#they're all insane and i love that everyone thinks nathaniel is the normal one but he's just surrounded by people MORE deranged than him
v-arbellanaris · 2 years
(not entirely or even remotely) sorry for awakening posting on main. im playing it now and <3333
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Okay so, first we have to narrow down our cast a bit, I'm going to assume it's one of the classmates+lila and marc cause they're the only ones I can really speculate on besides maybe the science teacher and like, Felix but I didn't watch more than a few minutes of that episode bc I didn't care that much so let's go by how I can eliminate characters,
I used body types/heights for one of my big pieces of evidence for the grim dog so I'll be doing the same thing here but im not writing it off completely cause it could just be bc the pictures are supposed to be a mystery
So for sure I'll have to write off: Kim, bc he's too bulky for the figures, ivan bc he's also too bulky and mylene cause she's short and chubby and the figures appear to be more, slim I guess (but none of these can be written off as not the "something/someone" the octo-limbs may or may not be emerging from) and Mari and adrien cause you said they're normal humans
So our list of suspects in my head shrinks down to: Max, Marc, Lila, Ondine(maybe), Rose, and Nathaniel (I think that's all of them)
So on to the characters!
Character 1, who I have been referring to as Octopus in my head, possible suspects I have: Lila, Ondine, Nathaniel
Lila: you described something similar to empathy, or like making emotion take form or whatever and I immediately thought of like, illusions, so I connected that (weakly) to Lila, this is my strongest guess
Ondine: honestly I don't think we know anything about her in this au, and if we do, I don't so honestly just putting her on the list for octopus reasons
Nathaniel: only putting him on the list cause my brain connected him drawing things to life as evillustrator with emotions coming to life (kinda)
Character B, Grim Dog, we are not getting into that,
Character Tres, the mask dude as I have dubbed Yamask after a pokemon, suspects: Nathaniel, Marc
Nathaniel: I only connected this cause you called the mask similar to a dybbuk, or a jewish demon type thing that is known possess objects (aka the dybbuk box which you didn't know existed which I need to remember) and there's like a communal hc that Nathaniel is jewish, but seeing as I'm not jewish I don't know exactly what's up
Marc: the monocrome face and mask were just giving me reverser vibes honestly
And that is my (very long) semi-analysis that probably makes very little sense
Interesting, very interesting.. let me feed the fire cause I’m fascinated with what you took from me and how you molded it.
The Ambitious(Who you called Octopus) has or had a very set goal in mind, what I meant by the empathy, and the like, illusion thing is that- it’s less of “I’m seeing shit man oh god I’m high” and more of.. well.. a lending hand in an ambitious person’s drive, and the insanity that was the cost. And it doesn’t show its face to everyone.
Grim dog, we aren’t getting into that
Three, I love the name yamask for it- that’s great-
Fun fact that uh, you can’t tell through the drawing. The knife the person is holding is make of pure holy silver, which is, a very hard thing to find on the market. Usually only sold to very specific people or families.
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