#they'll just vote playing without thinking about it is my guess
freytful · 1 year
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wild-wombytch · 10 months
Their credit card code ???? That's a recipe for disaster ToT
Hi, anon, thank you for dropping by, I hope you had a nice weekend and are having a nice day 🌻✨
Unfortunately, yes, you read that right 💀
My mother really screams inside when she sees that, and it's multiple times a week, if not multiple times per days sometimes...
The disasters are already happening, but I kinda hope it gives these parents a reality check :
(for the Independent article below, the dad says he doesn't know whether he should be mad or laugh...moids will be moids, no matter the age, I guess)
(of course the parents blame FB rather than their own parenting. Like FB obviously needs to die but these specific events wouldn't have happened if the parents actually watched their kids and didn't give them access to credit cards' functioning)
...So yeah, some people really don't think about the logical consequences of things, as long as it keeps their kids busy and not crying or screaming or running rather than... you know...actually parenting them, playing with them, giving them plushies, going outdoor with them...etc I can't say I'm surprised, when the French gov literally had to make an ad for this specific kind of parents to stop posting pictures of theirs kids online and then making Pikatchu faces when they learn it's spread and sold in ped0 communities for some males to jerk off on the beach day where little Emily is in swimwear...
...tbh I don't get why so many people have kids if they hate spending time with them so much. Or more exactly, I guess they do so because The Straight Must Have Babies™ like they "must" have a big dumb house that leave them indebted and a big dumb car that gives them even more debts and a dog and must have a depressive breakdown after 8y of vety unhappy life together like it's no big deal because it's heterosexual culture and idea of success and fulfilled life and nobody questions it. And that's just one of the many criticisms I'd have about parents these days, because sometimes (often) I see things that make me want to nuke them and then myself.
For real, these neglected kids will grow up even more messed up than the average Tumblr population did. Then they'll vote. And will be our nurses when we'll be old. And they'll struggle a lot with empathy and resources saving with the climate crisis.
Anyway, that's bright mood Sunday for me apparently lmaooo Hope I didn't make you lose faith in humanity. It just sucks that I notice parents who raise their kids well and interact with them more than shitty to downright abusive parents when I go outside. But then again, Brittany might be an advanced case, because we're dealing with cultural traumas that created issues with alcoholism, violence, mental health issues, weird distance between kids and their parents, and so on.
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khiphop-discussions · 3 years
I haven't started watching smtm10 yet, I've only watched some clips but Be'O is kinda cute. Lol
I don't know if you've answered this question already but do you think SMTM is rigged?
OOOOOOOOHHHHH you asking the REAL questions! LOL
So there was actually an investigation into Mnet's survival shows due to some scandal/lawsuit and so they all got looked into by the courts. MULTIPLE shows were shown to be rigged quite a bit. HOWEVER, nothing has ever come out about SMTM in particular.
I think all these shows have a different Executive Producer and production team (maybe a few members are shared here and there?). SMTM and Produce 101 for example DEFINITELY have a different producer. I haven't looked into all the other survival shows yet but I assume it's the same: all producers are different. So the producers have different methods of getting what they want.
So I feel like SMTM is a bit more slick with it. They won't outright manipulate numbers (at least as far as we know cause maybe they just haven't done it in a way that's easy to catch in an investigation) BUT I feel like favoritism does most of the work, you know? To me, I've always felt like Mnet has their own personal favorites which I call "Mnet Darlings" there's a term called "Indie Darlings" that refer to wrestlers who were/are really popular in the independent circut aka non-WWE. I kinda adopted it from there.
But even without Mnet's help the producers (the TEAM producers on the show, not the execs behind the scenes) seem to play favorites all the time even though in recent years they've tried to outright say things that would suggest otherwise (in SMTM10 I think Gray and another producer says something along the lines of "Hiphop without connections". Sounds cute but in reality is laughable bs to me lol). That's mostly because of Super Bee exposing Tablo for favoring Incredivle during SMTM4 since he already knew he was signing to HIGHGRND and because they started being accused of it outright by fans especially on SMTM8. Usually everybody who makes it to the top 16 is already well connected in KHH but also people who gets saved despite not doing well are either A) well connected B) end up signed to a label nearly immediately after the show ends. New, virtually unknown artists would never get the same treatment.
Also, Tiger JK said the show is scripted but didn't really go into detail. The show doesn't seem HEAVILY scripted BUT I do know that in reality TV they basically do have "storylines" and WILL rile people up to act a certain way if they don't respond to being just plainly told "Hey so here's a rough outline of what I want you to do". Also, some lines and actions from the producers do seem fed to them or like they were told to act a certain way. But as far as a word for word script, I don't believe that's the case. There's also the editing as well. editing is always used to convey a certain narrative/storyline and that's one of the main things SMTM has been criticized/called out for.
Overall, I do think there's some level of "rigging" going on with SMTM BUT I don't think it is to the extent of the idol type survival shows. The reason why it seems idol shows are so heavily manipulated imo is because they become groups and debut AFTER the show. So it's in the company's best interest to keep certain ones on the show even if they lose the fan vote because they already put money into training and stuff so they are trying to get a return on investment. They've already decided who is in the group from my understanding and the show is just a way to get promo. It's not the same with SMTM. Cause these artists are only really useful to mnet as long as the show is on air and I guess for the songs. But the songs will continue making money regardless. So I don't think there's to much incentive to keep manipulating so that certain artists stay on the show for too long. As long as they make it to a certain point they'll usually be fine. they don't really have to win. Plus, the winners usually don't even end up being the most popular and successful ones after the show ends (besides Bobby, Loco, and probably BeWhy but Bobby would have done well regardless). So rigging in their favor for the overall win would basically be a waste anyway.
I think the manipulation occurs early on and more subtle than just straight up manipulating numbers in the voting rounds. More "nepotism" and favoritism as opposed to something that can be tracked and thus leave a paper trail. Also, the editing manipulates the viewers into having favorites as well which can (and always WILL) influence them when it's time to vote in the later round (keep in mind that fans of SMTM are in the audience voting, they generally aren't just random people. Mnet sends out instructions on how to attend the live rounds of SMTM). If Mnet is manipulating numbers outright for SMTM, then they've found a way to hide it REALLY well.
BUT again this is all my opinion/speculation.
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Legacies 1x14, Let's Just Finish the Dance -- Review
Coming at you all with another Lega-Trash review. This week is 1x14, Let's Just Finish the Dance...and my sentiments exactly. This episode was so boring, I too wanted the dance known as this episode to just end. Please, let's just hurry up and finish this season.
You all know the drill, hopefully. Do I really need a disclaimer anymore? Lega-Trash is a trash show, I'm super critical of it. If you love Legacies, this is not the review for you, move along. There will be spoilers.
So welcome to the obligatory Miss Mystic Falls episode of Legacies. And in typical Lega-Trash fashion, they managed to make one of the most iconic events within the TVD show super bland and super dull. What happens in this episode? Well, the Salvatore School has to host this year's Miss Mystic Falls pageant and to no one's surprise, Hope wins. Also, Josie and Lizzie have a falling out which I've been waiting for all season, Hope and Landon have a falling out, Penelope spelled a bunch of pens to tell her everyone's secrets, Medusa makes an appearence and at the end of episode, Landon gets kidnapped by the evil government organization.
Yeah, this episode was just a sequence of events. It was super boring but as it turns out, there were a few scenes I didn't completely mind. Namely, all the Lizzie and Hope scenes. This might be the first relationship on this entire show that I legitimately believe. Seeing Lizzie and Hope bond together over their anger fueled magical tendencies was really nice to see. And the friendship is legitimately believable. And then it ends in these two making a pinky promise that they'll help each other get Josie and Landon back whom they've recently had falling outs with. Although, if Lizzie wants to help get Landon back with Hope, she's first going to have to rescue him from the evil government organization that kidnapped him.
Speaking of which, what a huge coincidence that apparently MG's mother also works for this shady government organization.
And can I just say that everyone in this school are idiots. So apparently around Christmas time, Penelope, I guess, gifted pens to everyone but really the pens were spelled so anything they wrote ended up in her own notebook so she knows all of the Salvatore inhabitants' secrets. Penelope, at best is The Mean Girl, and at worst, she's a psychopath. No one at all thought it was strange that Penelope of all people was giving away pens and they never once considered it was for nefarious purposes? Also, it's super convenient that apparently not a single person lost one of these pens and just used a regular pen to write down their secrets in their diary. I mean, I have like a dozen pens in my apartment at any given time because I'm ALWAYS losing them. It's also super convenient that everyone in this school has a diary. Of all the unbelievable and convenient things that have happened in this show so far, this is the worst. So Penelope knows all sorts of juicy details like that Hope is keeping secrets from Landon and that there's something called a merge that Alaric has been writing about. Penelope is actually leaving the school now but she gives the notebook to Josie and warns Josie about the merge. Caroline and Alaric really should have told the twins about the Gemini merge before. And this whole falling out Lizzie and Josie are currently in isn't going to help.
What is this falling out? Well, Josie has finally realized that Lizzie is very self-centered and rarely thinks about anyone but herself. This all started when Lizzie drops out of the pageant because Dana, the mean girl who died in I think the 3rd episode of this season, well her mother is one of the judges and Dana was notorious for her dislike of Lizzie so Lizzie realizes there's no way she could possibly win with Dana's mother on the judge's table. And can I just say real quick how incredibly weird it is that Dana's mother can talk so nonchalantly about her own daughter's death? I don't get the feeling that a whole lot of time has passed. At best, maybe six months and that's pushing it. You don't talk about your daughter's death as if your daughter is off traveling abroad or something. Like I said, it was weird. But then again, this show is really weird with death, in general. Even in this episode, Hope just kind of casually talks about her parents' deaths which really wasn't that long ago and in the previous episode, MG makes a speech to the school and makes this off-handed remark nonchalantly talking about the majority of the students who have nowhere to go for the spring holidays on account of their families being dead and it's really insensitive. These are adolescents and you're just nonchalantly bringing up their trauma in passing? But anyway, Lizzie decides that if she can't compete and she's so sure she was going to win, she's determined to make sure someone from the Salvatore school wins. She chooses Hope since Hope's an orphan and will have the sympathy vote. This understandably hurts Josie and it just kind of festers on from there. But I don't particularly understand Lizzie's logic in Hope being the winner because she's an orphan, though. Caroline went against an orphan as well and she won. But I suppose Lizzie is thinking her mother was amazing so that accounted for her victory. Which I would agree with Lizzie on that. Caroline was pretty amazing and she worked her ass off to get that crown. I suppose in a room of people who weren't necessarily training their entire lives for this moment, an orphan would be the best bet. But by the end of the episode, Josie realizes she wanted that crown and is angry at Lizzie for giving that opportunity to Hope instead, for giving Hope the dress that Klaus gave Caroline without any regard to Hope's feelings on the matter. But in Lizzie's defense, up until this point, Josie had never been vocal about the things she wanted (I'm not excusing Lizzie's behavior, just simply saying it's not as if Josie was ever being bullied into doing these things for Lizzie, she did do those things because she wanted to) and Lizzie didn't know the dress had come from Klaus and it's kind of understandable why she didn't. I think it would be pretty awkward for Caroline to tell her daughters that Hope's father was once obsessed with her but with that said, I have no idea why Josie knows and not Lizzie but whatever. It's probably just a plot contrivance to show why Lizzie is awful. But once Lizzie realizes the implications of that dress and Hope wearing a reminder of her father, she instantly feels terrible about it. And Hope conveniently finds out in the middle of the dance where the dress came from because her ex-vampire boyfriend can hear Josie and Lizzie's conversation, I also don't understand why Hope can't hear them though, she is a hybrid, I thought werewolves had that ability as well. But her ex tells her about the dress, she starts to freak out about it and as she's announced the winner, her magic is about to go on the fritz again so Lizzie, noticing the signs, immediately walks up to Hope and hugs her and tells her to cry it out because that's what she needs. A great moment for Lizzie and Hope by the way and I think this was the first time this show illicited genuine emotion from me that wasn't despair over how bad this show is.
Speaking of the dress, let's play Who Wore It Better. Let me know what you think. I think it looks better on Candice. I feel like her blond hair contrasted better with the blue and brought the blue in the dress out more. But Danielle also looks gorgeous in it, too, her hair just doesn't quite bring out the colors as well as Candice's did. Or maybe they used a slightly different color palette on Danielle's dress.
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But anyway, ultimately, this episode was more of the same. Just very boring, no real structure to it. Once again, this show is hanging on the coattails of TVD success and it cannot stand on it's own. There were some nice scenes in it, thoughand we are at last getting some character progression. However, I'm not a huge fan that it's taken 14 episodes to get some character development. This episode gets a C+ from me.
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What I like about voltron S7
- I liked the subtlety of Adam and Shiro's relationship. It was kinda clear that they weren't "just friends" and the conversation was something like what people in an actual relationship would say. They managed to get her point across without having to say "As your boyfriend..."
- The backstory between Shiro and Keith. Oh my God.
- While traveling Pidge playing her games and aline while everyone is forced to share. Rip Pidge having to carry everyone and suffering momentarily.
- Romelle touching everything inside of Lance's lion.
- The wolf using his teleportation to transport people around before going back to Pidge.
- Hunk's bravery. You're doing great sweet I love you.
- The wolf I love you. You're a good pupper saving Pidge and Lance.
- Poor Coran going to help Kolia and the universe saying "nope". But I guess he Universe had other plans to make Coran useful.
- that Ezor and Zethrid ship tease though.
- Lotor's rebellious general Acxa. She looks good work her hair down. Acxa so done with Lotor's shit.
- The mice attacked and beat up a guard. I'm so proud of them.
- Poor Coran. You did your best and I'm proud of you.
- RIP Ezor and Zethrid. Though I feel like they'll be back and there was another galran that looked like Ezor. Maybe Ezor's mother or relative?
- Holy fuck it's been 3 years since anyone has seen voltron.
- The game show filler episode was actually pretty funny. Probably my favorite voltron filler. Okay scratch actually... It's really funny. I'm dying.
- Its okay Lance. I ain't remember the name either. I don't remember any of their names lmao. I fucking died seeing Lotor saying "Go galra" with that other subordinate.
- Pidge fucking attacked Bob and I'm living for it.
- Keith just not wanting to be stuck with Lance and trying to get him out. Lmao. But all of the reasons they voted for someone else were heartwarming.
- It was all some cosmic dream. That they all had. Damn Bob chill with the cosmetic judging.
- The wolfie is getting a name. Yay. I think cosmo is a good name for the space doggo.
- And here i thought they finally had an ally. Looks like the Blade of Mamora has fallen.
- The moments between Keith and Kolia.
- Where is Shiro's real body????
- Jesus christ they can't catch a break. Universe stop torturing them. Finally a break! Nope Nevermind. Wait nope Nevermind they finally got a break!
- Nevermind break over apparently.., but they're back on earth!
- Hunk’s family!!! Lance’s family!!!
- Iverson stood up for Sam and his wife and I'm glad he did. Chief lady is a bitch. Maybe listen to the man who has had DIRECT contact with galrans and built tech for them when he says your tech isn't good enough. Iverson is smart... There will not be a court listening to this woman.
- The resistance. I'm living for it. Lance's sister is cute.
- Allura being worried about the mice and cow. Nah they're just chillin.
- Lance's sniper skills.
- The reunion of families. Im so glad. Oh God where is Hunk's family.
- Hunk opening up with Keith. Keith opening up with Hunk. This was unexpected and I love it. Awe and they hugged. Them having help to get Hanks family back. I'm ready for it.
- Aye Allura got an arm for Shiro. It somehow started messing up but she fixed it. Hopefully this Shiro stays and I'd fucking okay.
- Red!!! Respond please!! Oh thank God red responded just in time.
- That fucking lady bitch. God dammit she had one job and now has completely fucked voltron and earth. That chick needs to be stripped of her command. Did you really think??? Sendack??? Would help you??? Or just leave with the lions???? Like-- you fucking hoe was bitch-- you fucked everyone's plan. HE WILL NOT LEAVE!!! IF YOUDA-- FUXKIB--/ LIST--
- well shit Lotor's back. Nope wait no wasn't him.
- Jesus christ the Atlas is huge af
- Holy shit nope they can't be gone-- I refuse to believe it. Oh thank god they're okay. Jesus that was a tense moment.
- I love seeing everyone all together.
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