#they’re constantly avoiding their own problems by meddling with each other’s and we love to see it
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Lamb: Hurry and get dressed, I scheduled a talk therapy session for you and the other Bishops and it’s starting in ten minutes.
#Narinder notices his tail coming up in a happy posture when he sees it’s the Lamb who woke him up and has a crisis about it once she leaves#Anyhoo!#Lamb projects her fear of never reconciling with her family after they’re revived onto Narinder#while Narinder projects his need to seek power over and subjugate the people who wrong him onto her#they’re constantly avoiding their own problems by meddling with each other’s and we love to see it#anyhoo I forgot to post this and am going back to bed now. nighty-night y’all#better the wool au#narilamb#cult of the lamb#cotl narinder#cotl lamb#cotl
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Monkie Kid/JTTW OC: Xie Pingheng
Okay, so this bio is going to be pretty messy, mostly because I’m really tired these days, but also because I’m still reading Journey to the West, and still waiting on the new seasons of the show. So I can’t go into details too deeply until I find out more, this is more of a general outline of what I have in mind for her so far!
Also note: Her human disguises and personality is vastly different from her real one, there will be a whole separate reference and bio for that!
Name: Xie Pingheng (谐平衡),Chi Kaoma Hou (赤尻馬猴) Nickname: Mandy Gender: Female
Xie Pingheng, also known as the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey/Mandrill or just „Mandy”, much like Wukong, she’s one of the Four Spiritual Monkeys, see the one and only mention in Journey to the West: „The second kind is the red−rumped mandril that knows all about the Yin and the Yang and human affairs, can go into or out of anywhere, and knows how to prolong its life and avoid death.”
Pingheng is the oldest out of the Spiritual Monkeys, she was born sometime during Phase II of the World, she was born from the separation of Heaven and Earth itself, representing the perfect balance of positives and negatives.
She basically grew up alongside the world coming into existence as we know it, so she soon understood the nature of existence itself, how positives and negatives make up everything in the world. Throughout her life she travelled the world, sometimes hiding, but usually disguising herself as a human. She learnt from many great and wise immortal masters, and soon mastered yin and yang herself, and gained complete immortality. She spent the next few hundred years moving between humans and celestials, she was interested in the comings and goings of her fellow celestials as much as she was in human affairs. During his time, she saw the damage rampaging demons and whimsy celestials can cause for the world. She soon grew resentful of her fellow mystical beings, and spent more and more of her time living amongst humans. She even considered completely abandoning her fellow celestials and just living as a human in disguise for the rest of eternity.
Around this time she heard of the Great Monkey King, Sun Wukong had been imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha himself after wreaking havoc in Heaven. She was intrigued by the existence of a fellow monkey celestial, but she decided to stay away. She didn’t want to be involved with such a troublesome celestial, much less one of her kind. However a few hundred years later, she stumbled upon him completely by accident while she was traveling by the Five Elements Mountain.
She took pity on him and stopped to talk to him for a while, out of curiosity if anything, they talked for a while and she almost pitied him enough to try to let him out from under the Mountain. Right until Wukong started ranting about how he’s going to take revenge against Heaven, which lead her to realise he’s no better than the other prideful and arrogant celestials and left him under the Mountain. She spent the next few hundred years living alone in a cave up in a random mountain, trying to figure out what she wants to do with herself. Until one day, a very-almost-dead Macaque literally dropped on her doorstep, who barely managed to get away after Wukong bashed his skull in with his staff after he tried to replace him on the Journey. Pingheng realised she couldn’t just let him die on her doorstep, took him in and healed him as much as she could, however even she couldn’t save his right eye. She almost felt bad for him when he woke up dazed and confused a couple of days later, however, her sympathy also quickly evaporated when he went off about how he’s going to kill Wukong the next time he sees him. She quickly realised this is going to get out of hand really fast, so she kicked him out, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire to come. After that, she moved close to the human village, but didn’t mingle with them too often, still unsure of her place. However (are you seeing the pattern here?) relatively soon after the Macaque incident, Xingti showed up on her doorstep, claiming the Jade Emperor himself invited Pingheng to join their celestial ranks in Heaven. Pingheng was distressed how did Heaven even find out about her existence, as she made sure to stay low and stay out of their sight as far as she could remember, to which Xingti revealed Wukong told them about a Mandrill, who’s just like him. Also, seeing the other monkey’s distress over the situation, Xingti became more forceful, trying to get her to come with her to Heaven, which lead to Tiengeng losing her temper, threatening Xingti and Heaven in furious rage if they don’t leave her alone, she’s going to erease they ever even existed.
Having had enough of demons, celestials and their constant meddling, Pingheng decided to permanently live with the humans, in a human disguise for the rest of eternity. She didn’t want to be associated with anyone troublesome, and SPECIALLY not with Heaven and the other 3 Spiritual Monkeys. That’s how she spent the next 600 years living amongst the humans, avoiding anyone who could inconvenience her in any way or form.
(The following is mostly relevant to the 4+1 Monkeys AU and the show)
Pingheng moved to Wan Qian Cheng sometime after Wukong sealed away DBK and lived there ever since. In the last 500 years she became a bit of a fan of humanity. Their technological and social inventions fascinated her beyond belief, especially combined with the fact, that at the end of the day, they’re just feeble mortals. In the past 500 years she made a bit of a hobby to learn and study everything humanity had to offer, which she’s still doing to this day. However, she also became very selfish during this time. Despite living amongst humans, she never worked for anything, she either ”convinced” humans to give her whatever she wanted, or just flat out stole what she needed. Also, as much as she likes humans and likes living amongst them, they also bore her very easily with their everyday troubles, so she only likes to interact with them when it’s convenient for HER.
She met MK, when the city was under attack by some demons (as always) and she got accidentally caught in the crossfire and MK saved her life. Or what actually happened, against her better judgement she got involved in celestial affairs for the first time in over 600 years, because she got curious about this human who seemed to have Sun Wukong’s powers, she got close to the conflict and let MK „save” her, just so she could see him for herself. After that she quickly grew a soft spot for him. She would never admit it to herself, but as much as she adored humans, she missed the company of other celestials, just a little. And MK was the perfect combination of both. A not-so-feeble human with the fun of celestials, without actually having the baggage of REAL celestials. Later she also became interested (read: grew concerned) about his training with the Monkey King and eventually got him to introduce her to Wukong. Thankfully Wukong didn’t see through her for quite a while, however, after she got revealed to be a fellow Spiritual Monkey, Pingheng, conflict soon blew up between them. Pingheng believed Wukong is a bad influence on MK, and Wukong accused Pingheng of only viewing MK as a special pet. In the end MK got her to try to mend her selfish ways, which resulted in her starting to work at Pigsy’s Noodles as a delivery girl.
Fundamentally Pingheng is a curious and caring person. She likes helping others, and learning new things and skills. However, as she saw the world change around her, all the problems, hardships, and suffering, she became more and more closed off and selfish. She prefers to stay in her own little bubble and only interact with others when it’s convenient for her. She likes to go her own way and do things her own way. She wholeheartedly despises celestials, because for they basically have unimaginable powers all they still do is hurt eachother and others. Humans are nothing more than a passionate fascination for her. She loves them, loves their determination, and creativity, and she’s in awe of how they shaped the world around them, but at the end of the day she has a rather condescending opinion of them. How they’re only just feeble mortals, desperately trying to make their mark on the world before they inevitably die and start over. However, beneath all the selfishness and condescending arrogance, she still has kindness in her, and after meeting MK she doubts her selfish way of life more and more, as she does genuinely enjoy human connections and helping others.
Powers and Abilities: She has all the standard abilities of a Spiritual Monkey and Immortal, including: -Immortality (She’s constantly renewing her essence with her yin and yang magic, basically constantly prolonging her life, she can choose to stop doing this anytime and die if she wants to) -Super strength and super speed -Chi manipulation -Cloud Generation -Flight
Other Abilities: -Shapeshifting (much like Wukong, she can’t change her tail) -Clones (She creates them from her own essence, they’re all just as really her as she is) -She has full understanding of yin and yang, this makes her magic incredibly powerful, granting her the ability to control the essence of existence itself -Manipulation: She can „charmspeak” people and other celestials, she just has to use a certain tone to ask for something and they’ll give/tell her whatever she wants
Weapon: Her staff is her main weapon, besides her magic. There isn’t really anything special about it, it’s just a regular wooden staff. She uses it to channel her magic and uses chi enhanced attacks with it.
Sun Wukong: They mutually can’t stand each other with Wukong. Pingheng views him as a selfish, prideful, dangerous asshole, whose arrogance only got worse after he completed the Journey to the West and became a legendary hero. She generally prefers to stay as far away from him as possible. Her distaste for him only grows stronger when she becomes friends with MK, fearing Wukong is a bad influence on MK. However, after some self-reflection and understanding Wukong’s past better, she grows to understand him a little better. She’s still generally annoyed with him, but she doesn’t outright hate him anymore.
MK: She’s probably in the Top 3 members of the MK Fanclub. Initially she was only curious about him, a human with celestial powers, but after meeting him she quickly grew super fond of him and he became one of her favourite people even faster. However, her fondness for him initially was more along the lines of having a special pet, than actually liking him for who he is. For a long time she only viewed him as a human with more extras, he’s not a REAL celestial. Which hurt MK a lot when he found out that she thought of him like that. Unfortunately, by that time Pingheng had genuielly grown to like MK as a person, his snark, his creativity, his kindness, so she actually felt guilty for having hurt him that way. After that she decided to try to be better and be less self-interested and try to open up to other people, so she can be a better friend for MK. Macaque: Her relationship with Macaque is… complicated. Being opposites, both of them being born from the opposing primordial forces, she feels a familiar connection with him. She feels sympathy for him, for the life he had, but she also resents him for the choices he made, being on a bit of a high horse. Probably the clearest emotion she has towards him is pity. She also prefers to stay at a distance from him, but for reasons completely different compared to Wukong. She would never admit it, but deep down she fears if she ever looked at him too closely, if she got to know him better, she’d see a part of her reflect back from him, and she doesn’t want to think about that. However later, after Macaque’s redemption, they’ll actually bond quite a bit, and generally be on the same wavelength specially concerning familiar relationships. They’ll mostly bond over their trouble connecting with others, letting others close to them and forming relationships.
Liang Xingti: Much like Wukong, initially Pingheng didn’t have a good opinion of Xingti. For the longest time she saw her as any other arrogant, busy-body heavenly warrior, not knowing how to mind her own business. She was just Heaven’s lap dog in her eyes, who would mindlessly serve Heaven until her last breath. She just generally looked down on her for serving Heaven. However, after Xingti and Wukong captured Macaque and the 4 Monkeys started working together she had been pleasantly surprised. She found out Xingti actually has a personality outside of serving Heaven, and she’s actually a fun person to be around. She still views the human world the freshness and awe Pingheng had almost forgotten, has a raw sense of humor and is genuinely kind. They quickly became really close friends, and confidentials of eachother.
Pigsy/Tang/Sandy: When she agreed to work at the noodle shop, she didn’t think „Pigsy” would be the same Pigsy who went on the Journey with Wukong over 500 years ago. This pissed her off to put it lightly, she just agreed to open to and mingle with people more, she didn’t expect to be thrown in the deep end with the three celestials she wanted to meet the least. This threw them for a pretty rocky start, with Pingheng being generally hostile and borderline rude with everyone, however, with time, and Sandy’s eternal patience she realised they have a lot more in common with her than she initially realised. This is pretty much what I have in mind so far, I'm sure I left out a lot, I'll add them later when I remember them! And hopefully I'll draw a ref of my other OC, Mandy, the 4th Spiritual Monkey soon as well!
Art by @mexcraziness-art
Xie Pingheng belongs to @mexcraziness-art
Monkie Kig belongs to Lego
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Hi, I... don't know if you or someone else has already write about it, but... It would be okay to have a prompt about Magnus and temporarily warlock!Alec? If they have stayed a bit longer in Edon with the alliance rune, and then Alec showing Magnus that he also has magic now (and maybe Magnus a bit uncomfortable because it was Lorenzo's magic, not his). Is it possible? (I love everything you write)
You know, this one is the reason I didn’t manage to fill many prompts during my holiday, because I thought “hey, I’ll write, like, a couple hundred words for each prompt and that will be it”. And then I spent two evening trying to get this one right aaaaand it got quite a bit longer than expected. I hope you like it.
“Darling, could you hand me the - “
Magnus doesn’t even get to finish the sentence before the salt shaker shoots towards him and comes to a screeching halt a few centimetres away from his face where it hovers in the air, wobbling back and forth like an overexcited dog wagging its tail so hard it makes its entire body move. Magnus blinks at it, perplexed, before his expression morphs into something carefully neutral that still manages to look somewhat pinched.
“Sorry,” Alec says sheepishly.
“No need to apologise.” Magnus’ tone is deceptively breezy, which is how Alec knows just how bothered his husband truly is. “I don’t think I’ve ever been passed the salt this quickly, unless, of course, I summoned it myself.”
Yikes. Alec flinches a little. “You know I can’t control it.” It comes out more defensive than he intended, and much more defeated as well.
Since their return from Edom, his - Lorenzo’s - magic has popped up during unexpected moments, without rhyme or reason. No one can really explain why it keeps happening; Magnus suspects it’s a certain overreaching magical residue that their stint with the alliance rune left behind, and by all reason, it should have been used up by now. None of the others seem to have had problems with their partners’ powers manifesting after they left the collapsing dimension of hell. Alec wishes that Clary’s connection to Simon could lead her back to the Shadow World, or that Jace still had moments in which he couldn’t lie – that, at least, would simply make for funny moments instead of occasionally embarrassing or even dangerous ones.
The problem, Alec thinks dourly, is less the spontaneous bouts of magic he can now perform but rather his lack of control. There’s a certain manic energy to it when it bubbles up under his skin, announcing itself in a hot rush rising to the surface, but always far too late for him to try and center himself and keep his emotions in check, pushing it down.
The first time it happened is actually quite funny, in retrospect. They’d left for their honeymoon, portalled from the Institute to the loft to grab their bags, and when Magnus had bent over to pick up the suitcases, all Alec could do was stare at the delicious swell of his ass in his expertly tailored trousers and think: God, I can’t wait to get him naked. A second later, Magnus had been, and Alec had honestly thought Magnus was a mind-reader - or maybe just as desperately horny as Alec was after being subjected to the glorious sight of his husband in a tux for hours without being able to do anything about it - and told Magnus as much, until he saw the panicked look in his eyes when he said “I didn’t do this.”
That thoroughly ruined the mood for a while, until Magnus had checked him over three times and established that it wasn’t hurting Alec and also very likely not permanent.
Two weeks later, and the magic still hasn’t subsided much. It’s not a constant presence, so Alec can’t claim to be a warlock, or even warlock-adjacent, really, but at this point, the only good thing about it is knowing how fucking eager it is to please Magnus, like it’s a manifestation of Alec’s soul, his innermost wishes. So far, he’s accidentally dyed some of Magnus’ shirts when he complained about the colour being just a little bit off to match his waistcoats, nearly slammed a book Magnus had considered reading into his face, dumped a rather sizeable number of drinks in front of Magnus (or on him - it’s not like he can aim) and made an entire orchard worth of almond trees bloom when Magnus lamented that he hadn’t been able to bring Alec for their season. On one particularly memorable occasion, he had made the bed float two feet above the ground as Magnus fucked all conscious thought out of him. Thankfully, Magnus had ignored it while it was happening, and only teased him about it a little afterwards. It also marks the only time Magnus had reacted with something other than a startled expression that soon turned a little sour, and probably only because he had been particularly smug about the demonstration of his sexual prowess.
Alec hates the strange tension that arises whenever the magic decides to show its face. They’re supposed to be in the honeymoon phase of their marriage, goddamnit, not dealing with – whatever this is.
“I know, darling. It’s fine,” Magnus assures him, plucking the salt shaker out of the air and seasoning his eggs. He studiously avoids Alec gaze as he’s doing it.
“Okay, what?” Alec asks, more brusquely than Magnus deserves.
Magnus blinks at him. “Pardon?”
“Look, I get that this - “ he wiggles his fingers around like Magnus usually does when he’s performing magic and ignores the slightly alarmed look on his husband’s face, “- is super annoying, because I can’t seem to get a grip on it, but you have to stop looking at me like that when it happens.”
“Like what?”
“Like…” Alec bites his lips, searching for the right word. “Disapproving.”
“I don’t look at you like that,” Magnus protests.
“Yes, you do, Magnus. So what is really bothering you? What’s so bad about me having magic?”
Magnus hesitates.
“You promised not to lie to me,” Alec reminds him, and it’s pettier than it should be, to throw their weddings vows back in Magnus’ face like that. They aren’t even fighting, really, and God, Alec is an asshole.
Magnus just sighs. “You’re right,” he concedes, before Alec can start to apologise. “It’s just…it’s kind of stupid.”
He looks kind of shifty. Alec has seen that expression on his face only once before, when they were sitting in Alec’s office after Magnus had moved into the Institute.
Oh. Oh.
The penny drops.
“Are you jealous?” Alec asks, somewhat flabbergasted, because it makes even less sense this time around than when Magnus thought Underhill was any sort of competition.
Magnus makes a wounded noise. “I wouldn’t quite call it that this time.”
“This time?” Alec repeats a teasing smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “So we’re finally admitting that it was jealousy last time?”
Magnus throws him a half-hearted glare but doesn’t otherwise react. So it’s serious, then. Alec reaches out, tangled their fingers together and squeezes gently. “Explain it to me,” he says. “Please.”
“It doesn’t bother me that you have magic,” Magnus says after a long moment. “But it bothers me that the magic you are wielding is Lorenzo’s magic.”
“Why?” Alec asks. For the most part, Lorenzo and Magnus seem to have buried their hatched and jumped straight into an odd friendship that will certainly consist of still constantly trying to annoy and one-up each other, just, well, fondly instead of angrily.
“I just -” Magnus stops, sighs. “I know it’s – childish, and sort of selfish, but I had thought, with how close we are, that if you ever got a taste of magic, if you ever got to wield some yourself…I wanted it to be mine.”
Alec stills. “Oh.”
“I never believed it would be possible, of course, and when it turned out that it was, I wanted so badly to share this part of me with you. Because I want you to see, to –”
“Understand,” Alec finishes. “I get it.”
He does. All his desperate attempts aside, he never truly could understand what it means for Magnus to lose his powers. He probably would never have understood Magnus completely, but to wield his powers, to get to experience the very essence of him so intimately – he knows he would have cherished it immeasurably, and mourned its loss once it was gone.
Magnus smiles, a little brittle. “And now it will never happen.”
“You don’t know that,” Alec argues. “We still have the alliance rune, and we might still need it one day. I mean, I hope not, but…”
“Clary lost her runes over this,” Magnus reminds him quietly. “I don’t think I should like to risk it.”
He’s right, of course. The angels had made it very clear that they hadn’t approved of the new runes Clary had created, and her last, most powerful ones especially. Her punishment was a clear warning not to meddle with the status quo again or suffer the consequences.
Alec grips Magnus’ hand a little tighter. The loss of possibility stings, now that he has been made aware of it. “I’m sorry,” he says. “For what it’s worth, I really wanted it to be you.”
“There’s no use crying over spilt milk,” Magnus says, shrugging. “And I do mean it, you don’t have anything to apologise for. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”
“Yeah, maybe. But it hurt you every time you had to see it, and I didn’t realise.” He hesitates. “Could you…take it away?”
“Why would you want that?” Magnus asks, surprised. “It’ll go away on its own.”
“It may go away on its own,” Alec corrects. “We don’t know for sure. And I could handle it, but if I end up hurting you - even accidentally - all the time, then I don’t want to.”
Magnus sits back, looking a little overwhelmed, like it still astonishes him, the length to which Alec will go to try and make him happy. “I - I could try. If you’re sure.”
“I’m sure,” Alec says firmly.
“I - alright.” Magnus grabs both of his hands gently, turns them around. “Close your eyes, darling, and try to concentrate on finding the source of the magic in you. Push it to the surface, if you can, it should make this much quicker and easier.”
Alec tries. He’s never been good at meditating or quieting his mind, but as he probes around, thinking where are you, please, please, he suddenly feels a spark of it, perking up at his call. I’m sorry, he thinks, feeling vaguely remorseful as he gathers it up and tries to nudge it outward, I have to let you go now.
It pulses once, warming him from inside out, as if to say goodbye, and then it’s gone. Magnus gasps a little, and when Alec opens his eyes, he sees the tendrils float up towards the ceiling and dissolve into sparkling flower petals that sink to the floor slowly before disappearing entirely, much like the ones Magnus threw into the air at their wedding.
“That was very pretty,” Magnus says. “If a tad overdramatic.”
“Made you smile,” Alec shrugs, and pulls him in for a kiss.
#shadowhunters#malec#my fic#meme#i hope read more works again or I'll get angry asks in my inbox again#here for the headcanon that magic has a mind of its own#and alec's just wants magnus to be happy#also magnus is jealous and bad at lying about it which is the only canon aspect included in this ficlet oops#Anonymous
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just wondering, do you have any tips for writing rose and/or kanaya?
The biggest thing I think is to completely purge your mind of any and all tenacious fanon that paints them as elegant even-tempered tea sipping perfectly poised lesbian queens. I mean. They are def perfect lesbian queens. but they are FAR from elegant, like these ladies are a fucking mess, and they both have explosive temperaments like they can go from zero to 100 in one terrifying instant.
You gotta (imo) write them TRYING to be the fanon ideal of themselves, but failing miserably. They are clumsy. They trip over their words. Rose tries to express a genuine emotion, chokes on it immediately, backflips over 6,000 layers of stacked irony and ends up saying something that sounds blatantly insulting and offputting instead. She is secretly mortified, but meanwhile, Kanaya is like holy shit yes please bully me harder. Stars in her eyes. She is so in love with Rose that she interprets even the most ass backward ridiculously cliche sentiments as layered and complex and deep. Even when Rose is objectively failing to communicate Kanaya thinks it’s just her fault for being so far from Rose’s level that she can’t possibly understand the vast machinations of her shrewd mind.
They are NOSY. They are constantly up in everyone’s business. Fanon always writes Rose and Kanaya as giving impeccably good advice to everyone to asks them for it, but canon generally supports are more “listen kid I have no idea how to help you because my own life is in a state of constantly falling down around my ears but BY GOD I’LL TRY ANYWAY” approach. They give terrible advice. Kanaya’s meddling causes more problems than it solves. They rarely LISTEN to advice -- they’re stubborn. They avoid their problems and try (badly) to solve everyone else’s in lieu of examining their own shit.
Unfortunately, we never got to see them actually handle these aspects of themselves in canon -- never really got to see the shape of their arc’s conclusion on screen. The last we saw of this was really in the retcon when Kanaya confronted Rose about her drinking, and they were kind of talking past each other until Rose confessed they needed to talk about her problem -- and Rose was talking about her drinking, and Kanaya thought they were talking about HER “drinking” problem (drinking/craving blood, specifically.) After the retcon there’s not a lot of substance to the relationship in regards to handling the issues above. We know they got an unambiguously happy ending (and thank god for that) and presumably somewhere between Act 7 and Credits they worked out some of this shit and learned to communicate better...
But in my heart they are still dorky, tryhard disasters that love each other very very much in part BECAUSE of each other’s ridiculous fucking foibles. Kanaya still thinks Rose hung the moon and stars and Rose lives in a constant state of terrified wonder that she can feel so much for someone and have that person feel so goddamn much right back. They still stick their noses into everyone’s business and dispense hilarious advice. They can communicate via Significant Looks and raised eyebrows alone. Kanaya is in constant awe of how Rose is a woman who clearly knows her place and role in this zany world, not to mention how strong and deadly and EFFECTIVE she can be. (Rose has no idea how she earned this high esteem she has been winging it since the meteors first started falling)
But she can be effective, of course. They both can be, when shit gets real and they’re focused and not second guessing themselves or tripping over their own ego and/or insecurity. They’re protective of each other and of the people they love, and even though they rib everyone endlessly and are in a constant state of bewilderment at how RIDICULOUS everyone ELSE can be, they’d drop everything in an instant to help any one of their outrageous friends/family. Even though Rose especially will never admit why (because she loves everyone very much.)
Anyway that’s my thesis on writing Rose and Kanaya, good luck and I hope at least some of this helps :D
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((I wound up getting Sylph of Heart when I did my godtier quiz, would you mind too terribly if I asked what all that might entail when matching with personality, along with possible uses in game they might have? If it's not too much of a bother of course. Thank you so much!!!
So, a bit of a disclaimer on this one; it is very long. I included in the gameplay a section on Lands and Consorts and Quests which ran on extremely long, as I provided a full example of what the land and quest for this classpect will be in full detail. This is not something I will be doing for every ask I receive about classpect analysis for obvious reasons, it requires quite a bit more thought on my part and took longer to write up and theorize than a regular analysis. I enjoyed it, and it was a lot of fun! But if this is something you want in regards to your personal classpect you’re going to have to specifically ask for it. I will happily give a detailed report of what I imagine your land and quest to be, but only if you specify that in your ask!!
Fun fact, I thought I was a Sylph of Heart for a very long time until I realized Sylph of Space fit me much better, but as a result I did a LOT of research on what a Sylph of Heart could be capable of in the game.
Sylphs are highly compassionate, caring, and as I’ve often dubbed them, the “mom” friend. They love to help their friends, they care deeply about the people closest to them, and are very passionate about what they believe in. Sylphs hold a lot of hard and fast opinions and won’t hesitate to stand up for what they think is right. They love to give advice, and being the passive creation class, are extremely invested in the growth and development of others. In the game, they generally have some sort of ability to heal others as we saw Aranea, a Sylph of Light, do for Terezi’s vision.
Heart players are generally very passionate, with the exception of destruction classes (prince and bard) who reject their aspect and ghost their opposite, in this case Mind. Heart players are all about Soul, empathetic and instinctual, they rely on their gut and trust their inner self, or as is usually the case, selves. Heart players often have a bit of a split personality, they’re so full of soul that they tend to split into separate versions of themselves, see brain ghost dirk, his auto responder, or his simultaneously awake real and dream selves. This is because Soul is the essence of being, the culmination of what makes you, you. Dirk refers to these as his splinter selves when he states, “I splinter, but I don’t break”. It should be noted, however, that he had an active class. For a passive class, like Nepeta’s Rogue of Heart, splinter selves (like her roleplaying) would be much more subdued.
Personality wise, a Sylph of Heart would be highly empathetic, deeply caring, and would love talking about the feelings of others. They would be constantly checking in on their friends emotional states to make sure they were feeling okay, and often encouraging them to come to them with any problems. A SoH would make an excellent therapist as they would be an avid listener and an excellent advice giver. A SoH would have to be careful that they don’t pry too much into their loved ones lives, they might get too invested in their friends issues and poke their nose in where it isn’t welcome. Despite that, anyone would be lucky to count a Sylph of Heart a friend!!
Gameplay is where I always found myself disappointed in my research, every site I looked at seemed to classify the Sylph of Heart as a passive class with a boring aspect. No cool powers for this Sylph. But after some time of thinking, I realized that’s entirely wrong. Sylphs are healers, yes. They would be excellent at soothing negative feelings and mending broken hearts, but Sylph is a Creation class! And Soul is everything that makes a living creature…truly alive. Personality, sense of self, it’s part of the reason Dirk was so successful with his auto-responder, he took a mechanical thing and really truly gave it a Soul. And he was a destruction class. Meaning that even passive, as a creation class a Sylph of Heart would literally be able to supply others with Soul, but more than that, Create Soul where it did not previously exist. I’m talking an army of automatons, toy soldiers with distinct personalities, elemental golems who believe in your cause and care for what you care for. A Sylph of Heart could literally create and implant souls in inanimate objects, and then convince them through their passion to follow them into battle, or send them off to act as body guards for their friends. So yes, a Sylph of Heart could easily heal the emotional wounds and trauma of the game, but they are so much more than therapists.
As a gameplay bonus, I did a little speculation on what exactly I think a Sylph of Heart’s land and quest would be! This is just my personal opinion though, so feel free to take my suggestions with a grain of salt and run with it your own way to adapt it however you see fit! So obviously a Sylph’s major struggle is to avoid becoming too meddlesome and micromanaging, in the Sylph of Heart’s case they would specifically have to avoid meddling too much in the problems and feelings of those they’re trying to help. The SoH’s quest would be to help it’s consorts from the problem they face within the land. The problem of the land and the problem of the consorts is different, but interconnected. It has to be based on the skills of the SoH and the way they can apply their aspect to help them solve the problem of their consorts and thus help the land Heal. So, let’s tackle this separately and then see how it works together:
The Land: I would call it the Land of Ice and Balance for reasons I will attempt to explain here. The first term is generally a descriptor of the land that relates to the struggle plaguing it (and by extension, the consorts), so it carries a duel meaning. As for how it affects the land specifically, your planet used to be one of sunshine and happiness, where the consorts coexisted with care for each other and the land. Slowly, a plague of ice began to spread over the land until it became cold and barren, and no one knew why. Your goal to help the land is to discover why the ice spread, what caused it, and how you can fix it.
The Consorts: they don’t know why the ice spread but they don’t like it. As you talk to them to try to gather information, this is how you discover the world uses to be full of light and love, much different than it is now. You find it difficult to believe the inhabitants of this land used to care about anything, as they all seem very emotionally cold and detached. They don’t like to talk about their feelings, they don’t make any effort to help or support each other, and they all put on an air of aloofness. Essentially, they’re all giving each other the cold shoulder. Realizing that their chilly demeanor must have caused a literal plague of ice, you set about trying to coax them out of their shells. You tell them about your personal struggles, and moved, they tell you about theirs. They warm up to you and begin speaking more freely about their emotions, and as all your consorts begin communication more openly, the world begins to thaw. However, Sylphs often struggle with knowing when to stop, when their help turns into micromanaging and meddling. The encouragement to open speaking turns into a push for the consorts to spill everything, absolute honesty, even the unsavory bits people generally keep to themselves. Grudges grow and communication comes to a stuttering halt as ice begins to take over the land once again.
The Final Quest: Realizing their mistake, the Sylph of Heart approaches their denizen. They see the error of their ways, that they should have known when enough was enough and when their help was no longer needed, so their denizen offers them The Choice. The Sylph can make a final plea to convince the consorts of the land to care for each other, then leave with their life. Or, the Sylph can warm the land by giving the denizen their Heart, their Soul; it will thaw the ice from the land, freeing the consorts and encouraging them to care for the land and each other once again, but it will cost the Sylph their life to do so. Assuming the Sylph of Heart has grown from their journey thus far, they will sacrifice themself (I have a big thing about how for Sylphs, their final quest will always involve sacrifice but more on that if someone asks lol) because they have learned Empathy and Compassion, this is the right thing to do and the only way to fix their mistakes. They offer their Heart, and the denizen thaws the land, and the Sylph dies. So touched by the pure compassion of the Sylph’s sacrifice, the consorts carry them to their death bed, and thus they are revived into their god tier form!!!
So back to the name of this planet, the Land of Ice and Balance. Ice is the obvious bit, the world is covered in ice as a result of the consorts cold attitudes. The Balance comes in because that’s what the Sylph must do, strike a balance between offering help and becoming meddlesome. This is just my interpretation though, so feel free to alter that however you see fit!!
This was definitely very long so I hope you’ll forgive me, I wanted to give an example of how Lands/Quests work and as I was already familiar with this particular classpect I figured it would be as good a place as any to start! I hope this provided what you were looking for, and then some haha. Hmu If you have any other questions!! :D
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