#they’re some of the friends i’ve known the longest because of this crazy site so it meant a lot to meet up with them
I’ve known Maddy and Miller for two years, and getting to hang out with them the last day and a half has been, well, a really frickin fantastic start to my year. @asklilyluna and @curly-haired-wizard made this trip insanely memorable and my heart is both full of joy and really sad because I already miss having them in person.
I got hugs from my fantastic frens. I got a whole AVPM education (I promise I’ll watch A Very Potter Senior Year this week and you’ll get all the reactions). I laughed harder than I had in a while because goodness gracious these two are so ridiculous in the best way possible. I explored Hogsmeade and Hogwarts with fellow nerds who made every reference possible, talked about our faves, befriended a friendly tour guide, and felt great about my impulse buys. And I got to be surrounded by some really wonderful energy and felt so comfortable and happy. It reminded me how lucky I am to have made friends like those two, and I’m thankful for this community for putting these two lovely pals in my life💖
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tdystmr · 4 years
college student! jackson x sugar daddy! mark // sugar daddy x baby socmed au
b a c k g r o u n d i n f o 🍓
jackson is THE popular kid despite him having his own set of financial problems. he lives with a foster family because his parents died in a car accident when he was 11, but still grew up to be a well-mannered, cheerful boy
mature 21 year old who knows his strenghts and weaknesses. very motivated and hard working, but tends to fall for the bad type rather than good influences. is also too nice and sweet to point out other’s mistakes and flaws so he usually goes along with whatever his friends do. has always wanted to move out because as much as he loves his foster family, he knows that they struggle with their own swt of problems as well and feels like a burden now that college fees are piling up
mark is a millionaire, successful bachelor at the fine age of 29. recognised for his success in starting and building his own business at 22, took him only 7 years to reach his current success of a multi-million enterprise in Seoul trading and exporting goods.
is a very mysterious figure to the press because he is extremely private about his life outside of work. lives alone, has no known dating history, only known family is his family in USA ands seems to be completely disinterested in relationships under than a tight-knit group of friends. the press would love to get some dirt on this successful businessman.
jjp are mark’s close friends and a power couple of Korea ( lgbtq+ rs are supported in korea in this au ) and have always wanted him to look for a partner. yugyeom, mark’s other close friend, also wants him to not be so lonely anymore since he’s pushing 30 already.
meanwhile, youngjae + bambam are jackson’s best friends. youngjae’s fam is jackson’s foster fam while the three of them all attend Seoul University tgt. they’re close friends because they all share an interest in music and just enjoy each other’s company. they’re the same age in this au, so they met at the usual freshmen orientation drinking session and bambam almost puked on jackson’s crotch. ever since then, they’ve been inseparable.
youngbam are also well known in the school - youngjae for performing on stage every year at the annual talent show while bambam is known for his cool style and being the vice president of the dance club.
p l o t 🍓
jackbamjae are joking arnd in their gc abt life after college when jackson finally tells them his plan to move out of his foster home after they finish their second year of college. yj ofc objects because he doesn’t see js as a burden, but respects jackson’s decision because js insists.
bambam suggests a sugar daddy website to get money. ofc, both of the other two question him on how he got to know such a site existed. he tells them that ten ( pres of the dance club ) got to know his bf through this site. bam tells them that it isn’t super shady or wtv and the men aren’t so bad at all
js says wtv and gives it a go, so he signs up with the help of bamjae. he has a basketball friendly match, so he rushes off after that
at the same time, mark’s bday is approaching. jjgyeom are planning a surprise for him and hopefully, it’ll include some sort of a date that mark will agree to go on. yugyeom had also come across the sugar daddy website by simply lurking on the nsfw side of the internet and jjp have learnt not to question him too much on what he does in his free time.
he found js’s profile and knowing mark’s type, immediately suggested the idea to jjp. jb, who’s been mark’s longest friend, says that mark might not completely be opposed to it because he knows that mark has been stressed lately and a way to let out that frustration would be good. jy, on the other hand, cautions that mark might not like the idea because mark is the kind of guy to value genuine relationships over meaningless hookups, not to mention paying someone for sex and whatnot. despite that, the three arrive at mark’s place on the night of his bday to surprise him
yg suggests the idea to mark after they’ve all had some dinner and mark obv gets mad at first. he says exactly what jy had said, but calms down after jjgyeom explain that they’ve all been worried about how he’s coping and don’t want him to be alone and stressed anymore. mark sees that his friends have good intentions and decides to give it a go, starting the convo with jackson over the website that night after all his friends have left
after about a week of weird dms and some actually good interactions over the site, jackson is about to give up because he hasn’t found anyone truly interested in talking and not just sex. then, he gets mark’s dm
the two hit it off immediately and they end up texting till 3am. they exchanged socmed accounts before they went to bed as well, and js decides to tell bamjae in the morning abt it.
they obv know who the hell mark tuan is and are freaking out over this. jackson rmbs that mark had told him not to spread this and realises that’s the reason why. he warns bamjae not to tell anyone, even their other close friends. bamjae suggest for him to keep texting and to even meet mark on the weekend.
they meet and it goes well and stuff, them slowly establishing their own sort of relationship. they’re more platonic than sexual most of the time, but they do look for each other when they’re horny and in need of release
one day, the press captures mark waiting for js after school at seoul uni + js getting into his car. they post an article with a caption insinuating that mark has a secret relationship, which he fires down with an instagram post about invading his privacy and posting false rumours. he does this because he’s scared that js might be affected.
js is affected, because he realises that he doesn’t mind being in a genuine relationship with mark at all. he tells bamjae ofc, and they help him to realise that he might have developed feelings for the older man. he freaks out because that isn’t part of the deal of being a sugar baby but he doesn’t want to cut mark off either
it’ll end happily, definitely, but the angst will come right after this and i hope it’ll be good :<
e x t r a c t f r o m f i r s t c o n v o 🍓
Hey, is this Wangpuppy825?
that’s me! you can call me jackson ☺️
Oh, okay sure. I’m Mark. How old are you again?
i’m 21 this year 🤩 wbu?
I’ve just turned 30
What’s your major in college?
just? when’s your birthday? 🧐
i major in Sports science studies at SNU
4 september
Woah, you sound like a pretty smart kid
oh, belated birthday mark hyung 🥳🥳
i can call you that, right 🥺
also, i’m not that smart hahah i just study hard 😌
Yeah, hyung is fine
Thank you, by the way :)
no prob, hyung ☺️
quick qn though, do you look really old?
do you mind sending a pic 😖
i’m sorry if this sounds weird it’s just i’ve gotten lots of dms from 50 year olds posing as 20-30 year olds and it’s creepy 😳
Okay but you can’t tell anyone about this, okay?
why? is it embarrassing for you 😮
[image attached]
It’s not really about being embarrassed, I guess
you look so hot wtf 🥵
and you look so young????? you look my age 😳😳
god is unfair for making you so pretty 😤
You mean you...
Oh, nothing hahah
I’m just surprised you think I look good because well...
You’re really cute, Jackson :<
wow okay you have no idea how different it feels to hear that from a hot person rather than just my friends hyping me up 😳😳😳
Your friends? Did they persuade you to do this?
Y’know, my friends actually set me up with you as sort of a birthday present
oh? then i guess i should thank them 😳
and yes, my friends did persuade me to do this hhahaha
Thank my friends? What for?
Your friends did a good job with the basketball pictures. I think those were what made my friend Yugyeom choose you
thank them for setting me up with such a hottie 🥵
oh! you play?
Ahh, you’re making me embarrassed... 😳
Yeah, I played when I was in college in USA
omg you used an emoji for the first time 🥰
usa? you’re a foreigner too?
Hahah, I don’t really use emojis because I’m used to texting formally at work 😅
Wow, it feels like we’ve got a lot in common huh
use them more 🥺
it does! you’re probably the most interesting person i’ve met on this site the whole week 😌😌
Then I’m honoured I got your attention first :)
Tell me more about yourself? Unless you’ve got to go to bed already
oh, no no hahah
i usually sleep way past midnight so this is fine 🤩
anyway, who would be crazy enough to turn down a conversation with someone like you 😖😖
Flirtatious, are we?
only because you’re adorable 🥰
t a g s 🍓
sugar daddy x sugar baby au
social media au
possessive mark
switch jackson
dominant mark
sexting / nudes
fluff / angst / smut
college student! jackson
friends with benefits-ish to lovers
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
1. are you more tolerant of hot or cold weather? describe a time when you were extremely cold? describe a time when you were extremely over-heated?: >> I really don’t know anymore. I mean, I run hot, so I think I physically fare better in colder weather. But I don’t enjoy cold weather, you see. I don’t necessarily enjoy hot weather all the time, either, but I feel like I have more freedom in warm seasons than I do in cold ones. A time when I was extremely cold is when I was still new in NYC and I couldn’t find the shelter I’d been referred to and it was eleven degrees and I wasn’t wearing proper winter clothing because I was eighteen and dumb. I nearly froze to death, no joke. I can’t remember a time I was extremely overheated. 2. what was something weird that you did as a child? did anyone make fun of you for it? were there any other children you knew who did the same thing?: >> I was a weird child to other people, but I can’t really see what I did that was so weird. From my point of view, I was pretty unremarkable, but others didn’t see it that way. The myopia of being unable to see myself from other people’s point of view, and all. But I guess being socially underdeveloped and preferring to live in my internal headspace is “weird”, so, that. 3. what has been the hardest thing about growing up? what was the easiest thing about it? was there ever a time when you wanted to stay young forever? was there ever a time when you wished that you could be older?: >> The hardest thing about growing up was dealing with traumatic events without proper assistance or support. (Which is why I’m so behind on dealing with them.) The easiest thing about growing up was just... the passage of time, I guess. That stops for no one. I don’t recall ever thinking I wanted to stay young forever, but of course when I was young I wanted to be an adult so I could start making my own decisions and running my own life. 4. which age milestone has been the most meaningful to you (ie. 16. 18. 21. etc.)? what did you do for that birthday?: >> I’ve never had much use for the standard age milestones. 5. do you use sarcasm on a daily basis? do you have any favorite sarcastic comebacks? how about a favorite sarcastic television-show character?: >> I don’t think I use sarcasm very often. I don’t know what my favourite sarcastic comeback would be, either. I can’t think of a sarcastic tv show character right now.
6. who was the last person you yelled at? do you often yell at this person? are you on good terms with them again, or are you still upset with them?: >> I don’t remember the last time I yelled at someone.
7. if you work, do you get along with your coworkers? which one of them have you known the longest? is your current place of work somewhere that you plan to stay for a long time?: >> --- 8. name three items that have much sentimental value to you. who gave you these items, and for what occasion? do you ever have a harder time throwing away things that people have given you?: >> My plushies have sentimental value, because they’re... plushies. I don’t know. Sometimes I’m not sure I know what sentimental value really is, because I’m ruthless when it comes to downsizing and getting rid of stuff I don’t need or use.
9. in general, would you rather spend the majority of the day at school or at work? what is the longest amount of time that you have spent at either of those places?: >> --- 1o. name some trends that you really enjoy. how did you find out about them? do you know anyone else who likes them as well?: >> I don’t really know what’s trendy. There’s stuff I like that a lot of other people like, too, obviously... but I don’t know if that makes them trends or not. I really just don’t pay attention to this sort of thing. 11. who do you speak with more often: your online friends, or those that you see face-to-face? of which type of friend do you have more? which of those friendships do you value the most?: >> --- 12. when was the last time you felt confused about something? is this a subject that often confuses you?: >> I don’t remember. 13. are you often misunderstood, or do you think that people can get where you are coming from pretty well? do you think that you have a good ability to understand others? if yes, explain?: >> I don’t know how often I’m misunderstood. I feel like I have a hard time making myself understood sometimes, but I don’t know if that’s true or not. I think I have a pretty decent ability to understand others, especially considering I had to really work at my cognitive empathy over time. It doesn’t always come easy. 14. when was the last time that you had a headache? what did you do, if anything, to help it feel better? which is worse for you: headaches or stomach aches?: >> Last night. I took an Aleve. I’d rather have a headache than a stomachache. 15. have you ever had a crush on someone you met online? if yes, what happened between you and that person? do you think that online relationships are legitimate relationships? explain your stance?: >> I’ve been interested (in whatever fashion) in people I knew online. One of those people is my most recent ex, for example. I do think online relationships are legitimate, because... I don’t think any form of relationship is illegitimate? It’s also less difficult for me to understand physically distant relationships because I... am a physically distant person, lmao. 16. out of all of your past friendships and romantic relationships, which one was the worst? if that person were to show up at your place, would you be willing to talk to them?: >> I don’t want to rank any as “the worst”. I don’t see that as helpful. Also, only one of those people knows where I live, and I don’t think they’d show up here anyway. 17. if any, how many friends have you made in the past year? how many have you lost? is making friends something at which you are good, or does it take you awhile to form friendships?: >> I don’t know if I’ve made any friends. I still don’t really know what a friend is right now. Could definitely use some external insight in this area. 18. if you are 18 or older, did reaching your 18th birthday make you feel like you were an adult? if not, what moment (or moments) made you feel like you were finally maturing?: >> I “felt” like an adult because everyone around me said I was. But I didn’t really understand what that meant, and the feeling was only superficial. Mostly I felt crazy, because I was pretty crazy back then. I needed more support, not to be thrown out into the world and left to my own devices, but I guess I made it through all right in the end. I’m alive, ain’t I. 19. would you say that you are typically more or less mature than people your own age? why do you think this is? do you ever look down on people who are less mature, or (if you are “immature”) do people look down on you?: >> I don’t know how to grok or compare maturity. I’m just wherever I am, and I don’t feel the need to measure that. I don’t look down on people for behaving immaturely, especially if they’re young. Like, it’s all part of the process, dude. Let people live and learn. 20. when was the last time that you felt paranoid, and why? do you often feel nervous, or are you more of the mellow type? do you know anyone who is nervous or worrying all the time?: >> The last time I felt paranoid was last night because my heart rate was elevated for about an hour, randomly. But I guess hearts just be like that sometimes. I don’t often feel nervous, I’d say I’m more mellow than anything else although I do have my high-strung moments. Most of the people I know are some level of anxious on a regular basis, so I guess I’m an anomaly. 21. if you have a formspring account, what do you think of it? do you think that you will keep using that site for a long while, or will you be giving it up soon? how many questions have people asked you so far?: >> I haven’t used Formspring since it was popular for that short burst of time. 22. when driving/or when riding in the car, do you ever get pissed off at other drivers? how often would you say this happens, if ever? do you know anyone who has some serious road-rage?: >> I’m the passenger, so other drivers have little to no effect on me. I don’t think I know anyone with actual road rage. 23. as a kid, did your parents force you to eat everything on your plate? if you had them, how did you feel about family meal times? if you were to have children, would you have structured meals with them?: >> I don’t remember, honestly. I don’t recall having any feelings about having to eat meals with my parent, either. It was just normalised. Regardless of whether I ever raise a child or not, I do sometimes miss structured meals, for the bonding aspect (I’m very interested in the connection between food and social bonds, you see), and for the routine/ritual aspect. But that’s just not the kind of household I live in, so. 24. what was the last new thing that you tried? what is something you did a long time ago that you might like to do again?: >> I tried this little snack I found at the Asian market earlier today. It was good as hell, as I’d expected. I don’t know about the second question. 25. do you like it when life falls into a routine, or does routine-ness tend to bother you? when was the last time you went out and did something on the spur of the moment? when was the last time you sat home all day?: >> I am naturally routine-averse; I need variety to stay interested and engaged. Even if I enjoy something, if I do it every day at the same time or whatever, I’ll get bored real fast. But I do sometimes seek out routine when I’m stressed, and I think that goes back to those multiple hospitalisations and the strict and bland routine they imposed. Weird shit becomes comforting when the brain is under pressure, lmao. 26. what kind of things are sold in the last store to which you went? did you make any purchases while you were there? is that some place that you will going back to soon?: >> Everything, it was a big-box store. I didn’t buy anything because they didn’t have what I wanted to buy. We shop there very often, yes. 27. what is your least favorite part about going to the doctor? what about going to the dentist? which of those people would you rather see?: >> Being touched is my least favourite part. I guess I’d rather go to the doctor, though, because that’s less invasive (most of the time). 28. do you ever take care of anyone younger than you (ie. babysitting, watching a younger sibling, etc)? do you like doing this, or does it get to be a hassle?: >> No. 29. is there anything that your parents do that you hope to do for your potential future children? is there something your parents do that you will not be repeating if you have kids of your own?: >> In the unlikely event, I’d say... I hope to inspire creativity by being a creative person, and I hope to not be so strict and standoffish that I give said child an attachment disorder.
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lunaschild2016 · 6 years
Worth Fighting For: Chapter 72 - I’ve Got Issues
Tumblr media
Rating M ( Language, Violence, There will be smut, Angst, Tragedy, Romance, Fluff)
@kenzieam @pathybo @jaihardy @every-jai @ericdauntless @beautifulramblingbrains @bookgirlthings @jojuarez26 @oddsnendsfanfics @offroadinjandals @singingpeople @iammarylastar @irasancti @captstefanbrandt @clublulu333 @fuckthatfeeling @tigpooh67 @ex-bookjunky @jughead-wuz-here @badassbaker @beanzjellly @beltz2016 @meganbee15@affabletimelady @scorpio2009 @gylisaa @geekybeyondallreason @violetsonthelam @kyloswarstars @emmysrandomthoughts @kgurew @beltzboys2015-blog @slytherin-princess-25273 @whatwouldbuffydo666 @jaiboomer11 @holamor @wealwayskeepfighting
**I promise I have put the read more option in but it has been glitching.**
(It has been a long hot minute since I have been able to do much of writing or being on this lovely site with you beautiful people. I hope to be able to resume activities and hope you also enjoy the new chapter!)
Disclaimer: As always, this is V Roth’s Tilt-A-Whirl and I am in the hack in the DJ booth trying to spin a good remix!
Chapter 72 - I’ve Got Issues
The morning meeting with Max and the other leaders drags on and I can’t sit still for shit. I don’t know if it is because I am itching to be done with this and get back to tracking down the third person that attacked Tris, or what. Something feels off and has since I let Kat walk out of the apartment this morning. I am not the only one that felt that though. Zach had been frowning after her for the longest and then looked to me with that deepening.
“What?” I had snapped out finally as we walked towards the offices. That frown still hadn’t moved and just kept getting more troubled and deeper.
“I expected her to be more upset and harder to get any rational thoughts or promises out of, Eric. If you consider all her fears, how she reacts whenever Tris has been threatened in the past, she is scary calm for her.”
I hadn’t been able to deny it so I hadn’t said anything. I felt the pinpricks of something all over my skin and they were getting worse. I pull out my tablet and open the app I had installed by Chase that would allow me to access cameras on it. The menu shows me all the different areas I can pick from or I can do a screen that has tiny windows to show all the areas. I select the landscape room that they should either already be at or at least heading to. It looks like everyone is already there but me scanning the groups isn’t showing me Kat. I scowl as I bring the tablet closer to my face as if that will help me to see what is clearly not there.
“Something wrong, Coulter?” Raze voice breaks my frantic search on the screen.
Not even changing the camera angle showed Kat although I saw every one of her friends, even her sister. I don’t answer as movement catches my attention. Peter is pushing his way over to Chase and I don’t need to know what he is going to tell him to know that Kat is gone.
“Eric?” Max calls out to me and I look up as I am standing.
“Missing initiate.” I grind out roughly. His face goes blank and he gives me a single nod.
“Go.” He orders and motions to the door but I am already making my way.
I hear heavy steps behind me and look over my shoulder to see Raze following. I know saying anything to the older man is useless so I just sigh and lift my phone to my ear. Part of me wonders if Raze is still sticking so close when it comes to Kat and I because he still isn’t convinced I am not really going to hurt her in some way. I know he still thinks I am completely in Erudites pocket. I shelve my irritation at him and that situation. I can’t let it cloud my thinking or actions right now.
Finding Kat is the priority and I at least know he will be with me on that.
“Control, scan the corridors from the landscape room to the pit and tell me if you have any movement from initiates.” I bark out the order quickly and then dial Chase.
He answers immediately and I can tell he is moving too. “Peter thinks he knows who it is and that Kat figured it out too. Not sure how but considering he is the only initiate not accounted for…”
“Who?” I interrupt, my jaw clenching.
“Find him and we find her.” I snarl out before hanging up and picking up the pace.
“Who is it?” Raze rumbles from beside me.
People are moving out of our way quickly once they catch a load of our demeanor and expressions.
“They think the third was Al.”
“The farm boy?” Raze asks with an incredulous expression.
I can only nod as well. I am pissed that I discounted him as anyone that might be a threat during our previous review of anyone that might have been responsible the first attack. Molly, Drew; hell even Christina had all been on the forefront of the list at the time. Chase and I had both dismissed the former Candor. A mistake that had my blood raging.
Alerts popped up on both of our phones indicating the path Al had taken, leading straight to the dorm. Kat had disappeared off the cameras but I knew she was there. She knew the hidden paths well now, she would have taken them just like I would have. Avoid being seen. Which meant she had nothing innocent in mind for the coward.
I didn’t need to communicate that to Chase, he already knew. What we didn’t know was what we would be walking into when we finally made it in.
Third Person
The rumor mill in Dauntless was working. Working overtime at that. Once again it seemed like a certain transfer was at the heart of those rumors. For once the seemingly outrageous rumors weren’t that far off the mark.
All Tris knew was that she was not allowed to see or talk to her sister once again and it was driving her crazy. Especially since she couldn’t get it out of her mind...what if…
What if she had told someone, anyone, what Al had tried on visiting day and what she had felt. She had reasoned out that it was just an awkward attempt at a kiss. A misunderstanding from a friend that could be gotten over given a little space. How could she explain the flash of something in his eyes that had unsettled and frightened her? She wouldn't admit to being scared of something or someone. Not here in Dauntless and at the time especially not of someone like Al.
Then had come the attack and while she hadn’t seen Al she had somehow known it was him. His smell had overwhelmed her and she had recognized his voice in the dark before things got blurry for her. Even Tobias hadn’t believed she didn’t have her suspicions. Still, she had kept them to herself. She didn’t want him to win...she reasoned. She didn’t want any of the three to think they had gotten to her. Al was already headed out of the door, she was sure, based on things Tobias said. He would have punishment enough living among the factionless.
Even when he had confronted her she still hadn’t said anything to anyone. She had seen him taking off and she had a shiver of foreboding run down her spine. The same feeling she had the day she stepped into the aptitude test room and the same feeling the first day of sims.
So many things she had kept to herself until she was feeling like she was going to snap. Guilt weighed her down and had her curling her knees up to her chest, hugging them tightly hoping to hold herself together.
Kat wasn’t even in Dauntless. The attack had finally been bad enough that she was taken to the cities medical facility. She didn’t know how to feel that the rumor was going around that Al was just as bad.
Somehow he had come by a knife. There had been a struggle when he attacked her and they both got cut up badly.
Lynn sat beside Tris in her own quiet worry for her sister. She had gotten word from Shauna, some details about what happened though apparently most of it was being classified. All Lynn’s own sister could tell her was that when the leaders and trainers made it into the dorm, they had found Al straddling Kat and trying to slit her sister's throat while yelling that this time he would finish the job.
Lynn supposes that it was Al along, working with the other Candor’s. There had to be truth to that because leaders had taken Christina away to be questioned.
That didn’t make Tris feel any better. Another potential betrayal from another supposed friend.
As if she could sense the line of Tris’ thoughts, Lynn threaded her hand through the other girls after taking and squeezing it a little tighter than what would be considered reassuring. It was almost like a promise, as was the look in the Dauntless-born’s eyes.
One thing was for sure, from now on Tris knew she would be more mindful of who she trusted and if Christina had been involved in some way, she could guarantee at least one person would be with her in making her life hell should she show her face again.
Uri found the two girls in the Dauntless-born training room looking strained and panting.
“They’re moving the transfers to the Dauntless-born dorm.” He looked behind him to see Marlene coming up behind him carrying one of the bags they had collected for their friends then looked back to Tris and Lynn. “We didn’t think you would want to go into the dorm, so Marlene got your stuff for you, Tris.”
“What about Kat’s stuff?” Lynn asked in a ragged voice.
Uri shook his head. “They wouldn’t let us take it. Lauren said something about it being looked over as part of the investigation.”
“Why?” Tris asked in confusion and worry. “It was clearly Al during the other attacks too.”
Marlene’s expression turned sour and she spits out the answer with venom. “Lauren.”
Lynn gave a low growl as she popped up. “Stupid bitch.”
“What about her?”
“She’s jealous of Kat. Has been since the beginning. You too but not as much as she is of Kat. Lauren was a transfer from Erudite and has always lorded over everyone that she was one of the few high ranking girls much less transfers of her year. You two being ranked so high has her boiling with jealousy and it hasn’t gotten much better after Kat beat Tank.”
“She let it slip that she thinks one of the members had been giving Kat access to knives. So now she is under suspicion.” Uri said tiredly, wiping a hand over his face.
Zeke walked up behind them soon after while they were still discussing what had happened and if there was any word on Kat. He was as tight-lipped as the rest of the leaders while he escorted them all to the new dorm situation. All initiates were under lockdown for the rest of the day. Most considered it a rest and were even happy when dinner was brought to them in the dorm.
Tris and the rest of the group felt like climbing the walls with worry and frustration. It was a long and sleepless night ahead of them.
Erudite Medical - Secured Room
Third Person
He was cuffed to the bed even though he had no illusions that he would have been able to run even if he were not. Actually, the truth was that he didn’t want to find out what would happen if he tried to run. The looks he got from Eric, that he expected even if he still dreaded it and felt like he was barely holding onto his bowels. The ones from Four and Chase, on the other hand, he had not counted on.
He was glad for the brief break from the three older Dauntless’ presence. They had all left to go question her; Al thought of her with malice and frustration. He had failed to eliminate her again and ruined any chances of getting away.
That was what he should have done. Instead of making a last-ditch effort to get Tris alone and take her with him, he should have just run. Even when Kat had first come into the dorm, he had plenty of time to grab the crap he had been given and make a run for it.
Seeing the reason all the plans, everything he had been promised, to be snatched from him walk in that door had taken what little sense he had away. It was all a nightmare, one long fucked up nightmare. From Choosing day until now, it was all a nightmare. One hellish day after another that had kept spiraling until he could almost believe that the fires of hell would be a relief.
All those carefully made plans. All the preparation and excitement he had on that fateful day, had gone up like so much smoke. He had done as instructed though. When he saw Tris’ blood hitting the coals, not stones, he followed her even if he had felt like throwing up while doing it. Of the possibilities that he had been told to expect, Dauntless had never been mentioned.
Abnegation or Erudite. Those were the two that he was meant to follow Beatrice too. He had been promised, though, that it would be Abnegation. He had it all planned out. The life he would have had and was meant for. He had been promised that Beatrice and he would marry after initiation. He would finally have the girl he had pined over from the moment she had helped a shy and terrified ten-year-old when he had been being picked on by others of his faction. Beatrice had stepped in and helped to pick up and give him encouraging and kind words. She didn’t remember him and they never spoke again. He had watched her from afar and fantasized about her and him being the very best of friends. He hit puberty and the dreams changed. He always meant to go to Abnegation because he knew she would be there.
There was only one person that was to blame for that dream being shattered.
Mary Katherine Prior. Kat.
He almost had her that first time. Just a little harder and little longer would have been all it took to squeeze the life out of her. He hadn’t, only because his orders were to bring her to him. Orders that he should have ignored but now it was too late.
There had been a hope when Kat had fought him back in that dorm that she would end him. He had seen it in her eyes. Knew she was capable of it but it was like she had held back. In the end, he knew that there was no getting away, but if he was going to go down he had been hell-bent on at least finishing her off.
Marcus had promised to protect him if he succeeded. He never said what would happen if he failed.
There was the sound of a code being put into the security pad of the room he was in. The door opened and then a procession of bodies started to file in. Mostly black-clad men, a few blue-clad medical professionals and then what he dreaded most….the black and white of Candor.
They circled around him. Surrounding him. The air in the room was already cold, but with the looks he was on the receiving end of as well as the dread that filled him upon a syringe being filled with a familiar colored liquid, it dropped to an arctic level of cold.
“Albert West,” Jack Kang began as he stepped forward. Al swallowed heavily as the nurse with the syringe came over to him and started to push the serum through his IV. “You are being given truth serum and will be questioned in regards to a series of attacks as well as the possibility of aiding in illegal activities and treason.”
He couldn’t believe what was happening. He had been assured that Dauntless wouldn’t investigate any assaults. That it was commonplace enough that it would just be written off. Dauntless prided themselves on handling everything internally, not letting anyone see weakness within and Candor was rarely, to the point of never, becoming involved.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. He tried to protest but it was useless. The questioning began and no matter how hard he tried to stop from telling him the names of everyone involved or what his real motive in everything was, the more violently ill he became. He never could tolerate pain well and broke fast. All resolve to hold the truth in crumbled and he spilled everything.
Al was oblivious to the reactions of those in attendance. He missed the snarls aimed in his direction or the whispered words from one person to another. He missed the strained sharing of glances and the subtle restraining hand upon the arm of the man in black with the maze and symbol forearm tattoos.
Lastly, he missed the lanky frame of Four as he slipped out of the hospital room door with rage and pain in his eyes and the bearing of a man on a mission.
Factionless sector
Third Person
Shadowed figures made their way stealthily through the rough sector of the city. Staying to streets and alleys that had holes in the surveillance cameras Dauntless tried to keep in working order, they moved quickly. It was a small group. Easily able to slip through those holes, especially since it was led by someone who had complete knowledge of them. Regardless of the assurance that the cameras would not capture their activity, the group of five men further concealed themselves with masks of a black wool material drawn over their faces. The only visible feature being the eyes that had cutouts that allowed the wearer to have an unobstructed view. Even the nose and lips were covered with the material being easy to breathe through.
It took some time to pass the sector for the displaced residents of the city. Their real goal was located in the sector of the caretakers of the denizens, Abnegation.
The home they approached in the deep dark of the night was one of the first one came upon as they entered Abnegation. In appearance, it was a mirror of all the others. Grey concrete formed into the uniformly rectangular house. It was slightly larger than all the others. A privilege afforded by the owner's position in the faction.
The placement was also a symbol of position. It stood apart and ahead of the others to signify that above all, the members of that house stood to take care of and sacrifice for the city. It was a belief held as truth by all members of Abnegation. It was also regarded as a convenience that the revered leader was usually the first person sought out by the factionless who wandered into the factions area.
This was also something that the leader of the group used to his advantage and had intimate knowledge of. If they should be seen, it would look just like other similar occurrences did. It would like a group of the poor factionless seeking assistance from the man that had the power and giving nature to provide.
All of that was lies of course. There would be no assistance sought tonight but justice long due being meted out and the man within might have power but giving was not his nature.
Sadistic. Manipulative. Cold.
Those were the words that could describe the man that lay in his bed, unsuspecting that his bill was coming due faster than he could work to make disappear.
Three of the cloaked men remained outside. Posted as lookouts while the other two slipped in the back door. There was a slight hesitation from one of them before he passed over the threshold. His blue eyes widened and looking as if he was moving through a dream or seeing a ghost.
The other man whispers a question. “Are you sure? I can do this if not.”
It snaps the other out of whatever was holding him back and he shakes his head. “No. I need to do this.” He whispers back fervently with a hard edge to his words.
He gets a small firm nod back before he steps in front and leads the way up the stairs. The wind picks up outside, making a whistling, howling sound between the buildings. It is just loud enough to mask any muffled shouts or thudding of bodies that might escape from the thick concrete walls of a house used to masking the pain it had housed within.
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lagaudiiere-archive · 6 years
♧ Is there an RP partner(s) that you credit for becoming a better writer?
Memes for the Writer ;
Honestly this may seem like a very “cheesy” thing to say but every single person I’ve ever written with has helped me better my writing & myself. I look back at my older blogs & die a little inside out of second-hand embarrassment ( like how would people write with me? ) but it’s so nice because it means I’ve come so far ( hopefully! ) as a writer! Every single person who’s written with me helped me hone in my character’s voice or a specific style of writing just a little bit more, helped me get over my fear of not being good enough or whatever because clearly, someone thought I was.
But I do have to give a few shout-outs. Which … got long so they’re under the cut. If you don’t care about the whys, they’re @jedichosen, @heleads, @moonhurts, @croianam, @ourpyrrhicvictory, @scarfwere, @oliverqxeen.
@jedichosen — Idk if she wants me to tag her other blogs but This list ( & probably I ) wouldn’t be here without Sari. Sari is everything. We met on my old Allison blog where she scared the hell out of me on her Tom Riddle blog & then I made a Mary Stuart blog & she came into my inbox with all caps excitement & that was … literally it. We screamed over the show & our children & literally it was magic. Sari & I clicked, we wrote 2534634 threads ( one of them an actual novella I kid you not ) & this was where I truly felt like I got to expand my writing & become a better writer. To write so consistently with someone, getting to explore a million different facets, aspects, & timelines of a character really helps you not just better learn your character but yourself as a writer. To feel so comfortable with someone that it was never a scary thing to write a reply to but like you were dying to get something to them is just amazing & I don’t know what I would have done without Sari because Sari was the one who made this experience literally something else. We were always on Skype calls, yelling at each other over the awful thing the other had written, & just — idk it’s just something else when you’re basically best friends offline & then write a ton of things because both end up being something more than you’d expect because of the other. She was the one who encouraged me to make my multi because I was feeling stuck on Allison & she has been my supporter & writing alongside me always. Even if we die on our blogs we’re still always in touch & I have become the writer I am, probably the person I am too because of Sari. I love Sari more than I can find words — & I’ve found quite a lot thanks to her.
@heleads — Moony has been with me quite literally from day one. She was the person who actually gave me a chance when I applied to her rpg a million years ago even though the “sample” I sent her was probably like three lines long ( I had no idea what a sample was ok I don’t know how she even gave me the time of day I’d have deleted that “application” & pretended I never got it ) & she welcomed me into the rpg with open arms. She was one of the friendliest people ever, but also one of the most talented, as I got to experience firsthand. She responded to my sad starters, & I wrote my longest ever stuff with her first. We had a hella long thread thing & an almost ship that everyone loved & then I was able to find her on indie & it was the most amazing thing ever. She never never ceases to astound me with her talents. Even if we haven’t written together ( rip we need to change this ) it doesn’t matter because her understanding & writing of her character is incredible & just by looking at her stuff I become a better writer tbh. Ily to the moon & back ( hehehe see what I did there. )
@moonhurts / @heartcoils — KJ has been there since day one of indie, even though she didn’t know it. Like honestly? I have been stalking — I mean loving KJ since the second I made my first ever indie blog, Matt Donovan. She was always so inspiring? Her writing was just breathtaking, her as a person was just one of the most amazing people ever. Like she would bring positivity & class to my dash man, there was no other way to put it. Her understanding of all her characters leaves me absolutely in awe, & probably a lil jealous lbr, but also pushes me to want to do better. We may not have written nearly as much as I would like but that’s mostly because she has always been so so talented I used to be terrified? But the few times we did, I have had to really think about my words, our characters, & every time I’ve written with KJ, my writing has become that much better. I love KJ because it’s not just about the writing although I did initially fall in love with her writing ( & her writing teaches me so much every day tbh? ) KJ has been one of my closest friends on this site — & it’s because we’re friends off it. We weren’t always close but we were always sort of on each other’s radars & I always felt like there was this unspoken pact of we were there for the other if we ever needed it. We would go months in between texts but it didn’t matter. And now we go like … at the most a week, if that, between conversations. Being able to talk about my thoughts, whatever they may be, or throw around ideas or plots or just talk about different characters & dynamics so comfortably & to have such intelligent conversations is amazing. KJ throws back everything I lob at her tbh plus more & it’s always made me a better person — which makes me a better writer too ( because that’s what this is about. ) I love you so so much. You’re amazing, you’re incredible, & I wouldn’t nearly enjoy this site as much as I do without you. It’s like … you give it … a soul. I love you.
@croianam​ — KAY! My darling, beloved Kay. It’s so astounding that I was able to, by some crazy chance, find Kay again. I have known Kay since my second ever rpg ( first Marauders’ Era — once you go marauders there’s no going back amirite? ) Kay was literal sunshine in our ooc chats & I remember my awful awful days ( it was a hard time ok ) becoming a million times better because she’d been around. We got to talking, we got to texting, we got to modding another marauders’ era rpg, & have written either with or about each others’ characters it’s amazing. The dynamics that are brought about by Kay’s magic is something else. I ended up writing the brother of one of her characters & I actually got to explore so much & learn so much as a writer ( & get to go into so much more depth ) because of the special sibling bond, especially because I adored the writer so much. Tbh the love in the thread was real, just different because of Kay. Kay makes writing seem effortless, she’s fearless, has never let anyone get to her & has always been unapologetically awesome. That’s taught me a lot honestly, & every single meme she’d respond to ( & kill me in the process ) would teach me a little bit more tbh. We used to text a lot during said difficult time & I genuinely remember every day & most conversations we had. This may seem irrelevant because it just shows how amazing a person she is but really, I was able to become a better writer through overcoming a lot of my difficulties & I wouldn’t have done that without Kay, no joke. I may not have written nearly as much as I’d like with Kay but she’s taught me so much as a writer & friend & there is literally no way I can explain just how fantastic a person she is.
@ourpyrrhicvictory — Listen, we may not have written much since the rpg we both happened to end up on ( also marauders’ era what a surprise ) but writing with Oso was literal magic ( haha get what I did there? ) I remember the words literally coming out of places I never knew existed from a character I had loved & adored & written for years. Why? Because his writing brought it about, his incredible characterization & understanding of a character that I’d merely glanced at but he’d given such depth to. Being able to write alongside someone like that? Makes you a better writer, made me a better writer & it was one of the best things ever. I cannot wait for the day I am not trash ( I don’t know how he puts up with me tbh ) & we can write 346645 things but I’m also still terrified of how amazing he is so? There’s that.
@casualtyloss / @scarfwere / @erchommai — Cas! Cas is such a sweetheart, has been the kindest most wonderful person ever. I don’t know how I found Cas, I don’t even remember it at all I just know that Cas & I just … found each other & every single thread I’ve written with Cas has just been so easy but also made me think & I mean really think about my character. My favorite thing, to this day, is our thread with her Sebastian ( who is both terrifying & somehow endearing in a way only Cas can do it tbh. ) Cas makes me think about not just my character but the characters she writes. She’s able to bring about this atmosphere & this — this something that makes writing both easy & challenging but both in the best way possible. She’s always down to write my favorite most obscure stuff & has always been so so kind? Like it takes me a long time to really feel comfortable with someone & fear I’m not bothering them but with Cas? Like tbh I know I bother her but I’m only slightly afraid which is a step up tbh. She’s made me such a better writer, she also used to be the reason I’d get through my 573498543 drafts because I would set her draft for last & that was my motivator. If that doesn’t have incredible writing partner written all over it, idk what does.
@waldosiia / @oliverqxeen — Hehe she’s going on here because she’s amazing & even though I haven’t known Kristen as long as anyone on this list it sort of feels like I do? The first time I spoke to Kristen we both ended up staying up until a ridiculously late hour but it was because neither of us never wanted to stop? It was lots of caps, lots of yelling, & lots of love tbh. Talking & writing with Kristen has just felt … not easy, not effortless because I do have to think which definitely helps me better my writing but just … idk it’s just amazing. It falls into place, we both end up screaming at the other once the replies are out, & we both love so many of the same things. I said earlier, I rarely feel comfortable enough with someone on here without feeling like I’m bugging them but with Kristen it’s like? I don’t feel that. Mind you it took me forever because she was so amazing & both of us kind of loved each other from afar but just, she’s got such a natural grasp on any character she writes ( have you seen her Oliver? Daaamn. And her Caleb? I cry because I genuinely hear Graham’s beautiful voice. That’s skill ) & she helps me by writing her characters so perfectly that I have the best sort of person to write with, best character to build mine against if that makes sense? Idk. OOC relationships always make the in character writing a million times better & I’m so lucky to have both with Kristen & she’s just amazing ok.
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