#they’re normal and have families and other friends and whatnot
Halfway through Staged 3 and pretty sure the reason it doesn’t “work” is the reason why Good Omens 2 does work: the natural progression of David and Michael’s and Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationships respectively is codependence. One show understands this, but the other doesn’t
tl;dr At bottom
Aziraphale and Crowley simply cannot exist without each other. They are “on their on side.” They have trauma bonded for centuries. When the external obstacles tearing apart Aziraphale and Crowley are removed, they’re left with their unaddressed trauma and can’t communicate their feelings
This internal conflict, which is long established, tears them apart. They are codependent yet can’t see eye to eye. This is a real conflict that feels natural
The big “a-ha” emotional moment at the end of Staged 2 is David and Michael realizing that (after every other character basically screams at them) they love and need each other. They are the only ones who understand each other; they are “on their own side”
When their external obstacles are removed, instead of exploring the intensity of their relationship and implied codependence, it forces conflict. Georgia messes with the room; Michael seems irrationally angry from the jump; the script relies on the meta nature of it for the humor. Everything feels “off,” and, well, “staged” for lack of a better word
The moment when Michael decides to go back into production because he’s jealous David did a role without him, there’s a bit of a throwaway line where he says “I can’t believe you’d do something without me.” It’s framed as jealousy of David working, but at face value, it’s, “How could you ever do anything without me?”
Exploring their codependence would have been more narratively sound and have a better baseline for comedy to come from it. However, this was never going to be possible, because while Staged isn’t “real,” inherently, because it’s meta, it kind of is
(Tinfoil hat time!)
This sounds sacreligious, but Michael Sheen is not convincing at all in this. He holds this resentment that seems to come from nowhere and feels hollow. The script isn’t helping much, but this is far lower quality wise than other performances he’s given. He does not want to be doing this shit again
Michael’s a (self-admitted) sensitive actor. He drowns himself in every role, especially Aziraphale, who he says “lol he’s literally me.” He cried on the last day of shooting; there’s absolutely no way the Breakup ™️ in Good Omens 2 didn’t affect him deeply, especially considering a 3rd season still isn’t confirmed
Imo he drags his feet because this entire season is the Breakup ™️ again, and he’s emotionally exhausted and doesn’t want to do it. If the script were better/had more levity/allowed for improv then maybe, but as it stands, it’s just a bummer, and everyone who watched it agrees
But I don’t think a plotline exploring David and Michael’s codependence would have ever happened anyway because, well, it would be really fucking awkward
Staged 1 is about them becoming friends, and, lo and behold, they actually did become close friends while shooting
Staged 2 is about them realizing how much they need and care about each other, and by their own accounts, they became much closer during this time as well
So, if Staged 3 were about them examining the closeness of their fake selves and the possible unhealthy aspects of it, that would force them to be incredibly vulnerable, not just as actors, but to their real relationship, because the events of Staged have mirrored how their friendship has developed
They are obviously not their characters on Staged, but there is a distinct pattern of a blur of real life and fiction. They run the risk of people falsely thinking they have a codependent dynamic and judging them accordingly, or, even worse, having to confront actually having a codependent dynamic, and in a very public way
I haven’t finished, so maybe their codependence is addressed, but right now it seems like it’s entirely avoided, which was a huge aspect of the ending of series 2. It makes the conflict feel forced and any interesting character exploration is blunted by antics
tl;dr In Good Omens 2, Crowley and Aziraphale are codependent, which is established, and creates conflict. Codependence is addressed in Staged 2, but barely acknowledged in Staged 3. A real point of conflict that could be interesting is ignored while forced situations are pushed instead, which aren’t as funny nor compelling
I believe personally that the ideas dried up for Simon, Michael was emotionally exhausted from the ending of Good Omens 2, and a plotline centered around David and Michael’s codependence in Staged was avoided because it would hit too close to home
Still haven’t finished it so it could turn around, but right now it feels like a big missed opportunity which came out of uninspired writing and avoiding self reflection
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babydollmarauders · 8 months
au masterlist
notes: a long awaited insta edit release for everyone’s favorite unhinged couple!
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liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras, and 728,163 others
y/ndevils00 HE ASKED!! 💍🤍
tagged jackhughes
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jackhughes i can’t wait to spend forever with you, my beautiful crazy girl 🤍
y/ndevils00 you may not have played, but i think this has been the best all-stars yet!
trevorzegras don’t people usually caption it “i said yes”?
y/ndevils00 i’ve been saying yes for the past 2 years, i think people will be more shocked that he asked
trevorzegras @/jackhughes bro your girlfriend is anything but normal
y/ndevils00 *fiancée
trevorzegras that’s what you got from that? really?
user93 JACK HUGHES IS GETTING MARRIED?! it’s truly over for the rest of us 😪
john.marino97 did you just… have that outfit packed?
y/ndevils00 i’m crazy but i’m not THAT crazy… i went to a bridal store in Toronto as soon as he asked
john.marino97 yeah, that sounds about right
john.marino97 congratulations, i guess!
y/ndevils00 you’re still so lonely, aren’t you? seventh wheeling on a couples trip and whatnot
john.marino97 i might take you up on your previous offer. hook me up with one of your friends
y/ndevils00 oh, that offer was kinda not real… i don’t think i have any girl friends besides the other wags
john.marino97 you are an evil woman
y/ndevils00 you’ll find someone soon enough, maraschino! i’ll even be your wing-woman at the clubs!
john.marino97 don’t do that. no one is asking you to do that.
y/ndevils00 you didn’t have to ask! i’ll do it out of the kindness of my heart! 🥰
john.marino97 i didn’t know you had one of those
y/ndevils00 YOU’RE TELLING ME!
jackhughes i can take my ring back, you know?
y/ndevils00 no you can’t ☹️ it’s part of me now!
nicohischier congrats, you guys! i can’t imagine a couple more meant for each other than you two ❤️
y/ndevils00 awww thank you, captain slut 🥹🫶
nicohischier oh that wasn’t a compliment
ehaula HE ASKED?!
y/ndevils00 HE ASKED!
y/ndevils00 I SAID YES!
lhughes_06 you’ve been my sister for 2 years, i’m glad it’s becoming official ❤️
y/ndevils00 oh my sweet smush 🥹 i can’t wait to officially be able to baby you for the rest of our lives!
_quinnhughes welcome to the family ❤️ so glad i was able to be there to witness such a beautiful moment
y/ndevils00 thank you, huggy 🥹🫶 i’m so grateful to be graciously accepted into this wonderful family
y/ndevils00 @/lhughes_06 don’t be shy! say it all! i’m very romantic!
lhughes_06 i don’t wanna
e.malkin71geno so happy for you, little Crosby ❤️
y/ndevils00 thank you, uncle G! 🤍
e.malkin71geno i remember when you used to run around the rink with your little pigtails and tell us to catch you, now you’re an adult and getting married
y/ndevils00 to be fair, i think i was 17 when i told you to catch me
y/ndevils00 thank you, teddy bear!!! hope ya look good in a tux, maybe at the wedding you can finally get your own total babe like me 🥰
colecaufield and you’re so humble, what a catch!
jesperbratt congrats! wish you guys the best 😁
y/ndevils00 will you be our flower girl? you can throw whatever you want, you precious little swede-heart
y/ndevils00 @/dawson1417 truthfully, if bratter says yes, then yeah the wedding binder we made is being thrown out the window and you’ll have to be a bridesmaid instead
jesperbratt i’m honored, but i don’t want to take the job away from Merc!
y/ndevils00 oh :( okay :(
jackhughes i’m sorry, you and Dawson made a wedding binder? you pre-planned OUR wedding with DAWSON?
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes truthfully, i wasn’t sure you’d ever ask, but yeah. i think you’ll like the playlist though! i’m gonna walk down the aisle to Rack City!
jackhughes that’s not happening
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes so you hate fun
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liked by _quinnhughes, justinbieber, and 517,739 others
y/ndevils00 fiancé and huggy! fiancé! fiancé picking his team x3! fiancé and some guys! justin doing his best impression of me! fiancé and some more guys! sid and justin!
that’s a wrap on asg 2024! the best i’ve ever experienced! now back to Jersey to shove my ring in everybody’s face and carry on my job of sexy nurse!
tagged jackhughes, _quinnhughes, and justinbieber
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user72 oh y/n is gonna milk this fiancé thing with all she’s got and i’m here for it!
justinbieber nice seeing you again, y/n! wishing you and jack a long and prosperous marriage!
y/ndevils00 put the dictionary away and write some new music, beaver
justinbieber it was only like 10 years ago that you wanted my last name, don’t think i forgot
user61 she knows…. justin bieber????
jackhughes i’m liking “fiancé” but i can think of another name that has a better ring to it 😉
y/ndevils00 i’m not calling you daddy on the internet
_quinnhughes good times! see you in the summer, sis!
y/ndevils00 “sis” 🥹 @/jackhughes DO YOU SEE THAT?! DO YOU SEE IT? DO YOU SEE IT?
jackhughes i do, dove! i see it! ❤️
dawson1417 GOOD! IT BETTER!
user85 y/n feeding us all the jack content!
jesperbratt it was nice having you there for my first all-stars!
y/ndevils00 you are nothing but an angel and i will hurt anyone for you
lhughes_06 come back and take care of your devil cat
y/ndevils00 that’s your niece, have some respect!
lhughes_06 she bit my nose and scratched a hole in my kith hoodie
y/ndevils00 that means she wants you to kith her
lhughes_06 i can almost guarantee it doesn’t
y/ndevils00 do you speak cat?
lhughes_06 no?
y/ndevils00 then you can’t guarantee shit
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siltyriver · 10 months
DPxDC WIP — Conceal, Don’t Feel
(official continuation of this prompt post)
Pairings: Jason/Danny, Tim/Bernard, Dick/Wally
Idea: Frozen/Rise of the Guardians AU
Okay the brain worms won out so official new WIP here we go!
Jason is Elsa, Danny is Jack Frost
Basic premise is that Jason was abandoned as a young child and the Spirits gifted him with powers to help him stay alive after they witnessed him helping a young reindeer (no he does not adopt it lmao) and he’s eventually taken in by Bruce Wayne, King of Arendelle Gotham
His powers are a shock to Bruce, but they seem harmless enough and he mostly uses them to make little trinkets or mini snow storms/flurries when his emotions are high
He gains more control as he gets older and Dick and Tim are always asking him to make more action figures and slides and whatnot and he’s more than happy to comply, enjoying making his brothers happy
Until one night (ages are roughly: Dick 12, Jason 7, Tim 5) there’s an accident with Timmy jumping too fast on the pillars Jason was creating for him and he falls and Jason reaches out with too much power that hits his brother square in the chest
Dick runs to get Bruce as Jason cradles Tim who’s passed out and cold as ice and Jason is so, so scared
Bruce takes them all to John Constantine who is a hermit in the woods with lots of magical and arcane knowlege
He is able to heal Tim but he makes it very clear that Jason could have killed him and that if he continued to use his powers without tight control he could kill someone else
They’re all shaken enough to take this as meaning that Jason should just… never use his powers. Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them show
So life goes on and Jason locks himself away in his room most of the time (Bruce does not shut down the castle though — they just keep Jason’s powers a secret like usual). Tim doesn’t remember the accident or the fact that Jason has powers so he’s confused and hurt and Dick is worried about Jason but follows Bruce and his lead and doesn’t talk about it and tells Tim that Jason is just sick and needs his space
Their family grows as Bruce takes in Damian (Talia died when he was about 2, Bruce didn’t even know about him until the kid showed up at the Palace doors with a letter explaining the situation), and adopts Cass and Duke.
Babs is the daughter of the Captain of the Guard and Dick’s best friend so is basically part of the family and Steph (a street rat, daughter of a criminal) got attached to Tim and basically lives in the palace (but is NOT Bruce’s daughter, she reminds them all constantly). Other batfam members come in and out as they please lol
Bruce is presumed dead when Jason is 16 and Dick takes the throne at 21. Things are a bit tense but Dick has a solid support system and things go relatively smoothly, but Jason is having a harder time controlling his powers and emotions
Cut to his 18th birthday when he’s to get Crowned as Prince (I know this may be incorrect but I also Do Not care how monarchies work <3 — Maybe it could be Dick’s official Coronation or smth to make it easier, idc)
He really fucking doesn’t want to, but he also wants to act normal and make Dick proud so he suffers through it
Needless to say it goes terribly and ends with him basically turning the ballroom into ice and setting an eternal winter on all of Gotham as he flees to the mountains
Tim (who kind of set Jason off) tells Dick he’s going to track him down. (After a quick run-down explanation from Dick who is Stressed and Tim is so pissed that he didn’t remember the accident and that Jason felt the need to isolate himself — and that Bruce let him and convinced Dick it was for the best)
Dick goes with him and leaves the Kingdom in the capable hands of his Advisor (Babs) and Consort (Wally) and Alfred
They left very fast and aren’t the Most prepared and it’s a bit of a shitshow trek (cue Tim falling into a river trying to mimic Dick’s stupid gymnast moves and Dick getting a tree full of snow dumped on him for laughing) but they eventually make to to a little trading post (‘Look, Tim, they have a sauna!’) and are immediately recognized as Royalty and are getting products shoved at them left and right
Enter Bernard, local ice harvester, who is covered in snow and already annoyed at the Royal Roadshow when he needs to buy some real supplies
Tim and he immediately start bickering and when Dick overhears that Bernard knows the mountain he asks him to be their guide, much to both Tim and Bernard’s immediate refusals. But Dick offers a lot of money and Bernard caves
Meanwhile Jason has found himself collapsing in the snow and finally lets himself have the emotional release that he’s been holding in and his magic goes nuts creating things and he finds himself in a giant ice fortress, which, rad
What’s not rad is the freaky guy who shows up inside said fortress and starts poking around at both the ice and at Jason
It’s Danny, AKA Phantom Frost from the Legends
Now, Danny has been around for a century or two as a Winter Spirit and then became a Guardian when he kicked Pariah Dark’s ass back to the Eternal Darkness a couple hundred years ago. (Pariah Dark = Pitch Black/the Boogeyman)
He doesn’t remember his mortal life and no one is sure if he actually ever had a life Before or if he’s a manifestation of Magic herself. That rumor mixed with his defeat of Pariah leaves him revered among the Spirits and Guardians alike and he doesn’t love it because they often come to him with problems as if he can fix them (he does, every time)
He’s known as Phantom Frost but his closer friends call him Danny - the name he came into this world instinctively knowing as himself even when everything else was missing. (Maybe his squad can be Spirits/Guardians too? hmmm.)
Things have been quiet for a couple of decades and then one day his instinctual alarm bells start going off telling him that something is wrong and Unbalanced with Winter so he goes to investigate
He finds out that an Eternal Winter has been set on the Kingdom of Gotham and discovers a truly spectacular fortress built from ice in the mountains north of the kingdom
He goes inside and meets Jason who has clearly been Gifted by Magic herself and is so Unbalanced within his own soul that it makes Danny shiver
He knows he needs to help the guy and ends up showing off some of his own powers and gaining a bit of trust from Jason who ends up telling him the rundown of what led up to this and Danny is Pissed (and confused on how he had never known about Jason throughout the years) and vows to help him learn how to properly control his powers without trying to shut them off and harm his soul
After a bit of training and huge improvements with Jason’s abilities, Dick and Tim (and Bernard) come to find him and when Jason figures out he set off an Eternal Winter (Danny did Not inform him of that fact) he kind of spirals and ends up lashing out at Tim for the second time in his life and Danny has to calm him down so they can Fix the situation
Dick is (rightfully) freaking the fuck out and doesn’t trust Danny all the way so Danny agrees to go with them to visit their local Hermit/Arcane Expert to get a second opinion and who, from what Danny heard from Jason, deserves an ass kicking anyway (it’s John Constantine and he’d been the person Bruce took Tim to when the first accident happened and who had basically convinced them all to fear Jason’s powers and led to him trying to pretend they didn’t exist)
John Constantine is So Tired
Meeting Phantom Frost is overwhelming enough, but having to yet again deal with a Wayne level Situation… he feels like maybe he should move
But he helps, calling on Magic and finding the situation much more dire than any of them thought
He tells them the solution and they all pretty much laugh in his face (all except Phantom, who knows Magic better than John could ever even hope to and who wouldn’t dare laugh or scoff at Her power)
Only an act of True Love can thaw the ice that has set in Tim’s heart
aaaaand… to be continued ;)
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hyatoro · 1 year
Kayden Nguyen
Psychic!Yandere (x Psychic!Reader)
He is specifically paired with a Psychic!Reader in all situations.
Vietnamese Name: Bảo Nguyễn
American Name: Kayden Nguyen
Appearance: 5’9”, Long black hair that’s usually tied up, golden eyes, tan, wears thin breathable layers, medium build. (Picrew Image at bottom)
Setting: US suburbs
Post about his and reader’s Psychic Powers
Kayden is a Vietnamese-American who gained his psychic powers at birth. He was really fussy as a child, but that was because he was constantly overstimulated, having been born in the city. As he grew up his body adjusted and managed to suppress his mind reading so that it’d be limited to a certain area. Like he can expand and shrink the range of his mind reading. 
His parents thought he was super creepy as a child, and hushed him numerous times to stop being annoying and to stop pretending he knew stuff. He quickly learned that if he stopped sharing what he was feeling that his parents treated him better. Because he wasn’t spouting all this freaky predicting stuff that maybe it was just a phase and that they do have a normal child that was just a bit weird in the early stages. He got really good at pretending he was okay. 
Kayden chose his name from a name book when he got to 2nd grade, because a lot of the kids had a hard time pronouncing his name correctly. When he got mad at them they would then pester him on how to actually pronounce it. He got sick and tired of it so he just chose a new name. In the present day he likes both his names equally. So don’t come asking me about preferences using his “real” name or any of that nonsense. They’re both his names. Only introduces himself as Kayden nowadays unless he’s talking to family or family friends who are also Vietnamese. If he finds out you’re also Viet/know Viet then he’ll tell you his Viet name freely. Otherwise you’d have to ask if his parents named him Kayden and then he’d tell you his birth name. 
When he hit middle school his family moved to the suburbs, finally having the money to do so. This soothed him significantly. Their new home was decently large, having plenty of space between them and the neighbors. On days where it was just him at home he’d actually have some mental peace and quiet without the strain of having to keep his psychic aura bubble in check.
He went to college online, and developed a really strong online life. It’s how he interacts with people in a way that feels normal. The same way that everyone else does. 
He’s not a total shut-in however, having to go places to run errands and whatnot, but he keeps that to the lower end of the spectrum. He’s grateful to live in an age where so many things are contactless, but knows that he needs sunlight or he’ll go crazy in a different way. 
Likes drinking beer a lot. Not in a party animal way but because it eases his mind and lets him relax. Likes drinking with his dad at the dinner table.
One day when he’s out and about, probably getting a physical copy of a game on the release day, he meets you. He can shrink the area of his mind reading range a decent amount, but he can still get overwhelmed in these small crowded stores where everyone is touching shoulders. 
As he mentally braces himself he walks in when he exhales. And nothing. There’s nothing. 
Not nothing, he can still hear and see and everything else, but he can’t hear anyone’s chittering thoughts. How?
He zeroes in on you. He knows it’s because of you because all the scattered energy is sinking into you like a void. What? 
Then you make eye contact with him and he can’t breathe. He’s staring at you like you’re some anomaly and that’s because to him you are. 
You’re staring at him to size him up. And you soon realize he’s like you. Only much more inexperienced. 
The difference between you two is that you had honed your skills so much more, becoming capable of doing other things with your psychic abilities other than just mind-reading. You give him an understanding smile. 
He is startled and at first takes mild offense, because who the fuck do you think you are?
Then you’re next in line and get your game. 
You leave ahead of him and he’s torn for a moment. Game? You? The choice is obvious. He chases after you. He can get another copy another time. You? He doesn’t know if he can find you again. 
Luckily for him you were waiting outside the store. It wasn’t hard to figure out that he’d want to talk to you. You greet him casually and he looks at you like his world view just got flipped. 
You give him the time he needs to pick his jaw off the floor before waving for him to follow you to a park bench across the street from the game store. He follows promptly, eyes darting around as he’s unsure of what’s happening. 
The mental silence is still actively happening and he has no idea how to react to it other than apprehension. When he finally sits down next to you, you introduce yourself. He does the same, introducing himself as Kayden.
You sit in silence waiting for him to speak. He stammers before taking a deep breath. 
"How? How do you do that?" He finally musters out. 
"The thing where you neutralize everyone's thoughts," he clarifies. 
You give him the gist of it. How you practiced because everything was so noisy. And how you learned to do other things. 
You're already aware that no one is paying attention to you two, so you hold your hand out and the pebbles from the ground fly to your palm. They're big enough that he can't blame the wind, though you can tell he's far from a skeptic. He’s looking at you in awe, like you just showed him how to clear a level by glitching through the walls. Literally unlocked an entire world to him. 
 Basically you explain to him that you were like him in the past, but decided to branch out to see what you were really capable of. Because I said psychic, not just mind-reading. 
You exchange numbers and plan to meet occasionally. In the times between, for the first time in his life, he actually tries to do all the cool psychic stuff he’s heard of. Despite being a clear example of the supernatural he figured that it was a case of grandeur and illusion. Like where you look at something and are like “haha thats cool but not how it works irl.” 
But it does. It works bud. He just never tried. Part of it was fear of being further ostracized by his family. He loves and cares about them, but he remembers how awful they made him feel when he was open about his powers as a kid. 
It becomes this mentorship where you’re guiding him how to better control his powers and he quickly becomes obsessed. You’re the only two that you two know that are like this. You weren’t as recluse as he was and you still note how he’s the first one you’ve met that shares these powers. 
He’s eternally grateful that you’ve shown him a better way to live and he idolizes you. He doesn’t dread going out anymore and he loves going out with you. Even simple errands have him scrambling for a decent outfit. 
You only negate the thoughts of people within a certain vicinity, kind of like a low battery function. One time when the two of you were together you left his side, which is fine, but he wasn’t on top of his shit so a flurry of thoughts rushed in, but one notable one was some dude eyeing you big time. He didn’t know where that hot flash of rage came from. Kayden zeroes in on this dude’s thoughts and basically screams at him with his own mind, not realizing what he’s doing, and it works. Huh? The dude’s thoughts do a 180 and silence themselves. Not in the way where he can’t hear them, or that they’re getting negated by you. It turns into white noise and he can breathe again. 
He didn’t realize he was holding his breath. 
You come back with your food orders and he flashes you a smile. 
You look at him funny, and he shivers as he feels the calming aura of you reaching into his mind, asking him if he’s alright. He loved it when you did this. It was so intimate, you were literally in his head, and it was something he knew no one else could do. 
He responds with an “I am now.” Because it’s true. It was just a momentary distraction. But you’re here now and everything is alright. It’s always alright when he’s with you. 
In a chill setting he mostly uses his new psychic powers to keep people away from you via tripping, mind redirection, etc. 
If things get bad, then he’s not above exerting himself to put a person into a coma. Literally can’t be traced back to him, and he doesn’t have any blood on his hands. 
Would never hurt you intentionally. Would never even try to control you (ever again). Because there was one time when he was getting riled up, frustrated that he couldn’t get this technique down when it was supposedly simpler than all the other stuff he’s learned, and when you tried to calm him he lashed out big time, mentally and physically yelling at you to shut up and fuck off. 
You heard him. You felt it. You felt that wave of that hint of psychic control that you were familiar with, but had promised you wouldn’t do to him. So when he did it to you in this burst of rage you were stunned. He immediately knew exactly what he did and lost the wind in his sails. Even though he hadn’t promised the same thing back at the time, since he wasn’t able to do that back then, he knew that it was an unspoken agreement. 
Regret and shame smack him fast and hard as he crumples to the ground, groveling in apology. 
You, after many deep breaths, manage to be the bigger person. Because it was clear that he had never done this before so he didn’t know how it felt to use that particular power. So you heave one final sigh and look at him, telling him to get up and that it’s fine. But you make sure he knows that this isn’t some three-strike system and that if he ever tries that shit again you will let him know what hell feels like. 
He thanks you and apologizes again, going to a nearby convenience store and getting you some snacks. And it works. You two eat your snacks and the tension is diffused. 
Kayden throws a mental block up against you as he wonders why your anger was kinda hot in hindsight. Hates it when you’re mad at him though. So he can only hope to be around when someone else pisses you off. 
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cass-iopia · 1 year
i’m having thoughts about lance and his big family and how they probably weren’t very good at throwing things away, especially things that can be handed down to the younger kids and so they definitely still have gameboys and ds’s and whatnot. imagine lance bringing keith over all the time to play on these old, outdated devices to the point where they have their favorite games, controller, etc all figured out. when they start dating they still play on them just like normal but one of lances siblings makes a comment of how they aren’t any different now that they’re together than when they were just friends so their solution is for one of them to sit in the others lap but still playing their respective games behind the others back. like one would just straddle the other, hook their chin over their shoulder, and start up their game again. anyways if anyone wants to draw that i can’t get the image out of my head
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edoro · 1 year
so hey. consider this. “everyone is regular humans in the modern world” au, right.
approximately 13 years ago, a Terrible And Unsolved ‘Accident’ befell Caleb and Evelyn Clawthorne, and their three year old child disappeared without a trace from the scene. the missing persons case is still open, but at this point, pretty much everyone assumes the kid is dead. the most likely suspect is Caleb’s brother Philip, who also disappeared after that night and hasn’t been seen since, and who Evelyn’s family report seemed to have some issues with the happy couple.
fast-forward 13 years, and Hunter is living with his beloved Uncle Philip on a two person commune in the woods of Connecticut. they live in an off-grid cabin where they make their own clothes, grow their own food, keep some livestock, hunt, and endeavor to be as self-sufficient as possible. once or twice a month, he drives into town to pick up supplies they can’t make themselves, like fuel for the generators and whatnot
Uncle Philip has some very particular beliefs about the degeneracy of these corrupt modern times, and releases sermons over YouTube (Hunter maintains the channel) to a small group of followers who send him money in order to buy themselves a place on his commune - you see, when the end times come and the sinners all descend into bloodshed and barbarism, he will make a safe haven for the believers to come together and live in peace and unity
their property adjoins a public park, and when he isn’t busy with chores - so many chores - Hunter likes to go walking along the fenceline, back in the woods where no one can really see him, and watch the Normal People Going About Their Sinful Lives
he starts to recognize some regulars. there’s a girl who often comes out to the woods to exercise or just be by herself. one day, though, she’s not alone - there’s a group of other girls there, and they’re obviously picking on her.
Hunter watches them verbally tear her to shreds and push her around, then finally leave. when they’re gone, she gets up and takes her anger out on a couple of branches nearby - breaking them, swinging them around, etc.
he creeps closer to the fence, clears his throat, and says, “hey, you seem pretty strong. wanna learn how to fight?” (his uncle has taught him hand-to-hand combat so he can be ready to Defend Their Property from The Unworthy when the End Times come)
and this is how he meets Willow, once he convinces her that he isn’t some kind of weird voyeur but that this is like, his yard technically, and he saw what happened and he wants to help
neither of her friends believe her about the boy in the woods who is teaching her how to fight - Gus’s going theory is a head injury, Luz 100% believes that he’s a ghost, neither of them thinks he’s a real boy until Willow drags them out to meet him, at which point they all collectively agree that he may be real but he’s also definitely some kind of weird prepper or like, Amish or something
Hunter, being a deeply isolated and fucked up little guy, is pathetically glad to have made friends and takes every possible opportunity to swing by and meet them and talk, or show them stuff, or join in their games when they invite him. he also, of course, tries to sell them on his uncle’s cult, because he’s been raised in it for most of his life and he is a True Believer
once he gives them his uncle’s YouTube channel, they go from making jokes about him being in a cult among themselves to realizing, oh, he is Legitimately For Real In A Fucking Cult, Yikes, but they’re kids and he seems fine, if a little weird, so what are they going to do?
(they all collectively agree that they are not going to show any of their parents Uncle Philip’s Video Sermons, because none of them are going to be allowed within 100 feet of this kid if they do)
one day, they’re all hanging out when a huge storm breaks suddenly. it’s a nasty one - wind, lightning, pouring rain, and then the tornado sirens start going off. tornadoes aren’t common in Connecticut, but Hunter lives his life by the adage that it’s better to be safe than sorry, so he grabs his new friends and drags them home to the shelter they have, pushes them all downstairs while he goes to help his elderly and frail uncle
so now they’re all just kind of sitting in there. here’s Philip, very surprised that his wayward nephew appeared with three random teenagers. here are Luz, Gus, and Willow, all kind of wondering if they’re ever going to LEAVE this bunker because, wow, there is a Vibe in here for sure.
and here’s Hunter, excitedly pointing out all the features of the bunker, like the beds and the shelves and the kitchenette and bathroom and separate generator from the house and supplies, because he is just so happy to have friends over and very proud of this little doomsday prepper homestead he and his uncle have made together
so from here on out, Hunter’s friendships aren’t quite so under-the-table, because Philip knows about them, but it also means that Philip is checking in on Hunter’s progress with converting his friends and a lot more vigilant about where he is and who he’s with and what sorts of ideas he’s being exposed to
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self ship ask game: pre relationship!
(source) - zayne edition - gonna answer only for the current events of the game (there's too many canon aus i could delve into but we'd be here all day lol)
❤️ how did they meet? was it love at first sight, immediate enemies, or something in between?
we met as kids! (i don't wanna go too into it in case the game does lol) but we ended up separated for a few years so I'll go for when we meet again. Haven't figured out the specifics (whenever I end up writing this then it'll be set in stone but), we run into each other at either a cafe or a library and recognize each other. I'd have to be the one to approach (given that the reason we lost touch is he was afraid of hurting me & my sister with his evol so) but we end up exchanging numbers so we can talk more. It's more like love rekindled than love at first sight (given we definitely had small puppy crushes on each other when we were younger)
🧡 how do they become friends? do they ask up front or is it a gradual realization?
hah, we get to skip this step as adults lol - as kids it's literally as easy as asking but again, there's a chance the game could go into their first meeting more so I'll leave it at that). As adults, it's like i still view him as a friend (and he's the same way) so it's pretty unspoken. it's like we kind of just melt back into each other's lives seamlessly without trying
💛 what are their favorite activities to do together? or what do they usually do when they spend time together?
for indoor activities, it's kind of parallel play - like I'm reading or writing or w/e and he's doing his own thing and we'll occasionally comment on it to the other. outside, picnics, strolls, things like that. lots of visiting libraries together or going to cafes/different restaurants. basically anything where we're together and get to talk to each other <3
💚 do they both realize they have a crush early on, or does it take them forever to realize?
again we skip this since we basically had crushes when we were younger; it's basically immediately that we realize that the feelings are still there -- it's like we're being pulled to each other so it's pretty obvious
🩵 do they both act different once they realize they’re falling for the other? maybe stuttering or fidgeting or daydreaming more often?
he's a lot softer with me than other people (not that he's like mean to others, but there's a noticeable softness towards me), but otherwise, he's the same as ever. for me, i have moments where i get even more flustered than usual or I'll catch myself staring at him (he does the same so :3)
💙 do they pine and yearn for each other quietly, or can they not stop talking about the other to their friends/family?
his yearning is quiet. maybe the other doctors/nurses could figure it out, especially if they pay attention while I'm visiting his office. for me, I'm a lot more louder about it - like I'm rambling to my sister and to Caleb (our other childhood friend) to the point where they know my feelings and are insisting I confess and whatnot.
💜 how do they confess? is it a grand gesture or in a more mundane moment?
so it's at Snowcrest but like he's going up there to help that doctor with his research & stuff like normal and he invites me because he knows that scenic places like that are good for inspiration for my writing. Some kind of soft conversation happens outside while we're waiting for the aurora to appear and I end up confessing and he returns my feelings. we end up sharing a kiss under the aurora and <3
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fe-fictions · 9 months
Kellam x Kiran Commission (I got sick and had a really rough end of year... here's hoping 2024 is a normal one! the flu killed me the last week of 2023 :") but here's my last commission! my resolution is to post more consistently from here on out LOL)
You were all thrilled at the thought of the Hallow’s Eve festival. It was a perfect break for everyone to experience between all the battles that Askr had to face.
That, and it provided an excellent opportunity for those who didn’t celebrate a similar holiday in their own worlds to have a new experience.
Kellam was one of these people; and he seemed to be particularly interested in the customs. It wasn’t all that different from the holiday you celebrated in your own world. 
But seeing him so excited about it was the true joy.
“Wow…all these sweets and decorations- it’s all so colorful!” Kellam marveled at the beauty in front of you, utterly stunned by it all. The town was alight with the raucous fun of the town-wide party. 
It was filled to the brim with adults and children alike, families boisterous while they danced and played about the festival.
You smiled softly at Kellam, “I must say, you do make a dashing pumpkin.” 
“A pumpkin farmer, actually-” Kellam corrected you as he adjusted the large orange headpiece. “It wasn’t my first idea, but once we got to work on the costume, I couldn’t say no. It’s a little silly though, isn’t it?”
“I don’t mind it. It’s very charming.” You reassured him, making him chuckle bashfully.
“Really? You wouldn’t like it better if I were dressed as something fearsome, like a werewolf or a dragon?”
“It just wouldn’t suit you. I’m sure you’d be very handsome in either, but…I like this. Pumpkin Kellam is dashing all on his own.”
“You flatter me.” Kellam blushed, laughing nervously in a bid to hide the quickening of his heartbeat. “B-but enough about me! We should really enjoy this festival while we have a chance. I’ve never seen anything like it before!”
“Ylisse doesn’t have a Hallow’s Eve festival, does it?” You remembered the conversation from earlier, Chrom and Lissa chattering excitedly about being able to experience a whole new holiday (with said princess plotting out her “tricks” for said portion of the colloquial saying).
Kellam nodded as the two of you headed into town, starting your adventure. “No, I’m afraid not. We have a few holidays that are similar to ones that are held here in Askr, but there isn’t one that’s particularly similar to this one. I’m really excited about trying it out. What about you?”
“We do have one; though we call it Halloween. Similar theme, but rather than one big festival, we all go out into our local neighborhoods and give out candy to each other- it’s very popular with children. The adults who don’t have kids to take out treating will just have a big party or watch a bunch of scary movies, or-”
“Movies? What are those?” 
“Think those photograph tomes that one Anna sells at the ocean, but it’s constantly moving for an hour straight; with talking and music and whatnot.”
“How interesting!”
“It really is. I wish I could show you,” You admitted, “They’re really fun to watch when it’s in a group or just with a friend or two. I’m sure there are plenty of movies you’d enjoy.”
“Don’t worry about that-” Kellam reassured you, “I enjoy spending time with you no matter what we’re doing, Kiran. I don’t mind missing out on a, er, scary ‘moving’ when we can do other things together!”
“Movie, Kellam- no ‘ing’ at the end.” You laughed, fighting to suppress your own blush at his earnest confession. “I’m sure we’ll have our hands full with this festival, anyways. Look at the size of it…”
You both slowed as you reached the town’s front gates, which had been clogged with people as they all struggled to enter and enjoy the celebration.
The noise was audible even from the back of the crowd, where the two of you were. It made your stomach twist, if only for a moment. You were quite sensitive to auditory and visual overloads, particularly when you were already nervous or on edge.
It was something you could fight through during battle, with the appropriate gear to help ease the tensions courtesy of Anna’s gadgets or some useful spells. 
But when it was just the two of you, in a casual setting and no  battle gear to be had…it was easier to get overwhelmed.
Well, that, and you had a very handsome, well built knight standing next to you, confessing how much he enjoyed being around you.
It was certainly a nerve-wracking experience, indeed; not one that you wanted to dampen his spirits with by leaving early or lashing out at him because of the stress.
You sucked in a deep breath, the two of you closing in on the entrance one step at a time. It wouldn’t be that bad; it would be loads of fun.
You’d get to play games, eat good food, dance and enjoy music; maybe even win a prize for Kellam. That’s what you turned your focus to; something you could definitely do. That you wanted to do for the sweet pumpkin man.
Naturally, just as you thought this, you felt a calloused hand close around yours, prompting a jolt and confused stare at Kellam.
“It’s getting pretty thick at the gate; I don’t want to lose you in the crowd. If you don’t mind, that is.” He explained quickly, and you shook your head.
“I don’t mind at all.” You replied with a geuine smile, giving his hand a soft squeeze. It was certainly the right call; considering within moments, you were thrust into an intimimdating crowd, being pushed and pulled in various directions while being jostled further into the city.
His grip tightened on your hand, trying to keep you close to his body for fear of losing you among the strangers.
The excited babbling of passersby sent a shiver down your spine, and a jolt of anxiety up your throat. 
With a deep breath you focused on the feel of his hand, his warmth a welcome comfort in spite of the nerves gathering in your chest.
Kellam, in all of his sweetness, did not notice what was happening; but he could feel that you were squeezing his hand a little tighter than he would have anticipated.
He cast a glance at you between trying to navigate the crowd and getting through the entrance. 
“Kiran, you all right?” He asked you quietly, which drew you from your nerves just slightly.
“Yes.” You swallowed, fighting to press those feelings down. “I just…don’t like the tight space. It’s a bit overwhelming, right?”
“You’re not wrong,” He agreed warmly, “But, we’re almost there! Look, the crowd’s already thinning right up ahead.”
“Finally.” You muttered, though the relief was countered only with the realization you would no longer be able to hold Kellam’s hand without reason. But the pain and stress of the boisterous crowd finally relinquished your anxiety, as people filtered through the damn gate and spread out to all the various stalls.
Once you were able to see something other than the costumes in front of you, you were both surprised by the beauty surrounding you.
Bright lights, autumnal colors that were saturated and cheerful, and the scents of sweets and savory meats filled the air. 
It was hard to spot a single person who wasn’t wearing some sort of costume; even the knights stationed and on duty had some sort of little decoration on their helmets or chestplates.
You and Kellam were fighting to keep your smiles from widening; it was such a delightful scene in front of you!
“Wow, I don’t even know where to start. Look at all this!” He remarked, spotting a stack of flyers that were loaded with all sorts of pertinent information to the party.
He led you off to the side, out of the way of foot traffic. You looked over his shoulder, finding the loads of information almost equally overwhelming.
“Oh my god, look at all this- dances, games, contests…acrobatic shows and musical performances? And this is gonna go on until dawn!”
“These people definitely don’t mess around with their Hallow’s Eve partying, do they?” He turned the parchment over, finding a meticulous map outlining the location of just about anywhere you could go to have fun. “Well, I’m happy doing just about anything- what do you want to try first? Should we eat, or maybe play a few games?”
The thought of eating did make your stomach turn just slightly, reminding you that the anxiety wouldn’t go away just because you were entertained. It would only be a matter of time before the stimulation of your surroundings spilled over into some sort of attack.
If you could at least keep it tamped down for a couple of hours…
“U-um, I’m not particularly hungry right now. Why not try out a few games? I believe you owe me some prizes if you’re successful.”
“Of course. I’ll win you the best and biggest prizes I can manage- but don’t get upset if I can’t get anything good. I hear that festival games have a nasty habit of being rigged.”
“I’m sure we can figure it out,” You grinned, and you immediately headed off for something that you knew would be perfect for Kellam, given his deceeptively physique.
It was harder to hide his massive body in his costume, but given his lack of presence in the space, it was easy for people to dismiss him. 
That would be the case, at least, until you requested a ticket to play the hammer game.
“So all you have to do is swing this hammer as hard as you possibly can…and if you hit the bell, you win the grand prize!” You explained to him excitedly, lugging the mallet from the staff member’s hands and hauling it to him. “Oof, this thing weighs about as much as you do.”
“I guess this isn’t a game meant for you to play, huh?” Kellam chuckled, gladly relieving you of the thing. He gripped it in one hand, managing it without issue. You were in awe of him; how one man could possibly be so strong was fantastical. 
He weighed it back and forth, looking up at the contraption that he was about to absolutely obliterate. 
“Try not to hit it too hard, Kellam.”
“No promises,” He grinned, “Not if you want that prize!”
It was as if he was deliberately trying to make you swoon. You couldn’t linger on the sweet words of the knight, for the mallet struck the base with a mighty crack, shooting the little piece so hard into the bell that said metal bit broke in two.
The passersby gasped, stunned by the sudden explosion of power that shattered the game.
“Kellam!!” You bit your cheek to keep from laughing, the poor man running the game pale from the shock of what just happened.
“Ahh…sorry, I didn’t mean to hit it that hard- guess I was just focused.” He chuckled nervously, handing the mallet back to the man. “So, Kiran, which prize do you want?”
“That one please, sir.” You pointed to the largest possible stuffed toy you could find; a fine prize that couldn’t have been handed over faster (for fear of the mallet coming down on his head, instead).
“What should we play next, then?” Kellam asked, “I don’t think we can come back to that one.”
The two of you were a fit of giggles, hurrying away to find something else to do. 
And it didn’t take long. The hours of the night ticked by, the two of you filling it with apple bobbing (two for you, a stem for him), dart throwing, and tasting a number of pastries, sweets and hot, savory street foods that filled your bellies.
Perhaps this wasn’t so bad. Your nerves weren’t too high, and throughout the night you’d been able to avoid scarier or louder noises that might trigger an anxiety attack. The crowd thinning out from the front gates had been a gods-send, too. 
There were plenty of people, and it was still pretty snug, but it could’ve been much, much worse. The noise was manageable, provided that you focused on Kellam. He could keep you calm. You were safe with him, after all.
Nothing bad could possibly-
You nearly jumped out of your skin when the sound of glass shattering hit right beside you. It was followed by laughter, but your heart was already thundering.
“What the hells-?!” 
You were clinging to Kellam’s arm, looking for the source of it. Another game, shooting rocks at glass bottles. 
“Oh, that one looks fun. Looks like someone figured out a trick,” Kellam was amused, trying to ignore you were wrapped around his bicep for fear of his whole body turning red.
“You can’t use magic to win this! You’re disqualified-” The game runner snapped at the player. What worried you was that the more he spoke, the harder it was to hear him.
The world was starting to get waterlogged in your ears, your heart pounding and your fingers trembling. You were on edge, before. But that shock was sending you careening into a panic attack.
“Kiran, want to try it? I won’t cheat, I promise.” Kellam offered, looking down at you when realizing you were unmoving.
In fact, you were frozen in place…and the prize he’d already won you was on the ground.
He realized you were breathing hard. Too hard. Your face was so pale-
“Um, let’s get out of the middle of the road, here-” Kellam stooped to grab the plush and hurried out of the way, taking you into a small alley off to the side.
He gently pulled you from his arm, his hands on your shoulders. He was concerned, clearly, and it made you feel worse. Or it would, had you been able to register what was going on outside of the panic bubbling in your heart.
Truly, all you wanted was to get out of there.
This was almost worse- enclosed space, panicking in front of your crush, and a boisterous crowd of strangers just outside…it was a nightmare. 
“Kiran, what’s wrong? Can you talk to me?”
“I’m- um-” You stumbled over yourself, feeling the blood drain from your faec. “The sound startled me. I-I don’t think I’m-”
“You’re not startled. You’re…you’re panicking.” Kellam realized, leaning down so that he was at eye level. “You’re safe, Kiran. I promise. I’m here. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
“I-I know that. Don’t you think I know that?” You looked away from him, your hands pressed to your forehead. You were trying to take deep breaths, but they were pulled from your chest, only making the tightness and pain blossoming feel worse and worse.
“Just slow down for a moment. We can get through this.” Kellam insisted as he took your hands into his, giving them a gentle squeeze. “Um…here. Just…just breathe with me.”
You looked up at him, somewhat surprised that his suggestion was actually one that was quite helpful with anxiety attacks.
“Trust me. I’m here for you.” He promised you, nodding to encourage you to try. You weren’t sure that you could focus beyond the fight or flight instinct that was practically screaming at you to get out of there.
Get away from all of this.
But it was the warmth in his eyes…the patient, encouraging smile on his lips. So you took a breath. Then another. Another, this one shaking, but deeper than the last. Kellam didn’t let go of your hands for a moment, a soft demand for your focus on him.
“You’re doing great, Kiran. Just keep breathing. In, and out. You’re all right. You’re safe here, and you’re with me. I’m not going to let anything happen.”
The beat of your heart started to soften, the thundering becoming much more of a softer roar rather than an unconquearable crash against your rib cage.
You managed to meet Kellam’s eyes, nervous, but starting to regain your focus. 
Another shatter split the air, followed by raucous cheering. Your hands jumped in his, but he didn’t falter.
“It’s all right. It’s just someone playing that game, again.” He assured you once again, reminding you how sweet this man was in front of you. “Just focus on me.”
And so you did. You focused on his kind face, the warmth of his touch, his steady, slow breaths that you matched to his.
Slowly…finally…your heart rate managed to come down. You squeezed Kellam’s hands, once, then twice.
“I’m okay.” You managed to eek out some sort of comment, after you regained your breath. His gaze remained warm and comforting, but you could see he was still uncertain.
“Are you sure? We can stay here a while longer, if you’d like to.” He offered, “I don’t want to push you more than you’re able.”
“No, it’s…it’s okay.” You reassured him, nodding again. You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to avoid looking at him. The embarrassment of what just happened was starting to sink in; to think he of all people would be the one to witness your upset!
“What do you want to do, Kiran? We can stay a little longer if you’d like, but I’m just as happy going home. We’ve had plenty of fun, but it doesn’t look like the party willl slow down any time soon. It’s probably going to stay hectic and crowded.”
“I-I don’t want to leave if you’r ehaving fun. I know it’s just a crowd, and I know it’s just games. I can handle a little more.”
“Hey.” Kellam’s hands were suddenly in yours again, sending a shock of elextricity through your fingertips. 
“Kiran…please don’t push yourself on my account. What matters is what you want- no, what you need to do right now, so you’re calm and you feel safe, again.”
You pursed your lips, looking back to the jovial crowd just beyond the uneasy quiet of the alleyway.
“I don’t want to stop spending time with you.” 
The admission was quiet, almost barely there. But Kellam heard you, loud and clear. And if his heart hadn’t skipped a beat before, it most certainly did in that moment.
“Well…you don’t have to stop spending time with me just because we don’t stay here. Why don’t we find somewhere just a little quieter first, and gather our bearings? Maybe there’s somewhere close by so that we can at least rest a little while before we head back home. I’d hate to push you harder before you’ve fully gathered your bearings.”
The young knight’s thoughtfulness was borderline shocking, how boundless it seemed to be. He offered you his arm, in hopes of keeping you grounded and steady when you ventured back out into the raucous festival.
Mercifully, the town’s archives weren’t far; a small, library-esque location that was plenty quiet compared to the goings on outside.
Kellam closed the doors quickly, giving you both a safer respite. It was finally clearer to you now, what had happened and where you were. 
What he did for you.
“Kellam…how did you know to do that?”
“What do you mean?” He asked innocently as ever, and you looked down at your hands, fidgeting.
“How did you know…to calm me down?”
“Well, it’s not the first time I’ve seen a panic attack.” He said simply, “It’s a common sight, especially among new recruits. We’re trained pretty early on about how to handle the stress as it comes, and how to address and alleviate panic attacks. I’ve done it for plenty of other people, myself included. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I’m…I’m not ashamed of it.” You said in spite of the blush rising on your cheeks. “I just wish you weren’t the one to see it. It’s not my best moment.”
“It’s all right- you’ve seen me at my worst more than once. I’d never judge you for something like that.”
“Even though it cut into your festival time? Wearing that handsome costume?”
Kellam laughed, his cheeks as red as the apples he’d failed to bob for. “Trust me, there’ll be plenty of opportunities in the future for us to enjoy a festival like this. It comes around every year, and sometimes more than once, depending on the realm we’re in.”
“B-but I…”
“It’s okay if you want to go back. We can get a nice cup of tea and sit at the campfire together. Besides, there’s going to be fireworks in an hour, if I recall. I’m not sure you want to be up close for all that noise…and all those people.”
You smiled sheepishly, conceding defeat. “I don’t know if that would end well at all.”
“Then we return home.” He decided simply, “Honestly, Kiran. It’s okay. What matters most to me is that you feel safe, and that you’re calm. I would hate to keep you here knowing you were on edge the entire time.”
“I…I’m glad, but…why?” You asked him in earnest, drawing your coat a little tighter around yourself. Kellam hesitated for a moment, considering his answer carefully.
“Because…you’re important to me. Nothing matters more to me than making sure you’re all right. Probably…more than anybody else.”
“Oh.” You looked down at your hands, your heart thundering for an entirely new reason. “W-well, I feel the same about you.”
“You do?”
He sounded so hopeful. You nodded, stealing a peek at him. “I do.”
“I’m so happy to hear you say that, I…wow, Kiran, I…” He found himself at a loss for words, laughing nervously in spite of himself. 
To see a mighty, massive creature like Kellam alight with bashfulness made your whole body warm. What a sweet knight he was.
“Come on, let’s get back to camp. We should celebrate with that campfire and tea, don’t you think?”
“I really do.” You grinned, your legs still a little shaky from the receding adrenaline, but if not also for the hint of excitement that lingered for a whole new reason.
Kellam offered you his hand to take, this time; much warmer and softer than his arm.
He led the two of you from the festivities, taking care to avoid the more boisterous and raucousareas on the way back to the gate.
And of course, once you were safe in the warmth and quiet of the fire, you found it much more delightful and preferable even to the festivities.
There were few things sweeter than sitting together, alone and basking in the glow of a new, autumn love.
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crazysnor1ax · 5 months
Feel free to infodump more! I'm happy to see a return of werekrakens au and I thought I recognized ya name and ya read my old fic, which again, thank ya so much!!
I love seeing the different variations of aus when it comes to werekrakens.
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And as you wish >:3 this time I'll talk about how my werekrakens work! I'll probs draw diagrams and whatnot for all this at a later date but for now (and in the style of an in-universe thingy):
As per typical werekraken fashion, the werekraken is any turfling/inkfish that has the ability to transform into a beastly, animalistic form every full moon, as well as having stronger senses, instincts and strength compared to other people. The werekraken's origins are unknown, but due to its status as a DNA mutation it's theorized it resulted from intense tidal cycles affecting the evolution of turfling ancestors.
The kraken form of a turfling is commonly misunderstood to be aggressive and uncontrollable due to its skittish and defensive nature. In their kraken form, the brain chemistry of werekrakens is altered which results in them thinking and remembering things differently. It's common for them to see friends and family as predatory threats, and for their predatory, carnivorous instincts to cause them to hunt other creatures and, sometimes, people.
Despite their instincts and altered minds they’re rather playful! Since their transformations (and what they call “the moons pull”) keeps them awake, they typically spend their full moons playing and play-fighting with one another. They love to climb, chase, and tussle. If they have a non-kraken watching over them on a full moon, they’ll typically play gently with them or even snooze with them if the non-kraken falls asleep.
Otherwise, they’re no different than anyone else. They just have a little extra. Their instincts do carry over into their “normal” state, to an extent. They typically have carnivorous appetites even in their turfling states and have higher energy levels (especially on full moon days). They can smell up to a mile away and pick up scents non-krakens can’t (including the scents of other krakens), have better vision, and can feel certain vibrations.
As for how splatting a kraken works, there isn’t really a way to splat them without killing them, in their kraken forms anyway. Krakens can’t use respawners, and a VERY large amount of ink WILL splat them. If you splat them, they’re gone. This is very difficult to do, however, considering krakens are very durable creatures.
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crypticfandomtrash · 2 years
General Headcanons 1
Light is gay. His parents and sister know, but don’t want to embarrass him by saying anything. They’re very supportive! I’m tired of the “unsupportive parents” thing, especially with parents/people from an older generation. Light worries about his parents finding out (even though he does not need to). He thinks he’s in the closet, but he is not.
Light’s father is a Japanese Christian (under-represented group IMO) but has knowledge of Shintoism and Buddhism. His mother and her side of the family are Shinto except for his maternal aunt, who is a Buddhist. They set up shrines in the house. Sayu leans towards their father’s faith, but retains excitement for Shinto festivals. Light believes in the existence of a higher power, but does not belong to any faith.
L is asexual. He’s completely uninterested in sex or physical intimacy. He wouldn’t be completely against a romance, though. He has no preference.
L does believe in God and is technically Protestant, though he is not affiliated with any particular sect or church. He has a low opinion of organized religion and would rather contemplate faith/theology quietly. He knows that religion is NOT the same thing as faith. I’m actually tired of the “smart people are atheists” trope. Some of L’s inner thoughts on Kira and God don’t seem like “non-belief” to me. But that’s just my interpretation.
Light doesn’t have any mental disorders, but he does have some traits found in several. That’s normal. Everyone does. He has a few narcissistic traits, but not the personality disorder. He’s also a perfectionist and desperate to stay virtuous (definitely shown in the manga). It’s this perfectionism and desire to be good that causes him to snap/mentally withdraw after accidentally killing the first two people. He rationalizes and tries to justify everything so he can keep thinking he’s a good boy. He would’ve have stayed a good person if he hadn’t found the notebook. He has a social life. The manga shows this better, since he actually has friends and whatnot.
L is autistic. It’s pretty obvious. I’m autistic and even share a lot of the same quirks! I recently started reading Death Note a few months ago (as of the post date) and was pleasantly surprised to see a character who acts similarly to me.
L has mild autism (most likely Asperger’s) and LIKES Watari doing everything for him, but he can obviously do things for himself.  He’s brilliant but lazy, though very efficient when he does work (like me).
L’s main stims are biting his fingers (not the nails since his nails always look perfect), wiggling/shifting his feet, hand flapping (only when alone or with Watari), and sitting the way he does (pressure/balance stim). He also has several minor stims, like shaking his leg(s).
L has sensory issues with touch. It’s also a control thing. He likes being in control and people touching him is a loss of control. He’d prefer to initiate any touches. He also has sensitive hearing, though his issues with it have improved since childhood. Now he uses his very sharp hearing to solve cases better.
He also has excellent vision and observational skills. This is one of the many reasons why he’s the best detective in the world.
L does not like certain textures or fabrics, which is why he prefers simple clothes. He will wear other things if he has to, though.
L also likes and dislikes certain scents. He’s bothered by Light’s intense colognes, but likes the smell of laundry detergent and other fresh scents. Mint, lavender, strawberry, vanilla, patchouli, and chocolate are scents he enjoys.
L purposely keeps his hair messy, even arranging it that way. He cares very little for most social norms. He’s an autistic man who just does what he wants! He also does it to get people to lower their guards and underestimate him.
In terms of Lawlight shipping, I do ship it but I can also see platonic or no relationship at all. For shipping, Light would fall first. L remains distant and thinks very negatively of Light for a while (confirmed by How to Read). It would take L quite some time to actually have feelings for his enemy. I love slowburn.
Light’s main celebrity crush is Hideki Ryuga (the real one).
Light is lactose intolerant, though he does power through it for milk and sometimes ice cream.
In contrast, L is not lactose intolerant. He loves milk and drinks a ton of it.
Edited and reposted entirely after reading some analysis posts from mikami and casuistor and agreeing with them to varying degrees. If you haven’t, check these two out!
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notladylikes · 1 year
9:30 pm.
‘this job’ll be easy for you, sugar,’
that’s what her daddy told her before she set off for the night. wearing nothing but a slinky black dress and a pair of high heels, knife strapped to her thigh, the brunette set out to meet charlie, one of her dad’s ‘top operatives’ - as he used to be called. now he’s trading secrets with a member outside the family, and papa can’t have that.
she sits in her car, waiting for him to exit the apartment building - hoping to ‘run into him’ on her night out tonight, slip a little something into his drink and poof, none’ll be the wiser. but that’s not how this went down. in fact, it couldn’t go more wrong.
12:00 am.
“i had it completely under control!” she says, her voice raising an octave above it’s usual volume, hands on her hips as she screams in the face of a man she would soon know to be her rival - even if they would eventually become friends. “he was eating out of the palm of my hand til you showed up with your ‘guns blazing’ attitude.” 
she says, taking a puff of a cigarette and blowing the smoke directly into gabriel’s face.
now they’ve got a dead body laying on the floor of charlie’s apartment, and it’s only a few hours until the sun is set to rise over the city. violet starts pacing back and forth, unsure of what she’s going to do about this situation. her father is going to be so disappointed in her.
“he was goin’ to kill you, what was i supposed to do, let ‘em?”
gabriel’s voice holds a tenor of disdain and annoyance laced within his tone, enough so that she was certain he wouldn’t have spit on her if she was on fire. he’s pacing back and forth himself, running his fingers through his hair.
“well, what’re we gonna do? we can’t just leave ‘em here.”
she asks, gesturing to the laid out corpse of one, charlie kiriakis, dead and starting to grow cold.
gabriel’s much more tactile than she is - normally she’s dealing with deaths from poison or overdose, something that’s a little bit easier for her to handle. and she doesn’t usually stick around to see the dead bodies in the aftermath. her stomach is already starting to turn a little.
“grab his ankles.” gabriel says, and violet’s glancing over at him as if he’d grown a second head on his shoulders, absolutely disregarding the statement altogether.
“you want me to what now?” she asks, stubbing her cigarette out in the ashtray and sticking it inside the clutch purse she brought with her - no evidence left behind, that much she knew.
“we’re gonna toss his body in the river. make it look like an accident. like he fell in or somethin’. gashed open his head an’ all. the marine life will take care of the evidence and whatnot.”
she’s still standing there, running a hand through darkened curls, not moving.
“i’m sorry…..you want me to….touch the dead body? you’re out of your fuckin’ mind.” 
“well, sweetheart, it’s either that or you’re gonna help me chop ‘em up into tiny little pieces.”
the thought alone causes her to gag, almost feeling the bile mixed with her dinner threatening to come back up the way it went down. she grimaces, but grabs onto his ankles and helps to roll him up in the rug they’d use to transport his body down to the docks.
now, years later, they’re still at each other’s throats - but they’re more or less more friendly about it. violet has gained a new lease on life, and she’s become a lot more lethal, too. the next time they handle a job it goes by swimmingly, without any sort of hiccups. she wonders if gabriel really appreciates the work she’s put into herself to turn out this way, rather than a blithering idiot she was when they first started to ‘work’ together.
if she had to have a rival in this world, she’s glad it was him. 
0 notes
blogginwchase · 2 years
An Interview with Laren Gillespie
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Laren is a 52-year-old Cayman resident originally from Edinburgh, Scotland. He also happens to be the downstairs neighbor of my Nana’s condo in Grand Cayman. I’ve known Laren for many years and had a feeling he’d be very knowledgeable on my topics of research. Over my recent trip to the Caymans, I had the pleasure of being able to get lunch with Laren and hear some of his thoughts.
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He’s lived on the island almost 25 years now and has been able to see first-hand the changes being made around the island. Laren had originally moved to Grand Cayman in October 1998. He originally had only intended on spending two years on the island because he was thinking of Cayman more as a pit stop before moving to Australia. He had been previously working in Edinburgh for three years to train as a chartered accountant. After finding out that the process for being accepted to move to Australia could take up to three years and they’re highly selective about who they let in, he started looking into other options.
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It was during that time that friends of his that he trained with in Edinburgh reached out. These friends had moved to Cayman directly after qualifying and suggested Laren move there to get started. He went with the intention of either moving on to somewhere new in a few years or returning home. He had never previously visited Cayman and was going to stay with these friends for a short while in the summer of ‘98 to kind of check things out and see if he could see himself working and living there. When Laren described his trip to visit these friends, he said he went “half on holiday, half to do a reconnaissance mission”.
Within three days, he had decided that he loved it and could totally envision his life there for two years. He talked to a few people while he was there about work and continued contact with them when returning home to Scotland. Shortly after, he had a few interviews and eventually a job offer. Within a few months, once the work visas and paperwork went through, he moved to Cayman. He ended up being in Cayman from October 1998 to 2006. That is when he returned home to Edinburgh to take care of family.
After a few years he was looking to move again, not sure where he wanted to go. That’s when an opportunity to return to Cayman came up and he returned to island for a new job opportunity. He has been in Grand Cayman ever since. What was once going to be a pitstop for Laren, ended up being his long-term home.
We then went on to talk about what Laren does for a living as a fund director in Grand Cayman. He described this by saying he “acts as an independent director on investment funds”. He also described Cayman as a “large international financial center”. Laren oversees people’s investments to make sure their money is safe. He does board meetings 3-4 times a year with the investors and the managers to go over the investments. He only takes up to thirty clients at a time so he can dedicate his time to each of those clients individually. He normally takes two or three board meetings a day and spends the rest of the day doing emails.
With his work in the financial district here in Grand Cayman, he has an insider's view on the financial state of the island and its people. We talked about the diversity of life and economy on the island. There are people from all walks of life with opposite ends of the spectrum of wealth. When I asked Laren to describe the financial status of the island and its people, he broke it down by levels for me. Starting at the top he said, “you have some very very affluent, rich people who probably don’t need to work a regular job like most of us, they’ve made their money, they’ve sold a business, whatnot, they have disposable income”. These are the people at the top of the food chain in Cayman. These people, the independently wealthy, have everything set and come there to relax, they don’t have a need to work.
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Laren described the next level of wealth on the island as “very affluent workers, people who are working in the professions. The legal profession is a very highly paid profession on the island. There’s a lot of lawyers, there are a lot of accountants as well because of the offshore financial industry, banking. So banking, accountants, lawyers would then tend to be the next socioeconomic there”. This was somewhat what I was expecting to hear. I was finding in my research that the island is known for their financial banking and offshore financial opportunities.
He then went on to describe the thriving tourism industry in Grand Cayman and the job opportunities that come along with that for people in the service industry. This would be the next level down for the socioeconomic statuses on island. There are many “restaurants, cafes, bars, that service people who are here on vacation”. There are also many souvenir shops and tours of the island for vacationers and those visiting from cruise ships. Going along with the service industry, Laren described the other part of that as “domestic helpers”. These are the people who work in the hotels and condos like cleaners and nannies and those who service the buildings like those working in HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning).
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After breaking down the different levels of wealth in Grand Cayman, we talked about the population and zoning of the island. Laren described the more densely populated area as “around 7 Mile Beach and George Town. And the island, Grand Cayman, really grew up around George Town the port”. 7 Mile Beach and George Town are both very tourism oriented with all the hotels, restaurants, beaches, and stores. You can see on the map below that the west side of the island where George Town, 7 Mile Beach, and West Bay are located seem to be the more populated areas. On the opposite end, East End, the area is a lot more sparsely populated. Near George Town is the main airport and shipping ports that create a lot of business.
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We also talked about the development of Grand Cayman in more recent years and the changes that he’s seen on the island while living there. Laren was talking about the rate of development and what he’s seen since moving there in 1998. He said when he first moved there buildings were not permitted to be over three stories high and there are now sky scrapers rapidly going up. Around 2000 the rule switched to permitting five stories, then it went to went to seven and they are currently at a ten-story max.
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(Personal photos of the high rise next to Sunset Cove)
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(Personal photo of one of the new constructions)
He also mentioned a rumor that in October of this year, they may be extending the ruling to thirty stories. He explained this rush to make buildings taller because “on the 7 Mile Beach stretch there’s very little spare land. Every square inch of spare land is pretty much built on”. He described the East End as being very low lying and having a lot of vegetation, making it not great for development. In turn, the 7 Mile Beach Stretch is “significantly developed”. He said the prices for land here have increased dramatically over the past ten years due to the rush for development and expansion.
Grand Cayman was one of the few places that had a positive impact from Covid in recent years. Most places had prices of housing drop while they rose in Cayman. People were thinking of the island as a pretty safe place to live. The island took lockdown very seriously. People were isolated, cruise ships were not allowed to enter the ports, and there was a mandatory two-week quarantine in a government facility for any flights coming in. Laren said, “They still kept air bridges to the United Kingdom because of course Cayman is a British overseas territory”. For a while you had to be a Cayman resident to return to the island from overseas, there was no visitors.
There was a negative impact on the service industry in Cayman due to covid. There was no inside dining so a lot of the workers in restaurants, bars, and cafes had to return home. Now that covid is more under control, there are more workers and visitors coming back to the island.
Laren said the population is about “70-75 thousand which is split fifty-fifty, pretty much evenly, between native Caymanians or status holders and those who are here from other countries on work permits etc”.
I was able to learn a lot of valuable information about Grand Cayman and its people through my lunch with Laren. He had valuable information on the financial status of the island and what recent developments have taken place. I also got to learn more about Laren himself, his personal history, profession, and hear what his life was like a little. I’m really glad I had this opportunity to learn more about both a close family friend of mine as well as one of my favorite places in the world, Grand Cayman.
0 notes
Updated 01/20/24
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Desolate - @angelicyoongie
you just wanted a cute little normal cat to keep you company. so you’re not really sure how you ended up with the grumpiest hybrid on earth that seems hellbent on making your life difficult.
Only Yesterday - @borathae
"Your life in a small countryside village was nothing of the extraordinary, you owned a quaint little teashop, enjoyed warm evenings in your garden and liked taking walks by the river. One day a handsome stranger moves in the abandoned cottage opposite side of the river and it is not long that he becomes a source of comfort in your life.”
Only for You - ^^
“Yoongi likes to pretend that he only lets you fuck him because you are the one who wanted it. You are hellbound on showing him that you have long seen past his lies.”
License to Steal - @broiunno
Min Yoongi is your new protection detail upon your return to your father’s side after being sent away during a bloody gang war. Now the dust has settled, you’ve been called back to your old controlled life, and leaving you an unwilling participant in your family’s plans. You don’t know what they are but you are no longer willing to be the obedient, protected daughter.
Highway to You - @btsmosphere
Yoongi never expected to see you again. Least of all with a gun in your hand, crashing an important deal in a whirlwind which proves how much has changed.
Call Me Naïve - @btsrunmylife
You and Yoongi have never exactly gotten along. Truthfully, this wouldn’t be such an issue if you didn’t work together. But there have been far too many times when his sarcastic comments have rubbed you the wrong way. His most recent shenanigan might just be the icing on the cake, especially because you know absolutely nothing about it until it’s too late. What’s worse is he’s gotten his friend involved, a friend you happen to get along with rather well — maybe too well. Yoongi’s intentions really weren’t to drive you away. His curiosity merely got the best of him. But now…he’s woven an intricate mess he can’t get out of. And he can’t help but wonder, will this be the thing that finally pushes you over the edge?
Fix You - @casuallyimagining
When you take in a stray cat, you have no idea he’s secretly a hybrid trying to escape his past. Can you help him heal?
Home - ^^
Sequel to Fix You
The Lonely Hearts Club - @cinnaminsvga
social media au where y/n and yoongi are mutuals but they’re constantly at each other’s throats for reasons unknown (aka emotional constipation)
From the Ashes - @fortunexkookie
Someone is sobbing ugly, wrecked sounds that shatter the silence in the room. You need them to stop; it’s distracting and you need to focus. You need to clean the ash from his skin. You need to comb the knots from his hair. You need to dress his beautiful body in something befitting the king you know he is… but the sobbing is too loud, and your vision is blurry. It takes Yoongi wiping your tears away for you to realize that the gasping cries echoing off the stone are coming from you.
Tip of the Iceberg - ^^
Oh, that Min boy? He’s a sweetheart, of course. Jimin said something about him getting into a new relationship with someone, but he hasn’t brought her by yet, so I can’t be sure. I just hope this one sticks around, he’s really so much more than he first seems to be. All those tattoos and whatnot, people tend not to notice that he’s really just so caring and gentle. You know he works at one of those stuffed animal stores in his free time? The ones with the dancing and the hearts and picking out your new best friend kind of theme. Ah, what a nice boy. I hope he has a good holiday. I’ll have to ask Jimin how it goes.
Asphodel - @hayjeon
hades!yoongi and persephone!reader.
Maybe I'm a Little Dangerous, Maybe Love is Too - @hollyhomburg
Rare soulmate marks don’t guarantee that you find your soulmate easily, and when your soulmate is the head of a mafia, being together will never be easy either…
Of Fire and Love - ^^ (ABSOLUTE FAV!!!!)
When Dragon Yoongi finds baby Jungkook in the wreckage of a house he burned down, he can’t bring himself to kill the child. Months after someone drops off a baby at your door, you start to notice something- or someone, lurking at the edge of the woods.
Stuck Together - @jeonvely
when the pandemic first started, you never thought you’d have to stay quarantined in your apartment with yoongi, one of your roommate’s friends and a guy you’ve never met. and you definitely did not expect you’d end up falling for him.
Souvenir - @jiminrings
Shouldn't this be the part where you tell him not to stay out too late? (Alternatively, yoongi thinks you hate him because you don't coddle him after a fight.)
Perpetual Datejust - ^^
When the general public hears the name Min Yoongi, they know him as the world-famous model who's beyond talented in his craft. When the modeling industry hears the name Min Yoongi, they remember you: his resolute, firm, and sometimes rude manager who always puts Yoongi's best interests at heart - no matter what. (Alternatively, you're Yoongi's manager and for the first time ever, you take a break away from him.)
Worshipers of the Stars - @jimlingss
The universe was created with four gods to rule and watch over it. But when you take the crown and become god of all gods, what the future holds is something you never wanted to know.
Inheritance - @jincherie
After your grandmother passed she left everything to you. Her house, her fortune, and apparently… her cat? The grumpy male hybrid you encounter at her house is anything but the tame housecat you’d expected to find. Fulfilling your grandmother’s last request to look after him becomes a lot harder when he seems to be avoiding you, and your dissatisfied relatives start stirring up trouble.
Budapest - @junghelioseok
Secret Agent AU!
Suit & Tie - @jungshookz
Your new boss makes you want to drive a letter-opener right into your eyeball. (CEO AU!)
Technologically in Love - ^^
Hello, I am M1N Y00NGI, your personal human mind model adaptive super android.
Hellish - ^^
Demon AU! Pink Himalayan sea salt can't help you now.
Basketball Captain!Yoongi - ^^
Min Yoongi - Captain of the basketball team. y/l/n y/n - water girl.
Baby you can Drive my Car - ^^
Welcome to Min Mechanics - what can I do for you today, doll?
Carnival - @justcallmenikki7
you and your boyfriend, Min Yoongi, go to the local Carnival.
Happier - ^^
in which, you want to make yoongi happier. (By letting him go.)
How to Save a Life - ^^
Angst, read the warnings first please!
Reassurance - ^^
Your boyfriends worries sets Suga, his alter ego, and you are the only one who can reassure him that you are never going to leave.
Be my Baby - @kimnjss
when the love of his life suddenly vanishes, he drives himself mad looking for her. seemingly erased from the world, he’s forced to pick up the pieces of his life and move on… fast forward three years and someone who looks a lot like the woman he lost is being spotted, holding a kid with an oddly familiar gummy smile…
Cyberslut - ^^
he has no idea who you are… up front, you’re sweet and innocent - but in reality you’re the exact opposite. running your own nsfw account, where your favorite topic is his hands.
Cold Shoulder - @kookiesbuckethat
Yoongi suddenly starts giving you the cold shoulder, causing you to distance yourself from him and the rest of the members. But the reason behind his behavior is not what you think.
Row AQ - @kpopfanfictrash
"If I die, I'm going to haunt your ass." + Library AU!
Min Yoongi, Library Services - ^^
When you accept the offered research position at Bangtan University, you are well aware of your partner's prestige. The only problem is - so is he.
Fury of their Scales - @kpopisthereasonihavenolife
a world of dragons, demons, devils, gods and ghouls- humans were of small number. you’ve lived on the outskirts of your human village in the woods ever since you could remember. living alone in a small cabin with nothing but woodland trees, ponds, lakes and animals was like a small paradise- with the occasional bump in the road. as someone who’s studied and experimented with nature to make all sorts of concoctions- your home was ideal. it didn’t matter that your village didn’t like it or that they rejected your life of medicine. what did matter, however, was the dragon stuck in a trap not too far from your home that you just discovered.
Seeing You Again - @lachimolala7
Soft Mafia Yoongi!
The Mark of Yun-Ki - @ladyartemesia
For a thousand years the tiger god Yun-Ki has marked the heirs of the Min Empire and thus only a marked heir can inherit the throne. When the beautiful daughter of the Min Emperor’s loyal warlord rescues a mysterious tiger hybrid from the imperial prison, she unleashes a secret that the throne would kill to protect. The young emperor claims to be the chosen heir… but who really bears the Mark of Yun-Ki?
Okay Bloomer - @luxekook
in which the reader visits a flower shop on her way home from work to treat herself to a flower and then keeps returning just to interact with the shop’s cute tsundere floral assistant. the last thing she expects is to see him ~spitting hot fire~ and looking hot as sin at her friend’s music event. how is she supposed to get flowers in peace now?
Intimidation - ^^
in which you think Yoongi is intimidating because of his dark clothing and his quiet ‘don’t give a fuck’ attitude… but then someone makes him laugh and you watch as his face lights up in the cutest gummy smile complete with shining eyes and blushing cheeks and BOOM you’re whipped for that boy
Intensity - ^^
sequel to intimidation. in which yoongi is intense in every facet of their relationship, except one… and the reader is on a mission to find out why.
Playing for Keeps - @namjoonxorg
“Our best friends are dating, but you’re still the spawn of Satan.”
Spilled Coffee - ^^
This never would’ve happened if we hadn’t have met!”
Bullet Holes and Blush - ^^
Hi!! I really like your writing and I saw that your request are open! I wanted to know of you did any BTS maf au! And if yes, can I get a Bts maf au x reader where all of them are in the mafia (duh 😂) and she comes back from a mission or place injured and their super worried? It doesn’t need to be a specific ship, anything is fine!! -Anonymous
Enigma - @neonlights92
After the death of your father leaves you in a lot of a debt to Bangtan - Seoul’s most nefarious crime syndicate - you are offered a way out: marry Min Yoongi - Bangtan’s most elusive member- and produce him an heir and your father’s debt will be forgotten. Without a choice, you are soon tied to a man who you are absolutely terrified of. But you cannot ignore the part of you that is thrilled by Yoongi. And what scares you the most isn’t the blood on his hands, or the gun he always carries in his pocket. It’s the things he’s capable of doing to your heart.
Hearing Voices - @persphonesorchid
Fate is working double-time to help these boys, sometimes it’s all too easy and then there are times when things get complicated. But, she’ll get it done, no problem!
Ride or Die - @ppersonna
there’s nothing in the world you wouldn’t do for Min Yoongi. (Bonnie & Clyde AU)
I'll Float Away - ^^
years after the breakup, yoongi, a successful award-winning rapper with an unhealthy addiction, finds your wedding invite on Facebook.
Spotlight - @secret-kpoplibrary
when shit hit the fan in y/n’s life she used it as the push she needed to finally leave her home and take a leap of faith landing her in one of the world’s busiest cities. Seoul, South Korea. Running from more than a couple dark secrets of her past y/n tries to move forward with her new life and not so lowkey friends she met over the past couple years, but you can’t outrun your past now, can you?
Ghost of You - ^^
“My feet don’t dance like they did with you”
Out of Love - ^^
“When did you fall out of love with me?”
Hello Paradise, My Name Is - @seokoloqy
Buried in the Earth where seasons did not exist, where all prosperous life perished, and Helios’s blinding light could not touch; you slept soundly in the arms of darkness.
Mint - ^^
you find yourself back in Hades when Spring turns to Fall, but this time you’re less than thrilled to see your husband after learning of his ex-lover, Minthe.
Aidoneus, My Love - ^^
Yoongi believes the mortal, Adonis, has stolen your heart, but he will never share his love with anyone else for as long as he is king of the underworld.
I Wanna Hold your Hand - @minisugakoobies
It’s hand-holding season, according to your roommate.
Bury Me - @tae-cup
“Someone who loves you wouldn’t do this” - Conan Gray (Family Line). Mafia!AU, Arranged Marriage, Angst, Fluff
Purr-haps I Like You - @taleasnewastime
You have a no pets policy where you live, but when you find a tiny kitten in a box on the side of the road, what can you do but bring it home with you? The only problem? The landlord who made the no pets rule, also happens to be your flatmate.
Dangerous Situation after an Argument - @thebangtancloud
Enemies to Friends(?)
Silent Treatment - ^^
Yoongi is upset with you because you don't give him time. That's until you come back home and don't walk straight into his arms like you usually do.
All the Things I Didn't Do - ^^
A series of unfortunate events leads to Yoongi asking you to leave, hurting you with words that he wished he never uttered. But what would he do when he finds out that you’ve gone missing? How can he find you when he’s all the way across the world? How can he tell you that he regrets letting you go?
A Kiss to Forever - @threeletterslife
You're only six years old when you meet Death himself. As you grow older with him faithfully by your side, you realize he should've taken you away then, years and years ago. Yet, he hadn't. He had given you another chance to live.
Sticky Notes - ^^
You and Yoongi aren't very good with words. But there's a perfect, nonverbal form of communication that might just help tie your relationship back together.
To Begin Again - @untaemedqueen
Hey. Can I please request a story where the reader is their new makeup artist and she falls in love with Yoongi after he rescues her from her boyfriend one night. And Jin is her best friend. Thank you so much!
The Deal - ^^
Drug Lord!Yoongi x Coffee Shop Owner!Reader
The Devil Skates on Thin Ice - @vankoya
The number one rule of Korea National Sports University is to never allow their elite figure skater and the captain of the ice hockey team be in the same room.
Unkept Promises - @xforeverweareyoungx
“Have you ever, even for a day, even for a moment.. loved me?”
Too Little Too Late - ^^
“I don’t think I can do this anymore, Yoongi..“
Greedy - @xjoonchildx
being a loner has never bothered yoongi until now. until you.
Close Call - ^^
burying your head in the sand won’t change the fact that the man you love walks a thin line between life and death. and sometimes you can’t outrun your worst fears.
Not Your Fairytale - @yeojaa
What do you do when you’ve called your wedding off but forgot to cancel your cake tastings? Why, you ask your brother’s grouchy best friend, of course.
496 notes · View notes
astaroth1357 · 4 years
The Following HC has Huge Spoilers for like Lesson 35 Onward and Also Some Pretty Heavy Themes. Readers Discretion Advised.
If the MC had Sacrificed Themselves 
You know, it could have happened. So what if it did?
Warnings: Suicide, Depression, Despondency, Death, Heavy Angst
His memories returned to him right as their body hit the floor… All at once, he remembered who he was and who they were and just how much they meant to him...
Only for him to see them lying there with a dagger through their chest.
For once in his life, Lucifer felt nothing but helpless. He was so confused, and now the MC was on the ground bleeding out in front of him, unmoving. As he found his way down to their body, all he could do was yell for someone to come help them… What was even happening??
He knew better than to try and pull the dagger out, but even glancing at it would send a sharp pain through his own chest… The thought occurred to him that the stab should have been meant for him, but... why? Had he stabbed them??
Did they stab themselves…? 
His brother bombarded him with questions as they stormed in, but he didn't have any answers for them. He was just as lost as they were... If the MC had stabbed themselves, then why? Why would they ever do that?!
Lucifer was still reeling as Mammon ripped the MC from his arms. He was too stunned to try and stop him as his mind finally began to put together the fragmented memories of his past few days...
Diavolo and Solomon did this. Diavolo signed off on finding that dagger, and Solomon must have given it to them in the first place! And with the MC's part in the Ring... Together they must have put an impossible burden on them… and he wasn't even allowed to know about it!
That realization opened a new sort of rage in Lucifer...
After forcing his brothers to calm down, he locked himself up in his study. No matter what he tried, Diavolo couldn't get a hold of him at all... Lucifer refused to even let him explain because what sort of explanation could he give? An apology?? He'd never be able to apologize for something this unforgivable.
Any communication done between the Demon Prince and his former friend before the MC's funeral was done through the brothers (the few who could pull themselves together enough to do so). Lucifer wouldn't even stomach Barb's presence...
As for Solomon… The sorcerer knew better than to stay in the Devildom any longer than the funeral. Lucifer didn't even have to voice his displeasure at the event; one look was all he needed to send the human packing.
Lucifer was barely seen by anyone until the day of the funeral, and he barely held himself together... No matter his feelings, he was still too proud to cry… not in front of the others... His brothers never saw a tear out of him there or anywhere...
Afterward, his working life seemingly went back to normal. He was still honor-bound to Diavolo after all, but he never warmed to the Demon Prince again. It didn't matter what he tried, if he couldn't have the love of his life back, then Diavolo couldn't have his only friend anymore... As simple as that.
And then it was almost like the MC was never there to begin with… He almost completely reverted back to his former self, but somehow even more harsh and distant to his brothers than ever before… He refused to be looked after or pitied, even if on the inside, he was falling apart...
However, even at his coldest, almost every night, his brothers could hear the piano playing from the music room… the slight hesitation between notes being the only hints of Lucifer's quiet sobs in the darkness...
He was the first to run into their bedroom after hearing Lucifer shout, and he pretty much elbowed his brother out of the way to grab the MC's body himself… He was cradling them so close that his shirt got soaked in their blood…
The hell just happened?? He saw the MC that morning, and they were fine!! Why were they hurt now?!
When Satan finally declared that he couldn't do any more for them, Mammon could've snapped his neck. There wasn't "anything more" he could do?? Nothing at all!?
Of course, there had to be something he could do!! Literally anything!!! He could save them!! Didn't he know who this was?! This was his MC! His human!!! They weren't supposed to die like this!!
When Asmo tried to move the body, Beel, Satan, and Levi all had to pull Mammon off while he kicked and bit at them ferociously. Even with all their demon forms' combined power, they couldn't hold him back for very long and Lucifer had to intervene to stop him from attacking Asmo outright...
While Lucifer was holding him back, Mammon turned his rage against his own brother. He was in the room! Why hadn't he done anything?! What even happened?!?
Even after Lucifer explained that the MC must have done it to themselves, Mammon was still so disgusted that he flew out of their bedroom window altogether. How could his "big strong" older brother let something like that happen to them? How were all of his brothers so okay with giving up on them so easily!?
He flew up to the House's roof and took his anger out against the tiles. He could have run, but still, he hung close to the House anyway because that was where MC was... Dead or not, he'd never leave them all alone like that...
Before Lucifer locked himself away, he went up to Mammon to try and coax him back inside… Each time he tried to explain what had happened, he was met with anger - then denial... and finally just sadness… The two held each other on the rooftop as Mammon tried to process his loss… and cried… much like how they'd done after their fall centuries ago…
Mammon insisted on being a pallbearer for the MC and speaking personally at the funeral. He was their first pact, their first man, so he thought he should have that honor. He wanted to be the one closest to them, even after death... And he took on both tasks with a commitment he rarely gives anything he isn't paid for...
By the time the funeral happened, he had burnt out most of his anger... He didn't exactly have much to say to Diavolo or Solomon because of it. Though he wasn't happy to see them at all, given their part in this, he was just so spent already, and he didn't want to get sidetracked… Not in front of MC…
He mourned them even long after they were placed in the family crypt. He never truly got over their death, really… 
He buried himself in gambling for a time, but his jackpots never felt as satisfying as they used to… He felt the same with anything he'd try to buy... After a while, he just… stopped trying to fill the void with things entirely… 
Expensive items weren't going to bring the MC back to him...
He eventually developed a habit of stealing whatever reminded of the MC… The stuff he thought they'd like and whatnot... Sometimes he wouldn't even notice; he'd just come home with things in his pockets that he never remembered grabbing.
At times, Beel finds him down in the crypt hiding those "gifts" behind false bricks, but he never says anything about it… Though he'd prefer Mammon stop stealing, he knows this is his brother's way of remembering what the MC enjoyed… so he lets him do what he needs to.
Levi was the second to last to get into the room, just before Belphie, and he honestly didn't know what he saw at first… It was like his eyes were on the MC, and they saw all of the blood in the room, but his brain simply refused to believe it…
It had to be a dream, right? A nightmare? A truly hellish nightmare?? His Henry couldn't be gone… could they…? Not like this...
He was only snapped back into reality by Mammon's snarling when Asmo tried taking the MC's body. He had never seen his brother so wild before; his body moved to help restrain him on its own just to keep him from hurting Asmo. 
His mind, on the other hand, was still too numb to process what was really happening…
Of all of the brothers, Levi had the hardest time accepting what had occurred. Hell, it was like he couldn't even face it… There was something in him actively trying to blank out anything to do with the MC's death…
For a few days, all he could do was sit in his room numbly and watch Henry swim… He'd try to talk to him occasionally, but the words would dry up in his throat. He just… He didn't know what to say anymore… Asmo had to eventually remind him that there was a funeral at all. He must have blocked that out too…
When at the funeral itself, he remained oddly calm… but he didn't speak to anyone. He didn't look at anyone. He never said a word… Not even to Diavolo or Solomon, he just went where he was told and waited for things to be over…
It wasn't until about a week afterward that the paralyzing fog that he found himself in finally lifted...
It was their marathon night. It felt like he had been waiting for weeks when it was finally time for the MC to come to his door. He waited for their knock…
And then he realized they weren't coming...
And like that, the dam in the back of his mind finally broke and all of the pain he had been hiding from struck him at once. The gut-wrenching cry that left his lips was so powerful that it nearly shattered his aquarium walls and flooded his room with water...
When his brothers ran to check on him, all they found was Levi curled up in his bathtub sobbing hysterically... It took him so long to stop that they had to take turns bringing him water just to keep him from suffering dehydration...
The brothers don't really know how Levi's doing any more… Beel and Asmo go to check on him sometimes, but the room is always dark... save the light of a screen or two. He never wants to talk to them anyway… 
They let him know that they're there for him, but… he's long past leaving his room anymore...
Satan knew the situation was bad when he ran into the MC's room and saw Lucifer… His calm and composed older brother was trembling and shouting, just begging for MC to move…
And then he saw the dagger.
Whatever confusion and rage he felt in that second had to be quickly pushed aside because the MC was his only concern. As the only one in the room with any human medical knowledge, he had to keep a clear head now more than ever.
While his brothers fell apart around him, Satan did the best he could to process what was wrong and how he could help…
He was quick, he used spells to close up their wound and even CPR to try and get their heart beating again... Truthfully, had the MC been alive when he got there, they would have surely survived. But as they were…?
They were already cold beneath his fingertips… Far colder than they should have been… He would later come to find out that their soul had been severed by the dagger, so no matter what he tried, he would have never saved them… They were… gone.
He had to defend himself from Mammon when he finally declared his efforts were in vain. His brother spat at him, but he wasn't afraid to fire back. Did he really think he was the only one hurting here? The MC had been important to all of them!
He had to help the others hold Mammon back, and only after he was under some kind of control did Satan let himself leave the room. He could feel a rampage coming on… but he wouldn't dare leave the MC's bedroom trashed and broken by his own hand...
That made the rest of the House fair game, though. What he ended up doing to the library alone was catastrophic, and the damage to the kitchen nearly set the whole place ablaze… For once, he had a hard time being sorry for it. He was too enraged to care...
He was right alongside Asmo when arguing that the MC deserved more than a standard human funeral. In fact, it was his idea to send a body double of them to the human world so they could keep the real body for themselves. No one was willing to let them go, so Diavolo had eventually had to relent...
Satan was the most openly hostile at the funeral. Any time Diavolo or Solomon took a step too close to their body, he'd snarl at them like a wild animal. As far as he was concerned, they didn't even deserve to be there for their part in it all this. If Diavolo weren't the Prince, he would have forced them out himself, power disparity be damned.
After their death, he did his own research on the dagger to see if there was any way for him to bring them back, but it was just as he feared… Their soul had been effectively torn from their body and sealed within the blade itself, as it does to the demons it slays...
As much as he hated to admit it, they were genuinely, truly gone now. Dead...
His emotional control tanked considerably without the MC around from then on… It was either feel the Wrath that used to consume him or wallow in the pain of their loss... And he just didn't know how to feel anymore now that he was all on his own…
His brothers left Satan alone for the most part; even Beel and Asmo approached him very carefully… He was just too violent and volatile to accept their help for the longest time… And they weren't his MC. 
No one was...
Asmo quickly became the most hysterical one in the room when he first found them. He pushed his way in right next to Mammon, clasping the MC's cold hands and wailing for help... 
But after looking into their eyes? Deep down? Even he knew no one probably could...
Back behind him, all he could hear from Lucifer was him trying to gather his thoughts while Satan worked to save them. Through his brother's murmuring, he slowly began to piece together what must have happened… Had they sacrificed themselves…?
But.. Why? Why did they do it…? Why did they think they had to?? Asmo was willing to sever their pact; he was willing to do his part!! Why did he have to lose them instead?!
After Satan declared that they'd gone and it was hopeless, Asmo was the first to beg Lucifer for answers: What happened? Did they do this?? Why didn't you stop them?!
It shattered him to have his suspicions confirmed… The MC sacrificed themselves to save Lucifer and the world at large… They were always too kind for their own good… Too giving to him and his brothers… how had none of them seen this coming…?
Asmo was put in charge of the body before they could even get Mammon away from it, and it was a fight to get him to let go even just a little. Asmo had to use all of his concentration just to dodge his brother's frenzied strikes… He didn't hold it against him. He understood. Mammon had been closer to them than anyone in a way…
He took it upon himself to clean them and prepare them for the funeral... He had to fight with Diavolo himself to have one held in the Devildom and not the human world. As much as he respected the MC's life away from them, they needed them here… No one was handling their death well…
With a combination of spells and all of his makeup talents, he was able to make them look just as stunning as they had been in life... Though every glance at their still form felt like a rock sinking further into his gut, it only seemed... fitting… for him to give them one last makeover...
He forced himself not to cry in front of them as best he could. He tried to smile, tried to talk to them as if they could still hear... He even gave them assurances as if they were scared... A funeral is just like a party if you think about it, and they'd get to be the center of attention. He promised to make them look their best…
Asmo wept the most openly at the funeral, but he didn't turn any of his anger onto Diavolo or Solomon… Diavolo looked just as broken up as the rest of them, maybe even more because the blame was on his shoulders… Meanwhile, even the fairly unreadable Solomon was trying his best not to show any tears… 
Though a part of him was still very bitter, he knew the MC wouldn't want them to fight each other anyway… Especially not there...
After the funeral, all the strength he used to keep himself together just caved… He cried every night for weeks and slowly began to lose his drive to keep up appearances... 
One month after their death, and his hair was a mess, his eyes were always puffy, and his cheeks seemed to be permanently flushed from tears… Even his enchanting allure radiated nothing but sorrow… He was, quite simply, a wreck...
He visited them down in the crypts often, usually keeping Beel company. By talking to Beel, sharing his memories of the MC, and processing his sadness with his brother, he eventually eased out of his mourning… Though he wasn't exactly "better," he started to move on...
He was the first to recover (as much as any of them could), and he tried his best to help his brothers when able, but not all of them were as lucky…
Asmo never stopped visiting the MC's tomb, though. He'd always bring fresh flowers with him and never stopped talking to them either, even if they weren't listening. He'd liked to believe some part of them were still there and happy to not be left out… 
They mattered to him just as much in death as they had in life, and he's never let them forget it...
Beel was a big guy. He's strong, tough, and even at his birth rank, he can overpower most of his siblings through raw physical prowess alone. All of that is to say that he has an awful lot going for him...
… but in those short minutes of watching the MC bleed out on the floor, he had never once felt so powerless…
When Lilith was struck, he was at least able to save Belphie… He was able to do something. But here…? He was so out of his depth that all he could do was stare...
He'd once sworn to himself that he would guard them, that he would keep them safe and make sure that he'd never have to see them in pain, but there they were… Dead before he was even in the room...
Since Mammon and Asmo were hysterical and Lucifer just… wasn't acting right, he tried to stay as calm as he could… But not even he could fight the tears in his eyes...
He had failed again. First with Lilith, now with MC… It didn't even matter to him that Lucifer said they did it to themselves. If he had been there, he would have stopped them! If he had been there, he would have pulled the dagger right out of their hands! If he had been there, he…!
Well... What did it matter, anyway…? He wasn't there at all…
When it came time to take the MC's body away, he was the first to try and pull Mammon away, but even he forgets how strong his brother can be. With everyone's help, Asmo was able to do what he needed to, but Beel wished he could have held the MC like that too...
Some part of him, at that moment, decided that if he wasn't able to protect them in life, the least he could do was guard them in death… Their body, their possessions, even their memory… All of it. He would keep them "alive," and with his family, if it was all he'd ever do…
Beel was probably the most somber at the funeral… He didn't say much, but it's not like he often does. He mostly just stuck close to Belphie to be sure his twin didn't try anything while they were there...
He was willing to forgive Diavolo sooner than the rest of his brothers because even he saw that the Demon Prince never thought it would come to this… He was less kind to Solomon, though, because he gave them the dagger to start with... At least, unlike Satan, he didn't show his disgust so bluntly.
After the funeral, Beel quietly kept his word. He would regularly go into their old room and make sure it was clean. He'd fix things so it'd look otherwise untouched. He kept track of every item and kept anything else from going in or coming out...
If he wasn't there, then he would stand guard over their coffin, quietly watching his brothers' come and go while keeping his human safe in the only way he could…
Anyone who came by would often end up talking to Beel, just because he was there and always listening, and he'd try his best to help… The MC had been so much better at supporting his family through their problems, but he did what he could do...
He found it comforting in a way… Like he was passing on what the MC had taught them and reminding them not to forget their lessons…
He'd make sure no one would forget them… no one…
Belphie was the last in the room because he had been napping in the attic at the time. When he came in and saw all his brothers huddled together, he didn't know what he expected to see…
But it certainly wasn't the MC on the floor...
Naturally, fear was the first thing to hit him, but it quickly turned to anger. Who had done this?? Who hurt them?! Where were they!?!
He shouted as much over his brothers' mourning, but it was the guilt-ridden look on Beel's face that told him all he needed to know… No one had hurt them… but themselves... 
Belphie's thoughts were a whirlwind, but he knew he couldn't stay there. Not in that room, with their body and all his brothers, so he ran back up to the attic and slammed the door shut before losing his mind...
The wailing and the carnage Belphie caused up there could have put Satan to shame… He was just so ungodly pissed off at everything and everyone!! Diavolo for putting so much pressure on them, Solomon for letting them have the dagger, his brother for not saving them, the MC for doing what they did, and even himself! He…! He was mad... at himself…
He was mad that he hadn't said goodnight to them that day… He was mad that he hadn't hugged them that morning… He was mad that he hadn't asked them how their day was or how they felt about that terrible movie they saw once or why they always felt like they had to take on everybody else's problems all the time…!!
He was mad that he didn't know this was their last day to be together…
The attic room was completely trashed by the time Belphie had finally finished letting his anger out, and it ended with him kneeling in the middle of the floor, hugging his torn pillow and sobbing while the feathers clung to him like snow…
He spent much of the next few days shifting from irritation to despondency… Beel was about the only person he would talk to, so he would have to come in and make sure he had meals or something to drink between his never-ending naps…
He almost didn't go to the funeral because he couldn't get himself up for it… Beel had to dress him then carry him there, and even when he was awake, he was too busy glaring at Diavolo and Solomon to even mourn... 
He mostly cried at night… When everybody else was either asleep or doing the same in their own way… 
Some days he would be awake enough to help Beel clean the MC's things, and those days seemed to help him the most… Being in places that reminded him of them gave him better dreams at night, and if he was lucky, he could convince Beel to let him sleep in their bed for a time…
Beel and Asmo worked on talking to Belphie the most out of the other brothers, partially because Beel could get him talking the easiest, but progress was hard-fought all the same…
In many ways, Belphie just considered life without the MC not even worth being awake for...
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ineedships · 2 years
Rewatching legacies on Netflix has made me sad thinking about how much better this show could’ve been if it was ACTUALLY made about a school for the supernatural like it was SUPPOSED TO BE and not about Landon and his bloodline. If we’re really thinking about it Landon was always the main character not Hope. Everything about the story revolved entirely around Landon until he and malivore died FOUR SEASONS LATER.
The show was SUPPOSED to be following hopes life at a supernatural school after losing her family and whatnot and instead it turned into Alaric using his students to deal with supernatural problems. It feels like 90% of the show doesn’t even take place at the school because we never see teachers. We never see them in class. We never see them with actual assignments. They showed us that wannabe quidditch ONCE in the first episode but then NEVER brought it up again???
To me the best episodes were always the ones that were actually focused on school related stuff. The football games, the therapy box day, that day with Emma when wade explains how he thinks he’s a fairy, the talent show, the dances etc
Now after the the 4 years of suffering through malivore we gets some random cheap all powerful god being who’s meant to be the big bad but falls in love with aurora in the 5 seconds he’s been awake and hasn’t killed a single person yet?
I think the problem is that instead of crafting a story and watching their lives flow like actual lives like tvd and to is that they instead used the supernatural and Arrowverse set up where they need to have a new type of villain (monster) show up every episode to defeat and each episode will slowly build into each other what we get for the finale
The PROBLEM with this layout for legacies is that it doesn’t make sense to use it!!! For Arrowverse it makes sense, they’re superheroes of course there’s always gonna be a new threat waiting around the corner for them to deal with, same for supernatural, but with legacies it doesn’t make any sense to do the same
The ONLY WAY that layout works is if they change what their “villain” is to something else. The point of this type of layout is to have SOME KIND of problem each episode that needs to be solved and they fucked up legacies by going with the stereotypical problem that there’s some kind of bad thing that needs to be defeated, if they took their heads out of their asses they could’ve realized that the problem that needs to be solved each week DOESNT NEED TO BE A PHYSICAL ENEMY
They could’ve focused on the problems of a regular teenage life, the problems of school life, bullies, trying to figure out who you are, failing classes, sports, fundraisers, their rivalry with mystic falls high, being homsesick, secret trips into town to try and have fun only to be hassled by either the high school kids or by the sherif (Matt) who knows what they are and hates them for it, falling into the wrongs crowds, etc etc
The whole point of legacies was to be different than tvd and to and the one thing we never got from either was seeing anyone have a normal life. Obviously being supernatural and all wouldn’t allow it to be totally normal but it would’ve been nice to see all of that instead of the typical tvd/to thing where it’s like here’s this random big bad that’s now your problem to deal with (and legacies couldn’t even get that right dragging malivore out for 4 fucking seasons)
I also would’ve committed cold blood murder to watch Lizzie and hope bicker/fight everyday through regular school and then slowly become friends as they realize how imperfect they both are like Hope could walk in on lizzie in the middle of one of her volatile breakdowns and they have an awkward moment of being nice/not fighting for that one moment which makes them awkward/unsure of how to feel and treat each other after that and just to watch the relationship slowly bloom
I also hate how put together lizzie is now, don’t get me wrong I love that she’s got a better handle on her mental health but I think they moved passed the volatile breakdowns way too fast, she was/is bipolar right?? I would’ve loved to see that version of her explored a lot more and how other people would react with it
Example: I would’ve loved to see Lizzie lose it after Josie confirming she made up all those lies/rumors to/about lizzie, like after confirming it I would’ve loved to see lizzie storm out of the room and then in some empty room she would have another one of her volatile breakdowns because 1) how much she suffered from those lies and 2) because she idolized hope and always wanted to be friends with her and those lies cost her that
I also would’ve LOVED to see Josie eventually realize she’s got her own slew of mental problems and to have to start meeting with Emma regularly
There was just SO MUCH wasted potential with this godforsaken show and as much as it pains and irritates me and HATE that it isn’t this and that it’s actually the terrible terrible terrible mess that it currently is I CANNOT afford for it to be canceled because hizzie is the only thing keeping me alive so let’s stream legacies on Netflix besties
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chifuyuzu · 3 years
leap of faith — sano manjiro x reader.
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word count — 1.3k.
genre — fluff fluff fluff, i love sweet mikey.
contains — cursing, timeskip SPOILERS present, reader is gender neutral.
description — sano manjiro is in love with you, and he realizes how much he loves you at the ass crack of fuckin' dawn.
author's note — hey besties, this is my first published fic here, kinda short but mikey brain rot is heavy. i hope you enjoy this cute fic before i rip your hearts out with some angst in a few days :^) reblogs and likes are always appreciated! and please give me feedback in my inbox! hehe, enjoy.
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“it’s late.”
you know. but you still wanted to hear the sound of his voice before bed.
“mm… i missed ya’, is that a crime?” your voice echos through the receiver, the sound of your duvet crinkling in the background as you shift in place. sano manjiro was a busy man. always has been, always will be. being the leader of a biker gang was never easy—let alone some “new age” criminal organization.
you didn’t understand why manjiro persisted to play this game of russian roulette with his life. but it was never your place to overstep, especially since this was his life. it was all he knew, all he understood. you’re not sure what he’s doing, or if he’s even allowed to talk on the phone at this hour, but you still wanted to hear him. just so you know he’s alive and well.
you hear him chuckle, the sound of his feet scurrying against whatever floor his sandals were clacking against. the background noise that accompanied him earlier has dissipated; you realized he probably went outside to hear you better.
“your crime is loving a fool like me way too much. don’t think you’re sane.” he’s right. you’re actually crazy for even pursuing him. there was a lot of push and shove in the beginning, both parties scared of being hurt and getting hurt. but you were always there, even when manjiro went through whatever darkness was eating at his soul.
“crazy for you.”
“you love me.”
a pause. eerie enough to send shivers down your spine. why wasn’t he responding? did something happen? did you smother him too much? is he regretting—
“marry me.”
… not what you were expecting. especially not over the phone.
“sano manjiro, did you just propose over the phone? what kind of shitty rom-com are we in?”
“is that a no?”
“... never said that.” you wanted to marry him. but you wanted him to put that lifestyle behind, for the sake of the family you might have in the future. kids, dogs, cats, etcetera. you wanted him to be in, one hundred percent. but you knew he was too deep into this world to run now—especially since he’s so well-known as the ‘invincible mikey.’ you still longed for a happy home with manjiro, and a normal life.
“maybe you’re right. it’s not my style to ask you this over the phone.”
“try again later. when you’re really ready.”
the gag is, he is ready.
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manjiro hurries home, blond locks hidden underneath a thin, black hoodie. he’s shaking, like a pomeranian in the presence of fireworks. his hand meets the left side of his chest, back pressed up against the grey colored wall of your shared apartment as he slides down to sit on the floor. it was four in the morning, and manjiro was about to shit himself.
he gulps, eyes peering around for you, double checking that you were fast asleep before he makes a phone call. his fingers tapped the back of his iphone, impatiently waiting for the other caller to answer. though it was the crack of dawn, he still needed some moral support.
“mikey? fuck you callin’ for at this hour? haven’t heard from you in mo—”
“ken-chin. i’m proposing.”
a loud ‘flop’ rang through the receiver, accompanied by the bedsheets seemingly slipping underneath draken’s feet. it was a huge bomb to drop, especially when the duo has been separated for months on end. manjiro hears more shuffling, followed by a few curses. “you’re fucking lying. the one you’ve been one since—?”
“yeah. i’m crazy as hell. but i love them. head over heels. i’m a goddamn simp.”
“why the hell am i the first to know, man?”
“you’re m’best friend, even if i need to stay away from you. and, also… you’re not the first to know. i asked them already.”
“you WHAT? don’t fuckin’ tell me you did it some dumb way like over the pho— you did. you’re impulsive enough to do it like that, too.” regardless of how long it’s been, draken still knows and understands manjiro like nothing ever happened.
“yeah… not romantic. but i can’t see myself with anyone else. i trust no one else. but i… am…”
“scared? man, you’re the head of a criminal organization. ‘course you’re scared. you don’t want the love of your life… to get hurt…” his voice trails off and manjiro’s heart tenses even more. the memories of the past still felt fresh. all the people they lost in tokyo manji… could never be replaced. not in a million years.
but the living must live.
“i love y/n. never felt like this before. i’d quit everything. but i would have to make sure they’re safe and whatever future we have together is secure. i know i promised takemichi that i’d protect everyone and that future he worked so hard to save… but what about mine?”
manjiro really did sacrifice everything for his friends. being the type of person who carries everyone else’s burdens takes a toll on his mental. he felt selfish for wanting to leave it all behind. but maybe being selfish was beneficial once in a while.
“do you think i’m stupid?”
“mikey. you’re not stupid,” draken sighs, shuffling again in place. “you just want to love someone and be loved in return. nothin’ stupid about that. what is stupid though, is you proposing over the damn phone.”
he’s not wrong. it was a spur of the moment decision that could drastically change his life forever. but with you, he doesn’t care. as long as you’re his, forever.
“how do you think i should do it?”
“well. i guess, tell me some sappy shit. how do you feel about them, and whatnot.”
“i don’t think i could ever imagine me with anyone else. a lot of people have tried to grab my attention but i only have eyes for y/n. sometimes when shit gets real hard…” manjiro takes a deep sigh, fingers threading through his hair, tilting back the hood to let it fall onto his back. “i think of y/n and i remember that even in this shit world, someone is here for me. someone cares about me. they make me feel like i’m not alone anymore.
i have dreams ‘bout us, y’know? me and y/n… kids running around. a little mikey clone. pissin’ them off because we want little flags on our meals. going to the park and letting kids be kids. maybe i’ll teach ‘em at a dojo like gramps did for me and my siblings. maybe i’ll teach ‘em about bikes—with your help, of course.”
draken laughs, letting his friend continue his little speech as he gets comfortable in bed again. don’t think i’ve ever seen mikey like this, ever, draken muses.
“man, we can own a whole zoo if we wanted. chifuyu could hook us up, in secret, of course. still have to protect everyone,” manjiro is grinning from ear to ear, head resting against the wall. “i wanna grow old with them. honestly, i didn’t think i’d make it to my twenties. more so, i didn’t want to live past twenty-something. but now… things are different. wanna be old and gray. see grandkids terrorize our children. die together.”
the tension in manjiro’s chest has faded away, only left with warmth that only you could bring him. his free hand reaches into his pocket to fumble with a small box, snapping it open to reveal the engagement ring his grandfather handed down to him.
he wasn’t the marrying type. but for you, he was.
“that all? you sound good like that, man. make an exception and let us come to the wedding.”
manjiro wants that more than anything. his friends, you... all safe. all happy. but again, the fear creeps up. he doesn’t know what to do with himself if any of you get hurt.
“... how do i tell y/n that?”
“you already have.” your voice makes him jump, knocking the velvet box out of his fingers and onto the hardwood floor. his face pales, followed by a huge lump forming at his throat when he sees your figure emerge from your shared bedroom.
“i-uh… i thought you were a-asleep.” manjiro mumbles, earning a huge laugh from draken on the other side. he hears him say something along the lines of ‘my cue to leave. good luck. send me an invite.’
“i was waiting for you.” 
he’s sweating now, a small bead forming at the base of his neck. his phone is now at his side, the screen flashing from draken’s caller id to the lockscreen photo of you on your first date together, a few years back. your eyes zone into the box, though.
“i was going to do this… better. god, i fucked up, huh?”
you’re laughing now, rubbing your tired eyes before you join him near the wall, picking up the box. “what makes you think that, dummy?”
now he’s confused. you wanted him to ask when he was serious, but in his head, serious meant rose petals, candles, someone singing celine dion in the distance.
without a word, you slip the ring onto its appropriate finger, holding up to the small rays of sunlight that peaked through the window from the approaching sunrise. manjiro’s hands fly up to your face, holding his whole world in his hands. his eyes are shiny, on the brink of tears. you nudge your noses together, foreheads connecting tenderly. your hands hooked onto the hem of his hoodie, bringing his frame closer as you whisper a soft ‘yes.’
“yes, i’ll marry you.”
manjiro’s lips curl up into the silliest grin you’ve ever seen him sport, before he presses a soft kiss to your lips. now he’s kissing you quite desperately. as if he’s trying to make sure you’re real, that this isn’t a dream. you feel his words vibrate against your lips, “gonna make you so happy, i promise. i love you. i love you so, so much.”
“forever yours.”
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