#they’re going grocery shopping ofc she’s just dressing for comfort!
cashweasel · 2 months
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Going out and she’s head to toe in your clothes
@night-triumphantt what do you say in her defense fjsksjdkdj
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ooo can we get a sequel where lees ex-wife tells lee reader will leave her because shes prettier and younger than him? and lee pretends he doesnt really care but when he gets home maybe reader has come back from work and shes wearing a pretty dress and lee thinks that maybe his ex-wife is right? maybe reader comforts him? Pretty please.
y/n got married in a dress and style similar to this one [x] and the clothes she’s wearing at home [x] if you’re interested to know
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lee definitely isn’t one to hang around with the town. tbh he likes his position of power and that’s the only reason he sticks around, was it not for that he’d probably move to new york. not because he likes new york but because y/n tends to travel there for work every once in a month and he misses her like crazy
ofc he’ll never admit he misses her in front of his colleagues but he does. the only time he’ll hang around the town is when he goes to the shops
lee never really goes to buy groceries, he can’t do it even if his life depended on it and y/n still pokes fun of the time he bought kale instead of lettuce but today he had to go. he was craving the sunday apple pies y/n baked him whenever he came back from work particularly grumpy but y/n was working late so he told her he’d pick them “it’s just apples, sugar. i can’t screw that up.” “not green apples, lee. you don’t like it when i do apple pies with green apples” “a’right sugar”
he ventured himself in the only grocery shop in knockemstiff and went straight to the fruit aisle. this would’ve been much easier if there weren’t so many red apples.
he was so keen on getting the right ones he didn’t notice his ex-wife walk towards him until she was in front of him. great. just great, he thought to himself.
“not even gonna say hi?” “hello jane, how are you?” “i’m good. i’m sorry i couldn’t make your wedding, you know ... i don’t really believe divorced men should marry in a church” “you weren’t invited” “betty said elizabeth’s kid wore quite a scandalous dress” “are you so bored with your useless little life that you’re gossiping with me about my own wife?” “well, the town does have a poll going around about how long til you divorce” “you think i’m going to divorce my wife? jane, i never pegged you for a dumb one” “not you. she is. i mean, she’s what? 10 years younger and you’re ... well, you’re not exactly troy donahue” “i don’t have the time to deal with your jealousy, jane. stop gossiping about my wife or you’ll regret it.”
lee paid for whatever red apples he had bought and returned to the cruiser, lighting a cigarette with the window half rolled. he let the cigarette hang from his lips as he drove back to their home. 
he spotted y/n glossy red car on the driveaway, the thought of her being already home immediately brightening his mood
“sugar? sugar, i’m home” he called out to her, taking his hat and hanging it on the hooks by the door. she appeared from the kitchen, wearing a navy blue high neck shirt tucked into a colorful stripped skirt which reached the beginning of her knees, a much more conservative look which she wore to the office yet still looked much more modern than everything the women at knockemstiff did. “hey sugar, i got the apples” “great, darling. how was work?”
lee got lost in how she looked, so beautiful, shirt slightly raised to show the skinny black watch he had given her as a wedding present. jane was right, she was much more beautiful, too beautiful to be married to someone like him. she just radiated youth and that sort of happiness that comes with change. “darling?” “yeah?” “you were lost a bit there. rough day?” “no, no. i just ... i just ran into jane?” “jane dubwoski?” “no, jane my ex-wife” “oh” “turns out your wedding dress is the talk of the town” “it better be, it cost me a whole month’s salary” “and they also have a poll in how long our marriage is gonna last?” “what? they think you’re going to divorce me?” “no, sugar. they think you’re gonna divorce me” “well, that’s awfully progressive of them” “yeah ... i guess”
y/n cocked her head to the side, noticing the sadness in his voice “lee, what’s wrong?” “nothing” “no, something’s wrong.” “they’re right.” “right about what?” “i mean look at you ... you’re so pretty and you’re so young. for fucks sake you’re a junior copywriter and every once month you’re in new york and i ... i’m just a sheriff of a town that doesn’t even show up in most maps” “lee, you can’t be serious. you’re listening to them?” “they’re right y/n” “my god, lee. why would i marry you if i wanted to divorce you straight after?” “i’m not good enough for you” “lee, listen to me. you are good enough for me, you are more than enough for me. you’re the reason i stay in this town, you’re the man i want to wake up every single morning too no matter what. i don’t care if you’re older than me and i definitely find you much more attractive than you think” “okay sugar i’ll believe it” “okay ... are you not gonna ask me about my work?” “how was work, sugar?” “well, we are currently working for playtex now and they were so sweet to have given us some products to try out” “playtex? aint that the bra company?” “... why don’t you come and check it out?”
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meetmeatthecoda · 6 years
6, 13, 23, 41!
Send me a ship and a number and I’ll tell you…
Hiya girlie! :D Sorry this took 800 years! :( Hope you enjoythough!
6. - Any tasks that are always left to one person?
I think they have pretty clear delineations with house workand general responsibilities and they both feel things are fair cause they’redoing what they’re best at. Red cooks, hands down. But I think they enjoy goinggrocery shopping together. Liz just tags along and asks one hundred questionsabout food and cooking stuff she’s never realized she had until she met someoneas knowledgeable about food as Red. He loves her curiosity and never fails tolaunch into a story about some meal he had in Italy with a nine-fingered cartelleader when all Liz asked about was the difference between different colored potatoes.But she listens anyway, sometimes pushes the cart for him because he’s talkingso animatedly and using his hands every which way, only stopping to pluckthings off the shelves that they need. So yeah, they shop together. But when itcomes to more home goods things, like cleaning and decorating, that’s Liz’sarea. She does the cleaning easily enough and occasionally asks Red to help,which he does gladly. For decorating and interior design stuff, she may nothave an eye quite as good as Red’s but she likes feeling at home in her spaceand Red completely respects that. She loves asking his opinion on this rug andthat paint color and he’ll certainly contribute when asked, perhaps gentlysteering her away from the more risky choices, but she likes the feeling ofsatisfaction knowing she’s decorated her own house and rooms pretty much byherself, even if it takes a while.
13. - What do they do for fun? Do they have a favoriteactivity or do they like to switch things up?
Oh, I think they definitely switch things up. They havetheir favorite haunts for sure, Liz’s favorite club and Red’s favorite jazzbar, but Red is so open-minded about stuff like that and Liz never knew how funit could be to just go somewhere new with no real plan, just go and have fun.She’s not spontaneous by nature but she’s learning from Red :) Of course, sometimesRed just surprises her on a Saturday afternoon, after they’ve slept in (andstuff) and tells her to get ready, giving her an idea of what kind of outfit towear and nothing else, and drives them to an orchard to pick apples or the iceskating rink to skate around holding hands like total dorks. Sometimes Lizsurprises him with dinner reservations at his favorite restaurant in theevening, complete with a pretty new dress she knows he’ll love. And sometimesthey like to stay in, of course, and if they’re not reading or watching a movietogether, then they’ll play board games or card games. They’ve passed many anight with Red teaching her strip poker or her showing him gin rummy orsomething he’s not as familiar with. They also love to cuddle ofc :’))
23. - How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
Hehehehe thanks for asking :))) Well, hugging is a favorite,for sure. Red loves holding Liz and Liz loves being held by Red, obvi. So, theyusually end up with Liz’s arms around Red’s waist (she loves tucking them underhis jacket or, if she can get away with it, his vest) to feel his warmth andRed’s arms around her shoulders, sheltering her like he does. But for quickerhugs, they tend to do the opposite, with Liz throwing her arms around Red’sshoulders and him wrapping his around her waist. This is usually saved forreunion hugs or desperate hugs, and sometimes includes Red picking her up andswinging her around a little :)) Kissing is also important (LOL) and they havemany different kinds. Quick kisses to the cheek or top of the head are commonand adored by both parties. Red loves to kiss Liz’s cheek and Liz loves to kissthe top of his head, cause it is so cute and just begs for kisses. Tentativekisses involve just the lightest of lip on lip contact with their eyes open,sharing the intimacy, always a prelude to more. Firm kisses are nice, with Redusually taking the lead, capturing Liz’s bottom lip as soon as he can, thoughLiz gives as good as she gets when they get going. And, of course, passionatekissing involves tongues. Duh. Past that, Red’s lips tend to… wander ;) Teasingis cute, though they don’t do too much of it. Just the occasional tickle toLiz’s ribs or flick to the back of Red’s ear. Flirting is a constant must,especially on Red’s part. He has such a way with words and is always up for averbal sparring session, usually being the one to start and finish them. Lizcan’t help but get tongue tied by his extensive vocabulary (and sometimesdistracted by his lips) but if she’s in the right mood, she can give him adressing down with her words (and he loves it). And that kind of flirting tendsto lead to other things ;) Comforting is also huge. After a bad day of anysort, Liz is the first to pull Red down into her lap on the couch and have himrest his head while she lets her fingers scratch lightly over his scalp. Heloves that, always turning into putty in her hands. After a hard day at work,Liz’s favorite thing is snuggling up with Red in bed, all warm and cozy in theirblankets, her head pillowed on his chest while he runs his fingers through herhair. They’re very physical
41. - Are they party-goers? What are they like when they’redrunk? Does it happen often?
Occasionally. They both enjoy a good party, drinking anddancing, but they’re not crazy about it. After a few, they enjoy some nightsin, time alone with each other in the quiet of their home. They like to socialdrink and share something with each other, some scotch or nice wine, but theydon’t go as far as getting like black-out drunk. But when they do get drunk,Liz is super chatty and flirty, throwing herself at Red at every opportunity.(They’ve gotten thrown out of a bar or two cause she has trouble keeping herhands to herself.) Red is more of an emotional drunk, spilling all his truefeelings with no reservations, babbling about how pretty Lizzie’s eyes are and waxingpoetic about how much he loves some abstract, random, silly part of her, likeher fingernails or something. So, yeah, it doesn’t happen often, but when theyget plastered, it’s Lizzie climbing all over Red and Red stopping her only toexplain how the shape of her ears is adorable and perfect. Like them.
Ta da, there ya go, girl! :D I hope they don’t suck LOL :)Thank you again and much love!
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