drops the gf bomb on stream one day and the internet just about blows up
lesbian twitter died a little that day
she's kinda secretive about it tho, didn't even really mean to mention her gf (she hadn't even asked her to be her gf yet and she already publicly announced that she was off the market)
for plot purposes, i've always really liked the idea that y/n is also a public figure? maybe she's a small actor/singer or an influencer or something
y/n texted her during the stream saying "u got something u wanna ask me???"
ellie was trying so hard to not turn red and end the stream
a few days later, everyone's fav lowkey singer/actor/influencer happens to soft launch her new gf (everyone was a little sus but no one really assumed that it was ellie bc why would it be??? they've literally never interacted on the internet before?)
except what they don't know is that ellie had been really high one night and decided to shoot her shot, sending a risky dm on insta and almost pissing herself when she saw that she had actually responded
begins talking about the relationship more on stream
doesn't reveal who her gf is for a while tho, but when she gets a text from y/n asking for her help for a sec she'll just tell her chat that she'll be back bc she needs to "go help the missus"
such a loser fr
finally hard launches on y/n's bday, posting a photodump from the past few months that they've been together
lesbian twitter died again
two of the hottest internet gays off the market? oh no
but everyone really loves it
ellie likes when she brings her snacks or a drink during the stream, inviting her to sit on her lap and chat for a bit while they're waiting to join a server or something
she bought an additional gaming laptop so y/n could stream with her sometimes
ellie does random super loser stuff when this happens, like if they're playing gta she's taking her on a long car ride around the city bc she's roleplaying as y/n's sugar daddy
loves using her platform to hype up her gf's work
always reposting new songs or casting announcements that her gf is involved in, and loves being her date to big press events
omg i might have to make a little modern!ellie fic bc i love this smmmm
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vivarthur · 1 year ago
🌐 breenofficial follow
This is your daily reminder that we do in fact see your internet history. Please refrain from looking things up such as "breen leaked feet pics". Thank you.
🗨 combineofficial follow
To add on: please stop looking up "Metrocop x Reader", thank you.
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🪄 c17-mp2901 follow
whoever keeps stealing my rations from the breakroom owes me AT LEAST six days worth at this point.
📀 c17-mp183729 follow
Its happening to you too, 2901? I thought it was just me...
🔆 c17-mp89388 follow
This is a reminder that we work hard for our rations and it's kinda fucked up to steal people's hard work... idk if its just me but why is it normalized to make fun of Civil Protection?? We're just doing out job.
@combinefeedback can you fix this??
💠 combinefeedback follow
Hello! Please email us at [email protected] to submit a formal complaint.
🍻 bcalhoun follow
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🛡 the-resistance follow
Double agent of the week has been announced! Special thanks to @ bcalhoun for his hard work. He has reportedly stolen weeks worth of rations from the City 17, District 6 breakroom, thoroughly demotivating the metrocops :).
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🟠 gfreeman-fan follow
Looking for a roleplay partner! I'd be roleplaying my BlackMesa!OC, Jamie. I'm okay roleplaying with BlackMesa!Ocs or Gordon Freeman. Breen roleplayers please do not interact!
🩵 breen-defender follow
What's wrong with breen?? /gen
🟠 gfreeman-fan follow
What do you mean what's wrong with breen?? U literally support... ☹️☹️ blocked and reported.
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🛡 the-resistance follow
Gordon Freeman fanart drawn by @gfreemanlefttoe!
🔬 eye-kleiner follow
Wow! 😍 Most Accurate Drawing I've Seen Yet! Amazing Work, gfreemanlefttoe!
🪼 justice4cremators follow
🍻 bcalhoun follow
As someone who knew Gordon before all this... kinda wild ngl.
⚓️ a-d-vanced follow
My dad literally worked with Gordon I can't imagine how he feels knowing gfreemanlefttoe is a real username.
🔭 elivance388 follow
It's funny asf.
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🪨 lazlo-greatest-mind-of-our-generation follow
DNI: Breen defenders (wtf is wrong with you), Gordon Freeman x Breen Shippers 😭😭, Resistance snitches, if you work with the combine AT ALL (THIS IS MY BLOG OKAY??), antlions, if you own any headcrabs as pets. They're literally exotic creatures wtf is wrong with you..
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⚓️ a-d-vanced follow
Here's a selfie with my pet dog!
🚫 alyxvancehateblog follow
I literally saw him attack a combine soldier yesterday...
⚓️ a-d-vanced follow
🚫 alyxvancehateblog follow
Kinda weird ngl...
⚓️ a-d-vanced follow
Ermmm in literally neurodivergent and a minor 🤓
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📘 real-history-facts follow
Today, 10 years ago, the Resonance Cascade happened!
🧠 brmy-md follow
Who remembers x files... 😭😭
☢️ stalkerk follow
Rb with what you miss most about pre combine life
🎶 dmmeformusic follow
Predictably, music...
🎁 cindyc follow
🐱 catlover2882777 follow
🍻 bcalhoun follow
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🔭 elivance388 follow
🫐 ocubbage follow
⚓️ a-d-vanced follow
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🌐 breen-grub follow
Username change. Gfhhhh 👍
🍻 bcalhoun follow
Who hacked breen again?
🥬 cgreen follow
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🗨 combineofficial follow
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phas3d · 1 year ago
Roblox W/ Them || Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: doxxing, bullying,
contains :: draco, tom, mattheo, theodore, lorenzo
summary :: how they play roblox because no way they don't play 🐍 :: masterlist!
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Grinds the shit out of every game he plays
He cannot enjoy a single game if he doesn't become rank 1 for at least one week
Really likes roleplay fighting games for some reason
Like Bloxy Fruit and stuff
Definitely wastes a ton of money on Robux and stupid stuff
He doesn't care that it's cheating, it lets him become #1 way faster
Doesn't really like tycoons and slow games
If he can't brag, how can he show off?
His character is SOOO try hard omfg
He definitely dresses in all black
Bought a new table after and took a break from Roblox for a week
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Plays old people games like a grandpa
A fucking beast at Bingo
Even though it's completely luck base, he wins 9/10 times
Always has like 6+ bingo cards and can easily keep up with it
Plays tycoons every once in a while
But he likes the ones where you just press a button and it's auto built, doesn't like building stuff on his own
Like, he hates restaurant tycoon and rollercoaster tycoon
Never ever spends his money on Robux, he thinks it’s cheating
His avatar is the default one too with maybe some clothes he unlocked
Bullies the shit out of little kids on roblox for no damn reason
He could have 15 missing assignments and still find time to log on and dox some 12 year old
Whenever someone beats him at Bingo he finds their mom and dad's name and then private chat's them it
Takes everything so deep for no reason
Get this man to try weed or smth man he needs a new hobby
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This man has tried every single genre of games and has beaten almost everything
He's who Draco wants to be
Definitely spent way too much money on Robux for no reason
He has the headless stuff and almost every rare item ever
Has like 20k followers as well for some reason
Grinding never stops so he literally STOLE someone's house elf and makes the elf play Roblox all day
But the elf actually likes it and has fun playing it :) So it's cute
He ends up sharing his account with the elf and they become kinda like besties, but more so Matt sees him as a little brother
1000% like Tom he bullies little kids
He insults people's outfits, rates their little drawings and outfits super low, and straight up annoys them in any form possible
Sometimes he joins tycoons that have swords, doesn't even start his own tycoon, and just uses robux to get a sword and kill people
His daily mission is to annoy as many people as possible
Even worse is that he's not scared of getting hacked or doxxed because Tom made SURE that would never happen
Sometimes Matt even joins Tom's boring games but he leaves mid way cause he starts to fall asleep
Super fun to play with and will carry you 100%
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This man, oh my god this man is so guilty of so much
He's one of those people who pretend to be a different gender online for benefits LOL
But not people he actually is transgender or nonbinary, but because he wants to do girly things without being judged
Always plays fashion games and WINS?!???
Even when the votes are super duper rigged, he always wins in the end
Plays a bunch of family roleplay games too as a mother of like 5 kids
Starts fake drama for fun, like favoriting one kid but ignore the other
OR he plays as a teenage girl and runs away LMAO
But his favorite game is definately Total Drama Island
This man will stay on the game for like 2 hours just to win
Super good at parkour and aim since he also plays shooting games besides Roblox, like Apex and Valorant (ewwww)
When he plays with the guys, they mock him for his girly ass avatar but he doesn't care at all
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Likes more calm games but is up to anything
Grinds tycoons a lot, like resturant tycoon and rollarcoaster tycoon
Sometimes he plays with Mattheo but they're so different
Matt finishes his level in like 2 mintues and Enzo takes an hour
Sucks at parkour, avoids it like the plague
Super bad aim as well, literally dies first every time
He likes playing with Theo a lot more since they can vibe and play a chill game
He really likes story tell games too which is fun
LOVES the games that aren't super roblox-y which is kinda cheating
Like he used to play the old Roblox Pokemon game daily until it got shut down :(
Plays those family games too like Bloxsburg and stuff
Is actually a good kid
BUT,,, he has his name has "Enzo (17) Cute, Smart, 6 feet tall, athletic, depressed"
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thank you for reading ! 🐍 :: masterlist!
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24hlevi · 1 year ago
I know we've got Lottie x innocent reader.. But what about th othe yjs 🤔🤔🤔
ooooh 🤭 imma give a few thoughts for each of them cause i love this but can't come up with full hcs sorry. thank you for continuing the innocent reader vision anon 🫶 also this is more with their adult versions in mind!
shauna -
- shauna adores your innocence, she literally thinks it's the cutest thing ever when you two first get together, how you haven't done anything like smoking or drinking, how you wear whatever clothes you want without realizing the way people look at you in said outfits
- she will subconsciously baby you tho, she will of course stop if you say for her to but she loves babying you :( not in like a weird way but just in a nurturing way that shows she loves you dearly
- she has such a thing for marking you up for everyone else to see how your hers and hers only, a smile always forming on her face whenever you don't try to cover it up and you two go out being given weird looks by the amount of hickeys on your neck
- she tries to start out slow with you during your first time with her but she can't help but get rough at the sounds of you whining and moaning just for her :(
nat -
- she's the one who enjoys your innocence the most, the fact that you have barely done anything rebellious in your life leads nat to being the gf who will make you do reckless things and live life to the fullest, maybe getting arrested in the process (oops)
- nat also thinks it's kinda cool that you two are polar opposites when in public and you're wearing the cutest thing possible and she's just in her leather jacket and jeans, she'd rather die than use the word aesthetic for how pleasing it is, but that's what it is lol
- nat is also the biggest on the corruption side of things, to just break down those innocent walls that stop you from whimpering her name underneath her is like winning a prize to her and when you finally let go of feeling shy and innocent, she is going to make sure you know you're hers
- thinking of her teaching you how to ride her strap for the first time and she slowly coaxes you into moving your hips faster and make more pretty noises for her, smiling at your whines before flipping you over and just pounding into you
misty -
- misty definitely takes advantage of your innocence, most of the time without you even realizing it, which makes it better for her in the end when she makes you do things that you wouldn't do otherwise without her there, it gives her a sense of pride and that she's needed
- she also just thinks it's cute when you have little to no idea what's going on or when people try to flirt with you and you just think they're being nice, misty is one to get jealous, but just so she can take you back home and make sure you remember who you belong to
- misty is the second biggest on corruption imo, she loves how innocent you are, buying you pretty revealing clothing to wear around the house so she can have you whenever she wants and seeing your eyes widen when she grabs you by your hips pulling you towards her gets her going so bad she will take you right then and there
- roleplay is huge for misty, especially medical themes, and she loves opening your mind to those things and show you how to have fun and have a good time as well even when she's three gloved fingers inside of you and is degrading you beyond belief mixed with praises
tai -
- the only normal one (jk), tai is one that thinks it's cute and enjoys the way that your innocence is genuine and how it's just how you are, not like you're doing it on purpose or something
- tbh tai doesn't seem like she would get jealous because of it, will she glare daggers at whoever is attempting to flirt with you to the point they back off? yes. but she won't be verbal about it 😭 you go over to her wondering why the overly kind person just left and she's like "ah idk babe" acting like she wasn't killing them with her mind
- tai will make you be verbal with what you want, she won't do anything until you tell her what it exactly is that you want, loving to see the way you break down crumbling and soon start begging for her to do something, anything
- you cannot tell me this woman doesn't have a thing for being called ma'am, like you'd say it as a joke and she would immediately change up and tell you to say it again which leads to a newly found word to use when having sex
van -
- van thinks your innocence is a little silly at first (affectionately), how you don't realize the certain things you do would be seen as flirting or not noticing when others are flirting with you, they think its silly
- they definitely show you all kinds of movies you haven't seen before to expand your horizons of cinema and entertainment, especially the more spicy ones to open your mind to some things 🤭
- van grins so hard when you tell them you wanna try something that you saw in a movie or something else and immediately drops everything to do it, they'll take their time with you to make sure you actually want to do it before going down on you like never before
- van is into experimenting with anything, whatever you wanna do they will gladly do for you, you basically become their pillow princess/prince and they will make sure the neighbors can hear cause they just love the sounds you make when they're pounding into you with their strap
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dailyadventureprompts · 1 year ago
So I made the mistake of letting myself get sucked down a youtube shorts rabbithole (hell) and I ended up on a series of videos that were ostensibly poking fun at players who get into d&d through Baldur's gate 3 are: Haha, they're so dumb, they think they'll be able to quicksave and reload in ACTUAL d&d. LOL, BG3 players can't roleplay unless the options are presented for them, despite how obsessed they are with seducing npcs.
One of these things stood out to me though: The DM describes them entering a new room and the BG3 player ostensibly asks what they can interact with.. to which the DM responds " Oh you can't do that immediately, you'll have to roll me an investigation check"... which just gave me pause because it's a roadblock that I've run into again and again with oldschool DM after oldschool DM.
As a DM you spend so much time making interesting things for your players to interact with WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU GATE IT ALL BEHIND A ROLL? It risks the players walking into a space, all failing the check, and then having to mime through the actions until they stumble upon the material you wanted them to find 20 minutes after they got into the room. Repeat that for every chamber and you've wasted a good portion of your session effectively waiting for the level to load in because you arbitrarily decided they didn't deserve it.
Like, there is a necessity for some stuff to be hidden some times, which yes would require a check to uncover, but there's a difference between "you toss the room searching for the hidden switch that opens the trapdoor before the guards arrive" (which would require the roll) and " you can't perceive the body lying on the floor because you didn't actively tell me you were looking for one" (which is pedantry).
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skeletwinsauaskbox · 3 months ago
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Welcome To The Skeletwins AU Ask Box!
Snowdin Adventures With The Skeletwins is a fanfiction AU-ish thing revolving around my two favourite comfort characters, Sans and Papyrus! Why is it an AU? Well, the only significant difference (as of right now) is that they're twins! As of right now, there's just the one main story, but there's also a few side stories you can check out here!
I've been inspired by other ask blogs to create my own based on this series! So here, you can ask the twins pretty much anything! Well... almost anything...
(Event: Giggles and Lolli [Swaptwins Sans and Papyrus] are crashing in this dimension for a bit! [Ends 6th March])
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No explicit NSFW, please. Both brothers, as well as myself, are part of the asexual spectrum, but they're more on the sex-repulsed side of things. Dirty jokes that can go over kids' heads, however, are okay! But no advances, please! Let's keep this place lighthearted, yeah?
You are allowed to submit your own art of the brothers or Undertale in general, and the brothers will react to it! But like the rule above, please no NSFW art. That would be very much appreciated.
Submit as many questions as you'd like, but please be patient! You can DM me for a private chat if you want (some of you have already done that lol), but I won't always have time to answer.
I don't do ships unless it's a canon ship like Alphyne. But if you want to mention them, that's okay! Just try to steer clear of the more... problematic ones. You know which ships they are. If anything regarding those ships are submitted, neither me nor the brothers will answer it. Sorry!
To any minors that might come across here, don't worry, I will try to make this blog as safe as possible for you! But if anything involving stuff like references to alcohol or stuff like bad mental health or even the kill kill murder route in Undertale comes up, then those questions will be answered. Just a little warning there for you, that's all.
You're allowed to swear since I'm hoping there's no actual kids on Tumblr and teenagers swear all the time haha. Just please don't use any derogatory or offensive language. Let's keep this place as friendly as possible, ok? Oh, and the characters will be censored when they swear because funny. There are a few exceptions though.
A︎n︎y︎ a︎n︎s︎w︎e︎r︎s︎ i︎n︎v︎o︎l︎v︎i︎n︎g︎ Sans' project and the brothers' past will be deliberately left vague.︎ S︎o︎r︎r︎y︎ i︎f︎ y︎o︎u︎ d︎o︎n︎'︎t︎ l︎i︎ke︎ t︎h︎a︎t︎,︎ b︎u︎t︎ I︎ d︎o︎n︎'︎t︎ w︎a︎n︎t︎ t︎o︎ s︎p︎o︎i︎l︎ a︎n︎y︎t︎h︎i︎n︎g︎ t︎o︎o︎ s︎o︎o︎n︎.︎
Please try not to spam. I assure you, your questions do go through, I'll get to it eventually! I go from bottom to top usually, so please be patient. :)
If you want to roleplay as an AU variant of Sans, Papyrus or any of the Undertale characters, or even an OC just asking questions or making comments, you DO NOT need to ask permission as long as it's not a full-on storyline. If you want to do a storyline, please ask permission. Sometimes I don't accept roleplays either because I already have too many or I'm not in the mood for one or busy. Please respect that.
If you want to put the twins in your comics or stories, you can! Fanart is great too! But I would like it if you tag me if you decide to upload it to Tumblr, not only as credit, but so I can see your art too (and subsequently fangirl over them lol). If you want a guide, then you can take a look here!
Please read what characters are available for asks before submitting your questions. Check out the link to the guide in rule 10 to get a grasp of when the AU takes place. I should probably put out an information sheet, honestly. I might do that.
Have fun and be kind! :)
Anyway, now that's done, here are the list of characters you can ask!
Sans and Papyrus (of course!)
The K-9 Unit
Any Snowdin Resident (yes, including Jerry [and Monster Kid!])
Characters you can leave questions for but they'll be answered later:
Characters you can't ask right now:
Flowey (he doesn't exist yet)
Toriel (Sans hasn't found the door yet)
Frisk (waaaaay too early for them)
Chara and Asriel (...)
If you don't want to read the fic, check here for their current situation!
Anyway, here you go. Ask away!
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pokemonshelterstories · 5 months ago
this isn't really a pokemon welfare question so feel free to ignore it but. i recently found out a friend of mine has one of those blogs where they pretend to be a legendary pokémon, and it's specifically one that is religiously significant to me. i feel really weird about it and i'm not sure what to do or how to approach it, or even if i should?
have you talked to your friend about this at all? it's important to communicate if you aren't comfortable with something they're doing. you can't force them to stop or anything; legendary pokemon hold such a varied amount of significance, and even though it's a pokemon that means a lot to you religiously, it may just be another (albeit rare) pokemon to your friend. the pokemon itself isn't being harmed by making a blog, so there's nothing morally incorrect with them acting like a pokemon online.
however, just as they have the right to roleplay a pokemon online, you also have the right to feel uncomfortable with the way they're handling something important to you. if this is affecting your friendship in any way, you need to address that with them. they probably weren't even thinking about your religious beliefs (or if they were aware and are specifically targeting you, that's another conversation), so they might not even know it's a problem. i can't promise having a conversation will fix things, because that's up to you and your friend to sort out, but it's the best place to start.
i was raised in the church of arceus, and while i wouldn't call myself religious, it was an important part of my childhood growing up. i don't like hearing people make fun of some of the rituals because those were some of the few times i really felt like i got to be a normal kid (i was ALWAYS one of the "hands" in the creation pageant because i was too shy to have a speaking role lol). but other people have a lot of negative feelings about the church for valid reasons, so i don't try to police them talking about not liking the same things i loved as a kid. i just ask that they don't talk negatively about them around me. sometimes that's the best you can do, and you have to decide if the friendship is worth that.
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cookie-lore-keeper · 2 months ago
Introduction Post
Have you ever wondered about the lore and history of Earthbread?
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You cookies are such interesting creatures. The stories you tell, the lives you live, the ingredients in your dough, the secrets you hold dear... I must understand it all! And if you want to understand it as well, than stay here, and find the answers to your burning questions!
Oh, right. Cookies need to introduce themselves too-
Well there, reader, I'm Half-Moon Cookie, your lore keeper! I hold the awnsers to the Realm of Cookies! Think of me as a watcher. I watch the cookies and store the information about them in my archives. While I may not take part in the fun, I'm there in spirit!
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As for my pronouns??? Anything! Be As creative as you want!
Also: Link to an archive that goes over Earthbread's history
//OOC under the cut, going over some character lore and rules for this blog
-Half-Moon Cookie isn't a cookie, but a witch who was so enamored by cookies that they learned a spell to make them one (kinda like the first cookies, but they know they're a witch), which is why she talks like that. They can still take the appearance of a witch if desired, but he prefers this form
-While this blog is made to talk about lore, a lot of it will be combined with theory (mostly about the timeline. This game's timeline of history events is so weird. It was literally made so I could ramble about Cookie Run without bothering my sister lol
-While Half-Moon Cookie is an adult (I think. Ik they're my OC, but I know as much about her as you do) , I am a minor, and this blog will not tolerate any asks that are explicitly sexual, gore related, or any NSFW. This blog has a soft PG13 rating (I say soft bcuz there's some swearing and maybe like 1 sex joke, but nothing hardcore)
-If I get something wrong, don't be afraid to correct me!
-Don't be shy to roleplay as your OCs in asks, it just adds to the fun
-This is a side blog. My main blog is @mintaikk , but I do warn you that that one is a bit more NSFW. I also have other rolpeplay accounts, but the ones I'm most active on are all pokemon related. @quillpokebiology , @pokemonpetfinder , and @historianofgalar . All of those ones are also PG
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badaziraphaletakes · 1 year ago
The autistic community in this fandom has repeatedly said that Aziraphale is extremely autistic coded. Maybe we should start listening. Let's go. *SIGHS*
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There's so much I could talk about the critiques I see over this mostly pretty harmless scene, but I'll try to focus on the ableism here:
Aziraphale's playfulness is called "roleplaying" and "dismissive of Crowley's feelings" here. And I must say, as an autistic person, I find it offensive bc this is an extremely autistic coded moment where Aziraphale was unmasking in front of the only person he allows himself to do so and that usually implies he was inviting Crowley to do the same, he was most likely aware of Crowley's anxiety there and making himself vulnerable to him by unmasking, inviting him into his space and vice-versa. (I think calling his special interest, magic, "horrible" is also anti-autistic bias btw)
We never see Aziraphale acting like this with any other character besides Crowley, with whom he does this repeatedly. It's not a new situation. Crowley knows this, and he is used to this kind of behaviour from Aziraphale. And he loves to complain about it btw, and Aziraphale indulges him on that. This is love. This is intimacy.
I know it isn't perfect, I know it lacks verbal communication, but this isn't abusive behaviour in the slightest. Better communication is something they both need to work on after 6k years of having to hide their feelings bc they were being persecuted and abused, the story is telling us this. We have a whole other season for that, the story isn't over.
Now, regarding the second paragraph, the plot made it painfully obvious that the clue was real, so Aziraphale was not going to Edinburgh for fun. He had to go, and Crowley knew it (he never even argued against it), bc of the mystery of Gabriel's situation thay could backfire on them in the future. Who knows what Heaven was doing to their angels (and what they could do to aziracrow!! That's why Crowley had an informant. Didn't Metatron prove this in the end, that the threat was real?). Sure, Aziraphale had fun, bc he was bonding with Crowley through the Bentley and he loves him, so that makes him happy, but that's it. We're allowed to make the most out of a bad situation, guys. It's also a way to deal with stress. Aziraphale and Crowley have different ways of dealing with stress, and both are valid, they're different people, it's normal that they react differently to a crisis.
This scene was a very married moment tbh, filled with comfort with you partner (enough to unmask), an old known and comfortable dance for the both of them, and even an invite to take a step forward in their relationship.
Food for thought: I've been wondering why the fandom likes to say Azi and Crowley are like a "married couple" but some ppl at the same time hate when they in fact act like one?
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And finally, again, this is such an autistic coded moment that I, an autistic person, had the exact same interpretation as Aziraphale. I had never noticed, until I read this take, that Crowley could've meant anything other than "you don't know how to drive" lol. Aziraphale was being himself here. His true confident unmasked self. Bc Crowley allows him that. Bc Crowley makes him feel like he can. He wasn't pretending or intentionally misinterpreting or manipulating anyone. Assuming the absolute worst of him bc he interpreted something in a literal way is anti-autistic bias. Assuming the worst of him bc he doesn't use the same code as you to communicate is ableism. Assuming his decision-making logic is invalid bc of the way he acts when unmasking is both.
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l3v1uhthan · 7 months ago
Hey. Whats up? G'ahh! That sounds weird!
Anyway- I made a Tumblr!
No Normies allowed!!! Shoo!! This is a normie free zone!
Don't be mean to other people!! We're all in this together! I know we're in hell, but even I have the deceny to be nice to the people in my community!
No, and I mean no, weird stuff. Weirder than I. (OOC: i mean pedophilia, incest, etc.) I will report you to Lord Diavolo if I have to!
Please don't vent in my asks! If you need help, I can't give you it! Unless its in Mononoke Island. Then I can help. But mental help, I can't do! I'm not a licensed, therapist? MC says they're that all the time. But I'm not! I can't help you.
I answer all asks! Unless... they break my rules or boundaries. Then it'll be deleted and sent to Lord Diavolo! You don't wanna get on his bad side...
If you mention Luke, this falls into rule two, then be safe for work!! He's a child!!! Simeon WON'T be happy if you're not. Nor will anyone!
I don't do NSFW role-plays! I mean I'll answer a nsfw ask but I don't do NSFW role-plays! Come on people!
Just be respectful to me and others. I really like role-playing as Levi and I don't want you ruining the fun!!! Levi may be a bit OOC as he's a bit funky to write, lol.
Purple text is Azazel (Z), an OC I have. She's Levi's best friend and a very powerful sorceror. She has an account over at @azazelthesorceror Orange text is good ol' Levi. Sometimes Z will take over the account (esp if an event is going on where levi is unable to speak normally), but mostly she'll just chat with Levi! I run @moneyluvsdamien , a Mammon fankid!
I run @tuneymusic as well, AKA 🎶 anon/music anon.
I run @l0rdi4v0l0 too! An obviously Lord Diavolo roleplay account.
Since this has been happening alot, please stop tagging me in stuff. (Unless we are friends/I tag you in stuff)
Stuff like "tag your friends to spread knowledge!" or stuff like "Send your favorite song and tag 5 other people!" fills up my activity, which makes me miss semi-important reblogs.
I try to answer reblogs, but if I don't, it's better to send asks.
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stardust-does-things · 3 months ago
I'm so upset that none of my friends are into the qsmp. Like, what do you mean you don't care about gay minecraft roleplay???? How could you not be completely invested in a 36 year old man's fake platonic husband and their two egg children in a minecraft server??
The worst part is they won't even let me mention them. I can't make any damn references to anyone without getting confused glares. Like, sorry you refuse to watch every vod from every creator on the server and don't understand the lore.
It's so cool because of the amount of people on the server, like there are SO many perspectives to see things from and so many different story lines to get invested in. Personally, my favorite storyline was Ph1lzA and the Enderking thing. I've always loved the concept of a character being corrupted or possessed and forcing them to hurt their loved ones(don't question me). Tallulah and Chayanne's admins did SO good. So did Phil, he sounded like a whole different person. And Phil was the best person to do this to. He's practically everyone's dad on the server, so seeing such a caring and fun guy to get aggressive and threaten his own children was scary and a great arc for him to experience.
I also absolutely LOVE the ships. Like you can't TELL me that you don't absolutely love Roier and Cellbit's relationship. Pac and Fit? OH MY GOOOOOD. I love the fanart and fanfics of them 😭 (I ship the characters in the actual server, not the content creators). I love Deathduo. Missa x Ph1lzA forever. They make such a good duo with how they interact around each other and the eggs. Roier and Cellbit have such a cute dynamic, I loved that one time Cellbit was running away and trying to blow himself up, and Roier went, "No, you can't kill yourself! You're too sexy!" They are so silly together, and I just think they're so cute.
Also the fandom is absolutely beautiful. I love all the fanart and memes, the fanfics and animatics. OH MY GODS. I really wish I had the confidence to make fanart or fanfics, I'm too nervous that I'll get info wrong or have a bad headcannon lol. I adore looking at the way people draw the eggs. My favorite designs are when they're bipedal dragons or like they're half hatched and their legs are sticking out of the shell 😭 its so cute!!! I still don't mind when they're just drawn like kids but with dragon features.
I loved Tallulah and her story, including Wilbur. I don't like Wilbur for what he did (even if it might be fake I genuinely don't know anymore) but I like him as a character in the qsmp. I love all the clips of Wilbur and Tallulah. Like when Lullah brought a gorilla into the garden and she was just so happy but Wilbur was absolutely terrified was so funny. The way he basically gentle parented her was adorable, like he didn't know how to raise a kid and just wanted her to be happy. (Wilbur is a horrible person, if the allegations are true, and I don't support him. I just like his character in the story but still understand why some people wouldn't like his character)
The humor is probably the best part. There are so many quotable things. One thing that I specifically remember was when Phil went to wake up one of the eggs (when they were all in hospital beds or smt IDK-) with Pac and someone else, Phil got downed by a warden and Pac went up to him and said, "Philza. I am here." in an overly manly voice, or something like that. Also I love just randomly saying quotes and pretending like everyone understands and thinks I'm cool. "we are all going to die. the sun is a false god but a true threat." -Gegg "IN THIS WORLD THERE ARE 2 GENDERS, PAIN AND SUFFERING" -Dapper "Geez abuelito I didn't know you were into drama omg slay" -Tallulah "heaven is homophobic motherfucker son of a bitch" -Roier
Anyways, I need more QSMP obsessed friends to talk to <3
(part 2 coming soon <3)
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